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!rtcFUbR5dY 04/07/12(Sat)22:53 No.18617396 File: 1333853585.jpg-(99 KB, 800x600, your chances of being stabbed (...).jpg)
 The heart of the city. A transit bus slides to a stop, stuffed with passengers like a bloated tick. BB turns down a side street and I make the call.
"Jack." Her voice is pleasant, betraying nothing. She doesn't say another word, makes me do the talking.
"Laudine. I'm sorry I had to run out on you earlier. You understand."
"That was quite rude, Jack. Where are you?"
I don't have any doubt that she has a dozen jockeys trying to trace this call. "I'm around. And I have something for you."
"I'm listening," she purrs. Even through a speaker she sounds too good to be real. A moment later she gives an approving "Mmm," and finishes with "I know where that is. I would rather you come and see me in person, Jack."
"Not happening. Sorry, but you know how it is. Take it or leave it."
"I'll take it. Thank you, Jack. Take care of yourself." |