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04/29/12(Sun)10:07 No.18907059 File: 1335708466.jpg-(167 KB, 1024x768, spawn.jpg)
 rolled 10, 15, 4, 14, 19 = 62
As time passes, the nymphs reach adolescence, new nymphs spawn, eggs are laid and slowly, but surely, the Zu-nul start to recover their numbers.
One special nymph spawns in the second generation of suzumou born from Zhen'qual's flesh. Although she only bears minimal differences to her siblings, the memory infusion she underwent while still gestating has set her fate to the path the Hazuvaat has dictated. The memories of Knixi are still burried within her mind, but their influence will affect her every moment she lives. In time, the blessings of the godworm will manifest, and she'll claim her destined position as the agent of the Hazuvaat.
The tribe begins to hunt in a greater degree again. They send parties both to the desert and to the oasis. The Hitangan farmers are monitored from distance, their practice of growing plants intrigues some of the Suzumou, but they dare not to approach the bulky and large infidels. They also try to continue developing the underground water system, although some of the knowledge gained from Kthulo might help them, the frilla trees are too far away to be utilized.
The tribe sends a pair of newly trained scouts to the plains, led by a more experienced older one, so that the fabled sandworm might be located.
Zhen'qual also begins to prepare the vengeance to the vietkoburrong. She sends deep vibrations trough the sand, that give word to the smaller sandworms to be ready for the call. Her own numerous spawn, that she laid when she too was mobile are exceptionally receptive to these signals. If she succeeds, her worshipers should have easier time summoning the sandworms to their aid.
Rolling for hunting the desert and the oasis, the water storage system, scouts and for Zhen'qual's call to arms. |