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02/10/12(Fri)09:00 No.17883185 File1328882416.jpg-(62 KB, 500x712, 1263627998489.jpg)
 >>17883072 >Captcha serpent handle Oh you Captcha, you know what's happening.
So, we all run, to hide in his tower, which was itself technically counted as a 'Tomb' area so Undead were more powerful in it. Our Cleric tells us that this isn't the case anymore...because the entire city except the Tower is now a 'Tomb' area, heavy with necromantic energy and the GM tells us OOC that there were about 6 different templates on the city now turning it into an undead heaven. And we're expecting a giant Skeleton Horde or something, every skeleton ever maybe to turn the tide? We were totally wrong, he wasn't going for a bunch of small things this time; he was going for one, big, endgame monster; at least to start the show. As the gate house stones explode outwards as a giant head, made of still melding together skeletons and flesh and corpses lifts its way out of it; and the rest of the wall starts to do the same; as the dead of the city that go 20 meters deep all come together into this one huge monsterous amalgamation beast; wrapped around the tower in coils, reaching out to the edges of the castle walls but not into the city; half serpent, half just bones all wrapped around each other and flesh and grave dirt and arms, old weapons, everything. This thing is larger than any dragon, larger than any monster; its larger than our castle; hell, it is our castle or was. And the enemy coprses are joining it as well. It rears up; with our bad ass fucking wizard who is the nicest person ever, standing on it, staff raised and beard which he'd not bothered to trim having spent the last several months working on this, blowing in the necromantic winds. Pic related for what it was like. |