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03/11/12(Sun)12:05 No.18287351 File: 1331481954.png-(20 KB, 1008x630, seweres simplified.png)
 >>18287289 >>18287287 guys, guys, guys, you're going overboard. We don't want to destroy our infastructure or have to wait 2 months. We need to fix this problem, and do so immediately, and I have a plan for how.
We treat it like an insurgency boarding action. We setup a series of strongpoints on the outside and slowly push in. Say that the image to my left is a simplified setup of the sewers. the red blocks are heavy weapons teams with overwatch snipers behind them and a good mass of troops as well incase they get attacked en masse.
we slowly have each unit push forward till they meet up with others, make a slowly constricting net that kills all nids found inside. Once we encounter heavy resistance, mark that spot, and hold advance there. Once all teams have met sufficient resistance that they can't advance, just use heavy ordinance to blow everything inside that perimeter to hell.
We may not have much forces on a planetary scale, but we should have more than enough to use this tactic.
sound good? if so, I say we present it to our military staff. |