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You sought warmth under the woollen blanket, just as you had done so many time before. Another day passed in the monotonous routine. Since the Demon King conquered the lands and claimed them as his own, little had changed. The days were just as short, and nights just as cold, as when the “other King” sat upon the throne, with the clouds seeming only a smidgen darker—or perhaps, even that was just your imagination? The demanded tithe neither worsened nor improved, only the tax-collecting lackwits had changed: gone were the humans stewards, replaced by those with horns, jagged teeth, skin marred by perpetual wounds, and leathery wings. Just like their predecessors, the last week’s visitors were content to take a sheep of yours—those ones to eat, not to sell. It was all the same: no matter the ruler, a peasant’s life was meant to be dismal.

Annoying, the sleep eluded you, mocking like an unfinished spell: nearly cast but never complete. You shifted, trying the “incantation” anew—how many times at this point? Why couldn’t you fall asleep on such an ordinary night? It felt like a tick gnawing at your face. Your fields had yielded an ample harvest; there was no reason to be anxious. You buried your head into the straw, but it failed to drown out the sounds of trees battering against the walls.

One bang grew louder. Was there damage to the house? You hoped not, but you would have to check in the morning. Groaning, you opened your eye just before a sudden bright heat stained your room red. Crackling embers seared through the door, a clawed hand burning past the timber, blistering nails grasping onto the made crack. A gasp gripped your lungs as the hand melted the hardwood, no flames spreading around it. The hand reached the doorframe and sunk its nails into the edge. A single fracture spread across the door, and then the shards broke and crumbled into slivers of dust, bringing out the figure standing behind. With just one eye open, you could scarcely see it.

The demon crushed the door’s remains in her clawed hand, as if to ensure no piece was left there, and slid inside. Red flames flickered along her claws, casting a glow on her pale grey face before vanishing into the frigid night air she had let in. Her armour, forged of black metal, clanged with her steps, the raucous echo rousing your cat and livestock. Behind her, her raven wings dissolved into a thick, shadowy cloak that draped around her form.

“You’re the one, aren’t you? Clever of you, to be hiding in an unremarkable village, pretending to be one of the ordinary serfs!” she said.

> Without turning to face her, reply that she got the wrong house, and that you are but a regular peasant.
> Fall out of your bed and on top of the carpetless floor so that your head is bowed and you are on your knees. Explain that you don’t know what she’s talking about.
> This must be all a dream. Shut your eyes, and try to ignore the nightmare and return back to sleep.
> [Write In]
> This must be all a dream. Shut your eyes, and try to ignore the nightmare and return back to sleep.
>This must be all a dream. Shut your eyes, and try to ignore the nightmare and return back to sleep.
>"My door!"
>You're gay
>this must be a dream... so why not play it out? Go full ham.
"I'm flattered to have attracted attention of such a fine lady as yourself, but pardon my ignorance, am I supposed to know you?"
> This must be all a dream. Shut your eyes, and try to ignore the nightmare and return back to sleep.
Oh hey, YayW is back!
>> Without turning to face her, reply that she got the wrong house, and that you are but a regular peasant.
Supporting >>6013125
>This must be all a dream. Shut your eyes, and try to ignore the nightmare and return back to sleep.
>My door!

This sounds fun
>this must be a dream... so why not play it out? Go full ham.
>My door!
At least it's not the cabbages
It really is the same energy, isn't it?
> Fall out of your bed and on top of the carpetless floor so that your head is bowed and you are on your knees. Explain that you don’t know what she’s talking about.
aaaaiiiieeeee demon sama I kneel
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Her voice rasped, rough and ragged, as if mangled by uneven teeth. The door was gone, all labour of smoothing the timber and the memories of assembling it erased in an instant. One moment, it stood; the next, it was a charred, cracked frame. Why was this happening? What -was- even happening? The intruder looked disturbingly familiar. The Demon King’s General—you had seen her once among the others. Was seeing her just enough for her to invade your dreams? Damn it all, were these nightmares destined to haunt you from now on?

You squeezed your eyes shut, desperate to escape back into sleep.

Cold drafts whistled inside, and then the she-demon took another heavy step.

“Not even the presence of the Demon King’s Great General can wake you?” she said. “You -must- be the one!”

The dream feel too real, too tangible. She seized and yanked the covers away; then torched them ablaze!

“But just to double check … the prophecy said the chosen one would bear a mark! Where it be?”

> Chewed ear-tops from some childhood accident. (The General will mistake it for a deityfolk ancestry)
> Allergic reaction to something that demons have. (The General will mistake it for signs that you are a demon)
> An unknown animal claw mark over your heart. (The General will mistake it for you surviving the Dragon-Beast not even the Demon King could slay)
> Anisocoria. (The General will mistake it for a potent power to see the weak spot of any demon, Demon King or not)
> One black fingernail. (The General will mistake it for a cursed power that was sealed away from the Demon King)
> [Write In]
> An unknown animal claw mark over your heart. (The General will mistake it for you surviving the Dragon-Beast not even the Demon King could slay)
scars are cool
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>An unknown animal claw mark over your heart. (The General will mistake it for you surviving the Dragon-Beast not even the Demon King could slay)
>One black fingernail. (The General will mistake it for a cursed power that was sealed away from the Demon King)
The chuuniest option
>> An unknown animal claw mark over your heart. (The General will mistake it for you surviving the Dragon-Beast not even the Demon King could slay)
> An unknown animal claw mark over your heart.
> One black fingernail. (The General will mistake it for a cursed power that was sealed away from the Demon King)
Easiest one to fake, since it is a 'sealed' power.
>An unknown animal claw mark over your heart. (The General will mistake it for you surviving the Dragon-Beast not even the Demon King could slay)
>One black fingernail. (The General will mistake it for a cursed power that was sealed away from the Demon King)
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The wool burned in a way it wasn’t suppose to, crumbling into blackened cinders around you. Your kept your eyes tightly shut, hoping that she would disappear. The she-demon did not. She leaned over, grabbing the bed’s sides with her claws, her shining red eyes hovering just above your chest. After a tense silence, she shoved a finger finger into your chest, the left side of it, pushing the air from your lungs and making you gasp for more.

“There it is, I can see it!” she said, her heated claw trying to fit the form of a scar above your heart. “I wouldn’t— I couldn’t—mistake it for anything else, a wound only the great Dragon-Beast Pyrathor could leave behind!”

What in the world was she talking about? The scar was not of some Pyrathor, but from a wolf you mistakenly thought dead. You groaned, raising your gaze to her face: it was grey, like slate. Her hair so white it was as if she saw herself in the mirror. Her red freckles flared like embers, and dark shadows deepened the hollows beneath her eyes.

She noticed you were awake and grinned, revealing her jagged, slightly crooked teeth. You flinched as she reached for you.

“And here’s another mark” —her tepid claws wrapped around your wrist— “A clear sign of a sealed cursed power!”
No, no, that was just a bruise from slamming your finger in a drawer, only just yesterday.

“This is a mistake—“ you said, your voice coming out weak.

The she-demon yanked you out of bed by your hand, pulling you into her arms without effort, one hand under your legs and the other supporting your back. Still grinning—with you struggling to find your voice or get dressed—she hurried to the shattered door and stepped outside. Despite the late hour, the village was alive with commotion: your neighbours shouting and rushing about in turmoil. There homed, too, had been broken into, their doors obliterated by … who-else? You glanced back at your white cat, his milky fur visible beneath the table where he hid. Count Whisker, don’t let her take me, you breathed.

“The Demon King won’t be deaf to the prophesy. I was here first, but not for long. Best we leave before that!”

Again, she didn’t let you ask. Beneath her spiked neck-warmer, her weaved coat slithered off her shoulders and puffed up, the woollen threads turning into raven feathers that unfurled into magnificent jet black wings.

She gripped your tighter, claws digging and her palms growing hotter, then, with a swoop of her wings, lifted you both into the sky. The biting cold lashed against your bare skin as she soared higher and higher.
Her wings made a fierce beat, a gust of wind exploding behind her. Halting her ascent abruptly, she hovered in place.

“I should be able to spot any of them from here,” she said. “Now, hero. How about you and me strike a deal?”

You looked down, the vast forest, farmlands, and houses now a patchwork of green and browns far below.

“I’m Miranna, the Nettle Harpy, one of the Demon King’s Generals. Or, rather, I was. You know of us. You’re destined to overthrow the King, and so I’m joining your side. I don’t want to killed by that curse of yours.”

> Explain that you have no idea what she is talking about, and that this has been all a huge misunderstanding.
> Tell her that that’s all well and good, but you are freezing out here in the sky. Could she lower you first?
> Panic, and without considering the fact that you are thousands of feet above the ground, struggle to escape.
> [Write In]
Let's go with both.
>Panic, and without considering the fact that you are thousands of feet above the ground, struggle to escape
>[Write In]
You're burning me with your hands!
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> Tell her that that’s all well and good, but you are freezing out here in the sky. Could she lower you first?
>"We have to go back. Whiskers, I can't leave him behind! Put me down!"

> Explain that you have no idea what she is talking about, and that this has been all a huge misunderstanding.
This is a big minsundertanding and ALSO what about our poor, scared cat? He's old, and fat! He can't fend for himself!
>Explain that you have no idea what she is talking about, and that this has been all a huge misunderstanding.
>Where did you hear this destiny of mine!
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The burn of her palms intensified, chafing your skin.

“Y-you’re burning me here!”

She glanced down and paused. The heat vanished from her talons, leaving them cold and rigid.

Her red slits narrowed. “You won’t fool me, hero. You withstood Pyrathor’s flames; the heat of my hands is nothing in comparison!”

Feeling her grip slacken, you grabbed her neck for stability.

“T-that’s what I have been trying to tell you! This is a huge misunderstanding!”

She scoffed. “No need to pretend. I told you, I’m here to join your side.”

You shuddered in the biting cold, the sun glaring harshly above the clouds.

“My goats, my chickens, my sheep … Count Whiskers!” —her neck-warmer snagged around your fingers— “and my clothes!”

She smiled. “You did well using those animals and rags to disguise your true identity!”

You shook your head. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about, Mi … Miranna. Can we go back down?”

She huffed. “The Demon King won’t delay—“

“But my cat!”

“He served his purpose: concealing your true nature.”

“But I really like that cat.”

She quirked her eyebrow. “Enough to face another of the Demon King’s General?”

> Say yes, but lie. You are not planning on facing any generals. As soon as you get your cat, you’ll try to find a way to escape.
> Count Whiskers is not helpless. He’ll manage without you. Ask Miranna to lower you to a place she deems safe.
> Tell Miranna that you can’t leave the cat alone, white lie that he’s important. Ask her to bring you to a safe place, and then to fly to the village to retrieve him.
> [Write In]
> Say yes, but lie. You are not planning on facing any generals. As soon as you get your cat, you’ll try to find a way to escape.
>Say yes, but lie. You are not planning on facing any generals. As soon as you get your cat, you’ll try to find a way to escape.
>Say yes, but lie. You are not planning on facing any generals. As soon as you get your cat, you’ll try to find a way to escape.
bad dream bad dream bad dream
> Say yes, but lie. You are not planning on facing any generals. As soon as you get your cat, you’ll try to find a way to escape.
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You swallowed, the cold roughing your voice, making the lie sound convincing.

“Yes,” you said, giving a single nod. “So bring us down.”

She beamed with delight, her lips stretching wide. “Didn’t take long to show your true prophesied self, hero!”

You didn’t give a response. You had none. The least you said to get her on side—bad side or good—the better.

She spread her wings, their tips curling to seize the wind. With a powerful swoop, she plunged towards the earth.

“I’m the -greatest- General the Demon King had” —she yelled, not even the whistling wind being able to deafen her voice— “but the others are not to be underestimated! The Demon King will likely send either the ‘Mountain Eater’ or the ‘Twister of Wishes’ after you.”

Those aliases sounded eccentric, and it did little to comfort you. You clenched your jaw to stifle the fear. What was happening? You waited until she broke through the clouds and landed at your doorsteps to take a breath of air.

Her eyes glinted red as they swept over the village landscape.

“Strange, they aren’t here yet. Seems you’ll face them another day,” she ‘reassured’ you.

You nodded again; it boiled down to just nodding, really. Her talons relaxed, leaving aching scratches on your skin.

“Well, fetch your important cat.” She stretched her arms. “Is he a sealed weapon? Perhaps a fledgling behemoth?”

“He’s a cat,” you said, dismissing her delusions as you cleared the splintered door to enter. She-demon stayed outside, perhaps disappointed by your mundane answer. “Count Whiskers?” you softly beckoned, the cat slinking from the shadows. You clicked your fingers to beckon him nearer. “There you are … the scary demon isn’t here, fret not.” He prowled closer, nuzzling against your palm. You smiled, then tossed a glance behind you: the she-demon’s seeming distracted by something else.

> You’ll escape, and then what? She has wings, and you do not, and if the other Demon King’s Generals are after you, do you really want to be alone? Give up the idea of escape, and return to Miranna to ask about the prophecy.
> Climb out of the window on the other side of the house and sneak out with your cat into the forest not so far from the village. The night and the tree crows should be enough to hide you from the flying harpy. That’s step one.
> Pick up a jar of oil and spill it on the entrance to the cellar on the floor. Invite the she-demon into your house and then push her into the trap door. As soon as she slips on the steps, close the door with iron bolt and other things.
> [Write In]
>Climb out of the window on the other side of the house and sneak out with your cat into the forest not so far from the village. The night and the tree crows should be enough to hide you from the flying harpy. That’s step one.
Maybe (You) can come up with even more ways to escape!
> You’ll escape, and then what? She has wings, and you do not, and if the other Demon King’s Generals are after you, do you really want to be alone? Give up the idea of escape, and return to Miranna to ask about the prophecy.

I sure can't. Not yet, anyway. The power gap and current lack of knowledge limits our options. Let's learn more about her weird delusions and then find a way to break them... Or her.
>You’ll escape, and then what? She has wings, and you do not, and if the other Demon King’s Generals are after you, do you really want to be alone? Give up the idea of escape, and return to Miranna to ask about the prophecy.
At least its warmer down here
>> Pick up a jar of oil and spill it on the entrance to the cellar on the floor. Invite the she-demon into your house and then push her into the trap door. As soon as she slips on the steps, close the door with iron bolt and other things.
I'm speaking meta here, but I'd like to get the introductions over with and get to the "getting to know the girl we got entangled with" part sooner. Obviously we're stuck with her and not getting away from a plot perspective... No use flailing around.
> You’ll escape, and then what? She has wings, and you do not, and if the other Demon King’s Generals are after you, do you really want to be alone? Give up the idea of escape, and return to Miranna to ask about the prophecy.
No, mate, I won't wait.
> You’ll escape, and then what? She has wings, and you do not, and if the other Demon King’s Generals are after you, do you really want to be alone? Give up the idea of escape, and return to Miranna to ask about the prophecy.
> You’ll escape, and then what? She has wings, and you do not, and if the other Demon King’s Generals are after you, do you really want to be alone? Give up the idea of escape, and return to Miranna to ask about the prophecy.
Nice to see you back YAYW
But wouldn't it be funny to push her into the basement?
>You’ll escape, and then what? She has wings, and you do not, and if the other Demon King’s Generals are after you, do you really want to be alone? Give up the idea of escape, and return to Miranna to ask about the prophecy.
>You’ll escape, and then what? She has wings, and you do not, and if the other Demon King’s Generals are after you, do you really want to be alone? Give up the idea of escape, and return to Miranna to ask about the prophecy.
scary demon lady > even scarier demon ladies and not-ladies
ngl though the idea of falling ass-backward into becoming the prophecy all while trying to avoid it sounds like premium comedy

Do we look Austrian to you?
>You’ll escape, and then what? She has wings, and you do not, and if the other Demon King’s Generals are after you, do you really want to be alone? Give up the idea of escape, and return to Miranna to ask about the prophecy.
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Your fingers fondled Count Whisker’s neck, the cat purring in response. You gazed towards the window at the far end of the house: a potential escape and a way out of this mess. Sighing, you turned away from the window. If you fled, what then? Would you simply hide in the forest, a hermit fleeing from her and the other demons? The she-demon Miranna seemed insistent to cling to you, so learning about the predicament you’ve dragged into by her seemed crucial.

You pulled the pants draped over the chair’s backrest and pulled them on, finding lost warmth in the cotton. Next came the loose-fit tunic, grazed by goats and besmirched with smoke. Lastly, you stepped into your leather clogs. With your naked shame hidden, you beckoned for Whiskers to follow, trying not to nostalgize about your home. After all, it was all your handiwork, both the exterior and interior. For fourteen years you had made this place your home, with no else around; and your parents … it really didn’t matter.

As you exited the dwelling, Miranna’s shape loomed out of the gloom to stand before you.

“So this is your cat?” she inquired, leaning in.

Upon seeing her, Whiskers hissed a warning. Her jaws parted, teeth gleaming and eyes aflame, as though she was to devour him whole, abruptly silencing the car. His ears flattened, and he buried his head in your chest.
“Doesn’t seem like cat of a hero!” she lifted her head, looking you over.

With your hand raised to shield Count Whiskers from her gaze, you sighed. “I have a name, you know.”

“Whatever name you bear, it won’t be as impressive as -hero-, and there’s no use of hiding it any-longer!”

“It’s Niklos.”

She scratched her chin, almost drawing blood, then raised her arm upwards. “Like I said, hero, you are destined to defeat the Demon King. I am intrigued—how do you plan to accomplish this? Tell me, now!”

You lifted your other hand. “About that, can you first explain what this prophecy you mentioning is all about?”
After gazing up at the clouds, Miranna leaned on her hips. “The prophesies of ‘Grub Hag’ are infallible. I was there beside the Demon King when she foresaw the future, and she was very clear about what she said.”

“What -did- she say, exactly?”

“That one would appear soon to slay the Demon King! From the dirt, he, would bear a mark!”

You lifted a patch of your hair off your forehead and winced, stumbling back to sit on a bench outside the house.

“A specific scar, like the one on my chest? It’s not—“
She shook her head. “No, well, the prophesy wasn’t -that- specific. It mentioned a noticeable mark, but yours is as evident as any! By the Demon King’s hovels, you have two! And then she said that the hero will have black hair, brown eyes, will be keeping chickens, will smell of fresh hay, and he shall live on his own—“

“That’s by choice!”

“—And that he should wield a weapon of great … something, and that the Generals would fall to him, one after another, in ways no one can predict or prepare for, and after them, the Demon King himself!”

“Well, as you can see, I don’t have any weapons. Guess I’m not the one. Maybe Mark from the house down the hill?”

“No, I’m -certain- you are the one, and my guts are not wrong.”

You rubbed your neck and then shook your arm at her. “Anything else you forgot to mention?”

“No … or … no? Oh, wait! There was one more thing. The prophecy said you’ll hold a fork in a weird way.”

You were left-handed, is that what she meant? Regardless, she could be describing any random peasant here!
She lifted off the ground, then touched the ground directly in front of you, pressing her hand against your chest.

“So, hero, I’ll ask one more: how are you going to do it?”

> Insist that she’ll start calling you by your name, if not out of courtesy, then at least not to bring so much attention to you when you’ll be in some place else.
> Ask Miranna what she’ll be offering in this arrangement of yours. If you’re suppose to, and prophesies, to defeat all the Demon King’s Generals—and him—then what use do you even have for her?
> Find a fork and, with some effort, show Miranna and you can, in fact, hold it in a regular non-weird way.
> [Write In]
>Find a fork and, with some effort, show Miranna and you can, in fact, hold it in a regular non-weird way.
> Insist that she’ll start calling you by your name, if not out of courtesy, then at least not to bring so much attention to you when you’ll be in some place else.
> Find a fork and, with some effort, show Miranna and you can, in fact, hold it in a regular non-weird way.
> Insist that she’ll start calling you by your name, if not out of courtesy, then at least not to bring so much attention to you when you’ll be in some place else.
> Tell her frankly that you think this is all nonsense and that you have no idea how to defeat a demon king
It's it's really us, we don't know it yet. Maybe she's too early?
>Nice to see you back YAYW
Thanks, that's two people who remember me!
> Insist that she’ll start calling you by your name, if not out of courtesy, then at least not to bring so much attention to you when you’ll be in some place else.
> Find a fork and, with some effort, show Miranna and you can, in fact, hold it in a regular non-weird way.
inb4 demons hold forks weird
> Insist that she’ll start calling you by your name, if not out of courtesy, then at least not to bring so much attention to you when you’ll be in some place else.
>Insist that she’ll start calling you by your name, if not out of courtesy, then at least not to bring so much attention to you when you’ll be in some place else.
>Insist that she’ll start calling you by your name, if not out of courtesy, then at least not to bring so much attention to you when you’ll be in some place else.
> Insist that she’ll start calling you by your name, if not out of courtesy, then at least not to bring so much attention to you when you’ll be in some place else.
> Find a fork and, with some effort, show Miranna and you can, in fact, hold it in a regular non-weird way.
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“Do what? Prove you wrong?” you quipped, reaching into your pocket to pull out a fork—always handy to have one. “Look, nothing weird—“ you started, realising the fork was in your left hand. You hurriedly switched it to your right, clearing your throat before locking eyes with the she-demon. “Look, I don’t have any food but let’s pretend there is some on the tip of the spoon.”

With a frown, she closed her lips and narrowed her eyes.

You gripped the fork tightly in your right hand, raising it to your mouth and closing your lips around the wooden dip.

She squinted her left eye and leaned closer, her nails digging into your knees.

“It wasn’t -that- weird but your hand did tremble,” she said.

You ought to have practised more, damn it! “I did not.””

“To me, that just proves the prophesy is true, hero.” She leaned back. “Now, accept and treat me as an ally!”

You grimaced, lips pursing and parting “Will you really betray the Demon King just over some prophecy?"

“Of course, hero! It would be foolish not to! As I already mentioned, prophesies of ‘Grub Hag’ always come true! And I care about my life.”

You rubbed your face wearily. “But what if it's really not me? I think you should continue your searches.”

“The Demon King’s Generals are -destined- to die by hero’s hands. It’s you, but if not, we’ll know when one does fall!”

Great, just … great! To stop being bothered by her, all you had to do is wait it out, and survive for a few days or weeks. As long as no one else mistook you for the prophesied hero, it seemed doable. You just needed to play it smart.

“If you really wish to switch sides, Miranna … then call me by my name, Niklos.”

Miranna puffed out her chest and snarled. “I don’t see the big deal, but fine, Niklos.”

You nodded, shifting your body to lean against the wall and sinking into the bench with a sigh. The pause was brief, a group of half-a-dozen peasants stepping out of the shadows, heading towards your house. Stopping a few feet away, your neighbours bowed their heads, extending their their palms or baskets filled with valuables—family heirlooms, coins, antiquaries, and even well-crafted cooking utensils.

“Oh, great Demon General!” said one of them, the valuables clinking in her palms. “General. Accept our tribute.”
The woman, your next-door neighbour, lifted her eyes, her hood slipping down to reveal her weathered skin and grey hair. As she caught sight of you, her eyes widened, darting down and back up again, as if urging you to show the same reverence to Miranna.

Miranna laughed, lifting her wrist only halfway to her chin, not nearly high enough to cover it.

“You human serfs. I’m not here to collect your taxes, that’s beneath me!” she said. She shook her head and pointed at you, “I’m here for the he—“
> Interrupt Miranna. “-ll of a troublemaker.” Pretend that Miranna is here to take you as a troublemaker and a prisoner. Give farewells to your neighbours and ‘friends’, you’ll miss them!
> Point your blackened finger at Miranna, and give her a murderous glare; see if that’ll silence her.
> Lower your arms and surrender to her folly. Let Miranna say whatever she wants, it’s not like you have the strength to stop her, who knows what she’ll do if you try? Her mind free of cloud, she might actually kill you!
> Pull on her arm before she can finish. Raise your voice, and ask if she’s really going to deny all those spoils that the people so graciously gathered for the overlord the Demon King? No, she should accept it in ‘his’ stead.
> Step on Count Whisker’s tail and hope that his scream will be so loud he interrupts Miranna. Then remind Miranna that you do not want to referred as the hero, neither that she should be calling you one in front of other people.
> [Write In]
> Pull on her arm before she can finish. Raise your voice, and ask if she’s really going to deny all those spoils that the people so graciously gathered for the overlord the Demon King? No, she should accept it in ‘his’ stead.
I don't want to undermine Count Whisker's trust in us, and acting as a prisoner seems like a bad idea. Threatening Miranna and observing the villagers' reactions would be memeworthy but would raise questions about who we are. And just sucking it up and letting her get her way is lame. So deception it is until they leave. Will net us some gold as well.
>> Interrupt Miranna
>"You said you'll not be taking anyone else away from this village if I go voluntarily. They don't need to know what you'll do to me. Please hold up your end of the bargain and trouble these good people no more."
What a -hero- thing to say!
shut up, it's not like I like being a hero, baka
>Interrupt Miranna
>"You said you'll not be taking anyone else away from this village if I go voluntarily. They don't need to know what you'll do to me. Please hold up your end of the bargain and trouble these good people no more."
Stealing these people's cutlery seems mean, but I could be persuaded. Hurting our belived Count Whiskers? NEVER. What kind of blackguard do you take us for, QM?
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Update will be later today!
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I made a helpful venn diagram
That venn fuckery won't stop me, I see the pixel overlap!
Looking forward to it.
I know what I did
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“Demon General!” you shouted to interrupt her. “Don’t! You promised to spare everyone else in this village if I went with you willingly.” You stepped forward, raising your hand to separate her from the peasants. “They don’t need to know the details.” Your eyes narrowed, locks of hair spilling into your forehead. “Hold up your end of the bargain and trouble these good people no more!” Puffing out your chest, you glanced around to see if your act was convincing enough.

The woman eyed you and the demon, lowering her basket to her stomach. “What do you mean, Niklos?”

Miranna raised a finger and readied to reply, but you cut in.

“She needs a sacrifice, Polina!” you gestured dramatically to your head. “And she won’t leave without one.”

Murmuring and prattle spread among the villagers, until another man spoke up. “Now the demons need sacrifices?!”

Damn, you hadn’t meant to scare them. “Yes, but—“

“How often? Will she come back every year” Polina gasped, her basket wobbling in her hands. “Every week?”

“Every fifty—no—hundred years,” you said, stifling your breath, sweat beading on your forehead. “Isn’t that right?”

Looking your way, Miranna huffed in audible annoyance, and crossed her arms over her armour.

“So, if she takes me, you have nothing to worry about besides the usual tithe,” you said.

Another woman exhaled in relief. “Oh, thank the stars! I couldn’t bear to part with my spoons and pots!”

You scooped up Count Whiskers by his belly, positioning him be your side, clasping and raising your wrists together as if shackled.

“So take me, she-demon, and forget about this village for the next hundred years!”

Miranna rolled her eyes and seized your elbow, her cloak billowing above her shoulders, turning into tall raven wings, wind-devouring feathers edging akin thorns on a rose stem. With a forceful beat of her wings, she lifted off the ground, soaring over the villagers and then above your house, making you to cling to her and swing.

“Niklos, I’ll drink for you tonight!” a previously silent man called out. Leonid, at least appreciating your ‘sacrifice’.

Your gaze swept over the crowd and across the village streets, tear welling up; not for the neighbours you scarcely knew, but for the peaceful life you were being forced to abandon. And you complained about it only a few hours ago!

“You don’t want to know them you’re the hero?”

Making sure you were out of earshot, you said, “No, let’s keep it between us. Not. A. Word. Understand?”
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Flying above the rooftops and hills, she stopped to hover at the tree branches. Slowly, she lowered both you and herself, the foliage tickling and the leaves brushing against your skin. Your flesh stung from the cold, damp twigs as you descended through the canopy. Miranna dropped you onto the wet ground; the dense night forest being barely visible. Count Whiskers hissed, his yellow eyes the only thing you could see until your eyes adjusted … to an imp.

“Who pass there?” —his voice initially hoarse, then whining. “Human must not pass through forest. I make sure you do not!”

Shielding yourself, you tripped, slamming hard against the tree trunk. Taking form in the darkness, the imp scuttled at you, grasping a polearm with both hands. His helm was askew, and his chest plate battered and marked with dents. Then, he halted abruptly, squeaked, and began to retreat. Miranna soared above you, one hand resting on her side, the other ablaze with red fire to illuminate the scene.

“N-Nettle Harpy?” the imp said, his knuckles turning white with fear. “Forgive me, great General! I did not—“

“I’m no longer the Demon King’s General, imp”, she spoke, dragging her claw along the trunk, scorching a deep charred line inside. “I had betrayed the Demon King, and sided with the great hero. You can consider me your enemy now!”

The imp blinked. “G-great hero?” he asked, his speech faltering.

You scowled at her. “I -just- asked you not to do that.”

“Whoops” —she clapped a hand over her lips— “that’s too bad. Now he knows, -Niklos-. I guess you’ll have to kill him, or he’ll tell everyone.”

“K-kill me?” the imp squeaked, tightening his grip on the polearm, “No-no … Nettle Harpy, Great General. Please! Hero. Please!”

Sporting a wicked grin, the she-demon floated up to perch on a branch, eagerly watching you from afar.

> Offer to the imp to spare him if he accepts a ‘curse’ on him. Pretend to put a curse that if he ever mentions your existence, or your name, to anyone else, he’ll suffer a horrible fate, will become sick and die excruciatingly.
> Tell the imp that you’ll spare him if he leaves his weapon behind. Once he turns away from you and begins walking away, knock him out with the blunt side of the polearm. If you manage to know him out, then …?
> Approach the imp and whisper to him that you’ll help him avoid Miranna’s wrath if he fakes his death and pretends to die, and not to speak about you to anyone else. If he agrees, ‘kill’ him with a punch and choke-hold.
> Spit on the ground and tell Miranna that killing a measly imp is too easy.
> Tell the imp that you’re willing to spare him if he points you towards the nearest Demon King’s General. If he, by some miracle, knows, make sure to keep as far as possible from the place he points you towards. Do it quietly.
> [Write In]
Hm, yes-yes, that is a smart diagram to follow.
Ah, I accidentally spoiled the imp! Quest ruined!
>Tell the imp that you’re willing to spare him if he points you towards the nearest Demon King’s General. If he, by some miracle, knows, make sure to keep as far as possible from the place he points you towards. Do it quietly.
>"You did that on purpose, didn't you? Spotted an imp to drop me in front of and blurt stuff out to see how I'll react?"
>"Whether I'm the hero or not, and whether you find them or not. Do you think it's smart to go around announcing you betrayed the Demon King to everyone? Do you think the hero would want you to keep involving innocent people in your plot?"
>"Shouldn't you try to be someone the hero would want to work with?"
> Tell the imp that you’re willing to spare him if he points you towards the nearest Demon King’s General. If he, by some miracle, knows, make sure to keep as far as possible from the place he points you towards. Do it quietly.
+1, good write-in. Time to set some terms for this working relationship. Frankly, if we WERE agreat hero in hiding, this treatment would be insulting.
>Agree to spare the goblin if he pledges allegiance to you and serves you
Just for now, to avoid the Nettle Harpy General killing him to cover up her foible.

I think the imp would be more of a hindrance to us than any benefit it could provide.
+1 to I know you're up to, this is how it's gonna be.

That imp do be looking suspiciously gobliny doe

But how else will I enact my plan to tame the great and terrible Nettle Harpy by marrying Miranna before lovingly impregnating our demon wife, hugging her close as she grumbles about having to slow down, stay home and being unable to fly as her belly swells with our children and redirecting her obsession and aggression into maternal devotion as we raise our family of adorable half-demons with her into the next generation of powerful heroes?
>Tell him you won't kill an enemy who has surrendered, so long as he vows to never again harm another human.
>Tell the imp that you’ll spare him if he leaves his weapon behind. Once he turns away from you and begins walking away, knock him out with the blunt side of the polearm. If you manage to know him out, then …?
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You frowned, your palms pressing against the bark as you widened the gap between you and the imp; he seemed just as hesitant to come near. Miranna bent the branch under her weight, her talons gripping around the wood.

With a gentle nudged, you eased away from the tree, the faint crack of your joints echoing as you moved close to the imp. You reached out, your arms spread wide, palms open in a gesture of openness towards the lesser-ranked demon. With a shake of your head, you took a few steps closer, bending your knees slightly to appear less threatening.

The imp clutched his polearm tighter, his black eyes darting at each of your movements.

In a soothing tone, you reassured, "Stay calm, I’m not going to hurt you.”

Moving the polearm in circle, the imp brought it towards you, aiming its blade at Miranna. “She will!”

Hovering your hand above the blade, you said, “Not if you do what I say.” Your fingers brushed the polearm’s aged steel.

The imp twitched but keep his weapon raised close to your chest.

Your voice lowered to a whisper as your fingers traced the rusted blade and slid down to the wooden shaft.

“Listen, I’ll spare you here and now if you vow to me to never again harm another human.”

He blinked, watching the way your hands moved on the glaive. “I never” —he shook his head— “this forest is forbidden, territory of the Demon King, me protect and watch. No human dumb enough to enter, it is boring duty!”

Is this what the Demon King had decreed? You couldn’t had known for the forest was already a so-called kingswood preserve during the “other King’s” rule, and peasants were forbidden from entering it. No wonder no one had seen the imp.

“Alright, let me try again. If you vow not to hurt a human, I’ll spare you.”

He squeezed his eyes shut, then glanced at Miranna. “You are the hero?” he queried. “What is a hero?”

You rubbed your neck. “Do you want to be spared or not?” You lifted your hand from the polearm.

Fear widened his eyes, the helm sliding even further askew. “I do, I do! I won’t hurt humans.”

You grasped the polearm and tugged on it. “Quiet, you” —you hissed— “not so loud.” Yet, you raised your own voice, turning to glance at Miranna. “Tell me where the nearest Demon King’s General resides, imp, I have no interest in your life!” You lifted a finger to your lips. “So sshh … where’s the nearest one?”

“I not sure. They always move about,” he said, swallowing and following your gaze. “The last one I see was ‘Chimera Hound’ Rosie, that was couple days before yes, and in passing only. She was patronising the southern human villages there.”
He gestured with his nose, then let go of his polearm with one hand to rub below his nose and then regripping the glaive. You backed away, raising your palms upright in peace, letting your boots sink into the wet mud. “Off with you then.”

Casting a doubtful glance at you and then the she-demon, he withdrew. The branch cracked behind you—the outlines of the imp blurred and grew hazy— within seconds, Miranda touched down in front of you, letting out a loud huff.

“You let him go?” her question bleed with disbelief, her eyes blazing a fierce crimson and the tips of her nails edged in burning scarlet. “He serves as a soldier under the Demon King, and he knows of who you are.”

“No, that’s thanks to you,” you said. “You are also in the ranks of the Demon King’s forces.”

Miranna gasped, then crossed her arms across her chest. “I’ve told you, I am different; I have betrayed him!”

“You did it no purpose, did you not? Choosing to drop me in front of an imp to see how I'd react.”

She glanced away, clicking her fangs with her tongue. “No, you didn’t tell me where to fly so I picked a random spot in the woods.”

“Do you think it’s smart to go around announcing that you betrayed the Demon King to everyone around you come across?”

She circled you halfway, trying to avoid the finger you were trying to point at her with.

“Why does it matter? Whether they know or not, the prophesy won’t change, so you shouldn’t worry too much.”

“Can’t you see how it’ll make things more complicated than they are? I don’t want to involve innocent people.”

She scoffed, glancing towards the bushes. “What, that imp?”

“Him too, let’s ensure that the only ‘people’ involved are: me, the Demon Generals and the Demon King. That’s what the prophesy says, right? It mentions nothing about me wiping out the Demon King's army." you said. You smoothed your voice, striving for absolute precision. “You know, maybe you aren’t the ally I need, Nettle Harpy.”

“Let’s” —she lifted her hand— “not get too hasty, hero. Niklos. Of course, you are the -hero-, I want to switch sides, genuinely. I’ll be useful to you. You do you. You manage your own solutions and methods. What is it I can offer?”

> She can start by telling you about any one Demon General, you won’t remember if she tells you about all of them.
> It’ll be the best option if Miranna instead continues to pretend to be Demon King’s General. That way, no low-rank demon should trouble you or her. The only problem is you, will you have to pretend to be her prisoner or who?
> Ask Miranna if there’s any other demon who might be willing to betray the Demon King and join your cause.
> [Write In]
>> She can start by telling you about any one Demon General, you won’t remember if she tells you about all of them.
>> It’ll be the best option if Miranna instead continues to pretend to be Demon King’s General. That way, no low-rank demon should trouble you or her. The only problem is you, will you have to pretend to be her prisoner or who?
>Ask Miranna if there’s any other demon who might be willing to betray the Demon King and join your cause.
Slow down, cowboy, you aren't even friends!
> She can start by telling you about any one Demon General, you won’t remember if she tells you about all of them.
> It’ll be the best option if Miranna instead continues to pretend to be Demon King’s General. That way, no low-rank demon should trouble you or her. The only problem is you, will you have to pretend to be her prisoner or who?
>That imp do be looking suspiciously gobliny doe
I also wanted to reply to this one. There are horns under that helm so no, not a goblin.
> She can start by telling you about any one Demon General, you won’t remember if she tells you about all of them.
What's Rosie's deal? How dangerous is she? And has Miranna given any thought to how she'd deal with her fellow generals, Rosie included?
>She can start by telling you about any one Demon General, you won’t remember if she tells you about all of them.
>Ask Miranna if there’s any other demon who might be willing to betray the Demon King and join your cause.
So, who's who around here and can we drag any of them with us? Can we write this shit down? I assume we're illiterate and don't have anything to write with anyway. Miranna! You're going to need to teach us to read to do hero-y things. Yeah. That.

I'm laying it on very thick for the sake of humour, but the future is but what you dream it to be and I only dream of a wholesome and romantic future with the terrifying and powerful demon lady we met minutes ago
I'm starting to wonder if Miranna just isn't that smart. Underneath the whole demon general thing, could it be that she's just... a bird brain?
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> She can start by telling you about any one Demon General, you won’t remember if she tells you about all of them.
> Ask Miranna if there’s any other demon who might be willing to betray the Demon King and join your cause.
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No update today, apologies. Make a note for tomorrow.
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>r63 Miranna twink
>Ask Miranna if there’s any other demon who might be willing to betray the Demon King and join your cause.
Evil demon general friendship collector quest.
No, it just made her more tomboyish :I
Is that an AI gen btw? If so, the fingers are amazing.
im just saying that if she has a demon general twin brother that also needs to technically "be felled by the hero", I might know a way.
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Androgynous, small-chested tomboys are patrician taste after all but I'm really unsure which side of the fine tomboy-twink line this falls on.
Dark harpy ambigussy when?
>[Write In]
Loyalty and obedience
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You sought firmer ground, stepping onto the gnarled roots and using them to scrape the wet mud off your heels.

“You’re asking what can you offer me?” you asked.

She nodded, continuing to flutter, circling around and above you. “We’re allies now, aren’t we, Niklos?”

“You imposed yourself on me,” you spoke with a sigh, rubbing at your temples after. “Let’s start with questions.”

“Questions it is,” Miranna said. She lifted her knees, her long iron skirt falling in rigid pleats over her ankles, the black metal glinting in the lunar mist as she leaned back, hands cushioning her neck.

“How many of Demon King’s Generals are there?”


“That’s with your included?”

She flashed a cocky smile. “As it stands, yes. But the Demon King adores his sixes, so they’ll find a stand-in for me to keep up the numbering.”

“That’s even more reasons why we shouldn’t let him know, and why you shouldn’t go around announce it!”

“Five” —she shrugged— “or six, why does it matter? You’re going to defeat them all anyway, it’s in the prophesy!”

You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Who are they? You just mentioned ‘Rosie’; what’s her deal? How dangerous is she?”

Stretching out a long, pointed nail, Miranna scratched at her pallid cheek. “’Chimera Hound’? Is that who the imp directed you towards? She’s a hellhound but with two heads, and I’m friends with only one of them; the other one -hates- me! She can mimic any animal roar or scent to control them, or to mate with them, and even human voice if she chooses. She can also manifest phantom limbs or heads during battles, but I’ve only seen her do that once—there are not that many demons bold enough to challenge her” Miranna paused. “Her blood does something nasty if it spills.”

“What do you mean ‘something nasty’?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen her bleed. It’s what she told me, but since my fire doesn’t draw blood I wasn’t -that- curious to find out more.”

Your legs trembled as you slumped to the ground. “’Other King’s’ fees, how are we suppose to defeat someone like that?”

“I’m sure you’ll find a way. The prophesy says so! If even Dragon-Beast Pyrathor couldn’t kill you, then you won’t even feel ‘Chimera Hound’s’ bites or claws. Just unleash that cursed power of yours and she’ll be gone.”

“And if I need your help, how will you go about defeating her?”

Miranna stretched out her claw, her fingers long and sharp, fanning out like the legs of a spider; red flames ignited around her tips, flaring and trickling, soon enveloping her entire hand. The fire crackled to life, casting the forest in scarlet light.

“In case there’s some life left in her, I’ll land the finishing blow.”

“Do you have any other powers?”
Miranna blinked, her raven wings flapping once in an erratic rhythm that nearly made her fall. Her shoulders slumped. “I-is that not enough?” she said, her voice turning soft. “My bones are also strong like iron!”

“No, t-that’s … ” Was she hurt by it? You didn't mean it that way. “Is there a way we can convince her to join us?”

“Why, because her skill set is more varied?” she whined. “You’ll be fine with me. Let’s just go, and kill them.”

She extended her burning claw towards you, and you almost took it, nearly getting a burn. You picked yourself off the ground and sighed at her.

“Listen, I don’t think that’s how prophecy works. It’s not going to make me immune or invincible against them.”

“But the prophecy says—!”

“Yes-yes, but it says they’ll fall to ‘me’, that can mean lots of things.”

She scowled. “I think the meaning’s cut and dry, personally.”

“’—in ways no one can predict or prepare for’, so let me do it my way, you said you would.”

“Fine, I doubt you can, her other head's personality contrasts heavily contrasts with her first one's.”

“What about the other two you’ve mentioned before?”

“‘Mountain Eater’ and ‘Twister of Wishes’?”

Nodding, you said,” Yes, them. Why did you say they were the likeliest to be send by the Demon King after me?”

Miranna glanced upwards at the overcast moon. “They would find it easiest to deal with you, hero.” She locked eyes with you, narrowing them as if to insist ‘When we're alone, let me use that name over the lame Niklos’. “’Mountain Eater’ would scare the peasants to surrender you, and then squish you between her fingertips. As for the ‘Twister of Wishes’, she would just command you to surrender, to kill yourself, or whatever she fancies that day.”

You gulped, your hand moving to shield your vulnerable neck.

“One is an abyss giant, and the other, an ifrit genie,” she said. “Moreover, they both would’ve volunteered for this task.” Miranna winced. “You see, both of them are vying for the ‘Demon Queen’ title and trying to win the Demon King's affection and secure a place by his side as his consort. So it only makes sense they’d go at you.”

“And you?”

“Oh no”, she said, dismissing it with a wave of her hand. “The Demon King is too tall and frail for my tastes.”

You let an awkward moment sit in the air, Miranna waving her hand even more in refusal. “So, no chance to convince them?”
“Not those two. As for the rest of them, the other two—“

“Wait” —you rose your hand to interrupt her mid-sentence— “that’s a lot to keep track of, I wish I had something to write that down with … and that I wasn’t illiterate,” you said. “Miranna, maybe you can teach me?”

Grinning unashamedly, she said, "I would teach you if I knew how, hero."

"Aren't demons supposed to be literate?”

“That’s what my mentors claimed, and ha! What’s laughing now? The Demon King asked me personally to be one of his generals without any of that!” She licked her talon, wincing as it drew unintentional blood. “I … only need my strength.”

> On other hand, maybe you should ask about the other two last Demon King’s generals. Your memory is not that bad.
> Rosie seems the likeliest to switch sides. Go to the villages she last been at to find out more about her.
> Maybe you’re going about this in the wrong way. Ask where the ‘Grub Hag’ is and seek her out to learn more about the prophesy and ask her directly if you are the chosen one. She should know!
> [Write In]
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Well, I can say that isn't the smartest of Generals.
But if they all start quitting, Demon King is going to recruit new ones. How will you beat this glitch?
Yes, the one that comes with ChatGPT.
I will neither confirm or deny if she has a twin brother.
A dangerous line to walk indeed.
Dammit, she's actually cute.
> Maybe you’re going about this in the wrong way. Ask where the ‘Grub Hag’ is and seek her out to learn more about the prophesy and ask her directly if you are the chosen one. She should know!
> Maybe you’re going about this in the wrong way. Ask where the ‘Grub Hag’ is and seek her out to learn more about the prophesy and ask her directly if you are the chosen one. She should know!
>Maybe you’re going about this in the wrong way. Ask where the ‘Grub Hag’ is and seek her out to learn more about the prophesy and ask her directly if you are the chosen one. She should know!
Aww, is our little Nettle actually a silly, insecure dork? That's adorable and makes her easier to manipulate.
I may or may not have once done almost exactly what she did at the end. It was not my smartest moment.
> Maybe you’re going about this in the wrong way. Ask where the ‘Grub Hag’ is and seek her out to learn more about the prophesy and ask her directly if you are the chosen one. She should know!
>Maybe you’re going about this in the wrong way. Ask where the ‘Grub Hag’ is and seek her out to learn more about the prophesy and ask her directly if you are the chosen one. She should know!
> On other hand, maybe you should ask about the other two last Demon King’s generals. Your memory is not that bad.
>How will you beat this glitch?
Seems we need to cut off the head. Whats with the music, you doing it yourself?
>Rosie seems the likeliest to switch sides. Go to the villages she last been at to find out more about her.
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Your lips tightened and eyes squinted at her antics. You watched as Miranna used her fiery fingertip to cauterise the wound, then casually glanced at you as if nothing had happened.

You drummed your foot on the roots. “Maybe we shouldn’t rush into things,” you said. “How about we learn more about the prophesy first?”

She arched her back, shifting to her usual upright flight stance. “Oh, do you mean, by consulting the ‘Grub Hag’?”

You nodded. “Yes, what you told me sounds clear as mud. It would be helpful to clarify a few thing."

The she-demon tousled her hair and, pausing briefly before flashed you a smile. “We can do that, sure!”

“Great, that would make things a bit easier,” you said, letting out a sigh. “Where is she?”

“In the Demon King’s Citadel!” Miranna said, her expression brightening. “She’s his personal oracle, after all, where else would she be? The Demon King wasn’t too happy with the prophesy, and he especially didn’t want others to hear about it. As I was leaving, he was contemplating some sort of 'reward'—more of a punishment, really.”

Your faint hope that the Demon King might dismiss the prophecy faded right there.

"If he kills her, no one but him and you will know the full truth."

Miranna spat air past her pressed lips: like a wet cat’s purr—Count Whiskers glared at her as if she had mocked him.

“Pfffh. Demon King would never kill another demon; he’s like that. He'll probably devise a plan to prevent her from divulging any more prophecies until you’re dealt with, but I can’t say what exactly he’ll do.”

“So … even if we successfully sneak into the Citadel, and find her, she might not be of any help?”

Miranna shrugged. “She might be able to provide more details about her last prophesy, hero. And we could help her.”

“And you don’t feel any worry at all about returning there just a few days after betraying the Demon King?”

“No, it’s only been a few hours,” she said. "Well, none of this will be a problem if we don't run into him."

Nettle Harpy? It felt more like dealing with a nettle-stuff bird.

> Reassess the whole idea. It’s better that you go with another plan? (Which one?)
> If there’s any time to act, it’s now. The Demon King will not be expecting Miranna to have betrayed him so soon, neither he will expect you to so brazenly break into his home. Ask Miranna to fly you to the Citadel.
> If you’re going to infiltrate the Demon King’s domain, you’ll need a better plan. It’s unlikely that he has human servants, so you’ll need to find a way to dress up as a demon. Might Miranna be any help with that?
> [Write In]
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>Whats with the music, you doing it yourself?
No, I'm generating it just like the images. I thought it would add some flavour but I do wonder if any of them fit the updates they are attached to?
>I'm generating it
Holy shit.
It's actually good though. Like, the generator gets repetition and contrast, and tension and release, and knows how to set up expectations and subvert them. I did not expect that at all.
What generator do you use? Is it also built into ChatGPT?

> If you’re going to infiltrate the Demon King’s domain, you’ll need a better plan. It’s unlikely that he has human servants, so you’ll need to find a way to dress up as a demon. Might Miranna be any help with that?
> If there’s any time to act, it’s now. The Demon King will not be expecting Miranna to have betrayed him so soon, neither he will expect you to so brazenly break into his home. Ask Miranna to fly you to the Citadel.
If we get caught, we can think up an excuse.
>If you’re going to infiltrate the Demon King’s domain, you’ll need a better plan. It’s unlikely that he has human servants, so you’ll need to find a way to dress up as a demon. Might Miranna be any help with that?
Makeover time, this'll be funny. Also, surely there has to be a more comfortable way of being carried than being held up by the arm or scruff like a naughty child. Wonder if we can ride on her shoulders or back, the front like a baby harness or even bridal carry.
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>What generator do you use? Is it also built into ChatGPT?
No, it's a site called suno.ai. You can generate up to 10 songs per day if you're on free plan, instrumental or lyrical.
>Also, surely there has to be a more comfortable way of being carried than being held up by the arm or scruff like a naughty child.
You need to unlock relationships points for that. Jokes aside, she had already bridal carried you, so she'll probably continue to use that way unless Niklos suggests otherwise. No shoulders or back, that's where the wings are.
>f there’s any time to act, it’s now. The Demon King will not be expecting Miranna to have betrayed him so soon, neither he will expect you to so brazenly break into his home. Ask Miranna to fly you to the Citadel.
>If there’s any time to act, it’s now. The Demon King will not be expecting Miranna to have betrayed him so soon, neither he will expect you to so brazenly break into his home. Ask Miranna to fly you to the Citadel.
Become Hero, Sigma of Chads
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“I can’t believe I’m going to say this,” you began, “but since you mentioned it’s only been a few hours since both you and the Demon King both heard the prophecy, if there was ever a time for sneaking in, it would be now.” You bent each finger in turn as you explained. “He doesn’t know you’ve betrayed him yet. He had scant time to reflect or take action on the prophecy. If I understand you right, If I understand you right, he wants to keep it a secret to prevent the demons from finding out and to avoid putting the Citadel on high alert. If we're fast enough, he might not have even dealt with the 'Grub Hag' yet,” you said, all four fingers curled into your palm.

Blinking, Miranna grasped her chin and then nodded. “That’s clever of you!”

“Is it? That’s just seems like common sense,” you said. "So, are we going with this plan, then?"

She frowned and leaned closer, the red depth of her eyes swallowing her irises, “Didn’t I say, hero, that I’ll do what you want?”

You tucked your arms beneath your armpits. “Yes. I do want to hear your thoughts—feedback, not complains.”

She grinned, her feet landing on the ground as she grabbed your wrists with her claws. “We shouldn’t waste time!”

Pulling you closer, Miranna forced the breath out of your lungs as she held your sides. With a bone-like rattling of her feathers, the Demon General shifted her weight; her wings spread out like an opening cocoon, each tendon snapping into place, blocking the moonlight and doubling her silhouette. Miranna bent her knees, her hands sliding beneath your shoulders and hips. Effortlessly, she lifted you off the ground.

Whiskers’ eyes shrank and he dug his claws into your tunic, another row of nails prickling your skin.

“It’ll take us a few hours to reach,” she noted, “if we’ll fly above the clouds, like I usually do.”

You glanced at Count Whiskers, who, even at this short height, seemed ill at ease and hissing in fear.

> Trust Miranna to carry you through the sky towards the Demon King’s domain. Hold Count Whiskers close to your chest in a tight grip, gently caressing him to calm him and prevent him from seeing the ground.
> To avoid the risk of dropping Count Whiskers, ask Miranna to keep you as close to the ground as possible while travelling. It’s best she doesn’t fly above the clouds.
> Before taking off, consider how to soothe Whiskers. Perhaps there's some catnip growing in this forest? If not, you could try to fashion a small carrier for him using roots and branches, though you’re unsure if it would hold.
> It’s too dangerous to bring him along; maybe it was a mistake to take him with you. But what choice did you have? Where can you leave him until you return? Here in the forest? In the nearest village, with a peasant family?
>[Write In]
> Trust Miranna to carry you through the sky towards the Demon King’s domain. Hold Count Whiskers close to your chest in a tight grip, gently caressing him to calm him and prevent him from seeing the ground.

> Trust Miranna to carry you through the sky towards the Demon King’s domain. Hold Count Whiskers close to your chest in a tight grip, gently caressing him to calm him and prevent him from seeing the ground.

Cats can survive terminal velocity, but also I bet teh demon general can swoop down to catch him, if he falls.

>Make it clear to Miranna that your cat is the key to your mental stability, and therefore your success, and that you're trusting her to keep Whiskers alive
I did not mean to reply to >>6023755, not sure why that happened
>Trust Miranna to carry you through the sky towards the Demon King’s domain. Hold Count Whiskers close to your chest in a tight grip, gently caressing him to calm him and prevent him from seeing the ground.
> Trust Miranna to carry you through the sky towards the Demon King’s domain. Hold Count Whiskers close to your chest in a tight grip, gently caressing him to calm him and prevent him from seeing the ground.
> Trust Miranna to carry you through the sky towards the Demon King’s domain. Hold Count Whiskers close to your chest in a tight grip, gently caressing him to calm him and prevent him from seeing the ground.

I wonder if the hag foresaw the demon king getting rid of them eventually so crafted up a self-fulfilling prophesy in hopes of if not saving themselves atleast getting revenge.
>Trust Miranna to carry you through the sky towards the Demon King’s domain. Hold Count Whiskers close to your chest in a tight grip, gently caressing him to calm him and prevent him from seeing the ground.
Mira, as much as you dumped INT and WIS, we'll always welcome and value your input if you have any. Bet you couldn't say the same about your old boss.
>To avoid the risk of dropping Count Whiskers, ask Miranna to keep you as close to the ground as possible while travelling. It’s best she doesn’t fly above the clouds.


You petted Count Whiskers below his chin, trying to reassure him; however he seemed to know well what was coming.
“Alright,” you said. “Let’s fly before I start having second thoughts.”

Miranna grinned, the gentle warmth of her illuminated palms streaming across your skin. With one resounding, thunderous beat, her wings cleaved through the air, the wind slamming into the ground, upraising shattered rocks, upturned roots and whirling cyclone of leaves and grass around you. A whoosh, and the forest was far beneath you, damp clouds slamming into you as Miranna ascended the sky, moisture clinging to and rolling down your body.

The layer of clouds thickened and turned dense moments before Miranna pierced through it, like she was escaping the river depths, bringing you both into the open expanse above it. Count Whiskers covered, shivering in your arms, the altitude cold freezing the water and turning it hoarfrost, having you shiver. The earth vanished from your view completely, as though the world below had been erased. Welcoming warmth spread from Miranna’s touch, not just her hands but her studded vambraces alike grew red up from the heat of her arms. She seemed to keep her fire in control.

You shuddered, as if emerging from a doze-off. Whisker’s little heart was thumping and jumping like there were no muscles to tether it, your own warmth seeping at his furry body. Your cat was afraid, and although you blocked his eyes from the heights, by some uncanny feline sense he could sense it. His paws sought solid ground, as did you now.

You swallowed the cold air, “I-I thought you can only burn your claws?”

Marinna spread-tossed her knees, the talons of her feet bursting into glistening flames. “You thought wrong, hero!” Pivoting mid-air, her raven wings twisting and turning and bending in ways defying their natural form. “Hear here, hero, I can fly even faster! We’ll be there in less than an hour! What say you, you want to feel the rush?”

> The sooner you land the sooner you can put Whiskers on the ground. Her flying will be more sporadic and dangerous, but you just have to hang on and trust her. Trust her … can you really?
> No, the speed she is going now is fast enough. It doesn’t seem like she has much experience flying while carrying other people, so better not risk it. Adding speed in addition to altitude might scare Whiskers even more.
> No, slow down, in fact. Ask Miranna to fly as cautiously, softly, and slowly as she can. Perhaps ask her to fly in the heat of the sun, so that Count Whiskers is warm, and just above the layer of clouds, so that he thinks the land is closer.
> [Write In]
>No, the speed she is going now is fast enough. It doesn’t seem like she has much experience flying while carrying other people, so better not risk it. Adding speed in addition to altitude might scare Whiskers even more.
>> No, the speed she is going now is fast enough. It doesn’t seem like she has much experience flying while carrying other people, so better not risk it. Adding speed in addition to altitude might scare Whiskers even more.

> No, the speed she is going now is fast enough. It doesn’t seem like she has much experience flying while carrying other people, so better not risk it. Adding speed in addition to altitude might scare Whiskers even more.
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Hm, it's likely we'll found how how higher her INT is compared to Miranna.
Who knows, maybe he treated her very nice, gave her holidays and dental ... wait, no he didn't, her teeth are crooked! What a monster, down with the Demon King!
>No, the speed she is going now is fast enough. It doesn’t seem like she has much experience flying while carrying other people, so better not risk it. Adding speed in addition to altitude might scare Whiskers even more.
>The sooner you land the sooner you can put Whiskers on the ground. Her flying will be more sporadic and dangerous, but you just have to hang on and trust her. Trust her … can you really?
How could this possibly go wrong? I trust her!

Hmm. Maybe *we* should take a holiday together after this while the heat dies down some? I don't want to get in trouble with the Hadean Administration for Labour Ordinances for not giving our unpaid volunteer holiday time. As for dental care, I recommend a car jack and an angle grinder to keep those cute little fangs nicely aligned, sharp and polished.
> No, the speed she is going now is fast enough. It doesn’t seem like she has much experience flying while carrying other people, so better not risk it. Adding speed in addition to altitude might scare Whiskers even more.
If Whiskers thinks the ground is close, he'll be more confident trying to jump down. Can't have that.
>The sooner you land the sooner you can put Whiskers on the ground. Her flying will be more sporadic and dangerous, but you just have to hang on and trust her. Trust her … can you really?
Update tomorrow, sorry, had some problems.
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You shook your head, declining her offer. “No, the speed you going with now is fast enough.” It seemed she hadn’t had much practice flying while carrying someone else. Certainly, she had the strength, but it was safer not to push it. She lightly jostled her shoulder, then flapped her wings, carrying you higher, skimming just above a cloud.

“I’ll take it you also don’t want to pass through a thunder cloud, hero? It’s quite thrilling to experience!”

You managed a sheepish, nervous grin, just before a thunderclap echoed below and a bolt of lightning streaked through the cloud, inches off your boots. Count Whiskers yowled, his claws digging harder.

“Maybe some other time.”

You grimaced, edges of your mouth trembling as you pulled your knees away from the sparks.

You cast your gaze down, where the glimpses of distant grounds revealed themselves through breaks in the clouds. Were you afraid of heights? It was your first time so high up, an impossible height for a human to be at. Your attention was on Whiskers and his evident fear, making your own apprehension irrelevant. Despise the dizzying heights, Miranna’s comforting and secure grip made it feel like falling was out of the question.

“Do you believe he'll be much of use?” Miranna’s eyes, glinting red, shifted to your cat.

Your eyes left hers and fell down, feeling a sweat break out. “He’ll be useful.”

Would be great if Demon King was afraid of cats. She seemed to concede to your words without much resistance.

“Why don’t you want me to recruit or spare any of the other Demon King’s Generals, anyway?” you asked, the landscape morphing below—farmlands and forests giving way to spruce-filled marshes and black-peat quagmires. “Aren’t you friends with any of them?”

“I didn’t say I don’t want you to, but I think it’s useless to try. It’s best you deal with them as prophecy dictates! As for friendships, we’re not really friends, just fellow generals. There’s quite a bit of resentment between some of them!”

“Specifically, those vying for the position of Demon King's partner?”

“Uh-huh. But not just them. But, well, I don’t think you should care about that.”

Should you not? You leaned against her heated breastplate, feeling a draft of cold air on one side and warmth from the other.

Pensive, you asked, “What kind of things did you do for the Demon King?”
“Rip and tear his enemies, burn those that stand against him,” she said. “When at his side, I presented him with a couple of ideas, thought I don’t think he ever listened. No offence taken—I know I'm not that bright."

“Well, you are more than free to share -your- thoughts with me, Miranna. I’m open to hearing what you have to say.”

Her face stiffened first, then relaxed into a large smile, her crooked teeth showing and her ruby eyes shimmering.
“On how to govern your future realm?”


“Once you’ll defeat the Demon King, it’s only logical and right you take his place, like he did with your king, isn’t it?”

> Tell Miranna that if you do end up defeating the Demon King by some miracle—you really have no plans to, but you have to tell her something!—you’ll just let everything else alone. Without Generals and Demons someone else worthier than you should come out and claim the throne. A hero and a king are different, and you just want to be left alone.
> Promise Miranna that she can take the throne if it comes down to it, as long as she doesn’t turn into a tyrant.
> Half-hardheartedly and non-seriously tell Miranna if there’ll be no one worthy, so be it, you’ll rule the lands. She’ll probably forget your half-arsed answer, and you’ll figure out what to do after.
> [Write In]
>Half-hardheartedly and non-seriously tell Miranna if there’ll be no one worthy, so be it, you’ll rule the lands. She’ll probably forget your half-arsed answer, and you’ll figure out what to do after.
>We could always... rule together. Not like that. But one covers for area's the other weaker in. Like partners.
> Tell Miranna that if you do end up defeating the Demon King by some miracle—you really have no plans to, but you have to tell her something!—you’ll just let everything else alone. Without Generals and Demons someone else worthier than you should come out and claim the throne. A hero and a king are different, and you just want to be left alone.
> [Write In]
“You know, you are asking alot of questions which have quite life altering consequences. Could i at least get some time to let this all sink in?”
>[Write In]
Claiming you were some kind of 'chosen hero' was one thing, but actually expecting me to overthrow the demon king in some kind of battle? And then even imagining me as some kind of ruler of all the land? It's too much, even if this isn't a dream this is nothing like any reality you know. But you know what? There's no sense fighting it now.
"Buwuhahaha! I suppose it is!"

>Half-hardheartedly and non-seriously tell Miranna if there’ll be no one worthy, so be it, you’ll rule the lands. She’ll probably forget your half-arsed answer, and you’ll figure out what to do after.
This. Supporting.

>Half-hardheartedly and non-seriously tell Miranna if there’ll be no one worthy, so be it, you’ll rule the lands. She’ll probably forget your half-arsed answer, and you’ll figure out what to do after.
>Half-hardheartedly and non-seriously tell Miranna if there’ll be no one worthy, so be it, you’ll rule the lands. She’ll probably forget your half-arsed answer, and you’ll figure out what to do after.
But first, the here and now, girl. We have to get there first!
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She was seriously expecting that you would defeat the Demon King in some kind of battle and take his place, her eyes shimmering with eagerness at the very thought. You fretted about how she'd respond. You petted Whiskers to calm your nerves.

“You know,” you said,” you are asking me to commit to quite a lot here. It’s only been half an hour since we met, and you’d thrown this prophecy nonsense on me. Can I have some time to think this over?”

Miranna smirked, “I’m not asking you to swear on your soul, hero. I'm just very curious to learn more about you!”

You winced, fleeting flashes of your mundane life flashing through your mind amidst the lightning echoing within the clouds.

If you gave her your answer then, days—or likely months—later, would she even remember it? You decided to entertain her.

Without committing to it, you said, “Well, if there’s no one else worthy to replace him after all that time, then maybe, probably, perhaps, we could rule the lands. That wouldn’t be such a good idea, thought, I know nothing—“

Her gaze fell down, eyes ablaze with crimson shine. “We, hero?” she said. “We? You want me by your side even after you defeat the Demon King?”

Heat suffused your cheeks, turning them a shade of red. “Where one compliments each other weaknesses, like partners.”

Some of your words were lost in the sudden beat of her raven wings as she manoeuvred and span around another grey cloud.

Thunderclap boomed in your wake, its distant echo closing in from the almost vanished sky.

“I’m not sure I’ll be a good consort,” she said once the thunder subsided, her gaze fixed on the distant mountain shapes.

“That wasn’t what I meant,” you said, looking down at the passing rivers and lakes, the patches of ice spilling like white paint onto the blue canvass. Swallowing and clearing your throat, you added, “Let’s talk about it when we have to!”

“Sure!” she agreed, almost immediately, returning you a smile.

Soon, however, that smile turned into a frown. Breaking through cloudy shroud was a titanic mountaintop, its sharp peaks slicing through the clouds like the jaws of a dragon-beast, casting long vast shadows across the cloudscape. The sunlight disappeared into the pitch-black, snowless granite; mist wrapped around the jagged cliffs like shed skin of a serpent colossus.
From behind the mountain, a pair of black dots emerged, quickly growing larger into granite silhouette as they—and Miranna—came towards each other. Their bodies, carved entirely from stone, flapped and cracked their wings with each beat, unnatural magic keeping them aloft. Each beat scattered cascades of dust through the air, their ancient, weathered forms cracking and crumbling as they flew, unleashing a cacophony of grinding stone. Though their mouths remained sealed, they seemed to bellow, their eyes glowing with an ominous black light.

Marinna chewed on her cheek. “The hellstone stalwarts—I’ve never seen them take flight like this.”

“What do you mean?” you asked, a tremor rolling through your voice as the hellstone stalwarts neared. “What do you mean?!”

“They are meant to hunt down and deal with any humans that come near the Banefroth Citadel.”

"You’re the Demon General, though; can’t you command them to withdraw?"

She bit her cheek harder, her brows furrowing. “Not with those things, hero. They follow only the Demon King's explicit design.”

“Why are they even here then? No human would fly to this-one-called forsaken Citadel!”

“It seems you’ll be the first and only, hero,” she said, loosening one of her hand’s grip to raise it free. “It won’t be too much trouble” —red flames flickered off her nails, heating hear claws like bellows would ash— “A minute or two of your discomfort.”

> Trust Marinna and nod, finding a way for her one-arm-grip to be balanced and tight. Observe what she does next.
> Yell to Marinna not to engage in a battle, pointing out her disadvantageous position. Urge her to increase her speed, so you can leave them behind.
> How are the gargoyles discerning between demons-folk and the humans? Maybe there’s a way to mask your human origins.
> Propose that she lets go of you so you hang off her legs instead. Even the thought the mere idea of it sounds scary, that would free Marinna’s hands for combat, and you would be less of an impediment if you held on tightly.
> [Write In]
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I will be unable to update the quest for the next week, as I'll be in a place without internet connection (or a very shitty one). I hope to return on 16th.

This anon doesn't know I'm planning a 'this was all a dream' ending. No one tell him.

Smart thinking! A comfy fluffy white pillow.

Who knows, she might let you touch her comely teeth with a grindstone if you play your cards right. Lewd.
>How are the gargoyles discerning between demons-folk and the humans? Maybe there’s a way to mask your human origins.
> Trust Marinna and nod, finding a way for her one-arm-grip to be balanced and tight. Observe what she does next.
>Trust Marinna and nod, finding a way for her one-arm-grip to be balanced and tight. Observe what she does next.
> How are the gargoyles discerning between demons-folk and the humans? Maybe there’s a way to mask your human origins.
A very interesting question. What do you think?
It's red eyes! If we close our eyes they won't be able to tell we're not a demon.
(The reason is cutting cost on image recognition enchantmehts)
>How are the gargoyles discerning between demons-folk and the humans? Maybe there’s a way to mask your human origins.
Dupe them, they got rocks between their ears anyway.
Scent. We have to get Miranna's stank all over us.
Come on darling, you'll make a great Queen corny statement withheld. Just leave the smarts stuff to us and the advisors and you can be our right hand to punch problems we can't outsmart. I'm sure she'd also give wonderfully soft and warm wing cuddles when the courtiers aren't looking, can be prodded closer to a good mindset with time I can fix her!, bear us many strong heirs, know what she can and cannot do and defer to us on most things and scare the piss out of people we don't like with just a look and a goofy smile. What more could you want from a consort?

>How are the gargoyles discerning between demons-folk and the humans? Maybe there’s a way to mask your human origins
Okay, japery aside for a moment, I suspect they identify either by visual or by some kind of magical marker and don't have much of a brain. Both problems can be likely solved by sticking ourselves to Miranna like a limpet to prevent them getting a proper look at us and to mask any presence with hers as well as giving them as wide a berth as we can.

Also random thought, how tall is Miranna?
With how much she trusts us, she really did put all of her eggs in one basket.
She cute but didn't you say she has pale grey face?
Sorry, but I'm back now. Quest will resume tomorrow, as I mentioned here >>6028588
Ah, I totally forgot. Get hype for the return!

New thread because I achieved this one (wasn't sure if it would survive)

>Also random thought, how tall is Miranna?
I would say between 180 and 190.
Technically speaking, she trusts the prophecy.

Tall lady!

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