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You are Jareth, Disciple of Elshhu, and adventurer with a 100% success rate. Sure, you've only actually had two adventures to date, but it's good to look at things positively. Leaving your sister to go do whatever mysterious thing it is she's doing today, you gulp down a quick breakfast in Gurby's Inn and start the familiar walk back to Glimmer Street to meet your party. It's hot today, really damn hot, which makes the bridgeways a living, heaving nightmare of body odor and irritation as the Great City's countless millions of guildsmen shamble shoulder to shoulder to their jobs. The guild guards are out in force today, looking even more miserable than the guildsmen in their fancy tabards and stifling leathers, and aren't wasting an opportunity to take it out on the civilians when a fight breaks out, which it does regularly.

Fortunately, no guildsmen seem eager to start a scrap with you at least, you suppose cobblers and clerks make a more tempting target for a brawl than warrior-priests. Stepping off the bridgeway, you pass through the side streets, which are less packed with people, but more packed with hawkers, news sheet vendors and creepy cultists who've been driven off the bridgeway. The Unity Guild seems to be going all out today to convince passers-by of the wonders of a unified Great City, with mixed results. Even in this heat they're maintaining their obnoxiously self-satisfied smiles, but you manage to dodge getting involved in any lengthy discussions, hopefully their leader, whoever he is, will go the way of the last joker to try and unify the Great City soon, and you can get some time off from that before the next one appears.

Stepping inside the Bellicose Swan, you find it doing a roaring trade, which you suspect is to do with the number of adventurers who've had second thoughts about actually going adventuring today, rather than sitting in a shaded tavern and relaxing. You spot your party sat near the far wall in awkward silence, Valia and Iden making clumsy attempts at conversation while Razi glares at nothing in particular. Valia is the first to spot you, giving an enthusiastic wave as you walk over. Poor girl's still dressed up in her usual robes, and looking rather uncomfortable for it, you really ought to suggest a summer alternative.

“Good morning Jareth, h-how are you?” she beams as you sit down at the empty seat.

“Never better, looks like you're all ready for some adventure,” you grin, earning an eyeroll from Razi.

“Ah, I actually, um, I actually found us something in advance this time, um, if you're interested?” Valia mumbles, rummaging around in a few pockets before extracting a crumpled sheet of paper.

She places the sheet carefully down on the table, smoothing it out as best she can.

“It's a treasure map,” the sorceress beams, looking around the table at you.

“A treasure map? Valia, where did you get this?” Iden groans.

“I, um, there was a man selling them at the end of the street.”

Iden sighs, dropping his face into his palm as Razi suppresses a smirk.

“Valia, map vendors just sell those to everyone. If the place it's pointing to is even real, how much treasure do you think'll be left after he's hawked them to two-hundred other adventurers today?” Iden frowns.

“I- but he said no-one else had bought this map yet. D-don't you think it's at least worth checking out?”

Iden shakes his head, as you put a comforting hand on Valia's shoulder, the sorceress slumping a little in her chair.

“I on the other hand found something legitimate, uh... I mean, it's not great, but it's solid work, plus the guy who was offering it to me said it's practically a right of passage.”

“Oh?” you ask, Iden's pale features flushing a little under your gaze.

“There's a guy over on Vanerr Street whose got a rat problem.”

“Suddenly the treasure map is sounding more tempting,” Razi sniffs, eyes fixed on her nails.

“Well at least I made the effort, what did you do all day? Stunk up our house with zombies again. The landlord pitched a fit,” Iden snaps, glaring at his sister.

“Quit showing off in front of your boyfriend, Iden.”

“I- I'm not showing off, anyway, these aren't regular rats apparently, they're... magic or something. I don't know, the employer was kind of vague.”

“So we've got a treasure map or fighting rats which are magical or something?” you chuckle, leaning back in your chair. Honestly you did well enough at the arena yesterday that you're not all that bothered about gold right now, which is good since on the surface neither of those two options sound all that profitable.

“Alternatively, we could go find something that isn't stupid and do that,” Razi sighs.

>Treasure map
>Rat hunting
>Something that isn't stupid
>Tell you what, we'll check out the rats, if they're mundane we'll check out the treasure map, if it's worthless then we'll find something that isn't stupid.
Sup Lordy, sadly I'll have to leave in a bit but I'll be back before the halfway point of this thread I believe.
Remember to focus on Valia or Razi, lads. One of them's the hardest nut to crack, the other should be seduces slowly and gradually.
>Rat hunting

Also it's rite of passage.
>>Rat hunting
Iden's right, it is a rite of passage.

And damn you for making this just before I have a lecture.
Oh dear, looks like I timed it badly for both of you. Well, should be running for a fair few hours to come, so hopefully you'll be back for the latter part.
“How about this. We'll go check out the rats, if they really are just regular rats, we'll go take a look at the treasure map, if that doesn't work out either, we'll look for something else?”

“Really, we're doing the rat thing?” Razi frowns.

“Iden's not wrong, it IS a rite of passage,” you smirk, shrugging.

“S-sorry,” Valia mumbles, putting the map away.

Grinning, you wrap an arm around the sorceress's shoulders, giving her an affectionate squeeze, which somehow manages to heats her cheeks up even more than the sweltering heat.

“Don't be down, Valia, I appreciate you putting the effort in.”

“T-thanks Jareth, I'll, um, I'll try to find something better next time,” the sorceress mumbles.

Razi pushes herself up from the table first, and the rest of you follow suit, heading out.

“It's so damned hot today,” Iden groans, shielding his eyes as you step outside. Despite the sun, the siblings remain as ghostly pale as ever, they must definitely be indoor people for the most part.

“Agreed, let's hurry this up,” Razi frowns.

Iden's directions quickly bring you to a side alley off of Vanerr Street, to what looks to be a large block of shoddily built apartments, shaded by another street further up which has apparently been built right on top of them. The upside is that it shields the area well from the sun, the downside is that instead the whole place stinks of damp and some indistinct briny smell you can't quite place.

“Um, is- is this really it?” Valia asks, holding onto her robes in an attempt to keep them above the level of the dingy puddles and slow-moving gutter runoff.

“Yeah, should be it. The employer is the owner of the apartments.”

Which, you suspect, means you're dealing with the local slum lord. Should mean he's got money, but it also means he probably won't be very generous with it. Stepping inside the apartment block's foyer, you collide with an eye-watering wall of stench, the damp smell has only gotten worse inside, combined with that most charming aroma of garbage.

“This place looks like it's had rats for longer than I've been alive,” you comment, glancing around as you step over the creaking floorboards, watching a few vermin scatter for cover as you pass by.

“M-maybe there really are magic rats,” Valia stammers, her voice muffled by the hand she's holding over it, poor girl looks a bit overwhelmed by the distinct aroma of the place.

“See, told you,” Iden grins, leading you up several flights of stairs to the top of the dingy building.

“This proves nothing, Iden,” Razi frowns, as you arrive in front of a wooden door complete with a tacky false-gold nameplate proclaiming this to be the home and office of Erasmur Glursey.

You knock on the door, which swings open a split second later, leaving you staring at absolutely nothing, at least until you glance down and see the bug-eyed halfling staring up at you.

“Whadya want?”

“We're here to see Erasmur, I'm Iden, we spoke earlier about the job,” Iden chimes in from behind you, the hobbit responding with a grunt as he lets the door swing open.

The inside is like a museum of bad taste, and you can't help but wince as you spot some poorly made pewter statuette of Elshhu. You like big asses and full breasts as much as the next guy, but you have the distinct impression that the creator of that statuette had never even seen a real woman before.

“Through here, don't touch nothin',” the hobbit grunts, pausing as he puts his hand on the door.

“-and don't be oglin' Erasmur's daughter,” he hisses, turning to jab you in the shin.

With that he pushes the door open, and you have to squint as the glare of a thousand gaudy bits of furniture burn your retina. Erasmur, another hobbit, or at least a great pile of puffy sleeves, frills and chunky 'gold' jewelry which may have a hobbit somewhere inside of it, sits sprawled on a seat behind his desk, gasping for breath. You suspect he may have changed very quickly to meet you in his full splendor.

“Ah, Iden and party, is it, welcome to my humble home. I hope you won't mind if I get right to business. I want you to go an exterminate a particularly troublesome rodent in the tunnels under this structure. Forty gold each should suffice for an hours work, I would hope.”

Goddess, that's barely worth getting out of bed for.

>Forget it
>(write-in questions)
"Make it 45 each with penalty rates for unforseen complications and you've got a deal"
Easy job, easy pay.
Sounds pretty good to me, we spent like 5 hours in that one dungeon and got like 300 gold total. That's 12 each per hour.
>for an hours work
if it takes longer than an hour we should come back and say "wheres our next hours payment?"
>Sir you have rodents of a magical nature, most likely making more rodents of a magical nature. 60 gold each, because this isn't going to take an hour.
Sup War
Ask for the daughter to show us.
Guess we'll put this up to a vote then.

>negotiate up to 45 + penalty rates
>negotiate up to 60

Ask for the daughter to show you?

Mana spent on price/daughter negotiation
>none, high DC
>4, medium DC
>8, low DC

Sup anon.
Oh yeah, and you're currently on full mana, 52/52.
>>negotiate up to 45 + penalty rates
>4, medium DC
Negotiating price to 45 and asking for the daughter to show you wins... since it's the only vote.

4 mana spent.

DC 14.

>Roll 1d20
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Hoboy, this isn't so great, even for me starting this early.

Guess I'll wait a half hour or so and see if things pick up.
where the fuck did the other players go?
Rolled 4 (1d20)

Sorry was working
Rolled 10 (1d20)

+3 Success.

Class and work, trying to participate when I can.
I just got back after my last lecture, so we got at least one more player now.
Whew, back before things really got started, cool.
Same here except I had no lecture.
You smile, letting the mana crackle up your throat, sinking into your skin.

“I think, considering the particularly troublesome nature of this rodent, that 45 would be fair. With the option to negotiate additional penalty rates should this job prove to be far more challenging than anticipated.”

Erasmur strokes his chin thoughtfully, setting the tacky jewelry the hobbit is bedecked in jingling, the reflections of the shiny metal dancing off the walls.

“I suppose that's fair, though I'll expect proper proof to back up any penalty rates you wish to discuss,” he frowns, nodding.

You hear the door open again behind you, glancing around to catch sight of a young hobbit woman, hair done up in blonde curls, most likely the daughter mentioned. While she seems to have no more concept of good taste than her father, all decked out in frills and fake gold, she carries it off a little better than he does. You suspect this may have something to do with the tiny woman's impressive figure, her bust pushed up for maximum cleavage by the tight dress she wears.

“Oh hello, I didn't know you had guests, father,” she grins, looking over the four of you with a curious eye.

You can feel Erasmur's assistant seething at you for having the audacity to speak to his employer's daughter, but when have you ever let something like that stop you. You turn back to Erasmur, putting on your best smile.

“Perhaps your charming daughter could show us the way to this tunnel?”

Erasmur's assistant makes a sound which reminds you somewhat of a stray cat choking on a panicked frog. Erasmur himself doesn't look all that happy either, his rounded face sinking into a jowly glower.

“Oh? Honestly father, did you hire adventurers just to deal with our rat problem. What a waste of these good peoples' time,” she giggles.

“I don't have a choice, the rat catcher already ran away,” Erasmur grumbles.

“Well I don't mind showing you, I'm sure you'll want to get in and out quickly,” his daughter giggles, turning to look at you.

“I'm not opposed to taking my time to do the job properly,” you smirk, hearing the pitch of Erasmur's assistant's strangled croak hitching up a note.

“Me either,” she purrs, stepping back through the door.

“Oh yes, Licie's the name, pleased to meet you...”

“Jareth,” you grin, giving Erasmur a nod, the hobbit slum lord's frown giving way to a look of resignation, you suppose he's used to his daughter's behavior, unlike his assistant.

“How much did he offer you?” Licie asks, as the group of you head down the stairs.

“F-fourty-five gold each,” Valia chimes in, as you start down the first flight of stairs.

“Honestly, for a little rat. How silly.”

“He seems to think it's a big rat,” you shrug.

“Only because the tenants are exaggerating, some men don't know the difference between big and small, I'm afraid,” Licie giggles.

>Ask about what's been going on
>Just make small talk
>Flirt, because why not
>>Flirt, because why not
If what we were doing wasn't flirting then I dread to think what this option will do...
>>Ask about what's been going on
>Ask about what's been going on
>>>Ask about what's been going on
Let's not outright flirt with our party right here, I'd rather concentrate on the job for now at least.
Maybe just a little jab, I don't know,
>And I suppose you're more familiar with distinguishing sizes, then? I sure hope what I'll show up with won't be too small for you.
But, you know, maybe smarter and less obvious so that Razi doesn't tear off her whole face with a facepalm.
>>>Ask about what's been going on
that is terrible and you should feel terrible.
I know, it's why I'm not the one running quests.
>Ask about what's been going on
Throw in a little flirting, the Jareth way.
“So what has this rat actually done?”

“Oh, you know, rat things. The tenants have been moaning because a rat's been at their food, as if this was some shocking new development,” Licie smiles, shaking her head.

“Surely there's more to it than that if the rat catcher ran off,” Iden frowns.

“The rat catcher's just lazy, I'm afraid. Honestly, a few people get their cheese stolen, and one drunkard tells a few tall tales about the rat talking to him 'all fancy like', and suddenly my father's panicking,” Licie giggles as you reach the bottom floor.

“Well let's see, I know the trapdoor is around here somewhere. Hmmm, how about, you three go check in that room, while Jareth and I go look in this one,” Licie suggests, gesturing to two rooms on opposite ends of the ground floor hallway.

“Really?” Razi frowns, arching an eyebrow at the halfling.

She's not the most subtle woman you've ever met, that's for sure. Not that you're really in a position to comment on that.

>Sounds like a plan
>Let's just stick together
>(Alternate suggestion for how to divide the search)
>>Sounds like a plan

Shit needs to go wrong before we can solve it and things will probably go very wrong with this option.
>Sounds like a plan
>I think we should stick together while the rat's on the loose.
This is obvious meant to say to save it for after the job's done.
>Sounds like a plan
Tell Iden to send a ghost if they run into something
>Let's just stick together for now. Work first, after all.
Anon, wtf?
>Sounds like a plan
>Let's just stick together
I hadn't refreshed, whoops
>>Sounds like a plan
>Hmmm, how about, you three go check in that room, while Jareth and I go look in this one

I like this hobbit.
The lure of shortstack is strong I see.

Eh, a little more subtlety would be nice.
Subtlety is overrated.
when a Jareth comes around, you pounce quickly
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>not being into blatantly flirtatious shortstacks
>in the year of our lord 2015
>on /tg/ of all places
>not saving the shortstack for after the battle so she can "nruse us back to health" and "be oh so gratious for our help"
Not to tempt fate too much but it is only a rat.

How much nursing could we possibly need?
well... the hobo did say it talked to him..
so maybe it's a mage-rat?
>implying it's only a rat

She's a slut, not a nurse. She doesn't need to be 'oh so gracious for our help' (wow what a horrible fucking porn stereotype, you should feel bad) when she already wants the D.
If it is I hope we take it drinking like we did the batman.
I see you're not into roleplaying at all.
Even sluts can have fun every once in a while by playing to a situation
I'm expecting it to ask us to join its covenant.

This is a better alternative to ass-kicking every time. We should have split a hooker with the stone-swimmer.
“Sounds like a plan,” you nod, followed shortly by the sound of Razi's palm and face colliding.

“Um, well, c-call if you find something. B-be careful,” Valia stammers.

“Will do. Good luck,” you grin, as the rest of the party head off down the hallway, leaving you and Licie alone to step into the room to your left, which looks to be a rather large store room.

“Goodness, this place is cluttered. I do hope we'll be able to find the trapdoor,” Licie giggles, her fingers brushing against your left as she passes.

A quick glance around the room confirms that there is no trapdoor in here, not that that's a big surprise, though Licie seems determined to keep up the charade for the moment, leaning forward to peer down behind some shelves in such a way as to give you a very clear view down the hobbit girl's cleavage.

“Darn, I just cannot find it at all, any luck, Jareth?”

“Nothing yet,” you reply, giving Licie a bemused smile as she puts a finger to her lip thoughtfully.

“Oh, I think I might know where it is. Could you help me up there?” Licie smiles, pointing to an old crate resting near the side of the room.

You offer a hand, helping the halfling girl up onto the crate, wobbling precariously on the edge for a moment before you catch her and help her up onto it properly, enjoying the sensation of her soft backside through the thin fabric of her dress as you do.

“Thank you Jareth, now let's see, I think it was down behind here...” she muses, dropping down to hands and knees to peer over the far side of the crate, leaving her hips, you can't help but notice, exactly at groin level, Licie wiggling them slightly as she pretends to look for the elusive trap door.

>Can't turn down an invitation like that
>Do it, but mess with her a bit first by pretending not to get it
>Eh, she's just trying too hard, not interested
Right, stepping out for a bit, voting closes in ten minutes from >>43087220

Should be back within the hour.
>Do it, but mess with her a bit first by pretending not to get it
Do it, but mess with her a bit first by pretending not to get it

Can't let her have all the fun.
>Do it, but mess with her a bit first by pretending not to get it

then when she turns around all frustrated she slaps herself with our cock
>>Do it, but mess with her a bit first by pretending not to get it
Act oblivious, and tease her thoroughly, but don't let her cum.
Fire her up now, we'll take care of her afterwards.
>Do it, but mess with her a bit first by pretending not to get it

Best option.
Why do I feel that something's wrong here? Is Licie a wererat?

If she is then we absolutely need to fuck her.
Also, what was the deal with the rat catcher, those people don't just run away, its a shit job but they do it to put food on the table for there families, if you run away you are starving your family in the process, meaning he either ran into some serious shit, or didn't run away and just vanished. Both of which are very bad signs.
Back and writing.
Despite the perky halfling ass being waggled in front of you, you maintain your composure. It wouldn't do to let the lascivious little woman dictate the pace here, not before you've had a chance to mess with her a little. After a few moments of Licie waggling, the blonde hobbit peers back over her shoulder through her curtain of curly hair, looking a little frustrated.

“Jareth, what is the hold up?”

“Hold up? I can't see the trapdoor over here, you want me to go look on the other side of the room?” you smirk.

“What? No! are you serious?”

Wow, she got a little bit annoyed there, guess she's not as good at taking teasing as she is at dishing it out.

“Temper temper, Licie, if you're going to getting all worked up, I'm going to have to punish you,” you smirk, bringing a palm down on the halfling's raised buttock, not too hard, she's only small after all, but hard enough for her to feel it.

By the sound of the throaty moan that comes out of her mouth as you do, she not only felt it, but enjoyed it.

“I am a bad girl, a big girl who needs to be punished by a big human with a big human cock,” she purrs. Yeah, you're pretty sure this halfling has never heard of subtlety, which you suppose makes sense considering her gaudy outfit.

Letting your hands slip down the side of the dress, you take hold of the hem, sliding it up her legs until the voluminous fabric comes to rest bunched up at the base of her back. Her legs are long and slender, by halfling standards at least, her perky backside and slit barely hidden behind a very narrow set of lacy, black underwear.

Licie lets out a giggle, biting her finger to stifle another moan as you let one hand roam across her rump, practically covering the whole thing as you squeeze the cheeks together.

“Now what sort of respectable young lady would be wearing underwear like this?” you smirk, slipping a finger under the thin fabric, dragging it down along the crack of her ass and over her lips.

“One who's, mmh, one who's looking for a fuck,” Licie purrs, trying to grind herself against your finger as you pull it away, the digit already damp with the little halfling's juices.

“Well, far be it from me to disappoint a respectable young lady,” you grin, tugging down the thin fabric covering her crotch. Despite her small size, she looks turned on enough that you could probably just fuck her hard right now without any danger of harm, but you'd like to have a little more fun before that.

You tug down the hem of your pants, letting your cock spring free, already standing ready for action. Licie, still looking over her shoulder, gives a happy gasp.

“I had a good feeling about you, Jareth, and you did not disappoint,” she moans, raising her hips a fraction more.

You line up with her slit, the head of your cock just brushing against her lips, and Licie wastes no time in trying to push back onto you. When she does though, you stop her with a hand on her hips, the halfling girl giving a frustrated moan as you halt her progress with your tip just barely spreading her folds.

“Patience, Licie, good things come to those who wait.”

“I don't want to wait, I want it now,” Licie whines, and you smirk, pulling your cock back and bringing it to rest on top of the hobbit's plump rear.

“Come on Jareth, I need it,” she moans, trying to shift her hips to your shaft back down towards her slit, though with her small size and your position, it's easy enough to keep it where it is.

Instead, you bring a hand down underneath the halfling, taking hold of one of her impressively large little breasts, which her low-cut top completely failed to keep in place once she bent down. Her gaudy necklace rattles as you squeeze at the soft flesh, rubbing a thumb across the tiny nipple. The other hand you slip down between Licie's legs, seeking out the halfling's tiny button. Despite her small size, it doesn't prove a hard challenge, the nub already swollen with lust.

Licie starts to moan wantonly as you toy with her body, all thoughts of subtly long gone. Despite the fact that many of the people in the apartments must be able to hear her, you hear no sounds of anyone coming to investigate. You suppose this must be a regular occurrence where the insatiable little halfling is concerned.

“Please Jareth, I need it now,” she moans, as you rub a finger against her tiny clit, her body shivering from the sensation.

“Oh, not enjoying this?”

“I am, but I need more, fuck me, come on,” she gasps, hips rocking.

“Well, I suppose you've been patient enough,” you smirk, bringing your hands back to her hips. She bites her lip in anticipation as you move back, letting your shaft slip off of her rump. You hold just for a split second to see the look of frustration once again coming over the halfling's features before you drive forward, your shaft driving into Licie's depths.

Her moan echoes through the storeroom and beyond as you push yourself inside of her, feeling her walls squeezing you, the pressure just barely short of painful.

“Fuuuck me,” Licie moans, and you oblige, slamming your hips into the horny halfling, her perky little ass slapping against your hips with every stroke.

As you start to pick up a rhythm, you bring a hand forward, winding it through Licie's golden curls, the halfling girl's moans becoming all the more heavy as you pull back, controlling her whole body as you hammer into her depths over and over again.

Despite her obvious arousal, the little halfling doesn't cum quickly, and you spend several minutes driving into her, her small body swallowing your whole shaft as she moans and gasps, one hand working feverishly between her legs. Eventually though, you hear a throaty groan escape Licie's mouth, her body shuddering as her walls squeeze your cock tight, trying desperately to milk out your seed. With a grin, you pick up your pace once more, your hips a blur of motion as you drive into the climaxing hobbit, feeling the knot of pleasure give way to release as you pump thick ropes of seed deep into her tiny body.

Licie gives a contented moan as you release her hair, letting her slump down onto the box. You drag your shaft out slowly, letting her feel every inch of it as you do, her body desperately trying to hold you inside of it. Without your cock to hold it in place, a torrent of seed follows your cock as you slide free of the halfling's folds, trickling down her legs as it mingles with her own copious fluids.

“Ah, that was great,” Licie purrs.

“You were pretty great yourself,” you smirk, giving her a pat on the rump as she lies on the box collecting herself.

“Listen, Jareth,” Licie starts a few moments later, pulling her underwear back up her legs, apparently unconcerned about the cum still leaking out of her.

“After a performance like that, I think you've more than earned your pay. So how about I cover that 45 gold each, and we leave scrambling around in dirty tunnels hunting a rat for another party, one which lacks a member with your impressive... member,” she giggles, obviously very pleased with her little wordplay at the end there.

>Sure, I'm not all that hyped for rat hunting anyway
>Sorry Licie, it'd be bad for my rep to leave this job unfinished
>Sorry Licie, it'd be bad for my rep to leave this job unfinished

We're all topped up on mana anyway
>Sorry Licie, it'd be bad for my rep to leave this job unfinished
>>Sorry Licie, it'd be bad for my rep to leave this job unfinished

Damn man.
That's a pretty good words/time taken for a smut scene, Lordy, I think you've been getting faster lately.
>Sorry Licie, it'd be bad for my rep to leave this job unfinished
Plus, we're no prostitute, we're a holy man who doesn't want no trouble with the pleasure guild.
Also, fun! Don't worry though, We won't hold it against you even if we do crawl around some tunnels for some mundane rat.
>Sorry Licie, it'd be bad for my rep to leave this job unfinished
>Sorry Licie, it'd be bad for my rep to leave this job unfinished
Sure we mix business with pleasure, but we still gotta do business
>>Sorry Licie, it'd be bad for my rep to leave this job unfinished
But we can definitely meet later to have more fun. That patience thing I was talking about
>Sorry Licie, it'd be bad for my rep to leave this job unfinished
How about you double our parties pay for the hard work we did.
>Sure, I'm not all that hyped for rat hunting anyway
“Sorry Licie, while rat hunting isn't my idea of a good time, it's bad for an adventurer's rep to just start giving up jobs halfway through. But hey, if you're not satisfied yet, we can meet up later for some more fun,” you grin.

Licie's brow knots as she hops down off of the crate, staring up at you.

“Sorry, maybe that was a little hard to understand. I said, I will give you money and in return you don't have to do this silly job,” Licie explains, carefully enunciating every syllable.

“Right, I got that, and I appreciate the offer, but-”

“I... will... pay... you... to... go.”

You can't help but stare blankly as the halfling girl explains her offer again as if she's talking to someone who just suffered a serious head injury.

“What are you doing, Licie?”

The halfling's expression is one of utter confusion for a few moments, before it gives way to irritation.

“Fine, forget it, I was just trying to do you a favor. Gods, go hunt your fucking rat then, I'm bored, you're boring me, Jareth,” she huffs, turning sharply on her heel and stomping out.

You raise an eyebrow, watching her leave, stepping out of the room a few moments later to the sound of Licie stomping up the stairs. Well that was weird.

“Hey, Jareth, you... done?” Iden's voice calls from down the hallway as the three other members of your party wander down to meet you.

“I think I made her mad,” you frown.

“Really? That sucks, I hope her father's still going to pay us,” Iden sighs.

“S-she certainly, um, she certainly didn't sound unhappy a moment ago,” Valia chimes in, cheeks flushing.

“Something weird going on with her, that's for sure,” you shrug.

“You at least find the trapdoor, because it wasn't in the room she sent us to?” Iden asks, peering around past you, eyebrows rising as he catches sight of the sticky mess atop one of the crates.

“Wasn't in here either.”

“Well damn, where is it then?”

As if in answer, you hear a creak, one of the ground floor door opening, a dirty and remarkably unattractive elf man peering out through the crack. “Hey, uh, you're looking for that rat, yeah? Wanna come in and talk about it?”

>Nope, too weird, let's keep looking for the trapdoor
>Sure, talk to the creepy elf
>>Sure, talk to the creepy elf

So the hobbit is behind the evil rat somehow. I smell plot.
>Sure, talk to the creepy elf

>>Sure, talk to the creepy elf
>If you had a bit more hair 'd think it was you.
Maybritt they worship a rat god, and this is a ploy to get sacrifices for said god
>>Nope, too weird, let's keep looking for the trapdoor
Okay, so Licie was trying to magic us but we're not some ultrascrub so didn't even register?
She's obviously in some creepy shit.
>Sure, talk to the creepy elf
>Sure, talk to the creepy elf
It was probably powered by sex or worked better on the recently fucked which is why she tried to seduce us.

Unfortunately for her we're literally powered by sex and so ignored it.
>Sure, talk to the creepy elf

We're immune to seduction based magic as long as we have mana.
I bet that this is rat king, who has stable intercourses with halfling.
I bet she does it just to get laid by adventurers
“You're not the rat, right?”

“Heh, yeah, I get that a lot. No, the names Scabs, Scabs Oakleaf. Come on in, don't mind the smell,” the elf grins a crooked-toothed grin, gesturing for you to step inside his dingy apartment.

You step in, followed by your party despite their obvious reluctance, following a winding path through piles of pornographic literature and dirty cutlery. Scabs pauses to toss some scraps of old food into a small cage in the corner, slamming the cage door shut quickly as the gremlin within makes a screeching lunge for freedom.

“So you're looking for that trapdoor, right? Heard you talking.”

“If you heard us, why didn't you come out sooner,” Razi snarls, folding her arms.

“Okay, not gonna lie, I wanted to wait and see if Licie was going to get it on with one of you first, so I could jerk off. Hell of a good performance by the way fella, top notch, never heard her making sounds like that before,” Scabs grins, giving you a thumbs up.

“Charming, now is there a reason you couldn't have just pointed us to the trapdoor from the hallway?” Razi frowns, looking irritable even by her usual standards.

“Well, thing is, some workmen boarded up the trapdoor a week or so ago, saw 'em do it.”

“Shouldn't Erasmur have mentioned this to us?” Iden asks, earning a shrug from the elf.

“Dunno, but they did. So anyway, I wanted to show you something. See, that rat, yeah, it ate all my food, like, all of it. Look,” Scabs explains, leading you through to the kitchen, gesturing to an empty cupboard, its shelves picked clean save for some rat droppings.

“Maybe you should've put a door on it,” Iden shrugs.

“I had a door on it, see,” Scabs frowns, pointing to a door propped up against the wall.

“Heard Princess, that's my gremlin, freaking out, came out to see what was going on, and I hear this loud tearing sound. I come in here, and I see some rat holding the cupboard door in one of its little rat hands. So, you know, I was kinda weirded out, but I still yelled at it to stop, right.”

Scabs wanders over to the empty cupboard, turning to face you.

“And get this, the rat turns around and he goes 'try and stop me, mortal', with this big booming voice, then he just goes back to eating all my food. All of it.”

“How big a rat are we talking about here?” you ask.

“I dunno, rat sized. It wasn't giant or anything,” the elf shrugs, nudging at the cupboard door with his toe.

“So, anyway, when he was done, he just went over to the corner here and ripped a bigass hole through my floor, bastard, as if I don't get bad enough drafts in here already,” Scabs continues, wandering over to the corner of the kitchen and sliding aside a flat wooden panel to reveal the an impressively large hole torn through his kitchen floor.

“This is sounding less and less like a regular rat,” Iden sighs, looking to you for direction.

“Um, m-maybe we chould talk to Erasmur about this?”

“And tell him what, that some guy's got a hole in his floor? We need more than that,” Iden frowns.

>Yeah, time to go renegotiate
>You can talk to him when you have solid info, go down the hole
>Ask Scabs additional questions (write-in)
>Yeah, time to go renegotiate
>>You can talk to him when you have solid info, go down the hole
>You can talk to him when you have solid info, go down the hole

I would never have guessed it, but rat-hunting turned out to be the best choice. This adventure is getting better by the minute. Onward!
So, what I'm hearing is, a rat that was at most like 30 cm long, held up a wooden door with one of its tiny rat hands effortlessly and devoured more food than what could logically fit into its body.
Yup, this is some magic shit.
Maybe we should just leave, seems like the halflings don't actually want this "problem" solved, maybe tell one of the DEUS VULT guilds about it and take our gold from Licie.
>You can talk to him when you have solid info, go down the hole
>You can talk to him when you have solid info, go down the hole

And back down from a challenge? Knave! You misunderstand the character of Jareth.
I dunno about you guys but perhaps a ghost might scout out the hole first might be useful
I second this
>>Yeah, time to go renegotiate
Okay, so going down the hole wins.

Send one of Iden's ghosts down first?

What else do we have him around for otherwise?
When do we ask Iden about them actually?

Shitmonster Redux let's do this boys.


Eventual sissification.

The shitmonsters were a fiasco of salty proportions. At least the player base there seems to have learned something from it.
Right, Personal honor dont mean shit when we can have backups, and soloing divine servants can wait until we find ones we can rape.

Were they really? And here I was thinking they were an overwhelming success. Wow, I must really lack the ability to read between the lines...
I thought it was for double wincest?
double wincest with sissyfication added to it.
“No point going back yet, let's just keep going,” you shrug, stepping up to the edge of the hole and peering down. It's gloomy down there, but you can at least make out the floor not that far below you.


“Right,” Iden nods, used to how the party operates by now, as he holds out his hands, a shimmering shape materializing in the air in front of him, slowly shrinking from an ill-defined blob of ectoplasm into a pot-bellied, balding ghost. Shame, you much prefer the cute one.

“Iden, wow, what a shithole, this your place now?” Worper snorts, glancing around the kitchen as Scabs watches the suddenly manifested ghost with a remarkably calm expression.

“I warned you, sucking cocks ain't a way to make a living,” the ghost sneers, drifting over a little for the sole purpose of trying to ogle Valia's backside.

“Man, you kidding, if I was sucking cocks for a living I'd rent a far nicer place than this,” Scabs grins, scratching as his tangled mop of hair.

“Yeah, good to see you too Worper, now go scout out down the tunnels and tell us what you find,” Iden sighs, pointing to the hole in the floor, the ghost giving a snort as he sinks down through the floorboards.

“So, ghosts huh, that's neat,” Scabs comments, as the group of you wait for the obnoxious spirit to return.

“Neat is not a word I would use to describe that thing,” Razi sniffs, her nose wrinkling as she gets a scent of Scabs' kitchen in the process.

“At least he's easy to summon,” Iden shrugs.

“Even if he barely costs you any mana at all, it's still too much.”

“Wish I could summon ghosts, but you know, shit at magic, what can you do?” Scabs grins.

Ah as long as Valia is there for after-glow cuddles/brestplay/heavy petting
Worper soon reappears through the floor, looking as happy as ever.

“Looked around, tunnels're full of gremlins and rats, you know, like most old dark tunnels.”

“Did you find anything unusual down there?”

“I'm getting to it, fuck, don't rush me. So there I was, minding my own business, when I come out into this big room, and I hear this voice telling me I don't belong there. So I left, because whatever was talking to me had some serious fucking power coming out of it, and I don't like you enough to risk my fat ghostly ass on that shit.”

“Sounds like our rat,” Iden comments, turning to the rest of you.

“Yeah, thanks Worper,” Worper mutters.

“So how do we get to that room then?” you ask the ghost, who spends several long moments sulking before he finally deigns to respond.

“Straight ahead, then left, then right, then right again, and you're there. It ain't that long of a walk. Guess I'm going to have to show you though, ain't I?”

>Write-in party order and anything else you wish to do before you go down
I guess Jareth, Valia, Iden+Razi, they hold up the flank and Razi gets to work on any skeletons she finds, Valia in middle so she's ready to teleport anyone easily.
Let's try to, you know, be humble or something when we enter the rat king's abode, play to his ego and shit.
People know their roles
Are there any rat corpses and the like Razi can reanimate to swarm our demon-rat? If so, then I'd suggest that she stockpiles on them as we go.
Jareth, Razi, Valia, then Iden

Jareth leads ten paces ahead, and the three others keep close to one another.

This plan does not involve butt-pummeling the rat with our impressive girth. I cannot support it.
“Okay, I'll go first, Valia, you stay in the middle, teleport anyone who gets in trouble. Iden, Razi, you watch her, and if you find any skeletons to add to our number, you summon them up,” you explain, the group nodding in agreement.

“Oh, um, I- I brought this too, it might help, I think,” Valia mumbles, handing you an opaque white stone on a stick. You've seen these for sale around the place, they're long-lasting magical torches, which is a definite advantage since for all your incredible skills, you cannot see in the dark.

“Good luck down there,” Scabs calls as you hop down the hole. Nothing lunges at you as you hit the ground, and you step aside to help Valia down after having a quick look around.

The tunnel is old, made of cracked stone bricks, sloping slightly to one side. As with much of the Great City you would guess that this is just an older building that the apartments above were built on top of, which wound up lost to history. It is at least fairly spacious, enough that you won't be at a disadvantage against smaller opponents.

Valia turns a deep shade of red as you lift her down by her wide hips, saving her from the compromising position she found herself in, halfway through the hole kicking her legs in the air.

“T-thank you Jareth,” she smiles, not commenting on the fact that you still have your hands comfortably placed on her hips.

“Can you two move,” Razi's sighs from above the hole, the lithe necromancer dropping down to the floor as you step aside without any trouble, followed shortly thereafter by her sibling.

“This way,” Worper grunts, pointing down the tunnel as you strike the stone against the wall, bathing the tunnel in pale light.

“Oh yeah, and watch out, there's a whole bunch of gremlins 'round here,” he continues, a split second before a gremlin bounds out of the shadows at the edge of your torch's light, holding up a forearm against the glare with a hiss.


“Get out, humans.”

“This not your place.”

“Stab your shins.”

“Bite out your eyes.”

“Claw your dangly bits.”

“Feed 'em to the rat god.”

A chorus of voices join the first as more and more gremlins appear from the darkness, the tiny beady-eyed creatures leering at you, the nails of their long, spindly fingers scraping on the stonework.

>Ask them to lead you to this rat god
>Scare them off
>>Ask them to lead you to this rat god
>>If they don't agree then just be honest and state that you could single handedly kill every single one of them if you so wished
>>Ask them to lead you to this rat god
We just want to talk
>>Ask them to lead you to this rat god

If they refuse, well, it's clobbering time.
>Ask them to lead you to this rat god
All of this, for 45 gold.
>“Claw your dangly bits.”
>“Feed 'em to the rat god.”

Rat god likes dick in his mouth confirmed.
>Ask them to lead you to this rat god
If he's not being helpful

>0 Mana (DC 16)
>4 Mana (DC 10)
>8 Mana (DC 4)
>0 mana
>>4 mana
>4 Mana (DC 10)
That was meant to be 4 mana btw
>4 Mana (DC 10)
>8 Mana (DC 4)
4 mana spent.

>Roll 1d20
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 4 (1d20)

Rolling always makes me nervous.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Stay awesome Anon
Hurrah, I rolled well for once!
Let's hope you do it again once things inevitably go ploin shaped in the rat god's court.
“Woah there, no need for clawing anyone's dangly bits,” you grin, holding up your hands.

“Why not?”

“Do it, let's do it!”

“Yeah, claw 'em off.”

“Yeah, sure, we could do that, or alternatively, how about you take us to see this rat god of yours.”

“Why would we do that?”

“Stupid human.”

“Humans are stupid.”

“Claw 'em all the way off.”

“Well, you were going to feed us to him, right? So wouldn't it be easier if you just let us walk there, then if the rat god doesn't like us, you can claw off dangly bits then?”


“They do look heavy.”


“Aww, that sucks.”


“This way.”

You turn to your party, giving them a shrug as you head off after the swarm of gremlins.

“Gremlins creep me right out,” Iden mutters, watching the scrawny little creatures scampering along on the edge of the torchlight.

“Says the guy who summons ghosts,” you smirk, following the strange little procession through the winding tunnel until it finally opens up into a vast chamber, big enough that your torch doesn't reach the far end.

If you had to guess, you'd say it was some sort of theatre once, rows and rows of mouldering seats which have been turned into gremlin nests line the chamber, the smashed remnants of a grand chandelier lying in pieces on the floor, its chain having given way centuries ago.

“Humans, here? Bah, be gone with you,” a booming voice echoes from the darkness.

“You want to eat?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Humans for rat god.”

“The rat god is not hungry at present, now leave me be,” the voice booms out once more, the gremlins flinching at the sound and starting to back away.

>Speak to the rat god from here (write-in)
>Step forward, you want to see this rat god
>>Stept forward, you want to see this rat god

We came this far.
>Step forward, you want to see this rat god
>Excuse me but you wouldn't happen to be acquainted to the halflings up top, right? Might you introduce your greatness to us, oh rat god?
>step forward
>>Step forward, you want to see this rat god
>Step forward, you want to see this rat god
Give Razi the "get ready to kill and resurect the rats just in case" look
She'll know
>Step forward, you want to see this rat god
>Step forward, you want to see this rat god
>Step forward, you want to see this rat god
>Step forward, you want to see this rat god
You glance back at Razi, giving her a “get ready to kill and resurrect things just in case” look, the pale necromancer giving you a raised eyebrow in return. You aren't entirely sure she got that, but you're sure she'll do it either way. With that, you step forwards, curious to see this rat god for yourself.

“Come no further, mortal, you tamper with forces beyond your understanding,” the voice booms once more.

The torchlight illuminates the stage of the theatre, littered with scraps of discarded gristle, packaging and bone, and at its centre, a single rat, morbidly obese, lounging on its side.

“Urgh, too bright, stop that,” the rat groans, trying in vain to bring its stubby forepaws up to cover its beady eyes.

“Well that is not exactly what I was expecting,” Iden frowns.

“He, um, he doesn't seem very intimidating,” Valia comments as you watch the bloated rat flailing in the air, trying to right himself.

“Fools, if I was... urp... if I was at my full strength, you would all be dead already. Why do you come before me?”

“Oh, um, we... we were hired to get rid of you, we're adventurers, um... sorry,” Valia blurts out, Iden groaning and putting his face in his palm.

“Adventurers? Bah, fools, attacking me would be a most foolish proposition.”

“No offence, but you don't look like you could put up much of a fight.”

“True, this body would prove easy to slay. Perhaps...urgh, shouldn't have eaten that whole turkey... perhaps we could reach an alternate arrangement?”

>Would you happen to know some halflings around here and have any idea why they'd want me to stay away from you? Also I mean if you stopped like fucking with the people that live in the apartment above, that'd probably be fine, I guess? Also are you like, a mortal vessel for a diety who's gathering power or something? Seriously what's going on with this whole rat god thing
So could you and your gremlin followers leave this area and not come back? Anywhere else that wouldn't be here or wherever we are would be good
>What kind of arrangement?
>Also what's up with the halflings?
Unless you move out no can do, with information about a slutty halfling and some treasure.
We're not greedy just opportunists
>Sure. Who/what are you, by the way?

>I'll listen to your offer - IF you tell me what the deal with the halfling's daughter is?
>seconding >>43091030
We're missing something, I strongly suspect that something involves a family feud. Also these people aren't upstanding citizens to begin with.
I Kind of don't want to bother going through the disparate write-ins with one vote each and don't want to bother writing dialogue either.
So my vote would basically be:
>Ask the rat god what the hell is actually going on here, which includes who he is exactly, how he got here, why he's staying and what's up with the halfling girl.
>Make clear that you'd be willing to look into making a deal once the questions are answered.

Honestly though, him moving elsewhere would probably have to be part of it to satisfy our contractual obligation.
Surely he isn't lacking in marketable skills and can find another place of abode if he puts his mind to it.
“Maybe, depends on what kind of arrangement,” you shrug.

“Simple, you want me gone, correct? I want to leave. I hate it here, I hate this world, I hate this body, I want to go home,” the rat whines, his booming voice still echoing across the theatre despite the unhappy tone it's taken.

“Okay, and where is home?”

“The Feasthall.”

“Is that a place? Is it in this district?” Iden asks, frowning.

You vaguely remember it, but it's Valia who speaks up first.

“I-it's a hell plane.”

“Correct. I am... urgh... I am Grulax the Corpulent, greater demon of gluttony. I would ask you to tremble before me, but I am sadly aware of how pitiful my current condition is.”

Well damn, this 45 gold payday is sounding less and less like a fair deal.

“Wait, so, why is a greater demon in the body of a rat hiding under a lousy apartment building stealing food from the tenants?” Iden asks, eying the rat incredulously.

“I was, I was summoned here, by an idiot infernalist with no idea what they were doing. They didn't even mean to summon one of my formidable power, but the fool said my true name by accident. They panicked when I started coming through, and cast me into one of the rats they were using for blood, and here I am...”

“Why can't you just kill this body and go back to the feasthall? That's all that's anchoring you here, right?” you ask, drawing upon the half-remembered lessons of your childhood with the Sunbringers.

“Unfortunately, this body was never meant to contain a being of my power, if the infernalist hadn't known my true name, they would never have even succeeded in jamming me in here in the first place... If it was destroyed, it is true, it might send me back to the Feasthall, it might even release me upon the mortal realm in my true form to spread suffering to you pathetic mortal filth. It also might cause my essence to erupt in a maelstrom of fiery death which would kill me and most likely anyone within the several city blocks around us.”

“Okay, so we're not doing that.”

“Rather than that, a safer method would be to shatter the binding stone the infernalist used to anchor me here, so that I may return to my dark domain. Look at this, I'm so full, a greater demon of gluttony shouldn't be full, but this wretched body is holding back so much of my power that these small morsels were enough to fill its belly to bursting,” Grulax groans, finally succeeding in rolling onto his front, the bloated rat beginning a shaky waddle over to the edge of the stage.

“I'm going to take a wild guess here. The infernalist, is it a halfling named Licie?”

“That's her. Fool girl, no respect for her profession. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with excess, hells, I am excess, but infernalists these days, so many of them are only in it because they want to up to their eyeballs in demonic tits. I remember days when the followers of the black arts had greater ambitions than ruling some sorry little sex cult out of a dingy tenement.”

“So why didn't you just ask her to send you back?” Iden asks, as the rat teeters on the brink of the stage.

“She said the binding stone cost too much, she said I was being melodramatic about the potential dangers. Can you believe it? Some little brat infernalist claiming to know more about my own essence than me? I didn't want to take the risk, to I made a break for it. I figured I'd come back and steal the stone later, but... urgh, my nature, it compels me to eat, and I... I got too fat to go through with my plan.”

“So you want us to get the binding stone from Licie and return you to your hell plane, right?”


>Alright, I don't want you exploding after all.
>Okay, but what do I get out of helping you?
>Sorry Grulax, no can do, get your gremlins to drag your ass out of here and don't come back.
>This is dumb, I quit.
>Okay, but what do I get out of helping you?
Its a great demon nothing can go wrong.
>>Okay, but do I get out of helping you?

I don't really believe him so might as well see if we can get something out of him before we investigate further.
>Okay, but what do I get out of helping you?
>Okay, but what do I get out of helping you?
>That does sound fun, but is there any way you could sweeten the deal for us?
>Regardless, let's ask him what the binding stone is and how/where we can find it, then rough ourselves up a bit, throw on some dirt, tear our clothes a bit, then go back upstairs and act like we made a hasty retreat from the terrible demon, have Licie console us, then steal the stone. Maybe also tell her father on her.
I am so glad we took this job, this quest line is hilarious.

I agree 100%. Shit like this is why I read DoE.
I do wonder what the map would've led to though.
>>Okay, but what do I get out of helping you?
>Okay, but what do I get out of helping you?
>Okay, but what do I get out of helping you?
There better be a lot of "leaving peacefully", maybe "favor for the future" and no "revenge".
A trap door that drops us into an illegal fighting pit.
It's Adventurer Fight Night and they didn't have enough people signing up.
Fun but it lacks slutty, demon-binding, infernalist hobbits.
Considering how colorful adventurers can get, I wouldn't be too sure about that.
As a member of a sex cult I take that personally
“Okay, but what do I get out of helping you?” you ask, folding your arms as you watch the teetering rodent.

“We're seriously helping it?” Razi sighs, shaking her head.

“W-well, don't you feel a little sorry for him?”

“For the demon? No, I don't.”

“I- I just feel a little bad for him, that's all.”

“Well let's see, I could reward you with an object of infernal power, you mortals love objects of infernal power, right? Or maybe a favor for the future?” Grulax asks, finally giving up standing upright to flop back down onto his side.

“How do we know you're not just going to turn on us when we break the stone?” Iden asks, still looking none too comfortable around the rat.

“The stone is what's binding me to this realm, when it's broken, I'll go home, I won't have a choice in the matter even if I want to stay,” Grulax explains, stubby claws scrabbling at the ground as he drags himself round to a more comfortable position.

“Is that true?” Iden frowns, looking to Valia, who gives a wide-eyed squeak at being put on the spot.

“I- I- I don't, um, I don't know. I'm not an infernalist. I, I just remember some facts from my studies.”

>Agree to do it for the object of infernal power
>Agree to do it for a favor in the future
>On second thoughts, no deal
>Agree to do it for a favor in the future
It helps to have friends on the other side.
>>Agree to do it for a favour in the future

I doubt carrying around an object of infernal power would be good for our health.
>Agree to do it for the object of infernal power
>>Agree to do it for a favor in the future
We're making infernal friends all around!
Favors are always more valuable than objects tbh, because the favor could be to give us an object, or anything else.
>Agree to do it for a favor in the future
>Agree to do it for a favor in the future
>Agree to do it for a favor in the future
I assume objects of infernal power are contraband.
There's no universal laws on such things in the Great City, it depends on who rules in the district you're in, but carrying around infernal items isn't likely to make you popular.
Also, have you heard of a "scaled god"? Got any info on that guy? I seem to have become acquainted with some thugs who know something about that.
>Agree to do it for the object of infernal power

You guys would honestly prefer to take a demon at his word rather than just collect a powerful artifact now?

Fucking diplomancers.
>demons not being bound by contracts
Also this guy seems pretty okay
Favor wins.

I don't think anyone is actually fully trusting the guy.

It's just that a favour is more useful, in most settings demons tend to be bound by contracts/oaths easily and carrying an infernal object around is fucking retarded.
Will we ask him about the scaled god too?

Why does everyone seem to think entering into a contract with a demon has less blowback potential than receiving an infernal item? We're running the same risk either way, but there are much fewer ways Grulax could inflict harm on us through an infernal item than he can by sneaking around the fine print of a contract.

Honestly, you guys aren't half as scared of the object as you are of the descriptor "infernal". If he said enter into an "infernal" contract (which, by the way, is exactly what we're doing), you all would've voted against it.
>Agree to do it for the object of infernal power
Because a loose contract for a favour of our choosing in the future is safer than receiving an unknown infernal object?
“Okay, we'll help you, and in return you owe us a favor,” you nod.

“Good, excellent. You will need to carry me up there, I should be able to locate the stone. Unfortunately I can no longer move under my own power,” Grulax grumbles, waving his stubby legs in the air.

“I'm not touching it,” Razi frowns.

“He's probably got fleas, or worse,” Iden frowns.

“Also, I just had one more question first, Grulax. Have you ever heard of the Scaled God?”

“I have, a greater demon of... hmm, I forget which domain. A very old and powerful one too, in his day. I believe he was destroyed a long time ago.”

“Anything you can tell me about him? I ran into some people who claimed to be cultists of his a little while ago.”

“Hrrm, no, not really. I know little more than most, he was a powerful demon with a taste for corruption and decadence. Perhaps a demon of pride? I couldn't say. His followers were usually wealthy, well-connected.”

“Oh well, never mind.”

“Perhaps once I have returned to the Feasthall I could find out more from my peers, if you wish to call in your favor for information. So back to the matter at hand, will you carry me up there?”

“It's going to be pretty noticeable carrying a fat rat around with us, Jareth,” Iden comments, glancing from you to Grulax.

“Perhaps, but without me, you could well be searching for hours without finding it.”

>Take Grulax with you
>Leave him here, you'll get the information from Licie

How is something with that has many times more unknown variables safer than a solid object that can be examined? For fuck's sake man, you're an idiot.
>His followers were usually wealthy, well-connected.

Well that pretty much confirms that Valia's fiancee is part of the cult. After this we need to find him, and milk some information from the guy.
He literally just said "an object of infernal power" that has way more possibilities of fucking us over than us being able to ask for a favor does.
Is the binding stone a gem by any chance? A particularly noticeable one?
If no, then just carry him to Scab's place, that should be away enough from prying eyes, and then have him tell us where to look.
>>Take Grulax with you
That is fucking retarded.
>Take Grulax with you
No i doesn't. Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they do all the things that a few other rich people do.
You're the only one who wanted the item mate, stop being so damn salty.

Besides how the fuck does "you owe us a favour," contain more unknowns than "here have a random object that is infernal but other than that we know fuck all about it,"?
>>Take Grulax with you
>Take Grulax with you
Have his fucking rats carry him
Does Elshhu care if we deal with demons? Anons lets try to seduce a succubus! Ask rat bro if he know any
>>Leave him here, you'll get the information from Licie

Like hell we're trusting him that much. I want some more information first.

You can easily take the item to an expert and have it appraised, before you even use it.

Can't exactly do anything similar with a favor. You just have to HOPE that whatever you ask of him is within his power to grant, and HOPE that he doesn't try to worm some sneaky damnation clause into executing that favor, and HOPE he doesn't use it as a way to spring forth into the mortal world and begin to devour it (as he already stated he would like to do). Seriously, how the fuck are you not getting this.
Yeah, the object is way safer, because he can just go
>Okay, here, take it, this is an object that causes an agonizing death and damns the soul of everyone who touches it to hell, and does so with infused infernal power
>assuming we can find an appraiser
>assuming the object won't have an adverse affect on us just by carrying it
>assuming it's even allowed to carry infernal objects in our part of city

Get over it, you lost.
>Take Grulax with you
What better proof of the rat than the rat itself, at worst case we can simply say if we kill it it might violently explode, killing everyone, as an excuse to why we have a demon.
>you lost.

Gee, I hadn't fucking noticed.

Still doesn't stop me from calling you losers out on being braindead crackbabies who found out how to work an internet machine.
Sure, ignore all his perfectly legitimate points.
See: >>43092339
>>Take Grulax with you
just put him in a bag or something
“Alright, I'll take you with me, but... I don't really want to touch you, can they take you,” you ask, gesturing to the gremlins lurking at the entrance to the room, who have been watching the whole exchange wide-eyed.

“I suppose they could, they might require help getting up through the hole though.”

“Great, then it's settled. Let's go,” you nod.

“I am still really not sure how to feel about this,” Iden sighs, as the gremlins swarm out, rolling Grulax onto a cushion to serve as a platform to carry their god.

You reach the hole without incident, hearing footsteps up above.

“Scabs? I hope you aren't jerking off up there, I don't need to see that,” you call up, the footsteps stopping.

“Nope, not doing that. Not doing anything suspicious at all, in fact there's no reason why you shouldn't come straight up this hole right n- ow, uh, yeah, sorry, come on up,” Scab's voice calls.

You exchange a glance with your party members. Weird though Scabs was, that whole exchange was far too suspicious, even for him.

“Worper?” Iden whispers, the potbellied ghost drifting up to peer up through the floorboards, floating back down a moment later.

“Some bunch of losers. One of them's holding a knife to that elf's throat. Think they're waiting for you.”

“The infernalist must have sent them, it seems she doesn't trust you,” Grulax comments, rolling onto his side to let one of the gremlins scratch an itch on his belly.

All this for 45 gold...

>End of Thread
Thank you all for playing, I'll have a final post today, something we haven't had in a while. In the meantime, the usual Q&A if there are any questions you have for me.
Does anyone else want to adopt Grulax and have him as our disgusting, snarky mascot?
For next thread, I'll just leave this here.
>Have Valia climb up so she can see Scabs
>Have her portal him out of danger, into the tunnel
>Have her portal Jareth into the room
>Have Valia retreat
>Jareth engages diplomacy, once that fails, casts FIST
And now we have physical proof that this was more effort than 45 gold's worth.

Aw, come on shortstack. I was about to say we ought to recruit her to the priesthood if she's so damn interested in being part of a sex cult. Now she's just gone and blown it.
Is the treasure map going to come up again?

If not, where would it have lead?
If only he was more portable.
Also great thread Lordy this was a nonstop laugh for me.
Anon, we haven't even spent 6 hours on this job, we can totally still check out the map.
It was obvious she wasn't cut out for the Elshhuan life, she was too controlling and egotistical, only interested in carnal pleasure.
You still have the treasure map, the amount of time you take before you pursue it will change what you find at the end of it of course...
Was this quest time bound too? I feel like you're telling us we should've gone for treasure map first.
Thank you both kindly, I had fun with it, and it's far from over yet.

If anything, this quest was the more time sensitive one.
Does Elshhu care if we deal with demons?
Is it possible to seduce a succubus?
Can we fuck a ghost, you know the cute one?
Not per say, though she'd be unhappy if you aided a demon in doing things that went against her teachings.
Yes, if it's manifested to a degree that it can physically interact with mortals for an extended period of time, which is beyond Iden's abilities at present.
Is Jareth immune to succubi's mind control/seduction magic? Is he immune to their presumed arousal increasing thingamajiggs as well?
Jareth is not immune to all forms of magical seduction and mind control. What he is immune to is all harmful forms of magic that use sex as a means of activation. A succubus could most definitely seduce him with her charms if she could overcome his will, what she could not do is drain his life force once they were getting busy, his mana would subconsciously counteract the effect.
Nooo, I was too late.

When is the next quest?
When you run it
I was planning on running OWQ this weekend if I can find time. If you mean the next DOE thread, I dunno, next week maybe.
Was curious about both, thanks for the answer.
>Final Post

“What did you do?”

He'd never seen his sister look frightened. She had more reason than most to be, but she faced it all with a strength, some might say an arrogance, that he admired, no matter how often it was him who bore the brunt of it. Here, now though, she looked frightened.

“What I had to do, I couldn't let him keep hurting you.”

He looked down to the puddle of blood spreading between the stone slabs of the courtyard, the fingers still twitching despite the body being buried under several tons of statuary.

“Hurting me? His... father, he'll kill you for this, you, and me and her,” she nodded to the fearful ghost drifting over her brother's shoulder.

“He'll kill us, and then he'll keep on killing is over and over until he gets bored. I could have handled it. I could have-”

“I couldn't let him keep hurting you,” he repeated, fists trembling at his sides.

“I know, you fucking idiot,” his sister sighed, pulling him into a hug despite the blood dripping from his clothes.

“We have to get away from here, far away, another district, another island maybe. If we made enough gold, we could get a boat out to the Snow Country, or Mulhajin,” she spoke softly in his ear, the two of them pressed together against the unnatural chill.

“Yeah, we should, I'm sorry. I just couldn't ignore it, not any more.”

“You don't need to apologize, you idiot.”

The fingers finally stopped twitching beneath the statue. It's not like he'd stay that way, he knew that, but by the time he came back, they'd be far away from here, far away from him.

“Thank you,” his sister's voice whispers in his ear.
...and there it is. Who could these mysterious figures possibly be!?

Yeah, I know, you all guessed within about a second. I still felt like not putting their names in though.

Thanks for running man.
It might have been harder if you hadn't included the detail about the ghost.
T-that could be anybody's ghost!
It'd still have been easy to be honest. Still, I think it only adds to the effect.
Thread archived:
Okay, since there's no more questions, I'm going to be off now. See you all next time.

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