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!DowN/N3yMY 04/28/12(Sat)08:05 No.18894938 File: 1335614711.jpg-(750 KB, 680x1000, bc082ba0f3b3b4c2ec1765f51dd0eb(...).jpg)
 You arrive at the library in a few minutes. The midnight air nipped at the thin shirt you wore as you floated up to the roof on a saucer.
You found the major sitting on an air-conditioning unit, her uncovered eye shining in the pale moonlight.
She looks at you and nods. You land softly on the gravel covered roof and walk towards her. "So Major, what could I do for you this evening?" you ask her. "I have a couple of questions for you Hayate. I hope you woudnt mind answering them." she says She called you by your name. Not 'Hayata'. Not 'wife'. Something is up, and you don't think you like it.
"Sure Major, feel free to ask me anything." "But first, I would appreciate it if you'd drop calling me Major, and just called me by my name. Just call me Mio." 'something is really up, ffffffff' you think. "Sure Mio, I'll do just that." you answer her with a smile. "Here's my first question. What are your thoughts on raising a family?" her eye is locked with yours. |