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Through legitimate or other means, nine vampires from across the globe had acquired the Sanguine Invitation granting them access to Lord Waughann's mansion and its enigmatic rules where the greatest auction would be held across five days. All would seek the most precious artifact in the entire world:

The Primeval Vial of Nakathesep

You were one of those lucky nine vampire, They called you...

>Yeera Ysreth
One of the few pureblooded descendants of Nakathesep. This child was going to claim what was rightfully hers one way or another.
Wealth: 2 Mil. GP
Pros.: Mastery over Critters. Arcane Knowledge

> Mathew Bloodwell
The titular Crimson Baron and the proud owner of 5.4 million human cattle. He bought his way here as expected of a man of his calibre.
Wealth: 20 Million GP
Pros.: Filthy rich, Daily interests

>Catirina Olbev
The Bloody Countess known for her unrivalled beauty and a morbid obsession with immortality.
Wealth: 7 Million GP
Pros: Blood magic, seduction.

> Rekshin O'Shann
An average craftsman born from a line of famous builders. His family had built the Lord's mansion brick by brick. How convenient
Wealth: 500k GP
Pros.: Home advantage, Fixer

>Desdemona Flitchet
A shadowy assassin known for her clean kills, a professional who had never left a trace.
Wealth: 3 Million GP
Pros.: Stealthy, outstanding thief

>Lathan Lake
A self proclaimed thrill seeker who would somehow stumble upon ancient vampire civilizations only to accidently destroy any trace of their existence.
Wealth: 6 Million GP
Pros.: Durable, Lucky Bastard

>Gahronne Bloodjaw
The undisputed champion of all known major pit fights, killed more men and women in the ring than he could count.
Wealth: None ( As a self imposed challenge)
Pros.: Strength, Unable to feel pain.

>Serosil von Edvuun
The brilliant mind behind Ferrnol or synthetic blood. She hopes to claim the vial to assist her in her research
Wealth: 1 Million GP
Pros.: Tinker, Bloodtin guards

A mysterious man hiding behind a silver mask.
Pros.: ??

Votes are opened for twelve hours.
>Catirina Olbev
Blood magic and sex sound fun
> Rekshin O'Shann
Though Moongulper tempts me sorely.
> Rekshin O'Shann
The resilience and knack of the lowly craftsman shall triumph over these noble fools.
>Catirina Olbev
Come to think of it, Is twelve hours too much? Should I start sooner?

Also, Bleh!
>Catirina Olbev

>Is twelve hours too much? Should I start sooner?
That's up to you
Moongulper sounds too cool to be a PC, honestly.
If you want to start now that's fine.
>>Lathan Lake
I HAVE to.
3 Catrina
2 Rekshin
2 Moongulper
1 Lonut Lake

A Female MC? In my KWEEST? Has the world gone mad?? Joking aside, I will close votes in 30 minutes or so. Quest is called Bloody Auction for a reason by the by so put this into consideration.
>Catirina Olbev

Seduce the lord or perhaps Bloodwell for the cash to buy the trinket.

Though Edvuun or Moongulper also sound fun. The adventurer bumbling they're way through the auction or rogue stealing the prize is likewise a classic. But we all must choose one eventually.
I'm >>5983243 on mobile, and will change my vite to back Moongulper.
>Catirina Olbev
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You are Catirina Olbev or
The Bloody Countess as some would like to call you. The fools were surely missing out... oh yes, Virgin blood did wonders to your skin. You would never be shackled by petty things such as morality when your unparalleled beauty would be at risk. If you would get the chance to sacrifice the entire world on an altar in order to dispel a wrinkle or a blemish, you would do so in a heart beat.

Your pale skin had absorbed countless gallons of blood across decades attuning your senses to the eternal crimson flow... you could hear it singing in one's veins. Nay, you could command it, even.

Your carriage had crossed a peculiar barrier. One capable of freezing time, it seemed. The invitation in your possession had created a golden bubble around you allowing time to resume its natural course. The same could be said for the eight carriage way ahead of you. Heh, those common folk sure lacked the sense to arrive fashionably late. Well, you could not expect filth to glow brighter tha gold, no?


This was no manse, it was more like a small Hamlet surronded by ruin from all sides. All the carriages had stopped in the courtyard where a skeleton in a tattered suit was waiting for your arrival.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you welcome to my Lord's mansion. I am Cobbleworth, a humble butler at your service..." His lower jaw actually dropped on the gravel when he bowed for you and the others.

"Ahem, as you are all aware, Your goal is to acquire the Primeval Vial of Nakathesep through any means necessary... within the confines written by my Lord..." All the invitations had transformed into a Black Rulebook "I highly urge you to read it thoroughly. Not abiding to the rules set by my lord can be quite unfortunate . Some rules might change in the following days so please, be vigilant, dear guests."

The Castle-like door to the mansion was opened by two obsidian gargoyles grunting with every step they took backwards " This way, please..."

The group were led to a lavish entrance hall... decorated with the shrunken heads of vampires who had broken the rules over the past centuries. They were dangling from the ceiling and pinned to the wall as a grim reminder. As you would recall, the monumental Auction was held once every one hundred and seven years. Hmmm...

"Once you are familiar with your surroundings, I will lead you to your bed chamber." The skeletal butler sat on an uncomfortable chair while waiting for anyone to require his assistance. Some were conversing with each other while a couple of vampires were already reading through the Rulebook. The weirdest of the bunch were definitely the child mostly wrapped in rotten pieces of cloth and the husk of a man with a silver mask. The child had glued her ears to the wall whispering nonsense while the Moongulper was snapping and reattaching his boney fingers almost out of boredom.

A hidden stain of ancient blood under the shrunken head of a horned vampire remained unlicked like a forgotten delicay.

Before you could act on instinct, you heard the woman surronded by tin constructs muttering something about The Lord's Favour whilst reading through the Rulebook. No, no, You were the Bloody Countess.... licking ancient blood like a mutt was beneath you.

Choose one

>Wait someone to approach you
>Take the initiative to speak with someone [Whom'st?]
>Ask the butler to show you your chamber
>Read the Rulebook for Day 1
>Lick the ancient blood at the cost of your dignity... and perhaps something more.
>Read the Rulebook for Day 1
>Ask the butler to show you your chamber
>Lick the ancient blood
We got that dawg in us
Nighty night, Bleh!
>Take the initiative to speak with someone [Serosil]

Well, hello there fellow rulebook enjoyer. Care to compare books and see if there are different rules for each of us?
Fair, I can back this.

>>Take the initiative to speak with someone [Whom'st?]
>Read the Rulebook for Day 1
>Read the Rulebook for Day 1


You opened your black Rulebook. Initially, it had blank pages but words would soon be written revealing a set of very important rules:

General Rules

-From 23:00 to 00:00, All must attend the daily Auction. Death would await those who don't arrive on time.
-Duels are from 20:00 to 21:00, Duels are only allowed if one would find a dueling coin with the target's name etched on it. Unless the other vampire had an heartfelt apology letter , they must attend the duel or they will perish.
-Direct violence outside of dueling is not allowed, accidents and other bouts of misfortune are allowed.
-Teaming up is allowed.
-Children should not be touched inappropriately. Lord Waughann respects their sacred innocence.
-Otherwise, One could do whatever one please inside and outside of the mansion.
-One has the right to defend oneself in the case of a direct assault.
-The nearby ruins could be explored for treasures and other valuable items... a sure way to accumulate wealth needed for the vial or minor auctions.

The Lord's Favour
-Actions encouraged by Lord Waughann
-They are tallied by the end of the day, can be exchanged for rewards and such, Speak to Covbleworth.
-Most of them are revolved around his daily Schedule.

01:00 -> 08:00 Sleep ( Rejuvenate health)
08:00-> 09:00 Morning Tea (Socializing)
12:00-> 13:00 Bloodsport (Track Down an elusive prey like good old times)
16:00-> 17:00 Afternoon Tea (Socializing)

-Other actions might give you Lord's Favour
-Outbidding others during Day 1->4 will greatly increase your Lord's Favour
-It is reset at the start of a new day so make sure to exchange them!

" Pardon me, I do not wish to mingle with the likes of you. I have done my research...You are not a good person." The meek vampire with thick goggles in leather overalls was almost cowering behind her wall of constructs. Such arrogance, how would you react to her unseen withdrawal from you?
>Leave her be, She is not worth your time anyways [Next action?]
>None shall escape your charms, enchant her with your words...seduce her [Success chance: Medium]
>>Leave her be, She is not worth your time anyways [Next action?]
Talk to Matthew
>None shall escape your charms, enchant her with your words...seduce her [Success chance: Medium]
A diligent nerd could be a useful pawn. If she's good at research and can make constructs, maybe she can gather intel on others for us.

I'm >>5983693 on mobile.
>None shall escape your charms, enchant her with your words...seduce her [Success chance: Medium]

Are we going to back down from every prim and prude? No! Onward!

Minions are more versatile than one lackey, and the nerd may help us discover and fiddle with the secrets only Rekshin knows.

I think Mathew is the straightforward play if anons vote to talk to someone else. Though I did think about seducing someone else like Lathan or Gahronne, less vulnerable in duels or to 'accidents' than Mathew if someone were to provoke them to hinder us. Lathan at least would probably be useful in finding wealth in the ruins.


" You would be wise to relish this chance to speak with such radiance before you..."

"No. I do not think so." Your words were sweeter than honey and yet her willpower was strong enough to resist your charm. It was for best not to escalate any further, the little fly will be caught your webs soon enough.

You have turned your attention to Mathew instead. A bloated swine of a man with three layers of chins and one crooked nose above his array of golden teeth. His superfluous choice of jewellery and extravagant attire didn't hide his sheer ugliness... not even one bit.

" My,my, look what we *snort* have here..." The Crimson Baron was already out of breath mid-sentence, his eyes were shamelessly locked onto your breasts " The Countess in the flesh, say, I believe the time is ripe for us to... cooperate. We share the same *snort* goal after all. What do you say? We could negotiate our terms in the...privacy of my chamber."

>I would rather breed with a hog than to deal with the likes of you [What to do next?]
>A most excellent suggestion, Mr. Mathew. Please do wait for a few short moments first... [Anything else to do before that?]
>I expect your terms to be a bit more favourable to my side, no? [ Success chance: Very high]
>I expect your terms to be a bit more favourable to my side, no? [ Success chance: Very high]

A shame about the nerd. Tempted to lick that ancient blood before we get on with it, may as well bite the bullet early and see what happens and what we can do with it.

>None shall escape your charms, enchant her with your words...seduce her [Success chance: Medium]

We are the Bloody Countess. We are not to be ignored.
Uuuh, you are one post late >>5984218 , bleh!
>>I expect your terms to be a bit more favourable to my side, no? [ Success chance: Very high]
>I expect your terms to be a bit more favourable to my side, no? [ Success chance: Very high]

Backlink: >>5983693
Damn, anon got stuck in the time dilation spell.
>I expect your terms to be a bit more favourable to my side, no? [ Success chance: Very high]
off course the dude is an ugly bastard. we gotta be careful, but swaying someone this powerful will be very beneficial. also, if he's outta breath just by speaking, he's gonna have a heart attack not even 1 min into xes.


" I would never disappoint you, my lady." His poor attempt of being courteous was rather disgusting. Men, they were all blundering fools only operating on the whims of their peckers. Any woman should exploit their innate weakness, you were no different.

Eventually, the group of bidders would either be led to their chambers or they would explore the mansion instead. All the living chambers were on the third floor, yours was between Mathew's and Moongulper's. At any rate, you had followed the waddling man. The skeletal butler had provided keys for all as an extra security measure. The Baron had locked the door causing you to raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Speak, Mathew." You cut to the chase.

" You know what I desire, my lady. Your supple bosom, your delicate lips. I had plenty of orphans, harlots and everyone in between through the power of money... they all lack your stunning beauty. Not only do you possess it, you refine it to perfection. I would be a fool if I do not at least try my luck with you..."
"I am flattered." This was to be expected. To be fair, his words were aptly put "What do you propose?"

" One hour, every single day. You, me, no else. Do not let my appearance fool you, my tongue and fingers will make you sing otherworldly songs hehehe~"

" What can I expect in return?"

" Money, what else? Items of worth? There are many unknowns in this mansion. You could always rely on an ally here because believe you me, other vampires can be quite deadly."

"..." You took a seat as you were considering his terms. Warming his bed should provide you with new ample opportunities but you couldn't imagine yourself with that revolting slime of man. You were a Countess not some street girl, would you stoop so low for the sake of the much coveted vial?


The man swine tried to retain his composure, deep down he was getting pretty anxious. Intresting.

Mathew's Terms

-One hour of Coitus from Day 1 to Day 5

Your terms (+1 Million GP from seducing him)

Choose only one
>A large sum of money upfront (How much?)
>A decent sum of money through all five days (How much?)
>Mathew's BIG favour ( Both of you will know when the time comes)
>5 Mathew's Minor favours ( Both of you will know when the time comes)
>Turn him down, leave.
>Misc. ( Recommended)
hmm, can we be a dominatrix of some sort ?
I doubt this is what the sleazy Baron has in mind.
welp, I don't think it's worthing selling what pride we have, then.
>Turn him down, leave.
>Misc. ( Recommended)

Counter offer:
Thirty minutes a day, we pick what happens. Knock off a quarter of the price.

There’s no way this fat fuck gets as much action as he says. If he wants a truly good lay, he will accept our demands.
>There’s no way this fat fuck gets as much action as he says.
Considering his money, I don’t doubt he gets whores and desperate women.
>>5 Mathew's Minor favours ( Both of you will know when the time comes)
Half it to 30 minutes a day. We know he's desperate for flesh so we have the upper hand here.
Hmm, this isn't as ideal as I'd hoped. I say either lie or negotiate.

The exclusivity nails down one of our major advantages. We cannot have that, even if it lowers what he is willing to offer in return.

Personally I prefer to both lie and negotiate, set terms. Demand either a single very large upfront payment or a series of payments that start large and get lower as the days progress. The proportion should be a percentage of his worth, including ruin findings, calculated before each auction as well so we don't lose out on the amount he spends himself on the auctions. The upfront payment is to prevent him from cheating us and holding a necessary cash injection over our head when we really want something and also to make it easy to go back on our own deal.

When we two-time on him, we can redirect his anger to the person other than us that cuckolded him so that they duel each other. Or if he remains focused on us, we can just use our blood magic and the items we find/buy + allies to win.

Part of our deal will obviously that his 1 hour of coitus cannot be during or just before the auction or otherwise hinder our attending the auction or any duels we are required to attend, including duels where we are an ally of someone else. We should probably make a show of negotiating disallowing the same during socializing and bloodsport times, though we can relent on this if he has the nerve to insist.

>A large sum of money upfront (14 million GP nominally, 12 million as the real floor. Plus coitus cannot prevent us from attending the auction or any duels, both those required because of the death coercion and those where we are an ally to someone else. The same for the Waughann's social and bloodsport hours, though this is negotiable.)
If Mathew dies (and QM has hinted that the quest is called the Bloody Auction for a reason) then any favours or long term instalments of payments we have planned will count for nothing. Something to keep in mind. I think we ought to either take a lump sum or leave. I think with items taken during the auction we can essentially snowball ahead with advantages. Take what we have leftover and beat the others at their own game in the ruins to earn enough to obtain the final prize.

I think misc is meant for either additions to the others or something else entirely. If we just go with knocking it down to thirty minutes, we only get +1 million for the seduction rather than the choice of a large lump sum or several instalments. Essentially netting us virtually nothing in return for exclusivity, you probably want to lump that condition in with a choice or favour or money. We don't get more than the 1 mil by default unless we choose the money. Also, depending on how the hours are tracked mechanically once the game proper starts, lowering it to 30 minutes may as well mechanically mean nothing if QM were to say for example; have each update or turn take up 1 hour.
I will let you sit on this one for a while since this can be our first major choice.

Nighty night, bleh!
>A large sum of money upfront (How much?)
10 million. But also we will sleep with who we want and when we want.
>>5984337 +1

Even if he gets action, it ain't action like a seduction-specced vampire noblewoman can provide. he'll take what we offer and be grateful for it.
>Turn him down, leave.
Bloodjaw is better. He can protect us and looks good.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

We got 2 turn him down
2 counter offer


I guess the power of rng shall decide for us

1 will turn him down
2 is counter offer

>knock off a quarter of the price.
What do you mean by it exactly?


"You... you will *snort* regret this. I always get what I want. Always . " His left eyelid was visibly twitching from the sheer rage bubbling inside of him. He was accustomed to get whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. Not today.

" Hmph, try anything remotely threatening and I will chop your sad excuse of a manhood clean off." Blood seeping from your nail had formed a formidable claws capable of tearing through flesh and steel alike. Blood magic had other uses than to enhance your beauty, every rose had its thorns, afterall.

"..." The ball of lard had waddled towards the door to unlock it for you " You will beg for me in due time like a good whore, mark my words."

The door was slammed shut after exiting his chamber. You had a feeling that his words weren't as hollow as they appeared to be. You had just gained a scornful enemy oh well.

Should you go to bed like a good little girl to earn the Lord's Favour or should you explore instead?

>Go to bed [ Skip time to 08:00]
>Explore instead [ Where? You have no idea]
>Approach other Chambers in this floor, knock on the door/spy on others? [Whomst?]
I think anon meant to knock off a quarter of how much we are paid in return for lessening the burden on our time. Just guessing though.

Would've went better as an addition to asking for a payment, so I'm happy how this roll went.
>Explore instead [Wander the halls. Inspect the ornamentation, feel the dust of the walls as we take our leisure.]

Just to get an early lay of the land, see if there are any secret passages or if the manse shifts in the night. We can take the early favour hit for information, pleasing the lord can come later.
>>Approach other Chambers in this floor, knock on the door/spy on others? [Whomst?]
>Gahronne Bloodjaw
>>Go to bed [ Skip time to 08:00]
>Go to bed [ Skip time to 08:00]
Didn't most of us vote to continue negotiations...?

+1 to this.

>>5984527 is me.
QM is on a three day “vacation” right now. Expect updates to resume after that.
I am back! Anyone home, bleh!
Rolled 1 (1d3)

1 explore
2 bed
3 bloodjaw
Explore and bed has 2 votes. Bloodjaw has 3.

Your inquisitive nature had gotten the best of you, Vampires didn't really need to sleep anyways. You wandered around aimlessly through certain parts of the mansion taking these following mental notes as time went by:

-Not a speck of dust dared to settle on the floor, the butler must have cleaned every inch of the mansion very recently
-This place was home to various tastes in paintings and furniture spanning over hundreds of years. Lord Waughann was a very cultured man judging from his peculiar choices from all over the globe.
-The sole entrance to the second floor was barred by a giant lock.
- A particular suit of decorative armour was once worn by an El-Mesaas , these mercurial-blooded vampires were expectionally rare for a good reason: a drop of their blood could easily kill most vampires, this one was probably hiding somewhere in the mansion.... assuming they were alive of course
-The first floor was where most events would be held. You couldn't enter most rooms thanks to pairs of gargoyles guarding them. It would make sense for these rooms to be locked, probably.

"What you are up to, your err fanciness?" A ginger man had appeared from nowhere with an worn mallet and a ragged working-man outfit that had been stitched up too many times. The only worthwhile thing on him was a leather tool belt that was probably weighing him down. He did look friendly enough.

"I could ask you the same." You retorted "You must be Rekshin, correct?"

"Aye, Place is *loaded* with secrets in very corner. All in me bone safe, heheh." He knocked on his temple trice "Need no Lord's Favour, I'll tell ya that much."

"You look like a very simple man, Rekshin. Why are you here?" You were intrigued.

" Oh, that? It's really simple. Goin' to get wed to the prefect lass out there. This whathyecallit vial is what her old man wants."

"..." His blood was as pure as his words. Ooohhhh, what was smell? Untouched by neither a man nor a woman? The temptation to bathe in his virgin blood was on the rise. Perhaps, you could do something first beforehand. The guillible fool would get himself killed on the first or second day for sure.

"I found this hidden under me bed." The young man had pulled out a Dueling coin with Lathan Lake's name etched on it " Could sell it to ya, I don't have it in me to kill a fellow man... Half a million sounds reasonable?"

Choose one
>Yes, Thank you.
>I believe ____ is more reasonable [How much?]
>I need not such useless items.
>I will drink your virgin blood to the last drop...
>Look at me, Is your beloved more beautiful than me?
Ah feck, I miscalculated again. Sad bleh?
It's blehover...
Are you correcting it?
I mean, i really don't want to sweep this update under the rug soo let's roll with it this time ?
Well good thing we didn't go licking that random drop of blood. Would we be able to tell the blood of one of these mercurial vampires from a 'normal' vampires blood upon inspection?

>Look at me, Is your beloved more beautiful than me?

Well we need SOMEONE on our side, and a naive workman who knows the secrets of the place is as good as any other. We'll have to acquire the wealth to purchase the vial from the ruins after all. Or kill the fat man, to prevent him from outbidding us. The virgin's blood is just a bonus.
Okay but you gotta give us something for the error though
No, not really. Doesn't fit the narrative if x magically appear in our pockets
Yes we can. The two bloodstains differs from each other
But *you* made an error. There must be something you can give narratively.
Even so, I won't do it since the reward would be artificially gained not earned through clever choice making. My error didn't affect the course of the quest in any major way.
How do you expect players to read a quest by someone who can't count to three then?
Don't listen to this guy.
He probably didn't even read the quest.
We are waiting for a second vote
bleh! >>5987250
I did. My id just changes.

Well enjoy your dead quest then.
Go play a different quest then, anon.

+1 from me.

I'm >>5985300

"Yes?" You had assumed a very alluring pose that should lure his eyes to your cleavage. Alas, he retained the same dumb fish-out-of-water look like shy student to their tutor.

"That you are. Me love for sweet Rodreikka is unwaverin'. Best of luck tryin' to find your man, your fanciness. O-oh, almost forgot, you buyin' ?"

You would applaud him for keeping his basic instincts at check but you were in a dire need of a good pawn and he might just be the one. Should you go for something... even more daring to this handsome ginger?

>Seduce him via a more upclose and personal approach [Success chance:low]
>Lunge at him, his blood is yours to drink [Success chance:medium]
> Buy the dueling coin [ haggle? How much?]
>Misc. (Recommended)
Word of the day for vampire enjoyers other than bleh : Ignore
>Buy the dueling coin [ haggle for 50k]
what exactly is the misc. option ?
Frustrating. That's all I'll say about that for now. The countess should consider getting hitched and avoid playing the bachelorette, she clearly isn't suited for it.

>Buy the dueling coin [Accept his price]

Could be useful. I don't particularly feel like testing the lord's surveillance and ability to back up his death threats. Perhaps if we were Flitchet I would.
DO you mean 500K? 50K down from half-a-million is quite the lowball.

> Buy the dueling coin [ haggle: 500K ]
You know what? I'll add on this.

>Ask him to let us know if he happens to find any architectural secrets or blood lying around, we can reward him handsomely with gold or our...services. Our magical rather than carnal services, of course.
I can also support this.

oh, I didn't see his original proposal, I'm gonna haggle for 400k then
A write in basically

Item acquired: duelling coin ( Lathan Lake)
Item lost: 400k GP ( Current 6.6 Million)

"R-really? That's more coin than a year's worth of me work!" The man was in disbelief. You were well aware of the idea of possibly being scammed but this deal had another goal: gaining his trust bit by bit.

"Secrets? Oh, I don't know about that, it is all what I got goin' for me. Me only edge in the manse." The simple man was a bit hesitant choosing his words carefully so he would not offend you as much.

"You scratch my back and I will... scratch yours~"

"Savin' meself for Rodreikka, your fanciness." Another painful rejection " I reckon I could use your help, me great great great great uncle and his nasty wife are buried in a small crypt not too far from here. They were buried with invisible rings , Can't really fight all sorts of ghouls and other abominations without your help. We'll split any loot we find inside, what do you say?"

It was clear that he was no fighter. An invisible ring though... could be useful.

>Accept his offer
>Refuse , you had other things to do [like what?]
>Accept his offer
>Accept his offer
>Accept his offer
>>Accept his offer
>Accept his offer
Adventure awaits. Huzzah!
Sorry, I was very sick ( still now to some extent) z continuing now, Bleh!
6: 58

Item acquired: Small bag of loot

Without any convenient means of transportation, the two of you were forced to walk nearly an hour or so until you could reach your destination: a mundane looking green hill. The craftsman had found the entrance through stepping on invisible buttons hidden under the soil. Clever.

The crypt was infested with ghouls, humans who would reborn under the shadow of undeath after getting bitten by a vampire. It did feel good to lash out against them with your blood magic. The lumbering fools would only growl and slump slowly towards you and your extra cowardly partner. This crypt was more like a neverending stairway with very little underground chambers every now and then. All of that senseless slaughter demanded a moment of respite in a relatively safe chamber. While taking a breather, you stared at your bloody hands for a spell, what else could you use to inflict pain and misery upon your foes?

Choose THREE

>Blood claws [Already chosen]
Creates claws sharper than steel to slice through anyone , doesn't tire you.
Creates a bloody replica of your for three seconds mimicking any kind of magic you are casting/conjuring or action, leaves you a bit winded.

Pillars of blood will sprout under around you for either restraining foes or boiling them alive, leaves you winded

Empower your other blood magic by evaporating your own blood, leaves you tired.

>Sanguine puppetry
Assume control over any dead corpse(s), leaves you both unable to move and tired depending on the current number of controlled corpses.

>Vermillion Mist
Disperse into a cloud of blood once every a couple of seconds to avoid blades and such, leaves you exhausted after prolonged use.

>Avatar of Weverna [ No blood magic could be chosen with this one]
Transforms you into an ancient vampire known for deadly blood barrages, incredible strength and agility, will incapacitate you.

Makes blood inside your foes into more viscous, slowing down their reaction time and making them more sluggish , leaves you tired.

Closes most wounds at the cost of your blood, leaves you very exhausted.

Unleash a swarm of flesh-eating flies, leaves you exhausted.

>Safrrie's escape [No blood magic could be chosen with it]
Select a body part or an organ, as long as said body part isn't destroyed, you can revive after a full day, final result may vary depending on blood supply available for said body part.

>Nails of anguish
Creates dozens of blood nails capable of tracking its target, they are capable of burrowing inside flesh for maximum agony, leaves you tired.

>All-seeing Kublin [No blood magic could be chosen with it]
As long as your blood is direct contact with someone/inside of them, you can see through their eyes, must concentrate first before using it.

Still, The ginger vampire knew exactly where each trap was, he even went out of his way to save you when the simplest touch of your dress had accidentally triggered a whirling sawblade meant to cleave you from down under.

"What’s the matter, Rekshin?" His face grew pale for some reason.

" I don't understand, the crypt should have ended at this level... we still had a looong way to go." The two of you stared at the inky Abyss below, there should be dozens of walking corpses down there judging by their ceaseless droning grunts. Should you be more greedy and delve further down below? You still hadn't claimed the invisibility rings and the loot bag felt awfully light. Lingering here would force you to miss your morning tea in an hour...

>Continue your dive into the oppressing darkness
>Return back to the mansion
What does the 'no blood magic could be chosen with it' thing mean? That we can't choose three, only the selected power and nothing else if we choose to take one of them?

>Vermillion Mist

Evasion, debuff, something to deal with groups or strong foes with the option of being non-lethal. Mist leaves us exhausted but only after prolonged use, granular use not tiring us out makes it very useful for varied situations. Coagulate is kinda boring but just very useful, better against someone like Bloodjaw or anyone physical, gives us the edge. To me this seems able to deal with what we know of everyone else's abilities so far.

Nails would be useless against someone like the aforementioned vampire, and hitting someone with something sharp is painful enough anyways.

My choices would be different depending on the answer regarding the no blood magic thing.

>Return back to the mansion

We've made progress, when we return it'll likely go quicker, with us knowing the way and having already dealt with a number of ghouls.
>Vermillion Mist
>Sanguine puppetry
Good luck killing me when I'm behind 1000 skeletons and/or simps! If you get close enough, I'll slash you up and, as soon as I start to lose, turn into mist, retreat, and heal.

>Return back to the mansion
We'll come back tomorrow, maybe. Don't want to be missing for so long people get curious... What would Rekshin's beloved think? Fufufu.
For example, you can only choose Avatar of Weverna and nothing else.
Uuuh, break tie? bleh?

"Aye, let's return...." The young man seemed to trust you a tad more. As for you, the desire to sink your fangs in his neck had dwindled ever so slightly. The craftsman had proved himself to be a valuable ally, Hmm...

You returned back to the mansion at the nick of time moments before the gargoyles would close the doors.The ginger man had left your side for some sleep, he wasn't used to gruesome displays of violence. Fool was wasting his precious time...

Cobbleworth was ready to serve morning tea to everyone, he seemed slightly disappointed after only a couple of bidders had showed up. They were:

-Lathan Lake holding a lootbag thrice the size of yours.
-Mathew Bloodwell, almost frothing from your mere sight.
-Moongulper, standing idly in a corner.
-Desdemona Flitchet, licking her bloody dagger clean with a sadistic look on her face.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please enjoy your tea. I humbly ask you to be careful with my Lord's selection of books." There was indeed five long shelves behind him, most of these book was at least several centuries old. The old skeleton sat down on a chair close to the main door, he was ready to sort out any treasure plundered from his Lord's ruins.

Choose one

>Converse with a vampire (Whomst?)
>Appraise your loot with Cobbleworth
>Read a book ( Pick a starting letter)
>Drink Tea
>Observe others in silence
>Read a book (O)
>Drink Tea

The butler went to the trouble to prepare it, may as well take a sip.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Sad bleh ..


You were wholly absorbed by the book you had randomly picked ' On the untold misfortunes of Madam Cathernne '. This Cathernne lady was an avid antiquarian who had a fondess for rings. One of such rings had once belonged to a merchant from the east. The ring had an intricate serpentine design with a jade snake preoccupied with an topaz gem in its mouth.It would grant him immense finanical luck and wealth literally out of nowhere at the cost of forever jinxing him. The accounts of mired miseries Madam Cathernne had to go through before her untimely demise was rather comical, almost unbelievable at times. Sometimes, money couldn't solve all problems of life. Good read.

Others who had their morning tea were in a trance-like state staring blankly at nothing. Not much time left, what should you do?

>Converse with a vampire (Whomst?)
>Appraise your loot with Cobbleworth
>Converse with a vampire (Lathan)
let's see if we get any tips for looting
Support >>5990159
Sure, why not? And if we can't... We can duel him, right?

Writing, bleh!

You approached a rather dashing blonde fellow admiring his reflection against the mirror with odd winks and such. It took you one throat clear to announce your presence to the preoccupied man.

" if it isn’t the bloody countess." The adventurous man had greeted you with a warm smile "I must extend my apologies, my latest tomb raid beyond the seas had led to a distant relative of yours. The natives there worshiped him as a god, alas, the entire island had sunken into the sea when their volcano had erupted for no particular reason , the only legacy of the people of Tikitik-makutu are... well, you and the others will soon find out~" he gave you a childish wink.

" This bag of yours... nice haul." You remained calm throughout the conversation.

"Why, thank you. Years of adventuring had taught me how to spot all valuables that I can come across." Lathan paused for a second whispering the following softly "Say, I believe it high time to take the brute with an ugly mug out of the picture. I know of some ruins which would be ideal for a man like him. Care to be my partner in crime? We have to thin the herd from the very first day."

>I accept, bloodjaw must have a little 'accident'
>No, I am not your pawn. Find someone else to do your bidding
>Actually, Lathan Lake, I hereby challenge you to a duel [Present him with the dueling coin]
>Look what I have here... I believe you are all bark and no bite. The question is, what can you offer so I may part with this dueling coin?
>I accept, bloodjaw must have a little 'accident'
either this or try to make him buy the dueling coin from us. I don't feel confident fighting him 1v1 considering his luck.
>I accept, bloodjaw must have a little 'accident'
We can duel him after we've learned qhat he's capable, or trade him his coin for a favour of some sort.

Item acquired: Lord's Favour (1)

"As you should have, I heard that the big fellow loves to defile corpses... we must end this loathsome menace together." A sadistic man like him wasn't that far from molesting the dead.

"What’s your plan?'"

" There is a Rotborne spider who had settled in the ruins I have mentioned earlier. She is blind , old and very much hungry. The two of us will guide our enraged friend to her lair. Do not worry, I left quite the scathing letter at his chamber, he will take the bait."

"I see." An foolproof plan for certain. You wasn't sure how exactly you were going to lure the meathead yourself. Thoughts for later...

Soon, everyone was forced to leave. You didn't get a chance to appraise your loot, another time perhaps. The two of you would leave the mansion soon afterwards with bountiful sunlight caressing your pale skin.

"This way." Instead of going around a large hill, you went through a dark tunnel that was initially locked by a rusty gate... child's play.

"Impressive." Clapped the blonde adventurer when you had slashed your way through the tunnel with your claws "I only have my crossbows and my wits." Lathan pulled out his two small crossbows, they looked pretty pathetic to be honest.

"Let us continue..." You followed the young man's torch acting as shining beacon in the darkness. When you were nearly two thirds through the tunnel, the stone floor would give away one tile after another at random.

"Damn it! Can't reach you!" Lathan relied on his blind luck to hop like a frog until the reached the other side. As for you, you would have plunged to foggy darkness below had it not been for your Vermilion mist allowing you to change your corporeal form to something more... evasive. Upon escaping the tunnel of doom, you lied on the ground panting like a thirsty hound. You must have shapeshifted seven consecutive times or so...

"Goodness, you...survived. Of course... you would, You are the bloody ...countess. My luck must have rubbed onto you ...somehow." Lathan sat next to you, also panting. He proceeded to drink some cold blood from his strange looking draconic water canteen "Want some?"

This burst of blood magic had consumed some of your stamina, you could use some refreshment first before dealing with bloodjaw.

>Politely decline


>Continue onwards
>Change your mind? This little venture might be too tiresome for you.

>Continue onwards
So sunlight doesn't hurt us? Noted...

>Steal his cold blood, swig it
>Challenge him to a duel while he's weak

Then we can get Bloodjaw with the spider and keep all the loot for ourselves. Field: thinned out!
He's probably poisoned that blood
Rolled 3 (1d3)

Catpcha : kaaa

[b) 10:09 [/b]

"Eh, more for me.." The man shrugged chugging the rest into his gut. You continued walking with him afterwards to your cobweb covered destination. Everything was painfully sticky in here with trapped husks of both man and animal wrapped by fine black silk. This large spider had been eating well as of late, she was content with her dilapidated temple as her lair. You hadn't spot her just yet.... where was she?

"What is the plan?"

"About that..."Lathan had vanished in puff of smoke from your side only to materialize on the top of a winged state far away from your reach "... you are the bait, my dear "

"Hmph. There was no Bloodjaw, wasn't there?" You extended your claws for you would turn the smug blonde before you into fleshly ribbons.

"He would arrive here shortly, his pride wouldn't allow him to let me live, oh and I wouldn't move if I were you.... dozens of invisible traps lies in waiting for the simplest trigger. One mistake and ka-boom, your head will paint the ceiling red. Thank your distant relative for this powerful set of artifacts for me, will you?"

"..." You had no idea whether he was bluffing or not. Your burning gaze alone should have melted the smug off his face.

" Stay here and the Rotborne spider will get you, move and you die, it is a win-win for me, toodeloo!" Another puff of smoke had announced his sudden departure from the ruins. Did you fall for this good looks? Unlikely. How were you going to escape this sticky situation?

>Walk away, Lathan was lying.
>Examine your surroundings first [Success chance:Medium ]
>Wait it out until anything notable would occur
>Use your Vermilion mist to repeatedly dodge potential danger [ Success chance: ???]
>Misc. (Recommended)
why didn't drinking some win if there were 2 votes for it ?
>Examine your surroundings first [Success chance:Medium ]
since we're spent, we have to check for those traps.
Anons where are you ?
>Examine your surroundings first [Success chance:Medium ]
I treat every vote separately.


While you couldn't pinpoint the exact location of these supposedly explosive traps, you spotted something peculiar dangling a few meter above your head in a black silk cocoon. It was none other than El-Mesaas , this one in particular had once in the decorative armour, small blood an all.

Whether the mercurial vampire was alive or not remained to be seen. They were known for resilience which was essentially for their dwindling numbers. Throughout the centuries, they were hunted to the last woman and child because of their lethal blood.

You were slightly more confident in the jns and the outs of your surroundings. Would it be enough to evade these unseen traps?

>Walk away, Lathan was lying.
>Attempt to cut off the cocoon above you? [Success chance:Medium ]
>Wait it out until anything notable would occur
>Use your Vermilion mist to repeatedly dodge potential danger [ Success chance: ???]
>Misc. (Recommended)
>Attempt to cut off the cocoon above you? [Success chance:Medium ]
Free and befriend it?
>Attempt to cut off the cocoon above you? [Success chance:Medium ]
waiting is not an option since his aciddic blood can fug us and we still haven't found the traps.

You had extended your blood claws long enough to take a swing at the cocoon above your head. With an audible thud, it had fallen off. Your precise slash had resulted in a random silk thread no heavier than a strand of hair to fly off. When it had landed , it had triggered a small radius explosion that had left frolicking black flames in its wake. So Lathan was not lying...

You proceeded to tear off the outer layer of the cocoon revealing an emaciated silver haired young boy. He was barely clinging to life despite not drinking blood for weeks if not months and the broken dagger stuck between his ribs. You were intrigued by the amulet bearing the same triple headed snake crest you have seen so many times all over the mansion. Some form of magic was slightly seeping from a small crack on the amulet's lower border. You could almost hear ancient whispers from it. What should you do ?

The boy

>Kill him without touching his lethal blood.
>Leave him to his fate, he was a goner anyways.
>Nuture his ailing body with your own blood. This donation would leave you weakened.

The amulet

>Take it
>Crush it?
>Leave it be

Lathan's trap [ Only if you don't choose to help the boy/leave him]

>Wait it out until anything notable would occur
>Use your Vermilion mist to repeatedly dodge potential danger [ Success chance: ???]
>Misc. (Recommended)
>Nuture his ailing body with your own blood. This donation would leave you weakened.
New ally?
>Take it
Maybe Yeera or Serosil can examine it
>Nuture his ailing body with your own blood. This donation would leave you weakened.

>Take it
>Nuture his ailing body with your own blood. This donation would leave you weakened.
>Take it


Item acquired: Whispering amulet

After taking his amulet, you slashed your own wrist for the crimson waters of life to spill forth. Your fresh blood would nourish the young boy bit by bit at the cost of your own vigor. Perhaps you had given him too much blood as his body would involuntary latch onto your wrist like a leech. Before you knew it, most of your blood had been siphoned into his greedy guts. Darkness would soon overwhelm you the moment your peripheral vision had caught a festering presence in the distance.


"Where am I...?" The scene around you had shifted from a dilapidated temple to a dimly lit room littered with dozens of small marble and obsidian statuettes covered by red wax.

" Kindness. Repay kindness with kindness." You heard a raspy voice above you, it was the El-Mesaas squatting on the moss covered ceiling. Gravity didn't seem to bother him at all. He looked much livelier and healthier than before all thanks to your blood. The broken dagger was no were the be found.

" Much power, keep safe, why take?" He pointed at his amulet which was dangling from his neck. Confusion was written on his face, he was looking for some kind of an explanation.

>"I"m gonna need it for the challenges that await me."
+1. Plus, he owes us one. MORE than one, even!
OP ?
I am back, I am back, had busy couple days of work that's all

" Keep safe, keep safe. Bad woman man want. No give." The silver haired boy was adamant to keep the amulet close to his chest. He wasn't going to part with it anytime soon. Technically speaking, he had already paid your blood debt to you then again, his mental handicap could be exploited.

" Help with challenge, yes?" An ethereal silver string dangling from the amulet had touched one of the statuettes transforming it into the first feasible thing sought by your heart and mind, what was it?

>Something to bolster your offense
>Something to bolster your defense
>Something to ease your navigation
>One of the Lord's secrets
>A dirty secret to capitalize on
>None, you shall take your leave
>None, you lunge forward to kill the child, the amulet is yours
>Something to ease your navigation
anons ?
>A dirty secret to capitalize on
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Very sad bleh
13: 46

Item acquired: Returnal Feather x3

" Here. Rub on cheek. Three. Back to bed. Go." All the statuettes had blinked in unison. Before you knew it, you were outside of the damn temple again. Missing the first bloodsport had put you at a disadvantage... hmm, what should you do? Should you better your own chances or try to arrange 'accidents' for other vampires? The little runt Lathan would pay dearly...

>Return to the mansion? [ One foot or by the feather?]
>Return back to the temple?
>Go to somewhere else?
>Explore more ruins in the area?
>Return to the mansion [On foot]
>Return to the mansion? [ One foot or by the feather?]
Waste no more time!
OP ?
C'mon man, where are you ?
OP was taken out back and shot by jannies and is now in a 30 day coma. Updates may or may not resume once they rise from their coffin.
>>Return to the mansion? [ One foot or by the feather?]
Quest archived. I liked it and I hope OP returns to finish it.
What for?
talk about giving false hope. Man I really hope OP comes back soon.

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