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Deep Settlements Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ (cont.): What is the political/cultural outlook of every faction toward every faction, especially as of [current time]? Please offer ideas toward events, crisis, specific diplomatic overtures, etc...

> TQ2: So, since we are ending Core very soon, and based profileanon gifted us with Tsardom, Rajput and Ethiopian units in the last few threads, how do we wrap up regional expansions?

Archive dump!

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>> TQ2: So, since we are ending Core very soon, and based profileanon gifted us with Tsardom, Rajput and Ethiopian units in the last few threads, how do we wrap up regional expansions?
To expand a bit on this, since I was hitting character limit in the op, when we came up with the division between "Core" and "Not-Core", the idea suggested was that factions outside of core would be presented differently so as to not eternally bloat faction choice. So if we give more attention to South America for example we could write up a book about the PACT exclusion zone, and then put all the models and factions in that book.
Ethiopia could be the focus of E:AD: Africa's Underground, but it could be where we wrap up other African units and events as well.
Tsardom and Satsuma might be "large" enough in their imprint on the setting that they could be given their full book, but we could also play out picrel and have that be a book which carries a lot of units.
Personally I don't care so much about "faction bloat", I have fun doing this and as long as you guys have fun too I'll keep going, but I do really like that this could be a way to build up lore dynamically between factions, and forces us to come up with storylines for interactions between them.
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>play out picrel
wrong pic, meant this one...
> in the morning
Alright, can't tomorrow morning, but Friday should be fine, let me know what time!
> Lemuria
I get the feeling I'm going to keep getting crushed. I think I'll try Atlantis. If you are cool with it I'd like to try the new buckler and shield rules we talked about. I think 1 and 2 Silver for Buckler and Shields respectively should be fine.
> If the model equipped with a Buckler is hit on the Limbs but succeed its Evasion roll, it gains +3 Armour to its Armour roll. If the model equipped with a Shield is hit on the Limbs or Body but succeed its Evasion roll, it gains +3 Armour to its Armour roll.
>Lemuria vs Atlantis
Agarthan Artillery Duel?
9 probably works best for me.
>I get the feeling I'm going to keep getting crushed.
>try the new buckler and shield rules we talked about. I think 1 and 2 Silver for Buckler and Shields respectively should be fine.

damn, am i glad i looked up the dub.
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Sure, why not?
Atlantis has more choice but I think the Camel Artillery might be better in most cases, and Lemuria's range game is really good with the Akashic Archer dudes. I'll come up with a list.
In the meantime here's britanon's story compiled! Once again a really fun read, thanks for it!
ignore this post
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you have been observed
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> picrel
Duosicily done! There's still no lore intro for it, same for the Worldbook, if anyone wants to try their hand at it it would be a welcome addition. I'll definitely want to be testing it soon.
Not to derail the TQs, but can I get a Hyperborean info dump? Ref pics, units, faction gameplay philosophy, and current lore? I usually just lurk /ead/ threads because I don't have anything valuable to add, but what little I've seen on the Hyperboreans is really cool and unique.
Also this gen is the only reason I visit /tg/ anymore, I love following and reading the lore and development, and hopefully I can find time to play a game eventually. The lore, the really cool edits of classic paintings in massive caverns, the factions, the mystery, the jules verne-esque novelty, it's so cool. Y'all are doing amazing work, keep it up!
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You aren't derailing one bit, anon. Glad to hear you enjoy the setting, its something special for all of us I think.
To start with the simplest
> Gameplay philosophy
Hyperborea is not a playable faction at the moment, I did start a book for them shortly before the current rule update started, here it is (very unfinished). There was a sense that they would be one of the more complex factions in terms of gameplay mechanic, if not the most complex one, so beyond "the Deluge" being an endpoint that was my reasoning for keeping them for last, I wanted to have a really good grasp of what could be done and how far I could push it.
The initial idea is that Hyperboreans causes Pain tokens to be dropped whenever they cause or take a wound, and then they have various ways of interacting or getting boosts from Pain tokens.
For example, Hyperwarriors, the main element of most Hyperborean raids, are themed to be obsessed with war to such a point that they are seen as suboptimal in pain collection, they just cause it and like ambient pain to be there and get bonuses from it. Other Hyperboreans will either collect pain tokens (Machinemen) or turn them into Emanations. Emanations are Smoke tokens with additional effects to them.
Another layer to it is that some models will have an Emanation Mastery rank, and these modify the way pain/emanation tokens are placed. Whenever an action made by a model with a Mastery rank causes pain tokens to be placed, if :
> Coordinator : Put another Pain token in an adjacent hex
> Vector : Put another Pain token halfway between this model and the initial pain token
> Master [emanation type] : You can put an Emanation of the type indicated instead of the Pain token.
In general I was intending Hyperborea to be a rather Elite force with few models.
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I have to run into work so I'll post more of their lore in the morning.
Don't forget the tartaradon
Ash Slaves might be a little overcosted, maybe give them asbestos?
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Thanks anon. Good to know people are enjoying what we're doing.
My general idea of their aesthetics is a kind of deep fried 30s-60s futurist sci-fi, I think we discussed a Metropolis style unit or two awhile back. Very explicitly sci-fi compared to the more fantastical stuff we have going on. I also like to think that the 1st layer is the largest layer of them all, and it isn't a layer it's an entire "space" as it were that has no defined limits, with areas where different emanations or intelligences have more influence than others. Basically a technicolour MC escher hellscape.

There was also an idea I had that Hyperborea was humanity in the far future after thousands upon thousands of years of progression, and that they'd destroy themselves and degenerate everyone back to monkeys which would become Lemurs which would become Lemuria etc. etc.

We still don't have any concrete lore for them at the moment so feel free to suggest any ideas you have and we'll see what we can throw in.
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I had an incredibly shitty night, might have finally managed to talk myself out of this shitty job (i.e. got too snappy with the boss), so I'm gonna go take a walk on Mont-Royal and then get to sleep. More Hyperborean posting will have to wait, I am afraid.
Get some rest anon
Take a nap and rest. We'll still be here in the morning.
>Satsuma Ashigaru (6 Silver)
AP: 3
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 4
Strength: 5
Discipline: 4
Labour: 4
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 5

3 in head, 4 in body, 2 in limbs

2 Box

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-Bravery under fire:
When adjacent to at least two other Satsuma Ashigaru units, this model does not generate dread when hit with a critical attack, and it may additionally reroll any discipline save.

Standard Equipment, 2-H Sword (katana), Spear (Yuri), Brasburg Musket (Geweer [should I make a matchlock profile or more than one musket profile?])

Satsuma, Mejii, Hoken’s Heros (Not an actual faction he is a Mejii leader)

The rare semi-colonial infantry unit with armour. Not much though (it’s a battered mixture of iron plates and lacquered bits)
Once the line breaks it’s over but if you can keep them in good order they’ll hold up under fire well. I considered giving them the ability to switch between farmer and soldier to represent their levy status but that would have been stepping on the mobolot and involved having alterations to the armour statblock.
Ashigaru infantry hold the line and their leading Samurai attack, while Mejii infantry charge whilst their officers hold a little behind. It’s a nice dichotomy.
Chart says they’re all female and I agree. Satsuma has manpower shortages even Paris didn’t have to deal with.
A bit late, but on the issue of Chixculub/Mexico lore:
I think the French might not have gotten involved in Mexico at all. Paris falls in 1860, France has just fought a civil war with the Democ-Socs/Novembrists in the southeast, the new Republic is still unstable.
And they sure as fuck wouldn't plot to install a monarchy in Mexico, debt or not. That whole thing was a certified based retard moment from both Napoleon III and Maximilian and they are both very busy doing other things.
Everything else works.
>And they sure as fuck wouldn't plot to install a monarchy in Mexico, debt or not.
Sure. When I wrote it, I left it as rumors to reference the real world's events, but in this timeline, there would be no way to actually pull it off. Still think France would get involved in this, considering it probably isn't that much of an effort to send a couple of ships alongside the british and the spanish to block a single port city. That and they probably want a show of strength to dissipate any ideas of an unstable France.
I suppose that makes sense. Hell, Britain could lean on them to contribute some forces, since they've just helped them crush the reds and their very involvement probably stopped Prussia from getting any ideas too.
Take care of yourself first.
The only reason you get too snappy with someone is if they deserved it. Your boss was probably treating you wrong, and it is always a good thing to take back power from tyrants.

Take all the time you need man.
Anon should throw his boss in a volcano.
Do you want/need/would it be nice to delay our game?
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Nah I'll be fine, in fact that'll be the best thing to take my minds off rl crap. Would 10am be alright?
I wanted to do a short Deepfolk folklore thing inspired by the idea that they are very sensitive about Epigeans messing with the Inner Sun, but got carried away, as one does.
Holy fucking shit the quality here is through the roof.
>8 All of the Inner Sun’s words were spoken to me very loudly and in a threatening tone
I'm dying but I don't mind, this is how I want to go
Is the rainbow serpent an allusion to the Hyperboreans?
Very good writing anon!
10 am is good.
Christ this is awesome.
Getting ready.
Had a hard time building a list, here's what I could come up with.

Scion (Kopis - Shield - Lux Bomb Thrower) (37)
-Born to lead (3)
-Hunter's Entourage (5)
-Mitraic Rite (10)
-Precise (1)

5x Akritai 9 (Shield - Hasta - Verutum) (14)

Combat Alchemist (Greek Flamer) 18

Icon Field Gun 20
2x Psycho-Socialites (Daggers) 4
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Had some trouble also.

Pale Dweller (15)
5[ Scholar Prophet (5) ] {25}
Lemurian Agent (14)
4[ Lemurian Cherub (8) ] {32}
3[ Camelback Artillery (20) ] {60}

total 138
> Pale dweller
Nice, I have to run to the dep back, out of coffee(!), won't be long!
>Psycho Socialite
>Lemurian Agent
I see a devilish strategy emerging
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Oh lol. Fuck me.
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Room up!
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>Imperial Japanese Army (9 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 5
Discipline: 7
Labour: 4
Evasion: 4
Awareness: 4

0 in all.

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Bayonet Training

>Special Abilities:
-”Tennōheika Banzai!”:
When charging, this model gains quick strike, terrain affinity [Elevated], and ignores cover for the remainder of activation.

Standard Equipment, Murata rifle (Type 13), Bayonet

-Type 13 Murata Rifle (Ranged)
Range: 11
Skill: -2
Pen: 0
Lethal: [Black]
Reload: 2
Cost: 5
Ammo Feed 1

Mejii, Hoken’s Heros (Not an actual faction)

Better name? The rifle is noted in the doc as being shitty, and the one they would have had at the time was a single shot bolt action. It was reputedly accurate but had quality issues so that is what the skill debuff is for. Stat wise this is a really good unit for the cost, limited by the equipment it can take. The cover rule is actually useless but it’s what the chart says. Since the chart was made before the cover rules though maybe we should change it to say “ignores barricades, trenches, and fortifications while charging.” The elevated affinity is so you can charge up a hill like it’s Port Arthur.
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>Satsuma Samurai / Meiji Shizoku (18 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 7
Strength: 6
Discipline: 7
Labour: 4
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 4

6 in body, 5 in head, 4 in limbs.

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Quick Strike

>Special Abilities:
-The Warrior’s Way:
When this model would die or become shaken, it may immediately activate with 2 AP to move, charge, or attack any enemy within range.

-Shizoku or Satsuma:
If recruited by Mejii, this unit gains Semi-Expendable, Elite, and may equip modern weaponry from the Mejii list.
If recruited by Satsuma, this unit gains Deadly[Katana]

Standard Equipment, Horse, 2-H Sword (katana), Spear (Yuri), Brasburg Musket (Geweer [should I make a matchlock profile or more than one musket profile?])
[NOTE: Mejii samurai may be equipped with Mejii equipment including sidearms and modern rifles, though they do become elite]

Satsuma, Mejii (ELITE IF MEJII), Hoken’s Heros (Not an actual faction)

You have the choice between a pretty good beatstick if you’re Mejii and the “Best colonial melee unit” if Satsuma. Compared to the New Mu blademaster he’s a lot less complex but also stronger at base. They like to charge.

Debating if saur rider should be hero or elite, he’s next.
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The encounter of Deep Nations with Colonials has encouraged the first to accelerate its development of ballistic science and explosives. The apparition or standardization of artillery has itself been an incentive for conflict, as everyone becomes eager to test out the new invention. In particular, the Lemurian High Council has tasked the Pale Dweller with shaping up the Camel Artillery corp into a proper force.
The Pale Dweller accepted mostly because he doesn't want to let anyone down, and because its another occasion to larp as a Colonial. Knowing Atlantis is its main competitor, he seeks one of their artillery unit to challenge.
> The Prophets starts making Prophecies, 2 of which fails and causes maluses, 2 (I believe) are successes, one setting in stone my Scion's next activation, which I choose Shoot and Reload.
> The Scion activates and uses his Mithraic rite action to boost the Akritai's Movement, the moves up.
> One Camel back advances far too much ahead, Atlananon forgetting that I had boosted my Akritai's Move to 6 total, so I am able to charge it with one Akritai, who lands a blow on it.
> Cherubs start rushing the middle of the field, however they fail all except one shortbow attack. In one case it moves all the way in my backline, but I was able to kill it with one akritai charge. One other toddler gets skewered, and in each case, the dread rule on them fails to trigger.
> I move and set up my Artillery, as well as the Combat Alchemist and Socialites it has in two, shoot once at the camel back artillery in the middle, but miss, and reload with the Socialites.
> The Agent and Pale Dweller have badly deployed and are stuck shuffling, unable to do much else.
> The Iconoclast Artillery and its group shoot and reload at the highest pace it can, achieving absolutely nothing, each, each shoot scattering wide from the camel cannon it is trying to hit and not hitting anything else either.
> One Cherub charges the Akritai engaging the artillery, but this only makes it an incentive for the Scion to shoot at it with its Lux launcher. The grenade hits the whole group, wounding the Camelback artillery further and causing Dread to go up for both sides. I believe the Akritai tanks the hit through its armour, luckily.
> both Camelback Cannons shoot back, but they also miss and scatter away in both cases.
> Akritais, which are by far doing most of the work here, chucks some javelins, killing one more Cherub and landing another hit on the Camelback Cannon that's stuck engaged.
> Now Atlananon has been rolling ridiculously poorly this entire game, and I have been rather oddly doing good on everything except the Artillery shoot themselves, so it is clearly becoming a bit of a slog.
> The Akritai stuck in melee gets killed by the Cherub, only for it to die to another grenade shot from the Scion. The Camel Cannon artillery, already bleeding from multiple wounds, is no match for the two Akritai left.
> Both Camelback artillery are stuck reloading this turn. My own once again shoot at full speed, missing one hit, and the other one scatters on my own Akritai, which kills him, cause an additional Dread, which itself triggers the Socialites to go into Frenzy.
> However they are already Engaged so instead they have to check if they blow up.
> One does. Blowing up the other.
At this point both me and Atlan anon decides to call it a draw and to discuss the game. It was becoming clearly a slog, the artillery was exceptionally bad except in the case of the Lux Thrower, and nearly every unit kinda felt like they needed tweaks to not be either very situational or just op.
Obviously, an artillery vs artillery fight isn't going to be a sniper battle, and we are both playing new lists so its not like we had any amount of experience with them.
> The Pale Dweller, very consciously trying to avoid thinking about the dead toddlers, gives his thumps up at the firework show.
Tweaks discussed
> Either lower cost of Cherubs, or give them +1 Health and -1 AP and Born in the Saddle to allow them to shoot on the move. They die way too quick.
> Pale Dweller should have some form of Artillery support, if only because that spot is entirely empty in Lemuria and they have access to 2 Artillery units and who else fits better with the theme but him?
> Akritai armour is too high, especially with Shields. At least -2 across the board.
> Atlantis special rules need rework in their keywords to make them mesh better together.
> Prophecies were barely relevant, but I think that's because they aren't support supportive of Artillery strat anyways. Storing dices to guarantee shot should have been strong tho.
> The whole terror unto itself rule for the Iconoclast artillery needs to be removed because it just feels like hating on that profile. It is not powerful enough to warrant an expedition-wide debuff like that.
> Camelback artillery feels like it now needs either +1 AP or -1 Reload to its Cannon to be relevant.
Did the agent do anything of note? I was very much expecting him to grab the socialites with his secret agent suave charm
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Unfortunately not, he did use his Vedic Vizier action once on the Pale Dweller but that went nowhere. I believe atlananon misunderstood his parley action as targeting the socialite itself, since its a parley, it has to target a specialist, character or leader, my leader being on the opposite side of the table.
Wall deployment completely blocking his way also didn't help much.
I feel we could play an entirely different game with more or less the same list and just end it really fucking quickly. But the eventual outcome would have been more or less the same, dead socialites, artillery who didn't hit anything.
In a way I'm a bit fine with it because its a game about expeditions, not armies, and you just happen to be able to haul some cannons. On the other hand if you invest a large part of your strategy and ressources into a single aspect of the list it should do more than just generate dice rolls.
In other news, the order is finally made, the French Legion will soon assemble!
Also, we discussed how perhaps artillery is just an inherently bad thing to invest such a large part of your list toward, which again, could be fine thematically. Scatter brings an obvious risks, but most of the time generate very little added lethality. It might be something that needs to be a support element, and for example I might have done better myself under Lady K. But the Scion didn't do too bad either.
Probably something that makes a lot less sense to try and build a list at 150 silver than 200 or 250.
One test that we need to do is either one of these lists against the Mu horde.
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Back to Hyperborean posting.
Here are the lore pages (still unfinished and unpolished in the World book, again, as an "end game" faction we've left it do mature and grow on its own for a while now)
Added this to the "ontology & metaphysics" section, because it was based.
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One other "faction" I thought we could add are Eschatologicals, which would be entities more or less specifically associated with end time stories, or inspired by them. Picrel being something that's been in my mind for a while, this is my first posting about it so let me know if you feel its too silly.
>I believe atlananon misunderstood his parley action as targeting the socialite itself, since its a parley, it has to target a specialist, character or leader, my leader being on the opposite side of the table.

Small confession there, I forgot about that part of Parley when writing the Agent
Or maybe I didn't but then what the hell was I thinking since that seems kind of not good. The idea with Agent is you're nabbing one to two trash-tier units per turn at the risk of dreadpumping yourself and buffing opponent but having to target a leader really reduces the chances of that working since agent has low awareness (intentionally low to balance around how he's expected to be targeting worker units not leaders for parley, my bad)
Not sure how I feel about the wings/eyes bit. I know it's a biblically accurate reference but the possibility of just having flying wheels that look like regular wheels but fly is too good to pass up.
I like the almost wildlife aspect to it a lot.
Things have to be a little bit silly to be really scary.
Ditto. The simplicity of a wheel elevates (heh) the fantastical elements.
>Storing dices to guarantee shot should have been strong
User error, i think.
>Camelback artillery feels like it now needs either +1 AP or -1 Reload to its Cannon to be relevant.
I say try it with -1 Reload first, then if that still feels off do a full rebalance.

Anyone have any ideas for Pale Dweller artillery support?
Did cannons of Lemuria get used much during the match?
>Soft spoken shootist: (1 AP 1 LP)
Select up to three artillery units within LOS. These models gain Quick Shot for the remainder of the turn, or for as long as the Pale Dweller remains alive.

He points the finger at what you should shoot and then you should shoot at it. This does also work in colonial armies if they're taking him as merc

Alternatively something with scatter?
And maybe a better name

I'm just spitballing
>Did cannons of Lemuria get used much during the match?
No, 1st and 3rd turn would have been wasted, I did think Atlananon would use it on the 2nd, but I think he forgot about it. We both have plenty of >>93832426
>User error
throughout the game, the whole idea with the Psycho-Socialites as artillery reloaded shouldn't have worked in the first place.
I think one funny thing that happened is that we both started with completely different lists, I had one with significantly less models, 2 Iconoclasts with flamers, the Artillery and one Scion that had been boosted to be a duelist but I decided to scrap it because I didn't have the space for workers to reload the artillery, Atlananon had one with a Cultivation Master. I think we both shifted strategies too late and didn't have time to adjust our planning, and the two original lists would have been better.
>Soft spoken shootist
I like that, but it seems very strong. Perhaps make it so it remains in effect until the Pale Dweller breaks LoS with the artillery, or with any enemy models? Since he's squishy it would make for a nice gamble, but if its just LoS and no range its not super punishing either.
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Still no clue what this will turn into, but I love seeing it take shape.
Please suggest events, or let me know if the timeline makes no fucking sense for that scale of war, that isn't something I'm too familiar with.
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The ultimate goal here is to set up a justification for the Titanium King vs Khan fight that's in the novel section of first lore doc. This is supposed to be more or less a "loss" for Atlan, with the King "getting floored" by the Khan's True Form despite being the best fighter in the game. I thought this could be the justification for Atlan accepting the new borders at the end of the war, first time the King got seriously wounded or seen afraid of anything, everyone's shaken up, including himself, and this somewhat leads to Atlan being slightly more open to using mercenaries, and possibly diplomatic attempts by colonials. Atlan had an incredible growth spur in the last two decades, one which was ultimately unsustainable for it, and this constitutes the shifting point where everything starts crashing down.
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Cooked these two up, they are on a temp doc atm until I get back to France/figure out what to do with the Sepoy Rebellion.
I didn't remember the entry for the Rajput Sepoy saying it mirrored completely the BAP, it feels weird because the BAP is probably one of the best Colonial soldier option (if not the best) with the best ranged Colonial options, so it'll inevitably turn out whatever can recruit the Rajput Sepoy into a very strong faction. But maybe that's just me, more than willing to test it out and see how it grows.
France using geriatrics as their main workers tickles me quite a bit.
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>For the Titking, it was the worst day ever, the first battle he ever lost
>For the Khan, it was the first time in thousands of years he’d ever had a worthwhile fight, and the guy got away after Khan revealed his true face! Remarkable.
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>the Titking
The Titanium King has an aviary full of exotic Epigean birds, and he cares for each of them dearly. Send it.
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And do you know who was a famous ornithologist at the time?

This guy
Thank you!
Yes, the Rainbow Serpent eating itself is an allusion to Hyperborea and the Loop. The rainbow snake motiff is found in many places around the world from West Africa to Australia, and I figured I'd throw it in. The fight with the Sun is also a reference to the common motiff of a reptile-like creature trying to devour the Sun.
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> "The [Atlan] eggs were fine, they are just assholes (sic)"
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Started doing the Tsardom units.
I modified it so the Anarchist Bomber starts under the player's control, its already one of the most jank profiles and turns hostile on his own almost immediately 90% of the time so its not much of a change anyways.
Did you mean for him to have no weapons as well as no equipments? He's buff enough on his own he doesn't need the option for a horse so much, and he is incredibly useful no matter what even without weapons but I wanted to be sure.
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This one indeed feels like a brute. Cost seems appropriate however. Feels like bringing a few Gorgs or some other source of Knockback is really going to be a necessity against the Tsardom.
Yes he is not supposed to have any equipment.
I was pretty inspired by the Russian from March or Die when I made that one.
I actually had some ideas for the Tsardom units, some Leaders too. Historical and semi-original. But I need to finish my research. I promise I'll get around to it in the foreseeable future.
I would very much so appreciate someone with actual relevant historical knowledge doing some Tsardom units so thank you very much there
I was operating at just a step above blind for a lot of them (especially cossacks)
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>France. The Angevin Abyss yawns wide, light shining upon lost Paris ever since the great enemy came. The twisted ruins of the top half of Eiffel's masterpiece lie somewhere on the bottom of the channel. Alone, amid smoke and rubble, the bottom half still stands. Its peak, once a midway point in the greatest elevator ever built, now stands twisted and gnarled into a wicked point. A grim reminder of the fate of rebellion and resistance. And, at its very highest point, it is said that the still-sighing head of Napoleon was placed there by SRTR himself. Impaled upon the tower, he sits in mournful patience, waiting for the answer to a question he never asked.
>Italia. The molten dead prowl the islands that were once the very heart of Christendom and Empire and Civilization. They dive deep and come up steaming, having exhumed the bodies of saints and legionaries and the pagan sinners of the Three Sicilies. And then, they call more of themselves into the bodies. Vulcan's children inhabit those bones, fire called from the heart of the earth into the chests of dead men. And their undead kin hug them and welcome them as family. Elsewhere, the Atlantean host searches the ruins, desperate to find survivors and weapons to use to stem the coming hordes.
>Texas. A pair of pain rustlers stalk the prairie. They were lawmen, once. Now, they steal from their Hyperborean overlords. They have their eyes on a wheel, fat and lazy, still lounging in the agony of its last victim. Such a bounty would bring them the filthiest of lucre, and they stalk their prey as a pair of hunters. Elsewhere, with gleaming eyes, a silver angel in the form of a beautiful woman watches. Waits. The spiked wings on her back grow restless, and she longs to claim one of these mortals, to destroy him with her embrace. And so, the hunters become the hunted, and she strides toward them with wings raised.
Cut for time: King Arthur calling the remaining heroes of mankind to Avalon to discuss methods of destroying the world, so as to deny the Hyperboreans the satisfaction of ruling its ashes. Atlan in ruins, destroyed by Atlas himself, who weeps somewhere amid the devastation. Gog and Magog exploring each other's bodies.
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>Unhusked Janissary (6 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 5
Discipline: 5
Labour: 4
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 3

0 in all

2 Box

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-Soon to be Husked:
Mark down how many units have been killed by this model. When this model dies, the following happens:
-No units killed: Unit dies as normal
-1 Unit killed: replace this model with a derelict husk
-2-4 Units killed: replace this model with a husked Janissary
-5+ Units killed: replace this model with a 1-hex boneswarm. It may immediately activate with 1 AP

May be armed with Daggers, Saber, Bayonet, Breachloader Rifles and Flintlock Pistols. Can be equipped with Materials. May be mounted on a horse


Put Satsuma Saur Rider on hold since I couldn’t think of anything to start with (I was even stuck on if it should have unruly mount or not)
These guys do not hold a place of honour in Ottoman society. They’re the descendants of the Original Janissaries who have either failed to escape or sold out in the hope of not getting immediately shot by their own grandparents. Equipment wise they’re worse than a Mansure and stat wise they’re about the same, but their real value comes from the possibility of upgrading on death. They get given worse equipment than their husked counterparts to hopefully speed up their transition into death.
Note, in an Ottoman subfaction which dislikes husks like Egypt (we still have 2 to hash out at some point) they will still huskify on death. Whatever The Sultan has done to these poor bastards is with them forever.
I balanced the silver around other Otto units so it's likely a little out of date with modern standards
He should be the same price as Mansure or a little more expensive, and less costly than his husked pappy
>Gog and Magog exploring eachother's bodies
The real tragic end would be one killing another in rage and then weeping over his body.
Then he realizes he's been tricked by Hyperborea and hucks a rock clean through a tripod.
Also also the horse husks if he does
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Very cool. I feel like the dates happen a little too quickly for this kind of warfare, it feels like something that occurs over several months instead of one, but that's about the only complaint I have. Very hyped for the Titking vs Nameless Khan fight.

I love these things. The apocalyptic visions from beyond the deluge are great, kinda inspired to write a small piece myself now. Please continue writing them. Slightly worried about canonicity, but we can always write them off as some ambiguously Prophetic visions. Dweller approved either way.

Going to read this and give feedback later too.
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>the dates happen a little too quickly
Thank you, yeah I'm stretching this out, the whole thing should happen over 3~4 months, this will be just the opening.
>Slightly worried about canonicity
I purposely made these conflict with my previous VISIONS post to illustrate that these are possible futures, not certain ones.
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>I purposely made these conflict with my previous VISIONS post to illustrate that these are possible futures, not certain ones.
Yeah, that's why the Napoleon one doesn't bother me one bit, Prophetic Sight probably becomes increasingly disreputable as it comes closer to the Deluge. Also, Napoleon can't be spied on by it, since he's Fateless.
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Incoming profile dump!
Please disregard the wrong images I was disconnected and these were just for formating.
I went ahead and tried making these as close to the design doc as I could.
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And yeah forget the Webley & co in the equipment on this one.
> picrel
So I guess the meme with the Dracon is that he's a vampire? This should already be strong enough, but if you want to we can add more to it.
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Start of the Okhrana Agent, gave him low Discipline so there is a chance his Panick rule triggers, remains to give him a rule to be able to throw Daggers (and have them get Backstab as well).
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Added the precision that while shaken he doesn't get the "born in the saddle/Assault" attack upon moving.
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For the Entourage it was missing its keywords, did you intend it to be a Follower or Specialist?
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I think this one I added the "while not Shaken", because it seems way too good otherwise, bodyguard should be worth at least 3~4 silver on a 2 health box model.
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For this one did you intend to give it 3 AP, it feels like a possible omission. It wouldn't necessarily be broken, especially if they have to Reload quite a bit, but we might want to add 2 silver to its cost to balance if that was intended. Otherwise at 2 AP and with this I think 6 would be alright.
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> Name?
Serviceman? just Soldier?
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I really want to play a Mu Blademaster vs this now.
Would the japanese have a "western military advisor" of sorts?
What do you think about rewording it to

While Steady this model is Immune to Critical effects and may make a Ranged Attack as part of a Charge Action. Additionally, this model may still resolve Move Actions while Shaken.

Would mean nearly enough the same thing but is much more to the point
>3 AP
That was an error, I copy the previous profile I was working on to make the new one, sorry about that
Of course! A few French officers deserted after the training corp got recalled and joined the rebels, I think they were made naval advisors but that didn't end up helping the rebels that much. Funnily enough, when they got back to France they were hailed has heroes and decorated.
>Would mean nearly enough the same thing but is much more to the point
Sure! Thank you for the suggestion, the wording was bugging me too.
No, I mean in units for the game.
I'd be up for letting them take the Surface Envoy or maybe the Gunny
A mercenary Western Advisor unit could be neat. Useful for places like Japan or Errum, but generally less efficient than dedicated colonial leaders. (If he was worth his salt, he wouldn’t be off selling his services to foreigners, he’d be at home in Europe or America enjoying his career)
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Alright let me add to the more positive timeline:
>Saint-Petersburg. The old capital is no more. The city now lies beneath the waters of the Neva and the Finnish Bay. Half-submerged ruins stretch as far as the eye can see. A legion of broken tripods stands among them, monuments to what humanity had to face. Seagulls circle the scene and perch on the colossi. To the south a group of shady characters make their way to the abandoned ruins of Tsarskoye Selo, unaware that somebody has already stripped the place clean.
>Moscow. Tsar Mikhail II, surrounded by an army of ministers, courtiers, family and the popular delegates, reads through the document one last time and signs it. He abdicates, in nobody’s favor. And just like that, the Romanov reign ends where it began. The Tsardom that survived the Deluge could not stop the Revolution, because the people who defied fate itself would bow to no Tsar. Not that there’s much left to rule or to pass on. From the Arctic to the steppes, entire cities are reduced to ashes, land is scarred with fissures and craters, and the soil and water remain poisoned by chemical warfare. Poland and Finland have already declared their independence and many more regions are demanding autonomy. Yet from Warsaw to Vladivostok life still goes on, despite all odds. And perhaps that is the best legacy one could leave behind.
>Vladiagartsk. The city is now home to millions of refugees from the Surface. Great crowds gather in the central square, bringing together people from every corner of the late empire. The news has just reached the Fourth Layer. The Tsardom is no more. Preparations are underway for the elections to the Constituent Assembly. The people respond with jubilation. Roars of “URA!" echo through the streets. Hats, handkerchiefs and flowers fly into the air. Tricolors and red flags flutter above the congregation. One of them bears a popular slogan in white letters: “Through struggle will you attain your rights!"
>Warsaw. The capital of the newly independent Poland is busy with a celebration of its own, even as parts of the city are buried under the shards of the Firmament. Two old men, both missing an arm, meet in a run-down pub as arranged. The old comrades embrace each other and catch up over some vodka. They swap war stories from the Deluge and remember the fallen. Before long they start reminiscing about fighting together in the uprising of 1863 and their youth. For decades the two men fought tooth and nail to keep their dream alive. In the end, not even the horrors from outer space could keep them from seeing it through. Now, old and gray, they may finally raise their glasses in triumph. Locking their remaining arms in a brüderschaft they toast together, one man in Polish and the other in Russian: "To our freedom and yours!"
>Japanese Sea. An enormous serpentine carcass lies across the horizon, stretching from Korea to Sakhalin. The waters run dark red with the monster’s ichor. Thousands of ships huddle up to it from all sides: Russian, Japanese, American, British, French. It will take the whole world to clean up this mess. A Russian and a Japanese sailor meet and shake their hands. Both stare at the iridescent remains and share the same thought: how the Hell are they supposed to get rid of it?
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>how the Hell are they supposed to get rid of it?
I have some ideas...
>that pic
Ooh, that's a nice one. I'm surprised how well these things work with such simple backgrounds.
The idea was that they benefit from Backstab while shooting. You'd need to limit the range where it works of course, something like within 3 hexes is fine, I think, and probably restrict it to pistols only (speaking of, the Russians used S&W and Galands before the 90s). It would balance out the fact that these guys are such ticking time bombs. Speaking of, maybe let them buy bombs for their equipment too.
I thought we retconned serfdom? Or are we using the name ironically for tradition's sake?
I think maybe bump Labour to at least 4. I get that they are supposed to be shit, but the dedicated worker being too shit might get old pretty fast.
The chart unit says they got un-emancipated.
>I thought we retconned serfdom?
My take when I wrote them is they're convict labour who are colloquially referred to as serfs
>I think maybe bump Labour to at least 4
Two for one AND expendable for 1 silver is already really really good. It's like getting 4 AP
I think this will be really annoying to fight against if you didn't bring some kind of dread engine. I think Discipline should be lowered to 2, and the price should be raised to 2.
They cannot have weapons (Except melee tools which are awful) unless you devote 3 LP to it, and they can't shoot for shit unless you devote an extra 3 LP, and also 3 AP PER TURN to it with your leader unit.

Setting them to 2 silver kind of defeats the 2 for one price
Discipline down to 2 does work for me though. If we want to nerf them a little more we could give an interaction where if Okhrana turns so do they (if they fail save?)
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>No, I mean in units for the game.
Lol, that's also what I meant. Picrel. Found the doc.
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I'm just gonna say, I am quite dissatisfied with the amount and quality of pictures of cute japanese ashigaru girls. Koreans gave a whole show to picrel just for me and yet Japs couldn't even be bothered to draw some spicy peasant girl shooting her rifle while just wearing one of those big thong thing...
Its a sad thing to see.
The Imperial Guard gets you 4 health on a Leader or Noble for 20 silver. Serf gets you 4 health on any non worker for 1. When Imperial Guard dies, your Dread goes up 2 and your opponent gains 20 silver. When Serf dies, you gain no dread and your opponent gains 1 silver. That is a simplification of course, but it illustrates the problem.
The better bodyguard on what is easily the cheapest and most disposable unit is what is so troublesome. I don't think there is a way to make that not OP while also keeping him relevant as anything other than a meat shield.
>Its a sad thing to see.
Isn't the point that you're not seeing it?
I have similar concerns as >>93848364, with the Guard especially there also Tsardom will probably have too easy an access to bodyguard/damage soaking abilities. For example, the Hierophant for Atlantis provides a similar function, but at the cost of 30 Silver, no combat capacity, and is a Specialist so you;ll have only 1.
Dropping their Discipline to 2, or their Health to 1 would probably a long way to fix them. This could be added to making the free Serf does count against Expedition limit if its still too strong, but I'd like to see if we can set up an horde faction.
>Ooh, that's a nice one. I'm surprised how well these things work with such simple backgrounds.
I do a lot of these, and only posts the least shitty ones. Or the funnier ones.
I've been using the same backgrounds too much lately tho I'll need to generate a few more.
You make a good point about the bodyguard rule.
I left it in just because the chart had it, but having two bodyguard units in one faction is kind of redundant, especially since you can't shoot through hostile units anyways.
I'd rather ditch bodyguard on the serf than up the cost
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>I'd rather ditch bodyguard on the serf than up the cost
Works for me.
For added units for Japs, the Aizu (Shogunate supoprters) organized their samurai by age according to a system drawn from the chinese zodiac.
> 16-17 : White Tigers, sons of older samurais, supposed to be only deployed in emergency, but had to fight in many battles during the Boshin war.
> 18-34 : Vermillon Birds, main element
> 35-49 : Azure Dragons, fortress guards and border-patrols
> 50+ : Black Turtles, capital patrol, final reserve
Perhaps we could wrap this up somehow, either as a Hero or some traits, or some units? Black Turtles equivalent to Old Guard?
>I left it in just because the chart had it
If you want to keep it in some form you could split the Serf into a Helping Hand version and a meat shield version. Zealous Serf, or Eager Serf, something like that.
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I'm not especially attached to it, I just like to give chart ideas at least an attempt at writing them but some really don't work.
Anyway here's a Pole
>Polish Partisan (9 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 7
Strength: 5
Discipline: 5
Labour: 4
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 5

0 in all.

2 Box

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-January’s Survivor:
This model may be deployed outside of the opponent's LOS at least 8 hexes away from an opposing unit during setup. It begins the game with the hidden condition.

When this model would become panicked, it instead becomes hostile.

Standard Equipment, colonial melee, Gras Rifle, Berdan II, other?
Tsardom as faction (he’s not happy about it), Austria as faction (not existing yet), merc for U.S, U.K, France, Lost Men, Warf Existentialists, KoB (They love romantic literature), others?

Chart says low morale makes them turncoat, but I interpret that as entering the state of low morale and not having low morale at base. The profile is a slightly buffed Serb rebel with the real meat coming from hidden on a merc. Chart says turncoat so the survivor rule could also mean enemy gets control. The ones working for the Tsardom are not doing it from choice.
Starting the game hidden is good but they can’t re-hide. Since hidden lets you bank AP you could in theory teleport a whole army of these guys across the map if you work with the terrain.
It's called the best option for Merc-only but that remains to be seen I suppose
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>Austro-Hungarian Mystery Meat (8 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 5
Discipline: 5
Labour: 4
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 4

0 in all.

2 Box

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-Mystery Meat:
On deployment of this unit, select one of the three following rules, or roll to potentially access the last one. This model suffers -1 discipline for each Mystery Meat adjacent to it with a different option.

1-3: Galician:
-Terrain Affinity: (Mountains), may take climbing equipment

4-6: Slavonian:
-Horses, maybe? Wikipedia is not giving me much to work with

7-9: Transylvanian:
-Woodsman, terrain affinity (Forested)

10: Other
One terrain affinity and +1 to a non-AP stat

Whenever LP is spent to affect this model, test its awareness. If failed, the action/LP is wasted.

Standard Equipment, colonial melee, Lorenz Rifle (Bradsburg equivalent [wide use in the civil war]), Kropatschek rifle

-Kropatschek rifle (Ranged)
Range: 16
Skill: -2
Pen: 2
Lethal: [Black]
Reload: 3
Cost: 9
Ammo Feed 8


They have a surprisingly good gun, Shame about the price. (8 round magazine was what the real one had but if that’s excessive please reduce)
While it would be fun to have one option for every culture in the empire that would drive me to madness.
He does not speak whatever language it is your leader speaks so the chances of understanding an order are slim. He also hates his neighbours because they’re weird and awful.
Can the kind soul who wrote all the unit ideas please tell me what Slavonians would do good? And also if I’m off the mark or not with the other two.
I learn about the coolest things working on Agarthan units.
-War Scythe: (Melee)
Acc: -2
Eva: -2
Pen: 2
Threshold: 6
Weak/Strong: [X][/]/[Black][/]
Cost: 1
Special: Reach

It’s a 2 handed axe but much cheaper, with reach, and also less accurate on account of being unwieldy. On most units that would be bad but the Pole has abnormally high accuracy for a unit in that price range.
Imagine you’ve been trekking through the underground and a dozen of these guys appear from seemingly nowhere rushing you screaming Kurva.
On second thought putting "What?" on Austrian leader units might be better since it centralizes the rule.
I'm pretty sure the description was not meant to be some exhaustive list of options for the unit, it even says it's for RP. Galicia, Transylvania and Slavonia are a weird set of options to present one with, as it does not really represent the ethnic makeup of the empire at all. For one, those are all regions, two of them populated by different peoples. Slavonia is literally Croatia and I wonder if the author meant to write Slovenian.
Even if the idea is to represent only the non-German and non-Hungarian population, you'd think one would start with the Czechs, the Croats, the Poles etc.
So if we want to go the route of ethnicity-based bonuses for the Mystery Meat I'll start with drawing a different list.
Makes sense. I was trying to figure out the reasoning behind those regions by looking at cave densities and historical relevancy but didn't find anything.
Honestly with the amount and variety of units in the lore doc I think most of the bases are covered. I'd say that we could just have the "If adjacent lower discipline" rule as their only thing and call it a day.
If you have a cool list idea though lay it on me my body is ready.
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Anyone got any ideas for further Leaders & Heroes for the Tsardom? A Lesser Romanov Cousin to mimick the Lesser Hapsburg one?
Man, I said I'll handle it, have a little faith.
But I was thinking Skobelev, Przhevalsky and an OC character based on Alexander Belyaev (aka "Russian Jules Verne" though he was more of a 1920s guy).
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Ah, no issue, I thought you were limiting yourself to compass profiles, I must have missed that.
I'll start going over Sky-Clans instead while waiting.
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So, the current rule for Sky-Drops is way too brutal :

>Sky-Drops : Sky-People & Sky-Pirates Airships often use ballasts or more advanced forms of ordnance to throw at their enemy. The number of Sky-Drops is indicated on the Airship’s profile, cross them as you use them. Whenever an Airship with remaining Sky-Drops resolve a Move Action, you may drop any number of them at any point during its Movement, on a unit either overlapped by the Airship or adjacent to it. For each Sky-Drop dropped while in an hex, test the Airship’s Accuracy, subtracting from it the current Wind Speed. If the test succeed, Scatter the Attack 1, if it fails, Scatter it d3. Models in the final Hex must pass both an Awareness and Evasion test, for each test failed it suffers a Grievous Wound, no armor Save allowed. (Airship upgrades may change this rule).

It doesn't hit reliably (requires an Accuracy success on very low Accuracy models, with an inbuilt malus, and then a roll of 7+ on the Scatter to actually hit what you want), but can be dropped multiple times throughout a move and against packed enemies it could potentially do a shitload of damage in a single activation.
Also, it being so good removes the incentive to buy upgrades to Airships.
I guess the original intent was to balance out the danger and lethality of keeping your Airships up in the air and risking High Altitude Falls on a large part of your Expedition. I't'll definitely need to be playtested but I think lowering it to X instead of Grievous, or allowing an Armour Save but giving it Concussive might be alright.
>I thought you were limiting yourself to compass profiles
I am, no idea what the other guy is planning though
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I must be mixing up two different anons then, apologies to both.
In regards to Sky-Clans, since they are still developing, I guess I should ask if anyone got inspiration for a general or specific direction for their gameplay. Obviously, they will have LOTS of Floaters and Flyers. Which means Movement is a huge strength of their automatically, and they can bypass a lot of terrain based damage (i.e, Italians).
They probably would have lower Armour in general than most Deep Nations. Nothing indicates in lore they would have anything else but medieval/ancient weapons, besides bombs.
There's a lot of references to banditry, raids and piracy, I was thinking we could balance them to be fairly fragile and relatively low damage (which should be just about giving them bows, shortbows and slings for ranged option), yet not so terribly cheap as to be a horde, so that they are generally at a disadvantage in regards the Chest totals. They would however have many mechanics to gain Silver through theft, ransom or good-humored banditry in order to compensate.
Let me know what you think, and if you have further ideas.
Also, I have to figure out how to do Cloudellinfant and Sky-Whales as rides.
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My concept for the Sky People:
>There are two main factions vying for power within the Sky.
>The Sky-Clans who are semi-nomadic herders of Cloudelleafints and the primary source of Skywaymen and other such scoundrels. They're viewed as sort of country bumpkin types and shun the decadence of cities and nation building. They are happy to keep to their homelands, save for the odd foray out to raid the ground people.
>The Sky-Empire, which is a mostly theoretical union of the Pillar Cities into a true nation. Very cosmopolitan, very expansionist, very concerned with treaties and diplomacy and conquest. They're seen as haughty and arrogant, puffed up scholars who haven't seen real war.
>The Sky-Clans and the Sky-Empire are basically duking it out for who gets to decide the future of the Sky-People, but it's not open war yet.
>The Sky-Empire keeps doing things like uplifting ground dwellers in order to get manpower, the Sky-Clans keep doing things like kidnapping important Sky-Imperials to hold for ransom.
>Most people are pretty sure that war is coming to Agartha on an unprecedented scale, and if the Clans and Empire keep butting heads, then the Pillars will fall and the clan lands will burn at the hands of foreign invaders.
>The Sky-Clans are basically incapable of uniting among themselves without a war about it. Each clan demands to have its own say, and many ancient grudges keep them from putting aside their differences.
>The Sky-Empire, on the other hand, wants to select an Emperor from among themselves, and they're constantly having debates as to who should be the supreme lord of the skies. Lots of assassinations, few actual battles.
Reposting this
>They call him the "Flying Boar," for it is said that he is as muscular as he is fat, and he leads the Skywaymen of Errum to war.
>By all accounts, Gelek of the Drokmi was an unassuming lad in his youth. Ever portly, more interested in learning to read than learning to fight or farm, and possessed of no interest in friends or women. Eventually, he was banished from his clan for his failings. Unless he returned a great warrior, his father said, he would never be allowed to be buried among his ancestors.
>Gelek, at first, sneered at his detractors. He insisted that he would become a great scholar and bring great honor to his people.
>After several years of failing to find a patron to invest in his education, he finally resigned himself to the fate of a wanderer.
>But a new fate quickly began to unfold for Gelek.
>He was pressed into service as a Skywayman for his ability to read, primarily, as a local captain among the Skywaymen had need of someone to read and write his letters. In short order, he was forced to take spear in hand and fight from the back of a Cloudelleafint when his captain was injured.
>Gelek found himself thrust more and more into the thick of fighting. He never lost his girth, but he steadily gained in strength. He never lost his love of books, but he began to appreciate the value of battle.
>To this day, however, he insists that he despises fighting. He wishes he had been born the son of a humble noodle seller on the streets of Errum, instead of the son of a soldier of the Sky-Clans.
>Gelek loathes fighting and war and bloodshed. And yet, his calm expression never falters in the wake of that which he must do for his people.
>He has never returned to his clan. He has no desire to be honored among his ancestors.
>Gelek appreciates the necessity of war. He accepts his prominence among the Skywaymen as a necessity for Errum. He will gladly bring death and destruction to all who threaten his people.
>But he will never like it.
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>Sky-clan warlord who leads Sky-clan armies. Rides a Cloudelleafint, fights with a big spear. Is open to modernizing their military, but he's not a gunpowder fanatic like Nobunaga or Ook. Just thinks that maybe Errum ought to look into organizing their armies into less of a rabble and more of an army. Skywaymen who fight for him are more professional than their counterparts in other armies, they respect him as one of their own and will follow him into hell.
>On his own, he's a brick wall on the back of a bigger brick wall. Can probably throw javelins while mounted. If his mount dies, he just gets back to his feet and keeps fighting. Kinda guy you have to spend a long while whittling down.
>Not great at diplomacy type actions. Very go-with-the-flow. Prefers to let other people make big picture decisions, he's got a war to fight!
Gelek here would be affiliated with the Sky-Clans rather than the Sky-Empire, but is an important leader among the Clans. He sees a lot of the problems with the clan side of things, but doesn't have solutions. That still puts him miles ahead of your average Skywayman warlord in terms of understanding what's going on.
washed by triple-E I'm afraid
Could I supplant this with a suggestion for an elite Battotai sword/revolver unit?
thoughts on the 5th layer Sky people that were mentioned at one point? I don't remember if they were Atlanteans who lived like Sky People or Sky People who lived like Atlanteans or their own thing altogether.
No, those are Atlanteans colonizing their Layer's Roof. The Roof of the Fifth Layer has an ecosystem similar to the one above the Neo-Thetis, so it's very livable. I don't think Sky People were ever confirmed to live outside of the Third Layer.
They're the only layer-exclusive Agarthan faction then (unless you count minors or Old Mu)
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I had written in the World Book that they had settlements in every lower Layers as well, but that was pull out of my ass, I'll check if there's a specific mention of a Pillar-City lower than the 3rd, but right now I can't think of one.
>but that was pull out of my ass
most of this entire setting was pulled out of someone's ass, we can work with this
Fourth layer pillar city who alternate between being smug about ruling the skies of an entire layer and pleading their cousins for aid against the unending swarms of Atlan soldiers surrounding their city.
I don't think it works well. Like they are Sky People. They live on the Roof above the dirt crawling savages. It's their thing. Unless you had some particularly daring and rare migrations happening through some Earth-to-Ceiling entrances to the Fourth or Fifth layer somehwere I don't see it happening.
They must be really pissed about the surfacers and hyperboreans technically being above them.
Maybe it's one of those things you just can't bring up in negotiations.
>"And remember, when dealing with the Sky People never use the phrase 'up there' when discussing the surface. We have lost too many good men that way."
The shared identity and culture of Roof settlers postdate their settlement of the various Layer`s Roof section. Also, them settling around Pillars means they could have ways to travel without having to technically hit the Floor.
I don`t think its so much about being higher, but being blessed by the Sky and Roof. Colonials would still be dirtcrawlers, perhaps even worse because they have no true Roof above them (or at least not one the Sky-People would recognize).
Here's an idea:
>The highest nobles of the Sky-Empire maintain a concept of Utter Elevation, the idea that by living a life entirely isolated from dirtling concerns they may attain a sort of ideal state
>Epigeans might compare it to the divine right of kings, but the tenant is much simpler than that:
>You are a high noble only so long as you never set foot upon the ground.
>Some high nobles enjoy demonstrating this superiority by coming as close to the ground as possible when warring or trading, skimming just above as if to brag about their untouchability or to show the winds favour them.
>The Sky-Clans have rarely if ever cared about these notions, happily trodding across the land to raid and plunder when the mood strikes them
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A Hyperborean pain ship descends upon the Earth, skin-slaves on its flanks powering the infernal craft.
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Let’s talk about the Knights of Britainnia, King Arthur, and Lost Avalon.
I think MRLN propped up Arthur as a potential adversary to Hyperborea and the KoB might play a role in MRLN’s destruction.
Also, I think if Arthur shows up, we should play up his native Briton thing and make him racist against the English (they are proud Anglo-Saxons, his mortal enemies)
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This reminds me of that South Pacific tribe which had the rule of never having men physically lower than women, with the priest who supposedly protested modernization by diving under a boat carrying women and died on the spot...
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Smoke Balloon up!
I will be drawing inspiration from both the Aeronaut Balloon and the Outlander Sky-Ships for these. I`m not 100% sure they`ll remain Special Units, I just wanted to prevent against recruiting an entire Expedition of airships/smoke balloons, but I`m not entirely sure it`ll be necessary either.
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> Elite Battotai unit
Sure, that'll be in somehow.
> Not elite enough to not get snuck on by a mounted archer tho!
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Writer of Price of Pearls here.

Remembered this thing when one of my short story ideas reminded me of it. Happy to see it's still around, figured might as well dump the story here instead of keeping it cooped up until someone wants it.
it's just an unedited first draft. Expect many errors, inconsistent tenses and whatever. If you see any, point them out. I might go back and edit later it if I have time.

Anyways, hope you enjoy. Keep on trucking,
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Already found an error, quick fix.
Don't have time to the whole thing but I can at least get it one bit more polished.
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A man wanders a Hyperborean Gallery. Is this a dream or are they really there?
>Is this a dream or are they really there?
My headcanon for Guinevere is that she's actually Canadian Nouvelle Riche (which is why you can take asbestos miners as faction for KoB)
You will face her steel if this fact is brought up or you refer to her by her actual name (Which of course the audience will never actually hear)
Kek. That's one of the best bit of hidden lore I've heard in a while.
the KoB as a whole have always been bordering on a joke faction in my book. In a good way mind, but they are definitely just History students who read Ivanhoe and the Trial of Lancelot too many times. What's especially funny is that they probably hold Victorian preconceptions about knights so they bring a crane with them everywhere when they want to ride horses and try to convince Agarthans that Prima Nocta both exists and applies to all knights.
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We approach the bump timer.
How big is Leopoldville? As the one private epigean settlement in Agartha, how much influence does it have in the great game?
My assumption is that it's mainly deepfolk villages with surfacer Overseers
>but they are definitely just History students who read Ivanhoe and the Trial of Lancelot too many times.
Oh 100%. I assume that the KoB membership to be lower than 100 active members at all time, and to often dip perilously down.
We should probably write some lore as to why, more explicitly, they believe Camelot to be somewhere in the Deep.
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Huh, I guess we werent so close. I'm used to the thread hitting bump limit at around ~100 post, these last few ones have been great threads.
Proposal for a rule allowing Sky-Clans to Rappel either from the Roof in a preset ambush, or from Sky-Barges that have the right upgrade. The rule is inspired by the Outlanders, but is inherently riskier. This would be normally be intended for Sky-Pirate or Skywaymen heavy lists, as they might value the lives of their men a bit less I suppose.
Sky Spiders would be a Mount that would make this strategy much safer.
Lol and the actual rule, that would help...

>Roof Ambush : Models with this rule may be Deployed anywhere on the map during Deployment phase, putting the model’s token upside down to indicate it was Deployed through this rule. While this model is upside down, it is considered “On the Roof”, cannot Move or Charge, may only be Attacked by a Floater or Flyer unit and cannot themselves Attack non-Floater or Flyer units. They additionally are not considered occupying the Hex they are in (it ignores any Terrain rules and other models may occupy the same Hex.) While in this state, models gain the Roof Rappel action:
> Roof Rappel : (1 AP) Test Evasion. If successful, Scatter this model d3 in the current Wind Direction and place it upside, indicating it is now on the ground. If failed, resolve a High Altitude Fall test. If this model would scatter on a unit which can transport models on it (either Floater, Flyer or not), deploy it upside on the model Transported.
>They discovered some kind of old Brythonic Celtic artifact on an expedition and now they're convinced there's more
>Lady G is receiving visions from MRLN in her dreams
>A Lemurian prophesy that sounds suspiciously like the return of Arthur guides them
>Napoleon is giving them breadcrumbs to encourage them to plumb the depths
>Lady G is schizoaffective and leading her followers on a wild goose chase
>They've met Knights of Camelot directly, and are trying to track them down
>Lady G has a series of birthmarks on her back that form a map to somewhere in the lower layers
>Camelot being down there somewhere is just common knowledge, thanks to information from Old Mu or something, the trick is finding where
All or none of these may be true.
>Utter Elevation
I like this, there is a Sky-Noble Leader profile, perhaps we could turn this into a mechanic? Empire-aligned Sky-Nobles counts all non-Wall (its a grey legal area, considered a mini-Pillar) as having Terror..?
>Atlan in ruins, destroyed by Atlas himself, who weeps somewhere amid the devastation
My headcannon for Atlan's destruction is that at some point leading up to the Deluge (1911 maybe) After the biggest victory over Atlantis yet, The Titanium King falls ill and becomes too weak to move around in his armor, but is unwilling to take it off. This leads to a series of events that ruins the Republic, one of which being The Titanium King's mysterious death.
>its a grey legal area
Is there anything more terrifying than that? Terror would work weird, but having a separate rule that has them panic or become shaken or something when they touch the ground could work.
Maybe it starts with a phony Lemurian Prophesy. Then Lady G snaps at some point, maybe after realizing she's been had, and starts painting the 'birthmark' map on her back every mourning. Eventually the map happens to lead to a real artifact. The artifact somehow gets MRLN involved and he starts messing with L.G's dreams.
This looks good to me.
Airship's Accuracy doesn't seem to matter much. Either way the attack goes through as a Scatter, right? The process seems too long to me.

sorry for the barrage of small posts.
The map idea is a good one. Could have the base map be random, then have a random set of map elements be selected by the players. So you get Map A, and then roll for what feature sets you can select from. So you roll and get Rocky, Heavy Vegetation, and Coastal, and then both players pick from those three what they want. You could also roll for two sets of sets then draft. Dose that make sense?

Also, i think having some way to clear vegetation or make trails in general would be a good labor action. Something like reducing the amount of movement needed to move through the hex that model doing the action is on. Maybe the vegetation clearing could be done by any unit with a successful labor test, but reducing the movement cost of a hex lower than 1 or clearing non vegetation difficult terrain requires and Engineer?
>You could also roll for two sets of sets then draft. Dose that make sense?
Yeah, that'll probably end up making better maps than just "each players get the same set".
>Also, i think having some way to clear vegetation or make trails in general would be a good labor action.
Sure, that's not too hard to implement.
My proposed timeline of events:
>Lady G is an expedition leader for the British Museum. Probably foreign, but her accent is convincing.
>They're digging up artifacts somewhere beneath Iceland, find a camp of Sub-Roman Briton soldiers
>They seem to have been traveling OUT of Agartha, not in, and got lost somewhere along the way
>Lady G recalls how the rebel Malcolm seemingly managed to make it into Agartha from England, despite England having no known entrance
>Begins leading expeditions trying to chart that path
>Obsessed with it, tries to form connections with folklore to justify her theories, makes the Arthur connection due to the British soldiers found under Iceland
>Has yet to find whatever path Malcolm took to escape the English, but has concluded that Camelot must be somewhere within Agartha
>Starts wearing armor, fighting with a sword, etc in order to emulate Arthur in the hopes that thinking like him will help her accomplish her goals
>Starts having strange dreams, seeing her theories in everything, etc
>Probably insane, but that describes most people willing to go into Agartha
>Dr. Hekyl (28 Silver)
Leader, Character, Academic, Medic
AP: 3
LP: 4
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 4
Discipline: 4
Labour: 5
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 7

0 in all.

2 Box Head
3 Body
2 Limbs

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-Secrets of The True Ambrosia:
This model may use the Multifarious Wares action, and do so without paying the material cost. (Maybe change the cost to snake oil/booze?) By spending 1 LP this unit may create True Ambrosia with the Multifarious Wares action, which functions identically to ambrosia but without the downsides. (Campaign downsides exist but not battle)

-”I need him now.”:
This model may spend one True Ambrosia to change places with Mr. Jive. It does this automatically when it becomes shaken (And must each turn after until unshaken.) If it has no True Ambrosia lose 1 health box from limbs, or body if limbs are full.

Standard Equipment, British ranged sidearms and melee, First aid kits.

Merc Leader
>Mr Jive: (- Silver)
AP: 4
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 6
Discipline: 5
Labour: 7
Evasion: 8
Awareness: 4

3 in all.

4 Box Head
6 Body
3 Limbs

>General Abilities:
-Immune to Morale
-Hide (That’s Mr. Hide to you!)

>Special Abilities:
-Desperate Madman:
This model begins play with 6 AP worth of actions before it reverts. (Not AP per turn but AP that can be taken) After it has completed these it must test discipline. If it succeeds it reverts to Hekyl, if it fails it gains 6 more AP worth of actions, takes 1 box of damage, and Frenzies until it runs out of AP and re-tests discipline. Regular Ambrosia may be spent to gain 4 more stored AP worth of actions, True Ambrosia may be spent to gain 6 AP worth of stored actions.

Standard Equipment, British ranged sidearms, First aid kits. (Shared with Hekyl)

Merc Leader

A quite good assassin and an alright healer/buffer unit, but you can only have one at a time and they’re liable to flip-flop between eachother.
Wrote this one faster than usual so it may be scatterbrained, sorry.
Also they are canonically the same personality but he denies it.
What I mean with the AP thing is that it can take 6 AP worth of actions not that it gets 6 AP. He still only has 4 a turn.
(Gotta run into work, will post the links later on).

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