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Landscape of the Deep Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ 1 : Anyone wanting to compile a US timeline proposal to start cementing their lore through & beyond the Paraguay?
> TQ 2 : Not really a TQ, but would anyone want to write small fluff blurbs for the existing profiles? Something that can fit in the Faction books, so 1 or 2 paragraph most. Something to give more than just the name of the unit to folks looking first at the profiles.

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Finally got around to doing the Baron last night, I think I left him mostly where you suggested him, only added Tough.
I do feel that the "and Fire does not remove Titanium" part might be too much, if he is overpowered that would be the first place I would look at cutting, because Titanium Armour is *really* good and Fire is the most effective easiest of access means of removing it, but we can try it as is. He feels more of a beatstick than what I had initially envisioned.
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Primed and based two Reclaimers and two Reconquers. I also started a Mystic/Shaman, cutting off the head of a Menite priest and the hood of a Watcher in the Dark, I like that it clearly show the hood being empty, I just need to figure out the Crystals. Kinda want to look into getting the lego crystals for it. Maybe 1 more Spring Gunner and 1 more each of the Reconquerer Reclaimer and I should be set.
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good man!
Carry That Weight was meant to work the other way round, having the Slave move then the non-Slave move so it is adjacent with the Slave. it was also meant to be a once per use rather than an effect that lasts all game. meant to be a movement option like Beast of Burden.
>Select a Friendly Save and Friendly Soldier Model adjacent to one another. Immediately Activate the Slave, during the Activation it has -2 Movement and may only take Move Actions, at the end of the Activation move the Soldier so that is adjacent with the Slave.
like that. sorry i dont think i worded it well at all earlier.
you might be right about "and Fire does not remove Titanium". we shall see. think he shouldnt have Bullsaur, id like that to be exclusive to Titking.

What do you think about splitting Pearlesent Princess into Pearlesent Earl and Polished Princess? that lines up with the chart more while also preserving the Pearlesent Princess in someway.
also, any ideas for Sponsors? The Barony is the obvious one, and something like 'The Capital'. after that im not sure, maybe something for Hospitalizers?
>TQ 2
for Slave Soldier
>It was this or the mines.
for Titanium Miner
>Nothing goes to waste in Atlan: those unsuited for war, and lacking rank, are instead trained in the art of submission and pickaxery. Slaves who show skill and are thought loyal to Atlan, typically of third generation, will be assigned to Titanium and other important mines. A fourth generation Miner is exceedingly rare. Common food for some of the less picky Olms, as well as Cavesaurs both wild and tame.
>Officer Bubbles is the name given to the specially breed Morlock/Salmon/Tuna hybrid used by the USA as bait, and sometimes payment, for the Skinwalkers. Don't worry, its okay to eat Officer Bubbles: he only has 1/3rd of a given feeling (par with an above average Epigean lichen). Despite this deficiency, it is quite common for higher ups to become fond of their Officer Bubbles.
>It has become tradition to Promote a Officer Bubbles that survives a full Expedition to the rank of Major.
>TQ 2
Sure, I can write up some stuff for the Brits. I'll also look into the US timeline, though I didn't write any of their lore myself.

Also, I hesitate to bring up drama again, but if Voodoo anon has really left, what should be done about the Voodoo faction? I actually thought they were quite cool, just that letting them beat the US was going a little too far. Voodoo Poles running amok in the Caribbean and West Africa was fine with me.
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>Carry That Weight was meant to work the other way round
Ah, thank you, will fix!
>. think he shouldnt have Bullsaur, id like that to be exclusive to Titking.
No issue, although riding a Bullsaur isn't really meant to be super rare. Nothing like the Khan's Sahdowsaur.
>What do you think about splitting Pearlesent Princess into Pearlesent Earl and Polished Princess?
What would you propose we theme the Pearlescent Earl as?
Thank you, added!
>Also, I hesitate to bring up drama again,
You are not bringing drama up again, its a legitimate question, I too feel a small faction of voodoo users or even two if we add the Poles to Haiti could be in theme, as long as it remains believable in context and doesn't overtake Taiping, Italy and the Ottomans in weirdness.
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Spring Gunner!
I added a part to the Hair Trigger rule so that the shot can still hope to hit out of Range, its a bit weird but otherwise it could be worked around completely by someone sacrificing AP on outranging weapon to trigger it and render it meaningless. Fully ignoring range is a lot but the -1 Discipline each time is a huge cost, you can't hope to use it every turn.
>also, any ideas for Sponsors?
An Atlan MIC lobby to mirror the Pharos? All the biggest mine owners, industrialists, some generals and the glowiest of Mystics to constantly push Atlan into more wars for the sake of their immediate profit?
>I'll also look into the US timeline, though I didn't write any of their lore myself.
Perhaps a start to work in Abolitionists?
> ~ 1790 : Abolitionists start using a network of caves to move larger numbers of escaped slaves from the South to the North and Canada. Unknown to them, these caves connect to the Mammoth Cave network leading to Agartha. They slowly start encountering the Deep, but these are received as talltales by others.
1861-1865 : the American Civil War. Toward the end, Confederates start using the Mammoth Cave network to escape Northern retribution in greater numbers than they would otherwise have.
its not about rarity, rather, autism. Titking wields a Labrys, there is a Bull in the center of the labyrinth. i really like that sort of thing.
>Baron Phosphorous
what do you think about killing the Discipline buff. that way more special rules and interactions can come into play.
>What would you propose we theme the Pearlescent Earl as?
pretty much just the more Phosphorusy parts of the current Princess. maybe have him be Phosphorus' heir, or at least take after his father. i like the idea that was thrown out of The Baron being secretly the father of the Princess, with this change i would say we make the Earl either officially The Baron's son or the child that takes after him while still being officially and publicly Titkings. i think the second leaves more room for story so is better.
wonderful! you get the Officer Bubbles one?
looks good! why Mantraps instead of Leaping Flowers?
>otherwise it could be worked around completely by someone sacrificing AP on outranging weapon to trigger it and render it meaningless
that was intentional on my part. Discipline Cost is huge and there is a decent chance he misses if you dont pay for Titanium Balls, and on top of that if you dont mange his LOS it could be all be wasted. so why do it? because you can stop an attack with a kill, and even if you dont get to do that it forces the other player to deal with it. i would like to try it the way i had it to start, and if it is too strong or annoying we can change it to something like you have it now or try lowering the base Discipline to 4 and or Acc to 5. thoughts on that?
>Atlan MIC
do they need to push for more war?
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Polish African colony was a cool idea, but let's do them without hordes of zombies like typical necromancers. Let the zonbis be strong but rare, give them some rituals, maybe even mentioned in previous threads voodoo-controlled Tyrannosaurus as a counter to European tank if we ever get to those centerpieces.
Nothing too flashy, normal human faction with a twist. They will be unique but they won't steal Italy's spotlight.
Have time for another chart unit tonight, anyone have preferences for what they want to see?
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>wonderful! you get the Officer Bubbles one?
Yes, will go back to the US book tonight and add it.
>why Mantraps instead of Leaping Flowers?
Leaping Flowers as is right now are way too powerful, or would have to be costed at like 6-7 Silver, so I'm waiting for inspiration to come regarding them.
>i would like to try it the way i had it to start
Sure, I'm just wary there being a mechanical way to exploit rules and cancel it might not be a fun feeling, either for you or the other. Its pretty gamey. But we'll try first.
>do they need to push for more war?
Might be an explanation why they push so much for war even tho its not often profitable to Atlan as a whole?
In regards to the Wall Mystic, is picrel alright? Keystone didn't really work, that's how all damage is applied to Specialists, so I moved the bit about regaining Titanium to that, makes it a bit clearer to read I think.
Its a great econ unit given the right scenario, and a useful defense vs Prophesy/Parley regardless, but I feel at that cost he should have some form of attack potential, even if its not a great one.
Or perhaps expand his rule to have him also counter Necromancy and Janara magick?
>Leaping Flowers
ah yeah, fair enough.
>Spring Gunner
thank you.
>Its pretty gamey
what do you mean?
>Might be an explanation why they push so much for war even tho its not often profitable to Atlan as a whole?
i figured it was a religious or psychological thing, and in the case of Atlantis because "we have always been at war with Atlantis". what if, because Atlan is so warlike by nature, it is the other way round: they have a Peacetime Industrial Complex lobby. ??
>Wall Mystic
heh, my red is maxed out on my screen so i cant see the imagine i picked out. looks good. you always do a good job at translating my gibberish, and i really am thankful for it.
i dont like it attacking because as a Wall Mystic he is meant to become the wall, and walls dont attack. on that note, i would like to keep the ability to mine his corpse, but i think the way i had it was broken. what about having him turn into three Walls when he dies, like the hero ability i posted? that way you can still mine his corpse like the chart says, but it isnt stupid and keeps with the Wall theme better. letting him lighting road Necromancy and Janara magick is fine by me.
>Have time for another chart unit tonight, anyone have preferences for what they want to see?
Cave Beastle? Kinda like the Olm Steed unit but for Gorgs?
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>what do you mean?
If I read the intent correctly, and I might not so that's on me if that's the case, sorry, but Atlan's opponent could simply ensure that he is making his ranged attacks that outrange the Spring Gunner first after the Spring Gunner used the Ability, each time. This turns the ability more into a rule to be "gamed around", so to speak, focusing on the mechanical side of rules rather than its intent. Imho, anyways. It's a bit like in Warmachine when you could always Charge to gain the extra Movement, even when you had no hope of reaching the target, and no downside to it. Its like an exploit, that's what I mean by gamey.
>because Atlan is so warlike by nature, it is the other way round: they have a Peacetime Industrial Complex lobby.
Kek that's genius, and that could play into the Atlan Pacifism thing on the Warmaster.
Speaking of which, picrel.
I put Load Bearing into its own Special Rule instead of a Trait, and just made it a backup Leader.
Grand Strategist got its LP cost lowered to 2, 3 is too much, even 1 might be enough.
Added Elite Corps to make more use of the Titanium Weapon rule, and have Caltrops and Mantraps everywhere. Leaping Flowers might be added.
I kept Intelligence Network, I don't see a reason to remove it, given no one has playtested any Hidden unit, either one or 3 for the moment at least.
Rest is the same I think.
Iconodule (sorry I didn't know what image oyu wanted to use) I split the Pistol thing and the Terror Tonic, also added +1 Reload, should be compensated by access to Titanium Balls, and I'm really weary of giving access to good range option to Atlan.
Rest is pretty much the same.
The Hospitali(z?)er is much more a point of contention however. I added Dogged and Hatred [Wounded] to it, but honestly, I don't see a way to justify taking it, aside from perhaps some really really fringe list. Tough to be Tender is just way too much of a risk.
Hospitalizer can't do much otherwise he can't use Walk it Off reflexively, and he shouldn't activate early because you can't risk ending a turn with a Grievous wound next to it. So he's stuck mostly in place, and so you'd want to have him help ranged units.
Even if you keep him in place surrounded by Spring Gunners or Slave Soldiers with Slings (which I added, seemed to fit), all this means is that those can attack even if they would be killed by having fire concentrated on. The opponent can game it by switching fire and letting you choose between wasting your AP on scattering the guys, or replying and getting snuffed after. Atlan seems to have little access to medic or even just medkits on top of this.
I don't think there is a way to compensate for Tough to be Tender as it is even by piling on bonus rules on it, I really think it needs to be nerfed.
I really appreciate your stuff, even when I'm not sure it'll work, so don't let the tone of this make you think I'm not willing to test it. Hospitalier happens to be one of the few compass units I spawned so its dear to me.
and I just realize I didn't get to do all the Armours, will fix that.
Oh, just had an idea for the Wall Mystic. I don't think this would need to drive the cost up.
> Wall Mysticism : While this model is part of your Expedition, whenever you would place Walls tokens, place twice that amount of Wall tokens.
works for me. maybe change the name to "Wall Adoration" as mysticism is personal and more about "union". also, adoration is alliterative with addition. what do you think about the "Turns into Wall when dies" idea?
>"gamed around"
that was my intent. there is a downside in that if you dont do it you could get fucked over hard, and Spring Gunner doesnt always have to use it, and in order to cancel it out you need to be in LOS and out of range and spend 1 AP, so its not like its free. it is gamey i admit, i think that is what makes it fun. but
did you mean to drop the Crystal? im not sure what image i want either...
>split the Pistol thing and the Terror Tonic, also added +1 Reload
that needed to happen. fond of the increased reload, really clever.
>Hospitalizer can't do much otherwise he can't use Walk it Off reflexively
maybe make Walk it Off cost half an AP?
>Hospitalier happens to be one of the few compass units I spawned so its dear to me.
i understand. is it meant to be Hospitalizer or Hospitalier?
>I don't think there is a way to compensate for Tough to be Tender as it is even by piling on bonus rules on it, I really think it needs to be nerfed.
what about sponsor rules? something like "gain X silver if you remove Y of Z units with Tough to be Tender" or "deploy 1 Hospitalizer in [Certain] campaign battles". ??
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Here are the maps with the entrances thus far. Any change needed? Also, we need to add more entrances to the 5th, as well as decide the borders. How would the political map on the 5th layer be?
I imagine it's a fairly equal mix between Atlantis and Atlan, because they'll have the strongest navies. Other factions will only have small enclaves at best, maybe the Mu or some other independents run a pirate faction. Might actually a good spot to place some Voodoo Poles.
Mu is supposed to have a small archipelago in the 5th, Libertalia is there too if I'm not mistaken. Otherwise yes its probably like >>92694006 says, a split between Atlantis and Atlan, with the advantage to Atlantis.
The Entrance map seems finished, mind if I add this version to the world book? A section on Entrances is much needed.
The Brits have "The Only stable colonial settlement" on the island with the top left entrance.
>maybe change the name to "Wall Adoration"
Will do!
>did you mean to drop the Crystal?
No, will add it thank you!
>maybe make Walk it Off cost half an AP?
I'd rather no set that precedent. if that's the way we go we might as well drop his Move to 2 and boost his AP to 3 instead. Not like he can really use that AP to become a melee monster anyways, its not gonna break him.
>i understand. is it meant to be Hospitalizer or Hospitalier?
I named him Hospitalier but Hospitalizer is kinda fun and sinister, so how about we put it to vote? I like it either way.
>what about sponsor rules?
I had exactly the same thought moment before falling asleep, and didn't think about it until reading this again, synchronicity strikes again. Sponsor rules could 100% make him worth it in the long run. Something like
> At the end of the Campaign gain +5% for each battle in which you either removed 3 models through Tough to be Tender, or won with no models with a Grievous Wound on their profiles at the end of the battle.
have you ever read that book? do you have interest in it?
>I'd rather no set that precedent
fair. could get weird quick.
>so how about we put it to vote
works for me.
>At the end of the Campaign gain +5% for each battle in which you either removed 3 models through Tough to be Tender, or won with no models with a Grievous Wound on their profiles at the end of the battle.
good for a start. it will be something we have to test and tweak alot i think before we get something sufficiently fair and fun. im confident this is the right way to include them.
I don't see why we can't use both names interchangeably like Morlocks vs Morlocs or how the Arc Rangers have seven other names.
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>I don't see why we can't use both names interchangeably
Love it.
>have you ever read that book?
Nah, I know I've seen it in bookstores before but other than that know nothing about it.
fair enough.
just wondering. interesting stuff. a synchronicity is, roughly, when two events connected acausally and not connected causally occur at the same time.
Better to color code the down and up arrows separately, rather than have them all the same color each layer
I was planning on coloring the entrances with a different color depending on where they went. I'll do that once I have finished everything else.


Ok, I'll draw the borders when I have a moment and see if everyone agrees with them.

Sure, but I'll probably update them a couple of times before finishing. There's also a lot of ??? places that have no name or lack some info.

I assume the 5th level?
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Ok, I think this would be a decent split, with plenty of room to add or explore afterwards. Maybe Atlantis needs more land? Also, a couple of points.

>Atlantean air balloons and stalagtite colonies
How do I even represent those colonies? Also, if Atlantis has access to air balloons, does that mean they can attack Atlan from the air? If so, how come they haven't conquered the entire layer? Are those balloons too small to be used as weapons of war?

>Charybdis Vortex
Was it created by New Mu or Old Mu? Also, where would it be located?
Also, the british entrance is called the Polar Jungle. I imagined the british, after a very long way down, somehow calculated that the exit was going to be near the layer's polar area, so the expedition was filled to the brim with arctic equipment... only to come out right on one of the big vertical jungles/swamps. They had to immediately go back as they hadn't brought anything to traverse jungle as dense as the ones in the 5th layer.
>Sure, but I'll probably update them a couple of times before finishing.
Ah! No issue that's what I wanted to gauge, then I'll leave it a while, there's no hurry. Your work is absolutely insane, it'll help a lot visually I think, it is definitely worth the wait.
In other news, some server crashing for no apparent reason made me unable to do much last night, apart for picrel. Sorry about that. The Titanium Golem is last for Atlan, beside the Earl if we do include him, does anyone want to take a stab at it?
I think it was used once in a playtest and it couldn't do anything without the players agreeing to move it forward, right? That obviously need to be fixed.
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So, regarding the Hospitalizer, how about we give him +1 AP, lower his Movement to 2, and make it so Abhor the Weak also buffs Ranged attacks? I think that might actually go a long way to make him workable, the extra AP means you can probably get him out of there in a hurry if you want to avoid him snuffing the TitKing.
Also, did you intend to drop the Alchean Stinger as a Special Weapon?
>How do I even represent those colonies?
I'd say mark them as a dot or with their own Icon, I assume none of them are particularly large.
>Also, if Atlantis has access to air balloons, does that mean they can attack Atlan from the air?
Semi rigids are a rare thing, the Sky People have air supremacy throughout the Layers, they would probably not tolerate Atlantis getting too developed on that front. Also, air balloons are great in places where the Roof to Ceiling space is large, but that isn't always the case.
>+1 AP, lower his Movement to 2, and make it so Abhor the Weak also buffs Ranged attacks
sounds good to me!
>intend to drop the Alchean Stinger as a Special Weapon?
after i nicked Terror Tonic of it i forgot about it.
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Ok, added more entrances on the 5th layer, and updated the icons.
Also, the 6th layer is currently underway. Any tips about that layer would be appreciated.
Also, any help with naming the entrances would also be good.
I imagine the further down you get the less entrances are actually controlled by anyone.
Presumably a lot of the 5th layer ones are free game and/or aquatic lemur infested.
As for Layer 6, it's not canon (yet) but I imagine the Old Lemurians left a couple megastructures. There's that sort of canal on the bottom part, why not extend a network of them around?
Other than that I imagine there's more ruined cities than regularly inhabited ones, with the current Lemurians travelling between them every so often
Should we really map deeper layers anyway? Where's the unknown? Where's the sense of wonder? We don't even have lore for higher layers and the surface.
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We could do a halfway house and have partially mapped layers like picrel. I assume people would have a decent idea of the region around some of the entrances. 5th Layer being mapped makes sense with how it's fairly well civilized. There's doubtlessly uncountable tiny islands but the big ones are charted.
8 and 9 are totally unexplored though I agree there.
i say: everything under 3rd should be low detail/unfinished, everything under 5th should be nearly totally uncharted, everything under 7th should have no map. that doesnt mean we cant or shouldnt know or map it, but just for what should be in the finished books that is my stance. 4th could be more unexplored than the 5th depending on how rivers and mountains are.
>partially mapped layers like picrel. I assume people would have a decent idea of the region around some of the entrances.
i agree.
Love this one in particular.
I agree with this, but I'd like to alter it slightly:
We shouldn't have DETAILED maps. It should have a lot of question marks, and even possible phantom islands/regions. The deeper you go, the more it looks like early maps of North America.
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That may be true, but there is something alluring about filling in the blanks on a map, leaving your mark. Better to reveal the world for what it is, rather than permit man to be scared of the unknown Shadow.
t. Lord Cunningham
>Lord Cunningham has at least twenty three islands, nine waterfalls, eleven ports, and a rumored private entrance to the sixth layer named after him.
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maybe, down the line, after we land on how things really are, we can go back and make maps form the perspective of the colonial factions. Britain's would be inaccurate but full.
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>“For every seed cultivated, there will be a harvest.”
-Unknown scholar of Old Lemuria

Civilization fades across the layers. Population density decreases the further down one goes, from the vibrant jungle cities of the Third layer to the desert fortresses of the Fourth, beyond the half-sunken half-ruined realms of the fifth and further down again.
The sixth layer seems almost abandoned at times.
Great cities of tan stone dot the plains and hills of the sixth. Gargantuan stone blocks form palaces for forgotten kings, docks for dried rivers, and temples for an unknown faith. The present stewards of these cities are a barbarous and shabby lot when viewed in these surroundings. Bright colours seem an intrusion, any sound but the wind seems foreign to these empty citadels.
The Chariot-Kings and their peoples spend most of their time travelling between these cities, observing their rites and festivals at sacred spots in each before hurrying onwards to the next. Even they seem to understand that these ruins are not meant to be lived in, not anymore.
On their walls, the Old Lemurians wrote in a strange script. No modern mind save the First Prophet himself is said to fully understand these writings. Nevertheless, what can be gleaned through pictographs and the Prophet present a puzzling picture.
Lemurians understand well that there exist further levels of cultivation than what even their greatest masters have unlocked. The Vril-Chakra for one, which is considered a final evolution of prophetic abilities by many Lemurian Scholar-Prophets, one which replaces their forehead-hole with a third eye. Etchings on the walls of the Old Lemurians do not depict what we know as Degenerated prophets. Indeed, every prophet shown in the art of the Old Lemurians has a third eye. Those few outsiders who have explored these ruins report that it seems as if even in carving form these stoney prophets know of their purpose there, and of their fate.
I don't think it should be blank, but rather it should be distorted. Maybe an in-setting map that is super distorted from the real map.
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More tantalising still are depictions of wholly unknown Cultivation techniques. For example, one is frequently depicted in Old Lemurian art through the use of pale orange crystals, carved like stained glass to show a humanoid figure radiating light. Some have connected this frequently shown image to the deities of the Old Lemurians, perhaps their rulers. Many believe it to be the final form of the Inner Sun Technique, which allows practitioners to fully transcend corporeal existence into some sort of new being. Optimistic cultivators believe this is the path all Old Lemurians took, ascending to a final and perfect fate at the center of the loop.
While the art of the Old Lemurians depicts neither Degenerates nor Flesh-Constructs, there are a few dark discoveries which hint otherwise. Beneath the throne chambers of the Old Lemurians can be found slab-sealed chambers. These chambers, filled with little more than dust and bone fragments, bear deep gashes upon the walls, acid burns in the rock, and carvings in the script of the Old Lemurians, scratched roughly with some terrible claw. Fateless deserters make the claim that the Old Lemurians were ruled by Flesh-Construct like monstrosities, or that their rulers made use of them to execute traitors. And though wall carvings were never made to depict degenerates, at least one set has been discovered where each serenely carved face has had its face worn away into a hollow void. Whether this was the effect of natural weathering or deliberate defacement by an Old Lemurian is currently unknown.
The exact relation of Old Lemurians to Lemurs is unclear, if one exists at all. Surface scholars are quick to claim that one degenerated into the other, or that the connection is merely a coincidence in names. The Lemurians themselves consider Deep Lemurs to be a threat, but one to be avoided and treated with respect rather than exterminated outright. They have also been known to purchase Second-Layer Lemurs as curiosities.
Might write more later if people like my take on Lemuria. I want to get into how Infested Degenerates might be connected to Old Mu and how Lemurians feel about that (I think they'd be surprisingly okay with it all things considered)
Neat thread on /k/ right no with 17th-19th century art >>>/k/61550824
I very much like these, including the tone. If you and others are down with it I would use this as a core for Lemuria lore in the worldbook, or at least weave it in.
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Moving toward an Atlan release, either tonight or tomorrow morning, here are my suggestion for Hero Traits, using the old ones, those suggested (I think I only added the bit about bleeding on your weapons to give them Titanium for a turn, seemed to fit), and Wall Veneration, which I thought would fit well.
oh shit I realize Bones of Titans no longer makes any sense, will fix.
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For the list of Mercs who work for Atlan, am I missing anyone here?
> Husked Conquistadores
> Stinker Gorgs
> 1-Horned Gorgs
> 2-Horned Gorgs
> Amazons
> Neanderthal Condotieri
> Derelict Husk
> Dirtman
> Olm-Herder
And, should we have a rule saying these gain the Slave Keyword?
i worry it is a bit strong and luck based too. love Wall Veneration.
>should we have a rule saying these gain the Slave Keyword?
with some exceptions. Dirtman and Neanderthal Condotieri wouldnt be slaves.
>love Wall Veneration.
I figure with the Wall Mystic costed the way it is, even if Wall Venaration + Worship ends up being a lot on the opponent, hopefully the combat will be a bit easier because the Atlan side will be smaller.
If you play this + the Lemurs in the Walls scenario I've got cooking it might get rough however.
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I figure since we are moving into Mu cleanup territory, before we start doing it proper, we might speak about design intent.
It is currently kind of a mess. Morlocks have this thing about wanting to group together (despite being very fragile to AOE attacks as a faction), so with a few other models I went with grouping mechanics, but since we are moving Morlocks to their own book, we could revise that.
Poison should probably be well accessible?
Otherwise the big wigs are a complete hodgepodge of rules, Khan and Mother are pretty much bosses...
Let me know what you think.
Currently without Morlocks New Mu has 15 units, 2 being different forms of the Khan, and 5 others being leaders.
I don't think we need to get rid of any of the leader units but it might be nice to buff up their troop/follower selection.
So far the new units we've talked about are:
>Diving initiate (Done)
>Shapeshifter (Not Done)
>That weird Finnish saur One
>Old Ones (Maybe, although I did have an idea that might be fun for them)
Assuming that two of those are troops and two are specialists/elite that brings the New Mu roster to 19, with a noticeable overrepresentation of specialists and leaders to regular unit types, especially in the worker department.
I do want to make a less powerful reveneant unit as a troop type, and buff the current one into a hero unit. Other than that are there any ideas?
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Proposal for the Atlan Equipment list.
I simplified Caltrops and Mantraps and lowered their cost, I don't think a single use item should cost that much.
Terror Tonic I bumped to 3 Silver, seems like it is really good, we could make it a 1 Silver item by having it removed after a successful hit.
Greek Fire Greese didn't make sense initially so I rewrote the "cause damage to itself" bit, its way more dangerous this way, both for you and for the other I think, but with Atlan's high Armour value in many cases you'll dodge the damage entirely, or most of it. Stripping your own Titanium too quickly is a concern however. Should probably be used on Reach Weapons, but you don't have to, if you don't particularly care about the health of your troops.
Thought about adding Sagaris as a poleaxe to the Atlan Weapon roster?
Its not clear it was a poleaxe per say, might have been a long riding axe or hammer even, but whatever.
And Kestros (dart slings)?
>Other than that are there any ideas?
Saur Squire as a cheap Soldier unit that buffs the Saur Knights/dies for them?
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Burdened Whaler!
I need some clarification on the [Whalur X] rule however, its
> +x Acc vs Deep & Beast, -x Acc vs Colonials
but only he has that tag, so it's always going to be 1, no? Is there going to be more Merc profiles with it? Should I add it to a Trait?
>Is there going to be more Merc profiles with it? Should I add it to a Trait?
yes and maybe. there are not any other Whaler units yet, i was thinking that they might could have that rule in common.
sure, if they can copy Spanish armor they can copy Spanish weapons.
maybe leave this for Atlantis
>1 Silver item by having it removed after a successful hit.
i like this.
>i like this.
Will fix!
>maybe leave this for Atlantis
Makes sense, Atlan should not be a Ranged Faction.
Speaking of which any objection to nerfing the Spring Gun to Range 8, or something else?
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And the Titanium Golem, which I am suggesting we turn into a Campaign unit more or less. The one thing I gotta figure out is how you score his Silver has an opponent.
If we are good with this, I'd be up to post the book. It doesn't mean we can't work on the Earl of course.
>Spring Gun to Range 8
makes sense. sounds good.
>If we are good with this, I'd be up to post the book. It doesn't mean we can't work on the Earl of course.
i am very good with what weve got. i do want to do something with the Earl and Princess, but not now. im sorta out of steam, need some fresh ideas. speaking of, still on for wednesday?
>TitGolem has a Heavy Load
Idea for a New Mu Item
> Saur Salve : [Affix] This weapons next Attack gain Poison, additionally, if the Model targeted fails its Poison test this turn, you may Move 1 Saur or Saur-Mounted Model directly toward it. You may use this item when Reloading a Ranged Weapon to gain the same benefit on its next Attack.
Alright so I'm barely keeping my eyes up right now, I'll go grab some sleep and do the final edit when I wake up, then post.
>>TitGolem has a Heavy Load
I especially like the image of the TitKing carrying a Golem carrying 50 pieces of rubbish on its back.
>still on for wednesday?
100%, it's my priority for the evening. Is 9pm good? I assume you want to play Atlan, which Chest value? Any suggestion as to what you'd like to face, terrain or special scenario?
>Is 9pm good
>I assume you want to play Atlan, which Chest value?
i guess i do, but i worry i am too close to it. 150 feels like the standard, so that.
>i guess i do, but i worry i am too close to it.
Don't worry too much about that, but it is however you want, I am building my own Atlan warband irl so eventually I will want to playtest my build, however bad it turns out to be. But it is 100% your call.
>I am building my own Atlan warband irl
if its done, lets test that! if not then i will play Atlan. who are you thinking you will play?
i guess the way it works out is that Mu be 'the Saur faction'.
Found some minis for US units.
>Little Big Horn Personalities
when i was a kid i thought General Custer was General Custard, so i always though of him as really fat and blonde. do the Indian Wars happen? i guess they dont, as America would see Westward expansion it as a sure thing worth delaying in favor of the more competitive Downward expansion.
Ah its not done yet, go ahead.
I'll go with French I guess.
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Here we go!
Really happy of how Atlan is shaping up to be, it feels they went from almost a side faction roster to a full one over the course of this clean up. Thanks a lot for everyone who has given me feedback over it.
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New Mu Revenant Legatus: (20(?) Silver)
Soldier, Hero

AP: 2
Movement: 2
Accuracy: 7
Strength: 7
Discipline: 4
Evasion: 6
Labour: 6
Awareness: 5

5 Box*

>General Rules:
>Special Rules:
-Revenant Body :
This model has a single Hit Location, all successful hits are resolved against it.
-Ghoulish Triumph :
Whenever this model kills an enemy model, it may heal 1 / Wound and immediately make a free Attack against a target in range.
-Charnel Champion:
This model ignores the effect of Shaken, Panicked and Broken. Whenever he would otherwise become Panicked, he may immediately resolve a Charge or Attack action, and whenever he would be Broken, he gains 2 AP.
-Ceaseless Legionnaire: (3 LP)
When this model is adjacent to New Mu Revenants, it may spend 3 LP to activate this ability. All adjacent New Mu Revenants may resolve one move action free of AP cost, and both sides take dread equal to the number of Revenants affected by this ability. After this ability has been activated, New Mu Revenants in frenzy will not attack other Revenant units so long as this unit is alive.

This model can take any Melee weapons from the Mu list as well as Rations, Materials, and Torches. It can be mounted.

This model may be recruited by New Mu expeditions
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Revenants are described as “Shock infantry,” so this guy really leans into the shock aspect. You slowly march up in orderly formation, then they start screaming from inside their masks and all hell breaks loose as they start sprinting around ripping flesh off their enemies and shoving it into their masked mouth-holes. The extra AP and frenzy buff might seem a bit strong but remember that you’re giving dread to your side too so non-rev units aren’t going to be too happy about this. Still might be a little undercosted let me know what you think. I kind of want to do more Revenant units but I don’t know how big of a thing they are in New Mu society. Maybe a sergeant equivalent or some sort of elite, not more than one or two more. This unit also assumes that the current one is being kept as a standard soldier choice this is not a replacement for that dude.
I know Mu is more of a steppe culture but I keep tying them to imperial Rome and Carthage for some reason. The Rome stuff can be kept quarantined to these guys because it’s been done to death but I think there’s something in that Carthage connection worth looking into (New Mu Hannibal-equivalent crossing beneath the Alps but with Saurs? Anti-Italian battle because the Old ones and Volcano spirits have beef? Could be fun)
Thank you!
I'll get the Mu rework started proper tonight, as well as try and finish up the touch up to the main book I had started.
Also, I'm thinking of combining the Saur Squire and Hakapallii into one unit with the traits of both combined (Fast, small raptor-like saur, can bodyguard, low numbers, good in mountains)
Chart makes it seem like it's a merc so I might give it a unique Mu interaction to show that's it's home faction.
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Fuck sky whales btw.
>UR-CA fins typed this post.
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I plugged in Frenzy into Charnel Champion I think it works. I bumped the cost because I think he's really good, not broken but solid. He won't rule the battlefield alone but I think 30 is a minimum for 5 health boxes that you absolutely have to go through.
We'll need to come up with some Traits for him.
>I know Mu is more of a steppe culture but I keep tying them to imperial Rome and Carthage for some reason.
New Mu is very varied as a culture, it is not meant to have any cohesive aesthetic, its the perfect faction for looking up any "ancient" or "tribal" miniature line and building something from it. There could 100% be City-States in it that have a much more Roman/Carthaginian look to them.
And in any case, aesthetic shouldn't completely stop us with naming conventions. Naming one unit Legatus doesn't do anything bad to the faction as a whole.
>Also, I'm thinking of combining the Saur Squire and Hakapallii
Kek, so we've finally figure out what the Hakapalli is supposed to be.
>Also, I'm thinking of combining the Saur Squire and Hakapallii into one unit with the traits of both
Ah I just had a thought.
Since Saur Knights are supposed to be always pushing for more wars on the rest of Mu, we could have the Hakapalli be a sort of questing knight, who has to go and fight a worthy foe before getting fully knighted.
awesome! love the cover image.
i think the rule for Frenzy should be included, even though it isnt a faction rule having it in the same place just makes it all a bit smoother.
>Plugged Frenzy into Charnel Champion.
I left it out originally since in a Rev-heavy list you want the player to have at least one unit in their control once the frenzy kicks in. Would you be amenable to adding an ability where it can spend AP and/or LP to remain out of frenzy since otherwise you're risking a high-value unit in melee?
Otherwise we could buff discipline. Either way I don't think it's wise to have him frenzy at the same time as all the others since if he dies the player may well have no unit with high enough discipline to directly control left.
>Hakapallii as questing knights
I like, I like. I'll try to get something for them in a bit and see what people think.
Wait nevermind I misread how you had set up Charnel Champion him exiting frenzy once dread is high enough works please disregard.
>i think the rule for Frenzy should be included, even though it isnt a faction rule having it in the same place just makes it all a bit smoother.
Easy to fix, will do!
Map for tomorrow? Too big?
Also, do you have a mic?
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Forgot to attack map...
what do the tiles mean? i do have a mic.
I'd go with
> Green Difficult terrain blocks LoS
> Gray (hills) Difficult Terrain Blocks LoS
The rest can be open apart from the water, or we could play with the dense Mushroom Fields in pink as Difficult Terrain.
>i do have a mic.
>Green Difficult terrain blocks LoS
>Gray (hills) Difficult Terrain Blocks LoS
works for me. could you add some green to the gray so i could see it better?
Of course! I'll replace the hills.
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Is this any easier on the eyes?
Figured I'd put more Plains in there.
thank you. the older one looks better, i just need the extra green because i turn the red on my screen up to max so i can use the computer without getting a head ache.
Ok, will revert it!
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Polished Princess:
AP: 3 LP: 4
Movement 2, Accuracy: 4, Strength 6, Discipline 8, Evasion 7, Labor 7, Awareness 8
Health: Limbs 1, Body 2, Head 1
Armor: 2T2T2T

Pearl of Atlan: Rally Actions taken by this model lower Dread by 2.

Hard to be Soft: At the start of the Turn, you may remove one Friendly Model in LOS or within 2 that has a Deep or Greater Wound, or move a Shaken and Unwounded Model to Reserve. If you do not do either of these, you may not Rally.

Refined Guard: Whenever this Model is Wounded, gain 2 Dread. When this Model gets a Crit on a defensive Evasion roll or Succeeds an Armor Check on a Location with Titanium, and if it is not Dodging, reduce the Model the caused the roll’s Discipline by 3.
Must Recruit a Refined Olm.

Combat Baby: Track the number of Melee Attacks this model successfully Dodges over the course of the battle. Every third Dodge, this model immediately hits the attacking model with a Critical Hit and take a Free Heal Action. if the Model is Removed as a result of this rule inflict +1 Dread.

Good Influence: [1AP, 1LP] make a Face-to-Face Discipline check with a Recruitable Model within 5 and LOS. if successful you may pay the Silver Cost of the Model and reduce its Discipline by the amount it was beat by in the check to immediately make it friendly and gain [Stand My Ground].
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>commentary on Polished Princess
I wanted to connect her to the Hospitalizers and Retiarioi while also keeping true to "Moral Defense" idea on the chart. Lore wise i like the idea that she is biologically The Baron's but only Titking and The Baron know that. disciple of the Surgeon General- who i think should be the Hosiplizer Sponsor that was talked of- and trained Retiarioi and Monarch. She is beloved and The Titanium King would not be nearly so popular if not for her, partly because she is so beloved and partly because she is one of the few who can get through to him, and unlike The Baron, the nobility adores her.
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>“the Olm will slip out of any shackle you place on it: Therefor, you must place the shackle in the Olm.” - Atlan Surgeon General

Refined Olm: Cost 17
Soldier, Slave, Character
AP: 3
Movement 2, Accuracy: 6, Strength 5, Discipline 7, Evasion 6, Labor 4, Awareness 7
Health: Limbs 2, Body 2, Head 1
Armor: 2T3T2T
Dogged, Nimble, Hatred[Morlocks], Tight Squeeze, Ignores Obscurity

Bled White: Only in effect while this Model is Shaken.
When a Location with no Titanium suffers a Wound from a Critical, after resolving the Attack gain Titanium and 2 Armor on that Location. Additionally, this Model may willingly take a X Wound during Attacks and Charges it resolves in order to gain Titanium and Terror Tonic on the weapon for the duration of the Attack.

Sick Muse: So long as this Model is in LOS of Polished Princess or adjacent to a Hospitalizer it has -3 Discipline and may not become Panicked or Broken.
If Polished Princess or a Hospitalizer is not on the board and if this Model is out of AP, it is removed as if it were killed by an enemy.

Good Etiquette: Olm-Men may be recruited for an additional +1 Silver. All Olm-Men recruited gain Sick Muse rule, Slave Keyword, +1AP, +1 Accuracy, +1 Discipline, -1 every other stat.

This model comes equipped with Needle-Teeth and may take Special Atlan Weapons.
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Refined Olm are meant to be Bad Olm captured and altered using Titanium by the Surgeon General to become the Polished Princess' personal guard. This was done not only for the sake of the Princess, but also to prove that Olms could be manipulated so, and to further his already favorable position with The Titanium King. do you guys think this fits? i came up with it because if the Re connection to the Reclaimers and Reconquerers in Refined Guard. Olms i imagine would be something utterly alien to Atlan, and i guess some of the more gentle souls and sick minds would take an interest in them: i see Polished Princess as both of those. Good Etiquette i am iffy on, reflects the Olm Guard/Refined Guard better than the singular Refined Olm, but it also may be a bit too good/a bit much too keep trap of. i do like the picture of a Refined Olm luring his Olm-Frens into the Surgeon Generals operating room by the overwhelming power of good etiquette: like an Olm Cult. also, fitting that the guys known for getting through walls would be paired with the Hospitalizers whos job it is to weed out the weak.
Seems Kind of New-Mu-Esque but I do like the idea of a giant hulking olm bodyguard.
As Olm-Unit guy I'm fine with it, giving more factions chances to olm it up is all good.
Love the image.
I've been holding off replacing the ones drawn from the pixel art but if anons are alright with it I'll start replacing them, while the art is insanely appreciated it is unfinished and probably will remain so, and the tokens swears a bit with the rests.
For Mu I was thinking of turning Sinister Dr Moreau into a Character, perhaps have him be a side Merc option as well.
I was thinking he could be a Frenzy protection model, something like
> You may always have friendly Frenzied models target this model for Action resolution as long as he is in LoS, even if he is not the closest model.
I'm still thinking about what to do with the Imaterii and the Psysaur, I'd like to make some room in the Leader section for at least one generic New Mu leader.
Let me know what you think.
Imaterii is in my mind to be used either as a decent backline unit with great if unreliable mobility OR as a risk it all telefragger. At the same time the unit should support both styles
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New Mu Saur Hakapallii: (11 Silver)

AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 6
Discipline: 5
Evasion: 6
Labour: 3
Awareness: 5

2 Box
3 Body, 3 Limb, 5 Head

>General Rules:
Terrain Affinity[Mountain], Training[Sword]
>Special Rules:
-Questing Skirmisher:
If this model lands the killing blow on a Deep, Beast, or Leader unit worth at least 50(?) silver OR one with over seven health boxes it may be replaced with a Saur Knight at the end of the match. This model remains a mercenary unit if this happens.

-Saur Squire:
If recruited by a New Mu expedition AND there is a free Saur Knight unit in the roster, assign this unit to that one. This unit gains the Bodyguard keyword when within 5 hexes of its assigned Knight. Each Saur Knight can have a maximum of 1 Hakapallii assigned to it.

This model can take any Melee weapons or shields from the Mu list as well as Rations, Materials, and Torches. It MUST be mounted on a skysaur, cavesaur, or terror bird[TBD].
This model comes equipped with climbing gear. (The mount is the one wearing it presumably)

This model may be recruited by New Mu expeditions or as a mercenary. If recruited as a mercenary this model gains the Elite Keyword.

Maybe buff leg and torso armour. Hakkapeliitta is the real unit to be based off, they used swords so we’ll say that being good with a pike is part of advanced Knight training. I imagine that the Saur Knight pikes have their standards on them and you don’t get a cool banner as a squire. Questing Skirmisher might need some tweaking but I like the idea of encouraging what would otherwise be a skirmishing unit to be bolder and try to charge for glory (“Cut them down!” being a translation of their name and all.) I think I was decently restrained with the special rules here. Chart says they have limited numbers which is why they get Elite if mercs. Saur Squire encourages you to keep a 1:1 ratio with knights.
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>Love the image.
glad. John Singer Sargent painting.
>pixel art
i like The Baron's and Malcolm's pixel art. neutral on Napoleon and Titking, i think they are good but i wouldnt be against replacing or changing things from them so long as there is a reason too. while i defiantly appreciate it, i dont like Pearlesent Princess pixel art. speaking of images, what about pic rel for Crystal Iconodule? not as something long lasting, but as a good representation of the sorta 'medieval gadgeteer' and admittedly part of the inspiration for the unit.
>at least one generic New Mu leader.
isnt that what Heros are for? Atlan doesnt have any generic leaders and i think its fine. overall, im not tuned into Mu, so i think i will step back for it. i dont understand why Imaterii is a leader, it doesnt look like it can really lead anything.
>You may always have friendly Frenzied models target this model for Action resolution as long as he is in LoS, even if he is not the closest model.
sounds cool.
this is also how i see Imaterii. to me it is mainly the second one because of that Lemuria V New Mu playtest.
A few threads ago an anon posted about an Expedition Fatshark game and it got me thinking about what the special enemies would be
what do you think about using the stamp for the image?
i like the unit. Questing Skirmisher seems a tad hard to satisfy, and i worry using 'Skirmisher' could confuse players that it has something to do with the American units who have the Skirmisher rule. did we make it so you get the Silver for a units gear too? if so that might make it much better, although i think it still makes you wonder "just how many Leaders worth 50 Silver are hanging around New Mu for there to be so many Saur Knight?"
maybe give Questing Skirmisher normal Skirmisher, lower some stats a tad, and make it so he can upgrade if he kills any leader regardless of cost?
>isnt that what Heros are for?
In a way, but not purely, initially there were supposed to be more generic leaders and less named ones. We can probably do away with just heroes in Mu however. I thought it would be cool to have some sort of New Mu Noble that wasn't part of the army or an eldritch being to represent other interest they might have in sending out their own Expeditions.
>i dont understand why Imaterii is a leader, it doesnt look like it can really lead anything.
Purely because the compass blurb and lore posted early made them sound like a high ranking Old Mu being. I could move it to Specialist or Special Unit, even.
>what about pic rel for Crystal Iconodule?
I'm good with it. You are the anon who made the profile right? If so its your call.
Yeah that works, though I do think killing beasts is more on theme for a questing squire
Good catch on Skirmisher too I had forgotten about that being a thing
Added to lore doc, thanks friend!
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>You are the anon who made the profile right?
i am.
>In a way, but not purely, initially there were supposed to be more generic leaders and less named ones
makes sense. i think they are good, i just meant i dont think it is something to sweat over because you could use Heros to fill that role.
>I thought it would be cool to have some sort of New Mu Noble that wasn't part of the army or an eldritch being to represent other interest they might have in sending out their own Expeditions.
that sounds like a good idea.
>Purely because the compass blurb and lore posted early made them sound like a high ranking Old Mu being. I could move it to Specialist or Special Unit, even.
i mean, i dont think its necessarily wrong, its just a bit obscure, which can become a good thing. if you wanted to keep it in Leaders it probably wouldnt hurt to write a blurb about how that thing can lead. if it was me i would put it in Special Units and call it a day. but it isnt me, so do what you feel called to do. i guess i dont have much of an opinion really.
maybe he can kill 50 Silver is beasts or any Leader.
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>if it was me i would put it in Special Units and call it a day.
I'm leaning this way too desu. The fact they are Old Mu ambassadors doesn't mean they lead Expeditions.
Here is what I was thinking for Sinister Dr Moreau.
Sinister didn't make sense anymore, and with the "Dread doesn't go down anymore" having it at 1 actually works and is relevant, instead of ticking out immediately.
He might be overcosted a bit, but with Terror and the Charismatic rule I think it can be justified.
For tonight's game I'd like to try some things
> No passing, you have to activate a unit on your end of the turn, even if that unit doesn't do anything and keeps its AP to Dodge.
> No Reactivating models with AP
(This made the game go much faster the times I played it this way, and removed the whole "passing over and over again to get the last move", this is something I very much dislike.)
> First Activation each turn always goes to the alternate player, meaning the one who didn't activate last previous turn.
Which means you never get double activations.
Let me know what you think.
i think the cost is fair. Sinister is simple yet stupendous; i love subtle stuff like that.
>No passing, you have to activate a unit on your end of the turn, even if that unit doesn't do anything and keeps its AP to Dodge.
>No Reactivating models with AP
what about you always have to spend either AP or LP on your turn, but you can Reactivate models with AP left?
>just keep alternating
works for me. probably easyer to keep track of.
also to solve
>"passing over and over again to get the last move"
you could say something like, "if two players pass in a row the turn immediately ends".
for Carry That Weight, if i moved the Non-Slave, would he still be moved back to the Slave? i think it should be changed so that either it is a once per use effect, or is the effect is broken if the Non-Slave is every moved away from the Slave.
also, could i get a refresh on Threshold and Eva as a weapon stat? it isnt in the General Rules doc.
also also, can Bucklers and Shields be taken with other weapons? i guess yes but i would rather not guess.
So are all colonial territories named? If so, some are not in the google doc. Just in case, here is the list of the ones I've found, plus a couple of proposals of my own.

-3rd Layer: New Kirkwall
-4th Layer: New Wellington
-5th Layer: Beatrice Shores

-3rd Layer: Sunken Paris, Ys, Basse-Guyenne, Reconnexion (Is the french territory in the 3rd layer divided in different provinces?)
-4th Layer: Nouvelle Alger

-4th Layer: Sicilia Terza

-3rd Layer: Kitezh
-4th Layer: Vladiagartsk

-4th Layer: Maximiliana

-2nd Layer: Lower Istambul
-4th Layer: Lower Capaddocia

-3rd Layer: Franklin
-4th Layer: New Alamo
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Also, fixed the colors on the 3rd map. I'll make the political maps with the territories' names tomorrow.

Also, we still need to fill the ??? entrances, the ones either unter Atlan, atlantean, Mu or unaligned.
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Sorry, fell asleep
Yes! Most models can carry 5 Items total, technically that could be 5 weapons but there's really very little point to it.
If you Strength is below the weapons Threshold, you deal the first of the two Wounds profile, if it is equal or above, you deal the second.
Evasion modifier is used when you are targeted by an attack, you have to choose a weapon to defend or your Evasion is set to 1 automatically.
We can try that, but I would rather if we do that way that you have to spend an AP, even if its to Dodge during your Activation.
>"if two players pass in a row the turn immediately ends".
We can try it but reflexively I don't like it. Not sure why, I'll let it stew, see if a reason comes up.
>If you Strength is below the weapons Threshold, you deal the first of the two Wounds profile, if it is equal or above, you deal the second.
i see. i thought weak/strong was for the enemies strength.
>Evasion modifier is used when you are targeted by an attack, you have to choose a weapon to defend or your Evasion is set to 1 automatically.
why havent we been doing this before?
>you have to spend an AP, even if its to Dodge during your Activation.
works for me. why do you think excluding LP being spent is a good idea?
>"if two players pass in a row the turn immediately ends".
i dont think it is necessary if we do the "you must spend AP" rule.
>why do you think excluding LP being spent is a good idea?
LP we could, since its not going to affect turn structure too much, just trigger special effects and counter Dread.
>why havent we been doing this before?
I'm sorry I did on my side but miscommunication might have struck there. Probably the same for the Threshold thing. However I do like the idea of it being the opponent's Str, that makes it simpler, could cut Threshold altogether.
>LP we could, since its not going to affect turn structure too much, just trigger special effects and counter Dread.
you mean LP shouldnt be able to be used as a substitute for AP for the purpose of meeting 'turn requirements' because it is only used for SFX and Rally, right? just trying to make sure i understand you.
hopefully mics will help with this.
>I do like the idea of it being the opponent's Str, that makes it simpler, could cut Threshold altogether.
well obviously i am in favor of that, but it is youre call. maybe we could try that out this game?
>you mean LP shouldnt be able to be used as a substitute for AP for the purpose of meeting 'turn requirements' because it is only used for SFX and Rally, right?
Running a bit late, sorry, something fucked up with the map.
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ok up. Sorry had to redo the map I went fast.
and owlbear
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150 Atlan Expedition. Mushroom Feilds
Baron Phosphorous (30s) Warhorse (10s)
Warmaster (9s) Grand Strategist & Run That Body Down (4s) Spare Your Heart, Witty Swole Agile Precise, (2s) Sagaris (3s) Warhorse (10) Greek Fire Grease (1s)
Hospitalizer (10s)
2X [Immortals (17s) Hasta Clipeus (2s) Greek Fire Grease (1s)
2x [Spring Gunner (10s) Spring Gun (1s) 2x Titanium Balls (2s)
4x [Titanium Miner (3s)]
>143 total 7 remainder

dont have discord so im going to be a minute. sorry.
Bump while we wait for game report, should one be forthcoming
> Having heard rumors of Atlan slaving caravans in the outskirts of French colonial territories, Charles Garnier and a small team of Troupe de la Marine (with some artillery support) set out to investigate.
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> Confident in their superior maneuverability, the french force rushes toward the middle. In response the Baron and the War master moves to the flank, keeping the hills between them and the superior colonial firepower.
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> Shots are fired! One Troupe hits a Titanium Miner, while Charles manages to get one shot through an Immortal's armour. One duo of Troupes pulls back to deal with the incoming Baron and War Master, and one shot hits the War Master in the Chest. It is decided that no, War Master should not have a single Body Health, and so we keep him there (spoilers : won't matter that much).
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The Troupes facing the incoming War Master and Baron hurriedly reload and shot their Gras Rifles at the duo again, and by luck scores another hit on the War Master's body, putting him down for good. This seemingly pisses off the Baron, who ignites his blade and charges at one of the two Troupes. We discover that the Baron is *very good* at removing Colonials. Poor dude bursts into flame and dies in one hit. The rest of the fire from the French is ineffective this turn, the Mitralleuse can't get an angle (it will be useless the entire game) and the few shots that do not miss pings on Atlan's armour.
> Through sheer luck some fire (I don't remember if its a Troupe or Charles who shot) manages to put down the lower Immortal, raising Atlan's Dread to 5. The Baron once again exact vengeance for the affront, turning another Troupe into a pile of ashes in one hit. The Mitrailleuse opens fire with two short bursts on the remaining Immortal, who shrugs off the hail as if it was nothing.
> The Hospitalizer permanently cures one Titanium Miner of all his ailments, thus not generating Dread. Understanding regarding the usefulness of the Hospitalizer finally dawns on me. The Baron charges the backline of Troupes, intent on getting rid (or perhaps acquiring) the Mitrailleuse, and quickly murders another Troupe who stands in his way. At this point I feel quite overconfident of Charles for some reason, and seeing an early victory slip from my grasp, I decide to get him stuck in. His Accuracy and Evasion are at 9 both but still, that's a lot of Atlan on his ass \and he starts taking a few wounds.
> Charles manages to kill one of the Spring Gunners he is engaged with, but the return melee gets him to one Graze away from death. The Baron fares better, but does not manage to remove the Troupe or the Mitrailleuse.
> Charles attempts to disengage and run away, thinking he will be able to outmaneuver away of danger, however the Hospitalizer is on his trail, and manages to stick his Stiletto one final time into him. I call game, at which my opponent graciously offer me to at least swing at the Barons to see, as there is a small chance I could remove him. I do not.
End score
> France 64
> Atlan 75, Victory to Atlan!
Thanks a lot for the anon who played with me, both the game and the lore discussion around Atlan was very enjoyable. I'm really glad the game ended up this close overall.
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For Spring Gunner: Notoriously Jumpy.
Having the MG be borderline useless is entirely on brand for colonial adventures.
>Some notes.
War Master is fine, I was just stupid with him. he is a hero, so there are lots of ways to raise his health.

“must spend AP” needs more testing. Compare Strength was good I think. “just keep alternating” works, but I think personally prefer the old way, also needs more testing.

I agree that changing Carry That Weight to only lower movement by 1 is good.

Perfect Form might be a bit too cheap, maybe it should only work with shields

Walk it Off as is doesnt really have a drawback, instead mitigating Tough to be Tenders drawback for a slight cost, which is also Abhor The Weaks job and will be the job of the sponsor. So I see using Walk it Off that way overly redundant. It might be worth keeping the 3 AP, but having Walk it Off deny only Dread or only Silver would be good. Or, at least make it so the enemy can get the Dread or Silver by killing the unit before the end of turn. Maybe something like
>when this model is out of AP, is removed as if killed by the enemy, but does not generate Dread/Silver.
gives you a reason not to use it unless it is important and makes Tough to be Tender a bit more a threat. Personally, I am in favor of Dread denial, as I suspect the sponsor will balance out the Silver.

Thoughts on giving Polished a kinda Nimble for Armor?
>Do No Harm/Wet Blanket: Nimble also/instead applies to Armor. Whenever this Model is Wounded, gain 2 Dread.
thank you!

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