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!!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/27/12(Mon)23:03 No.18129526 File: 1330401829.jpg-(64 KB, 450x294, wormhole_graphic.jpg)
 >>18129418 So between the 10 million worlds we own, the billion that we have small bases, recruiting offices, or scouting outposts on, and everything the ~million or so Looting teams dredge up, we have resources. Not enough to completely lock down the entire meta, but enough that we CAN reliably fight off threats.
Here's my take on Meta transit drives: When hopping between Canons using one of these, it will put you in a place 'most similar' to where you are when you used it. e.g. if you use it when you're in an aircraft, you end up in the air. if you use it in a spaceship, you end up in space. if you use it in a city, you end up in a populated area. if you use it underground, you end up in a cave or a mine. Stuff like that. If the Canon you're jumping to lacks one of these things (e.g. no populated areas, or no space), it'll just fling you into the closest equivalent.
However, if you jump to the Void Between Worlds, then you are in for some shit. Try to jump to a place where there is no canon to jump into? You don't end up in the hard vaccuum of space. You end up in NOTHING. A place where the laws of physics don't exist, so all those nifty things holding your space ship together just went oopsie and you un-happened. This is why we don't make a jump when someone's jamming our Meta transit drives, and why spooling the drives too often is a bad idea. |