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02/12/12(Sun)00:59 No.17907605 File1329026342.png-(33 KB, 1583x681, robotlady356.png)
 You schedule the interview, it will now be available on the speed dial at your convenience.
You enter you personal quarters and find it rather... sparse. This is because you haven't done any customizing yet!
At the top level of customization is your two-tone palette, currently it is set at the default, brown and grey. You can change these to anything you want.
At the middle level of customization are your necessities, which would be your bed, an Intellectual hobby, and a Creative hobby. Currently, they are interchangeable as they are set on Computer and Bookshelf respectively. Your hobbies can be changed to anything that fits the bill as Intellectual or Creative.
At the bottom level are your trinkets. Little pieces of customization or decoration that add to whatever look you're going for. You currently have none selected. You can choose to display any item you can feasibly have kept throughout your quest. Examples include: >Photography equipment >Suit of armor >Blueprints for Quick Man's new car
As an aside to all of this, every piece of customization can be further modified by an Aspect. You can only assign one Aspect to each component, but you can use it as many times as you'd like. Your currently available Aspects are: >Wisdom >Charm >Class >MORRIGAN >JEDAH
For more information, please consult the included instruction book. |