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03/29/12(Thu)01:38 No.18497599 File: 1332999524.png-(15 KB, 456x303, rowgurex.png)
 This is gonna be the biggun...
Meet the Rowgu Rex. After an era of harsh weather, killer sea predators invading their wading pools, and their frilla homes expanding into near-omniaware lifeforms, the Rowgu population was nearly decimated by a third. Those who remain are the Rowgu Rex.
They grew only more cunning and hostile in approach for survival, their communal methods were not vanquished but super-accelerated as mates became colonies and colonies became families. Arrangements of 8-12 Rowgu Rexes roam the frilla forests, fighting predator and devouring prey.
Accelerated leaner limbs increased mobility in the canopies of their homes, powerful hind muscle allow them to leap great distances of up to 25-30 feet. Their bio-electric capabilities and advanced multi-spectral senses are sharp as ever. Their bones have begun the onset of developing a calcium structure, shedding the last few remnants of their slippery and wily amphibious ways. This grants the benefit of ample tooth structures, including a prominent set of canines peeking out of their mouths. These 2 to 3 foot toxic predators work within their family units to paralyze, immobilize, and kill prey with a combination of rudimentary ambush tactics and sheer bravery.
On the frog love update: The rowgu rexes treat courtship as meetings between family units during the mating season, presenting vibrant displays of color, sound, brawn, and gifting. There is no particular order and it seems to be up to the rowgu's own discretion on how it approaches. Failure to appease may lead to siblings and elder rowgu chasing or even killing suitors.
Phew. |