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04/13/12(Fri)02:48 No.18692947 File: 1334299693.png-(22 KB, 640x640, 160.png)
 Quick recap of story so far.
Daniel, a blind orphan gets cured from his blindness by a mysterious man going by the name "Miracle Lord". To thank him, he leaves his home to learn magic. In capital Joros of Joros, he becomes apprentice to satyr Nxisa, who teaches him counter-magic. After year of training, they defeat a rogue translator-necromancer and novice elementalist together.
Later on they move to Nxisa's homeland Daciht. Nxisa needed to participate in capture/kill of Dark Archmage Ingram who is seeking ancient flying fortress Xjaal. However, she told Daniel that they'd be only going there for work. Their airship is however shot down by the passing Dark Archmage and his black dragon Gaia. Daniel, Nxisa and other survivors continue the travel by foot. After long trip, they reach Daciht and hear that ambush was a complete failure and most of people participating had been killed by Gaia and Dark Archmage. Nxisa disappears to mourn her dead friends, while Daniel helps a local satyr to find his lost brother in the mountains. The brother was eaten by mountain troll whom Daniel kills in combat.
When Daniel gets back, he and Nxisa get job to shoo away some Cultists of Edel from abandoned church of sun. They manage to reason with the cultists, and no violence was involved. After two weeks of training, Daniel and Nxisa participate raiding a draconian camp in the mountains. The raid is a failure. Nxisa gets seriously wounded by a huge draconian. However, Daniel manages to lure him and throw him off a cliff. They manage to get back to city, and Daniel strikes a deal with Miracle Lord Edel. Nxisa gets healed. As price Daniel has to find his machine in the Xjaal before the Dark Archmage can. Since Xjaal is flying, he also makes a deal with local wimpy dragon Kalim, promising him share of the treasures found. Daniel concluded the day by going scarf-buddying with a cultist of Edel. |