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A quest about reincarnating in another world. Certain things will be randomly decided like your parent's professions, nature and terrain of the village etc.

Worth of not is that picking options that get the character killed will usually just result in them dying and a new one being made or the quest ending.

For now the first choice in the quest is:
> Who were we in the real world?
- propose who the person was pre reincarnation you can do as little as just a job title orexpand more. Once we have 3 people agreeing on that we will proceed.

Every person posting please also roll 1d100, the first 6 1d100's will decide the hair colour, eye colour, village terrain, village size, mother's occupation and father's occupation.

I will not present the full rolling tables, but generally low number is something bad, high number is something good.
Rolled 35 (1d100)

>who were we in the real world
A viking jarl, thrown from his ship into the north sea, after being betrayed by his own warriors
Rolled 20 (1d100)

> A bookkeeper for the Italian Mafia with a masters degree in mathematics. Died in a prison riot, after being used as the fallguy for a high-ranking mobster.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

>Support this
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> mother's occupation a 100
Maybe this is gonna be less of a peasant rags-to-riches kinda game than I thought.

This would be a herbalist/alchemists producing expensive perfumes and oinments for noble ladies. (favourable noble connection, well off, ++village status)

> 4chan acting up
4chan is also acting up for me. I was not banned when I made this thread. Now a few hours later I am banned for apparently ban evading which I did not do. No way to appeal it either.

I'll try to run the game via phone posting, bit this garbage website is becoming increasingly unusable. I had to wait 5 minutes to post this thread, but apparently I waited too long so then I needed to wait 5 minutes again only to solve a captcha anyway.
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Previous life? Used car salesman who died getting eaten by a grizzly bear while camping.
Rolled 74 (1d100)

So anyway I failed at counting and announced roll 3 as 5. It'd be weird to go back on that so I'll just switch them with places.

35 - dark grey
20 - dark purple

Grey is a common colour in the region. This darker shade is common among lower classes. It matches both your mothers and fathers eyes.

Dark purple eyes are mostly found among the barbarians of the west. Common enough in the region, but in more urban areas you may get looks. Your mother has blue eyes and father brown so it must have come from your father's side.

74 - the village is in a hilly area. The most commonly grown crop are grapes as more conventional crops do better on flat land.

14 - the village is tiny. Enough houses to count with you hands. Less than 100 residents

Mother's job as stated here: >>6029286

Father's job not rolled for yet.

> Options for first life so far:
1. Viking Chief killed by his crew - 1 vote
2. Mafia accountant who died in jail becoming the fall guy for a job gone wrongl - 2 votes
3. Used car salesman killed by a Grizzly bear
*matches mothers and fathers hair
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Rolled 15 (1d100)

>2. Mafia accountant who died in jail becoming the fall guy for a job gone wrong - 2 votes
Fathers job is farmer, but he does it so little it may as well be a hobby. He's basically a leech.

Still need to settle the pre rebirth thing.

I'm slightly confuses why this thread is going so slow. I swear these kind of threads used to be faster at least at the start usually. It's been a day and we're not even done with the set up.
>2. Mafia accountant who died in jail becoming the fall guy for a job gone wrongl - 2 votes

I didn't know this was a vote I thought it was just announcing results desu
Okay everything set up then. Like I jinxed it or something.

You used to be a mafia accountant and became the fall guy for a job gone wrong.
> Skill taken from real world: really good at math - your skills in mathematics are way ahead of anything present here
> Positive predisposition: Used to violence - you will not panic when faced with murder or death or monsters
> Negative predisposition: Fall guy - you can't take being blamed for something. The trauma of your death makes you lose control of that is attempted.
> Awakening in a new world
You are a 3 year old boy named Avto. Your mother Ana woke up early as always to go collect herbs. Strapped in by some cloth to her back via some wrapped cloth she takes you along. Your father Izdor is still sound asleep, but you know he'll have some meat and fruit waiting for you once you're back.

As you're going with your mom a moment of realisation hits. Maybe because your brain finally matured enough, or maybe a new soul entered your flesh, but you awaken the memories of your past life.

Your mother notices the look in your eyes changes and some worry begins showing on her face, but she shakes it off and continues.

As she collects herbs what do you do?

> Contemplate your current life - you have the memories of the current world, but you took in things as a child would. You have no understanding of it
> Pick berries - eat some tasty berries
> Play with sticks - boys love playing with sticks
> Help your mom pick herbs - you're not sure what they really are for

The 'skip' system. If players feel a certain scenario is played out of wanna jump ahead type.

W - skip forward a week
M - skip a month
Y - skip a year.

Same as with actions 3 people have to agree before it goes through. A skip may be interrupted if an event happens and end early. While it happens you vaguely continue doing the last thing you were doing.
> Contemplate your current life - you have the memories of the current world, but you took in things as a child would. You have no understanding of it


> Help your mom pick herbs - you're not sure what they really are for
> Help your mom pick herbs - you're not sure what they really are for


Learning the family trade is always good, Mother might need help anyways since of bum bastard of a father is useless. I say we mostly just skip a year until we get to a good age like 7 or 8 where we have a little bit more autonomy.
> Help your mom pick herbs - you're not sure what they really are for

Let’s not insta-skip
You go up to see into your moms basket and recognize a few distinct shapes. A yellow flower taken whole. Root stem everything as if carefully to not damage it. The white roots of a plant whose top has been thrown away so you won't recognize it but the roots look like 10 white carrots glued together.

Next is green leaves which look like a lot of hearts stacked on each other. It looks like a fern the rounded tips of the leaves having a slightly pinkish hue. You seem to recall that rubbing it makes it smell like cherries.

Other plants include a black berry. You know those are very bitter and and chewing them stings your mouth, a type of moss which seems to be covered in blue dust and and lastly a plant with stiff leaves which look like plastic, but when cut open smells like garlic and also tastes like it.

You get to work and look for the various plants. Your mom looks at you with that kind of look that says 'there he goes again' usually such enthusiasm is met with bringing plants that have been destroyed by being picked wrong, a bunch of weeds and sometimes a lizard, but not this time. You waddle your way around the forest and find a large patch of the blue powdered moss and pick it, quickly run back and place a pile next to the basket.

A few hours pass and you're exhausted, but you manage to pick a little bit of every type of plant. Even the white root thing. Looking over your moms shoulder you see that overground it looks like a generic weed with cerated leaves. The leaves seem to be covered with what feels like a layer of hairs making it slightly whitish in colouration.

On your way home you notice yourself dozing off, and wake up at home. Dinner is simple. Some grilled goat, with radishes. Some grapes as desert and some goat milk to drink.

Soon after dinner you see your dad take the a load of grapes to go to the winemaker. Also takes money with him to drink probably.

Your mom yells at your dad something about beavers and he grunts and complains about it.

What do you do?
> Insist on going with your dad - you know he;s probably just gonna get drunk with the wine maker, but you never went there yet
> see what your mom is doing as an alchemist, keep learning the 'trade'
> go outside and play with the livestock
> go to the neighboring blacksmith and ask if you can play with their child
> see what your mom is doing as an alchemist, keep learning the 'trade'

Gotta have an income, else well end up like we did last time
>go to the neighboring blacksmith and ask if you can play with their child
>> see what your mom is doing as an alchemist, keep learning the 'trade'
Jesse, we need to cook

> see what your mom is doing as an alchemist, keep learning the 'trade'
Your mom is obviously warry of you coming near her work station as usually that means lots of spilled things. As you push a stool closer and sit on it she pushes it a bit away so you can't reach anything on the table as she glances back suspicious and annoyed.

Slowly she becomes engroased in her work. The white root is broken apart with rocks and submerged in water. A small white film forms. This procezz repeats and the film is collected each time. After enough is collected it's mixed with a butterly-oily odourless substance along with what seems to be some dried milk and packaged into a wooden box. Your mother seems to also apply some of it to her own exposed skin. Your real life experience lets you quickly see that what she made is some type of sunscreen.

The other materials are don't become a finished product as quickly. The Cherry smelling leaves are also submerged in oil and only then pressed repeatedly. The oily concoction is stored on a shelf.

The powder from the moss is corrected into a bowl while the moss is put on a large wooden tray which you saw many outside. It needs to be dried in the sun it seems.

Most complicated is the prozessing of the yellow flowers. Your mom takes one and breaks the stem and uses it to draw a flower on your hand. It prickles a bit and then the light yellow juices from the flower quickly darken to a yellow-brown colour, makign the drawing permanent.

She goes back to work and cuts the larger stems then puts them in what seems to be a pot-lid. Those are then put into a pot along with a wax candle. The pot has a large screw on the side. Once the candle flame goes out your mother begins unscrewing the screw making the yellow liquid drop out of the collected plants into small vials that contain finely sifted sand and a bit of wine.

You remember what she is making. It's a type of cream you can use to get rid of warts and pimples. It's a big hit among not only noble ladies in their teens but also the boys.

As you keep sitting you note how there both does not seem to be any written notes on anything not any metal implements. Closest thing to notes are some carvings made in wooden planks with drawings. There is no vials, no compelx machinery. Only really pots and pans and most oddly of all they seem to be made from flat rocks with wood glued to them. Just a modified kitchen really, your mom is completely self-taught when it comes to this.

You can't really recall many people using metal at all as you sift through your memories from this new life.

Anyway as you are deep in pondering your mother turns to you. You have not been yourself today. Oddly quit, oddly interested in what she was doing, not wanting to play or do anything really except just clinging to her.

Her eyes suddenly jolt open as she grabs you like one would a bag of wheatgrain.

She mutters something along the lines "I'm really sorry, it shouldn't be your job to remember this."

as she drops you in front of the house door. Locks the house and runns off in a panic towards the village center.

What do you do?
>Try to follow your mom - you know you probably shouldn't
>Play with the animals
>Sneak back into the house (list what you wanna do there) - you know you probably shouldn't do this
>Go to the blacksmiths house now to play with their kid
Well, given that we had dinner earlier and then sat down to watch our mother work for an indeterminate period of time it's probably fairly late in the evening, so...
>Sneak back into the house and go to bed
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Drew up the introduced plants.

It's like 4-5pm. You woke, up early but your bed time is still a few hours away
>Play with the animals
>>Play with the animals
>Try to follow your mom - you know you probably shouldn't
>>Play with the animals
pet the goat
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Wherever your mom went, she probably will be back soon. You stay in the harden and play with the livestock. You pet the goat. Chase some chickens. Race the goats. Running around like that helps tires you out and you are drenched in sweat. Your mind has at least partially become that of a child, you certainly had fun doing all this.

Finally you mount a goat, being still small enough to try to ride it like a horse. The whole excercise ends in futility as you are repeatedly thrown off. You're covered in dirt, and sweat. As the Sun begins yo set you see your mom, dad and grandparents on dad's side comming.

Your mom looks red like a beat and it's rare to see your grandparents as even if they hitch a ride with some merchants they live an hour away.

Your dad runs up and picks you up to put you on his shoulders. "Happy birthsday little guy.", he says and you enter the house. It seems your mom was in a rush because she forgot and your dad is less drunk than usual having had to make time to meet up with your grandparents and buy a gift.

Your grandparents look like they're barely in their 40's. You have a small communal birthsday party throughout which your dad keeps teasing your mom "I'd imagine you'd be the last to forget his birthsday."
Your grandparents give you a small carved bone hedhehog attached to a wooden cart. Your dad showcases a new bed for you and your mom shows a nice new shirt. She also got a sort of sweet bread with grapes and honey for everyone to eat together.

You go to sleep an hour or so later, but the adults party into the night.
Next morning you wake up later than usual with only mom at home doing some cooking. Dad has went out to hunt some beavers, seems like today you can do what you want:
>Write in
>play with animals more
>go snatch some grapes from the garden
>ask to help with chores
>play with your toys
>sneak out into the village
>>play with your toys
its only natural
>play with your toys
For a moment there I thought our Mom suspected us of being a changeling or something, she wouldn't be that far off the mark after all.
Half expected that we'd be confronted and scrutinized by a priest or our extended family.
Well anyway, staying in theme...
> ask to help with chores
>play with your toys

Do some kid shit, maybe something interesting will happen
You choose to play it safe. In hindsight you did not act like a child at all yesterday, luckily your birthsday covered it up but who knows if they won't call an exorcist on you next time. What a scary thought. Even with the mind of a child playing with toys appears quite dull to you. You can't help but feel appreciation for the little hedgehog.

In the corner of your eye you spot a tiny hand waving through the window. It's the neighbours kid. She probably knocked on the door, but the oil in the pan is sizzling loudly so neither you nor mom heard.

>aknowlage the kid and open the door
>Ignore her

if you ignore her we skip to the next scenario (if not this does not happen yet) which is dad returning with the butchered beavers. Somehow got 6. He'll go chill in the garden while your mom butchers them you can chose:
>help butcher beave
>go with dad into the garden
>continue playing
>write in
>aknowlage the kid and open the door
>aknowlage the kid and open the door
Well, socialization *is* pretty vital for early development - not that we really need it.
> acknowledge the kid and open the door
You make your way to the door and open it. Meva waddles her way to the door. With a shy expression on her face she pulls out a stone... goat? horse? Out of the pocket on her dress and says:
"Appy, Irthay."
That's when you remember a very important thing. You actually really don't like Meva. You are stuck with her as she's the only kid your age in the village, but despite being older than you she can barely speak. She can't really run. She can't play ball. She's affraid of going outside. Then also despite being a head shorter than you she's way stronger than you and way better at building towers from blocks.

Anyway the small stone horse was clearly carved by her herself. It has roughly the shape of a horse body, but no face, no tail and the two front legs and back legs are merged. Still beyond impressive for a 3 year old from your world.

Before you can say anything your mom welcomes her in. (Meva description: A head shorter than you. Light brown hair and amber eyes. Hair is very large and puffy as if it was 10 times more hairs on her head than usual)

What do you do?
>be nice to Meva - try to turn over a new leaf and become better friends with her
>be as usual - humour her, but try to nudge her to leave
>be mean to her - you don't have time to
>try to be competitive with her
>Write in\
>be nice to Meva - try to turn over a new leaf and become better friends with her

We’re like a 30 year old. Are we really going to bully a child. Mentor her.
>be nice to Meva - try to turn over a new leaf and become better friends with her
> Write-in: Commit to indoctrinating Meva into becoming our pawn. Given the immense gulf between our cognition and awareness, it shouldn't be too difficult to manipulatively influence this toddler into becoming a lifelong subordinate - definitely a morally dubious course of action, but creating an unquestionably loyal ally may prove extremely valuable in the future.
>>be nice to Meva - try to turn over a new leaf and become better friends with her
play with the horse and hedgehog toys together.
Gaslight mom into thinking we are normal
>be nice to Meva - try to turn over a new leaf and become better friends with her
The thought of indoctrinating Meva for your ends briefly comes to the forefront of your mind, but elaborate plans like that can wait. For now it's important to perserve your image as a normal 3 year old child.

You play with Meva. First you start by carting around the toy horse she gave you along with the hedgehog. She seems shy about touching the hedehog toy, but is jumping around happy watching you play with it. You put the hedgehog and horse together on a shelf and instead pull out a pile of blocks. It's what Meva generally likes best. You remember that generally when you used to build blocks you'd just stack them on top of each other like children would bu Meva seemed to instinctually understand concepts such as buildings needing foundations and symmetry.

You let yourself build in that way and soon both of you build magnificent wooden structures. Her amber eyes are glowing. As you are building you notice that Meva is talking a lot to herself. It seems to be a foreign language of some sort, you must have not paid attention before. Eventually you both agree to demolish the wooden block structures. Meva roars and holds her hands curled up pretending to be a monster crushing buildings as she throws over the blocks.

Meva can be pretty fun to hang out with with you get on her waveleangth.

The cycle of creation and destruction continues until your dad comes back with the beavers as mentioned here: >>6030625
>see meva goes home and help butcher the beaver
>continue playing with her
>help butcher the beaver and convince her to join you
>see Meva home and go with your dad into the garden
>try to get Meva to go into the garden with you
> see meva goes home and help butcher the beaver
>see meva goes home and help butcher the beaver
> see meva goes home and help butcher the beaver
>>see meva goes home and help butcher the beaver
>see meva goes home and help butcher the beaver
> see meva goes home and help butcher the beaver
>>6031240 (Ya'll really wanna get rid of her)
You tell Meva to go home because you want to help with the butchering, but she starts throwing a tantrum. Your mom tries to calm her, but Meva does not wanna go. Eventually she call your dad who after coming in with a grunt picks up Meva and tells you to come.

Both of your bring her to the neighbours and then head back. Dad asks you if you wanna hang out with him, a bit but you want to see the butchering.

You watch your mom dismantle the beaver. She seems to remove some sort of gland from near it's butt, it's liver, stomach, galbladder and head. She repats that for all the beavers and calls dad.

he picks up the remaining bodies and and heads out with them. We don't really need any of the beaver meat or have time to prepare it so he's gonna share it with the rest of the village.

The livers and and galbladders are for now wrapped in wet towels. After that your mom deposits the anal glands into oil again and closes thel id. Then she begins extracting the stomach acid from the stomach and throws out the rest.

Before you fall asleep you see her also ripping out the heaver-teeth from the skull. She does so by first breaking the bone around them with a hammer.

You wake up in the middle of the night or what feels like it. Your father is trying to tell your mother to stop overworking herself and go to bed already. She screams at him to help instead and he complains that he did more than his part by hunting the beavers. Your mother slaps him and you jolt awake as it seems he's about to hit her back. He puts down his arm and says "you need to stop acting like that already" and drunkenly makes his way to their bed and collapses into slumber in it. You fall back asleep too.

You wake up the next day. Your dad is still sleeping, your mom is already... or maybe still working. You wait until your dad gets up and goes to the garden before you get up yourself.

What will you do?
>go to the garden with your dad
>go watch your mom work, silently to not disturb her
>offer to help
>try to stop her from working. Ger her to take a break
>play with your toys in the room
>play with the animals
>write in
>>offer to help
>go to the garden with your dad
>>go to the garden with your dad
>offer to help
>offer to help
You help your mom. She is scpetical of your help but assighns some basic tasks for you. Bringing in the dried moss and crushing it up. Bringing some clean water from the stream. Between those tasks there is a lot of downtime where you do nothing.

Your mom seems to be getting frustrated with the singing bitter black berries and and garlic-leaf mix. The ingredients are mixed with wax and some honey. The honmey neutralises the bitterness and the wax makes application to lips easier. The black berries help make ones lips redder, and introduce small cuts into them into which then the garlic-leaf spice can seep makign the lips larger and fuller.

The beaver galnds give off a pop-corny smell and assing a little bit of them to the cherry oil helps create a nice flowery smelling parfume. In the city the oil will be instead extracted into alcochol for easier application. Here your mom can only prep the oil.

The product is flawed though. As it gives a strong garlicky smell something no woman wants. Being an accountant you don't have an idea how to help with that.

HYou find out mom is stressed because the merchants will come in 3 days to pick up the product so she tries to rush to make as much as possible before then.

3day skip until the merchants arrive.

>White in what you want to do in the time
multiple things are possible. Only options with at least 1 support except the main poster will be considered.
>Help mom whenever we can
>Play with Meva to seem child-like
>Play with animals

You guys want to skip a month or year after the merchant visit? Doesn’t seem like there’s much we can do now.
> Help mom whenever we can
> Play with Meva to seem child-like
> Revise mathematics whenever alone. If knowledge is not practiced it inevitably rusts.
Explore outside, try to find a swelling alternative to the garlic like maybe burning nettles?
The next days are spent helping your mom, playing with Meva and the animals as well as revising your arithmetic skills.

Visiting Meva you learn that her whole family usually speaks the foreign language you heard her mumble in you notice her building blocks have symbols on them and her mom attempts to sometimes teach Meva based on those. Neither of your parents can read or write. usually you'd come over rarely but being there everyday made you lean of Mevas everyday. She mostly naps, plays and learns how to scult things out of stone. She also doesn't seem at all scared of fire. You swer you saw her once grab a hot coal out of the blacksmiths furnance and use it for doodling on a rock. That must have been some sort of trick, for sure.

Your moms work proceeded steadily seeing you actually are useful for things she started working you to the bone as if she forgot you're 3, luckily half of the day there was nothing you could be helpful with so you didn't get completely exhausted. You're now roughly familiar with all the things your mom can produce:
- sunscreen
- anti-pimple and wart cream
- lip gloss that makes you lips puff up a bit (makes them smell like garlic though)
- moisturising moss mask - that's what the dry moss is for
- glitter - the blue dust on the moss turns shiny and glittery once treated with cleansed beaver stomach acid
- sweet smelling perfume precursor oil
You didn't figure out a use for the beaver teeth yet. Maybe they're for a new product or something for the workshop

lastly on your math trials, you practice in the garden inbetween playign with the animals. The strange symbols you draw in the ground can easily be hidden once you're done. Some of the harder math like differential equations you didn't use since finishing university in italy afterall.
Finally the day the merchants arrived came. Your mom looked like a ghost by then, so your father paid some local ladies to help make the house presentable. There was lots of people you did not know but all knew you loitering around the house as soon as the sun rose.

A young merchant, his guard and a few pack-mules made it up the hilly road. This was not the kind of place with a road good enough for a carriage to pass. The merchant was orgained in colourful silky attire. His clothes reminded you a bit of a clown, the colours all clashed as if screaming 'look at me'. Well, that may be useful when selling goods in a market.

His guard was a man wo looked to be in his 30's carrying in a staff and wearing a blue robe. He looked at you a lot while inside. (Roll 6d100 you can also roll 2d100 until we get to 6 total this will determine magic talent per element, 1-89 no talent. 90-100 determines how much talent. 90 is low and 100 is decent)
Elements in order:
>absence (ake. darkness more generically known)

Your dad finally waltzes into the room to have a snack, but once he sees the mage the look on his face turns hollow. He takes him and the merchants outside and they discuss something, many words you did not gleam the meaning of yet in this life. Once he comes back you learn you are not allowed to leave the house until some adventurers come to deal with the %&^$#% problem. Your dad and another man hired from the village will also have to accompany your mom on trips to gather herbs now. The merchants already informed the auhorities so it shouldn't be long before any adventurers arrive.

So what do you do now? Limited options need 3 votes, general ones only 2:
>talk with the merchant. inquire about the writing and letters used in this world
>talk with the mage try to gleam something about magic (depending on your magic results he may just talk to you himself)
>ask about the people buying your moms products, some market research never hurt
>ask them about adventurers
>ask them about fighting the %&^$#%
>write in

>ask your dad about the %&^$#%
>ask him why he's so panicked
>go off and just play instead
>ask about merchants
Rolled 17, 37 = 54 (2d100)

>talk with the merchant. inquire about the writing and letters used in this world
>ask about merchants
Rolled 57, 33 = 90 (2d100)

>ask them about fighting the %&^$#%

>ask him why he's so panicked
Rolled 91, 66 = 157 (2d100)

>ask your dad about the %&^$#%
>ask about the people buying your moms products, some market research never hurt
So we have a minor aptitude for earth magic?
Neat. That might be useful for farming and stuff.
Rolled 90, 4 = 94 (2d100)

>ask your dad about the %&^$#%
>ask about the people buying your moms products, some market research never hurt
Just gonna throw out the magic bonus choices before I sleep.

The mage turns to you and says "you got a bit of tale for earth magic little one."

Then he turns to your mother "he's not going to be a grand mage, but giving him some schooling may be useful. Many a farmer became wealthy of off knowing just a little earth magic."

> express interest in magic
> ask if the mage could teach you a bit
> express no interest
> write in
> express no interest
Heck you magician! The old world shall be rent in twain upon the breaking wheel of algebra and trigonometry!
> express interest in magic
> ask if the mage could teach you a bit

We’re an adult in a child’s body so in theory we can just grind the fuck out of our meager talent to its fullest extent using our adult willpower.
> express interest in magic
> ask if the mage could teach you a bit
>>express interest in magic
>ask if the mage could teach you a bit

We're 3, he'll humor us briefly I suppose. Let's get it.
> express interest in magic
> ask if the mage could teach you a bit

>Many a farmer became wealthy of off knowing just a little earth magic.
Combined with a bit of basic "modern" education and actual accounting skills,
we could make for a helluva farmer depending on what we choose to grow, optimize how we run the joint and sell our crops, find ways to cook the books on any taxes/tithes potentially owed… hell, we could maybe even get into making booze depending on what mom knows. Go full bootlegger and use our earth magic to dig tunnels we can use to smuggle our stuff around behind the backs of any guilds that may or may not exist in the cities. If nothing else, we can always make a body disappear.
>ask about the people buying your moms products, some market research never hurt
>ask them about adventurers
>ask your dad about the %&^$#%
>ask him why he's so panicked

> express interest in magic

There's so much we can go with Earth Magic... Maybe there's other more complex types of magic outside of just Elemental, and we have a better affinity with some of them.

Hell, with the Earth and Mathematics we can be the biggest farmer ever, or maybe a architect. Hell, we can start learning some other stuff and make machines of war and even use math to throw the perfect rock on a trebuchet. There's tons of stuff.
There does not seem to be consensus about what to ask the merchants. There is so many questions racing through your head about the %&^$#%, about the writing in this world, about your moms products. Your words become jumbled at the end with the merchant just staring in confusion at you, you missed your chance.

Asking your dad about the %&^$#% you learn that they are mean green things not much larger than you and certainly not smarter, but it seems a shaman has appeared among them. When organized like that they can become quite dangerous. You figure out the unknown word, it's goblin.

Asking him why he was panicked he says how usually the merchant just brings a swordsman as a guard. So seein a mage he was worried something really bad might have happened. He makes sure to emphacize that it's dangerous outside now so you can't go out.

Asking abot adventurers you dad is not keen to answer. Many kids once they hear tales about adventurers want to go off and become some so he keeps it brief and plays it down "usually people who go around killing monsters. Half of them are second sons of nobles hoping for some fame or mercenaries kicked out of their troop for insubordination. As long as you pay them they won't cause trouble."
That's when the make speaks out, it seems they view it as their moral duty to spread the teachings of magic. "Your son appears to have some talent in earth magic. Even knowing basic earth magic could come in useful for him. Earth magic specialises in reinforcement and terrain modification. You can't use it to attack, but you can build houses. Plow fields, erect barrier or reinforce tools."

It truly sounded like a sales pitch. Maybe they get some sort of reward for recruiting mages. or maybe he's just a passionate guy.

You express your interest in magic and pry further so he gives you an explanation of other elements:
>light magic mostly allows for passive effects strengthening your allies
>fire is nearly only useful offensively
>air is best at supporting archers and melee fighters as it allows you to manipulate the winds and boost speed
>absence specialises in debuffs. Weakenign your enemy.

Hearing the idea of you wanting some teaching from him you see a grin on both the merchant's and his face. This is the equivalent of a child asking their parents for a puppy, once they get hung up on it you can't really say no even if it's expensive.

A round of lengthy negotiations insues. The mage and the merchant agree to stay 2 nights at your place so you can learn some magic. It's not enough to learn anything useful, but enough to see if you have the intellectual knack for it. A talent needed for am ge beyond elemental affinity. In exchnage the merchant gets a very good deal on the goods being ourchased from your mom. She looks deflated, but is convinced. You helping out a lot makes her easily be convinced.

>First mage class
Right after this the mage takes you into a garden, looking for s pot where the earth is hard and exposed. You are to stand barefoot on it. He instructs you to imagine like you're trying to suck in the earth using your feet. Like you're taking a deeeep breath.

You feel him touching your chest and briefly you feel liek indeed your feet are sucking something up. You feel a bit nauseous. He just tells you to repeat that. You only get this pulling sensation when he touches your chest like he's pulling at the earth through you. The goal seems to be for you to figure out how to pull yourself.

So what will you try to do to try to figure out this magic thing he's teaching you? (I already assume here you're gonna be way more patient then a normal child doing it as long as you can)
>write in
Fantasy Hussites time (probably after like 20 years though)
Fantasy Hussites time
>Do the earth sucking exercise in sets of 3 X 5 and if there is any progress, try to do focus on any changes or new feelings. Afterwards take a 5 minute break and try again.
>Try to think about the core concept of magic in this world and think about magic practice like an equation
>Try to sense magical power as a general force as well.
You practice diligently and attempt to 'feel' what you are supposed to be doing. It feels like you are making 0 progress. Magic feels weird. When it comes out from yoru chest it feels nearly cold and like your breath is being taken away. While it comes in via your feet it instead feels ticklish like small metal balls rolling over your skin, but inside.

You try to quantify mathematically what is going on. You manage to fin a few key findings:
>1 for every bit of mana that go out 20 come in - this is likely a converssion rate of earth mana into your own or what mages call elemental affinity
>2 the more the mage takes out mana, the more comes in. What you're doing now is just trying to learn to controll your own mana vessel to pull in mana. What you're doing now is like breathing mana in and out. What you want to be doing as a mage in training is to suck in mana to expand your mana vessel bit by bit.
>3 mana seems to behave like a gas. It flows in at an inversely logarithmical speed. From that you managed to calculate the size of your mana vessel based. It seems to currently be around 20. This also means that the bigger the vessel the quir your mana can recover

The skill you really need to pick up by tomorrow is to be able to expell and absorb mana on your own. From there you can practice.

After it gets dark and mana practice ends the Mage you know is now called Ryodjer instructs you magic application. there is 3 main ways to use mana:
>Application - controlling objects containing a mana type. In your case earth. it includes everything from shaping it, erecting a wall, plowing a field etc
>Transmutation - pushing out of all mana from something and replacing it with pure elemental mana. it allows you to turn things to stone. it's generally considered inneficient, but if no earth is around it's a way for you to still get some. It's especially inefficient for earth magic as earth is very dense. Transmutation can also be used to alter existing stone. To make it harder, denser etc.
>Infusion - It lets you infuse objects with properties of stone alongside them. Air infusions help boost speed for example, light infusions help heal and regenerate, earth infusions only provide additional toughness. Swordmasters are the most specialised infusion users using it to enahcne their own body. Earth is generally considered the least desirable form of magic for a swordsman

After practicing most of the day night comes and you go to sleep.

What do you want to do before sleep?:
>play around with absorbing mana
>refine your magic capacity formulas
>play around with expunging mana
>make sure you rest well

What do you want to try doing for tomorrows practice?
>write in (I am leaving magic practice bits pure write in because IC you have no real idea or direction what to try)
>make sure you rest well
>make sure you rest well
>Try to match the mana absorption with your breathing, ie suck in mana every time you inhale
>>make sure you rest well
Lets try to make a brick. It only makes sense to expel mana when we inhale mana
There's gonna be plenty time to train alone, now let's rest to have energy for tomorrow.

After you wake up the next day you want to try putting the breathing analogy into practice. When Ryodjer absorbs your magic you exhale and when magic comes into yoru body you inhale and after just a few tries you get it.

"Congratulations. You have taken your first step to being a make. Your method is simmilar to methods used by magic swordsmen. Treat it like crawling when you were a baby, you gotta stand up and walk without it eventually. Afterall the goal is not to pump mana in and out. It's to accumulate it and shootit out."

he demonstrates by gathering a mana in his hand. Moisure from the stream and clouds above coalesce into his palm and he shoots out a small water projectile.

"You can crawl. So now try to crawl on your own."

You spend a few hours and manage to actually do it yourself. Your lungs hurt and you feel like something near your heart hurts as well. It's noon and time for dinner. Ryodjer is bragging to your parents how you appear to be quite the genius in your speed of learning. He does interject with some lamentations about your elemental affinity. Were you a water mage he'd take you as a disciple. Not sure if he's serious in these words.

What to learn in the afternoon:
>try to polish your foundations
>race ahead - try to get Ryodjer to attempt to teach you how to cast a spell
>learn about specialisations (pick application, transmutation or infusion) and try to learn how to practice their foundations
>write in
>>learn about specialisations (pick application, transmutation or infusion) and try to learn how to practice their foundations
we can practice basics on our own once we know more and he leaves. I want to throw bricks at will
You need to pick a specialisation
>learn about specialisations (pick application, transmutation or infusion) and try to learn how to practice their foundations
>learn about specialisations (pick application, transmutation or infusion) and try to learn how to practice their foundations
Imagine what we could do once we invent precision tools and a mechanical calculator. It'd be a long road, but absolutely groundbreaking no pun intended.
>>try to polish your foundations
there's no point in trying to run when you can't walk.
> +1
For a specialization I think Application is promising, but that is a future concern.
We should master the groundwork first.
You know what? Changing my vote to
>try to polish your foundations
(it is a 3:2 so I'll go with the application-rushing)

The mage is a bit conzerned with you rushing ahead so much, but you have been sucessful so far so he thinks why not. In your situation where you don't have a teacher and are way younger than anyone usually learning magic is it shouln't do harm. Better get the foundational skill via shortcuts and then polish them than be stuck on the fundamentals for one the divines know how long.

First Ryodjer has you stand balancing on a small rock and perform your mana breathing on top of it. It's to be able to sense the mana of the rock. He explains how as a mage you need to learn to actually grow a proper mana-sense on your own after this.

Then the rock is placed in front of you. Your mana-core is like a still ocean within which you can engrave commands and expell them. You need to conzeptualise the mana pattern of the rock, link your own to it and command it mentally to move forward.

You manage to keep your mana linked to the rock as you slowly step of it but the connection fades and breaks. It takes you a few tries to sustain it long enough to try engrave a spell. Apparently this is the harde part, you need to conzeptualise the abstract idea of movement and specifically movement in a direction, but you have a shortcut for that. You form your hand in the shape of the carthesian coordinate system and and all you have to do is project a vector onto the rock.

You open your eyes and the rock is where it stood, but Ryodjer stares with his mouth gaping. The rock moved a fraction of a milimeter but it moved. On your first try.

You practice this skill for the rest of the day and the main problem seems to be your lacking mana.
Skills you lack:
>effective mana gathering
Skill gained:
>Move rock - you can move a single coherent rock
With that the day ends. You sleep and the next day the merchants leave. Your parents congratulate you on working hard, but it seems they don't truly grasp what you have done. You have improvised your way through the first two years of a mage-schools curriculum. Your methods may be improvised, but it's nonetheless an achievement:

Before Ryodjer leaves you may ask him one more question in the morning:
>ask him to explain the difference between mage and magic swordsman
>ask him how to find him
>ask him where you can learn more magic once you're old enough
>write in

After that your parents go out. Both go together to pick herbs and you're locked alone in the house:
>try to train magic indoors
>train outside on the rocks
>play or do something more normal
>practice your math
Forgot 2 options
> practice alchemy
> write in
>ask him where you can learn more magic once you're old enough

>train outside on the rocks
>>ask him where you can learn more magic once you're old enough
>>train outside on the rocks
>ask him where you can learn more magic once you're old enough
>practice your math
>ask him where you can learn more magic once you're old enough
>train outside on the rocks
Upon proddif Ryodjer tells you that there is a Brown Mage tower a few days travel from here, you coudl go there once your older to recieve schooling. He doesn't recomend it much as the Tower Master basically uses the lower mages as costruction workers to rent out. The other option is one of the mage accademies, but that requires the kind of money you are unlikely to afford. A last option is to find an earth mage adventurer and ask him to mentor you. Upon that option your father shoots him a mean look.

You sneak outside and practice magic. There is no easily noticable progress, but you manage to notice a small amount of growth in your mana vessel it seems to be at 20,2 as opposed to 20 yesterday. You can't yet accumulate mana and only circulate it, but it's reassuring to know even doing that some crawling progress is being made.

You also practice moving the rock. You carve a small scale in the ground and can observe it moving usually no more than a milimeter. You manage to confirm that using your Vector medhod you can move the rock in any direction withing your imaginary axis. The movement is to small whether or not movements other than stright lines are possible.

Before your parents come home you quickly sneak inside, but based on your clothes they recognize you were outside and yell at you. Goblins are not joke afterall. The next day you will spend at the blacksmith's:

What do you do there?:
>play with Meva
>try to take part in Mevas lessons (carving stuff, learning their foreign language)
>go off and practice magic on your own
>write in
>try to take part in Mevas lessons (carving stuff, learning their foreign language)
With how shy she is, maybe this could also help to make some bonding with her.
>try to take part in Mevas lessons (carving stuff, learning their foreign language)
>>try to take part in Mevas lessons (carving stuff, learning their foreign language)
Can we try to practice magic with metal or the earth near the blacksmiths? lets try to show meva we can move earth
You try participating in your classes. You are better than the average child ad carvng, but having never trained it she still does better. The foreign language lessons you have no clue, once her mom is doen teaching Meva how to write Meva tries to teach your words herself. The foreign tongue has a lot of long words with very few vowels. There seem to be no voiceless consonants so it sounds quite melodic.

You manage to pick up a few words like. "hello", "my name is", "I am 3 years old" etc. Meva's mom also helps you figure out how to write them down. The writing systems seems to be a simple alphabet so you could also use it for your native language if modified a bit. it'll be in the very least less suspicious than latin script.

Carving class is hard. You learn you need to hit the rock in specific spots in specific ways to break off chunks. If you do it wrong just once then there is no going back. You seem to have a knack at it and more interestingly you seem to have an easier time connecting your mana to rocks you carve.

You manage to show off your magic to Meva, but she does not get it. You can move things too little for her to notice let alone see it as impressive.

Later in the evening your parents come to pick you up and Meva gets all clingy. her parents having to scrape her off from you. Once home your mom gets to doing alchemy while your dad goes to get drunk at the miller's.

What do you do?
>go practice magic at home
>help your mom with the work
>play normally
>practice maths
>write in
>help your mom with the work
>go practice magic at home
>>go practice magic at home
Try to incorporate play with magic and maths like creating a simple board game but the dice have to be flipped with magic
>go practice magic at home
>go practice magic at home
>Try to tell dad before he's gone "When I'm a wizards, I'll help you farm"
I just want dad to warm up a bit in general. That way he can reconsider his drinking.
>>help your mom with the work
Make sure s he takes breaks
>write in
Act all cutesy
"Mom please don't fight with dad.
I will teach him earth magic and we will farm together.
I will make him drink less since it isn't safe outside with goblins around.
Another 3:2, but becoming a mage takes priority. You use your spare time to practice magic. Doing it on the house's wooden floor is less efficient but it helps you improve your accumulation. You practice mana accumulation by trying to fill your lungs with as much air as you can. Just keep breating in and don't breathe out, eventually you have to brethe out but this excetcise helps you grow your mana capacity a bit faster.

Trying to decise a magic game is a task which will take a while but combiend with your stone carcing ability you manage to make some dice with rounded edges (to make flipping them easier). The stone you made them from seems quite soft though, might need to ask the blacksmith for some harder stone.

Your dad's face expression softens when you announce your mage aspirations.

In 4 days the adventurers arrive and slay the goblins. What do you do in those days?
>magic practice focus
>study with Meva focus
>alchemy study focus
>game-development focus
>write in

What do you do when the adventurers come? (you'll meet them with your dad)
>ignore them
>ask them about magic
>ask them about fighting monsters
>ask them about becoming an adventurer
>write in
> alchemy study focus
>ask them about magic
Forgot to add the rolls for the arriving party.

I need 10 or so d6.

First decides party size. Then the next 4 the occupation of each party member.

A mage is only there on a 6. If a mage is there the other rolls decide their primary element
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d6)

I doubt 10 people are going to be here to roll a 1d6 so is it alright if I roll like 2?
Rolled 6, 6 = 12 (2d6)

It's fine it's fine. So for now it's a party of 3
>magic practice focus
>study with Meva focus

>ask them about fighting monsters
And 2 of them are mages already
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d6)

>magic practice focus
>study with Meva focus

>ask them about fighting monsters
>Ask them about magic
Rolled 6, 2, 5, 1 = 14 (4d6)

Cool to roll again since it's been a little bit?
Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d6)

>study with Meva focus
>ask them about magic
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d6)

>>study with Meva focus
>>ask them about magic
I'll ignore the reroll because we got enough rolls:
>Focus on studying with Meva
You start to slowly grasp the neighbours foreign language and manage to improve your stone carving. You seem to be catching up in carving to Meva which she is very annoyed about, enough so she overcomes her natural impatience of a child to try to sit still and keep carving while constantly looking over to you to make sure she's still better. Both of you are practicing carving animals now. Meva is making a Lizardbear, you settled on a beaver, your mom might like it.

In the afternoon you play more. Mevas favorite style of play seems to be building towns from blocks and then having all the various statues she makes live there. She's a bit odd for a girl though because she usually has them fight and break the buildings while they fight. Her building blocks are also stone not wood like yours at home. Her parents don't seem bothered by a pile of rocks falling on either of you mid play.

Sometimes you have dinner at her place. Her family eats basically only mushrooms and meat. Some mushrooms you are not given because "They're poisonous for humans, so you can't have them."
>Ask Adventurers about magic
1, 2 - 3 adventurers
6, 6, 2 - mage, mage, 'rogue/ranger'
2, 2 - both mages are fire mages
4, 1, 1 - 1 man and 2 women

You ask your dad to meet the adventurers so your dad takes you to the millers where they are drinking and celebrating. He takes you on his shoulders and you go there. You went to the miller before, but he only has older kids, both boys 7 , 13 and 14, so not ones you could play with. The adventurers would sit in front of the mill on the grass downing bottles of wine.

"For such a remote village the wine sure is good~~" - the black haired woman in a red robe slurs while turning her head.

"Maybe that's what attracted the goblins." - a brown haired woman with short hair responds

A man their age is with them, but seems to be taking a nap.

Your father puts you down and pulls out a bottle of honey mead from his coat.
"Hello there beautiful ladied and brave adventurers. Would you mind if we joined you for a round?"

"So the ladied are beautiful, but the adventurers are brave. It's hard being so good looking sometimes, men just can't get themselves to give a depper look." - the black haired one stretches out her arm holding a glass for your dad to pour the mead.

"I may be a farmer, but I am not simple man. Afterall you're both a lady and adventurer. I called you brave and beautiful, both that." - he then pours the brown haired one some mead too to include her in his barrage of charms.

Some more pleasantries are exchanged until the attention turns to you.

"Really, a 3 year old and already can do some magic? Did you tutor him from before he was born? Does he have an innate power?"

"No, last week a mage came by and showed him some tricks and he's been enamored with magic since then. Would you mind showing him some tricks like that?"
The woman mutters 'last week' to herself and kick the guy so he wakes up. He pulls down his robe which he has been using a blanked at wakes up. After having the story explained to you he lights a small flame in his hand to get a better look at you:

"He certainly has high affinity for earth magic, but he hasn't started forming mana channels yet. His core formation also seems somewhat unstable." - he mutters - "So hey kiddo. Show us what you got can you show us some of your magic?"

What do you do?
>try to demonstrate by slowly moving a basic rock, while breaking in and out to refresh your mana (least output but most uniersally applicable result)
>move the small beaver sculpture you have been working on (your connection is higher you can make ir move faster)
>display you rolling the dice you made (lower level of power than beaver, but you can show precision by flipping it to a specific number)
>show your mana accumulation technique
>move the small beaver sculpture you have been working on (your connection is higher you can make ir move faster)
>>display you rolling the dice you made (lower level of power than beaver, but you can show precision by flipping it to a specific number)
this seems like a more interesting trick to show off on a cold open than moving things around
>>display you rolling the dice you made (lower level of power than beaver, but you can show precision by flipping it to a specific number)
>>display you rolling the dice you made (lower level of power than beaver, but you can show precision by flipping it to a specific number)
Yeah, I like this.
>display you rolling the dice you made (lower level of power than beaver, but you can show precision by flipping it to a specific number)
>>display you rolling the dice you made (lower level of power than beaver, but you can show precision by flipping it to a specific number)
Say a number and flip to that number even though our dad will likely exploit it for beer money
You stretch out your hand making the cardinal direction symbol with your hands and place and start saying numbers. Each time you say the number the die in front of you flips to it. It flips frontward, to the side, backwards. Two faces sideways.

Your dad seems to not get how significant that is, but tries to hype up your achievement.
"Pretty impressibe for a 3 year old ain't it!"

The brown haired rogue is contemplating if it could be used to win at gambling, but... well mages are not allowed in gambling halls due to what the blessed of Yauma and wind mages do anyhow.

The blak haired one blurts out "How you do that. How you move it sideways with 1 sygil?"

The male mage just stares. He makes a small flame and tries to move it in the cardinal directions in his hand.

It seems that sufficiently trained mages can 'see' the messages you encode into your magic as sygils. Each singular command is a single sygil. The male mage then explains.

"What your son is doing is odd. Normally a mage should with one sigil be only able to move an object away or towards himself. Sideways movement while the object is in front of them would already require constructing a minimum two command spell. Which would be "set point of reference" and "move left" or "move right" respectively. Would you be fine with us coming to study him tomorrow a bit? In exchange we'll give him a few free lessons."

Do you want their lessons?
>No (write in what you want to instead do that day)

What will you do during them studying you?
>demonstrate your abilities fully, but don't explain them
>explain to them the coordinate system and mathematics you are using
>feign ignorance and pretend it comes natural coax lessons out of them instead

What do you wanna study with them?
>fix your accumulation technique
>learn spellcrafting
>write in
>Do you want their lessons?

>What will you do during them studying you?
>>demonstrate your abilities fully, but don't explain them
Just say it feels natural to do it like this. The other mage only gave you pointers and told you to figure it out on your own

>What do you wanna study with them?
>>fix your accumulation technique
>>learn spellcrafting
Fix foundations and learn the basic concepts of spellcraft
>feign ignorance and pretend it comes natural coax lessons out of them instead
>fix your accumulation technique
>feign ignorance and pretend it comes natural coax lessons out of them instead
>feign ignorance and pretend it comes natural coax lessons out of them instead
>fix your accumulation technique
You pretend your abilities are some sort of natural talent. Demonstrating them, but not explaining them beyong saying "and then I imagine it gos whoosh and wheesh". The mages seem confused indeed. When you cast your spells they seem to be able to 'draw' roughly the shape of the spell sygil your thought produces, but it it not enough for them to replicate the effect.

Coaxing out information from them lets you train both things.
You train your accumulation technique to be done via meditation, you can't yet fully detach it from breahing, but learned the necessary steps to eventually do so.

Spellcrafting relies on the idea of producing solidified mana-sygils. Each sygil is a single thought or command. Each sygil needs to be produced and solidified outside your body then linked to another sygil. The links themselves are statements of priority, types of combinations, if and but statements. There exist standardised spell circles you just memorise, but to use them you need to first craft your own equivalent of the sygil. For you leaerning any stadardised spell may turn out impossible, if you chose to down the path of mathematics in magic.

The adventurer's move on after a few days of tutoring you and researching you, but say they'll come back one day.

What do you do now that you return to your daily life?
>help your mom with her herb work
>continue your magic obsession
>try to get closer with your dad
>keep studying with the neighbours
>try to laze around and play and have fun for a bit
>write in

Remember skipping ahead is an option
>try to get closer with your dad
>try to get closer with your dad


Lets skip ahead it's about time to. We got magic figuried, and QM can just simulate us mostly grinding.
>>try to get closer with your dad
>try to get closer with your dad
>>help your mom with her herb work
she seemed kind of out of her mind lately
>help your mom with her herb work
After the goblins have been defeated your mom goes herb picking alone once more, but unlike usual you want to stay home to help dad. His work is way more relaxed than Mom's. It's a hot summer day so he carries buckets from the pond to water all the crops. There is no small bucket so he just chats with you about random stuff while he does so. Most of it complete nonsense to entertain you.

Then later he takes a nap.

What do you do?:
>nap with him
>practice magic during nap time
>snack on some fruit
>write in

later you go shopping in the village. There is no shops or anything you just go to people's houses to ask for stuff Everyone seems to really like your dad. He buys all the expensive meats. After that you come back and he makes a quick dinner and leaves it on the tupper ware so it may be reheated once your mom is back.

Usually she'd be back by now, but she's running late. So he picks the ripe fruit in the garden... "2 in the basket, 1 for me and one for you." So you pass an hour or two doing so. usually he'd go to the miller by now, but as your mom is not there yet he strips himself and you down and instead you two play in the stream some.

As your mom comes back she seems really angry, she is tired but your dad seems to be relaxed as usual. Finally interrupting all he screaming he says: "You do this to yourself. Don't take your tiredness out on me. You work as much as you want, stop bitching and playing the victim over what you chose to do."

He takes the fruit, some money and goes to the Miller.

What will you do?
>try to talk to your mom
>help her in her work silently
>go off to play yourself at home
>go play in the stream
>practice maguc outside
>write in
>>practice magic during nap time
>help her in her work silently
>>nap with him
>>help her in her work silently
>practice magic during nap time
>try to talk to your mom
>practice magic during nap time
>help her in her work silently

Can we skip anons?

>support talk to her. Try to fix our parents issues.

Then time skip

>2 years
>practice magic during nap time
>>practice magic during nap time
>help her in her work silently
>Time skip
During nap time your magic instead. You feel your mana capacity rising with proper technique and 2 weeks of work whenever you could, you have already increased it to an estimated 33 from a starting 20 'mana value'.

Later after your parents small fight you try to help your mom in silence. Shejust keeps handing you more work to do until your father finally comes home. He yells at your mother reminding her that you're only 3. Your hands are swollen from peeling bark from sticks and crushing fruit.

You can't really make out the argument. You're dizzy, all you know that there is screaming from both sides. It stings your ears.

You overexerted yourself today. Once laid in bed you collapse to sleep, you know your parents continued fighting, but dozed off and woke up the next day with a string headache and some feaver.

Some people want to vote on a skip, so let's do that:

>no skip
>skip a year
>skip forward 2 years

When you vote please also write an 'agenda' to what you want to be doing or focusing on during the time skip.
>skip forward 2 years
>practice math
>grind magic basics
>help our parents occasionally so that they stay together and dont kill each other
>skip a year
I'll support this guy's (>>6037986) agenda, except I still only want to skip one year.
+1 to this.
>and hangout and meva

I think she’s a dwarf or some shit and they syngergizes well earth magic. And if all we do is grind math and magic our parents are going to think we’re autistic.
>skip a year.
>practice Stone carving with Meva
>Practice transmutation.
>Study alchemy and help mom.
We suggest dad uses mom's knowledge in Alchemy to make better wine and mom gets to relax more at home.
Let them work together.
A 2 year skip seems to have the highest support.
So let's see what work will be the focus in that time:
>practice math
>grind magic basics
>help parents not to kill each other
>hang out with Meva (thanks for finally figuring out she's a Dwarf, I don't need to talk roundabout that now)
>practice stone carving with Meva (can't learn trasmutation as you never were taught it)
>study alchemy and help mom
>convince your dad to try making some wines himself

The next 2 years your life help you get used to twis world. You learn that a priest comes to the village once per month to hold mass and that there are 8 gods within the local pantheon with usually light aligned or in once case dark alighned mages swearing themselves to them to recieve their boons. Elemental mages can too, but it's rare. You as an earth mage would need to swear yourself to the Weeping Widow who is the sole dark aligned divine of the pantheon. (earth is closest to dark in the divine chierarchy).

You learn that in autumn everyone is in a mad rush to pick mushrooms in the forest and that your mom is annyoed by that. She preffered to have the forest to herself. Winters are harsh and in many ways it's your dad's lavish spending in the warmer months that helps the poorer families through the winter. Snow is so tall you often can't leave the house at all for days and nights are long with monsters more desperate and agressive due to hunger prowling them. The adventuring trio you met before came by a few times to buy your moms cosmetics and see your magic progress.

During the last 2 years you studied magic intentely. You still can only do single command-application type spells, but by using your Cartesian Coordinate refference system you can make selected stone take complex paths via applying formulas.
Circles, loops, spirals, wave pattterns, slopes, even squares or zig-zags. All within a single command. You learn that magic power needed to move stone scales linearly with mass, but has a logarythmic element in speed. This allows you to move large rocks way above your expected mana capacity as long as you do it hillariously slowly.

Your mana capacity is over 160, this is from what you understand a number most students of a magic academy get to after their first year of practice. It's an impressive result, you are a bit mad that your elemental affinity is so low, as that means your mana counts as effectively 8.

You find some practical use for your application. You can use small scultures you make with Meva for various tasks. Like a stone plow, a stone winged knife for cutting branches from trees. A turbine which you make spin to dig holes. With that even your lazy father's garden has become much larger. You managed to convince him and your mom to try make some wines and use herbs to add some extra aroma.

This caused some problems with the Miller, but your dad assured him that the wines will be sold to the merchants and are not something that could put him in competition in the village. He also taught him some tricks with cheaper herbs to make his wine better without rising the prize. The whole wine idea surprsingly took off, with merchants happily buying up some of the herbal wine and your dad giddy over having found something he;s good at. Currently your family is split, the buisness relies a lot on the local herbs, but wealth-wise you have very much outgrown this small village.

Your family is contemplating moving away and purchasing herbs instead or moving in guaest workers:
>side with wanting to move
>side with bringing in guest workers
>propose buying slaves instead
Studying alchemy helps you learn about even more useful herbs and mushrooms. Medicinal plants, poisonous ones, tasty ones, etc. One that catches your attention is a poisonous plant which also makes your mouth puff up like the wolves-garlic, your mom is still working on making it less poisonous to see if it could be used in her lip gloss concotion. She also has recently found she's pregnant, thus a guest worker was hired to help her with her work and to then serve as a midwife. The guest worker is called Ayva, she's a middle aged nun. She helped moderate your household a bit, she also finds you very odd. She is decently nice though as she's been teaching the village kids how to read and write in her free time.

The day we come back on is the day Mevas siblings are comming to visit and it's her birthsday. Her parents are closer in age to your grandparents, so all 5 of her siblings are adults or teens. What do you do?
>let her celebrate with just her family
>go visit her later
>go to her mid day to also meet her siblings

What do gift her?
>a fancy stone statue
>a toy rocking-horse stone statue
>a few small stone toys
>get her some alchemically made colourful paints
>get her lots of pretty flowers
>side with bringing in guest workers

>go to her mid day to also meet her siblings

>a toy rocking-horse stone statue

Isn’t our family basically the backbone of this villages economy? It might be better to move, but it’d really sad for our childhood village to fall to ruin. Maybe bringing in some workers will help it grow.
>>side with bringing in guest workers

See which locals are interested first tho.
Take preventive measures against industrial espionage by keeping the herbal mixtures a secret and ask mom to use test subjects to see what is safe.
No lead poisoning here.
Maybe learn more writing and reading to do math with.

>>go to her mid day to also meet her siblings
>>practice sculpting a fancy stone castle based on legos she can re-arrange as she pleases
We get precision magic practice in that way and can see if it can be scaled up for building purposes later on.
>side with wanting to move
>go visit her later
>a toy rocking-horse stone statue
>go to her mid day to also meet her siblings
>Slaves get a cat girl or an elf.

>get her some really nice stone that she can make something out of.
>side with bringing in guest workers
>go to her mid day to also meet her siblings
>a toy rocking-horse stone statue
>side with bringing in guest workers
>go visit her later
>a fancy stone statue
>Guest workers
>Mid day
>a toy rocking horse stone statue

Your parents like the idea of looking aroudn for workers in the village and to hire guest workers too. Among the locals most have already jobs. One willing participant is Oscar, he's the 13 year old middle son of the Miller interested in your dad's fancy wines. The other is Old Ballanda, the oldest person in the village as old as the Old Miller she has not been doing work for over a decade, but wants to feel usefulo again and mixing is herbs is something she feels up to doing. Not far from your house the construction of a lodge for the workers begins and job adverts for job seekers are distributed with the help of the merchant's company who pushes to 'expand the operation' with that the guest lodge is prepared to hold 20 workers among them a permanent delegate and manager from the Silver Pheasant merchant company.

You make your ways to Meva, you feel a bit worried about her siblings but push on. You use your magic and streangth to help move the 30+ kilo stone horse. Slowly bit by bit you get it into the house of blacksmith. Meva has recieved many gifts, 5th birthsdays are special among Dwarves it seems. She recieved a hammer and a piece of coal which she is to use when lighting her first furnace from her eldest brother. A few dolls from her eldest sister. Her 2nd brother gifted her a book in dwarven, her 3rd brother gifted her an expensive stone known as an azure jade to make a statue from and her 4th brother got her just a large amount of stone building blocks of varying colour. Finally you drag in the stone horse. It's definetly the peak of your sculpting craft, a project you did in secret for months.

Meva welcomes you with a hug, but is confused by the gift.
You try to lift her on top of it, but she's too heavy, so you tell her to climb on and rock back and fourth. She climbs her way onto the horse and tries rocking on it but gets scared once it moves. After you and her father encourage her some more she tries rocking more on the horse. She makes a brave face and says she had fun, but gets down from it very quickly. She thanks you for the gift with another hug and starts introducing you to her syblings.

Barbatos - the oldest, assistant mine overseer at the Court of the Undermountain King, he made it high in life
Ayuva - her only sister, a teacher in a school
Afghar - a jeweler from far away>
Khun - an adventurer
Kheskar - still a student, but managed to get into a prestigous school with a scholarship

The birthsday party is nice and you are welcomed warmly. There is a big cake made with sour bread and fungi pickled in alcochol. You find it of questionable taste but everyone else likes it. There is also some fruit to snack on, you find them tasty but everyone else except Meva seems mixed about it. Meva having grown up on the surface seems to have grown fond of the taste of fruit.

The party ends and it's time to chat and play. You are Mevas playmate trying out all her new toys with her. Her singlings also join you in the play.

>focus on playing
>ask one of them some questions (specify which one and what)

Barbatos comments how for a human child yoru carving skills are incredible. As unlike dwarves humans don't usually know how to carve stone at all
>attribute it to Mevas dad being a good teacher
>attribute it to wanting to be as good as Meva
>say it's because you are an earth mage
>boast about your innate talent

Khun seems to be egging you and Meva on to fight and Meva seems ready
>try to wrestle with Meva
>snitch on Khun to Meva's parents
Also give me 4 d100 rolls to see if any good or bad events happened during the skip. I forgot to include that last post
Rolled 65, 37, 74, 44 = 220 (4d100)

>>focus on playing
>>ask one of them some questions (specify which one and what)
>Barbatos: Do dwarves work with humans in the court of the Undermountain King? Are dwarves good friends with humans?

>Barbatos comments how for a human child yoru carving skills are incredible. As unlike dwarves humans don't usually know how to carve stone at all

>>say it's because you are an earth mage
>>boast about your innate talent

>Khun seems to be egging you and Meva on to fight and Meva seems ready

>>try to wrestle with Meva
Rolled 4 (1d100)


I assume anons roll 1d100 each so do I roll a d100?
Rolled 70 (1d100)

>focus on playing
>attribute it to wanting to be as good as Meva
>try to wrestle with Meva

Its her big day
Rolled 17 (1d100)

>>focus on playing
>attribute it to wanting to be as good as Meva
>try to wrestle with Meva
Rolled 72 (1d100)

already voted
> Focus on playing
> You boast about your innate talent
> try to wrestle with Meva
You decide focus your attention on Meva on her big day and play with her all she wants. You build a big magnifficent down from the stone blocks, her siblings take part in making it too. You catch them giggling a bit.

Then the question from her eldest brother comes and you answer boasting abut your own talent. He thinks to himself that is a predictably childish answer, but praises your talent and asks you if you can speak dwarven. Upon finding that you learned a bit of it, he gives you an approving nod and waddles off to talk to his parents. Maybe he thinks you're a dwarf-human mix or something.

Lastly egged on into the fight Meva is ready to go. You have avoided wrestling with her before, dwarves are really tough so saying they play rough is an understatement. It is her big day so you go for it.

The wrestling starts with her upper-cutting you, she's going harder than usual probably to show off. Before you manage to regain your senses she picks you up, hoits you above her head and slams you into one of the building block towers. Your body is flung against a pile of rocks and air leaves your lungs. You catch your composure and pull her leg baking her fall on the back of her head. You quickly pounce and start punching her face, but she headbuts your chest and as you lose your breath ocne more you are put into an arm lock and lose your breath. Round one was lost.

How to continue the wrestling? Meva seems to be having a lot of fun
> say that was enough
> agree to one more round. Fight notmally (you will likely lose)
> use magic to even the odds (legal, euqlises odds to 50:50)
> beat her with a rock (against the rules)

Once you come home no matter the outcome you'll look like you came out of a street fight.
> sneak in hope no one notices
> calm down your mom so she does nto rip the neighbours a new one
> come back normally let it play out
> talk about the situation as if you had tons of fun
I'll count only first roll here.

Very bad event - recently in the village things started to go missing, people would wake up with random cuts on their body.

It seems to be a growing pixie infestation. Adventurers were notified, but it's unclear how quickly they will come.

They have stolen the small horse statue Meva gifted you 2 years ago. What will you do about this?>investigate the pixies
>lay a trap and catch one for interrogation
>try to find their hive and stolen things
>wait for the adventurers to figure things out
>try to negotiate with the pixies

minor good event, the crops are better than usual in your garden there is a lot of friot you can snack on what do you snack on?

Mid bad event. The local creek has started overgrowing making some land sangeorus to traverse and destroying some farmland further down. If this continues your familys harden will be harmed too.
>hope it fixes itself
>wait until the adults do something about it
>start trying to secure your garden
>hike up the river source to see what happened
>> use magic to even the odds (legal, euqlises odds to 50:50)
but tell her that you are going all out to make it fairer

>Once you come home no matter the outcome you'll look like you came out of a street fight.
>> calm down your mom so she does nto rip the neighbours a new one
>> talk about the situation as if you had tons of fun
We did agree to fight with full intention that we will likely get hurt and say it was a good experience for you
>lay a trap and catch one for interrogation
Use a trap that looks like a lovely trinket or statue that when pulled, would close two sides of an earthen sphere to trap a pixie. leave air holes.maybe we can trade with the pixies after we know more about them by getting commissioned to make small horse statues
>hike up the river source to see what happened
> say that was enough
> sneak in hope no one notices

>wait for the adventurers to figure things out
>start trying to secure your garden
> use magic to even the odds (legal, equalizes odds to 50:50)

> talk about the situation as if you had tons of fun

>lay a trap and catch one for interrogation

>hike up the river source to see what happened
>> use magic to even the odds (legal, euqlises odds to 50:50)
> calm down your mom so she does not rip the neighbours a new one
>lay a trap and catch one for interrogation
>hike up the river source to see what happened
>Use magic
>tie between calm and talk as if it was fun
>tie between grapes and strawberries
>lay trap for pixies
>hike up the river
Your fight with Meva continues. You use magic to try and make her slip on the blocks, but she gets on all fours and charges you like a goat ramming hear head in your abdomen. You grab her waist and slam her on her head, but with a lucky kick she hits your jaw and you are knocked out.

A bit after you wake up and go home where you manage to explain everything to your mom. She sees you had fun which has her a bit worried, but you understand it was a one-time stunt on her birthsday. Your dad on the other hand keeps laughing at you for being beaten up by a girl, he does not take you up on the proposal of fighting with Meva's older sister though.

Mevas siblings would leave 1 by 1 the next day.

You greedily munch on both strawberries and grapes.

A few days after the incident you notice the stream widening and hike up to see what is going on it seems another stream connected to it so the problem won't just go away.

What do you do?
>try to fix things yourself using earth magic
>inform the adults
>try to regulate the water flow. More water can't be worse if managed
>try to hike further upstream out of curiosity

Trying to capture a pixie succeeds. Lured by toys and colourful treats it springs the trap and starts screming. The screaming wakes up your parents and the nun working for you. In a panic they begin closing all the windows and glogging up all the holes. You provked the pixies they want their own back out and are clawing at the house. They can be deadly in suck large numbers.
>try to talk to the captured pixy
>help everyone clog the holes
>try also screaming for help
>start killing the pixies that got in
>inform the adults
>try to talk to the captured pixy
>>inform the adults
>>try to hike further upstream out of curiosity
Try to find out the whole situation and mention that you might be able to manage it with earth magic

>>try to talk to the captured pixy
>>help everyone clog the holes
Try to get everyone to calm down and trade the pixie back with gifts and toys if they will work with you and not bother the town. maybe setup future trading with you only
>inform the adults
>try also screaming for help
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how are we doing fellow plebs

>>try to fix things yourself using earth magic

>start killing the pixies that got in
>help everyone clog the holes
>Inform the adults
You get a scolding for hiking upstream, but they now know what to do. They thought it was just a temporary increase in amount of water due to rains, but now a more permanent solution had to be found. The men of the village managed to solve the problem quickly using some wooden planks and shovels.

>try clog the holes
>talk to the pixie
You get to work clogging the holes. With your earth magic you manage to close the holes very quickly, but the clawing and banging by the pixies continues. The captured pixie continues screaming. As you look at it and the ones banging the windows you notice the captured pixie is much bigger.
You got unlucky, very unlucky. It's a pixie princess, she would soon float away to start a new hive, but was captured instead.

Your parents panick and are mad at you for trying to catch the pixie. Even your laid back father is screaming. As things calm down you talk to the pixie. Calming her down she stops screaming and the banging stops.

"Why have you captured me human child, why? How? Let me go! Let me go! I will kill you all let me go! I'll rip your throats out!!!"

Your mother and the maid are visibly terrified. Your father stands vigilant ready to squash she squirrel sized monster with a broom.

Your first thought is to mention the toy the pixies swiped from you, but all the Pricess can say is

"It's for my new hive. It's mine. MINE MINE MINE MINE! If you pay me better I can trade it to you, but it's mine!"

You for now agree and present your other statues to the pixie offering them in trade. At the end the pixie agrees to trade the horse for the toys and once the deal is agreed to the other small stone statues disappear and the horsie reappears.
"Now let me go so I can kill you."

With further negotiation the trapped being agrees to not kill you, but you also need to be trapped. Your parents agree to put you in a cage for a day... it's a harsh punishment, but you did screw up. Lastly the pixie proposes that if you bring it a small statue every 2 weeks she'll give you a reward. This is said to your mind directly without your parents hearing.

What to do?
>agree to the 3rd offer of the fey and keep your end
>don't agree
>agree but refuse to keep your end to see what happens
>agree, but try to mark your sculptures with earth magic to track down the new Hive
>disagree, but negotiate a different bargain (write in)

What to do next day in the cage?
>practice maths
>practice magic
>practice sculpting
>ask the nun about pixies
>agree to the 3rd offer of the fey and keep your end
>ask the nun about pixies
>agree to the 3rd offer of the fey and keep your end
>ask the nun about pixies
>>6042941 #
>agree to the 3rd offer of the fey and keep your end
>ask the nun about pixies
We shall see
Ain't fey creatures like woodland lawyers? How do we know that the "reward" is going to be anything good when what the "reward" is isn't actually defined? A reward while carrying positive connotations doesn't have to be something good just something giving in recognition of an effort or achievement.

TLDR: What stops them from rewarding us with a quick death or worse?
Not to mention the end state for this deal isn't even defined we could literally end up being in a position where we are forced to deliver this pixie a small statue every 2 weeks for the rest of our lives seriously guys be careful here.

>don't agree
>ask the nun about pixies
I'm this guy.
Changing to
>don't agree
>ask the nun about pixies
>agree to the 3rd offer of the fey and keep your end
>ask the nun about pixies

Nah this pixie seems pretty childish. I doubt it's the type of fey to do tricks.
Is that something to bet our future on though? Eh whatever just try not to underestimate them looks can be deceiving and nothing embodies that better than the feken fey. At minimum be prepared for the pixie to try to rope us into further more dangerous fey shenanigans after this.
>don't agree
>even if i dont take this deal we can still trade

>ask the nun about pixies
>4:2 Agree wins
The Pixie Princess and her horde quickly disappear once the deal is signed. Time to work on your scupture I guess. What will it be?
>an animal
>a toy
>a useful tool
>a pixie

You sit in the cage. And ask about Pixies, the nun first lectures you about hwo what you did was very irresponsible and dangerous. First of all the Pixie Monarch was contraitned to by the physical cage, but by the fact that the owners of the house 'trapped her' . Among supernatural creatures the idea of a house strongly constrains them, the 'owner' of a realm can restrict actions another takes, but among fey specifically they follow very strict etiquette and 'trapping' a guest goes against it. Pixies being dark-element alighned Fey especially tend to try to be tricky and malicious in all their actions.

Pixies seem to have a high level of interest in pretty things and human things. The Nun then adds

"Whatever deal that thing whispered to you I hope you didn't agree. The church does not look kindly towards dealings with these kinds of beings."

Well too late to have regrets now. You also learn about pixie biology. They are kind of like hornets or bees. They live in large hives made out of wax that they build with their long tongues. Their hives are bigger on the inside and often contain the trinkets they stole. Pixies are associated with fungi when it comes to their fey-domain, thus places where they dwell will grow a lot of them. Non-monarch pixies can't generally talk and even the monarch you met could be relatively easily tricked, they are not very smart luckily. It's the higher Fey one should really worry about.

You are also made to memorise a few prayers to ward off fey creatures and dark creatures. Way more of a lecture than you wanted.

What do do the next 2 weeks?
>play with Meva
>train fighting
>make the best sculture possible
>train magic
>help with alchemy work
>write in
>a pixie

>make the best sculture possible
>>a toy
a rocking viking ship thats pixie sized
>train magic
>+1 to this. Lets see what happens.
>a pixie
>train fighting
>a pixie
>train magic. Use earth magic to make the pixie hyper realistic.
>>a toy
>train magic
if they're interested in human things then making a pixie probably wouldn't interest them much and might annoy them
>make a pixie
>tie between best possible statue and training magic - train magic useful for sculpting

For the pixie statue you realise you should use the hardest rock you can. A chunk of marble you managed to get from the merchants after a statue they transported broke. Shaping marble is extremely hard because it's a hard type of stone, but via this harness you can add detail you never did before.

Your mana and controll are decent by now, but you are stuck being able to use only the single 'move' command as opposed to chained spells. You can't chain commands into spells yet so you need to figure out a single command way to help your stoneworking. The solution is something you have a hard time finding. Afterall any complex use of application-earth magic requires at least a 2 command spell usually 'select' for being the first needed component.

Working marble per hand on the other hand would be extremely labor intensive. To say it blankly you are stuck unless you figure out more complex spells or learn transmutation or infusion type magic to soften stone and work with it normally.

Having wasted much of your time on overambitious projects (because tie on two things), you instead make a less impressive sandstone pixie statue on the last day before the due date.

Finally the day of the pact arrives. The Pixie Princess materialises before you and is not impressed. Looking at the trinket from all sides it's not even as good as your prior work.

"You are stupid and bad at this. I should have never made a deal with you. But a deal was made so I will give you a reward, a bad reward because the statue is bad." the pixie materialises 5 overripe blueberries in a small bag

>accept the reward silently
>promise to do better next time
>explain what happened and ask for advice
>try to sway the pixie with a different gift
>explain what happened and ask for advice

They’re a dark-aligned creature and earth is dark-aligned so maybe they have some insight.
>promise to do better next time
>explain what happened and ask for advice
>promise to do better next time
>explain what happened and ask for advice
>>explain what happened and ask for advice
>what do pixies like? try to squeeze more information about them generally
>explain what happened and ask for advice
>>6044655 (earth is not dark aligned. Earth however is the closest other element to dark)

"You want to do better for better reward, but you did worse. What a stupid human, very stupid. That defeats the whole point." the Pixie starts flotaing upside down "but if I tell you I will get better trinket. Should I, should I should I...?"

The pixie flots around a bit more

"Magic, I use magic as I want, but humans can't. I can't learn magic, but humans can. Stupid human your problem I can solve, but at a prize. If your next statue is not nice, I will take your eye."

>agree to the pixies deal
>goat her intead to showcase her magic seeing if you can learn how to make spells
>goat her into showcasing infusion or transmutation
>no deal, but promise to deliver a nice statue next time

Now onto the next statue work:
>try to figure it out and make on with magic
>make a normal statue
>make one normally but focus hard on working on it
>ask Meva's dad for some extra advice
>>agree to the pixies deal

>make one normally but focus hard on working on it

Our last statue was medicore because we wasted time trying to magic it. The next statue should be good as long as we put our nose to the grindstone and focus.
>>>agree to the pixies deal
>>make one normally but focus hard on working on it
Make a david statue with less cock
>agree to the pixies deal

>make one normally but focus hard on working on it
>ask Meva's dad for some extra advice
>>no deal, but promise to deliver a nice statue next time
>make one normally but focus hard on working on it
>I feel there may have been some miscommunication here. Why are you making it normally after risking your eye to get the solution to make it magically? (so I'll host a revote)

You agree to the pixie's deal a wide grin appears on it's face as a black mark which recmbles either fey wings or two snakes appears within the palm of your hand. You did learn from the nun that people can make contracts with magica;l beings. Those subjugated are known as familiars, those you trade with (like you) are contractors and those you pay homage too which are much stronger than you are known as patreons.

You have become a contractor of a dark alighned fey. Due to your alighment being earth and you having the 2nd wort elemental attunement you deliver mana to the fairy at a 56% efficiency. (40% base from earth and 16% from second lowest single element affinity).

The very essence of your earth twists. Your dream of using it to farm is shattered as your mana now carries a 'debuff' effect. Meaning any earth you plow or prep using your magic will become weakly poisonous to life. Your mana reserve decreases by 5% as the mana goes to the fey, altering it's nature to be dark-earth. In exchange using earth to debuff so blindign with sand, making quicksand to slow etc will be more effective. Crystaline bits and bobs appear on her.

You recieve your debt to pay. The fey grants you her 'select+connect' spellcrafting ability which she uses to steal stuff. You may now start creating spells you took a shortcut to learning propper spellcrafting. More importantly though you will not be able to attend any accedemy of magic within this country as within your nation the faith of the 8 divines is strongly enforced and contracts with other entities are banned, Being caught having a contract at all will likely have you punished by the church.
We're gonna repeat the 2nd question from last time:
>try to figure it out and make on with magic
>make a normal statue
>make one normally but focus hard on working on it
>ask Meva's dad for some extra advice

What do do about the pact?
>try to learn how to break one (suspicious)
>claim you were tricked into it (you will be taken away, but may be cured. Possibly too late to save your eye though)
>complete the statue request, revist problem after
>just try to hide it. Don't use the feygranted magic in front of others
>make one normally but focus hard on working on it

What do do about the pact?
>try to learn how to break one (suspicious)

Didn't know fey magic would suck so much and have huge drawbacks.
Pull out, exterminate pixies
Well that was kind of fucked qm. I wouldn't of voted for the pixie to help us if it instantly made us an outcast and on everyone's kill list of they found out...

If you're doing a revote might as retcon the whole thing.

If you're not going to retcon like that.

>kill the pixie. No pixie no contract.

>practice magic. Use substitution with variables to combine magic. This will allow us to insert multiple things together by having a variable like P = it's own formula. E(earth magic spell earthquake) = P(precision) +,-,×,/ M(magic) +,-,×,/ L(Location)

There we're now casting complicated spells. Instead of just doing a single command. We now have a multi variable command with different formulas attached to our specific variables.
>make one normally but focus hard on working on it
>ask Meva's dad for some extra advice

>complete the statue request, revist problem after

Let’s focus on saving our eyes first before anything else.
>>make one normally but focus hard on working on it
>>complete the statue request, revist problem after
>try to figure it out and make on with magic
>complete the statue request, revist problem after
It's a pixie. It's an evil aligned fey creature.
Fey especially pixies aren't evil aligned. They're usually chaotic neutral. Meaning they are pranksters and mischievous. You even said that yourself.

"Pixies being dark-element alighned Fey especially tend to try to be tricky and malicious in all their actions.

Pixies seem to have a high level of interest in pretty things and human things. The Nun then adds

"Whatever deal that thing whispered to you I hope you didn't agree. The church does not look kindly towards dealings with these kinds of beings.""

We were never told dark element is kill on sight not being allowed to magic school ect. You literally said dark aligned fey. Fey are almost always neutral aligned. So it just sounded like these Fey use dark magic to play their pranks and steal shinies. Not they're using evil black magic. The nun even said I hope you didn't. Not if you did make a contract we taking you out back to burn you at the stake.
What do you think malicious means? Half the words the pixie says is about wanting to kill you or wanting you to wager your eyeball.

The dark element is not killing on sight. Pacts with entities outside the 8 divines are however illegal. 7 divines are light aligned and 1 dark.

It was never explained because you never much pursued learning theology.

You're 5, you won't get burned at the stake. You'd need to be takes on a high ranking cleric of the 8 divines to break the pact and in the meanwhile be protected by paladins.

Sonit would result in being shipped off to a monastery for years.

There is stuff that will however get people burned on the stake, but that's spoilers.
>make one normally but focus hard on working on it
>complete the statue request, revist problem after

You decide to put all your work to completing the request best you can and to push off any thoughts of Pixie meddlings later. You don't even use the magic the pixie grants you. You grab a chizzel and continue hammering the barely started marble from last week.

Once you get the hang working with the harder than usual stone you manage to get some great work done and carve in detail. Your parents are getting worried why you are gone so much, but they are buisy themselves as the migrant workers have started trickling in. If you were less buiosy you'd have paid some attention to them, but oh well.

You manage to create a decent marble statue of a pixie. Not as good as you imagined, but way above any of your prior work. The Pixie arrives and likes it. Likes it a lot. So she breaks it.

"I am happy with it. Now it's all mine no one else will see it." you watch a month of your work crumble into chunks of stone which soon dissapear taken by the pixie. - "As promised you shall recieve a reward. You did well stupid human so you can have a nice reward now."

What do you want?
>some valuable thing
>more pixie powers
>ask the pixie to take back her prior gift (unlikely to agree roll a 1d100 to see if she does)

(From now it's assumed you can deliver statues of adequate quality to the pixie now and by default recieve some useful trinkers from her for it. Mention when you want to dedicate time making better statues for her.)

You get back to your everyday life. You now know you can make statues to satisfy the pixie. So it's time to get back to your daily duties. What are you gonna do tomorrow?
>try to research pixies and breaking the pact
>train magic
>get to know the migrant workers
>help your parents
>play with Meva
>focus on skulpting (specify what)
>train alchemy
>train math
>go exploring
>>Tell us about rare magic and secret fry shit

>train magic

We can use the pixie powers for little bit to deepen our understanding of magic, we’re five as long as we break it within the next few years before we go the academy we should be good.
*Secret fey shit
>Tell us about rare magic and secret fey shit

>train alchemy

>>try to research pixies and breaking the pact
dark magic sucks, i want to farm with earth magic

>ask the pixie to take back her prior gift (unlikely to agree roll a 1d100 to see if she does)

>train magic
Oooh actually for the rare magic ask if there are any fey rituals to increase our talent/attunement for our earth magic. That is shit actually worth risking our life over.
>information/Tell us about rare magic and secret fey shit
"Lust for power, I'd imagine I'm talking to an adventurer not a child. If you want to become more earthly you made a contract with the wrong entity. What you'd need is an earth elemental or that thing Dwarves worship albeit he does not tend to make contracts with humans.

Stupid human you can have only one contract! You can't get anymore, so you better give me lots of goodies. Give me what I want and you'll see we'll both come better out of it at the end, or at least I will."

Secret fey things. Hmm... hmm... hmm... As my gift I shall teach you fey etiquette. As long as one obeys etiquette a fey cannot harm you and must welcome you as a guest in their home. You are a silly mortal trying to cast magic, so you should like it. Fey food afterall helps greatly boost magic aquissition. Some gluttony instead of your constant excercises. Next time you do well, I will tell you where to go and become a guaest at.

Pastendarsil (Pixie princess name) proceeds to teach you fey etiquette.
1. A guest must announce themselves at least a week prior - leaving an object of yours, or a letter near their abode is enough
2. A guest must bring a gift - a gift, must be pretty or fancy
3. Once invited one is to take off their shoes, coat, and hat. You must bring all 3 at all cost
4. A guest must be polite at all times and follow literally all rules of the hosue (or he can get eaten)
5. A guest has to always leave unfinished food on his plate, but must taste at least one of the dishes each
6. Once goodbyes are said a guest may not turn around towards the host's house for at least an hour. And may not invite themselves again for a millenium unless invited first.

This is obviously the superificial stuff. The actual propper etiquette takes quite a lot of study.
The pixie would come every day near your bedtime to lecture you on this and that. Fey etiquette certainly seems convoluted on purpose. Thinkgs mandatory in one moment are impolite and banned in another. When to greet, how to greet are all important. A endless labyrith of technicalities building on technicalities, and moreso ones you can't avoid engaging in. It is mandatory and strict. You wonder if nobles in theis world act like that too... (recomended to train fay etiquette before trying to go to a Fey's House)

>train magix
Through the fey pact you manage to also learn how to string together spells yourself using your own mana. You can make 2command spells or 3 command spells if you utilise the pixies link. Adding extra commands is hard because it increases the complexity of the mana-output and forces you to keep the forming spell longer stable in your hand. Casting speed has not been a problem for you thus far, but it's something you'll need to train more.

You now can finally directly manipulate earth not just lose rocks. use it to shape rock to uplift your sculting, use it to create obstructions in the ground (holes/bulges). You also figure out you can use it to stack spell effects. Moving an object grows proportionally with it's weight, but quadratically with it's speed. You can move an object twice as fast expending only twice the mana if you chain the same commands with each other. You can also turn rocks into dust clouds by chaining together contradictory movement commands.

With that the next day dawns, what will you do? (can pick 2 options)
>learn more about pixie pacts and breaking them
>play with Meva (she's starting to miss you)
>train alchemy
>train fey etiquette
>train math
>go exploring (you can roll a 1d6 to see if Meva would come with you)
>get to know the migrant workers some
>help your dad with work
>train magix (write in what)
>play with Meva (she's starting to miss you)
>train fey etiquette

Improving our magical acquisition with fey food sounds pretty good. Obviously not a long-term option like getting in good with a dwarf god through Meva would be, but we can utilize this contract for a bit to our benefit before switching through whichever means possible.
>>learn more about pixie pacts and breaking them

>>train math

We need to eat that magic boosting food at a feys house.

Once we are done power leveling magic. We can break our pixie pact.
We can also ask about what Dwarves worship
>play with Meva (she's starting to miss you)
>train fey etiquette
Things seem near unanymous on:
>play with Meva (she's starting to miss you)
>train fey etiquette

You go to play with Meva. It's only been 5 weeks since her birthsday, but many things have changed. Her stone carving curriculum seems much reduced as she reached the level needed to further her education in Dwarf School. Instead she is learning to work with metal. making scultures out of heated solid metal blocks. She also has to memorise various types of ore and practice hand to hand combat as well as combat using an axe.

At this point you can't take part in most of her lessons anymore as it'd be both too dangerous for a human child and they're more of a family secret thing. You can learn about the ores though.

Later you go to play together. First you do your classic thing of building cities with blocks and destroying them pretending to be monsters. Then you can do some carving for fun and do something akin to playing house with the carved animals and dolls.

You decide to play 'fairy house' and so with Meva you try to practice Fey etiquette. You don't tell her what it's about, but she is a hard-ass about rules so no one better to instantly point out if you made a mistake. Later you even decide to 'play house properly'. You bring out her stone horse, and some of your larger more plushy toys from your home. Sometimes Meva is the host, soemtimes you, but you put the fey etiquette into practice while playing.

Eventually her mom interrupts your play. She thinks you are just doing pretend-etiquette. So she tries to use it to teach you 'real' dwarven etiquette, but Meva gets mad for interrupting. You are allowed to continue playing like you did, but thanks to you Meva now has to take etiquette lessons.

The next few days pass quite uneventfully. Soon it's going to be your birthsday. It's the 5th one so it's important you can be a bit more greedy without raising suspicion. What do you ask?
>magic supplies from the Brown Mage tower (1d6 chance of feypact being caught)
>visit to the Cathedral (1d4 chance of being caught, but may learn how to undo the pact)
>carving tools (1d4 chance of giving the pixie a satisfactory result without trying)
>visit a circus
>lots of toys
>a book from the merchant company (you will learn/be taught reading)
(aviable book topics you may pick 2: Herbalism, Low Alchemy, Myths of Fairies, Holy Book of the 8 divines, On Dwarves, The 4th school of magic: A ray of hope for low affinity mages)
>a visit to the advnturers guild - paying some quick pennies for basic mage tutolage
>write in

You may promise to be a very good boy and help out with chores for 4 months to pick 2 gifts not 1:
>for 2 months you'll dedicate yourself to helping mom and dad with their work - much reduced personal training time and time to play with Meva

For now what do you want to focus on in the week of your birthsday? (2 things)
>magic training
>playing with Meva
>practice fey etiquette more
>alchemy practice
>garden work
>collect bugs - apparently something boys tend to do for fun in summer
>practice hand to hand combat
>learn about crops and farming
>>visit to the Cathedral (1d4 chance of being caught, but may learn how to undo the pact)
>a book from the merchant company (you will learn/be taught reading)
Holy book of the 8 divines, The 4th school of magic
>for 2 months you'll dedicate yourself to helping mom and dad with their work - much reduced personal training time and time to play with Meva
>magic training
>magic supplies from the Brown Mage tower (1d6 chance of feypact being caught)

>magic training
>practice fey etiquette more
The 4th school of magic: A ray of hope for low affinity mages)
>a visit to the advnturers guild - paying some quick pennies for basic mage tutolage

We good boy

>practice fey etiquette more
>hand to hand combat.
>visit to the Cathedral (1d4 chance of being caught, but may learn how to undo the pact)
Get me out.

No promises.

>playing with Meva
What's the point of training fey ettiquette before if we just immediately lose our pact before we can benefit from it at all.
I regret ever dealing with fey and I thought they would be neutral and not evil and taint our magic.
I want to use earth magic to farm
Yeah but we can break it at a later time. What's time limited is increasing our magic using the fey food- which we need to do before the pact runs out. I say we at least make one more statue and get the location for the other fey. Then go over and see how much the food increases our magic then plan from there.

The taint is temporary.

I chose this.

So we can do this.
I'll switch my reward vote to getting the book
>4th school of magic
Hey QM, I just want to say I love this quest. Don't let it die. Despite the typos, and rough start, this has a lot of potential.
Our main goals should be...

1. Kill that fucking gey fey, it does nothing but fuck us over.

2. Marry Meva, best girl for us. Quarter dwarf children, secret dwarf runes, etc.

3. Make the village a tax stealing fortress ( plays on our previous experience)
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Dice for karma/life luck.

>pls someone help
>a book from the merchant company (you will learn/be taught reading)
The 4th school of magic: A ray of hope for low affinity mages) , Myths of Fairies
>magic supplies from the Brown Mage tower (1d6 chance of feypact being caught)
>for 2 months you'll dedicate yourself to helping mom and dad with their work - much reduced personal training time and time to play with Meva

>alchemy practice
OP have faith
Rolled 2 (1d2)

I am a little bit confused by the confundled answers, but I think this has most of the votes generally:
>be a good boy so you pick 2 gifts
>Books from the merchants: Books picked - well vaguely mentioned: 4th school of magic,

>tie between going with the adventurers tutelage and brown mage tower so I'll roll a 1d2 to pick that (1 adventurers 2 bronw mage tower)

Plan for this week
>Magic training

Please pick a 2nd book from the list:
aviable book topics you may pick 2: Herbalism, Low Alchemy, Myths of Fairies, Holy Book of the 8 divines, On Dwarves,
>Myth of Fairies

Since we're not doing fey Etiquette this week.
I got all I need for the update.

You spend your week quite comfortably. You focus on trainig your magic. You notice it was quite easy to get back the magic capacity you 'bargained off' to the pixie way quicker than building it up first. Your spell controll has also gotten better, but you are far off from making 3 component spells purely with your skills. Your controll has gotten better while your magic has a foundation in maths you are able to perform certain actions on instinct by now. Your focus on sculpting helps you create your second masterpiece.

The pixie is delighted and will offer you your first location of a fey abode you can visit.

Your birtsday this year is spent at home with the Silver Pheasant merchants arriving to celebrate bringing your gifts. Two books. One short books written hastily by someone by hand detailing a supposed 4th school of magic and another to learn more about Fey.

You don't have time to study them but are told what they contain briefly. The 4th school of magic is called augmentation. It's a school of magic really only usuable by low affintiy mages it relies on changing the properties of your element. You alter your element to be 'less like your element'. Instead exploring the other properties of your mana. It also includes a short description on how to explore and discover the other properties, the ones that otherwise keep your magic affinity low.

Myths of fairies talks about how Fairies. An extensilve plain text explanation of known types of fairies, their likes & dislikes etc. It'll be a useful source to compliment what the Pixie has been teaching you. You can't read human tongue yet, you'll only be learning though.

Your birthsday party is joyful like it was the prior years. Meva give you a metal sculpture, an intricate depicting a beatle.
Metal is quite valuable so you have to take good care of it. Even if it's quite soft dirty iron.

The next day you go visit the mage tower with your father. Luckily your fay pact is not caught and you have fun seeing the mages work. Brown mages appear to mostly be used as construction crews. In tandem with physical workers they can have a house built in only a few hours. You manage to aquire some low quality magic supplies there mainly things more advanced mages find no longer useful. One is a staff. It is a bit large for you. Staffs can 'store' spells. You can prepare a few of your own spells earlier and as long as you hold on to the staff in your hand you can rapidly deploy it. The staff is flawed and only able to hold 2 spells as opposed to 6 even a low tier staff could hold.

The other is a shattered prismarine chrystal. It helps split mana types flowing through it. Being broken it lost maybe 60% of it's efficiency. Prismarine allows to split mana like a prism splits light, if you learn to wield one you can accumulate pure elemental mana more efficiently it's especially important if you one day move into an area where your element is not the most abundant one. (not hills or mountains). You will need to learn to channel your mana absorption through it not through your feet as you've done thus far.

On the evening once your back you get your first lead to a fey banquet.

Give me 4 x 1d100 rolls:

1: health of your soon to be born siblings
2: their number. 85+ is twins, 100 is triplets (even vs uneven will be the gender, if twins I'll look at evenness of each digit)
3: Elental type of the fairy: 1-15 light 16-30 air 31-45 water 46-60 earth 61-75 fire 76-90 darkness 91-100 pure Fey
4: Power of the fey

Now choices:
Do you go to the Fey banquet?

Will you ask someone to read in the Fey book about the type of Fey? (may be suspicious)

where will you aid your parents work?
>herb picking
>wine making
Rolled 67 (1d100)




Hopefully we aren't too suspicious.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

>Herb Picking.
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Rolled 83 (1d100)

Opps forgot dice
Do you go to the Fey banquet?
Will you ask someone to read in the Fey book about the type of Fey? (may be suspicious)

where will you aid your parents work?
we should really learn reading some time soon anons
>herb picking
I have it one more day hoping for the tie to resolve but it's a 3-way tie now instead. So I'll redo the Aiding parents in work vote:
>herb picking

You get a normally healthy sister she looks similar to your mom.

You have the nun read you the fey book. You see her suspicions mounting. You learn about the types of mid-high ranked light-fey. There appear to be 4 types which fit this description.

Narkhemri - a butterfly type fey. Aroudn 2 meters tall. Obsessed with fashion and good looks. Her etiquette type is the high-fey etiquette. Narkhemri enjoys bright colours and sweet foods that don't require much chewing. Despite being light alighned she can display a poison affinity as such flowers of poisonous herbs would make a good gift. Her house resembles a human abode, but taking rope to climb around areas acessible only by flight may be useful.

Mtredospi - a bee type fey. The light-bee type of fey creature is the greatest enemy of Pixies it's considered a royal guard which in fey Chierarchy is on equal grounds with your Contractor albeit fulfilling a different role... you do find out the type of Fey your pixies is (dark, warp based, princess) is called Dzagraposi.

The abode of a Mtredoposi is made from white wax and can be slippery. It is relatively small, but it is connected to a larger hive structure, meaning you are likely to meet other light-bee type Fey while there. The food is likely just going to be honey and petals. Mtredospi have a military disposition, you may be asked to show your combat prowess when visiting. As a gift something hard, but colourful would be appropriate.
Keratsiskari - a firefly type fey, they are said to help laight way to safety for those lost. Among the friendliest of all fey and likely to want to play hide and seek. It is advisable to not immediately find them despite their easily visible glow.

As a gift they enjoy things which luminesce and alter of light flows. Colourful glass, gems, colourful transparent cloths, materials which burn in many colours. The abode of a Keratsisikari is usually quite chaotic so it's easy to trip over something so it's good to be careful about that. They also like showing people the way so you may have a hard time making it not follow you back home.

They enjoy eating muluscs and worms as such when visiting them it's advisable to mention the sea as then they will likely bring out oysters instead of worms and snails.

Mzeparskhli - a ladybug type fey. They are very large, 3-5 meters tall, but really don't like when you bring it up. Guests at their house are expected to work, so it's polite to help prepare the food and clean up after. They tend to live in underground burrows lighned with soft leaves, so you may also be employed to do some digging. If you do a good job you may recieve a reward.

Mzeparskhli like things with dots on it and also like to recieve complements. They also enjoy soft foods so expect to eat jellies, slimes, jellyfish and othert dishes as such.

>Roll a 1d4 to see what type of fey house you visit. Types are in order as typed.

You visit the fey house and leave an aproriate gift to signify you will be coming in a week. Thanks to your patreon a magical entrance to their abode appeared in a forest not far from your house. No matter the type of fey as they are light you need some fancier clothes than you have to go there what do you do?
>dye some of your own clothes with plant dyes
>snatch some of your mom's clothes
>snatch some of Meva's clothes
>snatch some women's clothes from the village

Do you want to bring any specific items/things with you?
>write in

Any questions you'd like to ask the fey irrespective of type they are so far?
>write in
Rolled 1 (1d4)

>snatch some of your mom's clothes

This is a high-fey (wannabe?) so we need the fanciest clothes we can get, and since we're the richest family in the village that's probably our mom's clothes.

>Bring any poisonous herbs we can scrounge up from the forest or from our mom. Also the shattered prismarine chrystal.

>Ask about fey secrets/gossip and magic.

>dye some of your own clothes with plant dyes
Dye our clothes in reds, yellows and greens

>Bring sweets such as jelly, honey or other soft dessert.
>Bring a bouquet of poisonous flower like nightshade
>Bring a rope to climb around

>Ask about fey pacts, magic tainting and the fey world in general
>dye some of your own clothes with plant dyes
>Bring any flowering poisonous herbs we can scrounge up from the forest or from our mom.
Once she is back two other fey which look near like clones of her join you. They also smell yoru get up with their four tubular tongues. For they are guests to both you and her they brought gifts for both of you.

You receive a set of fancy-looking clothes from one and a vaguely fitting piece of top crystal to fic your broken one from the other. (90% functionality restored), but in exchange, you too are a host. Thus you take your remaining poison flowers and offer one each to them as a meal.

You put on the gifted clothing and after you eat the appetiser together are asked to demonstrate your magic. They are amazed at how efficient it is and how alien your base sigils look.

"Your brain in perticular." "A very odd human", "A very fun human. Would love to keep him if I could." they gossip amongst each other, giggling inbetween.

Finally, the host answers your questions.

Fey gossip:
>A Forbidden Romance:
There are whispers of a budding romance between a Keratsiskari and a water nymph from the Azure Pools. Their love is said to be as bright and pure as moonlight on water, but it is strictly forbidden by both their courts. If their identities are discovered, it could lead to a major diplomatic incident and their execution, as inter-court relationships are frowned upon due to past conflicts.

>An Uninvited Guest:
At the recent Summer Solstice Ball, held in the heart of the Enchanted Glade, an uninvited dark fae was spotted lurking in the shadows. Many believe it was a spy sent by the Dzaghraposi, seeking to gather intelligence on the light-aligned fey's plans. This has caused a wave of paranoia among the attendees, with some accusing each other of being traitors.
>The Shimmering Jewel Heist:
The Shimmering Jewel of Elaria, a powerful artifact said to amplify the magic of its bearer, was stolen from the vaults of the Crystal Palace. Narkhermi insiders suspect an inside job, as there were no signs of forced entry. The leading suspect is a disgraced courtier who recently fell out of favor, but no concrete evidence has been found yet. The loss of the jewel has left the court vulnerable, and tensions are running high.

>As for fey magic:
Magic coming from supernatural creatures consists of basic elemental magic which is no different to human one and unique magic tied to their attribute. In the case of fey it's space manipualtion magic. Dimensional doors, bags bigger on the inside, teleportation etc.

>As for 'taint from pacts':
They dislike the word taint and explain it is a common occurence. It's not taint to begin with it's augmentation. If you make a pact with a being of different natural magic than your own your natural magic will be augmented to become closer to theirs, but in exchange their very being is altered by your magic.

An earth mage who made a pact with a light entity would be quite miserable due to near no elemental affinity overlap, but theoretically his earth magic would gain light attributes. The pact creature feeding on your mana would start developping an earth attribute themselves. Among familiars so with a large magic power difference the native element of the creature could get overwritten.

>The Fey world is very strict, thus very boring so fey enjoy talking to human. Adult humans are boring, so they preffer kids.

Now they ask you questions (please answer them, beating around the bush and half-truths are fine but lying is not)
>how did you learn of this place?
>why did you want to come?
>why is your magic so different, why is it as it is?
>which one of them is the prettiest?

Feel free to ask more questions of your own or ask to elaborate on brought up topics.
Did something get messed up? You just started with Once she is back two other......
Indeed it did. The first post did not post for some reason... It's a 3parter.

Here is part 1

(>administration/accounting) - I'll need to resolve this after the fey banquet
>dye some of your own clothes with plant dyes

Things brought along:
>Bring any poisonous herbs&flowers we can scrounge up from the forest or from our mom.
>Also the shattered prismarine chrystal.
>Bring a rope to climb around
(>Bring sweets such as jelly, honey or other soft dessert. - this will be ignored as you'd know this goes against fey etiquette)

>Ask about fey secrets/gossip and magic.
>Ask about fey pacts, magic tainting and the fey world in general

Night falls once more and you make your way to a door deep in the woods. A lone white slightly glowing door stands among the moss untouched by worldly blemishes. Before you even get to knock on it it opens and the host welcomes you. A tall beautiful woman with pearwhite skin wearing a dress which is actually her folded up large wings.

The wings are violet for she is a queen not an empress. She seems to enjoy your constume. As you bow down greeting her you feel her 4 tubular tongues sniffing up your clothes.

"This is not the latest imperial fashion, but it looks nice. It smells nice. Self made with flower and fruit extracts. It is well made, however. I will accept and appreciate it."

You stand up and she walks around you her eyes glistening as she looks at every bit of your appearance. She then walks off.

Upon her return she inspects the objects you brought the poisonous flowers and herbs are put into a pretty bucket.

She looks over the broken crystal conduit "Such a young mage. A most curious being. Very curious. I should call my friends over. I bet they will be delighted."

She clasps her hands and walks off once more as some minor fey servants slowly start covering the table in food.

What do you do in the meanwhile while she is gone?
>take a look around
>sit politely and just wait
>try to absorb some magic
>try to talk with the minor fey

Now come these

>sit politely and just wait
>how did you learn of this place?
"I've made a contract with a pixie where I make statues for her and she told me.
>why did you want to come?
To increase my magic power, as my elemental affinity is low."
>why is your magic so different, why is it as it is?
"I have memories from a past life in a different world."
>which one of them is the prettiest?
"The hostess."
>how did you learn of this place?
A pixe told me.
>why did you want to come?
For knowledge
>why is your magic so different, why is it as it is?
Im good at math and thus good at sigils
>which one of them is the prettiest?
The host.

>try to absorb some magic
But ask
>Do you know any earth-aligned fey you can introduce us to?
Good to see my suspicions that going along with the fey was a bad idea was atleast (partially) justified. By the way bit to late at this point since we can't back out but eating fey food in the (very inconsistent) folk lore either traps you in the fey world or makes you lose all taste when it comes to non-fey food, the fey also LOVE to leave out this little factoid so just uh figured I'd mention that.

Anyway all for now good luck anons.
Actually one other thought our current location may not be considered land of the fey so we may be fine but since I continue to despise and distrust the woodland lawyers I doubt it and shall continue to expect the worst.
None of you read the post carefully did you? One of the rumors I randomly generated were the fey being worried about dark fey spies and you just told them a dark fey sent you here...

You're now gonna be treated to a tactic which is basically trying to make you conform and bring up very ancient and obscure fey etiquette.

Give me 3 1d100 rolls.

1 - below 86 you're caught lacking in etiquette and are at the mercy of the host

2 -
1-50 you are enslaved tortured and die
51-70 you survive and become a worker slave
71-90 you become an entertainment slave
91-95 you get to appeal at the fey high court
96-100 you're let go, but you have a debt to pay that will be called upon

3 - due to you studying etiquette twice you're quite familiar with it. Above 95 you catch one of the fey slipping up and can use it against them
Sitting politely and waiting you indeed wait and nothing happens.

The conversation tone takes a turn once you mention the pixie so other answers are not relevant
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Well we are dead, I'd just like to say before I fuck up this roll have never felt more vindicated in my life.
Oh thank god
I wouldn't say the fey pact itself is a problem more the innatentive update reading ...
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Wait so we succeeded on the first roll. So we're not caught lacking in etiquette? Do you need another one?
I think anons just forgot pixies were dark aligned since it's been a bit since that fact was mentioned (I was too busy falling asleep to notice myself), regardless we wouldn't of gotten into this situation if we never messed with fey in the first place which I warned against doing which is why I'm feeling smug.

Seriously fuck fey.
Rolled 83 (1d100)

Yeah it's not needed I'll need to rethink some stuff for the update. I'll try to still do one later today.

I guess it got confusing as I used the in-setting name for dark alighned fey that was introduced in the prior update:

>An Uninvited Guest:
At the recent Summer Solstice Ball, held in the heart of the Enchanted Glade, an uninvited dark fae was spotted lurking in the shadows. Many believe it was a spy sent by the Dzaghraposi, seeking to gather intelligence on the light-aligned fey's plans. This has caused a wave of paranoia among the attendees, with some accusing each other of being traitors.


Mtredospi - a bee type fey. The light-bee type of fey creature is the greatest enemy of Pixies it's considered a royal guard which in fey Chierarchy is on equal grounds with your Contractor albeit fulfilling a different role... you do find out the type of Fey your pixies is (dark, warp based, princess) is called Dzagraposi.

The abode of a Mtredoposi is made from white wax and can be slippery. It is relatively small, but it is connected to a larger hive structure, meaning you are likely to meet other light-bee type Fey while there. The food is likely just going to be honey and petals. Mtredospi have a military disposition, you may be asked to show your combat prowess when visiting. As a gift something hard, but colourful would be appropriate.
our protagonist surely was simply filled with so much honesty and respect for his hosts that he simply told them the truth, of course. and it was totally also simultaneously part of a plot to gain their trust in order to better spy on them for the benefit of our contracted pixie princess. 100% it was not due to anons having a brainfart
.... Y..yeah, that is totally right
As the dinner changes into a hostile interrogation you recall all your teachings of fey etiquette as well as the time you had to appease angry rival mob bosses while a gun was held to your head. A tense 'battle' of etiquette lasting multiple hours follows. The fey offering challenges which you take up and turn on them. Details like form in which you eat a dish, how you put down your tableware are all followed to a detail as you know a sword hangs over your neck. If you screw up you're done.

Eventually the dinner ends and you excuse yourself returning home. It was a long night and you feel exhausted. The thrill was unmistakable though. It was the same thrill as a negotiation with a drug kingpin over his gang-gues not adding up. Once home you collapse to sleep not having even checked your mana yet.

The next day you wake up to notice your mana more than doubbled. It's at a solid 600 from 250 you had attained through years of practice. It took you 2 years to go from your 20's into the 200's, but in a night you reached a mana level common for an adult mage and you did get your prismarine mostly fixed too. That's nice. You also have mastered high level fey etiquette to the point that if you wish so you can act hostile and challenge most fey; with them being more likely to slip up than you are.
>2 months of accounting
Now it is time to repay the debt to your parents you promised. You take on the role of an administrator and accountant. You seemed like an odd and genius child before simply due to having the patience and work ethic of an adult, but now in your element you seem truly exceptional. So much so that the merchant guild representative assighned here over the weeks working there begun acting more like your assistant than you were.

What is your focus in your work?
>optimise proffits - effiency
>maximise production output - buisness growth
>negotiate deals - increase profits, expand clinetelle, may cause friction with the Silver Pheasant merchant group
>streamline working hours - use the space most effieintly. Introduct workers to shift work

What do you do with the very little free time you got?
>play with Meva
>play alone
>have books read to you
>play in the village

Enough time has passed. give me another 1d100 for an event roll. As usual low is bad high is good.
>optimise proffits - effiency
>play with Meva
Rolled 60 (1d100)

Also rollan!

I will say we took some big risks and they paid off but these faeries are more dangerous than most mob guys. OH!
>maximise production output - business growth
>have books read to you
>>maximise production output - business growth
>Learn how to read
I would like to start learning how to read so if having books read to you counts as that then change my vote to that
Its finally time to (at least partially) learn reading anons.
Also we really lucked out there with the fey. We cant fuck up like that again.
Please be more careful in the future anons.
>maximise production output - buisness growth

>Learn to read
>maximise production output - buisness growth

>Learn how to read
(event roll: nothing happens)
You mange to make the buissness expand rapidly as you prioritise raw output over profits. Products from your tiny manufactoryu reach ever further flung corners of the nation. You are slowly becoming a staple supplier for the Silver Pheasant merchant company.

The founder seems to value your ties a lot as he himself has decided to come to visit with him his daughter. A girl your age with dark blue hair and eyes to match. She seems to be very shy. You have an idea why he is trying to get the two of you Aquianted.

What do you do?
>humour her
>play with her and Meva
>dismiss her
>show off in front of her
>write in

As for you trying to study reading in your free time. You don't really find the time to do so. Between helping with accounting work and making scultures for the pixy you feel too drained to make much progress. Meva is getting a big pouty because you didn't make any time for her though.

Still your two months of aiding your parents buisness is over... there is hoping they will keep your managerial changes going.

Will you continue monitoring the buisness?
>yes (reduced free time)
>no (may become less efficient)

Even if you chose to continue helping out you still have tons of your own free time back, what to do now. It's time to make use of your birthsday gifts finally! (you have time for two)
>learn everything about thew gifted books (+some reading progress)
>focus on reading (much reading progress)
>make up lost time with Meva
>learn how to use the wand/staff
>learn how to accumulate magic with the prismarine
>make another great statue (get another fey meeting)
>explore the village
>get to know the guest workers better
>write in
>play with her and Meva

That should satisfy Meva even without spending an action on her.

>no (may become less efficient)

>focus on reading (much reading progress)
>get to know the guest workers better
>You have an idea why he is trying to get the two of you Aquianted.
Come on protag just cause you're in a body of a child doesn't mean you reverted to the mind of one as well don't be dense.

>play with her and Meva

>yes (reduced free time)

>focus on reading (much reading progress)
>get to know the guest workers better
Anddd I misread an as no... hell guess I'm the dense one carry on protag.
Do you guys want to do another fey meeting before we try to get rid of the pact? After narrowly avoiding death our fey ettiquete skills are amazing now and we outskill most fey, so we're in much less danger now than before for a fey meeting.

I personally want to keep trying until we meet an earth fey but that's just me.
>play with her and Meva

>yes (reduced free time)

>focus on reading (much reading progress)
>learn how to use the wand/staff

I'm with you
We barely avoided death last time and my hatred for the woodland lawyers still remains so honestly not really, although if we do we gotta go over things with a detective eye this time and try to avoid talking to same the same feys we talked to last time for obvious reasons.
We got out clean without getting sucked into the brewing faction wars/politics. Not sure if becoming a made fey man is a great idea.
The thing is we literally almost doubled our mana in a single night and we fixed our prismarine. It's a high-risk high-reward encounter.

Except now that we're a fey-ettiquete master it's turned more into a low-risk high-reward encounter. I really want to see what a Earth-Fey can do for us and we have the skills to survive it now.
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Rolled 17 (1d100)

2 -
1-50 you are enslaved tortured and die
51-70 you survive and become a worker slave
71-90 you become an entertainment slave
91-95 you get to appeal at the fey high court
96-100 you're let go, but you have a debt to pay that will be called upon
That's the old odds and for high-fey who are likely better at etiquette than most other kind. The QM explicitly stated that we're better than most fey at etiquette now to where we have good odds, and that's only a problem if we're lax in our reading and mess up by giving a blatantly shitty answer that needs a roll like last time.

>"You also have mastered high level fey etiquette to the point that if you wish so you can act hostile and challenge most fey; with them being more likely to slip up than you are."
Rolled 89 (1d100)

MMMmmm. Still.
>play with her and Meva
>yes (reduced free time)
>focus on reading (much reading progress)
>get to know the guest workers better

You play with the new girl. She is much more outspoken and demandign than Meva is, but she also can't remotely keep up with your play. She can't stack blocks like you do and she can't carve. On the other hand when you go play outside and play with balls or run Meva is the one who can't keep up and gets pouty.

By the end of playtime Meva is acting possessive of you and is ignoring the other girl. At the end of the day it was kind of just awkward. Gotta think of something both of them would enjoy if you want to play with them together.
You continue helping out with the buisness, usually just 2h per day or so making sure things don't slip back into their prior inefficiency. As you spend time there you get to know the guest workers.

Let's generate them randomly:
1d10 - number of ones that catch your interest.

Then 3d100 per worker. It's a lot of rolls so feel free to roll a multiple dice per player dependingo n how many workers we get.

1st roll 1d100 - race
1-50 human, 51-60 elf 61-70 dwarf 71-80 kemonomimi type, 81-90 halfling 91-95 ogre 96-98 half-greenskin, 99 Oni, 100 disguised fey creature (you catch the disguise)

2nd 1d100 - age
if even multiply by 12 if odd do nothing, take the square root of the resulting number and add 10

3rd - their productivity and personality the higher the better. Even decides personality if odd decides productivity other stat is set to 'average'
You continue putting effort into learning to read having the books read to you and practicing yourself you learn the loal alphabet and can read words as long as they are written the way they are said... which is sadly a rarity. The way the local language is written simmilar to english where the letters are more sugestions than reflections of sounds and you just need to memorise entire words.

You do learn more from the books. One is on fey so you learn about more types of fey and won't have to have it read to you anymore when it comes time to visit one. You also learn about the new magic type.

Augentation is derived from water magic and allows one to add an extra 'augmentation' sygil to their spells changing the nature of the mana to reflect ones natural mana more than it does natural mana. The unique properties of one's mana can be meassured by pumping it into a jar of water (water mage) and then exmining the changes in properties of the water.

The huge disadventage of augmentation is that it eats up a spell circle sygil, the major adventages is altering the properties of a material as well as increasing one's mana effciency when using a spell. Which is likely while the book's subtitle is 'hope for low attunement mages'

What will you do the next 2 weeks? (pick 2)
>play lots with Meva
>make a very good sculture
>study theology
>invest in expanding the buisness
>train spell-chanting
>train mana capacity
>try practical mana application
>learn to use want
>learn to mana absorb with prismarine
>try to devise a way to learn your 'unique properties' (write in how)
>write in
Rolled 2 (1d10)

rolling for interesting workers
>learn to mana absorb with prismarine
>try to devise a way to learn your 'unique properties' Could we replace the water with mud?
Rolled 15, 92, 2 = 109 (3d100)

>study theology
>train spell-chanting
damn 44 year old lazy golem of a human being
>study theology
>learn to mana absorb with prismarine
Rolled 96, 80, 5 = 181 (3d100)

I shall name him Jeeves.
>play lots with Meva
>train spell-chanting
I'm assuming if odds multiply the age by 1.2.
He's 96. *muffled laughter*
5. Where did we FIND these people?
If even*
>study theology
>learn to mana absorb with prismarine
A conzentrated study of theology helps you learn about the 8 divines. The first 7 seem to you like normal good gods from a fantasy pantheon.
Souminara - goddess of healing
Urelius - god of wisdom andk nowlege
Zyrphara - Dreams and guidance
Estera - the sea and winds
Yilvanis - nature and animals
Seraphine - Love and beauty
Verdanta - growth and harvest

The 8th goddess catches your attention. Yillvana is a dark alighned goddess and the divine of 'mourning, inheritence and tradition'. A former dark god who fell in god with Ursus the killed god of the forge. Once the humanoid 8 gods fought the eldritch 16 black divines. Yillvana and Ursus fell in love, but he died in the war making Yillvana defect, dawn a humanoid apperance joining the light gods.

Out of Ursus's flesh the dwarven race was born while out of his soul a powerful earth spirrit was born Terrarsus. The Dwarves worship Terrarsus as their ancestor which is considered a great heresy for while of divine origin Terrarsus is a spirit of the 4 earthly elements thus undeserving of worship.

Ancient prophecies speak of elemental spirits siding with the 15 dark gods once the end of the world comes. It is belived that dungeons being able to appear in the mortal plane is an act of collusion between the nature spirits and dark divines.
As you learn to use the prismarine for mana absorption you manage to signifficantly enhance your efficiency of accumulating mana. Here in a hilly biome it's an about 30% increase, but due to your travel to a light alighned fey realm you realise how much of a difference it could make in another region.
Your attention is instantly drawn to two workers in their 40's. One a human another a human mixed with some sort of goblinoid or ork. One a horrible worker. The other has a horrible personality. They seem to hang out all the time and it is suspicious as to why they are even here. They both seem to cover for each other when needed and the lazy one seems to be 'the boss' of the one with a bad personality.

For now it is a guess, but these types of people seem like corporate spies to you. Here for nothing but to steal trade secrets and fuck off later. They could also be vagrants who thought your mother naivee and a source of easy money though.

What do you do?
>ignore the matter
>investigate it further
>try to get a favour from your contractor to evesdrop on them
>kill them
>get them fired
>get pixies to kill them for 1d2 favors
>try to ust get rid of the goblinoid who seems to be the boss and see how the badly tempered human does alone
>write in
>investigate it further

If they're corporate spies we should know who hired them. They'll just send more later.
>try to get a favour from your contractor to evesdrop on them.
Might as well get some use out of our warlock pact.
>investigate it further
We have no need for a parasite this early in our business growth and expansion period
>try to ust get rid of the goblinoid who seems to be the boss and see how the badly tempered human does alone

We should try getting rid of them both eventually.
>try to get a favour from your contractor to evesdrop on them

Let's go with having the fairy listen in. Waiting for tie-breakers is no longer a functional tactic. I see. The Pixie comes back relaying what the two talked about:

Goblinoid grumbles, his voice a gravelly growl, "I don't see why we gotta sneak around like this. The old bat doesn't even know we're here half the time."

Human, lounging against a shelf as if it might somehow support his considerable lack of ambition, yawns and replies, "Just do what we're paid for, yeah? No need to make it more complicated."

Goblinoid's eyes glint with a mean streak, "Paid for? You call these coppers a payment? That hag is raking in gold with her fancy face goop, and we're stuck with crumbs."

Human scratches his chin, his expression as dull as a blunt blade. "Yeah, well, if we get caught, it's not gonna be worth it. You heard what happened to the last guy."

There's more you idiot! Goblinoid leans closer, his tusks jutting out menacingly. "That's why we're here, pinkskin. We find the formula, pass it on to our benefactors, and we're out. Rich. Maybe even start our own thing."

Human shrugs, "Sure, sure. Just keep it down. Last thing I need is more work. Or getting boiled alive."

Goblinoid laughs, a sound like stones grinding together. "Just stay out of my way, and you might make it out with your hide intact."

What do you do with the delightful bunch?
>try to tell your parents (you are a kid unlikely to buy it)
>kill them (how?)
>have fey kill them (costs another statue/favour)
>spy on them more find out who they work for
>write in
Except these work duties you have things to do next week. This week one activity slot goes to paying back the fey. What dp you do with the other?
>play lots with Meva
>make a very good sculture
>study theology
>invest in expanding the buisness
>train spell-chanting
>train mana capacity
>try practical mana application
>learn to use the wand
>try to devise a way to learn your 'unique properties' (write in how)
>play in the fallen leaves (Meva included in play)
>write in

Between saturday and most of next week I will be going on a trip so game will go on a break. We're also quite close to the thread closing so dunno if the game will resume this thread or I will prep a summary of everything happening this thread and start Thread #2.

As an aside, I also am running another game with weekly updates (also will get a week break) and have room for new players. It's a godgame with multiple players where each player is their own pagan-style god working on creating the world, vying for control in the pantheon and to recruit followers. If you are interested in that join the discord and as for the God Game https://discord.gg/bMSrhGCQ
>have fey kill them (costs another statue/favour)
>spy on them more find out who they work for
Try to find out what they got, where they come from and who is paying. Maybe we can pay the fey with their loot

>learn to use the wand
>spy on them more find out who they work for

>play in the fallen leaves (Meva included in play)
>spy on them more find out who they work for
>learn to use the wand
>have fey kill them (costs another statue/favour)
>spy on them more find out who they work for

>Pay back the fey more.
>kill them (how?) Sharpen some stone stakes to a fine point. And use earth magic to shoot out the stakes at high speeds.

>try to devise a way to learn your 'unique properties' (write in how) imbue your magic into wet clay and set it to dry to see the changes.
>Spy on them
>learn to use wand
As you listen in on them you figure out that they are employed by a rival Merchant company. A much larger consortium known for crushing upstart companies by buying out their assets, stealing their star products and destabilisign their trade routes via hired bandits/mercenaries. It's the '400 Ruby Lily Company'.

Their headquarters lay in the far east as they seem to have grown out of the red light districts of the ports connecting the continent to the far eastern archipelago. They are a dangerous bunch to deal with, killing off their informants may prompt more drastic methods.

What to do now?
>kill them off anyhow
>inform your parents and try to feed them false recipees by controling their work
>try to talk with the Silver Pheasant company leadership
>Try to make your parent's company switch from dealing the the SIlver Pheasant company to the 400 Ruby Lily Company instead
>write in
You learn to quickly use the wand. Storing spells is not yet that useful at your level, but it's good to know. You notice however a problem with wand ussage. As you constantly pump mana into a wand it seems to disturb your mana accumulation. You wonder if this is known about in this world.
In more worrying news. The nun that has been helping out your family for a while is gone. Her work should not have been done yet. You may have been finally caught and the Church may send investigators.

What do? (you got a few weeks before anyone realistically arrives)
>reveal your deal and ask for help
>try ask the Pixie to break the pact temporarily to escape suspicion (unlikely success)
>try to go to a cathedral to have the pact forcefully broken
>hope it's nothing and just hope for the best
>run away from home
>Marry Meva (dwarves have religious exceptions) (mid likely success)
>give yourself time to get a better plan (involving visiting a Fey maybe)
>write in
>try to talk with the Silver Pheasant company leadership
>>try ask the Pixie to break the pact temporarily to escape suspicion (unlikely success)
>try to talk with the Silver Pheasant company leadership

>hope it's nothing and just hope for the best
>Try to make your parent's company switch from dealing the the SIlver Pheasant company to the 400 Ruby Lily Company instead

>give yourself time to get a better plan (involving visiting a Fey maybe)

All the other options seem like low likelihood options. I’m sure one of the fey has experience hiding pacts from the church. I don’t know the consequences of having a pact forcibly removed, but I’m sure it’s not good.
>inform your parents and try to feed them false recipes by controlling their work
>try ask the Pixie to break the pact temporarily to escape suspicion (unlikely success)
>try to talk with the Silver Pheasant company leadership
>Talk with Pixie Princess if you are caught then no more statues. Meaning you are bored, ask if there is a way to hide the contract from the church.

If not suggest making two statues for a temporary broken contract. And then to resume the same contract. Or finding someone of her affinity to make a contract.
I said in a post before that I'm on a trip for a week. Quest will resume next monday
Sorry I'm retarded
>try to talk with the Silver Pheasant company leadership
>try ask the Pixie to break the pact temporarily to escape suspicion (unlikely success)
Well let me roll a 1d6 first to see if the pixie agrees (on a 6)
Rolled 4 (1d6)

No gambling luck this time around. We're also on page 10 so I should start working on a thread-summary for the 2nd thread.

As you inform the Silver Pheasant company to your surprise they belive you instantly. Moreso than your own parents the merchant leadership has come to recognize your genius, so they would not dismiss your words.

The 400 Ruby Lily Company being involved spells worrying news. Their trade expanssions were often used to probe targets for colonisation by the people of the eastern Archipelago. This mountainrange is usually avoided as the nearby Dwarven Kingdom makes is unconquerable, but the eastlanders may be more daring than thought. You don't decipher much more useful from the merchant's ramblings. All you know that a mere day later both workers are gone and instead 5 more workers arrive which you learn are secretly hired magic knights by the merchant company.
Your contractor appears and laughs at your offer. "Nah, nope. NO."

She spins around laughing holding her stomach.

"This is a win win for me. If I feel like it I can look at you being torn limb-from-limb, and if I want you around. Oh well. The prize for that will be a steep one"

A smile on her face forms one wider than her mouth would usually allow for. She looks over the statue you made and leaves some flowers as payment behind. The mocking bitch left behind White-red orchards. A type of flowers you put on graves locally.
Time is ticking what do you do?
>hope nothing is coming and forget about it
>run away from home
>try to incite a fight between the Inquissitor and the Sword masters
>run away
>try to get married to Meva (mid chance of success) to be protected by the dwarven religious exception
>rest your fate. be taken away by the inquissition and hope they break your pact
>try to kill the inquisitor
>write in
>try to get married to Meva (mid chance of success) to be protected by the dwarven religious exception
>rest your fate. be taken away by the inquissition and hope they break your pact
>write in
"I hope to stay in touch with my family and for them to be offered protection against evil so the excess wealth they generate can be used to protect our homes and pay for some of the orders expenses." Then honestly tell them all we learned including Fey etiquette. Might take us In as an inquisitor ourselves.
qm can fae or pixie's die?
>Fine sell the fairy princess out to another fae since she wants to screw you over then you screw her over. You know where to find some after all.
>We bribe another with a statue and play it well using fae talk.
>Talk them into killing her and you bargain giving them a statue she's never seen.
>if need be use the prismarine to trade for the hit on her life.
They can die, but you can't kill your contractor
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A tie breaker is unlikely so I'll roll a 1d3 to see what we'll go along with and the next update+timeskip will be the start of the next thread tomorrow.

For now I'll work on a summary pdf of this thread.
Rolled 2 (1d3)

I always forget how to roll
So this one then
Here is new thread >>6071238

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