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!!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/05/12(Mon)19:00 No.18218617 File: 1330992031.jpg-(91 KB, 971x523, ZephyrSpirit.jpg)
 With the aid of Magos Taylor's combat servitor and armsmen parties, the Zephyr Spirit is quickly under your control. "Boarding party to Captain Phryx, she's ours. Transmitting cargo manifest and specs!"
As your squadron moves toward the Vorbis Belt for repairs, Captain Wilson contacts you. "Congratulations on your victory, Captain Phryx. We're sure Magos Banks will be pleased with your actions, though I believe you'll need a good three days of repairs before your ship can make a warp jump and that your prize lacks a bridge crew. Magos Taylor and I both have enough armsmen and spare men to fill the Spirit's prize crew, we could easily escort her back to Tortuga and Magos Banks while you make repairs. Otherwise, please release me from this mission so that I might raid on my own, as my part is complete."
Your request for a period of processing is granted, Captain Wilson never losing his strangely cheery tone while he is clearly eager to raid something that he can claim profit from. As your cogitators begin to churn, Athe makes her way toward you with a grin. "Good news, captain! The Spirit's former captain had nearly a cargo's worth of drink stashed away in his quarters, and by rights we can claim his personal effects from the prize. They'll fetch quite a sum if the poor bastard had any taste."
>What type of asteroid will you attempt to make repairs at? > Large asteroid. Erratic orbit, but your ship will easily be masked by it's sheer size > small asteroid. Fairly stable orbit, but your ship's augers won't be blinded, but your ship will be easily detected. > eliptical orbit asteroid. Generally medium sized, it would strike a balance between large and small asteroids, but you may end up in a poor location while conducting repairs |