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!4R91sg9LEA 04/21/12(Sat)03:46 No.18801189 File: 1334994387.jpg-(17 KB, 432x478, SL4.jpg)
 >>18801047 nah, i just type slow >>18801052 The judge comes on the video feed. <Area Scanned. Battlefield Set up. The Fullmoon Team VS the Dune Savers team. Battle Mode 0980. No speed boosting components or thrusters are permitted.> What? Why would Dune Savers accept a battle mode that clearly takes away one of their advantages. "How cheep." Sarah comments. "Even if you want an advantage, that's too obvious." <Ready? Fight!>
The battle begins, and Conan's Liger spear heads the way to the opposing team. Fullmoon fires at them, but he simply activates his shield. They close in, but the wolves scatter. Then in a brown flash, the Saberlion, which you realize had been hiding behind the Liger, rushes down one of the Command wolves. It's blade unfolds, and while the Wolf attempts to evade, the Lion cuts right through it. The judge declares the wolf out of the battle.
Meanwhile, the Lightning Saix exchanges fire with the lead Konig Wolg, niether able to land a decisive shot as they maneuver around the battlefield. The Liger comes around and rushes down the other Command Wolf. It evades the charge, but just when you think it's escaped, the custom ligers blades fold down, and cut into the wolf's flank. It too goes down.
The Konig wolf tries to bring the Saix into melee, its Bite Fang weapon glowing. However, the Saix jumps backwards and to the side, nailing the wolf with point blank shots to its flank.
The battle lasted a little over 2 minutes. "Ah man!" Sarah says in disbelief. "They completely outclassed them!" Indeed, no boosters or not, the Fullmoon team still couldn't keep up with the other team.
So that's you future competition, huh? >How feel? >What do? |