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Adeptus Evangelion v3.4 Production Type Is Best Type Edition

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In which you explain why you chose anything other than Production and then we laugh at you.
T-that's just like, your opinion, man.
If you're putting a game together, certain elements need to be present in one form or another- like Adam, Lillith, etc.

What are some less obvious things people should keep in mind when putting a game together, especially if you're not just putting it in Japan?
>not Test
wew lad
Can a pilot who has lost a limb still use their Eva's equivalent limb, assuming the missing limb was lost recently and not something they were born without?
Yes, even in the latter case. Otherwise the iconic Challenged pilot (wheelchair kid) would be useless without a Provisional unit.
>2nd best Eva Martial/Firearms
>Best Reflexes
>Multiple dodges per turn
>Attack while moving
Production Types are the REAL Evangelions

The Black Moon should be under wherever you plan on sticking your Base of Operations. Lances or analogous tools should also exist if you still plan on having your Adam/Lilith equivalents be sealed and inactive.

Presumably they would be fine, considering you move the Evangelion with mostly your mind.
Cool. That's one obstacle down for this character concept.
Now I just need to figure out how to make an Eva that fences.
The idea is a French fencing prodigy who was considered a shoo-in for the olympics in a couple years, but then she lost her arm in a car wreck.
She took it very, very poorly, until her homeland took this opportunity to approach her about being the pilot for their Eva. They ran some tests, she came out with an acceptable sync ratio, and next thing you knew, she was on a plane to NERV with a shiny new Eva.
>considering you move the Evangelion with mostly your mind
I figured, but I wanted to check that against game mechanics.
Flourish. However, the main issue I see is that AdEva does not have a drawback for a missing arm so you'd have to go that through roleplay only and take another physical drawback to satisfy the requirements.
That sounds like a cool concept. Her background makes it sound to me like she'd have the Chronic Pain drawback, or something similar to represent her prior injuries.

You'll be fluffing a sword as a rapier for E-scale combat, I'm assuming? You're picking best type, right anon? Right?
I'd be fine with not getting any mechanical benefit from it, simply having it as an explanation for why I don't have certain restricted skills.
Olympics is only epee, foil, and saber, anon.
Challenged Root with Chronic Pain and another Drawback if you want more Assets. Maybe Civilian?>>43590117
I admit my knowledge of Olympic fencing would fit on the point of any of those swords with room to spare. Thanks for broadening my horizons.
You could use that as an aspect. No one knows shit about fencing but you and keep calling your epeé a rapier which makes you go into spergling tirades, only half of which are in English.
>Gee, anon, that sounds like a really cool move! You'll have to show me sometime!
>Everyone stares at French girl's arm stump
>Awkward silence as French girl's face contorts in despair and anguish and she begins to cry
Could be pretty cool.
tumbling down
That actually does fit y idea that she's got this whole complex over being a "broken, useless cripple" (mommy issues relating to never being good enough, ahoy!).

Anyone else have some interesting character concepts floating around in their head?
>OD takes pilots to upscale steakhouse to celebrate their latest victory
>Frog Princess can't cut her steak with just one hand
>well meaning Japanese boy with a crush on her offers to help
>she fucking EXPLODES at him in the middle of the restaurant, storms out in tears, shrieking in French about how she doesn't need anyones help because she's NOT some broken fucking doll
Party composition
>Simon the driller
>Brainwashed idol with amnesia and MYSTERIOUS ANIME WAIF powers (at)
>Guts from Berserk
>Pro Starcraft 2 player turned pilot because of them cray micro skills
>because of them cray micro skills
Angels can't fight them drones, mang.
Is there a reason only Test and Assault have Strong Field? I want to make a crazy AT build but it seems those are my only options if I want any punch.

My character's mom was the ultimate workaholic at NERV. Didn't let anything, not even pregnancy and childbirth slow her down. Dropped the kid off with some other people because hey- it's not like the kid's going to remember the first 3-4 years of her life anyways-she'll have time to get to it later, her work is too important!

Then mom gets fed to an Eva.

Kid grows up after caretakers die, does the whole life of crime thing to survive (Derelict). Finally gets caught, and is given the option between going to jail or NERV, who was finally able to find her after her arrest puts her back on their radar.

She chooses NERV. Maybe she gets there and her father is there and awkwardness ensues because mom kinda sorta cut him completely out of the whole raise a child-business. We'll see.
AdEva is balanced around the assumption that all players will be using Test-Types exclusively.

It's been a while since I've watched the series, how does that work again? Did they just draw lots to see who had to go play around with the core? Did we ever get any info on how Asuka's mom got involved?
>Dropped the kid off with some other people because hey- ... -she'll have time to get to it later, her work is too important!
So your character's mum was Gendo with tits?
More like Shiji's mom but with Gendo's personality.
Dad must be a long gone military man who really want to dote him
Gendou was preoccupied with work, he was preoccupied with Yui. He didn't care for Shinji because getting Yui back became his whole life. He even admits as much to Yui in EoE, that he knew he was being neglectful but he was as afraid of rejection as Shinji was.

Besides, there's only 4 types of Eva parents anyway.
1) Good and caring parent, gets sucked into the Eva anyway
2) Neglectful or outright abusive, gets sucked into the Eva anyway
3) Absent entirely, possibly sucked into the Eva
4) The other parent who acts like one of the above and/or is the emotional foil to the parent in the Eva
Meant to say he wasn't preoccupied with work

Oh. You're right. I thought the basic formula was absentee parent that worked at NERV and relationship issues.

Mom could be an alcoholic that worked in the PR department I guess, instead of in the science department or whatever...

I don't think Gendo ever meant to get back to that whole parenting thing, though. Character motivation and other aspects of their personality do a lot to fill in the blank areas when you're painting broad character strokes.
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>otaku Pilot figures out a way for her to work a fightstick using her stump, teaches her to play fightan vidya
>two weeks later, she calls the French embassy and demands that the government of France supply her with an E-scale pimp hat

Yeah, you can do a lot with little details. I could see a lot of fun happening if the mom had a super ego, like- "I am the greatest damn scientist the world has ever seen, check this!" *willingly gives self up to the Eva*

Then she gets to hang around and be superior as a robot autist until the world ends.
So...Yui? Do we even know WHY she did all that autistic crap?

Damn it, I quit. Someone else come up with parents for this poor Derelict bastard.

Has anyone run a campaign someplace else other than the usual? Like NERV Saudi Arabia or NERV Peru or NERV Egypt or something? I feel like you could get a lot of mileage out of it, with a few tweaks to the mythology.
Most games I've seen are in a different location, and usually with different shit going on in the background entirely.
Half the time the enemies aren't even called Angels, but something else.
'Cause she was a crazy bitch and only had a family to sacrifice them in her bid to become god, so she didn't mind ruining them in the process.

Reactor-type FTW!
NERV Delhi-4

The angels are the (Ten) Avatars of Vishnu, each capable of destroying the world if left to their own devices for long enough, but each one killed brings Vishnu closer and closer to a true reincarnation. When the final Avatar dies. Vishnu will don the Four Arms of Shiva, hidden beneath the Base of Operations, to begin the apocalypse and remake the world anew.

The Devas are false Avatars cloned from the DNA left on the Arms of Shiva the last time Vishnu used them to remake the world. Each of the 4 Deva units possesses an Arm of Shiva, which gives them the power needed to destroy the Avatars and potentially Vishnu himself.

Unfortunately, each Avatar's ultimate goal is to consume the Arms. With each Arm they devour, Vishnu needs one less Avatar to reincarnate. When an Avatar possess all four Arms, it immediately reincarnates as Vishnu and begins the apocalypse.

This proposes an interesting problem since humanity needs to keep the Avatars away from the Arms, but simultaneously the Arms are the only thing that can put the Avatars down for good. That is why each Deva is made with an Arm of Shiva.

No Devas are made with more than one Arm for fear of the pilot accidentally partially destroying the world. They still have two arms, but one is a normal one. Spreading the Arms among Devas also guarantees that if defeated, the Avatars will only gain one Arm and not more.

Each Arm has a different Aspect that its respective Deva can activate once per session for a mechanical benefit. Arm of Life/Death/Judgement/Absolution (working names).

If a Deva is ever incapacitated in combat with an Avatar, the Avatars immediately drops whatever it was doing and makes a dash for the Devas and bringing begins to devour it. If successful, the Avatar explodes, dealing massive damage. The next Avatar in line is skipped and the Deva who had its Arm eaten loses the effect for the entire campaign and has the arm replaced with another normal one.
A Deva that loses its Arm still retains the ability to harm Avatars (being made of the same stuff), but loses the ability to strike the final blow and destroy them. Only a Deva in contact with an Arm of Shiva may kill an Avatar (even if it isn't currently attached).

The SEELE analogue is currently researching how to build replica Arms of Shiva. I don't think you need me to explain why.

And that's all I got for my original campaign setting. Opinions?
10/10 great original idea man but its like Devil Arm, Evangelion edition?
Do each arms have unique power?
>10/10 great original idea man but its like Devil Arm, Evangelion edition?
Thanks, this idea has been rattling around in my head for a while now. Feels great to write it down

By Devil Arm, I'm assuming you mean DMC? If so, then yeah, sort of.

>Do each arms have unique power?
That's the idea. Some sort of unique mechanical benefit the players can activate once or twice per session. I keep fiddling with the names for the Arms, but I suppose their exact names don't matter so long as they're related to their distinct mechanical function. I'll do more research I guess.
I mean God Hand,evangelion edition.
I honestly didn't even have God Hand in mind. I've heard of it, but you mentioning it is the first time I've actually looked into the game.

The secret to being good at AT is realizing that Strong Field doesn't fucking matter. The impact it has on your AT abilities is absolutely miniscule compared to that same xp spent on increasing your SR instead. Strong field is for people who want to use Spread Patterns against bigger attacks, not for wizards.

There was a shadey organization (the Marduk Institute) who filtered kids with potentially useful synch ratios into Tokyo 3 and then had profiles on all of them. From what we are given to understand, the Evangelions themselves can be piloted by any of the kids, but only if the Core of that Eva is prepared for them first.

So you can replaced Kid A with Kid B for Unit 5, but only if you swap around the soul in that Eva so that kid B's mom is there first. Otherwise bad shit happens.

Asuka's Mom was an especially weird and horrifying case where Nerv, in a flash of human decency, tried to figure out if they could make one of their Eva's pilotable without killing someone. Being Nerv, they did this by cutting apart Asuka's Mom's soul and removing all of her maternal instincts and connection to her daughter with surgical precision, the part that the Eva needs to work for her, and put that in the Core while leaving the rest. That's while Asuka's mom went crazy and couldn't recognize her own daughter: that part of her soul was sitting in Nerv's basement. Then she committed suicide because she was a broken shell of a women and knew why but was powerless to recover and knew for a fact that she never would.

Magi Analysis: successful procedure, beneficial results. Unexpected but not unacceptable collateral damage.
>Angels can't fight them drones
just wait till she techs up to roach burrowing movement, that's really when the angels should be scared
Nah, more like the nice guy American tries to help her out, and she has some freakout about how
>"Oh yes, the cute little French girl is having trouble, now's my chance to show off what a big, strong American I am and save her, then she'll reward me by letting me fuck her, because I'm a big strong heroic American!"
Combine metacommentary on people wanting to white knight for the crippled girl with the whole World War II thing.
Poor Tex, he doesn't deserve this.
Sad part is, Tex wasn't even thinking any of that.
Because he's gay.
She's just got a "thing" about how she's ugly now because she lost her dominant arm just above the elbow.
No major scarring anywhere else or anything, but her sense of self worth was so tied up in being this amazing, graceful fencer, and now she can barely even sign her name.
Sounds like Jaime Lannister.
Hey now, she has never fucked any of her siblings. She doesn't even have any.
Sorry, not the comparison I was trying to make. I meant that everything about him was so tied up in his sword hand that when he lost it he straight up had an existential crisis. The worst part is that everyone he knew and loved seemed to validate his fears of uselessness, even his father and his sister. It was quite sad to read.
I know, dude.
I just wanted to make an incest joke.
And let's be honest here, even THAT was pretty much Cersei using her brother.
His entire life is one long string of people using him.
I hope you plan on taking Heat Sink x2 at least, Anon...

You mean Production-Type, right, Anon? Right?
I have NERV Jaffa planned for a campaign that will be Old Testament as shit.
I'm considering running an Eva game themed around astronomy/logy. The angels are individually named after stars, the MAGI system is the Astrolabe and its individual AIs named after famous astronomers, NERV probably gets named something generic like Cosmos or something.

The thing I'm having trouble with is actually giving a thematic name to Evas and angels. My first idea was "Starwalkers" to either but then I got paranoid over people starting to make Star Wars jokes.
What's some political things characters could get up to during an AdEva game?

I was planning something and I'm trying to figure out what the pilots can do besides be angsty at school.

I'm thinking the pilots themselves wouldn't be much for political maneuvering and scheming no matter what their backround, that the powers that be wouldn't use them for anything more than props.

But even as props or tools and not players, I still feel as though there could be some interesting scenarios, sorta like how that trial would go down if you screw up enough. Even just giving public interviews or making public appearances in an official capacity could lead to some small advantage or disadvantage and a lot of opportunity for roleplay.
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So, for the new combat system with these 'sectors', how does one portray that visually if, say, you're using something like roll20? Would you just take google-maps crops and stick them in hexagons?

What are you guys' thoughts?
(pic semi-unrelated, a painting I did of one of the pilots in the game I'm running in right now)
I think that's mentioned in the Open Secret section of the GM book.
I do it mostly because the gubment makes some attempt at keeping the citizens hiding in shelters comfortable and entertained. They watch the fights, there are commercials before the launch, and commentary shows afterward. In heavily damaged districts they could be shacked up in a shelter for a while.
Also, commercials that are guaranteed to hit nearly 100% of a captive metropolitan market make NERV a good bit of money. Sponsor patches on the plugsuits bring in a bit, too.
>not having an opportunity to play as a naked armourless eva
Doesn't Roll20 have a shape tool you can use to make the hexagons?
I'm not sure, to be honest! I've hardly used it, but its my GM's preferred method of play. At the moment, were just using a still screenshot of google maps, but I'm not clear on how we'll be separating it into sectors.

Ideally, I think I'd like to try and make a "battle map" so to speak, but I feel like it would change too much to be worth it?
I'm pretty sure you can make Hexagons with the shape tool. Or just use large squares for zones instead. As long as you overlay it over a map of the terrain, I don't see any issue.
>What if Florida Man was an EVA
>What if Florida Man pilots an EVA
>Evangelion Shogoki, now brought to you by Pepsi Zero!
>new pilot shows up, Poster Child as fuck
>crotchety veteran Neospartan gets paired off with him to appear in all publicity events as a team
>starts picking on the new kid at every opportunity, takes to calling him "Bunny", a jab at his Eva's rather prominent ear-like communications antennae
So why doesn't the fencing prodigy start learning to use their other arm?

The public loves it. They get in a real fight on camera. Only increases their popularity. Poster Child starts having mental breakdown from all the stress.

Again, Jaime Lannister. Guess how that's working for him?
Post character Root and Eva type. Nao!
Manufactured/Prototype. Going for more of a defensive build with a character who is super friendly and caring as the only means they have of validating their pathetic existence as a deficient clone of the OD's son.

Basically NERV agreed to clone her son (who died in a tragic accident). The Eva contains a portion of his soul and he has the other. The majority of his dark and brooding feelings are inside the Eva.

This makes matters even worse because even though he feels he should be sad or depressed by events, he is largely unable to be.

The OD remains willingly oblivious to this because he SEEMS happy, right? Even though something is clearly wrong with him.
Haven't played since 2.5, I've caught a wiff of the differences what with roots and all, but are combats easier/more balanced or is it all just gangbang the angel?

Angels are tougher because they naturally get more chances to act based on party size. Combat is based around stacking penalties on the enemy until they are crippled enough for you to go in for the kill.

Fights tend to be the Angel running wild on the players until you manage to bring down its AT Field/other defenses and actually start landing hits. Once the Evas start landing blows that matter on the Angel, the rape train slows down and reverses direction.

So its all about minimizing risk in the early part of the fight, making the Angel vulnerable, and then rolling face. Which sometimes turns into the Angel and the Evas in a race to see who ends up too beat up to continue the fight first, since getting the wrong penalty stuck on you at the wrong time can fuck up your whole combat tempo.

Its tense as fuck and combat really feels like it can go either way.Even the fights I win in this game tend to feel like the first half of the fight was unfair bullshit we could not possibly win against, and then we did through a combination of luck, numbers, and teamwork.
She's tried a couple of times, but it's not going well for her.
I mean she's still in the "learn to perform basic day to day functions with what was her off hand" stage, and she's got five years of muscle memory that is now backwards to overcome. It's not just the arm she has to relearn to be able to fence again. Her footwork, her stance, literally everything has to be relearned. And using her original handedness in the Eva isn't helping, either.
Define "gangbang". Considering most Angel fights are anywhere from 2-5 Evas on 1 (unless it's Israfel or some other Mother-type angel) they still sorta turn out that way. Though it's alleviated by the angel being able to act between player turns.

Critical Momentum makes sure battles don't go on too long and even those players who aren't scoring crits are still contributing to the Angel's eventual downfall.

A more recent change is that Evangelion types have their own Martial/Firearms stats instead of depending on their pilot's stats.
Visionary/Test. Strong Field antics incoming!
Is fucking anyone playing Reactor-type or is it just me? I'm fluffing it to have a head that looks like Cherno Alpha's from Pacific Rim.

I played Reactor Type in a campaign before it fell apart. It was fun.

I feel like a lot of people glass over Reactor, though, because it isn't one of the 'Best at X' Eva types (Assault = Best at Melee, Sniper = Best At Gunz, Prototype = Best at Defense, Prod = "My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive"). So if you go into character making planning for being really good at THING, you go for the Eva that is built for that. Reactor Type is cool, but it doesn't advertise itself as being crucial to any specific build so you have be drawn to it simply based on thinking it is awesome.
From what I can tell, energy weaponry is the Reactor Unit's shtick. The upgrades that affect energy weaponry in general are pretty neat. Spending power to rapid fire weapons that would normally need a turn to recharge, pumping energy ammo into weapons when they're out, dealing extra damage with energy weapons period...that seems to be a very specific role. The only real problem is that getting a Heat Sink or two becomes more of a priority early on than anything else.

Oh, and if you don't take any of the related Technologies for some reason, you are essentially gimping yourself. Haven't played enough to judge the lack of Markerlight, and not starting with Wing Storage sucks...but Buddy System seems pretty cool to me. Especially in space, inside a Leliel type Angel, or even just against an AoE crazy Angel.

>Good Armor and Toughness
>Amazing at energy weaponry
>Doesn't need a umbilical when shit hits the fan
>Starts with Optimization to help it perform any role easier
>Can supply other Evas with power
>35 rounds of power is fuckhueg
>Can selfdestruct in emergencies

>Takes crits to the chest if over operating limit
>Potential to explode if defeated particularly violently
>Average Strength
>Lowest Reflexes of all Eva types
>No Wing Storage to start with
>No Markerlight for teamwork through aim assistance
>Can't plug in an umbilical if out of power

Overall, it seems to me like a sort of tough, ranged tank with powerful energy weapons. Though I probably wouldn't want to get too close without those Reflexes...

Reactor = Best at Beam Spam
Is there anything stopping is from having one player load up with Requisition so the others don't have to, then swapping weapons with someone who can use it better? Because we were thinking of using a Production to buy big weapons with its high starting Requisition and then giving the weapon to our Assault, and then pulling out a knife.

Not anymore. Its frowned upon, but there isn't any rule that prevents you from using weapons someone else paid for.

The downside there is that you only deploy with the weapons you paid for. So if you want to shuffle around weapons and req and such, you have to do that live during combat, not before. Which means spending stamina on trading weapons while the Angel is running towards its goal or shooting at you. So you save yourself some req, but at the cost of forfeiting your first few actions every fight.
>Production tosses Large Chain Axe to Assault
>Assault passes pistol to Production
>Production pulls second pistol from wing
>Ramiel blasts the both of them

Pretty much.
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dorky korean progamer who was forced to drop their career because NERV wants them in the robot. Koreans don't like him all that much, and by that I mean he'll probably get trash thrown at him if he ever shows his face there again. He doesn't really like talking to people, and is even worse at it than the resident manufactured. But he is good at tactics, and his aim is pretty accurate.

Test type, because I couldn't choose and rolled for it
North or South Korea?
The crisis of Second Impact was so great that it forced the Koreas to reunite. The North/South stratification and cultural differences still exist but officially they are just "Korea".
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Does the Unarmed attack of the Evangelion use the Brawl or Eva Martial for the attack roll?
My player's wondering what the point of the Ironhand branch is when it keeps powering up your Brawl skill, if the Brawl skill isn't used for the Unarmed attack roll.

I had a whole campaign planned out in 2nd edition AdEva a few years back that sadly never panned out, but it drew heavily on arthurian mythology. The MAGI became the Merlin system, the base of operation was Camelot etc and the Lance of Longinus became Excalibur. The best part was giving all the EVA's (which I designed) names from Knights of the Round Table, including naming Unit-00 the prototype Mordred.
This was supposed to have turned out to be not so subtle foreshadowing, as I built a large amount of interparty conflict into the game. For example the OD actually had a hidden motive for bringing about the instrumentality equivalent (which was very bad in this setting) and the Mordred was rigged with a lot of failsafes just like the dummy plugs.
This is somewhat tangential to normal AdEva gameplay, but would you allow the pilots to carry sidearms?

The last AdEva game I was in, the Neospartan was an officer in the Bundeswehr (a lieutenant, I think) and carried a pistol with her basically wherever she went. I also wanted my Manufactured to have one, albeit with some restrictions; because the game took place in Britbongistan, he would only be allowed to carry it when on NERV base and when he's in uniform, and he's allowed to have it because he's been conditioned to be fanatically loyal to NERV. At all other times he'd just carry a taser. The other pilots were of a civilian background and just went unarmed.

I dunno if this is usual or exceptional. The game was set in 2019 so the pilots were all 16-18 years old.
Your unarmed attack still uses Eva Martial, I believe. I think Brawl is used for your P-scale combat now that Eva offensive stats are separate from the pilot's. Some Branches do give P-scale skills and masteries.

Do you know what unit type they plan on playing?

Sounds cool. I love it when people are comprehensive with their settings. Can I ask what the Instrumentality equivalent would have been called?

Very few people have need to carry around firearms. Eva pilots simply don't qualify.

Sure, they are important and need protection. But that is what bodyguards are for.
Soldiers carry guns. Cops carry guns. The president doesn't carry a gun.
And EVA pilots aren't soldiers?
>The president doesn't carry a gun.
That depends entirely on what President it is.
I wound up having the POTUS to cameo in my campaign, and in a momentary fit of insanity, I used the greatest fictional POTUS of all time:
It was the Avalon project. The OD lost his wife during the second impact and believed that his only way to be reunited with her was through Avalon (if you don't remember it was the mythical island were the greatest of heroes went just before they died.) It was similar to the mythological variant in that it was originally a project that would harness the psychic imprints of everything that ever died on Earth, with the big bad corporation behind it wanting the angels dead first so they could harness their considerable power. One of the sideffects of turning it on was mulching every unprotected sentient being on the planet.

Throughout the campaign I was going to give the OD the chance to subvert their plan with the sole purpose of instead reviving his wife. The catch was that the longer something's been dead, the less personality remains within the psychic echoes, meaning his wife would have returned as a shell of her former self, and anything longer dead would be little more than a disembodied spirit. End result, a battery made up of untold billions of insane human ghosts and a freshly vacated world for the billionaires to rule over.
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Anon, I am proud.
For the most part they're considered child soldiers, but only through necessity. That coupled with the potential for mental trauma through piloting an Evangelion makes it a just plain bad idea. The only weapons they're allowed to wield are the Evangelions themselves and that's because they're the only ones who can. And if they refuse to leave the Evangelion, you can always eject plug/cut synch/increase plug pressure before they harm themselves or others. Giving them a sidearm is just asking for trouble when they turn it on their commanding officers or simply put it in their own mouth.
Name them after Constellations? The Zodiacs or something. Then pull heavily from Astrology for everything else.
I had a similar idea. I ended up naming the Angels ETs, but gave each one an astrologically themed name. The Evas were called Zodiac Units. The NERV branch was NERV Florida, a naval base built on top of the sunken city of Miami.
If you were fluffing your NERV as being more militarised then you could if you wanted to. There's not really any point issuing them to eva pilots though, if the eva goes down and the pilot didn't get their shit rekt then whatever little sidearm they brought with them into the plug isn't going to be much use anyway.
A 9mm contingency plan is probably kinder than having an angel mind-rape them.
>insert 9mm jokes
Nah, just let them have some bed rest and walk it off. They'll be right.
South Korean, but yeah, what this anon said: >>43611196

she uses sc2 terms in combat and conversation, partially because she's autistic and partially because it comes naturally to her
Why not just hit the self-destruct button?
>The NERV branch was NERV Florida, a naval base built on top of the sunken city of Miami.
I'd have figured that the east coast would be a better choice for an astrology-related game. That's where Cape Canaveral is, after all.

Or just Houston, since that's where NASA have all their important bits. "N"ERV, "N"ASA, four capitalized letters, FOLLOW THE MONEY

Making the Angels match to the Zodiac or planets would be somewhat simple, I think - it depends on how many you want.

As for the Evangelions, though, I don't have a clue. I'm not too familiar with astrology, unfortunately.
>That's where Cape Canaveral is, after all.
My thoughts exactly.

> I'm not too familiar with astrology, unfortunately.
It's not like Evangelion knew what it was talking about when it used Christianity themes. Just have the Angels explode into tiny stars when they die or something. Symbolism is your friend here, and whether or not that symbolism has a real meaning to it is irrelevant.
Currently in a 2.5 game as the OD (game was going before v3 dropped, and we can't exactly port over mid-game due to the presence of an OD), and I actually had to do that for one of the pilots last week. She was babbling in what the Magi later identified as a dialect of ancient Sumerian and about to murder one of the other pilots, so I had to put her down.
Character is currently VERY deep in the bottle over the whole thing.
Borderline does something I like with this.
Basically, one pilot can be team leader, even getting limited access to OD abilities. The team leader is issued a handgun.

It depends on how you want to play, though. Crushing despair and futility of action, like the series? No guns. More militant with more pilot initiative? Sure, go ahead.
>The team leader is issued a handgun.
Why do I get the feeling that the Team Leader spot is lusted after by the players of Russian NeoSpartans who don't afraid of anything?
Probably so.
I can't find the Borderline .pdf (and can't download it again because of reasons), but I seem to recall that the team leader position wasn't that great. You basically had a Team Leader template added over your regular class, and could buy from both. Also, I remember that it was heavily shrouded in texts that went to the effect of, "think before you use this shit, GM nigga."
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What Reasons are those? Cause here's the pdf.
Well, as >>43614143 mentioned, the "you get a gun" thing means it's going to appeal to THAT player.
Now, take the stereotypical player of the "russian neospartan who's way more badass than all of you", and give him both authority over other players and a fucking gun.
Meant the reasons they couldn't download it - the rest I got, and there's a big reason why it's in the 'Needs Explicit GM Approval First' section.
>While not every asset or drawback means the same to a character by any means, a few represent such major things that, both
of your character and his or her place in the story, that they require the story to allow for them even before gameplay begins. Each of
the following assets or drawbacks require explicit GM approval before they may be taken, and require a greater amount of cooperation
between player and GM than normal.

That's what it says before the section Team Leader is in. You just have to be sure your player isn't a fuck.
"this explicitly optional thing is bad in the hands of a terrible player who's likely going to drag the game down with or without it" isn't exactly a great argument against it dude.
I'm not arguing against it.
I'm talking about WHY they include an explicit statement that it is an entirely optional rule that most GMs probably won't want to use.
Because if they don't explain all that, then you wind up with players whining that the GM won't let them take something even though it's in the rules.
Personally, the one time I've seen Team Leader used it was used well.
Namely, it was used to further undermine the character's confidence when he figured out that he was just a figurehead with no real power.
I had a drug addled Chechen teen that had to live through a good part of the Chechen war trying to fight against his country men.

Got addicted to shit like diazepam after swiping some from a marksman unit his guerilla unit got ganked, so seeing as he was the marksman of the unit because he didn't have the physical strength needed to carry a full kit, he was the one who got it.

And then the Ruskies found him and nobody likes a damn, dirty sniper shitstain, ended up having to watch the rest of his unit get gunned down through a scope by the Ruskies who captured him. Turned out the guys who captured him were SPETSNAZ who were sent into the area in a joint NERV operation to find individuals who showed potential to be a pilot.

Upon taking a heli to the base by the Ruskies, the NERV agent having met his quota, gunned down the SPETSNAZ forces, which further traumatized him.

Ergo drug addict nut case that speaks slavic and needs drugs because he often gets panic attacks at certain PTSD triggers. But this increases his resilience to insanity because he often has nightmares and difficulties distinguishing fantasy and reality.

One of the most interesting characters I've ever RP'd. Fun too, trying to make him not seem edgy, while also working with a character that had a high insanity debuff right off the bat.
Did you just deconstruct the "Russian NeoSpartan who doesn't afraid of anything" archetype?
You magnificent bastard.
>tfw Prodigy tries to romance the NS or the Manu
let's try it in the RIGHT thread this time
Holy shit, never realized it.

It was fucking depressing as shit though.

First game I played with him, he was rather silent, not brooding though. Kept his distance, spoke when spoken too, just reeked of bad RP. DM knew the truth though and towards the end of the session, DM had me make a roll, turns out it was if I remembered to grab my bottle of Xanax since his nightmares were getting worse and because of this, his ability to remain calm did as well.

Flunked the roll and he end up leaving the bottle... The bottle the cheery, incapable-of-feeling-anything-but-happiness character who was in complete denial over their depression saw, hate to say this but kind of like Kafuka from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei only with a streak of autism.

She grabs it and runs out to find him, but is unable to. Gets to around time for sleep but he is unable to find the bottle. Que instant panic attack and mental break down only enhanced by the fact he hasn't slept more than a couple of hours over the past week and the new Xanax he was carrying around was supposed to be the shit that knocks him out, this only fuels the panic attack.

Handler runs out, finally stumbles into Not Kafuka who hears about Character's panic attack. She gives him pills and is taken along in case if he needs help. They run into his room to find him fucking balling, hunched over on the floor, screaming and balling that he did all that he could, pleading for an answer as to why they just wouldn't leave him in peace, hands covering his ears.

Might reuse him for another campaign. Only got like 3 or so games into our game of Adeptus before shit happened and we had to stop it.
I've seen it happen succesfully. Twice.

Though usually what's more likely to happen is the neospartan ending up with the manufactured, in my experience
That is cute as fuck.
Fair enough.
Why is "Russian Neospartan" a cliche already?

I want to be snu-snu'd by a big blonde Slavic musclegirl while she whispers sweetly to me in Russian
Because it is a perfect storm of terrible.
It's not about the Neospartan being Russian.
It's about the kind of player who would roll up a Russian Neospartan who is never afraid or emotionally unstable and brings them to a fucking Evangelion game.
Why Russian? Because that kind of player seems to be a raging slavaboo disproportionately often.
It's new to me. Back when I played, the cliche was either 'timid moe girl berserker', or the inverse 'all angry all the time male berserker'. Not to mention the good old 'pilot who's watched way too much super robot anime'.
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Now I want to make a Russian Prodigy who dresses and acts like a gopnik.
I wanted to play a Russian neospartan, but not because hurr AK-47, Spetsnaz glorious Motherland comrade, vodka vodka. Rather, it seems to me like the Ruskies would be the kind to do anything to whip their pilots into shape, and give no fucks about doing it. It looks to me like an east way to have a broken, psycho, alcoholic pilot who has never known any life beyond piloting and training to be a pilot.

I think it might be fun to play a Swiss or Israeli pilot too, though.
I'm sorry, is this from the same project as Black Mesa Janitor's stuff, or not? The version name is confusing me.
This is draft 4 of v3.
An Israeli Neospartan sounds like she'd be a freckled, black-haired swarthy lass who is constantly twitchy and paranoid, rarely smiles, and always has a haunted, distant look in her eyes.

Well, let's see if my manufactured idol gets any fancy new tricks in this one.
Pretty much. It'd be great.
Does she get to be in tsundere lesbians with a Jordanian NS girl?
>movement system changed
>tree of life changed
>coordination is gone
>personal scores no longer relate to attack scores

Only if it's a threeway with a Nepali Neospartan chick. Gotta have your gurkhas.
>Militant neospartan threeway
Jesus Christ. I'm frightened and aroused. That'd be some hardcore foreplay.
>A pair of dark-skinned musclegirls glaring at each other, their faces an inch away, before descending into a hard make-out session and angry sex
>Then they cuddle with each other afterwards, exchanging insults in sweet, loving voices, while the Israeli girl finally cracks a smile as Jordan-chan kisses her forehead

I didn't realize I wanted this so much.
>The Angel was destroyed, as was the girls' locker room shortly after.
Now I kinda want to develop these three. What are their names? Their quirks? How did they become neospartans?

I wonder if we should request fanart of this from the /wst/ threads on /d/.
Why would either of them be tsun for a Nepali girl, though?
I mean Jordan and Israel really ARE tsundere for each other, but I don't see where Nepal gets in on this.
It honestly works out better this way in my experience. Coordination was in Draft 3 but didn't have much of a use outside a few things and Eva Firearms, so BMJ ripped it out wholesale and folded it into Physique.
>Post battle, NERV has had to refurbish the women's locker room 3 times and replace 3 beds, 3 windows, 2 shower heads, 4 electric toothbrushes, a toilet, a bookshelf, and reupholster a couch in the pilot's apartments
>Head of NERV is looking at the finances and is utterly baffled
Well, she's not gonna like the Muslim. At all. If you think the Americans, Israelis, or the Slavic nations truly hate Muslims, you've never talked to the Southeast Asians. Historically accurate accounts of life under the Ottoman Empire are their scary bedtime stories.
It'd be like she's fucking the boogeyman.
One armed fencer guy again.
I've never played a game with a mechanic like the Aspects before, so I need some help putting them together, description-wise.
I can't believe I managed to lurk this thread for hours and yet somehow forget to link the character sheet I made. Here you go! I took into account the feedback I got last time and improved it. Hopefully this should make games both on and offline much easier.
A little late, but naming the Evas after Tarot Major Arcana might be cool. There'd be a ton for players to choose from too.
I get the impression that your character would get something relating to her mental state now that she lost her arm.

"Former Fencing Prodigy" would be a good Defining Aspect I think. Like another anon suggested, you have her go overboard on anything fencing related and boom, free luck.

The other 2 General Aspects are up to you, really. Maybe "Foreigner" or something depending on where NERV is placed in your campaign.

Thank you for your hard work! This looks amazing! My games definitely got easier now. One thing caught my attention though: We don't have Resilience anymore, do we? (Page 2, Other stats)

Eva Persona Edition. Sounds cool to me.
Thanks. Yeah, I guess really I'm trying to nail down how to word her being really fragile about needing help for anything, this obsession with proving that she's damaged, not broken, and she doesn't need your pity or your help to fix herself, she just needs you to get the fuck out of her way.
Soooo...why is production the best type again?
Because not getting hit is ALWAYS better than tanking those same hits.
I played in a campaign with arab shinji, israeli asuka, and a "human cat personality" rei once.

I was playing the manipulative but well intentioned and somewhat naive prodigy. Was fun trying to be the peacemaker and befriend everyone at once.
>human cat Rei
I must know more
>big blonde Slavic musclegirl
We have three fourths of that in our game. Instead of muscle, she has enormous 14 year old anime tiddies. And is an idol. and a fujoshi who mistakes the local pettanko for a trap and gushes openly over the two fabulous musclemen of the group posing off and mirin' each other
>arab shinji, israeli asuka, and a "human cat personality" rei
I think I remember being there once. Was your OD a drunken black man totally not a ripoff of Nick Fury?
Wondering, what are the small things that make it feel like an EVA game?
The Production type is best type because of its good starting Eva Martial/Firearms and having the best Reflexes by 10. It arguably has more pros than cons. You hit accurately (though not quite as hard without spending a good deal of xp) and then you get the fuck out.

>2nd best Martial/Firearms without Optimization
>Best Reflexes
>Starts with Wing Storage
>Starts with two Requisition
>Optimized Evasion allows you to roll Reflexes twice and take the best
>Hit and Run gives free Engagements (think Wolf or other engagement based Branches)
>Advanced Equipment makes starting weapons more reliable/have more ammo
>Improved Software gives amazing bonuses mid-campaign, including possibly more Reflexes
>Dynamic Balancers double the amount of dodges you get every time you spend Stamina to do so
>High Mobility lets you move an extra Sector (unsure if this works with the Rabbit Branch's Runner, but if it does holy shit)
>Standard array of Wing Loadouts to compliment any build

>Average Strength
>Slightly below average Armor
>Average Toughness
>Only one beneficial Distinguishing Feature
>Lack of offensive upgrades leaves running back and forth your biggest asset despite large Requisition

For the most part, Production's specialty is moving at sanic speeds and harrying the enemy. Accelerated Territory are your friend. Any branch that boosts Reflexes is a plus, though I would definitely recommend getting a Branch that gives at least one or two boosts to Martial/Firearms (whichever you decide to use), just to get it over 70. You don't want to be backflipping around the Angel only to be unable to hit it, because you'll fail to test Reflexes eventually and when you do and its going to suck.
Wrath counts as a complex power, right? It only becomes simple after I buy Endless Wrath? Can I try to purposely Oversynch to make Wrath a simple power without buying Endless Wrath?

Seems legit.
I'm having trouble seeing how you'd consistently reach that high of a Synch Ratio though. Even if you rolled straight 24 on creation as an Impact Baby, that's 59% SR. That's a long way away from 151%, even with all the purchasables.
Subtle mental trauma, conspiracy, secrets in secrets in secrets and daily life to bring it all together
Yeah, that's the one. One of the ODs, at any rate.

Standoffish, antisocial ice queen who kept on being passive aggressive with the Israeli Asuka.
>All those pros
Jesus is it really that broken?
>High Mobility Production Eva
>Accelerated Territory
The collateral damage from the umbilical whipping around would be immense.
Pretty sure you gain collateral from running period
With all this talk of kissing army girls you have to wonder if anyone actually plays like this. /tg/ does its best to put on a normie face though, so if anyone on this board is actually playing there's probably a lot of secret hand holding action we don't hear about.
'like this' being what exactly?
Like teenagers banging in between mecha battles with aliens, to put it explicitly.
In my experience, less than you'd think. Relationship stuff happens happens occasionally, relationship stuff where they're fucking happens less.
I miss apostle and champion and stuff. They were dumb, I know, but I liked being able to go down a 'trade humanity and sanity for forbidden power' route.
That as what Dilate in v2.5 and Egoist in v3 do, just substitute sanity with Ego and humanity for also Ego.

What I miss is the group synchro stuff for silly WITH YOUR POWERS COMBINED stuff. Silly, broken as all hell WITH YOUR POWERS COMBINED stuff.
AdEva romances in actual games are usually a lot of stammering and awkward glances and shit.
Generally surprisingly chaste, mostly focusing on two pilots bonding on an emotional level, and less on sex.

> notice QT prodigy girl in her skin tight plugsuit
> "W-wanna go out? You know, after the Angel is defeated?"
> "Okay. Thats cool. It was just a joke anyways! I'll just sit over here, consumed with lust for the evening."
Unless someone plays a hobo.
Hobos are magical like that.
>Generally surprisingly chaste, mostly focusing on two pilots bonding on an emotional level, and less on sex.
Personally I've seen some of both. Not really so much on the stammering or awkward glances though, only seen that like once that I can remember.

Yep. There is no other path.

Its not as bad as it sounds. Every other Eva Type can beat it for Eva Firearms or Eva Martial, just at the cost of being worse at the one they didn't pick.

Production has natural mobility and reflexes advantages, but a Production type that doesn't take actual talents to boost mobility later is going to get schooled by any other Eva type that does.

Its the best at what it does inside its own sphere of specialization, but an Assault Type is going to beat the crap out of it in melee, a Sniper Type is going to blast it from afar, and a Prototype will laugh off hits that would take the Production type clean out of the game.

Prod is good, but far from the be-all end all.
You can likely say similar things for the other types, except probably Provisional. Provisional always gets the short straw (not sure if that's changed yet or not)
Production Types and Test Types are the best "general" EVAs. They're pretty good at everything and don't have glaring weaknesses.
Does anyone have an image of an eva without armour that really shows the exaggerated proportions? Like, the series evangelions rather than the rebuild evangelions?

Something like this, but with that ridiculously thing waist they have going - and the exaggerated chest/rib cage.
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That's all the eva I have.
Haven't read yet because no chance of me running a game anytime soon plus I'm busy working on a setting anyway.
Just want to ask, are giant oversized weapons you need personal scaffolding for still a thing? Are pilots more or less limited on foot than in previous editions? Do you still need a map of city and location of cable stations and turrets and stuff? And is angel combat still basically a series of called shots to the core?
So, uh, why did we take out beam-spamming AT techs?
>take out
From what I've heard (the Herald branch), v3 has more lazor spam than some previous editions did.
More than 2.5, less than previous editions. And lots of the powers are more 'utility'.

I liked my disco evangelion, damnit.
What editions are you comparing it to exactly, then? vME?
2.5 IS the beamspamming edition
The original few, yeah. It's been a while since I so much as looked at adeva, been pawing through the ones I could get my hands on.
'the original few'

Man, you could be talking about a whole lot of editions. I can count at least 7 editions of AdEva off the top of my head.
So, how much of a dick move would it be for me to collect the players' character sheets at the end of a session, then at the start of the next session start this song:
and burn their sheets in front of them while clapping and saying "congratulations"?
Settle down, Satan.
Do it.
Do it you faggot.
And record it.
And post it on here for our amusement.
Then pull out the REAL character sheets, give them to the players, and resume the game. Record their reactions to that part, too.
>was planning a Hinduism campaign
>see this

back to the drawing board
Feel free to use it honestly, it needs more refinement anyway.
ATactician takes waaay too long to unlock though

What had you planned differently?
Looks like King Crimson

The false sense of normality. The alarm goes off and they get in the fucking robot, and if they win they gotta go to school the next day.
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Yeah, I bet the kids can't even eat without seeing stuff like this.
Forget about the kids, what about the OD? Surely fully understanding what is at stake is worse than vaguely understanding it

I would say family issues. Most of the characters don't have siblings, so the parents comprise the one bond that they have to other people, that of blood.

But most of the parents in this thing are dead or distant. So distance, loneliness and family issues. Maybe in game, make special mentions of holidays and living alone and chores and things that the characters need to do, but since there's no one else really, they have to do it alone or with the people they now consider to be their family.

Have some freaking creativity with your angels, and it won't just be a series of called shots to the core.
>Just want to ask, are giant oversized weapons you need personal scaffolding for still a thing?

Giant oversized weapons for: yes.
Personal scaffolding: less so

> Are pilots more or less limited on foot than in previous editions?

Players have useful skills and powers on the ground, but need to avoid pscale fights as much as possible because you have something like a 50% chance of getting instakilled by a single shot from a normal handgun, and that other 50% still leaves you massively crippled and unable to fight back.

> Do you still need a map of city and location of cable stations and turrets and stuff?

No. The new sector system means you dont need a map at all.

> And is angel combat still basically a series of called shots to the core?

No. Called shots are less of a thing in V3 than they were in DH, and there are good reasons to attack other body parts instead, though usually you are just swinging wildly and ramping up their damage pool so that the one called shot to the core you make at the end of the fight destroys them.
Provisional starts with above average stats, buys off its situational weaknesses cheaply while gaining small benefits, and has Heavy Chassis and Autoloader as exclusives. They quickly turn into high-mobility artillery platforms.
Or rocket powered joustmeisters.
>Production Type is Best Type Edition
What the fuck do you think?
> Adeva has its own memes now

BMJ must be so proud.
>Your homebrew game with few players has finally reached the critical mass required to generate its own memes
You're telling me you wouldn't be proud?
It was doing that already.
There's a reason why certain things were removed (unfortunately, they were then added back in for some reason. If you don't want evas that bite things, why is Unrestrained Jaw there at all...?)
iunno. howlitzers?

But Misato didn't know everything either. So depending on what your OD's history is with whatever version of Nerv you got going on, they're not going to have a true picture of things either.
AdEva's had its own memes since v2.

First time I've heard of it. What memes are these?
inb4 Berzerkers who can tear of car doors
What needs to be added is variable Synch Ratios. I don't like how Synch Ratio is almost entirely dependent on getting smacked around to get it high enough to actually do anything, and even that is undependable.

Can't we get an extra 2d6 to roll in addition to our base synch when we start up for the first time? Seriously.

Random synch modifiers at the start of battle used to be a thing, but honestly I dont miss them. They just made the start of battle that much more convoluted and time consuming. AdEva is complicated enough as it is.
>a pair of dice rolls adds to being convuluted and time cosuming

Anon please don't take this personal, but fuck you. As someone who plays/played OD, ATT and GM'd AE is fucking nothing hard to keep track of. I am unleashing some pent up frustration you and I am sorry for that. But people who can't even remember keep track of what their modifiers are just infuriate me to no end. I often would be the only person out of 4 players that knew what engagement distances we were at, what hit who last turn and who has what actions left. That not even in an online game. That was real life. The online ones are even worse because you have a fucking written log of what happened in front of you. How hard is it to read a dozen lines and figure out what just happened?

I am not putting myself out as some sort of super nerd with amazing rules lawyer skills, I guess I just expect a basic level of competence from the people I share a hobby with.
I think a better idea would be something like how Luck points work, where you get higher sync ratio for playing your character well.
That would help further reward good roleplayers and fix the sync ratio problem.
Plus it would fit in with the setting given that Eva sync ratio is based on the pilot's personal compatibility to their resident, so your character acting more like "themselves" puts them more in tune with their resident.
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The dank kind, anon.
I don't think its a matter of keeping track of too many things, its a matter of having some sort of variability in terms of sync effects. Set base synch rate as something relatively low, then roll to see if you can get higher before the fight. That's a lot better than your synch randomly getting higher from getting fondled by an angel.

Spending luck to increase Synch ratio at the start of a battle should be something too. Good idea. Where is BMJ anyway?
>Not wanting to be fondled into becoming a god
Are you all saying SR isn't high enough?
That or they don't remember how horrible testing for it weekly was, where it could go up or down by large numbers.
Saw a few fights where people were just completely fucked from the beginning due to rolling for SR tests and getting a very high negative roll.
One time they got hit first round (cause they couldn't react due to low SR), dropped lower, and hit Can't Even Pilot territory, before they could even go, through no fault of their own.
SR isn't high enough. I feel like that's a fact. However, I think BMJ was on the right track with having a decent base synch ratio. Now if it was only lowered through getting whacked around by the enemy, it would be perfect.

In my opinion, having a test simply before the next battle, and having it only be able to go higher (again the 1 or 2d6 or maybe even spending Luck to higher it) would be great. Maybe have a chart that shows how Stress, Fatigue, or Injury interferes with SR, so that if characters are carrying excess of any into combat, they lose SR. 5 SR for every 5 Stress seems good to me (up to a certain cap).

Stuff like that. More bookkeeping, yes, but a lot less static than what we have now.

Who said anything about not wanting that?
So... where is BMJ?
Cleaning up leftover tang, I guess.

Since you're piloting one of your un-dead parents, maybe if characters discuss memories or discover new things about their parents, bonuses can be added to raise it?
I just rolled up my character and you did away with god damned coordination, and now I have to redo my whole god damned character you shit faced cockmaster

So why is it gone?

BMJ explained it a couple threads ago. Long story short, how Eva Martial + Firearms is set got changed, and the pilot scores don't factor into that anymore. Because it was making the same few roots get picked over and over again for their attack scores over everything else.

But without being part of attack scores, Coordination did jack shit apart from a few skills. So he axed it and rolled those skills into Physique.
Good question. Anyone know how to contact him so he can answer the questions/suggestions I've got?

Deal with it faggot, its better off without Coordination. Use the new character sheet up here to help you redo your probably shitty character concept anyway. >>43618219

You're playing BEST TYPE aren't you?
There is an email for contacts right in the front of the pdf.
Archived http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/43589170/
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Would you like to be a lobotomized eldritch kaiju with your kid rammed down your spine?
I don't remember that shot from the series.
Was that in the rebuilds?
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Doh, somehow missed it. Gonna drop BMJ a line and see if he shows up.

How can I be of service?
Holy shit dude, you're going to have a lot of catching up to do on this thread. It's archived a few posts up in case this runs off. Questions and suggestions abound.

Also why the hell is Production so freaking broken?
You sure the B doesn't stand for Beetlejuice? Whisper his name and he shall appear...
>Also why the hell is Production so freaking broken?

It isn't. Its just good at what it does.

Earlier this week, everyone was saying that Test Type was the only sensible choice for anyone to take. A draft or two ago, Sniper Type was king. These things come and go, and it takes more time than this to figure out what is a genuine imbalance and what is hyperbole.

> Does the Unarmed attack of the Evangelion use the Brawl or Eva Martial for the attack roll?

Still uses Eva M, because its an E-scale attack. The Brawl bonuses are mostly thematic. If I didn't have them there people would complain.
All in all, most of the questions and topics that have come up in this thread are already being fielded by other people. It's one of the reasons I have not spoken up before. Is there anything outstanding that needs my special input left?
Any plans to do something with SR in the future?

Not really. Obviously everyone wants higher SR, but thats because having higher SR is generally a good thing. No one has put forward a mechanical or balance based argument for a change to the SR rules, just a preferential one.

Applying a random bonus at the start of battle to SR slows the game down, and while rewarding roleplay with SR modifiers sounds nice and all, no one is going to be very happy when the flip side of that coin comes down. Don't forget that, in series, Asuka's Synch went down because she was depressed and lost confidence. If you stand on a hilltop and listen on a cloudless night, you can almost hear the howls of those who would literally be punished for roleplaying.

Thats a can of worms I would rather leave in the box of hammers.

>If you stand on a hilltop and listen on a cloudless night, you can almost hear the howls of those who would literally be punished for roleplaying.
I'll be damned if that didn't make me laugh though
Because high confidence and a good mood boost your Synch Rating, now I'm imagining a version of AdEva where the pilots' quarters, surroundings, and everyone they are supposed to interact with are designed to be as cheerful as possible, even artificially so. NERV employees are told to smile and fake happiness whenever the pilots are within view/earshot, and their OD is ordered to act like a cool older sibling for the pilots. The decorations on the base are all calming and saccharine with motivational posters plastered all over the walls, and any media that could cause sadness, angst, or other negative emotions is banned from NERV grounds to prevent the pilots from getting hold of it. They even put drugs in the pilots' food and water to keep their mood up, and whenever one of them is killed in battle, NERV takes great pains to erase their presence from the facility (by removing/destroying their possessions) and convinces the pilots that they've simply been recovered and transferred to a different city, or that they never existed at all.

Adds a layer of dystopian horror into the game, I would think.
Oh god.
What's your favorite type and why, BMJ?

Probably either Reactor Type or Provisional Unit, because both of them do unique things that exist outside of the normal ability spectrum. Some Eva types are the best at what they do, but the other Eva types can also do those things if not as well. Provisional and Reactor are both built around tricks that are totally unique to them as a result of the unconventional setups for their Evangelions.
Can a Gunframe be used during a grapple/while engaged?
Any plans to make Wrath act as Pseudoweapon too? I hate how one is melee and the other is ranged.

Unless they have an ability that says otherwise, the weapon in the gunframe is under the same penalties in those situations as a weapon not in a gunframe would be. So, by default, a Gunframe weapon with have the normal penalties that a basic/heavy weapon would have in the same situation, and won't be able to be used in Grapples. What happens if you try to use it in an Engagement depends on the weapon itself.

Not currently, but Wrath is almost certainly going to be changed simply because right now it is way too complicated and unintuitive for the job it does.

It will probably remain a different thing than Pseudoweapon going forward, though.
No wonder they're the worst!

What kind of game designer would I be if I made my favorite options the most powerful? Got to spread the love.
>Earlier this week, everyone was saying that Test Type was the only sensible choice for anyone to take. A draft or two ago, Sniper Type was king. These things come and go, and it takes more time than this to figure out what is a genuine imbalance and what is hyperbole.
Err, sorry about that. Thread title and all that.

I agree when about how Reactor and Provisional are the most interesting though. Definitely unconventional.

Personally, I think it about evens itself out. >>43608830

You just wait until I make the YF-29 broken as all hell.
>Some Eva types are the best at what they do, but the other Eva types can also do those things if not as well
>Provisional and Reactor are both built around tricks that are totally unique to them

Would you ever consider having all the Evas be designed like that? Having each type have one thing about it that is totally unique to it that no other Eva can do, not even in a less efficient manner?
I'd rather see this, to be honest, than the current 'this was built to be Good At X, except these two'
But what would the gimmick for each be?
Man, I wish I could play this, it sounds pretty cool
Test Type: Stepping Stone and Built-in AT Shenanigans. Shinji got stuck using a lot of one-off tech that just-so-happened to be useful for the Angel at hand. When that failed, he shat out some AT Bullshit that he didn't really understand.
Prototype: Rugged reliability. Unit 0 NEVER had a system failure of any type. It kept going strong until it was outright defeated every time.
Production Type: High Specs and lots of weapons. Though it ultimately mattered very little in the show, Unit 2 was a superior weapon and well supplied.
Assault Type: Focuses on the Eva as a biomonster. More mutations, more natural weapons. It's already there to a large degree so this might just be minor tweaks.
Sniper Type: The Gunframe is already a pretty nifty core feature with a host of upgrades, but most of those just shoot guns better. Unique, Gunframe-only weapons might help this out.
>Unit 0 NEVER had a system failure of any type
Are we remembering the same things? Because I seem to remember Unit 00 failing on sync tests and trying to kill Ritsuko and possibly Rei by ejecting her.
That's more in the realm of fun drama and plot scenes than appreciable upgrades and a talent tree.
This seems overly nitpicky. I never had this problem. The system is actually balanced and playable, which is more than what can be said for the other AdEva systems since they're based around the dev's ideas about how you're "supposed" to play the game.
>The system is actually balanced and playable, which is more than what can be said for the other AdEva systems since they're based around the dev's ideas about how you're "supposed" to play the game.
What system do you mean? Borderline?
Is there a reason why the chain spear is the only two-handed spear?
Yeah. Borderline had atleast one dev who would run the hard numbers when the system was in alpha/beta. Then it's been tweaked to make sure no class is inherently better than the other. And while the 2.5/3.0 devs have struggled with the Berserker class, vB devs had it working fine.
>Yeah. Borderline had atleast one dev who would run the hard numbers when the system was in alpha/beta.
Dial has done that throughout the life of the system.

>Then it's been tweaked to make sure no class is inherently better than the other.
Eh, there have been some problems with Berserker outshining Skirmisher, but v1.2 brought them mostly back in line. I'd still like to see a few more tweaks between the two of them though.

>And while the 2.5/3.0 devs have struggled with the Berserker class, vB devs had it working fine.
I honestly don't agree with how berserking is handled these days. But the Berserker class does not depend upon the Berserk mechanics at all, you could remove them and it would still be a strong career.
Well, most of the berserking triggers DID get removed, after all.
The important berserk trigger is Self Preservation, which remains intact. They did lose most of their ability to revive from death though (with the fatespend talent gone and Ghost in the Machine no longer automatically giving the revival to you on fate burn). Plus Wild Swings getting capped to -30 instead of the previously crazy -60.
>Berserker class
I totally lost you.
It's the same group of devs, even though they don't have the class in there.
I think it's just a typo.
has anyone here run a full campaign as a GM?
I have a nice idea in mind but I am still getting familiar with the material

I know a bunch of people have, myself included.

Whats your idea?
It's rather complicated so to say.
Loosely based on a fanfic I read some time ago, enriched with a number of global conspiracies, including some of the ones listed in the manual
>not 19
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I would have to be given a pretty compelling reason to go back and redo the Eva types from scratch at this point. Its not entirely outside the realm of possibility, but "it would be cool" is usually a bad reason to go and make major changes to something that already works. This is especially true when it comes to stuff like Eva Types and Branches, which players tend to care about to a degree disproportionate to the rest of the system.

Why should all spears be the same? Besides, I imagine that the chain spear would be less balanced and heavier than most spears, because its got a big motor on the end of it.


As long as we can agree that Ozma's custom VF-25 Messiah is top-tier, we can be friends.
The 19 and the 29 and cool too.
I think that sounds like a lot of reworking at this particularly juncture. Not that the idea is a bad one, but nothing seems hugely broken about what we have so far.

The difference between the Eva types seems to be equal parts active (in the form of specific upgrades) and passive (in the form of their stat block and features). Those differences are already pretty pronounced in my experience so far.

The major difference with Reactor/Provisional types is that their uniqueness stems from the sum of their parts while the other types are majorly composed of their stat block. All that's done in practice is slightly obfuscate things in regards to their roles. But really, just a look at their upgrades tells you more or less how they're meant to be played.

I like the way it is, personally.

Oh come on, everyone loves the YF-19, so that's not exactly fair.

If it makes you feel better, in my roster of potential 2059+ fighters, I'm thinking of including the VF-19ADVANCE as something in the same class as the VF-25~
Pls give input, if you've run a campaign, can you tell me what you've done and how you've handled it? I'm >>43668671

What sort of input, in specific, are you looking for? There is a lot that can be said about the system, so if you want anything useful we need to know more about what you are looking for help with.
mostly about how you handled the plot, given that unlike your run of the mill murderhobo RPG, you need tons of supporting characters just to make an Eva move. Not to mention having more than 3 Eva operative at the same time.

Alright. My first advice would be to read the GM book, as that has a lot of the advice that I can offer when it comes to setting up a game and what your options there are.

You don't need to give too much focus on the massive teams of workers it takes to make an Eva move. You can usually just describe them scurrying around like ants and condense their roles to a handful of named NPCs that the pilots interact with. The Bridge Crew tends to serve a role here, but you can also have a named Magi technician, or an engineering team leader who does routine maintenance on the Evas for minimum wage. In one game I ran, I had a pair of NPCs that worked in a special department whose job was to study recovered alien corpses and try and figure out how their biology worked and where they came from, though there was a higher than normal focus on Angelspawn and swarms of Angels in that game than most games have so they had a unique reason for being there.

As for having more than 3 Eva operatives at the same time, thats easier than it sounds. Why could there not be? Unless you are planning on running your players through the same setting and timeline as Tokyo-3, you don't have to worry about the canon Units 00, 01 and 02. You are expected to replace Tokyo 3 with a new location, the Angels with ones of your own creation, and the Evas/Pilots with whatever the players bring to the table.

If you are referring to that one UN treaty limiting a country to 3 Evas at a time, that is something Rebuild came up with to grease the wheels of their plot so Mari could steal Unit 02, AdEva doesn't even recognize its existence.
My main concern with having multiple EVA Units active is that, indeed, they're probably too powerful for the setting I have in mind.

My setting would focus on the combat between different organizations who all control warmachines that may or may not be similar to EVAs, so another concern of mine is how to create an environment where the psychological element is more relevant than the fightan robbits one.
One of the bigger stumbling blocks so far has been figuring out whether we want to add specifications (A/F/G/S) or not. Mostly we've mapped out a hierarchy for valk progression in terms of general strength. Canonically, the YF-29 has a similar armor strength to the VF-25 Armored because of the auxiliary engines providing more power for the ECA.

The only thing we can decide on at the moment is that players should start with the VF-171 and have the choice to either purchase optional packs for relatively cheap or be "promoted" to the next valkyrie in line as a more expensive buy. But at least we have a list of expected valks between the VF-171 and the YF-30.

Apparently I'm supposed to start a thread sometime this week on core mechanics and whatnot, and on how people would like combat to work (the current vote seems to point more towards a system where you select hardpoint loadouts for missions and try to complete objectives with limited ordinance). Supposedly.

I'll stop derailing your thread now, I promise

As AdEva itself is largely inspired by the show, so too should your campaign be. A lot of the characters who were vital to making each battle a success were also vital to the plot in their own way (most of them at least).

Not that you have to make 1:1 expies for every character that appeared in the show, but it's something to keep in mind. Personally, I've reduced named NERV staff down to the absolute essentials because my players are a bit scatterbrained but you don't need to do the same. I've got two bridge bunnies, one male, one female. A male OD. A female head of science division. Lastly, I've got a military consultant who works full time with the OD to come up with plans to take out the angels. Any more than that I feel stretches out my players' ability to care about little too thin.

As for having more than 3 Evas active: as BMJ has already said, the Vatican Treaty is a Rebuild only thing. You can have more.
And even if you have the Vatican treaty, i'm sure a serious enough threat would get SEELE's wheels in motion towards repealing it (or adding enough exceptions that it's basically toothless).
>As long as we can agree that Ozma's custom VF-25 Messiah is top-tier
Yeah, I really liked the 25 in general, and Ozma's custom one was pretty badass.
The Messiah is an absolutely WONDERFUL "back to basics" grunt design that lets the Lucifer and Durandal stand out with their comparative weirdness.
I guess there are some things I'd understand better if I had first an experience as a player.
Let's be honest now, SEELE really doesn't care. If the Vatican Treaty were in the original series, they would already have been secretly violating it with building the MP Eva series.

Damn, now I want to play a campaign as the NERV faction that made the MP Evas as they eventually use them to take out NERV Tokyo.

Well, the only way to gain more experience is to play, anon. Though it does help when both GM and players are well-versed in Eva's lore and setting before playing. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them.

I love every member of the YF-24 family and I'm ecstatic that we're getting more of it with the VF-31 in Delta. Funny how opinions become less extreme outside of /m/.
I think I asked what I wanted, now I will lurk the gamefinder thread until I find a GM
>My setting would focus on the combat between different organizations who all control warmachines that may or may not be similar to EVAs, so another concern of mine is how to create an environment where the psychological element is more relevant than the fightan robbits one.

That might be a tough goal in that sort of setting. Part of why the Evangelion formula lends itself to psychological exploration is because the pilots have a lot of downtime between battles. The Angels show up whenever they show up, and there is nothing to do but wait and prepare in between. This leaves a lot of time for navelgazing, because you are inherently stuck on defense.

In a human v human conflict, this setup changes. First and foremost, it shifts the role of the pilots from defenders to killers, because every fight means being willing to kill the enemy pilot, which as Shinji will point out is a very big difference from fighting an alien monster.

But the enemy being a defined human faction creates the expectation of being able to fight back. The players will want to be proactive instead of just reactive. If the bad guys can build and deploy eva-esq weapons, then that means that they have a base somewhere. Supply lines. Shit you can make plans to attack. The players will expect the war to have a lot going on, and they will want to win that war.

This doesn't mean that you cannot have psychological elements in your war drama, but its going to be a very different flavor of story because of the nature of the robot conflict. Just something to be aware of.

> I'll stop derailing your thread now, I promise

Its literally your thread, dude. You made it, and there is plenty of room here to talk about more than one giant robot RPG. Only a poop pickle would say you are derailing it.
>Let's be honest now, SEELE really doesn't care.
Eh, they care if it puts the safety of the world at stake (and, by extension, their plans).
If NERV NEEDED more than 3 EVAs to survive long enough for SEELE to pull off their plan, SEELE would get them it.

One could argue that, in Rebuild, that's what the Mark 6 was for. Seele's secret Eva ready to drop from space and take care of whatever problem Tokyo-3 was having, be it an Angel or a berserk Unit 01.
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Personally I'm hype as shit for the Draken III, because I love dorito planes, and am a raging Saababoo.
>my roster of potential 2059+ fighters
Wait, there's a Macross system in development?
One standing theory is that too many Evas active in one place at once does...something.

Possibly a totally uncontrolled Impact. Something matching the number of Adams to Evas or something.

So it's possible even if they WANTED to have more, they legit could not because boomies.
Good luck, anon, let us know how your playtest goes!

Well, that's my point. They were building the MP Evas anyway. They could have simply NOT sabotaged Eva 04 and instead commanded them to stop experimenting with S2 Organs if they really believed they didn't have a chance with only 3 Eva units in Tokyo. And the only reason they stopped the Production line at 04 is because they were folding resources into the MP anyway. So yes, I don't doubt they could have thrown at least one or two Evas at NERV if say, the last 4 angels showed up at once for some reason.

Zeruel/Ramiel tag team when?

I agree. Until it was magically a container for an angel and the impetus for yet another Impact in 3.0. What a shame. I would have liked to see Mark 6 vs Unit 01 in Terminal Dogma.

There literally isn't a single valk I dislike. The Sv-262 is most definitely killing it.

Supposedly. I've been working on something on and off for about a year with little progress. With Delta around the corner, I've decided to take another swing at it. I'll be posting a thread about core mechanics/what /tg/would like to see in such a game later this week. Maybe then I can climb over that first significant hurdle.

Impact mechanics in the movies are sketchy as all hell. Despite the term Adams being thrown constantly, we still have no idea what they are, what they do, and how this relates to what we already know about the mythos from the series. It is...confusing at best.
>Impact mechanics in the movies are sketchy as all hell. Despite the term Adams being thrown constantly, we still have no idea what they are, what they do, and how this relates to what we already know about the mythos from the series. It is...confusing at best.
Probably working as intended.
>what /tg/would like to see in such a game
Insane/evil AIdols.
>Probably working as intended.
You know, I can't argue with that. I'm totally thrown off by how schizo 3.0 is. Some places they totally seem to know where they're going and how to keep the internal logic running. Then there's cat Eva 02. Sasuga Anno, I guess.

That is definitely something to look into, for obvious reasons. Who doesn't love Sharon?

The biggest thing requested the last time I polled /tg/ was random tables for rolling up your own expeditionary fleets; from how many islands the fleet has and their respective sizes, all the way down to whether your fleet has a bioplant, chemplant, or some combination of the both.

Some sort of Spiritia/Fold energy songster/songstress class or career was the next most popular suggestion.

Then waaay at the bottom were people begging for AWACS fighters like the RVF-25, with ECW options and AIF-7S(9B) Ghosts to micromanage.
So, am I wrong, or is Blitz attack the only reason sword class weapons are viable?
What makes you say that?
I'm going to start a campaign in the near future with my irl group (near being after christmas). I've read 2.5 more or less completely, and read a bit of Borderline and 3.0, what system would you ultimately recommend? I'm not having a player OD so that's not a problem, if that helps.
3.0 because we need more people to playest.
>No OD, No problem
OD isn't in just yet anyway.
3.33 is a fuckfest.

There's utterly no getting around that.

You gotta keep in mind 3.33 was Anno Super Happy Breakdown Time Electric Boogaloo.

They had 3.33 ready, script done, some animation done.

Then the Earthquake-tsunami hit, and Anno lost his fucking shit. Went supernuts for a while, and they TOTALLY REDID 3.33.

Hence why it's...so odd. He was back in End of Eva mentality.
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Doctor Ver is now the head of your Nerv base's Science Division.

Does this make your situation better or worse?
Literally who?
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Doctor Ver
Borderline if you want there to be threats at personal scale that the pilots can overcome on their own.
v3 if you want threats at personal scale to be 'oh shit run away because we're kids'
Other than that, entirely personal preference. Ignore v2/v2.5

Batshit crazy scientist guy from Symphogear. He spends a whole season making everything worse for everyone trying to resurrect the ultimate life form and then hitching a ride on an ancient alien spaceship to escape the surface of the Earth before the moon crashes into it as a result of the heroes shooting a giant chunk off of it at the end of previous season.

Then he spends a year locked up in prison, decides that he is a misunderstood hero of justice and everyone only fears him because they don't understand how awesome he is, and proceeds to break out of superjail and legitimately save the world from the new big bad.

He is a master of increasingly ridiculous faces, and everything he does is hilarious. Or a crime against humanity. Sometimes both at once!
Jesus, that sounds like fun.

It really is.

Here is how this show rolls:

Main character chick ends up being drafted into Magical Girl Nerv to fight Eldrazi-knockoffs using ancient tech-that-is-basically-magic relics that when activated give you rad power armor, magic forcefields, and a magic weapon.

Her armor is supposed to give her a spear, but her relic is badly damaged because of what happened to the last person that used it, so she can't summon it. Every time she focuses her energy to summon her weapon, it just sort of fizzles.

So she says "fuck it, work with what you got" and just channels all that power into magic shotgun fists instead.
Punch, attempt summon, receive magical pilebunker.
Welp, looks like that's it for this thread. I'll make a new one tomorrow I guess.

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