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[continuing on from https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=of+the+esoteric]



You almost mistake the shriek for a cry of pleasure in your half-delirious state. However, when you see Izzy’s face, there’s no mistaking her emotional state: she’s upset. Izirina stands up, still disheveled and half-clad thanks to your recent escapades. She stares down, at the evidence of your err in aim—or rather, your ability to resist whatever strange and confounding machinations she set in place. She glares at you, bizarrely FURIOUS, for reasons you can’t quite fathom. Then, her expression breaks, anger shattering to make way for a despair and dismay which is equally incomprehensible to you.

She bolts out of the tent.

“W-wait,” you stammer. “What…?”

You start to struggle to your feet, scrambling for your trousers and underclothes, still tangled about one another in a heap on the floor. You manage to extricate one from the other and, hopping on one foot, push your leg through the bottom hole. Your hurried scramble to clothe yourself, to chase after Izirina is interrupted, though…

By Costella.

You look down, the rush of drug-addled confusion broken by her touch. You look down to where Costella is tugging upon the cuff of your pants, still lying upon the ground. Her hair is mussed, green-speckled face shadowed and half hidden by her wavy brown locks, but she shakes her head subtly and you understand that she doesn’t want you to leave. Not yet.

What do you do?
>Go after Izirina to confront her about whatever the fuck THAT all was
>Stay here with Costella until Izzy returns, or until morning

[Please recast your votes, and pardon the interruption. Mods, there will be no more 'erotic roleplay', never fear.]
We gotta keep this shit in google docs or pastebin or some shit. Seriously.

>Go after Izirina to confront her about whatever the fuck THAT all was
>Go after Izirina to confront her about whatever the fuck THAT all was
>Stay here with Costella until Izzy returns, or until morning
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Congratulations Reptoid, you out did Ceg and got the mods on you faster than Thulzar Sexo Edition.
>Go after Izirina to confront her about whatever the fuck THAT all was
normally I'd stay with Cossy and let Izzy vent, but considering that she's probably more jealous with us staying closer to Cossy than her, and her acting strange for a while we need to settle this shit asap.
Have Costella get dressed and go after Izzy with you
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Rolled 16, 9, 4, 7, 5, 14 = 55 (6d20)

You take a moment to kneel, running your fingers through Costella’s tresses to expose her still-flushed face. Exhaustion ahs caught up with her: if you believed for a moment she might want ‘more’, that illusion is swiftly banished. Her eyelids flutter, as she struggles to keep them open long enough to squeak out:

“…Let her know… I’m not, like… Mad, okay?”

You frown, admitting: “I think I might be.”

Costella shakes her head as much as she can, but before she can say more than:

“It’s okay…”

She is asleep. You take a moment to appreciate the sight of her nude body, then quickly cover her in case anyone comes by. Before the shirin-stimulated lust can seize you again, you open the tent-flap, shield your eyes against the piercing sunlight of dawn—DAWN?! Gods Above, you WERE at it a while—and take off after Izirina. Muffins, who had takjen to slumbering outside the tent, looks up n confusion, but then quickly leis back down when you shake your head.

It is a difficult thing, you discover, to find a master Conjurationist who doesn’t want to be found. You assume a <Wildshape> suitable to flight, and summon forth a plume of <Faerie Fire> to guide your way.. .The shirin is leaving your system, its effects subsiding and your own natural need for rest taking hold; casting spells which draw primarily upon your own flagging life-energies, do little to help the situation. Your own eyes begin to slip closed once or twice, your wings listing and course tilting dangerously towards a death-spiral. Before you can plummet from the sky, little Veloz comes to your rescue, though, wings beating hard to maintain pace with you and sharp bill poking at prodding at your face to induce alertness.

“I’m awake, I’m awake!” you say, swatting half-heartedly at the silver-plumed little hummingbird to stop the pin-prick prodding. “But… Thank you.”

(At least you won’t still be, ah, aroused when you encounter her…)

You soar for much of the morning, casting <Wildshape> again and again to maintain the temporary half-animal form it enables. The <Faerie Fire> begins to sputter and dim as dawn turns to daylight proper.

“IZIRINA!” you cry out, again and again, without answer.
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Just when it seems you may have to turn back, or land and take shelter, your <Faerie Fire> dips low. You blink a couple times, suspecting some trick of light or spell-failure, but it is not merely falling, nor is it dissipating: it is following a winding course down to some nearby stones.

>16 for Arcana/Feycraft: success!

You do likewise, diving after it. Youa re no tracker, but even you can see the traces of someone’s passage here: blood-fringed footprints upon the ground, where the jagged gravel has cute someone’s bare feet.

(Ah damn… She didn’t grab her pants before she left, so of COURSE Izirina didn’t retrieve her boots, either.)

You steel yourself and descend the hill after her, assuming a less-feathery form for the encounter. You find your swiftly-departed paramour behind a particularly large rock, given away by still more crimson droplets. When you first spot her, she is seated there, back butted up against the grey-brown stone, knees drawn up to her chin, rumpled black robe wrapped around her to hide her nakedness from the empty wasteland. Her eyes are downcast, elementally-charged crown of red hair waving about her face as if underwater.

You stare down at her for a while. She knows you’re there, you can tell, and yet she says nothing. Eventually, frustrated, you break the silence:

“Izzy, would you mind telling me what the hell THAT was about?”


You grit your teeth a little, looking away and running a hand through your hair as you grapple with exhaustion, post-shirin nausea, and the general disorientation of jumping right from an incredible and highly-erotic evening to… Whatever THIS is. Damnit, you love this woman, but why must she ALWAYS be conspiring, scheming?

>successful Sense Motive in Thread 8

“Are you still ‘studying’ with The Nothic?” you ask.

Izirina looks up at you, appearing startled at the question. You purse your lips but you think you see genuine shock and hurt in her eyes, and so you speak again:

“If that’s not what’s going on, what is?”

“It would have worked,” Izzy says, looking back down at the ground.

“What would have worked?” you demand. “I understand getting carried away in the moment, but that’s not what THAT was, was it? That whole thing was planned rigth from the moment you suggested the shirin. You were trying to get me to… To impregnate Costella. Without asking EITHER of us. That’s not alright. Why would you do a thing like that? And why did you run off like this?!”

Izzy looks up at you, glaring and looking as if she wants to say something scathing in reply, but her resolve wavers and she looks back down.

“I know about you two, at the inn. Just like I knew about the shirin. Without Zith-Zi telling me, I already knew."
Your stomach and heart flip-flop inside you (or at least it feels like it), as you recall your trip with Costella—following a formal engagement dinner with her parents. That evening, as the last, there had been a brief-but-memorable pregnancy scare, that one brought about by Izirina herself.

“And I know about you and Nemenmo.”

You feel your face heat all the way to the tips of your pointed ears.

“That… Nothing happened!” you protest. “We didn’t even kiss!”

“But you wanted to,” Izirina asks sadly, ‘right?”

“We-ell…” you trail off.

You clear your throat.

“So you’ve been spying on me?” you ask pointedly. “Using divination magic? WHY? Don’t you trust me? Trust US? I didn’t kiss Nemenmo, or do anything ELSE, because I care more about you… And Costella. That’s the same reason I talked to Costella about what SHE tried to pull, at that inn… or did you not spy on THAT part?”

“I… I didn’t se or hear specifics,” Izirina admits. “divination isn’t… I’m not as good at it, as conjuration. I just knew where you went, for how long, and with whom. I only found out later, when I… Asked Costella, and she told me what happened.”

“Then you KNOW you don’t have anything to be worried about!” you exclaim, exasperated. “Besides, if that idea of, you know, Costella getting pregnant bothered you, then why—”

“Do you want to have children, Ezreal?”

The question, so sudden, startled you. So does the intensity with which Izirina Henzler now looks up at you, searching your face for truth. And in truth, well… it’s not something you’ve talked about. The desire to do so has been implicit in certain decisions you’ve made, and projects you’ve pursued: the repair of Izirina’s once-mutated and deformed reproductive tract to enable the possibility, your flat refusal to rule it out when her child—your child, together—was prophesized to be the ancestor of future world-conqueror, you determination to not let The Nothic’s vague mutterings of another disciple from Izirina’s line dissuade you.

Yet, as with so MANY aspects of your complicated relationship with Izzy and Costella, you’ve never really discussed it in depth or at length.

>Yes, you do
>No, you don’t
>You still don’t know—you’re too young
>successful Sense Motive in Thread 8
was that the 19 from the last roll in that thread ?
>“I… I didn’t se or hear specifics,” Izirina admits. “divination isn’t… I’m not as good at it, as conjuration. I just knew where you went, for how long, and with whom."
that explains she going crazy even after we talking about it to her

>Yes, you do. You want to solve as much of your problems as possible so you 3 can have a somewhat stable place to raise any future children.
> Yes, but saving the world comes first. There are too many powerful factions out there scheming. We can only start getting children responsibly as soon as we have ensured the coming Era of Magic is a peaceful one.
>was that the 19 from the last roll in that thread ?
[Yes. It was sufficient to both pull out and to know something was afoot, and with the high reault and knowing Izzy for something like 15 years, it's enough to get a proper, full and honest answer out of her.]
The sex scene and fallput have been planned for a couple months now. Shame what's-his-nuts spoiled it a little
>Yes, you do
Want to be ready for them too though
Also heal her feet
>Yes, you do.
Make both of them preggo at the same time. No compromise.

You kneel before Izirina, who, expecting your answer, draws back a little, looking confused.

"Your feet," you say, holding out your hands. "Come on."

Izirina frowns, looking faintly embarrassed now, but produces her feet from within her black robe, along with a stretch of her bare legs. You take them in your hands, scrutinizing the (luckily superficial) damage.

"You want to have children, but you can't even remember your own shoes?" you chide her.

She has no response, except to blush and look away as you speak the arcane incantation to <Cure Minor Wounds>, rapidly rectifying the situation at the cost of still more of your flagging reserves of mystical power.

“I do,” you admit, as you massage the feeling back into her feet., and immediately she looks back at you. "I do want to have children."

“I do too,” Izirina says, relief and hope in her voice.

“But not yet,” you add. “Izirina, please… There’s too much going on right now, too much at stake. We can RESPONSIBLY start a family as soon as we have ensured this ‘Era of High Magic’ is going to provide them—all of us—a safe, stable life.”

Immediately, the tension, and the desperation, return to Izirina's body.

“And I’m not… WE’RE not like you, Tips! Me, and Costella! We’re… We’re humans. We can’t live forever—”

“Not forever,” you’re quick to point out. “Even full-blooded elf only lives for three hundred years or so, barring—”


You close your mouth, and Izirina draws a shuddering breath, steadying herself emotionally and, rather abruptly, changing topics.

“Why did we come here, Ezreal?” she asks you. “To the Goblin Wastes. To… This place, to the Ashurati?”

“To keep my promise to the Unseelie Fey,” you reply. “Obviously. What are you getting at?”

“And why didn’t we just use the recipe which The Nothic proposed?” she presses. “Dragon’s blood, the dark elves’ crystals, elemental energies from the Plane of Fire? We practically ahd everythingw e needed, but instead we came out her. Why?”

“You aren’t enjoying the vacation, then?”

She pouts.

”Alright, alright,” you sigh, abandoning your attempt at levity. “Well… I didn’t want to follow The Nothic’s plan, or to give that horrid Queen Banelight too much power, because… Because of what they might do with that kind of power. Because of—”

“Because of the prophecies, and warnings, and possible futures.”

You look to Iziirna, who has that same wild look again.

“You changed the ingredients, the procedure, the specifics, so you could get what you want, what WE want, without losing. Without giving THEM what THEY want.”
>Yes, you do
But not right now.

Not when we are not married. Not when we still have obligations to the unseelie.

Izzy’s just as naive as Costella if she thinks a pregnancy or two will improve our situation right now.
Slowly, realization dawns. You swallow hard, staring at Izirina. You remember the specific, intimate and arousing ay in which she had administered Costella’s dose of shirin. No longer clouded with lust or herbal medicines, you see that there was more to even that specific action than Costella’s pleasure, or yours, or certainly almost-asexual Izirina’s.

“Izzy… What did you DO?”

“I know some Life Alchemy as well,” she whispers. “Form Mother. Form you. From… From The Nothic. And I know conjuration, in and out. It would have been safe. And we’re already entangled, spiritually and physically, so…”

“So you somehow connected her… Costella’s…”

“To mine,” Izirina confirms quietly. “I would have carried the child. Costella would have birthed it. I wouldn’t have borne any children, but…”

But Izirina would still have a child by you, in a way.

“Izzy… That’s insane.”

“I’m NOT,” she hisses. “I’m not crazy!”

“…How did you even plan to keep that hidden?” you ask, holding your tongue and returning to practical matters

(She’d put on a bit of weight lately, admittedly, but still NOTHING like what would be needed to hide a pregnancy for months!)

“I’m working on it,” she only says enigmatically. “I’m close. And this way… We can all have what we want! You and Costella can have a child, but so can I, and without… Without any of this fate hanging over its head, or ours! Without waiting! And since Costella would have given birth to it, she would be happy, which would make YOU happy, too!”

“So her happiness, and consent, are secondary to mine? Tertiary to YOURS?”

Izirina fidgets uncomfortably, clearly not having considered it that way, in those terms. Or maybe she just didn’t want to? Maybe she merely dislikes that YOU have seen through her rationalization and justification of this mad scheme?

“Did you even… WANT to have sex?” you ask.

Izirina nods, but only after a moment.

“I like sex, with you,” she admits. “I like the way you look at me, and making you… Feel good. But ever since… Since the first <Rite>, in the outer planes… I don’t really feel, you know…”

You nod, slowly understanding. ZIth-Zi’s libido, or a large part of it, had been housed in her demonic other half’, now embodied as Zith-Zi. Izirna, too, had once housed a fragment of the source essence of the succubus which had been sued to transform her young body. Without it, it seemed there was something of her own natural desire lost as well… Maybe most of it.

“And what about with Costella?” you ask, broaching a subject you’d never really dared before.

Izirina flinches, looking anywhere but at you. Your heart falls a little, remembering Costella's fears in this regard, fears which might well have firmer foundation than you'd realized.
“I like Costella,” she says. “I do, honestly.”

“But you don’t love her?” you press.

She doesn’t respond.

“Are you even attracted to her?”

“…You are,” Izirina says. “Elves rarely mate for life, Tips. They usually have multiple partners across the centuries. And your human father, well…”

“I’m NOT Rudolfo,” you assert.

“You are what you are,” Izirina insists. “We all are, unless we change our nature… Our bodies and spirits! Our fates! And I’d never ask you to change, but… One woman, for a hundred or three hundred years, it was never going to be enough for you. Especially… Someone like me.”

“Like you?”

“You know what I mean,” she snaps. “A… A freak. Weird. A mutant. Cursed, because I’m a “Yosef’, and because of… Because of damn DESTINY! It’s ALWAYS something! It’s NEVER easy, or simple!”

“So Costella is fine,” she insists. “But… but when we get back, you’re marrying her. And the longer we wait, the more complications arise. And… And what happens if we wait too long? What if it takes decades to fix the world, to make it safe enough for you to just say ‘yes’ when I ask about children? You’ll already be married to Costella, so what will you need ME for? And… And what if you meet someone like, like Nemenmo, who doesn’t HAVE any of these complications, and shares your lifespan, and…”

Izirina looks down, voice choking off as she hides her face. From the shuddering of her shoulders though, to the soft patter of water-drops hitting the ground despite the clear and cloudless sky, there’s no hiding how deep this insecurity goes, or the effect it’s having on her.

This plan was meant to bypass all of that, don’t you SEE? It would have worked! You never even needed to know, and it would have been EASIER if you didn’t!”

How do you respond to Izirina?
>Forgive her, and reassure her, but politely refuse to participate in this plan
>Agree to pursue this strange surrogacy scheme, if Costella agrees as well
>Break up with her, this is all too much
>Issue an ultimatum: this scheming and subterfuge needs to end, or you’re done

Sorry, anon, I just finished this up. However, I think I got your general sentiment across, as it was the majority vote.
>Issue an ultimatum: this scheming and subterfuge needs to end, or you’re done

Number one. Dissect her “plan.”

There are a shit ton of flaws in her plan - she’s planning on being pregnant before having an alibi for it, and even if the archmage or anyone else doesn’t figure it out, how you you even explain the child? It would be queer if Costella just “got” a child but never showed signs of pregnancy. Doing all that before marriage is also making things more difficult than it already is - putting a time constraint on EVERYTHING.

Number two. She put her wants over ours. That is non-negotiable. She is selfish enough to think what we want aligns with what she wants and she is forcing that to be true.

Number three. If she thinks marriage and relationships can only be kept in tact through children alone, no. Rudolfo has demonstrated that’s not the case. And she’s condemning us to it if she had executed her plan.

Step out of line ever again and we’re done.

>Agree to pursue this strange surrogacy scheme, if Costella agrees as well
>Issue an ultimatum: this scheming and subterfuge needs to end, or you’re done

I can only imagine how badly this would have gone if we did kiss Nemonmo, my god.

Alright if they're both so baby crazy we might as well give them what they want, but

Wtf does she mean we never needed to know? Would we not notice her carrying a baby? I think we would have started knowing a few months in.

Why does she even think it would be better for us to not know? When have we ever cared about her Yosef complications? We've told her we'll marry her too, in the Sylvan realms or Bloodrise or wherever we have to. She says it would have been easier if we never knew but maybe if we did know it would have worked. How can she know it's easier if she never tries any other way? Both now and with the attunement ritual she's always like haha surprise motherfucker. It doesn't feel like she views Costella or ourselves as equals when she does this.

Also Costella says she's not mad.
>Wtf does she mean we never needed to know? Would we not notice her carrying a baby? I think we would have started knowing a few months in.
[That's probably my bad. She meant (and I meant to convey) that Izzy figured Tip never needed to know who the real biological mother was of the child, at least not until the deed was done.]
So a few months down the road she'd be all "haha you thought you got Costella pregnant but it was actually me, Izirina!"

Ok, understood, leave those three sentences out then please. She's lucky Costella isn't mad though because that seems pretty messed up.
Man Izzy is a bit of a schizo, she doubts our commitment to this relationship even though she usually acts far more aloof and withdrawn from it then we do.

I always thought the rite seemed to relive her of her internal self hatred, but it seems like she just hide it instead.

Honestly i don't know what to do with her. Trying to cheer her up while rejecting her surrogate plan could deepen her insecurity. giving her an ultimatum could the same. Agreeing with her plot could encourage her erratic behavior.
>Agree to pursue this strange surrogacy scheme, if Costella agrees as well
>Kiss her forehead- she ain’t a freak, she’s still the dorky mage we’ve come to know and love
>But this scheming and subterfuge needs to end, you need to talk to me about your feelings, if our relationship is to work
Izzy should talk to Nemenmo- maybe they could form a Tips Love Support Group to deal with their complicated feelings. Tips Anonymous, kek.
[A reminder, since Thread 8.0 got taken down: Nemenmo has been pretty normal around Tips ever since, aside from not spending time alone with him. She seems pretty unbothered and chill about the rejection, and has even been helping him and speaking in his favour.]
That’s fantastic- she’d probably help stabilize Izzy with aplomb!
this might be pushing it. It’s one thing to remain friends with someone after they reject you but helping them with this is a lot to ask.

She’s fucking retarded and naive if she continues with her current line of thinking. If we can’t get her to change, might as well get her out of our lives before she could do more damage trying to play puppeteer again.

Not breaking up with her immediately after she tried to force a pregnancy onto two people unready for it is lenient enough.
>Issue an ultimatum: this scheming and subterfuge needs to end, or you’re done
welp, this is harsh but she has done a lot behind our backs, from the surprise extraplanar hijack to the nothic and now this, this shit has to end and she's getting more deranged
[Given the seriousness of this option, and my being a bit burnt out by the drama today and not ready for another post, I'm going to leave this vote open until tomorrow.]
Take your time.
>>Agree to pursue this strange surrogacy scheme, if Costella agrees as well

First condition : sharing her future schemes and not using us as pawns.
Second condition : not right now. We have to find a way to stabilize our legal situation - of the 3 of us.
>Forgive her, and reassure her, but politely refuse to participate in this plan
Tell her we would never leave her over the complications, or over the lifespan, or destiny. But we might leave her over shit like this plan.Relationship requires trust, it will not hold if we can't trust her. It also hurts that she doesn't trust us.
>Issue an ultimatum: this scheming and subterfuge needs to end, or you’re done
[A good night's sleep and a toke did wonders for my mood, but I totally forgot I have a work function tonight. I'll update tonight if I have it in me when I get back, but worst case, I'll post tomorrow.]

>Agree to pursue this strange surrogacy scheme, if Costella agrees as well.
>Issue an ultimatum: this scheming and subterfuge needs to end, or you’re done.

This might be the best course of action, accepting her plan only if she agree to stop this spying subterfuge and and hiding her thoughts and feelings.
If we decide not to break up with Izzy, we definitely need to find a solution to our sexual incompatibility. This shit ruins relationships. It's unsustainable long-term.
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My brain somehow autocompleted that word to Tokay, from Legend of Zelda : Oracle of Age
>If we decide not to break up with Izzy, we definitely need to find a solution to our sexual incompatibility. This shit ruins relationships. It's unsustainable long-term.
1st of all wtf is sexual incompatibility ? 2nd how are we and izzy that if we have sex just fine ?
Sorry about the mod bs qm. I cant believe your last thread got delated because of two paragraphs describing the begging and ending of a sex scene. Dozens of shit post quests get made every month and instead the troglodyte mods zero some trivially sex scene.
We've just found out Izzy barely likes sex with Tips and even less with Costella, who is a part of the relationship too. Yes, technically Izzy can have sex just fine, but realizing your partner doesn't want you as much as you want them gnaws on people.
tbf her not wanting to sex cossy isn't that big of a deal, even if she liking would be nice. the problem is more her assexualness. I get it, liking your partner a lot tends to help things more.
>tbf her not wanting to sex cossy isn't that big of a deal
How so?
Our? That’s an Izzy’s problem and now she’s making it everyone’s problem
Rolled 11, 7, 18, 16, 14, 4 = 70 (6d20)

You take a deep breath, resisting the urge to urge to shout your frustrations.

“I just... Don’t understand you,” you say. “You always act so aloof and detached. I can never understand what you're planning, and you never let me—or Costella—in on any of your plans. You just DO things, things that affect ALL of us, and expect us to... To go along with it!”

As you continue, your find your voice raising in well-deserved outrage, despite your best efforts. Izirina cowers slightly, peeking up at you before quickly looking back down. She says nothing, quietly nodding an acknowledgement of having heard you—in actual understanding of what you’re trying to communicate, if you’re lucky.

“What was even your plan?” you ask. “You didn’t think I’d be suspicious when you started showing, and Costella didn’t? What did you think the Archmage would have to say about that, when SHE noticed?”

“Mother wouldn’t mind,” she murmurs, and then, cringing, corrects herself: “Mother wouldn’t care.”

“WE would, Izzy!” you all but exclaim. “Me! Costella! Even if this scheme could skirt the boundaries of the prophecy, somehow work around it... We aren’t PAWNS Izzy. You need to let us make these kinds of big decisions WITH you.”

“And if we hadn’t wanted to?” she whispers.

“Then that’s my choice to make,” you assert. “Mine, and Costella’s. You can’t trick or manipulate people into staying in a relationship, Izirina. If there are... Complications... It’s up to us to CHOOSE, and we need all the information to MAKE that choice. If you keep behaving like this, if you keep hiding things—IMPROTANT things...”

Izirina looks up at you.

“...Then you’re not going to like the choices we make.”

Izirina’s face pales, eyes wide.

“I didn’t... Please, I didn’t mean to...”

“Izzy, I WANT to be with you,” you say. “I know Costella does, too. We’re not... She’s not angry with you. She wanted me to tell you that, even if maybe she doesn’t quite know EVERYTHING about... About how you feel about her, or don’t. I can’t speak for her, about how she’ll feel about that. But –I- can’t keep doing this. The trick with the Rite, the Nothic, the spying, THIS...”

“Ezreal, please, I’m, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

“I’d never leave you over something like your lifespan, or your past, or your—OUR—destiny. I think I’ve been pretty clear on all that. But this... This is different.”

Izirina’s eyes begin to water again. She gasps, face pained, sputtering as if trying to get words out—words that won’t come.

“Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you, Izirina?” you ask, serious.

4d20 Sociability, DC normally 15, -4 for your various actions to help and appease Izzy and your relationship history, +2 for the ultimatum approach and emotional distress. 2d20 Sense Motive.
To put it mildly, Izirina takes this... Poorly. In fact, it may be the most distraught you've ever seen her. It’s honestly rather shocking to see: this young woman, normally so composed even in her most deranged and detached moments of escapist fantasy simply... Crumbles. The tears start flowing, and don’t stop. Her body shakes as if wracked by agonizing spasms, as she clutches her black robes around her and squeezes her hand to her face. You’ve only ever seen her shatter like this twice before: as a young girl, lambasted by the Archmage for her second-best performance in Living Alchemy; and the first time the two of you attempted to make love, only to discover that her chimeric mutations had effectively sealed off from such intimacy.

Of course, neither of those times invoked a localized lightning storm.

It begins with a faint hum, and a strange sensation in the air. Teh fine hairs of your arms and legs lift, your skin brekaing out in goosebumps. You’re perplexed for a moment, and then alarmed, anticipating some sort of attack by a heretofore unseen magical adversary. It’s then that the winds whip up and you recognize that Izirina Henzler is the centre of the miniature cyclone. You brace your feet and shield your eyes against the whirlwind and the debris it picks up.

“I’m stupid,” Izirina sobs. “I’m so... So fucking stupid... I just don’t... I didn’t mean to be like this. I just wanted everything to be simple, and easy, like it’s supposed to be, and instead I ruined everything, and you hate me and...”

And then, there’s the lightning.

“Izzy!” you shout over the wind. “You need to calm down!”
“But you’re going to leave me!” Izirina cries. “I thought you were going to, but you weren't, and then I was so STUPID and I messed everything up and now you’re going to leave me and then I’ll have NOTHING! I thought... I thought all the bad parts of me were gone now, that everything would get better, but I’m still just... Just...”

You grit your teeth, squint your eyes, and step forward. By now, Izirina is floating off of the ground, bolts of lightning crackling off of her like the flitting, forked tongue of some terrible, elemental snake. She grips her head, eyes wide and aglow with out-of-control energy. And yet still you step forwards, braving the storm. Your own resistance to these energies, the energies that by your hand and Izirina’s, you have attuned to, protects you from the rage—or despair—of the miniature tempest.

“I ruined it! I ruined EVERYTHING!”

“No,” you reply.


You reach out, grasping Izirina’s ankle before she floats away. A jolt of electricity flows through you, and for a moment you spasm and freeze, rigid, but your grip only tightens. Izirina looks down, startled out of her fugue state. You see it in her eyes: a lifetime of insecurity, of unmeetable expectations, inherited disdain, alienation and self-loathing, repressed emotions and an inability to communicate. You see in that moment what you really are to her, what you have become: the ultimate escape from all of that, the fairy-tale lover, the source of adventure and excitement, the emotional anchor and outlet she never otherwise had. It doesn’t justify what she’s done, how she’s behaved, but you think, on some level, you understand her behaviour—her belief, deep as it is irrational, that losing you would reduce Izirina Henzler, dangerously-powerful and utterly brilliant daughter of veritable mage royalty, to something worthless.

You meet her eyes and say:

“You haven't lost me. You WILL, though... If you don’t stop. If you don’t let me in.”

There is a boom of thunder. Izzy gasps and, finally, seems to get it. The winds falter, and fail. She tumbles down, and you catch her, though you're bowled over in the process. She clings to you, desperate, naked form clutching at you like a baby freshly born, and cries until there are no more tears.

It rains in the Goblin Wastes, albeit briefly. That afternoon, irrigated out of season, flowers bloom.
Eventually, the two of you return to the Neme’s sacred mountain hideaway. Izzy’s magic is expended, so it is slower going than it might otherwise be. It is many hours before you return, to find Nemenmo and Khnakhe relieved.

“You’re back,” Nemenmo greets you. “Costella would not tell us where you had gone, but... Her worry was obvious. We were about to mount an expedition."

“Of course he would be fine,” Khankhe reasons. “You saw how Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann handles even the greatest dangers of these lands!”

Nemenmo, more perceptive of adilt matters, quickly looks Izirina up and down. She, at least, notices her lack of shoes... And other attire, under her rain-dampened robe

"There are many kinds of dangers in this world," she says. "Even capable warriors require assistance. This is why the Gods tasked us to make the oases."

You nod, grateful, and find your tent.

Of course, neither of their muted reactions can rival Costella’s. She throws herself upon the two of you, squeezing you close.

“I was so scared when you didn’t come back!” she says. “I’m... I’m, like, SOOO glad you’re both okay! Why did you DO that? Where did you go? WHY?”

Izizirna stammers, uncharacteristically unable to explain herself or even to form one of her enigmatic half-replies or reassurances. She looks to you, eyes pleading: ‘What should I say? What should I do?’

>Discuss the surrogacy scheme and possibility of having children
>Discuss Izzy’s lack of sexual attraction… And lack of romantic attraction to Costella
>Discuss the spying and insecurities, and the whole ‘emotional lightning storm’ thing while you’re at it
>Let it lie… You can talk to Costella about it later, maybe, but not right now
>her fugue state
thought this was another typo, but it's a real word, neat
>Discuss the spying and insecurities, and the whole ‘emotional lightning storm’ thing while you’re at it
this is the easier one to talk about, specially since she already told us about the scrying earlier.
>“Ezreal, please, I’m, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
>“I’m so... So fucking stupid... I just don’t... I didn’t mean to be like this. I just wanted everything to be simple, and easy, like it’s supposed to be, and instead I ruined everything, and you hate me and...”
>“I thought you were going to, but you weren't, and then I was so STUPID and I messed everything up and now you’re going to leave me and then I’ll have NOTHING!

Go ahead cry about it, dumb cunt. Maybe you should have thought about things more than a fraction of a second before trying to irreversibly change lives for the next few decades. Mommy didn’t love you enough and you tried to play doll with real people. She’s just as naive and retarded as that kid in the mirror room all those years ago, just in the body of an adult.

>Discuss the spying and insecurities, and the whole ‘emotional lightning storm’ thing while you’re at it
Only saving grace is she’s just too useful to push away. For now.

narrator's thot slayer arc
>Discuss the surrogacy scheme and possibility of having children
So uh how do you feel about sharing a pregnancy?

Damn bro
Maybe instead of schizoQM you should go by sociopathQM
Guessing I'll get very different answers next time I ask 'how do you anons feel about the waifus', kek
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I'd rather you try to improve
do it

>Discuss the surrogacy scheme and possibility of having children
>Discuss Izzy’s lack of sexual attraction… And lack of romantic attraction to Costella

>Propose following solutions :
1/ Stabilize situation with Costella-based mariage. Also depends on Costella view on having kids with us - she's entitled to be more than a mere surrogate
2/ Try to find a solution to get Izzy sentiments toward Costella to grow. We're in this relationship deep and Costella loves Izzy. Either Izzy is sentimentally stumped or we can find a (consenting) magical solution or something.
>Discuss the surrogacy scheme and possibility of having children
>Discuss the spying and insecurities, and the whole ‘emotional lightning storm’ thing while you’re at it
Don't go after Izzy's asexuality, Costella herself is insecure about it and we don't need to flare it up right now.
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tally for ants
Given Izirina’s relatively raw emotional state, and Costella’s own insecurities around the issue, you deem it best not to broach the subject of Izzy’s feelings—or relative lack thereof. What sort of productive conversation can you have on the subject, in so short a time? Costella is returning to Old Maple Hill before too long, and you and Izirina are still to remain here. However, you can tell that the earlier event, and your extended absence, still eats at the sweet-hearted brunette, and so SOME explanation is necessary.

“Izzy was just… Feeling a little insecure, about the state of things,” you prompt. “She’s been using her abilities in Divination a little excessively, and jumping to some conclusions.”

Costella looks confused at first, but then realization seems to dawn as pink colours her cheek and she raises both hands to her lips.

“The inn…?”

You nod, and then, grimacing a little, admit: “and a bit more than that.”

What follows is an full of Izirina’s intrusions into your privacy. Openness being the objective of the evening, this necessarily entails a full—or nearly full-disclosure of the moment between yourself and Nemenmo, though you are prudent enough to spare the girls the extraneous details of what DIDN’T happen, but COULD have, to simply leave it at a misinterpreted midnight meeting. The most important part, of course, it what it led to: the shirin-augmented threesome that nearly resulted in an planned-unplanned pregnancy involving all three of you.

To your surprise, Costella takes THIS news rather well. That is to say: she burst into tears, but rather than running away, she grabs hold of Izirina and strokes her hair while holding her close to her chest.

“I’m so sorry!” she says.
“For what?” you and Izzy both say as one, though Izirina is somewhat muffled.

“I was being so self-centred!” Costella laments. “I was so caught up in worrying about your feelings for ME and MY whole, like, thing with my family, and Carlos, and I didn’t even THINK about how you must be feeling! And, like…”

She lowers her voice, eyes darting and shoulders hunched as she whisperingly adds: “And I didn’t even, like, KNOW about the prophecy!”

“…We didn’t tell you,” Izirina notes.

“Yeah,” you say, scratching the back of your head. “Sorry about that, it’s just, well…”

You can’t really say WHY you didn’t share that aspect from. Fear that Costella couldn’t keep a secret? That seems unfair to her, after all this time, even if that might be PARTLY true. Costella Fanucci IS an open book, which is honestly quite refreshing with how difficult it can by to prise open Izirina.

“It’s been weighing on us,” you conclude, keeping it simple. “We should have told you, but… We didn’t. And that wasn’t fair.”

You make meaningful eye-contact with Izirina as you add: “We’re going to be better about that, from now on.”

She says nothing, and though she momentarily looks as if she might cry again, she doesn’t.

“I, like, TOTALLY get it,” Costella says. “Destiny’s nothing to mess around with! But, like… You really thought that, um… Having me ‘give birth’ would, like, geta round it?”

Izirina frowns, eyes darting back to you, again looking to you for guidance. Whatever mania had driven her decision-making up to that decisive moment had crumbled into a depressed uncertainty under your earlier critique. And yet, in spite of it all…

“Maybe,” you admit.

You were hardly some expert at cheating fate or overcoming prophecies. It had never been something you’d really considered, until your visit to Holy Luna and your subsequent encounter with the Sylvan sage Nenaias. Yet Izirina is right, after a fashion, in principle if not in the morality of her execution: if changing the ‘ingredients’ of the Unseelie Star can make a tangible difference, altering the procedure and character of gestation and birth could surely do the same, right? Wasn’t this what arcane exploration and experimentation as for: to overcome limitations of the here and now, for the sake of a better future? And if BOTH Izirina and Costella had broached the subject, well… They WERE at the age when a human woman in a more conventional relationship might consider such things. To have a child NOW would be irresponsible in the extreme, but perhaps the prospect was not so distant as it might still seem.

It's a harrowing thought, casting so much of your life together into a new light. A hypothetical future child is just that, a hypothetical… Until there’s an immediacy to it. Then, it transforms into something altogether more serious.
Rolled 90 (1d100)

“I’ll do it,” Costella says.

“You will?” you and Izirina both ask, again surprised by the response.

Cosetlla nods, expression serious, before suddenly breaking out into a nervous itter.

“Well, like, not right NOW, obviously. But, like, yeah! I mean… Mama’s going to start asking about grandchildren as soon as I get back, and she’s, like… Not going to STOP until I have one!”

“Costella, expectations aren’t a good reason to make a decision like this,” you caution her.

Costella shakes her head, then stops, and then nods. “No, yeah, I like… I get that. But… We all love each other, a lot! And we’re all going to married and stay together forever anyway, right? So, like… Why not? Right?”

You look towards Izirina, who—in light of earlier revelations, cannot quite meet your eyes, or those of Costella. Costella’s own expression shifts between one of fearful concern, determination, and a sort of giddiness.

“Wow,” she murmurs. “A baby… Like, just, WOAH, you know?”

With the most immediate matters addressed (insofar as they can or should be, you feel, right now), there is one other matter of a more intellectual and professional curiosity to you:

“Just what WAS that, earlier?” you ask Izirina. “When I went to bring you back and you had your… Your OUTBURST… You produced wind, and rain, and altered local air pressure. And all of that…”

“All of it without verbal or somatic components,” izirina concludes, just as aware of the implications as you are. “I mean, a silent spell or still spell aren’t unheard of, in Advanced Metamagic.”

“But both?” you press. “And with what seemed to be multiple, high-level spells?”

Izirina nods, and admits: “I did… Some practice of controlling raw elemental energies from the outer planes, with… My teacher.”

The Nothic, again. You say nothing, but your emotions must be clear across your face, for Izirina quickly continues.

“This was a while ago. I’d managed <Gust of Wind> and <Fireball> with simple gestures and subvocalizations but… Never much more than that.”

“How many spells do you, like, KNOW?” Costella asks, starry eyed.

It’s a question you’ve long wondered yourself, and even under these circumstances, you feel some small excitement to finally get an actual count.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

“Well, there’s <Fireball>, <Gust of Wind>, <Lightning Bolt>, as well as <Ray of Frost>,” Izirina begins, “and <Jade Aura>, and <Summon Elemental>, and <Elemental Infusion>, and <Dimension Door>… <Plane Shift>, <Teleport Object>… <Banish>, and <Hold Creature>, and I’m not as GOOD at it as Tips, but I can cast <Stabilize> and <Cure Wounds> and <Purify>… <Prismatic Spray> and I can create a PASSABLE <Mirror Image>… And I learned a few from, ah, other sources as well, like <Guidance>, <Alarm>, and… You know, <Discern Location>.”

You can only gawp. Not only does Izirina have twice or thrice your raw reserves of energy, but she knows nearly twice as many spells.

“…Plus a few of the simple ones that everyone knows, like <Magic Missile>,” she adds, as an afterthought.

“Izzy, -I- don’t know <Magic Missile>,” you say.

Izirina looks genuinely startled, protesting: “But I’ve seen you cast it!”

“With a wand or staff, sure,” you say. “NOBODY learns it anymore. The effort’s too great, when there are already enchanters who specialize in pre-enchanting those sorts of items for mages.”

“Oh,” Izzy says, thoughtfully, then squints. “Really? But it’s so easy. Why not just… Learn it normally?”

You stare for a moment, and then sigh. Genius truly can’t comprehend the mundane, it seems… Not that you’d necessarily classify yourself as ‘mundane’ by any means. Only, as always, when measured against Izirina Henzler. Some things never change, you suppose.

With the tension broken and the worst part of the conversation passed, you spend the evening with the two women you love once more. There’s no more ‘excitement’ like last night, with your one remaining pouch of pink shirin going unused. Both Costella and Izzy simply cling to you and, by proxy, to each other; that Izzy chooses the opposite side, as she often does, is not lost on you this night.

…You’re going have to figure out how to handle THAT, someday, too.

The next day, Izirina’s energies are restored sufficiently to transport Costella and the remainder of those who you liberated from the goblin market—those who you she had not already offered a <Dimension Door> the day prior to the ‘incident’.

However, when you three descend the mountain to meet with them, all is not as you left it.

>90 for encounter roll: danger, high

The first thing you notice is the silence. Neither Zith-Zi nor Carazzi have yet left, and the goblin refugees are among those yet to be transported. Silence is the LAST thing you should be hearing. You gesture to Izirina and Costella, and the latter squeaks in alarm, before covering her mouth. Izzy merely replaces her shaded glasses upon her eyes, and nods. She draws your wand, as you shift your grip on your staff. As a trio, you approach.

Rolling for result. Since you left Zith-Zi, Carazzi, and the minotaur down there, the target is reduced from 75 to 45; higher is better.
ah shit, here we go again
once again we almost maxxed the danger, at least we got a good roll to deal with it

Stealth is not a particular strong-suit of any of you, even if Izirina seems almost dressed for it. Still, you try to step lightly, and you take care not to gasp or cry out when you see the first body. It isn’t a humanoid, thank all the gods, nor even a goblinoid, but some terrible, enlarged an exotically-plumed cousin of the vultures you saw earlier. You pry open its jagged beak with the narrow end of your staff, noting a predatory hook. Its feet, too, have killing claws, and its wingspan you would conservatively estimate at 15 feet across.

And there are more.

You pick your way across a bloody battlefield of broken birds. Little Veloz flits this way and that, and you regret not bringing Muffins—he’d have loved this, as much as you hate it. You value all life, predator and prey, but admittedly your greatest fear is reserved not for these animals but for those they surely descended upon in this place: the remaining ex-slaves, mostly unarmed and helpless.

But not their defenders.


You find the heroes of the day relishing in their victory. Each of the three is covered in gore, though the minotaur ahs at least made the effort to clean himself; without water, it is difficult, and perhaps that is why Zith-Zi has not bothered, save to smear away a swathe of red from her pinkish face.

Carazzi is wallowing in it, giggling to herself. When she spies you, she shouts your name—or, well, ‘Tips’—and holds up a pair of massive, red-feathered wings, flapping them gaily.

“Check it out!” she says. “I’m an angel! Hehehehe!”

“Maybe a fallen one,” Zith-Zi mutters, and snaps you a sarcastic salute. “’Bout time you got here!”

“What happened??” Costella asks, which… Admittedly seems like a question with an obvious answer.

Zith-Zi shrugs, and simply says: “Big fuckin’ birds happened. Musta’ finished with th’ trolls back there and came sniffin’ this way.”

“We fucked ‘em up real good!” Carazzi adds, unnecessarily, given the sheer carnage which here abounds.

“No casualties,” Zith-Zi adds, nodding to where the other goblins, and remaining halflings, many of whom are celebrating the victory and lauding their heroes—even Carazzi, which seems to be the reason for her good spirits and invigorated air.

You are gratified to see it—as a succubus-should ‘demogoblin’, Carazzi thrives on emotion, and you suspect the positive sort may be better for her emotional development into something more than a Hellish monster.

“Still, would be nice ta’ get the fuck outta’ here while th’ getting’s good,” Zith-Zi adds.

“On it,” Izirina is quick to say, taking her position and beginning to cast.

“An’ hey, Tips?” ZIth-Zi says.


“If I ever start waxin’ nostalgic for this fuckin’ no-gobs’-land?” she says. “Punch me in th’ fuckin’ teeth, huh?”
Costella gives you both a final hug goodbye, and you a final kiss; with Izzy, as usual in public, she merely squeezes her especially long, and presses her cheek to Izirina’s own. Izzy is rigid, and still… But then, outside of particularly private and intimate moments, she also is with YOU. No wonder you never really noticed the disconnect, there.

With that matter attended to, you and Izirina return to your study of the chest and rod, and their unique properties. The Neme and their freed Elemental Fey spirit-guides are grateful to you, and many among them are obviously relieved to no longer be playing host—even indirectly—to a small army of outsiders. They are glad to offer what aid they can, to you and to Izirina despite her own outsider status.

“Your wife is as one of the people,” one of the spirits explains—a woman (well, vaguely feminine silhouette) of pure and smokeless fire, who seems to appear at dawn and dusk, and carry throughout her form the hues and brightness of the sun itself.

“She’s not, uh…” you begin, and then stop yourself.

Given everything that’s happened, and Izirina’s insecurities… And Costella’s own upcoming marriage to you, in Hawksong society…

Should you ask the Neme-Ashurati to officiate a wedding to Izirina Henzler?

Aside from your study of chest, rod, and sands in pursuit of the Unseelie Star project, is there anything other avenue of magical or religious research you’d like to pursue?
>Write-in if so
not now, we need to solve our security issues first. also no idea for other studies.
It’s been a while since thread 7. I vaguely remember Tips talking about marriage being something that elves can - do but generally don’t unless they’re already in a relationship for a while. Is that correct?

And polygamy. I vaguely remember that being more lax than Hawksong. Is that correct too?

Right now I’ll just vote for

>Aside from your study of chest, rod, and sands in pursuit of the Unseelie Star project, is there anything other avenue of magical or religious research you’d like to pursue?
>Reversible sterilization. Male and Female.
>Restoring Izzy’s libido

You know me. I’d rather not leave things up to just contraceptives again. There’s still risk, of course, but when both the man and woman are sterilized, the risk is a whole lot less than relying on one form of birth control alone. Also investigate if Stabilize and Cure Wounds or other body modifications would affect this as well.

[Elves are indeed more open to polygamy and long-term extramarital relationships than humans. Extramarital births aren't even an issue, and are still celebrated... As long as both parents are elven. Any high priest (or member of a local fairy court, such as the Elemental Fey here) can essentially 'recognize' or sanctify' a union and all other fairy-folk would recognize it as holy and significant for any legal or temporal purposes. Elves are also more lenient about divorce and forming new union, hence why (for Izzy's perspective, given she's both educated on cultural differences but still very much a Northwoman) this fluidity can seem threateningly like caprice. Form her perspective, elevs are just much more wishy-washy and less committal about 'until death do us part' and the permanency of romantic relationships.]

She seemed sincere about wanting to improve, and this should alleviate some of her insecurities along with Costella agreeing to the baby plan.

>Izzy's libido
Costella is such a cinnamon roll!

Though I would like Izirina to be also married to Costella, but with the current situation that will have to wait.

Also seconding >>6020840
Does it really need to be sterilization instead of some magical condom or something ? Sounds really invasive, even if we can reliably restore those organ’s use later on. Restoring Izzy’s libido though is something I can get behind.
Condoms rely on the user to use it. Same goes for any other device. I don’t like that degree of liability. Having sterilization already in place prevents any meddling or forgetting.


Costella never agreed or knew of this information. She probably doesn’t mind if we get married, but we should not go-ahead without informing her. It’s a betrayal of trust and we already had that happen way too many times by now.

am >>6020840
Actually, you're right. Changing >>6021018 to
Why is Yes (33%) green but No (67%) is white?
[Well, a good night's sleep is supposed to help, but I guess I'm still off my game. I am, indeed, writing the 'no' as the winner.]
I thought you had code to do it this entire time.

Take your time.
You chew your lip for a time, thinking carefully… But in the end you say nothing. It isn’t that you’re AGAISNT marrying Izirina. One incident (or two, or… okay, maybe three or four…) aren’t enough to make you stop loving her. She genuinely seems to want to do better and, in the end, that’s all you can ask. But right now, without talking to Costella? You don’t see much sense in trading one woman’s insecurity for the other’s, and Costella ahs been incredibly sweet and understanding already. She at least deserves the discussion.

And anyway, there are OTHER issues to consider.

“…Libido?” Nemenmo whispers hairless brows raised and smooth forehead momentarily creased.


You look over your shoulder, guilty even for this brief, daytime liaison.

“Ezreal, if there is a problem with sexual compatibility, it isn’t something to discuss with another elfmaid… Or woman,” Nemenmo lightly chastises you. “Especially one who you’ve spurned for this human.”

“I know, I know,” you sigh. “I just… Don’t know any of the others well enough to talk to about this. And, for the record, it’s not, uh, MY issue. And it’s more complicated than what you’re thinking!”

“It must be,” Nemenmo allows, and sits cross-legged, in the Oriental style which you have seen Izirina adopt when thinking deeply or focusing her energies. “Explain. I will listen.”

“Without judgement.”

Nemenmo blinks , once, in silence.

“Right, bit much to ask,” you grumble, but you sit where she pats the ground, and explain it all: how Izirina was afflicted as an infant with a mutagenic plague which seized upon and all-but-destroyed her reproductive tract, sealing her sex against even penetration; how, in curing that contagion, you also purged her spirit of the demonic influence which was affixed to it; how that separation seemed to have taken her appetite for sex with it.

“But she is now capable, and still does the act?” Nemenmo asks.

“Well, yes,” you say. “She doesn’t enjoy it, though. And, ah… There’s another matter.”

“Your other uss’chev,” Nemenmo acknowledges, using a word which you understand to mean ‘spouse’ in some contexts but, in this context, may as well mean ‘significant other’. “Costella, of the Fanucci clan.”

“Yeah,” you say. “She’s sort of… OUR uss’chev. And we’re hers.”

“Szeous shaa?”

You blanch, and quickly say: “No!”
‘Szeous shaa’ is a term that ahs a parallel, in Sylvan culture. It’s literal meaning, ‘secret treat’, denotes the nature of such a relationship: a same-sex lover for a partner who might be inclined in the manner of Logan Pearce or Oncyth Nortumalan, who is otherwise obligated to reproduce. Apparently, the Ashurati practice something of this sort as well.

“It’s actually sort of the opposite problem,” you admit. “Costella is… More open to a variety of partners. And Izirina is… Willing, but only really interested in me, when she’s interested at all.”

“And you cannot simply choose between them?”

“It’s not that simple,” you protest.

“It is,” Nemenmo insists.

“It’s REALLY not.”

“Then you have MADE it complicated,” Nemenmo says. “I cannot ‘uncomplicate’ this thing for you.”

“But Feycraft could.”

It’s Nemenmo’s turn to pale.

“You would ensorcel women with magic? Manipulate their feelings, their desires?”

“Well,” you say with a nervous chuckle, “when you put it like that, it sounds…”


You wince.

“Ezreal,” Nemenmo tells you gently, “what you are asking goes against the principles of the Bonum Chaoticum. It is a thing which violates the freedom of the self… The freedom to be as one is. There are many kinds of love—the emotional, the sensual and aesthetic, the familial and friendly. Must your love with this Izirina Henzler be of the sexual sort? And must hers be such, for Costella Fanucci?”

“It would make things a lot easier,” you admit, though you feel your resolve waver. “Is it really such a bad thing, if she… Agrees to it?”

“Would she be agreeing to change because she desires change, or because YOU desire for her to change?” Nemenmo asks.

“I already DID change her,” you point out, with a sliver of guilt. “My magic… It’s what removed a part of her, to begin with. It’s what made her… The way she currently is.”

There is no easy answer, and Nemenmo sighs, bowing her head in thought.

“The <Rite of Attunement> which you know, and your… ‘Chimericism’… These things can alter a body and a spirit. But both are tools of admixture. They cannot create life whole, and new. They can blend characteristics, take them from one thing and transplant them into another. This is the way of the world: that new things do not appear, but must emerge and evolve from other things which already are…”

She slowly raises her head and, squinting, looks towards the sun.

“…But this was not always so.”
Rolled 6, 15, 19, 15, 18, 19, 18, 11, 5, 1, 6, 2, 14, 16, 3 = 168 (15d20)

You do not have the Neme’s natural protection against the sun’s glare, but though you cannot follow her gaze you DO follow her thought. The Cosmic Gods—those of the sun and moon, Holy Lun and Holy Sol… THEY have the means to do such things. They created artificial lifeforms, such as the eladrin or ‘High Elves’ who attend their floating spheres. Even if you had the means to petition the, though… Would they listen, given your last interaction with one of their number, and the relative personal, and petty nature of your request? Or the fact that, at least in part, it is meant to help facilitate a relationship and pregnancy which their prophecies foresee leading to great peril?

Without their aid, though, your options are more limited and complicated. Nemenmo stands, looking at you for a moment with a frown, and then takes her leave. You remain, deep in contemplation. You cross your legs after a while.

It doesn’t help.

What will you do?
>Attempt to petition Princess Miannie, Goddess of the New Moon and patron of your clan, for a miracle
>Use the Rite to try to blend Ashurati characteristics into Izirina mind and body
>Use the Rite to try to return some of Carazzi’s succubus ectoplasm into Izirna’s soul
>Mess about with her hormones using chimericism and living alchemy
>Forget it, her asexuality is something you can work around

Setting aside such personal matters, there is still the other and more internationally consequential matter: that of decoding the secrets of the rod and chest, and finding a way to make use of their arcana—and the Feycraft of the sacred sand-baths—to facilitate an Unseelie Star without dark elf involvement.

15d20. 8d20 are from you: 6d20 Arcana/Feycraft, +1 for Elementalism, +1 for Religion. 7d20 for Izzy, who is better at Arcana than you and also gets an Elementalism bonus. -1 DC for your insights from the sand-bath earlier, -1 DC from Nemenmo’s advice, -1 DC for the aid of the Elemental Fey and elders. Izzy’s dice have +1 DC at the moment due to her mental state, and her cut-contact with the Nothic means she isn’t getting its tutelage bonus, but that still makes the DC for the first 8 dice 12, and 13 for the remaining 15.

This check is a bit unique: you’ll almost certainly SUCCEED, but how long is another matter. As long as you don’t somehow fail every single roll, the process will take FOUR MONTHS, or 16 weeks. For every passed check removes a week from that timeline. Every critical success reduces it by two weeks. Every nat 1 adds a week.
8d20 Tips [DC12]
6, 15, 19, 15, 18, 19, 18, 11
7d20 Izzy [DC 13]
5, 1, 6, 2, 14, 16, 3

If my math is correct…

Tips 6 Success [ - 6 weeks]
Izzy 2 Success, 1 Crit Fail [ - 1 week]

Two months + 1 week in total

To this end, you are glad for Izirina’s presence, for there is nobody on Earth or otherwise who you can bounce mystical and alchemical ideas off of and receive such immediate, enlightening critique, feedback, and elaboration…

>1: +1 week


“Izirina, what’s going on with you?” you can’t help but ask, perhaps a bit more harshly than you intended for you see her slump, and her hands ball up into fists.

“Nothing,” she mumbles.

“Izzy… Come on.”

She looks up at your tone, her obvious tension and anxiety transforming rapidly to fear.

“I-I’m sorry!” she stamemrs. “I don’t… I’m not hiding anything!”

You frown, and approach her, placing your hands upon her shoulders. She lowers her head to the brim of her black hat hides her face, but you slide your hands down her arms to gently take her hands, and she looks up at your face.

“I won’t be mad at you,” you say. “Just talk to me. Please.”

Izirina seems to take a while to process this, to really internalize it. It must, you recognize, be rather different from her traditional learning environments, with her mother or with the dark servant of darker deities.

“I just… I’m so afraid of messing this up,” she admits. “I want to be USEFUL to you. If I’m not any good for… For what you need from me…”

“Izzy, you’re more than your usefulness,” you say. “You’re more than your intelligence, or your ability.”

“That’s not true of anybody,” she says, not critically, but as if stating simple fact.

“That’s not what the Bonum Chaoticum teach,” you say. “it’s not what I believe.”

You take her shaded glasses from her eyes, so you can truly meet her gaze.

“I didn’t fall in love with you because you were smarter or stronger than me,” you say. “In fact, Henzler, I sort of hated your guts, remember?”

Izirina smiles slightly.

“I love you because you’re that dorky girl who read weird foreign literature between classes, and took me to the mirror hall to talk about her dreams, and spent all those afternoons together with me and Muffins, and because you have that same curiosity and need to know that I have. Because… On some level, we’re the same.”

“The same…”

“We’re both seekers,” you say.

You embrace, and kiss, and if Izirina is ambivalent about sex, you can sense in that moment—in how she clutches at you, at her hungry lips and tongue, in her quaking and soft whimper, how much she needed THIS.

“I love you, too,” she whispers, quietly, like a secret, and nuzzles into your neck, breathing deep of you until she finds her peace once more.
After that evening, the two of you together do not work twice as fast, but THRICE as fast, and the Elemental Fey and their followers forbid you (nearly) nothing in your pursuit of a solution. And in time…

>8 successes: -8 weeks

..Specifically, a little more than two months’ time, a solution comes.

“The secret is the rod,” Izzy realizes, and you nod, having figured it out yourself.

“The chest is irrelevant. It’s just… A thing to store magical materials, or entities. A trap, and a reflective surface. But the ROD can be used to place magical materials into ANYTHING that can hold them…”

“Including a matrix of the sacred sand!”

You grin, excited to have finally found a solution. Through your shared mastery of Elementalism, and your greater understanding of the Feycraft-based method of ‘charging’ Earthly particles with fey magic, the two of you are able to construct a sort of star-shaped replica of the chest’s basic workings, made from the sacred baths with their imported earth and ground-up relics. Izirina integrates and augments the strange chest’s lattice of tiles, which prove to be vital to maintaining a magical framework, akin to a circle. You do NOT transfer the reflective layer of the strange stone, thus allowing energies to seep out from within…Though hopefully, with a suitable medium such as the unseelie Queen’s blood , charged with native elemental energies and preprly attuned, not so quickly.

You look over at Izirina, resplendent in your success and eager to reunite with Costella, and find her… Frowning?

“What?” you demand. “What is it?”

“Tips, it’s GOOD,” she says, “but it’s not PERFECT.”

“What IS perfect?” you sigh. “Come on, it should work, right?”

Izirina nods, then shakes her head, then shrugs.

“It’s not able to hold the power perfectly,” she says. “It will exit the receptacle too quickly, deplete in a matter of years… Maybe decades?... Without magical and organic refreshment.”

“…More blood and aura, you mean?”

Izirina nods.

“If it runs out and isn’t refreshed,” she notes, “any spiritual entities dependent upon it for their metaphysical stability and corporeality will degrade rapidly.”

You look back at your imperfect Unseelie Star and decide…
>That’s more than good enough for the brigands who blackmailed you
>You can do better—you WILL do better!

[Don't forget to vote in >>6021653, too]
I’d rather not ask the moon princess for a favor this trivial. I don’t know about returning Carazzi’s succubus soul to Izzy either.
>Mess about with her hormones using chimericism and living alchemy
This will have to do.

>You can do better—you WILL do better!
They still have one more favor they can ask of us. Let’s make sure it isn’t a second star.
am >>6020840
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that certainly was a conversation, specially with Ez sounding like a mad scientist on the later half of it.
>Forget it, her asexuality is something you can work around
you know, while it'd be good if she were horny for us both the sesbian lex was more of a dessert and if she's not sexually interested in Cossy there's no need for her to keep doing it just for our sake. Since we can't give her libido "back" without changing her and with some unknown consequences I say we don't fix what's not broken.

>“We’re both seekers,” you say.
my honest reaction:

>You can do better—you WILL do better!
not because of the queen, maybe a little since a good star might make her be less harsh on the second favor, but because we like to know more and it'll be something we can use for ourselves and others.
>Ez sounding like a mad scientist on the later half of it
[Yes... 'sounding like'...]
...is it because of our ego ?
[Tips has had a bit of a 'mad scientist' angle since thread 1. As his piloting anons, you've:
>built a spell list that allows you to <Clone> and reshape the bodies of people, sometimes giving them superpowers
>you've created chimeras, transhumanist 'paragons' and an entirely new, true-breeding race of 'nilbogs'
>unnaturally extended your father's and Hershy's life
>crafted a monstrous daughteru who is a hodgepodge of demonic leftovers and cloned flesh
>reacted to your girlfriend's flagging/absents ex drive by turning to magical experimentation as a first instinct
and you work for the Archmage, a famed (and sort of mad) genius mage. You're, essentially, the setting equivalent of a mad scientist, just a kindly one with a conscience.]
>Mess about with her hormones using chimericism and living alchemy

>That’s more than good enough for the brigands who blackmailed you
We can trade the "doing better" for the second favor guys. Let's be smart about it.
>Mess about with her hormones using chimericism and living alchemy
>You can do better—you WILL do better!
I don't want the Unseelie hunting for sacrifices to their star.
Maybe we can use a connection to an elemental plane to recharge it?
>Use the Rite to try to return some of Carazzi’s succubus ectoplasm into Izirna’s soul
Worked for the old Izzy, and may help Carazzi calm down some.

Also wouldn’t mind repairing old bridges with the Moon Princess either ngl.

>You can do better—you WILL do better!
>Negotiate a better deal to do better
lol, pray I don’t alter the deal further
now that you talk like this, I can see it. I think that it only downed on me because of Ez talking like a schizo this time around, but yup the suggestion was already mad scientist tier.
>>Use the Rite to try to blend Ashurati characteristics into Izirina mind and body

Izzy is already part elemental, and she was complaining about how she has a shorter lifespan than us potentially.
Vote on >>6021677 too
I for one though the talk with nemeno would discourage people to experiment on Izzy, not the opposite
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[Voters often surprise.]

[Alas, it's too late! I'm tallying and writing. And assuming I've got my head on straight and counted correctly big if, apparently...

[It looks like we're going on hormones!]
Rolled 20, 1, 14, 1, 16 = 52 (5d20)

You stare at the crystalline container which you will soon infuse with elemental energy, and make into a guiding star for the Unseelie Court. Even if it’s not PERFECT, even if you COULD do better, do they DESERVE better? Why SHOULD you give this your all, anyway?

That’s what you TRY to tell yourself, at least.

But Izirina’s right, damn it all. You can see the little imperfections with your mystical senses, now that you know where to look: breaks and fractured, redundancies and issues in the composition. If you took another crack at it… Just ONE more attempt… You could really fix it. And think about what that could mean for those who DO deserve it! You could have a source of self-replenishing magical energy to fuel future experiments, to aid injured fey and other such creatures… Even to feed Carazzi the aura to help control her unholy hunger!

…And if you didn’t finish what you started, find the true secret to this art, it would eat at you forever.

“Well,” you mutter, “I don’t want to give the Unseelie any excuses to start hunting people down for blood sacrifices or something.”

Izirina smile a small, sly smile and nods.

“Seekers,” she whispers, seeing right through you.

You sigh, and get back to work.

One positive thing about remaining in the Goblin Wastes, in this high oases of the Neme-Ashurati, is that it also gives you more time for your OTHER project: modifying Izirina Henzler’s own body. You took what Nemenmo said to heart, you really did: no Feycraft would be involved, no meddling with spirit-stuff or religious ritual. Just good, old-fashioned biological manipulation. As the Mage Apprentice of the world’s leading Chimericist, you are uniquely suited to make such modifications, and as for Izirina…

“Of course I’ll allow you to do it.”

“Really?” you ask, almost suspicious at how easily she agrees.

Izirina just nods, and affirms: “I know you, Ezreal. You’re caring, and cautious.”


“Maybe TOO cautious, sometimes.”

You frown.

“N-not that I’m in a position to criticize!” Izirina hastily adds, and clears her throat, looking away. “I’m just trying to say that… I trust you. And… if this will make things easier, I… I want you to do it.”

In the privacy of your tent, she shucks her layers of black cloth and leather exposing her beige-brown skin. The way she clutches her hands together, looking away, cheeks faintly pink as she says it… It’s easy to forget, given how she vacillates between dangerously over-enthusiastic and deadpan calm, but Izzy can be quite cute, when she’s genuinely embarrassed.

“Well?” she demands, growing even more self-conscious with your silence. “Let’s begin!”

And so you do, labouring over the second attempt at the Unseelie Star by day and over Izirina's body by night.

4d20 Life Magic + Chimericism, 1d20 to see how many more days you spend here working on the new/improved Star
Nat20 coming to save us
While Izirina’s libido might be reduced or absent, YOURS is not… And you’ve pretty much always found her attractive. As clinically professional as you try to be about the matter, working magic over Izirina’s body as she sprawls beneath you DOES things to you… DISTRACTING thing. Your hands wander more often than not, appreciating certain aspects of her anatomy and losing yourself in the moment.

“Is there something about my breasts that is tied to the experiment at hand, Magus?”

You blink, and stammer to respond to Izirina’s sternly-spoken query.

“Well, the… The breasts of a woman are… There are hormones which, ah, are tied closely to the development of secondary sexual characteristics and it was… That is, my theory. Is…”

Izirina lets her head loll sideways, to face you directly, and with half-lidded eyes and a return fo that subtle smile, she whispers:

“I didn’t say stop, Tips.”


Izirina seems to revel in your appreciation of her body, sighing happily and shifting to allow you better access. It slows progress, but you somehow can’t bring yourself to care. This becomes especially true when her own hands find their way to the central site of your decidedly-not-limited libido.


Eventually, once you’ve ‘calmed down, you are able to properly analyze the raw information of the, ahem, ‘interaction’. Izirina is CAPABLE of arousal. Her hormone levels and other telltale physiological responses all prove this—it’s why pleasurable sex is even POSSIBLE. There is simply a disconnect between her body and her brain. Some of that is psychological, you suspect, brought on by her upbringing and internalized feelings of inadequacy. Some of it is spiritual, for the spirit affects the mind and body. You can’t do much about either, at first, but then you remember…

“The shirin!”
Shirin is an organic compound, a mind-affecting substance made of primarily plant-matter. The pink form of the powder affects the production of certain chemicals in body and brain, triggering the aphrodisiac response. Normally this is an external effect that wears off after the body processes and expels the substance, but if you could INTEGRATE it into the body… Find a way to chimericize the plant-matter into an animal host so that the hormonal systems produce that chemical reaction NATURALLY when exposed to physical stimuli such as specific scents… Such as your own elfin body odour, produced in lieu of sweat, which Izirina already so appreciates…

With your own remaining pouch, and no small effort, you apply your years of experience in the field to perform your first-ever plant-to-animal chimericization. The results…

>20: Critical success
>1, 1: Double crit-fail, cancelled out by success, but too funny not to integrate somehow
>RESULT: Tips discovers a fetish for medical roleplay; Izirina’s scent-fetish is exacerbated and her libido is amped up in the presence of Tips’ scent
>-1 Pink Shirin, 0 left

…Well, you essentially reverse-engineered a scent-triggered animal estrus in a human female.

“Hhhh… More!” Izirina gasps, hips rising and falling as she clutches at you, running her fingers through your hair as she takes deep wafts of your faintly-floral musk through mouth and noise, and quite literally salivating over you. “Haaaaa~”

Let’s just say there’s a very good reason the progress on the Star slows for a time thereafter, and it takes a little over two weeks to finally complete your MAIN objective… But you do, eventually, and have QUITE the pleasant romantic vacation together in the process. Better late than never, right?

It took grinding up one of the Neme-Ashurati’s oasis-creating holy artefacts to make a purer form of their‘ fairy dust’. Even then, and even having mastered the basic principles (and even ignoring the delays brought about by working under the hot sun, sweating, and ‘triggering’ Izirina’s arousal), sixteen more days passed before, finally, you and Izirina stood with the Neme elders over a bone-white, faintly-translucent vessel for the blood and aura which would activate it.
“This really is SIGNIFICANT, you know that, Tips?” Izzy intimates. “Imagine… Anywhere, underground or in colder climes, or even a barren wasteland… These ‘artificial stars’ could feed not just fairy ‘lifeforms’, but EARTHLY ones. With a few small tweaks… This could mean agricultural gains ANYWHERE, irrespective of climate, through the right enchantments! Completely self-sufficient biospheres, separated from everywhere else!”

“It would take a VERY powerful and specific enchantment to do more than radiate the full range of magical, thermal, and luminal signature to sustain proper agriculture…” you fret.

“A hidden kingdom, with its own sun,” Izirina sighs, and leans against you. “Someday. Together… We could make it happen.”

“We already have our own little realm,” you point out gently. “Old Maple Hill.”

Izzy sighs, and nods. She stands back up under her own power, and looks away from the Star, to you.

“Time to go?”

You nod.

“You know, in the end… I’m quite glad we came here,” Izirina says. “What about you?”

>You are, too, in spite of the earlier unpleasantness
>You never want to come back to this godsforsaken wasteland again, if you can help it

Is there anything else you wish to attend to while you’re here?
>Yes [write-in]
>No, you’re ready to return to Old Maple Hill

You also have one final decision to make: given that you still need the Elemental Fey to lend their power to the Star to activate it, but can’t without the medium of Queen Banelight’s blood, will you…
>Bring the star with you to Old Maple Hill
>Leave the star here, in the charge of the Ashurati, until you can organize matters with the Unseelie Court
Kek. Given Tips new fetish we could try could try doing a prostate exam on Cossy someday, in honor of Merrygate and her QM
>You are, too, in spite of the earlier unpleasantness

>No, you’re ready to return to Old Maple Hill

>Leave the star here, in the charge of the Ashurati, until you can organize matters with the Unseelie Court
>You are, too, in spite of the earlier unpleasantness
Things turned out well and we freed a lot of slaves, net positive

>No, you’re ready to return to Old Maple Hill

>Bring the star with you to Old Maple Hill
We might find another power source.
>You are, too, in spite of the earlier unpleasantness
>No, you’re ready to return to Old Maple Hill
>Bring the star with you to Old Maple Hill
Drow crystals next then
[The drow crystals were meant to serve the same purpose as the fairy-sand crystal lantern you just constructed: to contain the blood, which will be enchanted with the elemental energy, without releasing it all too quickly or containing too much for it to properly provide sustenance to those in its glow. You have, essentially, skipped that step.]
That’s pretty neat.

So right now all we need is

Elemental fey energy in the box
Queen blood
Rite of attunement
Sever old ties

>You are, too, in spite of the earlier unpleasantness
>No, you’re ready to return to Old Maple Hill
>Bring the star with you to Old Maple Hill

Can we further tinker with Izzy to attune her libido to Costella's smell in addition to our own?
>You are, too, in spite of the earlier unpleasantness
>No, you’re ready to return to Old Maple Hill
>Leave the star here, in the charge of the Ashurati, until you can organize matters with the Unseelie Court
>You never want to come back to this godsforsaken wasteland again, if you can help it

>No, you’re ready to return to Old Maple Hill

>Bring the star with you to Old Maple Hill
[That's about the size of it.]

“…Yeah,” you say. “Me too.”

And it’s true: in spite of the goblin slavers, the trolls, the death and pain, you’ve come to see why the Ashurati stay here—why they make their oases in this place. Looking out into the vastness, you no longer see only desolation and woe. Rather, you see potential. Just like the flowers blooming in the wake of Izirina’s outburst, just as the star which you crafted an will carry home… Just like fractured relationships which mend with love, and care, and a bit of applied arcana… There is something to be said for these ‘wastes’.

“But I’m still ready to go home.”

You say your goodbyes, thanking the honoured elders of the Ashurati, clasping hands with Khankhe, and giving Nemnmo a long hug.

“We will be leaving this place, too,” she tells you. “It is the season for it. Other oases require our tending.”

“They need maintenance?” you ask.

Nemenmo nods, and adds meaningfully: “All beautiful things do. A garden does not keep itself.”

It is an old elven aphorism, and you’re surprised to hear it here. Then again, perhaps you shouldn’t be. You look back at Izirina, and at the star which you have strapped to Muffin’s broad back, and think of Old Maple Hill, and of Costella.

“<Dimension Door>.”

You leave, to take care of your own garden, and its beautiful things.

Old Maple Hill is much as you remember it, after all these months. It feels like a long time to you, and yet you suppose it really isn’t. The most significant change is the seasons: despite what Nemenmo said, you could hardly detect any change in weather or temperature, in the Goblin Wastes—less so, in the Neme oasis. It was always hot by day, cool by night. Here, though, winter’s blanket is upon the hill, the cloud-refracted sunlight of early morning reflecting back with bluish tint. The trees have largely shed their leaves, and their spirits—even the spriggan called Spirit of the Old Maple, who holds court among the local True Fey—will be slumbering. You feel a pang of guilt, recalling your promise to yourself to be here, carting for you responsibilities in this place… But your trip was no frivolity, after all, even if it went a little long, and the plumes of smoke rising from those tents and hovels here established attest to at least some of your fellowship still tending to their duties. In fact, you think there are slightly more than there were before—evidently, at least some of the freed slaves remained.

“We should check on the moonberry bush,” Izirina says. “This cold…”

“We should check in with Costella,” you reply.

“…Of course,” she says, and scoots a little closer to you, taking your arm in hers.
You frown a little. Your ‘fix’ for Izirina’s libido has, of course, not rendered her a ‘woman’s woman’ in whole or in part. She offers no complaint, but you suspect that months of having you ‘to herself’ (and several weeks of rather intense and exuberant escapades in privacy) have somewhat ‘spoiled’ her for sharing you. You’ll need to decide how to handle that, at some point.

(One problem at a time, Tips.)

You meet with Costella first and foremost. She is wearing a heavy woolen jacket, with a fur-lined hood, and is helping several members of the Old Maple Hill community to construct a wall—tall, and strong-looking. The minotaur whom you rescued is among them, seemingly doing much of the heavy lifting and the actual planting of the largest posts, which he accomplishes with a single powerful pound of a hammer for each, while two others hold it straight.

“What’s this about?” you ask.

Immediately, Costella twirls about, eyes wide.

“Ez! Iz!”

She launches herself at you, hugging you close and planting kisses all over your face. Her reunion with Izirina is nearly as intense, tough the presence of others seems to stymie her from going for more than a kiss on the cheek and a somewhat-longer hug.

“I’m, like, SO glad you’re back!” she says. “You wouldn’t BELIEVE what’s being going on!”

“So I gather,” you murmur, eyeing the wall again. “Why don’t you fill us in?”

And so she does.
Costella tells you of the last three months, in admittedly disorganized fashion, jumping about in time and focusing at times upon aspects you’d consider (put mildly) rather less important. However, your eyes widen at several revelations, and narrow at others. Several key takeaways emerge, which vie for your attention. Most urgently…

>The goodberry bushes have been struggling with the shifting seasons
They produced a few small, off-colour fruits, which were plucked and kept safe when it became apparent they would otherwise rot on the vine and go to waste; these could be replanted, but likely with reduced potency, while the original plants you grew from your lunar harvest are showing signs of ill-health.

>Your sales operations in Hawksong have been facing harassment from other vendors

This effort is seemingly led by the De Gori family. They’ve been arguing that your practices are unfair, that you haven’t followed proper vendor’s channels, and that your products constitute ‘magical goods’, which they argue are meant to be confined to the Initiates’ Village, and carefully regulated elsewhere.

>The people living at Old Maple Hill have detected unnerving activity this last month at night…
Skulking figures, strange whispers in a muffled (but foreign) tongue, and it has only been increasing in frequency and proximity as time passes, as well as boldness. Despite this, every effort to catch the culprits has been met by failure: whoever it is, or whatever it is, they avoid snares and stake-outs with ease.

>There’s been no word back from Zith-Zi and Carazzi since they departed for The Bloodrise Mountains
It’s probably fine. It’s not unusual to not hear from people for months at a time, when they go on such a trip, as you well know. However… Well, you know very little about Bloodrise, and what you DO know is a little spooky and unnerving. It wouldn’t hurt to check on them…

[Choose ONE to focus on, or…]

>The Unseelie Star is your main priority
You must arrange a meeting with Queen Banelight and her ilk, to make good on your oath. Everything else can wait—MUST wait.
>The goodberry bushes have been struggling with the shifting seasons
Can’t have our long term plan dying soon. If they weren’t rotting I’d go with catching the mysterious figures instead.
>The goodberry bushes have been struggling with the shifting seasons
Most important.

The whispers and shadows are most likely the unseelie trying to spy on us.

DeGori family is annoying - we ought to get them to back off soon. The plan of getting Carlos to the wastes to remove him also gets complicated without ZithZi.

Queen didn’t set the time limit, and we’re pretty much 2/4
>The people living at Old Maple Hill have detected unnerving activity this last month at night…
>The goodberry bushes have been struggling with the shifting seasons.

Besides the livestock the good berry bushes are the main stay of this communes economy.

>The goodberry bushes have been struggling with the shifting seasons
Oh god, more sidequests
>The goodberry bushes have been struggling with the shifting seasons
The goodberry bushes which you brought from the moon—or ‘moonberries’, as the people here have taken to calling them—are your first priority. Even with those few berries already rescued by the people here, you must preserve the original stock. They arrived from healthy stock, fresh from Holy Luna, and they more than anything else are the backbone of the community here—the most valuable asset, aside from perhaps yours and Izirina’s combined mystical knowledge.

Approaching the small garden where the bushes are kept, your heart sinks at the sight. Snow has been cleared for a swath around them, and a small fence erected to keep away the goats, sheep, and other animals domestic and wild which live nearby. Despite these measures, the once vibrant plants are now a purplish-brown, their leaves wilting and curling inward as if trying to shield themselves from the biting cold. Small patches of snow are already beginning to gather around their bases, a stark contrast to the delicate, otherworldly hue of their leaves.

"It's worse than I thought," you murmur, kneeling down to get a closer look. Izirina follows suit, studying one of the frail branches thoughtfully.

"We need to protect them freezing," she says. “And they’ll need something to reinvigorate them, too.”

You nod in agreement, already considering your options. The settlers have done their best, but they're mostly city-folk, while those whom you rescued from the Wastes are from entirely different climates, regions, and lifestyles. You, a child of the Sylvan Realms, scarcely know your way around human agriculture—in your lands, as on the moon, the richness of the soil and the ambient magical energies are usually sufficient without much direct intervention, at least for wild plants. However, what grows wild on Holy Luna needs careful tending here on Earth…

“Well, we have to do SOEMTHING,” you mutter, trying to remember long-ago chapters of books on the herbalism underlying potioncraft—never your main specialty.

“You know,” Izirina notes, “I could go get the books from the library. Or even ask Mother to provide us the aid of a specialist in alchemical herbalism?”

“Or what about Pearce?” Costella chimes in. “His family has a whole farm, right? He could, like, TOTALLY help us!”

“Let’s start with the obvious,” you say, and turn to the other inhabitants of the Hill, who are gathered around as if to bear witness. “Don’t just stand there! Here, I have an idea…”
You start by creating a barrier against the winter season itself. You ask the people to cut wooden planks from the less essential parts of their stockpile, reinforcing the makeshift fence around the bushes. The planks are hammered into the frosty ground, forming a semi-circular barrier. You line this with a secondary layer of thatchwork, acting as a further windbreak to provide the bushes with some measure of protection from the harsh winter gales.

“There’s another thing we could try,” Izirina notes, as the <summoned elementals and assembled commune-members.

You look up, and follow Izirina’s silent gaze towards the crude earthen hall which she constructed here, to serve as her main headquarters here on the Hill: a magical laboratory, a lecture hall, and the temporary home of the presently inert Unseelie Star.

“If we were to give it a medium, and power, and charge it with elemental energy… We could create an Ashurati-style oasis, right here. If you were to attune the bushes to it, so that they were to draw their energy directly from it… And it had the heat to keep the frost at bay…”

“But then we’d need to construct another for the Unseelie,” you point out. “We’d need to go find the Ashurati, again. And persuade them to part with another precious relic. And it might take another month, or two, or…”

You trail off. OR, you suppose, you could invite the Unseelie Court here, to make their home upon the Hill. Or consult with the Drow of Wevenore. Or… Simply go back on your promise to that awful Queen Banelight, though breaking such an oath even to a distant and degraded member of the fair folk rubs you wrong.

What will you do?
>Seek aid from the Hawksong Mages’ Tower, and from Izirina’s adoptive mother and your master… Archmage Henzler
>Call upon the aid of your good friend Logan Pearce, and his family’s expertise in mundane human agriculture
>Begin activation and enchantment of the Unseelie Star, to serve the needs of the Hill first ahead of (or instead of) to repay your debt and keep your oath
>Call upon the aid of your good friend Logan Pearce, and his family’s expertise in mundane human agriculture
Takes too long. They did say they were going to leave that mountain during this season.
>>Call upon the aid of your good friend Logan Pearce, and his family’s expertise in mundane human agriculture
If the man, the myth, the legend thinks it's desperate, we go to magical mean.
>Call upon the aid of your good friend Logan Pearce, and his family’s expertise in mundane human agriculture
Hey buddy
Hows uh uh Oncyth? Completely forgotten werewolf dudes name.
>Call upon the aid of your good friend Logan Pearce, and his family’s expertise in mundane human agriculture
Inb4 he tells to build a mundane, nonmagical greenhouse
The church of Atheme is a major religion in hawksong. And she is an agricultural goddess, maybe one of her priests would know a spell to preserve or restore crops.

>Write in: Head to a temple of Atheme and see if a priest there can aid you.
[Entirely a valid vote, by the way. You could absolutely reach out, on your own or through Queen Ekaterine, to the Church of Antheme. It would, however, mean the attentions of the Gods of Law and their earthly representatives.]
Your good, loyal friend Logan Pearce seems like a good place to start. He has been your friend for over half your life and (as you learned firsthand at a couple farmhouse parties in your youth) his family owns quite the expansive farm. He might be a fellow mage like you, having become a Tower Guardian rather than going into the family trade, but his own gift for Life Magic and Living Alchemy likely originate don that same estate. It couldn’t hurt to pick his brain a little, surely?

(Besides, you miss him, and you’re curious how things are going with your mutual friend, Oncyth the elven werewolf, whose ‘moon madness’ you worked together to alleviate before you left for the Goblin Wastes… And who, if your intuition is correct, is likely Pearce’s lover)

Pearce is delighted to see you, naturally. You can tell by the way his blonde moustache twitches and his eyes widen slightly.

“Well,” he says, “look what the cat dragged in. Finally coming back to work for your Tower stipend?”

“I’d heard a rumour that the Tower’s stewards were slipping in their standards, and came to check,” you retort. “Consider the rumours confirmed.”

“Up yours, Tips!”

“Isn’t that what your other dark-haired elven ‘friend’ is for?”

There is a long pause, and then you grin at each other, even if the last remark has Pearce blushing almost-imperceptibly.

“Good to have you back, buddy.”

“Good to BE back,” you concur. “Can anyone relieve you from your shift?”

“Sure,” he agrees readily, as Pearce generally always has to your whimsical (sometimes dangerous) interruptions into his otherwise-dutiful life. “If anyone asks, the Archmage’s future son-in-law asked me for assistance on a project.”

You wince a little, and place a finger to your lips.

“Maybe don’t say that so loud?”

“Oh, so you can tease me about Oncyth, but turnabout’s not fair play?” he balks. “That’s hardly fair.”

“It’s not that…” you say. “Look, we have a lot to catch up on? Come with me to the Hill?”

Pearce arches his brow, but nods. A short walk and an activation of a <Teleport Object>-enchanted envelope later, the two of you are transported to Old maple Hill, here you quickly catch up.

“Wow,” Pearce says, removing his blue hat (adorned with the shield-shaped buckle of his station) and running his fingers through his hair. “That IS complicated. So you and Fanucci are—”

“Formally engaged, yes. And… Yes, to all the rest of it as well.”

“So what are you going to DO about it?” he whispers “You know, you and Izzy and Izzy being, you know…”

“Not like Costella, or like you?” you finish.

Pearce shrugs self-consciously.
“I suspect I could quite easily key the alchemical auto-aphrodisiac response to Costella’s scent as well, so I was thinking—”


“What?” you ask, confused.

“Seriously?” he whispers, as if someone might intrude. “You can’t just… Change how a person feels. Who they, you know… Love.”

“It’s not about FORCING anyone to LOVE anyone,” you counter. “It’s about expanding one’s array of possible experiences, to enable the continuity of… Of, you know…”

“Your two-girlfriend situation?” Pearce frankly observes. “What, so you’d be okay if someone used magic to make you attracted to men?”

It’s your turn to flush, and far more visibly than Pearce did if the heat in your ears is any indication.

“S-so,” you recover, forcing what you hope is a smug smile, “things are going THAT badly with Oncyth Nortumalan, are they?”

Pearce clears his throat, looking away.

“They’re going quite well, actually.”


“We… Went out for steak and ale, at this dwarven place I know.”

You nod.

“And… He’s coming to visit the farm.”

Your eyebrows practically fly up and off of your forehead.

“As a FRIEND,” Pearce emphasizes. “My family… They, you know. Don’t… Know.”

You grimace a little to see your friend’s expression sour at that last point.

“Anyway,” Pearce continues, a little gruffly, “speaking of farming, what’s this problem with your berry bushes? Let’s see it.”

"Alright," you agree, guiding Pearce towards the struggling moonberry bushes.

As the two of you walk down through the snow-strewn hillside, you brief him on the particulars -- the freezing temperatures, the delicate state of the mystical plants, and your own desperate need for an effective, immediate solution. Pearce listens attentively, his brow furrowing in concentration. When you finally reach the garden, he kneels to inspect the bushes more closely.

"Well," he says thoughtfully, brushing the snow from a few more exposed leaves, "it’s a good thing you’re good with animals and magical beings, Tips, because you’re no gardener.”

"It’s that bad?" you ask anxiously.

Pearce stands up, briskly shaking the snow from his hands. "Pretty bad, yeah. But it's not unsalvageable, with a bit of effort.”

He looks around at the gathered community members and raises his voice slightly. "First things first, we need to heat these little fellows up, protect them from the cold above and the frost below."

“We already used some planks and thatchwork…”

“Not good enough,” Pearce says, arms crossed and shaking his head. “We need a trench around the garden area, about a foot deep and wide. We'll fill it with gravel for drainage, then line it with more insulation. That should help keep roots warmer and prevent frost from creeping in.
Izirina, who has been listening intently since the two of you began inspecting the berry-bushes, nods and begins to cast <Summon Elemental> producing ire elementals to help warm the bushes—

“Slowly!” Pearce caustions. “Don’t shock them!”

--while earth elementals aid the community-members in their Costella-directed labour. You can't help but feel a sense of relief seeing your friends and the community working in unison.

"Next," Pearce continues, "we'll construct a proper greenhouse structure around these bushes. We'll use those wooden planks to build a frame and cover it with glass. That will allow sunlight in while keeping the cold out."

The settlers work reasonably efficiently, once they get into the swing of things. While some busy themselves digging and lining the trench under Pearce's watchful eye, others take to constructing the frame under the direction of your ‘cousin’ (really your human cousin’s husband), Adolf.

“I DID work in the Smithing Quarter,” he reminds you, a touch condescendingly. “I know my way around construction, alright?”

(Same old Addy…)

"What's next?" you ask Pearce, eager to keep the momentum going.

Pearce gestures to the frame.

"We'll need some consistent heat. Luckily for you, you're a better Elementalist than Herbal Alchemist. Enchant some of those stones you used in the trench with fire runes or sit a basic, tier-one fire elemental on them. It doesn't matter if there are small fluctuations in temperature, just as long as it stays above freezing, and moisture is also maintained. I don’t know anything about moon plants, but… Whatw as the humidity like?”

“Uhh…” you reply dumbly, struggling to recall. “Ideal for an elf?”

Pearce sighs, and nods.

“Alright, well keep it at a level comfortable for you, then, I guess? Won’t do any good without the glass, though…”

“Ooo!” says Costella, bouncing up to her feet. “I can TOTALLY help with that! Papa knows, like, a window-maker or glassblower or something like that, he told me once! I can ask him to help!”

It’s not a bad idea, but you frown, remembering the problems which several merchants have apparently been making for you, while you were away. You got the impression that this has been under the instigation of that trouble-making would-be paramour of Costella’s, Carlos De Gori, who once accosted you in a seedy inn, interrupting an otherwise pleasant evening with YOUR fiancé.


What will you do?
>Go get the glass with Costella
>Go yourself, and suggest Costella stay here
>Source the glass otherwise [how?]
>Go get the glass with Costella
[Oh, and of course, sending Costella on her own is an option as well]
>Go get the glass with Costella

>“What, so you’d be okay if someone used magic to make you attracted to men?”
Hey, Izzy's agreed to everything we've done, she wants to change. We're not going to do this to her without fully informing her and getting her opinion.
>Go get the glass with Costella
>Go get the glass with Costella
Ask if he wants to come, too.

>“You can’t just… Change how a person feels. Who they, you know… Love.”
>“What, so you’d be okay if someone used magic to make you attracted to men?”

Not at all comparable. Izzy already liked us in the first place - only through recent complications did she become unable to express and enjoy it sexually. We resolved that issue.
[Point of clarification here: Pearce means specifically making Izzy attracted to Costella, something she admitted she was only faking for Tips' benefit (or as a means to stop him leaving her for Costella). Part of Izirina's confession after she ran away post-coitus at the end of thread 8.0 was that she's never actually be attracted to (or in love with) Costella.]
Really? Even when they kissed before the threesome was established?
With her heightened smell for Tips, does Costellas cross contamination with Tips really do nothin for her?
Hm. All along? Even during the talk at the waffle cafe?

I thought that was just another act of hers

I presumed it was linked to the scents native to Tips. Costella’s faded away soon enough but something like his sweat or smell is produced regularly
[Tips hasn't probed her about it, but it's probably a safe assumption that this was part of a scheme, as Izirina had realized Costella was bisexual in love with HER]

[Again, not something Tips has asked, and it's probably not 'nothing' since she has been able to engage in sexual interactions with Costella before, but Tips could safely assume it's at best a mild attraction-by-association, or a tolerance for sex with someone she otherwise isn't attracted to. After all, even if a straight guy found a dude who was wearing his girl's perfume, it doesn't mean he'd want to have sex with him.]
You grimace at the thought of Costella traveling to town and petitioning the merchants unassisted. What if that brute, Carlos De Gori, gets more mad ideas in his head about somehow taking her back?

“I’ll come with you,” you say quickly.

“Uh, oh?” Costella says, a little surprised.

She looks around at the busy, bustling activity around the berry-patch, frowning slightly.

“I-I’m sure it’ll be fine, you know?” she says.

You step forward and take her arm in yours. She blinks, and then looks down and smiles gratefully at you.

“My hero,” she says, and leaning down to kiss your cheek.

Pearce looks away quickly as if to afford you two some privacy, and clears his throat.

“I’ll finish up here,” he says. “You two should hurry.”

And hurry you do. Even powerfully-enchanted Izirina’s energy reserves are plainly flagging by the time she produces the <Dimension Door> for you, ad places another envelope in your hands, sealed with purple wax, and stamped with the seal of The Mages’ Tower.

“Give me a few hours before you use it,” she cautions, voice terse in her weariness. “I’m going to need to recover some of my qi before I can cast again.”

That is the downside of the upcasted <Teleport Object> spell, you’ve noticed: in using Izirina Henzler as its hub, it requires no small amount of aura to enchant an object, and another equal expenditure of magical energy to pull you back to her location. With two people, this is further exacerbated, just as it is with <Dimension Door>.

“Thank you,” you say.

You and Costella each embrace and kiss Izirina in turn. Watching Izzy’s response to Costella’s kiss with renewed scrutiny, you from a little. It IS different than the enthusiasm she shows for your own embrace, your kiss… But can she really be entirely, ah, ‘uninterested’? You’ve caught them doing MORE than kissing, after all. Can it really all be an act? You reflect on Pearce’s words, on Izzy’s confession, and on how to handle this in such a way to preserve your relationship and spare Costella’s feelings… But you have precious little time to dwell on it, and more immediate priorities.

“Like, let’s go!”

“R-right,” you say.

You follow Costella, hand-in-hand, through the mystical gateway which Izirina has created. Izzy watches you go, through those shadowy spectacles of hers.
You emerge from the <Dimension Door> momentarily disoriented, as you usually are after teleportation. It helps that your destination is a place familiar to you: the Fanucci family home. Stepping through the portal, you’re greeted by a wave of rich, woody scents—cedar and oak mixing with the faint tang of varnish and polish. It’s an aroma that attests to Mister Edmondo Fanucci’s profession as a woodcarver.

The workshop attached to the house is an organized chaos, rows of half-finished furniture poised like patient soldiers awaiting the master’s final touch. A set of intricately carved chairs stands beside a half-assembled cabinet whose doors bear elaborate inlaid designs of leaves and flowers.

Costella guides you through the shop, her fingers brushing against the fine detailing as she walks. It's clear she misses the place, as you look at her. She grew up here, lived here, came home to this place each night for most of her life, so you suppose it makes sense… Yet you’re not sure you’ve ever had a place like hat, the more you think about it. You’ve had dormitory housing while a student of the Living Library and then the Tower and the Sacrae Scholae Lunae, lived in the Archmage’s secret underground facility for a time, stayed with your father’s family, and now with your sand-elf cousins… Prior to that, you were a child of Dappulyet, but that is less a town than a region, with many scattered, seasonal villages, used by the elves of your mother’s clan, whoa re are—as with most elves—semi-nomadic in their lifeways, if not quite to the extent of the Ashurati.

Maybe Old Maple Hill is that, for you? Maybe it could be?
>Old Maple Hill feels like home
>Old Maple Hill is just another place to be, but you do not belong to it
>Actually, you felt most at home… [where?]

“Mama! Papa!” Costella calls out, in her sing-song voice. “I’m heee~eeere!”

It is Missus Ines Fanucci who emerges, and greets the two of you brightly, grabbing Costella’s upper arms and kissing each of her cheeks in turn, and giving you a polite nod. The smile, at least, is not forced. You’re glad of that. You always had a good relationship with the Fanuccis, but your last visit here was… Tense. Costella’s father had been, to put it quite mildly, PROTECTIEV of his ‘princess’, and seemingly skeptical that you could better serve as a husband to her than her FIRST prospect, that blackguard De Gori.

“Oh Costa, you look so thin! And so much MUSCLE in these arms! I hope you’re not forgetting to eat, working yourself to the bone? And Ezreal—I’ve never seen you so TAN! Don’t you have people to do that outdoor work for you, up on your farm?”

“It’s not exactly a farm,” you say, though the more you think about it and exactly why you’re here, the more you suppose Old Maple Hill COULD qualify as such, even if you’re more inclined to think of it as a sacred space

“We actually went on a, um…” Costella’s eyes flit to you, as she stops short of saying ‘a long and dangerous journey to the most barren and inhospitable region of the known world’.

“Like, a vacation!” Costella says instead. “It was TOTALLY magical!”

“Oooh?” Missus Fanucci says, looking at you with renewed appreciation. “The farm and your work for the Mages’ Tower must be going well then, huh?”

“Yeah, we’ve been rather successful with our projects,” you hedge your bets, giving Costella a grateful look for the fib-of-omission, eliciting a quick wink. “Actually, we came to ask Mister Fanucci about one of his merchant contacts, to help with one of those projects… A glassworker, or glazier?”

“You know, Mister Einchinger!”

“Well I don’t know about Mister Eichinger, but Edmondo is at that meeting of that new association… ‘The Concerned Association of Tradesmen, Skilled Craftsmen, and Machinists?’”

You and Costella exchange a quick, worried look.

“Is that the one that, um, like, Carlos’ family started?”

Her mother nods, placing hands on hips, and says: “They’ve been hounding your papa for weeks now, and with them holding their first official meeting, he went over there to see what they’re all abut… And if you ask me, to give them a piece of his mind.”

(Well, at least your future father-in-law isn’t a fan, by the sounds of it…)
“But come, sit down, stay” Missus Fanucci says, smiling and gesturing towards her kitchen, behind the workshop. “I was just cooking. You should eat!”

What will you do?
>Stay here, eat, and chat with Missus Fanucci—get her thoughts on the association and what’s been happening around Hawksong, and wait for her husband to return
>Go to this association’s assembly, to confront their opposition directly
>Ask for directions to Einchinger’s business, to procure the glass for the windows while the unfriendly elements are all occupied
>this was part of a scheme
But for what purpose?
>Ask for directions to Einchinger’s business, to procure the glass for the windows while the unfriendly elements are all occupied
>But for what purpose?
She can't steal your man if she's in a throuple with both of you!
>Old Maple Hill feels like home
>Go to this association’s assembly, to confront their opposition directly
>Old Maple Hill is just another place to be, but you do not belong to it
>Stay here, eat, and chat with Missus Fanucci—get her thoughts on the association and what’s been happening around Hawksong, and wait for her husband to return
>But for what purpose?
It's kinda obvious, isn't it ?
>Actually, you felt most at home… [where?]

>Stay here, eat, and chat with Missus Fanucci—get her thoughts on the association and what’s been happening around Hawksong, and wait for her husband to return
>Old Maple Hill is just another place to be, but you do not belong to it

>Go to this association’s assembly, to confront their opposition directly
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[Hm, we seem to have a tie. Also, >>6024828, you missed the other vote!]

[I'll wait an hour, then roll for it, as I'd like to write one more post today if I could.]
>Old Maple Hill feels like home

This is… interesting. On one hand I do want to know more about the association and his family before jumping into this mess but on the other hand since that old man doesn’t like them any too well, and backing him could be good for us. But I don’t really like that gamble.
>Ask for directions to Einchinger’s business, to procure the glass for the windows while the unfriendly elements are all occupied
bro that just turns things into a three way tie.
I know.
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I didn’t like their answers.
nigga really wanted war, but from another perspective I commend you for taking the decision of sticking to your guts and choosing what you really like
[Well, fair's fair. Can't expect you to vote for a thing you don't like.]

[I'm feeling a bit burnt out today, anons. Bad mental health day (or week?), between the tourneys, the QTG, and now this, I'm not feeling like a post I write right now will be very good, so I'm leaving it open. I'll post tomorrow, either way, because I'm no quitter or flake, but... Just not feeling great. Will do updates in the tourneys, anyway, so see you there, later, if you're playing them.]
Take your time. You already updated twice in a day.
take care OP, you already did 2 updates anyway.
You people are weird, i could understand an undecided tie if it was a vote of critical or life threatening importance.

but we are literally on a plain glass collecting mission.

>Ask for directions to Einchinger’s business, to procure the glass for the windows while the unfriendly elements are all occupied
Last time carlos was involved we could’ve died so yeah I’d say it is pretty serious
Still can’t believe Carlos wrangled together a mob of a dozen guys to kill some dude they’d never met
I know. That’s why I wanted to kill him without revealing who we were.
Am a bit torn- I like both that the Hill is the home that we made and we’re a bit of a wanderer. Can’t really decide which I like better…. but I can at least help a fellow Moonbro out
>but Moonhome also feels legit yo

I do feel complicated (but positive) feeling are best ye

I am curious about current events (and her cooking), but to vote now would only tie it.

Hey, it’s ok to take a metal wellness hiatus to just chill and recharge alright? Sometimes we just all get exhausted, it’s okay to take a vacation and put down a plate or two from spinning for a while.
Vote for what you think is best. Better that than lingering feelings on “what could have been” later on.
Yeah, killing him would have kept him from slandering us until we were a wanted criminal in Hawksong too.
I doubt the Carlous family has enough pull to do that. Contessa comes from a merchant/shop keep background, the De Gori can't be anything more than minor nobility at best. Otherwise carlous would be betrothed to another noble.
Crazy how Carlos raised the alarm that night we were smuggling Nat out of the Sylvan Realms. He almost got Logan killed!
Wait, what?
It’s a joke
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Rolled 1 (1d2)

You take a deep whiff of the air around you. Under the not-unpleasant odours of the workshop, coming rom deeper within the Fanucci abode, you detect the impeccably-spiced sweet-and-savoury cooking of Missus Fanucci’s signature sauce, and the mouth-watering aroma of boiling butter…

You and you sigh, and exhale through your nose until it no longer overpowers you, because you know you can’t stay.

“Do you happen to know where this Einchinger’s store is?” you ask Costella’s mother. “I’m afraid it’s a matter of some urgency…”

(And, if the De Goris are busy with this meeting, then this is an optimum time to get what you need and get out.)

“Oh, don’t be silly!” Missus Fanucci lightly chastises you. “We hardly see you! You can make some time for—”

“I’m sorry, mama,” Costella interjects. “Ez is right—this is a, like BIG deal for the Hill. We have these berries, see, that… Oh!”

She cups her hands to her mouth, realizing that she has perhaps aid too much, and turns her apologetic gaze from her mother to you.

“It’s fine,” you reassure her, and then look to Ines Fanucci, and shrug helplessly, as if to say: ‘half-elf wizard stuff.’

“Well… Alright, but I want to see you both, and soon!”

Her command has now eight behind it, but there is a kind of longing.

“We’ll be sure to visit, Mama!” Costella says as you quickly commit your future mother-in-law’s directions to memory, and take your leave.

“It WOULD be, like, really nice to have another dinner with Mama and Papa… And even my sisters! It’s been, like, FOREVER since I’ve seen Rosella and Gabriele…”

You can hear the wistful longing in Costella’s voice, and you quickly assure her that you’ll find the time, sometime, and soon. This seems to mollify her, but you still sense a sort of sadness there. You find yourself almost envious of that sadness, because the more you reflect on it, the more you realize you really have nothing like that yourself. What you’re building at Old Maple Hill is a special thing—a momentous one, maybe—but it’s not HOME. It’s closer than most places—more than Dappulyet, more than Iternagreyn, more than the Initiates’ Village or the Houtzmann residence, and ESPECIALLY more than that creepy basement laboratory. But… Well, it’s Izzy’s place, and Costella’s, more than it’s yours. It doesn’t belong to you, and you don’t belong to it, not really.

You put these thoughts out of your mind as you arrive at the glazier’s shop.
Einchinger’s shop stands at the corner between the common markets and the famed Smithing District. Its presence mis arked by the sight of glittering, colored glass and a sign intricately carved with swirls and decorative flourishes—a testament to the craftsmanship of the proprietor. As you push open the heavy wooden door, you’re greeted by a symphony of sounds: the soft tinkle of chimes, the faint hiss of a furnace, and the low murmur of conversation. Inside, the air is warm and humid, carrying a faint scent of hot metal, melting glass, and a subtle hint of soot; it almost reminds you of an alchemist’s workshop, or perhaps Izzy’s after some extraplanar experimentation. The front of the shop serves as a display area, showcasing glassware of many colours and shapes—delicate vases, cups and baubles for the wealthy, ornate stained glass panels depicting scenes from folklore and history for the temples.

Behind this showroom, rows of glass rods in various hues are displayed along shelves, alongside tools of the trade—blowpipes, shaping paddles, and pincers. The air shimmers slightly from the heat emanating from a large kiln in the rear of the shop, where human apprentices busily work, their faces flushed as they manipulate molten glass.

At a sturdy wooden counter between the two, a dwarven woman stands, her stout frame balanced confidently on a step-stool. She’s dressed in hardy workwear, her sleeves rolled up to expose muscular arms adorned with protective bracers. Her auburn hair is tied back into a braid, and despite the intense heat and demanding nature of the work, her face is composed, and her eyes, a sharp, piercing blue, lock on your immediately.

“Welcome to Einchinger’s Glazier,” the dwarven woman states, her voice clear and authoritative even over the commotion. She appraises you and Costella with a seasoned eye, one brow raised in curiosity. “What can we do for you today, oh Magus and Missus Magus?”

“Oh, we’re not, you know..”

“Not yet anyway.”

You and Costella exchange a quick look, and she giggles a little, and reaches out to give your hand a gentle squeeze. Being pegged as married can’t help but put her in a romantic mood, evidently; you feel your face warm, and squeeze it back.

The dwarfmaid clears her throat.

“We’re looking to commission some specialty glasswork,” you begin, stepping up to the counter. “For a, uh, greenhouse, of sorts. I have the dimensions, here…”

You rummage in your pocket for the roughshod schematic and precise measures which Pearce provided you. The dwarf takes to crumpled note from you, pursing her lips and squinting at the particulars. Eventually, she produces a pair of spectacles, and seems to have an easier time of it.
“Aye, we can do this,” she says. “Nothing too fancy, but it’s a custom job, so don’t expect it cheap… At least, not if you want it fast.”

“We need it rather urgently, yes,” you say.

“Uh, Ez?” Costella whispers.

You grimace, for you realize this compromises your bargaining position somewhat. .. But it can’t be helped.

“And freight as well?” the dwarf presses, a little overeager. “Where to?”

“Actually,” you quickly reply, ‘we can manage freight.”


You tap the butt of your staff upon the floor, softly, and the dwarf snorts.

“Right,” she grumbles. “Magic.”

“Well, I mean…” your eyes flit up meaningfully to your pointed hat.

“It’s somebody’s job, is all,” the dwarf points out, but then shrugs. “Well, no shortage of work for our outfit. We’ll find something to keep the lads busy… Isn’t that right boys?”

The ‘boys’ shout back something non-committal and half-enthusiastic as they continue to toil in the back. The dwarfmaid looks back at you and, together with Costella, you go over the expenses.

“…Oh,” you both say at once.

“What?” the dwarf asks, eyebrows raised. “You thought we worked for free?”

“Oh, no, TOTALLY, we get it!” Costella appeases the shopkeeper, while you stare down at the figure scrawled before you. It is… Well, all the gold on your person, and then some. About a third of it is for the rush-job (though it will still take the better part of a week-and-a-half to complete. You saved some coin on the installation—though you’d need to figure out how to utilize some lead pipes or ‘cames’ to properly seal them in place—and quite a lot on freight, yet even so…

“Well?” the dwarf asks, tapping her charcoal-stick impatiently so that the tip cracks and a few greyish grains come tumbling down, for her other hand to brush away.

>You’ll skip the rush-job, though it means risking the berries this month, even with you and Izirina personally attending to them day and night, for winter will only get colder
>You’ll go for it… But you’ll need to raise some money selling more goods and even services, which could inflame anti-magic sentiment among the merchants
>You’ll have that dinner with the Fanuccis after all… Because you’re going to have to ask your in-laws for a loan
>You’ll pay a visit to Archmage Theresa Henzler—your master, and technically your employer—to request your research stipend… Though that means sharing some of your research
>You’ll pay a visit to Archmage Theresa Henzler—your master, and technically your employer—to request your research stipend… Though that means sharing some of your research
Information about the box and its ability as elemental energy storage - not the sand tho

the unseelie never did say we cant share our knowledge on making a star

also, how much does the archmage already knows about the goodberries? if she doesn’t, then that too
>You’ll go for it… But you’ll need to raise some money selling more goods and even services, which could inflame anti-magic sentiment among the merchants

Let's just hope Carlos doesn't throw together another group of 20 people hellbent on murdering us
[You've shared virtually nothing with Henzler, honestly, apart from the spells (<Elemental Infusion> and <Clone>) which you developed in her lab and with her resources.. And I'm pretty sure you only gave her the full spiel on how to cast one of those, and no Feycraft or moon knowledge at all.]
Interesting. Share just the moonberries then.
>share secrets of true cloning and elemental infusion
>share plantable goodberries from a divine source
>henzler can now theoretically make elemental super clones and feed them
>You’ll pay a visit to Archmage Theresa Henzler—your master, and technically your employer—to request your research stipend… Though that means sharing some of your research
we're not sharing the berries, anons. pick some spell but not the fucking berries.
I don’t like Greater Disjunction being in the hands of Archmage
>>You’ll pay a visit to Archmage Theresa Henzler—your master, and technically your employer—to request your research stipend… Though that means sharing some of your research

I'm fine sharing rod and chest.
Can't believe people are willing to give secrets to the archmage here.

I guess Carlos and his 30 fanatics are just that scary.
He’s only a problem because of his connections. Once we get the goodberries fixed it’s him next.
Well I wanted to confront the guy.
We didn't, chosing a low risk low reward road.
Thus we have to find a way to gather cash.
I dunno man I’m starting to get nervous about this. Maybe the other anons have a point, we should steer clear. Best to be wary of an enemy who can at a moments notice turn 40 otherwise normal people into bloodthirsty killers who will hunt his enemies with no regard for their own lives.
>You’ll pay a visit to Archmage Theresa Henzler—your master, and technically your employer—to request your research stipend… Though that means sharing some of your research
I think we can share the elemental storage research. Maybe some talented upstart continues from where we stopped and figures out how to do it without grinding up holy artefacts.
Ultimately i feel that we need our independent source of income. A decent amount of the old hills profit by necessity flows back into it and the community that lives there. Perce works as tower defence, testa is seamstresses Efron is an adventurer and his parents are rich nobles anyway.

And it's not in our interest to be henzlers personal research tool like izzy is.

The two main avenues we have available with our magical skills, is becoming a doctor and healing the sick and crippled for money. Or we can do what the archmage did when she created hershy and use our flesh crafting knowledge to sell exotic pets to nobles.
[Locked and writing!]
It’s a moment you’ve been dreading, and honestly avoiding since even before you took your trip to the Goblin Wastes. Even when you retrieved Carazzi or recruited Pearce to help at the Hill, you were careful to evade an encounter with your mystical master, the uppermost magus of the Hawksong Mages’ Tower, and Izirina’s mother… Archmage Theresa Henzler.

But what else are you supposed to do?

A few ideas float through your head, of course. You could use your chimerical acumen to engineer organisms as pets for the wealthy and blue-blooded of Hawksong. Given your undeniably-incredible aptitude for Living Alchemy, you could start a practice as some sort of healer-for-hire. The gifts of the True Fey, in particular, could make you an INCREIDBLY wealthy man (or half-man, as the case may be). One need merely gaze upon your father’s renewed vigor or Costella’s paragon form to see the potential for empowering and invigorating the old, the sickly…

For coin.

That’s the bit that sits sour in your stomach when you turn your thoughts to that notion. Trading the health and wellness of others for monetary gain in that way… It feels somehow indecent, doesn’t it? Will you then deny them to the poor and needy? And to profit off of Feycraft would be GENUINELY sacrilegious in a way that offends your very spirit, even as you, yourself, formulate the idea—as if the elven half of your soul had recoiled in disgust from this human avarice.

What ISN’T dirty or despicable, though, is the pursuit of knowledge… The sharing of it. And even if you don’t trust your master as a person, even if you actively resent the damage she did to Carazzi’s early impressions of this world and the LASTING negative impact of her adoptive parenthood of Izzy… That IS something you and the Archmage have in common.

You are both, as Izzy put it, ‘seekers’... And so, in her way, is the Archmage.
“So, my alleged Mage Apprentice shows his face once more,” Archmage Henzler greets you, when you enter her office.

She doesn’t even so much as acknowledge Costella, who hovers nervously a step behind you, and to the side, and gently shuts the doors after you have both entered.

“I’d thought for someone of your age, a few months would pass quickly enough,” you retort.

“Cute,” the Archmage says, old voice dry like crinkling, crumbling parchment from ages past, blue eyes sharp and clear behind her youthful mask. “Coming from a half-elf, especially. And one who preserved his human father. Do you begrudge me my age, boy? To try and equal you and yours in that respect, through advancing the arcane?”

“…No,” you conclude, for you simply can’t.

And anyway, there’s so much more to begrudge.

“You’re here because you want something,” she says, stepping out from behind her desk with that eerie, smooth gait of hers. “It is always your way.”

You gulp, but hold your ground. The Archmage raises a single, platinum blonde brow.

“You’ve grown,” she says, and you think you detect… Approval? “You’re surer of yourself. I can sense it.”

You don’t answer, but don’t look away. All your youthful anxieties and awe around this terrible, wonderful figure flood in, along with the anger. But you are NOT a child, not anymore. You hang onto that.

“…It suits you,” the Archmage concludes. “Out with it, then: what do you want?”

“My research stipend.”

“For what research should I reward you?” she asks, bluntly. “the knowledge that living matter CAN be duplicated wholecloth, with a single spell, to create an organic construct That it can be infused with elemental energies from beyond this plane, and shaped by that essence? I know that much already. I am confident that, given time, I could copy your <Clone> spell… And between yourself and my so-called ‘daughter’, I of course know how to affect <Elemental Infusion>.”

You groan at that. You knew Izzy had mastered that signature spell of yours, but you weren’t aware that she had shared that art with her adoptive mother. Then again, perhaps you shouldn’t be surprised: Izirina ahs always desired the Archmage’s approval intently. You barely-even register the casual slight against Izirina, because youe xpecte it.

But Costella…

Costella isn’t as used to this.

“Hey!” she cries. “You shouldn’t, like, talk about your daughter that way, you know?”

You and Archmage Henzler both turn to Costella, shocked at the interruption. You quickly look back to the Archmage, to register her reaction, alarmed at what might come next. You needn’t be concerned, though, as it turns out.

“<Silence>,” she says, with a wave of one arm, hand hidden by an overlarge sleeve. “This is a matter for mages… Master, to Apprentice.”
Costella attempts to speak up, but her eyes widen and her face pales in alarm as no words emerge. She clutches in fear at her face and throat, trying to cry out… But still, nothing.

“it’s okay,” you comfort her, reaching out to squeeze her arm, and stroke her hair. “It’s just a quieting spell. It’s temporary…”

You squint, focusing your second sight.

“…And she cast it at a low level.”

Still, it’s undeniably rude. You wheel around to glare at your master. She doesn’t flinch, or apologize, or even register your displeasure.

“I see you still carry my gift to you, Apprentice.”

You look to your staff, a splintered and lightning-charred tree, branches bound together by bands or gold-plated orichalcum-iron alloy.

“I will gladly give you more such gifts,” she says, without honey or vinegar in her voice. “Coin? Certainly, I can supply coin. But the degree of your reimbursement is commensurate to that which you provide for this Tower… This Academy… To the human race, and Hawksong. To me.”

You slowly nod, acknowledging your understanding.

“To be able to ENSOUL a <Clone>… THAT is, loathe as I am to admit it, beyond me,” the Archmage continues. “but not YOU. No… No, I saw what you did with that demonic fragment… And I’ve heard that she was not alone. That she was the fruit of a ritual which produces two more such bodies. A goblin… Capable of magic.”

Your eyes widen. You wonder how much Izirina really told her, and how much is guesswork.

“I know you traveled to the ‘Goblin Wastes’, too,” she continues. “What did you discover there? You brought back more of their ilk… But to what end? What can you LEARN from them?”

You hold your tongue. You try to decide what to share—and what to keep hidden, secret.

“…OR was it even about the goblins” she speculates upon your silence. “Was it… Trolls, you went to research? Or something ELSE?”

You hold her gaze, and do not tremble, but your mind is moving a mile a minute.

“What did you find for me, in your wanderings, my Apprentice?
What will you offer her?
>You will teach her the entirety of a spell, specifically…
(requires Rite of Attunement)
>>Free Senses
(requires Faerie Fire)
(no secondary spell required)
>>Sand-Swimming & Daylight
(no secondary spell required, but they’re niche enough that you’ll need to teach her both for her to find value)
>You’ll trade her the chest and rod, salvaged from the hobgoblins; they which can bind and imprison fairies, demons, and others
>You will tell her of the goodberry bushes, and offer to share your first, imperfect crop with her
>You will share the secrets of ensouling a clone
>Challenge her to a mage's duel for coin and for honour!
>Fuck this—you’re not giving her anything! You’ll find another way!

[One option is also DISALLOWED:]
Because of your negative relations with the Archmage and lack of feeling of home in the local area, you cannot TRUTHFULLY offer to serve on her staff as Head Chimericist... Though you can attempt to bluff, take the money, and renege.
>You will tell her of the goodberry bushes, and offer to share your first, imperfect crop with her
Can't give any one side an advantage if we give them to everyone
>You will tell her of the goodberry bushes, and offer to share your first, imperfect crop with her
Damn, we don’t have a normal one? I thought we had like 3 way back in thread 5, and used two.
>Free Senses

I don’t want sandswimming. Too close.

[You planted two, and ate one as a quick meal/MP restore, if I remember correctly. You haven't had them on your character sheet (>>6018741, minus the ink shirin) for a while, though.]
In case the goodberries option wins out, and the archmage - inevitably - asks why we didn’t share it earlier, tell her that our (at the time, recent) encounter with long wang and his companions made us reconsider sharing it with anyone.

>You will tell her of the goodberry bushes, and offer to share your first, imperfect crop with her

Poetic we tell her of the goodberry to protect the goodberry
>You’ll trade her the chest and rod, salvaged from the hobgoblins; they which can bind and imprison fairies, demons, and others
But only mention imprisoning demons, and ask for an extra large stipend.
Man, why are anons going for the berries ?
As this now have a chance of winning, switching to support.
My preferred option would have been sanctuary, but I can get behind those as well
kinda funny how tips went: trap-like twink -> chad -> twink -> bishounen -> regular fella
Some artists seem to have got the memo about him being effeminate and some didn't. I think only the second one really lacks any girlishness. Third and fifth look pretty much the same apart from clothes.
Least bad option from what I can see
second he looks an edgy mc, which could be true in some parts for the looks alone and the last one isn't really effeminate and more like boyish
[I tend to let artists have a lot of leeway on the particulars of how they interpret the description I give them, as long as they're not totally off-base. The artists (Roinujw, warlocklord, Indonesian Gentleman, Abismo, IG again) all went for different approaches, but I personally envision Tips closest to the first or third. The full lips live in my head rent-free, though, and may as well be canon, kek.]

[warlocklord was the only one I think was pretty off-base. I had to request a bunch of edits (he originally portrayed him like a Drow, with red eyes and grey skin, all in black, and I had to do a lot of editing myself). The rest were all great to work with. I still think h ended up a bit too manly/badass, but that WAS when Tips was wearing ragged, ghostly robes, feeling out-of-sorts and 'broken up' with Izzy, and phasing through things accidentally.]
>I personally envision Tips closest to the first or third. The full lips live in my head rent-free, though, and may as well be canon, kek.
1st design with plush lips from the 4th one would be peak trap, just like the eastern fables.
>Because of your negative relations with the Archmage and lack of feeling of home in the local area, you cannot TRUTHFULLY offer to serve on her staff as Head Chimericist
Ah, that’s a shame- I was hoping that was still an option in truth.

>Challenge her to a mage's duel for coin and for honour!
Make the conditions treating Izzy with love- even if Henzler is incapable of such a emotion.
I really like the Warlocklord one in term of raw style. Agree it lack a bit, but god damn dat flow
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only now I noticed that the anon who suggested it was a 1 post for ID. Must've forgotten to link back.
Rolled 9, 20, 3, 7 = 39 (4d20)

Sharing Feycraft with the Archmage… It’s unthinkable. Be in the <Goodberries> of Holy Luna or the secrets you were taught by Clanirae or Nemenmo? You can’t bring yourself to do it. Not for this cause. Maybe not for ANY cause. Are you not a Discipline? Are you not of the Fair Folk? In some ways, those secrets would be safe with your master than with any other human, in the sense that you know she would respect their power and not be profligate with them… But what WOULD someone like Theresa Henzler use such magic to accomplish?

You don’t even want to think about it, or all the trouble it would generate for your future self.

“I know you have a HISTORY with the demonic,” you say instead, prompting a barely-perceptible eye-twitch of irritation. “Out in the Goblin Wastes, I—we—discovered something… Something surprisingly powerful. Something that can expose, bind, contain, and control demonic spirits.”

(Spirits of MANY sorts, you own <Improved Aethereal Form> included, but there’s no need to frame it THAT way)

“I’m listening,” she replies.

Listen she does, as you relay the myriad wonders of the mysterious chest and rod which you retrieved from the hobgoblins slavers, and the magic words needed to manipulate and utilize them.

“Curious…” the Archmage admits, unable to hide her interest even behind her frozen expression. “A wand with no need for magical aptitude or energy to wield it?”

“Well, uh,” you say, having not necessarily considered it that way.

“It casts <Hold Creature> and <Dispel Magic>,” the Archmage says bluntly. “Did you not realize this?”

“Well… I didn’t think that could be the case,” you admit. “Two spells at once? At a high level? With a single magical command-word, and no energy requirement? That would be…”

You trail off, eyes widening.

“High Magic,” the Archmage confirms, and a small, subtle smile spreads across her mouth and even enters those icy eyes, for just a moment. “Are you having second thoughts, Apprentice?”

“No,” you answer, through gritted teeth. “I’m just thinking about hwo valuable these items really ARE.”

The Archmage waves her oversized sleeve dismissively, and tells you: “Haggling is beneath either of us, Mious. Or Van Houtzmann. Whatever you choose to call yourself. You can name your figure.”

(Name your figure??)

“Within reason,” she quickly adds, with a touch of irritation. “Be an adult about this, even if you don’t look like one. You and I both know that even an impressive discovery like this isn’t worth bankrupting the tower for. I would generously suggest a three-year stipend suitable to a senior Field Researcher, with an advance of the first year’s pay.”

Courage roll, for upcoming post...
Holy Kino
Seems like the plapping sessions have enlarged our balls for good
Your eyes widen, though you quickly contain yourself. Costella, still silent, taps your shoulder, her expression (and moving mouth, when you read her lips) asking: ‘How much?’. You simply nod, a quick gesture, and flash your digits quickly. Her own eyes widen, and she gasps (even if you cannot hear it). It is enough gold and silver to pay for the greenhouse five times over… In just the advance.

“As for the chest… It’s seemingly just an especially-effective demon-containment apparatus. Though the way you describe it as holding multiple entities, and in a state of unconsciousness…”

The Archmage turns away, muttering to herself, and then quickly looks back, over her shoulder.

“You say the hobgoblins had these things? Where did they obtain them?”

You are fixed by the intensity of the gaze. The Archmage… She knows something, or suspects it. Something she doesn’t want to share. Something VALUABLE.

The younger you wouldn’t have been able to hold this information in reserve, to protect it to extract additional concessions. You would have caved, crumbled, under the intensity of your master’s piercing glare…

But you are no longer that Ezreal Mious. You are the Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann who traveled to the moon and back, twice braved the Goblin Wastes, bargains with the Dragon King and defied the Council of Elders in Iternagreyn, and truck with the Unseelie who were once your bedtime boogeymen.


You are not afraid.

“Tell me why you want to know,” you demand.

The Archmage stares at you, as silent as Costella for a moment. Costella, for her part, has your back—she steps closer, takes your hand and gives it a quick, subtle squeeze of support where your master cannot see it. You take courage, too, in this. You stare down Theresa Henzler….

And she blinks first.
“There is a… Not a ‘legend’. That implies ambiguity, ahistoricity, probable falseness,” she begins. “There is, rather, a SECRET, which was passed down to me by my master… And to him by his. A secret whispered first, as I understand it, by the FIRST Archmagus of the Tower.”

Archmage Henzler turns around again, swirling about to face you directly, her voice low.

“He, like certain others of the early nobility of Hawksong, was not from these lands… Not a ‘Northman’, as we call them today. Rather, he was from those lands to the near east… Those which we now call ‘Orcwilds’ and ‘Goblin Wastes’, but which in those days—as today, but in greater numbers—were home to barbarian tribes of Men. Among them, in the days before formal magical education, he was a wanderer… An ‘adventurer’, though that undignified denonym hardly suits such a true sage and scholar. It was his magic—as much as the money and mercenaries of the Ben-Yosef clan or the divine power and presence of the first Paladin King—which enabled our races to win the war against the Reptilian race and their Dragon Kings.”

She pauses here and, for maybe the first time, you hear awe and wonder in your master’s voice. For the first time, she nearly sounds as young as she looks.

“He built our institutions… Our very Tower. Magic was departing the world in those days… Spells unraveling, ancient works crumbling. It is my supposition, and frankly my CERTAINTY, that magic ebbs in flows in its intensity. I do not know how, or why…”

(You do, but hold your tongue, and listen.)

“…But it does so. Despite this, the Archmagus could work wonders that no other living mage, of his era or ours, could achieve. And as he grew old, and Hawksong settled into what it would become… into politics, and moneyed interests, and bureaucracy, and other such simple and mundane things dominated by squabbling and PETTY men… As Axios the Paladin King and the first Lord Yosef grew old, and died, and were replaced by men without their respect and understanding… He decided that gifting every item he had found or made, every iota of his power, it would… Unbalance things.”

Here, the Archmage’s voice grows bitter.

“He thought the does of old were dead, gone. He thought peace would reign eternal, if only he did not… DISRUPT it. He didn’t realize the magnitude, the eternity, of that which we struggle against. He didn’t realize that even flawed and fallible Men are better than those monsters who would supplant us, and return us to Darkness, or oblivion.”

“I didn’t take you for the religious sort,” you say. “The way you’re talking—”
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“It is NOT religion,” she snaps. “it is PRACTICALITY. It is TRUTH. You know it, as I know it. We BOTH know the true face of Evil made manifest, and it is not a HUMAN face. It is not the rot from within, the festering malignancy of politicians or even ‘power-mad’ mages, as the Archmagus might have feared when he chose not to hide his greatest treasures beneath the Tower, for his successor. Rather, evil’s face is SCALED. Its pupils are SLITTED. It is the DRAGON. It is LITERAL, PHYSICAL, as WELL as magical... And it is HERE, NOW.”

You do not protest, nor nod. Instead, you intuit:

“You think the rod and chest could be from the First Archmage’s secret vault… Hidden in his people’s old homeland.”

The Archmage nods, once.

Will you still give the Archmage the rod and chest?
>Yes, but...[write-in]

Will you offer your assistance, in the future, in finding these treasures for the Tower?
>Yes, but...[write-in]
we still need the money
yeah sure that amount is good\

>Yes, but…
We are getting married soon. And we have other obligations right now. We won’t always be there to help.

>It was his magic—as much as the money and mercenaries of the Ben-Yosef clan or the divine power and presence of the first Paladin King—which enabled our races to win the war against the Reptilian race and their Dragon Kings.”
Ignoring that the elves did like 90% of the work huh
I see how it is Henzler
We decimate our population to save you and you just forget about it within a few centuries
Typical round ear.

I didn't think goodberry sharing would be feycraft sharing, since it seems we're just growing them like normal crops. Tips has a better idea than me though, and he seems to think so, so good thing they didn't win earlier.

>Yes, but...[write-in]
What other anon said, we're dealing with Evil in our own way and won't always be available. Will rarely be available, in fact.
[<Goodberry> is a Feycraft spell, allowing you to make a regular plant produce a few such berries. The 'natural', self-replicating berries are part of the heavenly garden cultivated on Holy Luna and exist nowhere else on Earth, as far as you know, except on Old Maple Hill.]

>Yes, but...[write-in]
Finder's keeper : we'll split what's inside between us, the crown and the tower
You resist the urge to call out your master on her rather… CHAUVINISTIC view of history? Really. The various Children of the Gods of Light were saved by three MEN? Nary a mention of the vast legions of fair folk who fought and died, whose communities were razed, to defeat the bulk of the Draconic forces? Her telling of the war—the war which EVERYONE after all knows as ‘The War of Elves and Dragons’—is suspiciously humancentric, and scant on elves. But maybe that is how your father’s kind recall it, you suppose. They did not see the sacrifices of the elven race, never knew how truly terrible was the threat of the Reptilian forces of darkness. They encountered those last of the Dragon Kings who survived, and still thrived—the greatest, maybe, or at least the most adaptable.

(It’s still a little racist, if you’re being honest about it, but it’s… Whatever.)

You instead focus on what’s important: the bargain at hand, and the undeniable excitement you feel at this secret storehouse of ancient magical relics, belonging to one of mankind’s most auspicious mages. Imagine—the First Archmage, founder of your academy and originator of the modern discipline of Extraplanar Elementalism! What other treasures lie within the burial mounds which captive Skekz-Gab spoke of?

“You have a deal,” you say.

“Don’t be crass,” the Archmage sniffs. “A ‘deal.’ Really now.”

“Fine,” you hiss. “I agree to share this discovery with you… With the Tower. To help you uncover these secrets.”

You clear your throat, and punctuate your statement with a decisive: “BUT.”

The Archmage doesn’t dignify this with a response, simply waiting for you to continue with an impatient arch of her elegant eyebrow.

“I have many, AMNY other obligations,” you say. “There’s the community at Old Mapel Hill, and my own efforts to deal with ‘Evil’…”

And a marriage, to someone who isn’t her daughter. You spare Costella a glance, and a small smile, and look back.

“And if you have so much respect for your predecessor… I think we should at least consider his concerns.”

“Really?” the Archmage asks, quietly incredulous. “You, of all people, want to lecture me about the risks of too much unfettered arcana?”

“I wouldn’t dream of lecturing you, Master,” you say diplomatically, despite your urge to take a rather different tone. “But I think it’s only fair that any ‘spoils’ of this endeavour be split between yourself, myself… And the Crown.”
“That silly little ‘Queen’ of ours has her claws in you, does she?” the Archmage asks. “Or is it her ‘husband’?”

“I know how to cast a spell to <free> my <senses> from any ‘claws’,” you say levelly. “This is about the good of Hawksong, and society.”

“And the share which you’ll take for yourself?”

“Self-interest,” you reply quickly, unapologetically. “I trust my own intentions more than yours, or anyone else’s. I’d think YOU, ‘of all people’, would understand THAT.”

There is silence without a <Silence> spell, then, and the Archmage nods.

“We will discuss how this divvying-up shall take place, at a later date.”

“Later,” you agree.

The Archmage eyes you a moment longer, then turns around.

“Go,” she says. “Tell the treasurers what I have offered you, and they will provide you the coin.”

“We don’t, like… Need any proof?” Costella asks, having finally regained her voice.

“No,” the Archmage answers calmly. “No student of the Tower would ever be foolish enough to try to take my name in vain, or steal from me… And this half-elf is, whatever his flaws, no fool.”

It may be one of the highest compliments the Archmage ahs ever paid you, which says more about her than you. Still, you take the compliment, the victory, and your leave, before she rescinds any of them.

“I can’t BELIEVE that… That AWFUL woman!” Costella fumes, once you are safely out of earshot. “How can she talk about Izzy like that? Or about YOU ?”

“Or you,” you add.

“Well…” Costella stops short, and blushes. “I don’t know. I’m, like, not like YOU two.”

“It doesn’t make you any lesser,” you promise her, and take a moment—when nobody is looking, to steal a quick kiss.

“You’re, like, a real sweet-talker, you know that?” Costella says. “Like, TOTALLY smooth.”

You just shrug, though you can’t quite stifle a small smirk.

Together, the two of you collect your advance. The Tower keeps its own treasury, and its own defacto ‘bank’ of sorts, separate from that of the city proper. A certain portion of that is now allocated to you and yours, but for practicality’s purposes you can only really carry so much gold and silver. Even the heavy sacks which you and Costella haul, jingling, out of the Tower is more than enough to pay for the greenhouse glass.

It is also enough to draw attention, unfortunately.
On your way back to Einchinger’s workshop-and-storefront, you attract attention. Some of this is imply your attire: the flashy tunic and star-spangled cloak, accompanied by pointed wizard’s cap, draw eyes. As you close in on your objective, though, it becomes apparent that it is not merely novelty, but envy and resentment which people are feeling… And expressing, in some cases. Mostly, it is muttered remarks, and Men and short-folk scowling or spitting as you pass. When you reach Einchinger’s, though, it takes on another dimension, for you see a familiar face there:

Carlos De Gori.

“Well well,” he says, arms crossed and accompanied by some of the same goons who he earlier employed, as well as several more besides. “I’d heard you had showed your oversized ears around here, while good, hard-working tradesmen and merchants were discussing HONEST business.”

“De Gori,” you say, and nothing else, while Costella gulps, and huddles close.

De Goria and his men are strapped with swords—some more decorative and less effective than others. His, alone, is actually enchanted, and only his armour is better than leather: chain, and brigandine beneath, with a tunic over-top.

“What have you got there?” he demands.

“Coin,” you answer without subterfuge, if only because the question is obviously rhetorical. “I earned it by ACTUALLY adventuring.”

The little insult slips out without your intending. As Carlos snarls and bares his teeth in a grimace, you can’t say you regret it. He might dress himself in the attire of ‘adventure’. He may even have attended a few of the catered and curated ‘dungeon-crawls’ which some enterprising entrepreneurs engage in, exploring thoroughly-cleared old ruins and cave systems while telling scary stories. What you seriously doubt is that HE’S ever fought six bull-trolls or a dozen goblinoids, or defended a relic from Unseelie Fey. He might be bigger, taller, more conventionally handsome, but by any REAL metric, YOU are the ‘manlier’ man, even if you’re only half of one.

“You mean paying off pawns and summoning demons and whatever else to do the adventuring FOR you,” he snaps. “You expect me to believe some little elven pretty-boy who prances around in a dress is an adventurer? I know how you got that gold… The same way you ‘persuaded’ Costella and all those people to slave away for you. Magic tricks, by a conniving CATAMITE.”
Others have gathered by now, murmuring and chuckling. Some pass coin back and forth, making bets. On what? On how you’ll react? On how a prospective fight might shake out? Inside the glazier’s, you see the dwarf from earlier—and her ‘lads—peering out of the window worriedly. None dare exit and interrupt the confrontation; rather, they wait to see how it will go, without risking any havoc which might affect their delicate wares should it spiral out of control.

You feel your face heat and your blood boil. This pompous rich CHILD of a man, with his unused sword and easy abundance, is standing between you and your greenhouse, calling into question your masculinity and morality… Insulting you, and by proxy everyone who you live and work with, and all the friends who have helped you to get so far. On the evening of your greatest payday—well-earned, in sweat and tears and blood!—he is publicly humiliating you!

>Fuck it—it’s time to duel, non-lethally and honoruably, and thereby settle this feud
>Assume <Improved Aethereal Form>, and pass right through him and his cronies to buy your glass
>Attempt to reason with Carlos, and appease his ego
>Let Costella take the lead, and explain the situation
>A quick and lethal <Lightning Bolt> solved your hobgoblin problems, and it will solve this one too
>Look around, and shout for the City Guard to intervene
We stand our ground.

"The archmage has given us this coin. If you doubt my story, ask my employer."

If Carlos doesn’t buy that explanation, which he probably won’t…

"I have business with these tradesmen. You and your folk are scaring them. You should leave."

Lightning bolt him if he does go for his weapon - if he gets in our face, use the lightning staff to get him away; either using the butt to thrust into his chest and push him away or strike him in the head with the branches.
am >>6027939
>Fuck it—it’s time to duel, non-lethally and honorably, and thereby settle this feud
We need to challenge him to a 1v1 quickly, before he can summon his 50 backup berserkers.
>>Write-in: Summon an (2 mp) up casted lightning elemental, Tell carlous and his goons to leave or else the elemental will set upon them.
lost acess to my trip for now so I'll vote later. Anons I think dueling is a trap option here, he bailed out of fighting us before and this time he didn't bring nothing better so he must be trying to make a statement on how "dangerous" we are to the rest of the guilds to support shitting on us.
just changing the lightining bolt for a less harmful spell, don't wanna cook the guy in front of the crowd
The longsword is a deadly weapon. We’re legally justified to respond proportionately.
"I already gave you an out at the inn.
Now I won't show mercy twice. If I fight you, I'll fight for real. And your little team of faggots is less impressive than the few trolls I recently slayed."
I don’t believe Tips would say the faggot word although he would brag about trolls
if he WANTS to insult by asserting superiority, maybe.
Costella's father called us a faggot, so we know it's a sharp weapon in this joust' context.
>"Big talk from someone who's afraid to leave home without armor and a dozen armed toughs"
Provoke him into clearly attacking and be ready to cast Sanctuary.
>would Tips call someone 'faggot'?
[Up to you, anons.]

>would it make Pearce sad to hear him using that as an insult, if he ever did?
[Probably a little.]

>would it make Costella sad?
[Maybe, by proxy, as she is a cinnamon roll hiding her sexual preferences.]

>should that affect your decision?
[Up to you, anons.]
>would Tips call someone 'faggot'?
I'm against it
Not when Costella’s around.
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[Alright... Going to have to 'intention-blend a little, I think.]
Rolled 5, 9, 14, 18, 6, 19 = 71 (6d20)

You bite your tongue, wallowing the first response which occurs to you. This man, surrounding himself with muscled-up goons, seems to prefer the company of other men far more than you, if you’re any judge! You almost repeat Mister Fanucci’s own slander verbatim… But then you think better of it. You know Costella is already sensitive about her, ah, interests… And anyway, what would Pearce think, if he were here?

No, you’re better than that. Better than DE GORI, certainly. THAT much, you will make abundantly clear.

“Carlos,” you say, speaking his given name with casual condescension, “I already gave you an out, once. I showed mercy which I REALLY did NOT need to show you. You’re out here, talking tough, causing trouble for me AND for these good, honest tradesmen who I’M trying to employ in their own, honest line of work, with money I earned—"

“Earned!” Cralso sneers, but you interrupt him before he can say anything else, continuing:

“—with money I EARNED, out in the Goblin Wastes, slaying TROLLS with LIGHTNING.”

You thump the butt of your <Archmage’s Gift> once, for emphasis. Its splayed and charred branches sizzle and spark, and several of Carlos De Gori’s little friends jump. You allow yourself a smug smile, well-deserved as the coin which jingles on your hip.

“You think I’m afraid of you?” you ask. “If this comes to a fight, CARLOS, you will NOT like the result. I promise you that.”

[Sociability 4d20, Sense Motive +2 if it becomes relevant. Intimidation DC is 18, because it's not Tips' specialty, De Gori's public pride is on the line, and he has you outnumbered.]
Ez "balls of mithril" Mious Van Houtzmann does it again
bro is the danger
De Gori stares you down. You, who have just won such a clash-of-wills against one of the city’s scariest women, somehow can’t find it within you to be frightened by some spoiled rich boy playing at warrior. In fact, you don’t even feel resentful of him, you realize. Watching him struggle to keep his cool, frantic eyes set in stony face, flitting this way and that as if pleading for aid from his allies… You feel nothing but exasperation with this sad specimen.

Once, you might have felt insecure, jealous, envious of the taller, broader, more muscular and more conventionally handsome Carlos De Gori, with his unknown history with your wife-to-be. When you were younger—and especially once Pearce, Testa, Efron, and Blanchette hit their growth spurts—you had often felt self-conscious about your own slim frame and gracile features. Despite his disinterest in the fairer sex, your friend Pearce had always been the centre of their attention when you were together, and at times you had taken it to heart. But here? Now? Against THIS man?

You have his more money. You have greater status. You have more experience in battle. And YOU are engaged to Costella Fanucci, not him. He might cope with this fact with these delusions of magical persecution, but you understand these now for what they are:

>18 for Sociability
>19 for Sense Motive

HE is afraid of YOU. You are more powerful than him, better than him in every way that matters, and he KNOWS it.

“Costella,” you say quietly, and take her hand. “Let’s get that glass.”


You guide Costella forwards not bothering to look at De Gori as he swaggers towards the two of you. He moves as if to block you, but as you fail to slow down, to pay him ANY heed at all, he slows… And stops… And when you look at him again with utter contempt, he shrinks before you.

“You should go home, Carlos,” you tell him. “Now.”

You turn your back on him. IT might seem a gamble, to those bearing witness. He has a magical longsword, a lethal weapon, and the strength-of-arms to wield it. He has an entire squadron of men bigger, taller, and stronger than you are, too. They could get the jump of you, drag you down to the ground, disarm you of staff and wand, beat and pummel and stab you…

But they won’t. And they don’t.

You go inside, and with through a forced smile and with deliberate calm you diffuse the tension and fear of those within. The crowd outside watches a while longer, as De Gori stares, dumbfounded through the glazier’s wide-windowed store-front, as you go about your business. You do not spare him so much as a second’s attention.

By the time you leave, the crowd has dispersed, and De Gori has slunk away.
“Wow, Ez…” Costella gushes. “I can’t believe you DID that.”

You exhale a long-held breath, and look to her.

“Me neither,” you admit.

“You were, like, TOTALLY macho!”

“You think so?” you ask, blushing a bit despite yourself. “I mean, I don’t now… They weren’t really a threat, when you get right down to it. We’ve faced worse, right?”

Costella answers by lifting you up into a tight hug, accompanied by a passionate kiss. Normally, this might make you feel small, being so easily picked up by the woman you’re to wed. But right now, with your project underway, more coin than you’ve ever known, and the love of one—nay, TWO—good women, you feel like you’re on top of the world.

The feeling—and Costella’s obvious amorous affections, spurred on by your display, buoy your spirits as you magically transport the two of you back to Old Maple Hill and spread the good news about the greenhouse. In more private confines, alone with Izirina and Costella and the moonberry bushes (which you tend while you talk), you share the OTHER news, about your financial windfall and your future work with the Tower.

“It’s about time,” Izirina replies. “I was wondering when you would make the most of your Apprenticeship to Mother. She often asks after you, you know.”

“Like, I don’t know…” Costella says. “I can see why you stayed away for so long, Ez. Like, why you didn’t go back to the Tower after the, um, ritual thingie, out near the Elemental planes? She's so MEAN!”

Izzy looks guilty, or at least distraught, for an instant. After your chat in the wasteland, she must realize that SHE was at least partly to blame. Yet after you interaction with the Archmage, her adoptive other, you are reminded of the upbringing which brought her to this point… And that her only interest in Izzy is as a means to control her power, and yours.

Yet here you are, working with her—FOR her, really—once more. And Izirina, poor Izirina, is openly excited about the opportunity to prove herself to this woman who so derides her.

“Mother just gets passionate about magic, and... She becomes focused. That's all."

You frown at Izirina's murmured excuses for her adoptive mother, exchanging a worried glance with Costella.

"And who can BLAME her? The hidden treasures of the FIRST Archmagus of Hawksong…” she whispers. “they say that HE could travel beyond this world, too, you know. That he actually WALKED amongst the other planes of reality… The Elemental ones, but the dreamscape, too! And even DEATH’S domain!”

You wince, for it is bad luck to speak so openly of the Lord of Endings.

“Could you…” Izirina’s voice lowers a little, and she fidgets nervously. “I mean, she may assign me anyway, but… if you were to ask Mother to allow e to accompany you, when you go there…”
You’re a little confused to hear such deference in Izirina’s voice. At first you think it is a side-effect of her fear of upsetting you, manifesting with renewed intensity for some reason. Then, you realize it’s because of her mother, and her fear to ask the Archmage herself.

You reflect on all you know of Archmage Theresa Henzler—old and wise, uncompromising and distant, manipulative yet clearly passionate about the same esoteric mysticism as you are, and about protecting her people and her city against their enemies. You regard Izzy, your Izzy, who she molded for good and for ill.

You look to her <Gift>--your powerful bespoke staff—even now channelling the heat to warm your precious crop of Lunar fruit.

How do you feel about the Archmage?
>She is a bitch, and you really with Izzy wouldn’t put so much stake in her approval—YOU don’t
>The Archmage is complicated, and problematic, but you respect her drive and ambition, and believe you can work with her.. If never really trust her
>For all that you chafe under her authority, the Archmage is your master, and you owe much to her… And you think she means well, in her way

Do you share this openly with Izirina?
>The Archmage is complicated, and problematic, but you respect her drive and ambition, and believe you can work with her.. If never really trust her
She is useful. And if she only intends to see us as another tool to use, we should do much the same.

the moggler
>The Archmage is complicated, and problematic, but you respect her drive and ambition, and believe you can work with her.. If never really trust her

>She is a bitch, and you really wish Izzy wouldn’t put so much stake in her approval—YOU don’t
Really we're working as more of partners than master and subordinate on this one, so if Izzy wants to come with us Henzler can't stop her. We literally don't need her approval.
>>The Archmage is complicated, and problematic, but you respect her drive and ambition, and believe you can work with her.. If never really trust her
you forgor to choose the second option
Shit you're right, thanks

>Yes but worded tactfully
>For all that you chafe under her authority, the Archmage is your master, and you owe much to her… And you think she means well, in her way
She does mean well, even if she cannot feel or emote well.

>Yes, but tactfully
Headpat :P
>She is a bitch, and you really with Izzy wouldn’t put so much stake in her approval—YOU don’t
This has to be approached gradually
Rolled 3, 15, 5, 16 = 39 (4d20)

In the end, your master is your master. The Archmage is who she is. You understand her intentions—you think—and you respect her ambition. You can work with her. But…

“Izzy,” you say, careful to speak softly and with kindly intonation, “you shouldn’t put so much stock in what the Archmage says.”

“She’s the most brilliant magical mind of her generation,” Izirina replies quickly, almost reflexively. “She’s the foremost expert of biological magic, revolutionary in the field of producing weaponzied chimeras at scale, and she alone is responsible for the increase in the use of familiar in the field and for specialized—”

“Yeah but she’s, also, like… A TOTAL bitch.”

Your eyes go wide, and by the flash of light behind her shaded glasses, so did Izirina’s. You both turn to look at Costella, who has cupped her hands over her mouth,a d looks almost as startled as both of you.

“I-I-I’m sorry!” she squeaks. “That was, TOTALLY, like, it just slipped out. It’s just, like, the way she talked about you was SO rude!”

“You just don’t understand her,” Izzy says, through gritted teeth. “The thigs she’s trying to accomplish… The pressures she’s under…”

You look back to Izirina, and frown. Is she really talking about the Archmage, now… Or projecting her own feelings?

“I get it,” you say, approaching her and taking hold of her hands, rubbing your fingers along her cuticles and up to her knuckles until she seems to soothe herself. “I have a… Difficult relationship with my mother, too, you know. But I still love her.”

You feel a pang in your heart, thinking of her even now: Mylaerlea Mious, somewhere in the region of Dappulyet, in the Sylvan Realms, in a land you may never see again, the land of your very birth. A land that rejected you, a mother that sent you away as a young child, and yet…

“Even if she means well, even if she’s trying her best, it doesn’t mean HER idea of what’s best and YORU idea are the same,” you tell Izirina. “It’s like with the prophecies: she sees one outcome for you, for this whole world, and one way to get there. But there’s more to it than that. We can work WITH her, as a PARTNER… But we can’t serve her designs all our lives. We have to make our OWN way. You and I know that… Costella, too. We’re building something different, making a future for US.”
Izirina listens, quiet but focused. You start to fail and falter, under such close scrutiny. And then, to your surprise, she pulls closer to you, burying her face in your chest and wrapping her arms around you.

“Am I… making sense?”


You feel her nod and hear her mumble something which, even half-muffled, you understand:

“Let’s go to bed.”

Your tent has been moved to be near the half-finished greenhouse, to better monitor the health and well-being of the moonberries. The clearing of snow is a simple thing, for those who can evoke Elemental Fire. There, the three of you slip out of your robes, trousers, and dresses, and into your sleeping bag.

“You should have, like, SEEN it Izzy!’ Costella gushes, sliding her hands up your chest from behind and pressing her bosom to your back, as she peers over your shoulder to address your trio’s other female member. “Ez was, like, a TOTAL badass! I was SO scared that Carlos and those guys were going to try something, but all it took was a few words and a little bit of <Lightning>--”

“Lightning?” asks Izzy.

“Just some sparks,” you mumble. “Not even a cantrip.”

“—and they were DONE! Like, GONE!”

Izirina smiles ruefully, and nuzzles into your neck, whispering:

“Ezreal is good with words…”

“If I’m being, like, honest?” Costella adds, hesitating for a moment and then leaning in so that her lips brush the tip of your ear. “It was, like… Kind of hot?”

You feel yourself stiffen—in more ways than one. Izzy is in front of you, pressed close to you, and quickly takes notice. Your bodily chemistry must shift, too, and so she begins to respond to it as well, her own breathing hitching as yours increases. Her hands slide down your body, to intimate areas…

Where they then stop, as Costella’s own wandering hands find hers.
Izzy’s expression is hidden, her face in the nook of your shoulder. She holds her breath, though, and her body loses its air of relaxation, her muscles tense and posture rigid. Her hands stop their erotic exploration. Costella doesn’t seem to notice, picking up where Izirina left off and nibbling at your ear, but you know what will happen next, should you let things continue as they often do: the two women will lavish affections upon you, but Costella—sweet Costella—won’t stop there. She’s a kind and gregarious lover, considerate of both of you, and equally attracted to Izirina as she is to you.

And Izirina… Isn’t. Through your unconventional application of living alchemy, you restored Izirina’s libido, after a fashion. Her romantic and sexual attraction is focused upon YOU, though. You aren’t even sure if she could feel that way about another MAN… And you know, by now, that she has no interest in her own sex. It hasn’t stopped her before and truth be told, you doubt it would stop her NOW: the pseudo-shirin aphrodisiac response you engineered sends Izzy into something of a frenzy, once it begins.

But when the high wears off, how will she feel? How will YOU, knowing that she’s putting herself through this for your sake, or Costella’s? And is it really fair to Costella, to continue to keep this from her?

What will you do?
>Just enjoy yourself, and both your grilfriends—Izirina can suck it up, since she started this
>Put a halt to proceedings, and have an honest talk with the two of them about Izirina’s admission
>Attempt to attune Izirina’s arousal to Costella’s pheremones, as it is to your own
>Put a halt to proceedings, and have an honest talk with the two of them about Izirina’s admission
Eh. I don’t really know about the third option. If Izzy’s not into Costella then forcing her body to do so is a no-go. But I don’t want to just bury it either.
>Attempt to attune Izirina’s arousal to Costella’s pheremones, as it is to your own
>Put a halt to proceedings, and have an honest talk with the two of them about Izirina’s admission
>Put a halt to proceedings, and have an honest talk with the two of them about Izirina’s admission
If we're gonna do option 3 we should get everyone on board first
>Attempt to attune Izirina’s arousal to Costella’s pheremones, as it is to your own

Izzy is the one started the relationship with costella. And she did so in order to make sure costella and us wouldn't be enter a relationship that didn't involve her.

Then while in the wastes she used dimensional magic to try to make costella give birth to her own baby.

Basically Izzy has lead her on while viewing and using Costella as a tool. Like how the archmage uses people.

I dont see how a conversation can rectify this messed up scenario. And costella has her own insecurities about being an unimportant non mage.
>Put a halt to proceedings, and have an honest talk with the two of them about Izirina’s admission
I don't like blue-balling, but it needs to be done, specially since cossy still doesn't know it. also that 1st option ending, the ego boost really has a side effect
>Attempt to attune Izirina’s arousal to Costella’s pheremones, as it is to your own
[Locked! Writing.]
You take a long breath through your nose, squeezing your eyes shut, and then let it out through your mouth. The whole situation is… Less than ideal. Right now, you want nothing more than to just pretend nothing is wrong, and to enjoy the pleasure of these two beautiful women. But something IS wrong, and it has been wrong for a while.

During your time apart from Costella, alone with Izzy, it became clear that her affections for Costella were forced. Making love with her there, once the physiological issues were resolved, was very much like old times… And even if her libido is somewhat ‘artificial’, the comfort she exuded afterwards was not. Not so here and now—she’ll go along with it, sure, but she doesn’t WANT it.

After meeting with her ‘mother’ again, the cause is crystallized, and you cannot help but see the similarities: just as Theresa Henzler treats Izzy and yourself as tools, Izzy ahs treated Costella as one—as an instrument to hold your interest and affections. It isn’t right… But you’re also not going to just let her suffer for her mistakes.

And as for simply working your magic to attune her arousal to Costella’s own… Well, Pearce had a point. You can PROABBLY do so, but that doesn’t mean you SHOULD do so. You WANT to do so—to make true what once was false, to redeem Izzy’s lie and simplify your life—but you CAN’T just rewire a person’s sense of love and lust like that. As Nemenmo warned you in the oasis, to do so without explicit consent would be TRULY demonic.

And so you sit up, and against all your urges, you say: “Stop. Wait, wait… Please. Stop for a second, both of you.”

“What’s wrong?” Costella asks, sitting up as well.

“Tips…” Izirina murmurs worriedly.

“No,” you say sternly to the latter, with an apologetic nod to the former. “We… have something we need to discuss.”

“Tips, realy, it’s… It’s fine.”

“What’s fine?” asks Costella, looking back and forth between the two of you with growing concern. “What’s, like, NOT fine? Something, TOTALLY not fine, right?”

You place a hand on Costella’s arm, squeezing her bicep softly and allowing your hand to trail down to intertwine your fingers with hers. The act soothes her slightly, at least enough to get a word in edgewise. And this… This will take more than one word. This is going to be a whole THING.

(Well, might as well begin…)

And so you do. You explain to Costella (tactfully! With as much grace as you can muster!) what has happened, and how it came to be. You love Izirina, also, and so you don’t through her under the proverbial wagon. But even so…
“So… L-like, the ritual did that?” Costella asks, looking at Izzy with shoulders slumped and eyes watery. “You’ve just, like… Been pretending to, like, LIKE me… it… This? All this time?”

Izirina looks to you for answers, but you have none, nor does Costella let you take the lead again.

“Iz, PLEASE, look at me!”

Izirina does so, though not without considerable difficulty. She opens her mouth, closes it, then cringes, gnawing on her lip. Finally, she answers:

“It isn’t that simple.”

“Right, like… Because it COULDN’T be, right?”

Costella’s eyes widen

“You never even kissed me or even, like, really KNEW me much until AFETR Ez left for his hometown! So, like… Why did you… Why were you always, like, complimenting me, and playing with my hair, and… And I thought -I- kissed you but… Wait, didn’t YOU kiss ME?”

Izirina swallows hard, and her hands ball up to fists. She stares down at the ground, taking unsteady breaths.

“OH… Oh gods!” Costella exclaims, grabbing handfuls of her own wavy brown locks. “I’ve been so, SO dumb. I can’t BELIEVE how, like… How DUMB I’ve been! You were just, like, going along with it because with our, like, being intertwined and attuned and all, You could feel that -I- wanted to kiss you, and you just… Went ALONG with it, didn’t you? For ME?”

“Wait, what?” both you and Izzy exclaim at once, and exchange a look.

“I, like, totally FORCED all this on you!” Costella gasps. “I wanted to be with you… Both of you so badly, and I just… SHOVED myself into somewhere I didn’t belong, and you—"

“Costella, that’s NOT what happened!” you quickly interject,. “It’s REALLY not like that!”

“Then why?!” she demands, not of you, but of Izirina.

She doesn’t answer. Maybe she can’t. Maybe it’s fear, or shame, or both. She just stares, until her gaze falls again. Finally, she says:

“Tips can fix it.”

“H-huh?” Costella balks, and looks to you for explanation, and now it’s your turn to flounder.

“Out in the Wastes, in the Ashurati Oasis, we made a discovery, involving the pink shirin.”

You go on to explain that discovery in some detail, only shying away from the more technical aspects of Living Alchemy when Costella’s total incomprehension of the subject dawns on you—when you realize she isn’t just troubled in expression because of some deep disapproval of what you’re proposing, but because she literally does not understand the implications of the arcane-alchemical theory.

“Izirina… She can experience arousal now, rather… Um, PRONOUNCED arousal… In tandem with my own, when she is chemically keyed by… Smelling my skin, under the right circumstances.”

“And Tips can make it so that the reaction is likewise keyed by YOUR scent,” Izirina adds, quietly. “Then… Things can go back to how they used to be. Better.”

“But will you love me?”
You and Izirina both look at Costella, whose eyes are silently flowing with tears.

“All this time,” she chokes out, “I was afraid, like… That you didn’t really, you know, like… LOVE me. And… You don’t do you? And what you’re talking about, it will make you… Make you want to…”

Costella stops short of saying it, instead sobbing, a single heaving sob, like a deep sigh that shakes her whole body.

“But you won’t LOVE me, will you?”



“Love,” Izirina mumbles. “Love is… Just a chemical reaction, and a quirk of the soul, beyond our conscious control. It can be… It can be changed. Created, destroyed, modified… Just like.. Like anything else.”

“REALLY?” Costella almost screams, rising to hr feet, her own arms pressed to her side. “And is that what you think about you and Ezreal?! Is that all that your love for HIM is?”

Izirina’s eyes widen. She looks to you, and then to Costella, and back to you.


“Answer me, Iz!”

Izirina’s gaze locks on yours. You see a dozen expressions shifting across her face, and recognize perhaps half of them. What she settles on is… Complicated. Only your own spiritual entanglement with her allows you to parse it: it’s guilt, and understanding, and relief—RELIEF—that she can truthfully answers as she finally does:


“But that’s all it would be between, like… You and me, right? That’s all it would ever be, just… Just a magic trick, to fit me in where I don’t belong! Where I never belonged!”

“Costella,” you say.

She turns around, gathering up her clothes and struggling into her dress. You rise, hurriedly, and say again:


But she’s gone. In some strange inversion of your last night together, it is Costella rather than Izirina who flees your shared tent, her paragon-perfect body’s long legs carrying her out into the night.

“Wait!” you shout.

Unlike Costella, Izirina does not grab for your hand as you ready to bolt after her. You sense her gaze on you, though. She is silent, contemplative, still seated where she lay before your conversation, clutching the blankets of your bedroll to her breast, as you gather up your clothing.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers, and you sense she means it. “I just… Didn’t want to lose you.”

>Stay and reassure Izirina
>Go after Costella
>Leave both of them to their devices, and consult with the Spirit of the Old Maple
>Go after Costella
We need to talk with her, alone.
>"It's fine. We'll find a way to make this work."
>Go after Costella
Gods, Costella is such a cinnamon roll.
>Go after Costella
>Go after Costella
of course Izzy had to give the "love is just a chemical reaction" talk, thankfully Cossy has her anti-reddit instinct
Oh no… archmage turned her into a rick and morty watcher
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[She even has portals!]

["Like, TOTAL hypocrite that you are, for you trust in, like, the chemicals in your brain to tell you that they are chemicals. All Knowledge is, you know, ultimately, um, based on that which we cannot prove. So, like, will you fight, or perish like a dog??" -- Costella, probably.]

“…It’s fine,” you tell Izzy.

You leave the tent, and you try to believe this to be the truth.

Luckily, finding Costella is a much, MUCH easier task than finding Izirina was. For one thing, her hurried, seemingly directionless sprint carves a clear path through the snow. Veloz cannot stand the cold of this season, remaining close to the warmth of the fire elementals <summoned> to warm the moonberry bushes., but Muffins comes with you and makes the process still easier by clearing the path ahead for you, and sniffing out Costella’s own trackway when they intermingle with those left by other denizens of the land reserve.

(And she doesn’t have the ability to teleport away. That’s a big factor, too.)

In any case, you find her in short order, shivering in the snow, staring out at the road—at Hawksong’s distant walls of white-grey, illuminated by reflected moonlight like a huge hill of snow amongst the flat or rolling plains of the white stuff all around you. You slow in your approach, frowning, unsure how to start, or what to say. In the absence of your own voice, Costella finds hers.

“You know, I… Like, I always kind of knew this was too good to be true.”

Since she knows you’re here, you approach. You doff your star-spangled robe of black lunar fabric, and wrap it around Costella’s shoulders. She sighs happily, though after she looks at you, the expression sours and spoils into one of sadness again.

“We’ll find a way to make this work,” you promise her.

Costella shakes her head.

“Ez… I know I’m not, like… I’m not smart like you and Iz are smart.”

“You’re not—!”

You start to protest that Costella is more intelligent and capable than she gives herself credit for, but a quick look from the woman makes it clear that she isn’t done, and has more thoughts to get out. You stifle yourself, and let her say her piece.

“I’m not smart in, like… Magic and stuff. I haven’t read as many books about biology, or history, or anything like that. But I think there IS something I’m more, uh, educated about. Or better at understanding, anyway… People. Feelings.”

You frown a little. It’s certainly true that Costella is more empathetic and MUCH better-adjusted tan Izirina, but you’re not sure that’s a fair assessment of YOU.
“I’m not trying to be, like… Mean or anything,” Costella adds, looking apologetic. “But, like… I don’t know if it’s something about her mom being your master, or it’s just how they teach people in the Tower with all that love-is-chemistry stuff, but… You two are always going places, leaving people behind. Your minds are always, like, SOMEWHERE ELSE. You’re always thinking about these big, distant things… The future, and prophecies, and changing the world… Or escaping it, for Iz. You’ve got all these high-up connections with, like, kings and queens, and gods. And sometimes I see all this, and I’m just so.. So GLAD to be a part of it, because I’m a part of US, you know? The three of us?”

“You ARE a part of this relationship, and this community, and our future,” you assure her.

Costella shakes her head, her hair flowing this way and that, and she gazes sadly off towards the city.

“I’m not, really,” she says. “I just, like, tag along. And when I can’t help, sometimes I stay behind. And I try to make myself useful, but sometimes I look at all this and I think… What in the name of all the Heavens am I even doing here, you know?”


“And now we’re supposed to be, like… Getting married, right?” she asks, smiling despite the sadness still in her eyes. “But WHY?”

“What do you mean?” you ask, mouth dry. “I thought you wanted to—”

“I do!” Costella interjects, turning to face you, but then her shoulders droop. “I did. But… Marriage is about people, two people, who really REALLY lvoe each otehr and nobody else, getting togetehr and, like... Doing that. Like my Mama and Papa. And I know it isn't like that for US, the, you know, the THREE of us... But I still thought we could sort of still do that. We were, like, a team, right? That’s what I sort of thought to myself… That I was, like, the glue, maybe? The glue holding you two together, so you didn’t chase off after your own dreams in different directions and get separated, and never find your way back? And that by making all, like THIS work…”

She gestures expansively, to the Old Maple Hill land reserve, and its huts and tents, gardens and barns, and ritual-sites to commune with the True Fey.

“…I thought I could create, like… A safe place for us. Somewhere you’d want to come back to. A home, for all three of us.”

You swallow. You feel the question coming. Maybe it’s the spiritual entanglement, or maybe it’s something else.

“Did I… Did I do it?” Costella asks, almost pleadingly. “Is this… Are we a family? A home?”

>Yes [lie]
>No [truth]

Do you have anything else to say to add to this? Any way to convince her that the relationship can still work?
>Yes [write-in]
>No, let her go if it comes down to it

[Note: the approach here will likely determine if Costella breaks off her engagement with Tips or not.]
>No [truth]


>Not Yet.
But you're right. You're the glue, making us stick together, allowing us to come back together.
I don't feel in my place here BECAUSE of my half-heritage. I never felt I belonged anywhere. I didn't think of this place like home; because there is no place for me that I think is home.
But the three of us? Of course we're family.
We have a plan to make a children the 3 of us together. And about feelings... Izzy is peculiar. If she believes love is only a chemical matter, it might be for her. Or a cope. A flame ready to burst, only limited by a lack of spark. The spark Chimerism could lit.
[No to steer anyone, but for the purposes of clarity in case I communicate poorly:
>Izirina & Tips pitched the magical solution
>Costella objected, saying it wouldn't be love
>Izzy said 'love's just a chemical/spiritual reaction, etc etc'
>Costella got Izzy to admit she doesn't ACTUALLY believe that, about her love for Tips
>Costella made it clear that she doesn't think that this is a problem you can solve with magic
With that in mind, can I please ask you to clarify, for the sake of my next post if this wins, how Tips' pitch will differ this time, or address Costella's concern that love isn't something you can 'create' by magical or hormonal means?]
My "argument" is that Izzy feel for Costella can be sparked by magical/hormonal means and are not a barren land to start with.
>No [truth]
>Yes [write-in]
She might not believe in the magic solution, but she should still give it a chance. Attraction is an important component of love. Even if it doesn't get Izzy all the way there, it should at least establish a foundation, a strong possibility for love to develop.
>No [truth]

>"I never felt at home anywhere due to my mixed heritage, not even in the moon. But here's no doubt that we're a family. About Izzy, even if she's not interested in you physically like I am, I think she still cares about you even if it looks more like a friend than a lover. She can develop a relationship with you that isn't tied to the sexual component, with more honesty this time."

I applaud the qm for introducing an obstacle to the threesome choice instead of making it a no-brainer like it regularly is.
I don't shy away from letting anons pursue their dreams, but I also don't write uncomplicated wish fulfillment
>No, and it's Tips' fault
We're constantly bouncing around on various quests, because every time we solve one problem, we get two worse ones.

I think Izzy doesn't understand what love is. What she considers "love" is more like fear of abandonment, and her mother is to blame. Something like this can be fixed though, with engendering trust and safety and emotional intimacy. Isn't Izzy deserving it? Isn't she worth it?
>uncomplicated wish fulfillment
I hope this is a complication and not the complete unfixable dealbreaker it seems to be.
>No [truth]
Honestly, aside from her, her mom, the spriggen in old maple, and Izzy, there’s not a whole lot keeping us here.

If I wanted to say Tips - Costella Marriage can work out, but the current relationship we have with Izzy has to change, would that constitute as a
>Yes or a >No, let her go if it comes down to it?
[I'd call that a "yes" if you would react to Costella suggesting calling off the wedding with a 'wait, no, we can make this work!', so that's how I'm counting it.]

[With that in mind, it seems pretty much everyone agrees to be open and honest with Costella, and that they want to keep this throuple going, but we have no clear consensus on HOW. I'll do my best...]
Yeah pretty much

The look on Costella’s face is heartbreaking. It’s like watching her spirit shatter, and the shards come crumbling down. You haven’t seen her this devastated since… Well, since when you first met her, when her body was twisted up by the mutagenic effects of her rather-advanced ‘dragon-pox’ infection.

“It’s not your fault, though!” You step closer to her, hands outstretched placatingly. “You’re doing everything you can, and it’s more than enough! But… Costella, I’ve NEVER had a home. I’ve never felt like I belonged ANYWHERE. Not in the Sylvan Realms, or Hawksong, or Holy Luna… or even here.”

Saying aloud what you’ve been thinking feels you with a sense of deep unease. Your stomach churns. It’s as if saying it to someone else has made these disquieting feelings somehow more real, and tangible. You long to stop, to bottle them back up, but… You can’t. Not now that you’ve begun.

“Maybe it’s because I’m half-human and half-elf,” you admit, to Costella and to yourself. “I’ve always felt like an outsider, like a stranger, everywhere I’ve gone. Nobody ever looks at me like I’m ‘one of them’. I’m always this… This object of curiosity. Even here. To the spirits here, I’m a half-human, bringing other humans—and goblins, and a minotaur—to their land. To the people here, I’m… Some sort of spiritual guide, showing them how to ‘live like an elf’. But I’m not ONE of them. I’m… I’m NEVER just ‘one of them’.”

Costella looks at you with confusion, dismay, and a certain amount of pity. Still, sweet and conscientious as she is, even Costella is not without her own emotional needs, and you can see that this confession has hurt her still further. Fearful of driving her away, and all too aware of how close you are to such a precipice, you take another step towards her, and continue:

“Except for you, and Izirina! You two… The three of us… We ARE a team. No… A family, like you said. And maybe we’re a… A COMPLICATED one. Maybe Izzy, especially. You’ve met her ‘mother’. Is it any wonder she doesn’t really understand how to express and experience love in a normal way? But trust me, Costella: even if she's not interested in you physically, like I am, she still cares about you.”

Costella hakes her head, squeezing her eyes shut.

“I don’t… I don’t want to be just, like, ‘the other woman’ in a relationship with the two of you. I… I’d rather not be there at all!”

“Is being her friend so bad?” you press. “If that’s how she honestly feels…”

Costella wraps her arms around herself and leans forward, hiccoughing with her efforts to hold back more sobs. You bite your tongue, and try to determine whether it is best to hug her now, or give her space.

“…Or we could try the magic.”

Rolled 20, 5, 16, 8 = 49 (4d20)

“I know, I know,” you say quickly. “But… Think about it! If she cares about you, love you in her own way, but just needs… The kidnling, the SPARK, to start that flame in earnest… I mean, the foundation of feeling is already there, isn’t it?”

“Like, IS it?”

You frown, and Costella clarifies, saying:

“Ez… Even when she didn’t have any, like, love magic o-or whatever… Like, she was so in love with YOU that she was willing to… To pretend to want me.”

“I’m not sure it’s love, so much as fear of abandonment,” you say sadly.

“But she wasn’t afraid of ME abandoning her!” Costella retorts. “She doesn’t look at me like she looks at you. She doesn’t want me! And… And if you use magic to change that, even if you say it’s, like, revealing something deep down inside her that was already there… I’m always going to wonder, you know? I’ll always wonder if it’s… Fake.”

You reach out a hand, and Costella stares at it, then looks up to your face. You force a smile, and hope it’s reassuring.

“Things might change,” you say. “WE might change. We’ve changed before, after all, right? That’s what life, and love, are all about: changing and growing. And if this is what we want, the three of us… Well, we have the power to direct that change. To become who we WANT to be. If Izzy wants to love us, to love you… To love herself, maybe, since I’m not really sure she even knows how to do that.. Shouldn’t we help her get there? Isn’t she worth it?”

Sociability roll. DC 15, +1 for admitting you don't feel at home here, +1 for the difficult emotional circumstances, +1 for bringing up the magic she already rejected. -1 for being emotionally vulnerable, -1 for adding that you do feel like Costella is family, -1 for going after her, -1 because of your engagement, and -1 for your spiritual entanglement. Over all DC: 14.

If I fucked up the math, let me know.

OG DC 15
+1 not home
+1 circumstances
+1 love magic she rejected
-1 emotional
-1 costella is family
-1 engagement
-1 spiritual

3 - 4 = -1 to OG
Math is correct
Who needs math when we can't roll anything but 20s? Tips the gigachad!
-2 actually, you forgot to include the -1 for going after her, so 13 dc total
Costella doesn’t take your hand. Rather, she throws herself upon you. You let out a rather undignified yelp, not having expected this enthusiasm, and you both topple over into the snow—after all, she’s taller and heavier than you. Costella doesn’t seem to mind, though, and neither do you. Not when she whispers, voice hoarse from crying and trembling with feeling:

“You’re both worth it.”

“So are you,” you reply.


You hold hands as you walk back to the tent. You mentally deliberate over what to do, but you’re certain that the answer lies in magic—most probably in Chimericism. Or maybe in Feycraft? How much can you alter a soul without changing one person into another, without robbing them of their fee will? Zith-Zi still seems very much like ‘herself’, though, even with the demonic essence stripped from her and a ‘new soul’ implanted. But then… What IS the soul, if not the self? And goblins, who seemingly lack a conventional soul yet exist and emote anyway… What do they imply? Does the secret to your complicated relationship lie in the same sort of esoteric mystical knowledge which you have been pursuing all your life? More and more, your whole existence seems like one great puzzle, with the answer always JUST out of reach!

“Uh, Ez?”

You blink, startled by Costella’s voice… And worried by her tone.

“What’s wrong?”

“They’re gone,” she says. “The bushes… the berries! They’re, like… Gone!”

You forget your romantic woes and other petty matters. You forget the search for the secret beyond the soul, for the root cause of consciousness. You forget all of that, as you follow Costella’s extended finger to the two divots in the dirt, amidst the scaffolding of the half-constructed greenhouse, where the sacred goodberry bushes once were.

“No,” you gasp. “Oh, oh no.”

“Izzy?” Costella shouts, rushing to the tent and spreading its flaps open wide. “IZZY?!”

You fall to your knees before the empty space, pawing at the dirt in shock as if the bushes might reappear. Costella helps you up, her voice frantic as she informs you:

“Iz is gone, too!”

You swallow hard. Izzy, and the bushes, both gone? She… She wouldn’t, would she?

“Ez, what do we do?”

Was it Izzy?
>It must be, damn her!
>It couldn't be... You refuse to believe it!

If you don't think itw as Izzy, who do you suspect?

What will you do?

Thanks, anon.

Ha, you're right. Goddamnit.

And you are the rightest of all. Tips gets all his crits on maintaining his relationships. No wonder he's a chick-and-dude magnet, huh?
>It couldn't be... You refuse to believe it!

>Costella’s ex or the Archmage

>Try to contact Izzy via magic to inform her of the theft (and to just talk), use Divination to find out where the berries and Izzy is
Just the general idea- maybe we can summon a small lightning elemental to pass a message to Izzy, considering her connection to the elemental plane?

Alternatively, Cazz or the Prince may be able to find her, considering their connections. The Izzys are really too similar… ;_;
>It couldn't be... You refuse to believe it!
Izzy’s not that retarded. Goodberries are falling ill. We spent a good chunk of time and money caring for it. Taking them away from an environment that is supposed to keep them safe will make it decay faster.

It’s probably not carlos and his mates - the old maple citizens would be at least talking about it, and they would probably be the sort to turn it all into ash if they even know about it.

Archmage? We didn’t tell her about it. Izzy might’ve done that but considering she paid us for the box I doubt she would consider stealing it.

Unseelie? Maybe. But I’m not really sure why they’d do that instead asking for a progress report. The shadows people have been talking about around old maple could be a suspect.

>What will you do?
First up, ask around to find where Izzy is, then probe further into the watcher of shadows situation people have been talking about >>6023274

Divination and talk is a good idea. I support this also.
[You can attempt Divination without any dedicated ranks in it or spells, but it's a high DC, and higher still without any idea where the target is. Elementals cannot speak, either.

I’ll just ask around first then. If we have a lead then we use divination
>It couldn't be... You refuse to believe it!

>Write-in: could have been the darks elves, their region is food scarce they have to hunt and eat cave troglodyte.

>Could have been some fey or elves, they are still presumably mad about us leaving. And giving humans fey craft secretes.

>Write-in: wildshape into a lion form and try to trace the scent. Have cosetella go get pearce and Oncyth.
>It couldn't be... You refuse to believe it!
Izzy had no way to keep then from withering and she wasn't in a desperate mood for it, so it can't be her.
De Gori wouldn't have an idea about it nor of it's uses.
That leaves the stalking figures we heard about as the only suspects for now. Are any of the elementals damaged ? if not, we'll have to ask if the people from Maple Hill have noticed those figures sneaking around today or if the pattern had been increasing.
>It couldn't be... You refuse to believe it!
Why would she?

>If you don't think itw as Izzy, who do you suspect?
Carlos de fucking Gori
Ambushed us at the in with 70 people
Alerted the sentries to our escape in the sylvan realms
Poisoned our reputation with the Gods of Light and tried to have us imprisoned forever on the moon
Collaborated with the Reptilians on the plague
Ambushed us a second time walking around town
He can't keep getting away with it!

>What will you do?
Stew impotently and let him get away with it
Try our own hand at divination magic to find Izzy at least

Haha what if it was Adolf
>>It couldn't be... You refuse to believe it!
> candidates are (with declining probability)
- The Archmage (she might feel entitled to all our output)
- Theral (he tried it before) or his kin
- Costella's ex (he might have switched to covert action after overtly failing two times)
- The Unseelie court (we haven't delivered yet, they might feel entitled to steal from us)
- The local Fey (they might commune with a certain goddess and might be unhappy that we don't view all this as our home)
- Adolfo (he might have picked up a random, new conspiracy theory)
> Investigate. They are Fey objects reproducing a Fey spell. Maybe Fairy Fire shows the way towards the bushes?
>It couldn't be... You refuse to believe it!
Carlos. We should had zap him ded.

Can we ask the Spriggan? I mean, something happened in Fairyland on Fairybush, he might have good insights.
That's the wrong way to go about it. Before suspecting anyone, take a look at the ground where the bushes were. If it's dug up, it's likely Carlos. If it's not, then Izzy or the Unseelie. Theral I find unlikely, we have a working relationship now.
There are divots in the dirt, so it looks like they were dug up.
The concept that it is carlous is absurd. Since izzy is missing, if Carlous and his posses waddled up to the old hill attempting to steal something.

Then izzy who less social graces than we do and is a more powerful mage than us would have fried them.

Whomever took the plants either had the means to sneak past her, overpower her or demand she stand down.

Carlous doesn't fit the bill for any of those categories.
>Carlo takes bush
>Iz reacts to crowd of nerdowells
>Carlo in preparation for wizard BS brings antimagic stuff/a militia
Can we also just like ask someone if they saw anything tf
It's currently snowy, can we see any footprints?
If it wasn't clear from my post, the thought that Carlos did it was a joke. Really I think it was those shadowy figures that I voted to investigate but everyone else was all like noooo let's keep the moonberries warm, well now they're uninvestigated and we have no moonberries good job guys.
I know it was a meme/shitpost. But the qm is going to tally Tips focus of indigestion based on how the majority votes on suspect's.

Carlous is currently leading said vote.
*focus if investigation.
>Carlous is currently leading said vote.
wait, for real ? most people who put Carlos thinks he's the least probable, no ?
I mean, they were rotting so is it really surprising the vote to nurse them back won ?
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[Having removed the one explicit shitpost admission, Carlos does still lead the count... Though the amorphous enemy in the night is tied, and your investigation may turn up further leads.]

Guessing correctly for the main candidate would speed up the search, so I guess you'd better hope it was Carlos
kinda funny that one anon voted for basically everyone, except for the mysteryous stalkers
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>does the carlos bit 3 times
>the other anons still believe it genuinely when it comes to serious voting

I hate you niggas so much
same, narrator-kun
Looking back this actually just makes it funnier
Your first instinct is that this must be that damned De Gori again, or the merchants he’s been stirring up with lamentations of unfair arcane competition with their businesses. Having been humiliated in public, perhaps he turned to private pettiness to get back at you?

“Check for tracks!” you shout to Costella, and you nudge Muffins to sniff around the area, as you, too, do likewise.

>Top Suspect: Carlos De Gori

The search for tracks is what tips you off that your initial hunch was incorrect. There are NO TRACKS. Well, no fresh ones besides your own, and Costella’s, and Muffins’, and Izzy’s slightly-older ones. You had concocted all sorts of flights-of-fancy as to how that envious ape of a man could have defeated Izirina: some anti-magical device like those the hobgoblins possessed, maybe? But, no—if such things were common, the Archmage would not have been so excited to get her hands upon them… And even if De Gori could have contained and captured Izirna by other means, how could he pass through fresh snow without leaving a trace.

“Ez…” Costella says worriedly. “You don’t think Iz could have…?”

“No,” you say quickly, emphatically. “She was upset but… We’ve been working on this. On her managing her emotions, and talking rather than jumping to… Something like THIS. And even when she’s upset there’s a line between recklessness and stupidity. She KNOWS those bushes can’t survive for long out of the ground we attuned them to!”

“Well, like… They took some of the dirt, too,” Costella points out. “Look! They dug them up, see?”

That gives you some hope, absurdly enough. It means the bushes haven’t been destroyed, at least not yet. Whoever took them (and maybe Izzy?) wanted them alive.

“It must be those ‘shadowy figures’ people were whispering about,” you conclude.

“Okay, but, like… Who ARE they?” Costella asks fearfully. “What do they want? And, like… Where did they take Izzy?? Or, like… Did they…. Oh, Gods, do you think she’s okay?!”
“There’s no body,” you point out, as much t calm yourself as your panicking partner. “No blood, either. No sign of a battle. If they took the bushes intact… They probably did the same with izzy.”

“But, like, WHY??”
It’s a good question, and you have no good answers. The list of suspects is a mile long, it seems: if it’s not Carlos’ crew, then it could be anyone: the Archmage claiming your work for her own, the Unseelie growing impatient? The Prince Consort or his scaly kin reneging on your ‘working relationship’, or perhaps those dark-skinned elven allies of his resentful of your independent success? Your own kin—elven, or even HUMAN, if Cousin Addy had got some silly notion into his impressionable head again?

No, there are too many unknowns—to much uncertainty! By the time you’re suspecting ADOLF of any sort of subtlety, you KNOW you’re grasping at straws.

“Wake everyone,” you instruct Costella. “Ask them what they have seen, what they’ve heard. Be THOROUGH. Any little thing might give away the identity of these… These BASTARDS.”

You spit the last word through gritted teeth, seething in your (temporary, you hope) impotence. Every moment you waste is more time for the culprits to gain ground.

“Okay, but… Like, what are you going to be doing?” Costella asks, not an accusation, but in confusion.

“I’ll be asking someone else,” you say, your gaze upon the dark silhouette of the old tree which gave this land reserve its name.

You draw upon Veloz’ form again, assuming a winged <Wildshape> suitable to swiftly soar to the pinnacle of Old Mapel Hill. As you descend, you pump extra aura into a single great plume of <Faerie Fire>, casting the whole hill into fey radiance to those with the magical second-sight to see it. In the process, you awake many protesting spirits of the place. Pixies of the flowers and grasses buried by the snow, fairies of spring and summer, all huddle beneath a cloak of winter white that serves them like a blanket as they await warmer days. Youv’e heard of fairy-spirits of ice and cold, but none of them dwell here, in this place…

But two feytouched entities DO leap to greet you.

“Oh, uh, hi,” you say to the Jackalope Fairies—the bipedal, but apparently nonverbal fairy-animals created by your own youthful refusal to do undue harm to any living thing, even in the name of arcane-alchemical progress. These two, belatedly made fairies by the spriggan spirit of the ancient tree, are the sole active spirits here—two fluffy, friendly sentries, attending to a quiet court.

The ‘natural’ jackalope hops towards you excitedly, while the ‘created’ one—the chimera you made in mimickry of the first—actively throws itself upon you and squeezes you close. The former has shed its antlers, but its hooves and winter-white coat belie its hybrid nature; the latter’s grafted antlers seem permanent, and its coat remains unchanged.

“I don’t suppose you could fetch the Spirit of the Old Maple for me, could you?” you ask hopefully.
Even if they do not speak the pair of lagomophic ungulates seem to understand your intention. They each take one of your hands, guiding you to the tree. Shining your mystical torch upon the surface of the craggly, aged tree, you see how truly old and weary it seems without its leaves, alone in the snow. The spriggan who here dwells, and who reigns from this hill over his normally-festive court, now curls half-formed, melded into the bark with his eyes shut and face indistinct. If you didn’t know better, you would assume him to be no more than a coincidentally half-humanoid knurl upon the body of the maple tree to which he is bound.

You sigh, resting a hand upon the tree, and whisper:

“You haven’t seen much of anything, have you, old timer?”

You turn your back to the tree, gazing out from the height of the hill at the surrounding countryside. You squint, hoping that the fairy-light and your elven low-light vision will spy some absconding villains out along the snow-swept roadways or laying low among the fallow fields. But… No. You see nothing.

…But maybe you simply lack the eyes to see? Maybe you need sight-beyond-sight?

Divination has never been your strong suit. You are no minasien, nor even the sort of human mage who can scry a distant place or see through another’s eyes. You know the fundamentals of the art, though, in theory if not so much in practice. Maybe THAT is what you should do?

“What should I do?” you ask yourself, fear and anger and a creeping despair distorting your voice to even your own ear, so that the worried jackalopes huddle close to comfort you.

>Attempt divination [specify if you utilize any mystical focus]
>Try magic of another sort [specify what kind]
>Descend the hill to see what Costella has learned
>Pray to the Celestial Gods, and hope they are in a listening mood

[There are some clues I’ve dropped throughout this update and the last, as well as across the quest, that could allow you to make divination more successful, or to pursue other avenues to success. If you guess one of them, or come up with something clever I haven’t thought of, I’ll reward it. If not, the next update will still reveal a likely culprit, but there’s no guarantee it will be the right one and not a red herring and after one more update, the culprits will be safely away, and getting back what you’ve lost will be far more difficult.]
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A round of applause to the 3 retards that thought Carlos could sneak around somehow without leaving obvious signs
>Top Suspect: Carlos De Gori
Add moonberry theft and kidnapping our fiance to the list of his wrongdoings!

>Attempt divination [specify if you utilize any mystical focus]
Forget the moonberries, find Izzy, and use one of her personal belongings as the focus.

If that doesn't work out then
>Pray to the Celestial Gods, and hope they are in a listening mood
Hey guys I know I broke out of jail and by losing the moonberries I kind of proved all your suspicions of being irresponsible and unleashing magic the world wasn't ready for correct but do a bro a favor? I'll listen better going forward I swear.
Damn this shit kinda hard
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[Oh and since I belatedly realized I didn't address one obvious inquiry which an astute anon made in the text: the elemental which Izzy summoned is missing, too. Tips would know that such summoned elementals do not last long without their summoner's attention, especially petty tier 1/2 ones.]
Instead of salt, I'd like you guys to act as real sleuth. Sadly won't have time to do it myself.
Why, RQM. I have time 340 days of the year. The mystery conspiracy I thoroughly enjoy as player reading through updates HAVE to be one of those 25 days where I actually have to work
>Instead of salt, I'd like you guys to act as real sleuth.
Just because I like joking around doesn't mean I'm not making an earnest effort to solve this.
I am thinking.
When we look do the suspect there are seven identities.

We can cross Carlous and Addy off the list, leaving us with 5 know groups:

It's unlikely that the Archmage did it, She needs our future corporation to hunt the relics of the first archmage. So it makes no sense to aggravate us before the mission.

Besides which the archmage knows the theory behind the clone spell. She could just copy the moon berry bush and plant it in her laboratory. why would she take the whole thing? She is the least likely suspect in my opinion.

It can't be the Unseelie, for one thing their nature as immortal sprits makes the value of the bush to them is questionable . As long as they have a source of magic can Unseelie even starve?

Also we owned the unseelie two debts, if they stole both of our berry bushes we can claim our debt to them voided. I doubt the they would trade magic berries for an artificial magic star.

Reptiods is semi plausible but dubious, While food used to be bloodrise's biggest struggle. Between theral opening up trade and the novice's and geologists agricultural reform. Bloodrise isn't food insecure anymore. And Theral knows us personally wouldn't he have simply tried purchasing a moon bush? He doesn't seem like the type of person to rob an ally.

The drow did openly covet the moon berries the last time we saw them. They kept talking about how they were such a dangerous war advantage due to their logistical value.

And wenavore their main city is food insecure, And the dark elves posses the grace, stealth and magic needed to steal the bushes and leave no tracks.

These fact together make them prime suspects.

But one thing that gets me hung up is why would they grab izzy? If either the Drow or the Reptiods wanted the bushes we wouldn't come back the the hill with izzy missing but with a knife in her back instead. They would have no real reason try an adduct a dangerous mage, if the moon bush was their only objective.
In fact the timing of the theft is by itself strange, according to the people living on the hill the shadowy group has been stalking the place for at least a month.

Us and Izzy have only been back from our trip to the wastes for a few days. So why would they strike now instead of before when there wasn't any mages to guard the hill?

This fact makes my believe we might have things backwards, That Izzy was the main target and the Moon berry bushes were just a side mission based on when they decided to strike.
I agree with you on Archmage, Unseelie and Reptoids being unlikely culprits.

Sylvans? As in elves from the realm we just fled from? They would have a motive but I don’t believe they know about the goodberries.

>But one thing that gets me hung up is why would they grab izzy? If either the Drow or the Reptiods wanted the bushes we wouldn't come back the the hill with izzy missing but with a knife in her back instead.
Probably because they think she could nurse it back to health. We haven’t bought and transported the glass yet, conditions of the goodberries are still critical.

I like your drow idea.
That is a good point. iirc the goodberries only started to rot in the winter (>>6023793) so if the drows were really concerned about food they could’ve took it before then or while we were at the wastes.

Izzy seems to be the main target.

… Is it Nenaias? We never resolved the issue of the prophecy with him and we did flee from the sylvan realms. He does know elemental magic and could dig out the whole thing pretty quickly.
I think more and more that it's Izzy. There's no other footprints, she could teleport the bushes out together with part of the ground, and I have every expectation for RQM to do this to us.

In any case, whether Izzy is the culprit, was kidnapped or is pursuing them, she's who we need to look for.
>Attempt divination
Use Izzy's personal belongings and our spiritual connection.
>… Is it Nenaias? We never resolved the issue of the prophecy with him and we did flee from the sylvan realms. He does know elemental magic and could dig out the whole thing pretty quickly.

Defiantly plausible he was obsessed with the prophecy he saw. He knows the streets of hawksong and his divination skills would let his allies avoid detection or being followed.
his divination is fried because we force healed him, unless he gouged out his eyes again
His divination may be gone but he still has that battlefield control elemental magic thing
This, he’d not have it back.
Btw, time to look for tips to improve our possible divination or find another alternative.
I see where you’re coming from but it still doesn’t make sense for her alone to do it. She had no way to nurse it back alone and she wasn’t desperate rn so for what reason would she do it ?
yes, but it doesn't make him stealthy
I’d argue that would make him pretty stealthy.

Remember in the fight where he buried Izzy in the ground and summoned vines to constrict us in an instant? He could be in the earth, appear, snatching her then travel through there.
anon, there's a big difference between casting quickly and being able to move under earth for a long time.
Some good discussion! Don't forget to also vote on how to approach this mystery! Surprised nobody has yet realized the non-divination solutions to identify or pursue the thieves yet.
Him tear out his eyes was just a psychological thing.

The real reason why he gained divination powers is because the moon fey decided to boost the divination powers of their agents. (So they could better keep track of this coming high magic era.) Not because he tore out his eyes.

You don't have to be blind to use divination.
Does Sand swimming work on dirt / snow? If so, I want Tips to dive into the ground and check out the area we saw Izzy last.

If that is not possible, use aetherial form do that instead.
am >>6033242
He literally clarified he gained his sight beyond sight after tearing out his own eyes in guilt, Tips is a man of cause and effect and after we monstrous regeneration'd his eye balls he lost his buff, yes he likely still has divination as that was his specialty regardless of his self inflicted blindness, Im not doubting its Nenais but my point of argument was he got a sacrificial boon involving keeping an open optical nerve ending that still bled frequently
Wait, Veloz remained there. He's a witness. Can we get him to show us where to go somehow?
Maybe we can also use Muffins to track by scent
>You don't have to be blind to use divination.
but he literally sacrificed his eyes for his greater divination. speaking of which, anons have you found those tips to boost our divination use or do you wanna go with another option ?
>“I… I didn’t se or hear specifics,” Izirina admits. “divination isn’t… I’m not as good at it, as conjuration. I just knew where you went, for how long, and with whom. I only found out later, when I… Asked Costella, and she told me what happened.”
that's the only explicit hint about it I could find in the thread and the last and before last posts doesn't bring much help
>Use Veloz to guide you where the invaders came from and the last place he saw then
veloz remained specifically close to the fire elementals summoned to warm the berries so he was close when shtf and probably remained until the elementals dissapeared.

>Attempt divination. Use the attuned dirt to help with a connection to the berries & shirin to attune our mind better
our best shot, using the magic dirt to help finding the berries since they took some with them and the shirin to boost our chances of atunning. if it all goes well we'll be able to find who took it and where they went.
Open to anon suggestions as well

after this last vote you shouldn't be surprised
Using veloz as a guide is a good idea


For the record, I’m still going with this

Main culprit I believe is Nenaias
[Sorry, anon. So it goes!]

[If I'm parsing this right, and it is a rather jumbled vote, we have a narrow win for using divination in some form. Going to do my best to blend the rest!]
well, at least the majority liked the veloz idea and remembered about him. see you later, gonna sleep.

You consider praying. It’s been a while since you’ve prayed for something specific or TO anyone specific, rather than to offer general thanks or beseech the spirits more broadly. Would the Bonum Chaoticum come to your aid? This could be the work of the dark elves who forsook them, after all, or the Unseelie, or the Archmage manipulating Izzy to her own ends…

(But what if it’s the Sylvan Realms’ agents who did this? Maybe the once-blind sage, Nenaias, hasn’t forgotten his fears, about what you and Izirina might bring about? Would Princess Miannie, or any other deity, answer your call then?)

You chew your lip, deep in thought, but eventually you shake the snow (and reluctant jackalopes) off, and stand.

“No,” you say to yourself. “We’re on our own.”

You say your goodbyes to the jackalope, promising to visit the fairy court come spring and jaunt back down the hill in <Improved Aethereal Form>. In this shape, you pass essentially without trace across the brittle icy crust of the soft, white snow. On nimble feel, with graceful gait, you make your way back to the scene of the crime. There, Costella is already waiting, anxious and eager to report.

“What did you learn?” you prompt her, re-materializing as you do.

“SO,” she blurt, “like, okay! The general, like, consensus or whatever, right? It’s that the whispering and skulking quieted down for a while when we came back. Nobody heard or saw anything for a little bit. Which, that seems GOOD, right? Like we scared off whatever or whoever was sneaking around? But, like… What if it’s because when we came back, they realized it was time to make their move??”

You raise an eyebrow, confused at first, and then your eyes widen as you realize what Costella is suggesting.

“Right??” she asks rhetorically, recognizing you’ve caught up.

“They didn’t just want the berry-bushes… They wanted us!”

“Or, like, ONE of us, at least,” Costella says. “And, like.. Maybe they wanted one who could help keep the berries warm, and healthy?”

“I’m better suited to that,” you counter, a little miffed at being unrecognized in your own field.

(And you’re not as good at battle-magic as Izzy, in terms of raw power or stamina…)

“Did you learn anything up on the hill?” Costella asks hopefully.

“No,” you sigh. “The fairies were all asleep, except for the jackalopes, and they’re still more or less just animals.”

“Okay, but, like… Animals can still see and hear stuff, right?” Costella presses, desperation edging into her intonation.

“Yeah, but…” you stop, and stare at Costella for a moment.


Your eyes flit to Veloz, who you have bundled up and allocated a small fire elemental to keep him warm. The little celestial creature had been previously warming himself here, with Izzy’s elemental, until… Whatever happened, happened. Could HE have seen something?
“Veloz, do you know where whoever took Izzy and the bushes went?” you ask.

Veloz is a clever little bird—quite possibly sapient, in some rudimentary fashion in excess of all but the cleverest terrestrial animals. He lacks language, though, and in his current state—lethargic from the winter chill—he can’t exactly zoom after them. Still he tries his best, making quiet trilling noises and stabbing at the air with his beak. You follow the gesture, which seems to lead eastward…

“So not the Drow, then,” you surmise. “Bloodrise and whatever godsforsaken hellhole those PEOPLE live in… it’s the other way. Unless they doubled back? Which WOULD make sense… Ugh. This is giving me a headache.”

You remove your hat, staring down at the owl emblem upon your hatband as if it might grant you its wisdom. It bears no such enchantment, though, and remains silent. You sigh, and shake your head.

“I’ll have to try it,” you say.

“Like, try what?”

“Divination,” you answer Costella. “But… I’m not, um, especially GOOD at it. I only ever passed the academic exams. It just… Wasn’t my specialty.”

“Hey, there’s TONS of stuff you’re the best at!” Costella attempts to cheer you, forcing a smile which doesn’t last. “Can I, like, help somehow?”

“Well, it helps to have a focus,” you explain. “Something connected to the person or thing you’re searching out. The closer, the connection, the better.”

“What about, like, something that belongs to Iz?”

“But what do we have like that?” you lament.

“I could go through her chest?” Costella suggests. “Her alarm enchantments don’t, like, stop ME.”

“They stop ME,” you note, a little hurt.

“Well, you know… Girls get WEIRD about a boy going through their things, right?”

(Hm. Is that really it? Well, that’s something to think about later. At least it implies Izirina really IS rather 'comfortable' with Costella, which can only be good for salvaging your relationship...)

“Sure,” you say instead, albeit without enthusiasm. “I could also try to attune to the earth here… The dirt, that is. There’s probably residual fairy-magic in the soil, where the plants’ roots were buried, since we performed the ritual to attune them right here.”

Suddenly, inspiration strikes, as your eyes settle again upon Veloz, and also on curious and confused Muffins. Many a mage of the Tower, especially the Chimericists and the Archmage’s ‘black hat’ personal assistants, enmesh their senses with a suitable ‘familiar’: a chimeric creation keyed to their command. You could perhaps attempt to forge such a connection with Veloz, or Muffins, to make better use of their own abilities in this way—Veloz memory of what happened, or Muffins’ superior senses?

“Uh, Ez?”

You look to Costella, who is leaned over Izirina’s extraspatial chest, pulling out a bedroom’s worth of tchotchkes, accessories, spell components booked, scrolls, and sundry creature comforts… And who is holding a small object out. The effigy is unmistakable: it is a small fetish of the unwholesome spirit, called The Nothic, or of its dark divine master, the Dark God of Knowledge.

“Why does she still HAVE that?” you hiss, placing your palm over your face. “I swear, she’d better not have still been USING it…”

You trail off, gaze lingering. Using it… If you were to use it to reach out to the deity in question, who seems to specialize in spying upon and subtly influencing mortals… Could his Nothic servant guide your divination? If agents of evil were behind this, then ‘The Master of the Insightful Eye’ would surely know; if not, then he still might have his eye fixed upon Izirina.

Your ears twitch with an elven sage's intuition. You're confident, UNCOMFORTABLY so, that the Dark Gods know exactly what is happening here... And exactly where Izzy is.

What will you do?
>Attune yours divination to the soil where the berries were planted
>Use one of Izzy’s books or other belongings as a focus
>Form a connection wit Veloz or Muffins [specify which] to make them a true, permanent familiar
>Pray to the Dark God of Knowledge for answers
>Form a connection wit Veloz or Muffins [specify which] to make them a true, permanent familiar
Closest to when the incident took place.

>“They didn’t just want the berry-bushes… They wanted us!”
We got that part right. Good.

>Fetish of The Nothic, or of its dark divine master, the Dark God of Knowledge.
Last time we met, he said we won’t be seeing each other again. I’d rather not try to test that.

>the next update will still reveal a likely culprit, but there’s no guarantee it will be the right one and not a red herring
>after one more update, the culprits will be safely away, and getting back what you’ve lost will be far more difficult
This is it.

am >>6033242
>Form a connection wit Veloz or Muffins [specify which] to make them a true, permanent familiar
forgor I meant Veloz
>>Form a connection wit Veloz or Muffins [specify which] to make them a true, permanent familiar
>Form a connection wit Veloz or Muffins [specify which] to make them a true, permanent familiar
Veloz might've seen what happened, but Muffins can help us on the way, unlike the freezing birb.
Also pointing to the east makes me think some of the people we rescued could be involved.
>pointing to the east makes me think some of the people we rescued could be involved.
I don’t really see it.

As far as the elves are concerned we just helped them get their colleagues out of the slavers’ box. Not really sure why they would be willing to kidnap Izzy and take the berries with them if they trusted us enough that they let us stay on that mountain and shared their knowledge.

The gobs? I don’t believe they are that stealthy or strong enough to overpower the elementals Izzy had. Besides, aside from that female big gob, didn’t they all die from the orcs?
We've saved some goblin slaves, they didn't die, I think.
As for the elementals, they do what they're ordered to. If one was ordered to stand in place and heat the bushes, why would it fight?
I’d imagine if Izzy’s life was on the line she would order them to prioritize her safety first
>Form a connection wit Veloz to make them a true, permanent familiar
Now’s the time
I think it’d be sensible enough for them to have a basic defense response to strange beings getting close to them. Also how’d the gobs pull it off without leaving traces ?
>Pray to the Dark God of Knowledge for answers.

The beholder accepts arcane knowledge or rare manuscripts/magic objects as offerings

We are going to be investing tombs of the first archmage, so we can just sell him some information or objects we obtain from that. I don't want to risk losing the trail.

>Form a connection with Muffins to make them a true, permanent familiar.

Muffins can help us track them after we know who the culprit is.
im >>6033431
>praying to the nothic
c'mon now anon
[Most of the cotninent is to the east of Hawksong. To the west, there are some relatively sparsely-populated woodland and mountain vassals, Bloodrise, Wevenore (not that most surfacers or even Reptilians know exactly where that is), and the various dwarven corporate holdings leased from the humans for resource extraction. There's a coast somewhere out that way, too, but barely anyone sails it because there are no easy ports and nobody to trade with. All rocky cliffs.]
>To the west, there are some relatively sparsely-populated woodland and mountain vassals, Bloodrise, Wevenore

So, probably not those guys, then.

I’ll stick with this
In the Tower, the ritual to make a true familiar of a magical beast is a carefully-guarded secret. The Archmage has never taught even YOU this trick, and for a time she was grooming you to assume her old position, as Head Chimericist. Perhaps if you had followed that career path, you could do as she does, and bestow a deep connection between yourself and Velzo by means of Chimiercism and Divination magic—which, to your eye, is how she achieves the effect. You don’t’ have time to scrutinize and replicate her methods, though, nor the time to travel back to Hawksong to petition your master directly.

Luckily, though, you don’t have to. You are Ezreal Mious van Houtzmann, and you’re the best Life Mage of your class, and a Disciple of the True Fey. You have your own means, ancient means, older than any magecraft of Man, and more advanced than any ancient elf of Earth.

“Veloz,” you call, and hold out your hand.

Veloz chirrups his reluctance, but struggles out of his nest of bundled blankets, which kind Costella crafted for him. He smooths his ruffled feathers and, with rapid sputter-thrum of his invisibly-fast wingbeats, he is quickly perched upon your arm. You smile, and gently stroke his forehead.

Your natural chimera and older animal companion groans and bleats, snake-tail eyeing the exchange suspiciously with a silent and somehow offensive tongue-flick.

“What, YOU’RE getting jealous now?” You sigh, and shake your head. “What would even happen if I made you my familiar? You have three natures, Muffins!”

The lion head yawns expansively, while the goat snorts, and turns away. Muffins curls up, seizing upon Veloz’ abandoned blankets and laying there as if to spite the bird. You roll your eyes at the melodramatic display, and then focus again upon the celestial hummingbird.

“You’ve been a very good friend, Veloz,” you tell him. “I understand living on Earth hasn’t been an easy adjustment for you, and especially being out in the Wastes, far from most flowers. You’ve been a good, loyal companion. Would you like to be my familiar?”

Veloz tilts his head this way and that, regarding you in confusion. He doesn’t fly away, though, and you sense something underneath the confusion: excitement, impatience. ‘Hurry up!’, the posture says, ‘we’re wasting time!’

“Right,” you agree quietly.
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Rolled 2, 12, 12 = 26 (3d20)

Arm outstretched, you begin to work a circle over the ditches left behind in the dirt. Moving your feet in slow and steady steps, you begin to trace a path through soil and snow, an orbiting dance. You move your arm, where Veloz remains, so that your hand hardly moves from that central spot. You close your eyes, and follow the course one way, then spin on heel and switch back. Veloz takes off and lands, remaining in the centre of the circle as you swap which arm is extended, and landing again. You open his eyes and his wings are spread, beating rapidly so as to produce a shimmering rainbow display, and the pearlescent plumage of his chest is on proud display. His almost vestigial legs kick the air like a rearing horse, while his prehensile tail anchors him to you…

And together, as one, you rise. In body, you begin to float. In spirit, in mind, your soar high, together,a s you did on Holy Luna.

>SOULBOND: Veloz is now your fairy familiar
>>You can see through his eyes with a Feycraft check, and he can see through yours
>>You can also cast touch spells (like Cure Wounds) through him
>>Wildshaping into an identical celestial hummingbird, rather than hybrid facsimile, is now possible
>>You can roll Natural Philosophy in palce of Athleticism to use animal abilities tied to Veloz, such as flight

The surge in senses beyond your natural and trained ones is overwhelming in the first instant. You quickly acclimate to the change, though. Veloz guides you, in his way, his own mind and sprit leading you. It is not the slow and steady guidance one might expect from such a beautiful creature, though, but the hurried drill of an officer, preparing a soldier for a war that has come to the nation’s doorstep, and too fast.

‘Holy Luna is a place of peace,’ Veloz might say if he could truly talk, ‘but Earth is a world at war, and my ancestors here fought for their mates, their flowers, their place in the trees and on the tree of life! Now, brother, it is YOUR turn to fight for your mate!’

Aloud, Veloz just squeaks a rather loud squeak.

“Understood,” you murmur. “Thank you.”

“Wow, Ez!” Costella gushes, staring up at where you hover, <Wildshaped> alongside your new familiar. “You’re… Beautiful!’

You have no time to return the compliment. Veloz zooms off, a screaming silver arrow, and you launch yourself after him, flying east as fast as your wings can carry you.
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turn that frown upside down, narrator

Being truly <attuned> to Veloz, you can understand him properly now, and he you. There is no need for words between you, especially not when you are <wildshaped> as you currently are. You have seen what he saw. You know the culprits behind the kidnapping and theft, and Veloz now shares YOUR certainty as to their heading.

Who knows of your trip to Holy Luna, and communes with the deity who would retrieve your secrets? Who is enemy to the Unseelie Fey, who your research stands to benefit? Who can move with subtlety and stealth, see by starlight, and evade even the arcane eyes of your Rite-blessed followers at Old maple Hill? Who knows to wait for winter, to evade the True Fey of the spriggan’s court? And who can cast a spell like <Pass Without Trace> to hide their tracks as they travel eartward?

Who, for all their infuriating meddling and prophecy-fueled fear, would hesitate to kill Izzy in cold blood?

You spy them first by their trackways, where their spell faltered and failed. Little specs of shadow-grey upon the spreading, sparkling pristine white alert you to their direction On curly-toed winter moccasins, the small squad makes their way. They travel in close quarters, single or double-file as the travel permits—or so your amateur eyes surmise from the tightness of the tracks, and your resultant inability to guess at their numbers. Still, you know there won’t be man, for the Sylvan realsm have no true, offensive army.


…And there they are. In the distance, the Woodland rangers. You recognize their characteristic folded-leaf hats, kept alive by the blessed alchemy of the fair folk—your mother’s folk. Patches of springtime green and rank-identifying flowers spring up amongst the ice, though the rest of their attire is hidden by cloaks of winter-appropriate plumage, no doubt plucked with great reverence from many birds, so that none were harmed overmuch and could not fly away. One among them instead wears different attire—priestly attire. You recognize the antlers and unblemished fur of a sacred sylvan elk bundled about the elf in question.

It is he (or she, or they if they be wiuligar) who carries Izirina’s limp form in their arms, while two rangers close at hand each carry closed-topped, woven baskets which you suspect to hold the stolen berry-bushes.

>…12 is not enough

Damn it all, though, they have a tremendous lead on you. They move with swiftness which no human could match even in snowshoes, thanks to their elven grace and their ranger training—and, no doubt, some native Feycraft, beyond what you inherited. You could catch up to them, in your current form…
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But it would take a long while, and you would be facing their force—a force of eight, including their cleric-alone.

Veloz squeaks in annoyance at that thought, and you amend: not alone, but still VASTLY outnumbered.

>2/4 MP (not 5 because no staff or location-attunement bonus at the moment)

You also expended some magic in your search, your attunement to Veloz, and your pursuit. You haven’t had time to recoup it all, and could not bring your staff with you in this fully-avian form you assumed for maximum speed. Your wand, though… That, could be tucked into your enchanted, lunar cloak, and could be summoned back to your hand by shifting forms. You wouldn’t be HELPLESS, by any means…

Just at a huge disadvantage.

What will you do?
>Continue to pursue the elves from a distance, landing when they rest and attempting to sneak near
>Send Veloz ahead, and use him to cast a spell, so as to slow them down and sow confusion [which spell?]
>Confront them directly, demanding and explanation and the return of your girlfriend and your crops
>Return to Old Maple Hill to rest, regroup, and plan an approach… Though it will likely mean the elves will reach the Sylvan Realms before you can catch them again
>Confront them directly, demanding and explanation and the return of your girlfriend and your crops
At least just the girlfriend
>Continue to pursue the elves from a distance, landing when they rest and attempting to sneak near
confronting them isn't an option and I'm not sure we can mog them into submission, so tight ass time it is.
>Continue to pursue the elves from a distance, landing when they rest and attempting to sneak near
We can’t take all eight of them. Not right now. And they can offend us from further away.

We have two MP and no staff. It’s not a good look.
>Continue to pursue the elves from a distance, landing when they rest and attempting to sneak near

They have speed but not infinite stamina, they'll have to rest and make camp eventually.

when they do we will only need to take out their sentries instead of all 8.
I really don’t know about the cleric. He sounds like trouble. We might need to take him out too.
>>Continue to pursue the elves from a distance, landing when they rest and attempting to sneak near

Step 1 : Kill Sentret
Step 2 : Free Izzy
Step 3 : Sandswim with Bushberries while Izzy let all hell break lose.
Chad birb.

You're insistent on pushing Tips into working for the Dark Gods, aren't you?

>Continue to pursue the elves from a distance, landing when they rest and attempting to sneak near
All we need is get Izzy conscious, and she can teleport us and the bushes out.
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>You're insistent on pushing Tips into working for the Dark Gods, aren't you?
[Not sure what you mean, anon. You found them without making any divine alliances, after all.]

[Sand-Swimming allows you to move through loose earth and soil. You could try to 'reverse engineer' it to eork through frozen water, but it doesn't function in other media the same way by default. Creating a variant of spell like that is possible, but doing so on the fly is a high DC indeed.]
mon jumpscare
It was because of the "Kill Sentret" typo>>6035505
Rolled 3, 2, 1, 10, 20, 16 = 52 (6d20)

You want to get those berry bushes back, but more than anything else, you NEED to retrieve Izirina. If you could achieve this with lethal force, right then and there, you think you might… But you’d rather not, if you don’t have to. More importantly, you’re pretty sure you COULDN’T. With half your aura expended, and eight adversaries, you stand no chance in a head-on confrontation. No, you’ll need to be clever about this.

You signal Veloz across your mental spiritual link, and together you fall back. You’re small, but you’re both fairy-animals, and rather out-of-place; it won’t do to attract attention. Instead, you follow from a safe distance. Night turns to dawn, and still you hum along after them, dipping low whenever the elves’ eyes turn your way. It’s not restful, exactly…

>3/4 MP

…But when the Rangers stop to rest, you do likewise. It’s a sleepless rest, little more than a brief meditation, but it’s all you’ll get. Luckily, Izirina and yourself practiced some form of oriental focusing-technique that seems to achieve something. Or is it just the fear-driven focus brought about by the thought of losing the woman with whom you spent all those afternoons practicing?

[Sense Motive roll to gain an advantage to your approach]
You observe the elves for a time, from where you are hidden. You shuck your cloak and tunic alike, shivering through the icy winds of winter in your white lunar shirt and pants, to better blend in. Laying flat, creeping closer still, you stalk your prey like a hunter, to avoid their watchful eyes while discovering their vulnerabilities.


Izirina is clearly under a <Sleep> spell, which clues you into the spellcraft of the antler-crowned priest. They must be an illusionist, at least in part, to affect such a spell. You observe them casting that same spell to force their Rangers to sleep under light of day. It’s a difficulty you know well—even as a half-human, you struggle to sleep during the day or remain awake at night. The circadian rhythm of a full-blooded elf, attuned to Holy Sol and Holy Luna—is far more pronounced. Already knowing what must come next, you observe the priest produce two potions to invigorate those unlucky elves chosen to be sentries—this must be how they remained alert and active all through the night.

“Interesting,” you mutter to yourself.

You feel faintly villainous as you peer through slitted eyes at these elfmen and elfmaids, you kin and countrymen, with hostile intent… But then, the priest removes the tops of his baskets, revealing the moonbery bushes which you have invested so much time, energy, and hope to cultivate—which might spur untold arcane advances, for the good of the whole world! You see them, withered and wilting without your care, and feel a surge of outrage.

And then Izzy groans in her troubled sleep, bothered by dreams from which she cannot awaken, and your will crystalizes.

The elven priest lays back upon the snow, using their overstuffed pack as a pillow. They perform a series of rapid gestures over the pilfered plant-life, and you observe an aura of magic twinkling across the leaves and stalks of your berries, protecting them somewhat from hoarfrost while they take in the sun’s rays. That’s good of the holy-elf, but it’s too little and (if you don’t’ get them back, and soon) it may be too late. Only you and Izzy know how to care for these berries, here on Earth… But if that’s why they kidnapped Izirina Henzler, they’re clearly to afraid of her reaction to awaken her out here, in the open where she can escape.

Well, they’re not going to like what you do next, then, are they?

What ARE you going to do next?
>Lure out the sentries and hit them with Magic Missile
>Create a Sanctuary to force negotiations, before they notice you’re here
>Summon an elemental [what kind? How much MP?] for a full-on assault while you grab the berries
>Send Veloz to Izzy, and attempt to awaken her with <Free Senses>
>Creep closer and dose their potions with your green shirin, then fall back and wait
>Create a Sanctuary to force negotiations, before they notice you’re here
They clearly don't want to kill the bushes, and they should have noticed by now that they're dying. We can convince them the only way to save them is to bring them back to Maple Hill where they're attuned.
What does sanctuary do again ?
>Send Veloz to Izzy, and attempt to awaken her with <Free Senses>

Carrying the basket's while running back home might take too long. Izzy is the one with the teleportation and she is stronger than us.

It makes a barrier that protects an area from beings with violent intentions.
Might be confusing it with the DnD spell but it protects creatures inside from being attacked.
I’ll be honest, I don’t think they care about the bushes as much as Izzy. And considering they’re willing to go all this way to kidnap her, travel the whole distance to get to hawksong, convincing them otherwise will be hard. Really hard. And explaining to their superiors why they not only failed to accomplish their objective but also fraternizing with the enemy is going to be quite the difficulty.

From the looks of things, the illusionist seems to be the heart of this element; he’s responsible for sleep, goodberries maintenance, countering mages.

Hm. Can the elves see us using Aetherial form? If not,

>Use Aetherial form to get pass the two sentries
>Cast Greater Disjunction on cleric
>Cast Free senses on Izzy
Once she wakes up, dimension door to Maple immediately. Grab basket if possible.

It’s a big gamble, but we’re getting Izzy back. I don’t believe we do have the means to kill all seven rangers even with 3 MP.

If they can see us with Aetherial form

>Clone ourself, dress him in the dark clothes
>Lure out the sentries with Veloz, lead them to there
>Cast Greater Disjunction on Cleric
>Free senses on Izzy
Dimension door and GTFO with basket if possible.

am >>6034892

This is me.>>6034521
<Sanctuary>: allows you to denote a space as ‘sacred’, repelling
hostile forces so long as neither you nor anyone within that space attacks

[You can create such a space around yourself, nearby, and render yourself essentially* immune to attack from the outside]

>Can the elves see us using Aetherial form?
[If they think to look, and know how to. It requires Feycraft. A Ranger probably can't do so without considerable effort, if at all. The priest could likely spot you, though.]
hmm, sounds good but the priest could just break it by trying to attack us in case he doesn't wanna listen.
>If they think to look, and know how to. It requires Feycraft. A Ranger probably can't do so without considerable effort, if at all. The priest could likely spot you, though.
Noted. From the passage it appears only the two sentries are awake?
Then I’ll go with the
>Clone ourself, dress him in the dark clothes
make him act like he fell asleep nearby
>Lure out the sentries with Veloz, lead them to there
>Cast Greater Disjunction on Cleric
>Free senses on Izzy

I support this plan >>6035661, except don't cast anything on the cleric. He's asleep, save the MP.
I feel like he’s too big of a threat to not disable. If we just leave him alone they could still come back and could still cast sleep on Izzy again. Either we kill him or sever his magic skills for good.
I don't mean to rain on your parade but i don't think that's how greater disjunction works.

It breaks magical transformations/spells and items and buffs.

The cleric is a regular living person. If he was a magical construct or a golem or maybe even a demon binding warlock. I could see greater disjunction working on the elf. But what active magical effect are we even disjoining?
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His ability to cast magic spells like sleep - seems to me that’s the reason she got izzy.
Well ill be damned. It seems like since it specifically mentions mage we can infact dramatically weaken someones spellcasting abilities.

In that case ill change my vote.

>Have Veloz use aethrial form.
>Send Veloz to cast Greater Disjunction on Cleric.
>Send to Veloz to cast Free senses on Izzy

Don't why we need the clone distraction though. We can cast all our spells into and threw Veloz and communicate with him telepathically.

His nature as a small and fast humming bird make him more suited to infiltrating the camp than we are.
Oh shit you’re right. We can cast touch spells through veloz now.

Then yeah I’ll do this one.
Bold of you to assume it was a typo
You sir have my support. However, won't Disjunction fuck up the Sleep spell on the sleeping elves?
It says “instantly ending or preventing transformations and illusions.”

I don’t think sleep is considered that?
solid plan, anon
I'll switch to this too
Tips assumed he was an illusionist because of the sleep spell, are you sure about that?
Hm. In that case, we free sense her first, tell her to get the basket and prep a dimension door, then we hit the greater disjunction?
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Rolled 19, 9, 10, 9 = 47 (4d20)


The obvious play, and the first one that spring to your mind, is to approach directly, either shielded by <Sanctuary> or hidden from mundane sight by the assumption of your <Improved Aethereal Form>. A Sanctuary spell would require you to remain in-place, though, within a protective circle; if the Woodland Rangers refused to engage, you’d be stuck stock-still, or forced to exit the circle’s protection. As for the latter… Well, even if the Rangers can’t see you, their clerical companion likely can, or could with some effort. It’s too big a risk…

At least, it is for you.

“Veloz?” you whisper.

Veloz chirps, a single quick till of consent. You close your eyes, feeling your way mentally along the metaphysical thread which connects your two spirits across the Dreamscape. You reach out with your fingers as if to feel it, grasping at empty air in the material world as you do so. You feel the thrum of interconnected aura, like a more tangible and direct form of the vague but everpresent affinity you have for Costella and for Izirina. Veloz flutters into the air, and you ‘pluck’ upon this string, as your hands and lips form the verbal and somatic components of a spell:

“<Aethereal Form>”

Veloz vanishes from the material plane, instantly blinking out of conventional existence. At least, that’s how it seems, to those without the senses to see him. It takes you only a quick blink and a subtle shift in mindset to perceive him plain as day, glittering with the effervescence of immateriality.

>2/4 MP

“Go,” you whisper, too quiet to hear… And yet he does, perceiving you otherwise. You watch him zip away, and hold your breath.

Perhaps the elven priest will have their eyes open, their senses attuned to the spiritual dimension of reality… But even if they do, Veloz is still much smaller, and faster, and more graceful in the air than are you.

“You can do this,” you say, as if in prayer (or prophecy) that it be true.

[Veloz has 3 dice for aerial manoeuvres, and gains an extra one for your casting. For the clever write-in, DC is only 13.]
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Your heart hammers as Veloz flies by the sentries. He does not stop or slow, and yet he seems to move sluggishly through the air as the instant passes like an eternity…


…But they do not see him. You release your held breath, resisting the urge to pump a fist in victory. After all, the real challenge is the cleric! A moment later, though, your anxiety about this elf roves equally-unfounded: either they are asleep or otherwise occupied, perhaps in meditation. Peering through Veloz’ eyes, you see they are masked, a sunforged mask of gold in vague effigy of stern visage staring from under the scalp of the sacred deer which fashioned their cloak; if their eyes are pen or closed, they are hidden in shadow, and do not turn to follow your bird friend.

Veloz flits quickly to Izirina, hovering above her next. You gaze down upon her through your soul-link, watching her sleep. It is a more peaceful sleep than you have ever seen from her, save perhaps after a particularly exhaustion session’ in your days of experimenting in the Neme oasis. Under other circumstances, it would fill your heart with warmth, and you would leave her to her rest…

“Sorry, Izzy,” your murmur, and send the signal.

>1/4 MP

Veloz descends, dropping like a stone to bounce upon Izirina’s abdomen. It is a single, brief impact, but as you speak the arcane syllables and weave the spell in pen air form your hidden vantage to <Free> her <Senses>, Izzy comes alive as if animated by electric shock. Her eyes flare to life, unhidden by her abandoned eyeglasses, left in your tent. She gasps, sitting bolt upright, and you wonder if perhaps her sleep was not so peaceable as it seemed.

“Damnit!” You scoot through the snow, shifting into a crouching position and opening your eyes to utilize your own senses anew. You turn to face the sentries, wondering if they have noticed Izirina’s rude awakening…

You want a 1
Your stomach drops as you see one whirl about towards the source of the sound.

>2: the guards hear Izzy awaken

The guard nudged his fellow with his knuckles, and produces a keen elven rapier even as she says something. You can’t quite make out the words, though your ears twitch to do so. It likely doesn’t matter, you recognize what’s happening. It is a matter of moment—less than a second or two, you suspect—before one or both elfmen shout an alarm, to rouse their companions… Cleric included.

You still have the initiative, though.

What will you do?
>Draw your wand and open fire with <Magic Missile> upon the sentries
[DC 14 to incapacitate one, DC 16 to incapacitate both, chance of fatality]
>Stick with your original plan: <Greater Disjunction> upon the cleric
[DC 15, but counts as Feycraft; results speculative, but likely to be quite effective]
>Shout to Izirina to teleport away with the berries
[Draws attention to you, leaves you exposed]
>Have Veloz serve as a distraction
[Makes Veloz the primary target... If it works]
>Stick with your original plan: <Greater Disjunction> upon the cleric
he's the bigger fish and attacking the guards will alert him anyway so let's focus on him. Izzy can get us out then.
>Shout to Izzy to teleport away with the berries
>Stick with your original plan: <Greater Disjunction> upon the cleric
We don’t need him putting her to sleep again.
>Draw your wand and open fire with <Magic Missile> upon the sentries

Eliminate sentrets.
>Have Veloz serve as a distraction
Shit. Should've used Clone after all.
We’d have 0 MP. If things still went wrong, as is often the case, we’d be in a way worse situation.
[No clear majority choice yet. I'll leave this for an hour and then start writing.]
Rolled 4, 4, 7, 5, 18, 17 = 55 (6d20)

You grit your teeth and will yourself t stay still, and as close to silent as you can while casting. You want run in there, to distract to disable the guards, to tell Izzy to flee, to do SOMETHING direct and immediate… But your first plan is still the best. The priest’s divine magic and (perhaps?) practiced Illusion-school arcana are the greatest threat among the eight elves. They must be disabled.

“Veloz,” you whisper.

The hummingbird chirrups a warrior’s cry, albeit high-pitched and faintly adorable, and streaks towards the holy-elf in the antlered headdress. You quickly move your hands, fingers a flurry of motion and wrists rotating as you subtly shift you feet and finally speak the syllable:


>0/4 MP
Rolled 3, 18, 7, 9, 5 = 42 (5d20)

You close your eyes as you cast the spell, and feel the last of your excess energies exit your body. The aura flows along your invisible connection to your familiar; through his eyes, you see it explode forth in a verse-rainbow of colour, visible as violet light to the uninitiated. From within the mask of your target, you see pearly eyes illuminated in pale flesh…


…And then the priest screams. They had been climbing to their feet, but they fall limp, spasmatic. It’s a more severe reaction than you expected. You feel a pang of guilt, for to assault a priest of the fair folk in this way is truly a sinful thing. You may have no dealings with Dark Gods, but what you are doing here will surely hamper any efforts to reconcile with your homeland and its peoples… or those Celestial Gods on Holy Luna.

(One crisis at a time.)

None of that matters right now. What matters is that the priest is disabled, and Izzy is awake and alert. As for the rest of the sleeping Rangers, they stir but groggily. The <Sleep> spell is broken, you suspect, and curse yourself for not realizing that you could have saved yourself some aura by changing the order of operations and casting <Greater Disjunction> upon the cleric first and foremost. At the same time, another thought occurs to you, gripping you with fear: the protective, preserving spellcraft the masked-and-antlered figure cast upon your plants will be fading, likewise.

You open your eyes again, abandoning Veloz’s senses for your own perspective. The sentries who were already awake and on-guard are quickly upon Izirina. You stand up, and reach for your wand… Then curse yourself again. You can’t do ANYTHING right now, not really. Any spell-slinging would see you exhausted and possibly unconscious, as you’d be drawing upon your own vital life-energies.

Luckily for you, then, Izirina Henzler has just had a nice, long rest.

“<SUMMON ELEMENTAL!>” she screams, voice trembling with panic and fury, but the words still pregnant with power.

The snow around you rises, as if ascending back from whence it came. It begins to swirl together, massing around a sparking, flashing orb of blue-white light which manifests above the camp. Ice crystals form into jagged shrapnel, the Woodland Rangers cry out in pain and startlement as the shards of wicked winter scrape their skin and winds toss them this way and that. A curling, swirling mass of snow and ice forms from wind and water, as matter and energy from this plane intermingles with that called forth from beyond. A living sculpture, like some awful primeval nightmare shaped from ice and snow, hovers in foetal position above the ground, staring down through unseeing crystal-eyes. You reocgnzie its shape when its wings spread, and its long, toothy maw opens in a grimace:


roll for next post.
Very nice
>The <Sleep> spell is broken, you suspect, and curse yourself for not realizing that you could have saved yourself some aura by changing the order of operations and casting <Greater Disjunction> upon the cleric first and foremost.

Damn it. We had it right the first time around!
Not a TRUE dragon, but the shape thereof: a snow-dragon, shaped from Izirina’s subconscious fear and loathing, and empowered by Elemental forces from distant planes. It is part Air and part Water, at least, and by its size—easily fifty feet long, and with a wingspan twice that blocking out the sun, you take it to be Tier Five: the mightiest sort of elemental one can conventionally summon. Knowing only the second tier of that spell-tree, you know that to summon such a thing would drain you instantly of all magic, and create a rampaging monster over which you have no control.

“Izzy,” you groan. “What did you DO?”

Izirina falls to her hands and knees, breathing hard with exertion and arcane feedback-shock—typical from such a monumental upcast. She looks up, gazing upon her creation with an expression you can’t quite parse. You start to utter a prayer that she can keep control of this thing. If anyone you know COULD, it would be Izzy… Right?

Izirina Henzler rises to her feet, brushing white snow off her black cloak. You are reminded of tales of witches and wizards—those ancestors of modern magecraft, who channeled forces beyond their intellectual comprehension through feeling and intuition alone, and so often went mad with power. There’s something about her stance, standing tall yet wobbling, wavering, eyes wide and hands held to the sky…


…But she is no madwoman. Or, well, at least it’s a CONTROLLED craziness. Izirina lowers her hands, and the dragon-shaped elemental closes its wings. The blotted out sun returns, and glistens through the crystal form of the great, white beast which now stares down at the terrified Woodland Rangers. Tehya re no cowards, of course, but you cant’ fault them their failure to strike—not when they are gazing upon the very embodiment of ancestral nightmare, made manifest in a single instant.

You stand up, and cry out: “Izirina!”

Her head turns to you, as do the faces of the elves. You rush to meet her, and not elf moves to stop you, simply watching as you and she jog towards one another and meet in a sudden impact and embrace, your face buried in her neck, and her red-brown hair billowing freely around you.

“You came for me,” she says. “Y-you saved me.”

“Of course,” you tell her. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She pauses, and with a croak in her voice, she adds: “I’m sorry I’m… I’m such trouble.”

“Don’t be stupid,” you lightly chastise her.

(After all, this one isn’t really her fault.)

As for where fault does lie, and what should be done about it… Well, that’s to be seen. The elven rangers are mustered together, having recovered some of their composure and fully awakened themselves. If you linger here, there will be a fight… Albeit a fight you’re fairly confident Izirina’s elemental could easily win.

But there would be blood.
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If these rangers fight what Izirina has created, they will be crippled, or killed. There is no ‘gentle touch’ which such a monstrous manifestation of magical might can deliver. You glance at the fallen priest, no longer herking and jerking about, but still, and taking too-long breaths, and you wonder grimly if it might not already be too late for them.

“We should go,” you say without conviction.

“If they leave, they’ll come back again,” Izzy replies levelly. “With greater numbers. Better equipment.”


“And if they tell the elves what happened, you’ll never be allowed back home,” Izzy adds quickly. “Tips, your people… Your mother…”

You close your mouth, and chew your lip.


What will you do?
>Unleash the snow-dragon upon these Sylvan soldiers, and slay them
>Take a <Dimension Door>, and leave them be
><Stabilize> the elven priest, as a gesture of goodwill, and request to be left alone
>Unleash the snow-dragon upon these Sylvan soldiers, and slay them
They pulled a sword on us. We already crippled their priest. There’s no going back from this.

Make sure their bodies are destroyed so thoroughly they can’t be recognized. Have the goodberry retrieved before we kill them, if that is possible.
><Stabilize> the elven priest, as a gesture of goodwill, and request to be left alone

I'll reformulate: you're insistent on pushing Tips away from the Gods of Light, aren't you?
>you're insistent on pushing Tips away from the Gods of Light, aren't you?
[I didn't choose that path. Anons did. I merely write the Sylvan Realms and Gods of Light as responding in an in-character way to the things Tips has done.]
They pushed us away first.

I’ll be honest, this option doesn’t seem good for anyone. See >>6035633
>><Stabilize> the elven priest, as a gesture of goodwill, and request to be left alone
You chose that character for them.
IIRC the start of this trend was them trying to trap us on the Moon in response to what, the players considering predators a part of the ecosystem? I can't see this as an antagonistic action on the players' part.
[If the players have a philosophical disagreement with the vision which the Moon Goddesses have for the world, then that's fine. If they want to grow divine crops on Earth, that's also fine. Defying prophecies for love of Izzy or love of personal freedom, or because they think the predictive methodology is flawed? That's fine. Free a draconic monster from prison for the sake of peace or Izzy's agreements with the Nothic? Also fine. It also would have been fine to break up with or attempt to proselytize Izzy, to turn from that path and try to make amends with the Council of Elders or the Gods at any time, to stay on Holy Luna for another year while learning more magic and trying to convince the Goddesses to see things your way, or any number of other things.]

[If you feel this path is the only path that makes sense and suits you, or your interpretation of Tips, then more power to you. Maybe you just don't like the Gods of Light, agree with their ideology, or think their beliefs are a good match for Tips. I had notes for other ways this quest could have gone. It just didn't go that way. if your assertion is that I'm trying to force things a certain direction, no. I just pick your antagonists and sources of conflict from among the most plausible sources, in keeping with their attitudes and objective, and roll with what (you) all do.]
>Take a <Dimension Door>, and leave them be
killing them feels like a step to far, even with them kidnapping Izzy and I doubt we'd manage to convince them with stabilizing their priest.
that doesn't seem like the case, specially since the dark god(s) shown wasn't done under a sympathetic light
>Tips stole a physical goodberry bush from the Holy of Holies in his culture
>Religious fanatics are after us for our stolen artifact
>They take our partner who HAS worked with the dark gods
Let us examine this
Buddy, we as the players did this, and we as the players have steered Tips away from that shit plenty, unfortunately were going to get more opportunities most likely as one of our strenious allies happens to be pope of the dark gods, and one of our Girlfriends is his sister
oh yeah and his other sister is now 2 sisters and 1 is a literal demon and the other a Nilbog, also from us
>Unleash the snow-dragon upon these Sylvan soldiers, and slay them.

Fuck these elves, they threaten to attack and arrest us in the sylvan realms inspite of the fact that we were official diplomats.

They slander our name to anyone one who can listen, they stalk our home in the dead of night and rob us and kidnap izzy.

We own these brigands nothing, especially not mercy.
><Stabilize> the elven priest, as a gesture of goodwill, and request to be left alone
They were careful not to harm a single person doing this, why do anons want to be the first one to draw blood?
A mix of power hunger and tbf we didn’t have much room for it the first time around. I still find it a step too far, but seems like we’ll cross the visible point of no return considering the majority of votes.
>They were careful not to harm a single person doing this, why do anons want to be the first one to draw blood?

What are you talking about? You think those weapons they are brandishing are for show?

They have used non-lethal methods so far. Because that's what their mission required. If had they started killing citizens within hawksong the paladins would have hunted them down.

Now that we are beyond the power of the city on the open abandoned road they are more than willing to fight and attack us.

>As for where fault does lie, and what should be done about it… Well, that’s to be seen. The elven rangers are mustered together, having recovered some of their composure and fully awakened themselves. If you linger here, there will be a fight…

That doesn't sound like this squadron offering a surrender to me.

>why do anons want to be the first one to draw blood?

On top off that, back at the elven city they shoot arrows at us and split pearce's stomach open, so they could keep us prisoner. Now they chase us to our home address and we are the ones drawing first blood?

A better question is why do anons want to knock us near unconscious while there are active enemies around us.
>They have used non-lethal methods so far. Because that's what their mission required. If had they started killing citizens within hawksong the paladins would have hunted them down.
Except Maple Hill is explicitly independent and not part of Hawksong

>On top off that, back at the elven city they shoot arrows at us and split pearce's stomach open
You mean the time we were breaking The Unknowable out unlawfully and they pursued? Where Logan was not injured by an arrow, but because he attacked a guard with his sword-cane? That time?
Yeah, we're still the ones drawing first blood.

This is me>>6035897>>6034521
>Except Maple Hill is explicitly independent and not part of Hawksong

No your wrong Maple hill is a land grant via the crown. It very much is still under hawksong's legal jurisdiction. That's why Carolus was attempting to have all our produce labeled as magical. Because magical item vendors have to sell their wares only in the mage initiate village according to hawksong law.

>You mean the time we were breaking The Unknowable out unlawfully and they pursued?

The prison warden released him of his own free volition, We didn't break out anything nore did we violate any laws. Furthermore the guard draw his weapon and intercepted us we did not ambush him.

And frankly they had no legal right to intercept and purse us anyway. Since as I once more emphasis we were there under official diplomatic protection and had broken no laws.

The elves wanted us dead or in chains and we would have had to beg and pled for our freedom. And now they are kidnapping Izzy and had planed to keep her restrained in some dudgeon.
>Tips stole a physical goodberry bush from the Holy of Holies in his culture
Stole? They gave it to us for free.

>They were careful not to harm a single person doing this, why do anons want to be the first one to draw blood?
They tried to harm Izzy. They kidnapped her from our home. We let them go now and they’ll most likely do it again. Just because a kidnapper hasn’t hurt you yet doesn’t mean you’re obligated to forgive them.

>You mean the time we were breaking The Unknowable out unlawfully and they pursued? Where Logan was not injured by an arrow, but because he attacked a guard with his sword-cane? That time?
Yeah, we're still the ones drawing first blood.
Maybe Nenaias shouldn’t have tried to attack diplomats of Hawksong in the first place. They pushed our hand. If he didn’t try to imprison and kill us without trial, without any legal backing, we wouldn’t have tried to escape.
>The prison warden released him of his own free volition
From the prison, not the entire realm. We were still negotiating for the latter. With that in mind:
>We didn't break out anything nore did we violate any laws.
Is incorrect.
>Furthermore the guard draw his weapon and intercepted us we did not ambush him.
Never said we ambushed him, but we did send Pearce in to fight him with a sword cane. Was the guy supposed to just not defend himself when a criminal was charging him with a lethal weapon?

>And frankly they had no legal right to intercept and purse us anyway. Since as I once more emphasis we were there under official diplomatic protection and had broken no laws.
Again, breaking out of the realm vs the prison, yes we did break laws and therefore their actions had legal backing.

>Stole? They gave it to us for free.
Did they know we were taking it off the moon when they gave it to us? Don't think so.

>They tried to harm Izzy.
They could have used much worse means to disable her than a simple sleep spell. They were as gentle as possible.

>Maybe Nenaias shouldn’t have tried to attack diplomats of Hawksong in the first place. They pushed our hand. If he didn’t try to imprison and kill us without trial, without any legal backing, we wouldn’t have tried to escape.
Maybe Nenaias doesn't represent the whole of the Sylvan Realms. Maybe he's just one elf that acted rashly.
>They could have used much worse means to disable her than a simple sleep spell. They were as gentle as possible.
What the fuck are you saying? Oh wow this kidnapper only drugged our love one instead of killing her or torturing her, therefore we shouldn’t hurt them? Come on.

>Maybe Nenaias doesn't represent the whole of the Sylvan Realms. Maybe he's just one elf that acted rashly.
They enabled that kind of behavior. They’re all complicit.
Visible point of no return?
>3 votes for stabilize
>2 votes for kill
>1 vote for door

We’re literally going out of their way to not harm the people trying to kidnap and destroy everything we love.
>What the fuck are you saying? Oh wow this kidnapper only drugged our love one instead of killing her or torturing her, therefore we shouldn’t hurt them? Come on.
Uh, yes? Except it wasn't even drugging. It was a method to subdue her that caused zero harm, zero long term effects. You come on.

>They enabled that kind of behavior. They’re all complicit.
The words of a stable individual.

>the people trying to kidnap and destroy everything we love.
Lmao lay off the shirin dude, you're nuts.
I hate the fact this shit is happening again - we’re doing things then all the sudden we decide to take a half measure in the middle. It’s the same shit with carlos - we could’ve killed him without him and his mates knowing a damned thing about us all the way back in that inn but no, we had to reveal our name and now our business and family is getting molested. Same goes for Nenaias. We gambled on a 3 Calm when that situation has escalated to lethal force.

>Let’s say we choose dimensional door.
The rangers would realize Tips or Izzy did something to the priest. They’d realize he wouldn’t be able to cast sleep or do (much, if any) magic at all; their ability to travel light and subdue threats would be diminished.

Either they
1) push on and continue the original mission [Return to Maple and try to take Izzy & Bush again]
2) retreat back to sylvan realms, where they’d most likely report this activity. [Sylvan realm will send another countermeasure]

This literally does nothing helpful for us.

>What if we stabilize the priest?
Much of the same. Our help doesn’t mean shit when the priest is still unable to do magic - and that’s assuming the rangers actually report us helping them to begin with. We’re just postponing things.

>how will kill resolve the situation?
For starters, if we kill them so thoroughly that their bodies become unrecognizable, the sylvan realm will either think they are dead or they have gone missing somehow. They might think Izzy or Tips could have killed them, but they’re not sure. They have a lot of blanks to fill in. They’ll have to

1) send another element to repeat the same mission of kidnapping izzy
2) spend time to investigate the factors / causes on why they’re missing

Either way, they won’t know it was us right away. We’re still postponing future attacks - mainly because we’re not interacting with the higher ups who could call it off - but by leaving them in the dark, we’re making it a much, much later date.
> Uh, yes? Except it wasn't even drugging. It was a method to subdue her that caused zero harm, zero long term effects. You come on.
Are you daft? You know what I meant. Fuck off with the semantics.

>Lmao lay off the shirin dude, you're nuts.
Fuck off. The Goddberries and Izzy are two parts of Tips’ life which is really goddamned important. You’re resorting to insults now. Your opinion means shit to me and I hope at the very least your retarded option doesn’t get us all killed because every goddamned time the majority votes it’s always some retarded shit.
Your bit never was funny and now you’re actively sabotaging us again. Fuck off.
Look, I realized you won't be convinced when you started spouting school shooter lines and delusional nonsense, so I'll stop trying. I'm sorry life has put you in a position where you think you need to murder fictional characters to feel powerful, and I hope things get better for you.

Also Carlos and his 100 strong barbarian horde was hilarious.
I gave you my piece and this is all you could conjure up. Another insult.
>Unleash the snow-dragon upon these Sylvan soldiers, and slay them
Fuck these guys, genuinely all we have done has been saying fuck off leave us alone, kill em all
damn, you're right. I'm surprised anons prefer stabilizing than getting tfo
>It’s the same shit with carlos
it wasn't, carlos is a little different than what's happening now.
>I gave you my piece and this is all you could conjure up. Another insult.
Alright, sorry, that was a bit much. It genuinely does feel like you're not going to listen to me no matter what I say though. Like you're starting from a goal of killing these guys and working backward to justify it, twisting past events and intentions as needed.
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[Quick point of order: Izirina Henzler (born Lady Rebecca Vaz-Yosef) is the Dragon King's cousin-once-removed, not his sister. His only (half) sibling was Zith-Zi, before you split her in two, and he was totally unaware of her existence.]

[Old Maple Hill is a royal land grant. It's part of the farmland officially administered under Hawksong's direct aegis, rather than a subordinate barony. it's essentially a town with special privileges, and Tips/Costella/Izzy are the town council operating in absence of an official mayor. Or, to put it in the context of my IRL country, it's like a First Nations reservation]

[This is a very close, very tense vote, with major stakes for the endgame of Seekers and beyond. I'd like to encourage everyone to be civil, though I do appreciate your passion. there's nothing an author enjoys more than an appreciate audience who is invested in the story, but we're all friends here. Nobody is a deliberate saboteur.]

[I'm going to leave this vote open until tomorrow morning, or until another (non 1post) ID breaks the tie, or perhaps >>6037248 chooses one or the other major camp or clarifies a second-place preference. In the absence of such clarification, I'm inclined to see the Dimension Door departure option as more compatible with Stabilization than Total Elf Death, especially given Tips' previous decisions and characterization, but I await further feedback.]
With all that's happened, I'll put the Pelinal option as my 2nd favorite since the other one would be basically leaving us to the mercy of an attacking force that's hostile and already see us as enemy. I'd advise you to still wait some more before locking the vote, perhaps the stabilization anons might see this in time and change to escape, who knows. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5ix0_W-ouI
>Take a <Dimension Door>
But while doing this tell them that we are really unhappy with them and that their actions go against the ideal of freedom we expect from the Bonum Chaoticum.

Hoping my ID isnt lost.
[It was.]

[I'll leave this open until tomorrow so post ID anon can backlink if they be legit. If not, we write Ezreal's first killing of a follower of Light.]

If Stabilize doesn't win I'd happily downgrade to getaway portal over the murder and I'm pretty sure that's a common sentiment.
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We shall see.
[Vote's open until tomorrow morning.]
That's a curious way to count

I'm only seeing 3 votes for kill
Tmd+ZgA5 never switched, he just said it was his second favorite
I'm sure the stabilize voters will happily back portal escape if the alternative is killing though, which would be a 4-3 split for portal over killing. 5-3 if latest anon can backlink.

Really unsure why you wouldn't group the nonlethal options here, considering they're vastly closer in intent to each other than unleashing the dragon.
Because stabilize is to remain there and potentially talk
Portal is gone. We gone.

He said this in response to a kill - stabilize tie, and his original vote was to use portal.
[What >>6037799 said. We were tied between Stabilize and Kill. As stated in >>6037657, my instinct was to do as you say: group the nonlethal options together. However, Depart-Anon clarified they'd rather Kill than Stabilize. And so, if it comes down to those two still tied apart from Tmd+ZgA5, the vote swings to Kill. >>6037767 would change that, but only with a valid ID or backlink.]
Well like I said, I firmly believe the stabilize voters would happily switch to portal if the alternative is killing. I would at the very least. Stabilize votes going to portal instead would mean Tmd+ZgA5 never has to switch and portal wins. I hope you give enough time for the other stabilize voters to see what's up and chime in if you're going to treat them as static votes who wouldn't swap in a situation like this.
[They have however long it takes me to sleep, wake up, feed my cat, and boot up my computer tomorrow.]
I am a less regular poster, but I'd like to make sure that we don't unnecessarily cause bloodshed. We should however still make clear that we are angry.
As a Stabilize voter, I would switch to Depart over Kill.
That being said, Stabilize is still my preferred vote.
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[Unfortunately, backlighting to another one-post ID with no history doesn't really help.]

[This is noted, though.]

[Locked and writing.]
Rolled 18, 14, 9, 10, 4 = 55 (5d20)


“I KNOW!” you shout back.

The elven rangers are advancing now, swords drawn, faces set. You can see a grim resolution in their stances. It’s a mirror of your own, you’re sure. Elves do not kill elves—it is one of the things which make them (you?) distinct from men. The dark elves of Bloodrise… Theya re an exception, an anomaly. It is a rare, rare thing for even bitterest enemies among the Sylvanfolk to take one another’s lives.

But you are not only an elf.

“Do it,” you spit, turning your face. “Kill them.”

Izirina takes a deep, shuddering breath. You’re almost as perturbed by that as the words which just came out of your mouth. Somehow, you’d thought she would not hesitate.


Thus comes the war-cry of the Woodland Rangers, their acute hearing having no doubt picked up your own words. They shift into a run, unfettered by the deep, soft snow even now. They are fast, faster than Man, but Izirina doesn’t need to be faster: she stretches out a hand, and her summoned dragon-fascimile stretches its wings wide open in kind. The sun is blotted out once more, and when the elemental beast’s mouth opens, the wind that rushes forth from between its icicle-teeth is the freezing force of the Plane of Air cool ‘cross that of Water, and crackling with the unearthly lightning born of Fire. It is a cosmic storm.

There are 8 elves. Izzy's suped-up elemental rolls 5d20; for every point its roll exceeds 12, an elf dies instantly.
Rolled 15, 17, 8, 3 = 43 (4d20)

A wail of wind suppresses the screams, yet still you hear them. They are brief, but each and every one hurts your heart.

How much worse will it hurt, when the screaming STOPS?

Sslig'ne l'm'thain!” shouts one of the Rangers, an elf-maid.

Nau! Elgg l'faernen!i]” cries another.

Their debate, whether to protect their priest or kill the two of you as a means to save their companions, is rendered quickly moot: the priest, helpless upon the ground, is the first to be swallowed up by the instantaneous, electrified blizzard. When it clears, you do not even know what became of them—whether they were already dead or dying, or whether the elemental assault ended their life. You only know they are gone, completely and utterly.

Those who rushed to their holy-elf’s defence stand as monuments to duty, and to folly: they stand stock-still where they perished Some have swords raised, or cloaks and bucklers thrown up in vain defence against that which no mere arms can defend against. Most are missing one or more limbs, frozen solid and then blown off and apart, send scattering across the ground or through open air, like a flurry of carnation petals. Whatever enchantments or native spell-resistances they had were nothing against such fury.

Courage roll; DC 16, +1 for elven empathy and -2 for ego increases. Total DC: 15.
now we've earned that edgy tips look
damnit, fucked the formatting

You feel sick. You open your mouth and pitch forward, as if to vomit, but nothing comes out. Your head feels empty, yet heavy. Yu want to look away; you can’t look away. You want to take it all back, to have never issued that order or granted that permission, but you can’t.

“Why did you make me do this?!” you scream at the dead. “WHY?! I never did anything to any of you! “


“Aren’t we supposed to be Children of the Gods of Freedom?! All we wanted was to be left alone! To help people!”

“Tips! Look out!”


Izirina’s voice breaks your momentary madness, in time to see two of the rangers stir. They rise, like revenants, and you take a step back and quickly draw you wand (for all the good it will do, without aura to empower it).

The Rangers come charging towards you and Izirina, but you are not caught off-guard, and so you quickly dart back, stumbling through the snow with un-elven clumsiness. It wouldn’t be enough to save you, normally, if you were not alone… But you’re not alone. Alerted, and able to regain your composure, your scramble backwards buys precious second.

Thrityh!” they cry, again, but it has the cadence of a death-knell, for they know what is coming.

The massive foot of the titanic elemental comes down upon them, a stomp-turned-swipe that crushes them to meaty mulch and hurls what remains in a wide swathe across the landscape.

You stare. You do not look away. You tremble, but do not fall.

You turn to Izirina.

“Let’s go,” you say, voice hoarse.

“We should… Cover them up,” she says. “Blow them away, scatter them. Make them… Unrecognziable.”

You can’t bring yourself to say anything to that. You merely nod, and go to gather the two wicker baskets in which these elves had kept that which they guarded so jealously, on behalf of your—their—gods. Those gods… They’ll never take you back after this, you realize. Even if no one else learns of what you did here, the moon and sun have seen it—so goes the old elven aphorism, after all. You hope (not pray) it is not LIETRAL, and suspect from your visit to Holy Luna that it must not be; their magical devices did not seem so precise. Even so, you feel it in your spirit: the sacred spaces of the Heavenly Realms, at least those reserved for dutiful servants of Sun and Moon, are no longer a safe and welcome place for you.

Veloz who had hovered above this carnage, descends to bring you comfort, flitting about your vision as if to ‘help’ you lift the heavy, soil-filled containers. You check the leaves for degradation, stroking them gently as if to comfort them. The wind whips up again in another draconic wail, as Izirina Henzler destroys the evidence of what you two have done here. You shut your eyes, but cannot close your ears.
You stand up, and turn to face Izzy. She is facing you, too. The dragon-elemental is gone and, with a flick of her wand and a few murmured words, a <Dimension Door> appears, large enough to allow you both to walk abreast through it.



Izirina takes one of the baskets from you. Her elbow brushes yours, as she huddles close—not for warmth, but for comfort. Yours? Hers? Both? Her expression gives little away, but you feel grateful for her presence, nevertheless.

You step through the mystic gateway, and arrive at Old Maple Hill once more, where your worried fellowship of feytouched men and woman await you, and take the burden of the planters from you. Costella embraces you—both of you—and you three hold one another for a time, until the hurting stops.

In the days and weeks that follow, you busy yourself with the tasks of daily life. You replant the berry bushes and, with careful cultivation, restore them to some measure of vigor. You dance and sing about them with Costella, sometimes joined by others from your encampment—the songs of your people, a people whom you hope to one day return to. Izirina’s fire elementals keep them warm, and in time her earth elementals help to install the glass, carrying it through her portals from the glazier’s. Finally, you can rest easy... or try to, anyway.

You and your lovers retire to your tent where, in stops and starts, you reconstruct your trust, and love. It is a struggle at times, with sexual relations at a standstill for a while, but each of the women seems dedicated to the effort, and so are you. Maybe it’s the sense of loss you feel for your innocence as an elf, but you refuse to let this winter claim this last bastion of family—maybe, one day, even of home. Eventually you and Izirina do indeed turn to the arcane arts to further attune her sensual appreciation to Costella’s own scent.

Things are easier after that, even if the dynamic seems to shift: Izirina, her sexual urges subordinated to your own and to Costella’s, becomes notably more subordinate in her lovemaking, reactive rather than proactive. She seems to enjoy it, though—attests that she DOES enjoy it—and the two of you lavish her with praises and caresses, holding her down and taking turns expressing your love while she squirms and moans.

By day, though, she is still quiet. Izirina Henzler, ever headstrong and often distant, retreats within herself. As winter melts to spring, a brittle iciness remains. She is not rude, or cruel, but you often catch her gazing at nothing, still as if frozen. Whether it be empathy or your attunement to her, you feel a chilliness seize hold of your own intestines whenever you see her like that, and you hear the echoes of the roaring storm and the silence of the unmarked graves.
Do the two of you ever tell anyone of what happened out on the snow, in whole or in part?
>Yes, you share it with Costella, and find comfort in her understanding
>Yes, you contact the Queen of Hawksong, to seek her protection

>No, you keep that secret to yourselves…
>>And pretend it never happened, hoping the Sylvan Realms will never discover it, and will leave you be
>>But you take precautions, finally taking Izirina up on her idea of elementally-infusing Adolf and a few others to serve as defenders of the hill

>Eventually you and Izirina do indeed turn to the arcane arts to further attune her sensual appreciation to Costella’s own scent.
wait, why did that happen "off screen" ?
>But you take precautions, finally taking Izirina up on her idea of elementally-infusing Adolf and a few others to serve as defenders of the hill
I'd tell the queen, but I don't wanna give Biggus Dickus an excuse to attack the silver lands
>wait, why did that happen "off screen" ?
[Because I couldn't think of anything to add to the discussions and reflections which the three characters had already had on the subject, apart from a tender sex scene perhaps, and this is the SFW Edition of Thread 8.] PuritanAnon and the administrators are always watching
not that, I mean that I thought there'd be still some choice to make Izzy attuned to Cossy's smell as well or not
Izzy agreed and we brought it up with Costella.
like, it seemed like Izzy was gonna go some sort of romanticel way with Costela since she wasn't so keen on sexing her after discovering that it wasn't needed to keep our relationship
yes, we brought it and we had to get cossy since she discovered that izzy didn't love her the same way so I thought there's gonna be some sort of final discussion about it since it seemed like Izzy only suggested it outta fear
[Oh. Well, Izzy was down for it; she's a firm believer in self-improvement through applied arcana and she is still afraid to lose Tips. Tips is down for it, since you guys came up with the idea and have voted to pitch it repeatedly to both women. Costella had misgivings, but you Nat 20'd her on an attempt to persuade her to give this throuple a chance, and in particular to reconsider her feelings about magic being involved in the process. I didn't want to beat a dead horse by making you all debate it with each other (and the characters) AGAIN when that had been affirmed and reaffirmed as Tips' chosen angle.]
I see. makes sense, although it still feels strange somehow.
Well fuck
This is no longer a quest I want to read
just because tips got a killing impulse ?
[It's a difficult thing to relate to, when a major turning-point vote results in a quest going in a direction you like (or can tolerate) but which someone else finds to be a real breaking point. That other anon already seemed to dislike the deviation from the Bonum Chaoticum and tolerance of some Dark-allied individuals, and to be suspicious of me for including the options or aspects of antagonism between Tips and his elven kinfolk. I can understand why this might be a breaking point.]

[I understand, anon, and wish you well. The vote is the vote, though. We're rapidly approaching the end-game of the quest, though, so if you do want to see what becomes of Tips and company, I'd encourage you to check back in. We probably have one or two threads left.]
Can we use chimerism to help guard the hill, like make some magic guard dogs?
[A viable write-in!]
Ah- sorry for missing the previous vote, was bedridden for a bit. I’m sorry we killed the Light bros, even if they threw the first stone. It’s a shame that we keep coming into conflict.

I dunno about keeping secrets, still outta it, but I’ll trust the anons in this instance.
>wait, why did that happen "off screen"?

I believe it’s because of >>6031863 one of the ideas was to use magic and because of the nat20 it went through
>Yes, you share it with Costella, and find comfort in her understanding
>Yes, you contact the Queen of Hawksong, to seek her protection

We shouldn't keep secrets from Costella, and the queen's child was also a part of the prophecy so we should tell her as well. In case the slyvan's council decides to escalate.

>Write-in: You will take precautions, finally taking Izirina up on her idea of elementally-infusing Adolf and a few others to serve as defenders of the hill.


> You'll use your knowledge of living alchemy and bio arcane to create magical war beasts to guard the hill.

Better to have weapons and not need them than to be unprepared. Its an era of high magic and a continental war might break out.

If the sylvan realms is resorting to kidnapping then the whole realm is complicit; this went through multiple people and still was approved. Might as well call in our realm.

[Assuming this isn't a vote...]

[We only have three so far, so I'll leave this open a while longer, 'til tomorrow after work at the latest.]
Nah, just wanted to weigh in- the amount of posts arguments reminds me of the passion of the OG quest, and I just wanted to apologize to the other side for my body failing me in their time of need. Close, nail biting votes by passionate sides resonates with me- and it’s never fun potentially ruining the quest for the others, whether by action or inaction.
>Yes, you share it with Costella, and find comfort in her understanding

>But you take precautions.
Magic Chimeras Elemental guardian go!
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[Locked and writing!]
It had been your hope that, with winter melting to spring, the frost which had crept into your bones and encased Izirina would melt away with the rest. It doesn’t, though. Rather, the blooming of new life serves to remind you of the loss of others’ lives. The pain doesn’t melt away with the warmth of the southwestern breeze; the touch of the sun burns you with shame to see it, and feel it, and know that others no longer can. Costella grows worried for you, sensing something wrong… Yet you cannot bring yourself to speak of what happened. Instead, you focus on the Hill. You focus on the lunar berries, which you braved (and inflicted) death to preserve… The very embodiment of the better tomorrow, to justify the sins of yesterday. And as for Izzy?

“So, like, Iz… What’s going on with you and all those people you’ve got, like running laps and doing psuh-ups and whatever?”

You, Costella, and Izirina are alone in your tent one evening when the subject is broached. You look to Izirina as well, eyebrows raised. Your persistent malaise, and your intense focu,s is such that you hadn’t really noticed. It embarrasses you to realize this, but you’re more curious than you are chagrined.

“I know you’re against it,” Izzy begins, cringing in anticipation of judgement, “but we’re preparing their bodies. Not just their bodies, either… Their wills.”

“For?” you press.

“I wouldn’t do it without your permission,” Izirina says, words tumbling out of her mouth in a frantic torrent. “I haven’t forgotten what… What we talked about. I want you to know that. If all this preparation stops at physical readiness and some aptitude with basic spells-not Feycraft, Tower-taught arcana—then that’s fine! It’s not… I’m not trying to be…”

You exchange a look with Costella, and you both reach out your hands, each of you taking one of Izirina’s.

“Like, deep breaths, Iz.”

“It’s okay,” you assure her. “Just tell us what you’re thinking.”
“We need to be ready,” Izirina says grimly. “The moonberry bushes are going to fruit soon. They’ve doubled in size. By the summer, I suspect we’ll be able to do our first planting, and from there… The number of viable plants could more than double, each year. It will become exponential in short order.”

“You think they’ll return,” you say quietly.

Izirina nods, quickly, face set in solemn stone, while he eyes flash dangerously.

“We don’t know what they’ll do next time,” she says. “What measures they’ll take.”

“Well, like, you scared them off last time, right?” Costella says cheerily. “And they haven’t come back YET, so… Like, maybe that’s it?”

“They came into our territory,” Izirina says, voice raising a little. “They KIDNAPPED me, and who can say what they intended to do, if… If they’d succeeded? And that was over two pants, and that… That PROPHECY.”

She spits the last word like a curse.

“Iz…” Costella begins, frowning and looking concerned. “Don’t you think, like… You’re maybe going a little overboard? You’re talking about that, uh, ‘genasi task force’ thing again, right? Attuning Addy and all those other people to, like, the Plane of Water or Earth, like you are with Air and Fire?”

“It will make them exceptionally effective agents, for infiltration and defence respectively,” Izzy insists, her eyes flitting briefly to you and her determination wavering. “…If we were to… To do so.”

“Well, I think—” Costella begins.

“You’re right.”

Costella looks to you, surprised, and Izirina seems nearly as shocked as she.

“Uh, Ez?” Costella whispers.

“I think…” you begin, and swallow hard, steeling yourself. “I think that’s a good start. But over and above that, we need more. <Pass Without Trace> is an incredible spell for infiltration, put properly to use. Illusion magic in general is a weak-spot, for anyone without <Free Senses> or a similar spell. The senses of Men—even those who’ve undergone the <Rite>—aren’t sensitive enough.”

“Chimeras,” Izirina says simply, with a grim smile. “Like Mother’s.”

“No,” you say. “Better. <Elemental Infusion>, made permanent, could turn even a mundane animal into a formidable defender of the Hill. Just think about what Muffins can accomplish with a bit of Earth and Fire…”

“…But dozens of him,” Izirina finishes, nodding.

Muffins, lazing in the corner, looks up with all three heads at the sound of his name, but quickly loses interest when you have no task nor treat for him. You pat his flank, and he says his heads down and closes two pairs of eyes; the snake still watches you, forked tongue tasting the tension in the air.
“How quickly do you think we could produce them?”

“It depends on if we use <Clone> or not,” you answer Izirina’s inquiry, frowning as an obstacle occurs to you. “And whether we can safely ‘ensoul’ the clones.”

“The berries,” Izzy soles your quandary. “It worked for Zith-Zi.”

“Zith-Zi already had volition,” you point out. “A clone doesn’t…”

“We’ll find a way,” Izirina replies with confidence. “To start off, we can consult with Mother.”

“The Archmage,” you wince. “I don’t know that I want to—"


You and Izirina both turn to Costella, whose face is red, and whose eyes re wide. She takes several deep breaths, and then clutches at her sides, looking shaken.

“What are… Why are you talking like we’re, I don’t know, like… Going to war or something??”

“We aren’t,” you say.

“Hopefully,” Izirina whispers, and you shoot her a look.

“We’re just… Preparing, in case the worst case scenario happens,” you try to reassure Costella.

“But WHY?” she asks again. “Ever since… You know, winter… Since you came back, you’ve been being all, like, WEIRD. And now you’re training soldiers, and… Like, guard-dogs?”

“You don’t understand,” Izirina says.

“Then HELP me understand!” Costella blurts out, looking to you. “Right?? Please?”

You sigh, and look to Izirina, whose furrows but slightly, but who does not speak up to stop you. You turn back to Costella, and nod.

“You’re right,” you say. “I’m sorry, Costella… We should have told you sooner. About… About what happened, out there, when I went o save Izirina.”

And so you do. For the first time since you returned, you admit aloud—to yourself, to the world, and to Costella—what Izirina did. What you were complicit in. Costella’s expression is one of horror, morphing gradually to confusion, and dismay, and finally to a sad understanding.

“…But why?” Costella asks. “I—I mean, I get you, you know? They were threatening you, and they took Izzy, but… Couldn’t we have, like, forced them to surrender and turned them in to the Paladins?”

“It would have been a bigger international incident than their… Disappearance,” Izirina replies. “The lands between Hawksong’s protectorates and the Silver Realms are dangerous. This way.. Anything could have happened to them.”
“But… There had to be, like… Some other way, right?” Costella asks. “The elves in Iterngreyn… They seemed so NICE, despite, you know, what happened there? And even when that, uh, that sage guy attacked you,... You guys healed him, rather than kill him! So... Why? Why was this different?”

It’s a question you’ve asked yourself many, many times, when you awaken in the night from dreams of dead elves’ faces… When you see the glory of Holy Sol, or the thin ring of extraspectral ‘light’ around a New Moon, which only those with a fairy-child’s eyes can see. Now, finally, you find you must answer for yourself.

What is your answer?
>You were angry—angry that your own people, your Gods, kept rejecting you and your ideas out of hand, in hypocritical contradiction of the ideals of Freedom
>You were scared—scared for Izzy, for Old Maple Hill, and for yourself, scared that you’d be captured, or killed, or forever lose your homeland
>You were a fool—you acted impulsively, and have regretted it ever since, but what’s done is done and now you must move forward
>You were right—you’re STILL right, that the future of this world lies in what you are doing here, and that the Earth’s diversity of people and animals can be persevered in the coming Age, and THEY are fools not to see it!
No matter the reason, there is no going back. The Hill MUST be protected. The elves of your homeland are not the only threat. The Drow know of you and of what you are growing here, as does the Dragon King. The Archmage may not know all the particulars, but she is no fool, to be eternally ignorant of such monumental magical undertakings in what might as well be her own backyard. You will soon be making good upon your bargain with the Unseelie Court and that awful ‘Banelight’ who styles herself a fairy queen… And even Hawksong presents a possible difficulty.

Once one friendly realm turns against you, you notice, it is all too easy to see others as enemies, too.

Vote locked to begin enervating and attuning a unit of ‘genasi’ warriors from among the residents of the Hill, plus some task-force of enchanted animal companions for them
Tied vote on whether to seek Hawksong’s protection

Will you offer alliance, and invoke the aid and protection of any other power? It may mean sharing (deliberately or by osmosis and exposure) some of your knowledge, your resources, or even the details of what you have done—of the killings, and more.
>No—Old Maple Hill is your project, and you and your friends can manage it just fine on your own
>You will reach out to Queen Ekaterine of Hawksong, and her holy order of Paladins
>You will reach out to ‘Prince Consort Long Wang’… Or rather, to the Copper Dragon King of Bloodrise
>You will break bread with those black elves who call themselves The Drow, of the hidden city Wevenore
>You will pay a visit to your master, Archmage Theresa Henzler, and seek her aid as an expert combat-Chimericist
>You will deepen ties with the Unseelie Fey—no longer enemies, you might become (sort of) friends, given your mutual adversaries…
>Write-in: Sparing Neieas eventually proved itself to be a mistake. He was the one who shared the details surrounding Izzy to the elven council, which lead to her having a permanent target on her back. Giving out that the same type of mercy second time. When the first instance caused only woe would have been naive and foolhardy.

>You will reach out to Queen Ekaterine of Hawksong, and her holy order of Paladins.

>You will pay a visit to your master, Archmage Theresa Henzler, and seek her aid as an expert combat-Chimericist

The dark elves and the unseelie are cruel, evil and are untrustworthy. An open alliance with theral will cause the elves to be even more radical against us, and will give validation to the libel that we serve darkness. That leaves us with the crown and mage tower.
This is me.
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>And that was over two pants, and that… That PROPHECY.”

>“You don’t understand,” Izirina says
>“Then HELP me understand!”
Holy Katawa Shoujo

It’s time we tell her about the star and the unseelie.

“Costella. I really did not wish to kill an elf. It’s a long standing tradition of ours to not do such. And I followed it. Even when Nenaias intended to kill us. I spent all my magic to subdue him without force.”

“He was out of line. There was no trial, no judge, he captured and assaulted us illegally. We feared for our lives and we tried to flee the realm. Pearce was severely wounded in that process. I couldn’t save him - I was forced into an agreement with the unseelie to save his life. In exchange for saving his life, they asked us for a star - a home. It’s one of the major reasons we went to the goblin wastes.”

“Had I been more decisive, I could have saved Pearce without them.”

“I don’t wish to be misunderstood; I try my damndest to resolve matters peacefully. I scared Carlos off rather than killing him or his folk because I need not to. The matter with the elves was one such situation where deadly force is absolutely necessary; before Izzy summoned that dragon, the sentries were already approaching her location with weapons drawn.”

>You will reach out to Queen Ekaterine of Hawksong, and her holy order of Paladins
>You will reach out to ‘Prince Consort Long Wang’… Or rather, to the Copper Dragon King of Bloodrise
>You will pay a visit to your master, Archmage Theresa Henzler, and seek her aid as an expert combat-Chimericist
We meet with Ekaterine and Theral in private first before any of the paladins get anything.

>You were angry—angry that your own people, your Gods, kept rejecting you and your ideas out of hand, in hypocritical contradiction of the ideals of Freedom
it's done and we'll have to live with it
>You will reach out to Queen Ekaterine of Hawksong, and her holy order of Paladins
>You will reach out to ‘Prince Consort Long Wang’… Or rather, to the Copper Dragon King of Bloodrise
>Holy Katawa Shoujo
that's an interesting phrase
*two plants
[Typo correct cannot save me, when it is still a word.]
Speaking of pants, someone should draw tips with this fit
>waistline obscured by shirt
Picrel >>6034857
[The 'fit' you anons and Indonesian Gentleman came up with is my fave; ie., his current character portrait.]

>Holy Katawa Shoujo
[I also don't know what this means.]
>Katawa Shoujo
Its a romance visual novel where the mc goes to a school for injured/disabled kids since he has severe heart problems.
[Is there a scene where two lesbian lovers exclaim about having trouble understanding one another, though?]
Two best friends one deaf the other her long term interpreter. Get into a conflict because the interpretor help her friend get into a relationship with the mc (because the mc doesn't understand sign language yet.) She later has a breakdown because she ends up developing feeling for the mc, whilst also having unrequited feels for her best friend. So she realizes by helping set them up she may have double cuckolded herself.

Which is kinda similar.

In Katawa Shoujo near the end of Rin route there exist an option - “Then explain” or “I need to understand” - when the MC and Rin have difficulty understanding each other. The former leads to the bad ending while the latter goes to neutral / good. Costella’s wording in >>6039420 reminds me of that.
>you take it to be Tier Five: the mightiest sort of elemental one can conventionally summon.

Besides each step taking more mana what are the tier of elemental? Is the ice elemental in the dragon kings ring a lvl5 or is it lower or higher?

Also do elemental have volition and sentience? The lightning elemental that irillnile ate was willing allies with theral and sometimes had whole conversations with him. But the elemental the mages towers summons seem like automatons.
[Different magical traditions and cultures quantify and categorize magical beings in different ways, n the setting. Some of them are quite subjective and arbitrary, from the perspectives of others, or at least myopic and narrow-minded. The Tower (and 'northmen' in general) have a very 'scientific' approach without a lot of poetry to it, in the current age, especially under Archmage Henzler, who is extremely literal-minded. She (and thus Tips' curriculum) subscribes to a five-tier system, which roughly correlates to the 'kind' of elemental you can summon with each level of <Summon Elemental>]

[Tier 1 is a simple, little sprite or animate magic-ball that can perform simple tasks, pulled from a single plane. It takes effort to even keep it semi-humanoid, and it dissipates quickly without concentration.]

[Tier 2 is a larger accumulation of extraplanar energy, and with the second level of the spell, a mage can pull from two elemental planes to make something like a lightning or ice elemental, or magma as Tips often likes to do for combat.]

[Tier 3 is still larger, can take on more complex shapes, and can be given more advanced commands; they also tend to last longer, and this is the tier where unskilled mages can lose control of their elementals, resulting in them going berserk]

[Tier 4 can draw upon three elemental planes, show very rudimentary autonomy within the span of their commands, and can last extended periods of time.]

[Tier 5 elementals do not 'de-summon' on their own unless overtaxed, and can perform complex and lengthy series of actions at the behest of their masters, and can theoretically be made from materials of all four elemental planes. They're also the largest, most powerful, and at greatest risk of going berserk. It is considered best practice to de-summon them manually as soon as they're done their task.]

[The three elementals Theral had access to in his ring were never categorized this way, both because I hadn't bothered coming up with the idea yet (Doylist explanation) and because Reptilians don't practice Extraplanar Elementalism and don't follow this 'tier' system. As to what tier they'd count as... Maybe 5, or maybe they simply exist outside it. They belonged to the Red Dragon King over 500 years ago, after all... And that was an Era of High Magic.]
>>You were a fool—you acted impulsively, and have regretted it ever since, but what’s done is done and now you must move forward

>No—Old Maple Hill is your project, and you and your friends can manage it just fine on your own
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[Locked and writing!]
Rolled 12, 20, 2, 1, 2, 1 = 38 (6d20)

“I was…”

You were angry—bitterly angry. You’ve struggled to come to terms with that rage, and why you felt it. It had seemed at the time to come out of nowhere. The roots of it went deep, of course. Throughout your childhood, your humanity had always left you feeling a little out-of-step with everyone, and had seen you treated differently. You hardly remember your elven grandparents, who must still be alive, but who only ever met with you and your mother once… Shortly before she sent you away. That same sense of rejection had dogged you for years, left you insecure in your young adulthood. You'd thought you had overcome it, but in the wake of the kidnapping and killings, you had started to suspect that this was an illusion—that what you’d done had been some act of misplaced vengeance, holding the individual Rangers and their Priest culpable for every slight and rejection you’d faced since.

“I was angry,” you conclude. “I was angry at myself.”

Izirina and Costella both look to you, and you sense that Izirina is especially surprised. This conclusion is one you had reached in private, and until now it is one you have kept to yourself. Costella deserves and explanation, though, and Izirina… Izirina has been affected by that day, also, and she too deserves to understand exactly why things happened as they did.

“Costella… I really, really didn’t want things to happen the way that… that they did. I’ve never liked… Death. Killing. Even when Nenaias intended to kill us, when he was WAY out of line, I spent all my magic to subdue him without lethal force. When Pearce was injured, and we were forced to make that bargain with the Unseelie to save him… Even then, I always chose to run, and to try the soft approach. You know that.”

You pause, taking a breath.

“But I was too soft. Maybe… Maybe I always have been, especially with elves. Sparing Nenaias was a mistake. HE’S one who shared the details of that prophecy with the Council of Elders, and put this target on Izzy’s back. And Going there, doing all the negotiation that we did… It drew attention to this hill, to US. To YOU, Costella.”

You take her hands, looking deep into her uncertain eyes.

“You, and Izirina… YOU’RE the only home I’ve ever known. I won’t risk our safety, our future, everything we’ve worked for and believe in, for some… Some CODE that the Sylvan Elves themselves won’t even keep, when push comes to shove! THEY came at ME with swords—at IZZY, and at YOU, and I’M supposed to be the one who holds back, and lets them take another stab at killing us?!”


“Ez,” Costella whimpers, “you’re scaring me.”

You bite back your anger, taking a deep breath, and give Costella’s hands a gentle squeeze before releasing them.

“I never want to do anything like… Like THAT again,” you say, truthfully. “But if I have to, to keep us safe? I’ll do whatever it takes.
When the righteous anger leaves your body, so too does the moral certitude which had buoyed you through your explanation—more a rant, really. You feel your face warm with embarrassment., and avert your gaze…


…But you are not left to stew. You feel a hand take yours, gingerly, and look down to see Izzy’s tanned hand clutching yours. You look up at her, and she smiles a slim smile, one which doesn’t quite reach her eyes yet but which carries a genuine concern. She nods her support. A moment later, Costella take your other one, and squeezing it harder than Izzy does, and smiles wider in spite of the tears streaming down her face.

“We’re in this together,” she says.

“All three of us,” Izirina agrees, without sentiment, as if it were a simple matter of fact. “Forever.”

The three of you embrace, and remain that way for a time. You finally, finally, allow yourself to cry. It isn’t in mourning, though, but in gratitude.

Men and women of Old Maple Hill are empowered, four or five at a time. The ritual is not unlike that which joined you and your two lovers, but it is more refined, more methodical, and the results more measured. Your cousin Adolf is among the first to volunteer, insisting (naturally) upon becoming an artificial ‘earth genasi’, empowered by the extraplanar power of the Plane of Earth.

“A real man should be like a rock,” he lectures you, while you try not to roll your eyes. “He should be strong, unmovable, unwavering.”

“Not strong, like a rushing river?” you half-tease.

Adolf glares, opens his mouth to argue against you, then shuts it and looks thoughtful.

“Earth is fine,” you sigh, patting him on the shoulder. “Be a rock, Addy. And… Thank you.”

He huffs, embarrassed by your frank and earnest appreciation, and joins four or five others in the first of many rituals. Izirina leads them, for her <Plane Shift> is necessary to carry them beyond the Material Plane and to those of Earth or of Water; you accompany her, casting <Elemental Infusion> to prepare their bodies for the merciless and alien worlds they are to visit; once there, above those swirling spheres of exotic atmosphere, you guide them in the song and dance of your ancestral ritual, and make their empowerment permanent.

For the first time in a long time, you leave your work at the Hill. The last several weeks The newly-empowered ‘task force’

A month passes. In that time, you perform the ritual fur times, upon each New Moon. The first time, you avoid turning your eyes skyward, still shamed. By the last, you face that dark disk directly, the hovering sphere of Holy Luna, lit only by the flagging aura of its energetic barrier, which is weakest at that time. You wonder who might be gazing back—Miannie? Yllarquin?—and what they might think of you. Are they disappointed? Angry? Afraid?

“Maybe one day, you’ll see,” you say, and turn your face away. “Maybe one day, you’ll understand.”

On the fifth week since your preparations began, you take Costella and Izirina with you, to visit Queen Ekaterine. It is an appointment made in advance, as these things must be… Well, when you are not stealing into the palace by dead of night. That’s not exactly something you wish to repeat, with all its attendant dangers, and it’s not the impression you wish to convey.

“Magus Henzler, Magus Mious Van Houtzmann,” Queen Ekaterine greets you, with a gracious bown of her tiara-topped head. “And Miss Fanucci, is it?”

“Omigosh,” Costella whispers, so loud you’re certain the Queen of Hawksong and her scribe can both plainly hear it, “the Queen knows who I aaaam! Aaah!”

You smile, and pat Costella’s hand, before you turn back to Queen Ekaterine and doff your wizard cap in a respectful bow. Izirina does likewise, a bit more stiffly.

“I understand that the work in the land reserve is coming along quite nicely,” the Queen notes, with a rueful smile. “I admit I do not, fully understand all the particulars, but the Archmage tells me you are performing great works there… And that in the not-so-distant future, you are planning an expedition to bring us yet greater wonders?”

“I am,” you confirm. “And, uh, it is. Yes. Thank you.”

“That isn’t to say I ahven’t heard CRITICISM, also,” the Queen notes, though without tension in her posture or harshness in her voice. “There are certain merchants who have formed some form of… Guild… Largely in opposition to what they deem to be market manipulations in violation of certain laws about, ah, the proper licensing, labelling, and sale of magical goods.”
Costella’s face sinks into her palms, and she grumbles: “Carloooos.”

“The De Goris are merely… Displeased with our engagement,” you explain. “Mine and Miss Fanucci’s. She was to be married to him, if things had been otherwise.”

“Oh?” Queen Ekaterine replies, looking between you and the two women who flank you. “I see. Well… Congratulations are in order, then.”

She, of course, knows of your complicated romantic entanglements. To her credit, though, she has the tact of one with similar secrets of her own, and does not inquire after the particulars. A daughter of the paladin Kings serving essentially as a single mother, while her inhuman adventurer spouse dwells in realms unknown with two other wives of Darkly-inclined races, has no room to criticize.
“You didn’t come here to discuss domestic trade disputes, though, did you?” the young monarch shrewdly intuits. “Nor your wedding plans.”

“No,” you agree.

“And you aren’t militarizing your land reserve out of concern about Carlos De Gori, are you?”

You hesitate, surprised at her awareness of your activities. Queen Ekaterine’s expression turns a little more critical, eyes narrowing subtly. You clear your throat, and answer:

“No. No, that’s… There’s another matter, a more serious one, that led to… All of that.”

What do you tell her?
>About the prophecy
>About the kidnapping, and how you ‘resolved’ it
>About the Unseelie bargain
>About the upcoming Era of High Magic

What do you request from Queen Ekaterine?
>That she organize formal diplomatic negotiations with the Sylvan Realms, to cease all hostilities
>That she post Paladins of the Holy order of Hawksong on patrol around the land reserve, to keep an eye out
>That she officially declare the land reserve under her protection, and any hostility towards its people or products an act of war on Hawksong
>That she provide you with the signature mounts of the paladins-the gryphons—to <Clone> and modify as guard-animals
>That she call upon her reptilian husband, wherever he is, to negotiate defence pact with him, also
>That she acknowledge and ennoble Izirina as Rebecca Vaz-Yosef, last legitimate heir to those noble houses, so that she has the formal diplomatic protection of a Hawksong peer wherever she goes
>That she ennoble you for your service to the Crown, granting Old Maple Hill the status and autonomy of a true barony, including the right to muster men-at-arms and wage war
>About the prophecy
she'll need to know why the elves tried what they did

>That she organize formal diplomatic negotiations with the Sylvan Realms, to cease all hostilities
Wait, didn’t we already tell her but the unseelie? I remember her and theral talking about it a while ago when we told them his sword was a possible answer. The star came up.
>About the prophecy
>About the upcoming Era of High Magic

The magic items we intend to obtain are from the high magic era.

>That she post Paladins of the Holy order of Hawksong on patrol around the land reserve, to keep an eye out

>That she acknowledge and ennoble Izirina as Rebecca Vaz-Yosef, last legitimate heir to those noble houses, so that she has the formal diplomatic protection of a Hawksong peer wherever she goes.

The elves can't kidnap a Nobel.
[You're right... Brain-fart on my part. I should have said "About the upcoming conclusion of the Unseelie bargain". I meant to discuss the fact that the star is soon to be completed, what they may do with that, and how that has likely affected relations with the Sylvan elves.]
Got it. In that case

>About the prophecy
>About the kidnapping, and how you ‘resolved’ it
>About the Unseelie bargain conclusion

>That she organize formal diplomatic negotiations with the Sylvan Realms, to cease all hostilities
You meet us here.

>That she officially declare the land reserve under her protection, and any hostility towards its people or products an act of war on Hawksong
After the meeting

The other options are all about legal authority or power to discourage the sylvan realms from trying to pull shit again but doesn’t necessarily address their concern. It’s nice, but I’d rather sort it out - then - have these measures as a back up.
I’m >>6039473
I think we should talk about the whole kidnapping thing too. So they can’t spin the narrative when it comes to the negotiations. We tell our truth now, backed up by izzy and costella.
>About the prophecy
>About the kidnapping, and how you ‘resolved’ it
>About the upcoming Era of High Magic

>That she organize formal diplomatic negotiations with the Sylvan Realms, to cease all hostilities
>That she acknowledge and ennoble Izirina as Rebecca Vaz-Yosef, last legitimate heir to those noble houses, so that she has the formal diplomatic protection of a Hawksong peer wherever she goes
>That she ennoble you for your service to the Crown, granting Old Maple Hill the status and autonomy of a true barony, including the right to muster men-at-arms and wage war
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“There have been some rather serious incidents, involving the Sylvan Realms,” you begin.

The Queen narrows her eyes and frowns, asking: “Can you elaborate upon that?”

You hesitate, unsure how much to share. After all, you can’t be sure how the heir to the Throne of the Paladin King will react to the lethal manner of your retaliation. On the other hand, you ALSO still aren’t wholly comfortable announcing to those on Earth—especially those outside your birth-culture—the coming of an Era of High Magic. For the sake of secrecy, and political stability, you decide it most prudent to focus upon the broadest possible strokes, the commonalities which bind you and the Queen, and the need to formally address the bewing tension.

“The Woodland Rangers have been seen skulking around the land reserve which you assigned us,” you begin, “trying to steal or destroy our research… Especially the ‘moonberry’ bushes which your husband and his allies were also interested in. We’ve drive them off for now, but I fear that they’ll return.”

“They will,” Izirina asserts. “That’s why we’ve increased security.”

Costella looks between the two of you, but stays quiet. You sense that she wishes to say more, and is uncomfortable with the lies-of-omission. You’ll explain it to her later , of course, but even now she follows your lead and trusts in you. Truly, you and Izirina are incredibly lucky to have such an understanding partner.

“Why would they be so determined?” the Queen of Hawksong asks, sensing something more to this. “I understand the berries are something holy, but even so, the Woodland rangers are typically a border-guard, are they not? This is most irregular…”

“It’s probably to do with the prophecy.”

“Prophecy?” the Queen asks, fine eyebrows rising up her smooth, stately brow in surprise.

Izirina and Costella look to you. You sign to them, in the silent finger-speech of the dark elves: ‘don’t worry.’ Aloud, you continue thus:

“There is a prediction, which was made by an elven sage, seemingly held in high regard by Iternagreyn’s Council of Elders. It states that… By mine and Izirina’s union, some successor to the House of Yosef will arise… And subsequently, that there will be a union between that branch of the house and the other.”

“The other?” the Queen asks, uncomprehending.

It’s your turn to be surprised, and not a little suspicious, as you clarify: “That of the Prince Consort… The one to which your own child belongs.”

Queen Ekaterine’s eyes become as saucers, huge and white; her face goes nearly as pale.

“Tips,” Costella whispers, “I don’t think she knew!”
Queen Ekaterine, who had stood to greet you, takes a couple steps back and sinks into her throne, shock fading to confusion, and then to something like irritation.

“Didn’t the Prince Consort ever tell you?” you ask.

“He has never mentioned,” Queen Ekaterine says tersely, “no. But he has kept secrets before. I assume it must be with good reason.”

Your own mind races, and you worry about the implications of this. Is he party to the matching prophecy, which the Nothic and its malevolent master subscribe? Is the Dragon King of Bloodrise working against you? Or… Could it be, perhaps, that he is ignorant as well, as to the exact nature of his human ancestors?

As you mull over this matter, the Queen surprises you all by turning to quiet Costella, and asking the obvious—if troublesome—question:

“And your marriage, Miss Fanucci… Yours and the Magus’… Doesn’t that serve to put them at ease? After all, the heir to the House of Yosef would need to be the, ah, LEGITIMATE child of the RECOGNIZED holder of the title.”

The three of you go silent. Izirina coughs. The Queen frowns.

“I don’t mean to lecture you on… On that which I well understand can be a COMPLEX matter, but I do believe I was rather clear that there shall be no polygamy in Hawksong. Nor, it must be noted, is there much precedent for non-human or demi-human nobility.”

“Well, our child—hypothetically—would be more human than not,” you point out.

“And I have no plans to be a ‘Yosef’, anyway,” Izirina adds quickly, uttering the name at the root of some many of her problems with obvious distaste.

“…Though it WOULD make you an official member of Hawksong’s Court,” you realize.

“The House of Yosef is obliged, by ancient oaths and agreements, to a seat on Hawksong’s council of advisors,” the Queen adds.

“So… Like, they couldn’t kidnap you—u-uh, hypo, uh, thetically, I mean, like, fi they wanted to—without it being an act of war, right?” Costella asks, fumbling to cover her foible.

“…Nor any other kind of attack on her person,” the Queen agrees, looking confused and a bit suspicious.

“Right,” you say quickly. “Though, uh, there’s lots of ways to achieve that, actually! Recognizing the hill as an official protectorate, or even ennobling me—o-or Costella—and making it a baronial holding!”

The Queen says nothing, but regards you with more intensity.

“N-not that I, you know… Am asking for any of that,” you finish lamely.
The Queen considers what you’ve said thoughtfully, while Izirina seems to swallow the proposal like a bitter pill, eyes downcast and hands balled at her side as she regulates her breathing. Costella scoots closer to her, brushing her hand against Izirina’s, and then entwining their fingers. The mage girls seems to calm down slightly, and you give Costella a grateful look as you speak again.

“I wouldn’t ask for any of that, Your Highness,” you say, “because reclaiming her birth-name is Izirina’s decision… And because I recognize that any of those OTHER options, or direct involvement of the Paladins—risks escalating tensions.”

The Queen nods, agreeing: “That was my thinking, too, Master Magus. As it is, the land reserve is already Crown land… But it’s land without any formal settlement or ownership, which any ally can pass through or dwell upon without explicit permission, provided they do not violate my decree to leave the plants and animals in peace, or set down houses or other permanent structures without permission.”

“But didn’t the elves, like, stop being our allies?” Costella asks, brows knitted as she struggles to keep up.

“They cut off trade and travel to their realms, but we never retaliated in kind,” the Queen admits. “My hope—perhaps a rather NAÏVE hope, it seems—was that this diplomatic kerfuffle could be, ah, abated, and put behind us.”

“So the Sylvan Realms didn’t do anything wrong,” you say, “technically.”

“WHAT?!” Costeaal blurts out. “Ez, they TOTALLY did! They—”

“—haven’t been FORMALLY accused of anything,” you interrupt. “Only we know what did, or didn’t, happen.”

“An attack on any subject of Hawksong, on ANY of our lands, would be a grave offence,” the Queen agrees, and then regards you anew. “What are you thinking, Magus? It seems as if you have something in mind”

“I do,” you agree, the plan solidify even as you speak. “If we—you, rather, Your Majesty—put out diplomatic feelers to let Iternagreyn’s Council know that YOU know what happened, and that you are considering whether to formally recognize it as an act of treachery and oath-brekaing…”

“…And that I might even be recognize as a noblewoman…” Izirina adds, quietly, understanding your intentions.

“…Then they will have to negotiate, formally, with Hawksong, or else risk open war between our peoples,” the Queen concludes, and you see respect in her eyes, but also a deep-seated concern.
“This isn’t a small thing you’re asking, though, Magus. If they take offence, and refuse, our diplomatic relations will worsen. Worse, if they make demands of their own, or ACCUSATIONS of their own in regards to… To my child’s heritage, or your actions in the Sylvan Realms in service of, ah, my husband’s other holdings and heirs…”

“I understand, Your Majesty,” you say, and bow your head. “We have to do something, though, or hostilities… They’ll only worsen. Blood will be shed, on both sides.”

(More blood, you should say…)

“I don’t want that.”

The Queen sighs, and nods.

“Nor do I,” she agrees. “And perhaps… No, you’re right. These issues, these grievances, they can’t fester in the darkness. Truth and mutual understanding between neighbours and friends—that’s the way, the ONLY way, to a better future.”


“I will do ask you have suggested, Magus Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann,” the Queen agrees, affecting a quick smile and a royal flourish of her hand. Her thin, simply-attired scribe who had been silently observing the exchange, moves quickly in response, already preparing a letter to be sent to the Sylvan Elves.

“Let us hope we all know what we are doing,” the Queen says, her hope cracking a little.

You and your partners leave after that, old tensions replaced by new. Things are in motion—big things, which might affect the lives of thousands, even MILLIONS, of people, first and foremost your loved ones. How perverse and unfair, then, that you all can do naught but wait, for now.

While you wait for the elves’ response, what else will you do?
>Begin planning your wedding to Costella, to appease her parents and thank her for all she's done
>Pay a visit to the Archmage, to request her assistance in your guard-chimera project
>Visit this so-called ‘Bloodrise Kingdom’, to check in on Zith-Zi and Carazzi, and perhaps the Dragon King as well
>It’s been a while since you’ve seen your father… Maybe you ought to visit the old man, to take your mind off of things with a boys’ night out
>You should tarry no longer, especially if the Sylvan elves night move against you—it’s time to complete the Unseelie Star

[Please choose ONE for now.]
Shit. This is why I wanted to tell her about the kidnapping.

>You should tarry no longer, especially if the Sylvan elves night move against you—it’s time to complete the Unseelie Star
Let’s end this now. We do everything we need, get the blood, and hand them off to them. The longer we keep the unfinished box in our possession the more chances it gets stolen.
>You should tarry no longer, especially if the Sylvan elves night move against you—it’s time to complete the Unseelie Star
fuck, I wanted to visit our old man or perhaps get to zizi, cazzy and biggus dickus, but having this time bomb while war might break out soon is a big liability
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Niggas really be asking for the worst fit of all time
[Is this... Modern guerilla freedom-fighter Tips and Izzy??]
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I’m not quite so sure if freedom fighter is an accurate word for it.
Kek, who are those ?
Reptoid, those 2 look more like school “target practitioners”
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Tips and his lightning staff (m16 clone)
>Reptoid, those 2 look more like school “target practitioners”
[I guess I associate turtlenecks with revolutionary activities, and trench-coats with school shootings.]

[But yeah, I should have seen THIS influence, kek.]

[Still, thank you!]
Back at Old maple Hill once more, your eyes settle upon the shell of the incomplete Unseelie Star. The longer they linger there, the more it starts to resemble some dwarven petard, with its wick burning down. The elves of your homeland will return to this land again, either to respond to the Queen of Hawksong’s missive or to raid you once more. Either way, this thing CANNOT be here when they do so, or all your work will have been for naught.

“Alright,” you say, standing up with a sudden surge of resolve.

“Alright?” Costella and Izirina ask at once, with mirrored confusion.

“It’s time,” you say. “We’re going to complete the Star.”

“Oh!” exclaims Costella. “Like, NOW now?”

You don the black, star-spangled cloak which you received from Nym and Devi your lunar companions, and begin to tie your long, black locks into your signature ponytail.


Izirina nods, donning her own hat and shaded glasses, and shrugging on her robe.

“I can take us there,” she affirms. “The Unseelie’s hidden realm… I can open a portal to that place.”

“What? Really?” Costella asks. “But isn’t it, like, sort of on a different plane?”

“It’s between planes,” Izirina explains. “Or, well… Sandwiched within this one. It’s… Well, it’s a bit complicated. Picture it like this…”

Producing her wand, izirina kneels and clears a space just outside the tent with a flick of that same wand, and a flourish of elemental fire. A moment later she uses the tip of the expensive magical implement, without care or concern, to sketch three semi-overlapping circles, forming a tripartite diagram.

“These are the material, magical, and informational aspects of the Prime Material Plane—‘Earth’, in other words. We, as intelligent, living, physical beings with souls dwell at the intersection of all three…”

Izirina draws a small ‘x’ where the three circles overlap.

“An elf like Tips is a bit closer to the magical, while True Fey like those up on the hill can entirely exit the physical-material aspect of this world to dwell in the purely magical. That’s what <Improved Aethereal Form> does.”

She draws another ‘x’, this time within one circle only, just over the intersectional boundary. Costella watches, nodding along, lisp forming a small ‘oh!’ of understanding.

“When we sleep and dream, we enter the informational-magical intersection, while exiting out physical bodies. We don’t usually travel far, but those who know how to can use <Astral Projection> to go further, or access…”
Izirina hesitates, glancing at you and wincing, but then continues:

“The… The Nothic called it ‘the Akashic Record’. It’s stored in the informational dimension of our reality, and it’s where echoes of past events exist, and remain even long after time has passed. The information dissolves into noise quite quickly without being tended to… But that’s the Nothic’s function. It dwells on the edges of that place, curating knowledge in a way that allows agents of… Of various powers to access them.”

“Dark powers, you mean.” You sigh through your nose, crossing your arms. “But when I was on the moon, I heard about that, too. The Bonum Chaoticum keep an Akashic Record, too. They use it to inform their predictions… Their prophecies.”

“Anyway,” Izirina quickly continues, “the Unseelie Court’s little ‘pocket dimension’ is what is called a <Demiplane>. It’s like our world, or an Elemental Plane, but smaller, and incapable of sustaining itself. When we were there, and afterwards when I consulted with The Nothic, I was able to pin down how they maintain it. part of it is by leeching life out of our plane… Taking people prisoner, or hunting animals, and making sure they die there.”

“Oh gods!” Costella gasps.

“That’s barely enough to sustain the spell that keeps it intact, but not enough to protect it from the Void—the space between the planes,” Izirina presses on. “As such, they’ve had to wedge it into this matrix of the Prime Material, between the dimensions…”

She draws a large ‘X’ this time, near the junction at the centre of the diagram, and draws an ‘O’ around it.

“Like a parasite, burrowed into living tissue,” you murmur, wrinkling your nose at your own metaphor—and at those whom you have made your pact with. “No wonder they want this Star. It would power their <Demi-Plane> so they don’t need to live in a grotesque thing like THAT anymore.”

“Y-yeah,” Costella agrees, half-comprehending. “I mean, you can’t really blame them, huh?”

(Oh, you think you can find a way…)

“I guess,” you say. “Anyway, Izzy, you know the ‘coordinates’ to access it?”

“I do,” izirina agrees, with a small smile. “<Plane Shift> can take us there.”

“Then do it,” you say.

“W-wait!” Costella says. “Uh, like… Is this safe? What if they keep you prisoner, or… Or something worse!”

You and Izirina exchange a meaningful look. You already know you will bring Veloz and Muffins, of course—Veloz is bound to you by a spiritual tether now, and Muffins is MUFFINS. But will you bring anyone else?

>The Minotaur
>Someone else [who?]
>No one else
[Note: you have no time to fetch Testa, Zith-Zi, or Carazzi]

Will you make any other preparations?
>Write-in if so
>The minotaur
Oncyth for being an elf as well and being under control and the minotaur 'coz he's trustworthy. dunno about endangering any others.
I get the idea but this is another big ask of oncyth. I’m not sure if he would be willing.


>The Minotaur

Will you make any other preparations?
About the teleportation letter, can Izzy put the destination somewhere besides the old maple hill? And as for the method of activation, it only takes the person opening it to that location, yes?

am >>6041020
>teleportation letter mechanics
[Currently, the disadvantage and weakness of that spell is that it's actually an upcast <Teleport Object>, cast via an enchanted wax seal. Activating it requires a pulse of magic from you, a small and automatic magical expenditure by Izzy, and it can only transport objects (and attendant people) to Izirina's current location. She needs to come with you to help with the star' activation, though, and she can help you get around with <Dimension Door> and <Planeshift>]
Hm. Alright. Nevermind it, then.

Are the goodberries available for picking? If so, get a bunch of them for everyone; extra MP for Izzy and Tips.

If that’s not possible, get some kind of armor underneath Izzy and Tips’ clothes. Gamberson. Mail. Whatever. Just make sure we are somewhat more resistant to missile and melee weapons.

If goodberries plan is possible do both.

[There are several that could be harvested, though any used are berries that can't be planted to produce more plants next season]

[Very viable strat, especially with your abundant funding at present.]
Alright, just a few goodberries only carried by izzy and tips then. Armor idea goes unchanged.
[Hm. Shame about he drop in players, but we'll press on. Maybe we'll even get two updates in today, if we're lucky!]
“We don’t know what we’re in for,” you say. “The Unseelie can’t be trusted. Not completely… Maybe not at all.”

“So we should prepare,” Izirina agrees. “We have the money to purchase some armour.”

“Something light,” you note. “And… Expendable. If I shift forms, the armour will just be lost. It won’t shift with me.”

“Maybe we could simply have someone cast an enchantment upon us?” Izirina muses aloud. “An upcasted <Mage Armour> upon some appropriate material, woven into a garment?”

“We don’t have the time,” you argue. “Even getting armour fitted… Well, the ‘adventurer equipment’ stores are pretty fast.”

Izirina sneers a little, noting: “But the fit isn’t exactly perfect is it? ZIth-Zi is practically spilling out of that tip of hers.”

“I’m, uh, fairly sure that’s on purpose…”

“Uh, Iz? Ez?”

You both look up at Costella.

“Well, like… Why keep your promise to them anyway, then?” Costella asks. “If you don’t trust them I mean?”

“It’s about the Star,” Izirina quickly replies. “if it will work for them… It can work for other purposes. If it can sustain their <Demiplane>, then…”

She trails off. You frown a little, knowing that Izirina is still maintaining some fantasy of an ‘escape’ from life’s complexities. At least it seems less desperate than before—an emergency route, rather than an obsessive pursuit.

“It’s about BUILDING trust,” you say, answering for your own heart's dearest hopes. “It’s about the possibility of peace. The elves… The Celestial Gods… They don’t believe this world can be preserved, or better without changing it beyond recognition. I don’t think that’s true. I think… I believe we can be better, and can come together and create a lasting peace without completely changing the Earth into…”

(Into some cultivated, curated garden, like Holy Luna, where beings like Muffins, like Zith-Zi and Carazzi, and like the Thief and the Prince of Bloodrise have no place.)

Costella nods, and dips out of the tent suddenly. You and izirina exchange a confused look, but a moment later she returns, hands clasped together. She holds them out and you hold out your own, still perplexed. You recognize the feeling of the clustered fruits of your moonberry bushes in your palm, though; you look down and, sure enough, there they are: like star-flecked blackberries, radiating in your second-sight with fairy-light. You look back up at Costella.
“Take them,” she says. “You can sue them as, like, emergency rations, right? Or like a potion?”

“Not a healing potion, but… Yes. But then we can’t plant these ones.”

“I only have you half of them,” Costella reassure you with a smile. That’ll still mean, like, TRIPLE the plants next year, if we use what’s left! And if you don’t need them…”

“Better to have them, and not need them, than vice versa,”” Izirina agrees.

You nod, and lean forward giving Costella a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you,” you say.

“Just come back safe,” Costella says, and looks to Izirina with no less love than she looked at you. “Both of you, okay?”

“…Okay,” Izirina says, softly.

The two of you take a <Dimension Door> to Hawksong, on one last excursion. In the city, you find one of the many boutique stores catering to the adventurer fad—one that Zith-Zi had mentioned in past. The storefront is flashy with bright, eye-catching banners fluttering above the entrance. The storefront’s name, “Glitz & Guts,” is emblazoned in large, shimmering letters, while the window displays various mannequins adorned with gear that seems more suited for a theatrical performance than actual combat.

You push open the door, and a little bell tinkles. Inside, you are immediately surrounded by racks and racks of leather garments that prioritize aesthetics over protection. Some pieces are festooned with spikes, straps, and buckles, more resembling armoured lingerie than armour. There are breastplates with daringly plunging necklines, chainmail armor more resembling a rust-prone swimsuit, and gauntlets with so many stylized flourishes that they would hinder more than help in the heat of battle. Bright, garish colors dominate the store: hot pinks, electric blues, and eye-searing limes. You can’t help but wonder if anyone who wore these outfits would stand out on the battlefield for all the wrong reasons.

A gnomish shopkeeper (or, at least, you assume her to be a gnome based on context cues, since you STILL aren't really sure how they different physically from a halfling) bustles over, her eyes twinkling with an almost manic energy. She’s a tiny woman with a shock of green hair that stands up like an electrified porcupine. Her apron, embroidered with myriad protective sigils, is the most functional-looking item you’ve thus-far seen.

“Welcome to Glitz & Guts!” she exclaims, her voice squeaky but full of earnest enthusiasm. “Here to gear up for a grand adventure, yes?”

You glance at Izirina, who raises an eyebrow but nods.

“We’re looking for light armor,” she says. “Something versatile, but functional.”

“And… perhaps a bit less… decorative?” You add. “Zith-Zi sent us. She said you had something suitable?”
The gnome’s eyes dart around the shop for a moment before she clasps her hands together excitedly. “Ah, practical adventurers! You’re going to want the ‘Sleek ‘n’ Subtle’ line! Follow me!” She scurries off, weaving through racks hung with luminous cloaks and corseted doublets. You and Izirina follow her to a more understated section—though ‘understated’ appears to be a relative term here. Every piece is still ‘fashionable’, but the colours are less gaudy, and at least the actual cut of the equipment seems to be better-suited to battlefield protection.

“Do you have anything in black?” Izirina asks, without much hope in her voice. “Or maybe a… Dark brown?”

“What? Absolutely not!” the proprietor says. “A pretty mage-girl like you ought to look her best! Brights, not duns, hmmm?”

“P-pretty?” Izirina asks, face flushing.

You hide a smile, and handle a few articles yourself. You eventually turn to the three others accompanying you: Oncyth (in his elven form, of course), Logan Pearce fussily standing nearby, and… the Minotaur.

(His name is Baajaban, but with his broken and still-underdeveloped Common, that’s all you can ascertain about his identity. He’s been a great help on the Hill, though, and you well know he can handle himself in a scrap.)

“What do you think?” you ask them.

“Not wearing it,” says Oncyth, bluntly.

“Ah,” you say, glancing at Pearce questioningly.

“He doesn’t like, uh, clothing,” Pearce explains, clearing his throat and avoiding direct eye contact. “Strips out of it as soon as we… he… gets home. I’m told.”

“Gets in the way when fighting, too,” the werewolf says, sniffing at a suit of armour and then glaring at it as if offended. “All stinks, too.”

“It does NOT stink!” the gnomish shopkeeper protests, snatching the article in question away from Oncyth who simply shrugs and wanders away, Pearce going with him to keep an eye on the deceptively-handsome wild-man.

“Can fit me?” Baajaban the Minotaur asks the gnome, he voice deep and vibrating almost musically, as is his way.

The owner of Glitz & Gutz looks him up and down, stroking her chin and running her other hand through her dyed hair.

“Uh, well, you ARE a big fellow…” she muses. “We don’t get a lot of beastmen in here, leg alone any of your, ahem hem, STATURE, sir.”

The Minotaur looks at her blankly, the turns to you.

“No can fit,” he concludes, and goes to leave. “Will wait.”

“Wait wait wait!” the gnome balks, arcing after him and hopping up to grab his hand and pull him back. “We have weapons, too! Some of our ‘half-orc specials’ might fit you, huh, big lad?”

“Hmm…” Baajaban muses, and looks to you. "What think?"
Pearce can’t accompany you without shirking his Tower Guardian duties, alas. You know he’d do so in a heartbeat, if you but asked… But you’ve already asked so very much of your old friend. Oncyth is different, since he’s essentially unemployed; even without his life-debt to you, he agreed readily enough. The Minotaur essentially invited himself. That means you have four people to equip… or three, since Oncyth plainly intends to fight (if fighting should occur) in his dire werewolf form.

What will you buy for armour and armaments, then, for yourself, izirina, and the Baajaban?
>Keep your armour as light as possible, to avoid interfering in spellcasting or mobility, or projecting distrust… Something you can wear under your garb
>Go for something more protective, but more obviously martial, albeit still light enough to avoid interfering with mobility… And maybe purchase a sidesword for yourself and for Izirina, and a one-handed weapon for Baajaban
>You don’t trust these damned Usneelie in the slightest, and don’t care if they know if—go for maximum protection, for you and for Izzy, and get Baajaban the deadliest-looking two-handed weapon the big beastman can heft effectively

[Make sure to specify any esthetic you want to go for, as well, for Tips in particular; if the quest goes long enough, I may commission Armoured Tips.]
>Keep your armour as light as possible and get something more protective that avoids interfering with mobility for Izzy and Baajaban. And maybe purchase a sidesword for yourself and for Izirina, and a one-handed weapon for Baajaban.
armour is kinda moot for us anyway, so let's get the lighter type and give izzy and bjb more protection.
>Keep your armour as light as possible, to avoid interfering in spellcasting or mobility, or projecting distrust… Something you can wear under your garb
>purchase a sidesword for yourself and for Izirina, and a one-handed weapon for Baajaban

Last time we saw the unseelie the majority of them were unarmored so a cut & thrust sword should do fine. For Baajaban something like a short goedendag or tetsubo should be good - he doesn’t need to worry about edge alignment much.

I guess that’ll have to do.

! Sira can run a brothel ! moment
>>Keep your armour as light as possible, to avoid interfering in spellcasting or mobility but get Baajaban the deadliest-looking two-handed weapon the big beastman can heft effectively

if hostility brakes out the unseelie will probably swarm the minotaur since he is the biggest target. He should have a weapon able to ward off multiple enemies.
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You opt to outfit yourself and Izirina with padded armour—something tin enough that you can wear it under your outermost mages’ cloaks without attracting undue attention or creating a mistrustful atmosphere.

“These are still so BULKY though,” you complain, fidgeting under the uncomfortable weight and padding.

“That’s just how gambesons are, my boy!” says the gnome who, by your estimates, is not NEARLY old enough to be calling you ‘my boy’ with a straight face. “Have you never worn armour before?”

“Well,” you admit, “No. But I’ve seen lighter stuff being worn by professional adventures…”

“Maybe with enchantments,” the gnome says with a shrug, and then flinches, looking away. “Or before the trade embargoes… First with the Southmen, and now with the Silver Realms?”

“They embargoed us,” Izirina points out in a low voice, adjusting her cloak over her armour with less obvious discomfort. “It wasn’t Hawksong’s fault.”

“Well whoever got their knickers twisted, it’s bad for business!” the shopkeeper exclaims throwing her hands up. “We used to get all sorts of fine fibers from their plants… not to mention the leafweave leathers! Now, you want something light, tight, sexy and stabproof? Leafweave’s what you want!... But eve fi you can get the leaves, good luck keeping them alive without that elven alchemical whatsit that they use to treat it.”

“Yes, well…” you trail off, stopping yourself from speaking aloud your intent to solve that problem. After all, that’s a ways off yet, and success is no sure thing. Instead, you say: “The Minotaur—Baajaban, rather—could sue a sidearm as well. Nothing over-the-top, please?”

The gnomish shopkeeper leads you into a smaller room, behind and to one side of her counter, where rows and racks of glistening, glittering weaponry awaits. You’re no spellsword, yourself, but you can appreciate the spectacle of it… Even if the decorative elements continue to overwhelm unnecessarily. Baajaban looks around, peering through the doorway before finallyshiftinga nd twisting his large body through the narrow door and gently running his large, blunt fingers over several promising axes and swords. Eventually, he backs out, and holds up a blue-painted wooden stick, wider at one end and studded with shiny, diamond-shaped metal fragments in alternating patterns of gold and silver finish. He gives it a few practice swings; in these narrow confines, this means the rest of you jumping back or dropping flat to avoid being pulped, but at the end he seems satisfied.

“Good,” he says, tapping it on the ground a couple time. “One hand, easy.”

“If you say so,” Pearce notes wryly, lowering his hands now that he no longer needs to muster a defensive spell.

“We’ll take it,” you say.

You pay up from your no-longer-so-limited funds, and leave Glitz & Gutz behind.
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Izirina immediately begins to ready a casting of <Dimension Door>.

“Why not <Plane Shift> right there?” Pearce asks.

“It’s not a quick spell,” Izirina explains, and her gaze flickers to a couple curious passersby, who’ve stopped to survey your odd group and her obviously-arcane activities. “and I’d rather keeper it a secret one, from… The general public.”

Pearce raise an eyebrow at you, presumably at the tone with which Izirina said the last part. You shrug.

“Seems sensible,” he says, diplomatically. “And you’re sure I can’t—”

“We’ll be fine.”

Oncyth speaks the words before you can, and you close your mouth. The other elf present meets Pearce’s concerned, sky-blue eyes with his violet ones, holding his gaze until your farm-born friend can only sigh, and nod.

“Right, well… Good luck.”

Oncyth smiles, a small smile but a wider one than you usually see the solemn lycanthrope affect. Pearce returns it, a bit more openly, and blushes slightly as he suggests:

“See you tonight?”

Oncyth glance at you. You think, then nod.

“It shouldn’t take too long, really,” you say. “Tonight, tomorrow night at worst.”

Pearce groans, and says: “Tips, seriously? Never jinx yourself like that!”

“I didn’t know you were superstitious,” Izirina notes, as with a sweep and swirl of her wand and a tap of her foot, a <Dimension Door> springs to life, with an ‘ooo’ and ‘ahh’ from the crowd.

“I wasn’t,” Pearce half-jokes. “You know, before I started hanging out with Tips.”

You roll your eyes but clasp hands with your oldest and dearest friend, before you follow Izirina and Baajaban through the magical gateway. Oncyth lingers a moment longer and, to your absolute shock, puckers his lips and blows a quick kiss to Pearce (who goes red as a beet), before turning to join you with his usual masculine nonchalance.

“What was THAT?” you demand.

“What was what?” the werewolf asks, deadpan and blank-of-face.

You let the matter drop.
The three of you arrive once more at Old Maple Hill, near the clearing where—not so long ago—you cured Oncyth of his ‘moon-madness’ and later met with The Nothic while he and Pearce stood silent sentry. Today, you instead meet Muffins and Veloz there—both your animal companions had been waiting, and are plainly pleased to see you. You decorate the space with the material components necessary for the energy-intensive spell, and scrape out the shape of the magical circle to enable a precise <Plane Shift> to the pocket-dimension where ‘Queen’ Banelight hosts her Unseelie Court.

“Thank you both for coming,” you tell the other two men—well, elfman and beastman—who are accompanying you. “You don’t need to do this, and if all geos well we won’t really NEED you… But even so.”

“Logan would cry, if you died,” says Oncyth, and adds: “Unseelie are scum.”

“Owe you,” Bajaaban grunts. “Keep you safe.”

Oncyth nods at that subtly—his life-debt may be paid, but it seems being here, in this place, has reminded him that he ALSO owes you his sanity, and his newfound (if unconventional) romance.

“You guys…”

“I’m ready,” interrupts Izirina abruptly, turning around to face the risk of you with a squint. “Transporting all of us, on top of two castings of <Dimension Door>… I’ll be at abut half my usual capacity.”

“I’m still at full power,” you reassure her, sensing your partner’s unease. “We’ll be fine.”

Wishing you felt as confident about that as you sound, you join hands with Izirina, and each of you take the hand of one of the other two accompanying you, and then:


The experience of shifting planes is disorienting as ever—far more-so than <Dimension Door>, which you have largely become acclimated with how frequently you use it to travel to and from the city and the land reserve. It seems to be even more-so for Oncyth and Baajaban: only the latter cries out, but the former clasps one hand over his mouth, and his long mane of raven-black hair rises like a dog’s hackles as the distorted surroundings swirl and reshape flickering through countless permutations and afford you all a quick glimpse into the space-between-spaces which Izzy called ‘void’.

Then, quite abruptly, you are there.

Oncyth retches upon arrival, while Baajaban falls to his knees, propping himself up with his war-club like a too-short walking-stick. You lean on your own staff, taking a deep beat through your nose and out through your mouth, and nearly vomiting as well, and Veloz hovers about your face worriedly. Muffins heads each emit matching cries of woe, and he crouches low to instinctively guard his vitals while three sets of sensory organs refocus. Only Izirina seems utterly unbothered, which you try not to begrudge her.

“Practice,” she says simply, not QUITE hiding a certain amount of self-satisfaction.
You glare, but the irritation doesn’t last, as she takes your hand and leads you along the half-collapsed path towards the Unseelie citadel. The place is just as you left it—no worse, but no better, and it was an unpleasant place to begin with. Floating amidst an ever-swirling fog into which its fringes seem to be perpetually crumbling-away, the Unseelie’s realm is an island of dead vegetation, mouldering and rotted rootways, and scarce little life or light besides.

“Hello?” you shout into the dark, “My name is Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann… Of Dappulyet!”

Chittering, tittering laughter emerges from the darkness. You hold a hand aloft and with a sigh, you cast <Daylight> enough to see by. The perpetual hungry autumn evening that seems to fill this miniature world swallows up much of the spell, but you here cooing and keening in delight and surprise at even the dim facsimile of daytime which your Feycraft produces. At the edges of your light gather the characteristic pale, grey faces of the Unseelie Fey who serve Banelight, while their pitch black eyes swallow up what brightness remains with great greed.

“So little Cousin Ezzie has come back!”

“it’s been too long, ‘Hero of Dappulyet’!”

“Not ‘hero’ anymore, is it?”

“No, I hear you’re none-too-seelie yourself, isn’t it so?”

“Poor Cousin Ezzie! Cast out by the ‘good’ fairies, are you?”

You rankle at their mockery, and flush a little at the knowledge that your frayed relations with the Sylvan Realm are known even to these wayward fairy.

“I’m here to make good on my bargain,” you announce, through gritted teeth. “Enough… JOKES. Take me to Banelight!”

“Here to see Queenie?”

“And with the prize he promised… Well well WELL!”

“We were beginning to think you’d broken your promise, Cousin.”

You ignore the jabs and jibes, until at last the Unseelie lead you up to the crumbling, ancient structure which forms the centre of their small world. Dancing clumsily through the air, flitting this way and that on their shaggy, moth-owl wings, their darkly-gay song of welcome draws in more and more of their kind, and announces your coming. By the time you reach the windswept ‘throne room’, lit by the firefly-sized will o' wisps, you would not be surprised to learn that the whole Unseelie Court was there…

Including, of course, their Queen.
“Welcome back!” she greets you, with her grating voice. “Welcome once more, our honoured and DOUBLY-INDEBTED kinsman! And welcome, too, to his DARK bride-to-be, and to his…”

Queen Banelight sits side-saddle astride an invisible throne of air and darkness. The leaves which roll on the unfettered, near-winter breeze of this half-dead world form themselves into the effigy of great insect wings behind her, while the tiny dead-lights coalesce into an imitation crown-of-stars upon her brown. From this strange perch, she surveys your allies, animal and otherwise.

“…Traveling circus?” she guesses facetiously, to the vocal amusement of her peanut gallery of courtiers and sycophants.

“Charming as ever,” you snap. "Which is to say: not at all."

"Ooo, the half-blood rebel has grown an attitude in his exile, has he?"

You thump your staff, impatient, and the Queen cackles at your obvious annoyance and anxiety.

“I take it that the bundle ‘pon yonder three-headed beastie’s back is our promised star?” the Queen asks, leaning over her invisible chair to peer at it greedily.



You cringe and fidget under the attentions of the assembled Unseelie, and Muffins hisses and growls.

How do you respond?
>Unfurl the package and present the Unseelie Star, and explain what must be done next—no need to drag this out any longer
>Not so fast—before you present and activate the Star, you have some questions for Queen Banelight, such as… [Write-in—it’s a good time for any lingering faerie lore questions, which a centuries or millennium-old True Fey might be able to answer]
>Actually, you’ve decided to modify the deal somewhat…. [How? Write-in]
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>[Make sure to specify any aesthetic you want to go for, as well, for Tips in particular; if the quest goes long enough, I may commission Armoured Tips.]
Hm? If it goes long enough? Alright.

Gamberson is cloth padded and compressed together; cloth armor, essentially. Can be worn by itself or you could add mail on top. Mine is a coat.

The hat is made of metal, shaped to look like Tips’ normal hat. (They’re basically a english civil war helmet https://x.com/rookart44/status/1791034896154087530?s=46&t=Hb7ydsjhPlpAWWOp2X4lDA )

The sidesword is based on Kvetun Armory Sidesword 1.

Finger rings are metal rings attached to the quillons - these are designed to protect the index finger when one ‘fingers the guard’ (putting the index finger over the quillons, bringing the sword more parallel with the forearm, allowing a straighter thrust)

A sidering is a ring attached horizontally designed to protect the hand much like a crossguard. Larger ones are present on zweihanders.

A knucklebow is a bow shaped metal piece designed to protect the hand.

The triangle thing at the base is a thumb rest. Robinswords’ vid showcases the sword pretty well. https://youtube.com/shorts/XaSr7xpTap4?si=JiXZlMKjgOPYT0M-
>Not so fast—before you present and activate the Star, you have some questions for Queen Banelight, such as…
>their side of the story as to why they got banished
since we still have work to do with them, I wanna know their side of the story.
>refuses to give his true name the last time he and the queen met
>doxxs himself for free when he meets her again
Wtf is bro doing

>Unfurl the package and present the Unseelie Star, and explain what must be done next—no need to drag this out any longer

Didn’t they tell us last time? They were a minority which lost their sovereignty and now wants a home, a better one than this interstice. They either want a star or theral’s sword so with its authority the drows would yield to them.

I suppose we could ask it.
They enjoyed murdering people too much while they were conscripted during the war of dark gods and dragons vs elves, humans and gods of light. After the war ended they were unwilling to go and become peaceful nature caretakers like the other fey.
>doxxs himself for free when he meets her again
[I did forget that plot point, desu. However, they've learn it by reputation by this point. But maybe ust retcon it that he only announ ed his first name and where he was from]

[This is more or less accurate.]

[Nice! Alternate universe Tips where he trained with Rudolfo?]
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>Alternate universe Tips where he trained with Rudolfo?
Not really. I imagine a Rudolfo’s Tips would have the same aesthetics - that of a landsknect - which would put him in mid 16th century-ish stylistically speaking. Picrel. I imagine his staff would be an actual polearm.
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My armored Tips design is based on 14-15th century’s. Gamberson and steel helmet - albeit one that’s shaped to look like a normal hat.
>Actually, you’ve decided to modify the deal somewhat…. [How? Write-in]

"First Debt should be settled by offering you a star.
Second debt... Let's say we went the whole way to avoid your star to be a toy in the plans of the Dark Gods."
Also sorry for dropping your last votes QM, was out of keyboard for a few days.
Small Retcon: in keeping with an aspect of Thread 6 which I forgot in the last 2-3 months, Tips introduced himself as Ezreal of Dappulyet, but didn't give his full name. Though the Unseelie Fey have no doubt heard it, giving it to them in their own realm would indeed be risky. Sorry for the oversight, I'm a bit out of it this weekend, due to a fever.

You lay a hand upon the back of your three-headed friend, and Muffins groans and least in displeasure-not at your touch, but at the way in which the whole of the Unseelie Court leans in, looming like bowing pines clad in shaggy, greyish needles, with the black eyes wider than ever.

“…Not so fast.”

A collective groan rises from the surrounding fey, some of whom throw their hand sup in frustration or begin throwing handfuls of leaves and crumbling, rotted pinecones down at you.

“You test my patience, ‘Friend Tips’,” the Unseelie Queen says, her sharp little teeth clicking against one another as she enunciates through gritted teeth. “And we have already waited so, so long, haven’t we?”

The Court cheers and jeers, in support of their self-professed monarch and disparagement of you and yours.

“Really?” you counter. “What is a year—less than a year—to an immortal?”

“We’ve been waiting for this since before you were born, you little mongrel WHELP,” Queen Banelight growls.

The Unseelie sovereign drums her fingers on empty air and twists about in her unseen seat, gazing down at you impassively, until finaly:

“Alright, OUT with it!”

“I want to know your side of the story,” you say. “Of how you got here… Became as you are.”

“We have told you this story, haven’t we?” Queen Banelight sighs , running her fingers down her smooth, grey face, while the flickering embers deep within her night-black eyes roll upwards. “Your priests and teachers have told you too, have they not? Why do you STALL so, half-an-elf?”

“I want to hear it again,” you insist. “I want to know that…”

(You want to know that giving them this Star will elad to peace—not to newly-invigorated raids. You want to know that there is a way for a ‘people’ like this to live alongside the mortal races of the Children of Light. You want to believe that this deal, made under duress, can nonetheless presage something positive for the world.)

“I want to know that I’m not making a poor decision,” you say.

“Well if you DID, you made it when you made the deal for your fat human’s life,” Queen Banelight snaps.

“…Not fat,” Oncyth growls lowly. “Watch your mouth.”

“Please, no barking DOGS in the royal chamber,” the Queen of the Unseelie says.

“ENOUGH,” you interrupt, growing weary with this petty dictator. “Just… Tell me again.”
“It is simple,” the Unseelie Queen says, slowly, as if speaking to an infant whom she doesn’t much like. “We were made as we are to fight against the Forces of Darkness, on behalf of those who made us so—”

“The Celestial Gods,” Izirina murmurs.

“Are you telling this story, or am I?!”

Izirina stiffens, but says no more.

“As I was saying,” Banelight continues, “we were ENCOURAGED to take on the aspects of the worst and deadliest creations of the foe… To strike at Darkness FROM Darkness, to turn weapons against makers! But then, when all was said and done, OUR makers turned against US. They wanted us to forget all that we were… All that we had done… To become good little shepherds, and gardeners and give over all that we had won to the likes of… Well, YOU lot.”

The Unseelie groan and wail, and you step out of the path of a couple more pinecones.

“We politely declined the offer,” the Queen says sombrely, “and as such, were declined the Light, and forced to wear forevermore the forms which we had adopted in war. And then they-who-made-us have the temerity—the SHEER GALL—to be surprised we live a warrior’s life?!”

“That’s right!”

“The Forces of Darkness still exist, though,” you reason. “Why didn’t they just… Continue letting you fight them?”

The Queen scrunches up her face, tutting, and admits: “They-who-make-the-rules lost their appetite for such play, when the pact was made.. Long before their mortal agents took the stage, the first deals drawn between Light and Dark were that no unfleshed and undying spirits should wage war ‘pon one another anymore. Something about… Cosmic balance. A lot of nonsense, if you ask me!”

“Here here!”

You ignore the shouts of the unpleasant assembly to push for the one answer which you require above all others:

“And you still have no dealings with the Dark Gods?”

The court goes quiet. The Queen regards you with renewed scrutiny.

“What does it matter one way or the other to YOU, little cousin of ours? Did YOU not come crawling to ME because of a bargain struck with a Pretender King-of-Dragons, who proclaims himself anathema to the Gods of Light?”

“He did!”

“That’s right!”

“We BOTH worked with him, didn’t we?” Queen Banelight prises out of you.

“I did what I did for the sake of peace and stability,” you say levelly. “But… Circumstances have changed. There are…”

You exchange a quick look with Izirina, and she nods an affirmation.

“There are new considerations, and concerns. I need to make sure that this Star doesn’t become the plaything-or weapon—of Darkness.”
“Oh?” the Queen asks archly. “Is it now the province of the indebted beggar to set conditions ‘pon his bargains, after-the-fact and at the final hour, to those whom he OWES?”

“Are you, or are you not, working with the Dark Gods?”

“We work with those who will work with us,” the Queen answers testily. “We serve no gods or masters—save ME, naturally. I guess you could say we’re working towards a ‘peace and stability’ of our own, right, my wonderful courtiers?”

A chorus of support goes out, and the Queen leers down at you, her invisible throne lowering as her ephemeral wings flutter and flap behind her like a snapping raiment.

“Now are you going to be a good boy, Cousin Ezzie, and honour your bargain? Or are we going to have to TAKE payment?”

From the wall of shaggy grey fur bristle spears and arrow-tips of black wood—Darkwood, scraped and shaped from the dying and decrepit woodland of this place… But still, magical.

“You can't just—”

“If you break your word, we don't need to keep our word,” the Queen says, in discordant sing-song voice, with her overlong and many-jointed index finger waving this way and that like a conductor's baton, in front of your face.

>Present the Star, and honour your bargain
>Refuse to present the Star, and enter into battle
>Negotiate further [requires a Sociability roll, DC depends on the arguments you make or conditions you try to impose; failure means you'll be attacked before you can respond, and suffer penalties in the first round]
>Attempt to trick and betray the Queen of the Unseelie [how?]
Alright fellas. Let's hone our sharpest writes-in for this vote.
I'll stand with "Give the Star but use the fact we circumvented dark god plan as the second favor"
[I a slightly confused by the second point. Tips owes the favours, so how do you plan to 'sue' the second, sorry?]
>Present the Star, and honour your bargain
Seems straight forward enough, were in there realm and we came with what we promised
>Present the Star, and honour your bargain
we came here for it, not much else to do, specially while we still have another favour remaning to be used
these dark fey are horrible people, if the dark gods are lawful evil and the bonum Chaoticum are chaotic good then the unseelie are neutral evil or chaotic evil.

If we give them the star they'll use it to empower their spiritual forms and go on murderous rampages and raids. Through our homeland and the land bordering it. They more or less confirmed they intend to keep kidnaping and killing people for fuel.
>>Attempt to trick and betray the Queen of the Unseelie [how?]
>Tell the queen that in order to use star. The fey rite of attunement must be applied to neutralize her and her courts crippled connection to the gods of light, and then attach it to something else. Once the queen and her court have joined the rite and had their spiritual affinity nullified betray them, and work <Greater Disjunction> into the ritual instead of reattaching them to the elemental star.

The best lies are the ones that are partially true, nullifying their half baked fey affinity with the rite is something we have to do. By the time they realize our trickery we'll have already casted Greater Disjunction.

If we use rite as vehicle to cast disjunction on these evil sprits. It will presumably render the court comatose like it did to the elven priest. Then we can force them cancel the favors they forced on us or leave them for dead.
[Given the low voter turnout and importance of this decision, I'm going to leave this open until tomorrow.]

And anyway, I don't feel well.
Get well, reptoid. We’ll be waiting.
That’s… risky. If we don’t get the entirety of the unseelie with the disjunction, there’ll be no more bargaining with them.

They’d still be doing that even without the star. I’d rather they be somewhere else, somewhere very far away from our homeland at least. If you’re going that route then blowing up the entire star would be an easier option.
Get well soon.
they are going to use the star to repair the pocket dimension they live in. And then restore their powers to what they were like before the gods punished them.

They are not going to actually live inside of the artifact we made. Giving them the star isn't going to make them pack their bags and leave the sylvan realm. They intend to stay and wreck havoc on Iternagreyn due to their grudge against the elven gods and their worshipers.
>Present the Star, and honour your bargain
>>Negotiate further (Leave our family alone/moon worshipers alone)

I could give a rats ass about most elves, but I think we can at least make sure they don’t fuck with our family/clan. I think that’s fair enough and a pretty small condition to add in the grand scheme of things.
I think just the family is enough. The moon worshippers bit is pushing it a lot. Also I’m pretty sure they already agreed to that in the duel.

>Present the Star, and honour your bargain


>Negotiate further (Leave our family alone)
Ask, not a vow.

I’d rather not risk getting attacked in here. We can’t save anyone if we’re dead.
Eh, I'm just pretty partial to the moonworshippers. Them singing with us to fend off the Unseelie was one of the coolest moments in the quest.
also do backlink your vote, rqm usually needs it for important votes >>6043473
I just caught up to the quest sadly. So no backlinking for me.
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[Wow, welcome aboard! I didn't expect to get a new participant this late. What brought you here, if you don't mind my asking, and how was the quest as a 'read' rather than something you actively played until this point?]

[Writing!] Still not feeling great, but I can manage. Thanks for the well-wishes.
Oncyth steps closer to you, growling low—an uncanny sound, and faintly absurd coming from the handsome elf’s fine features. Queen Banelight’s attention turns to him, and she stretches out a hand as if to cast a spell. Baajaban lifts him club, and Izirina readies her wand. Everything seems set to spiral out into catastrophe and combat for a moment, when—


—you intervene, unfurling the package upon Muffins’ back just enough to reveal the crystalline structure of the ‘Unseelie Star’… or its shell, at least.

“Oh?” the Queen o the Unseelie says with an aura of over self-satisfaction. “So you saw sense, did you ‘Friend Tips’?”

“A deal is a deal,” you agree, though not without some residual bitterness about it.

The Queen taps and strokes the magically-hardened, patterned glasswork of your magical masterpiece. She leans close, her large void-black eyes faintly reflecting it in the reflected firefly-light of her passive illumination spell. Veloz flits around her angrily, screeching and affecting mock charges, but Banelight bats him away with casual indifference, and he warily hums over to hover near you, instead.

“How do we may it GLOW?” the Queen demands, looking at you.

“We’ll need to attune it to elemental magic… To warmth, and light.”

“From the outer planes?” the Unseelie Queen asks, excitedly.

“Uh,” you say, startled by the outburst. “No… No, it will be better to simply charge it with my <Daylight> spell, upcast.”

“Better HOW?” the Queen asks. “For WHOM? You don’t expect me to believe we’ll get as much power from YOU, Little Cousin Ezzie, as from the entire PLANE OF FIRE?”

(Better for the world, in that it will deny these awful fairies such power, that they could wield against your own people…)

“It’s better—safer—for all of you to be attuned to a spell rooted in our own Feycraft traditions, and the energies of the Bonum Chaoticum,” you fib, sharing a half-truth to appease her. “It won’t be as powerful, but it’s also more sustainable if you draw your power from a closer, more manageable source.”

“Hmmm? Is that really so?” Queen Banelight asks, tapping her chin.

“And I’ll need your blood,” you add.

“Oh, now you ARE being cheeky,” the Unseelie Queen snaps.

“I’m serious,” you say placatingly. “Your blood—your aethereal medium—it can be used to fill the vessel, and can hold the charge of the amount of magic we mean to put into this. It’s also intrinsically tied to you, to your… PALACE here, and the surrounding grounds,a nd to your court. it’s—”

“Sympathetic magic, yes, yes yes,” the Queen says, waving a hand at you dismissively. “Don’t lecture ME on old magicks, young earthborn wizard. I was there when these powers were first brought to your barren backwater world.”

“…Mage, not wizard,” you grumble.
Rolled 14, 13, 13, 9, 15, 2 = 66 (6d20)

You tamp down on the urge to bombard her with questions, to clarify that tantalizingly-vague allusion to a hidden history. Brought? What does she mean these powers were ‘brought’? Is magic now, well, MAGIC? Even the ‘chaotic good’ variety is simply how the world works—a means of accessing and manipulating fundamental principles of reality, in a systematic way. You can no more ‘bring’ magic to a place than you can ‘bring’ mathematics or material physics—it is already there, waiting to be revealed and understood, but always PRESENT… Right?

Your esoteric speculation are abruptly interrupted by the Unseelie Queen producing—quite casually—a long, thin sword from her tattered sleeve. Though tarnished and blunted by untold ages, it is ornate, its hilt golden and tastefully bejewelled, and the pommel styled to resemble the wings and head of an owl. You take a step back and raise your staff, but she does not wield it against you. Rather, she pets it tenderly, like a beloved pet. She turns it this way and that, and the Unseelie Court admire it in hushed whispers, uncharacteristically reverential, as she brings its fine-pointed tip to her finger. She doesn’t quite draw blood, though… Yet.

“Explain the process to me, start-to-finish now,” Queen Banelight commands you.

You sigh, annoyed at how imperious she is being, and how dramatic. She’s turning this into some kind of spectacle, lording her power over you! Then again, perhaps you shouldn’t be surprised—it is the nature of fairies, even dark and degenerate ones, to play.

“First, we cast a spell of <Disjunction> upon you, and this realm of yours,” you explain, holding up one finger, and then another and another, to punctuate your points. “We perform a <Rite of Attunement> using your blood as a catalyst, as it fills the vessel—the ‘star’ we’ve made. We pour aura into it, casting the most powerful instance of <Daylight> which we can, charging your blood with its power and sealing it within the star. Then, it will serve like… Like a miniature version of Holy Sol, in a way, filling this <Demiplane> with light and magic enough to sustain you, WITHOUT raiding for victims.”

“Hm… Without raiding out of THAT need, I suppose…”

“Without any raiding at all,” you assert.

“Such EGO on this one!” the Queen titters. “I don’t remember it before, I really don’t!”

She reaches out as if to pinch your cheek with her left hand, the right still brandishing her sword. You take a step back, and she tuts.

“Not so cute anymore,” she says. “But it does all sound straight-forward enough. Shall we begin?”

She extends her spindly hand to you, and you stare for a moment. You look to Izirina, whose face is carefully neutral, and yet who you sense is more excited than wary—excited to see your great work, completed and aglow.

You take Queen Banelight’s hand in yours, and begin.

Sense Motive roll
The many members of Banelight’s accursed court mass together. It’s tough to count, but you would surmise there are at least three dozen of the blighted fairies, and they must all be brought together for the casting of:


As soon as you cats the spell, they begin to twist and writhe, groaning and moaning as if ailed and afflicted by some wasting illness. They clutch at themselves, at furs which seem to shed rom their bodies, leaving them bare and naked. Theya re thin—too thin, emaciated, pale cheeks hollow and oddly-arranged skeletons almost poking through translucent skin. You are shocked to see that each of them is as the Eladrin of the Moon are (or so you were told), with male and female traits intermingled in one being. Even their Queen, with her glamour undone, scarcely resembles what you think of as a ‘woman’ or ‘elfmaid’, as she grabs handfuls of her dissolving dress to herself, and falls trembling from the air where she once floated so casually.

“N… No… This is…” she struggles to speak through thin, beak-like lips, as if parched of all moisture.

For a single, wicked moment, you consider leaving her like that—letting all her unseemly, evil little minions to wither and die for want of magic. They surely deserve as much, don’t they? Haven’t they menaced you as much—MORE—than the Woodland Rangers whose deaths you permitted? It would be easy now, so easy…

…Because they trusted you. Because across the breadth of ancestral enmity and long held grudges, they reached out. Oh, they did so rudely, and with undeserved entitlement, but the fact remains: these beings, pathetic and shrivelled things supped on the suffering of others, still placed their lives in your hands.

“Banelight,” you address the decayed and disoriented queen, “do I have your word, as QUEEN here, that if I do this for you—”

“I-if?!” she squeaks, piteously.

“—IF I do this for you, you will never again harm or threaten any member of my family… or any elf of Dappulyet… Or anyone else, for that matter, except in self-defence or that sort of thing?”

It’s a hastily-worded oath, but fairies are also no demons. There is no contract being made here, no binding geas. It is just two children of the Bonum Chaoticum, exchanging their word.

“You d-d-dare… Do this to me?”

“Help you, you mean?” looking down at her from your position of power, just as she had done to you.

Queen Banelight reached for her sword and, with great struggle, lifts it up as if to wield it. You do not flinch, though… And in fact, you reach out to help her up, like a child would an elderly grandparent, and together with izirina, you guide the blade to her hand. The Unseelie Queen glowers at you, offering no thanks nor criticism, but only says:

“Fine. It is a fair boon you request… Of this QUEEN.”


You sense that she is honest—in this moment, at least, which is all you can really ask.
You guide her sword to her thin arm and, with great care, cut open the skin and squeeze the wound. Bajaaban holds the Unseelie Star beneath her, while Oncyth holds the shuddering Queen upright and keeps the injured arm over the opening. You take a step back, joining Izirina, who is practically vibrating.

“This is it,” she mutters to herself—no, to you, as she garbs at your arm. “This is IT! Tips, Ezreal, we’re… We’re going to power an entire <Demiplane>! We’re going to re-enchant and re-attune an entire RACE! Do you understand what… What this all means, for the future of, of EVERYTHING??”

“Uh,” you say, caught off-guard by her sheer enthusiasm.

“Absolute, total self-sufficiency!” she says. “Freedom from… From control, domination, judgement, from ALL of it! The Gods.. The Dark Gods, or the ones on the moon… They will never have to hold power over us again, if this works, and if we can replicate it!”

You look at her beaming face, almost crazed with longing for this outcome she has foreseen: for freedom from her past, and the unseen machinations of great and ancient powers and their earthly and unearthly factions.

“One thing at a time,” you tell her, placing a hand softly upon hers, and stroking a stray, wind-swept lock of her hair back under her pointed, black cap.

“R-right,” she agrees. “Let’s dance.”

And so you do: the two of you dance, and one by one you take the hands of one Unseelie, and then another, and gather ‘round their bleeding queen. You perform the <Rite of Attunement>, just as you first did years ago, singing the ancient verse of your people:

“Belbau nossta ulu uns'aa ghil!

Ori'gato uns'aa el lu'tlu rosin 'sohna, 'sovah, xondyerna lu'k'olah.

Ori'gato uns'aa dro ghil lu'nin; ori'gato nindol k'lar lu'draeval dro wun uns'aa, mziln.

Ori'gato uns'aa ssinssrigg, lu'tlu 'che, erl'eleeus 'zil l'dalhar wun nind ilhar, lu'tlu rosin natha seke ligah

d'nindol sel thac'zil, dalninuk ulu nindel vel'bolen dron lu'dalninil ulu nindel vel'bolen elar!”

As the song reaches it crescendo, you and Izirina raise your hands—yours clutching your staff, her well-hewn wand—and shout above the rasping, pleading voices of the Unseelie:

At your beckoning, there is indeed light, cutting through the foggy, oppressive darkness, and warmth to cut through the ever-swirling winds of this realm. It materializes not as a hovering orb in open air, but as a sudden explosion of lifegiving aura from within the blood-crimson Unseelie Star. The patterns which you and izirina carefully created from the arrangement of individual grains of sand and flecks of holy bone light up with golden-white enchantment, forming swirls and angles of arcane geometry which then begin to shift, and change, and swirl about the jagged structure of the diamond-shaped structure. The red of Banelight’s blood warms, and brightens, until it is almost white as well, and a golden-pink radiance bathes the wandering, almost childlike faces of the assembled Unseelie, and our startled companions. A great, pleasured sigh goes up from the myriad, as they bask in the aura of their star.

“Light!” they cry. “Liiiiight!”

“Cap it, quickly!” you command, and Oncyth and Baajaban scramble to do so, the minotaur hefting the heavy vessel, full of blood now, and Oncyth places the crystalline cap which serves, too, as magic seal. With a quick word of power, you bind it shut so that it will not spill. Then, you instruct Baajaban to place it upon the crumbled and half-collapsed throne of darkwood and moldy white stone which Banelight has plainly not sat in for decades.

As for Banelight herself, she is exhausted from her blood-loss, and the rigors of your magical works. Just as with her kin, though, the so-called queen is taking on colour—a warmer tone of grey, perhaps. Her flesh is filling out, no longer merely skin and bones. You avert your eyes, suddenly self-conscious of her nudity, now that there is some form of curvature to see and still no glamoured clothing to replace her ragged, tattered dress.

“It is… So warm,” she croaks, and sighs happily, pushing Oncyth away so she can shakily stand, and walk towards the Unseelie Star.

A peaceful silence reigns for a moment, and then…

“Now, for your second debt.”

…It is broken.

“Yes?” you ask warily, and wearily, essentially tapped of magic.

>0/5 MP
>4 fully-ripe goodberries on your person, each one capable of restoring 2 MP and serving as a day’s rations

“I want you,” she begins, pointing at you.

“To make her,” she continues, pointing at Izirina.

“Take me to where she gained her own elemental energies.”

“WHAT?” you and Izirina cry, as one.

“I know all about that, dears,” she titters, regaining some of her earlier smugness. “Don’t be coy now! Hurry, quickly! I’m feeling stronger already, but I’d TRULY rather not make a mess of my bright and shining new palace… or harm such HELPFUL friends.”

What will you do?
>Ask Izzy to comply
>Refuse, point blank
>Ask Queen Banelight how she came to know about that, and what she means to achieve
>Wolf down a couple goodberries, and prepare for battle
>Ask Queen Banelight how she came to know about that, and what she means to achieve
she probably wants to reconnect with the holy sol and get some elemental boost to boot. now how we can make this blow on her face if she plans on remaning a murderhobo...
>>Ask Queen Banelight how she came to know about that, and what she means to achieve
Alright this sound bad it might not be that dire.
Also if we don't like the answer we can gobble a berry and FreeSense + greater disjunction her hermaphrodite ass in the middle of the fire
>Ask Queen Banelight how she came to know about that, and what she means to achieve.

I was involved with Anti-paladin Quest until mid-way through but I lost track of questing because of college. So I recognized the setting and I thought I might as well just join up after reading the archive.

Reading the quest was about the same except a little less and interactive that I got mad sometimes that I couldn't argue against some decisions lol.
>Ask Queen Banelight how she came to know about that, and what she means to achieve
>Ask Izzy to comply
But not right now. We need time to rest to get our MP back first. If that’s not possible we both eat a goodberry.

am >>6043549

>Reading the quest was about the same except a little less and interactive that I got mad sometimes that I couldn't argue against some decisions lol.
Sounds about right.
>Reading the quest was about the same except a little less and interactive that I got mad sometimes that I couldn't argue against some decisions lol.
which were the ones you hated the most ? curious now
“How do you even know about that?” you ask, as much to buy time as out of actual curiosity.

“A little birdie told me,” Queen Banelight replies.

“Bullshit,” Oncyth grunts.

“Watch your tongue, mutt!” Banelight snaps in reply.

“I agree,” Izirina replies uneasily, stepping closer to you as if for safety in numbers, or the comfort of you close at hand. “I want to know how you learned about… That.”

“Oh come now, human… YOU of all people already know! After all, I learned it from YOU.”

Izirina freezes up. You shoot her a questioning look, but she shakes her head rapidly.

“I… I didn’t!”

“Oh not DIRECTLY,” the Queen of the unseelie replies, stretching her reinvigorated limbs and twirling around under the light of the Unseelie Star. “But we have a mutual ‘friend’, don’t we? One who you DID tell all about it… Who saw you do the deed, and helped you take that crude earthy spellcraft and make something TRULY magical out of it?”

Izirina’s face flushes at the phrasing, then promptly pales as she understands.

“The Nothic.”

Queen Banelight’s too-wide grin says plenty, but she feels the need to expound upon it anyway, saying: “Well, it may be no birdie, but the big eyeball has wings. Close enough, says I! And who could argue with so beautiful and powerful a monarch as me?”

“What do you want with the Elemental Planes?” you say, squinting against the glow which Banelight ahs began to give off, as she once more levitates and begins to spin magic into a regal, red-gold robe to match her power-source. “Isn’t what we’ve already given you enough, if you’re already so ‘beautiful and powerful’? Just look around: you have everything you need!”

Indeed, the whole of the realm is springing to life. The Unseelie, having shed their animalistic aspect, begin to summon up cloaks of green-black leaves, and mantles of red flowers, to match the foliage beginning to sprout upon the no-longer-dying darkwood. They take up their spears and bows once more, as well, though without the enthusiasm they’d expect; they’re ready for a fight, but not spoiling for one. Could this be… Actual GRATITUDE? Or are they simply uncertain what their ‘queen’ expects of them? Afraid, perhaps, of the power you could and our allies could bring to bear, given the wonder which you have already produced?

(Given how exhausted you are, you don’t exactly relish what will happen if they realize this is the case…)

“Now now,” the Queen says, wagging a finger at you, “one can never have too much of a good thing, that’s what I always say! And our friend, he tells me that he and his STAR pupil here—heheheee, see what I did there?—have been working on something SPECIAL just outside of this realm, if I can but SEIZE it!”
You look again to Izirina, who flinches under your gaze, and averts her eyes.


“I didn’t!” Izirina almost scream. “I… I promise, Tips. When you told me… Told me not to study under the Nothic, I stopped! Really!”

Her hands ball to fists, one clutching her wand, which flashes with a pulse of aura—she still has energy left, evidently, and her distress and confusion seem genuine.

“Then what is Banelight taking about?”

“QUEEN Banelight!” the self-appointed sovereign corrects you.

You look back to Izirina, pointedly ignoring the outburst, and awaiting your answer.

“I really don’t know,” she says quietly, brow scrunched up in confused contemplation. “I… I never began any sort of project out there. I thought about it but… I never learned the spell to do it. To make a <Demiplane> drawing upon the Elemental realms.”

“Ooo, a new plane?” the Queen asks, suddenly altogether too close, leaning on empty air just above your party. “You shouldn’t have! This one IS looking a little shabby after all these centuries, isn’t it? And I was told that there’s some REAL power awaiting she who can but travel there to claim it! I wonder what would happen if I were to take the Star there, and charge it up with your SECRET spellcraft, crafted with the aid of that glorified akashic librarian? The Baleful Beholder always did have the NASTIEST spells…”

“You promised me that you would do no more raiding or attacking of… Of ANYONE!” you snap at her. “Remember?!”

The Queen of the Unseelie Court’s face twists up as if she swallowed something terribly sour, but she nods her wordless, begrudging agreement.
“Yes, yeees yes yes... And I’ll keep my word,” she says, but then brightens again—literally and metaphorically. “But you said nothing about making myself and my loyal retainers so FEARSOME that all the Elves and Men and whatever else must bend the knee, and apologize with gifts aplenty for the aeons of INGRATITUDE and DEPRIVATION which they inflicted upon us! We won’t harm so much as a wee babe—we won’t NEED to, when they see our strength-of-sorcery! And if they do... Well, they'd best not raise a hand 'gainst us, lest we have to engage in some 'self-defence' such as they've never before SEEN! What say you to THAT, lords and ladies of the Unseelie Court?”

That seems to raise a certain amount o enthusiasm from the hesitant crowd, who begin to murmur excitedly, and the to rise a cheer:

“For revenge!”

“For justice!”

“For the Unseelie Court!”

“For Queen Banelight!”

“Hmmm, no, no no no dearies,” Banelight says, shaking her head, and then spreads her arms wide as swirling drafts form unfurling wings of petals and leaves, through which the glow of the Unseelie Star shines through like stained glass. “For EMPRESS Banelight! I like the ring of THAT much better, don’t you?”

What will you do?
>Ask Izzy to comply [specify if you go with them, and if you make any preparations to do so]
>Eat a couple berries quickly, and pointedly refuse [initiates combat]
>Attempt to talk down and appease ‘Empress Banelight’ [write-in your argument or counter-offer]
>Have Izzy cast <Plane-Shift> and get you all out of there [requires you to defend her for a round of combat]
well, I'm of to sleep now so I'll ask if any of you guys can think of something to outsmart her ? I'm not confident on a regular battle
im not either. Right now I’m thinking of convincing her about the probability of it all.

A group of forty individuals isn’t a nation. And while they might be powerful, may have the most destructive capability, a show of force will just lead to hostility. It’s far easier to get gifts if they act more friendly or offer a service / product.

Say, for example, pathways into places or magic spells

If they’re still insisting on fighting, offering themselves as a mercenary corps could work. While the promise was to not raid or attack anyone, >>6044078 “except in self-defense or that sort of thing” what they’re doing is technically in defense of others / acting on behalf of others (an extension of their will)
I mean do they really think they'll be able to to get their revenge/take over the world with this pact binding them?

Sure they might be able to scare some humans and elves into submission, but what about enemies with real power? As long as they stick to no explicit aggression towards the unseelie they can prepare as long as they want for a confrontation.

Could the unseelie win against the fleshchangers of the reptillians when they have infinite time to make grotesque dragon creatures? Or if the humans and elves join together and pool their resources?

We just need to get it through their thick heads.
>Ask Izzy to comply [specify if you go with them, and if you make any preparations to do so]

Here's my plan
>Pop a couple goodberries
>Go with Izzy and Banelight in plane of fire
>Disjunction her (it worked terribly well first time) to cut her from her magic energy
>Go back to unseelie realm and told them that the Fire Plan is a dangerous place and accidents happen, you're deeply sorry
>Become King of Unseelies with Costella and Izzy as queens.

Simple as;
>Eat a couple berries quickly, and pointedly refuse [initiates combat]

Actually I think we might just have to kill them here. Whatever we do the Unseelie are always going to be aligned to chaos, and forever tempted towards their revenge. They're always going to be a force for worse for anyone but themselves. We unleashed this on the world, and now we need to stop before it becomes too late to stop it. Especially after the murder of the "good fairies" even if the circumstances called for it, stopping this threat now could be our recompense for that act.
>Attempt to talk down and appease ‘Empress Banelight’ [We can make your Star supernova your realm, because we TOTALLY planned on you breaking our good faith agreement in you insatiable hunger for power, so it’s our way or the highway Banelight]
Fake it til you make it, I say- unless she’s offering a fair trade of something we want, don’t bend knee to being coerced, otherwise they continue to walk all over us.

Worst case we just default to our other options.
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I might lack a bit of context. Care to word your thoughts?
This shit is not gonna work out bruh

The unseelie will definitely not accept izzy and Tips as their new king / queen. They’re loyal to her, no matter what.

It would be extremely suspicious for us and her to go into the elemental planes, her magic now severed while izzy and tips are fine. Also she could just tell her side of the story.

If you’re planning on making her disappear, that’s not going work for very long. They’ll be having doubts soon after we return but she doesn’t. In that case we’ll either have to run away or wipe them all out.

Commit to one thing.

Wipe out the queen and the unseelie. Or don’t. You can’t have it all.
Alright, you took the joke on last line a tad too seriously I think.
I fully intend to kill her in Plane of Fire - disjunction and let elemental energies mess her up really good.

The part about excusing to unseelie and usurpating the demiplane can be dealt with later.
We can go for a nap at the hill, and back at Unseeland to kill them all. We can go directly, apologize, and get good relation with them. We can mess their star, let them starve on their noaggro promise, refill it with Goodberry juice. later vote for a later time.
[A friendly reminder: the Unseelie aren't demons and aren't actually materially bound by their word or to the letter of any agreement. They're just being 'cooperative' out of gratitude.]

I got a plan.

>Ask Izzy to comply
BUT. Tell the queen we want to do that but we are currently too exhausted to do any more magic right now. We need to rest.

(If that is not possible we both eat 2 goodberries each.)

>Offer to queen & court: ask to take the unseelie court to the elemental planes to boost their power as well - after the queen’s journey.
Explain to them that traversal is dangerous and we’d rather do it to the court at once rather than individually. Queen banelight is a goddess so she can take it alone.

Once Tips and Izzy are in the elemental realms with queen banelight alone, disjunction and kill her. Return and get the unseelie court to form a circle like in the star forge ritual - disjunction them and have our allies finish them off.

(If they do ask about queen not being with us, tell them the process of her stockpiling power takes a lot longer than normal people.)

am >>6043549
We need to sit back and think about the flaws of our enemy here.

All spirits need a source of magic, the god aligned ones draw energy from the battle worlds or demi worlds the gods rule. The unaligned ones draw power by either integrating themselves into nature or draining it from people.

Another thing is that all spirits have a distaste/fear of anti magic tools/weapons. Since magic is what fuels their bodies.

When Theral used his anti-magic blade against the true fey of forest, the fey surrendered in fear and begged Theral to spare it's life.

When the Archmage cut Carzzi off from human contact she stated to waste away.
Thus the unseelie court has two weaknesses. The artifact star we made for them and the rod and chest we sold to the archmage. The artifact is a weakness because it is their current source of magic they are relaint on. If we can destroy or neutralize it, their strength should rapidly leave their bodies as they begin to waste away again.

The Rod and chest is another solution with it the hobgoblins were able to crush the gensai Fey court, just one usage of it completely paralyzed us and the chest traps sprits in said paralyzed state.

Now izzy does know teleport object its how she makes those teleportation paper's. And she did spend months alongside us studying the Rod/chest. If she can bring them to us that's great if not and if the unseelie don't let us leave this place our best bet is trying to rush and destroy the star.

A.) We have izzy get back the Rod and chest, either by teleportaion hopefully or by heading to the archmage's tower and requesting it.

B.) Izzy cant teleport the Rod to her location, and banelinght wont let us leave without attacking us. In that case we attack the star.

Should be our plans of action.
I can get behind that.
I’m not entirely sure if getting the rod & chest back is that feasible right now. It’s going to take time. Either we go back and get it in which case disjunction won’t be available or izzy goes back to get it in which case teleport won’t be available. I really don’t want either options.
sound solid, going with this
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[Alright, writing...]
What’s the 0?
why the double vote it's a 0 1 ?

[>>6044437changed to >>6044455, from a negotiating posture to a more combative one.]

“This isn’t what we agreed to,” you point out.

“Well, it’s not in the spirit, I’ll admit…”

“Or the letter,” you point out quickly, and more than a little testily. “Threatening people was one of the things you promised you wouldn’t do!”

“We’re not going to THREATEN,” ‘Empress’ Banelight says. “We will just ask. POINTedly.”

A dozen spears and arrow-tips jab forwards, as a cacophony of laughter rings out from all quarters.

“It’s pointless,” Oncyth rumbles. “They’re just like they always were. They don’t need the aura, but they still need battle.”

You look at him curiously, but he says no more. His posture and the set of his face say enough: Oncyth, at least, regards death as the only solution.

But then… Why did you DO all this?!

“It won’t work,” you try again to reason with Banelight, and with her court more broadly. “You have, what, 30 or 40 True Fey here? Even with all the power of the Elemental Planes at your disposal—and you WON’T have ALL of it, you CAN’T—you aren’t any match for any real kingdom, with hundreds or thousands of warriors!’

Banelight’s malicious grin falters somewhat at that, as she considers your point, tapping her notched and polishes sword upon her palm with heavy slaps.

“But the dark elves—the Drow—they’ll join us!” she suggests brightly. “Oh, they’re little mortal mongrels, yes, but then I like YOU just fine, Cousin! I’m sure we can find a way to get along with them, too. That WAS the original plan!”

You gulp at that, your mind flashing with images of elven civil war—and of a conflict that could easily spiral out to become exactly what you’ve been trying to prevent ever since you first attempted to find a compromise between the Dragon King and the Council of Elders over a year ago. Have you jeopardized all that, yet AGIN, by your own hand?

“Please,” you try to reason with her one more time, “THINK!”

“Friend, Cousin, Tippy-Tips, Ezzie-poo,” Queen Banelight says, as she hovers closer to you again, voice lowering and softening. “I made you a promise, dearie, and I mean to keep the IMPORTANT part. Your little ‘land reserve’, your clan, your family… We’ll leave them all in peace! And just for you, we’ll even try to avoid TOO much death…”

The assembled Unseelie Fey shift uncomfortably, evidently surprised to hear their newly-minted ‘Empress’ offering so much to a mere mortal—a half-human, no less.
“But you need to understand something, my sweet little baby,” she says, patting your cheek condescendingly. “This war, this conflict between ‘good’ and ‘evil’ and ‘law’ and ‘chaos’ and whatever other names the powers-that-be wish to put upon it… It’s been going on MUCH longer than your itty bitty mortal mind can IMAGINE. It’s a story older than this world. The Bonum Chaoticum think they can ‘free’ everyone from this cycle. Their stick-arsed Legalum friends think they can direct it, make war and conflict somehow MORAL. And the Dark Ones… They thing they OWN it, that they can WIN. But nobody can win war, not REALLY, or cure it it, or make war ‘good’.”

Queen Banelight spreads her arms wide, and her grin spreads with it: a maddened thing, flashing teeth and wide, shining eyes.

“You can only ride it out, and have fun with it! And war’s never more fun than when you have the sharpest sword, and the most power! Stick with us, little cousin, and you and your will never have to fear the worst of it. The war will keep going, and going, but YOU can have your little sliver for peace for however long it lasts. The peace of the powerful, the fat and happy!”

You stare at her, feeling sick.

“Is that so bad?” she asks, seemingly in earnest.

“…Alright,” you say.

“What?!” barks Oncyth.

Even Baajaban, who surely can only understand less than half of what is happening, looks uncomfortable. But Izirina… Izzy just looks at you, face as frozen as her adoptive mother’s.

“We’ll do it,” you say, addressing Izirina as much as Banelight—moreso, even, as you will her to understand. “But… We’re tired, and this will take a lot of aura. More than I can manage right now.”

Izirina nods, slowly, agreeing: “I have some magic left, but I don’t know how to perform <The Rite> as Ezreal does. We need both of us well-rested.”

“Well then,” The Unseelie Empress-in-the-Making says brightly, “THAT is something I think we could ALL enjoy. Wouldn’t you agree, my Lords and ladies of the Unseelie Court?”

Excited murmuration begins, as spears and bows and set down and a less bloodthirsty thrill takes its place.

“Tonight,” Banelight announces, “we drink, and dance, and eat, and will enjoy merriment in all its forms! Sings songs, make love, because tomorrow… We ascend to TRUE godhood, each and every one of us!”

A mad cheer goes up, not of hate and hunger, but of genuine and almost childlike glee—the natural joy that all fairies, even these ones, have for such a festival.

“Am I not a truly generous Empress?” Banelight titters.

You refrain from comment, merely bowing your head in acknowledgement.
The Unseelie scatter thereafter, hither and tither, gathering darkwood for a rich-red bonfire to banish the remaining mists. They dip in and out of the Unseelie demiplane, and from unknown quarters they bring back wheels of cheese, wine, fruits and nuts, meat and mead… And gaunt, tired-looking servants of many races to set makeshift tables and draw up old and wobbly chairs.

“Slaves,” you note.

“Indentured servants,” the Unseelie Queen corrects you in a sing-song voice, with a knowing smile. “Free to go, when they fulfill their duty… Just as you are!”

You nod again, and again say nothing, though you have trouble enjoying much of the proffered plenty. At least from the rather poor quality of the rations, you can comfort yourself knowing that no RECENT raid has taken place, not since your ritual this day—this food and drink is old, obviously stored in dozens of private places for the individua enjoyment of Unseelie, and brought out in genuine joy for their freedom from their curse, or eager anticipation of their ‘better’ future.

“Fat and happy,” you utter, recalling the Queen’s words.

Glutted on violence.

Muffins gluts himself enthusiastically with all three heads at once, and even Veloz is offered fresh flowers to feed upon, and seems content… Save for his worried glances at you, for he feels your own unhappiness along the spiritual connection between you two. Izzy, too must feel it, for when the Unseelie begin to their songs, and dances, and to play their queer and archaic string instruments and woodwinds in a chaotic (but admittedly melodic) musical free-for-all, she finally approaches you. She sweeps her skirts aside and sits next to you, nibbling her own light portion of food in silence for aa time.

“You have a plan,” she finally notes.

“I do,” you say.

Izzy waits, patiently, and when the moment is right, you whisper: “We’ll take Banelight where she wants to go… Then cast <Disjunction> upon her. Leave her stranded there or…”

“…Or kill her.”

You swallow again, and nod.

“I’ve done it before,” you say grimly. “I’ll do it again if… If that’s what it takes.”

“And what about the rest of them?” Izirina asks, turning her head slightly to regard to gaily cavorting fairies—the Unseelie, no longer so dark or so ugly, many with rosy cheeks from their drinking and carrying-on.

(Still violent, though. Still raiders, and slavers, and thieves.)

>You’ll give them a chance to surrender and reform, and if they do so they can keep this Demiplane in peace
>You’re seizing the Demiplane, and subjugating them—at least for a time—because they can’t be trusted
>You’re taking back your gifts, which they have so abused; you’re going to take, or break, the Unseelie Star
>The Unseelie Fey are too far-gone, and Oncyth is right: the only solution to their evil is extermination
>You’re seizing the Demiplane, and subjugating them—at least for a time—because they can’t be trusted
considering their slight change of mood when their energy was restored, we can perhaps mold them to a less aggressive stance
>The Unseelie Fey are too far-gone, and Oncyth is right: the only solution to their evil is extermination
The star’s too useful to be destroyed. Keep it. But the unseelie isn’t.

Tell Oncyth and Bajaaban about the plan.

They were displeased when Queen Banelight said she was going to be merciful >>6045101

We let them go, or they escape from our rule, they will resurface again. They will come for us again. We have to get rid of them now.

am >>6044700
>the fat and happy!
Holy pyrocynical
>The Unseelie Fey are too far-gone, and Oncyth is right: the only solution to their evil is extermination

Do they have kids? Like mini-unseelie that haven't been corrupted? I doubt it but if they do, they can live and we'll take them in.
[The Unseelie are ageless spirits and do not produce conventional 'immature' offspring in the conventional sense. As with the 'true' gods of their expansive pantheon, they create new examples through [REDACTED] and the shaping of physical and magical matter. Tips has contributed to 'creation' events of his own that are similar to this: ensouling Zith-Zi, splitting off and embodying Carazzi, priamrily. The feytouched Jackalope Twins are 'fairy animals' of a sort that is not dissimilar from a very basic 'beastman' like Baajaban, and both they and Zith-Zi would now be recognized as 'cousins', though not 'True Fey'.]
>You’re taking back your gifts, which they have so abused; you’re going to take, or break, the Unseelie Star
>The Unseelie Fey are too far-gone, and Oncyth is right: the only solution to their evil is extermination
I say we find a way overcharge the star once were rested and teleport away with banelight for the disjunction plan still then with her new mortality we bring her as the last and main Unseelie to the rangers/moon and clear our name
backlink didnt realize I was off my wifi
The other anons are right, queen banelight is a popular leader amongst the unseelie clan. She is not some oppressive tyrant if she were killed the rest of the court would try to follow in her footsteps.
>The Unseelie Fey are too far-gone, and Oncyth is right: the only solution to their evil is extermination
I don’t think blowing up the star is necessary. We can kill them off after we deal with the queen.

Besides, the star is quite the advanced thing. >>6044079 The ingredients is not something we could just stumble across that easily
Im just saying we told Henzler we were gonna be bringing her high magic artifacts and arguably this is a yet unnamed high magic artifact and we constructed it, all I know for sure is we need to get rid of these darkside of the moon homos and kill em, and I dont want Henzler taking credit for ours and Izzys star, it would totally make a big explosion like I have zero doubt in my mind that reptoid isnt seeing that as a big bright potential
I don’t think Archmage even knows of the star. We never told her about its construction, Izzy definitely didnt tell her about the nothic’s instructions and I doubt she’s the type to steal credit either considering she paid a shit load of money for the rod & chest.

But lets say she did that, how does she plan on understanding its mechanics or duplicating it? The two people who know most about it certainly won’t be helping.

It will be fine. The last thing the archmage is thinking of is burning bridges.
>You’re seizing the Demiplane, and subjugating them—at least for a time—because they can’t be trusted
Rather do this than fucking genocide- no Final Solution here if I have anything to say about this. We can rehabilitate them into not being cartoonish edgelords ffs guys.
Question- is there a ‘Good’ or ‘Light’ realm we dose them with or some shit? It could be an environmental we could solve with ‘Life/Goodboy’ magic gene therapy.
>>You’re seizing the Demiplane, and subjugating them—at least for a time—because they can’t be trusted
Look Izzy, our own world!
['The Heavenly Realms' are in some ways less well-studied than the Hellish ones, if only because they are the sacred destination of all goodly souls. Holy Sol, Holy Luna (the sun and moon, one of which you've visited) are among them, and The Feywild (another plane of existence, where elven and beastman souls are said to retire to) are among them. There are also said to be several other realms presided over by Lawful Good Gods, and traveling there or to The Feywilds isn't something living mortals typically do... Though Izirina Henzler potentially has the means. Conditions there are unknown, however, apart from Holy Luna of course. To go there could also be regarded as fairly sacriligeous, though remanding the Unseelie there as captives, to be judged as heretical deserters, is certainly an option.]
>though remanding the Unseelie there as captives, to be judged as heretical deserters, is certainly an option

If the Final Solution vote wins, I’d prefer to do this desu- I’d rather something positive come from this mess like repairing our relationship with the Moon Princess instead of just wholesale slaughter.

Would it be possible to pull an Izzy and mesh the Holy energies with their souls? Or maybe Nature energies? Or maybe outsource the problem to the Dragonborn to deal with? Trying to find a less radical ‘extermination’ than suddenly being Death’s favorite mage.
Problem is, how do we explain to them we’re not the unseelie’s allies who betrayed them last second to save our own skin.
We just be honest about it- telling them we’re remanding the Unseelie to their power in order to be judged. Downplay the ally part, more friends-of-convience and that we realized the ‘error of our actions’ in our Unseelie diplomacy.

Ain’t gonna be that hard- I imagine bringing heretical deserters to Lunar justice would do enough to put us back in their good books for a bit. Besides, we do have friends on the moon.
I don’t know. Our only friends there are those two retainers and I’m not sure how much they could help us.

And “Errors of our ways”? They forced our hand. I really don’t want to admit something that’s not even true.
Out two friends will at least get us in the door to speak our peace. Besides, the ‘errors of our ways’ is true- if we’re choosing genocide as our solution, then bargaining and creating a fucking Star for them was clearly an error on our part. There may be a difference of interpretation, but the underling assessment is agreed upon by both parties, Tips and the Lunarlads.
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[Locked and writing]
We made the star for scientific and experimental reasons mostly. That was the justification initially for why we agreed to it.

Later on we let the unseelie use the star because there was a belief they would become better people if they had it.

They were constantly whining and complaining about how the gods betrayed and abandoned them by stripping them of their mystical powers.

However as onycth pointed out their motives are fully negative and evil. Even when restored to their true forms they still plan on attacking and terrorizing the mortal races. They still plan on keeping slaves and they probably going to keeping sacrificing people to their pocket realm for power.

They are murders and evil people regardless of whether they are in a good position or a bad one. They have been killing people for long long time and have zero intention to stop even if its not necessary.
Rolled 14, 6, 3, 4 = 27 (4d20)

Your gentle heart wavers, to see the fey here frolicking, embracing one another, singing and songs and playing music. You can almost, ALMOST forget what they really are—what they plan to become… But not quite.

“Oncyth is right,” you conclude, with no small amount of bitterness of sadness. “This isn’t like with the lizardmen, or even the dark elves. These aren’t the DESCENDANTS of ancient enemies… These ARE the enemy. Even now that they don’t need to keep fighting, and killing, and abusing people, they’re still going to.”

You’d killed goblins and trolls for less than these fairies have done. By the Heavens and hells, you’ve killed ELVES for less! Whatever necessity they might plead, the least-bad Unseelie of this whole rotten bunch ahs surely killed and enslaves dozens or hundreds of people—maybe more! They are untrustworthy, malicious, and utterly irredeemable.

“Then what about the Star?” Izirina asks, apparently unphased by your declaration of total Unseelie annihilation.

“We keep it,” you say.

“…And the Demiplane?”

You sense the sudden uptick in Izzy’s tone—the barely-contained excitement. You give her a mollifying look, which she barely seems to register, and sigh.

“One thing at a time,” you say.

Knowing you’ll need your strength, you force yourself to eat, even as your stomach turns over and over in rebellion against the coming carnage. In private moments amidst the partying, you inform both Oncyth and Baajaban of your plan. They can’t come with you, of course, but they’ll need to be ready when you and Izirina (but NOT Banelight) return.

“Good,” says Oncyth.

Baajaban only nods, his bovine visage set in palcid acceptance… Or, admittedly, that might just be how he always looks. You haven’t yet figured out how to get a bead on this guy, but the flutter of his ears and expedited pace of his chewing seems to imply anxiety.

You make an early night of it, and though many an Usneelie jeers and cajoles you tor eturn to the revels, their aspiring Empress bids them cease, and sends you on your way.

“After all, our honoured guests will need their energy for tomorrow!”

That gets a cheer, and soon you, and Izirina, are forgotten. You retire to your generously-provided accommodations (a crumbling section of the broken-down palace, hastily cordoned off with stolen sheets and outfitted with a tilting, stained mattress and mismatched pillows and blankets.

[Courage roll, to see how well you sleep with a troubled conscience and murder on your mind.]
considering how many were keen on TUD, I'm surprised there weren't more voted before to trick them instead of outright giving them the star
We failed. Good.
anon, considering they aren't people we cared about initially, we most likely passed
while we were here the queen banelight threatened our life multiple times if we did not comply with her. And then she reveled that her ultimate plan is war against the mortal races to force them to worship her and her court.

It would be more surprising if people didn't turn against them.
Your dreams are plagued by images of Unseelie atrocities against innocent men and Elves. That would be bad enough, but it grows still worse, for in your sleeping visions, the grey-skinned and black-eyed face or the tormentors morphs gradually, by steps and increments, into your own twisted visage. The faces of the victims become recognizable, too: they are the hobgoblins, the trolls, and finally the Woodland Rangers and their masked, antlered priest.

“No!” you shout at the shadow of yourself, this nightmare vision of yourself as genocidal tormentor and tyrant. “I’m… I’m not! That’s not who I am! That’s not what this is all FOR!”

“Then why?”

You turn around at the sudden intrusion. The voice, soft and gentle, is nevertheless powerful—powerful in a way that breaks the dream, and leaves you lucid, awake-yet-not. You gaze into a pale, smooth face with delicate features and huge, dark eyes. For a moment, you are paralyzed by terror, believing that the Unseelie Queen has wormed her way into your sleeping mind… But no. This figure is too tall, her flesh unblemished, her robes a purest white, her ears not notched and dagger-shortened as with Banelight.

“P-Princess Miannie!”

You begin to fall to one knee, to bow, and then stop short. Is the patron deity of your clan, ancestor-of-ancestors, truly here? She feels real enough. If she IS here, are you still subject to her, after all that ahs happened? Perhaps most importantly, WHY would she be here, invading your dreams? What does she WANT?

“Why?” she asks again, as if listening to your own thoughts, and your fear surges anew.


“Why couldn’t you stay with us, on our path?” she asks, and there is a deep hurt in her voice. “All this killing, this death… Is this really the world you want, Ezreal Mious?”

“Mious VAN HOUTZMANN,” you correct automatically, and then with immediate regret, you add: “Please.”

“As you wish,” she grants you sadly. “Even in your name, you pull away from us… From your origins, your gentle heart. Is it your human blood which calls out to you, to kill? To fight for this broken, bloody world?”

“I’ve done only what I had to do.” You cling to your convictions, but an element of pleading enters your voice unbidden. “I didn’t WANT any of this! I wanted peace, and happiness, for everyone! I still DO! That’s… That’s why I’m doing all this!”

“A world without bloodshed cannot exist while life feeds on life, child.”
As Princess Miannie of the New Moon speaks, great effigies rise behind her like towers of truth: the three heads of Muffins.

“A world full of light can’t exist, while darkness exists in the hearts and souls of those who call it home.”

Two more looming statues arise: pillars with the sinister grin of the Prince Consort of Hawksong, and the twisted, crazed imitation of Carazzi in her worst and most frenzied state.

“There is a place for them,” you insist. “They can’t help what they are!”

“But we CAN,” speaks the Shroud of Quiet Night and Princess of Secret Truth. “That is what we are here to do.”

“Not like that,” you assert. “Not by completely reshaping everything… Everyone. What kind of freedom is that, if everyone’s wills are only free after you’ve stripped away what makes them who they ARE?”

Princess Miannie looks at you sadly, and then turns around. You both watch as a final column rises high above the others: a column topped with the head of a jackalope, capped with a mage’s pointed cap, with vertebrae and serpent-filled ribcage hanging below it like some sickening scarecrow. You recognize it instantly, from your first shirin-vision: it is Izirina Henzler’s twisted likeness

“And what of this one?” your one-time patron asks softly. “How much of what she was is left? With all that you have altered her, all the changes she might yet undergo, is she still the girl you once loved? And if she isn’t… Do you love her less? Is she any less HERSELF, because she has changed?”

You swallow, staring up into the watery eyes of Izirina’s shadow-self.

“Are you going to… To stop us? To attack us?” you ask, in a whisper. “Is that what’s happening, right now?”

“No,” Princess Miannie says, sounding hurt. “I would never harm my children…

“Not even an Unseelie Half-Elf.”
You awaken, heart pounding at your own ribs as if a snake—no, a dragon—is trying to burst out of YOUR chest. The pronouncement still rings in your ears, and you choke back a scream. You look frantically around, terrified that this dream has presaged some disaster… But no. Muffins still slumbers, all three of his heads at peace and his back pressed up against you for comfort in this strange place, hogging much of the bed. Izirina is still curled up on your other side, one arm clutching at you, moaning softly in displeasure at your sudden movement even as she still seems to be more-or-less asleep. Only Veloz is awake with you, hovering near you and radiating concern.

“It’s okay,” you say to the little lunar bird, and to yourself. “It was… It was just a dream.”

>14: moderate success, due to current level of ego
>3/5 MP recovered, due to bad sleep

Will you eat a goodberry?
>Yes [gain 2 MP]
>No [keep your MP as-is]

How do you feel?
>Conflicted [ego stays as-is, courage rolls still required when killing]
>Resolute [ego increases, no more courage rolls when killing]

Do you make any other preparations for the <Plane Shift> and betrayal/murder of Banelight?
>Yes [write-in]
>“Not even an Unseelie Half-Elf.”
not a surprise, but here it is. the confirmation that we'll basically never return home.
>Yes [gain 2 MP]

>Conflicted [ego stays as-is, courage rolls still required when killing]

>Yes [gain 2 MP]
>Conflicted [ego stays as-is, courage rolls still required when killing]
This wasn’t some dream- we can still salvage this and not fall into darkness!
>Yes [Prepare for magic gene therapy, and the potential for Lunar incarceration for Banelight]
We pull an Zith-Zi, and remove the taint. Alternatively, imbue their soul holiness to untaint them. If all else fails, we can simply incarcerate them to our Mother’s Gods- this need not end in wholesale genocide and our own fall into depravity!

>Princess Miannie says, sounding hurt. “I would never harm my children…
>“Not even an Unseelie Half-Elf.”
Her words doesn’t mean shit. Those elves rangers still tried to kill Izzy and us.

>Yes [gain 2 MP]
>Resolute [ego increases, no more courage rolls when killing]

Pretty much. There’s no way they’ll look past the murders of the eight. We go to them now and they’ll punish us alongside the unseelie.

am >>6045119
Explain your plan anon
correction on

>Do you make any other preparations for the <Plane Shift> and betrayal/murder of Banelight?
Since we’re already awake, practice with our weapons. Transition from holding staff to wand or sword. Put the goodberry in a location where it could be taken out and eaten quickly.
>Yes [gain 2 MP]
>Conflicted [ego stays as-is, courage rolls still required when killing]
>Yes [gain 2 MP]

>Resolute [ego increases, no more courage rolls when killing]


We never should have showed Nenaias that prophecy of izzy. Before that all attention of the moon was on theral and his kids, now their hyperfocused on us.

I bet there is an eldrin hit squad just waiting for us to leave the unseelie dimension and imprison us.
I’m pretty sure queen ekaterine is drafting the letter right now. If we go missing, well, it’s going to be a war.
Teleport to a ‘good’ plane, do ritual to pull the taint out and embue her with goodness, a synthesis of the first and second major rituals we did. If that fails, teleport to Luna and remand Banelight into custody.
iirc we didn’t have much of choice since we only let him read her hand initially to prove we weren’t lying about something.
Anon, going to Luna is not an option

No more ideas for Betrayal/murder.

I chose to interpret that dream as us becoming the next Unseelie King.
With Unseelie turning Chaotic/(Neutral-Good) intead of Chaotic/(Neutral-Evil) we give elves an option to kill without getting Moralfag'd by their goddess.
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Unable to return to your rest, but with Izirina still sleeping, you hop out of bed to do something about the uneasy energy which has animated you, in the wake of that unpleasant dream.

Princess Miannie’s words should mean nothing to you. They SHOULD. They certainly don’t change your plans: the Unseelie and their dreadful ‘Empress’ MUST be stopped, by ANY means necessary. And yet, as you walk the grounds of their small island—which seems to be floating, unattached, amidst the amorphous mists which your Unseelie Star has driven back from the edge of boundary cliffs—you are conflicted. You continually return to the notion that you could somehow ‘cure’ their inner evil in some way, as your ancestral patron deity has suggested; if not that, perhaps simply by transporting they or Queen Banelight to Holy Luna, you could buy your way back into the Bonum Chaoticum’s good graces?

But their aura is untained by demonic influence. The blood which stains their souls was drawn of their own volition, not as the result of some curse of ‘moon-madness’, such as Oncyth once suffered. What went wrong to make them this way? It’s tough for you to say, but it’s beyond your ability to cure…

And turning in the Unseelie won’t bring the Woodland Rangers back to life.

It is the last thought that turns your mind to your sword. When you purchased padded armour for Izirina and yourself, you also bought side-swords for the two of you. The burgeoning paranoia that Princess Miannie might have glimpsed your guilt in your dreams and know what you and Izirina did, drives you to draw the length of solid, shining steel—with a teal hilt as Izirina’s is deep purple, to better match your attire. You find a spot that seems somewhat private, open amongst a thicket of tangled berry-brambles, and there you begin to practice.

A stroke here, a swish there. Turn. Pivot. Guard. Duck. Stab. Slash. Hop back, lunge forwards. Sidetsp, twirl—

“Hyyaaah!” you cry.

“What doing?” ask Baajaban.

You fumble about with your sword in your startlement, dropping it amongst the barely-grown grass of the newly-invigorated island-world. The massive minotaur somehow snuck up on you in spite of his size, so distracted were you. Now, he looks at you curiously, and bends down to pick up the sword and offer it back to you.

“Thanks,” you say.

“You not very good,” he notes, without apparent mockery in his tone; in fact, you think you sense concern.

“Thanks,” you say, sarcastically, and sheathe the blade.
“Can teach,” he suggests. “Sword not favourite, but know sword.”

“Oh,” you stammer. “Uh, thanks. Again. Really. But… My father is actually a skilled swordsman, and he even teaches classes.”

“Then why you…” Baajaban stops, struggling to find the words in Common.

“Why am I still not any good?” you guess.

“Yes,” he agrees, nodding.

You sigh, and shake your head.

“I’ve never made the time to learn,” you admit. “I’ve always been averse to violence.”


“Against,” you supply. “I don’t like killing.”

“Good at killing, though,” Baajaban pointsout. “Magic makes you good killer.”

You cringe at this characterization.

“I know that’s mainly how you’ve seen me use it,” you explain, “but it’s not what I’m… It’s not why I learned magic. I learned it because, because…”

(Well, because you’re an elf, and all elves know magic, and must learn to control it. Buta s to why you made it your LFIE…)

“I learned it to help people,” you remember. “And animals. And… Everyone I could. Because it made me special, and made me feel closer to my ancestors, but mainly because it made me useful. I… I LIKE helping people.”

“You no like to kill?”

“No,” you assert, emphatically. “I hate it. I’ve ALWAYS hated it.”

“But you’re still going to do it,” comes another voice.

You and Baajaban are joined by Oncyth, his face much more typical of your mother’s race, and similar to your father’s race, than Baajaban… yet still rather hard to read.

“I am.” You say it like a confession of sin yet-to-come. “Though the Gods may not forgive me… Sometimes, to preserve life, you must end life. Like… Like killing the chimeric larvae which advanced the infection the dragon-pox. Like exterminating parasites on a crop, or curing an animal of flukes.”

Oncyth nods slowly as you speak, and smiles. It’s a dark smile, but an earnest one, and not a WICKED one.

“The world is safer, without some things, some people,” he says.

“Am glad you killed goblins, trolls,” Baajaban agrees. “Saved me. Saved friends. Was good.”

“But I think you’re right,” Oncyth adds, thoughtfully.

“Right about what?” you ask, disoriented.

“Right to hate it,” Oncyth says. “I’ve killed… More than I wanted to. And sometimes, when the moon-madness took me, and my mouth was full of blood, and my ears full of screams…”

His face twists, contorting in remorse that verges on agony.

“I liked it,” he admits. “It felt GOOD.”


The lycanthropic elf sets a hand on your shoulder, tenderly, and meets your eye.

“Thank you,” he tells you, “for making me hate it, too. I always wanted that… To not enjoy it. To hate the blood, and the screams. To not… Not DESIRE them. To be able to spend my evenings—every evening, of each month—with someone I care for, in gentleness and love, instead of…”
He trails off, and his gaze turns back towards the palace, where hungover Unseelie are surely beginning to rouse from their stupor. Your eyes and those of Baajaban follow his.

“The Unseelie still look forward to it,” he says. “They’d resent losing that part of themselves. Their love IS the killing.”

“I know,” you say. “But it doesn’t make it easy.”

“No,” Oncyth agrees. “It makes it right.”

When the three of you return, your spirit is set. You quickly consume a <Goodberry> from your first proper harvest, feeling it settle lightly in your stomach, only to quickly suffuse your body with uncanny vitality.

>5/5 MP

“Are you ready?” asks Izirina, awake and openly eager to proceed.

“Yes,” you say.

She seems to belatedly pick up on your conflict, and frowns a little.

“It’s okay,” she promises. “I’ll keep you safe.”

You smile, and nod. No need to trouble her with your dreams, or internal uncertainties. Instead, you thank her, take her hand, and return to the Unseelie Court. There, of course, Banelight awaits you, hovering above her new star and willing it to levitate before her huge eyes as she gazes lovingly into the light. You finally have to clear your throat to grab her attention for the magical construction, which she sets down gently, with utmost care, before grinning at the two of you.

“It’s a beautiful thing you’ve done,” she says, “but I bet this ill look like naught but a single buzzing firefly compared to what’s to come. I’ll truly shine like a star myself, when I am Elemental Empress of Earth!”

“The title keeps getting more elaborate,” you note.

“As is only right and just, for such a beauteous and glorious thing as me!” the fairy cackles. “Now, let’s get one with it!”

You and Izirina exchange one more look. You nod, and together you set to drawing the charcoal lines to form the sigils, symbols and mystical circles to direct and channel the energies appropriately. Banelight and various members of her court watch you curiously, floating or flitting around, and occasionally growing bored enough to harass Veloz or tease Muffins, until Oncyth growls at them and Baajaban steps in to defend the two; you glare at the offenders yourself, and nod in gratitude to your friends.

(At least it makes what's coming to them feel more deserved... If still, even now, not EASY.)

Eventually, when the work is done, you step up to take Queen Banelight’s hands in yours.

Izirina closes her eyes, and you two follow suit once the extra-long incantation for the high-level spell begins. Arcane syllables, some familiar and some strange, fill your ears, and your bodies move in sync, and then:

Rolled 10, 20, 20, 13, 9, 3, 11 = 86 (7d20)

The feeling of shunting so suddenly out of your conventional reality is just as disorienting as the first time. The circle seems to open beneath you, and to swallow you three up. Your friends and the Unseelie Court grow small and distant, as does that whole pocket-sized ‘world’. You don’t feel like you’re falling, or rising, but BOTH, or NEITHER—you move in some unknown and unknowable other direction, neither left nor right nor up nor down but AWAY.

And then… There you are.

“AAAAH!” the would-be-empress shrieks, in terror and delight at once, before breaking into confused, relieved laughter. “Amazing! Look t it! Behold, this POWER!”

And behold you do. It is a strange thing to come back here again: to this strange patch of darkness, betwixt two great expanses of raw potency and potential. On one side, an ever-whirling world of clouds moves about, winds twisting and turning in every direction without seas to stir or mountains to break upon, or even water droplets to slow them; it makes you wonder, idly, what those ‘clouds’ really are? The flare of flashing flames and a wave of knee-buckling heat from your side stymies your speculation, though, as you turn from the Elemental Plane of Air to that of Fire, juxtaposed against it in a landscape of perpetual, energetic explosion.

“Yes!” the Unseelie Queen enthuses. “YEEESSS!”

You frown at this. Last time you were here was not a wholly pleasant memory, but holding hands with Costella Fanucci was, of course, infinitely better than (ugh) BANELIGHT. Yet perhaps she deserves this moment of joy, before… The end.

And Izirina is here, at least. She looks to you, expectantly, awaiting your signal. You nod, taking a deep breath and readying <Greater Disjunction>, ready to speak the words to undue and destroy the Unseelie Queen, when…

“Wait,” Banelight asks, “what is THAT?”

You and Izirina follow her gaze, and your eyes go nearly as wide as those of your fairy foe, for something huge, and beautiful, and terrible is descending upon your trio, or wings of darkness and of fire.

[Religion roll to identify it, Courage roll to rally and respond]
>double 20
>20 for Religion

With sight and second-sight, you see it coming down like an armageddon flame, like an unholy emissary. You recognize it instantly, of course. How could you NOT? You’ve seen its match before, explored its nature rather thoroughly, and come to know the sight of a demon-of-desire at a glance. This thing, huge and overwhelming though it is, and thoroughly ensconced in elemental enchantment, is nonetheless quite similar at its core to CARAZZI.

In fact…

>Another 20 for Religion

“No,” you gasp, as the void steals your quiet voice.

It doesn’t just look SIMILAR to Carazzi. The dark heart of this magical maelstrom which descends in amorphous form from the Planes of Air and Fire, is a near-PERFECT match to it. But there’s more to it… And THAT, too, you recognize. Though this force lacks form, or face, you can see its ‘shape’ in a more spiritual, metaphysical sense: the way its energies entwine with magics external to the core entity. This is <elemental infusion> writ large—YOUR spell! And that little mote of demonic magic at the centre, that TOO have a shape you half-recognzie, blurred and distorted and yet deeply, INTIMATELY familiar. Suddenly, you understand how this thing got here, and what it is, and why it ahs come for you.

It is the demonic taint which had infected Izirina Henzler.

>13, 9, 3, 11 for Courage

Courage fails you as you recognize this truth. Your initial instinct had been to cast a spell to counter it, but you stammer your spellcraft as you grapple with the revelation. It all makes so much sense that you could kick yourself for forgetting—for not realizing what you’d wrought. Just like ‘purifying’ Zith-Zi produced Carazzi as a separate entity, ripping out the demonic taint from Izirina years ago must have left… THIS thing. For year now, YEARS, it had settled here, and had eventually, somehow… Become THIS.


Izirina—YOUR Izzy, the REAL, WHOLE Izzy—screams your nickname, and you snap out of it. The demonic entity—this burning, falling entity of shifting smoke and fire, crackling lighting and roaring wind, is about to crash into the three of you. You have no time for magic, save perhaps for that which comes most naturally and instinctively to you. You can only move, and you need to move FAST.


>Pull all three of you out to the way [high DC]
>Hurl Banelight at the thing as an offering or distraction [moderate DC]
>Drop into Aetehreal Form and attempt to intercept it yourself [low DC]
>Write-in [no other spells permitted]
>Drop into Aetehreal Form and attempt to intercept it yourself [low DC]
Maybe the queen will have a change of hearts after we heroically save her
>Hurl Banelight at the thing as an offering or distraction [moderate DC]

Demons can eat, harm and grab spirits we shouldn't fist fight super evil demon elemental izzy.

She could drain us if we do get near her, since carrazi still has her succubus draining abilities.
>Pull all three of you out to the way [high DC]
Holy Dark Souls 2

>Drop into Aetehreal Form and attempt to intercept it yourself [low DC]
Throwing banelight at it probably isn’t a guaranteed killshot and that complicates things. Getting everyone out of the way is a bit difficult.

We bide our time.
>>Drop into Aetehreal Form and attempt to intercept it yourself [low DC]
>Hurl Banelight at the thing as an offering or distraction [moderate DC]
This is a part of Izzy- her spirit-sister, arguably, left out in the cold. It’s time to bring her back to sanity, bring her home so Izzy got some companionship as well.
[I'm hanging out with friends tonight, so the update will be delayed.]
no problems
Don’t worry about it.
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[I'm going to write now, but please accept this sakhanugrana-made Zith-Zi (post-rite) as apologies for the delay.]
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Cute hag!
Rolled 7, 6, 12, 18, 4, 2 = 49 (6d20)

You can’t save everyone. It’s simply not feasible. Attempting to wrench everyone out of the way, in this ephemeral three-dimensional environment, will only result in trilaterally-assured destruction. It would be as ineffectual as a man tossed about in Hawksong’s Osprey Bay trying to swim away from sharks: the thing chasing you is as close to a ‘true native’ of this realmless space as you have ever encountered, while you lot can barely doggy-paddle in this place. Worse yet, anything this Demon-Izzy ‘eats’ might only make her mightier, so you can’t even throw Banelight to it (her?) as bait, much as you might be tempted to do so.

No, you’ll have to do this alone.

“Izzy,” you command, “take Banelight. Keep her…”

(You almost, ALMOST, say s’afe’.)


Izirina looks at you like you’re crazy. Maybe you are, for that matter. This idea FEELS crazy. If you’re insane, though, it’s a madness you long-time lover shares. Izirina nods, and grabs hold of Banelight’s forearm, dragging the fairy ‘royal’ away without any care for the decorum of her absurd and arbitrary station.

You, meanwhile, turn to face what you have created by division: the segment of Izirna Henzler which you have excised and banished to this place unwittingly, left isolated and alone in this place. You squint against the volcanic heat and near-solar light, and shield your face against the whipping winds which swirl like a desert dervish around izirina’s shadow-self—her spirit-sister, arguably, the Carazzi to her Zith-Zi. You move your hands in methodical motions as the entity approaches, so close its heat might cosnume you. You can’t fight this thing—you’re not stupid enough to believe that.

But you’ve never liked fighting, have you?

“<Aethereal Form>.”

[Sociability + 1 for Arcana + 1 for Dance]
You speak the word, and you shed your physical form—a form ill-suited to these environs. The spectral shape which you assume is closer to this alternate Izzy, and in your secret inklings, you have to admit that it feels more natural to you, ever since the first <Rite of Attunement>. Now, you meet this bodiless, elementally-animated Izzy on equal terms. You do not run from this ambush, but towards it. You swim not like a spent swim squandering your art in open water, but like a fish of the same void-black sea.

You meet your assailant not in a grapple… But an embrace.

The fire burns. The wind threatens to strip you bare, to erode you like so much mortal-soft stone… But you don’t let go. You take fiery hand in your hand, and pull twisting, writhing waist against your waist, and look down into eyes—slit-pupiled, reptilian eyes—that you recognize from so many waking and dreaming moments of your together-spent youth. They look back at you…


…And recognize you.

The fire cools. The tornado tempers. You hold a holographic Izirina in your arms, a translucent ephemera-echo of the first girl you ever loved. She holds you and, together, without word or conscious thought, you begin to dance.

“T-Tips?” the Dark izzy asks. “Is it really you? For real? Not just… One of her memories?”

“It’s really me,” you promise, though you don’t fully understand what she means.

A naked body wrought of sulfurous fire clutches close to yours, and fills your nostrils with acrid odour, yet you do not shrink away. Tears like dagger-sharp, nerve-stinging bolts of Elemental Electricity pepper you as her head falls to your shoulder, yet you still hold her close. This might not be the Izirina you know, but you DO know this Izirina: the Izzy who leis, and schemes, and rages, and breaks down, and bawls. The Izirina who thinks too much, thinks herself to death, and then suddenly and impulsively acts WITHOUT thought, You’ve known and loved THAT Izirina for years. And this Izirina Henzler… She is no different.

“What do you mean, about memories?”
The Shadow-Izirina looks up at you, her face itself a memory of the scale-speckled and pox-afflicted girl, sweaty and unkept and full of self-loathing who first took your virginity, in the isolation of her lonesome Tower bedroom. She is desperate, afraid. She clutches closer, and confesses:

“I’ve been watching you,” she says. “I’ve experienced it all… All of the things which, which SHE felt. Which SHE had. Just without the feeling. Just… Just the sights. The words. No touch. No taste. No scent.”
You narrow your eyes, not quite comprehending, and she continues:

“All her lessons, and then some—when she stopped them, HE still taught ME! But then, when she stopped… I stopped getting the memories! They were already so distant and delayed, but I still had you, as long as we shared that, but when she STOPPED, I didn’t even… I didn’t even have the SHADE of you, Ezreal!”

“Slow down,” you tell her, parsing her scrambled account. “You mean… The Nothic?”

“Yes! Yes, damnit! He was our link! He bound us… She, and her, and YOU!”

You struggle to piece it together, but it doesn’t take you long—not now that you’ve calmed her down, and gotten the other (real?) Izirina clear of immediate danger. The Nothic, who dwells outside conventional, material reality and serves a Dark God who purports to see all… He’d been aware of this aspect of Izirina all this time. While he was teaching the Izzy whom YOU know and love, he’s so been tutoring THIS Izzy, her sole contract as a stranded spectre. In the process, deliberately or as a side-effect, he has been keeping the two ‘halves’ of Izzy linked—transmitting the Earthly Izirina’s experiences to this demonic remnant who once was part-and-parcel to her. And when those lessons stopped… The connection broke, and she was left well and truly alone.

“She took you from me,” the demonic Izzy-imitation hisses, glaring over your shoulder as wicked claws of lightning and smoke sink into your back and shoulder. “SHE took EVERYTHING. My LFIE. My MIND. My SOUL. My SENSES. That… that BITCH took my whole SELF! My WORLD!”

You’re tempted to shrink away, but instead you cling closer, twirl her away. In your whirling-about, you catch a glimpse of a horrified Izirina Henzler—the one you know, the material one—and of an uncomfortably-enthralled Banelight, clapping her hands and cackling.

“I want it back,” the Demon-iziirna snarls. “I WANT IT BACK!”

What will you do?
>Try to talk her down
[write in what you want to say, at least in vague terms; it will affect the DC, and if you fail, she’ll attack Izirina and Banelight]
>Cast <Greater Disjunction> upon her, to weaken her
[Failure will mean instant hostility,a nd you don’t know if this fragment will survive]
>Distract her with questions about her nature, and her experiences
[Include specific questions; will only stall her, but might give you insights to neutralize her]
[Oh, and write-ins are allowed, too, as always except when I explicitly say they're not.]
>Try to talk her down
write in: "What izzy did was an accident, no one could have known that the rite would cast off and coalesce her demonic ego. She never intended to rob you of life, forgive her and join us and i'll use <Clone> spell to embody you and you'll get to live freely again with us at the hill."

Also, give the poor girl a hug- she’s been starved of affection all this time, and the real thing will mean so much to her.
I’m not sure what this will mean to the archmage but alright +1
Rolled 9, 18, 16, 12 = 55 (4d20)

You recognize this state of emotional pique, not just from the Izirina with whom you’re familiar, but from Carazzi. This confusion of identity, this isolation-fueled antipathy, it’s al too clear what’s happened. What this Shadow-Izzy needs to understand, though, is that it isn’t anyone’s fault. Braving the burning sting of the rage-radiating reflection of the woman you love, you grasp her shoulders, and encourage her to meet your eyes.

"Hey… I understand how difficult this must have been,” yous ay. “What Izzy did was an accident, though. No one could have known that the rite would cast off and coalesce her demonic, uh, cpompnents into… Well, into you. She never intended to rob you of life. Neither of us did.”

The blazing Izzy, made of fire and feeling, stares back at you in pained confusion. Tears beginning to well again, and misshapen teeth like jagged bolts of lightning gnashing, she protests:

“She did! She brought you here to cast me out! She WANTED me gone! She STOLE everything, on purpose!”

“Neither of us knew you were even…”

What—conscious? Self-aware? YOU certainly didn’t, and you doubt Izzy did either. It’s true, of course, that Izirina meant to be rid of the reptilian affliction which had twisted her body, and that deliberately set out to cleanse her soul as well… But you would never torture a sentient being like this. Yet you sense that regret is not recompense enough, and you can’t help but agree.

“Forgive her,” you plead. “Join us, and I'll use <Clone> spell to give you a body… And you can join us, at the Hill.”

“J-join you?”

You smile hopefully, and nod.

“So… I’ll get to h-have you?”


You pale a little, as the ‘woman’ in your clutches shifts and distorts, body warping and twisting. Her legs were already mere footless pegs trailing behind her torso, useless in the void and seemingly there more for appearances; now, the twirls around and around one another, extending out into a trailing tail of licking lava, and coiling around you. Your spectral body feels the pain just as your physical one would, and you scream, yet she only tightens her grip in response. Hair like biting serpents swirls about your neck and smoke fills your eyes as she buries her face in your neck, and holds you close. Fingers like knives pierce your back, driving pinpoints of spasmatic, electrified agony into you.

“I can have my Ezreal… The only one I need! We can have our place in the world… MAKE out place in the world! You, and me, and nobody else!”

“Izzy,” you choke out, trying to struggle free, “you’re hurting me!”

“No more need for that fat-chested, air-headed fool of a woman… Or that ugly, idiot fake version of me… Or any of those other distractions! Just you, and me, and the pure pursuit of knowledge!”

“That’s n-not… What I…” you struggle to wheeze out, between weak coughing and the effort it takes not to simply scream.

>2/3 HP
>4/5 MP
>+ Relationship with Shadow-Izzy, DC of social checks reduced by 1

Too late you realize the complication here: much like Carazzi’s instinct towards rapine (or worse), this creature is also driven by the infernal instincts of the succubus who implanted her. She is a demon of desire, unfettered by the tempering influence of moral instruction and chaste kindness, as you showed Carazzi; in fact, having been ‘tutored’ by the Nothic, you have to imagine she’s only grown WORSE over time.

“The Nothic has shown me such SIGHTS!” she gushes as she chokes the life out of you, growing stronger as your vision begins to blacken at the edges. “Oh Tips, I can’t WAIT to show you the Heavens and Hells! I’ve been trapped here for so long, but I just KNOW that we can take the best parts of everything—everyWHERE—and make a true PARADISE for us… A little place to call our own, just you, and me, and Muffins! Like it used to be! Like it will ALWAYS be, forever, from now on!”

You grit your teeth, feeling yourself fading. With your arms at your sides, engulfed in this demon-elemental, you couldn’t cast if you wanted to.


Luckily, you aren’t alone. The shocking smog and soul-searing flames are suddenly buffeted back by a blast of winter cold—an echo of the blizzard which consumed the Woodland Rangers, now coming to you air with all the refreshment of a blessed autumn breeze. The Shadow-Izzy shrieks and pulls away, flinching back from the frigid gale, and the Izirina you know rushes to your side, clutching at you nearly as desperately as her opposite number.
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“Tips… Ezreal… Are you alright?” she asks, frantically checking you over. “Speak to me!”

“I’m… hak hak… I’m fine…” you say, and then amend: “Well, under the circumstances.”

You’ve seen better days, of course... But you’re MUCH better off that the demonic doppelganger, who is once more in amorphous, barely-humanoid form, with fingers splintering into twisting, knife-tipped tendrils, and hair billowing like a solar corona: a devil’s halo, wreathing a dark angel.

“Get away from him!” the demon-Izzy roars. “He’s mien! You heard him! He loves me!”

“Nobody loves YOU,” Izirina spits back, with more venom in her voice than you think you’ve ever heard from her in all the years of your life.

They both look to you, and you truly understand: this creature is, at least in part, the embodiment of those negative aspects which Izirina has always feared and disliked about herself, and sough to shed. Her antisocial tendencies, her egotism and impulsiveness, her possessiveness… And her self-hatred. All of these things are magnified in this succubus-shard, just as Zith-Zi’s own impulses and anxieties found a home in Carazzi after you separated the two of them.

“T-tips does!” the Devil-Izzy wails. “Tell her! Tell this, this PRETENDER, Tips! You love me, don’t you?”

Do you love even the most dangerous, selfish, short-sighted, and deranged aspects of Izirina Henzler?
>Yes [truth]
>Yes [lie]
>Yes, but… [write-in]

How will you reconcile the two Izirinas?
>The <Clone> body is still best [if so, and if you choose 'yes' to the above, you'll have
>Maybe separation was a mistake... Maybe the solution to to reintegrate them into one being
>This Dark Izirina is too dangerous and unstable... At least for now, she must be contained, and educated
>This demon is NOT Izirina, and it's FAR more dangerous and powerful than Carazzi... You'll have to put it down
>Yes [truth]
>Yes, but… [write-in]
We did fall in love with Izzy- the WHOLE Izzy- before they were separated into twine. I always thought Izzy didn’t need to radically alter herself for us, and when she did, I always thought it was our failure to communicate said love to her. I know better now- change is life, and we can all change for the better.

(Hoping we can let Dark-Twin Izzy have her own Carazzi reconciliation arc)

>Clone or Reintegrate
Either is fine, because ultimately the journey will be about acceptance and self-love. It taking a physical or spiritual form isn’t really a problem (though double the Izzy was always a secret fantasy for Tips ;)
>Yes [truth]

>The <Clone> body is still best [if so, and if you choose 'yes' to the above, you'll have

The separation was a mistake and I'd like to combine them, but what's more important than that is that they're now two wholly sentient beings themselves. And unless they want to combine we shouldn't make them.
>Yes [truth]
even with all those nasty bits, we stayed with her and grew our love. ironic how those same parts were the reason she tricked us to purge them in the first place.

>The <Clone> body is still best [if so, and if you choose 'yes' to the above, you'll have
we'll have to keep a bigger eye on her than cazzy, but it should be doable
>Yes, but… [write-in]
Not when she’s trying to replace every other aspect of her. They can co-exist.

>Clone or Reintegrate
Either is fine. That depends on the two.

>No more need for that fat-chested air-headed fool of a woman… Or that ugly, idiot fake version of me… Or any of those other distractions! Just you, and me, and the pure pursuit of knowledge!”
In pursuit of knowledge and still doesn’t know the appeal of a gyaru
Nigga go back to school
>This demon is NOT Izirina, and it's FAR more dangerous and powerful than Carazzi... You'll have to put it down
>>Yes, but… [write-in]
We love you like others love their children. Your birth wasn't on purpose but we are willing to help you strive for your life goals (as long as it's not totally immoral). The creation of a paradise is totally on the table.
>The <Clone> body is still best [if so, and if you choose 'yes' to the above, you'll have
Can we do some chimericism while cloning? Just so that Izzy and nega-Izzy are more unique.
I am the constant "1 post"-poster who always gets neglected. I am still not willing to get a stable ID.
Just backlink your shit bruh
Rolled 19, 6, 19, 4, 18, 8 = 74 (6d20)

“Of course I love you.”

The answer comes easily, almost without thought. As you DO think about it more deeply, though, you don’t regret your answer, nor find cause to doubt it… Even if Izirina—the physical-material Izzy with a human soul, that is—plainly does.

“Tips,” she says with voice low, “she isn’t me.”

“Of course she is,” you argue. “I fell in love with you YEARS ago, Izirina, when we were both kids. When you…”

You pint now to the wobbling, ephemeral being of demoniac-cosmic energy.

“…And You were still one and the same. I love the WHOLE of you… even the dark parts.”

The Izirina you know frowns, then seems to come to some realization.

“This… You’re thinking this is like with Carazzi.”

“Isn’t it?”

“No!” she shouts. “Tips, don’t you SEE how much more dangerous she is? She isn’t… She’s not some newborn! She can’t be contained an controlled and taught to be… How you want her to be. She’s not like Carazzi, or like…”

Izzy bites back the last word before it escapes her lips, but you taste in in the air—or aethereal equivalent—between you. ‘Like me.’

“Izzy, you never needed to change for me,” you reassure her, remembering Princess Miannie’s words, and feeling some small shame for having made her feel that way. “Not some fundamentally. Trying, growing, and learning… That’s enough. It was never about your body, or your origins, or whether you were demon-touched.”

You take the Material-Izirina’s hand, even as she recoils away. At your touch, hr flight and fight both cease for a moment, and you seize the initiative to guide her closer to her shadow-self, so they can see each other eye-to-eye.

“I’m not saying you need to… Reintegrate,” you say. “I know you’ve been separate for a long time now. But there’s room for you both.”

You turn your attentions again to the Demon-Izzy, and say seriously: “But you NEED to accept that there ARE two of you, and that you BOTH deserve to exist… To CO-exist.”

Both the Izirinas look deeply ambivalent, shrinking away from one another with a visceral and deep-seated mutual distate. You reach out grab each of their wrists, though, and neither half of Izirina Henzler can bring herself to break your grasp, even though either easily could.

[4d20 Sociabiltiy, +2d20 Sense Motive; DC 16 for the former 18 for the latter.]
“I… I’d have to share you?” asks the Shadow-Izzy, sound pained. “With that moron? And with… With. HER?”

A finger of lighting licks out, nearly-but-not-quite hitting Izirina, who recoils and glares.

“I don’t—”

You stop yourself from saying you aren’t yet sure if you want to pursue ‘that’ kind of relationship with this twisted and emotionally-vampiric entity. You can’t even yet say how a <Clone> body would manifest—whether it might be ‘wiuligar’ in the manner of Carazzi, for instance—or how Costella would feel about the ‘throuple’ expanding. The Material-Izirina’s obvious discomfort also isn’t to be discounted out-of-hand, and won’t simply evaporate overnight.

“You have to let me have my own life,” you say instead. “You can’t isolate me—or yourself—from the rest of the world.”

“I don’t care about the world,” the Demon-Izirina grouses. “I don’t care about any of them… Anyone else. Just you, and me, and the world we can make.”

The Izirina with whom you are more familiar gasps, flinching at words that could just as easily have come from her own mouth. The idle accumulation of aura within her for an imminent arcane offensive deflates almost instantly, much to your relief. You’d sensed it building with your mage-sense, and you sincerely doubt your ability to stop EITEHR half of Izirina if one of them was to rally against you (or the other) in earnest.


“I’m…” Izirina swallows. “I’m willing to try, if you are.”

The Demon-Izirina stares back in startlement, and her energies flare and fluctuate with roiling emotions until, finally, she too stands down.

“I won’t lose it again,” she says, referring to you. “I won’t let you have my life, or my future, or Ezreal all to yourself… So if I have to share him until your feeble body collapses into ash, I guess I can make do in the meantime.”

“Uh,” you stammer, and then shake it off. “That’s… Well, okay. It’s a start. Now we just need to <Clone> you a body. Izirina, do you think you could offer up the material, or would it be better to return first and use Chimericism to—”


You shield your eyes against a sudden explosion from the direct of the Demon-Izzy. The Material-Izirina immediately grabs onto you to pull you away from what seems at a glance like an attack. You pull your arm free, however, and turn your back to the more obvious assailant, though, because you recognize that cry: not a scream of rage, or a battel-cry, but a shriek of pain…


…And you immediately understand the source. This entire affair was a dramatic revelation, and avoiding catastrophe had demanded full focus, but perhaps it was a mistake to forget about Banelight.
“HahahahHA!” cackles the Unseelie Queen, long-fingered hands outstretched. “it was a grave mistake, mortal dearies, to forget QUEEN BANELIGHT!”

You nearly shout ‘What are you doing?!’, but you instantly understand it: she came here seeking power, power-beyond-power, and in the Demon-Izirina she has found it. She might not have the means to perform a <Rite of Attunment> anymore, being so disconnected from and accursed by the Bonum Choaticum, but Banelight ahs spent centuries or even millennia siphoning the energies of individuals to fuelled her private demiplane, and plainly she is doing so now.

Already, the well of starlight deep in the night sky of her black eyes is growing brighter, and brighter, swelling to a solar corona, as moth-wings of electric heat spark and flare behind her. The Demon-Izzy rages against her, sending blasts of raw elemental energy streaking towards the fairy vampirizing her essence and energy. Whatever spell is absorbing her energies and transferring them to Queen Banelight seems to cancel out these efforts instantly; worse, your second-sight tells you that her attacks are only speeding the process.

“Stop!” you shout.

“It was a touching scene,” Banelight mocks, “but love is fleeting thing. POWER is forever!”

“We came here to help you with that already!” you lie. “You don’t need to do this!”

“I heard what this beastie said,” Banelight replies. “The Nothic ahs been WORKING with this imp… Which means that overgrown eyeball sent me here to feed it, not the other way around!”

Your eyes widen, and you wonder if this might be true. Was that the nature of this scheme? But perhaps right now, it doesn’t matter: you need to act! But how? With the two intermingled, conjoined by a stretching thread of aura, a <Greater Disjunction> could affect the Shadow-Izzy just as badly as it could harm Banelight… Though it WOULD be the surest means to stop what is happening in its tracks.

What will you do?

>Cast Great Disjunction
>Cast another spell [which one?]
>Ask Izzy to cats one of her spells [which one? There was a quick list of them earlier in the thread, or in 8.0]
>Sweep closer and stab with your sidesword
>Try to negotiate [how?]
what does <Banish> do exactly ? perhaps we could use it on the queen instead of disjunction
Would Sanctuary work to stop this? Otherwise I’ll tell Izzy to Jade Aura Shadow-Izzy, since it seems like a reactionary aura and shouldn’t affect the warded subject. Mirror image also seems wicked btw.

>Ask Izzy to cats one of her spells [Jade Aura on Shadow-Izzy]
[Banish sends a being back to its home plane, be stops it from easily returning.]

[Sanctuary requires you to delineate a space in advance, and nobody within that space can be harmed (without dispelling the sanctuary) by those outside, as long as those inside don't attack.]
I see, so banishing won’t be that useful here since we still need to get our friends and the star. Perhaps jade aura on Izalter is the way to go.
>Have Izzy teleport her and shadow Izzy away


>Cast Great Disjunction

Izzy can come back around and get us soon enough. Pop a berry, come back to get us, then the plan proceeds as usual
I forgot what Jade aura does again
Jade aura amplifies someone's aura to be able to repel evil sprits. kind of like how theral's aura would burn and blind his enemies.
oh i see kinda like blazing aura / fearsome presence?

So Jade Aura —> Great Disjunction

could work without affecting shadow izzy?
>Cast another spell [upcasted Lightning bolt at banelight 2 mana.]
>Cast Great Disjunction
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[Happy Canada Day! I'm away from home until this evening, and it seems to be tied anyway if I'm tallying properly, so I'll hold off on updating until this evening.]
ill swap to the jade aura plan.
Rolled 3, 7, 19, 12, 16 = 57 (5d20)

Many years ago, when you and Izirina were both young, and when jaunts between realms of reality were only a fantasy, there had been another spell which had been Izzy’s signature—an Oriental incantation which you’d never quite mastered, though you’d repeatedly tried. Even now, you can remember the description:

“The <Jade Aura> can stave off curses, hexes, miasmas, and repel attempts to enter the mind,” she had said. “It’s VERY useful, and we really haven’t got its equivalent in the Western tradition.”

Thinking quickly, you turn to the Izzy you know best, and shout to her: “Cast <Jade Aura> on, uh, on the Dark Izzy!”

Izirina looks startled, and opens her mouth to object. You have no time for her strange rivalry with her other half, though—not if you want to save her.

“Please,” you say, “just do it!”

And so, turning to the ongoing altercation between the two unclean spirits, Izirina moves her hand and feet in open aether, though familiarly-unfamiliar motions half-way between a martial art and free-style swimming. Then, thrusting both hands forth, palms pressed together and fingers curled, she cries out, in an Easterly arcane tongue you can’t quite understand.

You’re sure, though, that the words are: “<JADE AURA!>"

[4d20 Arcana, bonus die for Izzy's Exotic Magic and Linguistics training.]
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Almost immediately, the current of aura between Banelight and the Alter-Izzy is broken, snapping like a string pulled too taut. Banelight twirls backwards, and over end, carrying the momentum of the energy-transfer so abruptly halted. She screams and curses, flailing her limbs as she tries to return to her previous position, while the expanding sphere of emerald energy pushes her backward faster than she can pull herself towards her target…

But she isn’t the only one screaming. The demonic double of Izirina is, too, twisting and thrashing within the glowing orb of green ‘qi’.

“Wh-what?” you gasp, going pale, and turn to Izirina—your ensouled, human Izirina. “What’s going on?!”

“Tips…” she says, looking conflicted. “I tried to tell you, but I thought you understood… I thought you had a plan!”

“Understood WHAT? Had a plan for WHAT?!”

Izirina looks at you, startled at your response. She starts to stammer a reply, but before she can even finish, you realize what you had forgotten. Her words from all those years ago come back, as you whirla round to look to the Shadow-Izirian in helpless horror.

“The <Jade Aura> can stave off curses, hexes, miasmas, and repel attempts to enter the mind,” she’d said. “ Entities of an immaterial or extradimensional nature have trouble penetrating it or remaining within it.

“Ezreal!” the Shadow-Izzy screams, her voice vibrating between familiar tones and the inconsolable rage of some Hellish beast, deep and shrill at once—pure, pained discord. “Help me!”

“I’m not—”

(You’re not sure how to.)

You gulp back the words, staring at the twisting figure. Nearly humanoid aspects of the Alter-Izzy have been consumed by the greenish glow, though recognizable limbs reach out of the twisting, fading column of hellfire and smog at the centre, and occasionally you catch a glimpse of a frightened face. You try to reach out to her, only to join her in agony—in your <Improves Aethereal Form>, the <Jade Aura> pushes YOU back just as it does Banelight… And could trap you, too. But to drop your form and enter it directly… What would THAT do to you? Could you survive direct contact?

“Cancel the spell!” you command Izirina, frantic. “Hurry!”

And so she does…

[Constitution roll for Alter-Izzy]
we got lucky, neat. I think that's one of our most dangerous plans unintentionally
Rolled 14, 9, 1, 14, 7, 16 = 61 (6d20)

…But it’s too late. You stare at the empty patch of aether—now truly void—where the fractured fragment of the girl you loved once was but is no longer. In the void, you can’t fall to your knees,, floating in space as you are; instead, you crumple in on yourself, almost like she just did, and let out a scream of horror at what you just unwittingly did.

You killed her. You told her you loved her, and would help her. You meant it, too. She might have been a devil from hell, in part at least, but she was still Izzy. You only wanted to help—you’ve only EVER wanted to help, and to heal. Why , then? WHY?!

“My Gods,” you moan in misery. “Oh, oh Gods, what did I do?”

“Tips,” Izzy whispers, and reaches out to touch you, only to draw her hand back as you are wracked by a heart-wrenching sob.

“Hmmmm,” Banelight muses, tapping her chin thoughtfully as she gazes upon the same absence. “Well, it would have been nice to get more power from her, first, btu at least that’s still the Nothic’s plan foiled, isn’t it? Good for you, and for me!”

You slowly turn to her, the despair in your chest turning to a burning rage such as you have never before known the like of—not with the hobgoblin slavers, or the trolls of the wasteland, or the other Unseelie in Dappulyet. It burns cold—cold like the icy winds of last winter—but it is far, FAR more intense than even the fury you’d felt towards those Woodland Rangers who forced your hand.

“So, back to our original plan, then?” Queen Banelight says, brightly—to brightly, for she must surely recognize the anger radiating from you, as deadly as any aura of jade.

“Yes,” you spit, “I think so. Back to our original plan.”

“G-good,” Banelight says, faltering. “So I’ll just.”


“<Hold Creature>,” she says softly.

Banelight’s outreaching limbs freeze in place and, as her grey face grimaces, they are pulled as if by magnetism to her side. A glowing, golden ring of magical light forms around her, and begins to draw closer, and closer. She struggles against it, but the attack catches her off-guard.

“Y-you dare?!” she demands.

“I do,” you croak, and hold out your hand.

“We… We had a deal!” she screeches. “I kept my word, Ezreal of Dappulyet! I kept it! You… You can’t DO this! Not to ME!”

You look upon the face of the fairy queen who you have resolved to execute for your crimes, her black eyes wide with the recognition of what is about to occur, and will yourself to feel something—anything—that you would have in the past, before committing to such a grave and final act.

But all you can think of is the being—the woman whom you loved, at least a PART of her—who you already inadvertently extinguished.

"<Disjunction>," you whisper, without feeling.
man, I hope Izalter isn't dead

Banelight shrieks. It isn’t a human scream one might DESCRIBE as a shriek, nor an animal sound, by a noise like the fabric of reality ripping. Her form distorts and shifts, as she clings to her essence—that which she obtained by attunement to the Unseelie Star, that which she stole from the Alter-Izzy before you severed her energy drain. Her efforts yield results, too. You grit your teeth and lean forwards as you force more of your aura into eh spell, fighting against ancient energies and expertise, and a will more powerful than you had anticipated—a will to live, even as you strain to snuff her out.

>... is a qualified success

“I’ll kill you for this!” she snarls. “Traitor! Schemer! Defielr of deals! I’m going to pluck out your organs one by one and make EXQUISITE HORS D'OEUVRES from them, to serve at my GRAND CORONATION!”


You prepare to pump everything you have into this spell—all your aura at once, enough to snuff out this unwholesome light of ill-begotten ‘royalty’, to make her pay for your pain. But before you can…


You turn your head to snap at Izirina, who ought to know better than to interrupt a mana-clash of this magnitude, only to see her cradling a small flickering flame in the palm of her hands. She stares down at it, and as you squint and focus your vision, you see that within the pungent smoke, the flames dying light resembles nothing more than the shape of a tiny, humanoid shape, curled in the foetal position.

>15 for Constitution: Shadow-Izzy lives, albeit barely

“Keep her stable!” you cry

“I can’t,” Izirina whispers, looking up at you. “When she… My reserves, my connection to the elemental planes… When she died, when she SEEMED to die, I… I lost some of it. I need everything I have left, to get us back!”

>3/5 MP

You feel a sudden surge in strength from Banelight, and turn your attention back to her. The golden band of <Hold Creature> snaps, and your <Greater Disjunction> falters. She’s weakened, but not yet weak enough… And she is gazing upon the three of you now with hungry, vengeful eyes. Yet… You’ll need energy, too, to preserve and protect whatever remains of Izirina’s other half.

What will you do?
>Pump all the aura you need into Banelight’s destruction
>Spend 1 MP to upcast Greater Disjunction, holding the rest in reserve
>Escape to Old Maple Hill, to heal and regroup

[This is the last vote of the thread, as we're on Page 10. Choose wisely, and I'll open the next thread tomorrow!]
>Spend 1 MP to upcast Greater Disjunction, holding the rest in reserve
escaping now would just giver time to get energy from the plane, we need to at least weaken her further.
>Escape to Old Maple Hill, to heal and regroup
Save the Izzys now, deal with Banelight later.

I would’ve hoped that you would’ve jumped in and stated that Jade Aura didn’t work as I thought in >>6049041 RQM, instead of letting me continue using the incorrect info I got from an online DnD source instead of your homebrew magic system. That was rather mean of you.
>That was rather mean of you.
[There's a fine line between telling you the answers in tricky 'boss' encounters and giving you hints. Since Tips himself specifically failed to fully understand and learn it, it seemed like it would be verging on the latter. And because the specific description of how it works (which I quoted in this update) was in the first thread, I figured that was fair play this time.]
you win this time, qm
If we run to the hill baajaban and oncyth will be stranded and surrounded by enemies. Banelight will also get a chance to recover and plot her vengeance.

If we focus on banelight, demon izzy will likely die, a 15 roll barely let her hold on. Unless she get a nat 20 she likely wont survive.

We need a way to stop other Izzy from fading away and deal with banelight.

Earlier in this thread when we used <Disjunction> and <Rite of attunement> in combination with each other. The spell left the unseelie's artificial moon crafted bodies in a near death state. When we used the Rite on zith zi we were able to insert an artificial soul made out of nature energy into the new her.

What if we use the Rite and Disjunction in combination with each other. To weaken and then rip banelight's soul out of her vessel and then insert demon izzy into it in its place?
>Write-in: Use both the Rite of attunement and greater disjunction to kick out banelight's soul and send Demon-Izirina to replace it.
>Spend 1 MP to upcast Greater Disjunction, holding the rest in reserve

Yeah. We can’t have her recover. We need to kill her now before she gets a word out.

15 is still a lethal? Damn.

am >>6049091
>Use both the Rite of attunement and greater disjunction to kick out banelight's soul and send Demon-Izirina to replace it
[I DO feel it fair to warn you, based on Tips' knowledge, that this wouldn't work. As a rue Fey, Banelight's body and soul are one and the same. However, there IS the seed of a workable idea, there if that if you could disable Banelight, you could feed her to 'Izalter' to restore much of the drained power.]

>15 is still a lethal? Damn.
[It's especially effective against disembodied spirit-entities, and Banelight had already weakened her.]
With our most recent info
>Pump all the aura you need into Banelight’s destruction
>Feed it to DemonIzzy
What are you talking about.

>>6049966 says shadow Izzy literally died from our jade aura
"Pump all the Aura" is for me pushing all our MP to brute force through Banelight's HP.
We don't have the Jade Aura spell ourself.
[I said it was especially effective against Shadow/Demon/Dark/Alter Izzy, but while she had initially seemed to perish, 'Shadow-Izzy lives, albeit barely' is the state of things as of >>6049897]
>Spend 1 MP to upcast Greater Disjunction, holding the rest in reserve
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Rolled 2 (1d2)

[In the interest of writing the thread's final update before we fall off...]
Rolled 14, 14, 17, 12, 6, 14 = 77 (6d20)

You want to focus on helping Izirina’s faltering demonic double, but you can’t. Not yet. Turning your back to the Unseelie Queen is a recipe for ruin. To get free and clear, you’d need to teleport away, but to do so safely would mean abandoning Oncyth and Baajaban to the wrath of the Unseelie Fey when you fail to return—not to mention whatever Banelight herself would do, once she had a chance to recover. No, this needs to end here, and it needs to end now!

You take a deep, airless breath of the aether. It fills your form’s needs well enough, but unlike Erath’s oxygen environment, it prickles and tingles your throat and chest. You wince, but you don’t let it distract you—you can’t AFFORD to let it distract you.

After all, this isn’t just about ending the threat of the Unseelie anymore.

“You could have been safe!” Banelight rants at you, as she struggles to counterspell your <Greater Disjunction>. “You could have had all the peace you ever wanted!”

“At the cost of everyone else’s suffering.” You stare her down. “No, thank you. That’s not my kind of peace!”

“But you’re going to allow that… That THING of the Dark Gods to live?!” she demands, pointing one elongated arm towards what remains of the Shadow-Izirina, cupped in the hands of the other. “Hypocrite! You’re endangering your whole stupid WORLD for the sake of your precious little FEELINGS! What makes what you’re doing any better than what I do?!”

“That’s easy,” you reply through gritted teeth, straining. “The results!”

You throw every iota of aura into the spell, and upcast <Greater Disjunction> to its upper limits.

[DC is 17 to completely strips Banelight of power, at the cost of 3 MP. Every point you beat that by, you keep one extra point of MP. On a 16 she is weakened, you're out of MP, and she still has fight left in her. On a 15, you're drained and you're both alive, but neither of you has fight left. On a 14... Well, let's hope you don't get a 14 or lower.]
For all that you despise the Queen of the Unseelie and all that she and her sadistic, parasitic court stand for, you suppose you must admire her abilities. You adjust your stance, and the flow of your energy, attempting to recycle the spell just cast and to push past her mental-physical-spiritual defences, but she detects the shifts in your aura and adjusts her own. An invisible battle takes place between you, tough to discern even with a mage’s sense or an elf’s eyes: space subtly shifts, currents of energy flowing through the either breaking or being diverted where your Disjunction deflects off of the strategically-broadcast elemental energies which Banelight stole from the ailing Alter-Izzy.

>2/5 MP left

“Results?!” she cackles mirthlessly. “What ‘results’ are those, Cousin Ezzie? Your hound and heifer yet dwell in MY realm, with MY court! Have you forgotten?! My lords and ladies will tear them apart, if you return without me!”

“They’re next,” you spit back.

The Unseelie Queen’s eyes widen at your words, and her defence falters. You gain an inch.

>1/5 MP

She rallies—or tries to—and sneers at you across the vibrating void between you, asking:

“You’d really kill your own cousins so flippantly? What a WICKED little Man you have grown into half-an-elf!”

“I’ll do what I have to, to murderers, thieves, and slavers!”

“Murderer and thief yourself! Demonist and dealer in darkness! Traitor and oathbreaker! How dare YOU judge ME?!”

“Like this,” you grunt, and give it one last push.

>0/5 MP

You finally see genuine fear in Banelight’s face, and the realization that she has lost. Disbelief is the primary undercurrent—she can’t believe that one such as you, young and of mixed heritage, has bested her ancient arcana. But she forgets herself: her old magics are long gone, and even her stolen energy was voluntarily forsaken to attune to the Unseelie Star. That power which remains is of YORU genesis. She is YOUR creation, now!

And what you made, you can unmake.

“You!” she wails, voice squeaky, and crackling, and distant. “You… You will regret what you have done, Ezreal of Dappulyet! You will suffer, and fail, and die!”

“Maybe,” you admit, “But you first.”

And with that, the Queen of the Unseelie Fey collapses in on herself, shriveling and curling up like a dead spider, and is no more.
You finally allow yourself a long exhalation. You are utterly drained and depleted, but most importantly, you are alive. Alive, and conscious, and victorious. You reach out to scoop up what remains of your adversary. A True Fey does not ‘die’ as a material being of flesh and blood might: rather, they lose their ability to feel, to think, to act. The tiny, dried-up husk in your hands is still Banelight, ‘alive’, but only in some esoteric sense.

“What now?” asks Izirina, a you drift towards her—both aspects of her.

“Good question,” you admit.

You two (or three, or four) float betwixt the great spheres of elemental power: little things, amongst much greater ones, whose next actions will shape the fate of worlds.

>The End... For a few minutes, while I make coffee and prep Thread 9
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>“Hypocrite! You’re endangering your whole stupid WORLD for the sake of your precious little FEELINGS! What makes what you’re doing any better than what I do?!”
>“That’s easy,” you reply through gritted teeth, straining. “The results!”

>On a 16 she is weakened, you're out of MP, and she still has fight left in her.
>On a 15, you're drained and you're both alive, but neither of you has fight left.
That’s… weird. On a higher roll we get put in a worse state?

Also we got 14 four times in a row holy

well, now what will our friends do next ?
>That’s… weird. On a higher roll we get put in a worse state?
funny thing is that the result for us is worse on the lower roll, as expected, but for the queen it was inverted
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>That’s… weird. On a higher roll we get put in a worse state?
[My bad, those two queen outcomes shoudl have been reversed. Derp.]

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