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02/15/12(Wed)22:28 No.17969006 File: 1329362933.jpg-(1.28 MB, 1800x1149, 5e896a9413d6139f7b24a1f6d037fe(...).jpg)
 "SUSAN-KUUUUUUUUUUUUN!" Sakura bursts into the room, with an equally bubbly girl in tow.
"KYAAAAAAAAA! CUUUUUUUUUTE!!! >_<" they both squee in delight to see you, and the room covered in as much girlyshit imaginable.
Sakura fires off in a rapidfire giddytornado, "SoIgotNanohajoinmetocomingtoyourroomsineitwouldbeweirdwithjustthetwoofus,andshesaidshealso wantedtotsteyourtea."
You only catch the words "Nanoha" and "taste your tea" in that jumble of kawaii. But you are glad that they are well pleased with the setup.
"May I offer you ladies some Milk tea?" You flash your winingest smile "KYAAAAA! SO COOOL!" they scream right back at you. Taking this for the affirmattive, you guide the two of them to the table.
Once suitable calmed down, you begin serving them and get on with some chitchat. "I'm glad to see some honest to goodness mahou shoujos show up, i thought it was just gonna be a whole army of mages with guns and swords here."
Both flash thier brightest smile and reply in unison "MAGIC SHOULD BE FUN!"
YOu turn to Nanoha, "So NAnoha i didnt notice you earlier in class this morning, why's that?" Before she can answer, Sakura pipes in for her. "Oh, She's in the advance class. She'll be ready for fieldwork by next week they say. Isn't she sugoiiii?"
"Why yes, that is pretty sugoi." You add yourself. "And you Sakura, can you tell me more about your home dimension?" She begins to turn up her giddy-tornado again "WelltherestheTOKYOTOWERandtheMOONandtheCHERRYBLOSSOMSandalltheseCARDSandstuffanditsallsoAWESOO OOOOME" "That does sound awesome." As you three engage in mostly pointless banter, and at some point Sakura taking Kraus off your head and putting it on Nanoha, the two of them finish thier tea and cupcakes. |