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>Team info will be kept here

>Spaghetti points are used for all sorts of boons and special usages for options in dialog and battle. But they also affect dice checks and other things. So earn em but spend them when you can!
Current Spaghetti level is 6

Amon G. Sus was a homeless pokemon trainer of 13 years of age. He won a local tournament in Castelia City and managed to win a 2 month all expenses paid trip to Alola! After a long struggle to get to Alola you've met an interesting fate for arriving. You've met the oddball trainer Stars who has called you his "pupil" and taken an interest in you. You met some "Kahuna" named Nanu who seems to a bit more then he's saying about the former. And you've met the Unova Champion Hilda and a chance encounter turned carnal has struck you with a case of "what do I even do now?"...Back to the story

You get out of bed. Feeling stronger now. But also light headed. Was last night real? You look at your Pokemon playing about. You have no idea what to do next. The clock says 12 pm.

>Go out and get some food
>Write in
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Go out and get some food

Dudnt kill it. Just busy
Rolled 6 (1d100)

>go out get food find star.
>we gonna dominate Hilda with our pokemon next. That's the le goal.

>ask star for uh tips for coitus.

Hypothetically of course. Do not spill the beans about Hilda.

Time for us to get stronger and level up our pokemon and learn some better moves...
Ok good. Glad to keep going.
This won so...I won't include the asking Star for coitus tips.

You gather up your Pokemon. "Okay everyone lets get some food ok?" They all cheer. You put them in their Pokeballs and get dressed in your new clothes. You head outside the hotel. You've always wanted to eat a restaurant. You head down to the lobby. The receptionist greets you. "Hello Mr. Sus. How was your stay last night?" You think back and smile. "Very nice. Very nice indeed. Take care." You head out and walk around town. You are looking for a restaurant and walk around aimlessly before ending up on a route. You hear...trumpet? Yeah someone is playing the trumpet on up a ledge. You head over and its...Stars. He looks around. "Yeah he wouldn't be around this island..." He notices you. "Oh hey! How was your night Amon? You sleep good?" "You have no idea. Hey you said you were "in the know" right?" He nods. "Yeah that's right! I know it all kid." Your stomach growls. "You know of a place to eat?" He thinks. "What are you looking for?"

Rolled 69 (1d100)


Something not for just tourists to eat but where locals like to go.

Also where they would allow Pokemon to grab something as well
This won but I gotta go for now. Its a good description.
>More free then I thought

Stars thinks for a moment. "I know a place. But they close in an hour to prep for the dinner rush. You gotta come on. Follow me! To KoniKoni City!" He runs off in a direction. You follow in a light jog. The two of you aren't in a full sprint so you can ask some questions.

>Ask about Nanu
>Ask about this restaurant
>Ask about that "pupil" thing
>Write in
>Ask about Nanu
Rolled 38 (1d100)

dice forgot

"Hey...You know this guy Nanu? When I tried to check in the Hotel initially thought it was some kind of trick and before that they told the police you mugged me and apparently he showed up." Stars stops. "Wait what!?" He says in a panic. "Fuck! Are you ok!? They let you sign in right?" You nod. "Yeah but the whole thing is bizarre. Do you know him?" Stars sighs. "Yeah...we...we know each other. There are a small handful of people I respect enough and he's one of them. Well who wasn't an old friend of mine from way back when. He's a Kahuna. Basically he's the agent of the local island deity Pokemon on his island. He'd like not to be but you, literally, cannot refuse when an island deity picks you. He's also the Chief of Police on Alola." Your eyes go wide. "W...what!?" Stars smirks. "Yeah. I don't care what you told him but he probably got called because the cops are..." He stops and rubs his head awkwardly. "How do I put this...due to poor decisions in my past and certain factors beyond my control the cops kind of...are scared of me. I mean I listen when they tell me stuff." You aren't entire sure you should be hanging around Stars anymore. "BUT HEY! Look the past is the past. Besides the tourism industry can't be mad at me forever...Well I've been banned from like every single restaurant and hotel. I can go to the megamart but usually I get dirty looks...I'm not Tapu Bulu I'm not gonna fucking flip out." He sighs. "Look I am not dangerous but I did stupid shit back then. Let's change the subject."

>No continue this subject. What?
>Ask about this restaurant
>Ask about that "pupil" thing
>Write in
>Ask about that "pupil" thing

you could maybe use the training for the future to maybe get another vacation on Alola.
Rolled 81 (1d100)


"So I'm your...pupil? How's that work?" Stars smirks. "I'm glad you asked! There are places on this island where you can battle strangers or otherwise train. The Battle Royale, Battle Carnival which is a recent addition, and just a few places here and there. I'd take you to the Battle Tree but thats for the elite trainers. The Battle Carnival and Battle Royale are enough for now. Battle Royale is a 4 way Pokemon battle. Good for training Pokemon to stay chill and focused on the situation under pressure. And the Battle Carnival is attraction some guy from Unova made...Grimsley or something? He basically just charges people to watch amateur Pokemon battles and there is a ferris wheel involved and some food stands. Its on Melemele Island. I'll take you once you've had some fun and have your mind and body refreshed. Also they have slots and that Voltorb game...I am welcome there but I don't battle. Oh! The Battle Royale gives points out you can use to buy prizes. And the Battle Carnival just gives out smaller prizes. Tourists tend to use the Battle Carnival more and the locals aim for the Battle Royale. In addition I have a few tricks for training your Pokemon and you yourself mentally. For now let's just get you to the restaurant." He keeps moving.

"So wait. You want me to enter these tournaments?" He nods. "Yes. In fact I fully intend for you to lose the odd battle here and there. We gotta get that mentality of lose equals starve out of your Pokemon or they won't be able to perform at their peak. Also you may wanna consider asking what your Pokemon think about evolution. Oh...Don't tell anyone your my pupil. At least try to avoid it."

You arrive at a eastern looking town. On the outskirts Stars stops. "The place your looking for is called Aina's Kitchen. I'm gonna bow out here. I'd rather not have you be seen with me. Lots of things to do in this place. Feel free to explore too. I'm gonna work on my end for now about getting you a Z-Ring. It would help you a lot. See you around!" He runs off. You sigh and head into town. There are vendors and stalls everywhere. You look around and see the restaurant. You enter it and find it mostly empty. You see a girl in an apron with green hair and tan skin is sweeping. She's around your age and she looks at you. "Oh hey! You uh...really hitting close huh? We are 5 minutes to close." You sigh. "Oh uh sorry." You turn to leave when you feel a tug. "Now hang on! We may be prepping for the dinner menu but I can personally cook you something! I'd hate to turn away tourist and give him a bad first impression. What kind of a cook leaves someone hungry anyway." She sits you down. "Though you'll have to eat what I serve you. That ok?" Fuck she's actually pretty feminine. You feel yourself freeze up a bit.

>Beat 60 else you drop spaghet
>Also you gained a point after failing all the "don't look at tits" rolls from last thread.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Sure. But my pokemon could use some food too.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>+ ask her if it's okay to walk around in public with your pokemon out.

And anons definitely need to ask big bro star about moves.
Qm you should give us pictures of characters. Aka star, girls, the police chief ect.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

>+ ask her if it's okay to walk around in public with your pokemon out.

I agree with anon we need pictures of the food that our pokemon are eating.
They are canons but ok fine. Here's one I had saved.
>Also I am trying to alternate between moments with them in the Pokeballs and outside the Pokeballs. I don't want them invovled in scenes and them just not being around is the best solution. And I genuinely have no idea what a good picture for the food would look like. At least for the Pokemon.

You keep your cool. "Could I also order something for my Pokemon?" She nods. "Sure! That's easier then making food for people anyway. You wait here ok?" She heads into the kitchen...Leaves you alone for a bit. You wonder how exactly this training stuff will work. There is another problem as well. Evolution. Your Pokemon are small which can accommodate that space back home. But if they evolved...You wonder if its worth the cost. As you think on this for a good while you eventually get interrupted by Mallow. "Hey! Uh...I need to ask you something. Word kind of travels fast around these parts. You...You've been hanging around Stars haven't you?" She asks worriedly.

>Tell the truth
>Lie (Beat a 70)
>Say nothing
>Write in
I also don't HAVE a good picture of Stars. I'm kind of OCD when it comes to refs. Its why I had you guys pick the ref for Amon. I prefer mental images and text descriptions. I hope that won't kill the rp for you all.
rp ded i will never recover from this betrayal and loss arcus take me
Ok. See you tomorrow.
>Write-in: "Uhhh, kinda? Yes he is showing me around the sights and as I just came to Alola."

I mean we are going to be hanging around star more often and lying will just get us caught out. Better to confirm it now so if we are kicked out we can go explore for more restaurants.

Her eyes widen. "H..hey! You shouldn't hang out with him! He's a big bully! And the reason the Island Challenge isn't as popular as it once was! I mean...He also inadvertently got the age limit removed so that's nice but...Hey! Look, he's the last holdout of a bad group of thugs. Everyone else moved on! I even trained one of them as a cook! But not him. Trust me. He's just...Bad!" You are a little flustered by this. "I mean...I can't choose NOT to have him around. Besides I don't see what's so bad about him personally..." Mallow crosses her arms and stares at you. She sighs. "I guess its more a problem for the locals but...No." She says with a look of finality. "That's that. No." You look confused. "No?" Mallow nods. "No." You can't figure out what she means. "What?" She smiles suddenly. And enthusiastically says "No means no! I'm not gonna let the "Demon of Alola" get his claws into you. When I get off my shift in a few hours I am gonna have to hang out with you to keep you away from the wrong crowd." Mallow says. Is she serious? What are you thinking?

>I really need to get to the bottom of all this crazy shit
>I genuinely don't care anymore
>Fucking Stars coming in clutch as a wingman
>Write in
>I really need to get to the bottom of all this crazy shit

I have never watched alola pokemon season but sounds like Star is a gang leader but doesn't want to be one anymore? Man shit must have went down on this island if we are being kidnapped for our own good.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

>I really need to get to the bottom of all this crazy shit
Rolled 18 (1d100)

>I really need to get to the bottom of all this crazy shit
Last thread is only on page 5, they last for a while here anon.
Noted. I'll keep that in mind. Will respond later today.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

>I really need to get to the bottom of all this crazy shit
>Fucking Stars coming in clutch as a wingman. Definitely gotta ask him about some "moves".
>well I beat him in a pokemon battle...

"Well I guess that's fine. I don't have a phone..." You realize you probably should get one. "Oh. Well my shift technically ends around 8 so just meet me here okay?...Oh your food! Go ahead and get your Pokemon ready!" She runs back to the kitchen. You let your Pokemon out of their Pokeballs and they look around. "Yeah it's a restaurant. Things are looking up." You think about everything that's happened and decide that you can't stand the idea of a mystery surrounding you. Maybe its your paranoid nature but you can't take that. A few minutes later she comes out with a bowl of some kind of stew. "Its spicy but I hope you like it!" She puts it in front of you and then comes back with 6 bowls of steamed pokemon chow. "I made this from scratch. Its got everything you need for healthy Pokemon!" She places it in front of each one. "Wow. You have some exotic Pokemon huh?" She says looking at Sigilyph. "Anyways I will need to clear you out for payment." She hands you the check. "Can I pay by card?" You hand her your debit card. "Oh...Aether Credit...Aether Foundation? Its pretty weird a tourist would have this. Whatever!" She smiles and goes to clear it out.

>Ask what "Aether Foundation" means
>Ask more about Stars
>Ask about Mallow
>Ask about Alola itself
>Write in
Rolled 50 (1d100)

>Ask what "Aether Foundation" means
>Ask more about Stars. I beat him in a pokemon battle but I don't know anything about him or why people dislike him.
>Ask about Mallow
>Ask about Alola itself
>Give her a fat 10$ tip. Just the tip ;)
Rolled 2 (1d100)

>Ask what "Aether Foundation means"
Since that came up first, then
>Ask about Alola
That could easily segue into her talking about herself.
So normally you have to pick 1...maybe some modifications here and there. But okay. I'll uh...work all this in. But I won't do it all at once. You can hear more later. I'd rather not rush the plot that much. And I want some stagger time between lewd moments.

"What is the Aether Foundation anyway?" You ask. "A Pokemon Conservation organization. They have an artificial island in the center of Alola. Tourists can't really go there. But they do have facilities all over the other islands. But I don't know about them giving these out to tourists either...My friend Lillie's Mom runs the entire place. I could ask her about this for you later." Thats interesting. Maybe this Lillie person or one of the facilities can tell him about the card. "Hey what about Stars? I beat him in a Pokemon battle...technically." She looks at you incredulously. "You know you don't have to lie to impress anyone. You seem like a nice guy as is." You pout a bit. "Hey! I mean it! He said if my Foongus could take a Z-Move from his Musharna and stay standing I would win. And I did." She looks at you surprised. "I...I think I believe you. He rarely uses that Pokemon outside of Double battles or those Rotation or Triple Battles in the Battle Carnival so there's no way you could know he has one straight off... You must be tough!" She says with a smile. You impressed her after all! "What about you?" She hands you the receipt. "Sorry! I really gotta go help set up for the dinner rush. A lot of our dishes need some prep work for ingredients and broths and such. So we close for a few hours to prep everything in advance. Just leave the dishes on the table! And I mean it. 8 pm here! Stay out of trouble ok?~" she gives you a wink and heads to the back. The food is spicy but you kind of like it! Exotic! And painful! In the end you sign the receipt with a 10$ tip. You walk out feeling full. And look around. Big town. Lots to do. What are you thinking?

What next?

>Find someone to battle
>Skip town and go Pokemon training
>Check the vendors for things to bring home to sell and/or souvenirs
>Explore the town in general and sightsee
>Write in
>Find someone to battle
>Explore the town in general and sightsee

Explore if we find some one to battle... take their money. (Aka bet on battle outcome)

And I didn't mean anything lewd qm. I literally just wanted us to tip her for the meal. I mean it's free money to us.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

We've reached the point in the story where now sightseeing, training, and being James Bond in Hawaii...Good James Bond not like the last movie
James bond in hawaii are more the focus with the story dripfeeding.
I know nigga. I meant in general. Will respond later.
Rolled 74 (1d100)

>Find someone to battle
>Explore the town in general and sightsee

I and our team crave violence.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

Oops ignore this. Didn't realize my other one went through.
However you want to run it qm. I'm just used to selecting what things you want to have happen. And I figured we could wander around looking at stuff. And if we run into a trainer we can body him and run his pockets. Like in the games.
Oh we can. I am just not...as proficient a writer as I see lots of these guys on /qst/ are. And doing all the selections at the same time may not be as doable every single time depending on whether my autism can figure out a way to do so. I can see A and Z and some letters inbetween but I still have to fill in the gaps on the spot. Which I enjoy don't get me wrong. It's fun reacting to wacky shit. I only came up with the spirit guide stuff because not including it after you guys named our character Among Us would be a disservice. Lately I have been very busy but it should FINALLY end later tomorrow. Even now my brain is shutting down. I'll update more regularly throughout the day starting tomorrow.

Also unless you can convince the other trainer for bet cash you don't get money when you battle trainers. Its one of the reasons I included the cash card. But I am gonna include a trainer who will in fact do this.
You could specify to just pick one option to rein in the players, most people try to have their cake and eat it too when they see two different options they like
Ganbatte kudasai!
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You check out the sights and the lighthouse and other such things. Plenty of vendor stalls but alas you just really feel like Pokemon battling. After looking around for a person to battle and asking around for a bit for find yourself approached by an older lady... "Excuse me. Your looking for a battle?"

>Roll 70 or spaggt drop...Also how many people playing have ACTUALLY played Sun and Moon...or even Pokemon? I wanna make sure because I don't know how many refs I need to get at any given time.
Not complaining at all either. I just need to know.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

I played halfway through Sapphire on an emulator and that's about it, know nothing about Pokemon post B/W
Rolled 16 (1d100)

never played sun and moon. nor ultra sun and moon. played from firered onwards. stopped at Omega Ruby. picked up again at Scarlet
I...I have to use this. Also assume the characters are a bit more hentai bodied then my refs because I am OCD about them.


Tits ass stomach tits ass stomach tits ass stomach tits ass stomach TITS ASS STOMACH! "YES! I AM! BATTLE!" You say before freezing up. She looks at you more amused then anything. "Oh my. Nervous? No need. I'm just looking to train my Kahuna Test team. Some of the captains under me are letting themselves get more lax and I want to make sure the same doesn't happen to me." You go silent. Girls do NOT dress like this in Unova...to your knowledge at least. "You ok? Don't worry I won't use my Elite 4 team."

>Accept the challenge
>Accept but try to get some money out of it like before
Sorry bro! It was the first 1 we ever got. I had to use it. I also highly recommend tracking down a Citra APK and just playing Sun/Moon. Ultra is...okay. It has more content but the story isn't as good for whatever that's worth.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Based, I don't blame you for using the one, I actually thought it was extremely funny I got it
Don't think we're in any mental state to say anything but yes
Rolled 34 (1d100)

>Accept the challenge

eh no problem. i could have rolled a 100. so i had to try.

"Y..yeah let's uh.. let's do this." You totally forget trying to scam her out of money. "Great! Come on let's head outside the town. So what's your name?" "A...Amon..." "I'm Olivia. I'm the Kahuna of the island by the way. Normally when a new face comes around looking for someone to battle its me trying to get the right to challenge the champion. And you aren't wearing a challenge band so I figure your just training. Which works out well for me!" The two of you head into a field outside of town. "This seems like a good spot. Let's do 3 on 3 ok?" "S...sure." She gets her game face on. "Go Nosepass!" She sends out a Nosepass.

>Who we sending out?
>This battle can't be lost. Its for fun/fluff. However if you spend 5 points you can evolve your Pokemon or spend 3 to learn a new move in the battle. You cannot evolve Foongus though. I have something special in mind for that.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

i think we can start with Croagunk. he has lowkick and Mudslap against this stone pokemon
btw. did you archive the old thread already? or are you willing to just let it drop from the face of the earth and disappear?
Rolled 71 (1d100)

How do you archive a thread?
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on here. you just go to add thread on the left and fill out the request. the Number of that thread is 600274. I can do it for now if you want.

number of the thread we are currently in is: 6020303

i stole this picture from another thread.
Thanks! I got it. Thank you so much.
it can take a couple minutes to maybe an hour to process. so dont worry if it doesnt show up very soon.

and you have a lot of time since the old thread is just on page 6 or so. it wont drop till page 10 and even then will stay archived on 4chan for a couple days before being deleted.
I may need to ask you to do it...My computer is still busted. Taking it to a friend who can repair it but its still broken.

np. here it is.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Much obliged.
First two Gens, White on DS and sister gave my Diamond or Pearl. TCG online later.

"Go Croagunk!" Croagunk comes out. "A Croagunk! Exotic. Okay Nosepass use Thunder Wave!" Nosepass shoots out electric pulses at Croagunk! "Dodge it!" Croagunk leaps out of the way.

>Fight Offensively
>Fight Defensively
>Write in

Ability: Poison Touch
Poison Sting
Low Kick
Mud Slap
Rolled 61 (1d100)

>Fight offensively, use Low Kick and smash this rock to pieces
Rolled 5 (1d100)

>Fight Offensively

"Use Low Kick! Get that Nosepass taken care of!" Croagunk charges and gives a low kick to Nosepass. "Not bad but...A point blank attack was foolish! Thunder Wave!" Croagunk gets hit point blank with Thunder Wave and he twitches as static crackles around him. "Now Spark!" Nosepass covers himself in electricity and tackles Croagunk. That...actually hurt Croagunk! This lady is no joke!

>We will still win mind you. Also I highly recommend buying a new Fighting Move since Low Kick is aids. But you all do what you want. To buy a move include it as an action in your roll. Evolution requires TWO SEPARATE PLAYERS to roll for it as an action. This way you can't spend all the points by yourself. I am willing to let a single player buy a move though. We will have plenty of points so 3 isn't gonna be that bad but 5 is a lot by comparison.
Rolled 18 (1d100)


>Fight offensively.

Learn Drain Punch.

strongest reliable fighting type move Croagunk can learn i think. and i am not betting on Focus Blast hitting.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

This anon seems smart.

I played up to Ruby.
+1 I support anon also I never watched or played much pokemon and only know vague things from memes and osmosis.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

forgot to roll
>I like you all and I am not complaining in the slightest but did you all play solely because I am including /ss/ wish fulfillmenty elements with Pokemon girls? because I would join an rp solely for that.

"Nosepass hit him with Rock Slide!" Nosepass summons a few boulders and sends them flying at Croagunk! They collide with him. "Croagunk! You ok!?" Croagunk tosses some rocks off himself. He pants in pain. "Hey you wanna call it? I'm kind of tough so I won't blame you." Olivia says. She doesn't sound mocking but it still hurts. On an instinctive level you wanna impress the stacked older lady. Croagunk sees the hurt look on your face and for the first time in a while gets really mad. He throws himself forward forcing himself through the paralysis. His hand glows a bright brown color. "Nosepass brace yourself!" Nosepass gets struck and energy seeps from the blow visibly into Croagunk as Nosepass gets sent back a distance. Croagunk doesn't look as hurt as he was a moment ago! "Good job Croagunk! But what was that?" You ask aloud. "Looks like Drain Punch! It's a fighting type attack that saps the health of those it strikes." Olivia says. You've had Pokemon learn new moves during training before. Marill learned Water Gun from Bubble and Foongus learned Mega Drain from Absorb. But it never happened in the middle of a serious battle before! Croagunk looks back at you and gives a fist pump before twitching from the residual paralysis.

>Changing Low Kick to Drain Punch. 3 points of Spaghetti Level left.

>Fight Offensively
>Fight Defensively
>Write in
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Fight defensively "Croagunk keep your distance and use mud slap to try and blind Nosepass!"

Yes I play the quest for the waifus and pokemon plot and the journey to turn sus from a hobo to a professional hobo that can beat others for their money.

Also trying my hand at plan write-in to see how when that works out.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

no i do not play for that content. i am here to turn this poor Dude into someone that can have a good life in front of him in the future.

this seems okay to me.
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"Croagunk keep your distance and use mud slap to try and blind Nosepass!" Croagunk tries to bob and weave but its not as fast as it was before. It launches Mud Slaps at Nosepass. "Rock Slide! 4 o Clock!" Olivia says as Nosepass launches another barrage of Rock Slide at him. "Nosepass' sense of direction is so great I can just list off directions and he will know almost precisely what I mean." Croagunk gets hit again. But Nosepass isn't looking too good either. "Croagunk! Get in close! Finish it off with Drain Punch!" "Nosepass Spark!" Croagunk launches itself at Nosepass and vice versa as Nosepass uses Spark. The two collide and a small explosion sends smoke everywhere. When the smoke clears Nosepass is down and Croagunk is still standing. Albeit battered. "Good job Nosepass return!" She returns Nosepass. "That was pretty good! But let's see you try Boldore!" She sends out Boldore.

>Fight Offensively
>Fight Defensively
>Write in
Based as well.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

>Fight Defensively

lets try a Drain punch to stay in the fight a bit more and break sturdy if it has it. then continue using Mud Slap a bit more.
Yeah I started playing for the girls, kept playing for cryptic dreams, the fact that our guy is a fucking walking amon g sus reference, and because I like the idea of having a logical battle system, where if we come up with a good enough plan it'll work

"Use Drain Punch!" Croagunk runs at Boldore and hits another blow. "Use Bulldoze!" Boldore slams its front legs on the ground a localized vibration strike sends Croagunk to the ground. "Mud Slap! Quick!" Croagunk hits him with the mud. "Bulldoze doesn't care about sight! Now finish him off Boldore!" It slams again and Croagunk gets struck again. This does the trick. And Croagunk faints. "Good job Croagunk. Return!" You return Croagunk.

>Who else next?
Rolled 18 (1d100)

I would send out Foongus, but we can't send out our Pikachu so early, he has to be the last pick
So I say send out Marill, Water Gun will be a based ranged option and we can do a lot of smart things with her kit
Personally I'd send out Castform and get a Rain going but I get what your thinking. I'll respond tomorrow if no one rolls higher.
I thought Castform only had Sunny Day, and I wasn't sure whether other anons wanted to spend three points on giving him Rain Dance
Also, incidentally, what's the weather like today on Alola? Sunny? Cloudy? Does a normal sunny day count as an actual sunny day? Will we have to use Castform's moves to change the weather, or can we just pick him based on the environment weather, also does it work indoors?
for indoors we will probably have to use a move indoors.

if we teach him now we weill have to build up a bank of Spaghetti again to do soemthing.

i wouldnt mind spending another 3 points. mostly because Marill doesnt like to fight much.
As a side note, imagine if we kept shitty low kick all the way until the end, when we finally get to use it against a fucking Regigigas or something, it would have been kino... but Drain Punch will be better and more useful on average, so it's the smarter play
depending on what the endboss is we might consider focus Sash and Endeavor combo. if any of our pokemon can learn it.

then we just need a Quick attack or something.
The endboss isn't regigas otherwise no way in hell I would have suggested you guys get rid of it.

I forgot about Sunny Day
you mean for Castform. Did you want him to have something different?

or just Raindance as well when he mostly kept Amon dry in Unova.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

>water gun kite spam
>she better become our sugar momma
Rolled 58 (1d100)

I support this anon's plan.
No he only knows Sunny Day. Learning the other weathers would be a useful trick though. Maybe I will include it in a mini arc.

"Go Marill!" You send out Marill. "Water Gun!" Marill shoots out her water gun but it washes off the mud from Boldore's eyes. "Boldore Rock Blast!" Boldore opens its mouth and shoots out a barrage of rocks hitting Marill. "Marill hit him another Water Gun!" Marill shoots a water gun but Boldore responds with another Rock Blast.

>Keep up the battle of endurance
>Fight Offensively
>Fight Defensively
>Write in
>Keep up the battle of endurance
Rolled 67 (1d100)

>Fight Offensively
Rolled 72 (1d100)

>Fight Offensively
>Water gun goes Brrrrr

Marill be come an A10 warthog.

"Keep it up Marill!" Marill shoots Water Gun as Boldore shoots Rock Blast. The two of them stand firm but eventually they both faint. "Hmph. That was impressive but you fight an awful lot like him..." she pouts. She sighs and smiles. "Nevermind! Sorry! Don't worry. Now then...Lycanroc go!" She sends out Lycanroc. "What?" You pull out your Pokedex. "Lycanroc, the Wolf Pokemon. The more intimidating the opponent it faces, the more this Pokémon's blood boils. It will attack with no regard for its own safety. They live alone without forming packs. They will only listen to orders from Trainers who can draw out their true power." A Rock type. That fits. Lady likes Rock types.

>who you sending out?
Rolled 89 (1d100)


You decide to try something unexpected. "Go Sigilyph!" You send out Sigilyph. "Wow! I haven't seen one of those Pokemon in real life before!" She says impressed. Nice. "Lycanroc! We have to hold back a bit. Treat this like a trial not a full on battle." Lycanroc sighs. Then it growls at Sigilyph.

>Ability: Wonder Skin

>Fight Offensively
>Fight Defensively
>Write in
Rolled 52 (1d100)

>Hypnosis, stay out of its range with its flying.

"Sigilyph! Hypnosis!" Sigilyph sends out waves of energy at Lycanroc. "Dodge it and use Rock Throw!" Lycanroc does so and throws a rock at Sigilyph. It actually does a fair amount of damage. Damn thing is tougher then he looks. You imagine beating down Lycanroc and impressing Olivia so much she takes you to the bedroom on the spot!...Damn ever since you got some shit like that has been flashing through your mind. You have to stay focused!

>Fight Offensively
>Fight Defensively
>Write in
>Roll past a 60 for a flash of inspiration
Rolled 92 (1d100)

>Cast confusion
Get it to hurt itself.

"Use Confusion!" Sigilyph hums and lift Lycanroc up and throws him down to the ground. Lycanroc looks dizzy. "Lycanroc!" Olivia says in worry.

>What next?
Rolled 77 (1d100)

if we are using anime logic we could probably use whirlwind to help deepen the Lycanrocks confusion and throw it around a bit for a bit of chip.

If not use hypnosis so we can then pelt it with Confusion afterwards.
>Whirlwind sends a special gust that makes Pokemon return to their Pokeballs and the trainer has to send out a new one. We can't use it in this case because its 3 on 3. Technically we can use it but it would be like cheating.

"Snap out of it Lycanroc!" Olivia says worriedly. "Sigilyph use confusion again!" Sigilyph lifts Lycanroc as high as it can. As it lifts Lycanroc up eventually Lycanroc shakes its head. "Oh no...He's too high up...Brace yourself Lycanroc!" Sigilyph drops Lycanroc and he falls and lands with a thud. Lycanroc is still able to stand but he's hurt. "That's enough. I concede." Olivia says. "Don't worry Lycanroc. It happens to the best of us. You still did your best. Return." She says returning him. "Well that was pretty good. Shame you don't live here. You'd do well in the Island Cha...llenge." She stops at the last word and frowns. "What's wrong?" You ask. Olivia rubs her arm. "I just...Its been a while since anyone HAS tried the island challenge properly. We even raised the age limit to try just to...Well...To...Nevermind." she pouts. "You are a gifted trainer. Amon right?" You nod. "Well let's see each other again sometime. I work at the minerals shop. Feel free to drop by." She winks at you and saunters off...W...was that it? No sex? I guess it would be unrealistic to assume every encounter will automatically lead to sex per se...better head to the Pokemon center. At the Pokemon center you get everyone healed and then you try and decide what to do next. Its now 3 pm.

>Skip town and go Pokemon training
>Check the vendors for things to bring home to sell and/or souvenirs
>Explore the town in general and sightsee
>Write in
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Explore the town in general.
Rolled 22 (1d100)

>>Explore the town in general and sightsee
Rolled 98 (1d100)

>Skip town and go Pokemon training

Time to learn some new moves and evolve pokemon.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

>Skip town and go Pokemon training

After a rest you decide to go to the Routes and fight wild Pokemon. You send out all your Pokemon. "Okay everyone."

>What is your goal for the training? Strength? Practicing moves? Learning new moves?
Idk gain levels. Time to minmax our stats
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Rolled 33 (1d100)

Rolled 18 (1d100)

learning new moves.

for now we are strong enough. our movesets just suck.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

>Learning new moves?
Rolled 56 (1d100)


"Okay everyone. Let's try some strength exercises." You say. You all do some strength exercises and mock battles and practice using your moves with intensity. After about 2 more hours of this you hear something behind you. "Well well! Look whos working hard!" Its Stars and his Lucario. "So how's your day going?" He's fiddling with a...trumpet.

It's 5 PM

>Talk about the restaurant
>Talk about Olivia
>Talk about rumors concerning him
>Whats with the trumpet?
Rolled 45 (1d100)

>What's with the trumpet?
I still believe in our bro despite what all these hoes say about him, and he deserves friendly smalltalk before interrogation
Rolled 43 (1d100)

>So whats that trumpet about? You a musical talent? Or trying to be?

You decide to believe in Stars. At least for right now. "What's with the trumpet?" Stars perks up. "Oh this? I do jazz trumpet. I have a friend who really likes the sound and its my way of calling him if things goes south. Having powerful friends can be an asset if your a social pariah." He rubs his head. "I gotta admit. I was waiting for the coast to be clear but I saw you battling Olivia. That's fucking kick ass. If she gives you any advice on Pokemon battles take it." Stars says sincerely. "She's the island Kahuna AND one of the elite 4."

>Ask about Olivia.
>Ask about "Kahunas"
>Ask about the rumors
>Write in
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>Ask about "Kahunas"

"What are Kahunas anyway?" Stars thinks back. "Did...I...I think I mentioned them before...But the gist of it is each island has one. They are chosen by the Island Deities. Like...The Island Deties are basically legendary Pokemon. Very powerful. Very odd behaviors. But nonetheless. Kahunas are also sort of like island protectors in their own right. Mayors of towns ask for guidance. Sometimes the police even ask for their help. But they are chosen by the whims of their desires. Who knows? Anyways...I saw, albiet from a distance, your Croagunk learned Drain Punch?" You nod. "Lucario is pretty good with that move. You know if you can hold the punch into the target Pokemon you can drain more. And if you get good at it you can use two fists at once?" You consider it. "Anyways your training is pretty good. This the kind of stuff you do regularly?" You nod. "The best training ultimately will be battling Pokemon though. I'd challenge you but in truth I think maybe you could use more practice with positioning." You look a bit confused. "Positioning?" Stars makes a circle in the sand a 4 dots. 2 on the outside of the circle and 2 on the inside. "I'm sure you get it to an extent but your positioning is not just your line of sight and your Pokemon in relation to the opposition but where the Pokemon is going to be and where the enemy Pokemon is going to be. You need to be in the habit of not just depending on endurance. You could have won way easier if Marill was able to move around more." You get a bit offended. "Hey! Marill can move around more!" "But that wasn't your first thought. It always should be. Understanding the mechanics of a slugfest is IMPORTANT. Don't get it wrong but at the higher levels you have to be way more tactical." Stars says.

>Scoff at this
>Ponder this
>Ask what the hell he is talking about
>Write in
Rolled 26 (1d100)

>Ponder this
I will say we haven't thought of positioning at all in our past fights
Rolled 33 (1d100)

"Someone said you were doing these multibattles. do those rely heavily on positioning?"

start pondering this new idea of highly mobile batteling.

He nods. "They do. Battle Royales have you fight 3 enemies at once. Its very tricky. And triple battles or rotation battles are especially tricky since you control 3 Pokemon against 3. Rotation battles are different but don't worry about those for now. For example...Marill know Bounce?" You nod. "Boldore can't lift its head up that much. Could have had Marill use Bounce to hop over it and snipe it from the air. Then hit it in the back. Or just have Marill walk around him. Admittedly experience with lots of different Pokemon helps but its still necessary to know."

>That doesn't seem too important
>Write in
Rolled 2 (1d100)

"Seems very useful to use. some of my pokemon will be able to make more use of it than others.. Foongus will have to rely on bulk... can this pokedex display some more information. for example how maneuverable an opponen is. or will i have to rely on experience alone?"

become a bit distracted and start murmuring to yourself about possible scenarios.
Rolled 34 (1d100)


>ask star our big bro. About moves that the girls like. Don't spill beans about Hilda

Stars nods. "Yeah Pokemon like Foongus have to use bulk or clever tactics to get around it. I have a bulky Pokemon myself that I use some tricks to throw off the opposition." You ask about moves to impress girls. "W...what? Heh. I know I am cool Amon but girls do NOT like me. Except my sisters. They kick ass and all that but that's not gonna work. You gotta ask someone else for girl advice. Besides. Like I said before. Stay here long enough and the "Salazzles" will come to you...Seriously don't tell anyone I told you that." Stars says. You ask for the time. "7:35 why?" Your date! You gotta get ready. Any last minute things you gotta ask Stars real quick?
Rolled 57 (1d100)

"Oh yeah, who's that friend you mentioned you could summon with a trumpet?"
Rolled 70 (1d100)

>+Ask if he can introduce us to his sisters.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

+1 support nona
Rolled 86 (1d100)

+1 >>6025027

just no.... Bros before.... you know their sisters.

"Oh! I'll introduce you later I suppose. Don't think you'd believe me if I just told you. In the meantime, I finally have an idea of how to get you a Z-Bracelet. We will have to wait a while though. But at least I finally have the lead solid." You nod. "I gotta run. See you later." You run off. "Watch out for "Salazzles" bro. Poontang kills." Stars says as you run off. You see her in front of the restaurant like she said. "Oh hey! Was wondering if you'd show up!" Mallow says. She's dressed in a tanktop and shorts. No apron this time.

>Roll 40 or drop spaghetti
Rolled 76 (1d100)

spaghetti stays firmly in the pockets.

Fuck Stars wasn't kidding about Salazzles. She immediately grasps onto his arm. "So have you seen the Lush Jungle? Its my favorite place on the island. You gotta see it! It's a hotbed of ingredients for tasty meals and has losts of grass type Pokemon!" She feels soft. And smells like sweet and spicy spices. And...DAMNIT!

>Beat a 80 or spagget
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Spaghet drop
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Come on bro, this is just a girl-bro, or a gro, it's fine
>She's basically shoving your arm in her cleavage. However budding. I am justified. However you wont drop full tism

You blush pretty hard as you feel your body heat up. "N...No. No. I uh...No." She giggles. "Wow your really flustered huh? I guess you aren't used to Alola temperatures huh? Anyways let me show you! It's great for catching and battling Pokemon!" She drags you across the route into a...Its a lush jungle named "Lush Jungle?" Yeah the entry sign says "Lush Jungle." It genuinely is pretty humid. She lets go of you and walks around. There are all sorts of Pokemon you've never seen before and plenty of berries and wild plants. "We use ingredients we find here mixed with stuff we either buy from farms or grow ourselves in our cooking. Hey. I heard you had a "mock" battle with Olivia. She's really cool! Did you really win?" She asks impressed.

>Play it cool
>Play your victory up
>Brush it off
>Write in
"Eh just barely. And she was holding back. I still have much to learn. You interested in learning how to pokemon battle?"
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Rolled 97 (1d100)

Also focus your autism to look around for new berries, pull out the dex to look at the new pokemon
Also who the fuck named this place, and who do we contact to rename this jungle
Rolled 16 (1d100)

>Play it cool
Rolled 78 (1d100)

+1 aono

Trying to play it cool when we barely survived is just asking murphy to come by and beat our shit in for being cocky.

She grins. "I'm actually a pretty good Pokemon Battler. Trial Captains have to be. I've been training especially hard since...uh...Well I guess the reason I brought you out here was I am trying to befriend you before he can corrupt you. I mean..." She rubs her arm. "You may as well hear this from me. You know what the Island Challenge is?" You nod no. "I vaguely know about it but don't know anything in detail." Mallow nods. "So when children come of age they all get their first Pokemon from an Island Kahuna. Then they have to beat the trials and Totem Pokemon of each Island Captain. Each island has it's own trials and are run by a captain. For example my trial has my trial-goers gather ingredients for a meal that attracts my Totem Pokemon Lurantis for a battle." Lurantis? You check your Pokedex. "Lurantis, The Bloom Sickle Pokemon. Grass type. It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals. These beams are powerful enough to cleave through thick metal plates. As it slashes into its enemies, it looks like it’s dancing. Its elegant appearance has led some to call it the most glamorous Grass Pokémon." Mallow nods. "Its a hugs tradition in Alola and well. Well...Kids haven't taken the island challenge lately. In fact they already went and preemptively removed the age limit on Trial Captains. Normally I am going to have to retire after I turn 20. But I was supposed to have begun training my replacement this year. But no one wants to. In fact. We've gotten way less Trial-Goers ever since HE..." Mallow clenches her fists. "Look. Kids who beat the Island Challenge recieve an invitation to challenge the Elite 4 of Alola. Adults and people who haven't taken the challenge can do so as well to be fair if you get permission from Professor Kukui. He's the head honcho of the League. I bring all this up not to talk your ear off but...Stars really ruined the Island Challenge and the Pokemon League for everyone. It meant a lot to people in Alola. You really shouldn't let that guy hang around you or else people are gonna think you are a trouble maker too." You sigh. "Okay! How can one guy ruin an entire Pokemon League!?" You ask frustrated. "By being the champion." You hear a voice from behind you. It's a girl you don't recognize. She seems awfully cheery. "But don't worry. Because I'M GOING TO BEAT HIM TO THE DIRT THIS TIME!" Her cheeriness goes away as she grits her teeth. "MARK MY WORDS MALLOW! Also I was gonna train with Totem Lurantis again. What are you doing here?" She asks confused. "Oh Selene! This is Amon! Amon this is Selene. She's one of the Trial Captains and one of the most power trainers in Alola too." Mallow introduces you. Selene eagerly runs up. "Alola!" She waves her hands in front of her face. "That's how people say hello in Alola." Mallow whispers to you.

>Say "Alola" and copy her movements
>Be befuddled at what's going on
Rolled 90 (1d100)

>STARS IS THE CHAMPION!? Does that mean I'm the champion now since I beat him? Are you saying I need to challenge you both then since you're captains? Challenging the elite 4 seems pretty cool.

>do you islanders dislike Stars sisters?
start returning the greeting
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 83 (1d100)


"Alo- WAIT! STARS IS THE GODDAMN CHAMPION?" You say in shock. "Yeah...Strongest trainer on the island. And since he's a known criminal, arsonist, diety ticking off, friend's lives ruining, Team Skull membering...Jerk!...No one wants to do the Island Challenge anymore knowing HE'S at the end of it." Mallow says pouting. Selene looks at you closely. Getting right in your face. You can kind of tell she's an autist as well. She looks you deep in your eyes before turning back at Mallow. "Is he the "PP" for this cycle?" Selene asks Mallow. Mallow nods. "Looks like." Selene looks at you and pouts. "My best friend Lillie's Mom got divorced because of Stars and her brother Gladion got so broken by being unable to beat him that he fled with his Dad to Kanto to train! Making my friends cry is something I can never forgive! Get your Pokemon out! I'll break you so you can't be his "PP" at all!" Selene says before getting her Pokeball ready. "H..hey Selene! That's not fair! Amon didn't choose that! Oh uh we call Stars' tourist obsessions a PP short for Personal Project. Every cycle of tourists he trains with one in particular and we don't know why...I personally prefer using honey to vinegar in my dishes. Though vinegar sometimes is necessary, I don't think it is now. You seem nice."

>Try to talk down Selene
>Just walk away from this shit
>Accept her challenge
>Talk her down BUT accept her challenge anyway

NOTE: Battling Selene at this stage will be a scripted loss. That said you will max out your spaghetti points if you do and can use them for whatever you want moving forward. It will also be the first time you canonically have lost a battle.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

"Alright fine. I will battle you. at least we can get some training out of this. You spoke the challenge 3v3 alright."

accept the challenge. lets get those points to super charge ourselves for the future.
and here i roll a goddamn hundred. i would have rather in another thread... damn.
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"No way! Full teams! And...and I hate being the bad guy!" She says sadly. She grips her Pokeball tight. "But I can't risk letting that demon corrupt you or hurt you or anything! So here's some tough love! You better leave him alone! Or...else...this!" She sends out a Mimikyu. You open your Pokedex. "Mimikyu, the Disguise Pokemon. Fairy and Ghost Type. A lonely Pokémon, it conceals its terrifying appearance beneath an old rag so it can get closer to people and other Pokémon. It is said to disguise itself as Pikachu in an attempt to befriend people." Its awfully small. About the size of Castform.

>What Pokemon you sending out?
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Foongus with Stun Spore at the ready. followed by clear smog.
also yeah. the 100 was very much wasted here.

I'll give you all a sec to react in case someone else wants to roll.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Rolled 92 (1d100)


"Go Foongus!" Foongus pops out. "Foongus use Stun Spore!" Foongus shoots out a yellow spore cloud. "Shadow Sneak!" Selene says as Mimikyu turns into a shadow on the ground and goes UNDER the cloud and pops out of the ground in a tackle on Foongus. "Use Clear Smog quick!" Foongus let's out a pink cloud of mist. It hits Mimikyu dead on. But nothing happens save for its Pikachu head going limp. "MIMI!" It shouts in panic as it tries out fix as Selene shouts out. "Don't worry Mimikyu! You still look good to me!" She says cheerfully. "Mimikyu's ability Disguise allows it to take one hit without taking any damage." Mallow says to you on the sidelines. "Hey Selene. I know you have a grudge...your really bad at that bad the way, but I still think this is..." Mallow stars but Selene calls out. "SHADOW CLAW!" From under Mimikyu's robe it pulls out a huge shadowy claw and slashes at Foongus harshly. Foongus stands tall...but weakly. Foongus breathes heavy. One more blow and he is about to... "Shadow Sneak quick!" Mimikyu bum rushes Foongus and knocks him out. Foongus faints as a blue spore cloud hits Mimikyu. Sending her to sleep. "Foongus return!" You return Foongus.

>How do you react

>Not bad
>You bitch
>Internally worry a bit

Also who you sending out?
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Grit your teeth and dig your heels in. sadly effect spore didnt seem to proc on any of those three direct connecting hits.

Try not to let your worry show.

next send out Croagunk. he can start using poison sting trying to poison the enemy. though it probably wont go well anyway.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

>not bad

Let's wreck her with our psychic pokemon. Since that's her pokemons weakness.
why would you think that Mimikyu is weak to psychic or wind moves?

Is a Ghost/Fairy type. Its only weaknesses are steel and ghost. which sygiliph does not have.
I love you bro but I audibly kekked reading your post. Because what
Said. Although whirlwind may be more useful.


"Not too bad. But I have a solution. Go Sigilyph!" You send out Sigilyph. "Sigilyph! Use Whirlwind!" Sigilyph flaps it's winds and sends a strong gust of wind that causes Mimikyu to enter back into its Pokeball. Suddenly another Pokemon you've never seen before pops out. "Decid!" The Pokemon says. "Uh oh. That's her ace Pokemon." Mallow says. You pull out your Pokedex. "Decidueye, the Arrow Quill Pokemon. Grass Ghost type. Decidueye fires arrow quills from its wings with such precision, they can pierce a pebble at distances over a hundred yards. This Pokemon is normally calm and collected but if something surprises it Decidueye will panic." Fuck. "Spirit Shackle!" Selene says. Decidueye nocks an arrow, using one of his wings as a bow and fires a feather at Sigilyph's shadow! When it collides Sigilyph winces in pain and finds it can't move beyond a small distance away from the feather. It's stuck!

>What do?
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Use confusion and hope for a confuse prock. then go for gusts afterwards.

at least deal some damage when Mimikyus disguise will probably reset when it comes back out.
Oops misread the types when I googled it. Your fault for using pokemon nobody knows about IMHO. Could of used the first 500. Stupid new pokemon types. Fairies are gay.
I enjoy all Pokemon. Even the shitmons. Dexit was a mistake. Also Marill is a Water Fairy type.

"Sigilyph! Quick use Confusion!" Sigilyph makes Decidueye glow pink. Decidueye winces a bit but... "Break through! Strongarm yourself!" Decidueye winces but is able to spread its wings and dispell the telekinetic hold. "Smack Down!" Decidueye picks up a rock and notches it before striking Sigilyph in the stomach and sending it to the ground. Sigilyph tries to fly away and cries out for help. Its absolutely heartbreaking for you. "Hey! Stop it!" Selene grips her fists. "Just end it Decidueye! I hate this...angry battling! But I gotta scare you Amon! Because if your scared of me you'll leave him alone! Every single one of the PPs kept talking about how great a guy Stars is! I'm sick of it! Air Cutter!" Decidueye flaps its wings and shoots out slashes of air that barrage Sigilyph as he faints at last.

>Get pissed off
>Start to worry
>Stay strong (beat a 30)
>Write in

Also what's the next Pokemon?
Rolled 25 (1d100)

"Fuck you bitch, if you think Stars is such a horrible person, why don't you actually try to convince me rather than trying to beat and hurt my pokemon?! From everything I've seen, he's a normal guy!"
Send out Darumaka
Actually, edit it to
"Fuck you bitch, if you think Stars is such a horrible person, why don't you actually try to convince me rather than trying to 'break me' and hurt my pokemon?! From everything I've seen, he's a normal guy!"
Her saying she wants to break us is a little fucked up, and quoting it back in her face shows her this is her fault, not ours
Rolled 99 (1d100)

No she was just water in OG pokemon
True but we are doing current typing. GM fiat. Will respond in a few hours.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Also send out Darumaka and fight defensively and use work up.
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Also guys do we want to change out Incinerate for Fire Punch pic related or Flare Blitz, Flare Blitz has recoil but does way more damage, while Fire Punch has meme potential
Fire Punch just because I want to yell falcon punch to throw off a trainer.
I'd back that.
Once the battle is over you can spend the points.

"You think I haven't tried that! But everytime I try you people never believe me! Even his ex gang members all went straight! But not him! So get ready because if this is what it takes I will hold nothing back!" You grit your teeth. "Go Darumaka!" You send out Darumaka. "Work up!" Darumaka throws a tantrum as Selene shouts out "Decidueye use Spirit Shackle!" Decidueye shoots a red glowing feather at Darumaka. "Dodge it!" But while it missed Darumaka due to his leaping it hit his shadow. "Fuck! Darumaka Incinerate!" Darumaka shoots out a huge flame and ignites the feather by mistake. Decidueye manages to fly out of the way but is still singed by the edges of the flames. You and Darumaka notice that when the feather is removed or destroyed that the effects are gone!

>What next?
More incinerate.
Rolled 20 (1d100)


"More Incinerate! Keep up the barrage!" Darumaka keeps up his flame. "Stay out of range and hit with another Smack Down!" Decidueye swoops down and picks up another rock before aiming carefully and launching it in the flame. Suddenly Darumaka stops. He has a lump on his head and falls backwards into a faint. Critical hit. "Return! Ok you bitch...This means war!" You say despite panicking.

>What's your next Pokemon?
Castform. Start with sunny day and weatherball
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Rolled 2 (1d100)

Put your hands in the air
"Alright, I forfeit. There's no point in continuing this match. My pokemon deserve better than this, and I know when I'm outmatched." Grit your teeth a little. "Just a little fucking annoyed it's at the hands of a bitch who doesn't know how to talk things out like an actual person."
Was gonna say adult but we're both kids lmao
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Sending out our little bro Castform just to die... we haven't even landed a single hit, I think our best chance was to keep Darumaka defensive and Working up forever until he could move at light speed and blitz everyone, but we couldn't even give him Fire Punch and he's gone now, so there's no point in fighting a useless battle out of "pride" and in reality just being a sore loser, in my opinion
If Castform pulls off the "I'm scared, but I still want to try!" however, that'd be a cool character moment
Looks like we are gonna do a hero moment. Castform won.


Castform is sent out. "Cast!" It looks surprised. It hasn't really been sent out in a lot of battles. It looks to you for direction and sees how stressed out you are. Castform gets a determined look on its face. And tries to sound scary as it growls out. It uses Sunny Day. Turning into its Sun form. "You got this Castform!" You say as best you can. "Stay moving! Don't stop moving at all!" You see Decidueye eyeing Castforms elongated shadow.

>Roll 50 to get a spark of inspiration or else your move. Outside of Sunny Day you only know Weather Ball. Which is fine by the way.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

I expect the inspiration to involve something about our shadow, but I'm not sure how to execute it at this point
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Actually, this may just be a completely schizophrenic idea, but if we can somehow float a fire-weatherball directly below us as a second source of light, Castform should theoretically have no shadow
But if this is a garbage idea I'd rather take the spark of inspiration of course lmao
Rolled 7 (1d100)

>time for castiform to be a baller
Technically you could fuck with her like this...I have an idea. Will post later.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

+1 support
>Stare into the sun motherfucker! Blind that fool.

A flash of inspiration. "Castform! Focus the glow to move your shadow! Don't let him hit you with those arrows!" Castform hums in focus and the glow around itself. His shadow begins to move in a circle. "Now! Weather Ball!" Castform summons a fireball at least twice its size and launches it at Decidueye. Decidueye dodges it. "Focus your shot Decidueye. When your ready...Spirit Shackle!" Decidueye preps its arrow. "Okay...We only have one chance to do this...Castform! Fly around Decidueye and spin! When I say when stop spinning!" You remember what Stars said about positioning...Positioning... Decidueye and Castform's shadows are swirling around the ground. "What's he doing?" Selene asks confused. Mallow is confused as well. Then Decidueye's eyes widen and he fires the arrow almost hitting Castform's shadow except. "STOP!" Castform stops and the shadow hit is...Decidueye's! Decidueye's eyes widen greatly as it cries out in shock. "Weather Ball!" Castform fires a fireball and when Decidueye tries to move its frozen in the air! Taking the direct strike head on! "What!?" Selene asks in shock. "That's...thats really impressive." Selene admits. "WOW!" Mallow says excitedly. "I've never seen someone pull one over on Selene like that!" Mallow says beaming. Oddly even Selene looks impressed.

>Play it cool
>Get a bit cocky
>Write in
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Play it cool, fight's not over yet
>>Get a bit cocky

Woah, who let this hotshot in here?
>Play it cool, fight's not over yet
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Play it cool

"Stay focused Castform! Dodge and use Weather Ball! Utterly barrage Decidueye!" Castform shoots blast after blast of Weather Ball as Decidueye tries to block it. "Decidueye! Air Cutter! Get the feather!" Decidueye slashes wind at the arrow. "Strike the blasts! Guard that arrow!" Castform gets in front of Decidueye and tanks the blast before firing another Weather Ball off. Weather Ball is actually extremely powerful here. Sunny Day and Castform's Fire Type...plus the fact that Weather Ball gets a boost when weather happens period...those fireballs are huge and strong barraging Decidueye for massive damage. Decidueye cries out in rage. "Fair enough Decidueye! Barrage him with Spirit Shackle! Don't let up!" Decidueye shoots a couple dozen arrows at Castform and several hit him and his shadow as Castform struggles through the pain and keeps spamming Weather Ball. The fireballs explode on impact as Decidueye keep his trigger discipline and keep launching arrows left and right. Eventually the two of them stop. Castform's sunny day ends as he limps in the air in his original form. Fainted. Decidueye pants heavily and is singed as he weakly shoots a razor leaf at his arrow knocking it off. "I gotta admit that was clever. But you still didn't..." Selene says before suddenly Decidueye collapses. Fainted. "Decidueye! Oh no. You did great! Get some rest!" She says returning Decidueye.

>What do you say to Castform? He can still hear you
Rolled 59 (1d100)

"You did great Buddy. Get some rest. I will get you some treats later."
Rolled 23 (1d100)

"Thank you Cast, sorry for putting you through the ringer buuut you can get first dibs on the room service menu."

You return Castform. "Ok then...I'll use this Pokemon...Go Kommo-o!" She sends out a Pokemon you've never seen before. "Sound!" It growls...No really. That's what it growl sounds like. You pull out your Pokedex. "Kommo-o, the Scaly Pokemon. Dragon and Fighting Type. When it spots enemies, it threatens them by jingling the scales on its tail. Weak opponents will crack and flee in panic. Its rigid scales function as offense and defense. In the past, its scales were processed and used to make weapons and other commodities." Kommo-o clangs its scales together in a sort of war dance to intimidate Amon. It doesn't work. But he is tough looking.

>What's your reaction? And next Pokemon?
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Its me by the way.
>Marill water gun defensive spam. Kite!
Rolled 16 (1d100)


use watergun. then bounce to get ouf the attackrange. continue using watergun after. wear it down as much as possible.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

This dude is weak to Bounce apparently, so that'd do more damage than Water Gun
I would fight defensively, open with a Charm to majorly weaken all his attacks, then mostly Bounce to hit him while moving around a lot and being a hard target (his main ranged move is dragon type so does nothing against us apparently), then Water Gun his eyes to throw him off our trail sometimes if absolutely needed or we're about to get hit
Are we actually gonna turn this battle around?

>Just for getting 100 I'll assure we knock out two of her Pokemon. She's the second strongest trainer in the entire island currently. With Kukui in 3rd place. Will respond later
"Looks like a dragon wearing very expensive looking jewelry."

support +1 anom
Rolled 10 (1d100)

forgot to rollah
Sorry everyone. Today was fucking murder for work. I shall post tomorrow.
>Charm "lowers attack" by faking out the opposing Pokemon by acting cute. I also HIGHLY recommend spending that last 3 points you currently have on trading one of Marill's moves with Play Rough. In fact it can also lower attack at times and has STAB for Marill!

"Okay...go Marill!" You send out Marill. "Marill!" She cries out determined. "Okay Kommo-o! Use Poison Jab!" Kommo-o's fist glows purple as it runs up to Marill. "Marill use Charm!" Marill makes a cute face. Which causes Kommo-o to wince a bit. "Oh come on Kommo-o!" Kommo-o looks back and growls in protest. Selene says facepalming. "Marill use bounce quick!" Marill bounces into the air and falls on a distracted Kommo-o. And while Kommo-o winces a bit. He roars loudly in defiance. "Use Poison Jab!" Marill bounces off Kommo-o before it can take a swing at her. And runs away as Kommo-o chases her stomping after her. That thing is clad in armor! It's probably super strong!
Oh fuck I hope the rp isn't dead. I was super worried about yesterday.
Yeah I'm thinking Charm is based, got us out of a hit
Having a fairy move would likely be good, would definitely guarantee we clutch out this fight, but don't want to make the decision without anyone else
As far as my preference, Water Gun is our water move slot so we can't get rid of that, Charm is based for mega debuffing, Bounce seems to be a good positioning move (even though technically we have Sigiliph to cover flying moves), so that just leaves Helping Hand, which is a support move only really good for team battles, and I'm not sure how frequently those will happen
If we wanted to, we could also just replace Water Gun and deal with the question of what to replace for the stronger water move later down the line, or we could replace Charm and get rid of our mega-debuff (not my preference) but Play Rough does have a smaller attack down in it

For our action, if we replace a move with Play Rough, obviously we're going for that doubly effective move, otherwise we still have the Bounce bait into Water Gunning the eyes trick to pull off as far as anime logic goes
If this was the game, another Charm or two would mega-debuff this dude's damage, but with anime logic he'll probably get used to it
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Playing kings dilemma.
Takes a while. >>6032585
Play rough sounds good to me though
In fact Charm does work best as a sucker punch. Kommo-o was gonna not have it work the second time. I only included it to show off your Pokemon as lacking advanced training. So what move you thinking? Helping Hand or Charm?
Rolled 13 (1d100)

Let's get rid of Helping Hand and get Play Rough, fuck team battle support watch as we are then thrown into an endless stream of double battles lmao
Time to play a little rough with this dragon
Rolled 55 (1d100)

I agree with anon we should get rid of helping hand to get play rough. We can hopefully rely on combo attacks and plans to make up for the move loss. Plus any set up we go could get interrupted by pokemon attacks like how we tried to get work up going but we did not last long enough to get the effects.
>Spaghetti points at zero. Which works because we will be maxed at 15 after this battle.

"Well if your going to focus on speed...Kommo-o use Clangorous Soul!" Kommo-o's body glows indigo as it clangs its scales harshly. Its wincing in pain as it thrashs its body. The clanging hurts yours, Mallow's, and even Selene's ears. Marill seeing an opportunity runs at Kommo-o. "Marill wait what are you doing?!" Marill suddenly glows pink as it creates a smoke cloud around itself and beats Kommo-o with its tail. Each collision creates oversized cartoon stars. "That's Play Rough!" Selene recognizes. "My Mimikyu can do that!" Looks like Marill learned a new move. Soon Kommo-o pushed Marill off. It roared loudly before running at Marill. "Clangorous Soul hurts my Kommo-o but in return its stats get boosted. Now he's much more agile!" Indeed Kommo-o is right on Marill's heels!

>Play Rough
>Water Gun
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Bounce into blindspot from the side. When it turns around bounce across it and hit it from behond with another Rough Play
Rolled 83 (1d100)


"Marill! Bounce! Look for a blindspot!" Marill bounces on its tail and gets beside Kommo-o. When Kommo-o turns it bounces again. And then strikes with another Play Rough Kommo-o cries out in pain as Marill goes to town but then..."Kommo-o! Leap as high as you can!" Kommo-o does so. With Marill hanging onto its back. "Jump off Marill!" Marill bounces off. Kommo-o lands with a thud. "Kommo-o! Poison Jab!" Marill is landing and has no way to maneuver. "Water Gun!" Marill shoots Water Gun but Kommo-o runs up and punches Marill with Poison Jab and crushes her into the ground. Marill faints in one shot. "Marill return!" You return Marill...Thats it. All down to Croagunk. "GO CROAGUNK!" You cry out.

>beat a 70 or else your so frustrated your in tears
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Grit teeth. This is nothing
Rolled 79 (1d100)

Hang in there buddy, we might not be able to win, but we're not gonna go out like a little bitch
Rolled 17 (1d100)

We don't cry in front of girls. That'd be gay.
yeah dude. We will make them bleed for their victory. and then go full autist and evolve some pokemon.
As far as the plan, I'm thinking right as Croagunk comes out Astonish him, then Mud Slap him straight in the eyes, then try to Drain Punch slug it out while Kommo-o's got dirt in his eyes and can't see well, don't let up the pressure, don't let him clean off his eyes
When you're the underdog, pocket sand is your chance to balance out the playing field
Also who do we want to evolve, probably Darumaka so we can get him to light speed better, but Croagunk is an option too
At the very least we made sure we didn't get sweeped by a better trainer and her ace pokemon that alone is something to be proud of.

Sounds good but I worry poison jab might drain croah faster than what drain punch can recover. But I cannot think of a better plan than yours.

For evolution I say we should do it based on who learn the most from the fight like castform. That little buddy pulled out the clutch and beating the ace even when he was terrified and shaking.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

probably darumaka yeah. he would probably benefit the most right now from being evolved.
Pretty sure castform cant evolve. We could give him some new moves though. Maybe Hailstorm to get some ice type coverage
I'm really happy to see you all talking like this.


"Kommo-o use Clanging Scales!" Kommo-o's scales clang loudly and it launches soundwaves filled with Dragon energy at Croagunk in a wide spread. Croagunk leaps with all its might but it still gets hit and gets sent back. "Croagunk power through the attack and strike him! Drain Punch!" Croagunk springs forward and uppercuts Kommo-o's jaw. Healing most of the damage. "Ok...Kommo-o use Drain Punch!" Kommo-o tries to hit with his own Drain Punch but Croagunk manages to dodge it.

>What now?
Rolled 3 (1d100)

I say we go with anon's plan of astonish followed up by mud slap. Just keep lowering his accuracy with constant mud slaps and if they close the distance switch to drain punch.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

seems like a good idea to me.
Rolled 2 (1d100)


"Astonish!" Croagunk's face turns scary and Kommo-o flinches. "Quick use Mud Slap!" Croagunk slaps Kommo-o in the face. "Clanging Scales! All around!" Selene calls out. Kommo-o spins around and clangs its scales sending the energy waves in a spread! Croagunk bobs and weaves but is in a tight spot! You remember something Stars said. "On his back! Use Drain Punch and hold it!" Croagunk latches onto Kommo-o's scales and punches him in the back. Croagunk glows as he saps Kommo-o's strength. "Kommo-o! Roll over!" Selene says and Kommo-o does just that. Streamrolling Croagunk off. "Now Drain Punch!" Kommo-o punches Croagunk and drains him off his stamina. When he lifts his fist Croagunk leaps out and gets away...seemingly unhurt...then he drops to a knee. He croaks tiredly. Kommo-o isn't looking too good either but at least he has enough energy from the Drain Punch to stand without panting.

>Final move(Will knock out Kommo-o so something dramatic will be cool)
Rolled 85 (1d100)

Put all of your effort in to run straight at him to try to bait out a punch from him, then duck under it and uppercut Kommo-o with a Drain Punch
>support kino uppercut.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

support the kino

"Okay Croagunk time for a last-ditch effort listen carefully charge straight at him and wait for my mark!"

If Komo clang scales do a baseball slide so we can dodge most of the damage and slide under him and uppercut.

"Wait for my signal Croagunk! Go all out!" Croagunk gets up and braces himself. "Use Clanging Scales!" Kommo-o clatters his scales around and sends out the shockwaves. "BOB AND WEAVE! UPPERCUT HIM WITH A DRAIN PUNCH!" Croagunk leaps to and fro between the blasts and manages to get close. He throws his whole body into a leap and uppercuts Kommo-o with a Drain Punch sending him backwards on his back. "Clanging Scales lowers his defense...Did Croagunk?" Selene asks before Kommo-o gets up and roars defiantly...before he falls down...

>Freak out in triumph
>Be composed
>Be stunned silent
>Write in
Rolled 51 (1d100)

>Be stunned silent
Rolled 98 (1d100)

>Be composed. "Who were the other captains I need to beat? The elite four sound interesting."
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Go fist bump or high five Croagunk, we fucking did it
Rolled 23 (1d100)

>Freak out in triumph
"We all did it guys we did it, good job Croagunk!"
Rolled 38 (1d100)

>>Be composed

"Good job Croagunk. We've got it." Selene sends out Mimikyu. "Mimikyu, use Shadow Sneak!" Mimikyu turns to shadow and rushes Croagunk. "Croagunk dodge it!" Croagunk is too exhausted to move though and gets struck. Croagunk gets knocked out. "Croagunk return." Selene returns Mimikyu. "S...so you get it right? I...if you...you continue being that jerk's friend I will...Will keep battling you! And next time I won't be so nice! Those tricks only work once! And it took your entire team to beat 2 of my Pokemon!" Selene says trying to be intimidating.

>Fuck you bitch
>What is your problem?
>My team did its best. I don't care about anything else.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

>"The Fucks your problem? Do you Want to Put people down for your own enjoyment? So far your the evil one here."

Turn around and leave. Its time to get our guys and gals some healing in a center and a grand feast. They did their best.

She stomps her foot throwing a full tantrum in response. "NO I'M NOT! I'M NOT THE...THE DIVORCE CAUSING, FRIEND'S LIVES RUINING, HOTEL BURNING...IM...IM NOT..." Selene's eyes well up with tears and she runs off crying. Mallow walks up to you. "I...I kind of hoped I could talk to you nice about this. Honey rather then vinegar. But she's ultimately right..." Mallow rubs her arm. "You know, Selene is the strongest trainer on the island. Even knocking out two of her Pokemon is incredible. Your a really really strong trainer." You sigh. "Well gee thanks. Bye." You turn and walk away. Mallow runs back. "Hey wait!" You keep walking. "Sorry, but we look out for each other on the streets and trust is hard earned." You pull out your Pokedex. "Bros before hoes. We are all criminals in the end. And I gotta be honest, you being hot isn't gonna endear you to me. I'm gonna order a feast for my Pokemon and hang out at the hotel. Why don't you call me when you grow up?" You say. "Hot?" Mallow blushes a bit. Before snapping out of it. 'Wait wait wait... Did you think this was a date?" Mallow asks incredulously. "WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE!? YOUR DRESSED UP NICE AND WANTED TO HANG OUT ALONE!" You say incredulously. Mallow has a dumb look on her face. "Date?...I...N..Not really. I mean no one has ever...like...asked me out before." Mallow said trying to reason this all out. "Wait did you want a date?" Mallow asks.

>I did
>Not anymore
>Write in
Rolled 76 (1d100)

>"this thing soured my evening. I have to clear my head for tonight and take care of my closest friends"
Rolled 97 (1d100)

reject bitches, acquire health for friends
Rolled 90 (1d100)

>Not anymore

hey qm do you have a schedule so we can know what time you post your updates
>"Would’ve been nice, yeah… but the mood’s kinda shot after all THAT."
Today’s a mess, and fuck Selene, all the homies hate Selene, but no need to close more doors than necessary.
Yeah sorry, I will make an effort to update more then once a day. Its been pretty bad irl and I often blank on other shit besides this too. Anyways lets begin.

Hearing your rejection as well as your concern for your Pokemon you notice that Mallow is looking at you pretty intensely. Did you just make her fall for you? Who gives a shit? You eventually find your way back to the Pokemon Center and from there back to the hotel. You let your Pokemon out and notice immediately a change in their demeanor. Marill and Foongus are almost in tears and the others are moping around. Sigilyph in particular is checking around the room like he expects some kind of attack. Its clear they are pretty scarred from the loss. Even the normally stoic Croagunk is moping around.

>Hey we did our best
>Yeah this does suck
>Grr...fuck Alola! This place fucking sucks!
>Write in
Rolled 1 (1d100)

"You guys rocked. You best two champion level Pokemon with your teamwork. And we will get her back for this guys"

*hugs for all our buddys*
FUUUUCK. Situation is FUBAR abort. Abort!
Rolled 14 (1d100)

>"You guys rocked. You best two champion level Pokemon with your teamwork. And we will get her back for this guys"

Shit guys our pokemon got PTSD from such a intense boss fight.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

>>Hey we did our best
We probably gonna cry too.
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yeah. seems like it i would guess. could be something like this. trying to stay positive.

Amons still young after all.
On a one yeah you cry.
"Y..you guys rocked...w..we beat a champion level...level..." You find tears going down your face. "We will get her back. You'll see." You rub your eyes. Your Pokemon look at you with concern. Normally your unflappable but now your in tears. You sit on the bed. "Foon?" Your Foongus hops onto the bed.

>Beat a 50 or your still crying.
Rolled 59 (1d100)

*grab and hug for comfort.*

both our own and theirs.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Hugs will continue until morale improves.

You hug Foongus. "Maybe we should focus on the vacation for now. After all of that we could use a break. Then we can train and...KICK THAT BITCHES ASS!" You say wiping your tears. "And you know what? Fuck the secrets! And fuck all this bullshit about hiding them. I am gonna MAKE them tell us everything!" Your Pokemon cry out in agreement. "Once we recover lets give it our best! Let's win! LET'S DO IT!" You cry out and your Pokemon hop up and down, except for Sigilyph and Castform who bob up and down in the air in a circle around you. "Now! Let's get something to eat. And tomorrow we are gonna track down Mallow and MAKE her tell us more. Who is with me?!" Your Pokemon cry out in the affirmative. "So...for now...lets get some food!" You call up room service.

>Go all out, total feast
>Just something to fill the stomach
>You just need a snack personally and some Pokemon food
(This will actually matter in the end how much you spend. But not anything crazy. More of cyoa stuff so feel free to make whatever choices feel relevant.)
>You just need a snack personally and some Pokemon food

No overfeeding
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

>>You just need a snack personally and some Pokemon food

(This will actually matter in the end)
I am having flashback on scrapping by and saving every dollar for tuition. Save more money eat only twice a day to save on food costs.

You don't feel that hungry so you get something from the minibar and Pokemon food for your team. As you nibble your snack you feel tired. Normally the prospect of losing a Pokemon battle would panic you hard but now that you are safe and really no consequences have happened all you feel is drained and exhausted.

>Get ready for bed
>Write in(anything you guys wanna do?)
>watch tv and have a movie night with the buds

We must have rarely watched anything for entertainment while busy just surviving. Maybe we can find a show we like or get ideas on what to do with our life after alola.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

Rolled 59 (1d100)

support, then we go sleep
Rolled 100 (1d100)

>then have a wank thinking of Hilda. Once the mates of gone to sleep of course....
that's one hell of a session, red bean will have some shit to talk about tonight
You watch a movie about two Pichu brothers. Very fun, but it seems like kid's stuff. You take a shower, have a fap, and then get some sleep...

You awaken in the field. The two beans walking alongside you. You arrive at a bridge that is missing some pieces. "The bridge is made from resolve. What is yours?" The red bean asks.

>Write in. Say something.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

I will learn from every defeat. and wont let them repeat.

I will learn from every victory. and wont become complaceant.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

>To always have faith that tomorrow is filled with possibilities no matter how bad today gets.

You recite these lines and the bridge reforms. On the other side you see a green bean. "Greetings. Are you on pilgrimage too?" You nod. "Come with us I suppose." You keep going before everything starts to blur...You are woken up by a knock on the door, its 10 am. "Hello? Mr. Sus?" You open it and yawn. "This came in for you." A letter addressed to you. "Have a nice day." The bellhop says before leaving. You open it. "Be at the docks. 5 pm. We are going to the Battle Carnival. Selene confronted me yesterday and told me that she quote "destroyed my project" so naturally I fully intend to help you wipe her. You gotta begin some training. See the sights, get some food, do some tourist attractiony stuff, and then meet me there. If your not there I assume you let her beat you mentally. So its quits.

Ps. Buy a phone!"

You are pretty sure its from Stars. Your Pokemon look at you.

>Let's get some breakfast
>Skip breakfast lets go out and find some answers
>Maybe hold off on investigation and go do vacation stuff
>eat breakfast
>go buy phone.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolled 80 (1d100)

>>eat breakfast
>>go buy phone.

We should get a nokia those things survive a bomb.

You go to eat breakfast, ordering room service and making sure you Pokemon are full. Then you get dressed and hit the road. You decide to spend some time walking to find the store. You see the business area and see islanders out and about and tourists bustling around. Eventually you DO find a phone store. Entering in you see many phones. You ask the clerk, "What's the most sturdy phone you have?" She blinks, that's an odd question. "Well...we do have protective phone cases for some models. What kind of phone are you looking for?"

>Rotom Phone
>Flip phone
>Highest end phone you have I ain't paying.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>Rotom Phone
this... or the Flipphone i am unsure. Do Rotomphones bond to their owners? If so i say we go for this. Otherwise go for the Flipphone. Inexpensive and durable with less points of failure where it can break.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

>>Rotom Phone
I do not know what this is so I supporn anom
>Rotom Phone
"Oh! A Rotom Phone? Yes we do have one in stock...but he's...very...tempermental. Prefers battling to being a phone. We've have several returns..." She says awkwardly.

>Eh...maybe another one
>Eh...maybe another one
Last thing we need is to constantly get stopped for violating the six Pokémon team limit just because our phone keeps trying to get in on the action.

Amon wouldn’t really have a clue, but a new generation PokeNav Plus would probably suit us perfectly since we already have a Pokédex. It’s chunky compared to a Rotom Smartphone but it’s basically a rugged camping GPS/cartography gadget that eventually evolved to be smartphone adjacent and likely meets our only actual criteria of being durable. Probably has a bunch of survivalist features that no one sane would ever use but might be the kind of investment Amon would appreciate for whatever comes after his time here, or even just wandering across the islands.
>>Eh...maybe another one

Yeah we can't break pokemon rules it is against the fundamentals of reality to go above 6.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

+1 >>6041018

"Do you have anything advanced but not a Rotom Phone?" She thinks. "Well...We do have the latest PokeNav." She shows you a blocky rectangle that flips to show a Phone. "GPS tracking, compass, wildlife scanner, and a few more apps and features for convenience." You nod. "I will take it!" You give her your card. She brings everything up and hands you the phone. "It's solar charged, normally we sell these to Pokemon researchers who go into the deep wilds. I hope you enjoy it." You exit the shop. What to do next? Its only 10:30 am.

>Go to the beach
>Go to sight see
>Go shopping
>Go take a nap and relax at Hotel
>Go train your Pokemon
>Write in
Rolled 12 (1d100)

>Go to sight see

Maybe we can meet some more travelling trainers to train against at the sights of the island.
>solar charged
Sunny Day just keeps on winning!

>Go to sight see
>Do a little window shopping as we wander around
Do we have our swimsuit and towel with us? We probably should keep them on us for spontaneous trips to the beach in a place practically defined by them.
Rolled 42 (1d100)

>Go train your Pokemon
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>I imagine our backpack has swimsuits.

You go sight seeing. You feel at peace seeing various tourist sights and seeing the town bustle about. Then you notice something, some chick is painting a sleeping Snorlax.

>Talk to her
>Ignore her and move on
FUCK! Off by a hair anon. Sorry.
>Talk to her

Is she a hobo too and tagging her area? We must learn the ways of alola homeless turf.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

>Talk to her

is she on vacation too? Or just a traveling Artist?
Rolled 92 (1d100)

>Ignore her and move on

>Go train pokemon.
>Then go beat one of these captains.
>Hopefully us becoming stronger will impress Hilda.
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Oh your looking for a Trial Captain? Interesting. Very interesting.

She kind of seems spacey. You don't have the patience for that. You want to find one of these trial captains. They seem strong enough and wasn't that Selene girl one? You decide to train your Pokemon.

>Go look for a captain to train with
>Go fight wild Pokemon
>Go look for trainers
Rolled 87 (1d100)

>Go look for trainers
Rolled 67 (1d100)

>Go look for trainers. Try to bet money on winning if there are any takers.
>Buy a bike afterwards.
Oops mislinked.

You notice the trainers you ask seem unwilling to battle you but seem impressed nonetheless. Again and again. You ask one and they said. "Your the guy who took on Selene's Decidueye! Mallow told everyone! Your too good! You gotta find someone stronger. But wow you must be tough!" Said the young trainer. "You should do a Battle Royale!"

It is 11:00 am

>Well shit...Go battle wild pokemon
>Go find trainers in the wild
>Go find a trial captain
>Find out what a Battle Royale is and do that
>Write in
Rolled 46 (1d100)

>Find out what a Battle Royale is and do that

"Fucking Hell Mallow. Ruining my training opportunities."
>Find out what a Battle Royale is and do that
"Can’t have SHIT in Alola…"
Rolled 65 (1d100)

>Find out what a Battle Royale is and do that

Damn it marrow it was a fluke and desperate action not planned ahead.

(Sorry everyone its been shit today. I'll respond later tonight.)
Hang in there. Take time if you need it. We'll be here.
Thank you. I'm very grateful.

After getting some directions you end up on the other part of the city near the docks. You see a large audacious stadium. This must be the place. When you enter you see all sorts of trainers mulling about excitedly and all sorts of strong Pokemon. You hear the muffled cheers of audiences through a hallway and upstairs. It has an energy to it. You approach the front desk. "Excuse me. I'm here to do a Battle Royale thing." The receptionist smiles. "Ah! A new face! Welcome to the Battle Royale Dome! You picked a good time to come in. The Masked Royal is battling today!" She says cheerfully.

>Masked Royal?
>That's nice, when do I battle?
>What's the rules exactly?
>Write in
>Masked Royal?
>What's the rules exactly?
Rolled 87 (1d100)

+1 >>6043836

"The Masked Royale!" The lady geeks out. "He's one of the strongest trainers on the entire island! And he's one of the few that can fend off...certain...don't worry about it! Anyways the rules are the battle is a free for all. 4 pokemon enter. One leaves. It's based on the competition that the Island Deties have to determine who the strongest is. Would you like to enter?"

>More Questions (Write in)
Rolled 43 (1d100)

I have no question and crave violence.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Curious as to what he's fending off ("salazzles"?) but I also crave violence, let's get Darumaka that evolution or Castform those weather moves
>Try not to evolve every single Pokemon all at once. Its not as dramatic.

"Yes please. I think I get it. And I NEED a good battle." She gives you a ticket. B4. "When we call your ticket come to the front. And watch out, Battle Royales are free for alls you know. And you can only enter 1 Pokemon!" You sit down and think.

>This battle will require rolls and can be losable. What Pokemon will you send out? Darumaka?
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Send out Darumaka. The little ball of firey goodness will help us win. i believe in him.
>+ kite and Incinerate everyone. Yeet attacks at the highest hp and middle them all down.
>I was thinking of giving Darumaka Psychic after he evolves if that's ok. As a freebee

As you hear your number go out you and see a large crowd in the stands on two floors and the stadium is a very large wrestling ring. You stand in a corner. "Are you ready for a Battle Royale!?" Said the announcer over the intercom. "These 4 trainers will go head to head to head to head! One will remain! Its time to see who it is! GO!" The other 3 trainers all send out their Pokemon. "Go Weezing!" "Go Passimian!" "Go Turtonator!" You send out Darumaka. "Go Darumaka!"

>Do you guys need Pokedex entries for these 3? Also

>Ability: Inner Focus
>Work Up

>What's the plan?
Oh yes! He is at 7/7 HP He will evolve around 3 HP
Rolled 49 (1d100)

>run from the others and work up a couple of times then kite and Incinerate.

Yes give us entries for these dumb asf pokemon.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Keep back a bit and use Workup. Make it look like you are still participating while working up by respositioning and taking Incinerate Potshots.

>Top to bottom in order. Also your not in the ring your on a platform near a corner of the ring. Forgot to mention that.

You quickly pull up your Pokedex.

"Weezing, the Poison Gas Pokemon. Poison Type. Weezing alternately shrinks and inflates its twin bodies to mix together toxic gases inside. The more the gases are mixed, the more powerful the toxins become. Abilities include Levitate and Neutralizing Gas."

"Passimian, the Teamwork Pokemon, Fighting Type. They battle with hard berries for weapons. Their techniques are passed from the boss to the group, generation upon generation. Abilities include Reciever and Defiant."

"Turtonator, the Blast Turtle Pokemon, Fire and Dragon Type. It lives in volcanoes and eats sulfur and other minerals. Materials from the food it eats form the basis of its explosive shell. The shell on its back is chemically unstable and explodes violently if struck. The hole in its stomach is its weak point. Abilities include Shell Armor."

"Okay keep your distance and try and stack Work Ups! When you get a shot use Incinerate!" Darumaka stamps and jumps up and down. "Weezing! Sludge Wave!" Weezing's heads vomit out a massive deluge of sludge. "Passimian grab Darumaka and get him out of there!" Passimian runs up to Darumaka and grabs him with an off hand and leaps high as the Sludge Wave slides across the ground. "Turtonator! Protect!" Turtonator creates a barrier around itself as Sludge Wave passes by. The floor is covered in sludge and when Passimian lands he slips and falls.

>What's going on? Beat a 50 to figure it out

>Also what's your next move?
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Forgot sorry.
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Darumaka! Use your head. And headbutt the Passimian away from you before trying to use your incinerate to gain distance from the sludge and avoide the wave!
Rolled 37 (1d100)

I support nona
Rolled 73 (1d100)

Huh, I'd assume Passimian has the ability Receiver, so he's helping us out so we become registered as an "ally", so if/when we faint he can nab Inner Focus? If he is going to act as our ally though, maybe we should focus on the other two
I'd keep trying to get to a good spot to keep the Work Up train going, but I'm fine with the alternative plan too

>Since you beat the check I'll give an option to continue with headbutt or no

You realize that Passimian and his trainer are working with you because your the weakest link. By helping you it guarantees an easier final battle as opposed to a slugfest with the more seemingly stronger Pokemon.

>Headbutt, we do this alone
>Play along, after all it will be easier to beat the other 2 that way.
Rolled 45 (1d100)

>Play along, after all it will be easier to beat the other 2 that way.

Rolled 93 (1d100)

Supporting, we'll see if we're still the weakest link after maxing speed and attack

Let them all fight spam work up until we can bend space and time and become an animal character that can teleport and do air combos.

You smirk. "Okay then...Work up some more!" Darumaka continues to throw a tantrum. "Turtonator use Dragon Pulse on Weezing!" Turtonator shoots a purple multicolor dragon shaped energy blast out of its nose hole and Weezing dodges it. "Weezing use Poison Gas!" Weezing expels a huge black cloud of gas. "Quick Fling Darumaka into the air! Out of the gas!" Passimian does so flinging Darumaka out of the air. "Quick Turtonator use Protect!" You see Turtonator glow as Darumaka is flying in the air. Deja vu. Darumaka is about to fall back down. While Passimian holds it breath.

>Flash of inspiration requires beating a 40
>Otherwise what are you gonna do?
Rolled 94 (1d100)

If the gases are flammable, the only thing I can think of is to light them on fire right now, or we could just try to hold our breath, but I'll take whatever flash of inspiration appears (if it does)
This Passimian kinda carrying us lmao, if we get the chance keep working up, all out blitz at some point soon in the future
Damn my rolls kinda popping off
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Sure ignite the gas and if they are still standing then we can coordinate with passimian to jump one.
Rolled 29 (1d100)

What these anons said.
Rolled 1 (1d4)

>Yeah it was pretty obvious. That's why I made it a low check.

"Darumaka use Incinerate!" Darumaka shoots out a burst of flame and ignites the gas causing an explosion. Passimian catches Darumaka before he lands. He looks roughed up. "Okay you want to try that? Weezing use Hex!" Weezing glows dark purple and Darumaka takes (either my roll or half it in damage. Hex in the anime looks very difficult to dodge so I won't roll. So roll for endurance.)
>Uh...nevermind then.

Darumaka winces. But it looks alright.

>What's your move?
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Go out of your way to get another boost from Work Up before you launch yourself with headbutt against Turtonator.
Rolled 70 (1d100)

>+ make sure to headbutt his soft underbelly area.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Rolled 9 (1d100)

+1 support
Get at the soft and vulnerable underbelly and turn it into mashed potato.
What the actual fuck

>I was gonna have Darumaka get Shell Trap'd but this is too good.

"Darumaka roll around and headbutt Turtonator!" Darumaka does so and strikes Turtonator right in the stomach. "Quick! Use Incinerate Turtonator!" Turtonator shoots a massive stream of fire out it's nose cannon.

>Roll to beat 80 or you take damage.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

You got this boi
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Come on my boy
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Duck, dodge, dip, dive, and dodge!
Very nice

You hear the voice of Patches O'Hoolihan and listen to his advice. Giving instructions to Darumaka. Which is odd given that Dodgeball isn't a movie in the Pokemon world. But nonetheless Darumaka managed to avoid it. "Weezing fly up and cover the entire ring with Poison Gas!" Weezing does so. "Dang it! Quick Turtonator Protect!" Turtonator protects itself and this time blowing up the gas will hurt YOU and Passimian.
>What do? Also keep in mind this is all in a large but otherwise traditional wrestling ring
Darumaka jump on the ropes and use headbutt to catapult yourself up and out of the poison gas. Then light the fuse with incinerate.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

forgot dice
Rolled 82 (1d100)

+1 support
We WWE wrestling move this.

"Darumaka headbutt!" Turtonator's shell glows. That's not good. "Use the ropes! Hit him in the stomach!" Darumaka ricochets off the rope and slams Turtonator in the stomach. "Turtonator! Use Dragon Pulse!" Unfortunately its point blank.

>Roll 1d100 and then 1d4
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Please roll a d4 as well for damage. Highest roll determines how bad Darumaka got it.
Rolled 3 (1d4)

ah alright. thought someone else should roll 1d4 as well.

anyway. here we go.
Rolled 65 (1d100)

I think anons wanted to jump off the ropes and try to hit Weezing, but let's see if we can get outta this without too much pain
Rolled 4 (1d4)

Doesn't matter since my 1d100 is lower, but damage
So we are still in the gas and taking poison damage?
Hey everyone. Im sorry. Ive been traveling for 4th of July. Will respond later tonight.

Darumaka gets hit hard. A small explosion blinds you and when the smoke clears Darumaka walks to your corner. He looks pretty beat up. He gives a smile and then collapses.

>Time for a pep talk then I can evolve him. Anyone have anything particularly in character to say?
Rolled 23 (1d100)

" Come on bud. i know your not down and out. We had way worse battles back there.

Show them what your really made off"

i hope your july 4th was a nice day.


Darumaka grins and begins to glow. Suddenly Darumaka doubles in size, its arms get big. It's evolved into...something! You take your Pokedex out.

"Darmanitan, the Blazing Pokemon. Fire Type. The thick arms of this hot-blooded Pokémon can deliver punches capable of obliterating a dump truck. Some Darmanitan can transform with injured in battle, taking on a stone form and honing their psychic powers."

>Choose a move to get rid of for Psychic.
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Sorry! Here.

>Work Up

And his HP is now 10/14
Rolled 36 (1d100)

remove taunt for Psychic

its probably also a good idea to archive this thread soon and start a fresh one. we are on page nine. so probably not a lot of people are gonna find it again.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

>remove taunt for psychic.
Noted! Ill make it tonight. And attempt to archive the thread.

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