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!!pMzzp1W1qmh 03/31/12(Sat)12:44 No.18527758 File: 1333212260.jpg-(24 KB, 225x350, HitoHijikatai.jpg)
 The Protagonist’s Guide to Maid Quest: The Life Of Master for Newfriends
Okay, I made this up in my spare time for new participants in Maidlover’s creation: the successor to Goushoujin-sama’s original Maid Quest. If you want details, then go read the archives: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Maid%20Quest:%20The%20Life%20of%20Master
If you want to jump right in & read the archives later (or you’re TL;DR), then I created this guide to bring you up to speed. Currently, our butler Gouki is on extended leave assisting our Dad so we have a temporary replacement butler named Shirou Genki (I don’t have his stats currently so if you want to see them, ask Maidlover nicely & he may provide them). Here is a list of the current recurring characters:
The Master (Us)
Name: Hito Hijikatai Age: 20 Hair: Unknown Eyes: Unknown Attributes Athletics 2, Affection 2, Skill 2, Cunning 2, Luck 3, Will 2 Special Qualities: Popularity, Talent: Stealth, Jackie Chan’s Training, Martial Arts Training, Unlimited Ladder Works Spirit: 20 Current Favor: 4
Equipment: Dandy Ninja Suit: It gives the wearer some ninja abilities. Holy Sandwiches: When you throw the sandwich into the air, you can summon Saint Heavy from Team Fortress 2. Utility Belt: You can pull out almost any useful tool in most situations but you must make a dice roll for it. Señor Jalapeño Mask: When you wear it, you become Señor Jalapeño, the Luchador of Justice; gives you +1 to Athletics when fighting unarmed.
Brief Summary: I don’t recall a good physical description of Hito but I’ve always pictured him as looking like Kohta from Elfen Lied but lacking the childhood trauma & the dense, aspie personality. He’s an avid Warhammer 40K gamer. |