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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Post real life pictures of weird and wonderful things that could be used as references for magic items.

Bonus Points: Provide an example, system-agnostic magic item description of your picture.

>The wearer can concentrate on a bird within sight to see through its eyes as long as concentration is held. This does not grant any control or telepathy with the bird, and is not intrusive to the bird. A great tool for cartographers.
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– The Craved Skulls of the Sages: These ritualistic craved skulls enable their wielder to contact the sage’s spirit and gain access to the knowledge that he mastered in life as well other information and curiosities that the given sage knew or situations that he encountered.
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Heart of a juvenile frost giant: This grisly yet beautiful artifact most likely is indeed what it is claimed to be, given the telltale markings, energy, and traits, but the tale of its acquisition has been badly fragmented over the ages. Its bearer gains +2 resistance to cold and all things that live in tundra environments at the cost of a deep and implacable feeling coldness that chills them to the bone; some also report feeling rather empty, in both physical and metaphysical senses.
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Cuirass of the teeth git: Massive charisma bonus against low level green skins. Any enamel scale pulled off the cuirass will immediately grow back, giving you an infinite supply of high-quality teeth and a solid armor that is nearly impossible to wear out. Any green skin who thinks he can take it off you will immediately try to krump you though. Extreme weakness to the rare drill-type damage.
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I for one would like an expansion of ordained bones and relics as cool magic items in games. I think it would be cool to call them "Saintbone [item]" or something. Imagine some guys Jawbone or finger fashioned into a knife that banishes ghosts and evil spirits or something
This is great because it provides a little grounding for the designs instead of being a copy of a copy of a copy and everything looks like WoW. There's so much cool stuff unexplored but everyone wants to "generate content".
Reminds me of the game Betrayer, which probably like 5 people remember at this point.
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>Lovers embrace
>When the mouths are closed the items are indistinguishable amongst a bundle of normal roses. Common among women of noble birth who want to appear virtuous but aren't particularly fond of their suitor. The flowers are pressed to the lips of the user, a command word is spoken, and the roses are gifted over. The next full moon the roses animate, seeking out the suitor the roses were gifted to and devours them.
>let's have a magic item that only works when you maintain visual contact and concentration on an animal that pretty much never holds still
>getting filtered by basic bird-watching skills
>can concentrate on a bird within sight to see through its eyes as long as concentration is held
>the bird can't see itself, so by seeing through its eyes, you can't maintain concentration on it
This item is worthless.
Maybe have it keep working automatically as long as the bird is within line of sight?
Well sure, but if you're seeing through the bird's eyes, how can you tell if you're maintaining line of sight on it?
Hypothetical line of sight. Like an IR tv remote. Find out when you lose connection.
you need to keep in mind were you are and how the bird is moving to keep adjusting the angle of your neck to accompany it
>train bird go and perch on windows and wall and keep still
>train it to only return after some time or some signal
>use it along side the ring to spy places
Based anon discarding all the +1 weapons he finds
+1 weapons are stupid
"Number go up!" isn't good gameplay.
Now, a sword that lets me teleport to a location I can see? Magnificent.
Also valid.

Takes a lot of work to make good use out of it, but it isn't "useless" then.
>This cursed sword instantly teleports the owner to the location the owner is viewing once per round. The effect is continuous and teleports the owner every round. Should the owner try to block the effect by closing his eyes or otherwise blinding himself, the sword will teleport him to the Negative Energy Plane, the Demiplane of Shadow, or the system/setting equivalent.
You're confusing concentration and observation. You just have to have line of sight on the bird, it doesn't literally require you to look at it.
Fucking morons.
Blasphemous actually does this. Since it's based on degenerate medieval/early Renaissance Spanish Catholicism, some of the collectible items you can get are relics containing bones that supposedly belonged to saints. They mostly give you stat boosts I think, it's been a while since I played it.>>95188087
I think a better way to do it is they only have to be in line of sight for the initial transfer of awareness after which range is indefinite at the cost of the user's body being insensible until the effect is dismissed.
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The Amethyst Skull of Kzintobar
>By putting a piece of a dead humanoid's brain into the cracked crevice of this skull, the user is able to salvage any memorized spells contained within the dead brain for the purposes of learning or research. Optionally they may instead gain a small one-time bonus to a roll involving some skill the dead person knew, or learn one important fact that they would have known.
What game?
how do you figure?
I used "concentration" in the same way OP did. Blame him.
That isn't "letting" (to allow), that's forcing.
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The Stabasus: A sword forged originally by an otherwise unassuming owner of a small medicine store to ward off earthly and supernatural threats. The beads are used to form adjustable circuits that make up various sequences of bagua trigrams. It is extremely finnicky to use as the function and power of the sword is not only affected by the trigram sequence formed, but also influenced by specific astrologically significant dates. Mastery of this weapon depend not so much on martial prowess but rather foresight and scrupulousness.
how do you figure?
I know I shouldn't......
>+1 weapons are stupid
>"Number go up!" isn't good gameplay.
You are forgetting about the actual bonuses from +1 weapons: ability to hit etheral enemies and other weirdos.
Also not rusting.
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Clock Skull: After touching the skull, the clock will show how much time you have left before your death. Your actions can change the amount of time you have left.
>this cursed sword has an undesirable property
So that post had nothing to do with mine, gotcha. My confusion came from the fact that post was linked to mine.
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Faerie Skulls: The faeries despise those who would keep parts of faeries as trophies. It is said that they can sense out even trace amounts of faerie wing dust in someone's material spell components bag. To possess such a morbid trophy as a faerie skull is a serious offense, which would be punished most painfully and severely. If a particularly devilish man should want to surreptitiously doom his foes, he need only plant a faerie skull in their bags...
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Picking this ancient instrument up will instinctively teach the wielder how to play some basic tunes. The more they use it, the more they tend to hum a certain tune. The tune will spread between anyone who hears it, and hearing someone else singing it will instinctively make them sing along.
The Drunkards Blade
Forged of magically tempered crystal any blood drawn by the blade is converted into fine spirits inside the crystalline decanter
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>Clockeputer Typer-Tome of Curiosity and Information Gathering and Recording
>This particular device was made from a mad wizard during the age of steam industry. Allegedly created by a vision of the future the Wizard experienced, and thus set out to create such a strange device.
The user is granted with near infinite knowledge provided that the energies of electric crystals are drained into the device and patience is practiced. Usually a minute is needed before it shows results of character's input.
>The holy visage
>This mask was crafted from the skull of a saint and can allow the wearer to speak with divine authority to rebuke demons and the impure and to call upon the divine for miracles
seems like mexican culture is a goldmine for this kind of stuff
their infatuation with skulls rivals the holy emperor's
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it's craved by those who seek the wisdom of the dead sages
bump for cool thread
What's so cool about it?
Nah it's still gay to tie all of that to +1 weapons because then wierdo enemies lose half their unique challenge the second +1 weapons show up because the party will never not be using that or better.

RETUVRN to weapon oils, sprinkling alchemical silver, and back-up weapons from shitty but non-rusting metal.
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This is a codpiece, isn't it?
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>A piece of vitrified brain
Imagine playing Arcanum on that thing.
Given most people have decades left, how'd a clock show it in any meaningful way? The hands spin fast and you need to count how many rounds they make? It being a clock makes it useful in only niche cases like "did I just swallow fatal poison?". If the settingn doesn't have trivial healing magic I'd use it as a triage tool, anyone not showing minutes or hours left can be bumped further in line for treatment.
Cool, you could probably coax one out by bending a scaffold for the ice to form.
You could make it quite creepy with a small change:
>clock shows Midnight for new borns
>Goes around all 12 hours throught your life time
>when it strikes 12 again, you die.
So, it's pretty much your life expectancy-clock.
You can make some creepy shit with it because of the implications:
>a young person holds it, it lurches forward to 23:30
>someone under a curse will see the hours pointer move back and forth between 4:00 and 5:00
>an old decrypt man, lying in bed, consumed by a terrible deasease touches it, and it shows 1:32 implying he'll somehow leave centuries (possibly, always aflicted with that disease)
>someone in his 30's touches it, it marks 4:00, he then reads a letter that arrived today. He's disturbed by the later and carelessly touches it. It now marks 21:00

Lots to do with something like that. Can also unwind for the local princess in case you managed to save her from the which or some other good ending but, come on. It's a skull. It must be used for creepy shenanigans
My immersion would be maximized if I was doing that.
it projects the time into your mind in the fashion of a digital timer: X years, Y months, Z days and A hours, B minutes and C seconds.
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Everyone is scheduled to die at the same time, your party must figure out why and stop it.
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Armillary spheres will never not look fantastical.
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