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Megahallucigenia blocking the way forward Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ (cont.): With the success of the NPC rules in the last playtest I'm thinking of expanding the lists of Hostiles to include more, if you have ideas for monsters or profiles please go ahead.

> TQ2 What shenanigans has Cromwell been up to lately?

Whoops hit enter early.
Any outstanding Lemurian units people want me to cover? Otherwise I'll see what the chart has left.

Yeah that's fine, no worries.
>Any outstanding Lemurian units people want me to cover? Otherwise I'll see what the chart has left.
Lemurian Agent would be the last one I think, I'm working on the Failed Monk and the Officer right now.
Thank you!
On it.
I think we should give Lemuria some kind of enchantress/priestess hero unit. One of the customizable ones.
>I think we should give Lemuria some kind of enchantress/priestess hero unit. One of the customizable ones.
That's a good idea. It could be a Lemurian Mystic/Guru hero that can be built as either an Enchantress, a Prophet or a Martial Artist, sort of a mirrored version of the Officer having to chose between the Vedic, Akashic or Rockbreaking arts?
>Rockbreaking Arts
Could give her a Daughter of the Tigress Temple trait option
I had the Rockbreaking rule on the Officer as of now but it might make sense to have him have an option for shamanistic studies or whatever, and put the Rockbreaking arts on the Mystic/Guru/Priestess option.
Any art to recommend?
Has to be thirst inducing, that is non-negotiable.
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Cool art in the Hydra thread that might work here.
>Lemurian Agent (14 Silver)
Diplomat, Specialist
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 7
Strength: 5
Discipline: 6
Labour: 3
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 5

0 in All

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Prophetic Sight

>Special Abilities:
-Vedic Vizier: (2 AP)
When adjacent to a leader, hero, character, or academic unit this model may spend 2AP to give that unit Prophetic Sight as long as it remains adjacent. For each time this action is repeated one level of prophetic affinity may be added to the adjacent unit to a max of 3.

-Cultivator of Cravens: (1 AP 1 LP)
Select one worker, slave, or auxiliary unit within 10 hexes. Test that unit's discipline. If failed, gain control of that unit. If successful, you gain 1 dread.

-The Greatest Cost:
If at any point this model would become shaken, test the discipline of each friendly worker, slave, and auxiliary unit within 10 hexes. This model, and each model which fails their save become hostile NPCs. This does not apply to models immune to morale. (Degenerates)

This model may be equipped with items from the Lemurian Ranged and Melee lists, and may take three alchemical artefacts. It does not need to equip these artefacts and may give them to other units in the army. It may be equipped with weapons from the fraction it was recruited by as well (got to keep up apperances)

This model may be recruited by Lemuria as a faction unit, by others as a mercenary.
This one is a bit more complicated than my last mistake. The idea is that you either stick him next to a friendly unit with better awareness to get more prophecy bang for your buck, or you send him out to start converting low-tier enemy units like workers to sow havoc. But if you leave him too close to good units or worse, adjacent to a valuable guy then he’ll turn around and stab them if you’re not managing dread.
I tried to capture all the things mentioned in the chart (Gives prophecy to colonials, gets auxes to defect, big cost to pay, spy/assassin.) I didn’t give him a disguise ability like mentioned in that lore thing earlier since I didn’t want to overlap doppelganger but we’ll assume that the disguise explains how he can be recruited by the British. The Degenerate exception on the Greatest Cost is to keep him from detonating a Lemurian list although he’ll still go hostile on one. Not sure if we want to prevent him from doing that at all or not.
Unfortunately he’s not free like the chart says unless we want to dump his discipline so the betrayal becomes nigh-inevitable rather than a risk you manage, in which case I say letting him be free would be fair and pretty unique. Actually yeah I’m all for that if you guys are.
>Lemurian Agents rarely appear as direct emissaries of their people. Rather, they arrive as poets, scholars, insurance adjustors, courtiers, or any sort who would stand beside the seats of power.
>Their advice is sound, instructional, and always correct. In time those they advise become greater men in their fields, often through strokes of utterly unpredictable fortune. Their targets begin to see the world as they do, as they want them to.
>When reaping time comes, the Agent must decide whether to harvest their flower of cultivation or to invite them into the sacred garden. Most men are found wanting, be it for lack of belief in the cause or a wilted inner strength.
>It is with a single errant word an agent may destroy a man, for those who rise do so always above others, those who want nothing more to see them fall. There is always a price paid by someone when great men rise, and thus a debt always to collect.
>Failing that, they keep a sharp knife handy at all times, because nobody is Perfect.
>At least, not on the surface.
Vedic Vizier is another great target for Chariot movement shenanigans
Cultivator of Cravens is really cool, one thing I thought to limit it slightly would be to set it up to be within Awareness Range & LoS. Since he can take Alchemical Artefacts he should be able to get his Awareness up?
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Crap forgot to attach...
>Since he can take Alchemical Artefacts he should be able to get his Awareness up
Yeah maybe make it so he can only give them out not use them. Or not.

Thoughts on lowering his discipline but letting him cost 0 silver? (no equip)
My immediate reaction is that its one of those things from the compass that just won't work so its best not to get too stuck into it, but maybe I'm just not thinking broadly enough.
Perhaps cost to 0 could be a Sponsor thing?
Maybe Cultivator of Cravens could be a Parley?
>Thoughts on lowering his discipline but letting him cost 0 silver? (no equip)
So he himself couldn't attack? Maybe with Discipline 3 and no Hide. I like the idea. There should probably be some Silver cost, because otherwise there isnt much of a downside if taken on a list with no Workers, Slaves, or Auxiliaries. Maybe it requires a certain number of them, or a certain cost spent in them, on a list before it will join?
>Sponsor thing
Yes definitely I just forgot the wording during writing. It's late.
>Discipline 3
I can see that working. Until we get more comprehensive sponsor rules and reasons to take workers in every list (in campaign at least) maybe we should leave as is.
>Perhaps cost to 0 could be a Sponsor thing?
I like that also.
Maybe instead of costing 0, it costs 25, but you can count silver spent on models vulnerable to The Greatest Cost towards that price? Then the Sponsor, or maybe Hero rule, let's you take them for free straight up.
I'm up for trying that, but if we do we should jettison the alchemist artifact rule. It was an afterthought when I wrote it and having four rules is too many for a specialist.
>When reaping time comes, the Agent must decide whether to harvest their flower of cultivation or to invite them into the sacred garden.
>It is with a single errant word an agent may destroy a man
Lost Bros.... Did Jayanyati try to reap our king, resulting in the defeat of the Malcolmites?
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More likely it came time for her to Betray him or Bring him into the fold and she chose the third option and left Lemuria herself.
Has Homo Atlanteum ever been discussed after it was added to the chart? I don't remember seeing it anywhere.
Nah, I don't think anyone touched it.
Mu list for tonight!
Hopefully it'll be able to give some challenge to the Brit gunline this time around.

Revenant Legatus (30) -42
Unknown Origin (4)
Intelligent (1)
Fast (2)
Born to Lead (3)
Spear (2)

New Mu Priestess 15 -17
Eldritch Staff (2)

6x New Mu Revenant 13 -90
Spear (2)

Saur Knight 18 -25
Spear (free)
Sky Saur 7

Morlock Apprentice 3 -5
Morlock Staff (2)

10x Morlock Grunt (1) -20
Blowpipe (1)
199 Silver!
>2 Morlock Staffs
Interesting idea. I for one hope the swarm can keep the gunline occupied but we shall see.
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We shall see...
>2 Morlock Staffs
Only 1, the one of the Priestess is an Eldritch Staff, shoots fireballs essentially... Probably undercosted too looking at it now...
> Captcha : PATSY
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>the swarm
If anything it makes for a cool Expedition to look at. Feels satisfying finally running a swarm.
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Should be ready in about 10~15 minutes at most.
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> After a pair of Old Ones leave a scalding yelp review as to Mu's tourism in the 3rd Layer, having been assaulted by a gang of angry Brits, the local Mu authority dispatches a section of Revenant with Murlock Auxiliaries to deal with the ruffians.
> Knowing that the British gunline must not be underestimated, the Legatus in charge, who is Intelligent after all, sets is ambush at the mouth of a cavern network, obscuring much of the oppposing gunline.
> A bunch of Swarmsaurs and Clawsaurs are hunting in the are.
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> The Swarm advances!
> The British gunline makes quick work of the small Saurs, having no other threat to face at the moment.
> Morlocks pile in on the Swarmsaurs, and despite missing many attacks, end up taking the diminutive beasts in the end.
> The Morlocks that go on the right side through the jungle to deal with the Clawsaur fare a lot worse, and one Morlock gets clawed to death.
> The Saur Knight charges of the Swarmsaur, quickly skewering it on its spear, and then flies away to safety behind a wall.
> Two Revenants split up on the left side to support the Saur Knight.
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> The Revenant accompanying the 2 Morlocks on the right side grab the dead Morlock's leg and takes a bite, then murders the offending Clawsaur. The other two Morlocks don't seem to care one bit.
> The Mu line continue to advance through the cave network, with some Morlocks tentatively showing their faces at the exit.
> Luckily for them, the Modern Major General decides to move his entire line back and leave the Prize Hunter by himself to harry the incoming Deepfolks & Subhumans. No shots are fired.
> Since I will have first turn next turn the Saur Knight eats a Ration and moves up to be in position to Charge.
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Nice to see it shared here. As far as I remember it's from an an old kids version of the Odyssey illustrated by Roger Payne. Loved that shit back in the day and still do. I really wish cool looking illustrations like that would come back in style.
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> The Saur Knight, with his belly filled, charges at the Prize Hunter, who would do mean things to his beloved Mount. Despite being a brute in melee, the Knight must invest all 3 of his AP to kill the Prize Hunter.
> Morlock start pouring out of the cave's entrance, one charging, the others shooting their blowpipes. All but one fail to hit, and the Private's resist the dart's poison.
> Some Morlocks which had ended in a dead end in the caves dig themselves out to join the outflanking Morlock and Revenant.
> Seeing the Saur Knight vulnerable and in the open, the British line fires at it, and through Fire Line manages to kill him in 2~3 shots.
> Brits seems to have a comfortable advance at this point, already feels a bit better than last time but Brits might still comfortably win at this point.
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> For once I remember my Legatus took Entropic Gaze, and is finally in range to have it affect the British gunline. This turns out to be a great answer to Line Fire, and despite the Brits still able to fire many shots, between the -2 Acc, having to Reload, only one Revenant bites the dust.
> Of note, Brit anon decides to spend 1 LP to reroll his Smattering rule from Disengage for 1AP and luckily gets Deadly on Bayonets. The Sergeant order everyones to Affix.
> The Revenant charge forward, and a few manages to grab a chunk of Morlock to eat on the way, however this only kills one Private and leaves another two others on death's door.
> The Priestess moves up in the open and shoots a fireball from her staff at the wounded Private standing in front of the MMG, and Crits! That model dies, the MMG passes his Evasion save, but not the Private next to him, which takes a Grievous.
> Things are turning up for Mu!
(short intermission while I go grab something to eat.)
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>Homo Atlanteum (17 Silver)
Deep, Elite, Soldier
AP: 2
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 8
Strength: 6
Discipline: 4
Labour: 4
Evasion: 8
Awareness: 6

4 in head, 5 otherwise

4 Box

>General Abilities:
-Immune to morale (See Rising Angel, Falling Ape for alternative consequences)

>Special Abilities:
-Rising Angel, Falling Ape:
This model has an Ambrosia counter, with a maximum count of 5. It begins play with 1d3 counters. Each turn, subtract one counter. It may spend an extra counter at no cost on activation to immediately heal 1 health box, or to gain 2 AP. Immediately subtract 1 ambrosia if this model would ever become shaken, 2 if it would become panicked, and 5 if it would become broken.
If the ambrosia counter ever runs out, take 2 dread and replace this model with a friendly Devolved Deepfolk, with the primordial fear rule targeting your own units (All of them?)

-Multifarious Wares: (1 AP) [COOK ACTION]
This unit and friendly Atlantean academics gain this action. It must be attempted next to a camp fire. Instead of rations it requires Orichalcum Ore, an adjacent Olm-Slime token, or Psycho-Socialite (last one not consumed in the action.) On failure it creates an ambrosia item, on success it creates 2. These items may be eaten like rations by Homo Atlantium to add 1 to their own ambrosia counters.

Identical to Promethean (Lose special weapons on devolution)

This model may be recruited by Atlantean expeditions

I think I have a bad habit of making overcomplicated units, but then again the ones left on the chart do have a lot to work from. I figured that this would be a fun way to tie together Dr Hekyl with the rest of the game, and to reference Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis which I enjoyed greatly. (ONE HUNDRED BEADS!) His stats are intentionally quite good as you have him for two turns on average and he’s guaranteed dread unless you have an alchemist or sage babysitting. Common, Aristo, neither?
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The actual lore for these guys is a little up in the air since I didn't have time to re-read all the rites and revolution stuff to figure how it fits. Alchemy is definitely an Atlantean specialty though, but who would receive the treatment? The weak? The dying? The foolhardy? The ambitious? The disgraced? The honored?

And if they couldn't get it right then how did Dr Hekyll come closer? He got something from the seventh layer I suppose, is that an ingredient in the Ambrosia too or is it the missing piece? I don't know I just wanted to remember that lineread of one hundred beads because it is very good.
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Back at it! Will the Brit manage to pull it off? Will I get my first (not really) win?
> Brits are now hovering on the line of getting Shaken. Everything depends on if I can pull it off this turn and Entropic Graze doing so further work.
> Revenants continue their grisly business of eating Corpses to get free attacks. Unfortunately they miss on many free attacks/brits get some lucky crit Dodges.
> The Revenant that was standing on his last X gets skewered (or shot, not sure I remember correctly). Private #3 which was wounded and Poisoned but had managed to beat the Poison gets killed by a Revenant.
> The Priestess once again shoot a fireball at Private 4, failing to get a crit this time but still kills the Private.
> Apprentice who did little all game Rally and moves up (I forgot to mention he Rallied before too).
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> The MMG shoots once at the Legatus, who took some Grazes last turn from the private's Bayonets. The shot miss, and he decides to Charge it, but once again Entropic Gaze saves me and he whiffs on his Mount attack and I save on Armour.
> The Priestess is in perfect position to shoots two fireballs in a row at the Sergeant, hitting twice, and Criting once. The Sarge is reduced to a pile of ashes, and the Private next to him luckily avoids the flames.
> At this point Brit anon is fully Shaken, his Leader is out of AP and LP and his Specialist just died. Brit anon graciously gives me my first win in a long while.
Ending Score!
> Brits : 94
> Mu : 108
Mu Victory!
Start the Deluge now!
> Thoughts on the game.
This was really fun. *Really* fun. It felt exactly how I thought running a swarm list against a gunline list could be made fun. I had options, some of which were not apparent (could have gone for Muic Maledictions, but I don't think it would have changed much, expect perhaps putting Soul-Cistern on either the Legatus or the Priestess could have been good).
The Hostiles didn't do too much, but I think even just forcing the Brits to shoot a few shots is enough of a small random thing to change the game (Reload might come earlier than wanted).
Morlocks died like they should, often very quickly, but sometimes not either. Blowpipes sucks, they should probably be free, but whatever.
The reworked melee weapons we've been using are a bit underwhelming in the way of dealing wounds, but I think that's not that bad either, I was fully able to get back the gap in Silver that range fire caused, it just took more turns than expected.
Thanks a lot to my opponent for the game, had an amazing time.
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Alas, the Sergeant-Major,
So brave, so bold he was!
He held the line so faithfully,
But he fell to the Muic claws!

Vale the Sergeant-Major!

-Poem, apocryphal, attr anon British Maj-Gen

Thank you for the game, I had a lot of fun! Definitely looking forward to the next one. I probably could have played a little better here, staying put and waiting for you to come to me might have gotten me to a winnable position, but it was great to go against a morlock horde. I also stubbornly kept to a line going when the more efficient trigger for Line Fire is squads of 3 privates. Still, the combination of luck and decision making was very fair and balanced. Alas, 43 shots was not enough to grant the British victory. At least the Modern Major-General made it out unscathed, so he will live to fight another day!
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This is cool, however the Orichalcum Ore option will almost never come up, you'll always have to have a psycho-socialite or even an Olm-Steed around because you may roll 1 on the Rising Angel Falling Ape rule.
That does give me the idea of having Ambrosia as an Ingredient dropped by the Carolingian Bees.
More and better ingredient options would definitely be appreciated, make those wares as Multifarious as possible.
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Will do! I'll try to finish Lemuria tonight or in the next couple of days, then I can do a very quick clean up of Atlantis, its not going to be much since Atlantis probably had the most complete roster out of Deep nations, as well as the most developed initially, so I don't expect it to take long. Once that's done I can finish up Italians, then we can tweak USA, Brits and France, and that's "Core" done.
Couldn't resist.
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Could that carriage work as a unit?
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Napoleon can already take a Juggernaut which is pretty much the same
Shroom Farmer is still on the table, right? Not sure fully growing shrooms is within the timespan of a battle, seems like more of a campaign thing. Maybe he harvests terrain instead?
Unless they're special mushrooms.
He is. One idea we had come up with was for a mercenary Hero with specialty meals.
NPC that guards shrooms?
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Oh that's cool, you have to steal his shrooms and try to avoid him. Maybe have him have some synergy with the Wapaq and Ayahuasca if you also roll those.
> Picrel
New version of the War Shaman with Cutting rule added. Bumped his price because it might get pretty OP especially during a Campaign.
Not too sure with what to do with the Sprouted yet.
> Idea for new equipment
> Flare : Range 10, test Accuracy, if failed Scatter d3. Hex it ends and those adjacent to it it gains Light Source 3 until the end of the turn. If you Crit and there is a Hidden model in an hex affected by this rule, that model loses Hide and all bonus AP accumulated through Hidden.
>Shroom Farmer (?? Silver)
Worker, Cook
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 4
Strength: 5
Discipline: 3
Labour: 7
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 4

0 in All

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Terrain Affinity (Shroom Grove)

>Special Abilities:
-Fungal Fieldhand:
When this model is deployed as an NPC take turns placing 9 connected Fungal Grove tiles around it. These tiles are obscuring and difficult terrain to all models except the Shroom Farmer. They may be removed with an excavation action or when an attack which deals fire damage is used on or over them. This model becomes hostile to any units which are standing on or attempting to destroy a Fungal Grove tile.
Adjacent units may attempt a parley action to either:
-Spend 10 silver to gain passage (Model no longer becomes hostile to your units when they cross, still gets mad if they destroy)
-Purchase rations or materials at a standard price.

-Mycological Master:

May carry equipment, Axes, Shotgun.
(Comes equipped with a Shotgun, an Axe, and a Lantern)

This model is an NPC

He’s on the surfacer chart so he gets a shotgun. If you wanted a cave-variant then remove it. I couldn’t find the complete NPC rules on the mediafire but this guy is a neutral. The Fungal Grove blocks sightlines and while he won’t hurt people much if you piss him off he will serve as a distraction. Plus since the grove is not obscuring to him he can go Viet Kong with the shotgun and stay out of sight unless you burn it down. Maybe burning should create smoke tokens, I don’t know there. Since Wapaq and Friend aren’t done that rule is also unfinished.
More of a unit concept than a finished guy this time around.
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>Outlander Irregular (3 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 5
Discipline: 4
Labour: 4
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 3

5 in head, 0 in all

2 Box

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-”Damn goggles!”:
Halve range of all ranged weapons used by this model.

May take Colonial Ranged and Melee, as well as equipment.

So, are the Outlanders a faction? I thought it was just a general term for surfacers.

At last! A simple unit!
Chart said poor range and poor armour, I went halvsies and gave them poor range and okay armour. I took semi-expendable and low cost to represent the “Lots of bodies and guns” bit. They are much cheaper than their guns in all likelyhood which I think is fitting. And yes they do all wear helmets and goggles.
Also maybe dump accuracy otherwise they may be too good. I'd rather have them be cheap and bad than okay and reasonably priced.
Neat, will make these tonight as well.
Do you know what the deal with Outlanders are? They're listed as connected to the Lost Men in the unit doc.
I don't think anyone ever wrote any lore for them. It strikes me as a sort of Warfare Existentialist-adjacent unit, maybe some wannabes that formed a mercenary company and tried to attract the WE's attention, failed, and now are stuck in the Underground selling their services to anyone too cheap to shell out for the WE?
"Outlander" is a Deepfolk idiom in the lore so if they are truly called "Outlander Irregulars" and not just called that from the POV of the Deep Nations (and its a weird appellation to have them use, admittedly), then it's probably something they adopted as a joke and it stuck around?
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I really like this one. The "Damn googles!" is a great way to lower their cost, Semi-Expendable is a nice touch that will help any Expedition running them but won't trigger so often as to make them Morlock spam tier.
Feels like a go-to for filling up a list where you have Expedition spots and a bit of Silver left without knowing too much what to do with it.
I don't know how you feel it should line up Recruitment-wise, but with the half-range on all guns, you could probably have them available for hire even for Deep Nations without "diluting" the "Colonial have better Range & Discipline, worse Armour, Deep Nation have better Melee and better Armour" we seem to have going on atm.
The picture reminds me of the pirates in Castle in the Sky.
Could be that they mostly work with Deep Nations, and are more 'acclimated' to Agartha. Chart says they followed the Outlander Sky Captain, something with him?
I think they might be more running counter to the WE. The Existentialists do it for free if they think it's a cool war, where as these guys strike me as very "You pay we kill" sorts. Will write a pitch if I have time I'm getting ideas.
It's from Difficult to Spell name and The Valley of the Wind, another Ghibli film from the same era. I thought about using the castle in the sky guys but they looked too professional.
Can a noble soul post the layers' maps ? I remember seeing passing around a couple months ago, but I can't find them anymore.
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this one?
I never saw this one, thank you! Unfortunately, it's not what I had in mind. The ones I remember were more like top view, regular old maps.
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Don't think 5th was every really settled, but the gist is there.
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Yes that's it ! Thank you kindly
>Sprouted Degenerate
Ejected Degenerate?
Not sure Obscurity or Hide are impactful or strong enough to warrant it, but it is cool, and i like the idea.
>excavation action
Interacts with other rules in weird ways, maybe there should be an action for clearing vegetation.
Yeah, probably best to start with them and work backwards. Still really good to have this.
It is weird to me that the Shotgun is just Shotgun and not a specific shotgun.
An incomplete list of Degenerates:
>Infested Degenerate
>Ingested Degenerate
>Invested Degenerate
>Interested Degenerate
>Inaugurated Degenerate
>Invested degenerate
Lemurian Merchant combo?
>Inverted Degenerate
>Inserted Degenerate
>Indebted Degenerate
>Inundated Degenerate
>Investigated Degenerate
>Indoctrinated Degenerate
>Incubated Degenerate
>Inducted Degenerate
>Injected Degenerate
>Instructed Degenerate

>Inverted Degenerate
>Lemurian Merchant combo?
Maybe Invested are Swarming NPCs that give you more silver for killing them when there are more Invested Degenerates in play?
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Kek, at this point Degens are going to become their own faction.
Apologies for the lack of posting these last 2 days, its fire season up here in Canada, so I'm busy these days. I managed to whip this up last night, let me know what you think.
> Commentary (should pick up on this habit)
Its a low cost Follower option for Chi Token focused builds, fast, but with otherwise mediocre stats, especially when it comes to Lemuria, and terribad Discipline, but a way to go around Discipline by Equipping them with Alcohol (which you should, since getting Dual Wielder is pretty much the only way to make their damage output worth it).
Its a pretty big jump from Failure to Cultivation Master but there are no midway in that particular branch of the Lemuria spec tree. Perhaps with the Guru/Mystic/Priestess I can remedy to that.
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Came up with some Traits for the Lemurian Officer, let me know what you think. I didn't know too much what to do with it so pairing it with the Enchantress and Agent was an easy answer.
Armour of Office will probably be an auto pick.
Fated to Die Elsewhere means you can save him from any killing blow by spending LP and succeeding an Awareness test, but Cruel Tutelage means he stays only 2d3 turns before fucking off. Since he knows he won't die this battle, he's a bit uninterested in it anyways.
Heavy Charioteer + Armour of Office will turn him into a good tank, and might be undercosted given Vedic Warriors on Chariots get Only Shielded by Fate as well. But I like the contradiction that there's ways to get models Only Shielded by Fate with Shields (or even just Bucklers).
Oh, one last thing before I crash into my bed, I didn't mention it last playtest because there were other things to test anyways, but the new proposed rule for Bucklers and Shields
> gain + 3 Armour on Limbs if you succeed your Evasion test (Limbs & Body for Shields)
Doesn't work for Revenants, because they have a single body location.
If they can take it it would potentially boost their armour to 8. It doesn't really make them that undercosted, they'd be around 15~16 Silver at least at that point.
This place is Infested,
With Degenerates Invested,
In Prophesies Injected,
That left them Indebted!

>Failed Monk
Really like this. Very clever. Think Lemuria is ready for a test?
A solution to this could be to have it so Revenants have a Simple Health track instead of only a body location.
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How much do you think the Queen knows? Is she being kept in the know about all the goings on in Agartha or is she simply the figurehead she's always been and shadowy members of the Cabinet make the decisions?
I don't think she knows about Agartha at all, and i think it will be quite the ordeal when she inevitably finds out. Started out as little white lies, just so she didn't worry, just until they got a handle on things...
She probably thinks it's Antarctica or something.
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At what point? Before and up to her coronation in 1838 I don't know that there's a reason why the Brits would have knowledge of Agartha at all, apart perhaps some hints as to Napoleon's disappearance pointing toward it.
Things starts deviating very publicly within the next decade with the Italians going all pagan sacrifices as of 48. Brits are actually faced by Lemurian Agents before the more public revelation of Agartha existing in 64, since the Sepoy Rebellion happens in 57, but it is not stated outright if this reveals Agartha to any echelon of British power before Vernes return.
After 64 Agartha is fully public knowledge. Its in every newspaper, every congregation gets warned every Sunday against its influence (well, maybe not, but probably a large part), most governments except the really shitty ones probably have some Office of Deep Affairs or something similar, even if they only exist on standby or to look for Entrances.
By that point she should 100% know, and would likely be involved in its affairs.
>Think Lemuria is ready for a test?
Sure, even if the clean-up is not fully finished they are more than functional. I will try to get my head out of my ass tonight and come up with the rest of the Prophecies done.
You know, in this timeline instead of Empress of India I bet she's Emperess of some Agarthan regions instead. Maybe a Mu defector or some Neanderthal kingdom.
Ah! That could be a campaign, down the line.
New proposal (iteration #101120) for Altered Fate.
> Altered Fate : Resolve this Prophecy whenever an Enemy model within LoS and Awareness range resolves a Move Action, before the model is moved. Make a Face-to-Face Awareness test against that model, if you win, the model’s owner resolve half (rounded down) the move Action, then you resolve the other half (rounded up). If the result is a Critical, you resolve the full Move instead. If your opponent succeed his Awareness test and you fail yours, in addition to counting as a failed Prophecy, take 1 Dread.
Since this can only be resolved when an enemy move within Awareness and LoS its going to be a lot less egregious than the initial version, you can't just move any model in range of a deadly charge/attack whenever you need. You can't either just spam it forever because of the Dread and risk of failure.
Having her be actively kept in the dark would be interesting. Creates some nice internal tension. Apparently she was something of a recluse in the 1860s. Maybe she finds out around 1875, right before she would become Empress of India? She would have to know about annexing Iceland, and new colonies, but she wouldn't need to know about Agartha or anything like that. Just an idea.
>Having her be actively kept in the dark would be interesting.
>Maybe she finds out around 1875
I don't really see how it makes sense that the Brits would keep it from her for a full decade, or how they could achieve that anyways when their biggest ally is very publicly celebrating the rediscovery of their lost capital. There could be some cultural thing where it becomes expected of the Crown to disregard Agarthan affairs because its a weird subject and seen as somewhat "crass". It might make sense to have the Admiralty and the Crown be different Sponsors for Brits, with the Crown trying to get a grip on what is happening and exactly what Cunningham is up to.
Nice! I don't think it needs all those restrictions, keeping to to just Face-to-Face and Los should be plenty. The basic idea already solves all the problems of the original idea, and fits the name better.
>You can't either just spam it forever because of the Dread and risk of failure.
Can't be spammed because there is only so many Move actions that can be taken.
>I don't think it needs all those restrictions, keeping to to just Face-to-Face and Los should be plenty.
So, just to be clear, remove "awareness range" and the Dread generation?
>how they could achieve that anyways when their biggest ally is very publicly celebrating the rediscovery of their lost capital.
Steal her newspaper? Tell her it was an earthquake or fire or just a really big but otherwise mundane sink hole? Guess it is a stretch.
>some cultural thing where it becomes expected of the Crown to disregard Agarthan affairs because its a weird subject and seen as somewhat "crass".
Fits better and is much more plausible, keeps the core idea. Clever.
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Will fix!
>Fits better and is much more plausible
I was looking at the Brit lore last night so I'll try to work that in some ways.
I could once again do very little else during my work shift (apologies about that, night shift is really burning me out but its coming to an end, only 3 more weeks!) but I did have an idea for Drums of Doom. I know we had said it could be reworked as a Conditional Rule but I thought this could work well as well as a replacement.
> Drums of Doom : Resolve this Prophecy during the Hostile phase, before rolling for control of a Hostile. Resolve a Face-to-Face Awareness test between the model making this Prophecy and the opponent’s Leader. Whoever wins gains control of the Hostile for this turn, if no one wins, it does not Activate. If you crit, until the end of the game or a Prophecy is failed, add the Prophetic Affinity value of any friendly model adjacent to any Hostile during its control roll.
> Dragons
Awesome art, will use them somehow.
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Ok, so sorry for the picture for ants but here's what I got so far on Prophecies. I think with this and the special ones its enough for the moment. I changed Predestined Fate to Fated Fight and instead of making it a +# to Acc I made it count results one below as a Crit, my logic being that Lemuria really doesn't need any help with Accuracy, most of their models are above the curve when it comes to their base stats already.
I thought about adding a mention that if neither model wound each other by the end of the turn its also a failed Prophecy but I thought better to keep it simple to start with.
I also added the bit to Precognition about if at least not one number is rolled each turn it counts as a failed one, because otherwise it was way too fucking good, no incentive not to use it all the time. This way you at least need to time it so you don't make it on a turn when everyone is only moving. Its not much but whatever.
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Lemurian faction traits I have so far.
They are all (well, except the tattoos) themed as advanced cultivation buffs for the individual taking them, and do not extend over to other models. Expensive, but the Chrysalis rule means you can get access to them midgame if you brought Degens.
I definitely don't know shit about the hindu symbolism that's evoked by high level cultivation (like, is the ring thing often shown in depictions of hindu gods some sort of halo, does it have a name, what are the usual icons, shit like that that could be used as inspiration) so if someone here is more knowledgeable and has ideas for cool body-mod traits please let me know.
Beside the obvious ones (Lemurian Merchant), what mercenaries should work for Lemuria? Feels somewhat like they wouldn't use that many, perhaps beside defected colonial auxiliaries?
>defected colonial auxiliaries
That seems like a good idea.
Ok, I'll go back and look at the British make-your-own Aux list and pick something from there.
I just gotta do a quick do over to set everything up and I think the Alchemical Artefacts and Sprouted/Ejected/Rejected Degen are the last pieces, I might be able to post the book in the morning.
Oh also, Atlan anon, would you be up for a game on Monday? I got one on Tuesday with Brit anon as well, and then my schedule is going to get real fucked up for a while so I might not be able to do any fore 1~2 weeks after that...
Of course, i'd love one. Time?
Evening would be easier if possible, 7~9pm?
It's from A Journey in Other Worlds, a 1894 book by John Jacob Astor IV, which describes a future journey across the solar system, which I think would be good inspiration for us.

>Jupiter proves to be a jungle world, with flesh-eating plants, vampire bats, giant snakes and mastodons, and flying lizards. The Americans discover a wealth of exploitable resources: iron, silver, gold, lead, copper, coal, and oil.

>Saturn, in contrast, is an ancient world of silent spirits. These beings provide the explorers with foresight of their own deaths. One of the spirits, a deceased bishop, tells the voyagers about the icy world Cassandra, which orbits the Sun beyond Neptune and is home to the souls of unworthy Earthlings.
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> picrel
Its coming soon, only got some tweaks here and there left. If not this morning, this afternoon.
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Idea for the Rejected/Sprouted/Whatever Degen.
Hostile currently spawned through the Cutting ability on the Shaman, although I could probably find a few places to get it from to.
Its weakness made flesh and rejected, and it resents it, so it seeks another hosts to infect.
> Make Prophecies
> Either they succeed, you profit, look like a chad doing it too
> Either they fail, record the Awareness test Failure.
> Go see Shaman for on the field performance enhancing surgery.
> Either you get better at doing Prophecies, either you spawn a bunch of these little cunts and hopefully they debuff your enemies.
Lemuria is going to be fun!
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Which one of us do you want to play Lemuria?
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I think they'd make use of the standard Deep set, mostly. Neanderthals, Gorgs, etc. Just because they've got their own stuff going on, that doesn't mean they won't be bringing in the odd mercenary.
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Jesus Christ I crashed and slept through the entire day. Back at it.
I realized I hadn't touched up the Camel Artillery so here it is. I think it worked pretty strong in each of its playtest so I lowered its damage to 1 Grievous + Deadly, it should still kill fairly easily, and the blast is brutal in itself. I also lowered the range to 12 because 14 is pretty much the extreme end of what we have at the moment, but that could be brought back.
Was also missing traits from the Chariot-King so I'm on that right now.
Not sure if I want to try them out yet, I want to focus on getting Mu working right now. It'll come soon.
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Traits for the Chariot King!
His profile alone with Health is really good so I moved some of his base abilities to traits, pulled Countercharge from Mu, Rolling Throne to underscore he's a king...
The Rockbreaker Attendant one might be broken as hell but you pay for it, that Expedition at 150 silver will be 3 Chariots with a Rockbreaker each at most...
Now unto the Artefacts and I should be done for real.
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Here you go. I left a few surprises in there for you gents to dig out.
> Design notes
This is by far the most complex faction right now, and perhaps beside Hyperborea once the Deluge comes, it should probably be the upward limit for the game.
Lemuria stands pretty much above all in terms of stats (except Armour), flexibility, buffing, shenanigans, etc. They pay dearly for this superiority, however, either in Silver or in complexity of execution. They also mostly buff only a single model at a time, although have access to a lot of permanent buffs contrary to other factions.
There are multiple paths to take to build your expedition, and they are less exclusive than other factions in terms of meshing together. Besides relying on the vast array of special rules they have, I think the absolute best way to pull value out of these will be to risk it as much as possible on Prophecies so as to get as much juice out of them, disregard the loss stats, and have a way to gain back those stats permanently through the Enchantress/Shaman.
Cheers anon! Will give it a read through, I do need to have a go at prophecies some point down the line.
Let me know how it goes (if we aren't playing against each other, of course)!
For tonight's game, I'll be playing Mu again, maybe try a variant of the swarm that opts for something else than Revenants. 150 Silver or 200?
Also, let's settle for 9pm if you are fine with it please.
After that I want to do a very quick do over to Atlantis so we can finally play out the Atlan vs Atlantis rivalry.
I'm brit anon, so it'll probably be awhile before I do Lemuria though!
150 please.
9pm is set.

Guess i will play Atlan. I would like to try the new Wall Mystic.
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150 Atlan Expedition.
Polished Princess (25)
Refined Olm (17)
Titanium Gargoyle (20) T. Acanthus Pike (7)
Wall Mystic (45)
9[ Good Etiquette Olm-Man (4) Hasta (1) ] {45}

159s. 1r
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Fuck me I just woke up.
Somehow slept through 2 hours of alarms going off.
I'm really fucking sorry about it but I don't think I can make it tonight, nothing's set up, and I have errands to run before everything closes in the hour.
I feel horrible, so is there any way we can push back to Wenesday, either morning or early evening?
Eldest Guard looks how I feel about myself about now : (

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