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10/08/11(Sat)03:28 No.16557053 File1318058924.jpg-(17 KB, 224x224, Whathehell.jpg)
 >>16556923 Depending on what clues the technicians derive from the probe and data you may have additional options when the time comes, but here's the map again.
>"Only a part of it! Anyway, the worst hit appear to be a small cluster of WH40K-class universes, some of which appear to have been SMEARED over neighboring realities and merged to a degree. Those would be the big black tumor looking blobs on the grid... The big red blob used to be a... quarantine zone? That's not good. Might want to save that one for later. "
>"The ones least hit are the ones on the border of our patrol space, with the exception of this system, which unfortunately for us, is located a little more coreward... and dangerously close to that quarantine zone. Was that always so close? I don't remember..."
>"Er, anyway, let's see. The realities on the edge of our patrol zone seem to be unharmed, but they'll be dealing with aftershocks and fallout for a bit. Well as you can see on the grid, the further in you go, the more twisted it gets, but... huh. Looks like there's a safe zone in the middle there, like the eye of the storm or something."
>Holtz points to a big blue dot near the patrol zone border.
>"This blue area used to be a cluster of realities based on movies as far as I can tell, but... shit, with THOSE readings, I dunno what it is now."
>Holtz points to a small red dot near the 'eye' and the leftmost black blob.
>"Here's where SE13 is set up. Surrounded by distortion-storms, but it looks... relatively untouched."
>Holtz leans back in his chair. "Everything else is either unknown at this time, or just as equally messed up as everything else." |