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04/15/12(Sun)20:57 No.18730037 File: 1334537840.jpg-(315 KB, 618x800, genericsalute.jpg)
 >>18729284 "It's tough," you admit. You lean back to see Cathode still engaged in her business at the front counter. Good. "And I just started, but they've already had to put me back together a couple times," you add quietly.
"Yeah. But it's worth it. And not just the pay, though there's that--I can walk into a shop and buy a high-end system without blinking--but the rewards." The guy nods quietly, interested. "Like, when I get back home, I know I've done some good. Saved lives, and all that. It helps."
"Been anywhere I've heard of?" he asks. You shake your head.
"No, but my sister was at Vienna." He looks back at Cathode, whistling appreciatively. "Can't get into details, but..."
"Yeah, I understand," he nods.
"So I guess I'll take the terminal," you say, and he starts ringing you out. "Were you thinking of joining up?"
"My cousin," the guy says. "Wanted to know a bit more."
"Well, tell him the need's there, but if he's got family or obligations, no one'd hold it against him if he stayed out. Gotta admit that's one of the hardest parts for me." You look back up at Cathode again, shaking hands with the clerk at the front. How long until you hear about her getting half-slagged and worry? What if she already has, and just hid it better?
Enough heavy shit, you decide. You're here to blow gobs of zenny, not get all introspective. After the purchase, Z29,973 remain in your account.
"So," the human says. "Where are you two from? I don't recognize your accents."
>INPUT LOCATION OF HOME? (Default is Liberty Labs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but the entire world is open) >Nah mang |