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02/26/12(Sun)12:08 No.18107330 File: 1330276085.jpg-(144 KB, 768x1280, IMAG0167.jpg)
 I'm sorry I'm a slow writer and english is not my main language.
As they were chilling on the ship, causing many embarassments for the explorator, the latter suddenly recived a message on her vox. It was static ridden announcement from the other explorator (whom none seemed to notice was missing), that informed them that he had found a motherfucking tank and some other intresting stuff.
That caused the rogue trader to go into "aww shit nig a motherfucking tank, we pimpin' now." mode, and ordered to arrange a boarding party. After they met up outside the ships cargo hatch, under the ships rear tail infront of the rogue traders boarding craft they were discussing the details of the upcoming adventure. Actually they were trying to do backflips to the music that was faintly heard from the ships intercom. Shortly after the assembled party arrived, it was the first mate, arch militant NPCs, a medic, a mechanic and two of the people who were accompaning the rogue trader. Just before heading out rogue trader ordered to rearrange the party completely but it still ended pmuch the same. As they vendured further from the ship into the laburynth made of cargo containers, some of which were still ablaze, I smoothly turned down the lamps, lit some candles and uncovered a A3 paper, upon which I beforehand drew a map of the ship and I had covered it with post-it note sized papers to simulate fog of war. (this is why I had to turn off the lights, so they wouldn't see through the postits)
pic related: the first map |