>Archive: http://pastebin.com/wXpvCr1C>Sheet: http://pastebin.com/c0XtuSsmYou are Naruto Uzumaki, born without any blessings and with the ever present stigma of your dead father's shame.Previously:After meeting with an inspirational sensei that clawed and thrashed his uselessness away, you meet the day of the exams head on! While you did poorly at the written exams, you managed to barely pass with your completion of the Bunshin No Jutsu.Though you met with resistance from one of the proctors, that went ahead and made a derisive remark on the side that sent you storming out, slugging a bully in the face after declaring your passing.On your way to training, you met a stupid little kid pretending to be a fence and ended up telling him off after he threw shuriken, freaking shuriken at you!In the lot you tested your mettle, doing more physical training than you've ever done in life, only to find that you had the company of a hidden observer that turned out to be a girl with completely white eyes like that bastard, Neji Hyuuga.After an awkward little scene, that ended up with her passing out, you sat by her until you declared to the world that you'd be stronger than god or death, or anyone. Shortly after, she came to and ran off, leaving you with questions.Returning home, you find a package at your doorstep from one Might Guy, and don his splendid graduation present.After nearly going to sleep to rest a tired body, you chose to investigate happenings in the night, discovering that a child has breached village security with his priviledge and taken a forbidden scroll.As you pursue the promise of power, the sight of the injured kid quashes your desire, driving you to do the right thing.You are imprisoned and interrogated, but let go. Without getting any sleep, you meet the morning to get assigned your squad.You are Naruto Uzumaki and this is your story.
>>31531296>Passes out during quest last nightI am surprised man. I figured you'd take tonight to sleep at least.
>>31531364I thought so too.
>>31531375Crazy motherfucker.Carry on. I'm here till quest's over.
It's a shame how much people hate this quest and downvote the fuck out of it, just because historically hating Naruto is the "right" thing to do.Admittedly, the series did get shitty and autistic at some point, but the main concept is still good, that's why we need this healing.This quest so far has fixed all my problems with the show, so it's good in my book.
>fucking Naruto QuestThat's it, I'm done
>>31531410Eh, you know how tg is. Buzzwords are all it takes to earn hatred. Naruto is a bit animu buzzword. Just ignore em.Foolz is way better anyway as a archive.
>>31531444Are you a fool, anon?Try to resist the urge to reply to bait.
>>31531426>ninja>test>implying ninjas aren't sneaky, feudal punk rock farmers
>>31531410eh shit happens. I'm basically here for the same reason as Dran-I spent too much time reading Naruto to drop it, but I need something to wash she shit taste out of my mouth. Maybe this'll help, maybe I'll need to find a better ninja anime than Basilisk
I don't mind the downvotes or misarchives really. If I gotta keep a paste with foolz then so be it.Setting up the next post.>>31531465>>31531410I like that thus far this has been for healing. It's nice.
>>31531499I like that we surprised you by not taking the scroll, and instead of developing jutsu, we developed personality and character.But let's develop some jutsu this thread.
>>31531530a productive thing from QTG:this exists http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Konoha_Archive_Library It contains shit on village secrets that won't get people killed, so it might have information on Leaf-specific jutsus, and at the very least the basics of chakra control and D-rank basic jutsus
>>31531530We'll just make our own Jutsu.And we'll have black jack, and hookers.
>>31531530It was nice. I was worried after hearing a lot of shit about Dran forcing quests to "maximum edge" but that scene was really interesting, and gave Naruto slightly more depth than he got in the entirety of canon
>>31531586>>31531590Neat. Once we have basics, we should give it a look.>>31531616Was my point, yep. Hoping we can do lots of chakra training this time too. If we can get that to 1 or something, that'd be awesome. that stuff is super vital.
>>31531530I loved it.The hurt after that when naruto still got thrown in jail was delicious.But if only a single person thanks naruto for what he did (gai). I think he wont have regrets.
>>31531616Dran just forces quests to go the opposite of what players think the tone is/should be because he thinks it's compelling or something.
>>31531674Indeed. Building a nice base of friends is gonna be fun. Real friends. And we helped pull back that dad's shadow thing too.Bet that shut up some of those assholes who shit on us before.
>>31531714Dran has things go somewhat closer to reasonable instead of the "muh anime" paths you sperglords expect.
>>31531714>>31531735What the hell are you two idiots even talking about.
>>31531674That would be really cool. Most of the village only hears 'That brat Naruto got thrown in prison. He's just like his dad.' But there's a few people who know better. Gai, Lee, Hinata, Konohamaru. Each of them lets us know in their own way that we did right. And honestly, that should have been the kind of thing that happened in canon. Naruto shouldn't have tried to get the love of the world, or even all of his village. He should have been hated by most of it, but loved by the few who managed to see past the stigma around him
You meet the day with dead-tired eyes and an aching body. Everything about last night and your rigorous training before that has you walking like a zombie into the classroom.You ignore the jabber of the other classmates as everyone files in, and you take your seat next to a kid with short black hair, one Sasuke Uchiha of the Uchiha clan. Best student in class and you've been seated next to him all of the year.Out of all the kids, he's one of the ones that never pick on you, he doesn't even watch like some of those other bastards, he just walks away and ignores the whole deal.You never really knew what to make of it. Some days you thought he just hated you, some days you entertained the thought that he rather not watch, and still other you thought it was because he saw you as worthless.More than anything though, it pisses you off to be next to him. Best by the worst. Just your luck.You turn your head away with it glued firmly to your desk, geeze you're tired.You see that girl from yesterday staring at you until you catch her. She turns away right after that, steam pouring out of her ears. Something's up with that... But hey, at least she's never picked on you or anything. That's cool.A girl with long blonde hair looks over to you from her seat in these before-class hours. Glancing away, she takes a deep breath before getting up and walking over to you with a yellow rose gently held between her fingers. She blushes with embarrassment under the stares of her classmates.You squint your eyes at her as she stands before you, moving a lock of her hair out of her face,”What do you want?” You growl at her, grumpy from your crappy experience last night.Sighing, the girl hands the flower over to you, looking away,” My father said that he wanted you to have this. I don't know why but he wants you to come to our flower shop if you have the time.”
Peeling yourself off of the stone surface of your desk you look at her, and then the flower, scrutinizing the gesture,”Why would I want to go to a flower shop? Who's your old man?”“Inoichi Yamanaka.”The girl rolls her eyes,”Look, this is really stupid. Just take it, okay?”You pause at hearing the name of the man that strolled through your head like he went for a walk through a garden. Inoichi Yamanaka... What the heck is this about?>[] “No, I don't want to. Take your flower and shove it.”>[] “Sure, whatever.”>[] “Okay...?”>[] (Other)
>>31531820>[] “Sure, whatever.”
>>31531820Whoa. I did not expect this...>Okay...?"
>>31531820>[] “Okay...?”"Thanks, I guess?"kind of confusing, but Inoichi stood up for us last night. Least we could do is pay him a visit
>>31531820>[] “Okay...?”Gotta seem slightly apprehensive, I don't want to seem overeager for attention like some pathetic kicked puppy, also don't want to be pities, like some pathetic kicked puppy.
>>31531820>[] “Okay...?”Hm. Consolation or something? I guess we should have the flowers with us whenever we come around to see what the guy wants with us.
>>31531820>Okay..?Weird. She ain't exactly being mean right now, either, so that's nice.
>>31531820>[] “Okay...?”
>>31531820>[] “Okay...?”>>31531887She's embarrassed that she has to talk to the guy everyone ignores or picks on because of her dad. Natural classmates stuff. It's pretty awkward for everyone involved.
>>31531820>[] “Okay...?”>>31531873basically this. Guy didn't seem like as much of a dick as most of the village, but this is kind of weird, and he's gotta know it's bad for his daughter to be seen around us.
its a trap
>>31531820>>[] “Okay...?”Confusing but ok...Thank her and ask her to convey it to her father too. Courtesy.
>>31531820>[X] “Okay...?”
>>31531820>[x] “No, I don't want to. Take your flower and shove it.”Fuck flower jutsus. It was lame as shit how faggots were pushing for flower magic in overlimit and it's lame here too.
>>31531901Maybe it's a lesson for his daughter on judgment skills?
Oh boy, got to catch Dead Last Ninja>Meeting Team Seven!ah fuckpleasedon'tbeSasukeandSakurapleasedon'tbeSasukeandSakurapleasedon'tbeSasukeandSakurapleasedon'tbeSasukeandSakura
>>31531898Oh no, I get why she's embarrassed. Still is nice she isn't being a uberbitch about it, like she could be.
>>31531820>>[] “Sure, whatever.”I'll take whatever I can get
>>31531919The yamanaka clans use body control and possession ninjutsus. They control other people.
>>31531873Sounds good to me.
>>31531956That's a nicely detailed answer there.
>>31531820>[] (Other)"Did you do something new with your hair? Because I totally didn't recognize you, Ino, despite the fact that I clearly knew who you were when your father mentioned you. Odd, that."
>>31531820"Tell your dad thanks. And thank you for now being as reluctant as you could be."
>>31531820>[] “Okay...?”Her dad was alright by us last night, and it's worth checking out. Maybe we have the potential to be a sensor or something like that. Something nice could happen, right?>>31531919They don't have flower magic, they just happen to sell flowers. Their ninja techniques are based around controlling other's bodies, and they have a tendency to be good at sensing chakra and tracking it.
>>31531956>fetish shitThen double no. Count my vote as 2 votes against it. We don't need to learn this crud, we taijutsu all the way
>>31532007>fetish shitWhat?
>>31531974maybe it's been a while? depending on how long ago our father got killed, we might not have really seen her since we were like 6 or 7? Other than that, only excuse I have is that it's buttfuck early and we were in prison all night
>>31531999>And thank you for now being as reluctant as you could be.Omit that and I'll second it. Don't want to say something that could be perceived as bitter/passive aggressive.
>>31531974>>31532024Yeah, Naruto's crazy tired right now.
>>31532017>body control / mindbreak>not fetish shitYou've got to be kidding me. This yamanaka clan sounds like pure magical realm
>>31532007How about we count your votes as no votes then?
>>31532024You're wasting your time brah. Some anons prefer to nitpick, instead of making reasonable assumptions, such as that one.
>>31532050>MindbreakDude, just because people can control bodies doesn't mean it has to be sexual.God damn, what is wrong with you, tg.
>>31532053I'm the only person voting sensibly, so my votes should be worth more.
>>31532050Notice how at no point was mind break mentioned.Seriously, just get the fuck out if you can't calm down and stop being a retard.
>>31531820>“Sure, whatever.”
>>31532060I was just making a joke. Sorry. I wasn't trying to ruin anyone's fun by overanalyzing it.
>[] “Okay...?”
>>31532086Wrong.I'm the only person who votes sensibly.The Fara incident from overhuman has proven this.
>>31532107Oh. Well my bad then.Some anons in here do want to do that sorta thing, so my bad for assuming.
>>31532086I feel like I can always pick you at of a crowd. I feel like I come across you every single time in a Dranule thread.It's actually starting to get a little endearing, not sure that's what your going for.
>>31532120>I voted for some waifu to do something in that edgelord quest, so I'm the sensible oneRight. Sure thing, anon.
>>31532145No, it's cool. I can see how it could have been interpreted that way. Pure text is hard at conveying the context of deadpan humor. I'll have to do better next time.
>>31532147me>>31532120>>31532086I can't tell which one is the real one and which one is the impostor!
>>31532047Just keep writing Dran, nothing new to see here.
>>31532154>implications inside implicationshave fun with all those hot assumptions
>>31532107ah, sorry for picking your post apart then.
>>31532050Anon hates the edge so much he's started to see it where non exists, and thus has become the edge.
>>31532185I'm the one in overhuman who makes a big deal about how AoPH brought in all the retards and how I'm literally the only smart one left.>>31532086this guy's just another retard
You reach out to take the flower, half expecting her to drop it before you grab it. You're surprised that she passes it to you sincerely.Twirling it between your fingers a little bit, you stare down at the yellow rose. “Okay...? Thanks, I guess.”Ino glances around the class, sighing derisively,”Yeah. You're welcome or whatever. Just make sure you stop by.” She starts to turn around only to stop suddenly and flutter her fingers at sasuke, blushing deeply,”Hi Sasuke, hope I'm on your team.Sasuke's eyes dart from his brooding posture, meeting her eyes and she all but melts as she giggles away. “Waste of time.” You hear him mumble. What the heck did he say?>[] You're not putting up with that shit. You will fight him!>[] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.>[] Say something back...>[] (Other)
>>31532231>I'm the one in overhuman who makes a big deal about how AoPH brought in all the retards and how I'm literally the only smart one left.Ah. So you're that guy that just acts abrasive all the time and goes around like everyone should eat your shit.
>>31532239"Why's that? Isn't the selection process random?"
>>31532239>>[] Say something back..."What is?"
>>31532239>[X] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.
>>31532239"Her, or me?"Not exactly sure which one he was talking to, and I wanna be sure. If her then"What, you don't like flowers?"If us then"Yeah yeah, like I ain't heard that one before."
>>31532239>>[] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.We don't even know who he meant by that. Leave him in his distorted worldview.
>>31532239>[] (Other)Just mumble "What an asshole.".He should understand the implications.
>>31532239I wonder if he's just being a jackass, or if he knows about the ino-shika-cho tradition?
>>31532239>>31532275>>31532284I'm actually alright with these two.
Looks like the Uchiha have kill slaughtered again... sigh.Not sure if Naruto is able to deal with that bullshit.
>>31532239>[] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.>>31532259well, you should
>>31532239>[] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.
>>31532239>>[] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.I don't see why we'd be angry. He was probably just talking about Ino. His apathy for his admirers is well recorded. We've got to learn that just because we're looked down upon doesn't mean that every bit of hostility is directed at us. We're just going to get paranoid if we think like that.
>>31532239>Warm up, Chillheart McEdge.Give him a hug.But really>Let it go.Not our business if he likes dudes.
>>31532239>[x] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.who gives a shit what he thinks?
>>31532239>[] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.mehLET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS
>>31532239>[x] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.I swear if you idiots pick the say something option then you're just trying to get us a bad end.
>>31532259I actually kinda like him now, as I said, it's getting endearing.Like I have a pet autist, and I feed it by responding to it's posts.
>>31532259Judging from his responses, you should just drop it and ignore him. He's the type to escalate an argument.>>31532239>[] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.No need to say anything at this juncture.
>>31532239>[] Let it go, it's not worth fighting about.sasuke's not worth interacting withplus, if we don't then he won't try to kill us to get better eyes. He won't have any 'best friends' so he won't go nuts
>>31532239>Say something back..."Hoping to be on your team specifically, or interacting with you in general?"
>>31532284>>31532275these are alright
>>31532499Got it. I was actually going to write a response to that guy's last post. Thanks for showing me the error of that line of thinking. I'll keep this in mind.
>>31532490>that it means the QM is secretly trying to force us to pick it by making it the most sensible option for the MC.Not secretly. It is railroading. However, it is of the acceptable kind that QMs are allowed to use.Anyway, just ignore that other guy.
>>31531867>>31531892>>31531919>>31531977>>31532007>>31532086>>31532352>>31532390Wow strong samefag.
>>31532517Always happy to help other anons get accustomed to the hostile environment some quests must weather to live.I'm a fan of Dran's work, so I see it all the time, sadly.
>>31532499Really only in the QTGs, actually, although judging from one of the earlier posts here, there's at least one troll passing by.>>31532542Some posts were deleted. What are the implications?
>>31532571Very, yes.
You look at him for a moment, and pocket the yellow rose in your kunai holster. You figure he must've been talking about Ino. For as much as the girls like him he's always given them a cold stare. Planting your cheek back onto your desk, you stare at him a bit.What's so great about this guy anyway? All he does is mumble insults, glare at people and give them the cold shoulder. “Naruto! Why are you staring at Sasuke like that!? Move over!” Your thoughts are interrupted by the screeching wail of Sakura Haruna.You two used to be friends when you were kids. She'd get picked on because of her forehead and you because of your drunk dad shaming you.When your old man died though, they started picking on you instead. It was slow at first, but she eventually realized that protecting you would only get her picked on too. She wasn't picked on for her forehead anymore and now instead wears a hairband to show it proudly.She stopped being your friend.>[] “Get bent Sakura, I'm too tired for this.”>[] “Sure, fine.” Move over.>[] “What's so great about Sasuke huh? Can you tell me that?”>[] (Other)
>>31532571For that vote, yes. But we've been too busy arguing to get much farther. Welcome aboard the good ship Dead Last Ninja Quest. We've barely left the harbor.
>>31532598>[] “What's so great about Sasuke huh? Can you tell me that?”
>>31532598Yeeesh. That hurts a lot.>[] “Sure, fine.” Move over.
>>31532598>>[] “Sure, fine.” Move over.if we don't matter to them, they don't matter to us
>>31532600>implying us arguing slows down the quest
>>31532598>>[] “Sure, fine.” Move over.I cannot be bothered to give a fuck.
>>31532598>[] (Other)Just sigh and don't move. Even Sasuke gets pissed off at the girls liking him so much even though all he does is "mumble insults, glare at people and give them the cold shoulder"
>>31532598>[] (Other)"I'm staring at him for the same reason you do, Haruno: He's just that dreamy. I finally get what you girls see in him. Can I join your fan club?"
>>31532598>[] “Sure, fine.” Move over.This is the only option that gives us the least grief from her, really.
>>31532598are seats assigned? if they aren't then sit somewhere else. There's two women interested in the same guy, yelling is imminent. If we have to sit here, move over but ask her to please tone it down a little
>>31532598>>[] “Get bent Sakura, I'm too tired for this.”This one.
>>31532598>Sure, fineCheck out all these fucks I don't give.
>>31532598>[] “Sure, fine.” Move over.Eh.
>>31532598>[] “Sure, fine.” Move over.
>>31532667Ino buzzed off back to her seat.
>>31532598>[] “What's so great about Sasuke huh? Can you tell me that?”"If it's his brooding, I can do that too."Make an over exaggerated 'serious face' and stare off at the distance.
>>31532598>>[] “Sure, fine.” Move over.To tired for this
>>31532660Seconding this. Sakura's not even worth the response. Just sit there and ignore her. If she makes the predictable insults about our father, point out that her hair color is radically different from either of her parents', implying that she's either adopted or the result of her mother having an affair.
>>31532598>Get bent
>>31532697alright. In that case, changing to >[] “Sure, fine.” Move over.we're tired, grumpy, and really don't care about the opinions of people who betrayed us
>>31532598>[] “Sure, fine.” Move over.>>31532698That's really more like something original flavor Naruto would do, anon. This one we have isn't really much of a joker.
>>31532598>[X] “Sure, fine.” Move over.
>>31532732I'd like to think we're still a joker, but it's been pushed down after years of bullying. We'll slowly cheer up and be a bit more jokey after we find a few more people who aren't douchebags to us 24/7
>>31532598"I dunno, hey Sasuke, do you have even the smallest opinion on how you'd like to sit next to?"
>>31532758Then I hope you can appreciate how what you suggested isn't really appropriate now.
>>31532787I didn't suggest it. I was stating when I thought joking would become appropriate.
>>31532786Shit, this is perfect.
>>31532786oh godyes
so who's going to be sacrificed to the pit of hell that is a team with Sakura and Sasuke? my votes on Kiba or a random nameless person
>>31532786That's not... turbobad.
>>31532786made me giggle, but I'm saying no mostly because talking to Sasuke increases the odds that he gets more screen time in later episodes
>>31532834Us. It'll always be us.Because otherwise we could get somewhere without it being as much of an uphill battle as possible.
“Sure, fine...” You sigh, getting up and moving a seat over, staring her down for the time that you're bothered to move. You see something in her eyes wane and look away from yours, even if only to avoid eye contact.Plopping down besides Sasuke, she warms up. Smiling and doting over him like he's some kind of Adonis. It makes you want to puke.Iruka sensei comes before the class to assign teams.You drift off into sleep until you hear your name called.“Naruto Uzumaki!”You dart up, at some kind of saluting attention,”Here sensei!”“I called you three times Naruto.” Iruka taps his clipboard impatiently,”Did you hear the names of your comrades?”“No Sensei...” You slouch back into your seat. Sakura is just about fuming next to you, a dread-look upon her face somehow mixing with a dreamy one. What the hell happened?
>>31532786Let's do this to see if Sasuke even bothers replying.Not talking to him isn't gonna make him go away.
>>31532852um, this isn't an anime, it's a quest
>>31532863>Sakura is just about fuming next to yougod damnit
>>31532863ahhh CRAP
>>31532863Yes, it's time.Also give us a break Iruka.
>>31532863please let it be because she's on a team with Sasuke and Ino. Please Dran, don't force us to deal with the original team 7. I'm begging you. Give us decent characters, we'll be with them for the majority of the Quest
>>31532894Because it's not proper healing if we don't make the best use of the tools we have available.And 'tool' certainly describes Sasuke, Sakura, and even Kakashi to a certain extent.
>End thread.
>>31532905he's trying, putting us with the class genius sasuke so we can get carried
>>31532923That makes no sense, breaking up the traditional trio that Ino's on, and having two girls on the same team?We're gonna have to earn the right to have teammates that don't suck, by dealing with these two shitheads.>>31532928Man what? We didn't even do anything.
>>31532928You better be fucking trolling dude.
>>31532928I need to wake up at 5:20 to go to school anyway, it's cool. I understand being tired as fuck in a quest thread.
>>31532928sleepy dran?
“Naruto Uzumaki, you are with Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha.” Iruka-Sensei looks back up at you, “That's the assignment of team seven.”You droop, further into your seat, pulling your hair in quiet frustration. You're paired up with them?! These two?! Of all the lousy freaking pairings...>[] "What the hell Iruka-Sensei?! Why am I with these two?">[] Don't say anything and just accept your fate.>[] "So Sakura, who would've thought?">[] (Other)
>>31532923I hadn't even considered the possibility of a fake-out.
so how do we murder these two and make it look like an accident
>>31532963>>[] Don't say anything and just accept your fate."Haaaaaai...."Faceplant on the desk.Fuuuuuu
>>31532963>"What the hell Iruka-Sensei?! Why am I with these two?"
>>31532963>>[] Don't say anything and just accept your fate.cuss internally
>>31532963>[] Don't say anything and just accept your fate.Eh. If Sakura gives us any shit on this, then we'll react. But for now...
>>31532936>>31532941>>31532946>>31532949>>31532950>>31532955>>31532958>>31532962>>31532969Sorry guys, it was the perfect time to get a chuckle.
>>31532963"Was it just because the three of us were already sitting next to each other?"Because that is a pretty funny coincidence.
>>31532963>[] Don't say anything and just accept your fate.
>>31532963"Any way I can change this Iruka-Sensei? I know you're about to tell me something about Sasuke carrying me because he's top of the class, but I really doubt this is a good idea for team integrity"
>>31532989I thought your trip got cracked for a second
>>31532963>[] "What the hell Iruka-Sensei?! Why am I with these two?"
>>31532963>[] Don't say anything and just accept your fate.Wot th' fock m8
>>31532963Oh, good, it was trolling.>[] (Other)>[] "What the hell Iruka-Sensei?! Why am I with these two?"If he gives us the "Well, the lowest-scoring student is placed with the top" bit, point out that we do not get along with Sasuke or Sakura and that pairing us on a team with them is going to go horribly. This is a recipe for getting someone killed.
>>31532963>2Eh, knew it was coming. I don't got a problem with it.Also, 10/10 you got me for a good 5 seconds.
>>31532989It was indeed.Jolly good show sir.
>>31532989I have been waiting ages for a author to do that.
>>31532996This if we're smart enough to realize it's why
>>31532989You fucking asshole.I love you.
>>31532963>[] Don't say anything and just accept your fate.Although we may as well approach Iruka after class and ask him how we were assigned with the other two.
>>31532963>>[] "What the hell Iruka-Sensei?! Why am I with these two?"
>>31532996Pretty much this.
>>31532963>Don't say anything and just accept your fate.Meh.At least Sasuke is neutral given that he's too cool to give a fuck.
>>31532963stay after class and ask Iruka if there's any way to change itdiscretion is best
>>31532963>>31533032This. It's best not to make a scene in front of the entire class, but we might as well go question Iruka about it.
>>31533012>>31532996>>31533037>>31533022None of this, no questioning the teacher.A ninja must be prepared to work with people he doesn't like, when doing real ninja work.The sooner we learn to deal with that, the better.
>>31532963>Accept itBend over, this is gonna be awesome.
>>31532996Voting this one
>>31532963>>31533032Oh yes, this.>>31532982Changing my vote here to include this.
>>31532963>Don't say anything and just accept your fate.or just make a remark like >>31532991No trying to shuffle the cards we were dealt.It just makes us look childish.
>>31532996I'll vote for this. Fifthing or whatever.
>>31532991the best verbal response
Dran, can you just tell us why you did this? I know you want to stay at least kind of close to canon, but these two are a blight. And we're going to be stuck with them for the majority of every thread for the foreseeable future now.
>>31532963>[x] Don't say anything and just accept your fate.
>>31532963>[X] Don't say anything and just accept your fate.>>31532996Fuck that forever.How petulant can you be?And fuck, we're about as compatible with Sasuke as anyone else, since Sasuke has disdain for everyone.
>>31532996Against this, it's childish to question a teacher. At least out in the open.
>>31533083If they don't die horribly first.
>>31533083Same reason, I suppose, that we're Naruto and not some other ninja in a setting where Naruto doesn't exist.
>>31533098Nigger we're twelve.
>>31533083Because otherwise it'd be too fucking easy.And don't even bother to worm your way out of destiny, because all it's gonna accomplish is getting us scolded.Move on.
>>31533083For the reason that I started Dead Last Ninja.Healing.
>>31532963>>[] Don't say anything and just accept your fate.Pretty sure by now we're used to adults telling us to do things we don't want to.
Really wishing I had a self-appointed votefag right now.Counting.
>>31533127So, when we're teamed with Kakashi, and we shout "YOU FUCKERS WE'RE SUPPORT TO WORK TOGETHER TO GET THE GOD DAMN BELLS" and they don't listen, does that mean we get a better grade?Because I think we should.
>>31533115Were you one of those those little shits in middle school who never shut up in class? Because I was that kid who silently hated you for single handedly bringing class to a halt.
so... how do we get these two killed while making it look like an accident?
>>31533142If it gets too much for you, you could always use straw poll.
>>31533142>VotefagWhat. Like an anon to count for ya?I've never heard of that before...can't say I blame you, tho.I suggest getting a notepad, and using tally marks.
>>31533158Funny sort of smile twisted itself into my face, anon. I like you.
>>31533146It's, uh, it's going to be weird if we end up having to be the reasonable one in this trio.
>>31533142Don't just count the quotes, since some people might reply to something specifically to negate it.>>31533146I got a plan for that that should work.
I noticed the paste bin only lists two Jutsu. If we're going to learn more we should start with these two.>http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Replacement_TechniqueWe should know this already. But if not we should learn it soon>http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Flicker_TechniqueMost useful D rank Jutsu.Both of these are techniques from our village so we should be able to find them in the library.
>>31533161don't use strawpoll. using Tor=infinite votes
>>31533147Actually, I was one of the only quiet ones, the rest were fucking hyenas.Poor public schools are hell.
>>31533161>>31533174Mm. Strawpoll is easy to proxyspam. Don't be naive.
yeah. We're going to need study dates in the library with Hinata when we're not training with Guy and Lee
>>31533168I'm just dreading the "those who abandon their teammates are lower than trash" speech. Because our Naruto is not going to respond well to being lectured on that.
>>31532975>>31532979>>31532982>>31532993>>31533005>>31533013>>31533019>>31533032>>31533040>>31533055>>31533074>>31533085>>31533093>>31533133Accept it seems to have a fair lead.
It's going to be hard not to violently abuse meta knowledge if you're teaming us up with the amazing inevitable trainwreck.
>>31533167The saddest part is, we will need to be.Assuming Sakura and Sasuke do not change any, then we'll be the only one that's not stupid. Even with our 'one character with 30 opinions driving him' handicap.
>>31533218you mean like trading Haku for Sasuke?
However EDGE Sasuke is, at least he's not a bully.And Sakura is just as useless as us.Maybe we could make a name for ourselves in this team?
>>31533146"You two can have the fucking bells, I don't want one, seriously. Jonin command squads of 3 Genin, not 2, even I know that."
>>31533234Team "carried hard by Sasuke" Seven
>>31533227I would be okay with that. Who doesn't like a cute depressed trap? He can even generate his own snow to be sad in.
>>31533227Best. Trade. Ever.
>>31533190Amen, brother. Amen.
>>31533146henge into Sasuke tell Sakura to help us and that Naruto henged into us to confuse Kakashior we all henge into sasuke and bumrush the cyclops
>>31533255>He can even generate his own snow to be sad in.my sides are halfway to mars
>>31533240>Even I know thatI think it'll be hilarious that we can use that as an insult to people.
do we go gay for Haku?
>>31533293No.Hinata End
>>31533293It's not gay if it's Haku
>>31533293Nah, we go bi.Gotta have a menage a trois with HInata and Haku
>>31533293nah, we get Zabuza to realize he's been gay for Haku for a while. Then bro it up with the pair of them and have some damn awesome characters as allies nobody knows about
>>31533318Not like they'll give up on their mission.
>>31533322they will if we act like a real ninja and do some recon on Gato. We find out he's going to double cross Zabu after he's weak and alone, and we're good
“Haiiii...” You plant your face into the desk, clinking your forehead protector against it.You're paired up with Sasuke and Sakura. How could this day get any worse?You think that, but it flies by as you sleep away most of the day. Iruka knows at least what happened last night so he doesn't bother you. You're shaken awake by sensei to break for lunch. You eat a cup of instant ramen prepared with some water boiled by the cafeteria's hot electric kettle. Most of the other students have gone home for lunch, though a few linger on around the grounds.You've been trying to think about how you're going to stand to be on the same team with Sasuke and Sakura. Everything that Sasuke does will overshadow your efforts and that stupid Sakura will just dote over him at every step... But maybe... You could find a way to make her hate him? Maybe...>[] Tie up Sasuke and transform into him to harass Sakura.>[] Try to find Ino if she's still on the school grounds.>[] Go to sleep.>[] (other)(There ARE other things to do here. They just haven't occurred to Naruto yet.”
>>31533347Is that girl who fainted on us yesterday around? We should probably thank her for helping us, and apologize for tripping her
>>31533347>[] Go to sleep.Er, why would we try so hard to do something like that?
>>31533347Go to sleep. We still need to meet with Inoichi later may as well rest while we can.
>>31533347>>31533360>[] Go to sleep.It would be a bit of a leap for what we've set up so far for us to waste any energy on trying to ruin the relationship between our two other squad members. And, also, dumb.
>>31533353Seconding thisif we can't find her, head over to the flower shop
>>31533347>>[] Go to sleep.We're still out of it.Failing that we could go to the flower shop.
>>31533347>[] Go to sleep."Getting Sakura to hate Sasuke would require effort and giving a damn. A damn which I'm fresh out of."If library is an option, go there instead of sleep.
>>31533347>[] Go to sleep.
>>31533347Pfff. 1 is dumb, Naruto. Don't be silly. Even if we did successfully disable him (which we probably wouldn't) he'd get loose eventually.>Write in: Go see Ino's dad. We promised to go see him after class.Because we promised we would. May as well see what the cool guy has to say?
>>31533347>sakura>hating Sasukedohohohohohoho!>[x] (other)go to the flower shop. talk to Inoichi
>>31533347Go to ino's dad.See what he wants.Energy spent in bs better spent training and recovering.
>>31533347>(There ARE other things to do here. They just haven't occurred to Naruto yet.”How about we take that weird flower of ours and visit Inos father, huh?That seems important.
>>31533347>(There ARE other things to do here. They just haven't occurred to Naruto yet.”Work out?
>>31533353Sounds good to me.
>>31533400>>31533398I don't think school is over for the day, just breaking for lunch, what he wants from us might take a while so it'd probably be best to do that after school.
>>31533347>[] Go to sleep.Fuck that, time for sleep
>>31533347Flower shop
>>31533347> [X] Go flirt it up with Hinata. Who gives a shit about THE TEAM?
>>31533353this. Failing that, go say hi to Inoich
>>31533353>>31533395One of these.
>>31533347>>31533347>>31533360Oh fuck, forgot about the flower shop.>[] (other)Let's go visit the Yamanaka flower shop.
>>31533412Japanese day schools are a hoax anyways.
>>31533347>[] (other)School isn't out yet, we shouldn't visit Inoichi. Let's look for that weird Hyuuga girl we met. We never got a chance to apologize properly for spooking her unconscious.
>>31533353first this>>31533395then this
>>31533347Flower Shop, man. We promised didn't we? Besides, tomorrow we'll be too busy training and shit. May as well do it while we're tired.
>>31533347Let's go see Ino's dad.>>31533353What girl? There's no mention of any girl like Hinata in the post. Just that there are some other students lingering on the grounds.
>>31533347Go visit Iruka, ask him what Jonin is in charge of Team Seven. We can also ask why they paired us up with Sasuke and Sakura.
>>31533353voting this, since Hinata should have been here. Weird that we don't know her name, she is in our class, isn't she?
>>31533347Switching my vote here>>31533372to going to the flower shop.
>>31533353I like it! Gets my support.
Aright... Hinata and flowershop it looks like.
>>31533347go find that girl with eyes like Neji. She seemed nice, and we need to actually thank her still, since she kind of ran off
>>31533353Go find her, man.
>>31533481Is there time for both?
>>31533347I'm all for sabotaging the team, but this isn't the way to do it. If we want to make Sakura hate Sasuke, we do things more or less like canon: We advance as much as we can and leave her feeling worthless next to the other members of the team. And then since Tsunade won't be around, because canon Naruto won't be there to bring her back to Konoha, she'll have nothing. She'll languish in uselessness and slowly grow to resent Sasuke for being so skilled. It will be delicious.Shit, just realized something: Tsunade won't come back to Konoha, unless Jiraiya manages to find another apprentice that reminds her strongly of her lost loved ones. Which means that Danzo is likely going to be the Fifth Hokage. Crap. Okay, meta-gaming time: How do we either prevent Sarutobi from dying or ensure that Jiraiya takes us along for the Tsunade retrieval mission?
>>31533490Yeah, that's what he said.>>31533481Maybe ask Hinata to come with us to the flower shop? I'm sure she'll be welcome
>>31533490Well, Hinata is probably close by.
>>31533395>>31533396>>31533400>>31533419>>31533437>>31533457This can wait until after school.Go find Hinata
>>31533490sure there is. We can talk to Hinata on the way to the shop, if she's fine being seen with us in public
>>31533503we could get Hinata a flower
How about we go see Hinata and then after if there is time we ask her if she would like to come with us to the flower shop?
>>31533512Well, TECHNICALLY we already have one.I mean, it's not like we're gonna get a vase for it, right?Unless it's a special chakra flower or some shit.
>>31533347The best way to make Sakura resent Sasuke is to have it be pointed out just how little Sasuke cares about her.
>>31533530Basically...we just leave it alone.
>>31533530Sasuke later tries to out and out kill Sakurashe still loves him
>>31533512seconding the hell out of this
>>31533527Never know man.And since when did Naruto have money.Hell, we depend on the ninja rations to eat. We won't have any savings.
>>31533527It might have some significance. Let's hold on to it until after we've talked to Inoichi. Maybe he wants to illustrate a point to us with it as a metaphor or something. The yellow rose is symbolic of friendship, maybe it's something like that.
>>31533544Then we laugh at her.
>>31533353Seconded, Let's go find the wallflower and start ineptly wooing her.
>>31533572Yeah. Better to hold onto the flower for now, I think. We wouldn't want to have to explain to Mr. Yamanaka why we gave away his flower so quickly, anyway.
>>31533572Oh, really?Fair enough then, we may as well keep it.
>>31533527yellow roses are a symbol of friendship. We should keep it. we should get her a hydrangea and a white carnation.
>>31533573No, that's not a hypothetical. It happens in canon. Sakura's not very bright.
>>31533585Yeah no giving it away.
>>31533577not even wooing yet. we don't even know her damn name
>>31533594My stomach hurts now.
>>31533594Oh I know.And that's why I said we laugh at her.Or maybe twist her into trying to force Sasuke to love him. That could also be fun.
>>31533530>>31533540You underestimate the delusion levels of girls in love with a guy that gives no shits about them.Hell, you can even straight up say "I hate you" and shit talk them all the time, and they will not stop. It's bizarre.
>>31533496First step is meeting Jiraiya. I propose that we incorporate going to the public baths as part of our training routine. Soaking in a hot spring in good for our muscles after a work out, and hey, we can practice water walking.
>>31533588naruto doesn't buy his own food and depends on village rations.No way he has spending money.
>>31533614And yet...this quest isn't being written by Kishimoto, is it?
>>31533628I was talking about people I know out in the real world.
>>31533616>Mixing relaxing with Chakra trainingI like how you think, anon. That's the type of attitude that's gonna get us somewhere in this world.
>>31533613Actually, if we want to be productive, we could just point out to Sakura that the last thing Sasuke wants is a burden, so if she wants to get his attention, she had better become as powerful as possible, to convince Sasuke that she could be an asset on his QUEST FOR VENGEANCE.
>>31533628>Dran is secretly Kishimoto>Trying to make up for all his misdeeds
>>31533636Yes, and?
>>31533616That's a good plan.
>>31533594Sakura just lusts after guys with power. It's why she fell in love with Naruto a while after the timeskip-he's the strongest guy around her once he surpasses Sasuke
>>31533641>be an asset on his QUEST FOR VENGEANCE.Sasuke stabs his assets too.He ganked his own damn white mage.Nobody's supposed to touch the white mage.
>>31533641Yes, yessss. Let's precipitate Sakura going full yandere and actually becoming a valuable team-mate in the process.
>>31533662Thanks for the mental image of sasuke stabbing his balls
>>31533663it'll also be great once Sasuke leaves the village. We'll kill two shitty charactes at once
>>31533628Nah, but I like my psycho yandere bitches.Granted it's not their characters so no psycho yanderes.
>>31533662True, but she doesn't need to know that.
>>31533662To be fair, she survived it. Maybe he just knew she was tough enough to take the hit. Still pretty scummy, though.
>>31533654You implied that the kind of people I described only exist in Naruto because Kishimoto writes it. The real world isn't being written by Kishimoto, thus that point is incorrect.
>>31533662>He ganked his own white mageDid his edge mode shift into maximum overedge there?Sounds like it.>>31533663>Encourage girl who betrayed us>Encouraging obsessed girl to get strongerI'd rather not.
>>31533670You have me laughing like a retard now.
>>31533681this was his face when he did it.ch480
>>31533674>I like my psycho yandere bitches.Explains Overlimit.>Get psycho yandere summon>Kill it>Meek as fuck girl suddenly yandereI strongly suspect that when we're forced to put Helia down, someone else will yandere up. It's like Asher's the carrier for the yandere virus or something. Probably got infected by Asherah.
>>31533616Good plan. We get to enjoy oursleves while working on the less labor intensive parts of training.
>>31533674Huh. I suppose Devon in AoPH is...?>>31533680No. I questioned what your statement had to do with this quest and the characters in it. Why would Dranule write out Sakura's character like that here? Kishimoto did because he's a hack and it took him up until recently to have Sakura shake off her Sasukelust and he was playing out Sakura's infatuation with Sasuke straight the entire time.
>>31533681It did. He went super-edgy to the point where Naruto, the one person who still held out hope for him at that point, declared that the only way things could end between them was in death. Of course, the next time they meet plot contrivances have converted Sasuke into being a good guy again. I will not list the contrivances involved, because they are truly stupid. So stupid I don't even know how to incorporate them into the rest of the already-stupid story. The one good bit is that for a brief while during it he directs his brooding at the few people who actually deserve it. Hearing him bitch out Itachi for how STUPID his plan was turned out to be honestly kind of enjoyable.
By the way.tfw Neji hit a pressure point on hinata during their fight that caused explosive breast growth.
>>31533722more tsun atm imo
>>31533709Yeah...Pretty much.I swear to god he would've made a better character if he just abandoned any pretense of not being an insane fucker and just been an easy to hate enemy, instead of people trying to turn him into a sympathetic enemy.
>>31533731he was doing God's workRIP best Hyuuga. you were my main in Clash of Ninja 2
>>31533722>Why would Dranule write out Sakura's character like that here?Because he seems to be sticking to their characters. Kishi may have written her that way because hack-status, but that doesn't invalidate the existence of people actually being like that.
>>31533731D-does that mean better, or does that mean changing their later fights will mean we're getting a flat-chested Hinata?Because I will personally end you if you make that last mental image a reality.
>>31533731Hey, she was twelve and had bigger tits than half the chicks in highschool.
>>31533731Oh god that made me laugh waaaaay too hard, especially because I saw something that relates to that.God damn man.It has to do with big busty blondes, by the way.
>>31533765*my highschool
>>31533731>tfw nurutu picks a fight with him>tfw neji hits his titty point
>>31533711Helia was never yandere, you idiots are just paranoid because you're too stupid to realize where you went wrong with Fara.
>>31533772I've read it.That was great.
>>31533709>> this was my face while jerking off to my edge.
>>31533731isn't she already pushing B-cup at age 12?
>>31533778If there's a titty point there must also be a dick point
>>31533779I love you too, sperganon.
>>31533709This needs a Gif where it shakes or flashes some white with "EDGE INTENSIFIES" in the caption.
>>31533731Neji's not that bad after all!>>31533764Anon, you so gullible.>>31533772>>31533783My brothers.>>31533791Clearly we need Neji to touch our dick.
>>31533764Flat is Justice
>>31533783>>31533807Excellent tastes confirmed.
>>31533759You misunderstand me.I'm saying Kishimoto never meant for it to be taken that way. He's just bad with characters. Other people here have already numerated other flaws with his story where the characters just flop between stances, so I won't bother enumerating his fuck-ups.
>>31533772what is this? I need it. for science
>>31533823care to link a pleb?
>>31533833>>31533834The title is "Transformed into a Busty Blonde"
>>31533833>>31533834http://www.fakku.net/manga/transformed-into-a-busty-blonde-ch-1-englishHappy to enlighten.
>>31533783I have no idea what you're talking about.
So Shadow Clone + Transformation could make for lottsa selfcest.Or spreading porn of someone you hate.Or a fuck ton of things sexual.
>>31533873>having memories of being fucked in the ass by yourselftake that as you will
>>31533873Anon, I believe there are COUNTLESS pornos of Naruto using Shadow Clones for exactly that purpose.Sadly, Transformation too...uh...but it's better to not think of that too much.
>>31533885I would be totally ok with that.
>>31533873As history has shown, lots of the abilities quest protags have can be used for sex. Not all of them, but at least one of them has a use in the bedroom.
>>31533885That sounds like the best thing.
>>31533888What, you have a thing against Naruko, anon?
>>31533894>>31533885>>31533888Actually Transformation has really an unlimited amount of practical uses.
You get up, stretching your tired body out. You've caught up on most of your sleep and the break's given you an hour or two until you need to get back. Might as well go do something.First thing's first, you need to find that girl with the white eyes from yesterday. You need to apologize for knocking her down and thank her for helping you with counting. You could probably do that at the least... Then maybe go to the Yamanaka flower shop? Yeah, that sounds good.Beats sleeping the day away at least.You spend some time searching the grounds until you start to get those prickles on the back of your neck in the park. The ones that tell you that you're being watched.You slap the back of your neck to make it stop and look around the trees and swingset, ignoring the bench.“Okay, I know you're watching me, you can come out.” You say, glancing towards a tree as a twig is broken. The girl stands there, meek as ever, avoiding eye contact with her pearly white eyes. She's wearing a beige hoodie now, her forehead protector just peeking out from within the zipper.“H-hello.” She stares at the ground, fiddling with her fingers as she steps towards you, even if just a little bit. “I'm sorry about yesterday.” She apologizes first.Crossing your arms, “What are you apologizing for? I'm the one that should be saying that I'm sorry.” You close your eyes, exhaling through your nose.“I, um... I'm sorry!” She says, bowing apologetically.“Hey, what the heck. I said that -I'm- sorry. You just helped me out with counting and I went and tripped you. You don't have to say sorry for anything.” You look to the side,”Che-” How weird is this girl anyway? She's not around when you look for her- she's the one that finds YOU. What is up with her.She raises her head, pressing her lips together timidly as she fumbles about with some words,”Uh, I'm sorry...”
>>31533892Yeah I mean, it's just a more involved masturbation really.
>>31533914apologizing contest!no way she beats us!
>>31533906>NarukoNah. But it's kinda hard to...get past the 'transformation' bit.
“I just said-”“I'm sorry for watching you.” She presses her index fingers together and looks away... It looks like she's about to leave.>[] “It's fine.”>[] “Watching me? Why?”>[] “Eh, whatever.”>[] Don't say anything.>[] (other)(Read the mood)
>>31533934>[x] “It's fine.”attention is nice
>>31533885>>having memories of being fucked in the ass by yourself>Having memories of fucking yourself in the ass.Shadow clones relay experiences, remember? Have an orgy and it's like ten orgasms.
>>31533934>[] “Watching me? Why?”
>>31533934>[] “It's fine.”>[] “Watching me? Why?”>(Read the mood)D-d-damnit, Dranule. You're making me extra self-conscious now.
>>31533934>(Read the mood)what? where is that?can you link it?
>>31533934>[] “It's fine.”but,>[] “Watching me? Why?”I can't really be that interesting, can I?
>>31533934>[] “It's fine.”>[] “Watching me? Why?”We're not mad, just...why? We're not that interesting.
>>31533934>[] “It's fine.”>[] “Watching me? Why?”
>>31533934>>[] (other)Back away without taking your eyes off her while you make mysterious circular motions with your hands
>>31533934"I don't mind."
>>31533934>>[] “It's fine.”>>[] “Watching me? Why?”
>>31533948They only do that when they dispel. Still, makes for some great memories.
>>31533934"It's fine. I'm just a little surprised, is all...uh. Why do you watch me, anyway?"
>>31533934>>[] “It's fine.”>>[] “Watching me? Why?”if she turns to leave again, ask her name before she goes, and if she'd like to hang out sometime
>>31533971Smile, too.
>>31533934Smile, try to look friendly. "I don't mind being watched.You aren't going to leave without even telling me your name, right?"
>>31533948Damn, we really need to get Shadow Clones.That shit is crazy useful
>>31533971You know what' up, anon.
"I don't mind, but anytime you feel like joining me just come on over"
>>31534000Oh god, that last part.THIS A MILLION TIMES AT LEAST GET HER NAME
>>31533982this. and if she tries to leave again, >>31534000use the god damn last part here. We need to actually have her fucking name
>>31534000>>31534025Too smooth, at this point.I know a lot of us want to waifu Hinata, but at least try to play close to what the character is currently like.
>>31534000Alpha mode engaged?
>>31534043Hey man lay off on my powerwaifuing, I put some real effort in.
Combo option maybe:"Oh, it's fine, I don't mind being watched, just a little surprised...I mean, I can't be that interesting to watch, right?"Then later, before she can scamper away."Wait! At least tell me your name, huh? It's nice to know someone who's not being a jerk to me all the time."
>>31534059This one works. Let's go for it.
>>31534059this is actually really good. Gets all the options people want while keeping us with the suaveness of, well, Naruto
>>31534059Ohhh i like it
>>31534059seems legit
>>31534059I'll vote for this too, combines everything quite nicely.
>>31534059It gets my vote
>>31534059This works.
>>31534059I actually really like this
“It's fine, I'm just a little surprised...” You scratch at your hair, right around your headband. You smile just a little bit. If anything, she doesn't seem bad or malicious. “Uh... Why do you watch me anyway?”She looks to you for a moment, making eye contact. A nervous smile finds its way across her face as her pale cheeks flush a bit red. She tries to talk but the words don't seem to be coming out.A breeze sweeps by, rustling the trees and brushing across her hair. She seems to relax a bit at first, yet turns to run away again as soon as it passes.“Wait! At least tell me your name!” You call out to her and she stops cold.Without turning around, she brings her feet together into a more proper pose. She seems to say something as another breeze blows by, the rustling of the leaves obscuring what she says.Right after, she runs off and away, leaving you looking after her until she disappears.
>>31534120god dammit
>>31534120Oh man. She dropped so much spaghetti here. We should pick it up and make sure to return it to her later.
>>31534120"...Girls are weird."Check out flower shop after class.
>>31534120>the rustling of the leaves obscuring what she says.zero breaks caught
>>31534120Damn. Well, we can find out her name some other way. Like asking Iruka. He'd know her name.
>>31534120Oh Hinata.You're the wallest of wallflowers.Aw well. At least she smiled. That's some progress if I ever saw any.
>>31534155Nah, no stalking.She'll stalk us and we'll speak to her again.
>>31534120trying to get Hinata's name is going to be a difficult and adorable sidequest, isn't it?
>>31534120shrug "women!"
>>31534159No, I just want to know her name so the next time we talk to her it doesn't seem like we're some jerk who forgot about her. That would be too cruel.
>>31534178which is why we start another apology battle by apologizing for not hearing her name over the wind. She apologizes for not speaking up, and then more cute blushing
>>31534197God damn that's so fucking cute. I don't even ship them or anything, but if we could somehow make Naruto start blushing too I'd be thrilled, hell maybe even flustered handholding
With that girl gone, you figure it's alright at least. It's likely that you'll run into her again one of these days. You hope. It's nice to have someone around that looks at you like that. It's not like the condescenfing glares of adults or the derisive looks of your classmates. That- that was actually kind of nice. How come you never noticed her before?You head into town, taking the yellow flower out of your kunai holder, grimacing a little bit as the metal inside cut it up a bit. “Eh... I don't know if he's going to like this... I probably shouldn't show him...”>[] Don't go, return to school. It'd be too much to deal with anyway.>[] Go anyway, don't show the flower. Even if he asks about it.>[] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?
>>31534236Yes, well, that's something to look forward to, isn't it.For now, the flower shop!
>>31534236>spoilerTake it to the smut threads! GAWD.
That was cute.We should give her back her spaghetti, that's what a gentleman would do.
>>31534246>>[] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?We can apologise. We don't have a place to keep it.
>>31534246>[] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?Yeah, just apologize a little for it. He's a grown man; he'll understand.
>>31534246>[] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?...He'll understand we're a dumbass that stored it where we put our knives, but hey, what was he expecting? A sagely caretaker of flowers? Pfft.
>>31534246>[] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?Don't just present it to him, but if he asks about it don't try to hide that it got damaged.
>>31534246>[x] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?he asked you to didn't he?
>>31534246>[] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?own our mistake, take our beating, move on
>>31534246>3Just apologize and explain if he asks. No sense in trying to hide shit from this guy. He should understand.
>>31534246>[] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?Give up on trying to hide anything from this guy, he was our interrogator for a reason. I assume people like Inoichi appreciate honesty.
>>31534246>[] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?Honesty is important. Also trying to hide stuff from Inoichi is pretty much an exercise in futility for us, he can read minds if he's so inclined, and even without that he's an experienced interrogator and can almost certainly read our punk ass like a book.
>>31534246>show himIt's not going to surprise him that we're incompetent.
>>31534246>Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right? Make sure to apologize anyway.>>31534248>>31534250I can't help it! It makes me feel warma nd fluffy inside!
>>31534282Especially since he can read minds. I feel this is important to remember. Inoichi can READ MINDS. We need to be careful around this guy.
>>31534246>[] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?I assume he already knows. Guy's a mind reader, and also mastered techniques that let him read minds
>>31534304Let's concentrate all our thoughts on lewd images of Ino, just to see if we can get a reaction.
>>31534299>>31534300>>31534317>>31534304>Honesty Hivemind
>>31534319Bad End
>>31534334It's not that hard of a decision to make.
Huh, in Western culture yellow roses often mean Friendship, in Japanese flower language yellow roses mean Jealousy.This might end badly.
>>31534304True, but a non meta reason is just that honesty is good with people that at least don't think we're some little shit head.He's at least not been an asshole, so he deserves a shot to speak with us normally without us assuming he'll be angry.>>31534319Now THAT would be hilarious.But no.
>>31534341Lying to telepaths is never a good idea.
>>31534344Heh. Maybe we should assume this is an alternate world thing?I mean, what would be be jelly of?
>>31534350It's already non-meta. Dude read our mind last night. Naruto would be wary around him.
>>31534365Oh right, I actually forgot, ha.Nevermind me.
>>31534159Can you imagine a couple of stalkers obsessively watching each others from affar?
>>31534362What if he's commenting on our personality? He rummaged around in our brain, and his comments definitely implied he saw our desire for power. Maybe he's disturbed by what he saw, and wants to make sure we won't turn out like Orochimaru or Itachi did.
>>31534394And they're both ninjas
>>31534409>ItachiSo, uh, did you drop Naruto early on?
>[] Go on and show him the flower. He'll understand... right?Inoichi Is Friend. Inoichi Knows All
>>31534409That's actually kinda cool, if true.Like, he's seen this shit before, and wants to make sure we know what paths of power not to take.
>>31534417No. I know why Itachi killed his clan. Doesn't mean Inoichi does. That's kind of a major state secret, even if he's high ranking in the intelligence department that doesn't mean he'd be aware of it.
>>31534417To be fair, most of the characters dropped Naruto early too.
kind of want Naruto to bro it up with all the Jonin and senior ninjas, while most of the people his age and younger still hate his guts
>>31534394>>31534415That sounds fucking adorable.
>>31534409Something along those lines seems to be the most likely explanation. He probably saw some stuff in us and wants to have a chat with us, get us pointed in the right direction before we start down the really bad roads a desire for power can lead us. The alternative explanation that he's jealous of us somehow doesn't seem all that likely unless he knows something about us that we don't. Though I wouldn't really bank on that, we'd have to have something big for that, and the universe isn't that kind.
Hey guys, what about we get in the habit of carrying a backpack filed with stones around?We're too broke to buy any proper training wheight, but trust me, running around with an heavey backpack is one hell of an improvised muscle-builder. Doesn't beat proper training, but at least we could get more /fit/ while doing something else
>>31534435Fair enough, though fyi Inoichi was head of T&I before Ibiki
>>31534502no anon. Fill it with books from our local library. This Naruto's gonna study his ass off
>>31534502I wonder if the naruto of this universe has to worry about permanent spine damage...
>>31534502That was a plan I had for later, when we set up to get some real gear.I wanted to:>Get a backpack like that>Get leg and arm weights from Gai-Sensei
>>31534520Smart'n Hard.I like that.
>>31534520Pretty much.
>>31534520books about rocks?
You go on ahead to the Yamanaka flower shop. It takes you a bit to find but the signs are easy enough to read and their flower shop is in a fairly central spot for foot traffic.Stepping inside you're hit by cool damp air and the smell of freshly cut flowers.Within you see Ino bow your head behind a counter, a cheery smile upon her face that gives her an almost adorable look,”Welcome to the Yamanaka Flower Shop, how may I-” Then she sees that it's you and immediately drops the goodie act.“Oh, it's just Naruterd?”You sneer at Ino's sudden change of heart,”Hey, you told me to come here, now you're just gonna insult me?” You about face,” Screw this, I'm leaving.”“Ah, wait!” Ino reaches over the counter, to try to stop you. You pause at the door, looking back to her with a grimace. She brings her hands together apologetically,”Look, I'm sorry. That just came out. You came to see my dad right? He's in the back cutting flowers.”You cease your hasty exit and step further in, staring the girl down, the scrutiny of your glare making her sweat a bit. “Che- Whatever.” You break the gaze and walk past an assembly of Hydrangeas, roses, orchids, and some other crazy flowers. They have a real selection here.You find the door to the back, and open it up to see the same stern man with a plastic apron and teal shirt cutting and wrapping assortments of flowers.“Ah, so you've come Naruto. I had not expected you to answer my invitation so soon.” He clips through a pair of lillies, tying them together and arranging them with three daffodils and some baby's breath.
>>31534520True, books are great. Who's for going to the ninja library after we're done talking with Friend Inoichi?
>>31534581Hmm.Maybe we can ask Ino who that girl is.
>>31534585probably do it after class. We're just on lunch break, so I doubt we have a whole lot of time left
>>31534593Oh man, anon, just let it happen naturally. Yeesh.
>>31534585I support this. Physical training on even days, mental enlightenment on odd.
>>31534593sounds decentmight make a good starting point for some cordial relations with ino
>>31534597We've got an "hour or two" before we need to go back. We've got time for whatever it is Mr. Yamanaka wants.
>>31534610true, but probably not enough for going to the library after and still making it back
>>31534598I was thinking it might make a platform to start talking with Ino. Shes ok once she falls out of her routine like that. She even apologised here.A little question about others can lead to the two talking more and perhaps maybe at least be comfortable to talk normally instead of the current cold shoulder/insult nonsense.
>>31534625>>31534610Besides, we need to eat something after this.Food is important to health.
>>31534634Nah, food is for the weak. Personally I haven't eaten anything in four days and I feel stronger than ever.
>>31534634Naruto ate before he left.
>>31534628You actually do make a good point. I'll second asking Ino to identify the girl. Might as well start trying to make friends
>>31534650That's because your soul is slowly being replaced by Death's cold fingers, stronger than any steel.
>>31534670I always knew I was destined for badassery.
>>31534628Could work, though I'd prefer we get Hinata's name from her. Then again, Ino might not know her. But Ino's squad (minus choji) is pretty cool, so I can into friends with her
“This doesn't really happen and I have nothing else to do... some I'm here. Oh, and...” You show him the yellow rose, clipped and cut by the kunai in your pouch. “I didn't mean for this to happen, it just sort of ended up that way. Nowhere else to put it.”Inoichi takes it from you gracefully. He doesn't snatch, no, his grasp urges you to relieve yourself of it and he pulls off the damaged petals before clipping the stem and setting it in a glass of water, letting it float there like a lotus flower.“You're a good kid Naruto. Honest and kind despite your shortcomings.”“What's that supposed to mean?” You lean against the wall, well out of the way of his work.“I saw inside your head. You disobeyed orders to look for the power of a forbidden scroll.” He doesn't beat around the bush. You cringe at that declaration. It really sounds a lot worse when you say it aloud doesn't it?“But you chose not to retrieve the scrolls, instead saving Konohomaru. The thought of a reward hadn't even crossed your mind. And I commend you for that. That's why I say that you're kind. Though that greed of yours is a shortcoming...” He seems to want to say something else, yet continues with his work.“Well, I need power if I'm gonna become better than God.” You say almost as a joke, though you're really quite serious.“Oh?” You looks to you from the corner of his vision, “That is a goal far from your reach. "He smiles to himself,”Though it's an interesting choice of words you have there.” Yamanaka finishes his latest arrangement and lets it rest on water, throwing out the rest of the clippings for compost.“So what did you want?” You finally ask and Inoichi takes off his gloves, hanging them up on a hook before crossing his hands behind his back like a soldier at ease.
>>31534715She probably knows her name. She IS the only Hyuuga clan member in our class.
“To keep you on the right path, Naruto. Seeing what you're like, I'm convinced that you have a powerful and good spirit just waiting to come out. I'd like to see it, and help you erase your father's shadow over you.”You blanch and stare at him with burgeoning anger. “It always comes down to my old man, doesn't it?” You grit your teeth. He's only here to judge you and tell you what you should be doing. What the hell does he know?>[] Blow up. You're sick of being judged and compared for every little thing.>[] Leave. Better to say nothing and just walk out.>[] Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face.>[] (Other)
>>31534724I swear, if the surprise was that this guy was our team's leader, I'll hug you, Dranule.
>>31534742>>[] Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face.
>>31534742>Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face."I can't be the only one who is related to a fuck-up."
>>31534742>[] Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face.>[] (Other)>Erase how?
>>31534742>[] Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face.>>31534746Oh my god that would be the best surprise ever!
>>31534742Angry"I wouldn't be under his shadow if everybody in the village didn't kept his failure over my head."
>>31534742>[x] Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face."I tried that last night...didn't really work for me."
Rolled 24>>31534742>[x] Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face.Rolling to not shit jumpsuit from the sheer rage
>>31534742AWKWARD SUBJECT CHANGE"So did they catch Mizuki yet, I mean do you think he was able to beat that ninja completely dressed in black?"
>>31534742Huh...this is actually an interesting choice.I wonder if blowing up would be us letting out all those pent up emotions, and him taking it all in stride, and accepting it.I'd really like that, if that were the case...but I can't be sure...and I really don't want to piss him off...Fuck. Hard choice.
>>31534742>>[] Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face.You fucking better be going somewhere with this Inoichi.
>>31534742>[] Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face."Why is it that people always get judged on what their parents were? People look at me, they see my dad. They look at Konohamaru, they see the Hokage. They look at Sasuke and they see the Uchiha. Why can't we just get judged on who we choose to be?"
>>31534779>They look at Konohamaru, they see the Hokage. They look at Sasuke and they see the UchihaThese are, uh, really inappropriate. Considering how our character doesn't even know of their issues.
>>31534764Actually yeah we should say this.Because honestly, this is all kinds of unfair.It's not like Sasuke was treated badly for his clan plotting a rebellion and his brother being a murderous psychopath who is somehow still a good person because Kishimoto is a hack.
>>31534715Ino knowsWe really should
>>31534764this, but be calm rather than angry. After years of this shit, I think we just assume people are going to treat us like shit
>>31534742>[] Blow up. You're sick of being judged and compared for every little thing.Let's be honest. We're not calm. We're a very angry person. And this isn't helping. He doesn't want to keep us on the right path because he believes in us. He's doing it because he DOESN'T. Because to him we're just a liability, a horrible incident waiting to happen. Well fuck him, then. All he's done here is convince us that we made the wrong decision in saving Konohamaru rather than stealing the scroll.
>>31534742Try to calm downFail miserablyrant
>>31534742>Try and calm down+Blow up (here's how)"Erase? You...you really think it's that easy? That I haven't been trying to do that since that bastard keeled over? That I wish every second I had just been an orphan, instead of living in that guy's place, and have everyone look at me like I am him no matter what I accomplish or do?" Pause."Every day I work my ass off trying to be better, and people still look at me that way, you know. Even after I helped that kid, they still looked at me that way, even thought I was a traitor despite me bringing the kid back in the first place!" Pause again."I'm sorry Mr Yamanaka, but if you have someway to help that I haven't thought of, I'd sure as hell love to hear it."
>>31534817Stop being a little bitch. He's trying to give us the opportunity no one else in this village ever gave us, the chance to get away from and get over our fuck up of a father. He hasn't lied to us yet, and he stuck up for us during the interrogation. It's sad that so little means so much, but at this point he's the only thing we've got besides Gai.
>>31534830this sounds pretty good
>>31534817but he's honest about it, which puts him above everyone who isn't Lee, Gai, and Hinata
>>31534850Just...just ignore him.
>[X] Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face.We're a greedy little bugger, eh?I can live with that. That, and a big load of money.
>>31534742"For a mind reader, you have really shitty people skills"`
>>31534876I like that one. Because seriously, Inoichi. This is a terrible way to convince a boy that you're on his side.
>>31534876This does need to be said.
>>31534830Changing my vote to this.
>>31534742>[x] Try to calm down... But you'd really like to punch him in the face.Self control is like a muscle. Work it
>>31534830This, more honesty, plus it clarifies that we have no intention of being like the old man.
>>31534830I like this. better than a compromise option
>>31534987which old man? Our father? the Third Hokage?
>>31534830this looks good>>31534876but this also looks good
>>31534830this sums up what we want pretty well, I think
You clench your fist and hold back your anger, positively fuming at even the mere mention if your old man and the shame he's attached to you. “What the heck? Why is it always coming down to him when people see me? It's like I don't even exist and they just see that old bastard.” You kick out at nothing to let some of your anger out, it doesn't help.“And what do you mean by erase? You really think it's that easy? I've been keeping my head down and trying to just get by all this time without people at school throwing things at me. And then, as hard as I train myself I haven't gotten good enough for anyone to notice my effort...” You feel wetness running down your cheek and you brush it away with the sleeve of your orange jacket.“People still look at me that way, you know.” You go to a darker place as you remember the dirty looks you were given last night as you were take to that cell. “Even after I helped that kid, they still thought I was trying to trick them or something. Like I was the traitor.” You sigh, your rage now replaced by depression.You turn to leave as the man studies your face,” I'm sorry Mr Yamanaka, but I don't know if I want your help.”“Wait-” You pause at his word, giving him one last chance. At least you'll feel in control like this.“I understand your cause for concern, yet you should also understand mine.” He closes his eyes for a moment,” Many children grow up in the shadow of their parents, even my own Ino is expected to live up to my skill and reputation. One is fame, the other is infamy. Both obscure who you really are and keep others from seeing that.”You calm down a bit, halting at the door, listening to him.
>>31535008In this our father was never Hokage. Just some drunk who got his squadmates killed
“You could have made a poor choice, one that would have you cast in the same shade, yet you've proved to me that you are better than that, and I have asked you here to further understand who Naruto is and where he's going.”“Yeah? And what do you want me to do? What'd you mean by erasing that shadow?” You look back at him, residual scorn in your eyes.“I'd like you to work here now and then. You'd be paid for your time.” The man produces a rather gentle smile that reaches all the way up to his eyes.“And what's that supposed to do?” You ask with obvious skepticismInoichi hands you the little dish holding the floating yellow rose,“You build trust somewhere Naruto. You can start small.”>End Thread... For real.
>Comments, questions, concerns.>The good, the bad, the weird.
>>31535026Damn, Inoichi and Gai are great father-figures
>>31535026Huh, that's nice of him.
>>31535026an job offer!supplemental income!
>We work in a flower shop nowWell alright then.
>>31535019>>31535026Mm. That went a little differently then I expected. But I like it.>Offered a jobWell, we can use the cash. We'll work here, I suppose on days off when our body and mind are resting.I am cool with this.
>>31535026>>31535032Oh god, right in those insecure childhood feelings.
>>31535026that's some healing there.
>>31535026Oh, that's pretty nice. Not what I expected, but still. It's nice.
>>31535039Can he pay us in ninjitsu?
>>31535053The mind controlling thing is a technique kept within the clan, but hey, he might become another source for knowledge for other techniques.
>>31535032what are Naruto's personal memories of DLNQ dad?
>>31534724 dayum Ino your dad is hot
>>31535032really good thread Dran, glad that there wasn't a whole lot of shitposting in this one.Really liked the scenes with Hinata and Inoichi, sad that we're stuck with canon team 7 but there was really no avoiding it. Was worried when you mentioned being rewarded for saving the kid in qtg, thought it was going to be some wonky power offer, but this was so much betterAre you running this tomorrow, or taking the day off?
>>31535032This was nice. I really like what you're doing here, Dranule. I wish it happened at a time that didn't require me to miss a lot of sleep for, but I can hardly blame that on you. Still, it's quite entertaining. I look forward to what you do with it next.
>>31535053how much is it worth in old money?
>>31535032>CommentsI like how you spun our conversation with him. Naruto's treading a line these days, and needs good people like him to speak to.The job is gonna be a good chance to get to know him (and hell, maybe make a friend out of Ino too? She isn't as bad as Sakura).Also I enjoyed the Hinata moment. I swear we'll get her name one of these days.>QuestionsWas the job offer the surprise? If so I like it.I take it Kakashi training comes next thread?Otherwise, I think I'm good.>ConcernsUh...well, not really concerns, but a thought: Hoping we'll have a designated time for jutsu, chakra, and body training. Because like you said, we need to actually work hard, don't want to forget to practice stuff and all.>GoodLike I said, really liked Hinata moment. And I think Ino is interesting-like, she doesn't mean to be mean. Wanna know if maybe we can be friends with her if we start working here.>BadEh, not really bad, but I wanted to say: are Sasuke and Sakura gonna be exactly like canon self? Or will our influence change them any?Curious.
>>31535026I can't see how we can say no now. This is exactly the kind of thing the kid needs emotionally and the financial bonus can't be ignored. The option to build social links is pretty solid too.At some point we'll be able to shower best girl with flowers as well
>>31535099It's also pretty good since Ino seems to be sort of okay with us, and is mainly just going along with the teasing because she goes with the flow.
>>31535053You build trust somewhere.You can start small.Maybe.By the by- that was the surprise.Yamanaka clan sub-plot.>>31535063Drunk that either sat around the house, beat him, or away on mission to make that cash. Not much, not good. He's almost glad that he's gone, but then the shame and shadow fell over him.>>31535068Thank you. There will be far less wonky power offers, though none that quite compare to shirking morality to acquire supreme power.That said, morality also gets rid of dat shafow and earns respect.Should be running again tomorrow.>>31535093>Or will our influence change them any?>Curious.I don't really plan for the characters to be as static and unyielding as canon. Interactions will have an effect on them and show up down the line.There's a chance hat Sasuke won't leave the village depending on your interactions. Just the same, your interactions may CAUSE him to leave the village.
>>31535111And as we work with her she'll eventually see past that and we'll have a friend. That is nice. Maybe eventually we'll be able to get the whole Konoha 12.
>>31535099why would we want to say no though? this beats the shit out of anything we could have gotten from the scrollwaiting for, 50 threads from now, us asking Inoichi if we can call him dad
>>31535068This entire quest is shitposting of the highest order. Everyone in here is a goddamned shitposter.
>>31535099But anon. Best girl ALREADY has the flowers.
>>31535139Waifu Ino?
>>31535128was dear old papa a chunin, jounin, or 30+ year old genin
>>31535139>this beats the shit out of anything we could have gotten from the scrollIt does, doesn't it?
>>31535157nah. Ino sisteru
>>31535153ur mom is a shitposter#rekt
>>31535128>Characters won't be as staticAh. Well good then. Maybe we can actually have a POSITIVE influence on our teammates then.I doubt many people here really want to talk to either of those two, but I wouldn't mind it, if just so we can have a real reaction to some of the bullshit they say.Anyway, yeah I agree with >>31545068 I really like how things were handled. I still want more jutsu, of course, and more training, but I'd like to earn most of it.I still really want Shadow Clones.Being a bit more respected is nice too.Still really interested in making a friend out of Ino too. She's pretty cool, once she gets over that 'lol Narutard' and 'omg Sasuke' thing.
>>31535158I don't see the need for Minato to be a terrible ninja, when being a terrible person should more than suffice.
>>31535128Regarding our Father, do we happen to have any sort of clan jutsu? That perhaps we could find written down somewehre?
>>31535158He was a jonin. Skilled. But shit at cooperation and not drinking since your mom died.>>31535184None that anyone's ever told you about.
>>31535164Were she in this thread, yes she would be a shitposter too. This is an eyesore on the board. You should all be fucking ashamed.
Good night guys, see you next time!
>>31535210Yep. See ya around.
>>31535161But Ino would be a great sister-waif.
>>31535210Goodnight man.
>>31535200too busy masturbating to your tears to feel shame
>>31535220>marrying your not-sisterEwwwwww.
>>31535230Why are you biting on to his bait?
>>31535161I'm ok with this
>>31535232>>31535161We gonna miss out on this. We need to waif Ino.
>>31535233because it's delicious and I'm bored
>>31535230Good for you buddy.>>31535233This is not bait. Or at least I am not trolling. I am genuinely appalled by this entire thread. I am appalled at myself for doing something as base as posting in here voluntarily. This is quite literally the lowest I have seen the questing community and /tg/ as a whole
>>31535257Get rekt. We having a coming of age quest. And we're gonna get best waifu in dooing it.
>>31535249Gotta say, I would totally be okay with Ino. Too bad she kinda dislikes us a lot & is obsessed with another boy right now.Eh, but who knows what the future holds. Would be pretty funny if she actually ended up liking us.
>>31535257lol y u so mad bro
>>31535265>>31535269Mm. Just ignore him, you two. He's here to get reactions.
>>31535275I have reactions to give.
Okay, here's a cute one.
>>31535265>>31535269Alright then.>>31535275No. No I am not. I am here to voice my utter disgust with all of you for participating in this abomination.
>>31535190Well we may want to research that when we go to the library. I don't expect much but we should have something at least. All of our ancestors can't have been that terrible.
>>31535285once againlol y u so mad bro?I can't help you settle your rump ravaging if you don't tell me.
>>31535285thank you! come again!
>>31535284Adorable. I like you, picanon.
>>31535285Why is it an abomination exactly? The entire point is to do Naruto in a way that doesn't leave the taste of shit in our collective mouths. And so far I really am enjoying how things are going
>>31535287>ancestorsMan, they make it sound like all this ninja shit's taken place in like five generations or so.>>31535285>participating in this abomination.Aright. I'll bite. Why is it an abomination?Everyone likes what they like and we're here for healing from the series.>>31535306My anon.
>>31535306Let people like>>31535294Nag and prod at him, but you shouldn't bother dignifying his posts with a proper response. He's just here for reactions.
>>31535306You know, it was a real problem that the whole alienation due to the kyuubi was only really a thing for like episode/chapter one.It was like his ENTIRE motivation and then was never relevant besides how he's gone beyond it and never gets a dirty look again... After Ebisu.
I'm surprised we didn't go the canon route and tie up/transform into Sasuke and mess with Sakura's feeble emotions.Could've been fun. Though it was nice to answer Yamanaka's invite so early.
>>31535294>>31535299Cool beans.>>31535306>>31535312This is an appalling Naruto fanfic quest. You have taken what is arguably one of the most sub-par to mediocre manga in existence and decided to turn it into a quest. All of this thread is just assorted spergery. I am being entirely serious when I say that about three quarters of the player posts in here would be considered shit posts in any other quest.>>31535315Again, I am not here for reactions. I have never come into another quest to shit on people for having their own damn fun until now. This is the fucking bale of hay that crushed the camel into a red stain on the desert.
>>31535324I've noticed that too. After the beginning you almost never see anyone react badly to him because of the Kyuubi, certainly not any of his fellow ninjas anyway. Which made no damn sense. People don't just instantly stop thinking you're scum/dangerous like that.
>>31535342Ok, now I can see the source of your anal agitation. The butt doctor prescribes:Actually reading the questActually reading the OPActually reading other questsYou're welcome
>>31535342>arguably one of the most sub-par to mediocre manga in existence and decided to turn it into a quest...How long have you been here anon?First off, if you really think this is one of the worst quests to grace this hallowed board then you are fucking blind. Second, since when is source material relevant to the quality of a quest?
So is it even possible for a ninja to defect to another village?Like considering everyone is in a state of uneasy peace right now, would it be considered appropriate to just kill or capture any traitors they can find, as otherwise they might jeopardize international relations?Or can you just declare 'base' and get away with it?
>>31535342>Sees Naruto>Automatically assume it's exactly like the animeCheck out this dipshit who doesn't bother reading what he goes around insulting. Big surprise.
>>31535364No, not without declaring war or keeping the defection secret, I believe.
>>31535373>>31535361Obviously this is /tg/'s sorry attempt to "do Naruto right". Here's a little spoiler for you: You won't. You will all tear each other to shit over which way you want your alt universe fanfic quest to go and that'll be that. This might be one of the best set ups for a shitstorm I have ever seen. Fuck, this may very well be el Nino of quests.>>31535356Neato.
>>31535376Figured as much.Well, sucks to be Zabuza and Haku because they gonna die....Somehow.
>>31535392Man, Dran's weathered worse shitstorms. You seen the type wars in AoPH? A whole separate thread over one vote.
>>31535411I'm sure Danzo would keep them safe. As safe as being with Danzo is.
>>31535392And jere you are, masterbaiting with us.>> inb4 you say something like: but I'm an autist, how else can I get some?
>>31535412I wish I played Monster Hunter, so I could point out that there's an actual specific Dragon element in the game, and that it doesn't make sense to have every wyvern based monster be Dragon type seeing as that floods the market pretty much....I also with I had Monster Hunter because it seems like a fun series.
>>31535412So he's decided to be the QM for the autastic audience, is that it? Hardly something worth being proud of. At least AOPH had some modicum of originality in how he mixed the premises and settings together.>>31535428Alright then.
>>31535447The deadpan is strong in this one.
>>31535423The opposite of safe you mean?Even though Haku is pretty much the ideal Root candidate, I wouldn't wish him such a fate.Dying isn't that bad.
>>31535458Believe it.
>>31535464Sooo... We just need to find out early IC and try to find a way to safe our possible allies.Fuck....
>>31535507This'll be hard as shit, since first we have to survive.