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!/tSjfYr5fE 04/20/12(Fri)03:22 No.18789765 File: 1334906525.jpg-(31 KB, 640x436, the fog.jpg)
 "The equipment was fine, worked perfectly well," You assure her, "And...as a matter of fact, there is something I need you for."
"I'm glad," She beamed, stepping a little closer, "There's nothing better than being needed, right? So...what do you wish of me?"
"You were there when your stored produce was attacked, yes? Perhaps you could describe the event a little more clearly to me? If that's not too much trouble."
"Oh..." She trailed off before perking up again, "Oh! Okay! Um...well it was more I first got a 'sense' of it happening at first, without seeing- the Red Lord protects his favoured subjects, so it's a normal thing for ones like me. So anyway I sat up and turned and there were these three creatures, off in the other room. Tall...thin. But other than some grey rags, there wasn't much to them. And once I'd shouted and my Sister and I shot a fire fireballs their way they scarpered off. They hid really well in the shadows, but they weren't ethereal...or looking for a fight. Needed to use doors and things like the rest of us, so-"
-She thumps her foot down on the trapdoor she's been guarding, now stood on-
"So long as it stays shut, I think we'll be a-okay!"
"I see- I'm glad someone special like you is here as a warning," You flatter and see her flush at the praise, "And your sister, too. Speaking of, do you share her agreement to heal those who come through? I'm expecting friends in a moment and goodness knows what state they'll be in."
"Oh, sure, no problem. I'll do anything. Healing's not a problem."
"Glad to hear it, Miss..." |