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!!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/12/12(Thu)20:04 No.18686347 File: 1334275484.jpg-(53 KB, 800x800, Aquari_PDF_Base.jpg)
 You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. Caught in a Dark Eldar real space raid upon the pleasure world of Aquari, you and your fellow Privateers managed to seize control of two xenos craft and flee the pleasure yacht you were vacationing upon. Nearly seven hours after the raid began, you've arrived at a small PDF base upon one of the larger islands in area. Finding the base a graveyard of men and machines, you signal signaled the all clear.
The PDF base consists of a quartet of aircraft runways nestled between two steep hills and a small ridge to the South, with buildings sheltered in the shadow of the western hill. One of the buildings protrudes up the hillside in two tiers, the final tier comprising the base's control tower. The control tower's transmitter seems to be intact at first glance, and likely capable of reaching out into orbit. Your raider slowly hovers onto the base's ramp, carefully avoiding the burning wrecks of chimeras and leman russ tanks. One chimera's ammunition continues to slowly cook off near a hangar, and you give it a wide berth. Slowly your force approaches the facility, coming to a halt behind a mid-sized medium lifter. Though the shuttle looks damaged, it is likely repairable. With the lack of an ambush by PDF forces or xenos warriors, you and Magos Taylor disembark from your respective raider and lead a small team into the shattered doorway of the facility.
>Time-sensitive objective: locate medicae facility for wounded. >Search West Hall, East Hall, North Battlement, or Control Tower first? >Land the raider and bring your party in to search? >other? >current exploration group: Elesh, Magos Taylor, Taylor's men x3 |