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Through dynastic intrigue, rightful inheritance, or plain dumb luck you have found yourself in charge of one of the Imperium's millions of worlds. A position of much luxury but still with the responsibility of the Tithe on you. Will you be a great leader known throughout the ages or someone who is cursed by a thousand populist historians and preachers?
First though, there is something to be determined: What is the world you're running?
>[ ] Agriworld: Holodramas may depict these as a rugged paradise for a simple farmer, the reality is far more unpleasant.
>[ ] Paradise World: Known for it's raw beauty, this world has been mostly untouched aside from hotels for offworld noble travelers. It's only real industry is the service one, and the Sector very much wants to keep it that way.
[ ] Feudal World: Unscathed by the Age of Strife and uneducated, this primitive world is mostly left to it's own devices. Though protected by an chapter of the Space Marines as a recruiting world, they have little interest in assisting the planetary government in ensuring centralized control over the planet.
>[ ] Fortress World: Strategically important to the defense of the imperium, this world has more resources diverted to it than tithed, along with heavy Munitorium support. As Governor-General you will not need to worry about the Guard taking away your authority in wartime, but in turn you expect many of it's enemies to continually test your defenses.
>[ ] Paradise World: Known for it's raw beauty, this world has been mostly untouched aside from hotels for offworld noble travelers. It's only real industry is the service one, and the Sector very much wants to keep it that way.

This would be fun in being a little different from the typical 40k governor quest
> Feudal World: Unscathed by the Age of Strife and uneducated, this primitive world is mostly left to it's own devices. Though protected by an chapter of the Space Marines as a recruiting world, they have little interest in assisting the planetary government in ensuring centralized control over the planet.
>[ ] Fortress World: Strategically important to the defense of the imperium, this world has more resources diverted to it than tithed, along with heavy Munitorium support. As Governor-General you will not need to worry about the Guard taking away your authority in wartime, but in turn you expect many of it's enemies to continually test your defenses.
>>[ ] Paradise World: Known for it's raw beauty, this world has been mostly untouched aside from hotels for offworld noble travelers. It's only real industry is the service one, and the Sector very much wants to keep it that way.
Would be fun if the Paradise World is secretly a spy-training planet
>[ ] Fortress World
Give war a chance!
>> Paradise World: Known for it's raw beauty, this world has been mostly untouched aside from hotels for offworld noble travelers. It's only real industry is the service one, and the Sector very much wants to keep it that way.
>[ ] Paradise World: Known for it's raw beauty, this world has been mostly untouched aside from hotels for offworld noble travelers. It's only real industry is the service one, and the Sector very much wants to keep it that way.
>[ ] Fortress World: Strategically important to the defense of the imperium, this world has more resources diverted to it than tithed, along with heavy Munitorium support. As Governor-General you will not need to worry about the Guard taking away your authority in wartime, but in turn you expect many of it's enemies to continually test your defenses.
Give me the shiny toys
>[ ] Fortress World: Strategically important to the defense of the imperium, this world has more resources diverted to it than tithed, along with heavy Munitorium support. As Governor-General you will not need to worry about the Guard taking away your authority in wartime, but in turn you expect many of it's enemies to continually test your defenses.
>[ ] Fortress World: Strategically important to the defense of the imperium, this world has more resources diverted to it than tithed, along with heavy Munitorium support. As Governor-General you will not need to worry about the Guard taking away your authority in wartime, but in turn you expect many of it's enemies to continually test your defenses.
Something something THERE IS ONLY WAR
>[ ] Feudal World: Unscathed by the Age of Strife and uneducated, this primitive world is mostly left to it's own devices. Though protected by an chapter of the Space Marines as a recruiting world, they have little interest in assisting the planetary government in ensuring centralized control over the planet.
Currently Fortress world is in the lead, with Paradise world not far behind. I'll leave voting open for 30 minutes. If you have any questions now is a good time.
>>[ ] Fortress World: Strategically important to the defense of the imperium, this world has more resources diverted to it than tithed, along with heavy Munitorium support. As Governor-General you will not need to worry about the Guard taking away your authority in wartime, but in turn you expect many of it's enemies to continually test your defenses.
{X} Fortress World
Sitting in the primary command bunker deep beneath this world's capital city, you get ready to look over the many dataslates regarding the current defensive posture and supply lines to your newfound command. Though Fortress worlds are built to be highly self sufficient with massive industries and stores to support them, healthy paranoia regarding supplies never hurts.
Your primary source of extra arms and munitions comes from:
>[ ]A Forge world: Bound by ancient oaths built millenia ago, this portion of the Mecahnicus makes sure to not skimp on providing the machine god's gifts. But the oaths not only require defensive aid if called for, but the requisition of local regiments for their expeditions too.
>[ ]Hive World:With plenty of industry and men to throw at your part of the front, you'll be sure to have quantity handled.
>[ ] Shrine world: Though they lack in resources, the Ecclesiarchy more than makes up for it with their reach and highly devoted recruits to send your way. Be wary of what you do around them though, for they only wish for the most pious.
>>[ ]Hive World:With plenty of industry and men to throw at your part of the front, you'll be sure to have quantity handled.
>[X]A Forge world: Bound by ancient oaths built millenia ago, this portion of the Mecahnicus makes sure to not skimp on providing the machine god's gifts. But the oaths not only require defensive aid if called for, but the requisition of local regiments for their expeditions too.
A beacon of imperial strength
> Forge world
From the rage of the beast, Iron protect us.
>[ ] Shrine world: Though they lack in resources, the Ecclesiarchy more than makes up for it with their reach and highly devoted recruits to send your way. Be wary of what you do around them though, for they only wish for the most pious.
30 minutes before I lock the vote again.
>[ ] Shrine world: Though they lack in resources, the Ecclesiarchy more than makes up for it with their reach and highly devoted recruits to send your way. Be wary of what you do around them though, for they only wish for the most pious.
>[ ]A Forge world
>[ ]A Forge world: Bound by ancient oaths built millenia ago, this portion of the Mecahnicus makes sure to not skimp on providing the machine god's gifts. But the oaths not only require defensive aid if called for, but the requisition of local regiments for their expeditions too.
[X]A Forge world
The Forge world of Odyssa has long been the closest ally of your world, filling the armories with all manner of highly valued tech that most imperial regiments would have a hard time finding. Though they still seem to hold their secrets few in the segmentum can boast of such an arsenal. As long as the myriad of ancient pacts and oaths are followed, including of course support for the quest for knowledge.

Now then what about you? Just who is the new Governor?

>Fill in:
Age: (Must be above 30 years old)
Gender: (Male or Female)
>You will also need to select which stats you wish to focus on, in numerical order from 1 to 5 (5 being the lowest priority)
Stat priorities:
Martial: [1-2] (As a General in charge of a fortress world, this is obviously needed.)
Diplomacy: [ ]
Stewardship: [ ]
Intrigue: [ ]
Piety: [ ]
>And select 3 traits
Frontline Commander: +3 martial when commanding on the front line
Logistian: +1 Martial, +2 Stewardship, easier time establishing supply lines
Artillery General: +2 martial and extra casualties to forces you command with extra artillery.
Emperor-Botherer: +2 Piety, +2 Martial when fighting heretics, -3 diplomacy
Tech-Friend: Unlock Explorator actions, -2 Piety.
Heavily Cybernetic Augmentation: +3 Martial, bonus to durability, -4 Diplomacy.
Administrator: +2 Stewardship, +1 Diplomacy with Administratum personnel.
Shady: +3 Intrigue, easier to commit sabotage against enemies, -2 diplomacy
Xenos-Hater: +2 Martial against any alien foe.
Heretic Purger: +2 Martial against Heretics, +2 Piety
Charismatic Speachgiver: +3 Diplomacy, bonus to troop Moral.
Renowned Duelist: +4 Martial, increased chance for personal combat by powerful foes
Delegator: +1 to all fields except intrigue, -2 intrigue
Noble Heritage: +2 Diplomacy, +2 intrigue, -2 Martial.
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>Fill in:
Name: Tacitus Maro
Age: 43
Gender: Male
>You will also need to select which stats you wish to focus on, in numerical order from 1 to 5 (5 being the lowest priority)
Stat priorities:
Martial: [1]
Diplomacy: [4]
Stewardship: [2]
Intrigue: [5]
Piety: [3]
>And select 3 traits
Frontline Commander: +3 martial when commanding on the front line
Heavily Cybernetic Augmentation: +3 Martial, bonus to durability, -4 Diplomacy.
Renowned Duelist: +4 Martial, increased chance for personal combat by powerful foes

Ride's over, xenos/heretic. Time to die.
> Name
(Not feeling too creative atm, will defer to others here)
> Age
111 cycles
> Gender
> Stats
1 :: Martial
2 :: Stewardship
3 :: Piety
4 :: Intrigue
5 :: Diplomacy
> Traits
Heavy Cybernetic Augmentation
Frontline Commander
Actually, I'll change my vote (>>6032144) to support this (>>6032142) instead.
Didn't see the duelist option.
In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium there is only Martial-Maxxing.
Name: Aurelia Jacobus
Age: 42
Gender: Female

Stat priorities:
Martial: 1
Stewardship: 2
Diplomacy: 3
Intrigue: 4
Piety: 5

+1 support.

Definitely going to need to work on these stats in the future. But I’m definitely voting for this.

By the way QM are their anyways we can try and raise our stats higher so that they won’t be so low in the future for ourselves?
+1 Support
+100 years tho
a planetary governor quest ? good luck, i am sincere.
also use a name qm !

Supporting this, i like it. For more than one reason :

- Tacitus, has throw it self willingly in the boot camp, firing range, melee circle and never missed a lesson of his trainers and drill sergeants from an early age. Then they have soaked him in learning warfare and strategy, and he became a true son of a fortress world. Perfect for intimidating propaganda posters.
- He is very young for be a Governor-General, even with the likely exceptional service done in a crusade he probably very recently participated and in other battles ........ someone probably helped him in reaching that position (his mentor perhaps ?) through their own power and by making agreements with other influential figures of the fortress world (whats the name of our fortress world ?). Makes for an interesting background to explore.
- Someone personally bought for him many cybernetics (even with excellent service you don't gain that many cybernetics so quickly. Said someone also wants Tacitus to have a long life, because having the rank of Governor General means access to rejuvenate treatment and that + cybernetics is a very long life indeed) from Odyssa and had experienced techpriests place them in his body
- Not afraid of battle and war, or direct combat be at range or melee. He might like them. Prefers to deploy with his army than remaining in a bunker looking at the battlefield on a strategum.
- Good with administration and dealing with papers and bureaucrats, even if its not his field. An average faith for an imperial which is common in the military. Knows the bare minimum of speeches, social interactions and society in general, probably scares most people. And out of his field for intrigue, spying, assassinations, sabotage, stealth and general skullduggery. His cybernetics are likely not silent and if he is built even half like Horrigan, his personal carapace armor would have quite the weight and that would be loud too.
That would be possible through character development and personal action.
I hate namefagging but if I must.
Rolled 10, 16, 8, 12, 20 = 66 (5d20)

Either way it appears you've all settled on a character with an overwhelming majority.
Let me roll my dice.
Nice rolls, I see a crit on at least one of those rolls, and here’s hoping the rest only add to that result.
>I hate namefagging but if I must.
understandable, but its mostly for ensure we know that you aren't just another anon and can ask you questions if needed.

great rolls
Name: Tacticus Maro

Diplomacy:10-4=6: Talking is a waste when your job is to kill the enemy.
Martial::20+3+4(+3 on the front lines)=27(30): Wherever you go, death follows the enemies of the God Emperor.
Stewardship:16 You have a knack for management, more than most military commanders.
Intrigue: 8 Looking like a combat servitor doesn't do well with subtlety
Piety: 12 As faithful as any in the Imperium, but not close to the level of the zealous.
Description: A towering man before your enlistment, you are regarded as a giant now with your augmentation. You are often dressed in specially fitted carapace armor due to both preference and impracticality measures. A great line of medals are still adorned on it, testament to your great service to the imperium despite your shockingly young age. Your baldness and bulky cybernetics though still make you look at least older, if not a combat servitor.

Lol, we’re an absolute killing machine.
Good fucking Grief! Almost a 30 in marital right off the bat, with a pretty good roll out in everything else save diplo and intr. We are going to fit in very well every time we need to fight and kill something believe you me.

Also, whats the cap for stats? Are they capped at 40 in said stat, or is their no figurative limit but theirs not really much of a point once you get too 40 in something?
There is a theoretical limit of 100, but not even Primarchs get that high.
Finally, you go to formalize the last document that signifies your appointment to the office. A simple one surprisingly enough for the Administratum.
All it needs is the Date and name of your world
>M41 500:A calmer year, but still rife with war.
>M41 700: Increased Xenos activity dominates this time, as new horrors come to the galaxy.
>M41 900: The Time of Ending Approaches
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>M41 500:A calmer year, but still rife with war.
>M41 500:A calmer year, but still rife with war.
This, plenty of time to effect changes without us being rushed into doing something we wouldn't have time for. And it gives us a good amount of time to build ourselves up before we start getting smashed down on pretty hard from other factions.
We have our objective boys.
Become the hugest and spank every surviving traitor primarch on the Emperor's behalf.
>M41 500:A calmer year, but still rife with war.
>>M41 500:A calmer year, but still rife with war.
Planet Name: Raytheon
Name: Juna.
Date: M41 500: A calmer year, but still rife with war.
oh, right, forgot
name of the planet: Raytheon
Damn what a general. The enemies of the imperium will soon fear it, if they dont fear him already

>M41 500:A calmer year, but still rife with war
Need some prep.

Fortress World Name : Yagan
>Planet Name: Horrigan
>M41 700: Increased Xenos activity dominates this time, as new horrors come to the galaxy.
Planet: Raytheon
Classification: Fortress World
Geography: Plateus, Mesas, and valleys.
History: Situated on the edge of the Poseidon Sector near the Damocleas Gulf, Raytheon is no stranger to attack. The world has endured countless assaults by every known enemy of the Imperium in Segmentum Ultima. Most recently by the powerful WAAAAAGH Grugsmash. One of the more devastating ones that lead to the death of former Governor Agrripus along with most of senior staff. Though this may make for much mourning, the people are a stoic lot that...

You throw aside the meaningless Dataslate. What use is it to you, a man that lived through the entire Ork Waaagh? There was no need for some fop's secondhand account when you know every detail.

And to be frank, you don't have the time either. The greenskins had wrecked the place. After all you wouldn't be in charge so soon if they hadn't. The Primary fortress city of Hellspin has already mostly been repaired, but the varying towns and other major fortifications still need work to be done to get the planet back up to snuff for another of these attacks.

Already your recently promoted general staff and associates have drawn up many proposals for you to look over to remedy the situation. Good fighters, all of them. And even with your talent you're gonna need 'em for whatever's going to come next.

Military [/n]:Corporal-No, General Hugo has been with you ever since you first stepped into Basic. He is a fine shot and second in command, with almost as much military knowledge as you. [Select 2 actions]
Ten-hut!: The various regiments of Guard and PDF took a real beating during the ork Waagh. Some have barely enough manpower to be considered combat-capable. Though it may hurt other aspects of reconstruction, it never hurts to have enough men to man the lines and guns. Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Supplies, Delays on reconstruction projects. Reward: Full readiness on all units.

Horrigans: The devastation has at least one upside, that the truly exceptional have shown themselves on the PDF. Though these troopers would often be put together into regiments for the minimal guard Tithe, sending away good men for that doesn't seem like a good idea. Especially those that served under you for so long. Instead you may as well bring them together with some leftover forge stock to make something good.
Cost: Forge World Supplies. Reward: Elite Regiment formed.

Keep eyes on the skies: One of the things most often heavily damaged during a full scale invasion is the Anti-Orbital defenses, and sadly Raytheon was not an exception to this rule. The orks did a number on them, and though planetary void shields have remained intact it's no reason to let anyone with a fleet to be able to surround and assault the place. Best get them up and running again. Time: 3 cycles. Cost:0, Reward: Rudimentary Anti-Orbital defenses operational.

> Horrigans
> Keep eyes on the skies
>Damocles Gulf
>Tau Reaction to Imperial General:
>Horrigans: The devastation has at least one upside, that the truly exceptional have shown themselves on the PDF. Though these troopers would often be put together into regiments for the minimal guard Tithe, sending away good men for that doesn't seem like a good idea. Especially those that served under you for so long. Instead you may as well bring them together with some leftover forge stock to make something good.
Cost: Forge World Supplies. Reward: Elite Regiment formed.

>Keep eyes on the skies: One of the things most often heavily damaged during a full scale invasion is the Anti-Orbital defenses, and sadly Raytheon was not an exception to this rule. The orks did a number on them, and though planetary void shields have remained intact it's no reason to let anyone with a fleet to be able to surround and assault the place. Best get them up and running again. Time: 3 cycles. Cost:0, Reward: Rudimentary Anti-Orbital defenses operational.

Time to get our elites and our defenses up and running then in that case. Damned Orks always making stuff harder for us all.
>Keep eyes on the skies

OP, are there more posts coming? The “[1/???]” part of your update makes me think that there could be more voting options
Diplomacy Colonel Maxim is a dashing young man, and your first choice for any social gathering. You've never been one for socializing in anything but during a hunt. So why not foist it on him? [Select 1 action]

Raytheon Stocking Options: When a planet needs help, it calls upon the wider Imperium. Though these pleas are often ignored a fortress world's situation is different. You have direct access to the local head of the Munitorum in the sector, who have been in the past very eager to help rebuild damage from more troublesome attacks. After all, this planet won't do it's job if it's not ready. Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Nothing. Reward: Support from the wider Imperium. 70% chance of success.

Social Call A delegation from Odyssia has recently arrived in system, demanding you let them land and host some sort of ceremony to commemorate your new ascension to the governorship. Likely they'll also get you to more personally swear to uphold your ancient obligations. Time: 1 Cycle. Cost: Nothing. Reward: Maintaining relations with Odyssia.

Stewardship Dansion Maren is a veteren of the Departmento Munitorum, and an expert in organizing it enough that things get done. The man has cleared away more red tape for your command than any had thought possible, so when he offered to assist in administration you more than welcomed the opportunity. [Select 2 actions]

Raytheon's Industrial complex Usually assumed to be less than self sufficient, like many worlds in the Imperium that is a bold face assumption. In at least manfucaturing needs Raytheon boasts an impressive set of manufactorums able to supply the base line of Imperial Guard formation. If they weren't mostly wrecked by the Greenskins. This causes a problem for supplies, so it's likely good to get started on fixing it.
Time: 2 cycles. Cost: Supplies and workforce. Reward: Industrial forces

Survey the Damage Due to the chaos of your recent promotion, there is an issue regarding the records. Most of them are from before the attack. Though very basic and essential information like troop numbers and stockpiles are available, an more detailed assessment of the local economic situation may be worth getting into.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Nothing. Reward: More detailed info about the economy, and costs.

Fort Up : Most of the fortifications have seen better days. Though there are still many hardpoints around, most of the defenses have been wrecked by the green tide. Repairs are in order.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Supplies and Manpower. Reward: Some Repaired fortifications.
Yes, I'm writing them as this happens.
Do you mind if we vote while you write, or would you rather we hold off?
Some of these options seem like they might impact other options, Tet-hut delaying reconstruction projects for example.
I'd rather you wait until all options are done and make a plan based around them.
Piety Chaplin Rosencrantz is a devote follower of the local militant branch of the Imperial Cult. He is the kind of man that can lead a rabble of starving pilgrims against a heretic cult and somehow prevail. With fiery speeches and a flamer, he will burn all against the emperor.

To the Fallen There are many dead both unknown and celebrated including the former Governor General. It's been suggested to host a weeklong vigil for the many losses by the local ecclesiarchy. Many rituals will be done to send them to the emperor, with the recovered corpses of the most valliant and important lowered into the great pyres to send their entirety to him.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Minor delay for reconstruction. Result: Improved Moral on the populace.

Five years of Hate Others including your chaplin hold a different view on how to honor the dead. Instead of merely praying in silence and devoting a lot of empty words, instead the populace should be put into action. Revenge and Hate is the creed of the emperor. And his servants will deliver it back tenfold!
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Promises of further action. Reward: Greatly Improved Moral.

Intrigue Kasken Morbid is a slippery man. You first caught him in your squad taking far more than his agreed-upon extra power-packs, but he has always managed to find a way to make himself useful when he gets into trouble. Might as well keep a close eye on him and use his talents while you're at it.
[Choose 1 action]
Navy Intelligence Fortress worlds are considered important enough to have their own naval garrison, and yours is no exception. Most of the previously assigned one has either been destroyed or sent back for extensive repairs, so you've only got a few ships in orbit. Certainly not enough to have chased down all the fleeing ork ships. Given that and the state of the planet, you think it might be a good idea to suggest some of them to do a scouting patrol of nearby systems.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: 1 Frigate. Reward: Knowledge of local threats. Success Chance: 50%

Hunt them down: Not all the Orks made it off world or died, you are sure of that. If left unchecked they may pose a pervasive threat to security you don't need right now. Best to identify their holdouts and eliminate them.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Military attention. Rewards: Greenskin Surpression.

Personal You may not look like it, but even you need to have some time to yourself.

Secure the Succession Given the state right now, the last thing Raytheon needs in the event of your extremely unlikely demise is a bunch of fools fighting over who gets in charge. You'll need to look at a variety of options to ensure a smooth transition of power when you do go to the emperor.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost:0. Reward: A variety of options to select your successor.

Meet the new boss You weren't the only senior officer that had survived the war. Quite a few of them had, and as you may expect of the old coots not many regard you well. Though your stellar military record earns some respect it can only go so far. So you might as well start meeting with and getting to know some of them.
Time:1 cycle. Cost: 0. Reward: Knowledge of subordinates not in the inner circle.

Stellar First Impressions As Governor General you don't need to just worry about the planet as well apparently. There's apparently a need to also keep up with other movers and shakers in the sector as well? And it may involve stuffy parties? Bah, why can't you just send Maxim to them all?!
Time: 1 Cycle. Cost: Time not spent on Raytheon. Reward: Good Impressions on local sector nobility. Success chance: 30%.
Voting is now officially open.
> Military :: Two actions
+Keep eyes on the skies
> Stewardship :: Two actions
+Survey the Damage
+Fort up
> Piety :: One action (?)
+Five years of hate
> Intrigue :: One action
+Hunt them down
> Diplomacy :: One action
+Raytheon Stocking Options
>Personal :: One action (?)
+Secure the Succession
> Plan: checking up the place
>> Horrigans
>> Keep eyes on the skies
>> Social Call
>> Raytheon's Industrial complex
>> Survey the Damage
>> Five years of Hate
>> Hunt them down
>> Secure the Succession
>> Meet the new boss

Alright, made my first plan, so in order for each section, the marital I choose eyes and horrigan. For eyes, in case we get attacked by anyone or thing in our system and Horrigan so we wouldn't need to worry about delaying the restoration of the planet. For social call, its something that automatic, immediate, and gives us a very good reason to focus on first to get the stuff that we need to run a fortress world. Stewardship choices, were to help bring up the factory's of industry back up to speed and help relay any further costs repairs or buyments in something will cost, along with seeing if our economy is in the shit or not.
Piety and intrigue, I choose because one greatly improves morale while the other one was something we were already going to do already so that we wouldn't have any spores on the planet and help become a major problem for us.
And lastly, we need to set up ourselves in case anything terrible happens to us and we can manage to help learn about our followers and from their judge which of them could be a good succesor in case we ever do get the rotten luck of kicking the bucket.

>Social Call
Don't upset the cogboys.

>Raytheon's Industrial complex
>Survey the Damage
It's generally not a good idea to spend without even knowing how much you have available.

>Five years of Hate

>Hunt them down

>Meet the new boss
General Hugo
>Keep eyes on the skies
Colonel Maxim
>Social Call
Dansion Maren
>Raytheon's Industrial complex
>Survey the Damage
Chaplin Rosencrantz
>To the Fallen
Kasken Morbid
>Hunt them down
>Secure the Succession
I’m assuming we can only pick one here, right?
Also, Im having the use of two actions for personal because from what Ive noticed, for every two actions we get three choices, and for every 1 action we get 2 choices. Working off from that, I reason we have 2 actions for personal, in addition to the two we have for both Martial and Stewardship.
>Keep Eyes on the Skies
I don't want to interrupt reconstruction

>Social Call
Gotta keep the mechanical neighbors happy

>Survey the Damage
>Raytheon's Industrial Complex

>To the Fallen
A call to arms seems too soon

>Hunt them down
Orks beget Orks

>Meet the new boss
I don't care about sector nobility, and with Maro's martial score we should be fine putting off succession planning.
Whoops I forgot to add, but you only get 1 action for personal.
Sigh well that sucks but understood. >>6032843
Change of plan, discard secure the secession, keep meet the new boss.
>Keep eyes on the skies

>Social Call

>Raytheon's Industrial complex
>Survey the Damage

>Five years of Hate

>Hunt them down

>Meet the new boss


Seems best to get our actual army into shape before looking outwards.

>Raytheon Stocking Options

This is just common sense, even if it's not a surefire success.


>Raytheon's Industrial Complex
>Survey the Damage

We need to know what's broken before we can activate our industrial output to replace it. Fortifications will have to wait for now - we need to invest in our economy first.


>Five Years of Hate


>Hunt them down

Critical that we eliminate meaningful greenskin presence at the first juncture.


>Meet the new boss

We need to lock down our political situation before we choose a successor.
>Keep eyes on the skies

>Social Call

>Raytheon's Industrial complex
>Fort Up

>To the Fallen

>Hunt them down

>Secure the Succession
I have to say i like Tacitus presentation, launching away the dataslate was a good touch. And he has a good inner circle, very solid.
General Hugo (Military)
>Keep eyes on the skies
elites are too good to not have around and Maro probably want more troops that can keep up with him, and some AA is needed. We can get more average guard grunts later, we have still an army of them even if its damaged. Delays can get annoying, even if i really like getting our main army in shape again.

Colonel Maxim (Diplomacy)
>Social Call
They already arrived in the solar system of Raytheon, thats the issue.
Odyssa techpriests don't waste time it seems, best to talk with them before they decide to leave suddenly. They couldn't have choose a worst time, but its whatever. If they want us to answer immediately and give them aid, we can just point around. Since they probably love their logic and industry, they should accept it for a while. If its just a matter of repeating some ancient lines they say should be easy enough.

Dansion Maren (Stewardship)
>Raytheon's Industrial complex
>Survey the Damage
Look at more damage and get some industry up and running again, fairly simple. Fortifications we can wait the situation is mostly under control.

Chaplin Rosencrantz (Piety)
>Five years of Hate
More xenos death, more heretics death. An angry growl, with no bite just for now. Vengeance for Raytheon.

Kasken Morbid
>Hunt them down (Intrigue)
Likely some small orks groups, some orkoid animals, alone orks and maybe a few small warbands. Target practice for us and the army to slaughter. First taste of the vengeance for Raytheon.

Tacitus (Personal)
>Meet the new boss
Better look at this people first and understand who they are and what they do, successor can wait and Sector nobility would be funny but, Raytheon current conditions don't give us our full power and prestige has Governor General of a Fortress World. We are justified enough in not showing ourselves for now, when we do it will be funny.
Maybe we can even ask/press the Odyssa delegation to give us something thanks to our current situation. A magos, some techpriests and servitors could get us running again faster.
Magos would probably open tech options later down the line.
Tallying votes.
This plan has won basically, given the tallied votes match it after the stated modifications.
Writing is commencing.
yo ...?
Still working on it.
About what I expected, these results tend to take up a thousand words or two, even in the most barebones versions that aren’t filled with character interaction and stuff. We probably are just going to have to wait for 4 days to maybe a week before the results are all written up with the spreadsheets of actions we choose.
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for being still here, take this Tacitus Maro
Thank you. I'll make this the opening image for the quest, when we get to the next thread.
no problem i like your quest.
thats cool !

what you think could be a cool symbol for Raytheon ?
At least you don't have to wait for months just for the next turn to post due to a really long personal event.
Hm on an immediate thought, a castle on a large towering plateau.
Nice, but yeah that’s fair. Character creation honestly makes it a much longer and more detailed thing then it needs to be for a CK2 quest, which usually either immediately or eventually, kills it. So not needing for Governor to not needing to figure out how a family interaction between us, and say our family is a blessing for the man, even if he won’t ever have to do stuff like that anyway.
Makes me thankful my first one didn't end up needing the family dynamics. Would have been fun to do the Paradise Vacation world though.
Military :Corporal-No, General Hugo has been with you ever since you first stepped into Basic. He is a fine shot and second in command, with almost as much military knowledge as you. [Select 2 actions]

Horrigans: After quickly going through the various regimental and personnel logs you decide on a baseline of highly capable veterans. From there comes a vigorous set of interviews, live fire exercises, and intense training to weed out false positives. Not only that but you’ve equipped them with fine Hectate-Pattern Carapace Armor and Ares-Pattern Hellguns. It may have dug into the leftover spares, but it was well worth it to give to these men. To the enemies that assail Raytheon, they will be their horror.
Cost: Forge World Supplies. Reward: Elite Regiment formed “Horrigans”.

Keep eyes on the skies: As expected there remains much work to be done in order to get a basic defenses established. Most of the batteries have been looted or damaged beyond even salvage, and few beyond the Capital still function. The assigned enginseers have already begun slacking on the usual rituals just to have a chance to complete it in the assigned timeframe. Time left: 2 cycles.
Diplomacy Colonel Maxim is a dashing young man, and your first choice for any social gathering. You've never been one for socializing in anything but during a hunt. So why not foist it on him?

Social Call: The Odyssian procession descends from their ships in orbit, landing in the spaceport close to Hellspin. They march down their strange birdlike shuttles with glistening robots and Skitarii, lead by a great many Magos that covered themselves in their shinning red robes. Standing to greet them is you and your honor guard, surrounded of course by a detachment of the Raytheon Imperial Guard regiment. An parade escort to the captial’s Machine-Temple is had, where inside the meeting with the Fabricator General begins. Unlike how most expect the Mechanicus his cybernetics were far more smooth and form fitting, though obviously eschewing any resemblance to flesh.

From there you would of course swear those oaths of protection and supply, though this Platenous did note your current circumstance without prodding. He has of course promised support to your restocking, but has also offered to help in the reconstruction. Though the nature of it will have to be done in further discussion.
Stewardship Dansion Maren is a veteran of the Departmento Munitorum, and an expert in organizing it enough that things get done. The man has cleared away more red tape for your command than any had thought possible, so when he offered to assist in administration you more than welcomed the opportunity.

Raytheon’s industrial complex :

Though the various manufactorums had been built with combat in mind the sheer destructiveness of Waaagh Grugsmash put that to the test. Even with the best of preparation war has always had a talent to ruin the best works of men. It doesn’t help when the greenskins also liked to charge in and blow things up. You and Dansion quickly set to work organizing the first steps of reconstruction as spare stores of various machine tools are dragged out along with overseeing Tech-Priests who survived the various engagements, as menials work to patch up wholes or otherwise rebuild various complexes across the fortress cities. It’s not going to be complete reconstruction, but it’s a start.
Time: 1 cycle remaining.

Survey the Damage:
It’s worse than you’ve thought. Already your expectations were rather low given the chaos that let you take charge of Raytheon. But the sheer damage could not be underestimated. Many of the interlocking supply chains that kept the fortress economy functional had been ruined by the barbarous acts of the greenskins. Who uncharacteristically preferred to actually smash anything they had gotten their hands on. Physically, with explosives, or both at once in some cases. Especially the many storehouses. Not only that but before hand a large part of the stocks had apparently been used to raise a massive guard army. Sent out on some far off crusade. You’d normally have pride in such actions, but the men and material is sorely missed during these dire times.
This is going to be a problem. Luckily, you are just the man for the task.
Reward: Economic situation understood, General Stats established.
Piety Chaplin Rosencrantz is a devote follower of the local militant branch of the Imperial Cult. He is the kind of man that can lead a rabble of starving pilgrims against a heretic cult and somehow prevail. With fiery speeches and a flamer, he will burn all against the emperor.

Five years of Hate:
Rosencrantz knows well how to work a crowd into a frenzy. He and many of his fellow bishops eagerly take to sermonize the now weary populace. It may be more due to their destitute nature more than anything but the results still speak to themselves. Crude images of orks are thrown into burning pits as they march forwards with hate in their eyes, all the way to the recruitment centers. That’s one way to keep the righteous active. Even if revenge has expectations.
Reward: Greatly increased Moral. Cost: Promised action against Ork forces for 5 cycles.
Intrigue Kasken Morbid is a slippery man. You first caught him in your squad taking far more than his agreed-upon extra power-packs, but he has always managed to find a way to make himself useful when he gets into trouble. Might as well keep a close eye on him and use his talents while you're at it.

Hunt them down
After all this needed but still annoying talking, you relished the chance to bash some Xenos skulls in. So when Morbid found another remnant ork holdout in the depths of a cave system you of course decided to tag along with the headhunter detachment. Though the Orks were dug in and not that willing to charge out you were still able to break in with the men and slaughter the lot for minimal casualties. Yet this and other raids have apparently discovered something alarming. Despite the death of their warboss and their defeat, the Greenskins still on Raytheon have remained surprisingly organized. Though military action has suppressed the more obvious hideouts there’s evidence to suggest that this is only the starting point.
Reward: Ork Remnants suppressed, better idea of their capabilities.
Personal You may not look like it, but even you need to have some time to yourself.

Meet the new boss:

Idleness is the domain of the Heretic. That’s what some of the priests state to the dedicated workers of the Imperium and is a creed you follow as best you can. Even if the work is not your most liked option. That’s why you have found yourself following along with your pal Hugo’s work to ingratiate yourself with the established commanders. Luckily at least some of them happen to be no-nonsense men like you. Even then though you’ve had to attend to more wasteful gatherings, like an arrogant fop’s idea of a noble feast.
At least you’ve managed to single out the important people. Like General Grackus. He’s an alright man. A competent leader of men who prefers to blow up problems from far away. He has also lived at least twice as long as you, and likely thinks if you weren’t here he’d be in charge.
Or at least only contending with the aforementioned arrogant fop. Maximus Predi is what he’s called, part of an ancient linage of PDF and Guard commanders from some other world. And if he is any indication of their capacity then they were at best lucky bastards. He only plays general while sending masses of men to die, preferring optics over actual strategy. However like the noble in general’s clothing he is, the man is good at the social game.
Now you at least know who to look out for while rebuilding the place.
Ah, goody the results came back in and our Govenor Master is Alive and well!

Besides that, going over the action results and its a mixed bag. On the One hand, we learned who we can trust from our subordinates to be competent and obey orders, as well as finding out that our economy and supply chain have been royally fucked, the greenskins have not fractured and are becoming very organized, our industry is starting to recover, our forgeworld ally could help us out immensely with our damages to the planet, and we have a new elite regiment to put them to use by bloodying them against the local orks or system filled with possible enemies.

On the other hand, our economy is royally screwed, our planets industry and defences were royally fucked over, the orks have not broken and are already being reunited and organized, and one of our subordinates is a useless fop more suited for court intrigue then being a duelist, nevermind a general. At least we have time to fix our planet before someone fucks it over like the T'au since we seem to be in the Damocles Gulf region.
And as mentioned before, CK2 quests take a while to write, even when they've been loered to a few sentences per action. So, this style of pacing between updates is something Im going to be asking everyone to accept as this isn't likely to change for the writing speed of the QM for a long while yet in the future.
The situation is what we expected.

With Odyssa delegation out of the way we can now ask the wider imperium to send some help for reconstruction, if we are lucky multiple worlds will send help in different forms : materials, manpower, machines, tools, supplies. All welcome. Asking Odyssa for help maybe, not sure there they might ask for something we can't provide yet or want more in the future. We could use a magos of theirs permanently here alongside minor techpriests though.
Orks are a problem, but we just raided them so thats nice and we lived and fought through their main WAAAAAGH so we actually know with what we are dealing with on the military field, directly. Which helps a lot. If some of their leaders weren't confirmed KIA during the WAAAAGH, we might even know their names and tactics.

This also helps us internally since we have an actual military ork threat to kill, which allows us to maintain that vengeance promise and probably recruit even more average grunts guardsmens if we want (we already started killing orks with the raids so we kept our word from the very start of the promise). Reconstruction is an issue that we can only work slowly on our own, we need the help of the imperium there if we want it faster. Subordinates are okay, Maximus has a similar name to Maxim, and might be a problem in war. We could have him killed, demoted or moved somewhere else if needed. If he proves even more problematic, we can make an example out of him. Grackus seems to prefer range, he doesn't fully accept us yet at least but can respect us a bit.
The Horrigans seems really good, and AA is a shame but the current conditions of the world are not favorable to us.
Smart choice running this again without calling yourself Shmeh. I wonder if you'll abandon this one too.

Also this guy samefags in other quests so have fun running mostly for 1 person
Well that was just uncalled for, neither person is Shmeh, especially in the first case as he is running a CK quest and not whatever Shmeh comes up with before his picosecond of attention drops elsewhere. At least this QM isn’t planning on cutting and abandoning it, unlike Shmeh.
Who the hell is that.
Yeah this kind of quest just takes a lot of writing and that's with me shortening the wordcounts from other examples.
Most other quests don't have results come out in 6 posts from what I've seen.
Anyways I'll be writing out some basic stats today for the Planet.
Yeah, still thanks for the effort Governor, and you are write about that wordcount. I think everyone here on the thread is fine waiting to see the stats for Raytheon, especially since we know that this word has been battered to hell and back in more ways then one, unfortunately.
Shmeh is a somewhat infamous Qm that made multiple planetary governor 40k (similar name of your quest) quests that where always abandoned sooner or later (less than 1 thread, 1 thread, a few threads). It was never really done in a clean way, and not much explanation was given why.

Most of us started to heavily dislike that he did this. When the story was getting good, bang, done and bye bye.

I have noticed from the start you are not him because you have far more choices to give, and we would have never gotten the possibility of all those types of traits and stuff with Shmeh for make our planetary governor. We have also far more actions to make than with him, and the sector you made seem far more alive.

If you search in the quest archive you should be able to find his quests easily
Planet Raytheon Assessment report, M41 500
Classification: Fortress
Fortifications: Non-existent, Minimal, Battered ,Good, Excessive, Major, The Second Coming of Cadia
Military Industry: Feudal, Minor Mechanicus Shrines, Smattering, Industrialized, Self-Sufficient, Hive-World
Civilian Industry: Ruined
Moral: Vengeful

Local Army:
Total Regiments:50
Imperial Guard: 15
PDF: 35
Readiness: Paper-Army, Unprepared, Ready, Capable, Mobilized
Experience: Militia, Police, PDF, Green, Veteren, Elite
Imperial Guard Equipment: Standard
PDF Equipment: Guard-Stock.
Manpower: Plenty

Supply breakdown:
High Imperial: Almost empty (Production Capacity none)
Imperial Guard Standard: Low (Production Capacity: Low )
Substandard Guard: Medium (Production Capacity: Low)
PDF Grade: None (Production Capacity: Medium)
Resource Stockpiles: Low (Mining Capacity: Minimal)
Stats are done; but note that I may change how this works in the future if I think more complexity is needed. Doubt it though.
Well, at least now we have the full picture, and damn it now I feel like we should solo focus on fortifications in order to become Cadia 2.0.

Besides that, reworking on our defenses both AA and our other damadged fortifications, help push our industry to becoming self sufficent again, and helping restore our civilian industry is going to be our main priority for Raytheon for the foreseeable future. Outside of working on uping on our supply situation, this is looking like its going to take a while, if nothing else bad happens in the meanwhile.
>The Second Coming of Cadia
Well boys, I think we all know what the mid term plan is.
Looks like unfucking the economy will be our priority for a bit.
Help from the rest of the imperium and sector for reconstruction will be vital, on our own it will be too slow. We shouldn't have issues against fighting the orks still present.
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Raytheon Symbol

Well done, anon
Very Cool work again
ded quest. Fuck you Shmeh.
Now that’s just ridiculous, he is clearly not Shmeh. Besides, it took over a week to release the action report for our first turn, of course he’s going to take just as long in order to make the second turn.
"Attention. The Ork threat is not over." You state, in front of a gathering of your command staff (And various generals). Most were stern and understanding-they've likely heard most of this before hand.
"Preposterous!" Except of course that arrogant Predi. The man may have enough understanding of decorum to not make a fool of himself, but he still prides himself on his lacking tactical acumen.
"Did we not smash their leaders in the final battle?" We is an overstatement. "What remained would at best be a fool that wouldn't hesitate to keep fighting."
"Doubtful." Grackus himself chimes in before you can. "A good deal of them already ran for their ramshackle fleet before they took off. Never heard of a cowardly ork, but if any would go to ground it'd be this lot."
Predi waves his hand dismissively at the idea. "Then why worry over them? Surely this is nothing to fear, unless someone had screwed up and-"
The glare of your glowing red eyes is enough to shut the fool up before he derails this.
"No. This is exactly why this is an issue. When a greenskin acts not as a greenskin should, that is when they're most dangerous."
Grackus does not flinch as he stares to you, along with Hugo and a few others.
"Now how do you suppose we deal with this?"
"Simple. We finish the job."
Military :Corporal-No, General Hugo has been with you ever since you first stepped into Basic. He is a fine shot and second in command, with almost as much military knowledge as you. [Select 1 action]
Form-Up! After viewing the recent state of Raytheon’s economy you’ve put your foot down on further recruiting. More men can be helpful but further recruitment will put too much strain on the already taxed planet. Hugo isn’t too happy but is willing to listen to reason. Now instead he’s suggesting to simply train up more of the units while volunteers trickle in. Time: 1 cycle. Cost: The Military’s time. Reward: Improved readiness on all units.

Reassignment to WORK Many of the skilled laborers that used to be working in the various manufactoriums and other economic sectors are still very much drafted. Many commanders believe that they should still be in service to guard against potential future attack, while those closer to the economy think that they’d be better off dismissing them back to work now and help along with rebuilding.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: 5 PDF Regiments. Reward: Boost to Industrial and Civilian Sectors of Economy.

[x]Keep eyes on the skies One of the things most often heavily damaged during a full scale invasion is the Anti-Orbital defenses, and sadly Raytheon was not an exception to this rule. The orks did a number on them, and though planetary void shields have remained intact it's no reason to let anyone with a fleet to be able to surround and assault the place. Best get them up and running again. Time: 2 cycles. Cost:0, Reward: Rudimentary Anti-Orbital defenses operational.
Diplomacy Colonel Maxim is a dashing young man, and your first choice for any social gathering. You've never been one for socializing in anything but during a hunt. So why not foist it on him? [Select 1 action]

Raytheon Stocking Options: When a planet needs help, it calls upon the wider Imperium. Though these pleas are often ignored a fortress world's situation is different. You have direct access to the local head of the Munitorum in the sector, who have been in the past very eager to help rebuild damage from more troublesome attacks. After all, this planet won't do it's job if it's not ready. Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Nothing. Reward: Support from the wider Imperium. 70% chance of success.

Forging Ties: Fabricator General Platenous has already sent the agreed upon supplies and replacement Tech Priests to Raytheon. Though these are only so much in the already enormous task at hand. However Odyssa has already offered to further aid in the reconstruction itself with material and it’s constructive aid. It still does come at a price, the traditional aid of a military expedition.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: 2 Guard Regiments loaned to Odyssa. Reward: Improvement to industry.
Stewardship Dansion Maren is a veteren of the Departmento Munitorum, and an expert in organizing it enough that things get done. The man has cleared away more red tape for your command than any had thought possible, so when he offered to assist in administration you more than welcomed the opportunity. [Select 2 actions]

[X]Raytheon's Industrial complex Usually assumed to be less than self sufficient, like many worlds in the Imperium that is a bold face assumption. In at least manfucaturing needs Raytheon boasts an impressive set of manufactorums able to supply the base line of Imperial Guard formation. If they weren't mostly wrecked by the Greenskins. This causes a problem for supplies, so it's likely good to get started on fixing it.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Supplies and workforce. Reward: Industrial forces

My way or the Underway Part of any good Fortress world is an extensive and secure means to rapidly move the military around. Raytheon of course has the standard runways and shuttle-ports, but another key part to it is the extensive underground highway system. Designed to interlock the various fortress cities together it had held up well until Gruggsmash came in. Though most of it remains intact a good few of the lifts and tunnels have been damaged. Repairs should be in order.
Time: 1 cycle: Cost: Industrial effort and time. Reward: Quicker Response times, bonus to civilian economy.

Fort Up : Most of the fortifications have seen better days. Though there are still many hardpoints around, most of the defenses have been wrecked by the green tide. Repairs are in order.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Supplies and Manpower. Reward: Some Repaired fortifications.
Piety Chaplin Rosencrantz is a devote follower of the local militant branch of the Imperial Cult. He is the kind of man that can lead a rabble of starving pilgrims against a heretic cult and somehow prevail. With fiery speeches and a flamer, he will burn all against the emperor. [1 Action]

For his name a Fortress on a hill: A mass of fortification and guns is not the only thing needed to protect the world. Just as important is the might of faith in the God-Emperor and his chosen creed. The Ecclisiarchy’s holdings on Raytheon are just as battered as everything else. An enthusiastic priest still needs his temple.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: Industry. Reward: Morale Improvement, improved relations with the Imperial Cult.

His Holy Works: Many of the menials have taken quite well to the rather vengeful sermons already popularized by Rosencrantz’s network of broadcasts and priests. In a rather rowdy way as well, but this was already anticipated. The Good Cardinal tells you that they only want results against these foul orks. You’ve already come up with a solution-throwing the most energetic back into the fray in militia formations against the ork remnants.
Time: 1 Cycle. Cost: PDF Grade Supplies. Reward: Tusk-Hunter Militias formed and unleashed.

Intrigue Kasken Morbid is a slippery man. You first caught him in your squad taking far more than his agreed-upon extra power-packs, but he has always managed to find a way to make himself useful when he gets into trouble. Might as well keep a close eye on him and use his talents while you're at it.
[Choose 1 action]
Navy Intelligence Fortress worlds are considered important enough to have their own naval garrison, and yours is no exception. Most of the previously assigned one has either been destroyed or sent back for extensive repairs, so you've only got a few ships in orbit. Certainly not enough to have chased down all the fleeing ork ships. Given that and the state of the planet, you think it might be a good idea to suggest some of them to do a scouting patrol of nearby systems.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost: 1 Frigate. Reward: Knowledge of local threats. Success Chance: 50%

Who’s Da Boss? There’s no doubting it. Somehow killing Warboss Grugsmash and the prior cleanup did not annihilate the Orks’ organization. The source needs to be found now, lest they become a problem at the worst time.
Time: 1 Cycle. Cost: Nothing. Reward: Information. Success Chance 60%
Personal You may not look like it, but even you need to have some time to yourself. [1 Action]

Secure the Succession Given the state right now, the last thing Raytheon needs in the event of your extremely unlikely demise is a bunch of fools fighting over who gets in charge. You'll need to look at a variety of options to ensure a smooth transition of power when you do go to the emperor.
Time: 1 cycle. Cost:0. Reward: A variety of options to select your successor.

Stellar First Impressions As Governor General you don't need to just worry about the planet as well apparently. There's apparently a need to also keep up with other movers and shakers in the sector as well? And it may involve stuffy parties? Bah, why can't you just send Maxim to them all?!
Time: 1 Cycle. Cost: Time not spent on Raytheon. Reward: Good Impressions on local sector nobility. Success chance: 30%.
4th of July preparations ate into my time. I apologize for the wait.
Its fine, something not suprised by, as mentioned earlier with the number of posts you need to make per turn every time.
Im just spiting these options out as plan voting, isn't something that really works well on 4chan.

> Reassignment to WORK
> Forging Ties
> My way or the Underway
> His Holy Works:
> Who’s Da Boss?
>Stellar First Impressions
>Reassignment to WORK

>Forging Ties

>Fort Up
>My way or the Underway

>His Holy Works

>Who’s Da Boss?

>Secure the Succession

Stewardship gets two actions.
Mistake on my part again; it's only one action.
Yep, I noticed that with one of the stewardship actions having an X in them. Hence, why I put only 1 action for stewardship and not the mentioned two for that reason.
Will switching from 'Keep eyes on the skies' lose progress?
Is it possible to do both 'eyes on the skies' AND 'Reassignment to WORK'?
Assuming we can only do one action per 'domain' and we have not completed a few objectives previously chosen:
>Keep eyes on the skies (2/3)
>Forging Ties
>Raytheon's Industrial complex (2/2)
>His Holy Works
>Who’s Da Boss?
>Secure the Succession
Oh ok. Just Fort Up then.
An action marked with [x] is one that's already locked in. You're automatically spending an action to keep it going so you don't need to worry about it.
>Reassignment to WORK
We have a decent amount of PDF and guard regiments around. Not a lot for proper war but an okay amount with the current situation.

>Raytheon Stocking Options
70% is a very good chance and we are still a fortress world. I am not inclined to send right now out our guard regiments to Odyssa, even if its just two. More importantly this is asking help to multiple worlds so far more quantity of help.

>My way or the Underway
Fortifications will be easier to rebuild with these back. If Raytheon economy can also return that can help with the population growth and so on.

>His Holy Works
Militias can be useful and they can kill orks for us. Imperial temples reconstruction is always vital but an emergency situation like global reconstruction justifies it.

> Who’s Da Boss?
We best find where they are. No orks can be left on Raytheon, out of duty and out of showing strength their continue existance would be a great issue

>Secure the Succession
Best complete our internal politics before looking outside. Now if we could ensure the orks are all dead before leaving Raytheon it would be very nice..
Any empty votes you can count with majority then.
Rolled 70 (1d100)

It appears there will be no more incoming votes, so they are now locked.

Speaking of that, finally a roll is to be made.As standard a success will be one over 40 with critical successes and failures factored in.
Sorry for the 2 week wait. But I'll have to put this on an Hiatus backburner now. I'm very good at making myself busy with other projects which have taken out much of my time with this.
This however is a Hiatus and not a firm ending. If I do get the time and focus required I will return and post thread number 2. Apologies for not being able to keep up with this at least during this summer.
Gotcha, and thanks for the notice Governor, instead of just letting the thread end up archived without any explanation beforehand.
Think it would be rude and too much like that other guy that does PG quests to not give the notice at least.
you might want to put something small and easy, between writing main updates. Not sure what. Talking maybe ? Some simple combat ? A quick POV of someone else like a guardsman ? Idk. I appreciate the main updates but there is a lot of space between them in terms of time.

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