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03/27/12(Tue)22:30 No.18482703 File: 1332901813.gif-(497 KB, 250x250, 1332829452476.gif)
 good job scoring with hina early.
and can you fuckers seriously not keep a to-do list without me
Continue work on original potions (BEARMODE, genderswap, Swag brew, Sexual Stamina), read new Alchemy book. Continue to pursue Yuki, take her out to see the town, READ THE BOOKS SHE GAVE US. Explore Ted’s tactical capabilities. Therapy with Dr. Ikari next Monday evening(after Sousuke’s training extravaganza). Plan a day long event with one of the Bureau’s facilities at our disposal during a break period (Steampunk/Victorian London Murder Mystery, Warehouse 13/23/51, Alice in Wonderland). Throw a party in the Gym (cloud party theme?). When the Doctor returns, ask for help tracking down Cogbeard the dorfen clockwork specialist, see what he knows about the PoP’s dagger. Develop a financial plan to afford swag palace from Gulliver’s Realty ----Shopping---- Grand Piano/Electric Keyboard as a stopgap. Also a saxophone.
did anyone ever say what pic related is from? because that is very relevant to my interests. |