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  • File: 1332803581.jpg-(38 KB, 640x397, shipleavingwarp.jpg)
    38 KB Privateer Quest X MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)19:13 No.18467818  
    Previous threads:

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)19:13 No.18467823
         File: 1332803615.jpg-(111 KB, 971x523, MCShip_RighteousFlame.jpg)
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    You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. You are currently aboard the Mars class battlecruiser 'Righteous Flame', after freeing the entombed ship from a space hulk cavern. Pushing the ship's ancient engines as far as you dare, your skeleton crew sets course for an asteroid cluster near the edge of Saregin's Path. Standing next to the captain's throne due to the monsterous xenos husk still entraped upon it by a fine sword, your cogitators feverishly work to complete the isolation of the ship's tortured machine spirit from the systems it once monitored. Voidmaster Quein is the first of your officers to speak as you sever your mind from the ship, his voice carrying a slight tone of worry. "Captain, we'll reach the asteroids in four hours at our current speed. A dozen ships have broken from the hulk and are on an intercept course. They'll be upon us within two hours."

    "The largest is a light cruiser, Quein. Our lances will cut the escorts to size with ease." declares Master-at-Arms Julin. You note that she cleverly conceals her doubt by closely studying one of the mutated skeletons that still rests upon the bridge's deck.

    "The engines and reactors are already at dangerous output levels" Chief Enginseer Advi studies the sword embedded in the monstrous hulk and captain's throne, her utility mechadendrites probing the weapon's hilt. "Combat output is simply out of the question, if we wish to continue existance."

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)19:14 No.18467832
         File: 1332803656.jpg-(96 KB, 971x523, MCShip_SwordoftheOmnissiah.jpg)
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    "Captain Phryx, your XO has contacted me with a message." Young only compared to the other astropaths available for service in Tortuga, your head astropath stands behind you with his head bowed politely. "'Sword of the Omnissiah' has set course for the system's edge. With the bulk of the crew transfered, she isn't fit for combat and can not lend effective support."

    "So what, we hope that they're all from trader dynasties and are willing to shower us in gifts instead of kill us for the third-largest ship in the sector?" You shoot Quein a dismissive glare as his outburst visible rattles the crew upon the bridge.

    >attempt to hack captain/crew logs?
    >investigate officer quarters?
    >investigate marauder bomber wings?
    >investigate other?
    >order crew to cut fused doors and explore front half of ship? (Cargo Holds, Manufactorum, Luxury Passenger Quarters, Small Craft Repair Deck)
    >investigate bridge corpses?
    >other actions?

    >2 personal "long" actions possible before intercept
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:20 No.18467898
    -Any idea what type the light cruiser is?
    -Is it possible to make an intra-system warp jump?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:21 No.18467914
    Do we have enough qualified pilots among our men to crew a squadron of bombers?

    If so, let's investigate the Bomber Wing. They could be a valuable asset in fending off our attackers.

    If not, let's try to gain access to the logs. A little more knowledge about our ship could come in handy; wouldn't want any surprises mid-battle.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)19:25 No.18467944
    >identify light cruiser
    it is currently too distant to identify

    >intra-system warp jump
    you could attempt it, but your ship would likely be torn apart by the star's gravity as it attempted the transition.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:27 No.18467977
    And a warp jump "somewhere" else? Preferably a place where we will need our eyes.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:28 No.18467987
    Do we actually stand a fighting chance against the incoming ships in our present condition? Would it be possible to get the Righteous Flame fit for combat in two hours?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:29 No.18468007
         File: 1332804567.jpg-(15 KB, 300x200, Event Horizon 2.jpg)
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    >warp jump on a ship when uncertain about the Gellar field's functionality
    Nope, no eyes required for this trip.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)19:30 No.18468022

    > pilots for bombers

    without inspecting the craft, you can not be sure. Some space fighters and bombers are configured for augmented pilots, others for natural pilots. (your shuttle and arvus lighters are for natural pilots)

    if the bombers are configured for natural pilots, you could muster a flight crew, but they would have no time for training.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:30 No.18468027
    The degree to which the ships on an intercept course are acting together needs to be assessed. If they're not all one concerted force, we can pick off some of them quietly with support craft.

    Investigate the bomber wing and the captain;s log, and assess ramming capacities. Assess combat capacity at low speed. Assess capability to lose them in a debris field.

    If we have any kind of money, we could also try to bribe some of them or something. How's our ability to repel boarders?

    Or we could just open a hole to the warp and hang around it with our gellar field on, see if they want to come by and play with daemons or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:31 No.18468035
    >investigate bomber wings
    >hack logs
    >> Servant Of The Emperor 03/26/12(Mon)19:32 No.18468049
    If possible, Vent the atmo or at least turn off the life support before you unweld the doors.
    Then set a team about unwellding it (Tasty Cargo Bays) while you investigate the
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:32 No.18468050
    How much damage can our shields sustain before collapsing?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)19:32 No.18468058

    in a fair battle, no.

    and two hours is not enough time to even diagnose parts and systems that would need replacement, let alone begin repairs or quick-fixes. You simply lack the crew.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:33 No.18468061
    We already vented the atmosphere on every part of the ship in the last thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:34 No.18468075
    Do we know the locations of the two friendly captains?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:35 No.18468099
    >in a fair battle, no

    Then our objective in the event of combat is to make the battle as unfair as possible.

    I think a heavy dose of bluff will help.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)19:37 No.18468123
    Yes, I've been reloading the front page just for this!

    Investigate the gellar field and make sure it's running at optimal capacity.
    We want to get out of the gravity well, go to warp and go anywhere at random. Even a quarter of a light year away from here in the middle of nowhere is fine. Once we do that, we can reorient ourselves and warp to the nearest asteroid belt. Make sure to tell the sword of the omnissiah to meet us our intended destination.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)19:39 No.18468166
    Oh, and, I would not unweld the doors right now, they were probably welded for a reason and I want to open them in the safest possible conditions.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)19:39 No.18468171
    'Righteous Flame' boasts a multiple voidshield array in a dual layer setup.
    [blocks 2 strikes and can regenerate 1 voidshield between salvos during a round of combat.]

    you vented the forward compartments last thread. Venting them again would strain your life support beyond recovery.


    you currently have 20% of the crew needed to run the ship effectively and inexperienced armsmen. Your ability to repel boarders leaves much to be desired, at best.
    >> Cegorach 03/26/12(Mon)19:40 No.18468181
    Do we know whether all the ships belong to the same owner? If they don't, perhaps we should hail them and point out that our lances can, as Julin pointed out, bend their ships over and tell them to bite the pillow, and any of the ships who do survive will simply end up losing the ship to someone else: after all, if all of them are attacking someone from the same expedition, what makes them think any of the others who survive will not rush to do exactly the same?
    Moreover, if we are delayed by their combat, the Navy will turn up either while we are fighting, or before the victor can escape (assuming that a: they even have enough men left to operate the ship, and b: we don't sabotage it to fuck over whoever tries to take such a prize from the servants of the Omnissiah), and when the navy gets here, whoever is left holding the ball will be in all kinds of trouble. In short, seriously, they want to risk (if they all belong to the same person: so many ships. If they belong to different people: their lives and their ships) for the chance to be the one stuck explaining to the navy why they should let a ship, that's recently been home to both genestealers and heretic cultists (and who knows, there could be more on board! Feeling lucky, randoms?), that belonged to them and is very valuable to them, be taken away by someone else?
    >> Servant Of The Emperor 03/26/12(Mon)19:40 No.18468193
    Meaning we'll need to use these asteroids to our advantage.
    Cover for Bombers if we get them operational
    Cover for ourselves
    Make the possible shipjackers fly a gambit of asteroids that could make them crash and die

    Here's hoping the Cargo bay was full of Murder Servitors and ElectroFlagellants bought in bulk from a very preachy rogue trader to use in mass attacks in the Space Hulk, who was taken by suprise before he could wake the things from stasis.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:44 No.18468235
    If the enemy does launch boarding craft, I suggest we concentrate defensive turret fire towards the rear of our ship, so as to encourage the boarders to land on the sealed off forward section of the ship where they would have to face whatever unspeakable horror lurks in there.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:44 No.18468238
    Considering what he's done to the rest of the ship I'd say the cargo hold is filled with Vault-Tec archaeotech water chips and the finest adamantite horseshoes one could hope for.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)19:44 No.18468247

    'Domum Emendationem' and 'Enshrouded Sire' are still attempting to pry their share from the space hulk. You did not inform them of your find.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:45 No.18468255
    We're four hours from the asteroids. The incoming ships will reach us two hours before we get there. If we increase speed, the Righteous Flame's reactors will blow up and we will die.

    So if we want to play asteroid bingo we'll need to hold them off for two hours first.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:46 No.18468271
    >tell potentially ill-unified pirates that a huge threat (the navy/your guns) could pick them off one by one
    >expect them not to gang up on you

    No. You don't TELL them how much shit they're in, that will motivate them to unify.

    You pick them off, foul them in a hazard to navigation, and generally fuck with them until you can steer clear.

    What we need now is information about the ship and weapons, so seconding >>18468027 and >>18468035

    The logs will tell us useful things. Bombers are excellent for anti-ship work, and those persuers don't sound like they'll have a fighter screen.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:48 No.18468287
    What's the nearby "space terrain" like?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)19:52 No.18468346
    you are 4 hours distant from the nearest celestial phenomena, a cluster of asteroids at the system's edge.

    The space hulk is 1 hour behind you.

    Guys, we're gonna have to transition to a "highest D100 roll" for plans on this.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:52 No.18468359
    rolled 36 = 36

    Hack logs, investigate bombers
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)19:53 No.18468367
    Rolling for my suggestion
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)19:53 No.18468369
    rolled 73 = 73

    >Guys, we're gonna have to transition to a "highest D100 roll" for plans on this.

    Bombers & exploring the front half.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)19:54 No.18468385
    rolled 1 = 1

    forgot roll, derp
    >> Cegorach 03/26/12(Mon)19:57 No.18468428
    You misunderstand. We aren't telling them what we can do, we're telling them we can do something we can't. As I understand what Advi said, we can't pick them off, because we can't fight them without slowing down, and if we slow down, the navy will probably get here before we can escape.
    After all, the "potentially ill-unified pirates" were supposed to be here with US, up until we found something valuable enough they all dicided "fuck it, do want." Given that all the ones chasing us are the ones that decided that, what on Mars makes you think they wouldn't do exactly the same thing again to whoever took us out? And uniting isn't going to help them when the navy arrives, they'll be turning up in enough force to handle a potentially-hostile Space Hulk, the only way to deal with that is to not be here, hence why slowing us down is such a bad thing.
    >> Cegorach 03/26/12(Mon)20:00 No.18468459
    rolled 61 = 61

    >They see me rollan, they chasin.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:04 No.18468510
    rolled 67 = 67

    investigate ships logs & investigate bombers
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:07 No.18468559
    rolled 59 = 59

    oh.... here's hoping that anything left in it is currently harmless to us???
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:15 No.18468655
    If it survived having the air vented, it's probably an unspeakable horror that craves the flesh of man.
    >> Cegorach 03/26/12(Mon)20:23 No.18468760
         File: 1332807820.gif-(303 KB, 1200x1500, ServoSkull08.gif)
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    Maybe it's a servoskull? Or a whole bunch of servoskulls!
    >Elesh's face when
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)20:27 No.18468817
    "Quein, identify as many of the ships giving pursuit as possible. Advi, take what teams you can spare and inspect the attack craft. I want as many functional as possible, should we need them. I'll be joining you. Julin, have your armsmen search the prow sections for anything we can use." Your officers nod and quickly move to enact your orders.

    Within an hour your body is covered in the ancient oils and ungents from the marauder bombers, your robe pristine and folded upon a nearby toolbox. Canibalizing parts allows you to bring nearly a full wing of the craft back into an operable state before the armsmen finally cut their way into the fore areas of the ship, discovering additional parts for the bombers in storage. Julin seems startled at your current state of dress, causing her to pause and look away as she delivers her report, "The rest of the cargo seems to be machinery, Captain."

    With a half hour left before your ship is intercepted, your enginseers have brought nearly a wing and a half of bombers into operable condition with the additional parts discovered. "Captain, to the bridge, we're in deep shit!"

    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:29 No.18468852
    rolled 24 = 24

    this, while contacting our friends and making all haste (push the engines a but further) for the systems edge/somewhere to hide
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)20:31 No.18468881
    Donning your robe, you hurry to the bridge to find a white-faced Quein sitting upon the floor. The astropath from before is attempting to console your Voidmaster, but quickly hurries to your side as you enter the bridge.

    "Captain, your XO reports that nearly a dozen ships have arrived in system; They're Navy. Four are cruisers, but they're too distant for her to identify."

    A small yellow light flickers into life as Julin and Advi arrive behind you.

    "I presume that would be their commander."

    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:32 No.18468896
    that is clearly not a good sign... put our robe back on whilst making utmost haste to the bridge, as clearly, this is important
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:33 No.18468902
    Well, I guess it would go against naval etiquette not to answer.
    Let's see what he has to say.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)20:35 No.18468925
    make sure that some of our men are given a crash course on piloting the strike craft and check on that gellar field.
    We will be using it very soon, no matter what we do right now.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)20:36 No.18468943
    Also this. Use a voice scrambler to sound male if it's avalible.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:36 No.18468945
    Would our current pursuers have noticed the navy as well?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:38 No.18468969
    >conducting repairs in the nude
    The Omnissiah is pleased. Those lucky bombers...

    Also, I don't suppose we could bullshit the Navy into believing we're an AdMech salvage team under attack by pirates, could we?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:38 No.18468971
    !!!!!!! the navy is a mixed blessing. hopefully this will cause the chasing ships to flee, however we now have to explain things to the navy....

    i think that we should prepair ourselfs for convincing the navy of some untruths...

    could we tell them that we were making our way though the system when the space hulk appeared and foul zenos attacked our ship, killing most of our crew, then the raiders started chasing us down as we were making our way out of the system?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)20:38 No.18468976
    considering that they have full power to their augers, they've either noticed or will notice very soon.
    >> Cegorach 03/26/12(Mon)20:44 No.18469053
    Why would we want to do that? Not only would that be very awkward if they do end up boarding us and ask to see the captain, but it would prevent us from using our identity as "captain of the Sword of the Omnissiah by virtue of being the highest ranking officer aboard to survive a pirate attack."

    Given how long this ship has been lost for, as well as the fact its last owner apparently came to the attention of the sisterhood for being a foul xenos-tainted genestealer cultist, that would seem... unwise.

    I like your thinking. Though we have rather limited knowledge of the workings of the orthodox AdMech, so that could be a problem.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)20:45 No.18469069
    is there any reasoning to this or do you just wish to use a darth vader filter for the hell of it?


    The navy likely has -real- AdMech on board, or they could have an AdMech vessel with them.


    you only have 1 robe left and did not want to risk it being torn. techpriest robes don't grow on trees, damn it!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:48 No.18469105
    could we use the voice scrambler to make it seem like our vox system is not fully operational, i.e. damaged?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)20:49 No.18469134
    To disguise our identity? I have a habit of giving out only false information to potential hostiles in RPs. Speak in plain voice and they are looking for you. Speak in a scrambled male voice and they are looking for a man.

    But, considering how easy it will be for them to find out who is on this ship by asking just about anyone who was involved with the salvaging of this space hulk, it may not have been the best idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:50 No.18469148
    I say we try to bullshit for long enough to make a warp jump after surreptitiously sending the Sword the planet we're going to, and hope for the best. We cant inter-system, but we can leave.

    Or, offer the ship to the navy. We salvaged it from the hulk, and, in exchange for the ship, we get either some thrones, or our pick of its cargo-hold as well as our freedom. Its a good deal for them, and keeps our asses out of the fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:51 No.18469163
    rolled 9 = 9

    It's time to provoke a fight between the navy and the pirates and then kick the shit out of whoever wins. Barring that, we can try to get our escorts to attach a chain and haul us through a short warp jump, but without a gellar field at least enfolding us we'd need to get off the ship first.

    Open a line to the pirates so they can hear the conversation with the naval commander, THEN talk to him.

    If they hear that the prize ship is going to be taken by nave personnel and you make it sound like your ship's about to break into chunks, they might ignore you and go for the Imperials.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:52 No.18469183
    rolled 48 = 48

    >make a warp-jump

    No gellar field. Only warp jump is by aid of a tow cable, and you won't want to be aboard when that shit happens.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)20:55 No.18469207
    My previous posts should make it clear that i support this course of action
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)20:55 No.18469214
    Where does everybody get the idea from that the ship's gellar field isn't working?

    I've found nothing from OP concerning it in either this thread or the last one.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)21:00 No.18469295
    so the plan is to ignore Quein, open the channel to your pursuers, delay/claim admech business until you can make a warp jump? (3 hours minimum)
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)21:00 No.18469299
    Well, he didn't say it's not working because we didn't check on it, and going to warp with a malfunctioning gellar field is BAD. That's why I keep harping about checking on the gellar field, so we would know if taking a warp jump is safe.
    >> Servant Of The Emperor 03/26/12(Mon)21:01 No.18469305

    Don the Power Armor.
    Power armor from non-Astartes is a Huge Status Symbol
    So its possible a person wearing one would have a Battlecruiser.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)21:01 No.18469312
    the gellar field hasn't been tested, as you'd either have to run the reactors higher than is safe or shut off your engines to conduct the test.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:02 No.18469326
    We'd be a rather poor captain if we didn't listen to our officers opinions.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:02 No.18469334
    ...We just ripped it out of a Space Hulk, in full view of half a dozen rogue traders...
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)21:02 No.18469335
    your mechadendrites prevent you from wearing the power armor.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)21:03 No.18469352

    Quein isn't speaking so much as he's "sitting white-faced on the bridge's deck"
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:04 No.18469364
    Or we look extra heretical for parading around in a holy suit of power armor we stripped from the body of a martyred Sister.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:05 No.18469383
    Well, in that case ask him if he knows the navy squad or its captain or if he simply considers the navy extremely bad news in general.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)21:06 No.18469403
    I'm reading through the thread and I can't figure out what there is to ignore from quein?
    The whole white-faced thing? If he's injured or something, get him medical attention.

    And, the best I can come up with now is to delay our pursuers with attack craft and whatever else we have, get out of the gravity well and warp out.

    Test the gellar fields, even if we have to run the core to hard.
    >> Servant Of The Emperor 03/26/12(Mon)21:07 No.18469418
    Oh thats right it was Sorortitas light power armor.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:10 No.18469463
    rolled 1 = 1

    and this, I dont think we're gonna be able to bullshit with the navy short of trying to sell them the Battlecruiser for mostly our freedom, and maybe a token or two of gratituyde. (Like I said, our freedom + the cargo/some thrones, we can take the armor/sword with us when we leave, after stashing it in something that is thoroughly ours/not worth checking)
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)21:11 No.18469484

    you understand that you could overload your plasma reactors and GAME OVER by doing this, correct?

    you'll need at least 1 second (and no opposition) to do this.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:12 No.18469500
    rolled 65 = 65


    if we can provoke a fight between the nav and the pirates/whatever behind us we may be able to get out of this scrape alive.

    let's look for an opportunity to test the gellar field soon, but in the meantime see if your officer needs medical attention and hear what the navy has to say. and patch in the guys chasing you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:12 No.18469507
    I'm very much opposed to doing any kind of reactor shenanigans.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)21:13 No.18469525
    Would it be easier on the core if we rerouted power from non-essential systems like life support? We have viodsuits, I think, so the crew could survive in those and and a few designated rooms while the gellar fields are active(this should not take too long if we just want to test them, right?)
    >> The Watch Commander !!cqpeZErChSE 03/26/12(Mon)21:14 No.18469541
    I've come to shit up this quest thread until mine takes off (or doesn't!) and no one can stop me!

    I would like to put my vote in against fucking with the reactor. Never a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:15 No.18469547
    Yeah, let's not risk blowing the reactor up.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:15 No.18469549
    I doubt the regular crew is issued void suits.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:18 No.18469606
    How far are the pursuing pirates and navy away from us by now?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)21:20 No.18469641
    you would still need to push the reactor, unless you divert power from the engines.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:22 No.18469665
    rolled 24 = 24

    then we can test the gellar field after kicking off a fight between the Traders/Pirates and Navy
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)21:23 No.18469685

    your own augers have not detected the navy ships, but they have been focused on the ships chasing you and are at partial power to them.

    the pursuing ships are closing to torpedo range.
    >> The Watch Commander !!cqpeZErChSE 03/26/12(Mon)21:23 No.18469694

    Actually, since this is in the WH40K universe, it would take a SUPER long time to get the entire crew into void suits. Also, it's incredibly unlikely that you would have void suits for every crewman.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:25 No.18469720

    Guess that rules out taking our engines off-line.

    Let's just see what's Queins problem and then answer the damn call.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:25 No.18469723
    rolled 12 = 12

    adding my vote to encouraging the navy to fight our persuers as opposed to us
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)21:29 No.18469773
    Prepare to launch strike craft and fire at the pursuing ships.
    Looks like we aren't getting out of this one without a fight.

    Also, how viable would it be to ram the light cruiser? We are much bigger and we have a ramming prow, right?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)21:30 No.18469793
    that settled, I require 3 D100 rolls.

    1 to bluff (opposed roll)
    1 to incite violence (opposed roll)
    1 for "oh shit something came up due to another roll"
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:30 No.18469798
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:31 No.18469815
    rolled 29 = 29

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)21:31 No.18469817

    about as viable as smashing a bug with a sledgehammer
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)21:32 No.18469830
    rolled 43 = 43

    Rolling for bluff
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:33 No.18469848
    I did that one time, and it was awesome!

    But first we should answer the phone. The longer we keep the Navy commander waiting, the more he'll suspect we're one of the pirates.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:33 No.18469849
    rolled 55 = 55

    Rolling for "lol random".
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:33 No.18469852
    rolled 93 = 93

    the random oh shit roll
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:35 No.18469882
    rolled 76 = 76

    rolling for violence
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:38 No.18469920
    Nice work ruining the first roll for that.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)21:40 No.18469958
    FYI, I do -not- average rolls.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:59 No.18470231
         File: 1332813598.jpg-(39 KB, 640x480, not sure if want.jpg)
    39 KB
    Are we going for low rolls or high rolls in this quest?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:00 No.18470239
    Low rolls on opposed tests, high stuff on randoms and warp travel, IIRC.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)22:06 No.18470300
    Julin hurries to Quein's side, inspecting him for wounds before applying her hand to his face with liberal use of force. "On your fucking feet, Quein! We're not dead yet and we need to know where the fuck the Navy is!"

    Your voidmaster reels from the blow before scrambling to his feet and the auger console, adjusting the power settings as a red handprint burns upon his jaw.

    Again melding your mind with the ship's systems, you answer the hail while chaining the channel toward the ships closing on your own. "This is Captain Elesh Phryx, techpriest of the Omnissiah."

    "This is Captain Beriaun of the Imperial Navy, Commander of task force Felix," the voice is strangely soft, but carries a stiff air of command over the vox channel. "Captain Phryx, you are registered as the captain of 'Sword of the Omnissiah', not 'Righteous Flame'. I assume you claimed her from the space hulk, since she has been lost since the Gothic War."

    "You have no authority over a servant of the Omnissiah, Captain Beriaun. I owe you no answers." you retort, your cogitators flustered by her accurate take on the current scenario.

    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:08 No.18470340
    I sometimes hate it when our cogitators shine through...
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)22:14 No.18470403
    "Then you will submit to -my- will, techpriest. I, Magos Vorgus, claim your prize for the Omnissiah, as your superior!" declares a synthetic voice.

    Blindsided, you flounder for a response as your bluff collapses. Your flesh brain fills with fear at the thought of this magos finding the truth and converting you to a servitor, or worse. "Captain, all pursuing ships are fleeing; Navy escorts closing fast." If Quein delivers good news today, your flesh brain considers kissing him.

    "Captain, I believe their navigators are attempting to cloud my perception of the warp." Your head navigator seems pained, his words spoken thru gritted teeth.

    >seek crew advice?
    >contact Athe?
    >contact others? (using astropath?)
    >ohshitohshitohshit [panic]
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:14 No.18470404
         File: 1332814454.jpg-(24 KB, 426x381, wayne_brady..jpg)
    24 KB
    >navy captain's face when
    Damn, we're sassy as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:18 No.18470464
    fuck, umm... "So long as I am compensated for returning this ship to the fold, I will happily do so." and order our crew to grab the oarmor, sword, and start scouring the cargo holds for anything else worth claiming as our pay. Try to distract the Magos while they do so.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:19 No.18470476
    This entire session is aimed to make us lose the cruiser again, right?

    So let's just get this over with so we can do something that's actually fun again.

    Abandon the ship, take the power armour along and be done with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:19 No.18470485
         File: 1332814788.jpg-(24 KB, 343x268, fuuuuu.jpg)
    24 KB
    Into the Warp, and pray the gellar field holds!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:21 No.18470500
    We're a wanted criminal by the mechanicus and the navy if we do that.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)22:22 No.18470515
    We are serving another magos already, right? The one who gave us the orders for our first job?
    So, technically, we could say that we are not under his jurisdiction(?).

    >"Captain, I believe their navigators are attempting to cloud my perception of the warp." Your head navigator seems pained, his words spoken thru gritted teeth.

    Doesn't matter, we just need to get out of here, not jump to a cerain destination. Actually, that should make us harder to track, right? If we just jump into the warp and go wherever the nearest current takes us and then exit the warp 15 minutes later.
    Then, reorient and go to our original destination.

    The gellar field is a potential problem, however, so I suggest that we stop and test them. If it works right, GTFO, if it's unstable, let him have the ship and demand a reward for recovering it and keeping it out of pirate hands.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)22:22 No.18470518

    I'm going by what the dice give and take. Your actions -do- determine what you can get out of this situation, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:23 No.18470526
    prey to the omnisiah, ask the machine spirit for strength then FLEE THE SYSTEM!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:24 No.18470549
    Maybe. Maybe not. I have no idea how the admech hirachy works.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)22:25 No.18470570
    name dropping Magos Banks may be a poor idea, as you're fairly sure that he has been declared a tech heretic.

    you -do- have other potential friends, perhaps you've met some.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)22:27 No.18470587

    >pray to the dice instead
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)22:28 No.18470615
    Gah, let me think. There was Athe's sister of battle friend(?) and that other magos we met on the shrine world, what was his name?

    Gimme a minute to check the arhive
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:29 No.18470627
    I'd guess we could drop the name of the Magos who gave us our mechadendrites.
    Or ask Advi for advice.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)22:29 No.18470633
    Magos Grumman, that's his name.
    >> Cegorach 03/26/12(Mon)22:30 No.18470642
    If by "serving another Magos" you mean "was trained and aided by a wanted Heretek" then yes, yes indeed.
    Somehow, I do not think this will help.

    Also, you realise that a) they can track our warp wake, b) this will put us so far up shit creek we're never going to be able to go anywhere near any Imperial authority, and c) we can't jump from here, and likely won't be able to get past them to a jump zone, especially if we make the incredibely suspicious move of suddenly stopping and raising our Gellar fields, right?

    All told, I'm inclined to agree with >>18470464
    Grab loot, ask for compensation on what we lost taking the prize, act natural. Maybe try some arse-kissing, see if we can get some AdMech favour/resources out of this.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:32 No.18470673
    Let's play along for now. Act properly submissive to the authority of the Magos, and see what sort of reward might be offered for salvaging the cruiser.

    Also, have the crew bring the armor and power sword, along with any other portable valuables, aboard a few of the bombers and have them prepped for immediate takeoff.

    If things go badly with the Navy, GTFO with our officers and retreat to the Sword of the Omnissiah.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)22:33 No.18470687
    if all else fails, this
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:36 No.18470721
    Well, there's SoB power armour on the ship. Couldn't we spin that into a reason to return everything on board as quickly as we can to their system?
    They might consider it a relic, or something.
    >> Cegorach 03/26/12(Mon)22:36 No.18470729
    Anyone feel like grabbing a xenos skeleton or two? I'm pretty sure a complete set of Genestealer bones is listed as Very Rare, and I shudder to think how many thrones a Patriarch corpse might sell for.
    Come to think of it, this ship did belong to a Rogue Trader previously, would his warrant of trade be on here? It might be valuable, or be useful later on (for fooling hicks, for instance).
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:38 No.18470776
    this, if that fails go with my previous post (>>18470464)
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)22:39 No.18470782
    Just to make it clear, I vote that we try to bluff out way out of this one by claiming that we are working under the authority of magos Grumman. We would probably have to give him the ship to keep ourselves clear of this mess, but we could also probably get more stuff from that deal then giving it to these guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:40 No.18470799
    Let's search that warrent. It might be the only thing that could keep the ship in our property.

    >This is like that part in vidya games where you get a really nice ship at the start only to have it taken away 5 minutes later so you can start on some crappy rust bucket.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:42 No.18470815
    Changing my vote to this.

    If they don't buy it, grab whatever loot we can and leave the ship to the Magos. No use making an enemy of the Navy and Mechanicus.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)22:44 No.18470838
    Submit to Magos Vorgus?

    Attempt to declare ship the location of a martyr's death and thus jurisdiction of SOBs?

    claim to be agents of Magos Grumman and that you claim it in his name for the Omnissiah?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:47 No.18470879
    Whatever we decide to do, have everybody we can spare look for that rogue trader warrent. If we're lucky, it starts with the words "the holder of this warrent...".
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)22:48 No.18470898
    rolled 88 = 88

    >claim to be agents of Magos Grumman and that you claim it in his name for the Omnissiah?

    Here's a d100 if it comes to that again.

    Also this
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:49 No.18470915
    I vote for declaring it the site of a martyrdom.

    That should buy us enough time to search for the warrant of trade or whatever other valuables may be hidden aboard. If we do end up having to give the ship up to the Imperium, we can at least try to smuggle off some loot.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:50 No.18470926
    rolled 13 = 13

    Let's try our luck with the SoB idea. It's not even a lie.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:50 No.18470927
    rolled 65 = 65

    Forgot my dice.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)22:54 No.18470973
    dice are not required, since I can gather consensus on the 3 ideas instead of 8
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:54 No.18470974
    rolled 82 = 82

    1) Claim to be agents of Magos Grumman, and
    2) Slow engines to test Gellar Field.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:55 No.18470995
    rolled 68 = 68

    Seconding this.
    And these.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:56 No.18471009
    There any irc channels for this quest?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:58 No.18471035
    I'm all for declaring our ship the domain of the sisterhood.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:01 No.18471082
    I think claiming to be an agent for Nagis Grumman might/will cause us a lot of trouble in the future.
    It's a small sector, after all.
    >> Cegorach 03/26/12(Mon)23:02 No.18471099
    Between Grumman and the SoB, one out of three cannonesses have acted reasonably towards us, and that one is from the order least likely to get the ship if we hand it over to them.
    The Magos, on the other hand, has given us free training and augments, kept us out of the hands of a cannoness crazier than CRAAAZZZY HASSAN (and much less friendly), and gave us a pretty good deal with the scrap removal and such.
    Oh, and he's probably a lot less likely to set us on fire for daring to desecrate a holy site with our presence or anything like that, not to mention his gratitude will probably be more useful to us. In short, PRAISE THE OMNISSIAH!
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)23:02 No.18471104

    the sector will eventually expand once enough in-universe time elapses.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:03 No.18471113
    Definitely supporting the Sisters on this one.

    Trying to start a power struggle between two AdMech big shots seems like a bad idea when we're more than a little heretical in their eyes.

    The Sisters offer us the best chance of keeping the ship. I mean, what are they going to do with a damaged old battlecruiser? They'll be like "give saint plox. kthx bai." and we'll keep the ship.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:05 No.18471151
    The SoB normally aren't allowed to have anything beyond transports.
    The Age of Apostasy made sure of that.

    If we'll really lose the ship, we should just tell them we claimed it in the name of Magos Grumman for the service he rendered to us.

    Might get us some of his favour, and it will probably keep these fucks' hands off the ship.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:06 No.18471164
    howsabout Grumman + SoB? we calim it for him, because he is working with the local Sororitas, and it has a holy relic of theirs, butn none of the Navies.

    That way, we get loot, more free training, and ingratiate the sisters to us more. We win on all levels there
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:09 No.18471194
    rolled 90 = 90


    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:13 No.18471240
    I'm liking this idea. We claimed the ship in Grumman's name, and need to return the martyr's body to her order.

    Also, this has to be the most debated quest ever. Epic.
    >> Cegorach 03/26/12(Mon)23:13 No.18471253
    Good point, forgot that. Alright, this has my vote.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:14 No.18471258
    >most debated quest ever

    No, that would be Void Quest.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)23:15 No.18471283
    please, please do NOT debate anywhere near that level. OH GOD
    >> Cegorach 03/26/12(Mon)23:17 No.18471306
    Oh please, Void Quest didn't even have waifu wars.
    Oh gods, Maid Quest flashbacks...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:19 No.18471328
    rolled 96 = 96



    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:20 No.18471338

    I would dare to claim you were probably also the reason why he stopped.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:21 No.18471349
    >Implying Vedibere didn't feed off our MAD.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:22 No.18471362
    I think he was one of the few questfags who did not.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:24 No.18471375
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)23:29 No.18471419
    you remind me of someone. that someone was an angry dick.

    Can I get 2 D100 rolls to steamroll into a minor timeskip?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:30 No.18471433
    rolled 66 = 66

    High or low rolls preferred?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)23:30 No.18471440
    rolled 94 = 94

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)23:31 No.18471454
    Your cogitators scramble for a name to keep Magos Vorgus on a different ship from yourself; Magos Banks: tech heretic; Magos Taylor: known privateer and tech heretic. Cursing your short list for not containing legitimate contacts, your flesh brain wishes Athe were at your side to offer her schola education's ideas. Wait, Athe. No, Canoness Laci. The powered armor. Magos Grumman! Risky, but at the very least, claiming the dead sister a martyr will buy you time.

    "This ship contains a martyred sister of an unidentified order. As Captain I declare right of salvage and claim this holy site in the name of the Adepta Sororitas orders of Serentus IV, and the ship herself in the name of Magos Grumman. We will not surrender the ship to any other groups" Cutting your transmitter, you turn to your officers. "Advi, Julin! The former master of this ship was a Rogue Trader, perhaps his warrant is still aboard. I want access to the officers' and captain's quarters by the time I'm done here."

    "Yes, Captain." Advi and Julin quickly head off as you steel yourself for Magos Vorgus' response.

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)23:32 No.18471466

    sorry, they're "loot results", so high is good
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)23:33 No.18471475
    "You Omnissiah-damned flesh-bag! I'll have you converted to a cleaning servitor for your heresy! Prepare to be boarded and have the Omnissiah's judgement rendered upon your weak flesh!"

    "Stand down Magos Vorgus." A chill runs down from your flesh-brain at the sudden edge to Captain Beriaun's soft voice. "I recognize your claim, Captain Phryx, and offer you the Navy's assistance until the Adepta Sororitas or Magos Grumman arrive."

    "You have no authority to give me orders, Captain! This is an internal matter of the Adeptus Mechanicus!"

    "Captain Phryx has declared right of salvage for another party, Magos. We must all make concessions to our allies at times. Captain Phryx, I am sending 'Lord Nethia' to escort and provide assistance should you request it."

    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:37 No.18471517
         File: 1332819422.jpg-(21 KB, 400x300, tumblr_lj9fm3XjSU1qgys7y.jpg)
    21 KB
    rolled 89 = 89


    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)23:40 No.18471549
    looks like the Machine God is with us so far. A shame that we will have to turn the ship and power armor over to Grumman, but it will be mechanicus property, so we pull through with a positive balance in the end.

    And, we get to loot the ship, ofc. Those strike craft are mighty interesting, even if we can't launch them right now
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/26/12(Mon)23:47 No.18471616
    "Thank you, Captain. If you'll excuse me, I must attend to an urgent matter with my plasma reactors." Freeing yourself from what is sure to be a lengthy arguement, you quickly find yourself tearing through the former captain's quarters as Advi and Julin search the other officers' quarters. Nearly an hour later, you locate a masterfully hidden stash containing several cyphered star charts, a masterfully crafted plasma pistol, and a single bottle of spirits that must be nearly two millenia old. As you lift the pistol for inspection, you notice a slight irregularity along the stash's bottom. Further inspection reveals a concealed container, barely large enough to hold a ledger. Or perhaps a warrant of trade. With great dismay, you note that it is secured with an advanced lock.

    >Allies will arrive in 4 days.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:49 No.18471638
    Inspect the ship's logs. Have the Sword pull alongside of the Flame.
    See if one of our officers can open the lock or might know somebody who can.

    Inspect the forward half of the ship properly.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:50 No.18471646
    Oh, and see what Advi and Julin have discovered.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)23:52 No.18471664
    Search the remains of the corpse sitting in the captain's chair on the bridge. Perhaps he had the key to the lock on him when he died.

    Also, seconding the suggestion that we finish exploring the forward compartments.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/26/12(Mon)23:54 No.18471694
    sweep the ship slowly and thoroughly, we don't want anything nasty hiding here
    perform a full diagnostic of the ship's systems
    Get to the asteroid field and start repairs
    finish bringing those strike craft online
    work on the lock
    Get into the ship's logs
    >> Servant Of The Emperor 03/26/12(Mon)23:57 No.18471726
    Oh god, Masterfully crafted?
    A Best Quality one? Dont those never jam/overheat?
    >First time my RT uses his plasma pistol it over heated. The next time, It Overheated Again.
    >> Cegorach 03/27/12(Tue)00:05 No.18471835
    From chat:
    >this one is a sustained fire plasma pistol
    >no explode
    >-rare- vent
    >it has semi-auto fire
    >can only overheat in 3-shot mode
    >2-shot is fine
    >What statline are you basing it off?
    >i'll figure that out later

    And yes, standard RT rules are Best Quality never overheats/jams. Exciting!
    (Of course, the range, clip count, reload time and ammo rarity make up for that)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:16 No.18471939
    Where is this chat at?
    >> Cegorach 03/27/12(Tue)00:20 No.18471975
    Just chatting on steam.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)00:20 No.18471978
         File: 1332822026.jpg-(53 KB, 1361x768, bladerunner_6_tearsintherain.jpg)
    53 KB
    Advi and Julin failed to have quite your luck, the officers' quarters containing nothing beyond trinkets of personal value. Returning from the bridge to locate the captain's key, you are dismayed to learn that none of the corpses carry any sort of key or bear the remains of fine clothing matching what you found in the captain's quarters. Again flustered, you have your astropath recall Athe. "Julin, have your armsmen begin a thorough sweep of the ship's fore. I want to know what we can attempt to claim as our own once the Sororitas arrive."

    The next four days pass quickly as you order a search for the Captain's corpse, your own time devoted to accessing the ship's encrypted logs. After an exhaustive search, you learn little of the Captain's fate, only that all entries ceased with a final mention of boarding a space hulk in search of riches. You do learn, however, that the ship was purchased from the Imperial Navy shortly before the Gothic War, nearly hulked in a battle with an unidentified renegade battleship. For a full hour you mourn the loss of a machine spirit with such experiences, your cogitators half-recalling a famous quote about such events and tears in rain.

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)00:28 No.18472068
    Advi's enginseers complete their assessment of the ship's systems, noting an endless list of damaged or useless components. One item in particular catches your attention; Warp Engine power relays: critical damage. Tossing the list of headaches aside, you briefly return to 'Sword of the Omnissiah' to cleanse yourself and claim some well-deserved rest before the Sororitas arrive.

    All too soon you find yourself roused by a bothersome XO, your flesh brain crying out for more sleep as your cogitators force your weak flesh into action. "Captain Beriaun has requested to accompany the Sororitas to see the martyred sister, Captain. Sister Irene and Magos Grumman will transfer over to 'Righteous Flame' within an hour."
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:31 No.18472092
    Hope we have been pillaging what we can from the ship this whole time... Suck to try and transfer over power armor and all kinds of widgets right in front of the people coming to claim the ship.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:31 No.18472095
    "Lets go then Athe, better to not keep them waiting." also, ask her for a rundown of anything else of note that was found/recovered
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)00:32 No.18472102
    >no further loot/cargo was located in the ship's fore areas.
    >What do you attempt to request in exchange for claiming the ship for Magos Grumman and the Sororitas?
    >D100 roll for negotiation. (opposed roll)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:33 No.18472110
    Make sure that the container with the complicated lock is safe on the sword. Then get ready for Grumman and the sisters to arrive.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:34 No.18472125
    Is there any chance we can claim some of the bombers? Or somehow sneak them onto our ship?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)00:36 No.18472138

    looting the power armor would have resulted in a very awkward situation when the Sororitas attempted to claim their martyr.

    You've claimed most of the obvious loot, though you were careful to leave -most- of the xenos, mutant and human remains. Unfortunately, you could not remove the large xeno husk that occupied the captain's throne.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:37 No.18472153
    If we are about to lose this gift from "he who sits on the golden toilet of terra" we'd better get a few or some super reimbursement after losing some of our guards and dealing with all that shit to clear this place out.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/27/12(Tue)00:37 No.18472158
    rolled 43 = 43

    Let the sororitas keep their relics for free, I don't feel like pissing them off by disrespecting their relics.
    And, as for what to ask for... I have no idea.

    ...Grumman's speciality is industrial/massive construction, right? Let's see if we can get a ship out of this.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)00:38 No.18472171
    your frigate's tiny shuttle bay is barely able to contain the three shuttles you own, let alone a marauder bomber.

    Now would be the time to negotiate transport of any large loot you'd like to keep, and perhaps request compensation for the ship itself...
    >> Servant Of The Emperor 03/27/12(Tue)00:38 No.18472174
    See if any of the machinery in the cargo bays includes War Engine Power Relays

    I suppose... free? Repair and resupply of said ship wouldnt be out of the question
    Grumman might be able to help us with the lock, in the mean time lets try to have the lock examined by our Tech priests (including ourself) If we get a good enough Auspex scanner we could look at the lock in its entirely, trying to figure out how to unlock it should be a snap.

    I will not negotiate. I'll roll a one.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:39 No.18472181
    rolled 27 = 27

    or at the very least some more training, or some awesome upgrade bits for our ship
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:39 No.18472188
    Ok, I don't think they are going to give us the ship so lets just try to milk it for every point of wealth we can.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)00:43 No.18472234
    Any response to the Navy Captain's request to view the Martyred Sister?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:44 No.18472246
    He can view it after the sisters do.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/27/12(Tue)00:44 No.18472248
    I didn't mean THIS ship, I meant any ship. Giving us a frigate or a poorly equiped light cruiser for a battleship is more then a fair trade.

    We can probably deal with the lock ourselves given enough time and I don't want to share what's inside the container
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:46 No.18472263
    rolled 19 = 19

    seconding, though I dont think we should try to get any more ships until we have a larger wealth base/more officers we can trust
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:53 No.18472325
    Sell sword for thrones, sell a few marauders, go into battle with flight of Valkyries blaring as we ram them with our new huge di-err.. Battleship!

    Since that's probably not happening lets pimp out the sword with super tech straight out of the crate from a mars factory. Oh and play with the bubble wrap for a day or two :)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:53 No.18472328
    Ah, then yes that option would be much better
    >> Cegorach 03/27/12(Tue)00:56 No.18472351
    Agreed about the relics, the most valuable reward here is goodwill, which isn't going to be helped by trying to negotiate.

    May as well tell the captain to ask the Sororitas, it's their relic after all.

    I don't think there's any need to ask for help with the lock. That tends to carry costs.

    Expenses paid (resupply of the Sword, replacements for lost crew/armsmen, and the like) seems like a basic thing to ask for, and perhaps additional training, augmentations, and/or equipment on top of that? I don't really like the idea of asking for another ship at the moment, we don't even have a full complement of officers on the Sword at the moment.

    I hope we at least looted that sword?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)01:00 No.18472400
    Get our frigate repaired and properly pimped out free of charge.

    And how about we get a nice new suit of power armor crafted for us to fit around our mechadendrites.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/27/12(Tue)01:00 No.18472409
    There is no need to pick up a new ship right now. We can earn some thrones, check through the crew for reliable command material and then pick it up. It will give us time to prepare for handling 2 ships at the same time and it will give him time to find the right ship to give us.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/27/12(Tue)01:23 No.18472637
    This reminds me, can we craft an egzoskeleton for ourselves or power armor for someone else?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)01:26 No.18472659
    "Forward the captain's request to Canoness Irene, she has authority over the martyr now." Athe excuses herself as you hurry about preparing yourself to meet with Grumman and Irene.

    Magos Grumman is quick to greet you upon the hangar deck of 'Righteous Flame', though the greeting is short even by techpriest standards as the Magos hurries to closely admire the nearest Marauder. He begins to excitedly speak to himself as Canoness Irene greets you warmly. "You are quite the clever one, Captain Phryx. I thank you on behalf of Canoness Conora and Canoness Laci, along with all of our sisters, for the return of a martyred sister. We can never fully return this gesture, but on our sister's memory we shall never cease trying."

    "Oh! It is a space-type! They haven't produced these in nearly two millenia! Astounding!"

    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)01:27 No.18472668
         File: 1332826079.jpg-(87 KB, 360x576, Pimp-Cup.jpg)
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    Whatever else we get, we need to acquire a most excellent pimp cup.

    We looted a bottle of most excellent liquor from the dead captain's quarters, and I'll be damned if we drink that from anything but the finest cup in the sector!
    >> Servant Of The Emperor 03/27/12(Tue)01:30 No.18472692
    "She went down fighting, that evidence was for sure. And by the remains found, the amount of the creatures verses the crew, The crew Won."
    >> Cegorach 03/27/12(Tue)01:31 No.18472700
         File: 1332826291.jpg-(8 KB, 225x225, praise.jpg)
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    >Drinking valuable wine that could be sold for money for GLORIOUS TECH
    >Not sure if serious
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)01:32 No.18472707
    Captain Beriaun's aquila lander soon arrives, the captain's posture carrying the same air of command as her voice. You muse upon the Omnissiah's fickle way of surrounding you with women, as if the universe were simply gambling upon your fate. She does have a beautifully crafted eye and skull, though. Omnissiah's servos how you'd like to view the circuitry hidden within.

    Your negotiations commence once Magos Grumman is separated from the marauders, though he seems loathe to part with the ancient craft. "We will see to your rewards once we've returned to Serentus IV, Captain Phryx. I'm afraid that I can not commit to specific items until we deliver our tithe in a week's time. Do not fear, though. I will see to it that you are properly rewarded for your actions here, even if I must build it myself!"

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)01:41 No.18472814
    Negotiations concluded for now, your party pauses to view the dozens of mutated skeletons scattered between the martyr and the ship's bridge. "Genestealers." spits Captain Beriaun. Crushing several skulls with malice, your guests approach the partially cleared doorway that once hid the martyred sister from plain view. Quiet prayers are offered to the Emperor and Omnissiah as the trio squeezes thru the doorway, the ship's lighting now revealing the true extent of the blood covering the small compartment. "She took the two xenos and nearly fourty of the mutated ones with her in this area alone. The only disturbance of her rest when I returned her skull from nearby, Sister."

    Canoness Irene remains with the martyred sister as Grumman and Beriaun accompany you to the bridge, yet more mutated skulls crushed beneath their boots. "A final attack against the patriarch?" muses Beriaun.

    "Perhaps, though it would seem it was a phyric victory at best." mutters the Magos.

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)01:52 No.18472906
    Minutes later the Magos has called up a recording of the battle, desperate men and women charging the massive genestealer as half of their number are flayed alive by an unseen force. Your flesh brain forces you to look away as the recording continues, an overwhelming sickness washing over your senses. "You'll see worse in time, young Captain."

    Magos Grumman and Canoness Irene escort you and Captain Beriaun back to your shuttles soon after, the pair instructing you to claim your reward at Serentus IV in two weeks time before you return to your frigate.

    >and thats all folks. I'd apologize for snatching your battlecruiser back, but I'm running this by the fickle nature of the dice.
    >Next thread on Friday @ 7:00 PM EST
    >usual ~20min Q&A
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/27/12(Tue)01:55 No.18472928
    thread archived

    So, can we make power armor? Weapons?
    How about a brief list of the stuff we can craft?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)02:00 No.18472975

    you can currently craft basic bionic limbs, with time. You have the knowledge to craft higher quality bionic limbs stored within your memory banks, but you require more practical experience to craft anything above basic. (you assimilated the knowledge in a very condensed timeframe, after all!)

    You could craft powered armor and weapons if you learned the applicable skills (or mix of skills, in the case of things such as powered armor or artificial organs)

    and thank you for archiving.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/27/12(Tue)02:05 No.18473027

    you would also require the facilities and resources to craft more than one-off pieces of weapons or armor. (or to build vehicles at all)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)05:23 No.18474530
    A thoroughly disappointing session. Good job OP, you've easily surpassed the /a/ quest crowd when it comes to huehuehue trolling your players.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)06:10 No.18474672
    Bumping so everyone can see the true face of autism. Look at this guy right here.

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