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10/04/11(Tue)07:47 No.16516432 File1317728851.png-(81 KB, 350x350, Heresy.png)
 Fucking =][=
>Playing Raven Guard successor. >Start with Warp Storm in sector. >Shit. >Twenty turns building up weapon choices and Adeptus Mechanicus rep. >"Salamanders have requested assistance!" >Oh that's cool. Those guys could be helpful. >Complete requirements, get allied with Salamanders, fuck yeah. >"The Warp Storm has opened, Abaddon has started another Black Crusade!" >Fuck. >Request help from pretty much anything Imperial, Salamanders respond in one turn. >You guys are fucking awesome. >Others take longer, one of my recruiting worlds gets conquered. >Get back, build forces with Salamanders, go to the first obvious place. >Cadia, nice going no-arms. >Imperial Fists, Space Wolves, and Ultrasmurfs respond finally. >This might not go so bad. >"An Inquisitorial Fleet has joined the battle!" > .... Not sure if want. >"Inquisitor-Lord Narren has ordered your forces to the front lines!" >Mandatory, can't say no. >What the actual fuck. >Have to go, send my Third and Fifth companies, Second company getting ready for Stehl Rehn. >Send a Whirlwind and two 'nauts out. >"A Greater Daemon of Khorne has appeared!" >"A Greater Daemon of Nurge has appeared!" >Jesus Christ how horrifying. >Try to hold them off, doing fuck all. >DROP PODS MOTHER FUCKER. >Another company sent down to flank, getting my Vets ready. >"Inquisitor-Lord Narren has ordered an orbital bombardment of your position." >You can't be serious. >He was serious. >Lose Eighth, Third Second company, Fifth gets out of there, stop command for First company. >Retreat to Battle Barge. >"The Inquisition questions your retreat." >Imperial reputation drops, purge ordered for my CM, Lib and all remaining companies.