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  • File : 1322105728.jpg-(85 KB, 500x396, cat,manul,manul,therapy-a5b5(...).jpg)
    85 KB MANUL QUEST: RISE OF THE PALLAS CAT Part II Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)22:35 No.17004499  
    Welcome to Manul Quest. You are Jung Manul, a Pallas Cat of Noble lineage. You live as the First Prince of the Rocky Steppes, your Families Fiefdom in the Ten Kingdoms. Recently, your father called you to his Chambers and warned you of the ever-closer threat of war with your Neighbours to the east, The Duchy of Yuark and the Corgis that run it. Part way through your discussion with your father, King Old Manul, and Grey-Fang, his adviser, you were interupted by the sounds of battle below - bandits! After you dealt with the bandits, gaining their leader as a follower ( a bear named Ursus), you discovered that it had been a distraction. Treachery!

    When you returned to your father, you found him dying at the feet of Grey-Fang and his Corgi compatriots. As you nursed your dying father, you swore revenge on Grey-Fang and the Corgi he serves. It is time to call the banners, and use your families long untouched treaties to gather a force sizeable enough to fulfill your lust for REVENGE.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)22:36 No.17004501
    Would these happen to be fey corgis, by any chance?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/23/11(Wed)22:39 No.17004528
    so, what's our status? I recall we're about to raid someplace with 40 loyal subjects and Ursus?
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)22:40 No.17004531
         File1322106046.png-(689 KB, 756x612, TheTenKingdoms copy.png)
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    Previous Thread:http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/16988033/

    The picture on the left is a depiction of the Ten Kingdoms, each divided into fiefdoms ruled by each present species on the continent. After the War of Wars, the Kingdoms were divided up on the basis of the Noble Houses that carved up the continent after the war. There are no real mixed Fiefdoms anymore, as each species claimed a territory or died out.

    Your Stats:
    Prowress: 12
    Moxie: 14
    Grace: 9
    Cattitude: 17
    - Prowress is your physical ability
    - Moxie is you ability to wile and beguile
    - Grace is how good you are on your feet
    - Cattitude represents your ability to call on CAT MAGICK to bend reality and performs amazing miracles.

    Everything is resolved by a d20 roll, and if a Critical hit or Miss is rolled for an action, that roll and the action associated with it are the actions taken by the character.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)22:44 No.17004560
    Revenge, indeed!

    But first, what is our diplomatic relationship with the Stouts? If we can bring them into the fold, the fate of House Yip will be assured - if not, we must surely seek the aid of our feline friends to the south.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)22:44 No.17004561
    Currently, you are moving to rally the banners - this means moving to other Fiefdoms and gaining pledges of support from other Houses, so that you have a fighting chance against the Corgis. At your disposal is a expeditionary force of 40 Manul House Guards, 10 Reavers ( Specialised Soldiers) and Ursus, your Mercenary Bear.

    The choice remains with you - do you go and begin immediatley gathering banner men or do you do something entirely different? Currently, you are at Mistholm and it will take you one days travel to reach the Steppes border. Consult the Map to get your bearings.

    When deciding actions like this, highest roll on a d20 is the choice made.

    What is your first move?

    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/23/11(Wed)22:47 No.17004584
    Hmm, I kinda get it that Riveran = otter/stoat/weasel territory, Great Plains = Lion King territory, but I don't quite get House Yip and Winterclaw. What animals are they?
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)22:48 No.17004592
    The Stouts are Barbarians, and are not your friends to say the least. They often attempt to raid Steppes border villages, and their horde is oft beaten back by the Prowress of House Manul. They will not join you so easily, and have never sworn allegiance to your House.

    House Aslan are more complicated in their distaste - they swore to House Manul, but to expect their support gained easily is unlikely. They lounge in their homes, lavishing in their wealth and domain.

    Lazy slops the lot of them.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)22:49 No.17004602
    House Yip are Corgis, and Winterclaw are Bears
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)22:54 No.17004643
    rolled 18 = 18


    If we are to defeat the foul canine menace in the east, we must have strong allies at our back. Our first move should be to make contact with house Darkbeak, to the west.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/23/11(Wed)22:55 No.17004649
    From what we've seen, House Longtooth is in cahoots with House Yip, and maybe the Stout Horde as well. I don't think going east is going to be our short-term goal.
    I'd say we try our diplomatic skills with House Aslan, Winterclaw or the Monkey Monks. Journey to the West, anyone?
    Vulturous is a wild card. They may be profiting from all these clashes.
    By the way, are there some other races which lived on the others' lands? Maybe like Rabbit enclaves or Mole mountainhomes?
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)22:58 No.17004679
    Yes and no - for the most part those cultures moved on after the War of Wars, but some minorities remain. They aren't looked upon kindly though, and often turn to criminality and mercenary work.

    Also, roll for suggestions
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:01 No.17004701

    >They aren't looked upon kindly though, and often turn to criminality and mercenary work.

    Let's keep this in mind, in case we happen upon any outcasts. House Manul will lead these displaced ones to glory as bannermen of our house.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/23/11(Wed)23:02 No.17004712
    rolled 19 = 19

    We head West. Try to find info on these minorities, maybe we can hire some of them. Revolution is at hand!

    >captcha sez: Batt Byzech
    Hmm, a good name for a fellow Manul. Battbyzech! Breach that line of Corgi pikemen! Use smoke to cover your advance!
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)23:13 No.17004782
    You figure that the WEST is your best bet. You know for a fact that House Aslan, while powerful, are despotic and lazy. The Lions of Pride Rock hold all the wealth and power, and use none of it to benefit the other denizens of their Fiefdom. The House Aslan motto is " No Lion Starves in The Great Plains" - they neglect to mention that 50% of the population is made up of the Outcast races. With this in mind, you set out to The Great Plains to see what you can muster.

    Leaving Mistholm, you are greeted not by the cheers of a King heading off to war and glory, but the solemn faces of Pallas Cats, dressed in black cloth, mourning your Father. Their appearance sends a pang of heartach into your chest, but you ignore it and press on. As your small force moves further and further away from Mistholm, the day gets darker. Storm clouds.

    Ursus pulls up next to you, his large form hulking over your Pallas Cat comrades. He, like your retinue, is armoured in the Dark Steel Armour of House Manul, fitted to his large size.

    " I think we are being followed" He growls in a low tone.

    Your response?

    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:20 No.17004836
         File1322108417.jpg-(412 KB, 680x1024, 2544110155_364db2fd03_b.jpg)
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    rolled 4 = 4


    >Jung's face when

    "Oh really? What gives you that impression, my ursine companion?"
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)23:24 No.17004878
    "In the last two hours, three different tree branches have fallen to the ground on either side of the trail. Either our presence is destroying the forest, or we have a very clumsy observer"
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:26 No.17004902
    Corgis climbing trees seem unlikely, unless their bark magick has truly become that powerful. More likely, we are being stalked by a member of House Darkbeak, or one of the monkeys of Narvara.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)23:37 No.17004992
    Hey /tg/, if this doesn't pick up in the next like Fourty Five Minutes I'll just post pone this to later on.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:38 No.17004995

    "Be on the watch for an ambush, and if you spot another disturbance, report to me."

    >BEN-HUR: niticto

    This is indeed turning out to be an epic tale, captcha.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/23/11(Wed)23:41 No.17005019
         File1322109685.jpg-(85 KB, 500x500, jungmanul.jpg)
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    Let me satiate you with some FANART!
    This is how I picture Jung Manul, in my head.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/23/11(Wed)23:45 No.17005060
    rolled 8 = 8

    Seconding the being cautious part. Feign ignorance, this should let us catch the spy off guard.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)23:46 No.17005071
    Holy Pimp juice!
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/23/11(Wed)23:50 No.17005117
    Ursus nods and pulls back, and melds into the ranks. In the next hour, you try your hardest to ignore it but now that Ursus has pointed it out, you can't help but notice the signs you are being followed. You feign ignorance though, hoping to catch the spy off guard.

    You're patience is rewarded.

    You see a flicker of movement in the corner of your eye, a shadowy and indistinguishable figure perched in a tree branch.

    How do you proceed?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/23/11(Wed)23:52 No.17005132
    rolled 15 = 15

    Say to the intruder, "Hello, guest. We've been expecting you. What business do you have with me?"
    While motioning for Ursus to get ready for anything. Also ready your own weapon (discreetly).
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:59 No.17005190
    I love manuls and seeing this thread made me happy.
    >> Commissar Manul 11/24/11(Thu)00:02 No.17005210
         File1322110946.jpg-(63 KB, 479x599, 479px-Manul_awesome.jpg)
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    >Wake up
    >see this threads
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)00:04 No.17005223
    The figure slides down the trunk of the tree gracefully, and as it emerges from the canopy you are able to see what it is. A sleek, grey fox stands in front of you in clothes that match her short fur. She seems dressed for stealth and at her hip is a small rapier. She saunters over to you.

    " I am an emissary of the Outcasts. We know you intend to move into the Great Plains very soon, though your reasons are unknown to us. Just know that we are watching you, and know that we are everywhere" She says, bowing to you with exaggerated, mocking sweeps of her arms.

    " Know this: All is not right in the Great Plains"

    Before you can even contemplate this, she is gone again, dissapearing into the woods.

    You are left flabberghasted.


    That night you cross the border into the Great Plains and make camp on the outside of the forest that borders your territory from theirs. You make camp, and the light of your fire and the fires lit by your men dot the landscape around you. You sit with Ursus and the head of the Reavers, Beekane the Strong, at a personal fire. While it burns you mull over the words the fox spoke.

    Beekane turns to you.

    " What do you think she meant? It is strange to see Foxes in the Ten Kingdoms, especially one so well presented. Usually they are starving, dirty and trying to steal your coin purse"
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:08 No.17005260
    rolled 9 = 9


    "Perhaps the outcasts are not nearly as disorganized as we first thought. I do not doubt that they are everywhere, but her comment about the Great Plains could be common trickery, meant to mislead us.

    What do you think, Ursus?"
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)00:15 No.17005307
    Ursus picks a piece of food out of his teeth.
    " All I know is threats and assets. And if they are organised, they are both depending on how we play this Boss" He burps and continues tucking into his fish.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)00:24 No.17005385
    He continues
    " I mean, we don't really understand the situation just yet Boss. But I got a feeling in my gut something isn't right here."

    It is at this exact moment that 4 armoured Lions step out of the shadow, pikes pointed at your backs. You glimpse their armour and notice the sigil of House Aslan. You also notice a similar scene in the soldier's camp.

    " Steward Shift wishes an audience with you, and you best make sure he gets it quick" One growls at you in a less than friendly tone.

    How do you proceed?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/24/11(Thu)00:44 No.17005562
    rolled 9 = 9

    All is NOT right in the plains. Anyway, we need to comply with them... for now. Find out what they want from us, and if we need to comply or not.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)00:59 No.17005662
    - Hey All, It seems I chose the wrong time to start part deux, so I'll pick this back up from where we left off in like tomorrow my time ( so like 15 hours from now). Just to get more participation. Plus, I gotta go to my WoD game now,so later gators
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/24/11(Thu)04:40 No.17006475
         File1322127634.jpg-(73 KB, 500x500, ursus.jpg)
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    Don't mind me, just posting another fanart
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/24/11(Thu)05:38 No.17006722
         File1322131124.jpg-(70 KB, 500x500, beekane.jpg)
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    aaand another
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)05:53 No.17006796
    Loving the fanart. /tg/, how about we use this thread to talk tactics for the quest?

    I'm really liking >>17004701 and his suggestion to rally the outcasts to our cause.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)06:35 No.17006949
         File1322134502.jpg-(29 KB, 455x303, ScottishWildcat.jpg)
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    Scottish Wildcat Warrior reporting for duty!
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)07:37 No.17007234

    Use this thread for stratergising, theorising.

    I will be back in like 7 hours to continue this, if this thread is still alive. If not, I will just start a new one as 2.5.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)13:15 No.17008690
    Finally get here before it's gone.

    Outcasts- They might make good alleys.
    They seem to be competent enough to be useful, yet weak enough that any concessions we would make would be small. And they would probably desperate enough to take those small concessions.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)18:16 No.17010803
    Okay, and we're back.
    With the Steward's men's SPEARS at your back,YOU and your retinue RETINUE are lead away from your CAMP SITE and down a DUSTY ROAD. The INDIGNATION you feel only serves to fuel your BURNING DESIRE to UNLEASH YOUR CATTITUDE, but you know this is neither the TIME or PLACE.

    Eventually you arrive in a SMALL VILLAGE, surrounded by a WOODEN WALL, that LOOMS over you. The GATES open and you are lead inside - as it is night, no residents see your passing. Eventually, you spy a MANOR HOUSE at the end of the road, with more HOUSE ASLAN guards one either side of the door. Your men are left OUTSIDE while YOU, BEEKANE and URSUS are lead inside. The doors open into a MAIN HALL, lit with torches. At the end of the HALL sits who you can only assume to be STEWARD SHIFT - a LION with a BLACK MANE and BROWN FUR ( an oddity) in ceremonial robes. He lounges CASUALLY on his CHAIR flanked by GUARDS - clearly he is the LORD of this village. He speaks.

    " Why do you bring a small army unto the Great Plains, Cat? You know to stay North of the border"
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)18:26 No.17010852
    I have come to speak with (leader of the lions), and these times are not safe.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)18:40 No.17010936
    "King Rexus has no need to be bothered by such issues" He says, leaning forward in his chair " I am his steward, tell me why we are in danger? Enough danger to warrant you crossing our border? My souirces tell me you are now King of the Steppes. Congratulations, I suppose. But you must be careful not to make it a ...short reign, if you understand me?"
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:14 No.17011163
    >I'm getting a feeling of a conspiracy

    I understand that caution must always be exercised. But leaving that have not your souses have also told you of the corgis and their expansionism. This is clearly a threat to us and you. For if they conquer how long do you think it will be before they take it into their heads to take the wealth of the richest of the ten kingdoms? War is far harsher if it's on your own fields than if it's on a neighbors land. I ask for aid in defeating the Dukedom and that has the benefit of them never being in a position to attack you.

    I'm not feeling these people as allies. Lets try to get a nonaggression pack and leave.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:15 No.17011175
    >But leaving that have not your souses have also told you of the corgis and their expansionism.

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:21 No.17011211
    rolled 1 = 1

    "House Yip will not stop at the Steppes. I come only to warn you of the coming war. Should you choose to help us, you may avoid a protracted conflict."

    Roll because CATTITUDE MIND TRICK.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:21 No.17011220
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)19:25 No.17011253
    I think we should start looking for the exits.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)20:03 No.17011485
    It completely backfires.

    Rather than convince him of your plight, your CATTITUDE only makes him angrier.

    "Sieze them! Throw them into the dungeons until we can decide what is best for the realm, be it the darkness of cell or the chopping block"

    The guards start to move towards you, Pikes lowered.

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:12 No.17011540
    rolled 16 = 16

    Roll for Moxie, directed toward the guards:

    "You know not the darkness that threatens to engulf the Kingdoms! I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY! THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE!"
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)20:37 No.17011669
    Despite your best attempts, they will not be swayed. They do not know you, and they have been given a command by their superior.
    They advance closer - you only have time to do one more action before they arrest you.

    What do you do?

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)20:46 No.17011734
    rolled 16 = 16

    Prophetic vision their asses!

    "No Cat, great or small, will be spared the collar! I see our sun setting, our houses in ruin, and yet you arrest me?! Why should I not allow this coming calamity to fall upon your house?!" Throw our hands down. "Do not mistake my diplomacy for begging; they will come..."
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)21:07 No.17011870
    rolled 3 = 3

    Right. Maybe we should go quietly. If there IS a conspiracy, perhaps poor sod in the dungeon can tell us what's going on.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)21:07 No.17011872
    rolled 7 = 7

    And get the hell out of there
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/24/11(Thu)22:00 No.17012205
    rolled 12 = 12

    Rolling to convince Steward Shift, using MOXIE.
    "I know not of your ties with the Corgis, but I assure you, they intend to conquer all. Not just House Manul. That is why I am on a journey to the West, to gather reinforcements against them. Let us go, and I shall forget this slight disturbance."
    Play it cool, calm, and regal. We are Manul, after all.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/24/11(Thu)23:24 No.17012650
    ...where is everyone?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:28 No.17012669
         File1322195289.jpg-(81 KB, 638x877, anti-spiral what the fuck is t(...).jpg)
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    OP just kind of left...so..yeah.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)23:37 No.17012721
    No,>>17012669, I'm back. Just been checking in and out sporadically, sorry about that.


    "They will come, and we will be ready - Without you" Steward Shift say, waving his hands dismissivley. The last thing you hear is the displacement of air and then the loud crack of a spear colliding with your head.

    You wake up, how much later you do not know, but you wake up. Looking around you, you spy your retinue chained to the wall - Ursus and Beekane - and you look down to see you are similarly bound. You curse the stubborness of lions, and only partially recognise your own mistakes.

    You sit in darkness for hours, and watch through a single barred window the night wane and the day begin. However, as the sun begins to paint the sky purple and orange, you hear a rap on the door. Before you can think, it creaks open ever so slowly, and a familiar face greets you.

    It's the fox!

    Bending down, she unchains your hands and feet and pulls you up. Motioning you to stay quiet, she does the same for your companions.

    She deftly pulls her rapier from her belt and motions you to follow - you oblige.

    Stepping into the corridor, you realise you are in a seperate building, partially underground. You step past prison cells careful not to wake their inhabitants, lest they raise the alarm. Eventually, you arrive at the entrance and find three lion guards sleeping at their posts.

    How do you proceed?

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:39 No.17012733
    rolled 19 = 19

    No need to sour relations that have already failed.

    Roll to sneak past them, then we need to find out where we are.

    I wouldn't worry about the fox. If she was going to do us harm she would've done it when we were unconscious.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/24/11(Thu)23:40 No.17012739
    rolled 5 = 5

    sneak carefully past them. No need for blood to be shed now. But where should we head to?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)23:40 No.17012742
    rolled 8 = 8

    Sneak past and find the Steward.


    We are gifted with noble blood; we know when we should give thanks, even to some stranger.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/24/11(Thu)23:56 No.17012852
    With some grace and deft paws, you sneak past the sleeping guards and step through the door. You are a cat after all - silent - though it suprises you that Ursus is so light on his feet. Regardless, you step outside and make a dash in the early morning rays for the outskirts of the village itself.

    Once you are a safe distance away and lying in tall grass the fox introduces herself.

    " I am Wind-Tail, of House Dawnfox - this village was ours before the War of Wars when House Aslan annexed us. You are of House Manul, and I know for a fact that House Aslan is a banner under your House after the war. Were you really so blind to the world beyond the Steppes that you did not know how far House Aslan has fallen?"
    >> Catonidas of Sparta 11/25/11(Fri)00:04 No.17012902
    Shit, I can't tell the nice lady fox that I was a sheltered snowflake, but I don't want to look like a giant tool and tell her I knew that already...

    "I see my trust was misplaced. Let us not dwell on what could have happened, we must leave before the guards find our cell empty!"

    Fuckin' nailed it. No need to roll, we aren't trying to convince her of anything.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/25/11(Fri)00:23 No.17013004
    She nods. No more need be said. After a few moments of rest, you gather your things. She leads your group, now unarmed and unarmoured, into a small group of trees in a sparesly wooded forest, one of the few that these villages rely on in the vastness of the plains. She knocks on the trunk of a particularly large tree in a distinctive pattern, and before you can even assess why she is doing this, a door slides open. She motions you to enter ( it is big enough for Ursus) and you do.

    It is much larger inside than you imagined.

    You step down a winding staircase and into a huge underground chamber - all around you scurry species of animals you never would see in the Steppes - hedgehogs, boars, a few bats, rabbits - all Outcast races. The hall is full of various benchs, simple beds, weapon racks and food. You see tunnels leaving the chamber, guarded by various Outcasts wielding swords and axes - nothing finely made but they'll chop good enough.

    " Welcome" Wind-Tail says, sweeping her paw across the room " To the Burrow"

    - -- -

    At this point, you guys can do a number of things: Get new supplies, gather information, recruit etc etc. Currently in your party you have Ursus, Son of None and Beekane, Head of the Reavers. Your other soldiers are either captured or dead but you are not certain which. Roll when appropriate, highest roll successful etc.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/25/11(Fri)00:50 No.17013172
    Ok, our target for the moment should be rescuing the Manul loyalists from the clutches of House Aslan (or the Steward). I'd say resupply, recruit, then recon on the status of our loyal soldiers. If they're alive, plan to get them out, either via diplomacy or stealth, if they're dead, damn. Recruit some more and head West towards ravenlands or monkeymonks. After we have a larger army, we should be able to mete justice to the House Aslan, as well as convincing other Houses to take a stand against the Corgis and their allies.
    I doubt the Vultures would help, they're prone to changing sides, but if we could convince the monkeymonks and the Tigris into helping us we can at least have a fair footing in the wars.
    And we could reward the Outcasts by letting them have some territory under House Manul, or a protection agreement of sorts, depending on how things unfold.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)02:32 No.17013806
    We ought to gather more information about the Steward. I want to know WHY he's corrupt. Is he ambitious? Is he just trying to stay on the winning side? Is he simply being paid off? Some combination?

    What are his weaknesses?

    >untsedl this

    Yes, Captcha, this is all very untsedling.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)12:42 No.17016530
    rolled 18 = 18

    And It might be a good idea to try to recruit the outcasts to the war effort.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)18:13 No.17019144
    bump for interest
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)18:35 No.17019285
    Okay, glancing over this, it seems cool enough.
    But OP needs to communicate his shit, ffs.
    Also: How are House Manul's relationships with the Longtooths?
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)18:40 No.17019319
    Damn it, this quest had potential.
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/25/11(Fri)19:05 No.17019493
    Okay, I've had a busy last few days where I've been in and out of the house, so I'll just wrap this part up here. We'll use those ideas as a staging point for part three, which I will start in a few days and dedicate a few hours to. Okay?
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:09 No.17019527
    But how are things with House Longtooth?
    >> Manul Master !!wNheoXnkn6M 11/25/11(Fri)19:17 No.17019603
    Poor. They aren't banner-men of House Manul, and during the War of Wars, House Manul routed their forces many times, ultimatley resulting in the shrinking of their fiefdom. They will be hard to convince, if you wish to.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:22 No.17019646
    For some reason I smell stupid Nazi jokes coming from that direction.
    So... no.

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