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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian, Orkney, and Camelot.

Yes, you decided to add King of Camelot to your titles. Why not? No one is going to stop you.

You charged back into the World to hunt down a terrible Wyvern who ate two of your vassals and fled into a strange and terrifying manor. It turns out this manor contains yet another monster from Avalon, and it has managed to trap you. This unknown and unseen opponent has driven your guide away with fear.

On top of all this, you also have to deal with the Errant Knight Gareth. While she was willing to partner up with you to defeat the Wyvern, you weren't able to convince her that another enemy was trapping everyone in the manor.

Yes, that's right. There are not one, not two, but THREE problems that need excessive violence to resolve. So far, one is dead; two more to go.

You don't want to fight Gareth right now but she refuses to cooperate. It takes a Binding Vow to stop her from attacking you away.

Now you've got to go and gut the dead Wyvern to see if your devoured Baphomets survived...

Kuroda Haruka, 16 year old. A forgotten but genuine member of the Kuroda samurai clan.

Identity: King Lot of Lothian, Orkney and Camelot

+1 Charisma dice

A True Heart "Magokokoro", bonus in one on one interaction with a hostile opponent.
Crafty attacker: When making artful gambits and trickery in a fight, gain +2 dice to attack! It's not cheating, it's stratagem damn it!
Let No Insult Pass! - When attacking, 4s also count as successes in addition to 5s and 6s. Use 1 per day

That's Nothing! - Can only be used exactly once against each enemy and never again. The first deadly blow does no damage.... but only if you wear no armor.

Frostbind - Your weapon. A spear with ice powers. Finally able to summon it whenever you want.

Beira, the Cailleach; your ice ability grows stronger and with better control.

Dignity - Greater Mana reaped from targets able to pose a challenge to you.

Knowledge : Quality Tea Ceremony articles and expertise in Sado

A True Name: You possess your True Name! None can take it from you.

Mana Reaper : Can harvest Mana but requires a tool.

Binding Oath - When you make a Binding Oath, anyone who hears it knows that Avalon will enforce its keeping. Breaking a Binding Oath has consequences. On the same token, keeping a Binding Oath has rewards?

Evolved Flaw:
Always Someone Better - You have a tendency of gloating and enjoying the sight of people you've defeated. But now, only over those who are superior to you in something. You don't indulge against the weak and unworthy.

Vow of Sacrifice - You owe Beira meat and drink from your table. Do not forget to discharge your vow...
Binding Oath: To Gareth. Pledge to Duel wherever and whenever Knight Gareth desires, but only after cutting open the Wyvern and seeing if your vassals can be rescued.
Sorry for the delay, I decided to put this up until I get a post ready. Work got busy.
I'm just glad you're back
Good to have you back
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Your latest Trait Binding Oath seems more detrimental than helpful. What sort of reward is there for keeping it? Or breaking it.

Reward or punishment aside, having Gareth finally put down her Lance is a great relief. Time for some social engineering. You turn immediately to the bloodied corpse of the Wyvern and begin hacking away with Frostbind. It is hideously dirty work; blood and bits of meat splatter all over. Somehow, all throughout this inelegant hacking, the Black Cloak remains pristine. It radiates an aura of disdain, as though declaring it is fit only for better and nobler works than what you are doing right now. You take a deep breath and stop. You made a show of incompetence; now to see what the Knight does.

A comical look of disbelief is plastered on the Errant Knight’s face.

"Hey, stand aside. The longer you take to gut this thing, the longer it takes for our Duel to happen."

Gareth takes out a knife to cut open the Wyvern. It is done with marvelous skill and economy of movement. She presses her body weight on the blade and drags it across, careful not to allow the knife in too deeply and stab the victims within. Sticky black blood gushes and steams the air.

Trait: Kitchen Knight - Skilled in all manner of cookery.

The knife pauses in its cutting as Gareth ponders her Trait activating. It seems she wasn't careful enough to guard it. You weren’t expecting that to happen, and it’s not a particularly helpful piece of information, but you’ll take it.

"How is cutting up a dead monster related to cookery?" You ask.

"I was thinking about my favorite manga when I started cutting this up. I got excited by the idea that I probably could go Dungeon Meshi on this Wyvern and eat it."

You suspect Gareth is an otaku of some sort. The Knight smiles as she begins to talk about what is clearly a manga she loves. All while disemboweling the Wyvern and revealing strangely purple entrails. It takes all your strength not to let your gorge rise and spew. At one point of the butchering, Gareth indicates you have to help pull at the entrails. You steel your nerve and help with tugging at the slippery, disgusting thing. It stretches from the pulling, and the membrane presses against something solid within. It reveals the horned head of a Baphomet. With a few quick slashes with her knife, Gareth parts the blubbery stomach to free the Baphomet underneath.

He lives. Just barely. Shallow stuttering gasps of breath labor onwards.

“Tis the Mason from the Castle.”
“Aye, a lucky goat he is.”
“Meep, hurry, hurry! Our shipmate might be alive!”

The three warriors carefully carry the Mason away as you and Gareth continue to cut away at the Wyvern. The second Baphomet to come out is a cold, still corpse. The digestive juices of the monster have worked to melt away parts of flesh, bone, and horn.

The hardened warriors wept at the sight. They reach out to their fallen comrade with suppressed sobs.
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“Aye, no more songs. No more roving. No more tears. To halls more royal than found in Avalon, he has gone.” The three warriors raise a cry of sorrow.

One dead, one badly injured. There's also the missing guide and the strange enemy trapping you in the manor. As you think about the situation, you feel the air prickle your skin.

It feels like a Tourney Stone in action.

There's no time to react or protest; you feel the space shift around you and carry you away. The last thing you see before it happens is the shocked faces of your warriors.

"It takes time for the Tourney Grounds to be summoned. HOW?!"

You whirl around to face Gareth, who has speedily jumped away from your side. Her face is set in grim determination, and she leans on her Lance lazily before answering.

"I set up the Tourney Grounds while you were hacking away and not paying attention to me a few minutes ago."

What a devious kid! You're pretty sure this girl is around the same age as your little sister. This is bad. When you won against Gawain, you had Yatagarasu to guide you after victory. What happens if you win or lose without a guide? Will you return to the side of your warriors?

"I can't believe you want to Duel me right now."

"Who said I want to Duel right now? Don't you remember your own words? Wherever and whenever Knight Gareth desires. And guess what? It's your lucky day. I don't feel like Dueling you right now. Let's see if you can survive being outside Avalon."

With a jaunty wave of her hand, a beam of light hits Gareth and begins lifting her upward to the sky.

You didn't think it was possible, but you hate this kid more than Gawain now. The little hierarchy of hate kept in your head has shuffled around the ranks a little. Gawain is no longer in first place.

>Shoot the Gareth with Peacemaker! Use 'Let no Insult Pass', 6d6 roll...
>Shoot the Gareth with Peacemaker! Do not use 'Let No Insult Pass', 6d6 roll....
>Ignore Gareth, find an exit from the Tourney Grounds! 1d20 roll....
>You've been praying to Beira a lot lately, but surely she'll respond to your prayers still... ????
>Make a Binding Vow to find and defeat Gareth for being such devious little shit...
>write in
>>Shoot the Gareth with Peacemaker! Use 'Let no Insult Pass', 6d6 roll...
Aim for the head or eyes or a vital. I really don't fucking care anymore. The vow might resolve completely in our favor if Gareth dies irregardless of duel status, which is what I'm hoping for. This is such a ridiculous and blatant betrayal on Gareth's part. Can we declare a duel on her after we shoot her, which will keep her here? She'll be easier to finish off after a vital spot is shot, and I bet she won't die immediately due to her knight powers and anime logic. I don't care if Gareth is the same age as Haruka's sister. Our girl Haruka will have to finally confront and come to terms with killing someone yes, but she can rationalize the hell out of Gareth here.
It just occured to me that there's no limit either. Gareth can pull this every time we come across her from now on. She can isolate us into the Tourney Grounds then fuck off without a care, leaving us lost. There's no downside. There's no drawback. There's no punishment. Gareth has a permanent and infinite use "separate this bitch for free" card over Haruka now. Our protagonist fucked up so bad with her words during that stupid oath. I bet Gareth was being so intimidating and pressuring before, when the battle ended and Haruka wanted to free the captives, specifically to force Haruka to fuck up like this for her benefit. I bet Gareth was lying about not believing us about the house specter enemy too, seeing as she was in there before we were and must have figured it out easily on her own before we showed up. This little girl probably in elementary school has shown several instances of deceit and manipulation and maliciousness from even before the moment she became an onscreen character. I feel zero sympathy or remorse to them. Live by the sword die by the sword, you fucking bitch.
>Let her leave, after all it’s not like she’s going to REMEMBER.

I feel like people are forgetting that once she leaves the realm of Avalon. She won’t remember anything about us or the duel and so if she makes a threat of violence next time, we can count that as a duel request.
How sure are you that that's applicable to her?
Unfortunately, that's not true.
Mundane muggles will forget.
Magical girls making up the Knight of The Round Table remember.
So Gareth can always do the 'separation' trick as long as she has a Tourney Stone and some time to activate it while being close to Haruka.

She after all remembers facing other Kings and Knights from Avalon like Rodomonte.
Because it’s happened to the other magical girls before and it doesn’t seem like she’s any different
Rolled 4, 2, 1, 6, 5, 5 = 23 (6d6)

Oh, in that case. FUCK THIS BITCH

>Shoot the Gareth with Peacemaker! Use 'Let no Insult Pass', 6d6 roll...
That decides it. This little bitch dies here and now, duel or no duel.

I'd rather save my own rolling to after vote is locked
Oh yes, the vote will remain open tonight as well as I was super late getting this posted up.


Archive of quest above.
>>Ignore Gareth, find an exit from the Tourney Grounds! 1d20 roll....
What a moving scene with the goats, ruined by Gareth. A pox on her whole family!

>Shoot the Gareth with Peacemaker! Use 'Let no Insult Pass', 6d6 roll...

We saved this for a reason, and while I appreciate Gareth's competence and nuances, she is annoying. More than annoying, I hate her and her ilk for condemning us to the role of a dark magical girl more so than the circumstances Avalon inflicts upon us ever could.
>>Shoot the Gareth with Peacemaker! Use 'Let no Insult Pass', 6d6 roll...
>Shoot the Gareth with Peacemaker! Use 'Let no Insult Pass', 6d6 roll...
Surely to use a tourney stone and the run away counts as an act of cowardice.

Such duplicity and shittyness certainly deserve our girl utmost contempt.
>Shoot the Gareth with Peacemaker! Use 'Let no Insult Pass', 6d6 roll...
Her dishonor will be her own undoing. This is spitting in the face of the intent of the vow. Spitting in the face of the tourney ground's intended use.
Everyone is rightfully pissed off and wants to put a cap in 14 year old girl. Except for one anon who thinks it better to find a way out.
>when the villain girl of the arthurian mahou shoujo series pulls a real gun and kills one of the supporting cast by putting a bullet through their head like 4 episodes in
I wonder if this quest was a real show, how would the audience react? How would /a/ react?
>Meanwhile, in Gareth Quest
"Holy shit we fucked around and found out"
>tfw the QM makes the primary antagonist pull out a gun and fucking shoot you
They've basically game overed if Haruka's shot ends up being fatal. Gareth has no armor over her face right? One good bullet through an eye or in the forehead, and she's as good as dead if not dead outright. Might have to run over and impale her a couple times with Frostbind though, which is a lot more personal than a simple gunshot. Either way Haruka will need to recover from this afterward... but we still have the other meeps and the japanese horror mansion to deal with
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Somewhere within your soul, a sharp and persistent stab of prickly rage rises like an inferno. How best to describe it? Like finely ground glass poured through your veins, lacerating delicate blood vessels and flesh with unending agony, which is unable to escape except through an explosion of violence unto death.

All because of this treacherous, duplicitous wordsmith, who is apparently your equal in manipulation and reading people. She found a loophole in your Binding Vow.

Let No Insult Pass! - When attacking, 4s also count as successes in addition to 5s and 6s. Use 1 per day.

Gareth is dangerous and smart. If you had a choice in the matter, you'd rather face an enemy like Gawain by the hundreds than the Kitchen Knight.

Peacemaker has one bullet, but that's enough to fatally wound or, better yet, kill the enemy.

"Thou dishonorable wretch! Ye cannae believe truly that flying from the field of battle shall spare thee from my Kingly wrath!" Your scream of rage rises to the heavens.

"But I just did!" Gareth answers back.

The weight of Peacemaker in your hand is comforting, and something terrible lurches out from the depths of implacable fury to impel your hand to lift it and aim upwards. Your finger on the trigger, the hammer waiting to strike the primer of the bullet and light the explosive propellant.

Gawain notices the gun in your hand.

You realize she looks utterly dismissive of the sight of Peacemaker as though it is a mere toy, harmless and useless.

When you realize the calmness of your opponent at the sight of a firearm, it is too late to stop your finger from pulling the trigger....

>3 anons, roll 2d6! Remember that 4s will count as a success.
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d6)

Rolled 3, 4 = 7 (2d6)

Rolled 3, 6 = 9 (2d6)


Not a good start megucas...
>only 2 successes
Maybe if we hope REALLY hard, the tourney grounds will punish this foul witch for abusing its purpose.
>You realize she looks utterly dismissive of the sight of Peacemaker as though it is a mere toy, harmless and useless.
I want her kill on sight from here on out.
>Peacemaker has one bullet
It is time to locate and strike at specialty stores wherever they are. We need more bullets for the relic
There's no way Tourney Grounds will ever take our side. They won't magically curve the bullet to make it a fatal blow, ignoring all those 1s and 3s. Having only 5s and 6s be successes on a 6d6 is a recipe for never winning, come on OP!

I hope she suffers septic shock! Even if it doesn't kill her (or worse, misses entirely), I want her to suffer! At least a painful reminder of her insolence.

It is only right that we exist as we do! Someone has to teach these megucas a lesson! I embrace the darkness, if only to hurt these shitty little wannabe heroines that abandoned us and then blamed us for living!
They're so blatantly unsympathetic it's like they want us to want to kill them. Seems like attracts like when it comes to those chosen by Avalon? When will Haruka get her own allies in her endeavours? Or is it too early for that, and instead she needs to git gud and become a looty pirate like Mordred?
Eh, actually, having only two sides of a six sided dice be successes is literally the standard for d6 dicepool systems. Shadowrun, etc. We've just been unlucky, and we're just starting out our career as a dark magical girl.

Reminder that we are literally a charisma specced 16 girl that relies on tricks to win and has no formal training. If we had chosen to be Miki or Naomi at character gen, things might be different. Things will change once we actually reap some mana for ourselves, and meet some of the other Avalon residents to butter up. It is pretty important that we get the wyvern and ghost lady for ourselves and not let Gareth fuck off with our rightful loot, we desperately need the mana.
We have no super endgame charisma power where we just point at the bitch across from us, go "DIE", and they instantly die. Or we say LowTierGod lines and they drop dead. And do you think our meeps are mana harvesting that wyvern offscreen while Gareth is here trying to fuck us over? I hope they secure a win for us out of this after we lost one of the two eaten goats
Maybe not, but my point was more that our physical prowess ain't the best, and our traits and style of fighting didn't support our understandably angry approach. So we shouldn't have expected to succeed here. Gods, I wanted to though!

When we get mana, I think we'll be able to improve our abilities, ice powers or otherwise. Make new ones too, and items, if the former Kings of Camelot were anything to go by.

As for our goats, I hope they think of us and remember to reap the wyvern, but I'm not sure the warriors has reaping scythes, it might just be the guides that carry them, and ours fled. They may well choose to prioritize healing their companion, given that he was on death's door.
2 successes.

Bad luck but at least you'll learn something about Gareth.

I mean, you went and choose a Charisma build character with minimal combat ability but lots of deviousness. If you got Fushimi Miki or Nagumo Kyouya as your starter character, you'd be beating the shit out of Gareth and Gawain in straight combat as different King or Knight from Arthurian legend or similar literature.

Also you forget, there was a blackguard named Rodomonte who kept on fighting the Knights and doing things like kidnapping orphaned little girls to Camelot to drain them of mana until they die, targeting helpless seniors who can barely withstand the strain of Reaping, ordering Baphomets to do suicidal missions and impossible tasks, etc.

That's just Rodomonte. There are others who have been doing who knows what while the Knights oppose them. You haven't met them yet but one was willing to kidnap an entire train load of kids to drain them of Mana and you happened be on board.

As you can imagine, this is a central reason why Gareth is so merciless. She has personal experience dealing with the 'Accursed' and has absolutely no sympathy for them if they show signs of attacking people for Mana.

It's not your fault that previous villains and villainesses have shit the bed.
I can't believe a charisma build actually fails for once. And repeatedly to boot. In a fucking mahou shoujo setting. This quest sure is something, and I want to see where it goes.
>our traits and style of fighting didn't support our understandably angry approach
When is our training arc? When will the raids and looting begin?
>not sure the warriors has reaping scythes
>ours fled
>prioritize healing their companion
It is ultimately a victory for us, seeing as that's what we set out chasing the wyvern for. Something honorable and decent.

>at least you'll learn something about Gareth.
Thanks for not shafting us on top of the dice, OP
>kept on fighting the Knights
Let the record show we tried to talk our way out of Gareth pressuring us, and we tried to reason at every possible point. We did in fact try to play to our strengths until that became faulty
>kidnapping orphaned little girls
>targeting helpless seniors
>ordering suicidal missions and impossible tasks
>one was willing to kidnap an entire train
Oh right we never found out who that was
Her fault she decided not to listen to us even after how different we've been
>attacking people for Mana
Too bad bitch, but our rules and morals are not like those other fuckers. For one, we have rules and morals to begin with.
>previous villains and villainesses have shit the bed
As always, 仕方がない。I still believe our main character needs the stress release of trying to fatally shoot a conniving brat here.
Gotta go to bed, post tomorrow.
>When is our training arc? When will the raids and looting begin?
to be fair, we're in the middle of those right now. we're just learning first hand how shit we're at that.
at least the little goats will have some newfound respect for us once we bring the mason back
finding out how shit we are is an important step, just wish it was faster, because it's not quite fun to repeatedly fall on one's face and eat shit
it's not like we're even good at what we supposedly focus on, a charisma build without being able to convince anyone of anything, truly a CBT fantasya
only good part is that we're still alive, only question for how long
No post tonight, returned home late.
Hm, I'm not quite sure how to show you are using your Charisma bonus with your vassals. I guess I was too subtle about how helpful the Baphomets are since you have it. If you had chosen any other character you would find the various factions to be more uncooperative.
They would do work slowly when you order them to work and hear more grumblings from them. The Anarcho-Syndicalists would have an easier time making inroads to getting the Baphomets to rebel and free themselves from Avalon's magic forcing them to obey.
Guides would shy away from helping you freely travel between the World and Avalon or teaching you their secrets.
They volunteer when you ask of them, as you could see with the rather powerful Baphomets from the Longship Meeps deciding to chance cooperating with you despite having terrible experiences with Rodomonte.
I wonder if I should emphasize how some choices previously were only possible because you had the 'charisma' bonus.

Charisma is not an instant 'everyone does as we say' power. Someone with a compelling reason to distrust you or witnesses you doing an attack such as tying up NHK man and trying to steal their cat in a home invasion isn't going to be all too moved by Charisma.
>I wonder if I should emphasize how some choices previously were only possible because you had the 'charisma' bonus.
yes, mostly because we don't have any way of knowing that the bonus is working because from our point of view, this is how things should be, so to speak. knowing that some interactions could have been way worse, can put things in a better perspective.
I'm not sure about nhk man but a cat's charisma can't be beaten so we were outmatched from the start.
i wonder if we can lawyer bullshit gawain back.
even though she says she doesn't plan to fight us right now, the intention and the entrapment of the tourney stone says otherwise, therefore this is activating the duel right here and right now and if she leaves we win by default
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The gun has a kick. You weren't prepared for it despite watching countless shows, movies, and videogames showing how guns work and operate. Your heart plummets in disappointment at the thought of wasting the only bullet of Peacemaker by missing your hated enemy.

Then it soars to heights of ecstasy as you realize it has hit!

Then your feelings return to the nadir of despair.

The bullet promptly bounced off Gareth's face, leaving absolutely no mark. Her head doesn't even move from the force of the blow. Neither a bruise, scorch mark, nor gaping hole where a bullet should have entered soft flesh and destroyed the life of the Knight can be seen.


You know a Trait of Gareth. Trait: L'Abominoso Ordigno Di Cimosco - You can never use firearms, but in turn, no firearms can hurt you.

Italian? Why is that Trait in Italian? This is the inane thought that goes through your mind briefly before your subconscious senses something. You've heard all your life through manga and anime and even some of the lectures from your uncle about 'sakki', the supposed manifestation of a person's intent to kill.

Gareth is exuding that murderous aura right now. Though her face is serene and thoughtful, you can tell she is weighing the pros and cons between killing you right now in combat or simply banishing you to the World and letting the Backlash kill you instead.

You break out in a cold sweat as Gareth makes her unhurried assessment while floating in midair; it seems as though your life is as light as a feather and inconsequential to the Kitchen Knight. There is no blade held at your throat, yet you can feel that, in a heartbeat, it will be cut.

The Kitchen Knight has made her decision.

"It seems like you're out of tricks at last, minion of Rodomonte. Don't worry, I'm not as vulgar as your master. You'll die a quick death. Let's have our Duel!"

Avalon is satisfied that your Binding Vow has been fulfilled! It no longer exists. You are---

There's no time to know what Avalon wants to tell you. Gareth plunges back to the earth, Lance forward at you! It is so swift, you have no chance to defend given your meager combat ability and no time to pray to Beira. Six feet of metal skewers your chest, straight through your heart, and lifts you bodily off the ground. You are surprised it doesn't hurt, perhaps because of shock. Peacemaker drops from nerveless fingers, and you try to say something, but only a burble of blood dribbles from your mouth.
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You know a Trait of Gareth. Trait: Ira Lupus - A powerful thrust from the Rampaging Wolf. It cannot be dodged or parried, but can be stopped by powerful enough armor or shield.

The errant Knight didn't even hold back at all on a completely unarmored foe. Gareth looks exhausted and haunted by her bloody work, but she is not idle. With trained efficiency and ruthlessness, she lifts her right foot and kicks your body right off her Lance and over the edge of the Tourney Ground. The last thing you see is her Lance covered with your blood, even some bits and pieces of your innards hanging on it as you fall. Then a beam of light shines upon you; it obliterates your vision as you float upwards to exit the Tourney Ground, completely defeated.


That's Nothing! - Can only be used exactly once against each enemy and never again. The first deadly blow does no damage.... but only if you wear no armor.

Gareth's next deadly blow will kill! If she should ever get the opportunity land another one.

The hole in your chest from the Lance begins to knit back together, the heart and lungs regenerate, and bone reforms to its proper place. There is no pain, and there is no evidence of your wound anywhere. You survived! You start hysterically crying with relief.

You don't know where the Tourney Ground is going to send you after your defeat, but as long as it's far away from Gareth, you don't really care.

The light is all-encompassing; you can't see anything but the Tourney Ground...

>Deposits you in a field of swaying grass...
>Throws you into a swimming pool...
>You don't remember what it does, you just wake up in a bed...
>Tosses you into a bale of hay, there are cows around you...
>Drops you on cold hard concrete...
>Gently lands you in an abandoned village...
>You don't remember what it does, you just wake up in a bed...
>>Throws you into a swimming pool...
>Gently lands you in an abandoned village...
>>Throws you into a swimming pool...
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>Throws you into a swimming pool...
No way... It couldn't be... THAT one?!
She definitely needs time to recover after all this. Not everyday somebody outright dies by being lanced completely through the heart and chest, lifted off the ground, then kicked off a cliff like a Dark Souls boss move while your guts are hanging from the weapon. Whatever that vow resolving got us it better be good, because we left the Peacemaker at the Tourney Ground and Gareth would never pick it up herself. I really hate how many items and resources we keep losing nonstop. I want to fuel this hatred and rage towards more gitting gud because that bitch instakilled Haruka with zero counterplay.
I don't get the reference sorry.
>You don't remember what it does, you just wake up in a bed...
Boy's bed hopefully
Guess we'll be going with swimming pool. No post tonight.
Something wrong with my mouse and keyboard tonight. Post is going to be late
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The Tourney Ground throws you into a swimming pool. You know before you even crash into it due to the unique smell of chlorine.

You suppose it is better than falling into a stormy ocean.

Oh yeah, the World set you on fire first. When you think about it, being set on fire and then tossed into an ocean is better than what you just went through. Dying by means of six feet of metal spearing through the chest, and then kicked off the ledge of the Tourney Grounds before teleporting into a pool.

You hit the water in the pool hard and create a gigantic splash. It takes seconds to claw your way up to the surface through the water and bubbles. When you take your first gulp of air, you can see the sky. It's still fairly dark, but on the rim of the horizon, there are hints of the sun about to rise.

Dragging yourself on the ledge of the pool, you heave your soaking body out. The Black Cloak is unnaturally light; it has not absorbed any pool water at all and is dry. When you remove it to check it over for damage, you are stunned to discover that there's no hole in the cloth from Gareth's attack. It is whole and pristine from the moment the vassal discovered it and presented it back in Camelot.

You shiver naked in the cold. The pool you landed in was an outdoor pool, a standard school one. You don't know what school you ended up at, but it is lucky that your crashlanding was so early in the morning. There are no students around to witness a naked, sobbing girl curled up on the ground, trying to piece together her resolve.

You miss your mother and father. They would definitely hug away the state of terror you're in. You older brother Touma would do something stupid like vow vengeance on whoever hurt you. Sakura would chase down the cat Kizaemon so you could pet her and put on stupid Taiga drama shows so you could make fun of them.

But none of that is going to happen. Not unless you can reclaim your place in the World. The task set before you seems impossible when the opposition is more powerful and ruthless. Are the rest of the Knights of The Round Table like Gareth? Oh god, you hope not. You still haven't encountered Merlin, Lancelot, and King Arthur yet.

Flaw - Fearsome Enemy: -2 dice when facing Gareth in combat.

The minutes pass slowly while you remain in a fetal position, hugging the Black Cloak close. There has to be something that makes you feel better.

Ah, you were given something from Avalon. Maybe reviewing what was granted to you will cheer you up a little.


Okay, probably not, but you need to distract yourself with something.

Trait: Unto Death - You died----

Gee, thanks for the reminder, Avalon!

Trait: Unto Death - You died. As a result, the dead recognize you as one of their own.

To say that the Trait creeps you out is an understatement. What does it mean to be recognized by the dead as one of their own? You want to laugh and cry at the same time.
You move on down the list of Traits and discover that one has evolved.

That's Nothing! - Can only be used exactly once against each enemy and never again. The first deadly blow does no damage but only if you wear no armor. You can choose when the resurrection effect kicks in up to nine days!
Can no longer be used against Gareth.

How is dictating when you'll revive from being killed supposed to be useful? You can't imagine how, unless you want to fool someone into thinking you're dead by setting the resurrection nine days later. The idea of being dead for any moment at all, let alone nine days, is the stuff of nightmares.

Are the Traits you got from this shitshow all going to be related to death!?

You are too heartsick to continue reviewing what you might have gotten right now. Maybe in a few hours, you'll have the heart to look again.

The sun is rising to the east; you need to get out of here before the students arrive for their morning practice if they're in clubs.

>You raid the school for clothing, you find someone's sweaty gym clothes...
>Leave the school grounds, hide out in someone's backyard....
>Stay in the school and get some help; the teacher's of the place can call social services...
>Hide out in an abandoned building, then sneak out to break into someone's house...
>Head to a shrine right away; maybe you can copy Yatagarasu's technique to return to Camelot...
>Raid the school for information on where you are...
>write in...
>Leave the school grounds, hide out in someone's backyard....
>You raid the school for clothing, you find someone's sweaty gym clothes...
My proposal is to do this FIRST, then head out to find a shrine. Preferably a shrine that has a graveyard attached, to take advantage of Unto Death if possible.
>You raid the school for clothing, you find someone's sweaty gym clothes...
>Head to a shrine right away; maybe you can copy Yatagarasu's technique to return to Camelot...
Being haruka is suffering
>>You raid the school for clothing, you find someone's sweaty gym clothes...

That is a good use of brain and so has my support.
Hopefully it's not too traumatizing to speak with the dead.
(Should she visit her own dead?)
>>Head to a shrine right away; maybe you can copy Yatagarasu's technique to return to Camelot...
Someone's dirty gym laundry? Ewwwww
Time to start our necromancer journey
Guess we're wearing gym clothes from a boy and then heading to a shrine.

Japanese Shinto Shrines are located far away from the dead. So no luck there.

I am off on a trip so I won't post tonight.
>Hide out in an abandoned building, then sneak out to break into someone's house...
man every time I read this quest I get kind of pissed, have we even had a true win yet, it all ends either in a wind and a loss where the loss usually outweighs anything we gained from winning or just a straight up loss the charisma build was shit and is so bad that it might as well have been a trap option, everything we do ends in a loss,
maybe that will change with the new perks we got. the dead recognizing us as one of their own sounds powerful with the charisma build we're supposed to have
we won the cat, saved it from being atomized and gained a non goat companion by doing that, that was good,
and we got a win with the tea set over the will of the universe or whoever controls that shit
charisma build is reliant on other people, and requires time to build up, if we get that time, we can make Camelot into a fortress worthy of a king, it's just that takes time and resources, and we just got assraped because of a double random event, before we managed to do, well, anything
seems similar to playing a wizard, early levels are hell, once we get through those, we should be able to mess up fools who try to single handedly outpreform a city's worth of labor
so the Qm had to forcibly give us a powerup since we are that shit and can't even beat a normal human in a fight
consider the following,
if we had it easy, why would we be a villain?
who would we even be a villain against if nobody wronged us?
just consider this an extended part of our backstory before the real fun begins
to be fair, we chose the dork that studied fucking tea ceremony and that has a chip on her shoulder the size of a mountain out of the other two fighters. it might be a bit of a QM problem that we don't explicitly see out charisma build working out, but its pretty much expected that actually fighting is gonna go bad for us
have we ever actually rolled charisma, I can't remember any roll that could be considered a charisma roll off the top of my head
This question would imply to me that it's doing its work passively. This was all talked about earlier though, with the QM even saying it was making things go much smoother for Haruka than any of the other choices.
QM explicitly said that he counts it in the reactions and how others treat us,
though I would think the rolls regarding the cat and interacting with her were charisma ones or at least adjacent
While sure the charisma lets us have options that where would have probably been locked for the other characters that is still shit compared to what the combat builds would have done and that is let us progress, we have sat around basically having no progress for the last 4 threads. Also maybe the QM is lying, they say its subtle but that might just be something they say to soothe the worry of the player base.

also, the majority of our trait we gained have been shit. we got that's nothing and instantly met gareth who can instantly kill us with her trait
actually, you know what, if I was a more paranoid man I would already be accusing the QM of railroad, we gain a trait that lets us come back from the dead once per person, and we then fight with someone whose trait cannot be dodged and only be resisted by good armor or shield which naturally counters us, we have a gun, we shoot gun, she is immune to gun specifically, not projectiles but specifically gun
>maybe the QM is lying,
We'd have no way of knowing, and considering this seriously doesn't help with making better plans for the future, and is pretty lame to consider, since they're writing this for fun.

I don't know what you think progress is, but Haruka has gone from being a completely normal Schoolgirl to someone who has had to rough it out just to live in the span of a few days. Sure she can't just go out hunting dragons willy-nilly but that's not what she's built her entire life around so far, rather she's focused on getting people to be organized, and she has already gotten the roads in Camelot to be cleaned up which is huge for any further restoration projects and general productivity within the kingdom, and when considering the amount of disrepair that has been described, is quite the feat in just a week of work.

It's not like That's Nothing just appeared out of nowhere, it was voted on and that's the trait we got. I assume we'd have gotten a similarly powerful trait if any of the other choices were picked instead. And being able to survive any mortal hit, even if it's only once, is pretty damn good as an ability. So what if it's been used against Gareth? If it wasn't we'd have just straight up died so I don't see how that makes it "shit", when it literally saved our life.

Don't forget that they also were fighting against Rodomonte, who raided a place for guns, so having protection against firearms makes perfect sense.
there were rolls which we failed, which would have stopped us fucking up with the gun
also us chosing to do shit and roleplay as who we are, and return in kind how bitchy the other knight is

I do find it a bit questionable that we didn't have an easy time convincing the knight that she shouldn't attack us because we aren't holding her there (actually, wait, what was with that? how could she get out and do the whole duel shit when she was bitching about being stuck in the house?)
but from what I can see, the real answer (regarding why we are still seemingly shit) is that while we are a kind of charisma build, we're more of a half sociopathic manipulator, which doesn't work best without having time to parasitically burrow into a community and take it over, and it works double shittly vs people who don't trust us outright
we also got a major debuff by the memory loss shit, as the fight charcters dont lose their muscles when becoming magical, but we do lose our previous powerbase, so yeah, basically, we're fucked as is, and unless QM gives us a place where we can shine, or let us build up camelot in peace to the point where no random MG can decide that out ass is grass, we will continue to get, well, grassed

idk, man, if you dislike it that much, maybe skip a few threads and see if it gets better then
I'm sticking around because it looks promising and I've seen too much stuff die
there are next to no MG quests, and I don't want to lose another one for a pointless reason like the QM having enough of our bitching
alright I can see your guys point, I too stay around to see what happens.

But when it comes to that's nothing saving our life it's too convenient, we gain the exact ability needed to survive this specific encounter and if we had gained any other skill we would have been dead and quest over, is it just me who see how suspicious that is.
>I do find it a bit questionable that we didn't have an easy time convincing the knight that she shouldn't attack us because we aren't holding her there (actually, wait, what was with that? how could she get out and do the whole duel shit when she was bitching about being stuck in the house?)

hopefully the stuck up bitch is still trapped in there

i mean, from an outside point of view; this is a narrative GAME; we're playing D&D with extra steps where there is a single DM on one side of the table and a getsalt mind of idiots on the other. its not fun if our character just dies because everyone else is capable and willing of shitting on her. But from a narrative point of view things get kinda interesting; so far haruka is the only one that needs to pray for an external being to lend her power, so there is nothing contradicting that these forces are keeping her alive, or nudging her to keep going to accomplish their goals. So yeah, plot hook
fair enough, I shall presume that the other traits were something that would also have gotten us out of the uncounterable instant kill move that Gareth can do
I missed out on a very intense back and forth.

My intention is to have an interesting quest with what I hope is a unique premise.

L'Abominoso Ordigno Di Cimosco is based on the canto XI of Orlando Furiosa where the author goes on a rant about guns. Cimosco is the King of Frisia who tried to kill Orlando by gunning him down. Rodomonte is from the same epic poem.

I thought the 'That's Nothing' trait as uniquely powerful and useful for our character. I got the idea from Gawain and the Green Knight poem. But being told it's not that useful is pretty disappointing. I also gave it's evolution based on the Norse myths of Odin since he had a thing for the number 9. The other Traits too are interestingly inspired from the various things I've been reading up.

Haruka just started about a week and a half ago with her villainess career, she's on an accelerated course to get powers and stuff.

King Lot in the stories I read is known not for immense prowess but from being a leader. His Kingdom loyally stuck with him even as it was invaded by outsiders and didn't defect. I had figured that it makes not much sense to be constantly rolling charisma checks on the Baphomets but rather Haruka's natural ability to understand how to lead them and paying attention to them allows her to stop dissension in it's tracks and properly motivate them.

Maybe I chose the wrong way to tell the story
I for one love all this autism and want to see where we're going. I'll keep having faith and accept that being blown out so much will lessen as time passes and we git gud
>I thought the 'That's Nothing' trait as uniquely powerful and useful for our character.
strictly speaking it is useful, because it lets us no sell lethal damage; the problem is that it implies that we'll be dying often against most enemies(at least once) and anons don't take so many defeats in a row in stride. so unless there is a way to "upgrade" the trait, or somehow make haruka stronger it just feels like a safety net instead of something useful.

>Maybe I chose the wrong way to tell the story
just make it in the texts that our natural charisma somehow made the interactions easier, or something along those lines
Alright, who would the other charavters have been if we choose them or coukd that theoretically be considered a spoiler if they have to potential still to get lost here?

Also was I correct in thinking that every trait option would have allowed us to survive the gareth instant kill attack? Or dud we just get stupidly lucky

Also I do believe that maybe giving an indication of when our charisna helps us would lower the feeling of the charisma build being worthless

It doesn't even feel like a safety net now that we know that there are undodgeable attacks that can only be survived via having good armor(something which that trait is inherently against)
If you had chosen Miki, I would have made her Sagramore. And put in Hungarian stuff like "Janos Vitez" and such. Though it would be quite the challenge since I know very little Hungarian stuff.

I had also bandied around other Knights like Agravaine, Dagonet, or even something like La Belle Dame Sans Merci etc. The others are still in play as spoilers for the future story stuff. Or maybe not, I might toss it.

Not all traits would have allowed you to survive the attack from Gareth.

One Trait would have allowed you to kill her with a gun because of it's unique feature.

In fact, if you had chosen 'No Escape' as a Trait. Uh, let's just say I would have to figure out something absurdly creative narratively speaking on how you would survive since you tried to kill Gareth.

Remember that you could find loopholes in the wording of certain things. Gareth has an attack you can't dodge, as is common in a lot of legends, but what about destroying her Lance or making sure she can't run straight at you because something trips her up.
>Gareth has an attack you can't dodge, as is common in a lot of legends
fuck, we need to raid a library. or at the very least, have haruka download on her phone all the videos and texts she can about arthurian legends
Aside from knowing when our charisma is being used, it's been pretty satisfying watching Haruka grow. Though, I don't really know if showing exactly where the charisma is taking effect is the best way, because it's more in how Haruka acts all the time rather than a trait being activated.
I have no stake in the above arguments (as I'm perfectly fine with the quest as-is so far and have been enjoying it), but I finally remembered to recommend making a character sheet on Pastebin or, even better, google docs. We have the blurb at the start of each thread, but that's quickly going to end up needing more than one post. Could even put things in there for kingdom stats or whatever.
For those curious where I went. Sorry. Right now on the east coast of Canada, there's a heat wave. up to 45 degrees with humidex.

For americans, that's 113 fahrenheit.

So part of my job is running around running cooling centers, making sure elderly aren't dead from heat stroke, etc.

Completely disrupted my writing schedule.
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Wtf the QM was an ice hero all along?!
The QM is a spirit of ice
Qm's real identity was Beira all along!
Okay, I can now get back to this quest. I hope to post tomorrow.
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When you peek through the fence and see buildings, railways, and roads. It doesn't feel like Tokyo; it isn't large enough. At most a very large town but the very idea of running around without any clothing on is too embarrassing to consider. Therefore, your priority right now is to find some sort of clothing within the school.

This is when an unpleasant discovery about the high school reveals itself. It's an all-boy's high school. Thus, there is no forgotten female clothing anywhere. All you find are dirty gym clothes fitted out for boys. It reeks, and when you look very carefully, you can see dried salt rimming the collar and armpits in yellow circles.

It's almost tempting to just continue being naked.

You can't even bring yourself to cry anymore; you've shed all your tears.

The baggy clothing fits very loosely, and the shorts are on the verge of falling down. To prevent an embarrassing accident, you use your ice powers to copy the gold pin holding up the Black Cloak. The white copy of the pin is crude and not very pleasant to touch, but it works to fasten the excess cloth of the shorts tighter on your waist. It only takes a bit of concentration to keep the ice pin from melting away.


Why isn't the World being a jerk and going Backlash is building... on you for using ice ability? Even if there aren't any witnesses, using your ice magic should have caught the notice of the hateful World and generated a bit of Backlash. Maybe because it's such a minor use of magic that the World can't sense it. No time to mull over this. You need to find a shrine and see if you can get back to Avalon, from Avalon you can go back and rescue your cohort.

You do some further raiding of the school. Nothing major, just a few pieces of chalk and someone's forgotten cellphone charger. Then a final raid on the shoe lockers at the front entrance of the school and finding a service pair of shoes. They're half a size too big, but they'll do. When you venture out of the school and get past the gates, you almost run into the early morning crowd of students heading for club practice. The boys are very confused to see a girl exit an all-boys school, but you don't stick around to explain yourself.

You need to find a shrine!

The view from the school was deceptive. What you thought was a sprawling cityscape turned out to be an illusion. Just minutes into your run, thick forests and rural scenery begin replacing the urbanized area you landed in. Cloak flapping in the wind, you continue to run until you see a shrine with a gigantic camphor tree dominating the grounds.

You hurriedly do the purification rituals before getting past the torii gate and hurriedly looking for an auxiliary shrine out of sight of the main worshipping area. You're going to be doing a bunch of odd things, and you don't want any witnesses.

When you get to the back of the shrine, a familiar sight surprises you.
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The Sickle Tree. An exact copy of the Sickle Tree, which lies just outside of Camelot's broken wall. Actually, it's not exact. This shrine tree has many more sickles sticking in the bark. The one in Camelot is denuded of the sickles as they appear. You note that there's a sign stating that no further sickles can be driven in to preserve the tree, but ema wish boards can be hung instead.

It's time to get to work. How did Yatagarasu open a Gate? He made strange Runes and then asked you to pray. While you have confidence in appealing to the Gods, you aren't sure about the Runes. You learned a handful of Runes while working with the clerks and Hanbei, but you are effectively illiterate. The clerks read out memorials and reports while you listen and consider them.

Maybe you should bribe the Gods with some sort of offering? Also how much of those Runes can you remember...

>Start writing those Runes and praying! Three anons, roll 1d20....
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

Total of 34.
You're probably all wondering why 3d20.
I'm basing results on the zodiac with the five elements.
Haruka was born in the year of the rat. So multiples of 12 is great for her.
Also years of dragon (5, + 12 yrs, etc), monkey (9+ 12 yrs), and ox (2, + 12 yrs)
However there are unlucky numbers too based on Yakudoshi, Horse (7, with multiple of 12) and Goat (8, and multiples of 12)

Interesting things happen on number 33. As the Monkey (lucky) hits a yakudoshi (unlucky)
For those wondering, I accidentally screwed up in the counting in thread 3. 21 should have been a good number as it's a monkey number. Oops. I was looking at 20 which was Goat (irony given that her servants are all goat-like)
>his quest also has numbers autism
I fucking kneel

Reimburse us for your fuckup which lead to souch trouble for us with the world being allowed to unleash the backlash
hell yeah, number autism
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You begin painstakingly writing out Runes using the chalk stolen from the school. It is a challenge to recall all the strangely-shaped characters. You always had a formidable memory, but you can't boast much about your artistic skills. The minutes stretch out as the text snakes along the altar and the holy tree.

Is this going to work?

You lay the used chalk on the altar—a poor offering, but it's all you can spare right now.

Now to pray.

"Godly archer, send me on the right path to where I must go. To my warriors', I greatly desire. They are in the furnace of battle that forges glory and purifies mettle. Though the taste of death lingers and my ardent heart trembles, it cannot dim my ardor to return to the fray!"

The Runes move at a glacial, swirling pace, and some Runes stubbornly remain immobile. To be honest, you weren't expecting your rather ad hoc Gate methods to work in the first place. So no matter the results, it is pretty satisfactory. A borderline miracle in your books.

Except it isn't as useful as you hoped.

The portal the Runes open is tiny. The space is enough to shove your face through and look into the other side. If you shove your hand through, you could stretch out your arm up to the shoulder.

How are you supposed to use this thing?!

Trait: A Little Bit of Knowledge... : You know some basic Gate Runes and are able to open pseudo-Gates! They're not big enough to allow you through yet.

You tentatively stick your hand through the Gate and feel around the other side like a blind man groping the wall. Hands touch scarred tree bark and touch a sharp metal blade that cuts a finger. You withdraw your hand from the shining portal in surprise.

Does this portal lead to the Sickle Tree just outside of Camelot?

You stick your head through the portal. It is an odd sensation to have your head in Avalon while the rest of your body is back at the shrine. You have a clear view, though, and the white, ruined walls of Camelot are just before you.

And one very surprised Baphomet, who has stopped mid-picking a shining new sickle from the tree. He stares at the unexpected appearance of your face high up in the Sickle Tree.

"Meep? Your Majesty!?" The Baphomet drops his harvest hurriedly to do obeisance.

"None of that! No time. Get a Guide to the Sickle Tree and make them open up a Gate! Get moving!"

Finally, things are going your way. You have to sit around for thirty minutes before a Guide comes to the Sickle Tree and widen your Gate to a suitable size.

Yet throughout all this, it is surprising that the World is not reacting to a blatant display of magic. Shouldn't the Backlash be growing because of this? It's a mystery that works out in your favor; you'll figure it out later.

When you walk through your Gate, there is a crowd of anxious Baphomets waiting around. Hanbei stands fretting by the side of his clerks.
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"Your Majesty, where are the others? What has happened?" The evolved Baphomet cries out in distress. The crowd of Baphomets looks apprehensively at your lonely return, and some look upon you with suspicion and disappointment.

That won't do. A quick round of orders and an explanation will bandage over things until you retrieve your cohort at the haunted manor. The true way of resolving suspicions and gaining their trust is to perform deeds and bring back proof contrary to their dark imaginings.

"Gareth interfered. Quickly, I need a Guide and some spears at the Brother Brass Gates. We can still go back and rescue them." You are already moving back to Camelot and back to the Garden.

"Meep, but if you go back and a Knight is hanging around, you'll reveal the Brother Brass Gate's existence to them. The Gate is anchored in a fixed place for the next few days." This is from an unknown Baphomet; he has a guide stick and backpack. You assume he's part of Yatagarasu's Guide Guild.

"Tis true; they'll be able to mount an attack on Camelot by going through the Gate since they'll know of its existence and it's destination. Meep. We would need to bring down the Gate immediately after the rescue, or if you don't return, within an hour." Another Guide waving his stick also opines.

"Your Majesty, please consider. The warriors who went with you are strong enough to fight, and they have a Guide too. They may be able to escape and make their way back to Camelot without mounting a rescue. If you go out that Gate and there's a Knight of the Round Table lurking nearby, they will know of it! A reliable Gate will be lost." Hanbei says as he runs by your side, barely able to keep up.

"So what of it!? Meep! Are you saying to abandon our brave shipmates and let them chance it?" A battle-scarred member of the Longship Meeps angrily waves his spear at Hanbei.

"There's always a chance that the Knight isn't there. Mayhap we can chance it and still keep the Gate!" Another Baphomet shouts out his opinion.

"Meep. Meep. Ah, but Ser Gareth is not a careless sort. A quick-witted one serves the True King." Another Baphomet opines while making odd gestures with his hand. The religious fanatics give themselves away with these odd gestures. Your fat Guide did the same back at the haunted manor.

There are other shouts for and against sending a rescue party.

"What about another Gate that will land us close to them?" You ask.
"Do ye know where the Brother Brass Gate took you? Otherwise, Your Majesty, we won't know where to go. Unless we chance the Perilous Gate." Yatagarasu says.

A hush falls amongst the contending Baphomets crowding about you. You've arrived at the Garden where many Gates are scattered about.

Damn. What are you going to do? Each choice presented before you has a dilemma built into it.

>Don't mount a rescue, believe that your cohort will escape on their own... (Longship Meeps will be displeased, Castle faction will be pleased, Gate will be kept)
>Mount a rescue, don't bring down the Gate... (Longship Meeps will be pleased, displeases the your faction due to risk of attack from Knights, Gate will be kept)
>Mount a rescue, prep a team to bring down the Gate after your return (Pleases Longship Meeps, displeases the your faction since the Gate will be destroyed)
>Demand to be taken to the Perilous Gate, it will take you exactly where you need to go or else straight into danger (Only Yatagarasu will go as a Guide, others will not volunteer due to risk. Pleases Longship Meeps, your faction will be neutral and you keep the Gate)
>write in
>Shouldn't the Backlash be growing because of this?
seems like the world doesn't care about the dead

>Don't mount a rescue for the time being, we need some shut eye first
it pains me to pick this, but its the....best option, at least until we manage to get some sleep, some armor and a battle plan. We were knocked out and were crying for some time, which means that either the other meeps are dead(i doubt it) or are being used as bait by gareth(i also doubt it) or managed to escape when gareth left us for dead and are looking for us on the real world. we can't fight in our current state, even moreso with gareth being able to oneshot us again, so going right now is a bad idea. so yeah, lets get some shut eye first and then mount a rescue mission
>>Demand to be taken to the Perilous Gate, it will take you exactly where you need to go or else straight into danger (Only Yatagarasu will go as a Guide, others will not volunteer due to risk. Pleases Longship Meeps, your faction will be neutral and you keep the Gate)

We need to go back to them since the creature that was making the house extremely large is still in there, and we don't know anything of the power of it. If Gareth was having trouble getting out of there then I have doubts that our Baphomets can pull off a successful escape, which will make us look very bad for dragging them out to fight an opponent and then returning alone ala Rodomonte's escapades.
>Mount a rescue, don't bring down the Gate... (Longship Meeps will be pleased, displeases the your faction due to risk of attack from Knights, Gate will be kept)
>Instruct everyone to lay down vicious traps at the Gate, and to station every armed meep around it in preparation to assault anything that comes through. Encage the gate, even, so that movement will be immediately restricted. You'll take your team back to Avalon through a different gate. Make sure your men know of Gareth's traits.
If gareth dares to enter our gate, we get immediate revenge and could possibly kill or capture her. Maybe even harvest her mana. She's good, but I don't think she's "Take on the entire army of Camelot singlehandedly from a disadvantageous position" good.
Remember: An entrance is only a liability if you don't defend it.
Oh, on a different note, I think Gareth is going to be suffering from The World's attention right about now. She's been in it for longer than we have, and using her abilities a lot more frequently. It's also possible that The World attributed our relocation to her actions (which is true) and shifted retribution to her instead of us.
>>Mount a rescue, don't bring down the Gate... (Longship Meeps will be pleased, displeases the your faction due to risk of attack from Knights, Gate will be kept)
>>Demand to be taken to the Perilous Gate, it will take you exactly where you need to go or else straight into danger (Only Yatagarasu will go as a Guide, others will not volunteer due to risk. Pleases Longship Meeps, your faction will be neutral and you keep the Gate)
Wyvern is dead and Gareth is gone. We can still make it to our loyal fighters and face the horror of that manor
>Demand to be taken to the Perilous Gate, it will take you exactly where you need to go or else straight into danger (Only Yatagarasu will go as a Guide, others will not volunteer due to risk. Pleases Longship Meeps, your faction will be neutral and you keep the Gate)
Disregard my vote in >>6043774 please
Why have you forsaken me
I want to get dangerous
>Demand to be taken to the Perilous Gate, it will take you exactly where you need to go or else straight into danger (Only Yatagarasu will go as a Guide, others will not volunteer due to risk. Pleases Longship Meeps, your faction will be neutral and you keep the Gate)
Voting will remain open tonight. I'm off to watch Ghost in the Shell Innocence in theatres tonight.
>Demand to be taken to the Perilous Gate
Let's get dangerous!

How can we consider ourselves a worthy king if we leave Camelot's people behind?
Though we should take the chance to ask if they at least got a skirt or some underwear made for their naked king.
We go to the Perilous Gate!
ran out of time. hopefully tomorrow
Yeah no post tonight.

'90s MG Villainess! Why didn't you tell me that sushi is so delicious? Try some!'

Friendly coworker offers dodgy looking sushi that's been deepfried. DEEPFRIED.
Me, an autistic idiot (this is an important detail), too polite to refuse the loathsome westernized abomination slathered in sauce and eats some of it.

I sincerely regret my life choices.
The 2nd food-related disaster since running this quest. Such is the Curse
I really really wish I refused the DEEPFRIED sushi. I was curious because it's the first time I've ever seen such a thing. I've heard rumors about it before... I'll never eat it again.
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You are good at weighing out the consequences of actions socially. You've trained in the art of influencing people and attaining power through convincing stakeholders that your ambitions and goals are to their benefit. Most of the time, it's actually even true! That being said, there are limits.

One of the hardest lessons you learned was that you can't please everyone.

Another is that choices have consequences.

What applies to humans applies to Baphomets.

There is no good choice that makes everyone happy.

If you go, it's clear that the Castle Dwellers won't be happy at the loss of a reliable Gate, particularly the Guides. To a certain extent, you sense that they are reluctant to allow you to go back into danger too. After all, it's been less than two weeks since they got a King. And it's a King who has taken an interest in restoring Camelot.

If you don't go, the Longship Meeps will be displeased you made no attempt to rescue the warriors who accompanied you. Despite their small numbers, they aren't a faction you want to alienate. They'll remember how you left your own vassals behind after leading them into danger. Given what you've seen from their warriors at the haunted manor, you are determined to get their allegiance.

The last option offered by Yatagarasu neatly avoids angering the Longship Meeps faction and your own faction. The only problem? You have to gamble that the Perilous Gate feels merciful and lets you arrive where you need to be. Losing the bet means you are thrown into an even greater danger that can potentially kill you.

Wait, you have That's Nothing. Will it trigger if the Perilous Gate chucks you into a volcano and insta-kills you? Hm, so you might not die. Of course, it's very likely that it'll kill Yatagarasu if the bet goes bad. You like your loyal patient Guide!

The Brother Brass Gate gleams in the morning sun. Knowing its unique feature of reliably depositing Questers in safe and abandoned spots with no mundane witnesses in the World is highly valuable. You don't want to lose it.

You've made your decision.

"Take me to the Perilous Gate. We'll use it instead."

"Meep. Then follow me!" Yatagarasu says this and trots to an overgrown section of the Garden. Wildflowers bloom riotously, a carpet of color and scents.

Hanbei frets over your decision like a worried mother.

"Your Majesty, surely you need not take such a reckless decision. Why, it can kill you!"

You laugh bitterly. You have already died once. It must be true that Perilous Gate is deadly because neither the Castle Dwellers nor Longship Meeps dare step forward to accompany you.

"Kings are made for honour, not for a long life." You declare with cheer. In reality, your heart sinks at the thought of risking life and limb once again. Indeed, your hands are shaking, but the Black Cloak hides them beneath its voluminous blackness.
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Yatagarasu leads onwards to a humble-looking derelict stone gazebo thing. For something called 'the Perilous Gate', it is surprisingly benign-looking. There are plenty more impressive-looking Gates scattered about the Garden. You imagined that it would be more dramatic, like those bronze Italian doors depicting Hell or something. You weren't expecting a humble-looking roof covering a shallow pit.

A small group of priestly-looking Baphomets step forward. You say priestly because they wear strange-looking scarves draped over their shoulders and arms. They're similar to the Buddhist kesa with rich brocade and color, but the designs are very odd indeed. The lines and swirls are similar to Runes. In their hands are salt and oat cakes; they say some sort of strange prayer and cast the offerings in the pit.

You watch as these offerings fall downward, but they never hit the bottom of the pit. In a flash of light, they disappear! Devoured by the Perilous Gate and sent elsewhere.

"Meep. Is The Black Prince working well, Your Majesty?" Yatagarasu asks as he shoulders his pack. It interrupts your rapt attention on the praying goats making strange gestures over the Perilous Gates.

"The what?"

"Why the cloak. I've not seen it in a long while; Rodomonte often complained about 'cooldown being far too long' or some such thing."

You remember Gareth's last words to you. 'Minion of Rodomonte' she called you. Did she assume that because of the cloak?!

"Just what does the "The Black Prince" do exactly?"

"Meep! It has a power called Chevauchée. The hateful World's backlash is devoured by the cloak, up to a certain limit. Of course, what that limit is is hard to determine. Once you reach it, you'll know right away as Backlash will affect you once more. Meep. It takes about a week or so for it to recharge its powers. It's perfect for Quests into the World to harvest Mana."

You possess a Relic: 'The Black Prince' - A cloak of the finest blackness, formerly owned by Rodomonte. Possesses the power to neutralize Backlash called Chevauchée. There's a limit to how much Backlash it can neutralize. Once the limit is reached, it needs time to reset.

It is indeed a very useful Relic. It is also something that clearly convinced Gareth that you are aligned with Rodomonte! To be charitable (and you fucking hate the idea of being charitable to that girl), from her point of view, the blackguard would never willingly give up such a treasure unless you swore Fealty to the evil bastard and borrowed it.

Hanbei had taken pains over the last week to explain that you can accept the Fealty of other Knights, Kings, Wizards, Witches, Damsels and Ladies and whatever else to bind them to Camelot. They aren't going to be almost completely loyal nor completely compelled to obey like Baphomets but those who swear Fealty are heavily penalized if they betray their word.
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"Damnation take that cur Gareth." You grind your teeth in anger, but note that the five priestly Baphomets look dismayed upon hearing your commentary on a Knight loyal to King Arthur.

"All is ready, Your Majesty. Let the Lady be merciful, and let the capricious wheel of Fortuna whirl good luck. Our humble prayers with offers of salt and oaten cakes are the best we can do. Meep." The leader of the priests makes a strange hand gesture over you.

"All we need to do, meep, is jump in. On the count of three!" Yatagarasu says this and steels himself. He eyes the pit warily and tenses up. The crowd of Baphomets is hushed; they're all holding their breaths in anticipation.

"THREE!" Yatagarasu shouts.

You jump with your Guide into the pit and fall.... and fall... and fall...

And land feet first on dusty tatami mats. The transition from Camelot to your destination is sudden. It is the manor house, and it is on fire. You can feel the heat singeing your hair and prickling your skin while the smoke assaults your throat. Crackling and popping noises of wood combusting and the roar of flames surging upwards assault your ears. There is also the sound of angry meeps and yees with the tell-tale sounds of combat close by.


>Use your ice powers to dampen the fire! It'll be difficult...
>Rush to the sound of combat! Tell Yatagarasu to start marking an exit...
>Knock down walls and shoji doors to open up the battle space and deny fuel for the fire...
>write in
I forgot about the loot drop off but you aren't going to lose them.
>make a path with your ice powers to the combat zone
>>Rush to the sound of combat! Tell Yatagarasu to start marking an exit...
>Rush to the sound of combat! Tell Yatagarasu to start marking an exit...
Our vassals need us posthaste!
>>Knock down walls and shoji doors to open up the battle space and deny fuel for the fire...
I'll support an ice path to smother the fire and keep Yagaratsu close, I'm reticent on leaving him lest the fire cuts us off or the smoke gets to him before he can complete the circle.
>make a path with your ice powers to the combat zone
Okay, using icy ice to keep Guide close and get even closer to battle!

Coworker gave me book as an apology for deepfried sushi. Even though he offered another piece for a second time yesterday.
No post tonight. May not post tomorrow due to work
No post. Weather related.
Happy Canada day.
No post.
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This fire must be the doing of Gareth! You just know it! If it weren't for the fact that the smoke is causing you to choke and cough, it'd be tempting to let loose an epic temper tantrum. The sound of battle is in the next room, and there's no time to waste. This paltry fire cannot block your path.

"Stay close, Yatagarasu! To danger we go!"

With that, you summon the comforting and chilling powers of ice gifted to you by Avalon. Nay, by a Kami; Beira, the Cailleach.

Exalt the Gods and none shall stand before you. So it was proclaimed, so it was promised, and so it shall be.

Ice blasts outwards to form a perfect sphere, shielding you from fire and smoke as you dash with Yatagarasu towards the sound of battle. The outward limits of the sphere are like a battering ram strong enough to wreck the shoji doors 2 feet away from your body. There’s something different about your ice powers—they're easier to manipulate and stronger. It's a shame you don’t quite have the time to analyze it because there is bloody work to do.

The sight that greets you upon tearing down those doors isn't like anything you expected. In one corner of the room, the mason Baphomet is weakly dragging a thin goat man away from combat. In another corner, the most bizarre-looking creature you've ever seen is fighting two hammer-wielding Baphomets, wildly striking whenever the opportunity arises. The thing is massive; it possesses tendrils of hair that act more like prehensile whips and try to bludgeon its tormentors.

But perhaps the most surprising sight of this scene is an evolved Baphomet with both its legs cut off at the knees, lying in a pool of its own blood with reams of shredded black hair scattered around it. In its hands is a battle axe with strands of black hair wrapped around it.

"Ack, it's going to scream again!" One of the hard-pressed warriors shouts.

The thing rears up, and the slits begin to open up like eyelids. Light spills out from them, and the air shivers unnaturally.


Whatever this unnatural sound is, it raises the hair on the back of your neck and forces you to take a step back. Fear stabs at the core of your courage, and the idea of getting close to the monster is unbearable. You want to shrink away and flee while life and breath still linger within you. Every Baphomet must feel the same; a terrible slowness takes hold, and trembles of dread shake their resolve.

"BREAK YOUR BACK AND CRACK YOUR OARS, IF YOU WISH TO PREVAIL. The injured evolved Baphomet shouts and triggers his ability.
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Trait: Steel Yourself! - Encourage all who hear your voice and remove 'frightened status' three times a day.

The terrible crushing pressure of terror lifts like that of fog cut to pieces by the sun.

"Meep, Your Majesty! You're back!!!" The youngest of the warriors notices your presence at last.

Now is the time to hearten the troops and get them to press the attack. This combat needs to end immediately so you can make your escape.

"Take heart, goats; we will triumph over this! Yatagarasu, prepare our exit!" Lifting Frostbind, you aim the deadly ice blade straight at the strange monster before you. It is more like a plant than an animal; it is fixed straight to the floor and unable to escape. You considered using your magic, but dropping the force field of ice will allow the chocking smoke and fire to affect Yatagarasu scrambling to create his Gate.

You dash forward and...

>Notice that your spear is more damaging....
>You are much stronger and powerful than before...
>You can dodge attacks more easily...
>The blows of the monster hurts less than you expected...
>You sense where to land the most devastating blow possible...
>You are faster and land more blows on the thing...
>The monster screams again but you don't feel afraid like before...
>You can fend off attacks with skill and get in very close range...

Also,I need 3 anons to roll 2d6 each. I will take the first three rolls
>The monster screams again but you don't feel afraid like before...
Being able to no-sell fear is pretty important to overcoming Avalon.
Rolled 4, 6 = 10 (2d6)

And whoops, dropped this.
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d6)

Before I actually vote on the boon, I have to ask: Can you acquire Skill/expertise with mana just as you can acquire greater strength? The answer will affect my choice.
Rolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d6)

>The monster screams again but you don't feel afraid like before...
>>You sense where to land the most devastating blow possible...
>The blows of the monster hurts less than you expected...
You can but with Mana you need a catalyst of some sort as well.

Also, these skills/traits are from Avalon for fulfilling your Binding Vow. You got a bit of a power boost.
Alright. In that case...
>You can fend off attacks with skill and get in very close range...
Dexterity I think will do us well. Not just in combat, but in all aspects of life - a king must be graceful.
>You can fend off attacks with skill and get in very close range
Fuck it
>You are faster and land more blows on the thing...
Rolled 1, 1, 6, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 6 = 29 (10d6)

you have 2 successes

let's see what the warriors get
5d6 each.
Well at least you get a trait. so the vote will be open tonight as well.
I got a cigar as a reward for work. So I shall smoke and read 'The King in Yellow' by Robert W Chambers tonight instead of writing.
Wanting a 5 and a 6 from a d6 is a big ask
we all know a D6 is made only of 1, 4 and 6
Rolled 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 6, 3, 2, 6, 2 = 29 (10d6)

Watch THIS.
>2 successes again
The dice in this quest suck ass
I think maybe the d6 might be ass, for we have never gotten above 2 success, we will never truly win, even if we grow in power(highly unlikely considering we are weak and unlucky dhich will doom us to some bullshit death to some random goblin) we will still only roll 2 successes
being haruka is suffering
Any win will feel unsatisfying for it is wther the QM railroading a victory or it will have a caveat forcing us to do some random bullshit
Rolled 8, 2, 5, 10, 4, 3, 9, 2, 10, 2 = 55 (10d10)

Let's see how d10s do.
Assume that a 8, 9, 10 is a success. I have no idea if that's actually equivalent to the range on the d6s or not.
>the QM railroading a victory
i mean, that's the QM's job. imo as long as we make safe and sound choices we shouldn't suffer the ire of RNGEESUS just because he likes the number 1
No fear

Critical strike


Parry and WRESTLE


Hm, I'll probably have to roll on what you want since there's a tie.

But yes, being Haruka is suffering. Which is why her spite will go through the roof as she does more villainess stuff.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

can we get both if i roll a six?
Eh, I'll switch to no fear then.
Now that I think about it, this is something that sounds abuse-able if we find a cursed item that gives you increased stats at the expense of overwhelming fear.
>her spite will go through the roof as she does more villainess stuff
Will this endless shit rolls and 1s be the catalyst she needs to embrace the edge, but without losing her way?
That's the point. There are exploits in a lot of these Traits.
Take for example Steel Yourself.
The wording has 'Encourage all who hear your voice'. That means, even enemies can benefit the effect. So if our legless Baphomet uses his ability and an enemy with 'frightened' is nearby... OOPS, he just cured someone he didn't want to.
I have to go to bed early tonight, so no post.
"All who hear your voice".
Three times a day...
Can you record it, I wonder?
Note to self. Find a voice recorder artifact. Perhaps one of the things that were involved in the watergate scandal?
Sure but if we repeatedly just keep on rolling shit and still keep on winning then the win did not feel satisfying at all, it will make voting and rolling feel worthless
sorry for the delay, hopefully posting later.
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You attack the thing with Frostbind. The blade cuts through one of the stems holding up one of the round, hairy shells and severs it perfectly. It falls and hits the ground with a hollow thump, rolling away from you. The ease with which you succeeded makes you paranoid. Defeating the monster can't be that easy.

The remaining head of the plant monster still has hair and lashes out to attack. It hurts; it lands a hit that knocks the breath out of you, but you press your attack. Another quick slash at the plant monster, and you decapitate the other 'head'.

It thumps the ground and rolls away as the body of the thing slumps as though dead.

It can't be. That's it? After giving so much trouble to your warriors, it just dies from a paltry slash? Not even your warriors believe it; they are tense and keep alert for the next attack.

"Meep. I refuse to believe that thing just up and died simply because of a quick chop!" One of the warriors declares with rage. His eyes are blazing with indignation, and he is laser-focused on the plant like you.

Yet the green plant is now rapidly turning gray since losing the two hollow heads...

Wait a second.

You search for the two orbs from the plant monster that got chopped off. In the corner of your eyes, you see one of them blithely trundling away under its own power. The drop from the height should not have given it enough inertia to roll away like that!

"The heads! Hit the heads!" You chase after one of the heads as the other two warriors chase after the other. The fire and relentless attacks have made the monster decide to escape rather than remain.

The Baphomets charge forth with hammers to strike their target, but before they get any closer, the damn thing stops and does something unexpected. It opens up like a clam and reveals an eyeball of unusual color. Purplish-tinted and baleful, it releases a miniature scream directly at the two warriors and causes them to recoil with fear. The heavy hammers miss, shattering the floor around the enemy instead.

"Meep! No longer can I put the iron in your souls!" The evolved Baphomet calls out distressed at the turn of events. He watches the two brave warriors of his cohort retreat in a panic to the Gate, fear and rage intermingling as they allow their enemy to proceed with their escape.

Your target does the same thing. It opens up to reveal an eye and directs a scream straight at you.


How many times is this thing going to repeat the same old tactic? Could it be that the fear effect of the scream is the only effective form of protection it has? The familiar icy grip of fear enters, and it breaks something brittle within you. You take a step back, intent on fleeing from the tiny, ugly thing to the safety of your comrades and the Gate.
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How many times is this thing going to repeat the same old tactic? Could it be that the fear effect of the scream is the only effective form of protection it has? The familiar icy grip of fear enters, and it breaks something brittle within you. You take a step back, intent on fleeing from the tiny, ugly thing to the safety of your comrades and the Gate.

But something stops you. There is no one behind you, but there is a firm hand on your shoulder pushing you forward and preventing another step backward. A woman's voice whispers in your ears, soft yet unyielding as iron...

Twas now, men say, in his sovran’s need
that the earl made known his noble strain,
craft and keenness and courage enduring.

Trait - Brave Wiglaf: The more exposed you are to psychic attacks by an enemy, the greater the chance of resisting it. If you expose yourself to it enough, you may become immune to that enemies' mental attacks!

This damn thing had tried to breed unwarranted fear within your breast multiple times. In fact, the moment you set foot in the magically labyrinth'ed manor, it tried to make you a coward. The strange breathy whispers and nonsense noise, the subtly unnerving rooms ever-expanding, and the bloody ceilings are all its doing.

Illusion appears, illusion ceases, and there is nothing but mere phantasms behind this attack!

Backlash is building...

Damn it, it seems The Black Prince is no longer able to ward off Backlash from the World anymore with Chevauchée.

As though sensing the resistance of the fear attack, the eye changes tack. It blooms, sends out billowy strands of hair, and floats upward on the heated air circulating within the burning room. It elegantly lifts like a hot air balloon. Bright purple tentacles catch every possible draft it can to escape your reach.

"The Gate is ready!" Yatagarasu announces.

The mason has already dragged two, the thin Baphomet and the heavily injured evolved Baphomet, to the center of the circle, where the two other warriors huddle and shiver in fear and anger. It is hard work for the weakened goat man to rescue the immobile; smeared with soot, he coughs miserably from the smoke. The fire has been growing all this time behind you. You can hear the cracks and crashes of the roof falling in somewhere in the house, and despite the ice force field, the heat is becoming unbearable.

The two baleful eyes are going to make their escape; you could try to at least skewer one of them. The question is, do you have time to waste on that? The manor is crashing all around you now; the fire is so intense that it has finally melted through the icy force field and allowed in a blast of heat that scours the lungs.
You reach a conclusion; there is no time. Your life is not your own; Yatagarasu will never abandon you here in the fire if you continue attempting to kill even one of the escaping eyes. And if the vassals remain, they will definitely die from the flames and smoke.

Grinding your teeth in frustration, you leap towards the Gate and join your cohort. A flash of light blinds you as the teleportation takes you from the World and back to Avalon.

Smoke, fire, the crackle of flames, and crashing wood are like a dream. Gone instantly and replaced instead by the sight of an island filled with squawking birds and incredibly smelly droppings. You have made your escape!

"Ah, excellent. We are on Bird Island! I know exactly where we are, I can set up a Gate right away to head back to Camelot!" Yatagarasu cheered by the sight of the island bustles about to set up stones to create another Gate. Curious birds land incredibly close and stare at the unusual guests to their domain.

"Your Majesty, we owe thee our lives!" The mason cries out and tries to kneel in thanks. The two Baphomet warriors are busy binding the bleeding leg stumps of the evolved Baphomet captain to pay much heed. The thin Baphomet lies unconscious on the ground, oblivious to everything.

"Losing one vassal is unfortunate. To allow five more to perish is unworthy of a King." You announce it with conviction. "But say, who is that sleeping Baphomet there? Where is the Guide who came with me earlier to the manor?"

"That is Fatty." One of the warriors announces.

"Can't call him 'Fatty' anymore. I guess it really was an 'unfortunate, temporary condition' after all."

You lean over the thin Baphomet and note that it is indeed the guide from earlier. How he became so thin is a mystery. You can sense the bubbling indignation of the three warriors; the guide in their eyes failed, and experience tells you they are going to say something unfortunate that will inflame relations. You've had experience and can tell it is imminent; it's like when a critical game of baseball gets flubbed by one member of the team and the bitter recriminations begin. That will damage cohesion and social harmony. Yatagarasu is a comrade of the formerly fat guide; he'll defend his fellow guide against the Longship Meeps, and there might be blows. Better nip it in the bud and get them on a different subject.

"How did you evolve?" You walk over to the legless Baphomet. The axe-wielding captain of the trio is a well-muscled and tall Baphomet now. Even with his lower legs gone, he is as tall as you.
"After you got called away to Duel, we decided to harvest the Wyvern. A portion of the heart to heal the mason, and the rest to me to give us a fighting chance. I beg forgiveness, meep. I did not leave the King's portion of the Mana as is customary. The situation was too dire, and we had to put an end to the mazing creature trapping us in the World. We found the beast draining the enspelled guide and gave desperate battle. I struck mightily, and it looked like we would easily wrest victory, but the blighted thing had an attack that took out my legs in one blow. MY LEGS! I'll never walk again until my shipmates scrounge up enough Mana to heal me! CURSE IT ALL! Then there was the fire! Someone set fire to the manor! It cannae be Gareth, the Tourney Stone would have taken her away too far elsewhere. It's the damned unmagical talking stone device, I know it! Cursed creation of the hateful World."

She called on a cell phone. Of course, why wouldn't the infernally intelligent and clever bitch call in reinforcements.

"You've done well. Know that rewards will await you in Camelot but first rest."

"The Gate is ready. Let us depart," Yatagarasu calls out. A rough circle of stone with runes drawn on them with chalk surrounds your group. The second Gate in a flash light deposits you just outside the Walls of Camelot. The glistening white stones of the broken city are a relief and bells are rung in celebration of your return. Cries of 'long live the King' shouted by hundreds echo as an entourage streams out to take you back to the castle.

You are so tired. You flop on to bed to rest and awaken in the late afternoon, whereupon...

>You call upon your Seneschal Hanbei for a report on the city...
>You take a relaxing walk around Camelot...
>You inquire about the feast planned tonight...
>You call a meeting with the leaders of the factions...
>You relax in the castle, pet your cat Kizaemon...
>You summon the Bard to talk with him about hearing a woman's voice...
>You discover the Herald Argeste waiting at your bedside...
>The formerly fat guide comes to you on his knees, begging for forgiveness...
>The formerly fat guide comes to you on his knees, begging for forgiveness
>Vow of Sacrifice - You owe Beira meat and drink from your table. Do not forget to discharge your vow...
I'm making a pastebin with the character sheet. I hope to have it up tomorrow
Nice, thank you.
Also that eyeball monster better have died to the flames. And we might need a wheelchair for that evolved badass until he gets his legs back. We need to loot more and harder for mana and items
>You discover the Herald Argeste waiting at your bedside...
Finally, the impossible to meet herald. The REST can come LATER.
Holy shit that trait is better than I expected. Any psychic/mental attack is valid. And it filters for enemy/ally.
Might mean that attacks from someone you've never met and are unaware of could slip through without issue, though. Possibly the same with an unexpected betrayal. But something like a cursed object I could reasonably see being easy to classify as an 'enemy' given that it'd be trying to do mean things to you. I wonder if it would be worthwhile to ask all of our meeps with mental attacks to 'spar with us as they would an enemy' until we develop immunity to them. Just in case, you know, someone mind controls them into attacking us in the future.
>Vow of Sacrifice - You owe Beira meat and drink from your table. Do not forget to discharge your vow...
Agreed. Do not forget.
Forgot to comment on this - A google document or sheet would probably fare better. Image support, and in the case of sheets you have handy tabs. So if you wanted a tab on Haruka, a tab on the Kingdom, a tab on known enemy traits and types...easy to make, either now or in the future.
That and it's got a lot of room for aesthetically appealing formatting.
We'll Avalon did notice you fulfilled your Binding Vow and literally died while fulfilling it...

Unfortunately, your meeps are not enemies, they're your vassals slash allies. They won't count as 'enemies' unless they get mind controlled and happen to have some sort of psychic attack to inflict on you.

The Anarchists might count as enemies because you don't control them but they aren't going to do that but they're pacifists and at most will just toss garbage at you like they did earlier and harangue you with words. You're likely to slaughter them completely if you attack for real, they'll just die.
Surely you could label someone you're sparring against as your enemy. They're your opposition in a fight. A hostile intent, an intent to harm, or an intent to oppose are all that defines an Enemy. The temporary nature of it shouldn't reasonably matter.
Especially if you use their Geas against them to force the specific meep you're fighting to fight you as an enemy until you command them otherwise.
Also worth noting that you don't have to actually hurt your enemies in a fight. We can focus on disarming them instead of destroying our vassals. It'd be a decent experience for 'em.

Anarchists are only good for one thing, I say. And that's getting into debates with them and winning with a sharp wit that makes them feel dull and uninspired.
>>You inquire about the feast planned tonight...
Please don't do that.

If you basically order the Baphomet 'be my enemy', that means they violate their 'be loyal to the King' geas and unmakes them. You can't be loyal to the King and be an enemy that seeks to harm the King at the same time.

We have a three way between 'feast', 'herald Agreste', and 'fat guide'
Roll a 1d3
Might do so, I'll leave it up for another night. I'm right now experimenting with google doc and creating character sheets and such.
Putting my notes in a coherent order for players to follow along is going to take time.
>You inquire about the feast planned tonight...
Rolled 2 (1d2)


This time it's a tie between feast and Agreste.
So I shall a d2. 1 is feast, 2 is Agreste.

I've been working on the google doc, since there's lots of stuff I can do with it it's taking more time to write out.
ran out of time, no post. I'll probably have to work on the character sheet in google doc over time
For now, I'll use pastebin until it's ready.
Arrived home too late to really write anything. I've been recommended to watch Sonny Boy for more other worldly fantasy world stuff.
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Waking up is a gradual process for you. The sudden raid by the Wyvern in the darkest part of the night, followed by the most harrowing events ever inflicted on your brief life, is hard to digest. A few hours of tortured sleep isn't enough to wash away the impact it had on you mentally and physically, but you must awaken. Your once-dead but now-living body can't take another minute of idleness. And besides, there's a feast to attend tonight.

Ugh, you fell asleep wearing sweaty gym clothes. Water soaks part of it; the ice pin created this morning has long since melted away. The smell of sweat, blood, and smoke makes a bouquet that roils the stomach. The servants need to prepare a bath, and you are about to call out to them when a voice suddenly makes itself known.

"Hail, gatherer of honor! Tis time to declare thy proud title to all in Avalon." A voice like stone grinding against iron rings in your ear. You jump out of your rough bed with a start, spear ready to defend, only to realize who the intruder in your room is.

Dread Agreste, Herald of Camelot, has deemed it time to show himself. He stands in the middle of the bedroom like a statue, not even batting an eye at your armed state. The last time you saw him was... was... counting the days; it's been 12 days since your fateful arrival in Avalon. Or rather, it's been 11 days since you became King of Camelot and took power. You've been keeping track of the days assiduously.

What is this about your title? It is a puzzling statement from the stone man; he moves out of your line of sight to reveal what lies directly behind him. On the battered round table rests a brass rotary phone so well polished that it sparkles in the sunlight. It is an incongruous token of technology in this archaic white castle.

"Are you telling me to make a phone call? To who?!"
"Did you not hear me the first time? Hm, recall your first night on the twin isles of Logres. Do ye not recall the strange messages during the night when ye rested on the stones of Avalon? They had sent their welcome to thee. And now, it is time to add thy illustrious name to the rolls. It is time to declare proudly who you are to thy fellow Lost Children gone widdershin."

With a wave of his slate gray hand, the brass telephone resting on the table floats off and towards where you stand. Your mind races as you take in this unexpected turn of events.

"Tell me, Herald. Why now? Why, after so many days since my arrival in Avalon?" You ask the Herald and dread the answer when you see a smile spread on the craggy face of the Spriggan, but smiles can be faked. From your experience reading people, the thing to look out for is the eyes. And the eyes of the Herald are radiating with pleasure.
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"Because you have fulfilled the most basic of basic qualities of a successful sovereign. You have survived. Most Lost Children do not survive the first ten days, even if they are Blessed by Avalon. And ye have ruled and set forth on perilous Quests. Most take longer before they summon their intestinal fortitude and finally act in a manner worthy of their namesake. Bold Lot, wrathful King of Camelot, for thee it took a mere two nights before venturing forth. Reaped thy first harvest of Mana, commanded thy vassals at cityhold and in battle, risked life itself, and did not peri-..."

Here he pauses mid-speech and leans to look closely at you. You are a mess and look more like a bedraggled homeless person than a noble King but the look of puzzlement clears as if he figured out what he was looking at.

"Morte Jeune. You did not stay dead, at the very least. But to answer thy question more wittingly, I do not waste my time on walking graves."

Your first Quest was completely by accident. Back then, you were under the delusion that you could return to your old life without any problems at all! Not that you would tell the Herald that his interpretation of events is wrong. You want to berate the stone man about how he lets unfortunates like you bumble around like idiots, letting them get killed through their ignorance, but you stop yourself.

"I don't see an advantage in telling my potential enemies that I exist. I've already lost one vassal to death because of a beast. Facing others more powerful means losing more of them."

"Bah. Thy servants are only slaves; their lives are like water. Use them well to wash the golden path of thy rule. And besides, more of them can be bred."

The dismissiveness of the Herald probably shouldn't shock you too much. He is a ruthless, monomaniacal creature who wants someone to hold Camelot. He never stopped the tyranny of Rodomonte nor stopped Mordred from going off on her journeys away from the city.

"As to the advantage of announcing thy title. The Gods look favorably upon it, and others will seek to come under thy rule if they know: traders, vassals seeking a King, mercenaries, possibly even a Lost Child or even hapless mortals trapped in Avalon seeking safety. But if ye are not interested now, then there will be other opportunities to announce thyself in the future. The Lady will grant it, but I know not when. When ye first arrived in Avalon, thy rivals and Baphomets had an opportunity to send a message to thee. So King Lot of Lothian, Orkney, and Camelot, what shall ye say?"

You stare at the floating telephone in wonder.

"The messages from others were cut short when I first received them. I doubt mine will be complete either."

"True, but irrelevant. Decide."

>Accept! Choose one of the options below and roll 8d6...
1. Grandiloquent with full titles...
2. Full titles and a vow to return back to your home...
3. Short message, don't use your name or tell them your kingdom...
4. write in
Rolled 1, 6, 6, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4 = 27 (8d6)

>Accept! Choose one of the options below and roll 8d6...
>2. Full titles and a vow to return back to your home...
>Seek us out! We'll do what we can to give aid!
Help the lost like we wanted to be helped
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Rolled 2, 4, 2, 2, 4, 1, 3, 3 = 21 (8d6)

>Accept! Choose one of the options below and roll 8d6...
>1. Grandiloquent with full titles...
>Seek us out! We'll do what we can to give aid!
may the autism flow freely like the river towards the sea
Rolled 3, 6, 1, 3, 1, 6, 5, 6 = 31 (8d6)

I'm wary of announcing of our plan to return home, best not show that facet of our ambitions before the whole world. If they care for help then they will share our goal, if they come for our goal then they come to take advantage...

I'll support this vote.
>With full titles, and a vow to bring Rodomonte to justice.
Vows have power, of course. But considering just how hated across the lands Rodomonte was, the potential allies it will bring us will far outweigh the difficulty in bringing a minmaxer to justice. Also, it'll massively boost Meep morale I suspect.
I'm not sure about a vow but some strong words of condemnation certainly won't be amiss...
Altough given how the message will be garbled and cut as the spirits please the more unanbiguous we are the better.
Rolled 5, 5, 2, 6, 6, 4, 6, 2 = 36 (8d6)

>1. Grandiloquent with full titles...
Rolled 5, 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 1, 3 = 24 (8d6)

>>Accept! Choose one of the options below and roll 8d6...
>1. Grandiloquent with full titles...
You decide to go full KING OF CAMELOT
4 successes
I'm expecting Rodomonte's reaction be like:
A)You little shit I am the king of Camelot!
B)I didn't want that shitty castle anyway.
C) Both option A and B.
D)Incoherent autistic screeching.

The other rulers should be more interesting if they do offer congratulations or issue warnings.
I am presently reading and listening to speeches of all sorts while trying to craft one for our character. I'm surprised by the amount of craftmanship and thought that goes into truly great one. I might try to actually put less effort into the post if I don't get it done tonight.

captcha m00k my
Heatwave again is messing up my writing time. I just learned about the assassination attempt while checking up on a senior. Crazy.
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It is not difficult to decide after hearing Agreste explain the effects of announcing your title. You need to take advantage of it. You have a role to play, a performance not just for the present audience but for future ones too. What words shall you use to bend souls to your cause? What words can soothe the frightened and hopeless? What words can ward off the raging and avaricious? You need to be able to make your message succinct and pointed because of the flaws inherent in Avalon's messaging system. There is no doubt in your mind that your message will be cut short.

You try casting your mind back to famous speeches from Japan's past and find none in your memory. In a literary language bereft of verbal rhetoric, you have to cast your mind to foreign countries and other people to seek some seed of eloquence. Ah, crap, that's a pretty empty arsenal. You'll have to craft a message using your innate knowledge and charisma.

The messages on the first night of your arrival in Avalon is probably the model you need to base the first part of your message on. You remember that it is the most informative message you receive.

'This is 'Escanor', if I'm a King or Knight, who cares? Do you know how to get out of this place!? I am so damn tired...'

That message out of all you received communicates the core of what Escanor wanted to let others know and the clarity of her feelings. It also illuminated the personality constructing the message too.

There's also another aspect of this entire situation. Agreste is part of the audience you aim to impress. All this time, you've been building a personality profile of the Herald and firming up a few aspects about him. This creature scorns passivity. You still remember wasting time idly waiting in the Gatehouse to entice his curiosity and interact with you; it failed miserably. Every word out of his mouth only emphasizes his belief that a ruler of Camelot who does nothing is not worth his attention. He wants the ruler of Camelot to act and if you die in the process, it means that you were unworthy. His principles and beliefs mean only the strongest and luckiest win his attention and perhaps his favor.

That doesn't sit right with you.

You arrived in a land filled with wonders and mysteries alongside horror and dangers where seemingly benign choices can end in death. How many people have survived Avalon? From what little you've heard, damn few.

The Herald calls them 'walking graves'.

Trapped in Avalon, forgotten by family and friends, no way out... It is a terrible situation; you wouldn't wish it on anyone, including that bitch, Gareth. You decide that this is the core of your message.

You reach out to the floating telephone and grab the cold metal handset to begin.

"I am King Lot of Lothian, Orkney, and Camelot! What is my aim? To return home. Seek us out! We'll do what we can to give aid! That is my word as King."
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This is only the first part of your speech, the part you hope that gets through, at least without getting cut off. Rodomonte, Mordred, Vivian, Guin, Escanor, and that unknown girl who dragged you into Avalon—those six are out there somewhere and will hear it.

You pause, then continue.

"Remember, you do not stand alone. To anyone who seeks to return home, I am your friend. I only ask that you be my friend too. I am determined to search out my True Name, to find the Lady of the Lake to reveal my Geas, and discover the last mysterious task to return to my family. I shall not falter on this task. I chose it.

To any foe, know that I take no heed to dangers or fear treachery. Only tyrants fear. I place my chiefest strength in the loyalty of my vassals to defend Camelot and assist me. This Kingdom shall not fall! I lay down my life and honor and resolve to live and die for it. The Gods make glorious the generous and the brave, and they shall reward me for my devotion to these ideals."

This part of the message is likely to go unheard by the others. It's more directed at Agreste so that he knows what your business is about and how you are going to go about it. Did the stony brow of the Spriggan move a bit? No, the Herald's face is neutral. Damn it, it's hard to read him.

You place the handset back on the brass telephone once more, and it winks out of existence.

"Thy word shall be spread amongst thy brethern. Til next time when the Lady wills it."

Agreste begins melting back into the stones. You can't just let the Herald leave before he hears your request.

"Wait one moment Agreste. Hear me out, if you love battle, then I am ever ready to give you one and learn the ways of war. I came to Avalon without ever striking a blow against anyone in my life!"

The melting process of Agreste retreat stops.

"... What? Then how did you even survive your Quests?" Argeste baffled, the stone man cannot comprehend the idea. A King who has never fought before arriving in Avalon is clearly not something he has considered before.

"Luck?" You offer as an explanation, it truly is a miracle you aren't dead. Well, you were dead once but you got better.

"Bwah, to think a King of Camelot would be as firm in battle as saggy grandmother tits and skilled at it as a sodden goat guzzling sour beer all day. What was your boasting of bravery for the sake of thy Kingdom all about if ye can barely fight? Very well. If I feel like shedding blood and remedying my boredom, I shall call upon thee."

With that the Herald fades away into the stone.

Ah, that little speech moved the dial in convincing him to help you. Only when he feels like it though. You'll take that as a victory.

The Herald will fight you in the future. Be ready to accept when the dread master of battle comes calling.
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"Meep! Your Majesty? Can I finally come in now?" A voice outside your bedroom door calls out. When it opens, you hear the scampering of many hoofed feet dashing away but only see one Baphomet servant standing in the doorway. He is there to lead you to your bath.

As you prepare yourself for the feast, it is clear that your speech has spread amongst the Baphomets. Their eyes shine with greater appreciation as they tend to your needs. Random groups of goats come on by to see you from afar. Usually being spied upon would annoy you but this time you'll let it slide. It is a gentle lesson and happened to be beneficial. In the future, you'll need to remember that the Castle is a crowded place and apt not to give you much privacy. If you want to keep conversations secret, you'll need to designate a place where servants can't be about or find a room that can keep things private.

Castle Faction grows ever more devoted to you.

The clothing you are given is unusual. So many of the items from Miki's backpack has been lost on your Quest or disintegrating by Avalon. All that is left over has been stitched together to give you something to wear. It's not fashionable at all! You continue to wear the The Black Prince to make up for the deficit of stylishness.

When you begin the journey to the Great Hall, the servants form a train and clear the way. Hanbei stands by your side explaining the details of etiquette and procedure but you barely pay much attention to his blathering. The servants throw open the doors and they announce your arrival.


Comes the response in one blasting cry from the guests. It is time to put another performance, another burden on your shoulders and you look forward to seeing how it goes.
Due to the heat wave and work, I thought it'd be best to end the thread on this note. I propose creating a new thread in a week and half. July 24th.

Hopefully I'll have the write up of the character sheet and everything done.
I'm sure we look majestic with just a cape
Let's not forget the oath to Beira. We have to offer food and drink at the feast
What does our throne look like?
You have two thrones. One made of wood that can be carried to various locations in the castle or outside. It's used for this feast.

One shattered white marble one, partially repaired by using gold to glue together the stone fragments. Like kintsugi but unfortunately I have no images to sort show you what it looks like. That throne needs more repairs and gluing back together.
>You have two thrones
>July 24th.
new thread is up

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