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!DowN/N3yMY 03/06/12(Tue)08:08 No.18225984 File: 1331039318.jpg-(776 KB, 3500x2042, 1378387375017.jpg)
 You bring out some more snacks and a chair for Hina.
The girls get to squeezing information out of her. "What's it like on your world?" Sakura asks. "It was ordinary, too ordinary. No majaik, notalking gorrillas. Nothing. Just an ordinary world. Or so I thought until i bumped into Tama in the park."
"Who's Tama?" You ask her from a seat of your own, "Mike's talked about him before." "He's this fat white tiger, I met him as he was being chased by a couple of the people he was supposed to be investigating. I helped him out, and here I am."
The talk continues for about an hour more. You see Sakura give a small yawn. "Sleepy?" you ask her. "Nooo..." "You know what would take off your sleepiness?" Nanoha says. "PILLOW FIIIIGHT!"
Pillows of every description fill the air, as the girls rage a small scale war in your room. You don't throw any at the girls, and choose to just avoid the fluffy projectiles, Erica still gets to bean you a couple of times. Near the end, you see even Hina has joined in.
When pretty much everyone was tired out, the girls begin to make sleeping arrangements. As the girls pull you into bed with them, Hina objects.
"But this is why we got the large bed for." Erica says "And he promised to sleep by me tonight." Sakura adds. "I'll sleep with you." Hina tells her "and you too." She points at Nanoha.
The night ends with you and the twins using the bed, as Hina and the two younger girls share a large futon on the floor.
>>18225904 >>18225901 12, for now. |