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!Q7t.srvWZ6 02/22/12(Wed)00:06 No.18049959 File: 1329887186.png-(29 KB, 700x431, ED.png)
"Alright, I can do that. I mean, I'm a History/Anthropology major, this is right in my wheelhouse. But you or professor Richards is going to owe me for all this help." He finishes his coffee, and throws it into a nearby trash can with unerring accuracy. "Got you covered old boy," He says, suddenly grinning. "Grandmother dearest is coming for a visit this week, actually. Ever wanted to meet the Lady Ashwood herself?" You narrow your eyes at him. "You win this round, Ashwood." You say, in your best faux steely voice. Alexander accepts his victory with grace, then pulls a couple sheets of paper stapled together out of his attache case, and hands them to you.
"The Professor gave me the list in digital form, so I ran off this print copy for you." He says, as you take the paper. He taps his iPad, "My copy is on here." You begin to read through the list while Ashwood gathers his things. You notice he slings a long tube with a leather cover, like a map or poster case, over his shoulder. You find the list has some interesting items on it. Black Stone Box from Greenland which predates human settlement there, some Minoan objects, some unusual anachrotech examples, a few obscure books, a dragon statuette made of bone from Germany, before Germania was considered a distinct area, some mesoamerican junk, and a set of jade tablets with spells supposedly written on them. It's going to be an interesting night...