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Your name is Joey Donuts.
You are Grel (half elf, half human}
You are a student wizard. You haven't picked your major and you're not licenced to use magic in areas owned by the Grand Ternion Unity.

You have SIX spells

Blast - Does 6d6+20 energy damage. -MP 20
Draw- Drain 10+2d6 mana from a target, providing they have mana -MP 5
Wrack - DO 10 damage to yourself to gain 12 MP -free
WIZARD HAAAANDS - Manipulate an object you can see but not reach. As strong as you are - MP 10
Douse - Extinguish any fire up to the size of a campfire , includes ignitions from matches and guns - MP 5
Hells Heart - Instantly double the damage of any attack (ranged, magical, or physical) by charging it with magic -MP 16 Joey has improved this skill and can cast it on another party member while still performing an action for 20 mana. He can also cast it on himself and one other person while performing another task for a cost of 41 mana.
Earths Honesty - Tell if someone is lying about the thing they have just said. MP 6

You are the acting CEO of Cold Iron Solutions potion company. Making mutterbottles and mana potions

You solve shit.

Your consigliere and number one is also your girlfriend. An enterprising goblin for hire called HIGHBALL.
You have a company staff.

LUMSDEN -Owner and pilot of your airship
SURREY - Potion brewer
JONES - Staff chef
GILCREST - Custodian
KARL - A private investigator

You have adventuring party members

BURSTOCK - An chill but rebellious healer. A thot with a big heart.
MIKE - A pragmatic hunter, kinder than he looks. Kind of your bro.
RICHTER - A wise muscle wizard, unfamiliar with people.
JORN - A distractible martial artist trying to make up for past crimes.

previous thread for more details:

This quest is nice and slow so don't panic.
Here is the wikia that is chock full of info on the characters, locations and mechanics (and misspellings).
Welcome back, CF! Looking forward to this.
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You wake up naturally after a good night's sleep.
The distant, soothing, idling of the engines let's you know that your ship The Silver Lining is not currently moving. Sometime while you were asleep you must have arrived near the town of SCADAM.

Given how it looked last time, you look forward to seeing it in a much better state.

[QM: It's been over a year since the last thread. Various issues. Not important! But we're back now! Feel free to take this as an ease in session, re familiarise yourself with the story. Have a chat. Nice and easy. Just glad to be back]
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QM: Got so flustered with captchca i uploaded the wrong image. here we go.

You have the run of the ship.
Todays plan is to buy enough blasting powder from Scadam to get the Old guard off our backs for good.

For now I suggest we take a quick shower and head to see Jones to grab some breakfast.
We're back! Let's gooo!

I'll second. Maybe we can catch other breakfast goers.
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JONES is waiting for you in the kitchen and gives you a good morning nod. It's eggs on toast today.

"Damndest thing with those green ones. They all walked in in a line today. All waved at the same time and all took the same amount of time to eat they're breakfast. All drank the same sorta coffee too. Something to do with their mission, right?"
Have a shower, yes. But is there anywhere in Scadam that might serve a good breakfast? If there is, we might want to forgo eating right away to take a quick taste of the local flavour. Even Jones might appreciate not having to cook for once.
We don't know the details on how things have changed, but there was a bar last time we visited. I think it'll still be running even after we drove the bandits out. After Scadam we had planned on grinding at the Crags, so honestly eating two breakfasts wouldn't be terrible.
"They've put their minds on it and we've had thorough planning. I imagine being in sync can only improve the odds even further. I'm not sure if it was something they agreed to do together or just comes naturally."
Ask if Jones plans to visit Scadam himself?
since when did this board become so dead?
My memory's a little rusty, but were we planning a raid on their base to mop up after Mike/Highball/Karl blow the place?
/qst/ has always been slow, I wouldn't worry about it.
>My memory's a little rusty, but were we planning a raid on their base to mop up after Mike/Highball/Karl blow the place?

That is what I recall too. I think we want to avoid leaving anyone alive to put two and two together that the shipment we deliver was spiked with explosives and report it further.
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You have a single egg on rye toast. Means you're gonna be able to think straight. But you could definitely sample some local flavour before you feel stuffed.

>"They've put their minds on it and we've had thorough planning. I imagine being in sync can only improve the odds even further. I'm not sure if it was something they agreed to do together or just comes naturally."

Jones shrugs.
"orks and goblins are a little like that, I guess. Whatever works, you know?"

>Ask if Jones plans to visit Scadam himself?

"Nah, I'm alright. I gotta clean up, do some prep. Do some reading. Also, I take like 6 or 7 naps a day. I dunno if there's anything Scadam can offer a guy like me."

QM: On some level? I think you weren't gonna do it straight away as there will be too much chaos. I think the plan was to go over once the fires were out and see what you could loot. It runs the risk of some of them escaping in the panic, but between your crew and the size of the island I think that's inevitable. One way or another though, there position has been weakened and they will cut their losses and no try to mess with you for a decent amount of time. Theyre at least practical like that.

Richter enters, stretching. Jones gives her a glass off raw eggs, which she consumes.

"Good morning boy." she nods respectfully while wiping her mouth.

You can tell by her font colour that she is still a member of your party and will therefore travel with you.
>I think you weren't gonna do it straight away as there will be too much chaos.
I don't... understand? They gotta go, and they might have stuff worth taking; why let them pick up and flee? Attacking during the chaos is ideal, means they'll have no chance for organized resistance.

>I think we want to avoid leaving anyone alive to put two and two together
I second the motion!
I suppose it'll be risky for us too if we show when things are still popping off, since we could get caught in things.
While I'd love to avoid consequences of our actions, getting the OG off our back at least a while I'm perfectly fine with.
Either way, the op will be down to Mike, HB and Karl and I'm confident they'll come up with the best possible outcome.

Greet Richter. Ask if she has ever trained in such way with anyone that to be completely be in sync?
Admire Richter's Physique. Even if you're more into shortstacks, Joey, you can't deny the impressiveness.

Then begin planning out an Op with what we know so far.
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QM: Up to you.

Richter glances at you, with her familiar serene smile.

[red]"We take some getting used to, do we not?"[/red]

>Greet Richter. Ask if she has ever trained in such way with anyone that to be completely be in sync?

Richter shakes her head. She turns to face you properly.
[red]"It is not especially common among muscle wizards, though not completely unheard of either. I understand during the last great war there were whole squads of us who trained together ensuring all their attacks landed at once. 10 Building Kicks happening at once would have been quite a sight to behold."[/red]

She shifts her weight from one foot to another.
[red]"Even now, I have heard of those who form a bond with another that they may fight together. Usually, thought it is their differences they focus on. A sort of harmony where what one lacks the other makes up for. Their are no spells that use this concept but many schools of combat that do. One goes low while one goes high. One lifts, one drives - that sort of thing. A sort of tag team partner. Where your bodies are strong but your bond is stronger."[/red]
QM: Also, I'm dog sitting for a friend. So I temporarily don't have the text formatting, sorry. It's just for a few days.
Query 1: "Richter, how much of musclewizard stuff do you think is universally applicable? 'Cause obviously being a bare-handed ascetic powerhouse isn't everyone's ideal. But there's more than one kind of strength, and sometimes stuff you say seems, I don't know, broader in it's applicability."

Query 2: "Long as we're on the subject of your wisdom and it's applicability: I'm thinking of how I wanna follow up on Mike/Highball/Karl putting themselves in harms way to hit the OG. A quick follow-up raid to clean up while they're panicking, or would it be more responsible to wait for things to stop smoking?"

Benefits of Quick Strike:
>Might be able to catch fleeing OG
>Maybe better loot?
>Stamping out an OG branch is a good deed, right?

Benefits to Waiting for the smoke to clear:
>Less fighting
>Less reinforcement to Joey's burgeoning bloodthirst?

Sucks that it's tied to IP ID rather than tripcode, but oh well.
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>Richter, how much of musclewizard stuff do you think is universally applicable? 'Cause obviously being a bare-handed ascetic powerhouse isn't everyone's ideal. But there's more than one kind of strength, and sometimes stuff you say seems, I don't know, broader in it's applicability."

Richter folds her arms and thinks.
[red]"Much of what a muscle wizard understands about patience, restraint, harmony and strength can be learned - and IS learned through other, newer more convenient means. It matters not how one learns about such things. To learn - to travel - to seek is always worthy. Many again, achieve a measure of basic athletic prowess similar to our own at an academy or even a city gym or the comfort of their own house. Also a fine thing. A muscle wizards journey is its own thing. It makes us in some ways homogenus- but if we do not all understand what we learn then we do not learn it and, perhaps cannot be trusted with the powers we have. At the same time, though all strong and often of similar ideals, we all made our journey differently. Many muscle wizards are more outwardly delicate in appearance than myself. But their compact, corded muscles are still capable of what they need to be. One can be wise. One can be strong. A muscle wizard must be both."[/red]

She realises she said a lot.
[red]"I apologise. I don't always know if I'm making sense."[/red]

> "Long as we're on the subject of your wisdom and it's applicability: I'm thinking of how I wanna follow up on Mike/Highball/Karl putting themselves in harms way to hit the OG. A quick follow-up raid to clean up while they're panicking, or would it be more responsible to wait for things to stop smoking?"

Richter lowers her head. She is conflicted.
[red]" I am no strategist, boy. I seek challenge and also to cease the incursion of such people into these lands. Were I alone, or with others like me, I would not give it a second thought. But I am not. I do not say this to be disparaging. Even if the initial explosions and flames consume most of their number- three people cannot ensure there will be no survivors or escapees from their camp. One aspect of your plan is to drive the occupants of the mine; the Dwarves, the Wakefields and the Huni Tamog'i to the surface, yes? They will attack whoever is on the island at the time. That would include us."[/red]

Richter blushes. She clenches her fists.
[red]"Of course I want to fight. And if it is what you seek, I will follow you and be your arm. But I can guarantee no ones safety except my own if we do. And that does not sit well with me."[/red]

>a. I mean, we'll ALL be there, Richter. Not just 3 of us.
>b. We'll pummel the island with our fancy new cannonballs before we go in, that will weaken them properly.
>c. Thanks. I'll keep asking around.
>d. You're sounding kinda conceited there. Don't underestimate non-muscle wizards.
>c. Thanks. I'll keep asking around.
Can't harm to get a few more opinions. Probably something to raise with the consigliere especially.
>>c. Thanks. I'll keep asking around.

Lets thank Jones for the breakfast and hit the lounge to see who else is around before we head to town.
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You thank Jones for breakfast and make your way to the lounge.
Burrstock is there, her eyes closed as she serenely sways to music coming from the autobard. She opens one eye and smiles and nods at you in greeting before continuing to dance.
Return her greeting, but don't interrupt her just yet. Instead check out Barons Fortune for today and a gumball from the gumball machine.

I'd say after that circle behind the bar and offer to mix Burstock a drink to start day off if she'd like. We need to practice our mixology.
>Of course I want to fight. And if it is what you seek, I will follow you and be your arm. But I can guarantee no ones safety except my own if we do. And that does not sit well with me.
If we do go with a raid, we'd need a means of rapid infiltration and exfiltration over water...

>"Morning Burstock. Out of curiosity, could you as a Rinkan carry me and Richter at the same time?"
Are there any darts around here? If so, indulge in some 'Accuracy Practice'.
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You check the Barons Fortune machine

"They ain't talked to you before, but you've met em already"


You get a MINT gumball. This enhances your ice based attacks. Or it would if you had any.

You wait for Burstock to finish dancing and ask her if she's like something to drink. She wordlessly holds up a half empty bloody caeser with pickled beans and bacon in it.

>"Morning Burstock. Out of curiosity, could you as a Rinkan carry me and Richter at the same time?"

Burstock opens her eyes at last and regards you a moment.

"I think so. Rinkan are pretty strong. Two people riding one is not unheard of at all. It's more of an issue of sitting room. Too many people on one rinkan and they end up sitting too far back and get in the way of the wings. You're fairly slight but Riki is HUGE. So I'm not sure you'd fit properly regardless of the weight."

She takes one of the beans from the drink and sucks it up and crunches it.

"Why? Is that something you need to happen?"

QM: Roll me 3d60 please. First in.
Rolled 17, 41, 59 = 117 (3d60)

Rolled 10, 43, 24 = 77 (3d60)

QM: Given that the best score you can get with 3 darts is 180, Joey is getting better.

Especially that last shot
Explain that we've given thought to a possible clean up action at the OG camp after the fireworks, but are not certain if the risks are worth the benefits. Having her help could reduce said risks, but its something Mike is also counting on for his team if they encounter trouble.
We'd like her thoughts on it.
OMG! Welcome back Centrefield!
>"They ain't talked to you before, but you've met em already"
Probably true, that blacksmith lady still had her tongue missing last time.

>"Why? Is that something you need to happen?"
"Probably not? I'm just trying to think out what the options are."
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>"Probably not? I'm just trying to think out what the options are."

Burstock finishes her drink and eats a strip of bacon from it.

"It's on the table, jefe. Doesn't bother me to transform and or have Riki sit on me."


>"I've given thought to a possible clean up action at the OG camp after the fireworks, but am not certain if the risks are worth the benefits."

Burstock sets her glass down and swallows. She cleans her teeth with her tongue thoughtfully.
"Well, I dunno. What do you reckon the benefits are?"

>" its something Mike is also counting on for his team if they encounter trouble."

Burstock does a few quick blinks and smiles warmly at you.
"That's why I was testing the potions, yes."
>"Well, I dunno. What do you reckon the benefits are?"
"More dead OG, mainly. I was also thinking that getting in there before they can regroup or grab their stuff might mean better stuff left behind."
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>"More dead OG, mainly."

Burstock does a dangerous stretch.
"Guess I can see that. Can't imagine we'd get ALL of them. There are 3 access points on the island they could escape from and we can only cover *one* really. Unless we split up during the battle."

Burstock glances down into the drink she is making.
"Which, for what it's worth, I would oppose."

> "I was also thinking that getting in there before they can regroup or grab their stuff might mean better stuff left behind."

Burstock looks up from her drink and raises her eyebrows.
"You mean like weapons? You're gonna wanna that past Mike, Highball and Karl, then. Cause I think part of their plan is to sabotage any big guns they have along with their fire fighting equiptment and boats so that between the fire and the angry wild life they get their shit ruined. If you just mean money...well that'll be the first thing the higher ups grab and run with probably."

Burstock shrugs.
"I feel what you're getting at but for what it's worth? In my experience? An explosion THAT size is gonna attract a lot of attention. By all accounts they'll just about hear it back in Joonda. We go to check it out - we might not be the only ones."

Burstock gestures to herself, smiling
"Just a thot."
"Dangit, I can't believe I forgot about the transmog thing. Figured 'there's only so many ways off an island'. Stupid."

>"I feel what you're getting at but for what it's worth? In my experience? An explosion THAT size is gonna attract a lot of attention. By all accounts they'll just about hear it back in Joonda. We go to check it out - we might not be the only ones."
"I still intend to go looting once the fires die. I guess I'll have to hold back on assuming that anyone I see is OG coming to pick up the pieces - I don't want to get in a fight with some curious sailor or vanguard. That makes me wonder though - why haven't the vanguards or military smashed the place up already? It didn't take THAT much effort to learn about it."
On another subject: Will you be going ashore to check out Scadam? I'll probably hit the bar after acquiring the blasting powder, but it'll be interesting to see what has changed since we last visited.
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>"Dangit, I can't believe I forgot about the transmog thing. Figured 'there's only so many ways off an island'. Stupid."

Burstock pauses mid drink mixing and strokes your hair a little.
"Nah. Just got a lot to think about."

>"I still intend to go looting once the fires die. I guess I'll have to hold back on assuming that anyone I see is OG coming to pick up the pieces - I don't want to get in a fight with some curious sailor or vanguard."

Burstock goes back to her drink
"Don't think we'll get either of those. But the local soldier bastion and the factotum college will most likely send a detachment. If there is some ongoing sign of threats to nature or provable outstanding bounties then they'll get the Vanguards involved maybe. The explosion's only gonna be damaging condemned and abandoned buildings, so they won't really care about that."

>"That makes me wonder though - why haven't the vanguards or military smashed the place up already? It didn't take THAT much effort to learn about it."
She takes a test sip then adds more clamato juice.
"On what grounds? I know WE know but that's cause this group of OG is directly involved with us and we've looked into them - been bothered by them. To everyone else they're just a group of people camping on a shitty island. Some tents. Some weapons. Out here in the mahala that's not really grounds to attack someone. The Vanguards go there they'll just get hand wringing, locked chests - no probable cause. You've seen for yourself the OG tend to be almost obsequiously polite. They pride themselves on being reasonable and not throwing the first punch."

Burstock rolls her eyes and begins her second caeser.
"Which, obviously they often do and fully intend to keep doing but whatever. I know it makes little sense. Believe me, a lot of how things are done by societal standards make no sense to me either. That's why I'm out here despite my profession."

>"On another subject: Will you be going ashore to check out Scadam? I'll probably hit the bar after acquiring the blasting powder, but it'll be interesting to see what has changed since we last visited."

Burstock finishes her drink
"Gotta be an improvement, right? I definitely have to check it out. Jorn tells me she basically handed over a wad of cash to that big soldier guy in Dunnlivin and told him to build a town as he saw fit. I know nothing about him except he seems open minded and compassionate. That's a good start."
Time to bring the team together and set out, I guess?
Sounds good to me.
I think we can keep Richter and Jorn as party members.
>Burstock pauses mid drink mixing and strokes your hair a little.
Dangit, now there's bacon grease in our hair. Thanks, Burstock.

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You say farewell to Burstock and head above deck. Jorn and Richter are talking while practicing chi sau at low speed.

Richter sees you and gestures with her chin over Jorn's shoulder. Jorn pivots to face toy and has to stamp her foot down as a brake to make sure she doesn't do a full 360 spin.

"Mornin' Skip! We buying enough black powder to wake the Rampart today or what?"

=Free talk=
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Jorn hands you a rough looking blueprint map of Scadam.

"Little mans gave me this. Apparently one of his skvader grabbed it for us."

You now have [SCADAM MAP-POOR]
Nod to the pair. Ask if they were discussing possible reactions locals might have to us.

"Should we announce our arrival to anyone since we are here to do business? Report to the mayors office?"

Looking at this this map Scadam is going to give Kretch a run for its money. Any place that would particularly interest either Jorn or Richter to visit after we pick up the powder?
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>" Ask if they were discussing possible reactions locals might have to us."

Richter puts her hands on her hips
" Just Jorn, really. I don't imagine any of the rest of us will face any real scrutiny, except perhaps the goblins from some people."

"I did fuck up. Leave us say."

>"Should we announce our arrival to anyone since we are here to do business? Report to the mayors office?"

"We don't have to, but we can. Supposedly the town is gonna be like 30% trained guards now. So if we don't announce ourselves formally we won't be suddenly thought of as some sort of risk. If nothing else, I gave Jim a good budget."

>Any place that would particularly interest either Jorn or Richter to visit after we pick up the powder?

" I got business at the powder shop myself, after that I"m easy."

There is sound like the boards of the ship creaking which is soon revealed as Jorns stomach growling. She lowers her head.

"I am also still hungry. Breakfast didn't make it, sorry."

"I am happy to explore."
We ate light, so we can hit the Chow shop for some grub to start with. I don't think anyone will mind.
Unless Jorn wants to take care of things at the powder shop first, we can do what >>5999761 suggested.
I am also curious about what they have at the smoke shop.
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Seeing as there's no real rush, you decide to grab second breakfast. The gates to the city are unguarded but there are people milling around, as you make your way to the chow stall, a ceiling tile smacks into Jorn's head, thrown by an unseen detractor. She winces, but nods and keeps walking.

The town looks pretty nice! Clean, and quite populated.

You arrive at a place perplexingly named "Odun's Uden and Odon" It smells fantastic!

Jorn immediately orders prawn laksa and a glass of milk. Richter asks for pork belly ramen and oolong tea.

"Comin' right up!"
>Hiya, Karl. Watcha talking about?
>Order what Richter's having.
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>Hiya, Karl. Watcha talking about?

Karl taps out a cigarette from a flip top box
"Ah nothin'. Just bringing this guy up to speed with a goblin appetite. It's bigger than you think."

Odun leans over his stall between tossing noodles

"I serve em all a time, buddy! Every day! But aint none of them eating 4 baozi AND a large ramen."

"If I can't finish then I'll have chow for later, c'mon!"
Karl places his money on the counter

"Hey, you're the boss."

>Order what Richter's having.

"Sure thing, chief!"

Jorn, refusing to pause mid noodle slurp puts some folding money on the counter.

Sure enough, Karl pockets one of the pork buns

>a. How goes the training, Karl?
>b. Did that guy just say he serves goblins everyday?
>c. Any chance you guys could loot the place while you're rigging it to blow?
>d. Would your [SUMMON] fight for us if we went to the island after the explosion
>>a. How goes the training, Karl?
>>e. Mike and Highball also in town?
>c. Any chance you guys could loot the place while you're rigging it to blow?
>>e. Mike and Highball also in town?
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>"How goes the training, Karl?"

"It's fairly intense. We've managed to make sure we have signal's and maneuvers for *most* things that could happen. We all have really good hearing so we've figured out a form of signaling that each other can hear but no one else is likely to."

Karl parts his lips a few times. You hear nothing.

"That means '2.Left. Guns'"

Karl checks the chamber of his revolver.

"Shenandoah's got everything planned out. What order. Who carries what. Most contingencies for most impediments, I would say. He almost comes across like he's been to an academy. All things going correctly, none of us will have to even draw our weapons. That said, I'm still gonna buy some fancy bullets. Better to have and not need."

Karl spins the chamber and swings it shut.

Jorn orders a milk tea.
Richter orders some tofu.

>"Mike and Highball also in town?"

Karl nods taking a long draw on his cigarette, smoke billowing from his face like a snuffed jackolantern when he talks.

"Yes, they are. Shenandoah is probably filling up his pouches at the dispensary after checking out the stables. Nepermuk said she'd heard one of the businesses was goblin-owned so she was gonna check it out."

Karl taps some ash

"Ten to one says it's the gambling den and bordello"

Jorn leans back on her stool so she can see Karl properly
"HA! Nice one!"

Karl relises what he said
"AH, dang it! It's just a turn of phrase."
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>"Any chance you guys could loot the place while you're rigging it to blow?"

Karl's brow furrows

"What'd you have in mind? It's not really factored into our maneuvers at the moment so it *might* throw us off balance. I dunno. If you want us to grab some folding money or potions that's probably fine but I think Shenandoah's gonna be kinda worried about an addition like that. Nepermuk too maybe."

Karl shrugs

"I mean.. we could try?"
"I'll have to think about it. If there are concerns, then I have to address them before signing off on something like that. Talk to Mike and HB as well."

Another thought occurs though:
Could OG hold prisoners or hostages in their camp? Could that be a complicating factor?
>b. Did that guy just say he serves goblins everyday?
Is there a den nearby? Seems like there's a lot of local goblins.
>Jorn leans back on her stool so she can see Karl properly "HA! Nice one!"
I don't get it.
"I'd leave it to your collective discretion. Don't be shy, but stay safe."
>Is there a den nearby? Seems like there's a lot of local goblins.
That might have to do with the aforementioned goblin-owned businesses.
Wouldn't explain the ones moseying around in the forest and outside Scadam that don't speak Ternion, though.
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>"I'll have to think about it. If there are concerns, then I have to address them before signing off on something like that. Talk to Mike and HB as well."

Karl nods.
>"Did that guy just say he serves goblins everyday?
Is there a den nearby? Seems like there's a lot of local goblins."

Karl takes another drag and nods, moving his cigarette to the other side of his mouth.
"I've seen 2 or 3 since I got here. They seem to be a form of hired security for this town. They got ternion security and goblin security. Covering all bases, I guess. Most likely, they got a deal on the security in exchange for letting the goblins set up a business here. Smart. probably safe."

He rocks on his heals
"Straight dope is both Den Tanqueray and Den Ouzo are around these parts. Two very different dens for sure. Not on the map, obviously."

Karl stubs out his smoke on his shoe. Odun holds out an ashtray for him, which he nods in thanks and uses.

"That's why we got some that are running private security and others that are throwing bombs and accepting honking boobs as a form of payment."

Jorn put her hands on her knees and blushes into her empty bowl.

>"I don't get it."

Richter leans over to you.
"I was unsure at first. I believe Jorn found it funny that, in making a sarcastic or at least cynical remark about goblin's affinity for gambling, Mr Nagakura used a turn of phrase that is ALSO associated with gambling, with him also being a goblin."

Jorn perks up and nods
"Yeah, that."
>"Most likely, they got a deal on the security in exchange for letting the goblins set up a business here. Smart. probably safe."
Like, a legit deal, or a "protection" kind of deal?

>"Straight dope is both Den Tanqueray and Den Ouzo are around these parts. Two very different dens for sure. Not on the map, obviously."
>"That's why we got some that are running private security and others that are throwing bombs and accepting honking boobs as a form of payment."
So which one's which?
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>"Like, a legit deal, or a "protection" kind of deal?"

Karl puts his hands in his pockets.
Jorn looks confused
"As in legitimate."
Jorn nods.

"Den Tanqueray is a weird sort of contrast. Such a large of their businesses is the wettest of wetworks but they're not duplicitous. They're all about contracts and reputation. Straight shooters so to speak. Supposedly even their Sheba - their leader still goes on missions and regularly leaves the den. Not the strangest thing I heard."

>"So which one's which?"

Karl does a small smile
"Sorry. I should have said. Den Tanqueray is most likely the one providing protection here. The goblins I saw were in body suits and had a serious kind of look to them. Didn't pal around with me or talk or anything. Focused on their work."

Karl checks his watch
"Den Ouzo, I know far less about. Doesn't really have the reputation. They're more like your classic squad of bandits. Cutting purses and blowing safes in a way that burns the money. Odds are they live in underground tunnels. Dens like that are smaller, but prevalent. Makes up a lot of the perceptions of wild goblins."
>Good to know. Do you think the two dens could be pitted against each other?
>Such a large of their businesses is the wettest of wetworks but they're not duplicitous. They're all about contracts and reputation. Straight shooters so to speak.
"Sounds like them and that Mercenary outfit - whatchamacallit, Righty-Ho Rifles - could hit it off. Violence without malice, blood for gold, and all that."

"Outta curiosity, should I always assume a goblin knows Ternion? The randos out there - I'm guessing from Ozo - they didn't speak it, but I still got the impression they were listening."
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>">Good to know. Do you think the two dens could be pitted against each other?"

Karl frowns in brief contemplation
"I'm sure if someone's clever enough, they could make it happen but it'd have to be SOME set up. Ouzo hive probably hasn't got the guts and Tanqueray would consider any kind of large conflict with another den unlikely to be worth the risk to profit ratio."

Karl pops a breathmint and clacks it around his teeth.
"Goblin organised crime isn't so different from your own, Mr Donuts. Gang War might be common place in the lurid paperbacks and stage plays but the fact is: it's bad for business. Even my den understood that and they lacked the pretentions of respectability that Den Tanqueray has."

>"Sounds like them and that Mercenary outfit - whatchamacallit, Righty-Ho Rifles - could hit it off. Violence without malice, blood for gold, and all that."

Karl nods.
"I'm sure many an enterprising dust-out has thought just that. A skilled enough goblin with the right mindset could make a lot of money like that. Takes an odd sort, though."

>""Outta curiosity, should I always assume a goblin knows Ternion? The randos out there - I'm guessing from Ozo - they didn't speak it, but I still got the impression they were listening."

Karl crunches the mint.
"Fact is, modern ternion is the global language. To not speak it limits trade, limits business. Speaking it and speaking it well is not just a sign of potential but kind of a mark of being cool among goblins. Even those that can't speak it well -or at all- probably still studied it when they were younger. Most goblins will probably understand you if you speak ternion, yeah."
Thank Karl for the explanation. It's all been good stuff to be aware of.
Ask Odun what he thinks of Scadam while we polish off our order. Was he here during the bandit troubles or a recent settler?
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>Thank Karl for the explanation. It's all been good stuff to be aware of.

Karl checks his watch again and wanders off down the street he waves goodbye with his back to you.

"No problem. Stay outta trouble."

>Ask Odun what he thinks of Scadam while we polish off our order. Was he here during the bandit troubles or a recent settler?

"Hey, it's alright, ya know. Been here better part of 15 years. Good times and bad but I'm determined to stick around. Closest I came to leaving was when Anderson became mayor. Brought in a bunch of his slimy friends to take over the businesses. But got and iron clad lease on this shop, see? Owing to Brandt."

Odin collects up the bowls and gazes at the sky wistfully.

"Now there was a guy. I hope ya know, me and a lot of other older timers here are only letting you set foot here 'cause we still remember what your husband -Govian watch over him- did for us. So we're trying to overlook how outta line YOU were."

Odin is very pointedly looking at Jorn, who hold eye contact and nods.

Odin shrugs and cleans some plates.

"That and you seem to now be travelling with some good folks and trying to do better. But don't think we'll forget."

Odin gestures with a set of cooking chopsticks and Jorn nods again.

There is an awkward silence for a spell.

Odin looks at Jorn again.

"You lose weight?"

"Gained actually. It's just sitting differently. Kinda sorta turned my life around. Trying to be MLG."

Odin gives her a puzzled look then gives you all an after dinner mint.

"Just keep her on the right path you two. She got a temper."
"Glad to see things working out. How's the new guy in charge?"
They probably have everything covered here for now, but still ask if there is any work to be had in town?
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>"Glad to see things working out. How's the new guy in charge?

Odin washes some bowls
"Walker? He seems like a good egg. I wasn't sure what to think seeing a soldier get put in place as the new mayor at first. And the fact that he had Mrs Tauloppo's endorsement didn't mean a brass razoo to me at that point as you can imagine."

Odin finally treats himself to a small drink
"I got a little nervous when he seemed so focused on security. I was like 'what are we getting martial law now?' but it's honestly pretty unobtrusive and after last time I guess he's just being careful, yeah? A lot of this town is based on the sort of things he and other soldiers missed when they were off dealing with incursions from the south or chasing bounties or doing guard duty on the road."

Odin finishes his drink and smacks his lips appreciatively.
"Hearty grub, fresh produce a few herbs to take the edge off and yeah - a little vice. Doing it in a well organized town and out in the open makes it easier to monitor and keep clean and fair and I'm pretty sure it will bring people here. Walker's only real insistence besides the security was on the massive stables on the east side of town. He's fond of animals, especially Buyfugllian. Turns out that's good for the town too, though." We got 30 head of horses being driven out to Zakub this afternoon. Rumor is we got business as far as Joonda already."

Odin wipes the spotless counter in front of you
"So, yeah. We've had worse."

They probably have everything covered here for now, but still ask if there is any work to be had in town?

Odin thinks and folds his arms
"Hmmm. Same bounties as everywhere else are posted up in the Bar/Bakery. Nothing official, though. If that ship out there is yours maybe someone could use some conveyance but that's all I can think of."

Odin clears his throat.
"Yeah. That makes sense."

If Richter and Jorn are ready, we can move on to buying the blasting powder. Thank Odin and pay for the food before heading out.
Sounds like Jim has things pretty well covered, which is good.

+1, I think we're good to move on.
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>Thank Odin and pay for the food before heading out.

Jorn paid for it earlier.

A line of eager customers takes your seats as you get up and move on.

You go in to "Bang for your Buck"
Stukka looks up from her work and regards your party pretty neutrally. She goes back to her work.

You admit she wasn't that chatty last time, either. Even once she got her tongue back.

>a. Jorn, something you want to say?
>b. I need a lot of black powder.
>c. Got and special ammo?
>d. I like your hair.
>e. You stuck around! neat!
"How much for explosives, per barrel?"
>d. I like your hair.
>e. You stuck around! neat!
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> "I like your hair."

Stukka doesn't look up.
"No discounts."

>"You stuck around! neat!"
Stukka shrugs.

>"How much for explosives, per barrel?"

"Depends on which one you're buying."

Jorn approaches the counter and unfolds a large piece of paper.
Nitro-silica is probably old-school dynamite, tri-nitro TNT, I'm guessing.
"So how much for each? By weight, or unit."
>"No discounts."
Didn't ask for one. Wasn't gonna, either.
>"Depends on which one you're buying."
Could we ask for a rundown on the last two? Not sure which is the best for our needs. I suppose we could just ask the team, but I'd like to know.
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>"So how much for each? By weight, or unit."

Stukka continues making cartridges.
" 10 20 and 30 per scoop. 100, 200 and 300 per barrel. Barrel hold maybe 15 scoops, so the barrel is best value. One size."

>Didn't ask for one. Wasn't gonna, either.
Stukka makes a non-committal 'mm' sound.

>Could we ask for a rundown on the last two? Not sure which is the best for our needs.
Stukka irritably sets down her calipers and finally looks up.
"Nitro silica explodes bigger and better but is much less stable. Shock sensitive. Tri-nitro is a little weaker but-"

Stukka very suddenly throws a large chunk of metal at a nearby barrel.

Richter wraps her arms around Jorn and (sort of) you and put herself between you and the barrel.

Nothing happens.

Stukka does a small snort through her nose.
"Needs a booster to go boom. Also works underwater. Don't touch it too much though. Bad for you like smoking."

Richter releases you both.

Jorn unwraps her crumpled note and does a little 'ahem-hem'

"Ms Kilkeel. I am not here to apologise. To do so, so simply would be an insult to the indignity and harm that this town, and especially you particularly endured. While I did not weild the hammer or the knife that was so callously set upon you, by my inaction and limited protest I am no less guilty. I come here not to apologise. To apologise is to in any way suggest under social norms that forgiveness is in any way forth coming. That it is part of the deal. It can not be. I am here only to say that I will never forget what was done to you. I will forever be in your debt and to this town. If there is anything you need, I hope you would do me the honor of allowing me to help you."

Jorn folds up her note.

Stukka nods
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Jorn places a wad of paper money roughly the size and density of an artillery shell on the counter.

Stukka stares at it, astounded.

"I mean, sure. We good."
>Richter wraps her arms around Jorn and (sort of) you and put herself between you and the barrel.
She's just the best. Suppose you've gotta have a big heart when you're her size, but she takes it to another level.

Check our wallet, want to make sure we have enough cash on hand.
>>6002057 (you)

Okay, never mind.

Let me think, a barrel is what, 250 pounds, roughly? So one ton is 8 barrels, so... yeah, I dunno. Just get as many barrels of dynamite as that wad'll get us.
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Stukka turns to Jorn looking slightly irritated.

"Wait was that payment or just you saying sorry?"

Jorn looks between you and Stukka trying to read your expressions and failing miserably.

she eventually manages.

Stukka's expression brightens.
"Right then."

Stukka turns back to you.
"My barrels are small. About 10 kilo. High quality product."
>>Highball thinks for a moment
>>"We bundle up the explosives in places throughout the cave. Some under the tower, some under the town. Then leave a biiig thick line of mogspit from the explosives to the mine entrance."

I would grab some barrel or two of Tri-Nitro just in case there are damp sections in the cave.
Whatever happened to "no discounts"?

Dynamite should still go off if it's wet, I think? It's mostly nitroglycerin, just phlegmaticized with sand.
We could ask Stukka what she'd recommend for our purpose. No need to bring her in on the plan, but just what conditions we are working in.
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>I would grab some barrel or two of Tri-Nitro just in case there are damp sections in the cave.

Stukka seems a little more engaged.
"No, unless your literally placing it under water, I wouldn't worry."

>Whatever happened to "no discounts"?
Stukka blinks
"Same. There will be none. That generous donation may allow me to expand my catalogue, but that comes later."

>We could ask Stukka what she'd recommend for our purpose. No need to bring her in on the plan, but just what conditions we are working in.

Stukka gives the faintest smile
"Oh. Well. I would get 10 barrels of nitro-sil. That would probably do it."

Jorn picks up one of the tri nitro barrels and gives it a quick throw in the air and catches it.
"This is 15 kilos."

Stukka shrugs
"Definitely then."
Nitro-sil would give better bang for buck, but it has more risks to it. Maybe we should seek out Mike and HB and ask what they think?
Right. Let's ask what ammo kind of ammunition does she have on sale? Might as well see what else we want.
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>Right. Let's ask what ammo kind of ammunition does she have on sale? Might as well see what else we want.

Stukka goes back to her work
"Got regular bullets for your big iron at 85 for a dozen. Dwarfstoppers for 70 each. Troll stoppers for 120 each.

>Nitro-sil would give better bang for buck, but it has more risks to it. Maybe we should seek out Mike and HB and ask what they think?

Stukka sighs
"Alright. Let me know when you're gonna buy something."
We could look in to it. These Goblins in town?
They're working with dynamite anyways, may as well.
I'd like to buy the recommended 10 barrels of nitro-sil.
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>They're working with dynamite anyways, may as well.

QM: this is true. Between what you found and what you bought already, you're already carrying a lot. Fortunately, because the two of the operatives are goblins, you'll be within the jolly boats capacity (just).
I want to let you know that, at this stage you've done everything correct from choosing a good leader to letting them train to buying them supplies. There will only be a dice roll if you ask them to loot something large, and even then the odds are in your favor. The only risk in buying dynamite is if you intend to - while still carrying it all- engage it ship combat. One good hit below deck would essentially powderise your ship. That aside, you're on the right path. I will try not to interject often, just thought I'd put your mind at ease. Back to the action.

>I'd like to buy the recommended 10 barrels of nitro-sil.

This would still leave you with 1205 gold, which ain't terrible. If two other people agree, then you got a purchase. It will go straight to your ship.


>"We could look in to it. These Goblins in town?"

Stukka shrugs.
"Beats me. The ones patrolling the place with the headbands and the sidearms aren't really chatty and they're not supposed to be. The one who was talking to me about reverse engineering factotum tech was one who was overseeing the construction of this city. Apparently, they were pretty high up in the den so I dunno if she's here. You'll know her when you see her."

Stukka mimes like shes carrying two basketballs under her chin.

"Same as the others, didn't get her real name."
>This would still leave you with 1205 gold, which ain't terrible. If two other people agree, then you got a purchase. It will go straight to your ship.

Sounds good to me.
>If two other people agree, then you got a purchase.

Alright, let's go for it.
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You purchase 150kg of nitro sil, leaving you with 1205 gold.

Stukka seems genuinely impressed.
"Man, what do you guys do for a living?"

Jorn seems to get this.
"Oh, I'm a prudemagus."

Stukka nods and does a tiny smile.

Stukka rings a bell.
"It'll be on your vessel when you leave."

As you leave the shop you see two armed humans on the way to the shop. They seem to be town guards. A goblin hops off a nearby perch and scampers off also. Scadam looks good compared to last time.
I hear thunder, but there's no rain~ this kind of thunder, break walls and window pane...

Is Jorn's cat still sitting pretty on the well, or did she collect it already?
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>Is Jorn's cat still sitting pretty on the well, or did she collect it already?

Lettuce is safely aboard the ship.

>Head to the gambling den, meet up with Highball
Seconding >>6003121
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You go across town to the gambling den which seems to be named "BOUNDER'S!" It is windowless but quite well lit, with a flash sign.

Inside, a goblin in a boater and a candystriped happi coat sits at a high desk, supposedly to make conversation easier. They enthusiastically great your party.
Afraid I don't grok your dialect. Care to dumb it down for me?
Do we buy chips, or do we bet cash directly?
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The goblin clears their throat then gives their spiel again with no less enthusiasm.

>"Do we buy chips, or do we bet cash directly?"

The goblin sits their hat square and beam proudly
"Cash, good sir, cash. No exchange or moody credit here. It is what it is. Straight shooting. Straight dope. If fortune frowns too often it is not your day we send a little back. Bad business to fleece you know? Leave two to rub together for next time, yes? Yes. All bets are made against the house. One at a time yes? No pushing. Cards are done at a D13. Jack 11 Queen 12 King 13, Savvy savvy? No rough stuff. A little chat during rolling dice or a roll in the hay is fine but info is info and that's gravy on top, yes? Yes."

>a. I'm looking for a goblin. About yay high? White hair? Bangs.
>b. I was told Den Tanqueray was more sort of mercenary...you don't really fit the bill.
>c. Do you run the gambling?
>d. Is there like...a list of the sex workers or is that a gamble too. Not looking. Just asking.
>e. I'm looking for info on Den Tanqueray.
>f. Pretty slick you guys getting a foothold in a new town.
>>c. Do you run the gambling?
>>g. Can bets be made in things other than cash? Valuables, jewerly, services or a winning smile?
>>a. I'm looking for a goblin. About yay high? White hair? Bangs.
>c. Do you run the gambling?
"Is no rough stuff an instruction for the gamblers, or the johns, or both?"
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>" I'm looking for a goblin. About yay high? White hair? Bangs."

The goblin adjusts their collar.
"Fine taste sir. Fine taste. Man of the world, yes? Yes. Sadly none of our current available staff match your needs and we don't do custom jobs -yet! Only 5 choices at this stage, sir."

>Do you run the gambling?

They smile and hold up their hands
"No sir. Just a barker and gallop for those who seeks such things. Gambling is in the back run by one of our less clumsy associates. She handles both games."

>"Can bets be made in things other than cash? Valuables, jewerly, services or a winning smile?"

The goblin pushes their hat back
"You flatter us with your confidence in our range of business acumen, sir! No appraisers we! Please exchange your valuables before using them here."
"Thanks for the info. We'll check your gambling premises then."
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>"Thanks for the info. We'll check your gambling premises then."

The goblin pulls a small leaver on their desk and loud *click* is heard behind them from a large door.

"Right on through, sir. May luck smile upon you!"

Through the door is a moodily lit, sweet smelling room. A goblin kneels before a playing mat and pours herself a steaming drink from a small teapot and sips it appreciatively.

She slowly looks up at you and does a small nod in greeting.

"Thank you for joining me."

Jorn can be heard quietly

>a. [sit down]
>b. I'm here to play some dice.
>c. I'm here to play cards
>d. Wait..are you available for..? Nevermind.
>e. You're from Den Tanqueray right? I have questions.
>f. I'm after info
>g. Did another goblin come through here? White hair? Bangs? Lotta knives on her?
>h. Why are you called the Wildrider?
>>a. [sit down]
>>b. I'm here to play some dice.
>>g. Did another goblin come through here? White hair? Bangs? Lotta knives on her?
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You sit down. Jorn and Richter do the same. Wildrider closes her eyes and does a small bow in thanks.

>"I'm here to play some dice."

Wildrider nods
"Then we shall play some dice."

She does a little contact juggling with the cup and throws and catches the dice a few times between her fingers.
"Old and noble. For as long as there has been dice there has been this uncompromising fairness and risk. All or nothing. Fate. Balance."

>Did another goblin come through here? White hair? Bangs? Lotta knives on her?
The Wildrider skips the dice back and forth on her knuckles.
"She did yes. Very nice. Quite fortunate up to a point. She left with more than she came in with. Always good. She said she was going to the bar next. I assured her she could drink with me but alas I have only warm sake to offer and she sought other potables."

She throws the dice into the air and scoops both into the cup and drives it to the playing mat. She glances at you.
"Your wager. And your speculation. Odds? Evens? If you're right, you will double your bet, if you are wrong, I will keep it. There is nothing else to it."

Odds or evens. Make sure to also mention how much you're betting in the same post or I won't count it. First in.
50 gold on even to start with.

We probably want a cut off at 700 or 500 gold in our wallet to not spend all of it even if we do receive some back in case of bad luck.
On an completely unrelated note I wonder if Mike has as good a hearing as Zatoichi.

And yeah, I support having a hard cap on our gambling. We don't want to blow our whole budget.
Rolled 6, 3 = 9 (2d6)

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She takes the cup off of the dice. Odd.

She places a hand to her chest as though she was surprised by the results, even though her expression doesn't change.

She collects your 50.

"You were so close. Keep at it."
We're getting baited!

>Put another 50 on even. Maintain eye contact.
Rolled 5, 1 = 6 (2d6)

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The goblin holds your gaze as she does a little shoulder shimmying dance to ready the next dice.

She slams down the cup. Even.

She does a small, quiet clap and the glint of a grin.

"Oh, excellent. Now you're getting somewhere."

She gives you back your 50 and produces another one for you.
do it again
(So, goblins have food names--what's Wildrider's name from?)
Rolled 6, 4 = 10 (2d6)

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You lean over to Jorn, Richter is a little high to whisper to.

>"(So, goblins have food names--what's Wildrider's name from?)"

"Oh. It's a code name."

Right. Goblin hearing.

The Wild rider throws the cup in the air, then the dice. The dice end up inside the cup some how. As they come back down, she drives them to the mat.

"A little thing the boss does with her inner circle. Same as with Bounder. Makes it easier."
She gestures to the front of the business with her chin.


She lifts the cup. Even.
She does another small applause and gives you another 50.

"Three more and we're on a streak. This is getting exciting."
QM: I meant one more.
So we've made a profit of 50?

>100 on even
>You and Highball were talking, huh?
Rolled 6, 5 = 11 (2d6)

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>So we've made a profit of 50?

QM: yes, I meant that she gives you one extra 50 in addition to your own.

>100 on even

She nods and smiles. She throws the dice up and catches them sideways in the cup. Drives it to the mat.

>"You and Highball were talking, huh?"

The Wildrider bobs her eyebrows and smiles.

"We did, yes."

She lowers herself further but glances up at you.

"Although she felt no need to mention her name."
The Wildrider chuckles.
"We spoke about business and our social endeavors as goblins do. As someone who was once a little directionless, or following orders, it means a lot to her to be on the up and up with someone she cares about. The old two for one."

She exposes the dice. Odd.

"Ara. Back where we started. Don't be discouraged."
>Do be discouraged
Double-or-nothing on 50/50 odds has an expected value of "no charge," I'm pretty sure, so this is better than losing money. Thank Wildrider for her time and head to the bar to actually find Highball.
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>Thank Wildrider for her time and head to the bar to actually find Highball.

The Wildrider bows and goes back to sipping her drink.

"It takes balance in all things. I see you complement each other. Take care."

You blink a little stepping back into the light.

Bounder is talking with a very unsurprising guest.
>"Didn't win anything, but didn't lose anything either. I thought it was best to not risk gambling away our savings, considering what the next few days will bring."
>"What's new with you, Burstock?"
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>"Didn't win anything, but didn't lose anything either."

Burstock smiles broadly.
"That sounds about right. Level headed but still in the game. I bet if it were just you you had to worry about, you probably would have bet more."

>"I thought it was best to not risk gambling away our savings, considering what the next few days will bring."

The vitamagus glances skyward and breathes deeply.
"I'm with you there. Can't wait for either of those to be done with. I am gonna get SO drunk. Like WAY more than usual."

>"What's new with you, Burstock?"

"Taking in the town. It's...nice to see it like this after what happened to it. And then after that. I see what it's going for but...I think my heart still goes to Dunnlivin. Not that I'm done looking around or...sampling the local flavour yet. I like this town."
> think my heart still goes to Dunnlivin.
"I feel ya."

>Not that I'm done looking around or...sampling the local flavour yet.
"Where are you headed? We were going to swing by the bar to pick up Highball, if you wanted to come with."
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>"Where are you headed?"

Burstock glances over your shoulder and smiles.
"Well, I'm going through to the back room to have a bit of a gamble, drink and chat."

She glances at Bounder
"And...do a little handholding if she's open to it."

Bounder nods proudly.

Burstock gets a more serious look.
"Then I will pay the doctor a visit. They're not well, ironically."

>"We were going to swing by the bar to pick up Highball, if you wanted to come with."

She does a little sway to herself.
"Thanks, but I just came from there. She's good. She has some winnings she wants to split with you, actually. The bar here is good. Turns out it's also a bakery"

Jorn's ears wiggle.
>I see what it's going for but...I think my heart still goes to Dunnlivin.
That place is kind of dead, but it's still fun.

>"Then I will pay the doctor a visit. They're not well, ironically."
Dang, that is important. Can't have a Doctor out of commission - not in a town with only one, anyways.

Awright, time to see that bar. And a bakery is always nice to have available, maybe we can pick up some of Joey's namesake.
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You go next door to the Barkery. It smells amazing.

Jorns clasps her hands and makes a little delighted noise.

A mogwomp greats you enthusiastically and gestures to a table. They have a slightly odd accent for a mogwomp. It's a mixture from what you're used to.

Highball looks up from her drink and waves to you enthusiastically.

Everton doesn't appear to notice you and seems to be reading a menu while drinking a sarsaparilla.
Do they have menus at the counter or in tables? Either way, order something to drink, grab a menu and head to HB's table.
"What'cha drinking, roller?"
Let's see what they have to offer. Is it all displayed?
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There are menus to be collected at the counter. You order a beer. Jorn orders a grink float and Richter an egg nog.

The menu has
Pie, Curry Pie, Chicken Pie, Sausage Roll, Mochi Donut (cinnamon), Mochi Donut (Chocolate), Calzone Supreme, Pastie, Sfogliatelle, Cannoli, Lamington, Croque Monsieur, Croque Madam, Reuben Sandwich, Frog Cake, Bread Rolls, Bread Loaf, Croissant, Ham and Cheese Croissant and Pain per Du.

Drinks wise:
Ale, Lager, Weissbier, Whisky, Rye, Grink, Grink Rak, Grink Float, Beer Float, Stout, Stout Float, Sarsaparilla, Gose, Juice Box. Egg Nog.

=Don't see it? Just ask.=

You take a seat next to Highball, who snuggles up next to you.

"Missed you, partner! I'm glad to take a bit of time out from training."

Richter observes Highball's actions and sits a little closer to Jorn.

>"What'cha drinking, roller?"

"Perfect Manhattan, baby! Not bad at all."
She slides you 300 gold in folding money.
"That's just for looking pretty."

>a. So, the training's going well?
>b. I've beefed things up to the tune of 150 kilos
>c. What exactly are you guys doing again?
>d. Regarding the mission, what's the chance you could loot a little while you're there?
>e. I hope Mike isn't working you guys too hard.
>f. Do you know anything about these Tanqueray guys?
>g. You been around town?
>h. [rub her ears]
>h. [rub her ears]
You just gotta.
>"Missed you, partner! I'm glad to take a bit of time out from training."
>i. Let's do our best to make it a good time too, shall we.
Second: >>6004369
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You put an arm around your best gob and rub her ears. Her shoulders jump up as her body stiffens, her legs kick back and hit the underside of the table, fortunately not spilling anything.

She relaxes and slumps into her chair a little but squirms when Richter stairs at her with a measure of curiosity for slightly too long.

"Ah. here? Don't tease me like this."
She says this, but she is smiling and purring all the same.


Make me d100 roll, please. first in.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

We lucky sock if this sucks.
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>"Let's do our best to make it a good time too, shall we"

Highball nestles deeper against you.
"Boy, you said it. We got a few things lined up, huh? It'll be nice to have a clean slate. Get back to business. Feel like you ain't.."

Highball remembers Jorn and Richter are still there. She leans over and whispers into your ear

"..put the blocks to me in forever.."

She goes back to her drink, smiling contently.

Spot check passed.

You notice that Everton, apparently hearing the table get kicked is leaning on the back of their chair and looking at your party. When her eye meets your she flashes you a restrained smile and tips her hat to you before going back to her menu.
>>g. You been around town?
>>f. Do you know anything about these Tanqueray guys?
Meant to link >>6004398
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>"You been around town?"

Highball nods and sips her drink

She places it down and picks the cherries from it.
" Stopped in with the new mayor. Did a little politickin'. Said Hi. Turns out he both remembers us from Dunnlivin AND has heard about us killing dwarves and saving this town. Basically, he knows to call us if there's something he needs help with."[/green}

She rubs her thumbs and forefingers together.

"Checked out the fresh fruit place but..nah. Too many bananas."

She pats her back pocket.
"Then I hit up the gambling den. Played a little cards."

She takes a bite of her croque monsieur
"mow um eabing"

>Do you know anything about these Tanqueray guys?

She shrugs and keep chewing before swallowing her mouthful
"Name rings a bell. Dunno why though."
Order some food, something quick so we can eat (and share?) whilst Highball's still eating.

Then tell her how we've been doing.
"Karl clued us on some things about them."
Repeat to HB what Karl told us.
"Apparently they might be researching new ammo. Stukka, the ammo dealer, talked with one of their higher ups about it, but didn't catch a name."
Seconding >>6004564
maybe >>6004564 can be combined with >>6004181
>maybe we can pick up some of Joey's namesake
"Good stuff. It's nice, knowing this town'll be alright. I was a little worried that it'd flounder, end up just a pinata for bandits or gangs."
Sounds like a plan, I wanna ask the baker if they have cake-style donuts.
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You order some Mochi Donuts to share. Jorn likes the taste but can't seem to handle the texture, so Richter eats hers. Highball partakes too once she finishes her sandwich.

You bring her up to speed with everything you've been up to and what Karl told you. There are a few particular talking points.

Highball sips on a Weissbier
" Did Stukka really say you two were cool? Cause that chick was giving me the button eye last time, and I'm one of the guys who SAVED her."

Jorn nods

"How much you give her anyways?"
"10'000. Give or take."
Highball almost chokes on her drink.
"You have that kind of paper just lying around?"
Jorn studies the menu
"Not anymore. But I'm glad she's forgiven me. That's a big one."

The discussion of Den Ouzo and Den Tanqueray and their very different business models seems to make Highball think. She leans back in her chair.

"Hmmmm..I guess when you grow up in one den, dust out and just hang out with other dust outs, you kinda assume all dens are the same. There's not just differences in size and quality but in business acumen. Maybe even scruples."

Richter has a thought
"Is there any den that's completely trustworthy? Devoid of moral ambiguity?"

Highball stretches, closes her eyes and smirks.
"Is there any big business?"

Richter nods.

>"Apparently they might be researching new ammo. Stukka, the ammo dealer, talked with one of their higher ups about it, but didn't catch a name."

Highball opens one of her eyes and smiles at you.
"They're not gonna have this many goblins in town without at least a capo to watch over them. Whoever Stukka spoke to is probably still here. I'd wager it's either the gambler with the big wambos or the non-biney in the fancy hat. Either is likely. That said, unless I miss my count, there's still 3 sex workers it could be. Assuming any of them are goblins, of course."

Highball sits back up straight.

"Probably doesn't matter for now, right?"
>"Probably doesn't matter for now, right?"
Yeah. Maybe it could be an early investment opportunity, but even that would be depended on so many things. Starting with if they'd even consider outside investment in the first place.

Ask what she would think about taking opportunities to loot on their away mission, since we've been considering the possibility. We've been asking around about it after all.
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>Ask what she would think about taking opportunities to loot on their away mission, since we've been considering the possibility. We've been asking around about it after all.

Highball finishes her beer.
Depends on what you had in mind. We've been refining our movements both for in and out of the place to a mirror sheen, so anything *large* will alter our flow a little. But I totally see the value in it. Basically, depending on what you want us to grab, there'll be a difficulty rating. There will be three rolls to pass. So long as we pass even one, we'll all get back with what you ask for - if it's there."

Highball winks.
"I'm down if you are, Joey."
A loud interrupter bell sounds outside. Humans and goblins alike can be seen running past the bakery.


Everton pulls her hat over her eyes and rests her feet on the table.

Richter and Jorn look toward the commotion then back to you, expectantly.
>Pre-job workout, yay or nay?
If by workout you mean a banging her, i agree. We should do that. We should do that more often.
Let's stroll out and see what's up. I'm sure the beefed up security can handle it, but I admit to being curious how they handle things.
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Rolled 97 (1d100)

Goblin-fucker man, never change. I mean that.

You make your way casually to the front gate as suit wearing humans and armored goblins holding pistols and daggers run past you as other climb to look out positions around the town. People wandering the town get indoors. A small hatch on the south wall of the second floor of the bordello clicks open.

As you step outside the town. Clusters of gopniks are being dragged to the ground by guards as a squad of goblins successfully corale and put down a rhino nowl. The gopniks occasionally get shots off on the auit clad humans but are outclassed despite their numbers.

Richter looks around
"More of these sorts of nowls. You think Edgewater did this?"

Two arachnid nowls notice your party and lope towards you furiously.

Jorn grimaces and gets into a fighting stance.
"He's just flipping half his remaining crew at this point..."
Jorn glances at you for confirmation.
"We're just rinsing these fools, right? Or do I hold back?"

roll for initiative, remember it's high for this game. First in! It's a 1d100
>Goblin-fucker man, never change. I mean that.
One day, Highball WILL be pregnant with our children. I don't really care if there's anything stopping it from happening.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>>"We're just rinsing these fools, right? Or do I hold back?"
Remember what we talked about randos? If they don't ask for mercy, then give them none.

Forgot dice last time.
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The Spiders have initiative!

Both of them spray Richter with webbing!
She may not make any actions next turn!
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Rolling to Kneecap one, siccing Jorn on the other.
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You successfully KNEECAP the one on the left! It cannot move next turn!

Jorn casts ROARING BLOOD, and charges towards the one on the right, screaming bloody murder.
Jorn used COS BUSTER and broke the nowl's armor.

Richter begins to free herself.
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Left Spider cannot attack!

Right spider runs over to Jorn and bites them!

Jorn was poisoned!
Jorn is getting angrier!
Hell's Heart a boomflask at them. Get some DoT going.
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You add some extra 'get fucked' to a BOOMFLASK and light up the uncredible spidermen.
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Jorn rushes her target and uses RISING ICEBERG!!

Her uppercut dislodges the enemies head and much of their spine!

QM: Sorry for the lack of trip last time.
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Richter cracks her knuckles.
"We must end this."

She cocks her fist backs and lunges and the remaining enemy. For a second, all of its eyes light up in horrified astonishment at what is coming towards it. The nearby trees seem to hold their breath as Richters foot plants in front of them and she casts FIST.

A keening rush of air howls all around you as the second and final nowl evaporates into glowing cinders.

You receive +50 xp
and loot 45 gold.

Is that the lot of them, or there others around we need to head over to wrangle?
Good work. Let's take stock.
Take a look at what the guards are doing, are the humans and the goblins working together or in separate groups? Would be interesting to know how closely the operations are cooperating.

After this scuffle is over we should probably pay Jim a visit, at least to say hi.
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The humans set about arresting the remaining gopniks as the goblins loot the bodies and divide the plunder. They seem to be pretty business like. Not unfriendly but hardly high diving each other.

One human lights a goblins cigarette when they pat their pockets. The goblin nods in thanks.

The humans fire up a signal for the vanguards.

Some bandits rally and try to regroup and attack but an artillery shell from the centre of town blasts them to pieces.

Jorn beads with sweat and is extra pale. She leans against Richter.

Qm: sorry. At work
>Jorn beads with sweat and is extra pale. She leans against Richter.
Right. The poison. Check on Jorn.
Unless Burstock happens to be right here in our line of sight we might want to visit the town doctor.
>Jorn beads with sweat and is extra pale. She leans against Richter.
"Richter, could you please pick Jorn up and carry her so she doesn't exert herself while poisoned?"
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Jorn tries to stand
"I-it's okay.. I'll be.."

She slumps further against Richter, who catches her and scoops her up.
"You don't have to impress me."

She carries Jorn back to town
You can hear Jorn sleepily saying "wheee..."
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You arrive at the doctor and the door jingles as you enter.

Crunchy tissues, empty boxes of snack cakes and a thick cloud of smoke fill the room.

A blanket burrito stirs angrily and coughs for a few seconds before finally addressing your party.
One of us was poisoned with spider venom while defending the town from attacking Nowls and bandits. Can you help her?
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The blanket burrito unfurls and an almost cadaverous ork emerges from it. She smoothes her greasy hair and looks at your party.

"Right. I think I can see which."

She takes a syringe from her pocket, flicks it once or twice and jabs it into Jorn, who wimpers but has her breathing return to normal. She falls asleep.

"Sorted. Awesome."

She reaches down and grabs a cake from one of the boxes on the ground and rubs her eyes.

"NOW...thanks for saving the town yaddayaddayadda nowif you'll excuse me I need to mentally prepare for digging bullets of out of guards and stitching wounds instead of sleeping.."

>a. Uh...yeah. Thanks. [LEAVE]
>b. Do you have anything for sale?
>c. Thank you Doctor....?
>d. What is it with all the healers I know having unhealthy habits
>e. Why'd you become a doctor? You seem to hate helping people.
>f. You're kinda pretty, huh? [60%]
>g. You okay there? [40%]
>c. Thank you Doctor....?
I think I might be able to guess this one.
Can we be of an assistance.
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>" Thank you Doctor....?"

She rolls her eyes and lights a cigarette.
"Whitewater. Kenosha Whitewater."

>"Can we be of an assistance."
She pushes her thumb and forefinger into her eyes and exhales through her nose.
Not unless you're about to magically transform into a four poster bed or another doctor."
Has a grel been through here? Blue hair, tattoos, precarious dress? She said she was gonna swing by at some point.
Turns out I could not guess that one. Such arrogance!
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Nod towards Jorn. "She could help with your first request after she wakes up."
Burstock is in town, but I'm not sure if we can promise her help without first asking from herself.
>g. You okay there? [40%]
Make a mental note to get those two to hang out more often. We could use the spare room, right?
Don't quote me on this but I think they've trained together in the past, so that's probably something they'd be happy to continue.
>Transform into another Doctor

Perhaps Surrey's got a potion for that? Or perhaps Surrey could just get to work brewing some helpful medical potions for the doctor to cut down the workload?
>Look around doctor's room filled with filth and smoke
"I take it none of your patients have weak immune systems or respiratory complications?"
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>"Has a grel been through here? Blue hair, tattoos, precarious dress? She said she was gonna swing by at some point."

Whitewater grimaces.
"No. Haven't seen her. Why, what's wrong with her?"

Nod towards Jorn.
>"She could help with your first request after she wakes up."

Jorn smacks her lips and hums happily to herself.

Whitewater looks doubtful.

>"I take it none of your patients have weak immune systems or respiratory complications?"
The ork sniffs.
"If some bar atmosphere and a few candy wrappers finish them off, then I don't imagine I could help them."

>You okay there?

After a few false starts, Kenosha takes a big draw on her cigarette.
"I mean...no! Not really. With the state of everything. Have you seen what's going on out there? Money is everything! No one faces the music anymore. No one wants to help people unless they think they can make money from it. We waste so much food. We're so horrible to each other. There is a local government that want to privatize health potions! HEALTH POTIONS! So that only one company can make them and sell them! Think theyre not gonna jack up the price?!"

She takes another drag
"And its gonna work, too...it's all about bribes, man. Every person in town can be against it but if the right people get their palms greased then away it goes! And if ONE GTU city picks it up, maybe the others will."

She tosses away her cigarette and lights another.
"And THIS place! Sure! Better than it used to be! But we still get raided! People still side with the troll! And yeah! We haven't lost anyone! I've kept them all ALIVE but for how long?! When is it gonna stop!?"

She glances skyward.
"I'm just so sick of it all, man.."
>"I'm just so sick of it all, man.."
Those are all valid reasons to be upset. It may not be much of a comfort, but we are working on putting an end to the Troll and his gang.
The potion monopoly and the bribery we weren't aware of. Maybe telling us about them could help her feel better, even if we can't do much about it right now?
>And its gonna work, too
Sure, with that attitude. (don't actually say this)

>No one wants to help people unless they think they can make money from it.
Has anyone ever? World's a lot kinder than it used to be, but people still can't live off kindness alone, any more than they can live without it.
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>It may not be much of a comfort, but we are working on putting an end to the Troll and his gang.

She thinks. She glances at Richter and nods. She glances at Jorn at looks less sure but you feel like she does feel a little better.
"I hope you beat the odds, kid."
Jorn wakes up and stretches. She blushes a little then kicks her legs. Richter places her on the ground.

The potion monopoly and the bribery we weren't aware of. Maybe telling us about them could help her feel better, even if we can't do much about it right now?
Whitewater sighs, her breath rattles.
"Look. I know I'm catastrophizing a bit but like..okay..Kassut is a big enough city. The mayor and his inner circle have got direct ties to one of the larger potion places. If they get that local law passed. Then that ONE company is the only one allowed to make health and mana potions. The people who MADE that recipe gave it to everyone FOR FREE because they knew it belonged to everyone."

She wipes her face
"If one company has a monopoly on health potions they can charge whatever they want - and it will be a lot. If less people can afford health potions more people will need traditional medical care, when the demand for that goes up, they will regulate that too. Make it so that you need to pay a monthly amount to get the best care. WHo do you pay the monthly amount to? Probably them and their friends. They're all in this together."

The doctor links her fingers
"And the money talks so it's all connected. Well paid lawyers can draft documents full of legalese and loopholes. Paid off cops can stamp out businesses who argue. Plant evidence. And corrupt journalists can bend the masses into thinking what the politicians want them to think."

She stubs out a cigarette
"Maybe I'm imagining it. Maybe it'll never get that bad. But scratched the surface - the surface-of all this corruption and now I have a hit out on me, basically. So it's not *nothing* even if it's not as bad as I think."

>"Has anyone ever? World's a lot kinder than it used to be, but people still can't live off kindness alone, any more than they can live without it."

Whitewater looks sad.
"There's levels, you know? Once you're spending so much money on nothing else but making more money...can't that be spent elsewhere?"
I run a potion business myself. Unregulated potionmaking has a pretty nasty side to it too, but we don't make anything made of people, nor illegal. So it's in my interests to make sure that law doesn't pass. I'm not going to go killing people -just- for being greedy assholes, but maybe I can help.

>now I have a hit out on me, basically.
Damn, from who?
"Well, our organisation has a potion-brewer on staff. So we're not exactly thrilled by the idea of someone setting up a monopoly, 'cos if this law passes we'll be a challenge. More of a challenge to this troll when we are already, even."
How are you feeling Jorn? The doctor could use a bed if you're feeling up for it. A good one too.

We can have Karl put out his feelers once we are done with the OG.
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>"I run a potion business myself. Unregulated potionmaking has a pretty nasty side to it too, but we don't make anything made of people, nor illegal. So it's in my interests to make sure that law doesn't pass. I'm not going to go killing people -just- for being greedy assholes, but maybe I can help."

"The proposed law would only take off in Kassut if it goes ahead. I'm just worried that other towns would get ideas. It's the principle of the matter. Whatever you do; just be subtle about it."

>"Damn, from who?"
Whitewater lights a fresh cigarette
"I don't know. Someone bombed my practice. I went to the police and made my suspicions clear. The next day someone bombed my house. Cops said they had no leads. Then they killed my horse, so... yeah. Guess I was next. Headed south and ran till I found a town in the mahala I could handle. It's just...between the work and the stress...I can't always deal. That's all."

>"How are you feeling Jorn? The doctor could use a bed if you're feeling up for it. A good one too."

Jorn does some little stretches.
"Feeling pretty amazing, skip. Nothing a reuben sandwich wouldn't fix. Good to go on the mna front, though."

Jorn tilts her head at Whitewater
"You don't got a bed?"

The doctor slumps
"I do it's just...it's in the apartment. And if someone comes in I have to be ready and I'm just...so tired..."

Jorn rubs her hands together.
"Okay doc! You got a preference? Cotton? Silk?"

Whitewater seems confused
"I mean...silk sheets..four pillows? Goose down comforter?"

Jorn closes her eyes and makes a diamond shape with her hands.
"come'n up!"
"Well, if you ever need a night's rest with less worries, feel free to come crash with Cold Iron Solutions. Can't guarantee you'd be entirely safe - we get into lots of scrapes ourselves - but you'd get my team watching your back."
Hm. Sounds like a job for the little green detective. We sure keep our crew busy.
Write a note: "Ask Mr Nagakura to find out who wants Whitewater dead"
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>"Well, if you ever need a night's rest with less worries, feel free to come crash with Cold Iron Solutions. Can't guarantee you'd be entirely safe - we get into lots of scrapes ourselves - but you'd get my team watching your back."

The doctor grimaces slightly less.
"I dunno. I got a better feeling about you three than I do most people- for some reason. But..like it or not this town needs me for the mean time. Who knows."

You make a note in your JOURNAL

JORN summons an incredible looking bed. You could almost curl up into it yourself it looks so bundled and inviting.

"Good for 10 hours, doc. Rest up."

"I'll see what I can do..."
for all her doubts, Doctor Whitewater is unconscious seconds after climbing into the bed.

Jorn shrugs.
"It's not quite a sleep spell, but..."
Good Job Jorn. Let's give the good doctor her rest.

Maybe check on Jim?
Let's mosey back outside. I have an inkling who'll show up to that vanguard signal the guards sent up, and I want to speak with them about some things.
On the way, I'd like to ask Jorn if she can magic away the smell of cigarettes.
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>Let's mosey back outside.
>On the way, I'd like to ask Jorn if she can magic away the smell of cigarettes.

Jorn beams
"Oh, totally sure. I can get it out of objects or people-and the clothes they're wearing at the time. probably even a room if I have enough time."

"Boy am I glad to hear that.
Burstock sways towards your party. She has a thin film of sweat over her and has a considerable sex funk.
"Can I get a..?"

Jorn wrinkles her nose and rapidly nods. She places a hand on Burstock's shoulder and summons a tornado of magical bubbles around her. Burstock shimmies in appreciation.
"Crescent fresh."

Richter steps forward
"Vitamagus, I am sorry to impose but regarding the injured in the recent bandit attack.."

Burstock holds up a hand
"It's what I was doing between the bordello and here. The doctor has the evening off at least."

Burstock sips a mana potion

A large human thanks you.
>"It's what I was doing between the bordello and here. The doctor has the evening off at least."
The doctor has had it rough. I imagine she'll appreciate the chance to rest.
>A large human thanks you.
Shake the mans hand and have proper introductions.
"No problem, glad to be of a assistance. Have the Vanguards arrived yet?"
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Burstock walks past your party.
"Just one thing I gotta sort out. Don't worry I won't wake her."

Burstock phases through the wall of the doctor's office.

Jorn looks at Richter
"Did you know she could do that?"
Richter shrugs and smiles
"If I did, I have forgotten. When one demonstrates such a mastery of their discipline, it can be easy to forget their sphere spells."
Jorn nods
"That's the truth. Haven't found a use for running across water yet, though."

Jim and you shake hands and he smiles warmly. It's fascinating to hear his voice without the flange filter his armor gave him. He looks as wise as you expected.

>"No problem, glad to be of a assistance. Have the Vanguards arrived yet?"
Jim nods.
"Should have by now. We are fortunate to have such proximity to their outpost."
>We are fortunate to have such proximity to their outpost
Your guards were handling things quite well, but I do suppose having Vanguards close is a good for receiving extra help in a pinch.
You've got a real neat arrangement with Den Tanqueray and it seems to be working well.
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>"Your guards were handling things quite well, but I do suppose having Vanguards close is a good for receiving extra help in a pinch."

Jim looks quite proud
"We haven't actually required their help in combat, no but we do have no real place to store any prisoners or criminals., so the Vanguards help us with that."

>"You've got a real neat arrangement with Den Tanqueray and it seems to be working well."
Jim rubs his chin
"Between you and me, I don't think it would have occurred to me in the past. My bastion and I have had to deal with goblins in some very unpleasant circumstances in the past. But I saw - and then heard about from Ms Tauloppo - the sort of good work you and your partner were doing about these lands and it made me think."

Jim glances thoughtfully at the town

So when, in the ashes of this town an envoy sought to make a contract with me offering highly trained operatives at a low cost in exchange for a goblin run business in town, well it seemed like a sign to me. Their training and weapons are really quite impressive."
Ask if there anything else we could help with?
Or does Jim know anything that could help us defeat the Edgewaters gang?

Someone posted earlier they wanted to speak with the arresting Vanguard, so I suppose we could seek them out?
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>Ask if there anything else we could help with?

Jim folds his arms
"Not that I can think of. You just helped repel the biggest bandit attack we've had so far then given our doctor a much-needed day off. And by all accounts you've been spending money around town. We'll gladly buy some of your wares once you have a batch finished. We can't pay as much as the big cities, but it will be a pretty straightforward process."

>know anything that could help us defeat the Edgewaters gang?
Jim rubs the back of his neck
"It took three of us to take down troll last time I encountered one. And we still lost someone doing it. All I can say is: if something seems like overkill - it's probably the right thing to do. If you over prepare - it might actually not be that bad."

You thank Jim and bid your fond farewells and head back outside of the town. Gopniks are being loaded into mogwomp drawn carts. Vanguards on Rinkans are scouting the further edges for anything dropped or any clues. Other still are just speeding back to base.

One particular Vanguard is hunched over their saddle bags with their back to you but this makes them no harder to recognize. Hearing your footsteps, Interceptor Sergeant Boddickers straightens and turns to you, hands on her cocked hips like shes getting a cg introduction in a squaresoft game. She does a usual smile.

"Well well well. Where there's smoke there's fire crotch. I should have known."
>"Well well well. Where there's smoke there's fire crotch. I should have known."
... No, too easy. I'll let it slide

"Say Oddette, how would you like to kill a whole bunch of snakes-in-the-grass? Take the glory for taking down a whole band of them, easy as pie."
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>"Say Oddette..
Boddicker's expression immediately sours. She folds her arms and shifts her weight to her other leg, even her outfit sounds displeased.

>"how would you like to kill a whole bunch of snakes-in-the-grass?"
She cocks an eyebrow.

>"Take the glory for taking down a whole band of them, easy as pie."
Boddicker is trying very hard to look like she knows what you're thinking.
"What are you getting at here?"

Jorn is looking around like she hears something.
"One moment miss, just gotta check something."
>Jorn is looking around like she hears something.
Lean in and whisper: "Jorn? You see any animals-that-aren't?"
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>"One moment miss, just gotta check something."
Boddicker smirks

> "Jorn? You see any animals-that-aren't?"
Jorn leaps back a little at having her ear whispered into but quickly recovers

"Ah no no. Nothing like that. I just hear a whistling from over that hill."

She points towards a hill between where you are and the town.

Boddicker perks up like an angry meerkat. Her ears flatten.

You begin to hear it too.

I know we were in a middle of something, but do we want to investigate? My paranoia is flaring up like crazy.
"Everton, is that you? Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to eavesdrop?"

Say it quiet so it doesn't carry: "Regardless, my proposal is this, Boddicker: there happens to be a camp belonging to a certain cadre of reactionaries off the coast. Now, the Vanguards go over I'm sure you'll just get ums and ers and nothing actionable, but I happen to have a plan and a quarter-ton of explosives. What I *don't* have is the resources to catch every transmog-chugging chump who runs to the hills. Do you get my gist?"
Before we ask this, I'd like a reminder what the Vanguard stance to OG is? Burstock told us earlier what would happen if they investigated the island camp, but do the Vanguards at least suspect them for anything?
They're an inherently criminal organization, both in ends and in methods. Hence why they make such heavy use of disguises, codephrases, and other ways of skirting beneath the radar.
I assume Boddicker would be happy to kill a bunch of them and take the credit. This would also have the bonus of confusing the narrative: if "a Vanguard named Boddicker killed a bunch of OG" gets around, Joey has less need to worry about getting marked as an enemy of the organization.
I suppose she would not mind them gone, but I'm not sure that is the reputation she's looking for. If she wanted killing bunch of OG rep, she could get that by killing a bunch of OG. I'd assume she hasn't since there isn't any actionable evidence or bounty to do. She might go for killing bunch of OG who were suspects fleeing a crime scene rep, but I don't know. I could be grossly overthinking this.
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>""Everton, is that you? Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to eavesdrop?"

Everton appears at the top of the hill and finishes whistling. She tilts her hat back and smiles. She calls out to your party but keeps her distance.

"Now it was my intention to take a listen in on your tete-a-tete undetected, which, I believe is implicit with the implied implications of the phrase eavesdropping- why- I say -why would I regale you with my whistlin'? Let's you know I'm here. Plain as day. Pissin' in the center of the bowl, so to speak."

Everton gestures at Boddicker
"Fact is, I heard the bugs buzzin' and assumed it gave me a chance to have a jaw with my favourite little cheriff! Trade stories and what not."

Boddicker beams and flips Everton off as Everton blows her a kiss, then spits to the side.

Everton puts her thumbs in her belt.
"You two wanna have a little talk, that's fine by me, obviously. I'll come back in a bit."

Everton whistles once more and walks away. SHe keeps walking until you can't hear the whistling.

Boddicker flips her off the whole time then turns back to you.
"You were saying?"

>"Regardless, my proposal is this, Boddicker: there happens to be a camp belonging to a certain cadre of reactionaries off the coast. Now, the Vanguards go over I'm sure you'll just get ums and ers and nothing actionable, but I happen to have a plan and a quarter-ton of ex..."

Boddicker rushes you. She claps one hand over your mouth and firmly squeezes your testicles with the other. Her eyes are wide. She practically hisses at you.

Jorn raises her fists but Richter stays her. Not yet. Just be ready.

Boddicker moves her lower hand away.
"You out of your mind? That sort of ordinance is the kind of thing we have to keep track of! If someone burns down a forest or fucks with nature or looks like they're going to. That's the sort of shit I have to report. Don't you ever take away my deniability."

Boddicker removes her other hand and steps back
"You got big plans? Great. Good luck. If it involves large amounts of you-know-what that could in anyway upset nature, or law-abiding folks in the GTU cities do not fucking tell me. It's my job to know! If later on some motherfucker who can tell if I'm lying asks "Boddicker, did you know this would happen?" I need to be able to say "No, I did not know.""

Jorn steps forward angrily, fist still clenched.
"Just shake your head. Spell don't work if you do that."

Boddicker gives her a look
"Right. That won't make them suspicious."

Richter steps forward
"We are doing a good thing. You don't want to be part of it?"

Boddicker holds up her hands
"Not in the capacity you're thinking. You guys are outliers. I still have a line to walk."
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sorry for borking the text. Hope it's still readable.
Fair enough. Can't fault your reasoning. You can do good from where you currently are, but in order to do that you need to make sure you stay there in the future too.

Everton then? No love lost between you two it seems.
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Boddicker looks even angrier.

"What ABOUT her? I'm sure she'll help you track down and kill anyone you need her to. She believes in nothing except money. She killed her own DAD you know."

QM: at work again, sorry
Keeping an eye out for anyone soggy or scorched is all I was going to ask, damnit. Come on, they're an existential threat same as the trolls. They're gonna do some shit at some point if they aren't killed, probably destroy a lot of land and lives in the process. You really telling me that not only are your hands tied, you also have a responsibility to tie mine?
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Boddicker takes off her glasses and sighs. Her expression softens.

"Look... You want OG cleaned up, stragglers iced? That's SOP for me. I run into OG in numbers less than fingers on one hand - they all get two to the head and a shallow grave. Lotta my boys do the same. Cause I tell them to. If you can scatter them to make that easier. That's great."

She puts her glasses back on. She actually looks pretty serious.
"But am unregistered ship that I KNOW is carrying a quarter tonne of something besides food, live stock or the healthiest of health potions? I have to report that."

She averts her gaze
"It's my job."

Boddicker perses her lips.
"What'd you have in mind. Good luck. But keep me in the dark."
Fine. I swear, try to be honest...
Check pockets to make sure Boddicker didn't nick anything while close.
Alright. We'll not mention it again.

Do you have any thoughts why Edgewater would try to attack Scadam? He seems to be feeding transmog potions to his own people at crazy rate to achieve something.
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"Fine. I swear, try to be honest..."
Boddicker smirks
"Honest people register their vehicles, citizen. Heh!"

>Check pockets to make sure Boddicker didn't nick anything while close.
Boddicker notices
"Ginger rolls with goblins but thinks the COP can't be trusted."

Richter, in a rare case of not smiling, speaks up.
"Thus far she has demonstrated more integrity."

Boddicker's eyes go wide with their usual indignity and her face contorts through a rapid fire collection of false starts. She just sneers.
"Peu importe"

>"Do you have any thoughts why Edgewater would try to attack Scadam? He seems to be feeding transmog potions to his own people at crazy rate to achieve something."

Boddicker actually looks quite thoughtful. She holds her chin.
"Actually, no. Up to this point he's demonstrated a fair amount of prudence. He made sure to not have all of his resources in one place. Focused on setting up a base, building resources.."

Boddicker folds her arms and looks at you, neutrally
"Best as I can figure he thought the town would be an easy target that he could soften up and take over again. But if he heard that then he was given intentionally bad info."

A passing goblin takes the cigarette out of its mouth for a moment and *click-clicks* at Boddicker.

Boddicker just frowns.
"Keep walking green stuff."
>But if he heard that then he was given intentionally bad info.
Someone undermining Edgewater from the inside? I suppose that's possible. It would be a big risk to take though if the boss finds out.
Lowering voice for this next one: "We encountered a search party sent by him to recover hidden cache near Kretch. It's a long shot, but could this attack been an chance at such an cache instead of taking the town?"
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>"Someone undermining Edgewater from the inside? I suppose that's possible. It would be a big risk to take though if the boss finds out."

Richter thinks
"Perhaps it was not even a member of his gang. It may have just been from a source he feels is credible. A different group of bandits or opportunists. Getting Edgewater to send troops into a situation that is guaranteed to weaken his position would create opportunities for a smaller gang to take his place. That's always how it goes."

Boddicker is impressed with Richter but doesn't want to show it.
"Ain't that the truth."

>"We encountered a search party sent by him to recover hidden cache near Kretch. It's a long shot, but could this attack been a chance at such a cache instead of taking the town?"

Jorn snaps out of some sort of thought trance she was in
"That IS super possible. He planted at least 4 stashes. I imagine he's got the forth one at this point. Probably in the forest. But I can't totally imagine him leaving one hidden in Scadam somewhere."
>A different group of bandits or opportunists
Group who are all about contracts and reputation maybe? Who'd doubt their word after all.

>But I can't totally imagine him leaving one hidden in Scadam somewhere
Without any other clues at hand I can only think of one place such a cache could possibly be if there is one. The layout of the town has changed, new buildings built and old ones repaired. Edgewater would want his stash be somewhere he knew people won't go looking in by accident.
On a completely unrelated note ask Jorn where in town I could dispose of some trash that are cluttering my pockets.
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>Group who are all about contracts and reputation maybe? Who'd doubt their word after all.

Jorn looks up and makes a 'hoh' noise.
" Oh right. The goblins! Oh man, can you imagine? You just dress up a couple of your best spies as low-ranking bandit goblins and get them to talk loudly about how Scadam is easy pickings. Some gopniks hear it - tell their boss and then wham! Rams to the slaughter. The loot goes back to your den and your guards in Scadam earn their pay."

Jorn steeples her fingers.
"Definitely makes sense from their point of view."

>ask Jorn where in town I could dispose of some trash that are cluttering my pockets.

Jorn places her hands on her hips and shifts her weight from foot to foot.
"I guess the green slime pit would be the way to go. What'd you have in mind?"
>What'd you have in mind?
We didn't get a good look at it last time we were here. Maybe we'll visit again.

Bid Boddicker farewell unless someone has anything else to ask her, then visit the Tobacconist? Maybe we'll catch Mike there?
>Boddicker notices
>"Ginger rolls with goblins but thinks the COP can't be trusted."
Heh, good. I didn't actually think she took anything, but the gesture served it's purpose of being a slight against her honor.

>The loot goes back to your den and your guards in Scadam earn their pay.
"Hm. Well, so long as they don't make a habit of deliberately baiting attacks, I guess it's fine. Edgewater was probably going to hit this town again eventually anyways; he seems to hold grudges."
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>"We didn't get a good look at it last time we were here. Maybe we'll visit again."

They both nod.

You part ways with Boddicker.
"Smell you later."

Jorn angrily looks over her shoulder
"Not for free you won't!"

You walk past Everton who is lazing in the grass closer to town, she opens her one eye then quickly stands up and smooths her outfit.

"I'm up then."

Jorn turns to her.

"Ms Everton. If you were summoned outside of combat, how long would your services last?"

Everton thinks.
"Gee, I dunno. Don't really come up much."

" 30 rounds of ammo??

Everton shrugs
"I 'spose."

Jorn smiles and you both keep walking.
"From what I understand, the town used the slime to dispose their trash. Edgewater had other uses for it, didn't he? Besides him most didn't have a reason to go near it?"
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Jorn thinks.
"He got rid of bodies or punished his own troops with it sometimes. He's get his lackies to dispose of food scraps with it."

She smiles
"I was there quite a lot though. It's where lettuce would sleep during the day!"
Oh. So he didn't hide treasure down there?
If Jorn hang around it with Lettuce, then I suppose it can't be the place, yeah. For Edgewater it would have been a great place to hide stuff if we think about it.
Others would avoid the slime, but Edgewater being a tough troll would not be threatened by it much.
If there was a stash in town it would have to be hidden in a permanent fixture and again no one would bother the slime in its pit even to drive it away since it is useful as garbage disposal.
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Jorn thinks
"I don't think he would? It's really hard to get anything out of there once it's in. And if it was folding money -not that I know what it was- in a briefcase then in enough time the slime would consume it. Unless it's hidden somewhere on the way down? But then it could be dislodged when you chick someone down there. Hmmmm."
Keep in mind, he did have a room full of treasure with a bunch of decoy explosive-trapped chests here. Why would he hide 2 stashes in the same town? The first would only be unavailable if the town was liberated.
True again. Two stashes would seem excessive. It would be a daring double bluff to have two, benefit being no one would look for a second stash.
I feel Edgewaters biggest concern wasn't that the town would be freed. After all, he had a strong bandit force garrisoned and hostages on top of that to keep the cops away. If I were him my concern would b someone stealing the loot, either a disgruntled minion like we saw with Chimken, or a rival gang hitting the place while he was away.
Slime would dissolve the stash over time, but if he only used it while he was away it would remain intact and he could come back to it if something happened to the main one. Him being a on a clock would explain why he chanced an attack on the town, especially if he thought the defenses were lacking.

I admit it's pure speculation based on perception of Edgewater. Most likely the stash isn't here like you've said. We can table this now and tour the town some more instead if we want.
No harm looking in the well. Can Jorn summon a light?
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You wander to the west side of town to the two wells. You peer into the slime well, but can't really see the bottom.

Richter steps forward

"I will search the well. The climb will be easy for me, up and down."

Jorn grabs her hand without thinking
"What about the slime at the bottom?"

Richter doesn't wrest from her grasp but smiles back reassuringly
"I have enough mana to be invulnerable for 15 seconds. That's enough time to search the slime filled areas. It won't so much as leave a blemish."

Jorn looks nervous and contact juggles a ball of light into existence that hovers by Richter
"At least take my light with you."

Richter nods and lowers herself into the well.

>a. What was with your question for Shweps?
>b. You two are acting up. Remember whose in charge here.
>c. You're underestimating a muscle wizard
>d. She'll be fine. Don't worry.
>e. You got any memories of other stashes? Anything at all?
>g. You two seem like youre getting along fast. [30%]
Rolled 93 (1d100)

>>d. She'll be fine. Don't worry
>>g. You two seem like youre getting along fast. [30%]
Rolled 69 (1d100)

>>g. You two seem like you're getting along fast. [30%]
>h. We found one of Edgewaters caches in Kiani Forest, one near Kretch. When you said you'd guess he got another one in forest I guessed that must've been Kerdil forest where he is currently. How many stashes does that leave remaining by your account?
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>She'll be fine. Don't worry.

Jorn folds her arms close to her and does a small smile
"I feel like I'm always gonna at this point. I dunno."

>You two seem like you're getting along fast. [93%]
Jorn draws a circle in the dirt with her feet.
"Think so? Maybe."

>"We found one of Edgewaters caches in Kiani Forest, one near Kretch. When you said you'd guess he got another one in forest I guessed that must've been Kerdil forest where he is currently. How many stashes does that leave remaining by your account?"

Jorn counts in her head
"Still leaves one. He said he was gonna 'leave a surprise' in the town hall - which I guess was the explosives. But he didn't regard that as a stash I don't think."
Peer in to the well, but not too closely as to block it in case Richter is coming back up.
>a. What was with your question for Shweps?
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You peer into the well, about you can see a faint glint. Richter is humming to herself and it sounds a little eerie bouncing up the stone walls. Still leaning, you ask over your shoulder.
>What was with your question for Shweps?

Jorn seems puzzled at first.
"Eh? oh!"

Jorn comes up behind you and talks into your ear, quietly. She presses into you back a little.
"I was just thinking: Highball, Mike and Hakarl are doing their operation first, right? All the disabling and laying down sticks and charges, replacing their fight water with mogspit, soaking their fire blankets...that sort of thing. Then they come back. Like, no one sees them"

She leans in a little more and speaks quieter
"Then, more conspicuously, like an hour later we make the supposed drop of product, right? Whoever does it. The rigged boxes of explosives plus some more of our own. We put a lantern on our boat if they like. We've agreed no one is around for our drop. Neither party sees the other."

Jorn gets a conspiratorial smile
"So what I'm getting at is between everything being rigged. Then the drop. THEN them picking it up. Mike should be back aboard the ship no matter what. Now what if we had Mike AND Shweps both on the deck of the ship when the fireworks start. If there's suddenly birds taking off or larger boats trying to escape, between the two of them that's dozens of shots - powerful ones- that shouldn't miss. I could even be on deck to spot what's a bird and what's a fool DISGUISED as bird. We can't cover the whole island, but it will whittle potential survivors down to pocket change, no?"

Make d100 roll please difficulty to beat 50.
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By all means post your next reply at the same time.
Oh, I like that idea Jorn, I like that idea a lot. You're good at this.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

woops, typo'd the dice option.
That's not a bad plan at all. If we see Mike he can tell us if anything needs prepared for it for his part, but I think it could work really well.

Hey, that's a nice roll!
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You turn to Jorn smartly as you both straighten up.

You get a wry smile. Very cool.
>"Oh, I like that idea Jorn, I like that idea a lot. You're good at this."

Jorn beams and scratches her head
"Ah...that happens sometimes. I'm just glad I got a better boss now. heh."

>"Mike he can tell us if anything needs prepared for it for his part, but I think it could work really well."

Richter emerges from the well. She exhales a little.

"I feel much of this town is relevant to his interests between the fresh fruit, good food, ammunition and the tobacconist. But it is the latter so far that is wholly unique to this town. SO perhaps that is where we should start. Although the grocer is closer."

"Grocer is closer." Jorn repeats, apparently finding it funny.

Richter turns to you.
"There is absolutely no treasure down there."

A twisted iron elbow pad, severely marred by corrosion falls from her grasp.

"Even by the most charitable of definitions."
Ah well, worth a shot. Thanks for looking, Richter.

To the tobacconist, then?
Hey, then it wasn't a complete bust.
Tobacconist sounds good for me.
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You cross town over to 'SCRAMBLED MEG's'

Sure enough, MIKE and also BURSTOCK are there. Mike seems to really like this store.

Jorn takes in the store.
"This store's neat, huh? Probably nothing for me here."

Richter nods
"Even with healing potions and vitamagi, it is not worth the diminishment to one's cardio."

Jorn scratches her head.
"I just found that stuff didn't taste as good...nothing against it. But it ain't for me."

"I feel you."

The proprietor, presumably SCRAMBLED MEG herself gives you a dreamy wave.
Say hi to Mike and Burstock, peruse the merchandise.
Ask Meg if she can recommend blends with combat buffs or is her selection made purely from recreational stuff? Her place seems really well stocked.
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You say Hi to Mike and Burstock they say Hi back.

Meg exclaims

You ask about available prodicts with an actual buff. She hands you a rough looking list.


QM: This is my way of saying I gotta head to work and I will post the list a little later.
>I will post the list a little later
Looking forward to it. I'm curious to see what we can get.
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This is what I got so far. Unless listed, each smoke last 1 hour. You can't get the benefits and then heal the debuffs cause that's incredibly lame.
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A few more.

I should clarify, Sniff only lasts 15 minutes. Outwardly at least.
Why'd I post sideways
Smartphone cameras store image rotation as metadata, 4chan strips image metadata to avoid people autodoxxing themselves. The solution is to open it in an image editor that ignores metadata and save over it.

Are Casters permanent, or temporary? Also is there any addiction mechanic?
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Casters last an hour. There is no addiction mechanic in place at this stage. You'd have to really abuse something.
Well, personally I don't see much of interest. Extra damage or bonus to initiative would be nice, but Grink already does those with less severe downsides.
Lucky Rolls might be good, but we'd have to know ahead of time when to use it, and the health debuff means it's not super good for combat... plus, again, we already have lucky socks.

I'd like to politely excuse self, and speak to Mike.
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As you move away from the counter. Meg strokes the skvader next to her and lowers her head to kiss it a little.
"Since he's dropping in on you sometimes anyways, the snuff is just there in case you wanna decide when you talk. With the antlers, I mean. Your friend with the antlers. Your enemy with the antlers you can talk to whenever you like. You just have to find them. But your friend? He's everywhere. But you know that."
Meg rests her head in her hand and giggles.

Mike and Burstock wrap up their conversation as you approach Mike turns to you and nods.
"Hey Joonda. Pretty neat town, huh?"

>a. What were you two talking about?
>b. How's the training going?
>c. What's the chances of you guys looting some enemy tech during your mission?
>d. You do any gambling or whatever?
>e. What do you think of Karl?
>f. What do you think of Highball?
>g. Do you need any kind of special ammo?
>h. Jorn had an idea...
>i. Do you have any idea what that chick is talking about?
Some of these just don't have a downside and some decent out of combat applications.
I also agree Lucky Rolls is good and having some at hand just in case might be prudent thing to have.
Our Lucky Socks already allow us to reroll as you said, but if we end up in an extended challenge having extra rolls would not be bad.

I'd also like to ask CF how the extra damage buffs interact with Hell's Heart? Does the damage from say Cougin Nails get added after HH or before?
Cools gives us bonus to resist someone else trying to seduce us, if I read it right?
Alright that's a pretty good sales pitch for Snuff. Might check that out after we speak with Mike.
>b. How's the training going?
>a. What were you two talking about?
>>a. What were you two talking about?
>>c. What's the chances of you guys looting some enemy tech during your mission?
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>" What were you two talking about?"

Mike turns to Burstock.
"Oh we were just clearing something up. You know how we're...you know.."

Richter shakes her head
Jorn thinks a moment and turns to you.
"Oh, they fuckin'?"
"OH THEY *FUCKIN!*" Meg almost interrupts
Richter blushes.

Mike looks back to you
"Right so... Volly and I were both worried the OTHER would think out hooking up was some sort of exclusive deal. But like, neither of us are really there. I 've been on the road for over a decade, and don't really settle down - not yet, anyway and I mean Burstocks going to outlive ALL of us, most likely so...uh.."

Mike glances at Burstock worried he spoke out of turn but she pats him on the shoulder reassuringly.
"Yeah, it occurred to her cause she fucked that one goblin until the room stank."

Burstock smiles
"I was on a mission. WAS fun though."

Mike smiles back at her as she bumps against him a little.
"It's good to get it cleared up. I don't self identify as a thot, but you know me: I like to try new things if they're an option. Until then - it's good to have a buddy."

Burstock does a dangerous shrug
"And who knows..?"
"Who knows."

Those two are odd. But it works.

>"How's the training going?"

Mike folds his arms
"Strength to strength, man. We could roll TONIGHT if we had to."

>"What's the chances of you guys looting some enemy tech during your mission?"
Mike's usual scowl returns. You fortunately know he's not actually mad. He just looks like that.

"Hmmm. You like the sound of one of those tripod mounted guns, huh? I feel that. I feel that. It's a fair bit of haulage for the run back. We haven't factored it in, but...if you wanna try: we will do it. Basically, it means there will be three dice rolls, with a difficulty to beat. Each failure will mean something went wrong, but as long as ONE passes we will get that tech back to the ship. If all 3 fail then we won't get the tech, either. But don't worry - even if all 3 fail, none of us are going to die. You've given us so much time to train that the mission will go off without a hitch in that regard. It's up to you."

>I'd also like to ask CF how the extra damage buffs interact with Hell's Heart? Does the damage from say Cougin Nails get added after HH or before?

Before, I guess! That's how it works if you cast it on Jorn's attacks. Also it's meant to be 'Coughin' Nails' My handwriting does kinda bring out the worse of my dyslexia.

>Cools gives us bonus to resist someone else trying to seduce us, if I read it right?
Actual seduction rolls only come from supernatural creatures. Actually falling for someone will always be up to the player. These smokes will just help you not bar up when you get titty squished by Richter. Theyre of questionable in game use but I thought I should include Karl's brand in game.
Forgot my trip. But it's me.
>It's up to you.
Failing all three rolls, especially if we have rerolls using socks and/or smokes is very unlikely.
I'd say it would be worth the risk since we already have a buyer lined up too. Surely Gomersal would be interested.
Should we give a go ahead, what do we think?

Not to heap more plans on top of plans, Mike, but...
>h. Jorn had an idea...
>Burstocks going to outlive ALL of us, most likely
Well that's a bit of a downer.

>You like the sound of one of those tripod mounted guns, huh?
"Well I've never heard one shooting, but I imagine it's quite something."

"You know what, yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could try and grab one."

Do we want to pick up some Lucky Rolls just to cinch the guarantee?

>h. Jorn had an idea...
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>Well that's a bit of a downer.
Burstock does a serene smile.
"Gotta live in the present."

>"Well I've never heard one shooting, but I imagine it's quite something."
Jorn begins to laugh so hard that she has to cover her mouth. She moves to another part of the store so as to not be so loud but you can hear her slapping the ground.

>"You know what, yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could try and grab one."

Mike does a small smile
"Then we'll try, man."

>Jorn had an idea..

Mike listens looking up, thoughtfully.
"Yep. I am absolutely down. Sounds kinda like fun, honestly. Hate to shoot that many ACTUAL eagles."
>Yep. I am absolutely down.
Neat. I suppose we are ready for the most part.

>g. Do you need any kind of special ammo?
I heard from Stukka the local goblins are doing research for experimental ammo, but nothing concrete yet.

>j. Ask Mike what he thinks of the Coughin' Nails blend? I can't imagine him needing it himself, but what about us if we are looking to do more with our gunslinging.

>j-2. Ask Burstock how'd things go with the doctor? Was she familiar with Dr. Whitewater?
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>"I heard from Stukka the local goblins are doing research for experimental ammo, but nothing concrete yet."

Burstock strokes her chin.
"Best as I can tell, it's literally just Burdock. But she's busy. She's an average fighter but a brilliant scientist. She's on the cusp of a few things. Or she thinks she is. The tech she already has is quite impressive."

Mike cocks a brow

Burstock winks at him
"I may have exaggerated how much that sort of thing gets me wet."

Mike smirks.

> Ask Mike what he thinks of the Coughin' Nails blend

Mike sucks his teeth and shakes his head.
"I'm not much for the tabs. Those pre-rolls always have other things in them to make sure they burn faster or slower or whatever. It's a bit funky. I like to buy a bit of this and a bit of that and generally mix and smoke my own blends. It means I don't get huge effects either way for the most part but there's a purity to it. I like the smell of Nails, though. It's kinda cherry-ish. If someone offered me one socially, I'd take it."

>Ask Burstock how'd things go with the doctor? Was she familiar with Dr. Whitewater?
Burstock smiles and touches her toes.
"Never met her before, no. But she has a pain I could feel across town. I don't think things will be as bad as she says but...I dunno. The world is changing. The good news is she has been given a physical overhaul. Fixed up her knees, lungs, heart - the works. Bit of sleep and she'll be a bit better for sure."

Jorn rejoins the group
"Wait, is 'Burdock' The Wildrider's real name? She just told you?"

Burstock shrugs
"Well no. But I pleaded with her."

Burstock leans close to Jorn and smacks her lips a little
"I told her I needed to know what to scream."
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keep forgetting my trip, sorry. Only use it for this board.
Speaking of wildridrer.
>d. You do any gambling or whatever?
We've seen Mike play pool, but does he play other games?
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>You do any gambling or whatever?

Mike shrugs.
"Nah. I don't really put money on chance. I'll bet on something if there's data involved. Like sport or something. But even then, I place bets on something I can alter directly. Put simply I bet on myself."

Jorn affects a tough voice
"Always bet on Mike."

Mike rocks on his heels.
"Little bit."
Are you sure you didn't mean Bardock there, Centre?
Alright, lets buy some smokes.
I'm thinking
-Pack of 20 Lucky Rolls
-Pack of 20 Coughing Nails
-Three doses of Snuff
-Two Stogies
For total 200G if I understood correctly.

I'm thinking Coughing Nails might be a good investment for purpose of HH HAMMERTIME.
All six shots hitting home nets neat 180 extra damage, which 60% damage increase on normal rounds.
Even with worse returns when loading special ammo like DWARFSTOPPERS when the damage is already high, 180 is still 15% more damage.
Stogie is just for looking cool. And I guess you can use it as a signaling device or something.
I would rather not buy the stogies, but the rest is fine.
Alright. We'll drop the Stogies.
In their stead enquire about extracts that increase potency. This one goes out to you >>6005685.
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You walk up the counter, and Meg beams at you.

"There we go! Fliptop Box! Fl-fl-fl-fliptop box!"

She holds up the three vials of snuff.
"Gotta keep this stuff in, yeah. Super easy to cough and snort out. Just for you and your other friends who wanna talk to big man with the antlers. No good for knocking people out. Too easy to shift. MMhmhm."

All the products fit in your POCKETS so you don't have to get them from your BACKPACK first. The cigarettes come in a box that is both interesting and practical.

You forgo the stogies
Meg nods
"That stuff is more popular with the necks. Looks good under their death mantle."

>enquire about extracts that increase potency.
Meg laughs into her hands
"Wanna ride or night like a goblin shiek, huuuh? I gotta little something for that. Hot to trot and good to go for hours. You'll produce a fifth of the stuff. Baboom baboom baboom. You won't get tired till it wears off. Watch it though. If you got anything for anyone - even a little...well, you'll notice them too. This shit'll make you feral. Get the green goblin goblin your greens till you shoot web in their face. It make you wanna climb mount muscle jump off into space and try to fuck every hole in the moon. You're on that pon-far, solid snake shit. This shit means nothing to me, man."
Meg is weird but I like her.
"Huh. What's it made of?"
>It make you wanna climb mount muscle jump off into space and try to fuck every hole in the moon
Aight. How much will you charge for it?
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>"Huh. What's it made of?"
Meg grins
She waves her hands
"For actuals though it's concentrated from the good shit giving willingly by the rot dryad. Just their name. Also they stink. Their juice and fruit and a bit of this and that can get you hooked, get you clean or get you off. All about the ratios. I got it all. Hoo hoo. Ha hoo. It's all natural. Dryad gives it willingly. We cool here. Noen of that new business model shit here. Gotta work WITH nature. Why do those holes keep opening? It's cause the gods are pissed. They gave us shit that works and we think we know better. Dancing with the devil and stepping on his feet the whole time. You dumb son of a bitch."

You feel, accurately, that Meg often talks at people not to them.

>Aight. How much will you charge for it?
Meg shimmies
"Fingers and penises from 5 dudes."
Jorn winces.

Meg slaps the counter and points
"YES! That many."
Meg becomes fascinated with her own hands
"I mean, they call 'em fingers. But I never seen them fing."
Jorn was meant to say "55"

She's good at maths

It's me whose bad.
>Gotta work WITH nature.
Haah... red as Joey's hands may be, I like to think we've got better discernment than the seas and beasts.

"Remarkably good-for-value as that is, I think I'll demure. It loses something if my faculties are altered at the time."
I say we take a vial. Save it for when we've finally made big time with HB. I trust Megs endorsment.
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Okey dokey. Just gonna need a tie breaker.
I'll vote for declining. Sounds like something we can buy after the big job, not before.
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For the mean time you decide not to buy the Fever Syrup. That works.

It's up to you what you do next.
How long do we have until the mission? Is there anything critical we have left to do, or is it just chatting and shopping until we pull the trigger? I last read the quest over a year ago sorry
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The mission can happen whenever you like, but it has to be night time. It could be later this same day if you want, although that would probably mark the end of the session.

We can do a thing where you do whatever you want here, or I guess in other towns then end the session and the next one will start with the mission already in action.

Not much for you to do during the mission after all.

But whatever happens, we'll need some consensus.

And don't sweat it being over a year since you read the thread, anon. It's been over a year since there has BEEN a thread.

A mistake I don't plan to repeat.
"Hm. Tell me, Meg: what kind of guy is this moose? Grel, Human, Elf, Ork?"

I'd be down with sending them off tonight, if they're ready. Got a schedule to keep, and once Mike and Everton finish their shoot-off we can go punch Edgewater's ticket!
Last thread we were going to go grind at the Crags while letting them prepare, but if they are ready I suppose we can go ahead tonight.
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>"Hm. Tell me, Meg: what kind of guy is this moose? Grel, Human, Elf, Ork?"

Meg put her thumbs on her head and spreads her fingers.
"He's a moose! A bull moose. You can't see him? That's a bummer. What would you do if you found him, though?"
Ah well, I kind of figured. Smoke-induced mystic visions aren't known for being sources of actionable intel.

>What would you do if you found him, though?
"Oh, y'know, catch up, shoot the shit."
Only one I can think of who we tried to tell the whole plan to was Odette and she shut us up way before we went in to detail. Besides we've had Jorn with us and she would have noticed if someone near us had transmogged.

Still I wouldn't mind nipping this loose end in the bud one way or the other.
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>""Oh, y'know, catch up, shoot the shit."

Meg puts two drops of a sweet smelling liquid on her tongue.
"Boy howdy, that'd be smart. You act like somethings up he'll report back on principle. Tell his higher ups you jacked his stupid fucking suicide juice and put them on double duty. FUCK! That would be worse. Maybe you don't gotta see him? Maybe you have. Doesn't matter. When you tear that island a new beef trough, he'll have to sit back and watch. Fuck boy won't be able to do shit. It's only one loose end. Dumb son of a bitch only has a gun and some sweat pants anyways. I have that minus the sweat pants and the gun. I don't need either."
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QM: Jorn can tell if an animal is actually a transmogged person. But if they're in ternion form, she can't tell you anything.
I suppose that's true. If we act like nothings wrong all he can do is sit on his hands and do nothing.

"Hey I don't suppose you might have a guess where a troll would have his fourth and last rainy day stash?"

That is good to know for the future.
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>"Hey I don't suppose you might have a guess where a troll would have his fourth and last rainy day stash?"

Meg picks up the Skvader off her counter and talks into it like a mutterbottle.

"Won't matter if it's raining. Raid your back pack or find someone whose already dead. He could get to it easy."
>Kassut running shoes
I have a feeling that means "concrete shoes". Won't matter if it's raining... underwater?
I was stumped myself, but yeah that sounds pretty clever. Maybe we can ask Jorn if it might jog her memory. She did mentions Edgewater acting weird that one time here >>6012376
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>"Won't matter if it's raining... underwater?"

Jorn perks up.
"Yeah! Wait..YEAH! No, that's super possible. I remember what was weird when I saw him. he had a sheen about him and was slapping the side of his head and tilting to the side. Like he was getting water out of his ears. He wasn't carrying his spear! That's not normal. Even when it's not hooked up to the generator, he kept his spear with him. Always. My "disarm" spell never worked on him cause he wears this weird harness."

Richter tilts her head.
"Trolls are resistant to so much damage. Do they not drown either?"

Jorn nods
"Takes them a long time. Grandma was born in the elven lands so she always warned me about this. Troll can lay in wait in the water for over an hour, she said."
Only big ladies that walk the seas is the Rampart. Dead don't need to breathe, but in our backpack we have three Deep Brew C's.
Would we like to have a stroll by the seaside?
Don't forget to thank Meg for the assistance.

Before we leave should we let Mike and Burstock know Moose is in town? Though I supose Mike might have already picked that up with his amazing hearing.
Alright, let's check the docks. We got time and water-breathing potions, after all.
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>Would we like to have a stroll by the seaside?

Jorn nods.
"I mean, Just north of the town is a pier. Not a bad place to fish if you're into that."

Don't forget to thank Meg for the assistance.
"Not a problem. I function of a different level."

>Before we leave should we let Mike and Burstock know Moose is in town?
Mike is already looking in your direction.
"Yeah, Nep told me and Nagakura all about that while were doing out morning jog. Some obvious spy for the OG was skulking around. It's where you got a sample of that suicide juice they use. And now they're in this town."

Mike closes his eyes and tilts his head.
"Meg said that whoever it is he now knows Nep can speak ternion and doesn't just jabber in goblin - like she pretended to. So, it has to be someone at least SHE has spoken to. But that covers a lot of people. We can eliminate gobs and mogs, so there's that..."

Mike claps his hands together.
"Okay, Joonda. While you guys are diving for treasure did you want us to spook around town? Between a hunter, a thief, a hawkshaw and master empath we'll have this guy zeroed in on in no time."

Burstock smirks
"Then what though? "

Mike shrugs
"We don't HAVE to do anything. We just know who to avoid."

Jorn winces and tilts her head
"Kind of a liability though. If they live here...and talk to Stukka?"

Mike looks skyward
"I admit it'd feel weird getting someone out of the picture before they've technically done anything..."

Burstock shifts her weight to the other foot.
"That 'not throwing the first punch, minding their own business' shtick is what they use to get as far as they do. Dude was still absolutely spying and ready to fight and die for the OG."

Jorn folds her arms
"We could get Everton or Karl's buddy to do it. That's a *little* different. And removes direct connection to us."

Mike turns to you.
"This is why we have a leader. What's your two gold on this, bud?"
"Personally? I feel a died-in-the-wool OG is a little different from any other rando. Whoever they are, they're an ideologically motivated existential threat, not some idiot who thought he could get ahead by doing some dirty work. And since they're a spy, the sanctity of the white flag doesn't apply. I don't think we could trust a surrender even if he offered one. I feel kind of messed up for saying it, but I think killing them is for the best."
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"Personally? I feel a died-in-the-wool OG is a little different from any other rando. Whoever they are, they're an ideologically motivated existential threat, not some idiot who thought he could get ahead by doing some dirty work. And since they're a spy, the sanctity of the white flag doesn't apply. I don't think we could trust a surrender even if he offered one. I feel kind of messed up for saying it, but I think killing them is for the best."

Burstock thinks
"It sounds rough, but...yeah. Even if Stukka and him don't talk. He might sneak into her shop. Or notice the porters going to our ship and ask around. Then our whole explosive plan is one skvader message or recon report from being utterly tooted."

Richter realises this too.
"For all their words...that is exactly what they would be in this town for. If they noticed Ms Nepermuk...they will look for other things."

Jorn holds up her hands
"If we don't they might come after us before we can get them. Our ship can't take a hit with its current cargo. It's rough but we gotta ice this dude. He'd do it to us."

Mike nods.
"Nope. I hear you. How do we go about this though?"

>a. Quietly. Just leave him in a backroom or get him at home.
>b. Failed robbery.
>c. Hire Everton. She can blast him from outside of town. Here's 500 gold.
>d. Hire Karls friend. Apparently they'd do anything for him. We need them disappeared.
"Try to do it quietly, then dump them in the well with the slime. May as well make it useful."
>>6017320 +1
Yeah. I don't like it that we use the slime to vanish someone, but it is our best option.
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>"Try to do it quietly, then dump them in the well with the slime. May as well make it useful."

Mike nods.
"We won't leave so much as drop of blood. I'm more of a hunter, but I can definitely take point. I think your number one has this. Apparently she used to do a bit of this sort of thing back in the day."

Richter turns to you
"Boy. If you wish to rearrange the parties at any point for your underwater adventure, I understand also. I am capable of turning invisible and, once directed to the spy will be able to painlessly snap their neck also."

Jorn pats Richter's arm
"Someone's gonna need to wait on the dock with all out gear while we take a dip to find the goods. Might as well be you. Can't see anyone messing with you."
Jorn smiles up at Richter
"And...I think the guys have it well at hand. As much as we're all on the same page, you shouldn't have to ice an unworthy, uncombative opponent unless you absolutely have to. Right?"

Richter smiles
"Just so. I would have to re-commit myself to the iron in subsequent days... but I can do this. it is an option."

Burstock shrugs
"I could walk through the wall and just drift him down, also. Like going to sleep"

Mike does a small laugh
"We raising hands to do this?"

Burstock scratches her head
"Kinda? I'm confident about my moral balance and I'm well past my patience with the OG or any ideas of the empire. I'm just saying I don't mind."

Mike puts his hands on his hips
"No doubt but we still gotta find em first."
>"No doubt but we still gotta find em first."
Clothes they had when hoofing it was a black gopnik outfit and two loafers (one set?).
His only lunch was processed chicken, which is either his preference or all that he had available to bring with him in the wild.
His weapon of choice is a four barrel turnover pistol.
Some of the Moose scent might still be stuck on his belongings unless he recently washed them, then his lack of scent might be a clue.
Not sure what else we can use to ID him with.
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Mike claps a hand on your shoulder.

"More than enough. I'll ask the right questions. We'll spook around. Search bins and lockers. We'll find your guy. Inshallagar they'll be out of the picture by dusk. They'll never see it coming and no one in town will know or even suspect us. Promise."
"Thanks Mike. I appreciate it."

Let's bid farewell for now.
We have an ocean trip to make.
How goo at swimming is Joey?
If he's a resident, I'd hate to disappear him without letting Jim know at least. And I'm sure the Tanqueray would take it as a slight on their ability as security if this wasn't sanctioned in any way.

wait, you can make it look like he just died in his sleep without anyone (except another Vitamagus, but not a doctor) being able to tell? Whitewater might end up feeling guilty sleeping through it, tho.
>without anyone (except another Vitamagus, but not a doctor) being able to tell?
Meg would know, one way or the other. Either she'll do her thing or just remember us talking about him. And, just for the record, I'm against icing Meg.
The more we warn people in advance, the more likely it is the spy catches wind of it plus there's no chance Jim would sanction dropping a resident no matter who it is. I think we're gonna have to go over his head with this one and just firm the moral burden.

For my money, this seems like a job for HB. Happy to defer to the team at large if a better opportunity for someone else to get it done comes up, but it very much seems like her wheelhouse.
>Thanks, bud.
Ocean time.
"Sorry to ask this of you, guys, but I appreciate it. Spies are legitimate targets."
Let's go see what's under the sea.
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QM: Joey swims alright he's just gonna have to leave his gear on dry land. So any resistance encountered (not that there will necessarily be any) will have to be fought only with magic.
and our only damaging spell is Blast, which might not quite work underwater. I wonder if we may have to hit the snuff already if we wanna be able to fight down there.
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Eh, what's the worst we'll encounter?
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Blast will work fine underwater.

You won't even definitely encounter something. I'm having to draw a few new sprites as is. My laziness is on your side, here.
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You wander to the North of town past the town hall. Jorn loosens her tie and takes the clasp out of her hair as you walk.

"This is just gonna be a series of dice rolls. We either swim out then swim back or.."
Jorn steps out of her shoes and picks them up.
"I can walk on water as a spell. If you let me carry you I can walk us both out pretty far then we only uses energy swimming back"

Richter holds out her hands for Jorn's clothes. Jorn hands them over and nods in thanks.

"It'll cost me a little mana to do that, but I'll bounce back in no time and it will mean less rolls we have to do."

Jorn folds the last of her clothes and gives them to Richter. She does a few stretches.
"We won't be able to talk while we're down there and we won't have any gear but there's not much trouble in these waters. Most likely there won't be anything to worry about."

>a. One more thing...
>b. Aight, let's do this.
>a. One more thing...
Might it be worth tying a rope to one or both of us so Richter can haul us out in case of emergency? If we have a rope, that is. If not, we might as well go ahead.
>>b. Aight, let's do this.
>a. One more thing
I suppose we should strip down too before we go.
"Jorn, keep doing those stretches, you don't want to get cramps."
>b. Aight, let's do this.
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You remove your own gear. Shame about the stat bonuses, but this should be fine. You're in better shape than the last time you swam. Was that high school? Probably.

You do have rope, but not nearly enough to be useful.

You turn to Jorn
>"Jorn, keep doing those stretches, you don't want to get cramps."

Jorn nods and touches her toes.

Richter vacillates over something for some time then steps forward.

"D- Don't stretch the wrong things too much, though...and be sure to stretch afterwards also."

Jorn gives her the thumbs up.
"Right! I heard about that."


QM: Gonna need some d10s from people one at a time but up to 5
Rolled 4 (1d10)

In to the depths
Rolled 10 (1d10)

alright then
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

We did drink the Deep Brew C's right? Just making sure.
QM: I'm gonna say yeah, don't worry.
Is this roll over or under?
Rolled 7 (1d10)

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Higher is better. I will update once I'm home.
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You and Jorn drink the DEEP BREW C. It's odd but not bad. Like a basedbean broth with a hint of onion. Not refreshing, but not gross. You ease into the water and dive down to begin swimming.

Jorn is a stronger swimmer, but you stay together alright.

There's some rocks and kelp but nothing has been disturbed, that much is clear.

You swim further out and down.

5 more rolls please.
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

Don't be distracted by the admittedly pleasant view. Gotta Focus.
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Rolled 41 (1d100)


A hideous roar, amplified and distorted by the depths rattles around you both. A small HIPPOCAMPUS charges towards you.

Roll for initiative.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Well, only got the one move down here.
HHBlast 'em.
+1 for HHBlast.
Down here we really can't fuck around.
Sadly looks like Hippocampus gets to go first.
I really dig the monster design. Feels fresh.
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The HIPPOCAMPUS swims over and bites you.
OW! It sucks not having armour.

You hit it with a VERY potent HELLS HEART BLAST that shreds into strings of blackened nothing, Dragonball style.

You may keep swimming.

A few more d6s please.
Rolled 5 (1d6)

d6 coming up.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

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You head back toward the jetty a little, checking the ocean floor you missed last time. You must be getting close.

A few more rolls anon.

Jorn's body seems to represent some sort of harmony between intense MMA training and junk food. You maintain focus at this time, though!
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Here we go
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You and Jorn come across a pile of large rocks. You and Jorn manage to shift some of them but not all. This has got to be it. Some of the rocks are marked.

Jorn has claps her hands. She points to the rocks then thumbs to herself and makes the okay sign.

She indicates that you should back away.
Do as she indicates. She seems to have an idea.
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Jorn holds her hands in a diamond pattern then flicks her fingers at the pile of rocks.

There is a bassy thud as a bunch of the rocks scatter and break. More remain.

Jorn casts the spell a second time and dislodges a small iron box.

You can hear her cheer through the water.
>I really dig the monster design. Feels fresh.

QM: Super kind! I was just trying to draw some AD&D looking thing from memory though.
Hey there it is. Give Jorn a thumbs up. Grab the box.
We might have trouble swimming with it though. Perhaps we can gesture Jorn to summon a Bubble Butler or Steve's Convenient Rope Ladder to reach the surface and then have her Swan Step back to the pier.
Before we get to shore, I just wanna know something fun: does HHBlast produce any recoil underwater, and if so, how much of a boost can Joey get if he aims it opposite his direction of swimming?
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Jorn casts BUBBLE BUTLER on the box and it hovers next to her as you swim back.

You feel a surge of energy run from your shoulder to your hand when you cast BLAST but somehow once the spell is released, it doesn't kick back at all. This makes it easier to aim than your gun, you must admit.
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You arrive back at the pier and clamber aboard. Its actually pretty hard climbing up but Jorn helps you.

"Check it. Minutes to spare."

Richter has her back to you and is hunched forward but turns to face you both once Jorn speaks.

"Oh! You're back! I was worried!"

Jorn waves her hands as ethereal bubbles encircle you both, leaving you both clean and dry. It feels a bit like you're a mentas being dropped in grink for a few seconds, but then you feel great. Smells good too.

Richter hands Jorn her clothes
Jorn smiles and tilts her head curiously
"You coulda just piled them up, big girl. You didn't have to hang on to them."
Richter runs a hand through her own hair
"They looked valuable."
Jorn beams
"They are!"

Jorn dismisses the bubble and the iron box falls into her hands.

"It's got a padlock."
She puts an ear to it.
"Not ringing, sadly."
>mentas being dropped in grink

"Richter, can you muscle this open, or do we need to go get a hacksaw?"
Take an HP to ward off infection from horse bites, and get dressed.

Man, treasure-hunting's easy. Why does anyone bother with banditry?
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You get dressed and tornado chug a HEALTH POTION. Much better. Gar, why do things keep biting you on the shoulder?

>"Man, treasure-hunting's easy. Why does anyone bother with banditry?"

Richter folds her arms and lowers her head
"For many it is not the monetary gain but a sense of being directionless and feeling powerless. Instead of overcoming adversity they simply find a quarry they can manage. Banding together to pick on the more morally resolute."

Jorn ties back her hair
"Also every single person in this crew, including me is smarter than most bandits if you can believe that."

You hold up the box while Jorn buttons her waistcoat.
>""Richter, can you muscle this open, or do we need to go get a hacksaw?"

Richter gently takes the box from you and bites off the padlock, spitting it out like a cherry stone. Richter winks.

Jorn makes a small excited noise.
The box contains:

2 silver ingots
84 Gold
2 pyrite nuggets
2 Rok transmogs
2 Crow transmogs
1 Kapprosuchus transmog

Jorn holds up one of the potions and winces at it.
"These aren't Edgewater's. These are way too clean. They might actually work"

Richter muses
"Perhaps Edgewater took them from OG member he encountered."

Jorn puts it back in the box.
"He pretty much swung at everyone."
>"Also every single person in this crew, including me is smarter than most bandits if you can believe that."
You give yourself too little credit, Jorn. And yeah, I can believe it. I've met enough of them to know the bar is deeper than this box was. Did you hear about the guy, what was he... Milosh.

>"These aren't Edgewater's. These are way too clean. They might actually work"
He stashed a bunch of the things. Was he fascinated with transmogs, or did he just think they were an easy way to power up his gang?
Do we want to hand this over to Jim since there is a chance the town was attacked to get to this?
I imagine he'd let us keep most of it outside the gold and silver.
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>"Do we want to hand this over to Jim since there is a chance the town was attacked to get to this? I imagine he'd let us keep most of it outside the gold and silver."

Jorn shrugs.
"Couldn't hoit to offer I guess."

You and Jorn emit blue smoke from your mouths as you walk
"Right, so we had 6 minutes to work with. Not bad!"

>"You give yourself too little credit, Jorn."
Jorn closes her eyes and gives a worried smile
"Last time I felt sure I was doing something right and clever I kicked off a whole mess of trouble. I'm kinda good with number but I feel like a smart person is *smart* smart. Not can do your books smart. I've spent a long time saying and doing things that kinda bug people, I think."

>" I can believe it. I've met enough of them to know the bar is deeper than this box was. Did you hear about the guy, what was he... Milosh."
"Your squeeze told us all about him when we were taking having a steam together. I never met the guy. Dude sounds room temperature."

>Was he fascinated with transmogs, or did he just think they were an easy way to power up his gang?
Jorn puts her arms behind her head
"Saaa...I think he just held onto anything valuable. He was big on turning his troops into nowls so long as they were under his command. You can sorta see why. I think when you've got that sort of ambition the idea of having full transmogs is appealing too. No one notices crows, so that's good for scouting. A rok is noticeable but still part of nature and it's big enough to fly off with two people or a LOT of loot. Even livestock. That checks out."

Richter thinks
"And the kaprosuchus?"

Jorn slumps
"Man, no one want to fight those. They suck."

Richter tilts her head thoughtfully.
"Tasty though."

Jorn nods
"Right. Like on a slider."

Richter smiles
"On a skewer. Green onions and peanuts."
Alright, let's swing by Jim and see if he wants this stuff. After that, might as well hit up the grocers, see what they've got going on.
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As you head back into the main part of town, you see the sun is starting to set a bit.

Jim sees you like he's been looking for you and briskly walks over.

"My friends. I assure you we have matters at hand and I ask that you do not panic. But I have heard a rumor that one of our visitors or even one of our residents - a person considered our neighbor is in fact a mid-ranking scout with the Old Guard. I have my people on it. Once this person is found- and I have every confidence they will be. We will hold them for further questioning then, if we can find something concrete -deliver them to the Vanguards. Please be careful until then."
>swing by Jim and see if he wants this stuff

"Your donations are appreciated and accepted. I will put them to good use."


Jim takes 50 of the gold but leaves the rest.

Free talk
"Did you get anything more in the rumour then 'one of your residents is a scout', something that made you believe the rumour?"
>Jim takes 50 of the gold but leaves the rest.
We'll store the rest of Edgewaters stash in our backpack for now I suppose.
>Please be careful until then.
"Thanks for the warning. Much appreciated."

At this point I fear if we try to get involved hunting this guy, we might end up complicating things further. We might have to trust our guys to pull it off. I'm sure they've also heard the guards looking for this guy too by now.
At the same time though, Jim is right that he has to prove he can keep the town safe. If this guy just up vanishes it will be a blemish on Jim, even if a minor one.
What do we think we should do?
I too am curious how he managed to hear about it.
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>"Did you get anything more in the rumour then 'one of your residents is a scout', something that made you believe the rumour?"

Jim strokes his chin.
"Both my human and goblin guards have independently overheard chatter around town. Talk of seeing a figure sending skvader messages late at night and sneaking off into nearby woods, later emerging naked that sort of thing. It is at least suspicious. Whatever this person's reasons for doing this...we must investigate."

>"Thanks for the warning. Much appreciated."
"Of course, my friends. Be safe."
Right. Let's go to the grocer.
Unless anyone else has any good ideas what to do regarding the developing spy situation all we can do is act natural.
Oh good, Jim's fine with the guy disappearing. All's well that ends in the slime well.
Wait, why do we want to go to the grocer?
>Wait, why do we want to go to the grocer?
To check it out and meet whoever runs it presumably?
Feel free to throw down another location if there is one you'd prefer. Could go to the baths or the animal pens or go do more gambling I guess.
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You head to the grocer. It appeals to your sense of completionism.

The store is eerily quiet. The back door clatters in the wind, unlocked.

There is a great selection of fruit and vegetables though!

There is a crumpled note on the counter.
>Read note
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You walk through the store to the counter at the back. You smooth out the crumpled note. Jorn and Richter look over your shoulder. Jorn is audibly crunching on something and leaves a gold coin on the counter.

The note reads:

Templar Sergeant Hamilton,
The time has come for you to return to the bastion of sanity on lookout island. Your reports over the last six months stationed in Scadam have yielded nothing of use to us. Moreover, we feel that the new management of the town of Scadam and its overly scrupulous and efficient security detail may be on to you. Do not pack anything you must flee at once. You will be rewarded for your efforts thus far.

A place for everyone, everyone in their place.
Justicar Belanglo


The note is typed.
Well, that's a lucky find. Pocket the note, pocket our choice of favorite fruit, and mosey back to Jim to show him.
Yeah. Leave a coin behind like Jorn did.
Hm. The whole passphrase and a name. Good to know. The crew must have gotten him; he would've burnt this or taken it with him if he had the choice.
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You grab a particularly nice looking white peach and leave a coin on the counter. Richter follows suit, grabbing a coconut she pulls in half. You walk outside and before too long once again come across Jim pacing in the street. He looks at the note you hand him.

Jim's eyes go wide but then he looks resolute and calm.

"It looks like he got nowhere. So, it was Hercules Hamilton, huh? Damn."
"He was playing it pretty careful. Never so much as glared at one of our goblins. I thought the spy might have been Stukka. I'm almost ashamed I was off the mark."

Jim puts his thumbs in his suspenders.
"All the same, I'll get my boys to search his apartment. See what we can uncover if anything. I take it he's long gone."
>All the same, I'll get my boys to search his apartment. See what we can uncover if anything.
The note did say not to bother packing. You probably have hold of things as you said, but do you want us to take a look as well?

>I thought the spy might have been Stukka. I'm almost ashamed I was off the mark.
That would have taken quite dedication. Having her tongue cut and leg bolted by the forge so she'd have to work is not something most spies would sign up for.
Internally debate whether to say: "If I may come clean; I caught wind of there being an OG spy somewhere in town, and sent some people to kill him. Seems they succeeded."
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>"That would have taken quite dedication. Having her tongue cut and leg bolted by the forge so she'd have to work is not something most spies would sign up for."

Jim does a small shrug
"They drink transmog potions. That's meant to be way worse. And they're willing to blow themselves up. I reasoned they have to pretty committed."

>"The note did say not to bother packing. You probably have hold of things as you said, but do you want us to take a look as well?"
Jim smiles
"No no. You've done plenty for this town, my friends. We have things at hand. Please just enjoy your stay."

Jim does a small nod to Karl as he goes about his business.
Wait for Jim to get a fair distance away before talking with Karl. I hope he's not too disappointed his break from training was interrupted tracking a guy down. He is probably even less thrilled about us having the guy whacked, even if we had a good reason to.

"How goes it?"
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Karl rocks on his heels and does the smallest smile.

He points to the crumpled note in your hands.

"You tell me, pal."
"...Did you write this note, you sly dog?"
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>"...Did you write this note, you sly dog?"

The goblin looks down and bobs his eyebrows.
Karl pulls a cigarette from his breast pocket and straightens it.
He lights it in cupped hands and exhales the smoke through his teeth.
"Started the rumors too."

Karl bogarts his cigarette and goes through his notepad.
"It was easy enough to find the guy. Best as I can figure he's got no good intel on us or this place. He's not the worst scout but he's sloppy."

Karl flicks his notepad shut.
"I made sure. Very sure. Shen took lookout and Ms Nepermuk waited until he was going to the well to throw out offcuts and rotten stock. Put the squeeze on him, then ally ooped him into the slime."

Karl taps away a little ash.
"Dudes gonna be nothing but a bad smell in about 5 hours. She piled fruit on top of him in case someone looks into the well. Don't see why anyone would though."

>a. You seem oddly chipper about this.
>b. Good work all of you.
>c. Any loot?
>>b. Good work all of you.
>b. Good work all of you.
>c. Any loot?
I can imagine. Someone like you, they'd be fools not to.

...I wonder who's gonna take over as grocer.
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>"Good work all of you."
Karl nods
"Thanks. Feels like we all played to our strengths. It had to be done and - at the end of the day going out between a goblin's thighs would probably be how some people choose to go out."
Karl gets a 100 square stare
"Probably more than I think."

>" Any loot?"
Karl moves his cigarette to the other side of his mouth a talks through the smoke.
"Three 50 gold bills. Divided really easy. Anything else, I think your squeeze pocketed. Which makes sense."


>"I can imagine. Someone like you, they'd be fools not to."
He scratches his head. He almost smiles.
"Well, they're not dumb. Don't let them fool you if you ever cross paths."

Richter smiles fondly at Karl
"I hope you won't be leaving us anytime too soon, Mr Nagakura."

Karl put his hands in his pockets and takes a drag
"Doesn't look like it. Way things are going."

Jorn whispers something to Richter, who nods.
Karls ears twitch.
"Uuh. Thanks."

Jorn covers her mouth
"Sorry, I guess it's rude to whisper around you."

Karl averts his gaze and scratches his cheek.
"..and pointless."
"You good to go ahead with the op tonight? You all seem confident you have it in the bag and I can't help but to agree."

I'd like to check out the baths after we finish talking with Karl, but we don't have to if people have other ideas.
"Do all goblins hear that well, or is it just you? Because I'm standing closer, and I couldn't make that out."
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>"Do all goblins hear that well, or is it just you? Because I'm standing closer, and I couldn't make that out."

Karl looks a little proud and exhales smoke through his nose.
"Nope. I'm exceptional even among goblins and orks. It is something you can get better at. And most of the time I levelled up I took an advance in my senses or stealth ability. Little bit in shooting and lockpick."

Richter thinks
"So next time the boy levels up, you'll be available to teach him things too?"

Karl takes a drag
"If I'm around, sure. Odd choice for a wizard. But it's there."

Jorn steeples her fingers
"Do you hear the ringing too? From those charged gems I mean."

Karl crushes out his cigarette into a portable ashtray.
"Nope. That's something outside what we'd think of as hearing. It's something unique to the way your brain works. Maybe a connection to the flow of magic."

Richter puts her hands on her hips
"It's like how the vitamgaus doesn't have superior hearing but can 'hear' heartbeats and people's blood flow."

Karls eyes bug
"That's a thing?"

Richter nods
"I believe so."

You change the subject.


>""You good to go ahead with the op tonight? You all seem confident you have it in the bag and I can't help but to agree."

Karl nods.
"So lon as the suns completely down, yes. Keep the ships lights low, we boat over, rig the place - try and grab some tech. Then we make the actual drop - you'll have to decide who you want to do that. We can use the same boat, except this time we light it up so they see us coming. None of them will be at the drop as we agreed."

Karl is making sure of the plan himself
"At some time after the sabotage, you're gonna summon Everton to the ship and have her and Mike take point on the deck, withing range of one side of the island. Probably an hour or so after we make the product drop, the fireworks will begin. With the lights on the ship still off Everton and Mike will shoot any OG -transmogged or otherwise- who are trying to escape."

Karl shrugs
"Then we fly away? Check out the island in the morning once things have died down?"

Karl folds his arms
"So we're clear: this will mean the next episode will begin with us mid sabotage mission. And you making the rolls to see how well we did bringing you your tech. Your only other responsibilities is deciding who makes the product drop and then summoning Everton."

Karl shifts his weight
"Might not seem like much interactivity - but it is important. What you do once things start blowing up is up to you. Does this make sense?"
>Does this make sense?
"Heh. I know my memory isn't as steely as yours, but it'd be kind of worrying if it didn't."

"That's the shape of it, yep. I hope to leave few enough left that Boddicker & her cadets can clean them up nice and thoroughly."

"...Also, more selfishly, I've always liked pyrotechnics."
>Of course. I'm happy we have such a thought-through plan and well-oiled team that all I *have* to do is sit back and relax. At least until things go kaboom.
>Does this make sense?
Sounds good to me.
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>"Heh. I know my memory isn't as steely as yours, but it'd be kind of worrying if it didn't."

"No argument."

>"That's the shape of it, yep. I hope to leave few enough left that Boddicker & her cadets can clean them up nice and thoroughly."

Karl puts his hands in his pockets
"I feel like any that remain will either be heading north to regroup or quitting the life for good."

>""...Also, more selfishly, I've always liked pyrotechnics.""
Karl nods.
"You're a romantic, boss. Just like her."


>">Of course. I'm happy we have such a thought-through plan and well-oiled team that all I *have* to do is sit back and relax. At least until things go kaboom."

Karl bobs his eyebrows and looks at you. He doesn't blink.
"I would caution you. *Strongly* caution you to not be too hasty to act even when things DO go kaboom. Let Everton and Mike do all their shooting and see what other people in the area do. If anything. If we're lucky anyone investigating the remains will assume that the OG's blew themselves up with their own incompetence"

Karl shrugs.
"Which is basically true."

Karl turns to leave
"Oh, think about who you want to make the product drop. Just in case these idiots try something funny. Doubt they will, but..."
Bid Karl farewell for now.

>Oh, think about who you want to make the product drop.

Well probably want to either appeal to their ideology to appease them which I personally find unappealing, or bring enough muscle to ward them off from trying to pull something. Maybe bring Richter and HB for the drop off? Could Bring Mike instead since he could probably spot an ambush before they have a chance to spring it on us.

Other than that, do we want to visit anywhere else in town?
Richter is all muscle, and also a human wizard, which I *think* fits into their schema? Either way, I think the drop should be Richter, Jorn, and Joey. I would say Mike instead of Jorn, but I don't want to overload him, and I think he should have a half-hour to decompress and clean his gun before the shoot starts.
Jorn's not a bad pick. She can read people pretty well and is familiar with those who are underhanded.
We could also consider Burstock who could keep us in a prolonged fight. If things get really hairy she could probably get us out as a Rinkan if need be.
See you, Karl. But only if you let me.

Well, it's getting late. I'm thinking maybe we head back to the SL ourselves, take a shower and a load off, eat some dinner.
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Karl waves as he walks off down the street.
"Could you listen to him talk all day or what?"
Richter nods.

Jorn turns to you.
"This is me wearing my business advice hat, skip. When we make the product drop take me and Burstock with you. You're the face of the company. Burstock is both clearly a grel and clearly a wizard - so they'll like that. And I'm an elf that, even though I'm a wizard and a tussler I LOOK like an accountant."

Jorn winks and bows into the blade of one hand like a famous fighting character.
"The more you fit their aesthetic the more they'll think you're sympathetic to them even if you're not one of them. They'll see us arrive via a spyglass then they'll probably leave us alone. So long as we don't wake anything in the cave we're good."

One thing occurs to her.
"The OG are kinda weird about sexy stuff. But they can probably look past Burstocks outfit."

Richter cocks an eyebrow
"And yours?"

Jorn seems slightly worried
"What's up with mine?"
Jorn spins on the spot looking over her shoulder to make sure she's decent.

Richter scratches her head.
"Ah. Please don't worry. It's fine."


The day is coming to an end.

Is there any more convos to be had?

The next session will begin with you on the deck of the silver lining later tonight. Ready to make some rolls and uuuh watch some cut...scenes? Kinda?

It'll work.

Save Game and end Current session?
>"Could you listen to him talk all day or what?"
Yeah, I could. I think I'll be bragging about having known him for decades.

>This is me wearing my business advice hat
I've never seen you in a hat, Jorn. Just hairbands.

Heh. Pretty soon Richter won't be the only one making thunder.

>Save Game and end Current session?
Save to a new slot
I was thinking about one or two places to still visit, but none are critical and I don't want to hold up the quest. Stuff like talking with Wildrider again about their ammo research and all that.
We can always head back here later, which'll give them some time to make some progress with the research too.

>Save Game and end Current session?
Confirm. Let's get this show on the road.
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Okay, this is where we cap it off for now.

Thanks for playing! Gonna try to have another session later this month.

Please enjoy my stupid fan casting.
Thanks for running!
Thanks for running boss, always a blast.
Thanks for running. Looking forward to the next thread.
Don't forget to archive this
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Donion rings.

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