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As the chosen hero, your mission has always been clear: defeat the demon king and bring peace to the world! However, your life took an unexpected turn when the demon king's top general, whom you've decided to name Scarlett, shockingly proposed marriage to you! In an effort to truly understand each other, you've agreed to a date in a week's time. There's just one issue: you know nothing about dating or courtship, having dedicated every moment of your life to training and demon-slaying. Desperate for guidance, you journey to the ancient elf forest to consult the wise, one-thousand-year-old, white-haired elf mage but instead of romantic wisdom, she imparts a grim warning: "Never trust demons, Yuusha! They're evil and want to steal your seed!!"

>Scarlet isn't like that!
>You've no experience with dating either, do you?
>I'll guard my seed with great care!
>Write In
First thread: >>5988019
>You've no experience with dating either, do you?

Dollars to doughnuts you’ll drop this quest before the end of next week, yawn
>>You've no experience with dating either, do you?

Go fuck yourself
>You've no experience with dating either, do you?
>>You've no experience with dating either, do you?
"Well, no, but that doesn't change the fact that demons are irredeemably evil! Never negotiate with them, Yuusha!"

You've got a sudden suspicion. Elves can live for over ten thousand years. What if the wise white-haired elf mage is actually an immature child?

>Go to the gruff dwarf warrior for dating advice.
>Go to the alcoholic human priest for dating advice.
>Go to the child-sized halfling rogue for dating advice.
>Write In
>Go to the flamboyant human bard for dating advice.
I mean.
>>Go to the alcoholic human priest for dating advice.
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>>Go to the flamboyant human bard for dating advice.
"Just get married already!" The flamboyant human bard who's very popular with girls says when you go to him for dating advice!

>>I only came to you for dating advice!
"Marrying a rich and powerful woman is every bard's dream, hero! Why do you need dating advice when the demon king's general already wants to marry you?"

>I don't think she even understands what marriage is.
>I won't marry someone I barely know just because they're rich and powerful!
>I want her to have a nice time on our date.
>Write In
>I want her to have a nice time on our date.
>>I don't think she even understands what marriage is.
>I mean I know there are marriages that work a lot like how she seems to understand them, but going through with that would seem a waste for both of us.
>Besides I expected something a bit more from you my friend. All those romantic songs and tales of love that conquers all, are they nothing but means to end for you? I would have expect there's a kernel of genuine longing in order to make your delivery as heartfelt as you usually make them.

I ship the bard with the cute elf mage.
Nah, the bard is a gold digger. The elf doesn't deserve this.
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>"I thought you said your dream was to marry a girl with the biggest knockers in all the kingdoms."
>"Also, you need to explain to me what you meant by knockers while we were adventuring. I kept pointing out all the shiniest and largest ones in the land and you'd just look at me in disappointment then sigh and shake your head."
>>I don't think she even understands what marriage is
>>I don't think she even understands what marriage is.
>>I mean I know there are marriages that work a lot like how she seems to understand them, but going through with that would seem a waste for both of us.
>>Besides I expected something a bit more from you my friend. All those romantic songs and tales of love that conquers all, are they nothing but means to end for you? I would have expect there's a kernel of genuine longing in order to make your delivery as heartfelt as you usually make them.
"Never truly fall in love, hero," the flamboyant bard advises with a seriousness you've never heard from him before, "That's how you end up heartbroken and cynical! You’re supposed to be humanity's only hope; you can’t let yourself be weighed down by heartbreak. And haven’t you listened to my songs? They ALL end in tragedy, with love lost and lives ruined. Surely, you don't expect the romance between the hero and the demon king's general to have a happy ending, do you?"

>>I want her to have a nice time on our date.
"Ah, now that I can help with! The key is making her feel special, as if she's the first and only one you've ever serenaded—luckily for you, she really is your first. Then, be confident but not overbearing. Girls appreciate a strong man with a tender heart. And share a bit of your own struggles, your tragic heroic past; some girls find a deep connection in trying to fix a 'broken' hero. Most importantly, show genuine interest and sensitivity. Make her believe you care for more than just her assets."

>>"I thought you said your dream was to marry a girl with the biggest knockers in all the kingdoms."
>>"Also, you need to explain to me what you meant by knockers while we were adventuring. I kept pointing out all the shiniest and largest ones in the land and you'd just look at me in disappointment then sigh and shake your head."
"Turns out, those knockers were fake. That was one of my biggest heartbreaks. Anyway, good luck, hero. Maybe your date will turn out to be more real than what I had!"


>"I want to marry him for power, it's not like I'm in love with him or anything!" The demon king's top general mumbles while going to sleep hugging her secret Yuusha body pillow!
>"A date is just another form of a duel, right?" The demon king's top general studies her latest volume of human books that are actually three hundred years old.
>"You must seduce the Yuusha and steal his seed!" The experienced succubus demon captain advises when the demon king's top general goes to her for courtship advice.
>"I understand," the demon king's top general nods solemnly. She must secure the granary where the Yuusha is hiding his precious seed for the winter so she has the upper hand during the marriage negotiations!
>Write In
>"A date is just another form of a duel, right?" The demon king's top general studies her latest volume of human books that are actually three hundred years old.
"This place is perfect. This shall be the place where our fates are decided. Yuusha! I challenge you to a dance!!"
>"A date is just another form of a duel, right?" The demon king's top general studies her latest volume of human books that are actually three hundred years old.
>>"A date is just another form of a duel, right?" The demon king's top general studies her latest volume of human books that are actually three hundred years old.

We are dueling to the death but its a friendly match and only to first blood!
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I know just the weapon for this duel! GAHAHAHAHA
>"I want to marry him for power, it's not like I'm in love with him or anything!" The demon king's top general mumbles while going to sleep hugging her secret Yuusha body pillow!
This of course raises the question of whether of not the demon king's top general's knockers are fake. We shall have to inspect them to ensure we will not ever have to face such heart break.

>"A date is just another form of a duel, right?" The demon king's top general studies her latest volume of human books that are actually three hundred years old.
All is fair in love and war. So which is this? Love or war?
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Meanwhile, in the demon kingdom...

"I want to marry him for power, it's not like I'm in love with him or anything!" The demon king's top general mumbles while going to sleep hugging her secret Yuusha body pillow—a purchase she insists was solely to understand how to defeat him, nothing more!

Each time she ponders over the human hero, her demonic heart races and her stomach flutters with what feels suspiciously like butterflies. "Obviously, his power levels are simply overwhelming, and that's why I'm feeling this way," she concludes after considerable thought.

In just one week, she's set to go on a date with the human hero. However, the truth is, she hasn't the slightest idea what a date actually is!

"A date is just another form of a duel, right?" The demon king's top general studies her latest volume of human books that are actually three hundred years old.

As she delves deeper into the archaic courtship rituals of humans, her confusion only deepens. "Holding hands, really?" she exclaims, bewildered by the strange customs.

>The demon king's top general goes to an experienced succubus demon for courtship advice.
>The demon king's top general decides she must challenge the Yuusha … to a dance!
>The demon king's top general decides she should lead with what she knows best: a battle to the death!
>Write In
>The demon king's top general decides she must challenge the Yuusha … to a dance!
The succubus will just advice to steal his seed and to get fake Js.
>The demon king's top general goes to an experienced succubus demon for courtship advice.
>Finds herself shopping for cute dresses and lingerie with succubus and her twink cousin incubus.
>The demon king's top general decides she should lead with what she knows best: a battle to the death!
Best foot forward. Wait haven't we already done that together?
>The demon king's top general decides she must challenge the Yuusha … to a dance!
>>The demon king's top general decides she must challenge the Yuusha … to a dance!
>The demon king's top general decides she must challenge the Yuusha … to a dance!
>The demon king's top general goes to an experienced succubus demon for courtship advice.
The bard equivalent
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>>The demon king's top general goes to an experienced succubus demon for courtship advice.
"You should seduce the Yuusha and steal his seed, general!" the experienced succubus demon offers up her wisdom enthusiastically. "Oh, and maybe use a little magic to enhance your bosoms!"

"Is that really what human heroes are into?" asks the general, her tone skeptical, questioning whether the human hero would actually appreciate such things.

"Absolutely! Human males are all about the 'ecchi' stuff!" the succubus demon responds confidently, tossing her hair. "Trust me, I've got loads of experience!"

"I'm not sure," the general admits, still puzzled over the allure of ecchi stuff and how an enhanced bust size might aid in combat. "And isn't using magic to enlarge your chest sort of... deceptive?"

"Humans don't mind if your knockers are fake, general," the succubus chuckles, waving off the concern. "I've seduced hundreds of humans, and not one has complained about them! Humans are simple creatures! They care more about pleasure than what's real!"

>>The demon king's top general decides she must challenge the Yuusha … to a dance!
Still skeptical, the demon king's top general returns to her study of human courtship. The more she reads, the greater her confusion grows.

Handholding, hugging, kissing, cuddling—she finds it all bizarre! Why does her heart flutter at the thought of engaging in such strange behaviors with the Yuusha?

"Maybe I should lead with what I know best: a battle to the death!" She resolves to opt for the familiar safe option over potentially dangerous acts like handholding.

Then she stumbles upon a chapter about dancing. "Ah, now THIS makes sense! It's like a duel!" she realizes. "I must challenge the Yuusha on our date … to a dance!"

>Meanwhile, as the human hero prepares for the upcoming date, he wonders about the perfect gift. What exactly would a demon girl appreciate?
>The human hero is haunted by memories of his village being ravaged by the demon army. He questions whether true peace between humans and demons is possible even after the demon king's defeat.
>The white-haired elf mage takes a proactive approach, plastering the nearest town with anti-demon posters that warn, "Beware of demons! They want YOUR seed! And their tits are FAKE!"
>Write In
>Meanwhile, as the human hero prepares for the upcoming date, he wonders about the perfect gift. What exactly would a demon girl appreciate?
Perhaps jewellery. If so can we give her some we found as part of a dragons hoard or should we buy some for her specifically?

>"Humans don't mind if your knockers are fake"
No Scarlett. Don't do it. She lies, she lies
>Meanwhile, as the human hero prepares for the upcoming date, he wonders about the perfect gift. What exactly would a demon girl appreciate?
>The white-haired elf mage takes a proactive approach, plastering the nearest town with anti-demon posters that warn, "Beware of demons! They want YOUR seed! And their tits are FAKE!"
>Meanwhile, as the human hero prepares for the upcoming date, he wonders about the perfect gift. What exactly would a demon girl appreciate?
>The white-haired elf mage takes a proactive approach, plastering the nearest town with anti-demon posters that warn, "Beware of demons! They want YOUR seed! And their tits are FAKE!"
>The posters unwisely include detailed schematics of said fake tits.
>What exactly would a demon girl appreciate?
Her nemesis, Yuusha's maidenhead. Duh.
>>Meanwhile, as the human hero prepares for the upcoming date, he wonders about the perfect gift. What exactly would a demon girl appreciate?
Can't possibly go wrong with red roses (the general: I see! The thorny flowers that make their enemies bleed!) and chocolate (the general: I see! The highly caloric consumable that can turn the tide of battle!)

Or perhaps alternatively a sword. Yuusha likes swords, right? Martial things seem something the two could bond over. Maybe with an engraving.

>For Iron - Cold Iron - must be master of men all
>Meanwhile, as the human hero prepares for the upcoming date, he wonders about the perfect gift. What exactly would a demon girl appreciate?
A sword with a hilt made of roses?

>Meanwhile the bard looks forlornly at a portrait of the succubus in human form wearing a crown of flowers and a sundress, the only difference between her natural form is her cup size is her being an enhanced N cup instead of her natural M
>A tear rolls down his cheek as he remembers the deception that broke his heart in twain, never to trust in breasts again.
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Forgot the pic...
>The human hero is haunted by memories of his village being ravaged by the demon army. He questions whether true peace between humans and demons is possible even after the demon king's defeat.

“Dollars to doughnuts”
It's spelled "donuts", you illiterate swine.
>>The human hero is haunted by memories of his village being ravaged by the demon army. He questions whether true peace between humans and demons is possible even after the demon king's defeat.
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Meanwhile, back in the human kingdom...

>>The white-haired elf mage takes a proactive approach, plastering the nearest town with anti-demon posters that warn, "Beware of demons! They want YOUR seed! And their tits are FAKE!"
>>The posters unwisely include detailed schematics of said fake tits.
"There! That'll do it!" The white-haired elf mage nods in satisfaction. She has lived over a thousand years, ageless and without the reproductive urges that shorter-lived races like humans experience. She doesn't really understand humanity's obsession with big tits and how demons use them to lead humans astray.

As she surveys her handiwork, she notices two young human peasant boys examining the posters.

The first peasant boy says, "Look how huge their breasts are! I wish I had a demon girlfriend with big breasts too!"

The second peasant boy responds, "But it says their tits are fake!"

The first peasant boy retorts, "Fake tits are better than real ones! Real ones are just something you're born with and take no effort! Fake tits show hard work and commitment!"

The second peasant boy agrees, "You're right! Now that you mention it, fake ones do look a lot better than natural ones!"

Furious, the wise white-haired elf mage angrily bonks them on the head with her staff, causing them to run away. "Don't trust demons, you fools!" she shouts after them, exasperated by their misguided admiration. Humans are truly hopeless!

>>Meanwhile the bard looks forlornly at a portrait of the succubus in human form wearing a crown of flowers and a sundress, the only difference between her natural form is her cup size is her being an enhanced N cup instead of her natural M
>>A tear rolls down his cheek as he remembers the deception that broke his heart in twain, never to trust in breasts again.
"I don't care that she turned out to be a succubus demon," the bard murmurs softly. "I just wish she hadn't lied to me about her knockers." If a man cannot believe in breasts, what can he even believe in, in this cruel, heartless world?

>>Meanwhile, as the human hero prepares for the upcoming date, he wonders about the perfect gift. What exactly would a demon girl appreciate?
"Can't possibly go wrong with roses and chocolates," the old shopkeeper suggests. Of course, he thinks you are going on a date with a human girl. Would Scarlett really care about such mundane human things?

You consider other options. Perhaps a sword would be more fitting. Martial things seem like something the two of you could bond over. Maybe a sword with an engraving or a hilt made of roses?

>Chocolate and roses
>Sword with an engraving
>Sword with a hilt made of roses
>Write In
>Sword with an engraving
Roses and shit are too basic, and for all we know demons handle chocolate as well as dogs.

The rose-hilt sword is for when we're sure we actually like her.

An aesthetically embellished shortsword will do.
Humans are truly hopeless
Ain't that the truth

>Sword with an engraving
Subtle yet impactful and if we end up duelling to the the death then the bard will have some material to work with.
>Sword with an engraving
>Sword with an engraving of roses
>Write In
>The gift of a mighty warhammer
Blades aren't really suitable as a gift, due to their inherent connotation. Everyone loves a girl who can handle a massive hammer, though.
>Sword with a hilt made of roses
I'm afraid the bard will meddle with the engraving and it'll be an idealized image of the general in a low cut dress with giant knockers.
>Cursed items from the evidence locker
>Sword with an engraving
Was worried the quest died, glad to see it continue.
>One day later
...Anon, I think you might have killed OP just by saying that.
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>>Sword with an engraving
>>Sword with an engraving of roses
>>Cursed items from the evidence locker
You search for Scarlett's gift in the local weapon shops, but none of them have anything likely to impress the demon king's top general.

After much thought, you decide to look into the cursed items from the evidence locker.

"This is perfect," you think, as you find an ancient cursed demonic sword with the engraving of red roses. It reminds you of Scarlett's black armor, her red eyes, and her red horns.

>>The human hero is haunted by memories of his village being ravaged by the demon army. He questions whether true peace between humans and demons is possible even after the demon king's defeat.
But when you touch the cursed demonic sword, memories of why you became the hero flood back. Your village being ravaged by the demon army haunts you.

You were just a little boy then, able only to run, hide, and cry. You vowed to grow stronger, training hard to defeat the demon king so no one would suffer from his wars again.

"Will true peace between humans and demons be possible even after the demon king's defeat?" you find yourself questioning, as if jolted back to reality after an optimistic dream.

>You decide to present Scarlett with the cursed demonic sword.
>You choose the gift of a mighty warhammer.
>You search for something peaceful.
>Write In
>You decide to present Scarlett with the cursed demonic sword.
>The Bard comes in and gifts the Hero a gift wrapped box and a brown paper bag as a means of encouragement, and tells him to have the demon general open the box at the right time. The box contains sexy lingerie for after the date, while the brown paper bag contains the finest sheepgut condoms money can buy.
Could the sword be reforged into a hoe? What is the nature of the curse? What would reforging do with it?
>You decide to present Scarlett with the cursed demonic sword.
>Find something peaceful
>You decide to present Scarlett with the cursed demonic sword.
>You decide to present Scarlett with the cursed demonic sword.
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>>Could the sword be reforged into a hoe? What is the nature of the curse? What would reforging do with it?
>>Find something peaceful
You don't know the nature of the curse but you decide the demon king's top general will be strong enough to withstand any curse!

If the dwarf blacksmith was still with your party she might have been able to re-forge it into something more peaceful but she is visiting her family in the dwarf mountains.

You feel sad and wish your family was still alive so you could visit them now and then.

>>You decide to present Scarlett with the cursed demonic sword.
You decide to present Scarlett with the cursed demonic sword on your date.

Soon a letter arrives for you with the location for your date: "This place is perfect. This shall be the place where our fates are decided. Yuusha! I challenge you to a dance!!"


You've reached the end of the second thread of The Demon King's General Proposes to the Hero! What happens in the next thread: THE DATE?

>The blighted wastelands are a great place for a date! Right, Yuusha?
>I chose the best eatery in the human kingdom for our date, Yuusha! The staff shouting, "Please don't kill us!" is a strange creative choice though.
>We shall hold our date on neutral grounds: the ancient elven forests!
>Write In

>The cursed sword turns humans into demons.
>The cursed sword alters your personality.
>The cursed sword heightens your darkest fears and desires.
>Write In
>We shall hold our date on neutral grounds: the ancient elven forests!

>The cursed sword turns humans into demons... and demons into humans!
Supporting >>6027942
More hag elf hijinks
>I chose the best eatery in the human kingdom for our date, Yuusha! The staff shouting, "Please don't kill us!" is a strange creative choice though.

>The cursed sword heightens your darkest fears and desires.
>Demons' darkest desires are all wholesome, it's a cultural thing.
>We shall hold our date on neutral grounds: the ancient elven forests!
>>The cursed sword heightens your darkest fears and desires.
Her desires for handholdimg will be revealed
Scarlet after she's accidentally turned human
Another version
Pretty nice, I love the rose headband. Even the fingers are almost good.
>We shall hold our date on neutral grounds: the ancient elven forests!

>The cursed sword heightens your darkest fears and desires.
>The cursed sword turns humans into demons... and demons into humans!
>The blighted wastelands are a great place for a date! Right, Yuusha?
No potential interruptions.
>The cursed sword heightens your darkest fears and desires.
Really not interested in the personality change or the human one. Demon waifu is great as she is.
Next thread when?
Wondering the same thing.
Next week
Sweet! Looking forward to it.

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