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$20 each please
What a steal
Thought even GW would only sell models that expensive if they were metal. Looked it up and they are indeed metal.

But why are they metal?
Because they are too lazy to resculpt them, they have the moulds for metals, and they probably have an edict from above "no new finecast models" because that shit sucked.

This is the sort of pricing you see from someone who doesn't want to do the job. It's intentionally outrageous so your a sucker if you buy it
You do know that a Primaris lieutenant is like $60 now right?
Is this in hamburger token or Kangaroo money?
>too lazy to resculpt them
I don't think it's about effort so much as why the fuck would they invest money into something that looks like such utter dogshit
I love those sculpts. Maybe the future is reselling old hand sculpts while kids keep the business afloat buying cadslop
Good. The dumb hogs need to be taken for all they're worth. Obviously can't be trusted with that money, look at what they do with it.
Kangaroo money I think but it must include shipping since its listed straya price is 86 km.
How does oceania put up with this bullshit?
its american.
>spear bends in shipping
Millions of niggas with no money for heating and going homeless in the UK while GW sells 5 tiny dwarves for 100 quid.
By the entire hobby being a shambling fucking corpse.

$52USD American.

Boo this Anon.
$10 each please
Don't you need about 20 of these guys to run a unit?
cheaper than crisis protocol.
I have no idea what that is so I'm going to assume it's Infinity.
The crack they smoke at GW must be premium. Cute figs but ah... no
>the entire hobby

Speak for yourself. I play Oathmark and Kings of War and could get two boxes of 30 Dwarves from North Star for about the same.
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For roughly $20 you can get 4 metal retro-style imperial dwarfs from Macrocosm that look better, and have zweihander, crossbow, and plate-armour variants too.
I like these guys too but they are much less characterful.
Marvel crisis protocol. It's actually one of the most popular non-warhammer miniature games at the moment and the pricing will make you vomit.
Oh, I did see that once at a store and discarded it from my thoughts immediately as it was marvel slop.
Are the miniatures pre painted?
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The pikemen do, sure, but they're more rank-and-file. Their landsknecht ones have more character.
These truly look so much better.

All I can imagine is OPs post being said in a particularly Jewish voice
Nope, it's the same hobby miniatures product category as GW stuff.
$20 is still kind of a rough asking price but I can probably warm up to them. Probably. I like the one with swords more because there at least is more personality there.
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They're a neat company that works with indie sculptors all the time, especially for Dwarf sculpts. They even made retro-style Votann which look a lot better than the GW ones.
>Retro votann
You mean... Squats?
They still in the style of Votann, which is different than the Squats style, which is why I called them that.
Can be EASILY 3d printed for 10 cent each
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why are they based like that?
because they're based
It looks better for the product photo.

They're just trying to scam people and see who takes the bait. It looks like they're at their very limit before they crash.

For roughly 1$ you can print a full unit of 25 with the original command and the scans are free.
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Lol sure, GW will crash and burn any day now, for the past fifteen years they've been about to crash and burn any day.
That's wishful thinking anon. You can't just take some random overpriced limited run as evidence they're about to fail, they do these all the time. Also OP's dwarves are 52$ in real money, a much more "reasonable" price by GW's standards. Showing AUS/NZ prices to fool gullible anons is a time-honored tradition.
Is this the birth of an epic new meme?!
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They said why they're not recasting the entire set?
They are, the imperial dwarf command is sold separately as a group of 3
Oof, that blows. Means you've got an extra guy or 2 if you actually wanted to make a block.
No, I'm just telling the 3d printfags to fuck off.
by posting pictures of clogs?
bit avant-garde isn't it?
By being an esoteric attention whore?
The real question is who let the niggas into the UK to begin with.
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I want this Dwarf with Pistol and hat so bad
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>but it's metal of course it has to be expensi-ACK!
it was like i was looking at miniature garbage
Lancer miniatures does renaissance dwarfs in an older style as well, v cheap metals
also found some "dwarf landsknechts" STLs (in a more modern style)
they are models from the mid 80s
i think he might be in the command set that GW sells
Very good organic post saar plees keep doing the needful
those posts do read as indian shilling huh
$10 each please
>low IQ brown posters are now repeating insults against low IQ brown posters out of context
The internet needs to be the anglosphere and Japan only again
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Yes saar only aryan hyberporean posts here saar very organic and needful
dead internet theory is wrong; it's just that jeets have smartphones now.
>the anglosphere
Full of 'jeets.
>I love these sculpts
That's one of you
I feel bad for australians, but buying directly from GW is stupid. Support your lgs instead, you'll get a nice discount and you'll have a place to play games at.
Alternatively, if you absolutely must have these online-only kits, wait a bit for the retards who bought them to realize they don't actually want them to put them on the second-hand market. They'll be much cheaper then.
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>3d printer go brrrr
I can't wait until 3D printers will do prints in metal.
GW realized they can't get salty 55yo grognarts to buy primaris when they already have a space marine army, but by saying "remember this thing you liked in 1985" they can rip them the fuck off. Genius!
They have value because it's a limited release of a 40yo model that's been out of print since before you were a spermazoa in your dad's balls (assuming you are not a grog). Anyone could take dwarfs and give them spears and wallah.
Don't tell me your retarded ass was trying to spell voila.
>limited release
It's not a made to order.
Technically they do now; have for years. I don't think you're ever going to see a home sintered metal printer though, way too messy.
>Most visually distinct of Infinity models.
>Still look like 3rd party sister models at tabletop viewing distances because sculptor cannot into good design philosophy.
Shill all you want, no one's going to be going into your slop scifi setting.
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>I don't think you're ever going to see a home sintered metal printer though, way too messy.
fair enough. But maybe with the power of scanning technology Russians can "recast" the metal models.
>captcha: GWSY

Bros if the GW assassin gets me make sure my death isn't ruled as self inflicted.
>MTG charges hundreds of dollars for a set of 4 pieces of cardboard
>No one complains

>GW charges hundreds dollars for rare vintage metal or hard plastic collectable miniatures
>*autistic screeching*
Because they're from like 1986.
Gib STL plox.
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Totally organic post saaar
Says the literal paid Infinity shill
>people with priorities that differ from my own are.... Indians
Terminal levels of autism.
Yes totally normal to spam the board with Exciting New Product™ saaars, very good job, many rupees for you today.
As if the spergout you're currently in the middle of is any more normal.
Kill yourself.
Seethe more shill.
Lol. :)
The idea of someone buying things you don't personally approve of has thrown you into a fit of impotent rage.
Scream some more into the void and go kill yourself.
>Lol. :)
>kill yourself
Totally not mad saar.
Well, I assume that suicide is the only solution to the you-problem given that just being normal seems to be a insurmountable task for you.
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Thanks for your input saar.
common GW win
The only problem with infinity models is not that they look third party. I think I can probably identify an infinity model from other stuff without any difficulty, the problem is that unpainted I don't think I could tell most of the not super-special-awesome-elite troops apart by army.

Like, there's aliens, and I guess those guys have cross shaped visors and western swords that make them stand out, and then I can identify the jihad or whatever by looking for scarfs and that's it. A dude with an assault rifle without their color scheme might as well be any other dude with an assault rifle from any other army.

I dunno, it might just be a lack of familiarity; but other than whatever flavor of marine you pull out of a cracker jack box, most 40k armies are hard to mistake for one another; in fact the closest you might get is flavors of Eldar or someone mixing up Votann stuff with being GSC or Marines.

Other games I think have a stronger visual faction identity. That said, Infinity models are still really fucking cool.
>barely cognizant 'jeet just repeating insults he's had hurled at him without any understanding of why they were said
Bit pathetic.
Least brainrotted GWpiggy
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just this once
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I mean if I'm wrong, maybe you could post some Infinity infantry in greyscale. That shouldn't be irrefutable evidence right?

Give me a fucking break. They're good sculpts but without faction colors I don't know what 90% of any of them are under a 55mm base size.
It's a sabot. Sabots were wood shoes thrown into machines introduced during the mechanization of workplaces of the industrial revolution to break them. It's where we get the word sabotage from. SABOTage. Read a fucking history book once in a while.
Please walk me through what you intend to mean by this
>least schizophrenic anti-print fag
please finally be dolphin porn please finally be dolphin porn please finally be dolphin porn
We literally just did that thread yesterday you fucking homo.
Everyone already knows that most infinity models are impossible to place without color, but some are.
Well I'll have to settle for being right and a faggot won't I?
you mean way too dangerous, the fine metal powder is explosive.
I’d rather pay $10 for a hand sculpted dwarf than $20 for a cadslop sanguinary guard
id personally rather not spend money on dogshit models.
Why are none of the dwarfs jumping off a rock dynamically? Terrible models
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neat. Also the chinaman sells them at an agreeable price too.
>they can rip them the fuck off.
Thing is, a lot of these ToW models are so old it's going back to the time you had to make units by buying metal blisters of 2 or 3 guys at a time and that was so stupid expensive back then that these current prices are not even that far off...
If you want metal minis you just have to make a mold of the prints and cast them yourself. It'd be 100 times less complicated than printing metal
tl;dr lol
I can make a 3d model look like hand sculpted. In fact there's guys that do that like Knucklebone Miniatures.

It's just that there's not really a strong market for it. People are often making armies, which require uniformity, which modeling with computers makes super easy.

GW's recent Sanguinary Guard is simply laziness not CAD, they could just include more legs and torsos but don't. Posing is often the hardest (read: tedious) part once you get good at sculpting.

Also, CAD is used to refer to industrial design. 3D Modeling or Sculpting is used to refer to just the act of making the mini. Basically CAD is making the mold and 3D modeling is the mini.
The only thing that scares me with China prints is lead and other toxic materials potentially being used to save money.
It’s resin, it’s already cheap and toxic.
James makes them out of metal. Are you saying the chinaman is using resin? I fucking hate resin. But I’ve also been told that GW makes the worst resin they’ve ever seen. So maybe it’s a GW problem and not a resin problem.
The issue with GW resin is two things. First is Finecast is technically a resin, but is also the worst material ever conceived and produced. All the drawbacks of resin without any of the benefit, all for the same or more price. The second is Forgeworld whose resin itself is fine, but their QC is almost non-existent. And recasters tend to do a better QC job that FW. Which is where the semi-joke came from of how you can tell if a FW model is a recast because the quality is too good to be a FW original.

Besides that peoples gripe with resin is due to needing to use superglue, and that most cast resins are brittle so the models break easier. Which was a problem for print resins as well, but we now have widely available print resins that are tougher and better than plastics in most respects.
Do these things even have rules?
Wizards of the Coast doesn't set the secondary market prices. They sell packs and boxes of cards, not individuals (as far as I'm aware, I know they've been doing some weird shit). The closest thing to that is Secret Lair packs, and even those are only like $50 for the all foul ones (which is still too much, by the way).

GW actively sets the price for their models. You're comparing apples to coconuts here, Anon.
>100 quid.
lolno it's £31.50 in the uk

$52.00 in the us

$63.00 in canada

$86.00 in australia

and $102.00 in new zealand, which isn't even a real country

the discrepancy between the pricings and the dollar values (a quid is about 1.3 usd, 1.8 can, and 2-sih for both nz and australia) is because australia and nz have terrible freight links with the uk (it'd be cheaper if iran would CALM the FUCK down but there you go) and massive import taxes, whereas you can have a ship cross the atlantic in a a week

£31.50 is still a lot but they don't do a whole lot of metal casting any more, there's a bigger energy cost to metal casting because of the temperatures involved, it's made to order so there isn't a high volume run to sink the fixed costs of machinery into, etc etc

OP is just mad because his girlfriend kicked him out of the barn
>discrepancy between the pricings and the dollar values (a quid is about 1.3 usd, 1.8 can, and 2-sih for both nz and australia) is because australia and nz have terrible freight links with the uk (it'd be cheaper if iran would CALM the FUCK down but there you go) and massive import taxes, whereas you can have a ship cross the atlantic in a a week
Wow, isn't it amazing that GW have all this vertical integration, Aus warehousing, can fill whole containers and have them shipped in advance by surface for releases months ahead of time and it's cheaper from some small firm in the UK to airfreight me a couple of boxes.

The discrepancy is because we have enough homegrown autistic soibois like you making every excuse under the sun for GW treating them like a hole to fuck that money falls out of.
Yeah GW has always spun lots of BS as to why their prices are higher internationally. For the rest of retail in AUS prices dropped because people just ordered online from international sellers instead of buying instore. But because of GW's potentially illegal international selling embargo they never got affected by that. Though because of that they at least ended up creating a viable recast market for us to utilise, on top of making 3D printing cheap compared to buying from them which helped market viability for 3D printers.
You fags are like a broken record.
>Everyone already knows that most infinity models are impossible to place without color
But that was the opposite of the conclusion that thread came to. Even a complete newbie to the game got most of the greyscaled factions right.
>but without faction colors I don't know what 90% of any of them are
Least brainrotted GWpiggy
I could understand people not being able to pick specific sectorials for a few reasons, but factions are definitely distinct enough. To the point were you can see nifty stuff like how the JSA have some Pan-O weapons because their secession was secretly backed by Pan-O in the lore.
My one complaint is that the actual scans of Models to STL files is never complete sets and scattershot.
OK, these are so much better than the actual models.
I could imagine; goes up like an aerated grain silo? Got to imagine it's a massive inhalant risk for the same reason.
You're a fucking king, you know that?
Go on, you'll make sense someday.
$10 each please
it should be. imagine being a cuck and buying shoes at the store when you can just carve your own for free.
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They are not that expensive you lying piece of shit
I just looked them and they are only $52
Unironically kys
Hello newfriend. Posting GW Oceania prices is common bait.
I should start making figures.
The market seems somehow more gullible and starved than furry art commission one.
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>3 shitty dwarf figure
>1 highly detailed mecha
"Oh yes, the dwarves are a steal!"
-Word of utterly deranged man
>charming hand sculpted dwarfs
>cadslop weeaboo mech
Nah thanks, I don’t like anime. And the only thing I like from Japan is the women.
$10 each please
Asian women are gross

>Oy vey, gevalt, don't complain about the prices now, you're subhuman so you should just accept it
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That's still an outrageous price you're paying.
Anon are you gainfully employed?
Be honest

Correct answer, this guy gets it
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>a few cents over $1 per mini
That's pretty reasonable though? Especially since you can field an entire army for the minimum game size out of a single box with Oathmark boxes.
>inb4 an army of pay piggies faffing about how this is a great deal actually
It's still fucking expensive for 4 metal dwarfs. They should 4 for 12 at most.
Dude I agree with you one hundred percent
I’m just annoyed with the endless bitching about geedubs prices, warhammer is expensive and water is wet, there are much better and cheaper games out there like quar, more people should talk about them and strangle warhammer of attention
>gunpla and gunpla derivatives
>not charming
I don't think abbos are the ones playing Warhammer, my racist friend.
>misses the point
Paying $100 for two boxes vs $60
Anon, I'm arguing in favour of the pricing of Oathmark boxes.
For fuck's sake GW...
>australia and nz have terrible freight links with the uk (it'd be cheaper if iran would CALM the FUCK down but there you go) and massive import taxes

New Zealanders dont pay ANY import tax on anything under $1000 in value. But please continue, dont let reality get in the way of your retarded point.
What if I don't like ching chong robots?
>New Zealanders dont pay ANY import tax on anything under $1000 in value.
That's like 8 or 9 boxes of GW infantry. Most LGS are expected to stock a fair bit more than that.
>remember the time we lost against technological innovation?
>let's do that again.
What kind of crappy superglue are people using? Just the other day I dropped a 3d printed mini glued to a plastic base, the mini didn't break, the superglue didn't break, it actually pulled up a thin layer of plastic from the base. It was an easy fix anyway.
People make fun of MTG tards for spending tens of thousands of dollars on single piece of cardboard all the time anon
You do realize the level of rivet counting you need to be on to recognize which made up country the made up gun that looks like a cyberpunk AR is from, right? That's not exactly TF2 levels of visual identity.
Man at least when they did that Valhallan rerun a few years back I could get a full squad for 40 bucks.
$20.40 ea.
>massive import taxes
what are the percentages for import taxes in Aus/NZ compared to UK VAT or US import duties?

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