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Batrep Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ 1 (cont.): With the success of the NPC rules in the last playtest I'm thinking of expanding the lists of Hostiles to include more, if you have ideas for monsters or profiles please go ahead.

> TQ 2 : Have a look at the new Prophecies, we could definitely use more High ones, so let me know if you have any idea. High Prophecies = Making prediction as to the game state, no roll involved, get rewarded if the prediction turns true.
Had to make the OP a battle screen shot because damn 200 Silver Expeditions are sexy.
Stuff to do from previous threads
> Update US hero traits and Volunteer profiles
> Policeman of the Future
> Torero mercenary
> rework French Faction traits (not urgent but they are way above the curve in terms of impact, and undercosted.)
> Once I get this playtest done and get additional feedback on weapons rework, if everything is fine I got to go back and update all the colonial books with the new weapons and mounts and stuff.
> Cheat sheet for both setting up a scenario and just general gameplay structure (been meaning to do that for months... )
Oh and missed the previous on OP
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Excited for the game! One thing I noticed and want to do later on is running this list with Cunningham, and equipping all the privates with M187X rifles. Just imagine the volley fire...
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We good in about an hour?
Will make one for your Expedition too.
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Yep, an hour's good!
Oh, I forgot the rules had been changed a little. I haven't played for a while, what were the major changes again?
I included the rebalanced weapons in your profile so that bit is done.
> Rally : Leaders, Characters and Specialists may spend 1 AP or LP to reduce Dread by 1 (You may spend multiple LP at a time).
> You may shoot in Melee, but may not Reload.
> You apply Range Weapons Accuracy modifiers only if the target is more than half your weapon's range away.
I think those will be the main relevant ones for us this game.
Damn just realized I forgot the horse for your MMG
Alright, seems simple enough!
> Rally : Leaders, Characters and Specialists may spend 1 AP or LP to reduce Dread by 1 (You may spend multiple LP at a time).
Needed because Dread no longer decays.

The other big thing is instead of Threshold for Weak/Strong, it is if what you are Attacking has greater strength than what is attacking it or not. This isnt set, but it is how 2e anon and i have been playing.
Ah! That's the other big one, I knew I was forgetting something.
Room is ready, will be myself in ~10 minutes.
> Two retired Old Mu Royals are sightseeing the fauna through the third Layer, disregarding the nervous warnings of their escort not to step too closely to the animals, when a column of British Privates emerges on the other side of the clearing.
> The Modern Major General decides to disregard the lack of composure of the Prize Hunter, who is clearly salivating at the sight of a Terrorsaur, and orders his troops into a line. Saurs? Cannibal Legionnaires? Tentacled tourism? The British Army will not stand this nonsense.
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The match has been concluded, with the victory going to Her Majesty's British Empire! I'll let 2e anon do the honours of writing up the battle report.

Some of my own thoughts:
British gunlines are seriously OP. There was talk of some counters afterwards, but in the game I pretty handily dealt with both 2e anon and the hostile NPCs. Several different ideas floated, one of which is a Suicide Sam kamikaze bomber for Mu which I'll work on, but I've thought more about it and I think the main problem is that Brit weapons are way, way too cheap. 5 silver for a 3 shot weapon and a bayonet. I went into the game thinking I had a pretty strong and basic list not realising the weapons had been rebalanced, and when we got to it I had essentially won by turn 2.

So my conclusion is that weapon costs should be rebalanced. The Lee-Metfield is both OP and undercosted. In my opinion, the Martini Henry should be the standard british rifle, 5 silver (+bayonet), single shot before reload, while the Lee-Metfield should be kept the way it is but more expensive, maybe 10 or more silver. 8 guys with 3 shots each (and 2 dice if you place them correctly) is way too much firepower (but of course a sure sign of British superiority all the same). Otherwise the game went well and I'll leave the rest to 2e anon.
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> Tired of hearing his wife complain of sunburns, one of the Old Ones invokes a favour to the INNER SVN and dims the light ever so slightly. Expedia adds a 5 Silver charge to his travel bill, and Obscurity 1 is set for the map. This won't change much.
> The British line opens up on the Terrorsaur, but the beast deserves its name, and crit Dodges twice, and its scales deflect much of the incoming bullets. One does find a weakness on its head, leaving the beast furious.
> The second Old One casts Acid Blood on the Revenants. This will also not matter.
> The Legatus sends his Revenant forward, hoping to sneak them on the british line's flank, but a number of the Privates recognize the threat and begin shooting. Despite the Obscurity and the distance, the weight of fire is enough to kill one Revenant right then.
> In the Hostile phase, I luckily win the Terrorsaur roll (I would have lost VERY quickly had I not) and charge it in the Private's line, however the dumb lizard misses on his attack on the Sergeant.
> Brit anon wins control of the Firebreathing Saur, who sprays one of the Old Ones with fire. Luckily it succeeds in dodging it, and the one next comes out slightly rosey, but fine (took a /).
It's my view that every faction should have at least one AOE artillery weapon
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> The Sergeant, Prize Hunter and the Privates facing the Terrorsaur show an exemplary display of soldiering, and absolutely massacre the alpha predator. By the time it is killed, it does not have a single Health box left untouched. Honors goes to the Private who charge it with a bayonet, I don't recall it wounded it, but that takes balls.
> With this done, the right side of the line becomes completely free to deal with the incoming mu Menace. Setting up Line Fire well, the Privates once again proves they are worthy of serving in her Majesty's army, downing 3(!) Legionnaires, their armour doing nothing against the superior firepower of the Colonials.
> A few Privates feel confident enough to advance in (I think at that point Brit anon just felt bad for me).
One day 2eAnon will win a game.
That day will begin the Deluge.
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> The Legatus and the one remaining Legionnaire charges the Private that foolishly broke rank, and between the two manages to finally get a kill.
> The Old One, amazed at the effectiveness of this young'uns tech called rifles, decides to pick up the fallen Private's Lee-Metfield and bring it back home to show his in-laws and kids.
> The MMG rushes into combat and kills the last Revenant.
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I think we actually played an additional turn after this, but the whole thing was obviously done. Old Ones and the Legatus can tank for a long while but won't turn the tide.
End game result
> Brits : 109 Silver, 2 Dread
> Mu : 49 Silver (thank god for the Souvenir rule!), 6 Dread.
Thanks a lot for the game mate, it was great.
I swear I'll get Mu to work at some point, but yeah that weight of firepower was insane. And I was stupidly lucky to roll the Terrorsaur and control of it, even if it gave you 50 Silver it still kept half your Expedition busy.
Revenant my be worth costing down from 13.
Things could have gone very different had I brought an Imaterii. This map and the British line begged for some tele-fragging. But alas it was not to be.
Thank you for playing as well, and adjusting to my inexperience. It was a good game, despite the balance problems. Definitely have to try again at some point, I want to have a go at Cunningham and the Remingtons, maybe after things get recosted a little. I think a ballpark of 3 silver per shot + 2 base would be a good way to go about it.
I think it would have been a much closer game if Obscurity or clever wall placement forced you to advance and/or break line. Still likely too strong, but i doubt it is as dramatic as it seems.
From the outside, Line Fire seems to me to be the real culprit. Decreasing Private Accuracy to 4 or 5 would put it more in line to what it would have been pre-weapons change, and at the same time making Line Fire less of a bonus and more of a base, while still making it more of a plus than a minus over all.
Changing the gun will have many more ripples than changing the unit, and that makes it much less testable. Still, i agree about the Martini Henry.
Yeah, that might be a solution. The problem was that I had an enormous volume of fire (34 shots total), which was both accurate and heavy hitting. We talked about a few things like a Morlock army being better suited against a British line, or 2e anon missing out on a cool obscurity ability by 1 silver, or using other units like the Saur Knights.

Recosting the guns so the Martini Henry is a baseline is more like what they used to be pre-rebalance, so the privates are forced to reload after every shot, but it's just one idea I had. It really depends on whether this is more a rules balance problem or stat problem or cost problem.

2e anon, you want to schedule a few more games so we can figure this out? Probably better to play around with a few variations before we decide on any major rule changes.
>2e anon, you want to schedule a few more games so we can figure this out?
Sure! Next Monday?
I'm gonna think a bit about what's best for the Private & rifle situation. Line Fire providing Quickshot at what is essentially no real cost to the main unit really only made sense when all rifles were single shot, there no doubt about it. Reducing their stat to 4~5 would be an option, but (and maybe this is just be being dumb) I feel its weird the Privates would be a worse shot alone than some workers... And Atlan anon is right that recosting the guns to your formula would affect the balance of all colonials, but that might be necessary, this would be the right moment for it, and might not have manifested itself in our games for a reason or another.
There's also that this is the only game I've played where I had no range weapons to cover my advance and threaten you somewhat, and the Revenant did not really work as well as I thought they would. The only ones that got to pick up Corpse tokens had no wounds to heal. It might be as well that they were overcosted as well. They felt more like something that should have costed around 9~10 than 13.
Giant floating medusae (3hex model) that shoot barbs and cause poisons to units it floats over?
Next Monday is good. What do you want to do? I can either reuse this list since it seems like a good baseline to measure balance on, or go all out for the Cunningham list with 5 shot remingtons.
I'll change my list anyways so you might as well do the Cunningham+Remington list, as long as there is enough Private to get a good Firing Line we'll be able to see how it works.
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Pitch for the Lemurian Enchantress & Shaman.
> Beyond promoting Cultivation and studying Prophecies, members of the Temple of Tigress are responsible within Lemurian society for the "fleshcrafting". This is of a very different nature from Mu fleshcrafting, who generally find ways to graft or splice some foreign organs into you, a practice Lemurians find analogous to self-imposed degeneration. In contrast, an Enchantress alchemy will "Cultivate" the new traits into you, if your metabolism is strong enough. This can be achieved by various means, such as incubating into pods made from Fleshy Outgrowth, or by prolonged fasting and meditating under the INNER SVN's light reflected on strange crystals.
> Lemurian Shamans, on the other hand, are responsible for maintaining the morale and quality of warriors within a warband. One way they do this, as well as one of their function toward larger Lemurian society, is the practice of Cultivated Cutting. Shamans can quite simply Cut weaknesses & sicknesses out of someone (in the later case, both physical and mental, inexplicably). The process is brutal, and may kill the person undergoing it. The leftover Cuttings, also called Sprouts, are often alive, slithering masses of black smokey flesh, and can become threats if they are left to grow on their own.
Also, for the Digested Degenerate...
Maybe simply add a rule to Degenerates that if they get killed by an Hostile Beast, they get to test Strength, if successful the beast vomits up a Digested Degenerate, which could be a mini-construct of some kind?
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The Policeman of the Future!
I loaded him up with as many pieces of useful equipment as possible. Being an Auxiliary and not a Worker or Soldier straight up will limit a bit the buffing they can get, but will also open up some strats for the French and Brits in particular. I made him a Mercenary that would work for either Americans, British or French, Brits can definitely use him more than the French and Americans, but I think it would make too nice an addition to a Tiger Brigade list not to be included.
Its a pretty darn good unit so cost should be high, I'm not sure what however. Also, should it be a melee+hose pipe only unit, or should I allow it to take handguns?
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Update to the Officer traits!
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Did you still intend the Roughriders to be forced to have a Saur mount?
In the case of a Campaign, should we write in something that it loses the mount permanently and starts without one on the next games? Perhaps with options to regain the mount?
>Regular (Worker, useless, can be upgraded)
>Infeseted (Worker, dangerous (?), will spread and spawn NPCs
>Ingested (State of being, not a unit)
>Digested (Distilled degenerate? What does it do?)
>Sprouts (Hostile NPCs) [I like the gardening theme but there's got to be a way to tie it into the verb -ed thing we have going on for degenerates.]
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Can we add rocket-propelled Ottoman husks?
Kek, sure, there's room to grow the Ottomans.
I'll eventually have to circle back to them as part of the cleanup.
>Cultivated Cutting
Cultivated Cutting : While this model is alive, you may record up to one test failure of any kind per non-degenerate Expedition model. While this model is next to a model with a recorded failure, both may spend 2 AP. Test both model's Discipline. The model with a recorded failure takes a X wound for each failed test. If at least 1 test was successful, permanently increase the stat involved in the failed test by 1.
(probably needs a rework I don't know if its useful outside a Campaign).
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Suggestion to rework Buckler & Shields.
No longer weapons, just equipment.
> Buckler : Models equipped with this who succeed their Evasion test while targeted by Attacks or Charges which hit their Limbs gain +3 Amour against this attack. You cannot use Bows or Rifles for the remainder of the turn.
With Shields doing the same for both Limbs and Body.
Good idea. I think i will have a look at U.S weapons, Hyperborean Relics in particular.
Good catch on capping Midnight Riders.
>still intend the Roughriders to be forced to have a Saur mount?
They must be recruited with a Saur mount.
>should we write in something that it loses the mount permanently and starts without one on the next games?
That is what i intended.
>Perhaps with options to regain the mount?
Figure that will come with Capture rules and the Triassic Ranch Sponsor.
I like, I like
>They must be recruited with a Saur mount.
>That is what i intended.
>Figure that will come with Capture rules and the Triassic Ranch Sponsor.
Alright, that fits what I thought pretty much, I'll add some small blurbs for the campaign thing and add them up to the US book proper.
> In regards to firearms and the Brit gunline balance issue
Thinking back to it, I believe the issue isn't just Line Fire on its own, or guns being underpriced, my list being poor and me playing as usual (badly), but all of it put together.
Firearms *are* undercosted. Headshot! on its own should be worth at least 2~3 Silver. 3 Silver/Shot + 2 all across I think is overcosted, it doesn't account for Accuracy, Pen or Range, but having a sort of basic formula like this would help balance. I was very liberal in putting Headshot! in, it might make sense to remove it from most profile.
I'll come up with a test list and we can maybe try them across a few lists to see if it it really does affect other colonials too much, if it does then we can just look at rebalancing the Private itself.
> Cultivated Chrysalis : (2 AP) Target a Friendly model within 3 and LoS and standing in an Hex with a Fleshy Outgrowth in it. That model loses all remaining AP, then remove the Fleshy Outgrowth from its hex, as well as any number of adjacent Fleshy Outgrowth to it or to one removed this way. It permanently gains x Silver worth of Traits from the Lemuria Faction traits. X is the number of Fleshy Outgrowth removed.
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Good thread to pay attention to for inspiration
Shoot, messed up link

A way to do that could be to have it be a British unit that can be taken by France with the right Sponsor or Hero Trait. Let the British version take a pistol the French version can not take a pistol but Hose Pipe has +2 Range or does an extra Graze or something. I dont know really. Maybe 14 cost? Could have letting them take pistols be a Hero Trait for the British.
>all of it put together.
Part of the problem is that Quick Shot makes Headshot! about twice as likely. I think guns do need to be gone over again, but i dont think they are nearly as overpowered as that game made them seem. I also think it makes more sense to change the Privet first, as that requires the least testing, and we do not get to test all that often. Also, UK is noticeably off par, so it makes good sense to get to a similar level to other factions on paper it before making changes to weapon balance based off its performance in one game against a likely under powered list.
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Thanks for this! Always appreciate the inspiration.
>A way to do that could be to have it be a British unit that can be taken by France with the right Sponsor or Hero Trait.
Sure, the Inspector trait was kinda lackluster and needed review after the Renault playtest I think, been meaning to come back to that and update it to the newer transport rules like the Chariot and Juggernaut.
So, no Americans?
>Also, UK is noticeably off par, so it makes good sense to get to a similar level to other factions on paper it before making changes to weapon balance based off its performance in one game against a likely under powered list.
That makes a lot of sense. I did picrel on a whim last night, it does makes some guns much more expensive then they were, but others not so terribly, so I think the formula could be a good start. I'll leave it here even if we might not use it.
Formula might need tweaking, but i really love having it, even if we dont follow it exactly it is good to have a baseline, and players can use it to add their own guns in. Honestly, i completely missed what you guys meant until you posted this. Great idea.

"Weak on his own, when formed in a proper line under the leadership of a sergeant major he’ll shoot as well as any veteran"
Here are my suggested changes to the Privet
>Reduce Discipline to 4.
>Reduce Accuracy to 5
>Line Fire: (2 AP) Immediately after an adjacent British Army Privet resolves a Ranged Attack, this model may make a Ranged Attack using the same weapon.

Sergeant Major should have some way to increase Accuracy by spending AP. Maybe it can spend 2 AP once per game to have Privets connected to it and at least 2 other Privets gain Quick Shot for that turn. Thin Red Line should give Accuracy bonus.
Maybe a Hero Trait could let you take 2 Sergeant Majors, or reduce the Reload for Soldiers Adjacent to a Hero, Leader, or Sergent Major.
Did you mean to remove Elite from Tennessee?
Nah, I added it right after I posted it, I had forgotten it the first time around!
Anything else I'd need to add?
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Strange things lurk within the cyclopean depths of the Tigress Temple. The Lemurians speak in hushed whispers of beasts, strange even to their alien ways. The priestesses assure the masses that the chambers and corridors open to the public are perfectly safe. The uninitiated need only fear what stalks the ancient halls from which they are barred.
Pass not through those dim arcades, they croon in their husky voices, ignore those golden lights you see down there. In the dark.
Maybe Mammoth Bats use their trunks for echolocation. Instead of screeching they
Maybe they can be trained to play songs buy lengthening and shortening the trunk, or bending it certain ways.
Would be nice to have a word or phrase for "not Shaken or Panicked", same with "not Shaken, Panicked, or Frenzied". Wouldnt be too useful here i dont think, just something that comes to mind.
damn i also messed up the link.
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>Strange things lurk within the cyclopean depths of the Tigress Temple. The Lemurians speak in hushed whispers of beasts, strange even to their alien ways. The priestesses assure the masses that the chambers and corridors open to the public are perfectly safe. The uninitiated need only fear what stalks the ancient halls from which they are barred.
>Pass not through those dim arcades, they croon in their husky voices, ignore those golden lights you see down there. In the dark.
This blurb is cool, I'm putting it in the book somewhere if that's okay with you.
>Would be nice to have a word or phrase for "not Shaken or Panicked", same with "not Shaken, Panicked, or Frenzied". Wouldnt be too useful here i dont think, just something that comes to mind.
Steady? Good idea btw.
>>Reduce Discipline to 4.
>>Reduce Accuracy to 5
>Line Fire: (2 AP) Immediately after an adjacent British Army Privet resolves a Ranged Attack, this model may make a Ranged Attack using the same weapon.
Would this be something your activate and remains active for the rest of the game? Because otherwise 2 AP just to sneak in a shot out of activation... well, let me think about it, it might be better than I immediately think.
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>Mammoth Bats
Kek, this fucking setting.
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Milk Bat?
Milk Bats are a woolly bat about, ignoring the wings, the size of a sheep that has been domesticated by Sky People for bat milk and bat fur. When not sleeping, they graze mushroom and lichen.
Milk Bats are okay not to be stated, but i think they might be nice for flavor.
I love how we run the gamut from
>Epic heroic tales of vim and valor!
>Horrifying terrors of the deep and the stars and beyond
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I really like fleshing out the fauna and flora of the Deep, stuff like >>93374705 and the Mammoth Bat are weird enough to underscore the alien side of the setting but aren't straight up horrifying.
I couldn't do much last night thanks for that Crowdstrike! :( but I did do picrel. Always thought the idea of a giant hallucigenia was cool, even before coming to this setting.
Anyone remember where we had landed on the Yeti Crab one? I remember someone writing up a blurb that mentioned they weren't really crabs, but closer to those punching shrimps, but very large?
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More lemurian trait ideas

> Visible Vrill-Chakras : You may spend 1 LP at any time to have this model counts as a Chi Token until the end of the turn. Whenever a Friendly model targets this model with a Special Action, roll one additional dice on any roll involved in that Action's resolution.
> Halo of Fate : This model counts as Light Source 3, and Husks cannot be resurrected while within 3 of this model. (probably needs something else to add on here).
This looks like it could be from a real computer game. A late Lucas Arts game or something. The Megahallucigenia is blocking the way to the part of the cave where the last Sane Morlock Shaman is sleeping, who you need to get to lower the water level which open a new area and will spin a Atlantean water wheel which will let you out of the temple you are trapped in. The Megahallucigenia needs to be lured away by your Miskatonic Advisor, but he is mad at you for not listening to him and getting you all trapped here, and so wont help until you solve a dialog puzzle with him. If you try and speak to the Megahallucigenia, it just goes :(
How can trunks be represented? Some kind of Long Coils variant? Reach?

Idea for PRÖÖÖT
(1 AP) All models in front of and Engaged with this model must test Discipline, those that fail become Stunned and suffer Knockback.
Maybe it should be that you have to be in front of a model to be engaged with it.
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Alternative PRÖÖÖT
(1 AP) All models in front of and Engaged with this model must test Discipline, if a model fails the owner of that model takes 1 Dread (max 3 per turn).

Rough bat mount ideas:
Move: 6, Acc: -2, Str: +1, Eva: +1, Health 0
Accuracy 4, Strength 4, AP -1 [//] / [X]
Flyer, *Quick Strike when in Obscurity 2 or greater (general rule of some kind? nocturnal hunter?)

Move: 5, Acc: 0, Str: +2, Eva: -2, Health +1
Accuracy 3, Strength 5, AP -1 [//] / [X]
At the start of this models Activation, it may Lower its Movement by 3 and Consume 1 Ration to gain Fresh Bat Milk at the start of the next turn, retaining the Movement penalty until the Fresh Bat Milk is consumed.
Special Meal, Fresh Bat Milk: When a model uses Fresh Bat Milk as a Warm Meal for the Snack Action, it must test Strength, and if it fails becomes Poisoned on the next turn.

I like Milkbat best out of all the bats so far. Mammoth Bat feels like it could be great, but i cant get it right in my head. Warbat is just a generic big bat, neat, glad to have it, but just a big bat.
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>How can trunks be represented? Some kind of Long Coils variant? Reach?
I was thinking along the same ways, give it a weapon named after it and Reach & Stun, but I think this might be a place for a special hostile rule that can better immobilize a model...
However I do like
>(1 AP) All models in front of and Engaged with this model must test Discipline, if a model fails the owner of that model takes 1 Dread (max 3 per turn).
Maybe I'll give him two weapons, the Trunk and Tusks, with the Tusks having the Knockback and the Trunk having Stun and Reach.
>Mammoth Bat feels like it could be great, but i cant get it right in my head.
I was thinking having it identical to the Deep Mammoth, but with Flying on top of it.
> Deep Mammoth
Picrel, I started it last night but got stopped before I could give it more attention.
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>This looks like it could be from a real computer game. A late Lucas Arts game or something. The Megahallucigenia is blocking the way to the part of the cave where the last Sane Morlock Shaman is sleeping, who you need to get to lower the water level which open a new area and will spin a Atlantean water wheel which will let you out of the temple you are trapped in. The Megahallucigenia needs to be lured away by your Miskatonic Advisor, but he is mad at you for not listening to him and getting you all trapped here, and so wont help until you solve a dialog puzzle with him. If you try and speak to the Megahallucigenia, it just goes :(
I've just had a flashback to losing so many fucking hours on Versaille 1685...
So we good for the game tomorrow? Should I use the Cunningham list with this recost or just go with the prior one?
Tomorrow? I thought we said Monday?
Can't really tomorrow.
Oh, I'm going off American time. I can do Monday though.
Oh sorry I thought maybe it was a time difference thing.
As for what to use, if you don't mind I'd like to retry against the previous list, if you want to tweak it by bringing Rations or switch a few models around, that'd be cool, but I'd like to see if the situation seems similar if I bring a good screening. I'll have a core of Revenant but I'll remove the two Old ones and replace them with Morlocks mercs and maybe a couple other things.
Unless another cybersecurity corp decides to blow up half the world's Microsoft computers tonight I swear I'll finish Morlocks and post it in the morning.
Sounds good! Think I'll go with the same list, maybe grab some dynamite, we'll see. I'll post the final one later today or tomorrow.
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Was reading this:

Do you think Napoleons escape is common knowledge? Maybe the Brits claimed he was taken to Saint Helena and died there.

Maybe he did.
>Napoleon visits the pyramids
>He finds something beneath them
>He is buried like an Egyptian pharaoh
My God...
>need to pay to download the whole thing
>can download 3000 files one by one but...
Maybe Mediafire wasn't the best site to upload it to
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Malcolm is a bitch
Napoleon is a bitch
This post sponsored by Cromwell Gang
> "Was carted off to the ship Belle Poule (Beautiful Chicken, not sure of the occult reference)
That is not an occult reference, "belle poule" ou "belle poulette" is an idiom in french, basically the same as calling a girl "babe".
Is that a huge concern? I guess for ease's sake you could dl the whole thing but its not a fuckhuge library as of now.
If anons have an alternative to offer please let me know.
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New Tallfin!
Putting up some final touches to the book and I'll upload it right after. I readjusted the stats a bit downward (since they will really swarm up and buff each other). Of note I'm gonna add a mention saying Morlocks can recruit up to 5 Heroes instead of the regular limit of 2, that way the Mariner can be a semi Follower of sort.
I'm thinking Morlocks should not be able to recruit Mercs, right? Don't really have anything worth trading that someone would value enough to risk their lives for.
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Morlock up!
I put Call the Tide also on the Apprentice, so that even as Mercenaries they could bring it along.

Soul of the Shoal is used on Tall Fin and Grunt, but as different rules.
Makes sense they can't take Mercs.
Mercenary keyword on Mariner?
>Is that a huge concern? I guess for ease's sake you could dl the whole thing but its not a fuckhuge library as of now.
>If anons have an alternative to offer please let me know.
Mega or Google Drive I guess, but no, not a huge concern
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>Soul of the Shoal is used on Tall Fin and Grunt, but as different rules.
Will fix!
>Mercenary keyword on Mariner?
Same, although I do intend to make it easily available for merc lists, at least more than the Tall Fin.
Obviously the weapons are in flux right now so they'll be updated shortly when everything gels up.
> Now
I'd like to push on Lemuria and get it done so the cleanup can move along. Anyone working on the Failed Monk or Gog & Magog? If not I'll set something up for them.
I'll start looking at the Alchemical Artefacts. Need some serious reworks to be worth taking or shown to have an impact. I thought since they come in good part from the Enchantresses we could add something with the Chrysalis rule, so you can play Mr Potato and stick Artefacts on models.
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Have you thought about how 2e will work in meat space? Do you think we should even be worrying about that now? These thoughts have been bothering me.
I meant that it is odd to have Mercenary as a key word, and was questioning why it is there. Makes it seem like everything that doesnt have it is not a Mercenary.
>add something with the Chrysalis rule, so you can play Mr Potato and stick Artefacts on models.
Yes, i like that.
I will look at Gog & Magog, but don't wait for me.

I would like to rework Privet Purchase, Thoroughbred (and by consequence, Saur General) as well as play up the Department of the Interior angle with a Superintended leader. Thoughts?
>No Morlock Courtesan
I know what I must do but I do not know if I have the strength to do it.
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The Pale Dweller does not approve the whorelock. He shakes his head in dismay.
>I know what I must do but I do not know if I have the strength to do it.
It must be done, however mindbroken it leaves you afterward. just like the whorelock!
More seriously I did think about making it a joke unit, as well as the Big Morlock that had been mentioned, that one as a special unit, but didn't have much inspiration. Go for it if you have some.
>Have you thought about how 2e will work in meat space?
I see 2 options, which are probably best not to be thought of as exclusive.
1) Units as Miniatures, simply say 1 Movement/Range = 1 Inch. Have walls as sectioned hexagons which you can remove when you dig. Add a few rules for verticality I guess, otherwise I don't think that much needs to change.
2) Hexmaps (Battletech ones probably already be used) + hex chits for models, same as right now.
>I meant that it is odd to have Mercenary as a key word
True, will remove it.
>I would like to rework Privet Purchase, Thoroughbred (and by consequence, Saur General) as well as play up the Department of the Interior angle with a Superintended leader. Thoughts?
Private Purchase does need rework I think, I'm not a huge fan of item discount rules, especially if they are restricted to a single Faction. Perhaps something about allowing other models to disregard their normal loadout options?
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>A late Lucas Arts game or something.
If you were to run a ttrpg in EAD setting, which system would you use ? Asking for a friend
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>I will look at Gog & Magog, but don't wait for me.
I didn't have much inspiration for anything else last night, so here's what I went with. Let me know if you were coming up with something else.
The OG ability of setting the number for the next Attack was something I really didn't like, as it translated effectively into "waste an AP or auto-hit with the next model". I think this mimicks something similar, plus it's kinda funny having them bonk each other.
I removed their Armor because I don't think they really need it that much, but if they crumble too quickly in the next playtest it could be something to bring back.
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I haven't played it, but having skimmed over it quickly, it really feels like it has all the elements necessary.
I would look into Ultra Violet Grasslands.
Love it.
>kinda funny having them bonk each other.
yes. Unbeatable/Beater plus Brotherly Brutality is great, and i like how it gives them a bit more individual personality.
Although the original idea was really just a bat with a mammoth head, in my mind they have becomes more bat like. More of a Woolly Trunk Bat than a Mammoth Bat. I can live with Mammoth Bats if they are preferred, but speaking personally i have soured somewhat on the idea. To my hindsight, it looks stupid and out of place. However, a flying Mammoth works just fine, for me. I am not really sure why Flying Mammoths and Woolly Trunk Bats seem fine to me but Mammoth Bats do not, but if i had to say, i would say that Mammoth Bats feel to me at once both too dense and insubstantial; A compromise of two good ideas, like gluing a fish to a monkey and call it a mermaid, What i mean by that is that while the Woolly Trunk Bat plays into the 19th century naturalism and sci-fi, and the Sky Mammoth (cloudellaphant. stormammit? fogmammoth? sounds like a curse, "Fogmammoth, Jack!") plays into the Agartha memes, while the Mammoth Bat just feels like a shitty road side attraction, if a fitting one for the setting. Trunk Bat still feels like a road side attraction, which is good, that is in part what i was going for, but it feels like a prestige road side attraction. Also, i can image if a kid got his hands on an E:AD book he could think that Woolly Trunk Bats were based of a real animal, they seem like something that could maybe exist in a cave somewhere if only they were smaller and the trunk wasn't quite so long. That, more than anything i think, is a good sign for a critter in this setting. I realize that i am talking about things only i can see as if they were in front of us, but if i waited to post this until i had satisfactory drawings of every iteration of the idea then i wouldnt post this until long after the game side of it has been worked out. I have done a few rough sketches, but nothing i will post. I have a very particular idea of what Woolly Trunk Bats should look like.
Sorry for this being so long and rambling.
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All that to say, no tusks pls, and that i think a 3 hex model might be more appropriate. Although, i am now unsure of both those points.
Some ideas ive had for it

Echolocation: If this model used PRÖÖÖT last turn, it gains Quick Strike this turn.

Truck Tactics:
(1 AP) This model may trade -X of its Movement for +X to its Reach (to a maximum of 3), or -X to its Reach for +X to its Movement.

Trunk Tactics is from the extendable trunk idea, but that might be stupid and broken on both fronts.
I am over thinking it, no tusks is better.
Thank you kindly gentlemen
D&D 5e :^]
More seriously, maybe something like Blades in the Dark?
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>Morlock Courtesan (7 Silver)
Diplomat, Specialist, Deep
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 4
Strength: 3
Discipline: 5
Labour: 3
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 6

0 in All

2 Box

>General Abilities:
Water and Swamp Affinity
Morlock Constitution

>Special Abilities:
-“Bulbous Eyes and Scaly Hips” : (1 AP)
Adjacent models must save discipline. On a success they gain Deadly on all melee attacks until the end of the turn. On a failure they frenzy until the end of the turn.
-Siren Song: (2 AP):
Test awareness against a target model in LOS. If successful the target model must immediately resolve a charge or move action in the direction of the Morlock Courtesan.

As Morlock Apprentice

Mu and free Morlocks

God forgive me.
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>God forgive me.
His forgiveness is infinite, you did what had to be done.
> re : US Factionalism
I like the growing Frontier Men angle, it gave me and idea to rework the US Factionalism rule since it really doesn't do that much as it is.
> Add 2 factions, Industrialists & Frontier Men (?)
> If you recruit an Expedition entirely from models with the same faction keyword, you get a slight bonus.
> Each factions have an opposite, you CAN recruit from your opposite, but you get a pretty heavy malus if you do so.
> Abo vs Post Conf (duh), Industrialists vs Frontier Men
> Maybe Feds don't have an opposite, or maybe I was thinking you have to choose an opposite and depending on who you choose there's some additional slight rules modifications.
We have the Edison units we can refactor into industrial to help keep bloat down.
>We have the Edison units we can refactor into industrial to help keep bloat down.
Yeah, I don't really think there's a need to add any more units to set this up. A Leader or two probably wouldn't bloat too much and add some options besides running Heroes all the time, but with what we have I think its just a question of setting it to fit together through Keywords, and making sure there's a point to it, meaning each Factions plays differently enough to justify it, and maybe having it so there's some cheeky (but very) risky play if you transgress factions.
How about a classic Black-Hat cowboy type, but also an Arc Ranger?
Maybe call him the Executioner or the Headsman or something.
He's the guy Edison sends out to deal with Unionizers, patent infringers, and general competition. Him and his gang of fellow ruffians.
Or maybe he's a swauve businessman in a suit and bowler, it would be neat to have a unit like that since he'd stick out from the rest of the Agartha crew.
>US Factionalism
Personally, i would rather not have it so... hard. Really, i am not exactly a fan of the factionalism to start, but if it is going to be there i would rather it be soft.
>Frontier Men
Naturalists would be a better name. If there must be factions would rather be specific (such as Edison, Vanderbilt, Department of the Interior, Triassic Ranch), and the hard restrictions should be kept mostly to Sponsors.
>suit and bowler, it would be neat to have a unit like that since he'd stick out from the rest of the Agartha crew.
Pinkerton type? Yes, i like that.
>Maybe call him the Executioner or the Headsman or something.

I like the idea of a Park Superintendent unnamed leader. Maybe a named Security of the Interior, or Director of Agarthan Affairs? I prefer the Unnamed Superintendent. I like the idea of a sort of Leatherstocking type, maybe named. I think it would be cool to work in something to do with Poe's writings, maybe a bunch of Academics at Vanderbilt come to believe that Agartha is the dream land. https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Dream-Land

>By a route obscure and lonely,
>Haunted by ill angels only,
>Where an Eidolon, named Night,
>On a black throne reigns upright,
>I have wandered home but newly
>From this ultimate dim Thule.

Found out about this looking for that poem.
Looks neat. Never read it yet, but i suspect there are some interesting and relevant ideas in it.
Oh that's good, real good. It evokes the idea of this plainly dressed man who still brings with him this imposing sense of dread like a coming storm on the horizon. Like you see him standing on the crest of a hill and then a dozen Arc Rangers ride up behind him as a thunderstorm builds far in the background and you see the flash and hear the boom in the distance.

For my own view I don't really have thoughts on the US factionalism one way or another. Most armies have different sub-groups already but maybe leaning into it would work with the US.
>Superintendent: Cost 25
Leader, Auxiliary
AP: 2 LP: 4
Movement: 3 Accuracy: 6 Strength: 5 Discipline: 6 Evasion: 7 Labor: 5 Awareness: 6
Health: 1L 2B 1H
Armor: 000

Ambush Order : [1AP 1LP] Choose a friendly model currently in reserve and Deploy it within 3 of this model and at least 3 away from any enemy model

Pathfinder: [2 AP 1 LP] Scatter 1d6 from this model, the resulting hex counts as a part of your Deployment Zone, and two hexes of your choice adjacent to that hex count as Edge Hexes.

Trailblazer: After this model moves through a hex of Difficult Terrain, it is no longer considered Difficult Terrain.

Wild Life Survey: Friendly Academic models gain Dissection, Friendly Auxiliary gain Field Skinning.

Game Warden: If you have 5 or more Morlocks in your Expedition, you may Recruit an Additional Skinwalker. If you ever have less than 3 Morlocks in your Expedition, all Friendly Skinwalkers and the models noted immediately become Hostile NPCs (Revealing as normal).
Think Tennessee Vols should have the option to be taken as Auxiliary instead of Soldier, and that decides if you get Springfield training or Shotgun or maybe Tomahawk training. Or taken as Auxiliary by default but can pay 1 Silver to have them be Soldiers instead, i dont know really, will work it out after weapons are more stable.
Pathfinder gives support to AmExCo (Who should probably have 6 discipline, 8 Dread is too much, especially sense now 5 AP is not that uncommon thanks to Warm Meals) in the form of mobility, also gives support to Home Guard and Roughriders by making them less predictable, and makes Cobras Fumantes less likely to have to Deploy all the way back. Ambush Order i stole from Grant who i think should be scraped for parts, obviously good. Trailblazer is like a discount Hiker. Wild Life Survey may be broken, but it is a neat idea i think. Game Warden needs no explanation. well, maybe a bit. the idea is that the DOI made a deal with surface Skinwalkers, and part of that deal involves... fishing rights.

>basic idea for U.S Department of the Interior
>Unprecedented authority has granted to the Department of the Interior in regards to Agarthan Affairs. All of Franklin started as a National Park, the Department of the Interior sold, gifted, and auctioned as it saw fit. After the Franklin line was built, Franklin National Park was divided again from one massive park, to many smaller parks, each with its own Superintendent, and each Superintendent with his own Rangers.
So, maybe he should have some way to take more Rangers, but a particular Ranger, a Park Ranger. Maybe have Park Rangers replace Wild Life Survey. Bump the price to 30 and have the Shotgun be part of his load out.

>Park Rangers: You may add an additional Ranger to your expedition, however it must...
no generic hero traits for the rangers, have to take certain traits. something like that.

>Send a Ranger: [1LP] Deploy a Reserved Ranger 1d3 from this model and at least 3 away from any enemy model. If a
model could not be deployed following those restrictions, it is instead deployed in your
Deployment zone.
>Personally, i would rather not have it so... hard.
I don't see how its "hard" if you can take any troops without any hard restrictions, and it allows us to build something thematic around the malus for each opposite case.
>Naturalists would be a better name.
Was my other choice, I'll go with it.
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Formally reposting my prior list for the game tomorrow.

The Modern Major General (with horse) – 24 silver
Big Game Hunter + M187X Remington-Lee Rifle– 20 Silver
Sgt Maj + Lee Met + Bayonet + Sabre = 23 Silver
Private + Lee Met + Bayonet = 15 x 8 = 120
Total: 187 Silver
I think a bonus for keeping to one faction is better than a penalty for not doing so.
Perhaps generic American units don’t count toward factional dedication? You can have however many of them you want and as long as you have a certain number with a faction keyword and only one faction in your list, you get some kind of themed bonus?
Hey, I know this is really last minute, but any chance we could move the playtest to tomorrow same time? Something came up.

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