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Wetting your lips, you once more take stock of your audience, scrutinizing their features. The eyes of these children watch you expectantly, waiting for you to offer them a glimpse of a world that they could only imagine. It is true, that you are strange to them; that much you have already acknowledged. Yet the gravity of your position becomes apparent to you only as you wrack your brain in search of a suitable subject to speak at length of.

You, Jezyrene Delyl, are the sole link between the culture of your people and these impressionable little ones. Raised isolated from their kindred in the Underdark and deprived of the teachings of their ancestors, they are surfacers in all but appearance. These unforeseen circumstances evoke an unusual sensation that radiates out from your chest, a burning need to remedy this error.

"Once, tens of thousands of years ago, when dragons still ruled the Realms, our people came to this world from another and made our home here. We found a place in a far-off land and built a country for ourselves, the ancient realm of Ilythiir," you begin, drawing upon the education that you received in centuries past. "This is why the true name of our people is the Ilythiiri."
You share with them the truth of their homeland from a bygone era. Of how the people of Ilythiir once inhabited this sunlit world and prospered. Of how your people's greatness far exceeded that of even your elven cousins, and how you ruled over those whom you had conquered. Of how the scholars of Ilythiir had an understanding of the arcane so deep that they were even capable of creating new life as the gods could.

"Where is it now?" Asks a clueless girl seated at the far end of the audience.

"It is gone," you state firmly, clenching your fists. "With time, our people spread across the land, and made another realm, Miyeritar. But the Ar’Tel'Quessir of Aryvandaar, our cousins who call themselves the 'People of the Sun,' used their magic to destroy it and all who lived there. So we took up arms to avenge our people. For five hundred years we made war against them!" You affirm passionately. "Our strength was so great that they came to know us as 'dhaerow.' It is their word, that means 'face of shadow, heart of night,' for they hated us so."

You inhale sharply and shake your head. "Knowing they could not defeat us, they used their magics to borrow the powers of their gods and placed a curse on all Ilythiiri, even those who did not make war with them. It made the sun's light blind us and burn our skin," you explain, the outrage seething quietly in the back of your mind. "We had no choice but to leave, and live in the Underdark."
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"Maybe we can go back one day? The sun doesn't hurt us anymore," she insists. It is endearing, in some fashion, to see how foolish she is.

"No," you answer. "When we ran from Ilythiir, they destroyed what we made, all of it, so that this world would not remember it. That is why we call them 'darthiir,' those who have betrayed us. There is nothing left of Ilythiir but our people," you state with a sense of finality, concluding your lecture. Your words spark a spirited discussion amongst their number. Whether you have had any meaningful impact on their development remains to be seen, but it is a sure thing that the legacy of Ilythiir will persist so long as your people yet live.

"Does that make them bad?" Asks a boy, who raises up his hand after making his query. After a moment of meaningful silence, you respond. "Some darthiir are good," you concede grudgingly. "But they are still darthiir. Be careful," you conclude, an answer which he seems to find satisfactory.
"Sindiira, that was wonderful," says Luaue, tittering to herself. "Your stories are... a little biased," she mentions vaguely, "but they return to us some of the culture that we lost when the Beastlord's followers attacked. I understand that your feelings toward us are complicated, but I hope that you'll continue to help us rediscover who we are." The half-breed's show of appreciation stirs something in your chest. You feel as though you are going to vomit, an odd sensation that you do not view as wholly unpleasant these days.

"Maybe," you offer noncommittally, as your consider your next course of action.
>My body demands slumber, and I will oblige. I will find a warm place and settle in.
>Should she have the time, I would like to speak with Luaue regarding her mother and the magic blade.
>It is late, but I crave entertainment. The books that I purchased in Everlund call out to me, demanding to be read.
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Previous Adventures:

The Rules™:

Jezyrene's Abilities:
>Visit Chessayne. It's been awhile since you done a dance exhibition... maybe you could ask for her story as inspiration for your next one?
>It is late, but I crave entertainment. The books that I purchased in Everlund call out to me, demanding to be read.
Gotta' get our reading on!
>>It is late, but I crave entertainment. The books that I purchased in Everlund call out to me, demanding to be read.
There are books to be devoured
Vote closed.
Leaving Luaue to watch over the children, you venture to the edge of the camp and clamber your way up to the apex of a sturdy tree that overlooks its surroundings, taking drinking in the warm glow of the firelight that illuminates the forest valley. Fishing through your belongings, you retrieve your unread literature and take a moment to assess your books. The first is not a novel, but instead a work of non-fiction, a sort of instruction manual for creating surfacer confections. Cooking is drudgery better fit for slaves than one such as yourself, although if you are to engage with this work properly, it would necessitate having the proper facilities and sufficient ingredients.

That leaves the other two choices available to you. One book invites you with its vibrant cover, which sports a floral pattern resembling Sune's roses titled 'Les Fleurs en Printemps,' with the other prominently featuring an illustration of a human girl with ebon hair and ivory skin descending into a cavern. The title 'Fantasyland' hovers over her in bold technicolor text.

What will it be?
>'Les Fleurs en Printemps' sounds exotic and intriguing.
>I would like to find out what this 'Fantasyland' is about.
>>'Les Fleurs en Printemps' sounds exotic and intriguing
>I would like to find out what this 'Fantasyland' is about.
>Les Fleurs en Printemps' sounds exotic and intriguing
>'Les Fleurs en Printemps' sounds exotic and intriguing.
>I would like to find out what this 'Fantasyland' is about.
Vote closed.
Enticed by the cover art, you open 'Les Fleurs en Printemps,' which could be translated as 'Flowers in Springtime' as you quickly discover, and look over the first page. According to the text, this book was authored by Camille Verne and published in the year of 1912. As you understand, the current year is 1374 according to the surfacer calendar... most likely an error or some sort, or perchance the author's homeland follows a different calendar than the one used in these lands. Curious.

Taking place in a fictional country known as 'France,' the setting is a religious educational institution much like the Tier Breche academy in Menzoberranzan known as the Institut Sacré-Cœur des Filles, a school exclusively for girls. Unlike the Tier Breche, however, the predominant religion in this world is known as 'Christianity.' The book never delves into the precepts of this faith, but from what you are able to infer by reading, it seems to be a vague and selectively-enforced code of religious law established by an all-powerful deity who ultimately sacrificed themselves to bring their followers salvation, or some such nonsense.

The story follows Marianne Allard, a young woman and the Institut Sacré-Cœur's newest student. Given a tour of the school by the academy's puritanical headmistress, Sister Agnès Lefebvre, Marianne's life becomes a routine of rigorous lessons in theology, literature, and the fine arts. During this time, she quickly befriends her two peers; the insipidly cheerful and inquisitive Lucille Dubois, and Marie-Claire Rousseau, a temperamental and conservative girl with a deep devotion to her faith whom Marianne shares a room with. Lucille introduces the other two to an obscure corner of the school's expansive and captivating garden, where the three can find respite away from the overbearing rules of the academy.
Soon enough, during a regular lesson on how to play an exotic instrument known as a 'piano,' Marianne meets Claudie Deschanel, a senior student one year ahead of her. Charismatic and confident, Claudie takes a liking to Marianne, and the two bond over their shared passions for literature and music. From then on, the two grow inseparable, spending every moment of their free time together discussing their favorite stories and playing music.

During a late-night chat with Claudie in the school's garden, while the spring flowers are in full bloom, Marianne comes to realize that her feelings for her senior far exceed those of a mere friendship, a revelation that terrifies her; for according to their religious doctrine, such a relation between individuals of the same sex is not only unacceptable, but sinful. Nevertheless, Claudie intuits the nature of Marianne's feelings, and confesses that she feels the same. The two share a tender kiss under the moonlit sky, affirming their mutual affection.

Marianne and Claudie pursue their romance in secret, making what they can of whispered confessions and quiet moments in one another's company with the understanding that they would be condemned for their love. Matters are complicated further as Marianne's friends begin to scrutinize the couple's peculiar behavior and late-night rendezvous as the seasons pass. Lucille is content to leave well enough alone when her inquiries do not turn up a satisfactory answer, but Marie-Claire's curiosity eventually gets the better of her.
On a cold winter's night, as Marianne attempts to leave the dormitory by stealth to meet with Claudie, Marie-Claire remains awake and shadows her undetected, determined to uncover her friend's secrets. Following her through the academy's corridors and out into the garden, Marie-Claire witnesses a tender moment between her close friend and her senior. Torn by ambivalence, Marie-Claire turns to her faith for guidance, deciding to report what she has seen to Sister Agnès.

Appalled by what she has learned, the headmistress confronts the lovers the next morning, interrogating both of them until she is able to obtain a confession from each. With a heavy heart, she considers the circumstances and decides on suitable disciplinary measures - as the senior student, Claudie is expelled from the Institut Sacré-Cœur, and sent home in disgrace, whilst Marianne is given a lesser punishment and confined to the school.

Claudie's absence plunges Marianne into a deep depression, driving her to seek solace in isolation. Though she is unaware of Marie-Claire's involvement, the friendship between the two collapses, irreparably damaged. Marie-Claire turns to prayer to assuage the guilt of betrayal that burdens her, weeping uncontrollably when her god refuses to respond to her demands for answers. Lucille, ignorant to the true cause of her good friends' sorrows, tries in vain to lift their spirits, becoming despondent when she is unable to get through to either of them.
The epilogue takes place several months later. Marianne has returned to the secluded corner of the school's garden, to reflect on her relationship with Claudie as the spring flowers bloom once more. Though devastated by their separation, Marianne treasures the memories that they made together, recalling with great fondness the genuine connection that they shared. She prays that someday in the future, society will come to accept that there is nothing sinful about the love of people like her.

>This story made my eyes exercise vigorously, for they are sweating uncontrollably.
>Though I cannot properly articulate why, this story stands out to me as excellent in quality.
>I do not quite understand this story, but I can see the power of Sune reflected in its passages.
>It is a book, I suppose.
>Truthfully, it is not to my liking. That is about all that I can say about it.
>[Write in.]
>I do not quite understand this story, but I can see the power of Sune reflected in its passages.
This book on this fake fantasy faith with a god who doesn't celebrate uncinventional love with nagical hair dye has reaffirmed our own, much more logical one, which we have recently joined.
(Big elves don't cry, big elves don't cry...)
>>Though I cannot properly articulate why, this story stands out to me as excellent in quality.
>This story made my eyes exercise vigorously, for they are sweating uncontrollably.

>(Big elves don't cry, big elves don't cry...)
You're way too late for that, anon. The Pretty Princess of Myth Drannor saw to that in the first thread.
Yes, but we're in public right now, kind of!
Gotta put those Lolthite ideas behind us, anon. Besides, you wanted to be a Sunite, right?

Can't wait to bring this book with us to Emitia's and discuss it with her.
Does being a Sunite mean being some sissy who cries in public? We're not a MALE, anon. Come on!

But I'll back you in a tie.
>>I do not quite understand this story, but I can see the power of Sune reflected in its passages
I'm not sure how you're coming to this conclusion, anon. The prompt clearly says "sweating."
>Though I cannot properly articulate why, this story stands out to me as excellent in quality.
>This story made my eyes exercise vigorously, for they are sweating uncontrollably.
Shame on anons for not wanting Jez to exercise more often.
Vote closed.
A dull ache at the front end of your skull heralds the sudden misting of your eyes, blurring your vision. Having felt the very same emotions as the protagonist of Les Fleurs for the first time in your life only recently, this story has affected you. Your feelings for Amaranth would be considered unacceptable by the Lolthite teachings which you have long adhered to, and would surely see the both of you dead were you to be caught out. To imagine that there are countless souls similar to yours elsewhere, their connections denied by the whims of some irrational deity...

You do not quite understand what the world of 'France' is, nor the seemingly absent context behind its history. But you are certain that this work is rich with the teachings of Sune, for the text on these pages must be divinely-inspired. Such superb prose deserves recognition for its excellence, and you are not afraid to assert this. That your people have not produced literature of similar quality is an embarrassment - or mayhaps they have, but you have not had the privilege of consuming it.

Deeply moved, you play out the unforgettable scenario again in your mind, speculating about what might become of the characters after the final chapter's conclusion. Perchance the power of Sune might even manage to reunite Marianne and Claudie again, despite it all. Using your cloak to dry the flow of sweat that rolls from your eyes down your cheeks, your consciousness slips into the world of dreams as you enter a sound slumber.

What do you dream of?
>I dream of the miserable war of a decade ago. That was when my old life truly began to come undone.
>My training, and how it has defined me.
>Those days when I was Ilanis' age and causing trouble are returning to me.
>The day Jez first realized her love of the sword and swordsmanship.
Supporting, butvespecialy if it intersects, by chance, with...

>Those days when I was Ilanis' age and causing trouble are returning to me.
>The day I thought I was finally pregnant
+1 if allowed
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Vote closed.

It has to be something that actually happened though, ahaha. Really though, there's nothing useful or interesting to be learned from this. But if readers want me to keep on beating Jez over the head with it, who am I to deny them the satisfaction?
Maybe a miscarriage resulting from youthful 'fun' segued into her first discovering saloce in swordswomanship?
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"It is merely a fever, Jezy. It should pass after a few days' time," explains your sister. You lean back in your long chair, glaring menacingly at her. Isolated in your chilly room at the fetid heart of the inhospitable Delyl estate, the two of you converse with hushed voices, discussing your recent health concerns. "You are lying," you insist, baring your teeth. "I am with child." Despite your refusal to acknowledge her conclusion, you are already beginning to accept that what she is telling you is likely the truth.

"No, Jezy, you are ill. I could provide you with a cure, if you would like," she offers with a coquettish smile. "You will be feeling right as rain in no time!" 'Right as rain?' You query under your breath, squinting at her. "Oh, just a saying that I picked up from a new book I bought from a surface trader," she clarifies. "So, do you want it or not?"

"No," you protest, clutching your abdomen as you contend against your churlish stomach and soaring body temperature. "What I want, Phaere, is to have daughters. I will have several daughters, and then..." Cutting you off with a snap, she leans back, adopting an expression that can only be described as incorrigibly smug. "'And then' what, pray tell? Exercise that inert gelatin floating around in your skull for a moment. Surely you cannot believe that this will improve your life in any meaningful capacity?"

It is true. The individuals that you will have spat out from your crotch will mean nothing to you; birthing them is what truly matters. They will be but a means to an end, and that end is...
>Obtaining the favor of Lolth. She will at long last acknowledge me when I provide her with the meat she craves, and bequeath the power that I have earned unto me.
>Securing my dynasty. Vierna's position as mother's successor is not a sure thing. Having children is an investment, as they will serve as my subordinates when I take her place.
>Ensuring my survival. Those among my spawn who survive to adulthood will assuredly be formidable and capable allies so long as I maintain my dominance over them as mother has over us.
>Ensuring my survival. Those among my spawn who survive to adulthood will assuredly be formidable and capable allies so long as I maintain my dominance over them as mother has over us.
>Securing my dynasty. Vierna's position as mother's successor is not a sure thing. Having children is an investment, as they will serve as my subordinates when I take her place.
>Securing my dynasty. Vierna's position as mother's successor is not a sure thing. Having children is an investment, as they will serve as my subordinates when I take her place.
Vote closed.
>Obtaining the favor of Lolth. She will at long last acknowledge me when I provide her with the meat she craves, and bequeath the power that I have earned unto me.
A little late but I still want to make my opinion known
"Vierna will fall. She is vain, and that will be her undoing. When she inevitably makes a mistake, I will be there to strike her down - and my position as the future Matron Mother of House Delyl will be a sure thing," you assert confidently. "My children will be raised to become my will made flesh, born of me to do the bidding of the next matriarch of this family."

Phaere studies you incredulously, clicking her tongue in disapproval. "Formulating this brilliant plan assuredly demanded the entirety of your mental capacity across the last hundred years," she hums, her words dripping with sarcasm. "Pray, sister, did you reach this conclusion through your own deliberations, or are you merely regurgitating the amorphous gray slop that Lolth feeds the little ones to poison their minds?"

"You dare speak of our goddess like so?!" You bark, sitting up to confront her. Your sister shrugs nonchalantly, inspecting her nails as she responds. "What does the goddess care for my miscreant behavior? Is she going to crawl out from her layer in the Abyss to punish me for speaking the truth? At the very least, she would not do so at the behest of a failed priestess who was thoroughly battered by a far more successful devotee." Lacking the energy to admonish her, you lay back, swearing at her under your breath.
Phaere has always been openly rebellious, with her constant pranks and her voracious hunger for forbidden knowledge. But becoming a powerful magician seems to have made her incredibly arrogant. It is no small wonder why she is the most frequent target of Mother's punishments, although you wonder to herself how she has managed to remain defiant despite this when even you yourself have been pushed to the breaking point by the pain and humiliation.

Producing a tiny vial of viscous cyan liquid, she takes your hand and delicately places the container in your palm, folding the fingers closed. "Drink it. Right as rain, as I mentioned prior. And do make sure that you always speak well of my generosity, lest something horrid happen to you when you least expect it. Ta-ta!" Bowing with faux decorum, she departs, leaving you alone in your quarters.

You uncork the vial, studying its contents. If your sister truly had any ill intent, she could have easily acted on it several moments ago whilst you were both unarmed and ailing. Tipping it toward your lips, you drink down the fluid until its final drop has run down from your esophagus, exhaling in relief as your fever subsides.
The feeble light of early dawn heralds the return of the tyrant sun to its throne in the sky, rousing you from your slumber. At this early hour, most everyone in the camp remains asleep, sans a few exceptions. Luaue is up and about, delegating the day's tasks out to the few adults and older children capable of handling them. That abominable half-breed apprentice is plainly visible as well, idly lazing in the grass some distance away from the camp.

You lean back, musing over the vivid memory that visited you during your dreams. Ultimately, you have never managed to puzzle out what goes on in Phaere's mind. At the very least, she has not killed you, despite the numerous opportunities that she no doubt had to do so. Yet was your flight to the surface not the consequence of her machinations, using you as a means of fulfilling her own ends?

The day is young. What will you do?
>I feel compelled to stretch my legs, and wander the wilds for a spell.
>Clearly, Lael is not hard at work preparing his solution to my problem. I should remind him of his purpose.
>My pursuer has not found me quite yet. I suppose that I pass take the time by 'shooting at the breeze' with Luaue.
>I feel compelled to stretch my legs, and wander the wilds for a spell.
Patrol around, make sure we haven't been tracked down.
>My pursuer has not found me quite yet. I suppose that I pass take the time by 'shooting at the breeze' with Luaue.
>My pursuer has not found me quite yet. I suppose that I pass take the time by 'shooting at the breeze' with Luaue.
>I feel compelled to stretch my legs, and wander the wilds for a spell.
>I feel compelled to stretch my legs, and wander the wilds for a spell.
>My pursuer has not found me quite yet. I suppose that I pass take the time by 'shooting at the breeze' with Luaue.
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I am making an executive decision. Vote closed.
I have not voted, and I will back your executive decision!
Not that it uh, matters
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Descending down the side of the tree, you banish the memories of yesteryear, returning your attentions to affairs of the moment. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you approach the half-breed Eilistraean as she doles out the last of the day's chores. "Good morning," she greets you warmly. "Did you sleep well?"

You shrug. "Follow me," you command, beckoning for her to fall in behind you. Taken aback by your assertiveness, she spends several seconds waiting for you to elaborate on the specifics of your demand before finally complying. "Did something happen? Are we in danger?" She asks, trying to keep pace with you. "No," you answer plainly, attempting to retrace the path that you followed here during your hunt for the Malarites.

The two of you proceed in silence as the canopy above you thickens until it allows only minimal light through the tree leaves. Electing to try engaging in conversation with you, Luaue clears her throat. "I've always had a connection with the green places of the Realms. There is a subtle power here that can be felt, but not quite explained. Willow, and her followers call it 'the Balance.' It is much weaker here than it was when I was a girl, no doubt the beast god's doing, but I am sure that it will return as strong as ever."

Deep within the shadowy sea of green which seems to enclose you from every direction, you encounter a brook which runs up to your ankles carving its way through the valley. Deciding that this is as good a place as any to chat, you adopt a relaxed posture and survey your surroundings before your eyes settle on the half-breed.

"I am more than happy to keep you company Sindiira. It is the least I can do after everything that you have given us. But is there something that you wanted to discuss?"
>She supposedly knows how to use a weapon. I wish to see for myself how awful her technique is - we shall spar.
>I would know what became of her mother's remains, and the sword Nelgetha. It would be a shame to allow such power to go to waste.
>Last night I was told that our culture was lost to them. If she is to lead my odd surfacer kin, then I will simply have to teach her how to be a proud Ilythiiri woman.
>Suppose that, hypothetically, there was another such as myself born into the Lolthite teachings. One whom I believe deserves a chance to turn away from them as I have...
>I recall her mentioning that she has a man when we first spoke, although I have yet to see him at all.
>I recall her mentioning that she has a man when we first spoke, although I have yet to see him at all.
>She supposedly knows how to use a weapon. I wish to see for myself how awful her technique is - we shall spar.
>I would know what became of her mother's remains, and the sword Nelgetha. It would be a shame to allow such power to go to waste.
>Last night I was told that our culture was lost to them. If she is to lead my odd surfacer kin, then I will simply have to teach her how to be a proud Ilythiiri woman.
We will achieve this by...
>She supposedly knows how to use a weapon. I wish to see for myself how awful her technique is - we shall spar.
and at the end
>Suppose that, hypothetically, there was another such as myself born into the Lolthite teachings. One whom I believe deserves a chance to turn away from them as I have...

(Unless we can only choose one, in which case just the last one.)
If we can only choose one…
>Suppose that, hypothetically, there was another such as myself born into the Lolthite teachings. One whom I believe deserves a chance to turn away from them as I have...
If it’s the usual three choices, the other two are…
>Last night I was told that our culture was lost to them. If she is to lead my odd surfacer kin, then I will simply have to teach her how to be a proud Ilythiiri woman.
If she wishes to help others like Jez, she should learn the context of where we’re from.
>She supposedly knows how to use a weapon. I wish to see for myself how awful her technique is - we shall spar.
I kinda wish her mom was still around, it’d be fun learning how these surface IlythiirI fight, and to incorporate some of them into our dances.
>I would know what became of her mother's remains, and the sword Nelgetha. It would be a shame to allow such power to go to waste.
>Last night I was told that our culture was lost to them. If she is to lead my odd surfacer kin, then I will simply have to teach her how to be a proud Ilythiiri woman.
>She supposedly knows how to use a weapon. I wish to see for myself how awful her technique is - we shall spar.
Vote closed.
QM? All good?
Between getting gaslit at work and trying to totally change the trajectory of my life while the area I have experience in is slowly getting phased out in favor of AI, not really.

Anyways - once things are concluded here in the forest, the remainder of the quest will mainly involve wrapping things up, so I can at least assure that the endgame is in sight. After that, who knows? I have been kicking around ideas for another quest. I'm mainly interested in retaining Forgotten Realms Adventures readers, as I feel that I at least owe that to the people who have kept up and read this far.
If you drop the name of your new quest in the QTG and let us know it's you, we'll be there. Sorry to hear about the career struggles, though.
The wait has always been worth it. Speaking as someone who has been around since thread one, I've thought a lot about the stamina it must take to keep a quest going for so long.

And, sucks to hear about real life. I don't know if it's of much help, but I went pretty much from absolute rock bottom eight years ago to graduating law school and now having a decent job. I hope it gets better for you.

Can't believe we're drawing to the long awaited end. I know you've mentioned a few ideas before for a new quest, no matter what it is, I'm glad you are thinking of continuing with something. This has been a delightful steady point to return to in the past, what the hell, two years according to sup tg.

Damn if time doesn't fly.
>This has been a delightful steady point to return to in the past, what the hell, two years according to sup tg.
Damn, time really does fly. I second the sentiment. This is one of the greats.
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After nearly a month, I seem to have finally secured something. Seeing as this thread is on page 9 as of this post, we will be moving to a new thread within 24 hours. Thank you for your continued support.

Let's take this to the end.
It looks like my ID has changed.
Waiting warmly.

Let's go.

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