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  • File : 1316116630.gif-(637 KB, 2443x2000, Jurassic Quest.gif)
    637 KB Jurassic Quest 28? Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)15:57 No.16306459  
    Are people interested in Jurassic Quest?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)15:59 No.16306494
    Dude, where did you end up? It's been months since the last thread! I missed this quest.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:00 No.16306506
    Actually, last thread was yesterday. Still, ECW, go on.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)16:01 No.16306522

    After #26 I tried to get a quest going, but no one was interested, so I stopped trying.

    Yesterday I was in a quest thread and some people mentioned missing the quest, so I decided to try and bring it back.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)16:05 No.16306567

    You finished up in the control room and got away to the yacht with no one else getting hurt.

    Athletics [Basic]
    Mechanics [Basic]
    - [Maintenance]
    Computers [Basic]
    Survival [Basic]
    - [Willpower]
    Park Knowledge [Basic]
    Dinosaur Knowledge [Basic]
    First Aid [Basic]
    Firearms [Basic]
    - [Small Arms]

    - Yellow Level Security Card (Eric Watts)
    - Orange Level Security Card (Daniel Ryan)
    - Orange Level Security Card (Frank Porter)
    - Maintenance PDA
    - JP Maintenance Dept. Hard Hat (Floodhat)
    - JP Maintenance Dept. Coveralls
    - Chainmail
    - Utility Belt
    - Flashlight [Pwr: lllll]
    - Walkie-Talkie [Pwr: lllll]
    - Compressed Air Pistol x2
    - Tranq Rifle
    - x16 Tranquilizer Darts
    - Toolbox
    - 2 Rechargeable batteries (Flashlight/talkie compatible)
    - Recharging station (Battery)
    - .44 Magnum
    - x19 .44 Magnum rounds (HP)
    - M1911
    - x24 rounds
    - Jury-rigged Flamethrower (WD-40 and Lighter)
    - Gas Mask
    - Rocket Launcher (Explorer)
    - x6 Missiles (HE)
    - First Aid Kit
    - x30 7.62 rounds (HP)
    - x30 7.62 rounds (Incendiary)
    - Taser
    - Spanish/English Pocket Dictionary
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:09 No.16306620
    Right, get this yacht downstream and out of here.

    And make a note in our PDA to get a tunnel constructed to the control room in the future.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:11 No.16306645
    Don't forget: chainmail for everyone! That stuff saved Marshall twice already.

    I think part of the problem is when you ran it; right now is when most EST people are either still at work, or are commuting back from work.
    >> Benign Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:12 No.16306653
    Yeah, get our men some shuteye. Get ourselves some shuteye.

    Wait for the next horrific disaster.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:13 No.16306663
    And when we eurofags decide it is too late to get involved in a quest.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:14 No.16306677
    >Are people interested?

    Is rain wet? Let's get some rest, it's been a long day.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:18 No.16306715
    Dispatch said to get the team ready again; we should probably find out what broke this time.
    This team though, is going straight to the infirmary.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)16:19 No.16306720
    Alright, you leave Adrien in the cabin and head belowdeck for some well-earned rest on the sofa

    You wake up with sun streaming into the small window in the hull of the ship. Aidan is passed out in front of the bar, Marshall is rooting through the fridge, and Adrien is in a jury rigged hammock in an alclove. The time is 10 AM.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:20 No.16306737
    Right, we're heading back to the main compound, right? Dispatch called us back last night?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)16:21 No.16306753

    Yeah, he wanted you to get your team ready to go ASAP.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:21 No.16306756
    Ok, just finished catching up with the archive.

    I say we get the hell OUT of the raptor paddock by gunning the engines as fast as we can without crashing into the riverbanks, and THEN drop anchor and get some shut-eye. Wouldn't want to wake up with some raptors waiting abovedecks for their breakfast.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:23 No.16306778
    Alright, important thing: get Jacob to Medical!
    We stopped the bleeding, but he really needs a doctor. I doubt that with all of the rich tourists that would come here, that they wouldn't have a good doctor and well-stocked infirmary on-site.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:26 No.16306811
    Get our asses back and see what has gone to hell now.

    And getting wounds checked up sounds like a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:29 No.16306832
    Everything considered, we'd be lucky with a nurse-school dropout with rusty scalpels and re-used syringes.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:29 No.16306834
    >>16306756 here
    Aaaaaand... I forgot about Jacob.
    I agree with >>16306778,
    we should get his wounds checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:32 No.16306865
    Sleepy britfag from last night, reportan' in.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)16:34 No.16306885
    You check the door, and it seems clear. You head out onto the deck. It's a beautiful day, with nary a dino in sight.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:34 No.16306893
    Are we out of the raptor pen? I mean we did get out of the raptor pen before going to bed, right?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)16:35 No.16306902

    No, you moved the boat into the middle of the river, but you're still in the pen.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:39 No.16306940
    First thing to do: get Jacob to medical help. Maybe if we radio in to Dispatch we can get a doctor to meet us at the dock, saving us some time.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)16:45 No.16306988
    "*static* Well, we don't have a doctor on staff, the most we have is an infirmary for minor things. Take him to the helipad, there should be a chopper there that can take him to the mainland hospital. I'll make sure a pilot's ready for him."
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:49 No.16307026
    "Roger that, Dispatch."
    And then we set off along the river towards the dock, while watching VERY carefully for any sign of an attack on the boat, in case the raptors haven't learned their lesson yet.
    >> Heinzy !qd9Ow3/M06 09/15/11(Thu)16:51 No.16307043

    You motherfucker, how I have missed you.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:51 No.16307047
    Okay, let's start the boat's engine and get out of the raptor pen.

    Hey, ECW, do we remember anything about an infirmary or Park Clinic from orientation?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:54 No.16307062
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)16:55 No.16307076
    >we don't have a doctor on staff
    Really? The guy getting mauled at the start of the book/film didn't clue them in to the fact that this is a hazardous work environment? Oy. I'd recommend we propose sweeping changes at the next budget meeting, but IIRC Muldoon already tried with no success. I'm guessing it'll take a tourist getting chomped to get them to wise up. I mean they already lost one load of maintenance staff after too many of them got eaten, and they just hired more.

    Anyway, according to the map once we reach the dock we've got to drive down an annoyingly twisty road to get to the helipad. That'll be fun with wounded and potential rogue dinos I'm sure...
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)16:57 No.16307093
    You get the engine started and navigate the boat downriver. As you go, you see no sign of any of the raptors. Not until you leave their pen do you spot them, looking at you through the fence. They don't look happy.

    You see work crews along the raptor fenceline. There are still breaches in the fences, but the crewmen have covered them with some kind of mesh. Whatever it is, it's keeping the raptors away.


    It's more for treating minor injuries and illnesses, nothing serious.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)17:01 No.16307131
    Continuing down the river, you come to the Aviary. The gate's closed, so you'll have to get someone to open it.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)17:06 No.16307157
    We're driving the boat right? Get Marshall to open it while Adrien and Aidan cover him.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)17:07 No.16307160
    Of course we will. Le sigh.... Have one of the men who's least out of it to open it while we and the others keep them covered.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)17:07 No.16307161
    We get two people with chainmail to go down there and open the gate, while the other two stay on the boat and wait to drive it through. Taking no chances here.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)17:13 No.16307205

    You blow the bullhorn, and hear the door to belowdeck open.

    Aidan looks like his head will fall off if his hand strays from his head, Marshall is alert, and Adrien seems a bit tired.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)17:18 No.16307243
    Since we're relatively safe now...
    "You and you," pointing at Aidan and Adrian, "Get belowdecks and get some sleep, you will need it."
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)17:23 No.16307295
    Hand out the chainmail and the weapons. Map says raptors and Protoceratosaurus are potential risks in this area, and both are a similar size, so we stick with what we used to fight the raptors.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)17:27 No.16307348
    I say hang fire on sleep until we're passing through the aviary. The Pteranodons might be noisy, but most of us will have to be below decks for it anyway.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)17:31 No.16307391
    Aidan and Adrien head back down, while Marshall grumbles under his breath. You bring the boat over and he heads over to the control panel. The gate opens and a fine mesh drapes over the opening.

    Marshall waves you through.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)17:41 No.16307518
    Let's go on through.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)17:42 No.16307521
    I'm gonna be out for dinner for a little while.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.16307618
         File1316123602.jpg-(8 KB, 197x256, im.jpg)
    8 KB
    >You check the door, and it seems clear. You head out onto the deck. It's a beautiful day, with nary a dino in sight.
    Seems legit
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)17:55 No.16307636
    Eurofag here, signing off for the night since I have to work tomorrow (unfortunately).

    Will still follow how this ends up in the archive. G'night!
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)17:55 No.16307638
    F5'ing in half an hour then.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)18:15 No.16307797
    You head through the gate, and it quickly closes behind you. You can hear the screeching of the pterosaurs off in the distance.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)18:29 No.16307921
    It's been so long since we went through the other way... We didn't have any major problems did we?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)18:30 No.16307935

    What are you asking? I don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)18:33 No.16307964
    Any major problems in the aviary, like river blockages.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)18:34 No.16307976
    You haven't heard any problems with the Aviary.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)18:36 No.16307987
    You wait for a couple minutes on the other side, but Marshall isn't coming to the boat. What do you want to do?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)18:36 No.16307993
    Cool. I guess we send Marshall below decks then. No sense anyone being above decks if they don't have to be for this part.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)18:40 No.16308046
    Fuck. Anchor the boat, tell the others you're going ashore so that they know what's up. Get a rifle.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)18:40 No.16308050
    Crap. We waste time rousing the other two the greater the likelyhood Marshall's dead (knew it was a mistake to let them go below decks). Call out, if he doesn't respond within five seconds run towards his location until we have a visual of where he was.

    And for god's sake grab a weapon if we're not carrying one.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)18:43 No.16308091
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)18:45 No.16308109

    You head down belowdecks and let them know. Adrien is fast asleep. Aidan stands up.

    "I'm coming with."
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)18:48 No.16308137
    Good man. Grab our rifles and let's head out. WE search for Marshal while Aidan covers us from the boat.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)18:55 No.16308195
    Aidan stays on the boat as you head into the foliage. You head to the door to exit the Aviary, you can see a keycard on the ground outside the cage.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)18:59 No.16308229
    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- look around, see if we can see anything amiss.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:04 No.16308261
    Second. Scan the undergrowth and look at the ground. If it's muddy we may see tracks.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)19:04 No.16308263

    Make a Survival Check.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:06 No.16308283
    rolled 88 = 88

    Go go gadget dice rolls!
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)19:11 No.16308311
    You notice a faint trail through the plants leading away from the door. In addition, you notice compys heading in the direction of the trail
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:11 No.16308316
    rolled 99 = 99

    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:14 No.16308345
    Compys Huh? Did we bring the flamethrower?
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)19:16 No.16308372

    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:17 No.16308377

    Shit.. Follow the trail, deal with the compys with our flamethrower if we still have it.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:24 No.16308435
    We get out of this I'm going to recommend jury-rigged flamethrowers to be standard issue for maintanance teams. Half the maintanance problems the park have seem to be caused by the little compy shits chewing on stuff.
    Also chainmail, but that should go without saying by now.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)19:25 No.16308445
    You follow the trail, and come across Marshall, lying facefirst in the dirt. You can see that he's covered in compys.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:29 No.16308472
    Charge at them roaring, try and scare off some of the more easily spooked ones. Then fry any that stay on Marshall.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:35 No.16308518
    Make loud noises, try to appear big. Startle them. If they don't get off, I guess we use the flame thrower to scare them.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)19:37 No.16308532
    You run at them, flailing your arms and screaming. The compys scatter off of Marshall.

    They retreat to a safer distance and watch you.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:41 No.16308552
    Check Marshal, is he hurt? Dead?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:41 No.16308557
    "Aidan, cover us."
    Check on Marshall, see if he's still breathing.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)19:43 No.16308575
    He's alive, you can find a couple bite marks on his ankle, along with a nasty gash on his arm. The bites are fresh, but the gash isn't. It's wrapped up in gauze.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:47 No.16308612
    Hmm...the gash is probably from the raptor attack last night. Guy must've patched it up offscreen, but not well enough to fool the compys.

    I guess we drag his butt back to the boat, no way is it a smart idea to try first aid in the jungle while the compy swarm slowly overcomes its fear of us.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:48 No.16308622
    Interesting. Let's try to lug him over to the boat. Use the flame thrower to scare away the compys, I don't like them hanging around while we're vulnerable.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)19:52 No.16308664
    Alright, make an Athletics check to move the body.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:54 No.16308679
    Drag Marshall back, and keep the flamethrower ready at our belt in case the compy's get stupid brave.

    Fucking things breed fast enough; a few that go missing shouldn't be a problem...
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:56 No.16308696
    rolled 19 = 19

    >does Porter need to hit the gym?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:58 No.16308713
    rolled 21 = 21

    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:59 No.16308723
    rolled 60 = 60

    Come on, high roll!
    >> dice+1d100 Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)19:59 No.16308726
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)20:00 No.16308733
    rolled 37 = 37

    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)20:02 No.16308751
    You stagger under his weight, but you get your feet under you and haul him back to the boat, with the compys chittering and following you.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)20:09 No.16308801
    Get Aidan's help to carry him below decks. You can sleep off compy venom right?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)20:10 No.16308806
    Get to the boat!

    Once in visual range, call out for Aidan to help.
    >> Emergency Chair Warmer 09/15/11(Thu)20:14 No.16308836
    You get him on the boat with Aidan's help. After shooing away the compys, you get underway again.

    Apologies everyone, but I have a Biology exam on Saturday to study for, so I want to cut it here. I'd like a little time to figure out where I want to go with this, so I figure the next quest will be on Monday 4 PM EDT.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)20:23 No.16308931

    Archiving done, don't forget to vote!
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)20:27 No.16308970

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