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!bWB/btsqX2 02/22/12(Wed)17:34 No.18058550 File: 1329950064.jpg-(1.74 MB, 1690x1061, Ur wordslinger.jpg)
 "Falees!" Ur shouts, "I give you this one chance to show your fealty to my god. I am Ur, the first: The first lich, the first to see the eternal world which enwrapes our own, the first to use magic not engrained in my blood, the first wanderer, the first teacher, the first student, the first to traverse continents without the aid of flight or gills, the first to reach the obelisk of Uraemrys for its intended purpose, and by Uraemrys I shall be the first to show you to all of existence to be the pretender to true power and all which has value that you are. Show you do not value pride or power by surrendering to me and casting away the demon who is your tutor, or be the first to be destroyed by me."
just thought I would share |