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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

Having dealt with the aftermath of Umo Shadowhearts death and clearing of the burial chamber, you continued dealing with the sudden appearance of Thrall by making Taretha Foxton the happiest women in the world as she got to see her "little brother." While you wouldn't endorse Thrall’s plan of attempting to liberate the Internment Camps, you tried to get him to realise the magnitude of said task.

Krix Wiklish finished his rockets as well and for the most part you dealt with many mundane and normal duties until news came out from Alterac. Ogres had attacked Gallows Corner and driven the Syndicate forces there out. Riding forth, you succeed in defeating a force of kobolds and ogres, but Malevus got wounded in the battle.

Now the summer is here, nearly. Just a couple of days and you can hold the meeting with your officers and advisors. You weren't sure of many things, but one thing you were sure of.

It will be a busy summer.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MedivhQM
/qst/ Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Alterac%20Resurgent%20Quest
Prince Alric Stats: https://pastebin.com/rysxdRsv
Quest Mechanisms: https://pastebin.com/CyD88qqf
Character List: https://pastebin.com/FkYd6wkJ
Side Character Stats: https://pastebin.com/aRfyksUG

You are Lady Malevus Silverthread, a member of a renowned family of tailors and couturiers. Though better known as just Malevus, a squire to Prince Alric and a paladin in training.

And you feel like you were thrown off a horse and stabbed multiple times.

Which you were.

"I don't need your help Alric." You said to him half annoyed.

It was the next evening and you were in your own bed. Alric had made sure that after returning to the tower, you had been transported back to Dawnholme and back to home as fast as possible.

Both Tari and Maura had been rather horrified to see you like this, but you had forced a smile and succeeded in calming them down. At least until the clothier and Madam Judy Martin arrived. With no real doctor in Dawnholme and the best replacement being the patient, you had to be the one instructing them. Thankfully the clothier had steady hands with the thread and needle and Madam Martin, the naturalist mage from Underbelly, knew a thing or two about alchemy and how to deal with wounds.

After a bit of screaming as the wounds were cleaned with liquid that felt like it burned you, closed with the thread and bandaged, you finally could rest.

That is if not for Alric being right there.

"I really don't need your help." You repeated.

"You do need my help Malevus, your hands are both bandaged, you can't even hold a spoon or go through other basic tasks." Alric argued back to you. "Let me help you, like you helped me."

You groaned, you would hate this. Being bedridden didn't fit you at all. Worst of all, Alric was there. You already felt a bit fuzzy inside you with just him being there.

"Fiiiine… you can help me if you want." You finally relented and saw how the worry and concern faded off Alric’s face. "Just don't… don't treat me like a child."

"No promises!" Alric said and laughed. "Do you have anything to say or ask before I will go get you something to eat?" Alric asked you and smiled. "You must be hungry."

You were hungry, quite hungry. Hmmm… maybe you could ask something.

>How many prisoners did Alric take? How are they?
>Did anyone else get wounded?
>Has there been any other news from Alterac?
>What did he think when he saw what had happened to you?
>Apologise for getting wounded and getting him all so worried.
>Other, write in.
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Thread 30! Feel magnificent and fantastic to get this far. Now towards the next 30 threads!

And as always if you have any questions or anything regarding the Quest, characters, events or something else, please go ahead and ask them. I will try to answer to the best as I can.
>Apologise for getting wounded and getting him all so worried.
>Did anyone else get wounded?
>How many prisoners did Alric take? How are they?
>Has there been any other news from Alterac?
>What did he think when he saw what had happened to you?

>Other, write in
"What about the ambush the royal guard were preparing?"

Did Alric just drop the ambush preparation and pull everyone out once Malevus got injured?

Can Alric use his Fel without casting a spell, so purely for combat? Fel can restart Alric's heart better then the Light and keep him from turning into a vegetable. If he wanted to, or trained to, it seems like he could use it for a lot of stuff.

How far away is the next Stormwind meeting that Katrana has invited us to? The Oil Rig stages and their progress update.

Am I reading it right that the new invention gives a +1 supply from Windmills and Mines, will it have any effect on the Oil Rig?

If the makeup gift was still good wasn't clarified beyond 'maybe, maybe not' I guess just spend it on a Nalice event of some kind in future if it is. An opportunity to improve their relationship? I'm not sure what the range is be it that or magic training for something that could have been gained with a crit like the Dragon Rune alteration on Alric's chest, or something to think on for when a particular event is actually happening.
>>How many prisoners did Alric take? How are they?
>>Did anyone else get wounded?
>>Has there been any other news from Alterac?
Great achievement QM, and aside from the drama of end of last thread, it seems you've pulled it off smoothly from my point of view!

>Apologise for getting wounded and getting him all so worried.
>What did he think when he saw what had happened to you?
>Did anyone else get wounded?
>How many prisoners did Alric take? How are they?
>Any other signs of survivors that might have fled?
>Ok now burnt toast please, because I know that's all you can make while you're fussing like this.

I'm thinking this kind of order.
Is everything in this quest occuring before the events of wc3 or after?

Alric hasn't tried to use the Fel in combat, just for either empowering or using it to cast spells. If Fel is really giving him power, he most likely could use it to give himself a burst of strength. Currently Alric has been spending his own mana first when casting magic, saving the Fel for later. Every late evening after his magic training with Eligius, he has burned a bit of the Fel away with no noticeable effect on him or his health.

Exact date for the Alliance meeting in Stormwind is undecided, but most likely it will be in late summer. The work on the Oil Rig hasn't started as the Dark Irons haven't arrived yet. Wiklish and his goblin mates have done what they can to get this as ready as possible.

Geared Speed Regulator only has effect on Windmills and Mines currently. The Oil Rig is already technical enough that trying to jam a gearbox somewhere there wouldn't help it that much.

No, I haven't used the makeup gift. At least not yet.


We are currently in the year 16 After Dark Portal. 0-6 ADP was the First War, 6 ADP Second War, 8 ADP Beyond the Dark Portal. Third War happens in the year 20 ADP, so we are still well before those events.

Now what events? There's no Third War, the orcs and their Horde was demolished. There is peace in Azeroth and Lordaeron.
Hmmm well if I had to guess there's so much fel that burning away a little isn't really going to have an impact. Though I guess if we really want answers there's still Kel Thuzad, but I dont think opinion on that will change barring issues popping up.

Is Alric still getting the nightmares in the background? I kind of want to see about an arrangement with Fel Malevus to see if Alric can accept his darker side, how strong we can get in a more sympathetic relationship, and honestly Alric does enjoy his sex and violence. Might be better then Fel Malevus striking whenever Alric has an actual emotional crisis when someone important dies. Plus even if we burn away more of the high quality fel Nalice gave us it won't un feltouch us and it has its uses. Though that may just be my opinion.

How are Eligius's studies going?

I wonder if the trolls will attack the oil rig or if Thrall will send a message about the earth spirits not being happy with pumping out that black gold. I suppose the witches know a little human shamanism and they might have a warning on that.

No nightmares unless I have written about them. And there hasn't been an effect from burning the Fel away, at least not yet.

Eligius is progressing, but he is taking things slowly on purpose. More on the theory than on practice.
Agreed this order is a good one.

I dont have any real questions other than when the campaign against gnolls was to happen? Are we going to join it?
"I'm sorry…" You said and looked into Alric's Fel green eyes.

"Sorry for what?" Alric replied and was slightly confused about this.

"Sorry for making you concerned and worried, Sorry for getting wounded." You said to him with nearly a whisper.

A faint smile appeared on Alric's face.

"Don't, there is no need for you to say sorry." He replied. "You don't need to blame yourself. Only person who should blame someone would be me, because I haven't trained you well enough."


"You are my squire, any blame should be on my shoulders." Alric said to you. He was serious about what he said as he walked to the door.

He really didn't need to say that, but he did.

"What did you think when you saw me? When you saw what had happened?" You had to ask him.

Alric stopped by the door and didn't move for a few seconds.

"I thought that the worst had happened." He said still facing away from you before turning to look at you. "That I had lost you Malevus."

Alric looked down for a moment.

"I…I don't know what I would have done if that had been the case." He told you.

There was sadness in Alric's eyes, but they brightened quickly.

"Thankfully that wasn't the case."

You had the chuckle a bit. How Alric cared about you was lovely, but it did make your insides feel all fuzzy and warm. You needed a break.

"Ok now burnt toast please, because I know that's all you can make while you're fussing like this." You said to Alric.

Now it was his turn to laugh.

"I heard Maura had made carrot soup today, there's still leftovers available." He said and smiled. "Stay still, don't go anywhere, I'll be back soon."

You could only roll your eyes.

Alric left your room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You sighed and breathed deeply. Alric was just so… The fuzzy feeling inside you was the sign of your feelings towards him. Yet everything felt so complicated and confusing. Why did everything have to be so complex?

You tried to rub your eyes, but moving your hands slightly made your arms hurt.

You were hurt. Falling off your horse and then you had been cut and stabbed. Your hands had been well bandaged, both palms cut open. Your gloves had protected your hands somewhat, but the dagger had cut through the leather as well. And your arms had been cut as well. Right arm three times and left twice.

You felt yourself blessed, while they were quite deep cuts, they hadn't hit anything important within you. Even if moving your arms hurt a lot, you had tried to flex and move them to check if that was the case. Same thing with your fingers. All of them were still moving.

You wouldn't walk for a few days though, the wound on your right thigh required your leg to be still. And then the cut on your left cheek, constantly throbbing from pain. The shallow wound ran from just below of your nose to nearly to your ear.

You will heal it, but that would have to wait a few days. As much as you could heal it immediately, it would tire you too much and you needed rest.


The door opened and Alric stepped in carrying a tray. A small bowl and a cup of water on it.

"Here we go." Alric said as he put it aside and moved a chair next to your bed.

"Thanks Alric." You responded and reached for the bowl, but the pain stopped you.

"Just stay still and let me help you." Alric said and sat down, taking the bowl and a spoon. "The carrot soup is really good."

Alric took a spoonful and presented it to you. You looked at him and he just nodded. This was going to be embarrassing and colour creeped up your cheeks and your ears drooped a bit. Finally you relented and opened your mouth.

"How the tables have turned." Alric said as he fed you the soup.

"It's good." You said to him between spoonfuls. "Were there anyone else who got wounded?"

"Of our soldiers no, but there were few amongst the prisoners we took." Alric told you. "35 men in total, a couple more had wandered towards the fire and Sir Radan had caught them."

"What about the ambush?" You asked him.

"We left nearly immediately after the Royal Foot Guards had arrived. That many prisoners required all available hands to handle them." Alric said and continued. "Besides, my heart wasn't in fighting anymore."

He fed you another spoonful of hot carrot soup. Just like you and Tari had helped to feed him after his incident, it was now his turn to return the favour.

"Thank you." You whispered.

"This is the least I can do. I have already sent a messenger to Tarren Mill, Father Hampton hopefully arrives as soon as possible." Alric told you. "I will get you healthy and fit, whatever it takes."

"I know…" You said back to him.

"Ask me anything and I will give it to you." Alric said. "I… it hurts to see you like that. How can you support or defend me if I can't support or defend you?"



The way he looked at you made it clear that he meant it. His gentle smile warmed you from inside and then he placed his hand on your shoulder. Your heart beat faster and the anxiety over all of this between you and him returned.

"Alric… I…" You muttered and lost your thought. What would you choose?

Choose one:
>A new weapon. Your old sword is fine, but you could do with a better one.
>You need new armour, your old elven half-plate doesn't protect you well enough.
>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
>Ask Alric to stop fussing about. It is embarrassing and unfit for a Prince. You are a grown woman, you can handle yourself.
>Tell him to just kiss you.
>Other, write in.

QM: We will get back to normal business after this update.

35 new prisoners put into hard labour means that they will free up 15 Peasants from their duties. Your prison camp currently has 155 prisoners and they in total free up 65 Peasants. Remember, if and when the prisoners are released from the camp, you are going to "lose" Peasants as the prisoners aren't doing their jobs anymore.

>15 Peasants

Total Resources:
0 Wealth, +15 per season
24 Supplies, -1 per season
180 Peasants


The request for aid will arrive soon.
>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
>You need new armour, your old elven half-plate doesn't protect you well enough.

Kissing can wait
>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
Buying and selling with Dark Iron could give her a new weapon and armor.

Everything needs more money
Money !!!
>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
I want them to kiss already but asking for just doesn't feel right. She should just go for it when the opportunity arises.
>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
I think progressing the Holy Light studies is probably the best thing that only Malevus can bring, and if it also helps Hampton with his ministering at Tarren Mill, then all the better.
>>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
>>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
"I want books." You said to him and looked at your small bookshelf. "I mean good books, ones that could help me with my path."

"About Holy Light?" Alric asked as he scooped one last spoonful of the carrot soup.

"Yes, the old and…" You paused to eat the soup.

"Expensive kind. Alright, just tell Eligius what books you want and he will get them for you. And if he complains about their price, I will threaten to take their costs out of his salary."

"He gets a salary?" You asked and raised your eyebrows.

"A small one!" Alric replied with a laugh. "Books, I can do that."

He put the bowl away and helped you to drink the cup of water by lifting you up to sit. Then he just made sure that the pillows were comfortable and pulled the blanket over you.

"That should be enough." Alric said with a smile. "Now you just need to rest, Father Hampton should be here tomorrow."

"Thanks Alric… and don't blame yourself." You said to him.

He smiled and snapped his fingers several times, extinguishing the candles one by one. Just one was left on a cupboard.

"Good night Malevus, sleep well."

"You too Alric, good night."

He left your room and closed the door.

You sighed and breathed deeply. Just find the courage you silly girl. You just need to do it. Maybe… maybe when you have finished the dress? Alric probably would like it.

Yeah that sounds like the plan. First the dress and then… and then… oh by the Holy Light why this is so difficult! It is so easy in the books!

You closed your eyes. You were dead tired. Tomorrow will be a new day, a better day.

You are Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac and ruler of Dawnholme, renowned swordsman, apprentice mage and rumoured lady killer amongst many other things.

"Two weeks Prince Alric." Hampton said to you. The bald, one armed former paladin had arrived around midday and immediately went to see how his pupil was doing.

"Of being bedridden?" You asked him.

"Yes, her thigh needs to heal slowly. The wound there is a deep one and if hurried, there is a risk of permanent damage." Hampton explained. "If her arms hadn't been cut and stabbed, then she could go around on crutches, but…"

"They need to heal as well. I understand." You said to him and crossed your arms.

"Prince Alric, Lady Malevus will be fine, she just needs some time." Hampton said.

"I will make sure she will stay in the bed, thank you Father." You said to him and continued. "Are you going to visit the town now that you are here?"

"Yes, with Lady Malevus unable to help those who need both physical and spiritual healing, it falls on me." Hampton said to you.

"Then can you check on Taretha, she has a bad case of morning sickness today." You told him.

"Of course, I would love to get to know your extended family." Hampton replied.

Did he believe the rumours? You weren't sure, but if he can ease the morning sickness and clear the tiredness, it would be great.


It had been two days since Father Hampton's visit and both Tari and Malevus were feeling much better. Having replaced the old bandages with fresh ones, you could see how the wounds were healing like they should, accelerated with the help of Holy Light. The cut on her cheek had nearly disappeared, but it would leave a light scar behind.

Though for you the days were filled with work. Patrol schedule had been redone and the Stonemason mercenaries had picked up some slack around Sofera's Naze where they were stationed. Thankfully in the afternoon Captain Garside rode back into Dawnholme from the several months long campaign in Strahnbrad Hills.

"It is good to see you father." You said and went to clap his shoulder as he stepped into your home.

"You too son. I came here as fast as I could when I heard the news." He said to you and put his helmet down. "I heard Malevus got hurt, how is she?"

"Getting better, she is sleeping right now." You told him.

"I was worried for a moment." He said to you. "But first let me get this blasted armour off, we can then talk."

"There has been no sight of ogres or kobolds or anyone else." You told him. "Just a faint trickle of smoke where the forest fire had been started."

"It is a worrisome development. If the ogres hold the corner, they could threaten both us and Strahnbrad itself." Normand mused as he drank the tea brought to you by Maura.

"How about the hills? Any news from there?" You asked him.

"No, no tracks or anything. Our patrol did find the camp from which Eligius had been saved from, but it was ransacked a long time ago. Just a couple abandoned farms and that's it." Normand told you and continued. "Though the liquor you had ordered to be left at one of the totems trolls had built, it was gone."

"Maybe a good sign. We leave them alone and they leave us alone." You said.

"But we can't trust the trolls, one day they will come down from the mountains and attack us." Normand said and was the usual sceptical Normand you knew he was.

"But we still should do something about all this." You said.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked you.

>Spread your men and patrols equally across your territory. You need to be able to protect everyone living in your lands.
>Keep the majority of your soldiers in Strahnbrad Hills. The threat from the trolls and the Syndicate is too high and you want your Oil Rig to be well protected.
>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
>The ogres are a more acute threat right now. Move a more significant portion of your men to watch the King’s Road to Alterac.
>Other, write in.
>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
Clearly we need a gallows corner of our own so We got something against the ogre/kobold horde.
>>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
We should conquer Gallows Corner, it is there and it can be ours, it should be ours, taken by none else. NEW CONQUEST CAMPAIGN TIME
Normand is also right : trolls can't be trusted. Their 0 reaction and nothing visible for so long, means they are either observing and planning something or they are dead. And i think the first option is more likely. Best to make sure our men in the hills are always ready in case of raids or a full attack. Also because they might need to deal with Syndicate, Gnolls or Ogres. So four enemies armies possibly showing up for take what they think is "theirs".

Especially now that we are building and settling for extract oil. If we had more spies available i would suggest some spying on the trolls for see what they are up to, but our spies are still recruits in training much the same for Eligius. And our first priority in spying is knowing what happens in our own lands and counter it when needed.
When we have more soldiers, i think we can put an end to this problem
>>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
Equal split is what we need, but we need to strip troops off both locations if we want to join the campaign against the gnolls. I did check the pastebin and saw the Stonemason mercs being there, with just 3 wealth per season for 30 men and the named characters that is a steal. But do we have the extra wealth to hire them, I really want that town hall and if the caravans and markets dont bring enough, then we might have to send our own men there instead of just mercs. We could sell some supplies for wealth, Medivh did write that there is a lack of supplies in Hillsbrad and their prices have gone up.

Or we can just temporarily march our full army to face the gnolls, carry the day, demand all the spoils and return back home as fast as possible.

As much as I would like to do that the edict says no. We have already made Garithos and his supporters mad. Showing disregard to the edict could make others mad as well.
The trolls worry me too, we just dont have the wealth or supplies to support a far larger army. Maybe building high instead of wide is what we need to do, but the pastebin says that we control Strahnbrad hills and we got the building there under our control helping with our supply situation.

And we need the town hall. Get that done during summer and then start building all the supply and wealth buildings we can get during autumn and winter. And take all opportunities to gain more of everything whatever they are. We cant say no to many things.
I know, i know, still..... maybe we could make plans about it... for the very hypothetical future where the edict is lifted of course.

Jokes aside while i hunger for land, perhaps we could try a raid against the ogres that arrived in Gallows Corner. I suspect the warlord/chief leading them hasn't fully established a proper fortified camp in the region yet. The problem is how to do it. Probably a secret raid i suspect, even if we make a good argument to say someone like Uther, the Alliance would just go "ITS TIME FOR THE SECOND BURNING OF ALTERAC".

>The trolls.
For the moment we can't do much, but is something to take out when we can. We might need to build high for a bit, or at least for have a better situation to work with and build a stronger military.
>Town hall
I agree on that. In regard to opportunities, i think Blackmoore will give us a reward depending on just how much we partecipate in his gnoll purge.
>>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
"Balance needs to be found. Both the hills and Dawnholme needs to be protected." You told Normand. "It might be the trolls, or the orcs, or the ogres or Syndicate that attacks us and we don't know when or where exactly. So we need to defend both."

"Half and half?"

"Yep, so bit over a hundred men each." You told him and continued. "Though we might need to draw some troops from each group if we are to join Blackmoore's campaign."

"Any news about that?" Normand asked.

"Nothing, other than they are still gathering supplies and planning it." You told him.

"They need to invite us soon if they want us to be able to participate." Normand said and continued. "But enough of them, speaking of that man leaves a bitter taste in my mouth."

You chuckled. Very few people liked Blackmoore.

Normand finished his tea and put the cup down.

"I got the report from Eligius and you about the burial chamber and what had happened there." Normand asked curiously and somewhat worriedly. "To imagine that a death knight was slumbering so close to us."

You stayed silent. The report that had been sent to Normand was the false-truth as envisioned and planned by you and Eligius. A map found from the belongings of the smugglers that led you to the burial chamber. And then in there you had found the cut down ancient dead and the now thoroughly dead death knight with the culprit being orcs based on a bit of blood on the floor.

No mention of the Thrall nor Frostwolf clan. No mention of you taking Tari out to see him or the plans Thrall had. Nothing about Tari being the reason Thrall had escaped.

Normand didn't know anything about it. It was better that way, your old man had enough on his plate already and the amount of worrying this would cause would be too much for him to handle.

"Better for our enemies to handle themselves than us needing to worry about death knights." You replied with a lie. "The patrol route in the mountains now passes the burial chamber just in case. When the Stonemasons aren't as busy, they will get to rebury the burial chamber."

"Smart and probably for the best. Ancient Alteracis deserve to be able to rest in peace." Normand said and yawned. "I am getting too old for campaigning like this."

"It was a well handled campaign." You told him.

"It was my last campaign if I have a say." Normand told you.

"Planning to retire?"

"Planning to give the younger generations more space and responsibilities." Normand said and continued. "Both Lieutenant Cromwell and Lieutenant Beckston showed their worth during the campaign. Along with some others."

"Are you thinking of promotions? Maybe medals for participants?" You asked him.

"Something like that. The men deserve it and we do need more capable officers." Normand said to you. "We could have a ceremony where potential promotions are then presented."

He then went over the details of what he suggested and you added some of your own. Both of you had ideas you two supported.

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>Captain Garside to Colonel Garside, your idea
>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Lieutenant Beckston to Captain Beckston.
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
>Rover Brothers to Lieutenants, made officers for loyal and good service
>Sir Gravis to Lieutenant Gravis, made officer for loyal and good service, your idea
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
>Malevus to Lady Malevus, knight her for she deserves it.
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea
>Other, write in.

QM: PROMOTIONS! Couple are supported by Alric or Normand, rest are optional, but plausible.
>Captain Garside to Colonel Garside, your idea
>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea
I actually want all of these except the Malevus one (Except if make a tease out of it). Our military has greatly expanded since everybody had these ranks so promotions should be in order all around. What reasons are there against it?
>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
>Sir Gravis to Lieutenant Gravis, made officer for loyal and good service, your idea
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea

Dont promote everyone at the same time pace it out atleast.
These ones have been serving lately and proven themselves.
Its too early for malevus.

Basically everyone that's been through multiple campaigns with us. Gotta start the loyal old guard at some point.
>Captain Garside to General Garside, your idea
Generals still are involved in the army, looking over broadbrush work and with heads of state. The man is that and more.
Colonel is fine too, as that rank is head of a regiment.
>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Lieutenant Beckston to Captain Beckston.
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
This is his path back into becoming a noble of good-standing.
>Rover Brothers to Sergeants, made non-commissioned officers for loyal and good service
Not sure if the Rovers want to become the upper-crust officers, but if they're not already sergeants then they absolutely should be.
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea

No to Malevus. She still is a warrior in training and a paladin in training. When she gets any stat to 3 (except her charisma) then I think we knight her.
Oops, I meant a stat to 4 - this would be above the average soldier.

>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
>Sir Gravis to Lieutenant Gravis, made officer for loyal and good service, your idea
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
Okay, I'll switch to
>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
>Sir Gravis to Lieutenant Gravis, made officer for loyal and good service, your idea
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea
We've yet to see as much of Beckston and the Rovers but Im sure they'll distinguish themselves soon enough.
No update today, I am allowing this vote to continue. Way too tired to write and have the next set of update to continue.

Though I could ask you, when is Malevus ready to be knighted? She has been serving you just under an year as a scale.
I think when her martial skill pops up from 3 to 4 is knight worthy. She's been working really hard, I don't doubt that she's almost there.
This seems pretty good
Looks solid.
When she can beat plebeians with ease.

Normand Garside doesn't want the spotlight, making him Colonel is giving him the spotlight.

>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
>Sir Gravis to Lieutenant Gravis, made officer for loyal and good service, your idea
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea

>Other, write in.
Some kind of medal or responsibility for Beckston, to basically signify that we recognize him as first among lieutenants and expectantly right behind Cromwell. Something like 'First Spear' or Primus Pilus. Normand did note him as well after all. Put him as the one to also handle the specialists and mercs? As a former merc himself I imagine that would fit well. I remember he was also surprisingly aggressive when everyone talked about the responses to Garithos's fuckup, if his tactics reflect that and we want him to have opportunities to show off then put him and his unit where our primary attacking infantry would be.

Also if the specialist mages did anything of note, how they helped and where that could be applied next time. How they fit in with the men and if anything learned anything else about them. If theres something that could be offered to them so they better fit in, or justify some attendants to keep an eye on them. I still wouldn't be surprised if one of the underbelly mages was a spy for Dalaran.

When in doubt with what to do just ask, do the Rovers want anything? To lead some Alteraci Rangers since we do have some elite archers that could probably make the grade when we have the resources. Or something like hawks or falcon or some other birds that they could try to learn how to tame and use to carry messages. Resources to set up some little ranger alcoves in a few places. Whatever they want us to consider.

In my mind she will get it after she secures that long sought after win against Alric in the training ring. Maybe after a solid win in the gnoll campaign if we participate. I would have been fine knighting her after this battle if not for the unfortunate wounding. I don't feel like she would happy about being knighted after it. I could see that being a good motivator if she feels she needed to live up to it, but shes already a hard and devoted aspirant. So it should really come after a win so she can take great pride in it that will last her elven lifetime, something that will greatly strengthen her charisma and self image.
“Cromwell needs to be made Captain, he has been with me for the past two years and served me incredibly well. He deserves the promotion if he had served you as well as you said he did.” You said to Normand and continued. “Besides, we need skilled officers and he fits the bill perfectly.”

“I agree, he served your father originally and now us. There is no one as loyal as he is.” Normand said. “I gave him a lot of responsibilities in the hills, he did a good job there.”

“I also want to promote Sir Radan.” You said to him.


“Yes, has he failed me before?”

“No, he hasn't.”

“Ever since we recruited him, he hasn’t shown us that it was the wrong decision. And we need to give others an example, a former bandit like him rising to the position of an officer. More recently he fought with me against the kobolds.” You said. “Sir Radan deserves it.”

“I agree, our skirmishers do need an officer.” Normand replied.

“So Cromwell and Radan, but I also want to promote Sir Gravis for a lot of the same reasons.” You said to Normand and shrugged. “I am thinking long term, I am going to need more bodyguards in the future and having someone to lead them is important.”

Normand nodded.

“And I want to knight his knights.” You continued.

“His knights?”

“Normand, they aren’t actually knights you know.”

“Good point.”

“Those are my ideas, do you have any?”

“There are a couple of men that should be promoted to sergeants. Baum, one of the footmen and Granger.” Normand said to you and continued. “Baum did pick up a bunch of duties during the campaign and found himself leading the men into patrols.”

“Isn’t Granger the man who made the map of the hills?” You asked.

“Yeah, he did. He has been helping Cromwell organise things in the camp.” Normand told you.

“I trust your judgement Normand, you were there.” You replied.

“I think that is everyone.” Normand said.

“Good, we can talk more later, a lot of small things have happened, but they can wait till tomorrow.” You said to him. “Maura has missed you so go spend some time with her.”

“But first I will take a hot bath, bathing in the cold river does grow quite tiresome after one week.” He said and laughed.

Later that evening, after Normand had bathed and hugged his wife really hard after being away from home for several months, the two of you sat around the table downstairs drinking even more tea. You had gone through all the small events that had happened in Dawnholme.

And to your annoyance, Malevus had insisted on joining the two of you so you had helped your injured squire hobble across the house.

“You should stay in your bed.” You told her.

“Alric, you know how boring it gets when you are stuck in your bed.” She replied rather sternly back to you, getting a funny look from your father.

“At least our patient is in high spirits.” Normand said and chuckled.


Malevus smiled, getting out of the bed was something she shouldn’t do outside of basic necessities, but she was right, being stuck in your bed was awful.

“Malevus has taken all of this so well.” Tari said as she joined you. “I can’t imagine going through the same and be still smiling.”

“Holy Light protected me… and Alric as well.” She replied and smiled.

“Shouldn’t it be the other way around?” Maura said as she carried a tray of delicacies she had baked to the table. “You should be the one protecting Alric?”

All of you picked whatever you wanted, except Malevus who required Tari’s help in eating.

“She has saved me once, so I am just paying back my favour.” You laughed.

Having your family together like this for the first time in months was a joy. You don’t remember when Normand was away this long, it had been just a few days here and there, but not for months.

“I spoke with Maura.” Normand said. “Well we have spoken about this before, but I think the time is right now.”

“For what?”

“I think you should have the farmstead. Taretha is going to give birth in a few months and… you will find that someone…” Normand said to you somewhat awkwardly. These kinds of things weren’t his cup of tea.

“What he is trying to say is that we want to give you some space.” Maura continued. “We can’t be watching over you forever.”

“So you want to move out? Shouldn’t it go the other way around?” You asked them.

“We can ask the Stonemasons to build us a house right next to the farmstead, we wouldn’t be that far away.” Normand told you.

>Yeah that does sound fine. It would be more space for you, Tari and Malevus, and the baby.
>Decline, all of you easily fit in your home and you aren’t bothered with having your parents around.
>That sounds like a good excuse to build a new extension to your home.
>Other, write in

>Tell Normand and Maura about you and Calia breaking up. Tari and Malevus already know about it.
>Let them know about Jandice and you kinda being a thing nowadays. Kinda.
>Tease Malevus now that your parents are here. See how she reacts
>Other, write in

QM: One more of these more social updates.
>Yeah that does sound fine. It would be more space for you, Tari and Malevus, and the baby.

>Let them know about Jandice and you kinda being a thing nowadays. Kinda.
>That sounds like a good excuse to build a new extension to your home.

>Tease Malevus now that your parents are here. See how she reacts
>Tell Normand and Maura about you and Calia breaking up. Tari and Malevus already know about it.

I say no to sharing about Jandice. Malevus's reaction earlier was enough, and that's because she's the squire guarding us. Only other person that knows is the innkeeper Monica, after she found the soiled sheets.
I'll change my vote to support this >>6039803
“I think this sounds like a good excuse to build a new extension to our home, doesn’t it?” You said back to Normand and Maura. “I have no want or a reason to have the two of you leave our home, even if it was just a couple yards away to a new house.”

You looked at your parents and smiled.

“This is our home, it is a home for all of us. Father, mother.” You said and then looked at Tari and Malevus. “For Tari and the child, for my dear squire as well.”

Malevus glanced at you briefly.

“I will speak with Master Pelija then.” Normand said and sighed in relief. “Thank the Light, having to move our belongings is something I wouldn’t have wanted to do in the first place.”

“Yeah all the swords, maces and other bits of weaponry and wall-hangers.” You replied with a laugh.

“Mostly the books.” Normand chuckled.

“We are all going to fit here then.” Maura said.

“We might have to turn one of the rooms upstairs into a nursery.” Tari said and continued. “Maybe my room?”

“Or our bedroom, or Normand’s office.” Maura said back. “I feel like our home is going to be a lively place, Tari and the child, Alric and…”

Maura caught herself and looked at you and the girls. Had she said too much?

“Maura, they know.” You told her. “But… things have changed.”

Normand and Maura looked at you curiously and then looked at Tari and Malevus who already knew.

“Alric?” Maura asked.

“Me and Calia… we aren’t… it didn’t work.” You said to them and sighed. “It was the distance and…”

“I am so sorry.” Maura replied, she really did mean it.

“I don’t know what to say.” Normand said.

“Don’t be sorry, besides I have my family and friends.” You said to them and continued while looking at Malevus. “Those that I care about and find precious.”

Malevus blushed and looked away as she averted her eyes off you. You took a deep breath.

“Don’t worry, you will get your grandchildren one day and besides the two of you get to spoil Tari’s child.” You laughed while still looking at Malevus.

“And that is what I am worried about.” Tari joined your laugh.

You smiled and looked at your parents, Tari and Malevus. You were blessed by being surrounded by people like them, a family that loves you and you love them back. Your duty was towards Alterac and its people. You are a Prince and an heir to a kingdom, it was a weight not many men or women have in this world. But looking at your family, sometimes it did feel like you wouldn’t miss that duty not a one bit if it was to disappear as long as your family still existed in your life. They were that precious to you.


Two days later the invites for your officers and advisors had been sent. It would take a few days for the messengers and letters to travel and then couple more for them to arrive to Dawnholme.

This waiting didn’t mean that you sat down idly, there were plenty of things for you to do. One being reading to Malevus to stave off her boredom. At first thought about reading one of her romance novels, but chose instead to read an old book about Alteraci fairy tales.

And a second thing you did was to read a couple letters you had received. One from Durnholde signed by both Blackmoore and Langston. And another from the corrupt Captain Raethan in Dalaran.

Raethan had told you that he would send you a new letter as soon as possible, but you hadn’t predicted it to be this soon.

You decided to open it first. Raethan was straight to the point with his report. He was in hot water for guiding the migrants from Underbelly to Dawnholme and that hadn’t changed. Yet Kirin Tor didn’t see a need to remove him or assign him to some other duty even if he had caused them issues. Raethan didn’t really hide his disdain towards them so he wrote to you that he will happily continue being your eyes and ears, and helping to facilitate whatever you need in Dalaran.

Since the previous foray into the Underbelly and the sewers by Kirin Tor and their mages, they had done it again and this time Prince Kael’thas had personally joined them. Raethan had asked his rightful Prince what was going on, but Kael’thas had chosen to not answer anything outside of overall security. Whatever they were doing in the far reaches of the sewers where Raethan or the other inhabitants of Underbelly don’t wander to, was important enough for Kael’thas to supervise personally. Of course there were rumours, but could they be believed? A breach in the dungeons beneath the city? Something terrible or awful being exterminated down there? Raethan didn’t know and nobody told him or others anything. It was a secret Kirin Tor business.

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He continued that with Underbelly depopulated due to the migrants leaving to Dawnholme, it was relatively quickly repopulated by those who were living in the other parts of the sewers. More unsavoury people, disgraced people. It had meant more work for Raethan and his guards to keep up the peace, but things quickly settled down. A slow steady trickle of people did start again as those unable to live in the city above moved below it, but it would take time, probably years till Underbelly was full again.

Raethan suggested that he could speak to the people of Underbelly and guide them to migrate to Dawnholme if that is what you want. Now though the amount of skilled workers and other civilians available would be extremely low, the more unsavoury people were still there and could be persuaded to make the move. They could cause issues in Dawnholme, but they would also bring skills that could be valuable to you. And if you could get them to settle down and become productive members of society, that would be great, to give them a second chance in life. There was also the question about the more irregular types of wizards and mages living in the Underbelly. Do you really need the magic they provide that much to accept any risks or issues regarding them? Though more magic would be good, it could equalise many things and help you greatly in the battlefield.

>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
>Do not accept them. You are already drawing too many eyes to yourself and to Raethan. Kirin Tor is already unhappy about what you have done.

>Bandits and scoundrels, people skilled with sword and dagger
>As above and rogues and cutthroats, people with less savoury reputation, but even sharper blades
>Do not accept them. Dawnholme doesn’t need people who could cause issues and problems.

>Witches and conjurers and those practising more alternative forms of magic
>As above and warlocks and occultists and those disgraced and driven away
>Do not accept them. You don’t need dangerous witches and occultists to be in Dawnholme.

QM: Please vote on all three.
Is housing of current Underbelly migrants still basically a tent city and whoever is willing to foster them in their homes?

Income is 15 wealth, current wealth 0 I believe, but Town Hall is 20 wealth. I forget if we can sell supply at whatever ratio to finally afford that. Unless there was another little income in hand I am forgetting.

It is still a tent city, then there are those who are living in the former Alliance camp and those who are living in Alteraci housing, but new houses are being constructed as Dawnholme grows and the sewer and overall infrastructure projects move towards completion. With hundreds of Stonemasons around things are progressing and before winter arrives everyone should have a roof on top of their heads. In summer the tent city is not a bad place to be and the Stonemasons did a great job arranging everything in neat lines and squares.

And you are going to have some income through the market fairs and the Supplies are going to go for more Wealth than usually

Total Resources:
0 Wealth, +15 per season
24 Supplies, -1 per season
180 Peasants
>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
Not yet to the rest, we still have too huge of a backlog to deal with.
anon has a point.
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>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
>Do not accept them. Dawnholme doesn’t need people who could cause issues and problems.
>Witches and conjurers and those practising more alternative forms of magic

When you say conjurers, do you mean like those guys from Warcraft 1 who could summon scorpions and water elementals that could kill a grunt with a single blow?
Once the current lot is settled in we could consier it.

Yes, but not that potent. Conjurers come in all shapes and with varying levels of power. Not all know or have the power to summon proper elementals so something else might be sufficient.

But generally with that I meant mages and wizards that aren't your typical mages and wizards you meet. That is why they are lumped together with witches.

>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
>Do not accept them. Dawnholme doesn’t need people who could cause issues and problems.
>Witches and conjurers and those practising more alternative forms of magic

I do kinda want to see what the witches and conjurers bring, even the most acceptable guys we invited were kind of eccentric. With the ogres and kobolds expanding, plus having to split our troops to cover a lot more ground against possible troll and syndicate activity, they might be handy to have when needed. Plus we can always just kick them out if we can't manage them.

Hmmm a Kirin Tor investigation now led by Kael'thas into the far reaches of the sewer where Raethan and the other inhabitants dont wander into. I'm guessing they looked into after Alric told Jaina and Jaina made some fuss, plus Alric getting those migrants, plus Alric's fel incident. So they investigate, and lo and behold they must have found something deep deep down there worth looking at, and not currently our problem from how they treated our boi Raethan. Maybe suspicion that whoever might have been involved did leave in Alric's migrations, and in their mind perhaps leading to the fel incident.

They just sort of accept that Raethan is certainly working for Alric lol. The agent you know is better then one you don't I suppose. A sort of tacit approval I'm guessing? 'Don't do anything too crazy that makes us mages look bad'.

Gotta think of some weirdos. Golem puppeteer with mannequins or slimes that creep people out. Some kind of magitech autist with a full metal alchemist arm. Runes for making stuff which Jandice said Dalaran was going to take a hard stance on? Some kind of weird scrying or mind magic suggestion geass person.

You replied to an older update, not the more recent one.
I think I didn't refresh Oops. Thanks medivh
>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
>As above and rogues and cutthroats, people with less savoury reputation, but even sharper blades.
>As above and warlocks and occultists and those disgraced and driven away

We got our spy master he can sort them out. We can put any trouble makers in the work camps.
>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
>As above and rogues and cutthroats, people with less savoury reputation, but even sharper blades.
>As above and warlocks and occultists and those disgraced and driven away
It would be foolish to not accept normal workers. With less Alteracis coming, we need to rely on these secondary sources be it people from Underbelly or Stonemasons. Tent city is not obstacle with hundreds of Stonemasons around just like Medivh said.

But I dont think going for all the cutthroats and warlocks is the winning choice, I will still support it, besides it does look like witches and conjurers will be invited which is fine by me. We have enough skilled people to enforce order if needed. We already have former bandits in our service and we could use more of them. They could be a source of skilled soldiers, spies or even assassins. Reminds me of the idea anon had long time ago of providing redemption for all these criminals, maybe those in our prison camp get inspired by this and decide to jump sides. Sir Radan now after his promotion could lead them.

With warlocks and others we now have several magic users already around who can keep them in line. If rules are set and made clear, maybe we could employ mages in our patrols or to counter enemy magic? At minimum Eligius could have more members added into his Coven.
Taking a quill, ink and paper, you started to scribble a reply to Raethan.

It would be foolish to turn away potential workers especially as the influx of new Alteraci migrants had dried up. Even if not that many would make the move to Dawnholme, every single migrant who can work and be a productive member of the society would be something you wouldn't turn away. If someone wants to start anew, you would give them the opportunity.

But you wouldn't accept everyone, the line was drawn to bandits and other cutthroats. With so many of the newcomers still living in tents, accepting new people with dubious backgrounds probably isn't the smartest decision. They would have to wait till you had everyone indoors and settled in. Throwing more instability into an unstable situation wouldn't lead you anywhere good.

Still you did write to him as you didn't expect that many to come, that further mages and wizards would be accepted and appreciated. Boyd and Williams were in Strahnbrad Hills with the army, Madam Martin, while not hired, had opened a herbalist shop and was in a process of cataloguing local herbs and plants. But that was just three mages, add in Surena Caledon and it was four. Just not enough. So you wrote to Raethan to try to recruit more mages and you allowed him to approach those who are a bit more unorthodox. Witches and conjurers, those who practise alternative forms of magic.

Even if you couldn't get many of them to move to Dawnholme, those who would come would all be appreciated. And even if you didn't hire them, like Madam Martin they could set up their own businesses here.

You continued by telling Raethan to be careful. Acquiring unnecessary attention wouldn't help him nor would help you. If he needed to lie low and just do his official duties, he should do so. You want this arrangement to last long and not crash and burn too quickly.

Next you took the letter from Durnholde and opened the envelope. Inside of it were two letters, a shorter from Blackmoore himself that you decided to read first.

It was the official invitation to join the expedition against the gnolls. And it was a stupidly simple invitation.

"Lord Blackmoore invites Prince Alric Perenolde to join him to defeat the gnoll threat once and for all."

And then the signature.

You laughed, based on the quality of the handwriting Blackmoore was either drunk or horribly hungover. Thank the Light the second letter from Karramyn Langston was a lot longer and more descriptive.


The campaign would be launched in a month to allow all participants to collect and prepare their forces. Durnholde has been collecting supplies and will be in charge of the overall baggage train. When all the troops have gathered to Durnholde, the combined army will march to the northernmost Internment Camp and use it as a forward base. From there the army would continue towards the mountains and forests and flush out and bring the battle to the gnolls.

That sounded simple enough, but you were sure that there would be more discussions regarding the overall strategy when everyone is gathered there.

And speaking of that, Langston mentioned that the invites had been sent far and wide. He hoped that troops would arrive from Hillsbrad and Durnholde, but also from elsewhere. There's honour and prestige available for everyone and as a carrot whatever loot is gathered will be divided based on the amount of troops participating and what they have accomplished.

There were some other details written down, requests to bring your own tents and such. Nothing overly important to you.

But Langston finished the letter by thinking it was important to outright mention to you that Colonel Garithos would be participating. The word had spread that you had, mildly speaking, told him how big of an idiot he was and how the Regional Defenders had been driven away from Alterac. According to Langston, Garithos is eager to join the campaign and is going to participate with a lot of troops.

He hopes that you could come, or even just send a token of troops to join the campaign, but he understands that you have your own battles to fight as well. Langston waits for your answer, but doesn't expect it immediately, there is still time after all.

You would need to discuss this with your officers. How many troops could you actually send or would you outright sit this one out?

Beric hadn't arrived yet, but the traders and merchants from Tarren Mill, Durnholde and Hillsbrad Fields were arriving.

They were setting up their stalls, erecting their tents and starting to drum up interest in whatever products they were selling. For a couple of days a festival mood would spread through the town as goods are bartered and everyone wants to make as much coin as possible.

For those from Underbelly and especially to Stonemasons this was a new experience. Sure they had their marketplaces in Stormwind City, but an event like this? The whole region coming to sell their goods?

It will be a delightful experience for them as the Market Fair was in Dawnholme!

>Best of three

QM: Merchants have been making rounds so let's see how much Wealth you will make. And with the summer update just around the corner, I need to ask, have I forgotten anything that I should have done or mentioned?
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d3)

Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d3)

Pretty sure you did VanCleef's letter. I don't know if there were any other letters or word from Nalice when Cyrus came. I imagine getting Malevus her fancy books about The Light might be a little while.

If we join the campaign and draw troops from what we were intending to have keep our lands safe, could we ask our friends and allies to cover some of the patrols while we are on the gnoll campaign? Could let us bring a bit more while leaving things in hand.
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d3)

>Hmmm a Kirin Tor investigation now led by Kael'thas into the far reaches of the sewer where Raethan and the other inhabitants dont wander into.
Maybe they just went fishing :^)
There's some dodgy stuff you could fish up in the Underbelly next the warlock vendors in World of Warcraft.

I want to chat with Beric about developing more trade with Alliance Naval Base as mentioned earlier in this thread.
I wonder if we can (or ethically should) pen a letter to Bev to evacuate all Syndicate forces loyal to her from near Durnholde.
We need supplies, so establishing a trading partner in Tarren Mill of gold for supplies could done, or developed further.

Not sure what else.
>4 Wealth
>20 Peasants

Total Resources:
19 Wealth, +15 per season
23 Supplies, -1 per season
200 Peasants

You may exchange Wealth to Supplies with 1:1 rate and Supplies to Wealth with 1:1 rate.

I will be busy through the weekend so most likely no updates during that time, but now the Total Resources are very much up to date for the Summer update. Normal income has been added along with the income from Market Fairs. You also gained 20 Peasants as a small group of Alteracis arrived from Capital City. The exchange rate has also changed due to the demand for Supplies across Hillsbrad.

This should be enough to have some preliminary discussion or plans how to use your Wealth. The points already raised up will be touched upon in the actual updates if required.
>I forgotten anything that I should have done or mentioned?
can't remember at the moment. Uhmmm spy rumors/training update ? Oil Rig current construction (does it need workers sent there like Masons for example) ? Update on our prisoners ? The new mercs ?

the dreaded townhall.....
is Shoredon a small village or more a fortified camp ? Does it fall under Ragis ?
We sell one supply and buy the long awaited Town Hall. All that paperwork...Offloaded to some paperpusher goons....Plus a Mayor character?

Then again if Garithos is trying to one up us by bringing a large relatively green army then perhaps what we should do is bring our most elite units and specialists to form a strike team. Take the enemy leadership or champion with a fast small group. Or can respond to the gnoll ambushes in the difficult terrain. Maybe hire the naturalist wizard lady for healing and surgery and triage which will always be a valuable service.
We're only negative 1 supply. I'd say we sell 11 and get the town hall and upgrade a farm or tannery. We can boost our supply to positive and get the town hall.
Aren't Stonemasons already crazy busy with just keeping up with the housing demand?

I would be open to trading a supply for gold to reach 20wealth. I'm on the fence about the town hall benefits. Enhancing farms to make better use of the windmill, the iron mine upgrades, or other things seem more relevant while economy is still immature.
If anything we gotta buy windmills. With the goblin mode upgrade they each give two supply income.
I would go for more. 15 supplies to wealth. Get town hall, two windmills and then spend last 4 wealth for 40 footmen/archers. That would leave us -1 supply again and the troops in training could defend Dawnholme. And we would be closer to troop parity with Garithos and be able to defend against all threats. I imagine we get to loot supplies from the gnolls as well. Now that the price is good, supplies to wealth makes sense.
Ideally rather save that supply income for another mage or the trade ship we will want for the oil. Maybe a rocket troop as a treat.
>I'm on the fence about the town hall benefits.
Beside the effect in the pastebin, there is more to it.

- Free's up of lesser administrative duties Alric and Normand, which while sounding a bit funny have steadily increased through the quest. A few times Alric kind of avoids them if he feels tired/overwhelmed.
- With the population of Dawnholme increasing and counting even Stonedon, Shoredon and the not unlikely third village near the future Oil Rig that might form, its becoming far more people under us than before.
- Not having a civilian administration means that we lack something for our small realm that we could really use. A Mayor and paperpushers would be of help to us, they would be our loyal men by default depending on who we put in those roles.
- With more people coming in, i wouldn't be surprised if requests started for it

Sound good.
Oh we are definetly grabbing anything the gnolls have. Hell we made something with a pelt of one of their chiefs before. We could sell them

A fortified camp is a more accurate explanation. There are a few locals who have gotten work there as helpers and workers as they are always needed.


They are very busy, but do note that the third Stonemason group haven't arrived yet. More people are expected to come.


Pretty solid explanation of the benefits, but one thing I have hinted a bit becomes a reality as well.


Oh and happy Midsummer to my lovely anons!
Thanks, I didn't see the buildings pastebin.
I cobbled it together here bonuses and costs, hope you don't mind QM.

-Farms, 5 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires plains or farmlands +1 supply
-Improved Farms, 5 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires plains or farmlands +2 supply
-Farming Estates, 8 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires plains or farmlands +4 supply
-Windmill, 5 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires Farms +2 supply (+1 from gearbox)
-Noble Manor, 8 Wealth, -5 Peasants +2 supply
-Fortified Noble Manor, 15 Wealth +2 supply
-Lumbermill, 4 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires forests +1 wealth
-Sawmill, 8 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires forests +2 wealth
-Powered Sawmill, 10 Wealth, Requires Dwarven expertise, Requires forests +3 wealth
-Herbalist’s Hut, 5 Wealth, 5- Peasants, Requires forests +1 supply
-Alchemist’s Hut, 12 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires forests -1 supply
-Alchemist’s Workshop, 15 Wealth, Requires Master Alchemist, Requires forests -3 supply
-Hunting Lodge, 3 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires forests +1 supply
-Leatherworker’s Workshop, 5 Wealth, -10 Peasants +1 supply, +1 wealth
-Blacksmith, 8 Wealth, -5 Peasants +1 supply
-Improved Blacksmith, 10 Wealth, -5 Peasants +2 supply
-Foundry, 20 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires a Master Smith +2 supply
-Mine, 5 Wealth, -30 Peasants, Requires found ore
-Mine Complex, 20 Wealth, -50 Peasants, Requires found ore (Iron mine is this +2 wealth)
-Deep Mine Complex, 20 Wealth, -50 Peasants, Requires Dwarven expertise, Requires found ore (Silver mine is this +8 wealth)
-Stables, 5 Wealth, -5 Peasants -1 supply +10 horses
-Major Stables, 10 Wealth, -5 Peasants -2 supply +20 horses
-Grand Stables, 10 Wealth, -5 Peasants -3 supply +40 horses
-Mustering Field, 3 Wealth -1 supply
-Barracks, 10 Wealth, -10 Peasants -2 supply
-Town Hall, 20 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires village or town (As noted, taxes) +governing
-Keep, 20 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires town or city +governing & defence
-Castle, 30 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires town or city +governing & large defence & large leadership
-Scout Tower, 4 Wealth +defence
-Guard Tower, 10 Wealth, -10 Peasants +large defence
-Cannon Tower, 20 Wealth, -10 Peasants +huge defence
-Town Walls and Gate, 12 Wealth, Requires a town or a city
-City Walls and Gate, 18 Wealth, Requires a city
-Abbey, 15 Wealth, Requires a town
-Church, 15 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires a town or a city
-Cathedral, 15 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires a city

Townhall does seem very appealing then. With up to 42 wealth available before starvation sets in.. Setting up three windmills on Gavin's, Sofera's Naze and Stranhbrad Hills makes sense to at least make us supply positive until adding more troops. Leaving 7 wealth/supplies for troop training and other actions.
Thanks Medvih.

I'd agree with a Town Hall and three Windmills. I just don't think immediately eating up our supply income again with more troops is good. We don't need parity in numbers with the Regional Defender forces, including allies we can pull roughly even anyways, but I think it would just be a pissing contest that won't win any favors. We can spend it better.

I'd sooner reserve it for the Naturalist mage since her healing could save us on lives and veterancy lost. One Alric heart attack tier bad roll and we could need her to save a side character if Malevus isn't able to pull off a healing roll, or is the victim of one herself. Perhaps one of the newer mages if they look good, or almost certainly the trade ship which will take 5 supply per season once we have the oil up and running.

As we see here supply income is also money when we need it, reinvesting it later as we are doing here. Supply gains like this are gonna be more expensive to come by with getting to Farming Estates from Farms costing 13 wealth. Once we get a large stockpile we can temporarily field a much larger host of troops for a planned battle like the trolls or ogres, or thrall's thing if we try to meddle in that.

In fact it would also be useful politically if we have a healthy amount of spending food for feasting our new arrivals to promote unity, for feasting and gifting our neighbors who we want to butter up for expanding the Darrowmere league.
Found a mistake of mine.

-Mine, 5 Wealth, -30 Peasants, Requires found ore (Iron mine is this +2 wealth)
-Mine Complex, 20 Wealth, -50 Peasants, Requires found ore (Silver mine is this +8 wealth)
-Deep Mine Complex, 20 Wealth, -50 Peasants, Requires Dwarven expertise, Requires found ore (Not yet built)

Also we have one more land of Darrow Hill that doesn't have a windmill that could receive one.
It had started to rain early last evening and it had rained through the night. There were puddles everywhere, but thankfully the traders and merchants had covered their goods and stalls really well so no damage had been done.

By midmorning the sky had cleared and the sun started to shine. And by midday it had gotten very hot outside, hot and really moist thanks to the rain.

"I do not envy you Prince Alric." Eligius said to you, even he had left his usual dark robe behind.

"I am not bothered with the heat." You replied as you stood next to him and looked down into the half-finished sewer works. "I don't know why, but I'm not that bothered. Haven't been for some time. Besides, I do need to cover myself."

Eligius gave you a knowing look, just last night he had repainted the blue elven sigils on your skin. The ancient method of helping new mages to get used to mana was supposedly helping you. Of course you didn't have a comparison point, so you just had to trust what Lady Nalice had told you. Last night's magic studies left you a bit tired as you had forced your instincts and pushed them as hard as you could to sense magic. You had made some progress there, but it for some reason was a lot harder than you had expected.

And now you were wearing your usual long sleeved shirt, leather jacket with buttons closed and breeches tucked into your riding boots. With a chaperon on your head, you felt rather overdressed compared to the people around you. Most of the workers had thrown off their shirts and even the womenfolk had dropped the excess clothing away while still staying modest.

At least your dark glasses that hid your eyes protected you from not getting blinded by the sun. And you could give a glimpse or two to the fine ladies without anyone noticing.

The work in Dawnholme wasn't interrupted by the sun. The main street through the town was still dug open, but you could see that the sewer had started to form. All the stonework on the floor of the sewer had been finished and section by section the walls and the ceiling was being constructed. The handiwork of the Stonemasons was really impressive, even the walking path within the sewer was really smooth and the walls were finished with quality that was most likely wasted in a sewer.

And everything was carefully sloped towards the southeast to prevent waste and water from pooling up within the sewer. With the drainage tunnel through the Headland finished, there now was a stone pipe barely big enough for a man to crawl through with a heavy iron grate on one end, making sure that all the waste would leave the sewer and flow down the hills away from Dawnholme towards Hillsbrad. It wasn't the most elegant solution, but with no river nearby to wash all the waste away, it was the second best solution.


The work on the housing was progressing as well. One work crew prepared the foundations, another cut the stone for them. Then the construction crews went to work with new wooden frames being erected daily and in some cases roofs were already being raised. None of the new houses were finished, but you saw how all the work flowed from one phase to another without hiccups or work crews overlapping each other.

And while building new things took a lot of time, renovating the old didn't take as much. Stonemason work crews as part of the project to turn Dawnholme into a great city, went through each house and a building seeing what could be done to make them better, more habitable. Already several houses had been renovated. Dirt floors were replaced with proper wooden floors, walls and windows checked for insulation and so on. In some of the houses lofts were built where more people could sleep in, getting a few more families out of the tents.

There were a lot of things for them to do and a lot of work to be finished, but you could see the progress. By the end of the summer, Master Pelija predicted that half of everyone living in the tents would be housed and the remaining half would follow by the end of Autumn. When the sewer is finished, that would free up a lot of manpower for all the other work.

"Let's go see Pai and the dungeon." You said to Eligius. "I wonder if she appreciates her new home."

Past the previous jail cells was a door with a guard standing next to it. He allowed you and Eligius to pass and you walked down the winding stairs deeper underground until reaching another door that you pushed open and led you into a domed chamber. The work had been finally finished last week.

Couple of tables and chairs were there and you saw seven heavy doors leading into individual cells of which only one was now occupied.

"She hasn't talked." Eligius told you. "Not to me or to anyone else, but apparently she has been enjoying reading the books you have provided to her."

"Oh has she?" You asked curiously.

"Prince Alric, it is not my job to judge you, but romance novels? Really?" Eligius asked you and was thoroughly puzzled about your liking of the books.

"Oh those, yeah I thought she would like some light reading." You replied with a chuckle, not bothering to tell him that those books were on loan from Malevus.

"As long as they keep her content." Eligius shrugged. "But do you want to talk with her alone or do you need me? I don't think she will talk to me."

Eligius seemed defeated. He had tried for months and months, but without success.

"Chin up, it's not your fault that she has opted to play mute." You said to him.


>Talk with Pai alone in her cell. See what she is up to right now.
>Have Eligius join you, you are going to make Pai the imprisoned Syndicate assassin to talk with him.
>Drag Pai out of the cell and give her a tour of Dawnholme. See what she thinks about the Market Fair.
>Other, write in.


Oh I don't mind, the pastebins are there for guidance.
>Have Eligius join you, you are going to make Pai the imprisoned Syndicate assassin to talk with him.
>>Have Eligius join you, you are going to make Pai the imprisoned Syndicate assassin to talk with him.
Do mention the fair to her and how shes totally missing out wasting away in this cell.
>>Have Eligius join you, you are going to make Pai the imprisoned Syndicate assassin to talk with him.
Tempted to drag her out. She hasnt seen how we made our Alterac.
>Have Eligius join you, you are going to make Pai the imprisoned Syndicate assassin to talk with him.
Tell him to be at ease since I suspect that he acts more imperiously than he's actually capable of.

Nah, too on the nose. It needs to be more off handed imo.
>Drag Pai out of the cell and give her a tour of Dawnholme. See what she thinks about the Market Fair.

This option would be funny because I have a feeling she would say something about the market fair being a perfect opportunity for enemy spies to not only enter Dawnholme, but to meet and communicate and even gather together if they had a mission that needed a little more muscle. So she could possibly spot a spy, possibly not even a syndicate spy, which might be handy. I hope it wins.

I'm surprised people want to try and make Pai talk to Eligius. Shes a professional, its part of her identity, if shes not talking to him after months and months than she has her guard up against him, so I'd guess having him there would put her on edge which is not ideal to building trust needed to flip a formerly hostile agent. Also if it actually worked then we would just be offloading out Pai and Alric conversation scenes to Eligius instead which I dont think is the way to go.
>I'm surprised people want to try and make Pai talk to Eligius. Shes a professional, its part of her identity, if shes not talking to him after months and months than she has her guard up against him, so I'd guess having him there would put her on edge which is not ideal to building trust needed to flip a formerly hostile agent.
I don't think it's that kind of deal anon. It seems more like she doesn't respect him and liked to fuck with him since her silence upset his interrogator schtick so much that it was entertaining to her. Here, we're trying to build bridges between the two since we expect them to work together in the future.

>Also if it actually worked then we would just be offloading out Pai and Alric conversation scenes to Eligius instead which I dont think is the way to go.
That is not the point of this exercise.
I mean its not surprising she doesn't respect him hes only a spymaster in training without much real experience, and most of his time interacting with people before that was being as plain as possible. Their personalities also might not be very compatible, but maybe thats just me.

That would be pretty funny if shes doing it just to mess with him and entertain herself, though if entertainment were the goal I'd think she would give him little bits of nothing to keep him coming back so she could keep fucking with him. Lead him into stories that go nowhere or are just a punchline to fuck with him with an 'The Aristocrats' joke or something. That she just says nothing but he keeps coming back also might just be they are both stubborn as hell lol, but she is actually a professional who considers her position a lot.

Last time with the letter business she asked for our terms so I do think we are at or approaching the point where we can ask for a deal of her flipping sides? I feel like that should be done first before attempted bridge building with someone she either is on guard against or likes to fuck with being present. In my mind yeah its a hurdle to overcome but we haven't even started the race yet with her agreement to work with us.

What do you think her price would be? I imagine she deserves a specialist level of pay and gear as a professional assassin, otherwise she could just skedaddle to find some scummy nobles to work for later.
>That she just says nothing but he keeps coming back also might just be they are both stubborn as hell lol
This is what I think, she finds abusing his stubborness entertaining while also being extremely stubborm herself. Remember that it took Alric staring at her for a long ass time before she finally spoke up.

>I feel like that should be done first before attempted bridge building with someone she either is on guard against or likes to fuck with being present.
It's preliminary bridge building and Eligius won't be making a fool of himself with Alric in the lead. We'll be trying to make things fun for everyone, not just Alric and Pai.

>In my mind yeah its a hurdle to overcome but we haven't even started the race yet with her agreement to work with us.
What do you think her price would be? I imagine she deserves a specialist level of pay and gear as a professional assassin, otherwise she could just skedaddle to find some scummy nobles to work for later.
If she were all business then I could see that but she seems a lot more hung up on sentiments than just money. Sure she could work for someone else and perhaps get a bit more coin but would it be as fun and interesting of a ride as Alric's? I doubt it.
>>Talk with Pai alone in her cell. See what she is up to right now.
"Are you sure?" Eligius asked you.

"No, but my patience is wearing thin. I am going to get her to talk to you." You replied to him. "Just follow me."

"Well I wouldn't hold my breath." Eligius said back. "You can try though."

You walked to her cell door and opened it with a key you had taken. Stepping in, you saw one of the new cells for the first time. Stone floor and walls, a table with two chairs, chamber pot, a small shelf with a single book on it and then the bed where Pai was laying on her back.

"Hello Pai." You greeted her, placing a lantern on the table and getting her attention.

She sat upright and stared at you for a few seconds until Eligius stepped into her cell and immediately you could see a chance in her eyes. She wasn't thrilled to see him.

"You look well, do you like your new cell? I can see that it is a bit more spacious and the floor isn't damp sand anymore." You said to her as you took the chair.

Dragging it on the floor with one hand, you had a feeling that she wouldn't try anything funny, and so you placed it closer to her than before. Setting your walking cane down as well, you took a seat and waited for her to respond.

"It's alright." Pai answered.

You gave a look to Eligius who had also taken a seat.

"See, she isn't a mute." You said to him. "She can talk."

"Just not to me." Eligius replied. "Good day Pai."

She glanced at Eligius and then looked back at you, she seemed annoyed because of the presence of both of you.

"Alright, I will get to the point immediately. I wanted to come see you for two reasons. First is this newly built and finished dungeon. Second is that my patience with you is wearing thin." You said to her and crossed your arms and rested your leg on top of the other one. "You have been my prisoner for half a year already. We have talked a few times and I think we have made some progress. The baths and extra rations have worked wonders."

Pai had let her brown hair grow longer, but otherwise she was closer to the assassin you had caught than the one who had lost plenty of weight and was grimy as hell rotting away in a cell. If she wasn't wearing very dull brown clothes that made her look like a homeless person, she would have been a quite attractive person thanks to her staggering looks and rather… curvy body.

"And in return you have spoken to me a bit, you gave away the shiv you had made and you haven't shown any attempts trying to escape, trying to attack me or Eligius or any of the guards. You haven't even tried to kill yourself. And do note, I think you are skilled enough to have entertained the thought of trying that." You spoke and continued. "But you haven't for whatever reason. You could, but you haven't."

"Waiting for death at the hands of a Syndicate master assassin? Waiting for the unlikely rescue? Waiting for me to fuck you, just like you wanted?" You spoke.

"Are you offering?" She asked back, a mischievous grin on her face and her voice took a honeyed tone.


"Sorry, you have to take me out for a few dates first." You replied with a smile. Neither of you were serious about what you had just said. "But ahh… you can't take me out because you don't want to leave the cell."

"A pity." She replied, having returned back to being serious.

"It really is and like I said, my patience is wearing thin and you are running out of time." You told her and continued. "Sooner than later I will find that someone and then I don't have time for anyone else."

Pai laughed. You had gotten her open up at least this much which meant that you could get her to talk to Eligius. At least to tell you why she is pretending to play mute with him.

"Why don't you talk with Eligius? He visits you near daily, but you aren't saying a single thing?" You immediately asked her.

"Because he is boring." Pai said and stifled her laugh. "You meanwhile are quite interesting."

"Just because of that?" You chose not to glance at how Eligius was reacting to this.

"He is the most milquetoast, boring, uninterested man that I have ever met." Pai replied and stared back. "And believe me I have met men who are pathetic. Fel, you know Sahvan, if I had told him to suck my toes, he would have done that gladly."

Eligius was quite unassuming and inconspicuous which has worked for his benefit, but milquetoast? You found your warlock turned into a spymaster, masquerading as a scribe to be a quite interesting and skilled man.


"He comes here, takes a seat greeting me with his quill and ink already ready." Pai started to explain. "And months ago he tried to ask me questions about everything, but you know what he has been doing for the past two months? He has been just telling me what he has been doing and what has been happening in the town above."

This time you had to turn to look at Eligius.

"Is what she says true?" You asked him.

"Pai wasn't answering my questions so I thought to at least keep her up to date with what has been going on." Eligius replied and shrugged. He seemed rather annoyed about this outburst of hers.


"Yeah and what he tells me is the most boring and mundane bullshit there is. Oh I catalogued some migrants, oh the sheep farmer brought some sheep for sale, oh I wrote a letter for a peasant who was illiterate." Pai described what Eligius had told her rather vividly and waved her hands like she was incredibly amazed about every word of his. "Such boring bullshit."

"And why do you talk with me then?" You asked her.

"Because you are interesting. You are a Prince, you are a well-known swordsman, you are very handsome and instead of letting me die, you kept me alive." Pai told you and switched to her sultry voice. "And because of the rumours and what people say about you. When I say I want you to fuck me, that is not a lie."

"That's it?" Eligius asked back, his voice betrayed his normally calm exterior as he was amazed by her reasoning.

"That's it. Prince Alric is interesting, with him I can spar verbally and have some fun. But you are the most boring-ass-milquetoast-monotonous-passionless-nondescript man I have ever met!" Pai replied back to him, now she was a bit heated.

"Yeah and so what? I prefer to be nondescript if I can." Eligius said back to her immediately.

"And you bore me to death with your stubborn attempts to get me to talk." Pai replied to him.

"And your stubborn play of pretending to be mute and not even acknowledging me has made me waste hours and hours. You could have just said that you aren't going to say anything to me and I would have gladly stopped after a few tries!" Eligius replied all heated as well.

"Stubborn shithead!"

"Filthy harlot!"

You started to laugh. No way you hadn't expected this to devolve into anything like this. Both Pai and Eligius had lost their cools and dropped whatever characters they normally played as they shouted at each other. What Pai said felt like the truth, but it wasn't the explanation or the reason why she hadn't spoken to you about Syndicate. She might find you more interesting, but that doesn't explain everything.

"Ahh it finally happened." You said mid laugh.

"What!" Both Pai and Eligius asked you in near unison.

"I got the two of you talking!" You continued laughing.

Both Pai and Eligius immediately turned silent and averted their eyes off each other and towards you. It took you a moment to collect yourself.

"I think this is a wonderful opportunity for the two of you to start anew." You told them.

"No, nothing will change how uninteresting he is." Pai told you.


How Pai acts towards Eligius is just plain childish and silly and definitely isn't the reason why she doesn't talk and reveal what she knows. With Eligius it is just her stubbornness, but with you she still has some reasoning. Be it out of professionalism or not, but there is a reason. There must be.

This did give you an idea. Pai found Eligius uninteresting, but what if he was suddenly quite interesting? Revealing that he was a warlock would turn her idea of Eligius upside down and make it apparent to her what sort of people you are willing to employ. If a warlock, why not an assassin as well?

Though that had its own issues. What if Pai tried to tell that to others? Would anyone believe a Syndicate assassin? And would it get her to actually reveal anything worth of note to you? You might need a carrot or a big stick. But it was clear you needed something that would change the current status quo and turn her situation into something a lot more different. Because she seemed to be quite content with what is the present.

>Eligius is a warlock. A warlock serving you is quite interesting for a multitude of reasons. Him being inconspicuous is a feature, not an issue.
>Eligius is your spymaster. Being and acting nondescript allows him to perform his duties rather well.
>Eligius might be boring, but you are going to give her a chance to at least settle this with him.
>Other, write in

>You are going to show her something interesting, drag her out and give her a tour of Dawnholme and show her the Market Fair
>Remind her that she is running out of time. Sooner than later you are going to learn what she knows from other sources and she loses her value. And you are going to find a wife and be loyal to her.
>You know what, she has tested your patience far too much. Strip her off any and all amenities and allow her to rot in the cell until she wishes to talk to you.
>Promise her more books and ways to spend time. In return Pai will reveal something new to you.
>Give her what she wants, you will fuck her if she tells you everything she knows.
>Other, write in.

QM: Please vote on both. Great discussion on Pai and her motives. The puzzle pieces are coming together.
>Other, write in
Eligius is actually rather popular in his circle. He has a harem of rather eccentric women who took him to a little festival just for them. What was that game? Pin the tail?

>You are going to show her something interesting, drag her out and give her a tour of Dawnholme and show her the Market Fair

AHAH she found him boring. Luckily I think I know exactly what will get her attention, without spilling any of the magical details. This at least won't expose him as a warlock and our spymaster.
Fuckin called it didn't I? But yeah your plan is good. Just need to make a bit out of going on a date so her and Alric can fuck.
"See Eligius, he is a true gentleman and doesn't brag about his conquests. It just shows that you as a master assassin, Pai, you cannot discern Eligius's true form."

Mixing more half-truths would be funny as.
>Promise her more books and ways to spend time. In return Pai will reveal something new to you.
>Promise her a wrestling buddy, when our squire heals
Haha yes this was better than I expected it to be. Lets put in the idea of Eligius being more interesting that he is outwardly and then take her out to see thr sights as a "date".

I am not sure if we should have sex with her. Make a bit out of "dating" sure.
>Eligius is a very interesting man once you get to know him

>Remind her that she is running out of time. Sooner than later you are going to learn what she knows from other sources and she loses her value. And you are going to find a wife and be loyal to her.
It's part of the bit anon, she wants to have sex with Alric? Need to go on a date first.
"Pai, it will be your loss then." You said to her. "Because I find him a rather interesting person."

Pai scoffed at what you had said. Getting her to open up like this most likely wasn't what she had envisioned to happen in the first place.

"Eligius is quite popular amongst his circles." You said to her.

"Prince Alric…" Eligius tried to interrupt you as he realised what you were going to say next.

"He has this group of rather eccentric women following him. They even held this festival just for him and them." You told Pai and pretended to be thinking. "What was the game they played? Hmmm… pin the tail?"

"He what?" Pai asked, clearly surprised about what she had just heard.

"See Eligius, he is a true gentleman and doesn't brag about…" You continued and stopped on purpose. "I will leave it there, not my business to say more. But do you know what this means Pai? It shows that you as this supposed master assassin, you cannot discern Eligius's true form."

"Then tell me what it is." Pai demanded from you.

"No no, that is for you to ask from him. That is if you want to know. But I promise, he isn't that milquetoast when you get to know him." You spoke to her and stood up.

"Already finished?" Pai seemed disgusted at the thought of having to talk with him. Her tone was rather suggestive. "Not even a sloppy quickie this time?"

"Finished? Oh no, we aren't finished." You replied and rolled your eyes at her lewd remark. When she was on the defensive, she immediately resorts to vulgar suggestions. This was good, you had the initiative here. "Stand up and Eligius, can you please open the door and make sure I don't forget anything here."

Pai seemed hesitant as Eligius opened the door, so you walked to her and grabbed her arm, pulling her up and to your side.

She could easily grab your rondel dagger and stab you right then and there, but she was mostly just bewildered about this.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, dropping her suggestive voice. "I don't have a choice, do I?"

"You will see." You replied nonchalantly. "And no you don't."

You let her go as it was apparent that she would follow you willingly. You walked the stairs up into the jail and politely declined on putting the irons on her legs and arms. And when you stepped out of the jail into the bright sunlight, Pai could only blink and try to cover her eyes with her arms.

"It's so bright…" She complained.

"Prince Alric, what are you doing with her?" Sir Gravis asked and was immediately alerted.

"At ease, just follow me from a distance as usual." You said to him and waved his concerns away.


"No buts Sir Gravis, Pai won't try anything, isn't that right?" You said to him and turned to look at the assassin struggling in the sunlight. She didn't say anything. "Now follow me, I have so much to show you."


You guided her through Dawnholme, showing her the town that she hadn't seen before. She had most likely heard a lot from Eligius, but seeing everything with her own eyes was different.

Locals greeted you as you passed them. Most of them had grown accustomed to their eccentric, but kind Prince and didn't really seem that interested in why a beautiful woman in just a brown shirt, hosen and shoes was following you. Some Alteracis did recognise Pai as the assassin or made the connection, but they just gave you a curious look as they bowed or did a curtsy.

And Pai took that all in, at one point she washed her hands and face in a trough, getting water all over herself, and then at another she watched as Stonemasons winched a frame of a house up.

"We have over two thousand souls living here in Dawnholme." You said to her. "And more are coming."

Pai hadn't said anything and she just looked at you. So many opportunities for her to try something, but nothing had happened.

"When you arrived here, the population was just half of that. I think we are going to surpass Southshore soon." You told her. "Now follow me, I still have a lot to show you."

You escorted her past the barracks and sparring soldiers. Blacksmith was busy with work as you spoke with him very briefly and watched as a work gang made out of the prisoners of yours helped to carry heavy planks and lumber around. The word must have spread even to them as they stared at Pai until the guards made them concentrate on the work.

And Pai just took all of this in. She looked around, observed the people working and going through their daily tasks. But she seemed wary, on guard and tense. As if she was looking for familiar faces, an assassin that would sink a blade into her back.

A gaggle of children had approached you very carefully. The bravest of them, a young boy stepped forth.

"Prince Alric… how is aunty Malevus doing?" The boy asked, forcing you to smile as you took a knee to look and speak to the children on their level.

"She is doing better, but she can't be up and running as she is recovering." You told the boy and other children.

"When can we see her?" The boy asked again.

"In a week or two." You spoke and continued. "You know what would make her a very happy lady, if you kept her in your evening prayers everyday."

There was a chorus of agreeing nods.

"Now go, I have a bit of business to do and I shouldn't keep Miss Pai waiting." You told them and stood up.

The children scattered, waving to both you and to Pai, who didn't know what to think about this.


The word had spread fast in Dawnholme and then to elsewhere how you had set out on a rescue mission into Alterac to fight the ogres, coming back with over thirty men who had been your enemies till the previous day. People spoke how it had been the right thing to do and how during all of this Malevus had gotten wounded, while protecting those who would have tried to kill her in other circumstances. Heroic tales always reach the furthest.

"Let's go to eat something, I am already a bit hungry." You said to Pai, who again just followed you without saying a word.

You had purchased some pretzels from a merchant, who funnily was from Durnholde Keep and recognised Pai. Having taken a seat on some boxes somewhat away from others, you started to eat the pretzels, but Pai hadn't even tasted hers.

"Not hungry?" You asked her. "They aren't poisoned, see."

You grabbed the pretzel she was holding and took a bite out of it, before passing it back to her. Chewing slowly, you thought about pretending to choke on it to spook her, but decided against it.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked you.

"To show you Dawnholme and what you are missing out." You told Pai and continued eating.

"No, it is not that. You think this is going to make me talk." She said back and again looked around. She didn't seem to enjoy being out like this, yet she had followed you through the whole tour.

"Will it?" You asked her back.

Pai didn't answer.

"Your loss then." You replied and continued eating.

It took a moment until Pai took the first bite out of her pretzel. She chewed on it and then hurriedly finished it before taking out the second one you had bought her.

"I can't see through you, and it looks like I can't see through Eligius either." Pai suddenly said to you. "Why are you doing this? What are your reasonings for all of this? You said that I could have tried to harm you and now you have allowed me to approach you close enough to take your dagger and stab you."

"But you haven't." You replied between the bites.

"I can't get a read of you. It is both so frustrating and… excruciatingly interesting." Pai said and continued. "What is your play?"

>This is a date. You told her that there needs to be a few dates first before the sex. Be joking, but obfuscate and tease her hard.
>To let people recognise you and allow the word to spread. You walk free next to your previous target. How does that look to the Syndicate?
>Showing her everything you have accomplished. What she is missing while stuck in her cell in the dark.
>Having her learn this side of you. The Prince everyone appreciates and likes, that you aren't some corrupt nobleman of Syndicate.
>Other, write in.

QM: Write ins work really well now. You are getting closer and closer.
>This is a date. You told her that there needs to be a few dates first before the sex. Be joking, but obfuscate and tease her hard.
As a starter but seriously don't give the whole game away, getting to slowly know each other is part of the fun isn't it? So... the best of the prompts given is
>Showing her everything you have accomplished. What she is missing while stuck in her cell in the dark.
>>This is a date. You told her that there needs to be a few dates first before the sex. Be joking, but obfuscate and tease her hard.
>>To let people recognise you and allow the word to spread. You walk free next to your previous target. How does that look to the Syndicate?
Syndicate has killed or tried to kill failed assassins but not Pai. She clearly expected it to happen in Dawnholme but it hasnt which has made her confused. Syndicate looks like they have abandoned her in their strange way of not killing her. Alric meanwhile has been good for her and avoided punishing her. He even moved her down into more secure cell where in theory killing her is a lot more difficult.

Now Alric dragged her out for everyone to see. No irons and minimal guards. People recognice her and make the assumptions. Assassin allowed to walk free like this could mean deal has been made. Syndicate might think so as well but they havent tried to kill her before. Pai also tried to spot anyone familiar.

My theory is that Pai seeks security within the jail cell and hasnt struck a deal because of it. By showing her that Dawnholme is a good place and no one has tried or will try to kill her, Pai might realise Syndicate has fully abandoned her, leaving Alric as her only real option. Pai also saw the prison work gangs and how Alric has treated her doesnt differ from others.

Tldr: Syndicate has abandoned her and not even parading her around like this brings her into danger. Alric is her only option.

Its part of the bit but I dont see the benefits of actually fucking her. But use it as a way to keep her guessing.
>Tldr: Syndicate has abandoned her and not even parading her around like this brings her into danger. Alric is her only option.
This is good as an observation and would go along nicely with the teasing but I don't think it has the personal touch required. Let's include this and the "Showing her everything we have accomplished" prompt no?

>Its part of the bit but I dont see the benefits of actually fucking her. But use it as a way to keep her guessing.
Of course we shouldn't, not as things are now anyway, with her guard up and all that. We're not Sahvan.
>>This is a date. You told her that there needs to be a few dates first before the sex. Be joking, but obfuscate and tease her hard.
>Showing her everything you have accomplished. What she is missing while stuck in her cell in the dark.
>Showing her everything you have accomplished. What she is missing while stuck in her cell in the dark.
>"No, it is not that. You think this is going to make me talk."
To elaborate on the personal touch point, sure we would like to get her to talk but it's not just about the intel but also about trying to figure her out. Like a puzzle, it's interesting, and we could get another fun and useful gal out of it too.

This shouldn't be outright said of course. Medivh said write ins work really well now but I feel like being playfully vague and ambiguous but still drip feeding info is the right choice, like the kind of ending to a book that has you dying to read the next one. Having everything told to you in a rush would be lame wouldn't it?

"I can't get a read of you. It is both so frustrating and… excruciatingly interesting."
"That's for me to know and you to find out..."
Fucked up the end, it's supposed to be:
>"I can't get a read of you. It is both so frustrating and… excruciatingly interesting." Pai said and continued. "What is your play?"
>"That's for me to know and you to find out.."
A line to start the play.
Nice, this has gone well. Let me see, his why and reasons for all of this?

>Other, write in.
I was wondering what you would see here. Not whats been built, though I am proud of that.. The way I see it just about everyone you saw today, despite their differences, have one important quality they share. A belief in a second chance. The Alteraci who escaped the burning of the kingdom, the Stonemasons who've taken flight from Stormwind, the folk of Dalaran's Underbelly. Eligius (saved from bandits), Malevus (wanted to escape her courtier tailor fate to be a paladin), Radan, Beckston, etc. Those who fought against me I spared accordingly. I get the feeling the Syndicate doesn't believe in them.

If you wanted to use your second chance to be my enemy you've had opportunities, but what I want is to see what you will ultimately do with yours here.

Theres also something to be said about the value of her skills as a professional spy/assassin and Alric not exactly turning his nose up, nor can he afford to when they send assassins after his allies.
Lewd lead-in and then straight to wholesome and supported.
I think I can work with this. Could I have rolls, everyone's favourite combo. Weather and random event!

>Best of three, taking the second roll

Captcha is DAMP, foreshadowing?
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Oh boy
Rolled 3 (1d10)

ho boy imps raining from the sky!
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Shit rolls...
Well, whatever's damp, it's not the weather.

Weather for sure won't be damp, in fact it is going to be tremendously good. But with half of the update finished, I realised that I do need another roll for that 3 you got. I will try to get the update out some time tomorrow.

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Thoughts for later. It'll be kind of funny if we have an assassin spy, but at this point so many people know who she is. Being former Syndicate it would be pretty hard to send her for spying against them without some really good disguises, covert movement. Having a fake Pai in jail and occasionally being walked around to pretend like shes still in Dawnholme when shes really on a mission. Or settle her into more of a spy assassin/counter intelligence training advisory role.

I wonder if Alric does personally show up to the Gnoll campaign if Garithos would be foolish enough to try something or provoke Alric. Or if Alric should try to provoke Garithos so he can dunk on him again. Intentionally raising tensions anymore probably isn't needed after the whole persona nongrata and expulsion, but it would be funny. Ideally killing the gnoll leadership will be achievement enough and humiliation for Garithos if we did it with a smaller force.

I do wanna see if Alric can use the Fel point in combat as a purely physical boost. Maybe get some Fel training in for better control, sensing, and whatever utility options it might unlock.
Great update btw Medivh.

Im still thinking about getting Garithos to control the orc camps so Thrall can fuck his shit up instead of Blackmoore's. The schadenfreude would be amazing.
My apologies, work is very ornery yet again so no update today. Just lacking all the energy for creative writing. But to keep some activity going as we are trying to get Pai to flip sides, what kind of a role do you expect her to have in the future if any? Or in short:

Pai is for:
>Write in

Good musing about her and about rest of the stuff. Some of you are pretty close.
Facts. Please anons let's get a bunch of his ally scum killed. Orcs freed and make blackmoor look good for once. And have garithos eat a cow pie of orc shit.
Pai is for setting up with our spy master.
Pai is for espionage. Even if we don't use her in the field, she has experience and knowledge that will be useful.

He already has his harem of witches, Pai would be one of Alric's girls if anything. Speaking of which, will we get an answer from Monica soon?
>Write in
The Eligiusbowl maybe? Contending against I think it was the young pretty witch from the circle, unless it was all of them. Fairly unlikely, but it would be funny for the open hostility to turn into something else over time. Though settling into barely tolerating each other for business is fine too. Going the other way she'd be the only Alricbowl contender who is fairly chesty I think, since that daughter of the deceased Southshore mayor with 'huge tracts of land' moved to the Capital and was maybe going to do charity work? Don't think we ever heard back from them. I don't think Callia was very chesty either.

Theres not a great list of people Alric would want to have assassinated at the moment. Plus with her identity exposed it would just link it to Alric if any complications happen on a mission so probably to train other spies/assassins. Working with Eligius as counter intelligence. As part of the Alric Hero Squad if we are in wartime or traveling somewhere and we want someone to go dig for rumors or do something stealthy? Thats fairly dangerous though since she would be a high value target.

That said I think she might have a fair charisma score with her looks and social prowess. Since shes already pretty well infamous as a captured, and possibly turncoat, agent of the Syndicate. If we gave her a role as a political agent to convince others to work with Alric it could have some interesting results in the right arena. Nobles and powerful criminal types aren't always the most trustworthy so having someone who can spot their tricks could be pretty handy.

Answer from Monica? You mean for the inn in Dawnholme? From previous thread

"And speaking of spies, Monica visited you and stayed for the night. She happily accepted becoming the manager of the new inn and you instructed her to talk with Master Pelija. Monica also had no qualms in allowing your people to run the inn as long as they will do their jobs."
QM forgor... We voted to tell her to think on if she wants to be one of Alrics's girls or if she wants commitment remember? Alric didn't lay with her at the time since she wasn't really thinking about what she wanted and what that would entail. Regardless of that choice, we made her a representative.
No we very clearly voted her down. Nobody wanted Monica. We ended the romance angle permanently by making her the representative so she could visit us in an official capacity.

So no qm did not forget.
There were three votes that explicitly said otherwise.

Yeah I didn't forgor that. >>6045411 is right. From thread 28

"QM: Monica decision. Final vote, unless you choose the one night in Dawnholme which requires one more vote afterwards."

"Not but seriously, this is the final final vote and looking at how unanimous it currently is, it will stay as the final vote. Consider Monica route closed."
Yeah but the 3 of the 6 votes explicitly said to make her think on the relationship issue AND do the representative thing.

You looked at her and a slight mischievous smile appeared on your face.

"That's for me to know…" You started to say to her and after a very brief pause you continued. "And for you to find out…"

Pai's eyes betrayed her annoyance as you played coy with her.

"Because what did I tell you? There needs to be a couple dates first." You said and playfully prodded her shoulder. "And how those go, well it depends on you~"

You had too much fun with this, putting her own tools in use against her.

"You… what?" Pai asked back.

"I mean a sloppy quickie, are you serious? Oh no that won't do, slow and tender is what I appreciate. Sure things can get rough and passionate, but there is something great in that slow build up." You continued very nonchalantly.

She just looked at you flabbergasted.

"What? You wanted to fuck me and I just gave you the instructions how to get there… oh well your loss then, your loss." You shrugged and laughed.

"You are a piece of shit… Prince Alric." Pai replied and you noticed her calling you with the right prefix and actually saying your name.

"No but seriously, I wanted you to see Dawnholme. Everything I have accomplished in the past two years and everything you have decided to miss, because you for whatever reason prefer to be in a damp cell than out here." You dropped your coy play and took a more serious tone into your voice. You had your theories on why she would want to stay there and not accept your previous offers, but it was better to keep them to yourself for a moment or two.

"What did I tell you, over two thousand souls are living here and more will come. And you know what ties all of them together?" You asked her.

"No idea?" Pai answered and finished her pretzel before crossing her arms under her breasts, pushing them up a bit.

"The second chance in life. Alreracis without a kingdom or a place to call their home. Migrants from Underbelly, sewers under Dalaran getting an opportunity to live above ground and have a new start. Stonemasons, having arrived from Stormwind City after certain tumultuous events." You told her and continued. "Do you know their story?"

"Eligius spoke something about a riot?" She answered.

"Yes, riots over disagreements regarding payments for rebuilding the city. In those riots Queen Tiffin was killed, King Varian lost his wife, their baby son lost his mother." You spoke. "Yet I accepted them to come here and start again."

You looked at the town and people milling there before looking back at Pai. Thank the Light for your darkened glasses as you could give a glimpse to her form now with her arms crossed.


"I have a former bandit under my service whom I will promote to an officer in a couple of days. I have a lot of your former colleagues and other bandits in the prison camp waiting for that same chance, if they are willing to take it." You said to her. "I am very proud of what I have done and accomplished every time I step out of my home and see the town and its people. A belief and an opportunity for a second chance."

"If you wanted to use your second chance to be my enemy you've had opportunities to do so." You said to Pai. "But what I want is to see what you will ultimately do with yours here."

Pai stared back at you while trying to avoid showing any emotions, but her eyes would betray her again. It was one thing you had learned in the past two years, look into their eyes, they will tell you a lot if words are lacking. And now her eyes showed vulnerability.

"As will the others." You continued and waved your hand towards the town. "People recognised you or at least made the connection. The assassin who tried to kill their Prince, walking besides him rather nonchalantly. They know my reputation, they know who serves me, they have all seen my prisoners."

"You!" Pai started to say, but you silenced her by raising your hand.

"They too are waiting to see what your decision will be, as will everyone else." You spoke.

Pai stared back at you.

"You set me up!"

"Yet you followed me through the town, you could have said no, you could have chosen to not listen to me or eat the pretzels." You replied and smiled. At the corner of your eye you saw one of your soldiers speaking with Sir Gravis. Whatever they spoke about, it seemed urgent. "I think our time together is growing short."

You watched as the soldier approached you with Sir Gravis following right behind him. You stood up and waited for him to bow to you.


"My Prince, Stonemasons are approaching." The soldier said to you.

"Where and when?"

"Our patrol spotted them at the crossroad to Tarren Mill, it will take a couple of hours for them to arrive." He replied back to you.

"Good, now go back to the barracks and rest. You have done well." You told the soldier and turned to face Sir Gravis and Pai. "Sir Gravis, please inform Master Pelija and have my horse ready. We will ride out and escort them to Dawnholme."

"Yes Prince Alric. Anything else?" Sir Gravis asked you.

"Take Miss Pai back to her cell please." You said.

"Of course." He replied back to you and showed Pai the way back to the jail.

"One more thing, Eligius will be busy for a couple of days with the Stonemasons so you will have a couple days to think about all of this." You told Pai. "You should talk with him."

"I will think about it." Pai replied to you. "Goodbye Prince Alric."

She turned around and started to walk towards the jail on her own with Sir Gravis needing only to follow her.


And boy did it make sense why people would fall for her and how she could use her body to get men to give her what she wants. As she walked away, your eyes could only fixate on her rump and hips that swayed left and right. And earlier how she had crossed her arms and pushed her chest up a bit. By the Light she was quite alluring.

Alright alright, enough of that. She tried to kill you just six months ago so away those thoughts. And besides, you can't allow every alluring girl to get into your pants.


There were a lot of Stonemasons. A lot more than the soldier had briefed you before you had left. The original estimation of just a few hundred was way too low. There were way more than that in the long column.

"Sir Gravis, send Joe to ride back to Dawnholme and to tell Master Pelija to double his efforts." You said. "Couple hundred is a too low estimate."

It really was.

When you reached the column, you saw people who were more than tired and exhausted. Their clothes were ruined from months of travels, some walked without shoes leaning on walking sticks, the ox and donkey carts were filled to their maximum with the sick and the old. They were all really happy to see you as they knew now how close to their new home and rest they were, but otherwise they were way too tired and exhausted to celebrate and for a good reason.

You spoke with one of their leaders and he told you about their journey and how everything that could have gone wrong, had gone wrong.

First their foot journey up the coast of Azeroth had taken way too long and had eaten into their supplies too much. Then they had to fend off bandits and gnolls who tried to raid them. When they finally got to the harbour where their pre-hired ships were waiting, the captains had decided to renegotiate the deals, draining remaining funds and forcing people to give up their own valuables.

Of course the sea journey didn't go as planned either as a storm threw them off to the east, too close to Stromgarde. All of them were quickly let off near the coast and then they had to trek west through the lands until they finally arrived to Dawnholme.

And now there were hundreds of tired Stonemasons with barely anything to eat and dozens sick and weak from the journey here. You promised to take care of them. Just a couple more hours and soon they can rest amongst their friends.

But there were a lot of them. Way more than you had expected, thankfully it seemed that they were the last group to arrive. Now just to make sure that no one goes and dies this close to Dawnholme.

"And send Empleton to Tarren Mill to fetch Father Hampton here. I don't care what he is doing, this is a lot more important than anything else." You told Sir Gravis as the ride back to Dawnholme continued.


"Eight hundred?" You asked.

"Eight hundred, could be a bit more." Eligius replied.

It was a late evening as the two of you sat in Lady Nalice’s house. The daily magic training was to begin shortly, but you weren't sure if either of you had interest to follow the curriculum today. You were mentally tired after everything that had happened.

It had taken the better part of the day organising the help and making sure everyone was being tended to. Dawnholme had practically stopped as everyone rushed to help the hundreds of newcomers.

"Prince Alric, it will take me days to go through all of them." Eligius said to you.

"Take your time, their well-being is our priority not getting them catalogued." You said to him and waved his concerns away.

"You are right… it's just that they outnumber us. If there really are more than eight hundred of them, then there will be nearly three thousand men and women living in Dawnholme. Half of them Stonemasons!" Eligius told you.

"I know, and I will make sure that all of them will find my home, their home." You said back to him. "Don't worry Eligius, just do your job as usual and I will do mine."

"Alright alright." He relented a bit. "What shall we do today, I have no interest in following the instructions Lady Nalice left us. I can't stand yet another day of theory and magic sensing after today."

"Well do you have anything in mind?" You asked him.

"We could just drink, Lady Nalice left a couple bottles behind." Eligius suggested. "Or if you want to actually study something, I did finish some notes on the Bloodstone you got."

>Drinking, have a day off and connect with your warlock spymaster scribe a bit more.
>Go through whatever notes he had made on the Bloodstone. You know very little of it currently.
>Ask him if Fel could be used to strengthen you in combat. If it supposedly kept your heart beating, maybe it could strengthen you otherwise.
>Just cast magic till you are exhausted. Experimentation is the name of the game.
>Other, write in.

>Pai and Eligius, especially his attempts to get her to talk.
>The witches and coven. Probe him about the ritual and how their training is going.
>The mages from Underbelly and Surena Caledon, has he noticed anything about them?
>Otto Wanz, the warlock in the prison camp, what should be done with him, any updates on him?
>Other, write in.

QM: On the activity, please choose only one. Rolls were the weather and who is going to arrive. Out of three possibilities it was the Stonemasons and as a low roll, the question was how badly the trip here had gone. The second set of rolls were the trip and what event had happened to them. Basically they were swindled out of all of their possessions.

I had already done the Monica route vote couple times already and that chapter required to be closed. If Alric had wanted her to be more than just a friend, then that option was out there. With that and no majority in going with any write in options, combined with how I wrote the following updates, that route is done and closed. Unless something very big and serious goes and happens.

And the Monica appreciators don't need to worry, I have good things planned for Monica. Alric is very glad to have her as his good friend.

Also accidentally a really long update.
>>Drinking, have a day off and connect with your warlock spymaster scribe a bit more.
>Otto Wanz, the warlock in the prison camp, what should be done with him, any updates on him?
>Ask him if Fel could be used to strengthen you in combat. If it supposedly kept your heart beating, maybe it could strengthen you otherwise.

I want it. I need it. The Fel Boost secured ahead of the gnoll campaign so we can fight like a demon when we need it as another ace in the hole. Plus its hopefully more covert then our magic skills, though maybe his eyes will glow again like in the cave but thats not too bad. Use the cards we've been dealt and turn it into a strength. Otherwise drink with Eligius.

>The mages from Underbelly and Surena Caledon, has he noticed anything about them?
>The witches and coven. Probe him about the ritual and how their training is going.
>Otto Wanz, the warlock in the prison camp, what should be done with him, any updates on him?

Otto Wanz said he wants a purpose to follow, as did a number of those in the prison who felt as he did, so lets give him one. If hes ready to work with Eligius let him do so be it spy work or warlock coven work. Release a small number of those who are likeminded and ready to rejoin society, see if that improves the disposition of the other prisoners and gives them some hope?

>Other, write in.
Well since its now a bit of a concern that half of Dawnholme's population is now Stonemason, what are some other potential sources of Alteraci citizens that we could search for? The Capital ones were threatened by assassination so thats no good unless we want to try and convince them. I understand that once upon a time that Alterac did have a navy, did they perhaps have some minor colonies or outposts as islands or around the wetlands? Hinterlands? Around Dalaran or northern alliance towns?
>>Drinking, have a day off and connect with your warlock spymaster scribe a bit more.

>Pai and Eligius, especially his attempts to get her to talk.
>The mages from Underbelly and Surena Caledon, has he noticed anything about them?
>Otto Wanz, the warlock in the prison camp, what should be done with him, any updates on him?
>>Drinking, have a day off and connect with your warlock spymaster scribe a bit more.
>>Ask him if Fel could be used to strengthen you in combat. If it supposedly kept your heart beating, maybe it could strengthen you otherwise.

>>Pai and Eligius, especially his attempts to get her to talk.
>>The witches and coven. Probe him about the ritual and how their training is going.

I am fine with either Fel or drinking. Both seem like fun options with learning more about the Fel being important. Not going with Wanz as he hasnt informed us of anything worth of note yet.
Could we have a tiebreaker between Fel and drinking? I count the votes as 2-2 with the last anon saying Fel being more important. I will try to get the update out later today then.
>Ask him if Fel could be used to strengthen you in combat. If it supposedly kept your heart beating, maybe it could strengthen you otherwise.

Always good to be able to go 110% in combat.

>The witches and coven. Probe him about the ritual and how their training is going.
>Otto Wanz, the warlock in the prison camp, what should be done with him, any updates on him?

Gotta keep up to date on any potential mage recruits. Even if the witches are a bit...questionable in their quality and Otto questionable in loyalty. Mages are mages.

No problem, been meaning to get back into this quest.
"I have something in mind we could do, something related to the Fel inside me." You told him and pushed yourself up from the chair.

"What is it?"

"It can wait a bit, let's go downstairs and we can talk about other stuff while we set things up." You said back to him.

The cellar was already mostly ready for your typical magic lessons, but some things needed to be prepared first. As Eligius went through the wards concealing the cellar from outsiders, you drew the ritual circle into the sand on the floor. It along with the wards made casting magic here a mostly safe endeavour.

And you did speak with him about certain topics. Otto Wanz, the warlock in the prison camp that you had saved did interest you, but you hadn't heard of him lately and neither had Eligius. He had spoken with Chief of the Guards Stein and Stein had nothing new to really say about him. Him and the others worked hard and haven't shown any signs of proving to be a threat. So while there was no news, you had hoped that something could have changed within the camp.

Then you spoke about the mages, the ones from Underbelly and then about Surena Caledon. You had asked Eligius to follow them and be on lookout and this time he did have something to say.

"Madam Judy is an incredibly polite and nice older lady, the witches have taken up the task of helping her." Eligius told you.

"Doesn't she realise who they are?"

"She already has… sadly, but it was expected. I can't control the witches on what they do every single day." Eligius sighed. "But I don't think this is going to cause issues, they are all interested in plants and herbs after all."

He seemed rather nonchalant about this.

"Are you sure that you aren't too nonchalant about this? I mean they are your students?" You asked him.

"I am pretty sure and Madam Martin hasn't shown any signs of being nefarious or anything." Eligius told you.

"I am more concerned about the witches." You told him. "Your special relationship with them after all…"

"Don't start again Prince Alric. Nothing like that has happened between me and them." Eligius answered and was slightly irate due to your probing.

"I mean, having such a relationship isn't a bad thing… but teacher and student dynamics… I hope that won't cloud your judgement." You said to him.

Eligius stared daggers at you, making you feign innocence by raising your hands up.

"Alright alright I will stop. But how's the rest of the mages?"

"Can't say much as they haven't been around." Eligius answered. That was true.

"Oh and Pai is I think ready to speak with you." You said to him.

"Oh really? What has changed?"

"She isn't sure about it herself either, so be ready if she actually ends up talking to you." You said. "Did you really try to wear her down?"

"No… I just wanted her to know what was going on. Being stuck in a cell is not a good thing for your mental health." Eligius said back to you. "She has been there for a quite long time already."


"By her own choice."

"You are correct Prince Alric. For whatever reason, I don't think the Syndicate wants to kill her anymore." Eligius said back.

"Neither do I… alright we are finished." You replied.

"What did you have in mind? Something new with your fire?" Eligius asked you.

"No, it is about the Fel. If it kept my heart beating and gave me strength, couldn't I use it to strengthen me otherwise as well?" You asked him.

Eligius paused and looked at you.

"Yes, you are right." He said to you and seemed thoughtful. "Instead of releasing the Fel into a spell of yours, you keep it circulating within you."

"Do you think it could be done?"

"Of course, but…"

"But what? Tell me Eligius, I trust your judgement." You said to him.

"Prince Alric, my master taught me to handle the Fel very carefully. To either cast the spell immediately after harvesting it, or just allowing it to run through you. You meanwhile have it inside you every single day." Eligius spoke and continued. "My master warned me of prolonged exposure, but maybe… maybe your body has gotten used to it already?"

"So it is possible?"

"A lot is possible with the Fel… let me think…"

Eligius paced around the cellar and scratched his chin.

"If you use the Fel already inside you, any harm it could cause has already happened. If you were to collect more than what you already have, then you might have some issues." Eligius mused. "You might have some temporary side effects if you were to use the Fel to strengthen you, but based on what I know that would be nothing too serious."

You sighed in relief hearing that.

"Prince Alric, why are you asking? What do you have in mind, weren't we supposed to burn all the Fel away?" Eligius asked you.

>You want to test if it works right now.
>It could be a strong trump card to be used if needed. If you can protect yourself or others, it might be worth it.
>The condition of the orcs had gotten you to think. If demonic energies gave them strength, what about the Fel?
>Truth to be told you might not be able to burn the Fel away, if it kept you alive, what happens when it is gone?
>Other, write in.
>"Prince Alric, why are you asking? What do you have in mind, weren't we supposed to burn all the Fel away?"
Wouldn't this do that anyway? We're transmuting fel energy into physical energy so unless the fel regenerates, it will run dry.
>It could be a strong trump card to be used if needed. If you can protect yourself or others, it might be worth it.
>The condition of the orcs had gotten you to think. If demonic energies gave them strength, what about the Fel?
>Truth to be told you might not be able to burn the Fel away, if it kept you alive, what happens when it is gone?

>Truth to be told you might not be able to burn the Fel away, if it kept you alive, what happens when it is gone?
I have absolutely zero interest in using fel.
Also i thought demonic and fel was one and the same?

After thinking on it to be frank I wonder if even could burn through what Nalice gave him in a mortal lifetime. In her words it was years of a dragon's life worth all crammed into Alric's human body and locked in tight. His body healed and changed, acclimated to it with the nails and the eyes. His recovery has been pretty solid. Even with all that has he even scratched the surface of that reserve? We already made his being fel touched public knowledge so whats done is done, may as well make use of it constructively.

Or just call him Alric of Melnibone if it does dry up.

Interesting thought, since I believe powerful mages in Warcraft do end up living a fair bit longer then non-mages would the Fel have a similar effect if the body accepts it well enough?

>Other, write in.
Look at what happened to Malevus even when we took down the ogres leading them. Being a decisive commander, a good swordsman or even slinging some spells, sometimes its just not enough. In battle you need to be domineering, a presence so overwhelming it shifts the battlefield when you stand on it. Thats how you swing the tide of battle, and thats gotta be worth some temporary side effects.
>It could be a strong trump card to be used if needed. If you can protect yourself or others, it might be worth it.
>Truth to be told you might not be able to burn the Fel away, if it kept you alive, what happens when it is gone?

Basically, we probably won't ever use it but if it's a do-or-die situation, being able to be superhumanly fast/strong might be worth almost dying or further corruption, we have to keep getting stronger and if nothing else, understanding our fel can only help us handle it.

According to wiki stuff, yeah, but this might be a case of the MMO conflicting with the RTS? E,g the RTS might claim that demons processed / transmuted the Fel orc warlocks gave them into something even more powerful/pure.

Dragons have vastly larger mana capacities than humans so let's suppose she gave him just a decade - if each of those years is worth ten or twenty for a human, we've got a century or two knocking around inside of us. We probably can't physically burn through it (pun intended) short of actively casting a spell at all times.

Support this instead

Missed an update
i kinda want to play with our fire and see if we can get better with it, or unlock another spell. Ignite sword was fairly nice on Cinder Sword... what if try to extend it to Aurvan'kal .....

>The condition of the orcs had gotten you to think. If demonic energies gave them strength, what about the Fel?
>Truth to be told you might not be able to burn the Fel away, if it kept you alive, what happens when it is gone?
You chose not to answer as you stepped into the circle in the sand and snapped your fingers. A small green fire appeared over your open palm, its flames licked upwards while the liquid nature of your fire dropped small droplets on your hand. They didn't burn you, they never did.

"I can feel the Fel coursing through my body. From somewhere within me beyond my heart into my arm and hand." You told Eligius and looked at him. "Are my eyes glowing?"

"They are, faintly." He answered as you closed your hand and extinguished the fire.

You felt the Fel moving back off your hand and then your arm, before everything settled back to normal. You breathed out once and the raging firestorm inside you started to calm down as well. Ever since Tarren Mill you have felt like the mana given to you by Lady Nalice, her mana made from pure fire and destruction brought by intense heat, had started to mix with the mana you generated by yourself. Your body has started to accept it, recognise it as your own.

Has your body gotten used to the Fel as well?

"My eyes have turned green and my nails have turned black. They glow when I use Fel or be in contact with it. But what other side effects Fel could have on me?" You asked Eligius again. "I know most of them, but humour me."

"Alright well not all of them ever appear, with you it has been just the eyes and tingling… but the usual temporary side effects range from glowing eyes to tingling across the body to slight or severe pain. Nausea, sensitivity to light, darkened blood vessels. Then also mood swings or change in behaviour as Fel amplifies the worst qualities within us." Eligius told you and scratched his chin again. "Of the permanent ones you have two, your eyes are tainted and your nails have turned black. Next most likely would be permanently glowing eyes."

"Those weren't the only ones." You said to him.

"No, then the outright mutations would follow. Nails could sharpen or turn into claws, teeth could sharpen and you could get fangs. Hair could grow longer or you could grow fur. Physical or mental deterioration." Eligius listed. "Horns, tails, hooves, personality, everything, what is your point?"

"Which of those effects do the orcs have?" You asked him.

"Glowing eyes and their skin colour apparently had changed. That is how much I know." Eligius didn't have an idea where you were taking this discussion.

"Red eyes, not green." You replied back. "And for that they had gained immense power that has now fled them. Lethargy just remains."

"Are you suggesting that it isn't the Fel that affected them?" Eligius asked.

"Or it did. They had their warlocks and death knights. But whatever it was did give them strength and it got me thinking." You said and continued. "Just like the orcs who gained their strength through the demonic powers within them, couldn't I gain the same powers through the Fel inside me?"

"Are you planning on turning green and growing tusks?" Eligius asked and laughed.


"No, I mean Lady Nalice when she dragged the Fel into me to start my heart must have put a lot of Fel inside me." You told him and avoided telling Eligius that she had burned decade of her draconic lifespan to keep you alive. The draconic glyphs drawn on your chest helped as well to keep the Fel in check, giving you greater control over it. "It kept me alive, supposedly gives me strength. If it is already within me and no further side effects have happened, wouldn't using it to strengthen me, burn it away similarly to what we have been doing?"

"A lot is possible with the Fel just like I said before." Eligius told you again and scratched his chin yet again. "But you might be right on burning it, Lady Nalice would know more if she was here."

"We have been burning it away near daily till my hands are tingling from feedback. And no progress has happened." You said to him. "At least nothing that we have seen. It has made me doubt all of this."

You walked out of the sand circle and sat down. Until you were going to cast more magic, there was no point in standing there.

"The orcs turned lethargic after the Second War when their connection to whatever demonic energies they used was severed. What will happen to me when I have burned away enough Fel? Will my heart stop or will I suddenly grow weak as my body which has gotten used to having Fel in it suddenly finds itself empty?"

Eligius didn't say anything as you had raised your voice slightly.

"If I am going to carry the Fel inside me… maybe forever… shouldn't I get most out of it? Learn how to control it, to harness it to protect those who I care about?" You asked him. "Before the lethargy, the orcs gained their power. Before whatever happens to me, shouldn't I use it as a power as well if it is possible?"

Eligius stayed silent for a moment before speaking.

"Prince Alric, you are one of the bravest men I have ever met. You are ready to die for your friends and you carry Fel inside you every day of your life. A weaker man would have fallen into despair, yet you are planning on using something that is considered an unholy taboo to protect those close to you." Eligius said to you. "You would make a fine warlock, you have everything and more. All the qualities and the drive to succeed as one."

Eligius smiled back at you.

"Yes, it should be possible. Fel can give you power and strength, I don't see it being impossible to use it temporarily in short bursts." Eligius said and continued. "Like a trump card, a special trick reserved to the times when you really need it."

"Thank you for being reasonable, it is just…"

"I can't imagine what I would be doing if I were in your boots." Eligius said back to you. He was more experienced in both life and in magic than you were and had endured more than you have had. Him saying that did mean a lot to you. "I know it weighs on you to carry the Fel inside you, but it is our duty to help you."


You looked down, you felt ashamed to have spoken to Eligius like that. Having raised your voice, but all of this bothered you. Living forever with the Fel inside you, not being able to get rid of it? Should you just accept it as a part of you? Would that remove the weight off your back?

"Whatever you choose, I am ready to help you. As will Lady Nalice, I am sure of that. Your squire will surely help you as well. Whatever step you take, we will be there with you." Eligius spoke.

Where would you stand regarding the Fel? Your plan had been to burn it away, but should you continue it if it could cause health issues to you? This state of indecision weighed on your mind as doubt had crept in. Could you remove it safely? Was the creation of your mind, Malevus Thing, correct that she is part of you? Could it instead be power to be fielded? Accepting it as part of you as no more side effects have appeared as you haven't taken in more Fel? The all ten years of Nalice’s life.

And would learning the arts of warlocks be the key in all of this? You knew you had the qualities, the drive and want to learn new things. Learning to harness the Fel inside you and elsewhere to protect yourself and those whom you love and care?

You weren't sure, yet the words of Malevus Thing echoed in your mind and you were sure that she meant those words.

I am you and you are me.

>Accept the Fel inside you to be part of you. Learn to live with it and harness its power for your own use. Get rid of the doubt and weight on your mind.
>Accept the Fel for now. One day you will get rid of it and before that day comes, you will keep the Fel inside you.
>You will continue burning the Fel away, but you will learn how to use it to strengthen you at some point.
>Getting rid of the Fel is your priority, you can't trust it so it needs to go away. You can't allow it to influence you.

>Become a warlock. Learn its arts and trust Eligius fully when it comes to this. You know you have the qualities required.
>Become a warlock. Enhance your fire magic with the control of inextinguishable Fel Fire that burns hotter than normal fire.
>No, you are on a road to becoming a great arcanist and a pyromancer. You need to be pragmatic, you can't take too many studies.
>No, arts of warlocks are forbidden for a reason. You can't take on these studies for your own and your friends sake.

QM: Fel vote. Please vote on both. There won't be another vote regarding the Fel inside Alric for a while so take this as whatever will be his stance regarding the Fel inside him. Somewhat important vote when it comes to powers Alric will have and get.
>You will continue burning the Fel away, but you will learn how to use it to strengthen you at some point. Even then, you still can't trust it and you still can't allow it to influence you.
A little bit more nuanced.
>No, you are on a road to becoming a great arcanist and a pyromancer. You need to be pragmatic, you can't take too many studies.
>No, arts of warlocks are forbidden for a reason. You can't take on these studies for your own and your friends sake.
Both really since
1. It is even more dangerous than regular magic.
2. We're already really busy with just our current studies.
>You will continue burning the Fel away, but you will learn how to use it to strengthen you at some point.

If our lifeforce is solely being sustained by the Fel, I imagine a sufficiently powerful burst of holy magic (a certain future elf paladin comes to mind) might be able to replace it with normal energy / lifeforce. If not - if we both need the Fel and can't remove it, we can look into peacefully acquiring a thimble of Fel every now and then to keep us from growing weak.

>No, you are on a road to becoming a great arcanist and a pyromancer. You need to be pragmatic, you can't take too many studies.

Once we've mastered doing shit the slow way, we can mess about with warlockery but we can't publicly use Fel in any way around anyone with familiarity with magic or Fel that isn't loyalty to us over all else. Even if it made us five times as strong, risking the Alliance coming down on us any time we use it is a severe handicap.
>Accept the Fel inside you to be part of you. Learn to live with it and harness its power for your own use. Get rid of the doubt and weight on your mind.

>Become a warlock. Enhance your fire magic with the control of inextinguishable Fel Fire that burns hotter than normal fire.

I'm glad this vote came up cause I do like the idea of accepting it as part of him after sitting on it for a while. That in his heart of hearts he really does enjoy battle that much, and his women as long as theres a romantic connection. That he'd really like to wipe the floor with his enemies and feel a bit smug about it. That he could really use that power when the situation calls for it like Malevus jobbing again. So on with a few other feelings. Emotionally I feel like Alric recognizes this and could accept it and work towards living with this power and how to use it without being overwhelmed, even without the warlock aspects; if it helps him in combat as we've seen a few times now. If he can use it to help dominate a conversation or hammer into the weak points of an enemy's argument with a bit more ruthlessness. In becoming a more robust being if he can grow stronger and more resilient as he accepts this. Accepting it as a path to becoming a more realized Alric.

I do think it would be pretty great there are a lot of really sweet warlock spells that are handy, but I was kind of envisioning it more as a way to pump his existing fire magic atleast for now anyways. The accepting it as part of him was more important character wise I think, and the warlock stuff more a consideration of benefits.

Plus to be fair its already getting pretty pumped with Nalice sharing her mana to change his affinity, plus its possible his affinity already was fire to begin with unless Medivh wants to reveal whatever his natural affinity might have been though I'd guess it would have been a roll. I think Dragon fire affinity is pretty damn solid even without a little fel boost right now, hopefully later.

Plus the physical strengthening which I'm happy seems to be popular atleast. Everyone likes a super mode just for when the going gets tough. It'll feel nice to get more use out of that 1/1 Fel point.
I can hear the Always Sunny in Philly theme with a titlecard of 'Alric Sets Himself on Fire'. Though if it worked like Illidan's immolation spell where everyone around him feels the burn that could be pretty damn solid.
>You will continue burning the Fel away, but you will learn how to use it to strengthen you at some point.

>No, you are on a road to becoming a great arcanist and a pyromancer. You need to be pragmatic, you can't take too many studies.
>>Getting rid of the Fel is your priority, you can't trust it so it needs to go away. You can't allow it to influence you.
Guys what are you doing, this will lead to tragedy, an weakness for our enemys to exploit, and will be our downfall if we do no strive to remove it. using it will make its hold in us that much stronger to the point when we wont be able to remove it.
>No, you are on a road to becoming a great arcanist and a pyromancer. You need to be pragmatic, you can't take too many studies.
>You will continue burning the Fel away, but you will learn how to use it to strengthen you at some point.
>No, you are on a road to becoming a great arcanist and a pyromancer. You need to be pragmatic, you can't take too many studies.
>You will continue burning the Fel away, but you will learn how to use it to strengthen you at some point.

>No, you are on a road to becoming a great arcanist and a pyromancer. You need to be pragmatic, you can't take too many studies.
Majority supports continuing as is and not taking on the warlock studies. I had couple FUN ideas in mind that you won't see now, but Alric stays consistent and shows patience. Besides what did Father Hampton tell you, willpower to resist Fel is very important.

Could I have a roll.

>Best of three
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Hey due to the nature of fel not like we could pick it up later.
Besides the drawbacks and potential problems is too great to do so now.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

One step at a time we'll get that FUN.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

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Lets goooooo
"When Lady Nalice returns, we will see then if I can use the Fel to strengthen myself." You told Eligius after a bit of thinking. "With no noticeable progress, we will just have to wait, patience is a virtue after all.."

You shrugged and took a deep breath.

"It is no use to hurry around like a headless chicken. Power or no power, I do want to be sure about this." You told him. "The Fel can't be trusted, we have to tread lightly."

"A wise choice Prince Alric, we will then continue as planned… with the curriculum…" Eligius said in defeat.

"Yeah… but it is for the best." You weren't that enthusiastic either, but Nalice knew the best.

You had your hands full with your studies already and you weren't trying to learn how to use the Fel to strengthen you, there was no point in dwelling deeper into the arts of warlocks or Fel. It was better to be left for the future, now your goal is to become a better arcanist and a pyromancer. Everything else can wait.

"Alright, let's get to work then, what does the curriculum say? We can burn the Fel away later." You said and clapped your hands together.

"Magic sensing." Eligius sighed.

And you weren't good at all in it. It was a surprisingly difficult task to succeed. Even the basic "under which cup is the ball infused with magic" was difficult for you.

Oh well, better to get into work then.


The next midday one of your guards informed you that a small caravan was approaching from Tarren Mill. Several horse carts were approaching and that could just mean that Father Hampton was arriving to Dawnholme.

But you were actually surprised as a familiar face was behind the reins of the first cart.

"Hello Alric!" Monica shouted to you as she stopped the horse cart.

"Monica? What are you doing here?" You had to ask her.

"Well Empleton arrived yesterday and when I heard the news, I went and talked with Mayor Fowley." She said and jumped off the cart. As always she was wearing her green skirt and top, but as your representative on her shoulders was the orange cloak of Alterac.

"Either way, it is great to see you again." You said and gave her a gentle hug.

"Alric, people are watching." She replied back with a laugh.

"Let them know that you are my friend and my representative." You said and let her go. "But what is in the cart?"

Monica proudly walked to it and slapped its wooden side.

"This bad boy can fit so many tents in it." Monica proclaimed.

"Tents? Whose idea was that, because it is a pretty darn good idea." You said to her.

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Instantly Monica looked like she was floating an inch or two off the ground. Oh she was so beaming with how proud she was.

"Oh you are going to be the most popular person within the Stonemasons now." You said and smiled. "How many tents?"

"Forty in total, some might have holes, but they can be repaired." Monica said to you.

Forty, if that is a family per tent with an average size of five people… that is enough for two hundred people. Which was great, there was a lack of tents in Dawnholme right now and the conditions were cramped.

"Is Father Hampton with you?" You asked her.

"I am here Prince Alric." Hampton replied from the other side of the cart.

"Prince Alric." Rayleigh the True greeted you as well.

"Father Hampton, Rayleigh." You greeted them back. "It is good to see you."

"Likewise, but before we get to work, let's have a look at your squire." Hampton said to you. "We might need her help."

"Of course, Malevus would be glad to be able to actually do something productive." You said back to them and turned to Monica. "Go speak with Master Pelija, he knows what to do with the tents."

Both Hampton and Rayleigh agreed that Malevus was in a good enough shape to walk around with crutches. While the paladin and the former paladin would tend to those who were the weakest, Malevus could handle the patients who could walk to her. With the duties split like that, they got to work.

Not long after the arrival of Monica and the aid from Tarren Mill, which had unsurprisingly included apples as well, both Lieutenant Cromwell and Lieutenant Beckston arrived. You greeted your two officers and with most of them in Dawnholme, you would only need to wait till Beric has arrived.

So it was just a matter of waiting and you would have your hands full with the Stonemasons and rest of your duties.

Hopefully Beric would arrive tomorrow so you could get the summer meeting done and behind you.

POV switch through the summer meeting and/or something major happens/timeskip:
>Stay as Alric and continue your duties. You have plenty of things to do, duties to perform.
>Switch to Eligius, see if you can get Pai to talk and continue training the spies.
>Switch to Malevue, heal those who need healing and talk about girly things with Tari and Monica now that she is here.
>Switch to write in.

QM: Roll was how much aid arrived from Tarren Mill. Now you have a chance to observe things from someone else's point of view for a moment. The summer meeting decisions will happen normally. I am giving you the write in option as well for someone else who could be part of the meeting. That's really the only requirement for the write in.


That is true, but couple FUN ideas can't happen anymore. Maybe they will be replaced by other FUN ideas in the future? Who knows!
Medivh you tease. I had some ideas on what the FUN might have been. Malevus Thing in our head giving us advice now and then, some of it perhaps even useful or unlocking other abilities of the Fel. Sleepwalking Alric when he gets too stressed and gets up to shenanigans at night. Some stat gains coupled with another fun mutation. Visions of the Legion's plans as the connection deepens. Malevus Thing uses the arcane writing but with Fel to make some kind of fel magic tattoo on Alric's ever expanding body art for another little magic tool in his arsenal.

Shame we had to wait until Nalice gets back to test out strengthening and we went back to the curriculum. Surely theres some fun ways to play with the water property of Alric's fire by pouring it over the Cindersword and then launching it with a swing, using the sword as a fire magic medium. Putting the bloodstone into the pommel or hilt of the sword for more covert use of it? Maybe there would be a strong reaction between the bloodstone and the sword's enchantments as well. A nice Blood Red flame for the Ignited Cindersword. Phoenix wings.

>Switch to Eligius, see if you can get Pai to talk and continue training the spies.

>>Switch to Eligius, see if you can get Pai to talk and continue training the spies.
QM is very good at being ominous. Not sure i want hes kind of fun.
>>Switch to Eligius, see if you can get Pai to talk and continue training the spies.
How unfortunate that Alric doesn't replace Arthas as a lord possessed by a dreadlord for FUN reasons.

Purging Dawnholme, Uther gets just as buttblasted by fel instead of undead energy

>Switch to Eligius, see if you can get Pai to talk and continue training the spies.
I feel bad for ignoring best girl Monica, but spies is interesting.
>>Switch to Eligius, see if you can get Pai to talk and continue training the spies.
You are Eligius, a warlock masquerading as a spymaster in training masquerading as a scribe in service of Prince Alric Perenolde.

Waking up early has never been that difficult to you and years of doing it has gotten you very well accustomed to it. Pushing yourself up from your bed, you walked to the window and pushed it open to allow fresh air inside.

From the loft window you saw that the sun was already nearly up, locals were starting their daily work and Stonemasons would continue their work at building new and refurbishing the old.

While Lady Nalice had given the keys to her house at the outskirts to you, you still had purchased your own small home to sleep and work in. And now after the refurbishment by the Stonemasons, it was in quite good shape. There was a small storage room and then the loft where you slept, while the kitchen also acted as your living room and office. After the Stonemasons had built an actual wooden floor and made sure that the walls, windows and the door were properly insulated, getting through the next winter shouldn't be an impossible task without freezing.

"I should get a shave…" You muttered to yourself as you scratched your chin and found your short beard bit scraggy. "And a haircut…"

Both can wait as you have too much everything else to do than just sit still for half an hour. That can wait, but the work can't.

Stretching your back, you went to the wardrobe and opened it. From a pile black and grey shirts, which was everything you had, you took the most light grey this time. Then the socks and next your black trousers. Put on the belt, tuck the shirt in and throw your black robe on your shoulders, put on your shoes and you are ready for the day. Though first some light breakfast.

"Wake up Sahvan." You shouted as you took the ladder down from the loft. "We have a long day ahead of us."

Sahvan was still asleep on a bench. The former Syndicate assassin had found himself as your assistant as he knew how to write and read. Barely.

It was a convenient position for him. You could keep your eyes on him and he could help you with all the paperwork you do as a scribe. It also helped you a lot when you did your spymaster duties and needed his knowledge. It was him in Pai's team that moved into new locations first to scout the place out and as he knew what to do, he acted as a great example for the few spies you were currently still training. With Prince Alric's wish being to concentrate on Dawnholme and counterintelligence, Sahvan would play a big role in getting everything started and developed.

"Sahvan! Wake up!" You raised your voice and went to kick the bench he was sleeping on.

"Huh… what?" He grumbled and pushed himself up. The young man looked very tired or hungover.

"Were you out drinking with that whore again?" You asked him. "You weren't here when I came home."

"I was out drinking with that 'whore'" Sahvan replied annoyed with your tone.


"I have told you before, those courtesans are just there to get your coin and nothing else." You reminded him again.

Sahvan had been unfortunate in one aspect. Everyone in Dawnholme knew that he had tried to kill Prince Alric and even with his leniency known, people showed distrust and dislike towards Sahvan. Especially the lack of spine bothers the locals as Sahvan had turned coat near immediately to save his own hide. So while he had a roof over his head and was paid a small salary, he wasn't exactly happy about his situation. And he didn't like when you lectured him about the courtesan he was throwing his coin at.

Sahvan just leered at you.

"Remember, when you run out of coin, that whore of yours won't even acknowledge you." You told him and then waved the issue away. "Ahh forget it, I have said that to you before and you haven't learned. Now just eat some breakfast and for Fel's sake wash your face. You look horrible."

Your breakfast was just water and some salted meat on rye bread. That was enough to get you going. And having eaten, you would have a full day of cataloguing Stonemasons ahead of you.

And then off to work.

The progress had been slow, the newcomers were unsurprisingly reluctant at getting their names registered, but with Master Pelija telling them that it was part of the agreement with Prince Alric, they had begrudgingly lined up in front of the sun cover under which you were working. Person after person, name after name they were added into your books. And while this was a work for the Church in other parts of Azeroth and Lordaeron, in Alterac it had always been the duty of the state to keep track of births, people moving in and out and deaths.

"Mister Scribe." One of your spies greeted you. He worked as a carpenter and had then a good reason to visit Southshore often. "The scroll with the latest expenses."

You took the scroll and thanked the man. Opening it, the latest expenses truly were there. Who knew that windows could be that expensive. But there was also a small note attached which you then read.

"RD preparing for war. Supplies enough for hundreds of men. Garithos leading them personally."

Nothing about that was new to you. Durnholde had already informed Alric about it so you kept reading.

"Rumour is that Garithos wants to replace Blackmoore and insert himself into Durnholde Keep. Confidence level high."


Oh fuck.

"Sahvan, can you please continue, I will need to visit Prince Alric. He needs to see how expensive these windows are." You told your aide who had been sorting the books behind you. "And try to keep your writing understandable."

"Of course." Sahvan replied and took your seat after you had stood up.

Prince Alric needs to hear about this immediately!

"THAT FUCKER!" Alric shouted and let the small note drop on his desk. "WHO THE FUCK DOES HE THINK HE IS!"

"Alric… there's no need to shout." Taretha Foxton replied to him and gave you a curious look. "Master Eligius, what was in the note?"

You took it off the desk and passed it to Taretha who was behind her own desk working on some paperwork.

"Oh… I see. He won't be happy about this at all." Taretha said back to you and handed the note back. She knew Blackmoore well so you trusted what she said.

Taretha Foxton had been in Dawnholme and living with Prince Alric for half a year already, and yet… yet you couldn't get the full picture of the relationship she has with the Prince. They are saying that there is nothing between them, but by all accounts she is carrying his child and they are otherwise awfully close with each other.

"Garithos has no legal power to replace Blackmoore. His position has been given to him by King Terenas and has been given the blessing of the Alliance. Besides, the Lord Commander ranks far higher than some pesky Colonel of Regional Defenders." Alric was still quite heated about the rumours. "Eligius, what do you think about this?"

>Blackmoore has a bad reputation, Garithos might try to get away with a move like this through that.
>His position would improve greatly if he were to succeed. Regional Defenders controlling a major keep and handling the security of the Internment Camps.
>It would be a win for the anti-orc politics in Lordaeron. He could find support from Stromgarde.
>Taretha Foxton worked for Blackmoore for years, ask what she thinks about this?
>Other, write in.

QM: I will gladly take this opportunity to flesh out Eligius and give his point of view on Dawnholme and other characters he interacts with.
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Oh the three of you doubt my FUN too much! It would have been so wholesome and great for everyone brand of !!FUN!!

But maybe that can wait till later...
>Blackmoore has a bad reputation, Garithos might try to get away with a move like this through that.
>His position would improve greatly if he were to succeed. Regional Defenders controlling a major keep and handling the security of the Internment Camps.
>It would be a win for the anti-orc politics in Lordaeron. He could find support from Stromgarde.
Why is Alric freaking out so much? Blackmoore was getting fucked either way, now we can get Garithos to unwittingly jump onto the oncoming orc shaped grenade that Thrall is cooking. Did Alric tell Eligius about Thrall's plan? If so, he should bring up how Garithos' can be taken advantage of.
>Blackmoore has a bad reputation, Garithos might try to get away with a move like this through that.
>His position would improve greatly if he were to succeed. Regional Defenders controlling a major keep and handling the security of the Internment Camps.
>Taretha Foxton worked for Blackmoore for years, ask what she thinks about this?

Doesn't Garithos already own land in Blackwood? Wouldn't he need another person to take care of things in his absense?
>>Blackmoore has a bad reputation, Garithos might try to get away with a move like this through that.
>>His position would improve greatly if he were to succeed. Regional Defenders controlling a major keep and handling the security of the Internment Camps.
>>It would be a win for the anti-orc politics in Lordaeron. He could find support from Stromgarde.

>Other, write in
If Garithos is trying this then I suspect he was rebuffed on trying for anymore garrison shenanigans or any outright aggression against Alterac. This he can excuse as ambition while also rising to counter Alric.

Losing Thrall after raising him as his champion of the arena is a black mark on Blackmoore. The people of Durnholde Keep and Lordaeron are likely not be happy that such a thing happened, and with a strong showing in the gnoll campaign hopes to win some local favor as a better alternative to Blackmoore. Though fortunately the people in the Durnholde lands also favor Alric and know he is an ally.

If he had someone very cunning he could try something like getting Blackmoore to snap and make a scene to show hes not disciplined enough. Then again Garithos is pretty good at getting people angry lol. If he had someone really cunning it would be funny if he """captured""" a fake thrall they just so happen to find and executed him before the fake could be exposed to really make Blackmoore look bad.

Blackmoore could snap, make a scene, then try to get Alric to use the Deed before he can be replaced.
>Blackmoore has a bad reputation, Garithos might try to get away with a move like this through that.
>His position would improve greatly if he were to succeed. Regional Defenders controlling a major keep and handling the security of the Internment Camps.
>It would be a win for the anti-orc politics in Lordaeron. He could find support from Stromgarde.
>Taretha Foxton worked for Blackmoore for years, ask what she thinks about this?

Garithos is a known bull-headed man, based on Alric's earlier encounter. He's going to provoke another situation, especially when he has the forces at his disposal. Finding out the arny subcommanders will be key, and perhaps even coordinating with the Alliance Naval Base as the next senior-ranking officers in the Alliance within the area like Troubridge.
>Why is Alric freaking out so much?
He does dislike Garithos. In no small way, its not a minor dislike.
But mostly, i would say because he probably was already try to think on how exactly do the gnoll purge with Blackmoore when Thrall has 100% the desire to free the camps and kill Blackmoore if it can in more or less the same time period. And since Blackmoore is one of our main allies, like we already said we cant sit it out we will come to help. Its not just Blackmoore, Durnholde too is on the line (realistically the people Thrall saves might want vengeance).

And this adds another layer to the conondrum which is Garithos trying to get Durnholde.

>Blackmoore has a bad reputation, Garithos might try to get away with a move like this through that.
>His position would improve greatly if he were to succeed. Regional Defenders controlling a major keep and handling the security of the Internment Camps
You had to scratch your chin for a second or two. This had so many angles that you didn't know where to start from.

"The campaign is an opportunity for Garithos. If what Karramyn Langston told you in the invite is correct, he is going to march to Durnholde with a large force of men." You mused aloud. "If he is seen as the commander who won the campaign… Miss Foxton, do you think will Blackmoore join the campaign personally?"

Taretha hadn't expected to be asked a question this suddenly.

"N-no… he hasn't joined any campaigns since… well the Second War. Most likely it will be Langston who commands their men on the field." Taretha answered your question.

"In that case Garithos will be the most senior commander on the field, unless you Prince Alric are there." You spoke and continued. "Even then he might take the honour and glory for himself, especially if his troops win the decisive battle."

"And that is what worries me a lot…" Alric said and ran his hands through his hair, his green eyes showed concern. "But please continue."

"If he can present himself as the great general who won the war and pivot it against Blackmoore's reputation, he could actually pull it off. We know he has his supporters in the Capital, we just don't know if he would try it now or months after the campaign is over?" You continued speaking. "Will it be a coup through violence or through political action?"

"Excuse me Mr. Eligius…" Taretha asked you. "How sure are you of the accuracy of your information?"

Taretha had figured it out pretty early that you were Alric's spymaster and you were quite sure that she knew you knew magic. You being a warlock, probably not, so better be careful around her. Of the three of you in this room, she was maybe the smartest and that wasn't an easy thing for you to admit.

"At least two sources who have heard the information from two different unrelated people." You explained to her what high confidence meant. "It would be very easy for rumours to spread from a single source to multiple people, so we have to always find more than one original source."

"Makes sense…" Taretha said and shrugged.

"If he is seen as a victor, that would be a great personal honour for him. Snubbing you and the unpopular Blackmoore. But if he was to gain Durnholde for himself…" You continued speaking again after a pause. "The anti-orc politics bloc in the Capital would win, damned Fel, he could find support from Stromgarde as well!"

"And the stronger his bloc is, the more political power he has to use against us." Alric said and groaned in annoyance. "I shouldn't have shouted, but Garithos is an existential threat against us. He hasn't tried any garrison shenanigans or sending more patrols, but if he was to succeed the chance for him to try his luck again is high."


"Prince Alric, Garithos most likely wouldn't stop at what troops he has now. The Regional Defenders aren't tied to Hillsbrad alone, they have garrisons all over Lordaeron." You told him.

"Tari, what do you think?" Prince Alric asked her.

"Well… he has very little power or influence outside Durnholde. But in Durnholde he has his men, the nobles, his gladiator games and the Internment Camps. That's a lot of power." Taretha spoke. You noticed she avoided saying Blackmoore's name. "But in Hillsbrad there's us and the Darrowmere League, which is still nascent. Garithos is in Southshore and he has Regional Defenders elsewhere as well. And then there's Hillsbrad Fields and the Navy."

Taretha thought for a moment.

"Things are in balance… Durnholde can't act outside their region due to no influence and they have gnolls to deal with. Garithos is checked by politics and his current standing. And we have the Syndicate, Blackrock orcs, trolls and ogres keeping us in check." Taretha said and continued. "As long as this balance exists, no one will have the advantage over others."

"But if Durnholde falls into his hands…" Prince Alric spoke again and leaned his face on his hands.

"...Garithos would control a major keep and have the Internment Camps under his control. That would be a lot of soldiers on top of what he already have." You continued. "But if Durnholde was independent and stayed strong…"

You looked at Taretha. Prince Alric had told you about Thrall and what his plans were. You wondered how much she knew, if she knew anything?

"... that would counter Garithos." Taretha finished your thoughts.

She was smart, just like that she had pointed out the power balance between all these parties. She was just missing the fourth party in all of this.


"Prince Alric, can we talk in private?" You asked your ruler.

"Sure, you can take a break Tari and if you see Normand, tell him that I will come to talk with him shortly." Prince Alric spoke to her.

"Of course, see you later Mr. Eligius." Taretha said to you and stood up.

You watched her leave and when the door closed shut, Prince Alric took out the black noise device and put it on the table.

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"She is smart." You said.

"Beric told me to treasure her… but we aren't here to talk about Beric, what did you have on your mind?" Prince Alric asked you.

"Taretha's analysis was good, but it was missing the fourth party." You said to him.

"Yes I know. Thrall and his plans… Tari doesn't know about him and that is for the best." Prince Alric said to you and sighed. "Thank you for asking for privacy."

When he had left to gaze at the stars and the full moons with the women, he had used that as an opportunity to meet with Thrall one more time and that's where he had learned about these plans to liberate the Internment Camps. Prince Alric had told you how carefully he had to do it while Malevus had distracted Taretha, but he had succeeded and now he knew what was to come from the future.

"It throws a log into whatever plans Garithos has. If Thrall was to attack the camps later this year, he would either face Durnholders or Regional Defenders." You said to Prince Alric.

"If he even attacks this year, he isn't ready for that… not yet." Prince Alric mused. "What a shitty situation. Garithos wins, we are in danger and Thrall attacks his men which can be good for us, but bad for Thrall and most likely for the orcs in the camps. Blackmoore wins, it denies Garithos, but Thrall still attacks him. If we win, Garithos is denied, Blackmoore stays as Blackmoore and Thrall attacks him…"

"Or we end up controlling Durnholde…"

That was a strange thing for the Prince to say as he gave you a curious look.

"Either way, where do you think we are standing? What should we do?" He asked you.

>Garithos and his plans need to be denied, he can't end up ruling Durnholde as that would be too dangerous for us.
>Blackmoore needs to come out of this politically stronger than before the campaign. Strong Durnholde benefits us by denying Regional Defenders.
>Thrall will deal with the camps in any case. It doesn't matter who controls Durnholde. He will be their problem.
>What did he mean with us controlling Durnholde?
>Other, write in.

QM: Politics! Decisions here will influence the summer meeting.


Being a noble, he can of course have plenty of land under his control. That wouldn't stop him.
>Garithos and his plans need to be denied, he can't end up ruling Durnholde as that would be too dangerous for us.
>What did he mean with us controlling Durnholde?
I think the best case scenario is Garithos getting a win but not a decisive one then going for Durnholde, succeeding, but being left in an extremely tenuous political situation. Then, Thrall strikes and humiliates Garithos which would then allow us to swoop in.
>>Garithos and his plans need to be denied, he can't end up ruling Durnholde as that would be too dangerous for us.
>What did he mean with us controlling Durnholde?
As a rule of thumb we shouldnt try to use orcs. If thralls actions happen to serve us so be it.
Blackmoore is scum but atleast he is our ally.
Is it really "using" if we have no choice in the matter? Thrall said that he doesn't care about our position being compromised by his actions so all we can do is work with hand we're dealt and right now the best we got is to have Garithos take the fall for Blackmoore. Our opponent is humiliated and our ally is vindicated.
by using i meant trying to fenagle bullshit to get a bunch of regional defenders killed instead of blackmoores troops. Which makes sense but also casts suspicion on us. It could also backfire and strenghten Garithos position not weaken it as it would further justify hes presence.
>Which makes sense but also casts suspicion on us.

>It could also backfire and strenghten Garithos position not weaken it as it would further justify hes presence.
If he gets wrecked then no it wouldn't, it would justify Blackmoore's presence instead. Better the devil you know and all that
>Garithos and his plans need to be denied, he can't end up ruling Durnholde as that would be too dangerous for us.
Obvious play. Even Garithos is on the nose with the paladin order, but they or the Alliance will not block their own man lawfully prosecuting enemies of the state (gnolls, orcs or a rogue Princedom).
>What did he mean with us controlling Durnholde?
So the deed comes back into play. Interesting.

We need a way to throw Thrall off or stall for time. Alric helped point Thrall's face toward seeing the big picture and how Thrall's actions could land the region in pain.
I think we should wrap up the control of the hills asap. Maybe add a permanent patrol and garrison to Stonedon with what remains of wealth/supplies. This will free the majority of soldiers for what comes ahead.
If Garithos does succeed in getting Durnholde, or before it happens but when it feels like it will, then Blackmoore will ask us to use the Deed.

Thrall did say that he owes us a Favor, so we could try to call in a favor of some kind. Maybe ask him to find out or take out the Blacrock orcs that are hiding around somewhere or something that he could do in Alterac for us. The former Capital might have some stuff we'd want back for Alric's legitimacy or something, Regalia like a crown, or some papers like the Durnholde Deed. Or something with the trolls or ogres.

>Garithos and his plans need to be denied, he can't end up ruling Durnholde as that would be too dangerous for us.
>What did he mean with us controlling Durnholde?
>Other, write in.
What could Eligius do or try to make a plan for?

Try to have Alric, or someone under him, provoke Garithos into making another incident like in Southshore. Or even try to have Garithos and Langsten/Blackmoore have an incident ideally with Garithos losing out. When Thrall eventually shows up it would be nice for people to think Garithos didn't manage to protect Blackmoore/Durnholde because of a grudge.

Bring some Eligius spies along to work as messengers and scribes or assistants, I wouldn't be surprised if Garithos tries to keep important information away from us so that he can try to grab achievements.

If Alric can take command of the campaign what can he do to exploit the greenness of the Regional Defenders to slow them down? Put them into situations where green recruits are likely to make mistakes in logistics perhaps. If we have some more experienced spies or a certain assassin was ready there would be some sabotage options if we want to go that far.

Ahhh damn. If Garithos could be led into insulting Jandice in public so he makes an enemy of the Barovs that would be incredible. Then have Alric or Blackmoore step in and slap him to defend her honor in a duel. No, wait. Of course. If his Elf hatred is still strong he could insult Malevus, then we step in. Any appreciation from the Elf kingdom would be a nice bonus.

Plant some of those drugs Eligius and Nalice took in Southshore and plant them on an aide of Garithos if not himself lol.
Blackmoore has no problems with orcs
Garithos suddenly takes over
Orcs start raiding the camps
How convenient.

>If he gets wrecked then no it wouldn't, it would justify Blackmoore's presence instead. Better the devil you know and all that
Keyword IF he gets rekt, Nothing assures hes success. Blackmoore is a drunkard getting by the fact nothing is really happening with the camps if they start getting hit how long is he gonna keep hes position when langston runs the whole thing himself.
>Garithos and his plans need to be denied, he can't end up ruling Durnholde as that would be too dangerous for us.

Blackmoore for all his faults has a lot of benefits for us - Garithos is more likely to manage to stop Thrall, more likely to fuck with us and would intercede with our existing deals with Blackmoore. Simply put, anything but him getting into power there is a boon for us.

In an ideal situation, we'd manage to join and dominate the imminent campaign, but that seems doubtful given our manpower is stretched quite thin.
>>Garithos and his plans need to be denied, he can't end up ruling Durnholde as that would be too dangerous for us.
>>What did he mean with us controlling Durnholde?
>Garithos and his plans need to be denied, he can't end up ruling Durnholde as that would be too dangerous for us.

>Okay boys time for egg on garithos face. Stonemasons hate the fuck out of the alliance. Have the mercenaries from stonemasons and thralls kind of prepared orcs. Fuck up garithos. Tell blackmoor our plan to have him ask for extra money. Have garithos protect the camps. Have the orcs and stonemason mercenaries go body the regional defenders free the Orcs.

>Stonemasons attack a camp order them to leave the orcs in the camp. Tell Thrall to have some orcs wait until our boys are done killing ally scum and go free his mates. We can probably free 1-3 camps depending how many troops garithos frees.

>Have Thrall and his newly jailbroken orcs + his orc force go wreck the other camps.

Stonemasons never know they did anything but kill some ally.

Blackmoor thinks we're trying to get garithos out of our campaign for glory. And to get him more money for his camps by making the ally look like shit. Tell him to order the orc's to be aggressive towards their new guards. (We can tell them secretly that the frostwolves come and to bide their time)

Garithos will take over the camps for reputation and to make blackmoor look incompetent and to be ultimately put in charge of durnholde. And to "not" take any losses among his men.


Feel free to add stuff but that's the outline I got boys. Yes it's a risk. But it'll get us Thrall and shit on our sides. Garithos dead or gone. Stonemasons a little bit of revenge. And blackmoor out of the slave game and more reliant on us for trade.
Also qm does steam steamweedle cartel know about kalimdor? Cause booty bay and tanaris and whatever that barrens town are connected to bootybay by le ship.

I somewhat answered this in the previous thread so I will copypaste the answer and then add bit more to it.

"I will answer this before I start writing. Majority of people have no idea of Kalimdor or that there are land beyond the sea.

Early lore is very lacking, but we know that Kael'thas recognised the night elfs, Mayev and Tyrande, when they appeared in Eastern Kingdom. Then in the later lore it is revealed that after High Elfs were banished east, Kalimdor was shrouded in mist. We also know that Medivh had told Khadgar and some others, but that was also very limited knowledge. Iirc in WoW there is a mention of High Elves travelling to Kalimdor hundred years before present.

From this we can presume that Dalaran might have something in their archives, but only handful there might know about it. High Elves, at least the high ranking nobles and historians know about their past, but why would they talk about a blemish in their history? Besides they are very isolationist at the moment.

So Alric without an act of God (me) wouldn't know about Kalimdor or have a chance to learn about it. Kael'thas could tell him, but why would he in the first place? It doesn't concern Alric."

Now there is Cho'gall and the Twiligh's Hammer Clan that fled to Kalimdor after the Second War and regarding Gadgetzan, the wiki has following to say.

"The first mention of Gadgetzan is approximately two years after the end of the Second War. Back then, Charnas would open his bookstore here, and Greydon Thorne, with his brother Silverlaine, visited it"

So the city already existed before that and through that the goblins would know about it, which would mean someone of the status of Krix Wiklish would also know about its existence. But because the source for that is a novel released in 2018, I am just going to outright disregard it and I will go with the earlier explanation of mine. Very few people know about the existence of Kalimdor and as a forgotten continent it is a lot more interesting.

Besides when Medivh contacts the human rulers, it would have been silly if they all went "oh you mean the place where the goblins have already their shop? Aight we will head there."

Also update later this evening!

I think there are problems. Thrall and the Frostwolves aren't ready yet, and if they did it now there would be several already mobilized armies nearby. Alric already told Thrall he doesn't want to be part of betraying an ally by helping make sure he loses some of the assets he values most. That he would fight Thrall if they met on the battlefield.

Alric doesnt want to get a bunch of regional defenders killed on his orders. The only person he doesnt like is Garithos, he even likes the captain they had posted in Dawnholme which is how they arranged that ""duel"" to save face.

Blackmoore is an abusive, emotional, self destructive person. Garithos wants to take Blackmoore's office, and Blackmoore has probably heard about it if even our greenhorn spies picked up on it. More money isn't really going to be his concern right now, its whether he might be replaced by someone who wants his job.

Putting the RD as the guards of the camp is basically handing over control of the camps, which also serve as the source of orc gladiators for his arena, is not going to fly very well. In the hopes that they don't do a very good job hes basically admitting that they can do his job, or putting someone who isnt ready to handle it in charge which doesnt look good either, while hes also asking for more money.

For the Gnoll situation we can only hope to influence by taking on some risk and rolling good. If it goes poorly then Blackmoore is getting replaced by Garithos, but then we agreed to use the Deed in that situation which is gonna be a fucking mess. If Thrall ends up attacking before it gets cleared up then its a lose-lose situation. We have to defend Blackmoore and Durnholde against Thrall because we just declared its our land, but its technically still Alliance land, but if we don't defend it we almost certainly won't be seen as its rightful lord. The camps get liberated and its sorta our fault.

The Stonemasons here left Stormwind because they wanted to avoid being in a war that VanCleef was going to wage, and killing alliance troops is certainly war. If they wanted revenge they would have just stayed down south to continue the fight. Theres no bullshitting that having them kill an entire camp worth of alliance troops is not an act of war. There is no way that we send some Stonemasons to go kill alliance troops at the same time that orcs are also killing alliance troops and freeing the camps that they don't connect some dots then or shortly after. "OH yeah seems we were killing an alliance camp while these orcs were attacking others at the same time as us. Wack".

For Blackmoore to not take any losses he would have to sit back and not even attempt to mobilize his own forces to stop Thrall from taking his camps, his gladiators, and his Durnholde since he knows his position is being threatened by others who want it. For him to take no losses he would have to sit back and do nothing while everything hes built is being taken away.
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I lied, no update today! Let the discussion continue!
>Thrall and the Frostwolves aren't ready yet, and if they did it now there would be several already mobilized armies nearby.
That's only relevant if they take too long, Thrall's plan is a quick smash and grab.

>Alric already told Thrall he doesn't want to be part of betraying an ally by helping make sure he loses some of the assets he values most. That he would fight Thrall if they met on the battlefield.
Which is why Garithos should be the one getting fucked.

>Alric doesnt want to get a bunch of regional defenders killed on his orders.
Does he though? I wouldn't care.

>Putting the RD as the guards of the camp is basically handing over control of the camps, which also serve as the source of orc gladiators for his arena, is not going to fly very well. In the hopes that they don't do a very good job hes basically admitting that they can do his job, or putting someone who isnt ready to handle it in charge which doesnt look good either, while hes also asking for more money.
With things as they are now, we might not even need to convince Blackmoore.

>If it goes poorly then Blackmoore is getting replaced by Garithos, but then we agreed to use the Deed in that situation which is gonna be a fucking mess.
When did we do that?

>If Thrall ends up attacking before it gets cleared up then its a lose-lose situation. We have to defend Blackmoore and Durnholde against Thrall because we just declared its our land, but its technically still Alliance land, but if we don't defend it we almost certainly won't be seen as its rightful lord. The camps get liberated and its sorta our fault.
This all hinges on making a play for Durnholde before the raid which we shouldn't do.

>The rest
Which is why Garithos taking the fall is the best option. He gets fucked, Blackmoore gets his position back and is alienated by the Alliance.
He hasn't told us how he plans to do it whether it be raid or invasion. Smash and grab? He's liberating hundreds or thousands of recently enslaved orcs and I doubt he's going to leave any behind.

Yes I think he cares for human life after he's gone out of his way for even syndicate who fought against him. It's a core part of him.

Garithos thinks that if he pulls off a victory in the gnoll campaign he can talk it up and take Durnholde. Part of our alliance with Blackmoore was that we would use the Deed if he ever got dunked on and would lose Durnholde, it's why he gave it to us.

Somehow make it so that Garithos only wins just enough that Lordaeron gives him the slave camps? We can't measure that accurately or control the Alliance response. As we can't control what Blackmoore will do in a drunken panic spiral to lose the project he has babied, pun intended.

If Blackmoore thinks we are letting him get fucked without using the Deed what will he do and how will that impact us. We cannot tell him that Thrall is going to attack. We can't assume they would give him Durnholde back after stripping him of it. It is after all his fault that Thrall came back leading an army of orcs. Why give it back it's not like they need his skill at handling orcs anymore.

I consider that there's no guarantee that the Alliance, or Lordaeron, actually give Durnholde to us. What weighs in on that decision.

It leads me to a considerable question. Which way is it easier for Durnholde to become part of Alrics Alterac? With Garithos or Blackmoore as the lord of Durnholde. Does having its lord be our ally or our enemy make it easier since the ally would be in a position to recognize Alric as the rightful lord and organize the nobles to do the same or he loses his position. Having Garithos as lord, even humiliated, might make it a bit harder since he obviously won't choose to recognize it or organize the nobles to do so. I think that angle could have some considerable weight the more I think on it.
>He hasn't told us how he plans to do it whether it be raid or invasion. Smash and grab? He's liberating hundreds or thousands of recently enslaved orcs and I doubt he's going to leave any behind.
He has no reason to stick around and he knows that the longer he takes the riskier things become for the orcs he's trying to save. Therefore, the logical approach is to to liberate as fast as possible while getting as many as possible.

>Yes I think he cares for human life after he's gone out of his way for even syndicate who fought against him. It's a core part of him.
You know that's irrelevant anon, human lives will be lost either way so why would Alric feel any guilt?

>Part of our alliance with Blackmoore was that we would use the Deed if he ever got dunked on and would lose Durnholde, it's why he gave it to us.
When? Where? You didn't answer the question.

>Somehow make it so that Garithos only wins just enough that Lordaeron gives him the slave camps? We can't measure that accurately or control the Alliance response. As we can't control what Blackmoore will do in a drunken panic spiral to lose the project he has babied, pun intended.
Of course things are not strictly under control but it's the best we got. Would you rather Blackmoore be humiliated by Thrall and have Garithos take his place in the end? What other solutions are there?

>We can't assume they would give him Durnholde back after stripping him of it.
We can't assume anything anon but that's a useless standard. We're talking probabilities and I say the odds of the old guy getting the job that the new guy fucked up are good.

>It is after all his fault that Thrall came back leading an army of orcs.
How would they know it was Thrall? A night raid with some covering would be sufficient disguise.

>The rest
A humiliated Garithos wouldn't be able to stand up to the outrage from Blackmoore, the nobles and the Alliance all together.
>Which way is it easier for Durnholde to become part of Alrics Alterac? With Garithos or Blackmoore as the lord of Durnholde.
Garithos can safely be betted on to make things worse for everyone. Whether that is something that Alterac can make use of is hard to say. He's likely to bring the surrounding fiefs under his tighter control, which is likely to upset them.
He's likely to form closer ties to Strom Kingdom, which their martial king may or may not favour. Having a strong ally on your doorstep can make people nervous, so Strom is likely to be pulling the strings at some point to ensure they have complete control.

That means that Alterac would be contending in a war of shadows and spies with Strom, in addition to the Syndicate, unless we can convince the Syndicate that while we're an enemy, we could be temporary allies of convenience to displace Alliance. Maybe lean on Lordaeron connections. It would be very difficult, and I think we should inform big-sis Bev asap to show some good faith.

Regarding Thrall, and the misdirection plan from last thread.. too many working parts. Dunno.
>Regarding Thrall, and the misdirection plan from last thread.. too many working parts. Dunno.
In that, I agree. It is of litte risk for it's payoff however, which is why I find it so appealing. Somebody will take the blow for Durnholde and Garithos is unwittingly trying to do so, why not nudge things in that direction? If it fails, Blackmoore gets fucked which is going to happen anyway if things remain as they are.
So hes going to get around two armies with hundreds or thousands of recently enslaved orcs? Where is he going to go to avoid them and bring them back to Alterac or the Hinterlands if and when they find out? Does he have the preparation to feed all those orcs, if he just straight up doesn't then hes probably not going to do it until hes ready right? Then why risk it now when he can wait until hes ready and there aren't several armies around. The timing of Thrall's attack is just out of our control.

You tried to plan that we would send Stonemason mercenaries to kill the camp troops because you think they want revenge, so yes having an active part in making sure the camps are destroyed and soldiers will lose their lives is something to feel guilt for. Trying to aid the liberation of the camp by telling the camp orcs was another idea of yours.

It would be the Durnholde thread near the end of dealing with the assassin shenanigans when Blackmoore hands over the Deed. You arent even addressing my point on what Blackmoore would do when he gets left out to dry since we cant justify why you think hes likely to come out on top because it involves Thrall attacking.

What are you even suggesting on doing to somehow let Garithos have the Camp but not Durnholde? I said I don't think he would be convinced by the prospect of more money to hand it over, to which you responded that we may not even have to do anything. What exactly do you plan to do or say that would give a good chance for Garithos to gain control of the Camps but not Durnholde for this Perenolde Special idea. I think we will just have to participate in the Gnoll campaign and do our best to get results so that we don't risk Garithos becoming full Lord of Durnholde and commander of the camps. Whats the plan?

Honestly it doesnt matter who gets humiliated here what matters is how to make the best situation for the transfer of Durnholde from Lordaeron to Alterac. I do think Blackmoore being Lord of Durnholde even after getting invaded by orcs would have a better chance of pulling the Durnholde nobility together to swing for Alric.

A humiliated Garithos would still be Lord of Durnholde, and have his supporters in the Capital who stuck with him even after he took a massive diplomatic shit on the table with Alric. Will he lose the fight or surrender? Yeah probably, and I'm sure he'll try to point fingers elsewhere or say he did his best with green troops. Is getting invaded Garithos's fault? Not really, its not like you can blame him for being outgunned by the shitstorm that is going to hit him can you?

Anon makes some solid points I almost forgot about Strom and I could see them trying to work with Garithos in the aftermath to see if they can swing him and Durnholde to their side. Bev's opinion or even some others if we have some trusty advisor type would probably be helpful, this is a rather high level political maneuvering to try and swing a whole Keep and surrounding lands.
>So hes going to get around two armies with hundreds or thousands of recently enslaved orcs? Where is...
You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about the plan that I didm't say. Getting the orcs out is perfectly feasible with the right conditions: mainly the distance from the armies, the geography and if Thrall can quickly remove their affliction. I also never said that Thrall needs to go right now and Thrall is willing to give us some leeway on when the raid happens.

>You tried to plan that we would send Stonemason mercenaries to kill the camp troops...
Now what the fuck are you talking about? I never said any of that.

>You arent even addressing my point on...
I addressed both of those in the last post.

>What are you even suggesting on doing to somehow let Garithos have the Camp but not Durnholde...
Again, what the fuck have you been reading? Not my posts since I never said he'd have just the camps. The camps are just the most relevant part of Durnholde.

>Honestly it doesnt matter who gets humiliated...
1. Yes it absolutely matters who is humiliated. Whoever is target will have their political position compromised, do we want that happening to Blackmoore or Garithos?
2. You call into question the feasibility of my plans yet you want to openly challenge the suzerainty of Lordaeron over Durnholde? How would that help?

>A humiliated Garithos...
But none of them are in Durnholde or the region, their support would matter more if we were to whip out the deed which would make this an issue for the capital to resolve.

It would be the Durnholde thread near the end of dealing with the assassin shenanigans when Blackmoore hands over the Deed.
I'll look into that.
Okay, I've read it and it was never part of our Alliance, Alric even says so explicitly. Blackmoore is just betting that we'll use it anyway and, while bringing up a good point that denying the claim would be a headache for Lordaeron, it can still be weaseled out. Especially with those dickheads that hate our guts in the Capital but I will admit that a play for Durnholde is more feasible than I thought if their kingdom is as legalistic as Blackmoore makes it out to be.

Oh my bad on some of that like the mercs, I thought you were that first guy as a continuation who advocated for it lol. >>6050157

Anyway the only way I see Garithos becoming lord of Durnholde is to sit back and do nothing for the Gnoll campaign, or try and shift praise for achievements there onto Garithos. Since that probably won't happen I don't see any other ways to nudge Garithos into position to take the blame. Theres always the funny response "Oh the 'REGIONAL DEFENDERS' couldnt 'DEFEND THE REGION'!?" and point fingers at Garithos for failing to defend Blackmoore and Durnholde.

Then whip up the Durnholde nobles to be upset at Lordaeron for not defending them properly. Point to the Deed and hope for either a legalistic win, a political support from the Durnholde nobles win, or that Terenas, Uther, and Callia really do like Alric that much.

Maybe they will give him the busted ass keep thats probably been through whatever Earth Magic Thrall used to wreck it. I can see the wealth cost bill now, plus Stonemason labor, because its not worth the trouble of the region. If its also depopulated when a bunch of people might the area depending on how Thralls attack goes or just general fear of even being in the same region as orcs on the loose. Plus no more camps so it loses some significance.

If legalism fails it seems to me like trying to convince the Durnholde nobles would be easier if they don't have Garithos lording over them or applying pressure. I don't imagine he would just take it lying down and idk if Arthas would abandon his apparently favorite stooge to mess with us, he seems to favor this chess piece.

Jandice and the Barovs could probably have something nice to say if we were a bit closer with them too just because they are -the- rich landowning noble family, and they do own some nearby land. Though we picked Katrana's plan for good reasons too. Maybe we can get a word and support with Jandice if we ask her advice, maybe they would be interested in some of that land or the land around the Hinterlands to continue their land trade Empire since their oil plan fell through. Maybe theres oil in the Hinterlands? Probably not but whatever will peak their interest.
>Anyway the only way I see Garithos becoming lord of Durnholde is to sit back and do nothing for the Gnoll campaign, or try and shift praise for achievements there onto Garithos. Since that probably won't happen I don't see any other ways to nudge Garithos into position to take the blame.
This is where Garithos' pride and pig-headedness can be exploited. If his prospects aren't terrible and he is sufficiently provoked, he could make the play for Durnholde anyway.

This would upset everyone and leave him in a tenuous position which, combined with getting wrecked by Thrall, would leave us in the perfect position to swoop in.

I also doubt the place would be as wrecked by the orcs as you worry it would be, why would Thrall waste his mana on tearing the whole place up? The camps are the priority.

That would be pretty funny way for him to use up and lose the rest of his favor. Though if we end up really smashing the Gnoll campaign with battle victory and the head of the enemy leader Idk if Gaithos's prospects would be enough to try. Could still provoke him into some kind of spergout and that should sink him a bit further. I wonder if he would get so pissed he tries for a duel or further escalating tensions by sending patrol that we were prepared to beat with sticks.

As to the destruction its cause I somewhat remember the Lord of the Clans book that covers all the Thrall events where shit hits the fan. Its already different from that timeline but it would be funny if it still happened for different reasons. So I do still kinda expect Thrall to have a confrontation with Blackmoore, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't end up as destructive. Maybe he does it just to break Blackmoore's will and force him to surrender, or maybe they don't meet again since Tari is already safe with Alric.
Which is why we should try to blueball him instead of outshining him, frustrate him as much as possible.

I also think that Thrall knows he can't afford to go look for Blackmoore. He can't put his people in jeopardy for a personal grudge.
>Warcraft Character
>Not diving head first no holds barred into a personal grudge even if it means going across the world

We shall see
No our fucking armies are going to be balls deep in the forests and mountains hunting gnolls. We just need Thrall to show up like a week after we leave the furthest internment camp.

Like I said we can have stone masons raid a camp and fuck up the RD. Then fuck off leave the orcs. Thrall can then walk in grab his boys and head to the next location. I believe our stonemason mercs could easily roll 2-3 camps. That's like 200-400 orcs. Thrall adds that to his army. Our Stonemasons would leave all the RD weapons and armor. Maybe steal some supplies or gold then fuck off back to our lands. NEVER KNOWING Thrall is trailing them grabbing is orcs. Then Thrall can roll the rest of them and fuck off to hinterland where the other orc lord is.

By the time anyone gets notified about the raids. Thrall will be long gone. And thralls orcs passage will easily cover up the stonemasons involvement. And we have plausible deniability about the stonemasons even if they were found out. They're obviously a terrorist organization.... at deadlines.

I think yall are worried about a whole lot of nothing and expecting Thrall to walk through our armies.... he's not he's going to invade weeks behind us. Plus orcs are stronger and faster than humans. He can force march probably 2-3 times faster than us. There's no instant information transfer. Some shitty scout or messenger is going to have to relay orders. With us being a part of the army we can easily deflect shit. "Garithos would never lose to some smelly orcs. He can deal with it himself."

Here's how we can easily manipulate everyone involved.

Blackmoor still has our soldiers (I believe).

We pull them and a couple more for our "contribution" to the gnoll attack. With Blackmoor sending out his army too. He's going to be short staffed. We can have Blackmoor complain about not having enough troops or money for the difficulty of keeping the orcs locked up.

Garithos looking for anyway to exploit the situation and having fuckiny double our entire army in troop numbers is going to bring 200-400 troops. Remember there's like 9 or 11 camps. Garithos will "offer" to control some of the camps to "help" Blackmoor. He's really doing it to take control of durnholde and to cut funding to blackmoor. Blackmoor will allow it to happen if we tell him to tell the orcs to riot and cause problems. (Making garithos look incompetent and Blackmoor and his troops look good due to only ever losing one orc) allowing Blackmoor to ask for more money from the alliance for the camps.

See anons easy. Both Blackmoor and Garithos doing something THEY think will ultimately help them look good.

Garithos being a greedy cunt and wanting to make us look bad will ALSO send himself and troops to the gnoll campaign army too. Thus splitting his force. Weakening both.

We give him vanguard position and let him engage the gnolls first. Then all we have to do is be slow to reinforce to allow Garithos to be mauled and his force crippled. We can then probably bait Garithos into a duel. He'll accuse us of being craven or incompetent which will give us the right to duel him.

While all this shenanigans is happening....

Stonemasons raid 2-3 camps (we have about 60-80 stonemason mercs)

Wreck the RD then fuck off. This will make stonemasons happy since ya know.... the whole riot in storm wind thing...

Meanwhile Thrall and his orc Boyz. Follow behind the Stonemasons about a quarter of a day. They pick up all their orc brothers take the RD weapons and armor. Go wreck the other camps.

We Meanwhile semi force march our troops to "race" garithos to the gnoll town. Garithos not wanting to be second will force march faster to beat us. Therefore tiring out his units. Hopefully we'll engage with the gnolls before the messenger finds us. But if not. Due to force marching and bring in the deep wilderness it'll take us fucking weeks to get back to the camps.

Thrall will be long fucking gone. And nobody will know about our stonemason boys due to Thrall orc boys walking over their foot prints. (Though Thrall could probably do it without the stonemason help. I want to make sure he fucking rolls them hard and fast.)


Blackmoor looses his orcs. Garithos either gets mauled by gnolls and gets mauled by the orcs or jusy mauled by orcs. Remember there's only like 20 guards per camp.

This makes garithos power play fail and make him look incompetent and lose his standing. Makes Blackmoor look good for keeping orcs locked down and only losing one.
We then deal with all the fallout.

Hopefully we can have dueled garithos and killed him.

Blackmoor now needs to massively switch his economy from slaves and gladiators to the darrowmere league.

Thus improving both our economies. Breaking the RD in this region and making them look terrible.

Like I said earlier too.

We can pass blame on the Trolls or the ogres for helping the orcs. This will hopefully give us casus belli and support from the region to then invade alterac and capture our shit back. We can cry about being raided by Orcs, kobolds, and ogres and trolls. Hopefully we can then either force the RD to help us fight them. Since the regional outcry will be want to be protected from the menace to the north.

If we're being raided... then they're next. (Aka tarren mill, hillsbrad, southshore, barovs. Ect.)

If we did good in killing gnolls this will be easier to push for.

It's an easy choice for the alliance either let the orc and ogre and troll menace grow or allow us to kill them and push them out. They'll probably choose us. Especially with the RD fucking up so badly.

There's very little that could go wrong. Mostly because we have people doing WHAT THEY WANT TO DO.

Blackmoor wants to kill gnolls for glory and honor. And wants more money for camps.

Garithos wants to make all of us look like shit and to soft capture durnholde and take the camps from blackmoor.

Thrall wants to free his boys regardless. This is the best way to let him do it so our troops or blackmoors don't get wrecked. And so we don't get put into a position of looking like shit.
No update today, my apologies for making you all to wait for it this long. Yet another case of QM being too tired due to really ornery work day. Great discussion through and through, but I will correct few points before crashing and going to sleep.


Blackmoore doesn't have our troops anymore, they have returned home and they participated in the Strahnbrad Hills campaign.

The exact number of Internment Camps has been never said, but there's more camps than just 11 and not all of them are surrounding Durnholde Keep.

There are 30 Stonemason mercenaries and the named characters available to be hired, not 60-80 and you still have to pay them if you want them to do anything specific for you. See the Quest Mechanisms pastebin.

The camps have more than 20 guards per camp as well. They aren't that easy nuts to crack and requires some effort.
“We can’t really allow Garithos to succeed, can we?” You said to Prince Alric.

"No, we cannot, that I agree with you." He replied back to you.

"Even if he got the control and Thrall attacked him, we can't really build our plans on an orc." You said and continued. "Too many variables that could change."

"I am not that keen on spilling human blood either, those Regional Defenders aren't guilty of the actions of their leaders." Prince Alric sighed. "Neither are the Durnholders, but…"

"Prince Alric, we can't avoid casualties." You told him.

"You are right, we cannot."

Neither of you really needed news like this to come right now.

"Prince Alric, you mentioned us controlling Durnholde… what did you mean with it?" You had to ask him.

He gave you a look and then nodded.

"Right… stay here, stay still." He replied and turned around walking into his bedroom, leaving you there dumbfounded. In a moment he returned with a large envelope covered in leather.

"You better take a seat and then see what is in it." He told you and you somewhat carefully did as told.

Inside the envelope was old parchment. A large map that looked like Durnholde when it was still under Alteraci control.

And then the second parchment…

By the Holy Light, is this…

"How do you have this?" You asked Prince Alric. You couldn't believe what you were seeing.

"Blackmoore's insurance." Prince Alric replied to you and took a seat as well. "He predicted that he might get ousted, so he gave me this."

You carefully read through the parchment and its terms. And then read through them the second time.

It was a Claim of Durnholde by the Kingdom of Alterac. It told the history of the claim by the early Alteracis and the King's that followed them till near the present day. It described the landmarks, borders and people living there who would be under Alteraci jurisdiction and protection.

A more recent addition to it told you that whoever ruled the lands from Durnholde Keep answered to Alterac and was the representative of the King ruling in Alterac City.

>Is Blackmoore expecting Prince Alric to use this "insurance?"
>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>Couldn't Prince Alric preemptively reveal the Claim and take control of Durnholde before Garithos tries to do it?
>If Alterac controlled Durnholde, doesn't that mean Tarren Mill that is straight in the middle between these two belong to Alterac as well.
>Other, write in.

QM: Update finally out, sorry for the wait.
>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>If Alterac controlled Durnholde, doesn't that mean Tarren Mill that is straight in the middle between these two belong to Alterac as well.
First prompt is self evident, why would Blackmoore give it as "insurance" if he didn't think it'd be used?
Third one is trouble since it could have our troops facing off against Thrall.
>>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>If Alterac controlled Durnholde, doesn't that mean Tarren Mill that is straight in the middle between these two belong to Alterac as well.
>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>If Alterac controlled Durnholde, doesn't that mean Tarren Mill that is straight in the middle between these two belong to Alterac as well.
Realistically not sometihng we can actually act on.
>Is Blackmoore expecting Prince Alric to use this "insurance?"
>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>If Alterac controlled Durnholde, doesn't that mean Tarren Mill that is straight in the middle between these two belong to Alterac as well.
>We can expect fighting the Alliance in public opinion and potentially on the battlefield if this is ever revealed. ALL human kingdoms work with the Alliance federation of nations except Alterac.
Oh also it occurs to me that the Alliance has blocked us from reacquiring Alterac City. It's entirely possible that the heads of state know about this clause of the document already.

>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>If Alterac controlled Durnholde, doesn't that mean Tarren Mill that is straight in the middle between these two belong to Alterac as well.

First one doesnt really need to be said. Talking to Jandice about this might be interesting, if the Barovs notice this I'd imagine they wouldn't like it and speak out against it if not forewarned? Or maybe they would if it opened up other opportunities. Funny Alterac Tax Haven for super wealthy nobles moment. Working with Jandice on some other political or economic agreements that could help push it our way. What some of the other neighbor powers might want, and would their recognition of the claim be valuable? Should Alric go to the Capital in person to give them this claim and offer any of these arguments in support of it, be there to argue against those who oppose it?

Third one is kinda interesting, doesnt really feel wise to go for so I wouldnt really suggest it, but just considering some ways to play it out feel kind of neat. So I'll just sort of play with the ideas for fun.

Offering that his Alterac would be willing to help pay some camp maintenance, which is a big issue for some of the kingdoms, but not until the oil money starts coming in. Lend some political and economic benefits to letting it happen, but by the time the oil comes in the camps would probably be gonezo and Alric would still have Durnholde. Alliance wouldnt be happy with him but they'd also be scrambling to deal with the aftermath and putting something together to hunt down thrall.

Would it turn the Gnoll campaign into a battle of either Alric or Garithos gaining control of Durnholde with its outcome influencing who seems like the most rightful owner and protector of the land.

If we were in charge of Durnholde could we try to arrange moving the camps somewhere else where its not our problem? Probably not atleast from my thinking. Ludicrously expensive and a big ass hassle. No easy solution like asking Dalaran to do it instead and just magic up food and water, or dumping them onto a deserted island, otherwise presumably they would have done so.

When Thrall comes we'd end up in a hell of a fight, not putting up much of a fight on purpose, or surrendering the camps which makes every kingdom mad at us. Challenging the leader of the Orcs to a duel of honor for the fate of the camp orcs and losing on purpose like that one Captain did might save some face and let Thrall have his orcs. Or maybe it would be between Thrall and Blackmoore because thats much more dramatic and then thrall has the chance to kill him or spare him. Blackmoore gets pummeled into the dirt and they have their soap opera moment of Thrall saying he always wanted his approval and fatherly affection. God that would be so funny.
>Point out that Prince Alric doesn't rule from Alterac City.
>If Alterac controlled Durnholde, doesn't that mean Tarren Mill that is straight in the middle between these two belong to Alterac as well.
"Prince Alric, you don't rule from the Alterac City." You pointed it out to him.

"That is what Blackmoore said to me as well. He is backing all of this on whenever this Claim is revealed, whatever decision made to replace him will be postponed until the lawyers and other scholars figure out who actually has the ownership of Durnholde." Prince Alric told you. "But we know it won't be that easy, a claim alone doesn't mean you control the land, you need the men to enforce it."

"So many variables…" You replied.

"Who ends up controlling the Internment Camps, will Lordaeron cede the lands without major wrangling required, what will Stromgarde think as they most likely want the lands as well, where will Blackmoore stand in the end?" He listed different things to you and continued finally. "And what has Thrall accomplished and when would all of this happen?"

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair before starting to pack the Claim away.

"Will there be much of Durmholde remaining after the first camps are liberated? Will the Keep stand and does Thrall want his revenge? I had hoped that the Claim wouldn't come into use till later when we actually have power to enforce it and not just hope to bog things down." Prince Alric said to you. "But we shall see what happens, maybe cooler heads prevail and Garithos doesn't try any of his shit."

"You could always try to get him mad and then rip him a new one verbally?" You shrugged and suggested that to him. Last time that had happened, Garithos had been thoroughly embarrassed.

"Or I could just outright kill him. Maybe in a duel or I do have a skilled assassin in the dungeon." Prince Alric said and had a faint gentle smile on his face.

Ever since the incident, you really couldn't tell what his eyes were saying. The sickly green of Fel just muddied things too much. Was he serious about what he had just said?

"I am joking Eligius, assassinations aren't my cup of tea after being the target a few times too often." He replied with a laugh. "Alright anything else?"

"Tarren Mill, doesn't the claim imply…"

"No, we can't use this to put a claim on Tarren Mill. The town has always been part of Lordaeron, even if they have been forgotten by them more often than not and Alterac has had influence over the town." Prince Alric replied and waved the idea away with his hand. "Besides, it is the Barovs who own the land and I don't want to piss them or Lady Jandice off."

"Understandable." You said and nodded.

"I will go talk with Normand and then call the meeting, with or without Beric I want the meeting done and we set off to get through this summer." Prince Alric said and put the Claim inside a drawer in his desk. "We really didn't need any of this to come up right now."

"And I agree with that. " You replied to him and nodded. "I will have the papers prepared and ready in no time. I just need to bother Miss Foxton for a moment, I think she has what I need."

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"Great great, I will send Tari up here if I see her." He replied as he walked past you and went for the door.

"Thank you Prince Alric."

After he had left his study, you stood up and went to check the large bookshelf with all sorts of folders and ledgers in it. You didn't get to browse them for that long when the door opened into the study.

"Alric told me that you needed my help?" Taretha Foxton asked you as she stepped back in.

"Yes, I'm looking for the folder with all the window expenses." You said to her and looked at her. Her long blue dress did very little to hide her pregnancy and you could see how carefully she walked with such a big baby bump.

"You are looking at the wrong bookshelf." Taretha Foxton said and immediately knew what ledger you were looking for. "Are there any issues with the windows?"

"We have a hunch that the window merchant in Southshore might be swindling us for some coin, if we can get a proof it it, the local merchants guild should handle the rest." You told her and continued. "We aren't talking about much coin, but these things are better to put to stop as soon as possible."

"Then I wish you luck in finding the discrepancies. And if you need help, well I'm here." Taretha replied to you.

"Thank you Miss Foxton." You said and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Just call me Tari like everyone else here does." Tari said back with a smile.

"Of course, I will leave you then. The meeting should happen shortly." You said to her and prepared to leave the study with what you had been looking for in your hands. Miss Foxton… Tari is always so helpful, but you didn't think you had anything else on your mind.


>When is the due date for birth? Late summer?
>Prince Alric is the father, right?
>Has Tari noticed anything having changed after the Incident in Prince Alric?
>Will Blackmoore give up Durnholde without a fight? How far is he willing to go?
>Is Taretha interested in learning magic? She could join Prince Alric in the studies.
>Other, write in.

QM: Last update before the meeting. What would Eligius ask Taretha?
>Prince Alric is the father, right?
It's what he was thinking about earlier, maybe include the third one as well but the others are too vapid.
>>Will Blackmoore give up Durnholde without a fight? How far is he willing to go?
>When is the due date for birth? Late summer?
>Prince Alric is the father, right?
Eligius had so far refrained from prying into Alrics personal affairs, like presumably plowing Tari on the regular. Privacy for him is second nature, so he respects it for others. Though now that he's a spymaster perhaps he should get a better handle on some things besides fairly reasonable assumptions so but up in the air lol. That said he also recognized earlier that Tari avoided even saying Blackmoores name so that is a sensitive issue perhaps best avoided. Childbirth can be dangerous especially for a town without a priest and facilities, he ought to offer a solution or two.

>When is the due date for birth? Late summer?

>Other, write in.
How are you feeling, really? It would be good to arrange with Father Hampton and Malevus to be in town, or perhaps the services of that Naturalist mage and a midwife (The witches would be funny with their wicca magic nonsense.) to help with the birth and check her out.
"When is the due date? I mean for the birth?" You asked Taretha.

"Couple more months, later in the summer." She responded with a smile. "Though I feel like I could pop the child out any day now. It's been quite active lately."

So the child was conceived around early winter to around the Feast of Winter Feil. It would match when she arrived to Dawnholme.

"I presume Prince Alric has already prepared the midwives and everything else?" You asked her.

"Oh by the Light no, that has been all Malevus." Taretha responded and chuckled.

"Malevus? But isn't Prince Alric the father?" You asked her and immediately realised that maybe you shouldn't have.

"And I would imagine that Alric's spymaster would have already realised the truth." Taretha said and smiled back.

"Truth, wait… are you saying that he isn't the child's father?" You replied giving her a very confused look back.

"You should ask him or you could figure things out by yourself." Taretha said and laughed a bit. "And don't worry, no need to think about apologising. Most people have jumped to the same conclusion."

"I see… well… I'm so…" You nearly started to apologise as this had gotten awkward. "I have given him his privacy so I haven't really thought anything about this…"

"Don't worry, Alric appreciates that because under all of this he is just a young man thrown into a world that isn't kind to him." Taretha said back to you. "His friends are what keeps his feet on the ground and gives him some normality in all of this."

You just nodded back to her.

"Now go and finish your work, Alric hasn't been happy with the meeting having been postponed time after time so it's better for you to have everything ready." Taretha said.

"You are right. Thank you Miss Foxton… I mean Tari…" You replied, this was still a bit too awkward.

"See, you are learning." Taretha said and laughed, forcing you to give her a gentle smile back.

When you stepped out of the study, your mind raced into the conclusion. If Prince Alric wasn't the father then…

Blackmoore, it must be Blackmoore.

This changes so much regarding everything you thought about him and Blackmoore. This means that you need to do some thinking. A lot more thinking.


"Thank you everyone for coming. I know Beric is late, but I couldn't wait for him anymore as the meeting is late as is." Prince Alric greeted everyone sitting around the table.

There was Normand, Lieutenant Cromwell and Lieutenant Beckston. Sir Radan, the Rover Brothers and Sir Gravis. Master Mason Erefor Pelija had been invited as well due to his unofficial role as the leader of Stonemasons in Dawnholme.

"Master Pelija, thank you for joining us." Prince Alric continued. For some reason he had thrown his mage clothes on, the Raiments of Dawn. Maybe to just look more impressive.

"It is my honour Prince Alric." Pelija replied and the older man gave him a polite nod.

"I have also invited Taretha Foxton to join us as with Beric being away, she had the best understanding of all the paperwork and trade that has happened." Prince Alric continued. "Malevus sits next to her just so that boredom wouldn't kill her."

"Alric, boredom won't kill me…" Malevus replied and rolled her eyes.

"By how annoyed you have been while unable to do much, I would rank boredom as a higher threat to you than the kobolds." Prince Alric replied with a jest.

His officers chuckled. Everyone had been happy to see Malevus up and walking a bit.

"And finally we have Monica Sengutz. All of you know her as the innkeeper in Tarren Mill and as my friend, but recently I have made her my representative in Tarren Mill." Prince Alric finished.

"Hello everyone, I am glad to be able to help Alric in any capacity as I can." Monica replied back, proudly wearing her Alteraci cloak.

"Now, let's go into business." Prince Alric said and clapped his hands once.

Total Resources:
19 Wealth, +15 per season
23 Supplies, -1 per season
200 Peasants

Choose one:
>Economy, buildings, Wealth and Supplies.
>Military, soldiers, deployments and enemies.
>Durnholde, gnoll campaign, news regarding Garithos.

QM: With some preliminary talks done, let's jump straight into it. What subject will you tackle first?
>>Economy, buildings, Wealth and Supplies.
horror lets just get the Town hall then figure out gnoll campaign?
>>Economy, buildings, Wealth and Supplies.
>>Economy, buildings, Wealth and Supplies.
I am still supporting this plan >>6041509 because it looks like we need to send plenty of troops to Durnholde to counter Garithos. If we put 40 soldiers into training they can still defend Dawnholme as pastebin says this.

"Training new troops always takes a season to finish, but troops in training can defend themselves at Green veterancy."

We could then leave maybe 100 men to Strahnbrad Hills, 40 in training to Dawnholme with the Stonemason mercenaries unhired and stationed there. Even unpaid I would imagine them defending their fellow Stonemasons. Then remaining troops with us to Durnholde. If we can get some locals under our command we could have over 200 soldiers nearly half of known Regional Defenders.
>Economy, buildings, Wealth and Supplies.

We sell 16 supplies for 16 wealth. Buy the Townhall for 20, buy three Windmills for 15, leaving us with 0 wealth and 7 supply but also gets us to +5 Supply per season so we can start building a stockpile for when we actually need a big army we can field extra troops for a planned campaign. Or for feasting to help get a bit more unity with our populace and neighbors. If we get another season where supplies are scarce its also just pure money.

That said I wouldn't be against hiring the Naturalist mage lady for just the Gnoll campaign either since we know there will be combat and saving lives will mean less peasants we have to spend on replacing losses, and saving veterancy for our army. Or if Malevus or one of the officers jobs and gets wounded. Plus saving lives for the other armies in triage will be a big service that will go into our reward of spoils.

Vassals, allies, friends.
-20/20 Green Footmen, Stonedon, vassal
-20/20 Green Footmen, Tarren Mill, ally
-20/20 Green Archers, Tarren Mill, ally
-20/20 City Guards, Tarren Mill, ally
-10/10 Regular Footmen, Barov Estate, friend
-10/10 Regular Archers, Barov Estate, friend

Then we've got
Total: 55 Footmen, 40 Pikemen, 50 Archers, 20 Crossbowmen, 5 Knights, 45 Bandit Rogues, 40 City Guards (Dawnholme)

Specialists hired:
-Jon Boyd, Pyromancer.
-Luke Williams, Arcanist Bodyguard

Maybe the Naturalist if we want to have the Medic Mage on hand

Our ally and vassal have 60 dudes that could fill in for patrols, 80 if we count the tarren mill city guards. 100 if we could count on the Barov estate people to also help, but they are also only friends. Being Green I'd rather see them on patrol around Strahnbrad Hills that could free up our dudes.

If we can count on the 30 stonemason mercs to defend their stonemasons and the town plus the 40 city guard thats 70 for Dawnholme.

I wanna say maybe the Pikemen wouldnt be great in the forests and hills expected for the Gnoll Campaign? Though it would be nice for Beckston to get a chance to show his stuff so maybe it would be fine. But we could leave him to guard Dawnholme and get it up to 115. That would still leave 175 plus the specialists for the Gnoll campaign, or 215 if we bring the Pikemen. I think either is fine and would like to keep the supply for the Medic Mage and just to have a positive supply income.
Slight error there, with the Pikemen in Dawnholme that would be 110 not 115.
Aren't the supplies worth 2 gold each?
Is it? I thought normally it takes 2 supply sold to get 1 gold, but the scarcity had gotten it to 1 supply for 1 gold.
But if we do have 16 more wealth to play with then I'd buy a fourth windmill and two Improved Farms to get us up to 9 Supply Income. Then next season we could upgrade those two Improved farms into Farming Estates and get to 13 Supply Income. Become the breadbasket.
Looking at the pastebin, you are correct. I swear it was like I said once before though.

Don't be so quick to spend it all away. We have things like Krix's inventions and surprise expenses like the Stonemason renovations.
Mmm true. If Krix isnt just totally absorbed in the Oil prep its always good to put him to work on something or other. Something oil powered perhaps so we can get something with some real horse power. Oh the Stonemason mechanics found I need to get my brakes replaced and my axle is shot? Say it aint so. Getting an Abbey for 15 wealth wouldnt be bad either, having our own priest instead of borrowing Tarren Mills and whatever other benefits it entails. Maybe Malevus can pray a bit harder and work on her connection with the Light.
With Beric away, it fell to Taretha to explain most of what had happened with trade and economy. And while you had done your part as Prince Alric's scribe, a lot of it was new to you.

The goblin mechanic Krix Wiklish had invented a device that helped windmills and mines greatly. The great deficit of all sorts of supplies didn't seem that bad anymore which was something that made all the officers really happy. But after several hopeful calls for more soldiers to be trained, Prince Alric did have to disappoint everyone with just a few words.

"We do not have enough coin." He said to everyone. "Even the planned Town Hall is outside our budget."

"So no new recruits?" Lieutenant Cromwell asked him.

Lieutenant Cromwell had always been suspicious of you, but he was always professional with you and you wanted to keep it that way. He was a soldier through and through, bald head, sharp eyes and a chin that could cut granite.

"We have a choice, Beric did inform us that due to the Alliance Naval Base and Durnholde buying a lot of foodstuffs, arms and armours, their price has gotten higher." Prince Alric said back to him.

"Prince Alric, are you suggesting selling them?" Lieutenant Beckston asked him back, scratching the old scar on his left cheek.

Lieutenant Beckston meanwhile had been quite jovial and always friendly with you. Probably because both of you were from elsewhere. Beckston had married a local woman last year and seemed like he had already decided to fully set his roots here. He seemed quite trustworthy for a former mercenary.

"Yes, we have enough to last for a while and now with the price being good, maybe we could sell them and invest in the future so to speak." Prince Alric said back to him and pushed his glasses to cover his eyes better. Not everyone had yet gotten used to his Fel green eyes.

Monica had raised her hand carefully as if wanting to speak.

Prince Alric having made her his representative had baffled you. The few times you had worked with her had given you a solid picture of her. She seemed hard working and quite suitable to be an innkeeper, but when it came to subjects surrounding the Prince, Monica was… idolising him, enthralled by him. You were fairly sure that there was nothing between her or the Prince right now, but were there in the past? Person like that shouldn't be in a diplomatic position, but you weren't going to argue against the Prince's decision.

"Monica, you don't need to raise your hand." Prince Alric said to her.

"Well ummm… if the price is that good, what if you were to sell everything? It is a gamble, but I did that with my inn and now I have a hotel as well." Monica told everyone.


"It would be risky, but it could work." Normand said back to her. "If needed we could buy some supplies back in an emergency."

"Or I could use a favour or give a favour in return for some." Prince Alric shrugged.

"Prince Alric, I would like if we had at least some in storage." Cromwell said back to him.

You leaned slightly forward. Till now you had been basically silent, just passing scrolls around if needed and handing Taretha ledgers she required. You didn't really have an opinion on this, but what Prince Alric chose did interest you. You looked at him leaning slightly back on his chair as he was clearly thinking.

Just enough for the Town Hall he had been planning on building for so long, or a more modest amount or all in?

Total Resources:
19 Wealth, +15 per season
23 Supplies, -1 per season
200 Peasants

You may exchange Wealth to Supplies with 1:1 rate and Supplies to Wealth with 1:1 rate.

Exchange Supplies to Wealth:
>Write in amount

QM: Let's get the consensus. If you can't reach a majority opinion, I will go with an average of the most popular Supply to Wealth options.
>Write in Amount
16 Supplies to Wealth for my plan here >>6052875
If we're gonna do that plan then I suggest selling more and/or spending less so we can have gold reserves.
Mmm only buy two Windmills and keep 5 wealth for Krix or the Stonemasons next surprise city improvement? +3 Supply income is still good and would cover the medic mage for the campaign if we go that route.
Sure, sounds good. Hope that oil money is good so a 20 gold expense doesn't hurt so much next time.
Opportunities tend to happen about wealth which we rarely have on hand.
I can support this. It is one more than mine so it is close enough. But I still support training some troops.
Bit late but you forgot to take into account the quality of some of our soldiers.

I know it says we have fifty five footmen and 40 pikemen, but some of those are veterans, not to mention a lot of them now have their own officers I think, so they are at least a step up from Militia.

Which is what the Dawnholme Guard are, basically.

I think a good plan would be to start focusing on the quality of their gear rather than the quantity of men, experience from total war tells me that if I put my peasants in armor while they don't kill much they do stay alive longer.

that is a good point,we could upgrade our ten elite archer into rangers for 3w or go full melee and order Dark Iron weapons and armor for our Foot Guards or dip one extra supply for both if we just go with two windmills.
Support this, or trading up to 20 resources. This way we have three supplies in the bank for whatever, as well as spare wealth for soldiers or miscellaneous.
I could have sworn we did buy dark iron arms and armor for our royal foot guard.

If we end up wanting a lot more of our dudes defending against potential ogre raids I'd probably focus taking the veteran elite and officers units yeah.
Too bad Radan's unit didn't go up to Veteran after that kobold ogre fight. What would the Epic form of the Bandit Rogue be? Cutthroat, Raider, Brigand, Outlaw, Freebooter, Adventurer, Desperado, Plunderer, Marauder, Highwayman.

Royal Foot Guards do have Dark Iron Arms and Armour. My mistake for not actually writing that up anywhere in the pastebin. That will be fixed.


They are quite close for jumping up the veterancy. Maybe after Durnholde if they participate in that campaign?

That being said, it looks like consensus has been reached on the amount of Supplies to Wealth being 16. But it looks like consensus has appeared on building two Windmills as well. To speed things up a bit, I am going to ask a roll and a confirmation on the building actions. The roll is for Eligius and the Stonemasons.

>Town Hall, 20 Wealth, -5 Peasants, The Headland/Dawnholme
>Windmill, +1 Supply, Costs 5 Wealth and 5 Peasants, Darrow Hill
>Windmill, +1 Supply, Costs 5 Wealth and 5 Peasants, Gavin’s Naze

Is this acceptable?:

>Best of three
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Don't the windmills give more than 1 supply after the gearbox invention?

They do and to mines as well, I haven't added that to the pastebin listing of the buildings as I have kept it as a separate stat.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 7 (1d10)

Nothing wrong having a bit of extra supply.
File: Basic_Estates.png (8 KB, 82x93)
8 KB

>Town Hall, Dawnholme
>Windmill, Darrow Hill
>Windmill, Gavin’s Naze

The discussion that followed was short and in the end Prince Alric seemed quite pleased with the situation.

Taretha would work the numbers and do the paperwork with Master Pelija, who would order his men to start working on the town hall immediately. They had already reserved a plot for it and it would just require them checking pre-existing plans before they could get to work.

There would be offices, a larger hall, archive, a few guest rooms for high ranking visitors and a cellar for storage. By how Pelija described it to everyone, it would be relatively close to the town hall in Southshore, but with superior quality of the Stonemason handiwork. Of course a clock tower would finish the building.

Windmills would also be built and the Geared Speed Regulators would be installed. If the one already operation is any example, the productivity would increase a lot and immediate issues with your supply deficit would be overcome.

"Eligius, how far are you in registering all the newcomers?" Prince Alric asked you.

"My Prince, we have just started it and we have a long way to go." You replied to him immediately.

"Any estimations of their number? Master Pelija, you can answer as well." Prince Alric continued.

"Nine hundred give or take." Was your answer and you looked at the older Stonemason.

"The scribe is correct, there should be a few more than nine hundred of us in the last group." Pelija answered and nodded.

You weren't the only one making the calculations in their heads.

"One thousand and one hundred Alteracis and a few others, four hundred from Underbelly and one thousand and seven hundred Stonemasons… in total over three thousand and two hundred souls…" Prince Alric spoke aloud. "I think… I think in these lands and in Dawnholme, there are more people than in any settlement in Hillsbrad or Durnholde."

"Around three thousand in Southshore." You found yourself saying.

"And to imagine that two years ago there were what, sixty of us?" The Prince asked and looked at Normand.

"Thereabouts." Was his answer.

"How far we have gotten…"

Silence filled the living room and only Maura's great timing to carry hot tea and freshly baked cookies broke the silence. And after a much deserved break was had, onto the next subject that was outside of your expertise.


Prince Alric spoke with his officers about the needs of the military. With some coin still in the treasury and plenty of free men available and with the supply issues defeated, the question of recruiting more soldiers was raised. And his officers and advisors fell into three camps.

First wanted to save the coin and improve the supply situation. There could be situations where coin was needed to be spent suddenly and having some in the bank would prove to be useful. Both Taretha and Monica supported this notion.

Second wanted to hire some soldiers. Having men constantly in training would grow the army steadily and with Strahnbrad Hills under Alteraci control, the need for more patrols was a serious need. Cromwell, Sir Radan and Normand supported a steady increase in numbers.

Third wanted to put all of the saved wealth in troops and defences. Scout Towers Strahnbrad Hills, fifty new footmen, hiring the Stonemason mercenaries or getting those new rocket troops. The coin was there and the troops were needed. Saved coin couldn't patrol the borders and secure the realm. Beckston and Sir Gravis supported this motion. Interestingly so did Monica, it wasn't her expertise either, but she liked the idea of going all in. Besides if supply issues appear again, come autumn new windmills could be constructed and hopefully the oil has started to flow.

Prince Alric seemed quite thoughtful again as he asked a few more questions from his officers and advisors. A decision would have to be made.


Total Resources:
5 Wealth, +15 per season
7 Supplies, +3 per season
185 Peasants

Total: 55 Footmen, 40 Pikemen, 50 Archers, 20 Crossbowmen, 5 Knights, 45 Bandit Rogues, 40 City Guards (Dawnholme)
-10/10 Elite Royal Foot Guards
-20/20 Veteran Footmen
-10/10 Elite Archers
-30/30 Regular Archers
-20/20 Kul Tiran Swashbucklers, Regular Pikemen
-4/5 Knights of Gravis, Regular Knights
-15/15 Benedict's Blood Alley Boys, Veteran Footmen
-20/20 Regular Pikemen
-10/10 Veteran Archers
-15/15 Sir Alan Radan's Men, Regular Bandit Rogues
-20/20 Lyion's Rogues, Regular Bandit Rogues
-40/40 City Guards
-20/20 Veteran Crossbowmen
-10/10 Regular Footmen
-10/10 Regular Bandit Rogues

Vassals and Allies:
Total: 40 Footmen, 20 Archers, 20 City Guards (Tarren Mill)
-20/20 Green Footmen, Stonedon, vassal
-20/20 Green Footmen, Tarren Mill, ally
-20/20 Green Archers, Tarren Mill, ally
-20/20 City Guards, Tarren Mill, ally
-10/10 Regular Footmen, Barov Estate, friend
-10/10 Regular Archers, Barov Estate, friend

Troops on deployment:

Specialists hired:
-Jon Boyd, Pyromancer.
-Luke Williams, Arcanist Bodyguard

Available troops for hire
-10 Militia, 0 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Requires Barracks or Town Hall
-10 Footmen, 1 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 1 Supply per Season
-10 Pikemen, 1 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 1 Supply per Season, Requires Lieutenant Beckston to train them
-10 Bandit Rogues, 1 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 1 Supply per Season, Requires Sir Radan to train them
-10 Archers, 1 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 1 Supply per Season
-10 Crossbowmen, 2 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 1 Supply per Season, Requires Barracks
-10 Rocket troops, 4 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 3 Supply per Season, Requires Krix Wiklish to train them
-5 Mounted Sergeants 4 Wealth, 5 Peasants, Upkeep 2 Supply per Season, Requires Stables and Barracks
-20 City Guards, 1 Wealth, 20 Peasants, No Upkeep

Available Mercenaries:
-Farsteel Steppe Clan, 20 Regular Steppe Cavalry, 6 Wealth, Upkeep 2 Supply Per Season
-Stonemason Mercenaries, 30 Regular Bandit Rogues, Drudgemoor, Morgan, Surena Caledon. 3 Wealth, Upkeep 2 Wealth Per Season

Mages for hire:
-Madam Judy Martin, Naturalist. Hiring Cost 3 Supplies, Upkeep 3 Supplies per Season

Troop training, choose none or as many as you have resources for:
>10 Footmen
>10 Pikemen
>10 Bandit Rogues
>10 Archers
>10 Crossbowmen
>10 Rocket Troops
>5 Mounted Sergeants
>None, save Wealth

>Scout Tower, Costs 4 Wealth, Sofera’s Naze
>Scout Tower, Costs 4 Wealth, Strahnbrad Hills

All troops are trained at Regular veterancy level. When training troops, you may upgrade or downgrade the troops with following price changes, rounding up:

Green -50% Wealth cost
Veteran +100% Wealth cost

QM: Plenty of info and possibilities presented, choose as many or as few you want or save your Wealth. The options are there for you.
>None, save Wealth

>Mages for Hire
-Madam Judy Martin, Naturalist. Hiring Cost 3 Supplies, Upkeep 3 Supplies per Season

We're going on the Gnoll Campaign, I don't think anyone disagrees. Theres gonna be gnolls in the trees ambushes, theres gonna be battles, theres gonna be casualties. We hire the Medic Mage. We save on losses and on the troops we need for veterancy, not to mention if the Officers or Malevus jobs again and needs healing herself. If it helps save men from the other armies in triage thats a solid service that should lend itself to our cut of the spoils too. Then if need be once its over we can let her go back to her shop and free up the supply income.
>-Stonemason Mercenaries, 30 Regular Bandit Rogues, Drudgemoor, Morgan, Surena Caledon. 3 Wealth, Upkeep 2 Wealth Per Season
Dont they kinda owe us? due to lying i wonder if we can somehow extract some better deal on this. This would be a good opportunity of them to prove they're worth.
-Madam Judy Martin, Naturalist. Hiring Cost 3 Supplies, Upkeep 3 Supplies per Season
The naturalist would be fine and we then cut even on supply.
>None, save Wealth

>Mages for Hire
-Madam Judy Martin, Naturalist. Hiring Cost 3 Supplies, Upkeep 3 Supplies per Season

But if we can twist the arm of the Stonemason mercenaries to make the upfront cost 0, we should do that. They owe us for lying, this way they can pay is back.
Support getting the stonemasons if we can wrangle the removal upfront cost.
Otherwise, the naturalist from the merc pool. We have plenty of herbalist huts that she can support when she's not on campaign.

Train +1 unit of footmen, because we always need footmen.
I say we hire the made but also hire 20 Pikemen.

Alterac is a very hilly and mountainous terrain, so if we use pikemen and footmen we should be able to dominate... God I wish we had Halberdiers.

>20 pikemen
>Hire Judy
>>20 Regular Pikemen
>>Madam Judy Martin, Naturalist. Hiring Cost 3 Supplies, Upkeep 3 Supplies per Season
If the Stonemasons agree to not ask their pay, hire them too. They owe us and this is a good opportunity for them to pay us back. We need more troops too
Our troops total: 255; of these 70 are ranged and 140 are melee, with 45 mixed capacity troops (Rogues). Our allies bring a further 80 total, with 20 ranged and 60 melee. Between us therefore we have 200 melee, 90 ranged and 45 mixed. IMO, more ranged seems kinda needed.

Examining this, one stupid idea does come to mind: we have enough peasants for 180 militia. I'm not saying this entirely seriously, but if we genuinely needed to get ourselves military power just for this next campaign, using the militia is always a possibility. Even if not directly in the campaign, they can be used to replace / free up forces elsewhere.
Hiring Madam Judy and asking if the Stonemasons could be hired without the hiring fee do have consensus, but hiring troops doesn't. Two votes with no hiring, one with no mention which I take as no, one for 10 Footmen, two for 20 Pikemen and finally one leaning towards ranged and militia shenanigans.

Slight leaning towards hiring more troops with Pikemen in the lead, so I am going to ask a small vote to get things clarified and a roll. This roll is for your patrols.

>Hire 20 Regular Pikemen
>Don't hire any troops, save the Wealth

>Best of three
Rolled 3 (1d10)

>Don't hire any troops, save the Wealth
We don't have the money.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

>Don't hire any troops, save the Wealth

We'll end up with 4 supply and -2 supply income.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

>Don't hire any troops, save the Wealth
Id be down if i knew for a fact we could get the mercs for cheap.
>Hire 20 Regular Pikemen
>Hire 20 regular Pikmen (I like the red ones.)

But yes

>hire 20 pikemen.
Will call the vote here. No Pikemen it is.

"Eligius, didn't you interview Madam Martin?" Prince Alric asked you.

"Yes my Prince." You replied to him and nodded. "What of her?"

"What are her skills exactly?" The Prince asked you.

"Well she's a 'naturalist'... a mix of herbalist and mage. Her expertise is in plants and herbs, their usage in both magic and in practical use." You told him and others.

"And same in common please?" Beckston asked you.

"Madam knows both how to heal with more traditional methods and in better terms 'command the nature against those who have wronged her'" You told the Kul Tiran.

"We will hire her, I have seen her work as she helped with Malevus and I cannot take any chances with the lives of any of you or my men." Prince Alric spoke and continued. "Malevus, can you join the campaign?"

"Maybe, Raleigh hasn't said anything yet. But I can walk, I will join you." Malevus replied adamantly.

"With crutches, barely." The Prince replied back. "But… if Raleigh gives you the permission, you can join our camp."

"I can fight and hold my sword." Malevus immediately replied.

"I am not going to put you into danger when you have barely healed and recovered." The Prince replied to her. "What will happen if you get wounded again or worse?"

You and everyone around the table must have noticed how the tone of his speech had changed. From something that was caring into a quite stern one.

"That is one reason why Sir Cyrus has joined my service. Why we are hiring the services of Madam Martin and why I allow Raleigh to be here. My safety is secured and if… and if something was to happen, we would have healers at hand." Prince Alric spoke to all of you. "Though no new troops will be trained during the summer and due to that for the first time we will have a small warchest in case of emergencies and opportunities."

There were a few agreeing nods, but a few signs of displeasure with lack of increased number of men in arms.

"Master Pelija, regarding the mercenaries. I want them in my service." Prince Alric suddenly said.

"They will be yours if terms are agreed." Pelija replied to him and nodded in agreement.

"I want the terms changed, no payment upfront, only their normal salary." He replied back immediately. "Their help in Sofera's Naze has made leaps in rebuilding the necessary trust, take this as the final leap required to regain my trust."

"You ask a lot Prince Alric, they might not agree." Pelija argued back.

"I have given them my terms, please deliver them and have them be considered." The Prince spoke and silenced whatever counterarguments Pelija might have made by raising his hand. "I have given the Stonemasons their freedom, wealth and coin to build my city and their own homes, security and protection from those who are against you. Please consider all this when repeating my terms to them."


"Of course." Pelija replied back to him and gave him a slight bow.

"Good and now to war." The Prince said and his officers straightened their backs a bit. You leaned back and decided to just watch.

Prince Alric spoke of the campaign Durnholde was planning and the invite he had received from Blackmoore and Langston. He told them about the details, about the increased gnoll sightings and of the fact that something has driven them off the mountains down into Durnholde. The lands that were cleared two years ago with Uther's Expedition were again occupied by the gnoll threat.

But then he spoke of Garithos and how the Regional Defenders are going to participate in the campaign. How their numbers are going to be high and how apparent it was that their goal was to throw serious weight and effort around in the campaign.

Prince Alric gave a look to you and Taretha. At least you thought he did, you never knew with his glasses.

"There is one more thing. Based on… information I have received and I have already talked about this with Normand. Based on the information, Garithos seeks to claim Durnholde Keep for himself and the Regional Defenders." Prince Alric spoke relatively softly.

He then continued with his thoughts, quite similarly to the discussion you had with him an hour or two ago.

His officers seemed dismayed, Monica looked at him with her mouth open as if not being able to believe what she had just heard.

"Unbelievable! Who does he think he is, Durnholde Keep belongs to Lord Blackmoore!" Sir Gravis shouted.

"I had the same reaction as you did Sir Gravis, I do not like this move at all." Prince Alric replied to him.

"Then what shall we do about it?" Monica asked him back.

"You will return back home to Tarren Mill and not talk about anything you have heard today to anyone." Prince Alric said to her. "Darrowmere League is a defensive alliance barely nascent, Tarren Mill will sit this one out, at most increase their patrols where my men can't be in. Outside of that this is purely Alteraci business where we are going to be acting against the interests of those of Alliance and those who want to see us fail."

His officers nodded in agreement with that statement.

"Then what shall you do about it then?" Monica asked and put emphasis on the word you.

Prince Alric looked at her and gave her a slight smile before talking.

>The Army of Alterac will be deployed in near full strength to rival Garithos and Regional Defenders.
>Prince Alric will demand the seniority of the campaign based on his status and regal blood within.
>Garithos will be forced to make a mistake that will blow any and all of his plans.
>Blackmoore's position in Durnholde will be strengthened and Garithos denied that way.
>Other, write in.

QM: Exact troop composition will be decided later closer to the campaign. And I have called our paladin Rayleigh and not Raleigh which is his name. Whoops!
>The Army of Alterac will be deployed in near full strength to rival Garithos and Regional Defenders.
What we all agreed on.
>Prince Alric will demand the seniority of the campaign based on his status and regal blood within.
To clarify, this means a seat at the command table and the ability to challenge Garithos.
>Garithos will be forced to make a mistake that will blow any and all of his plans.
Does this have any other meaning besides Garithos being driven into making a rash decision by us?

Basically try to be as much of an annoyance as possible to Garithos, get him to stop thinking and start acting.
>The Army of Alterac will be deployed in near full strength to rival Garithos and Regional Defenders.
There arent really alot of active threats other than ogres.
>Prince Alric will demand the seniority of the campaign based on his status and regal blood within.
We technically dont have to match garithos with forces as there will be others most likely and blackmoore sure as hell isnt gonna be too nice.
>Blackmoore's position in Durnholde will be strengthened and Garithos denied that way.
The being forced to make a mistake is uhh a bit too assertive and active involvent.
Supporting blackmoore and reinforcing hes position is the more sane option.
>The Army of Alterac will be deployed in near full strength to rival Garithos and Regional Defenders
It all depends on what we leave home, skeleton garrison or something more ? There is Dawnholme, the rest of the Alteraci land that is more farmers and peasants, the hills with Stonedon and the Oil Rig being built (with our Dark Iron friend i expect some of his own guards to be present gor his caravan. Its why we have the possibility to aquire ranged cavalry mercs, he acts has bridge). I guess we could order and organize the Alteraci civilians to be ready for defend their lands, is not an easy order.

>>Prince Alric will demand the seniority of the campaign based on his status and regal blood within.
Not sure this will work out, maybe. If nothing else is an exercise in throwing our political weight around in this case : our royal blood, our army, our allies and the popolarity with Durnholders.

>>Garithos will be forced to make a mistake that will blow any and all of his plans.
Something can be accomplished direct or not.
Its not ideal against gnolls since we do want them dead, and same for orcs.

In regard to our enemies, i recon only the ones with poor intrigue will not observe or hear this campaign. Is a big attack :
- Ogres are aggressive, they just recently took ground in Gallow Corner. We answered rapidly with a raid, giving them a bloody nose.
- Orcs there isnt just Thrall, but i have a decent trust that he might avoid that they raid us. Not fully sure there
- Trolls are not moving or answering. For better or worse.
- Syndicate might lick wounds but still exists.
- Bandits. Common bandits are being cleaned up and integrated by the Syndicate or us, least likely with our current borders.
- Gnolls. They where clearly scouting ahead in Tarren Mill, they already where scouting even in Strabhand Hills. All that scouting means they are moving, are they watching Durnholde ? Whatever they are doing, once they know the Alteraci are marching on them they will move. We have killed many of them and stopped their plans quite often.

I wonder if we should ask Uther to send some paladins and men, for join the campaign. Risky, with our Fel, Thrall and our anti-Garithos plan. Paladins beside Uther don't like us, be high rank or lower ones. At the same time they might watch Garithos actions too.
>The Army of Alterac will be deployed in near full strength to rival Garithos and Regional Defenders.
>Prince Alric will demand the seniority of the campaign based on his status and regal blood within.
>Garithos will be forced to make a mistake that will blow any and all of his plans.
>Blackmoore's position in Durnholde will be strengthened and Garithos denied that way.
I think we can pull all this off and command a seat on the war council. This is Blackmoore's campaign, and Alterac are joining to support the efforts of a valued trading partner to secure their position. Garithos won't have a valid excuse to deny any, but that won't stop him.

>The Army of Alterac
Alric's brother did promise to lay off so that puts me somewhat at ease on that front. Then I figure after recently taking Gallows Corner, plus our firey night raid, the ogres and kobolds will focus on rebuilding and fortifying. A quick scouting mission could confirm that ideally. If anyone is still worried we leave a few more dudes or consider using the favor that Thrall gave us to help in some way. Blackmoore also owes us a favor still, so we could try to use that for something during the Campaign. It might be interesting to talk with Jandice or the Alliance Navy about them sending a patrol boat up the river that could be handy for spotting, and cover some of our patrol needs.

>Prince Alric will demand the seniority
I'd imagine this will ruffle Garithos's feathers a bit, but that could work into the next point. Also puts the risk on Alric's shoulder to conduct a solid campaign if he actually does end up having the reins. I could totally see Langston watching Alric step forward to demand a place on the war council then he just gives him control.

>Garithos will be forced to make a mistake
I could see trying to provoke him into taking another diplomatic shitfit, but it might be better to not be so direct I think. A few snubs like some of the Durnholde nobles and knights that greet Alric and his army better then the RD, Alric's men get the good barracks or field spots while they prepare. If we do get seniority or influence on duties then getting the RD men put on duties that are lesser and exhausting; baggage train protection, clearing trail and trees for the armies, night watches, etc. so that he loses patience. If we bring Malevus and he mocks her for getting hurt, then we whip him for insulting elvish nobility.

>Blackmoore's position in Durnholde will be strengthened
Honestly not sure what would strengthen his position here besides just victory, and giving credit. If we convinced him to take the reins and field command himself. If he bought himself a political marriage connection with his spoils and resurgent success (Ask Katrana to find him a "noble" wife, which could end up really funny). Establishing some kind of Palisade Outpost so Durnholde has control on the map, land he can reward to men.

>Other, write in.
Finding out -why- the gnolls ended up here again. Something forced their migration, I'd imagine Hellscreams Orcs perhaps, or some other faction like the Blackrock Orcs, maybe another Deathknight. Trolls. Syndicate warlock shenanigans perhaps. Finding that out would be worth something, possibly useful to prod the Alliance into taking things more seriously. Though idk if we have anyone that can speak gnoll, and even translating that gnoll grimoire we left up to Jaina I think? Unless one of these mages can do something. Might need to send some dudes on a deep recon mission or something. If they're up to some kind of evil ass rituals then we could probably tell Kael'thas or the Monarchs.
The plan isn't to strengthen Blackmoore's position. That would just lessem the odds of Garithos trying to take his place which we want because otherwise Blackmoore would get wrecked by Thrall.
Ah yeah I didn't really have any interest in that option but I kind of ended up thinking about its possibilities and listing them anyways lol. Medivh can ignore that part.
Again there are no assurances if garithos gets wrecked by thrall that suddenly blackmoore will regain hes position. Better to keep blackmoore than gamble with this retarded switcharoo.
>Again there are no assurances if garithos gets wrecked by thrall that suddenly blackmoore will regain hes position.
It's very likely he will since, for better and for worse, he still has support and pull. If Garithos faceplants then he will make a play to get his place back and I don't see how it wouldn't have good odds of succeeding.

>Better to keep blackmoore than gamble with this retarded switcharoo.
You still don't explain how this is "retarded". We pay no price to attempt it and if we fail then Blackmoore is trounced which is what will happen if we don't do anything anyway so we don't pay a price for failure either.
That reminds me, if Garithos does take his position Blackmoore is betting on us to use the Deed to save his ass. Are you not worried about what he could do in the interim before hes replaced and sees we havent used the deed, or is there an argument that will convince him to not go into a rampage as he losses everything hes worked for.

Hes a self destructive drunk and if he feels betrayed he could act out rather unpredictably. Perhaps he humiliates and dishonors himself in the immediate aftermath and makes it harder to get Durnholde back. Or spills the beans about the Deed and calls out Alric for leaving him out to dry, which if we later pull out the Deed would make Alric look rather dishonorable to not save his ally.
It's very likely he will since, for better and for worse, he still has support and pull. If Garithos faceplants then he will make a play to get his place back and I don't see how it wouldn't have good odds of succeeding.
For Garithos to take position blackmoore needs to be found incapable and unfit for hes position Which isnt too hard to do considering hes drinking problem.
Garithos taking position does not inherently make him stop as suddenly orcs coming to raid does not immedietly make him incompetent it might outright strenghten hes position.
If Garithos fails and gets ousted why the hell would they reinstate the failure that is blackmoore at best were gonna get a unknown third party.

I find the whole plan stupid due to the fact you are planning to trade an ally to streghten our enemy for a chance that you might shame him by using a orcs who we dont control or can reliably predict who dont have assured chance of success to somehow bring the guy who got ousted back. theres just too many variables that can go wrong and backfire. When we could just skip that and help blackmoore instead of worst case scenario sabotaging him.
>Are you not worried about what he could do in the interim before hes replaced and sees we havent used the deed, or is there an argument that will convince him to not go into a rampage as he losses everything hes worked for.
I am. And the argument is that Garithos' position is weak, and we can increade the odds of success with the right timing. It's not a very strong argument but it can hold him off for a while I think.

>Hes a self destructive drunk and if he feels betrayed he could act out rather unpredictably. Perhaps he humiliates and dishonors himself in the immediate aftermath and makes it harder to get Durnholde back.
Which is why we tard wrangle him with Langston's help and tell him to trust us and let us do our magic.

> Or spills the beans about the Deed and calls out Alric for leaving him out to dry, which if we later pull out the Deed would make Alric look rather dishonorable to not save his ally.
This I don't believe he will do, we're his insurance.

>For Garithos to take position blackmoore needs to be found incapable and unfit for hes position Which isnt too hard to do considering hes drinking problem.
No it doesn't, Garithos is trying to do it by force after all.

>Garithos taking position does not inherently make him stop as suddenly orcs coming to raid does not immedietly make him incompetent it might outright strenghten hes position.
Garithos coming out of the raid looking good is extremely unlikely anon, anything but no significant escape of orcs will be a scandal.

>If Garithos fails and gets ousted why the hell would they reinstate the failure that is blackmoore at best were gonna get a unknown third party.
Because he isn't a failure, why do you think the Alliance has kept him around all this time?

>I find the whole plan stupid due to the fact you are planning to trade an ally to streghten our enemy for a chance that you might shame him by using a orcs who we dont control or can reliably predict who dont have assured chance of success to somehow bring the guy who got ousted back.
All of these have already been adressed.
>theres just too many variables that can go wrong and backfire.
No there are not, the plausible worst case scenario is Blackmoore gets humiliated by Thrall which, as I've already said, is gonna happen anyway if we don't do anything.

>When we could just skip that and help blackmoore instead of worst case scenario sabotaging him.
Helping Blackmoore after the raid would be like trying to save a sinking ship, he would be of no further use politically. Unless you mean to say that we should stop Thrall?
>No it doesn't, Garithos is trying to do it by force after all.
He cant force it. theyre both vassals of lordaeron unless QM has decided that vassals of lordaeron can just fight and take over each other as they please thats not what he meant.

Garithos coming out of the raid looking good is extremely unlikely anon, anything but no significant escape of orcs will be a scandal.
Not good but understandable the orcs are an outside force coming in hed be in deep shit if he lost orcs in the camps not them being busted out from outside.

Because he isn't a failure, why do you think the Alliance has kept him around all this time?
Because they dont know what hes like? Hes a literal raging drunkard langston is the one who actually runs the keep.

No there are not, the plausible worst case scenario is Blackmoore gets humiliated by Thrall which, as I've already said, is gonna happen anyway if we don't do anything.
We are doing something is helping our ally against someone who really doesnt like us.
The worst case scenario is we get Garithos there even if he eventually gets ousted due to the fact we dont know when thrall will attack might have him be a prick there for god knows how long.

Helping Blackmoore after the raid would be like trying to save a sinking ship, he would be of no further use politically. Unless you mean to say that we should stop Thrall?
Thrall attacking from outside going in doesnt inherently discredit either Blackmoore or Garithos as it is an OUTSIDE force. When the job of the camp is keeping the existing orcs in which blackmoores doing fine. Who can blame blackmoore when a horde of orcs attack from the mountains and raid the camps who could have seen that coming yet alone blame him.
We should support our allies ofcourse even if its against thrall. Stopping him does the whole problem of passing information to them i guess we could do it theoretically. just say theres been large orc sightings near durnholde territories or something and advise them to reinforce the garrisons. Certainly would help with our rep a bit.
I think I see the problem, you don't understand that politics isn't this well defined clean cut process. Garithos can take it by force just as the Alliance put a garrison in Dawnholme by force. People will not be so understanding and compassionate to Blackmoore when orcs escape under his watch, no matter how untenable of a position he was in, a disaster happened and they need somebody to blame and he's the perfect scapegoat.

This isn't something I can just empiracally convince you of so that's why we've been going in circles.
The garrison in dawnholme was put in by decree of the alliance same with us not being able to invade the mountains it wasnt a independent action by Garithos but by alliance as a whole.
Or are you thinking that Garithos is literally marching hes Regional defenders to seize the keep by force.

They can be its politics its rhetoric just turn it on them they were already trying to fund the damn camps less now they pay the price for it.

As far as i interpreted is Garithos trying to take over camps by proving Blackthorne incapable.

The way i see your plan is basically
Throw our ally blackmoore under the train.
Get our enemy in charge of the camps.
So the force which we cant predict will act or when will act fuck him up so bad that he looks like an idiot.
So the alliance for whatever reason put back the guy who got ousted for not being good enough at PEACETIME to defend whatevers left of the keep and the camps when orcs havent been acting up this bad for a long time.
I just dont see any way they would put blackmoore back at best wed get a third party who for all we know could be as bad as garithos.
>The garrison in dawnholme was put in by decree of the alliance same with us not being able to invade the mountains it wasnt a independent action by Garithos but by alliance as a whole. Or are you thinking that Garithos is literally marching hes Regional defenders to seize the keep by force.
Irrelevant, the principle is the same. Garithos shows up and acts like he owns the place, just as the Alliance did with Dawnholme.

>As far as i interpreted is Garithos trying to take over camps by proving Blackthorne incapable.
But he can't do that. You say he can by calling Blackmoore a drunk and whatnot but the Alliance already knows that and they haven't replaced him.

>So the alliance for whatever reason put back the guy who got ousted for not being good enough at PEACETIME to defend whatevers left of the keep and the camps when orcs havent been acting up this bad for a long time.
But he won't be ousted for that by the Alliance like I already said. And they don't need to appoint him, he can walk back in and would they stop him?

>I just dont see any way they would put blackmoore back at best wed get a third party who for all we know could be as bad as garithos.
I really don't get why you think the Alliance wants to be rid of Blackmoore so badly, if they did, why does he still have his position?

I told you we're going in circles.
>Irrelevant, the principle is the same. Garithos shows up and acts like he owns the place, just as the Alliance did with Dawnholme.
when he acted like he owned the place he got burned and the garrison was by alliance decree which didnt really do anything Yet alone directly run by him.

>But he can't do that. You say he can by calling Blackmoore a drunk and whatnot but the Alliance already knows that and they haven't replaced him.
No one has really tried he comes with big force and tries to be the better guy during blackmoores campaign and more fit to rule. Blackmoores Failures are the fact he barely runs the place and its mostly hes underling that does everything.

>But he won't be ousted for that by the Alliance like I already said. And they don't need to appoint him, he can walk back in and would they stop him?
What do you mean walk in isnt blackmoore a LORD doesnt he own the damn place? for him to lose the position to Garithos is the problem.

>I really don't get why you think the Alliance wants to be rid of Blackmoore so badly, if they did, why does he still have his position?
If you get rid of a guy why would you bring him back in when hes a bad fit.

>I told you we're going in circles.
Only QM can really elaborate on any misconceptions.
Theres alot of speculation on exactly what will happen yet alone Garithos exact plan.
Best we can do is just wait and see exactly what happens. before making any big decisions.
I just fundamentally disagree on your plan the reasons being theres too many steps and variables that can go wrong which for some reason you do not beleave they can.
Such a delicious back and forth. All of you have good points and arguments that I can see happening.

One clarification I can give is that Garithos can't take over Durnholde with force alone. Blackmoore was put into the position by the Alliance and King Terenas could have stripped his position and rank away after Thrall escaped, but he didn't. If only force was used and Blackmoore got out alive, he could lawyer up and drag Silver Hand into the mess faster than you can say Krix Wiklish Geared Speed Regulator. And controlling Durnholde Keep doesn't necessarily mean having the position of Lord Commander of the Internment Camps. Durnholde Keep is just a very practical place for said person to be in.

Oh one hint about a thing Alric will realise at some point, what is Garithos' stance towards orcs?

That being said, no update today. My brain feels like fried up after a full day of work outside. Sorry about the wait.
Not a strong argument indeed, but if it lasted long enough that Thrall made his move I could see it. In his best moments Blackmoore is a reasonable and cunning man, but in his worst I do think he is self destructive enough to make his reaction and tard wrangling a gamble. There is some considerable spite in him. Still it would be a gamble on his faith in Alric, so I'm not too worried, but still consider it a gamble.

If Garithos doesn't rise to the bait in attempting to take Durnholde, or if he attempts and fails, then Blackmoore will need his position padded a bit in preparation for Thrall and pulling out the Deed if we want a better chance of pulling it together. If we needed to buy time for it we could call in the favor with Thrall until we made arrangements.

So we show up in strength. Get a seat on the war council or take the reins to assign Garithos's men to tasks that will lessen his chances for glory. See if we can get Garithos to make a mistake by losing his patience. Find our own glory in battle and hopefully kill the gnoll leadership ourselves.

Maybe be a bigger man and pull the RD out of the fire if his men are in trouble? Even if Garithos can't appreciate it the other officers like that one Captain will, and so will the Lordaeron nobles in the Capital once they hear about it. It highlights that Alric's problem isn't with the rank and file RD but with Garithos himself. I'm sure the factions against Alric want to say he is anti-alliance, so something like this would cut the wind from their sails, make Alric look good, and make Garithos look incompetent for bringing green soldiers.

If by the end of the Campaign we haven't fucked up or gotten Garithos to openly/privately declare his intent to go for Durnholde regardless of his chances I think we can assume he won't go for it. Hopefully our intelligence could also inform us of any changes as well. At that point, we should do what we can to strengthen Blackmoore because he will end up getting the Thrall attack.

Make arrangements to see Blackmoore's position strengthened. Expanding the territory by getting control of the unoccupied land north of Durnholde would be a good one, build a little outpost there. Using that land, the spoils, and the success of the campaign to buy a political marriage. Either a local Durnholde noble to strengthen his ties to the province and make it harder to oust him, or a rather distant noble from Stormwind (Katrana could be handy there). Leaning into his stance on Orcs with Dalaran and co.

I'm sure Garithos wants to kill'em all. Free up taxes and manpower going towards the project which is unpleasant for multiple kingdoms. I wouldnt be surprised if Strom agrees with him. We know Dalaran leadership doesn't want to kill the Orcs. The Elven kingdom might want to kill the orcs for the burning, but Kael'thas didn't seem to hate the orcs so who knows. Lordaeron has many internal factions obviously. Getting such support would be handy.
>when he acted like he owned the place he got burned and the garrison was by alliance decree which didnt really do anything Yet alone directly run by him.
What is this writing? I don't get a word of it.

>No one has really tried he comes with big force and tries to be the better guy during blackmoores campaign and more fit to rule. Blackmoores Failures are the fact he barely runs the place and its mostly hes underling that does everything
This really doesn't contradict anything I said. That first part even supports my argument that he will walk in and act like owns the place, the latter part is something everybody already knows.

>What do you mean walk in isnt blackmoore a LORD doesnt he own the damn place? for him to lose the position to Garithos is the problem.
Whats the confusion? Garithos is trying to be Lord of Durnholde is he not? "Replace Blackmoore and insert himself into Durnholde keep" as the intel report said.

>If you get rid of a guy why would you bring him back in when hes a bad fit.
Because he isn't? Why do they keep him if they thought that?

>I just fundamentally disagree on your plan the reasons being theres too many steps and variables that can go wrong which for some reason you do not beleave they can.
I've already elaborated nunerous times how that's wrong. Which you just refuse then restate what you've already said.

>One clarification I can give is that Garithos can't take over Durnholde with force alone.
I think you mean he can't keep Durnholde by force alone, he can take it though. The law is always slow.
Were just running in circles on this so its pointles to continue.

>I've already elaborated nunerous times how that's wrong. Which you just refuse then restate what you've already said.
You are doing the exact same thing.
To be clear, I was thinking of Alterac assisting in securing Durnholde from the gnolls. That we're helping Blackmoore is secondary.

>what is Garithos' stance towards orcs?
I think that one would be self-evident, and Alric would be upset at the genocide. However that's not the end of it, with the Frostwolves likely to hit every exposed Alliance weakness they can until their own extermination catches up to them.
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>His stance towards Orcs
Oh gee I wonder.

As for the back and forth you both are forgetting one thing.

While we do indeed have the thing that says it's ours, Garithos is trying to use THIS campaign to take it, so, if we claim command by dint of experience and birthright and he refuses us, not only is that the second time the alliance will have snubbed us openly, it will also give us grounds to duel and kill him; thus removing him permanently.
While reading all of this.... i just realized we might have some internal help of well, another ally of ours that isnt directly invested in this delicate situation. Not just Langston or the people/minor nobles of Durnholde.... but the new mistress of Blackmoore that serves Katrana
Or is it ? Could Katrana already know of many things and secrets of Durnholde ?
Not that i mind since she has been a great ally and trade partner, is natural to defend your investments.
"The issue is…" He started to say before stopping and looking down.

Taking off his glasses, he pinched the bridge of his nose hard enough to leave a red mark there and sighed deeply.

"The issue is…" He started again and raised his head. You had gotten used to his Fel green eyes, but the rest? You could sense the chill going through them, still disturbed by them. "I have no love for Blackmoore, but he is one of our few actual allies and as much as it bothers me to say this, we need him."

"I would love to see him gone, but if the alternative is Garithos? No way, definitely not." He continued after a pause of putting his glasses back on. "We cannot allow Garithos to 'win', our participation in the campaign needs to be strong and deliberate, we need to be the ones who come out of it looking stronger than before, not him."

"Prince Alric, what is your plan?" Cromwell asked.

"Prepare The Army of Alterac, when we know if the Stonemasons are willing to join us, then we know how small of a skeleton force we leave behind here." Prince Alric spoke. "Same applies to Strahnbrad Hills."

"Near full army then?" Normand asked him.

"Prepare for that. We do not have the numbers Regional Defenders have, but what we have is expertise and a handful of exceptional individuals. If we end up in the right place at the right time, we can do this." Prince Alric said and continued again. "I will also push for myself to have either second in command or overall command of the whole campaign."

There were some nods to that remark.

"Blackmoore is a faux lord, Langston just a lackey, Garithos is an actual lord, but only a Colonel. I might be young, but I am a real Prince and that has weight." Prince Alric said and laughed. "That being said, it won't be an easy task, but… if Garithos loses his temper again…"

"He will dig his own grave…" Sir Gravis mused aloud.

"Proverbially yes." Prince Alric said and continued after taking a deep breath. "I don't like this situation, this isn't just a meeting in Durnholde, but a military campaign. Men are going to die, including Alteracis. We have our original mission of defeating the gnolls, we can't forget that… Alright, let's move forward then."

After a short break and with Master Pelija excusing himself, military business wasn't his expertise and he could be more useful in supervising the construction works, the talks continued.

The officers went through the current threats one by one. The Syndicate seemed to have taken a step back, but no one could be sure if one of the factions would try something again. They had the ogres to deal with and speaking of them, Prince Alric giving them a bloody nose should deter them and if they are busy with the Syndicate, maybe Dawnholme could stay without strong defences for a couple of weeks?


The trolls had stayed in the mountains and there had been no further orc tracks found either. No gnolls have tried to cross the Darrowmere River either. Things seemed calm, calm enough for a window to get the campaign done and dusted.

"I have one more final thing to speak about." Prince Alric said to his officers and smiled. "Promotions."

He gave a nod to Normand before continuing.

"Baum and Granger into sergeants. Normand suggested them to me and I agree, we need more sergeants to lead the squads." He spoke.

For you this topic was quite interesting for you had gone through most of the military as you had searched for potential spies to be recruited. And if any of the officers get promoted, you might end up working with them more than before. You being a spymaster was still kept under wraps mostly.

"Lieutenant Austyn Cromwell for your exemplary service in the past two years and having shown what it takes during the Strahnbrad Hills campaign, I thereby promote you to a Captain." Prince Alric spoke to him.

Beckston immediately clapped Cromwell on his back while others gave him a polite applause.

"Thank you my Prince." The new Captain replied.

"Sir Radan." The Prince said.

"Y-yes?" The rat-faced man nervously replied.

"My skirmishers need an officer and ever since I allowed you and your men to join me, you haven't failed me not once. So Lieutenant Radan, I expect that to continue as well."

"Thank you Prince Alric, I won't fail you!" Lieutenant Radan immediately replied as others congratulated him.

"May the Holy Light bless you Lieutenant Radan." Malevus congratulated him.

"And finally, Sir Gravis." The Prince said and looked at the black haired knight wearing black plate.

"Me? But I am a bodyguard." Sir Gravis said and questioned the decision.

"My bodyguard should be an officer as well, besides there will be a raise to your salary." Prince Alric replied to him. "Lieutenant Gravis, the Royal Foot Guards and the knights are now under your command."

"In that case I am in, I can't say no to more money." Lieutenant Gravis replied and got a laugh from the others.

"And I will also knight your men, they are knights, but they also should be knights." Prince Alric spoke and continued. "There, I think that's done. Does anyone else have suggestions on whom I should promote or knight?"

"What about Normand?" Taretha was to ask that.

"Oh no, I am not interested and I am very happy to give more space for the younglings." Normand replied to her and took a deep breath. "And speaking of that, I think I am very content at retiring from active service."


"You are going to retire?" Prince Alric asked him.

By his and everyone else's reactions, this came out as a surprise. Except to Taretha who seemingly had no reaction to this, had she known already?

"Strahnbrad Hills was a nice little campaign to finish a career mostly spent behind a desk." Normand said back to him. "And don't worry, I will still be around. I have no intention to stop working, it is just that I am lagging behind others while wearing my armour. It's just the time for me to take that step back."

"Then I will honour your decision." Prince Alric said. "We will have a proper ceremony later when our army is gathered up for the Durnholde campaign. All of you will be honoured."

Prince Alric seemed proud of his officers, that faint smile of his did reveal it to everyone.

With that the summer meeting was over, and for you it meant returning back to counting and cataloguing Stonemasons.

"Mister Scribe, Eligius wasn't it? Can we talk?" Monica asked you as you were walking back to the town from the meeting.

"Sure, what is it?" You replied to her and stopped to look at her.

She looked quite out of place in her green dress and the orange Alteraci cloak, but people seemed to not mind her, especially the Stonemasons after seeing her bring all the tents for them.

"Master Pelija told me to talk with you regarding the inn, saying something thar Alric said that the workers should be his men." Monica said to you.

"I think the Prince spoke something like that?" You replied and feigned ignorance.

"But why did Master Pelija then direct me to see you?" Monica asked. "It's not like we are in a hurry when it comes to the ledgers and profit books."

Ahh, she must have thought that there is some mistake done here. Why would a scribe be interested in people's employment? Hmmm… how should you answer her?

>There must be a mistake, you are a scribe and like she said the ledgers aren't in a hurry. Don't reveal anything about your position.
>Tell her that you handle some hirings for Prince Alric, people with sharp ears and keen minds for gossip. Keep things vague.
>Let her know in not so direct terms that you handle information for Prince Alric, and it would be beneficial if the inn workers would tell you what they hear.
>Ask her if she wants to be an informant for Prince Alric. She is already a representative so would it hurt to use her inn as a base for your spies?"
>Other, write in.
>>Tell her that you handle some hirings for Prince Alric, people with sharp ears and keen minds for gossip. Keep things vague.
>>Other, write in.
"You know Prince Alric, but I can't say if hes being sly or coy to do so through Master Pelija. I'd wager this was some roundabout idea of his, wanting the people around him to get to know each other by working on a project together. Perhaps we should discuss this over tea."
>Tell her that you handle some hirings for Prince Alric, people with sharp ears and keen minds for gossip. Keep things vague.

Is also a good supplement, +1.
>>Tell her that you handle some hirings for Prince Alric, people with sharp ears and keen minds for gossip. Keep things vague.
"You know Prince Alric, but I can't say if he's just being sly or coy to do so through Master Pelija. I'd wager this was some roundabout idea of his, wanting the people around him to get to know each other by working on a project together." You replied to Monica and shrugged as you continued. "Perhaps we should discuss this over a cup of tea?"

"Don't you have work to do?" Monica asked back. "With the Stonemasons?"

"My assistant can handle that alone, he needs to learn to take responsibility and not have his hand held all the time." You said to her. "He will be alright."

"Well if you say so, I could have another cup of tea." Monica replied happily.

Would Sahvan be alright? Maybe? Probably?

He better be…

A small fire underneath the stove and soon the two of you had warm cups of tea.

Monica meanwhile had studied your small home, giving a look to all the scrolls and unfinished paperwork on the tables.

"Just call me Eligius, it is what everyone calls me." You said to her.

"So Prince Alric hired you to be his scribe?" She asked you as she took a seat with the cup in her hands.

"Yes, but more like the town needed a scribe and so I chose to stay here." You told her.

"You planned on leaving?" Monica asked you a bit confused about how you got here?

It was probably better to tell your story to her now that she was going to be around here more than before. Taking your robe off and taking a seat as well, you thought where to start? Well you didn't really need to think as your cover story had been retold many times already.

You had been living in Strahnbrad Hills and bandits had taken you as a prisoner. Prince Alric had saved you and you had ended up staying as a way to pay back for saving your life. And why was a scribe living in Strahnbrad Hills? Personal reasons, at least Alteracis seemed to accept it and as long as their Prince was okay with it, they were fine with it as well.

"You are from Stormwind City?" Monica asked you.

"I am, maybe one day I will have a chance to visit the city again, but I am very content to be here." You told her and continued. "But enough of me, you wanted to ask about the inn?"

"Yes, Master Pelija mentioned you." Monica replied back. "He seemed… to know more than he was willing to say."

"The Prince spoke of wanting to hire his own men to handle running the inn, do you guess why?" You decided to answer with a question.


"No?" Was Monica's answer. "They would be under his payroll?"

"Because those men are going to have sharp ears and keen minds for gossip." You answered and let the words hang in the air.

You saw on her face how she realised what you meant with those words.

"And the reason why Master Pelija asked you to come talk with me is that I handle some hirings for the Prince. People with sharp ears and keen minds for gossip for example." You told her.

"He wants his spies to run the inn?" Monica asked back surprised with this.

"Blunty said, but yes. You are an innkeeper, you know how rumours are spread and if anything useful could be learned…" You said.

"Alric should have just asked me directly and I would have been fine with it…" Monica complained.

"And to that I don't have an answer, you have known him longer than I have." You replied to her.

"You are right, I need to go and shake some sense to him. He shouldn't keep things secret from his friends…" Monica said and was sightly annoyed. "Thank you for the tea Eligius, I look forward to working with you."

"Don't worry Miss Sengutz, I will just hire the men, after all I am just a common scribe." You replied with a smile.

"It is hard to believe that, but let's just go with it." Monica said to you. "See you next time Eligius."

"Don't shake the Prince too much!"

You watched as Monica left your home and closed the door behind her. Right then, let's heat up some smoked meat on the fire before returning back to work, because there would be a lot of work remaining.


"Nine hundred and thirty-one." You read the number aloud to Prince Alric. "In total there are now three thousand and two hundred seventy-seven catalogued souls living in Dawnholme and surrounding lands."

You could see how the weight of that number pressed on his shoulders.

It had been four days since the meeting and all that time you had been just registering and counting Stonemasons. And now the work was done, there were more of them than you had expected there to be.

"Right then, more mouths to feed and protect." He replied and slapped his hands on the table. "Though not all news have been good…"

"What have I missed?"

"Stonemason mercenaries refused, they are mercenaries after all, they don't want to work for 'free', they want to be paid." Prince Alric said and stood up from the chair in his study.

He paced across the room several times thinking about something.

"I could forcibly disarm them." He said.

"Isn't that a bit extreme?"

"Alteraci military law gives me the power to do so if needed, one of my ancestors didn't want the mercenaries to grow too powerful during her reign." Prince Alric said to you. "But you are right, it is a bit extreme…"

"Alric, couldn't you send them to him? He has the coin…" Taretha suggested as she had been listening to the conversation.

"I could." He replied back to her. "Would be a waste to have thirty men and their officers sitting in Sofera's Naze all idle."

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>130 Peasants

Total Resources:
5 Wealth, +15 per season
4 Supplies, +0 per season
315 Peasants

-Stonemason Mercenaries, 30 Regular Bandit Rogues, Drudgemoor, Morgan, Surena Caledon. 3 Wealth, Upkeep 2 Wealth Per Season

>Prince Alric chose to disband the mercenaries. Their arms and armour were stripped away and they are given a chance to stay as Peasants. Gain 3 Supplies
>They were sent away without any explicit instructions where to go. They were masters of their own free will after all.
>Durnholde needs more soldiers. Prince Alric wrote a letter of recommendation to Lord Blackmoore so that he would hire them.
>They were given an opportunity. They could stay in Dawnholme and defend the town as part of the normal patrols for the duration of the Durnholde campaign.
>In the end Prince Alric chose to hire them. More soldiers and skilled officers are always needed.
>Other, write in.

QM: Last of the Stonemason refugees have been counted. Total Resources is up-to-date.
>>They were given an opportunity. They could stay in Dawnholme and defend the town as part of the normal patrols for the duration of the Durnholde campaign.
>>They were given an opportunity. They could stay in Dawnholme and defend the town as part of the normal patrols for the duration of the Durnholde campaign.
>In the end Prince Alric chose to hire them. More soldiers and skilled officers are always needed.

I'm thinking we still want them in the military. However the bridge of trust is not complete, and it would be fair to push them further and harder to keep up with the rest of military.

If they refuse again, then:
>They were given an opportunity. They could stay in Dawnholme and defend the town as part of the normal patrols for the duration of the Durnholde campaign.
Tempting. 30 rogues and 3 officers, one of which being a mage/warlock, for 3 wealth and 2 wealth upkeep is a pretty good deal considering how much the other mages cost. Fighting together would at least forge some bonds, and perhaps start the route to their naturalizing like Beckston. But having them help with patrol isn't bad either.
>In the end Prince Alric chose to hire them. More soldiers and skilled officers are always needed.
>Well they won Scouting and vanguard role...
>>Durnholde needs more soldiers. Prince Alric wrote a letter of recommendation to Lord Blackmoore so that he would hire them.
>>They were given an opportunity. They could stay in Dawnholme and defend the town as part of the normal patrols for the duration of the Durnholde campaign.
Either of these two. If we hire them, it then looks like we relented in the negotations. Give them the option to guard Dawnholme which costs us nothing or have Blackmoore to hire them.
I am seeing a 3-3 tie between hiring them and allowing them to stay in Dawnholme guarding the place. Could I have a tiebreaker as I am planning on starting to write a bit later. Alternatively I will roll a dice to resolve the tie.
>They were given an opportunity. They could stay in Dawnholme and defend the town as part of the normal patrols for the duration of the Durnholde campaign.
Again, we don't have the money. I would also make this clear that they still owe us.

Also how is this a tie?


Hire them

I counted >>6057397 as hiring, but now with your vote we have a clear winner.
"I will write them a proposition, when we leave for the campaign, they can return to Dawnholme if they were to patrol the lands around the town while we are gone." Prince Alric said to you. "That I will do, it is a new offer and they won't be paid, but maybe the prospect of an easy and safe job is enough to win them over."

"A wise choice Prince Alric." You replied and gave him a polite nod.

"Be done with that fake politeness, I have no use for it." He replied and waved your words away with his hand before sitting down again. "Then to the next business."

The Prince waved a pair of letters that he picked up.

"From Dalaran, arriving directly to me, Prince Kael’thas has a warning for us." He said to you. "And an opportunity."

"A warning?"

"Archmage Kel'Thuzad has been excommunicated and exiled from Dalaran. Kirin Tor had hoped to catch him alive or dead, but he had managed to slip away." The Prince spoke and leaned back on his chair. "Kael’thas won't say why he was excommunicated, but he shares the warning that he is considered to be very dangerous and that if he is spotted or found, he shouldn't be approached. Instead a message should be sent to Dalaran."

That didn't sound good at all. Kel'Thuzad was well-known across the lands as a skilled archmage, expert in human bodies and medicine. Lady Nalice had suggested calling for his aid when Prince Alric was still bedridden.

"Yet Kael’thas does write that if an opportunity arises and if we could get away with it, Kel'Thuzad should be killed." Prince Alric said and tapped the hilt of his sword by his side. "Dalaran would reward us greatly."

"Alric, are you planning on killing him?" Taretha asked him.

"I can draw my sword and strike faster than he could react." Was his answer and then he sighed and let his shoulders droop. "I hope it doesn't come to that… an ambush with archers would be a far more elegant solution if it was to happen."

"But you are thinking about it?" You asked him.

"He wasn't excommunicated without a bloody good reason, he must have done something terrible to have that happen." Prince Alric said back to you. "Yet… killings like that don't sit well with me."

You nodded, in any case it wouldn't be an easy task. There wasn't enough magic in Dawnholme to counter a full-blown archmage. It would have to be done in more mundane ways, if it even was to happen. And if Kel'Thuzad would even travel through these lands.

"But the opportunity?" You asked. "Or was it the reward for his head?"

"No, the messenger is waiting for my reply." The Prince said back to you. "Dalaran, or Kael’thas especially offers his aid to us for the campaign against the gnolls."


Prince Alric now tapped the black noise device on the table.

"Did they predict our participation in the campaign or did the news travel to Dalaran and the offer back here in just four days?" Prince Alric said to you with a questioning tone. "If you could look into this, could you please do it? Just don't be too blatant and spook the potential spy into hiding."

"Of course, I will do that. But what are their terms?" You asked him.

"Troops, specialists, that sort of thing. But in return when Kael’thas asks us to jump, we ask how high." Was his reply.

That serious of a favour? Prince Kael’thas wasn't kidding with his support if he asks that much.

"Are you planning to accept?" You asked him again.

"Not sure, the options are quite… intriguing and useful to have… that is if chosen. I don't like giving away an ironclad favour like that." Prince Alric said to you.

"If I were you, I wouldn't take such a favour. To be beholden to him like that." Taretha mused aloud and got a nod back from Prince Alric.

>Prince Alric chooses to not accept the offer of help. Asking how high he needs to jump in return is too much.
>A company of troops from Dalaran under command of a trusted officer.
>A platoon of Elven specialists from Quel’thalas.
>Priests and non-combatant specialists from Dalaran to provide backline support.

Mystery Box:

QM: Opportunity, but is it worth it?
>Prince Alric chooses to not accept the offer of help. Asking how high he needs to jump in return is too much.
A big favour for such temporary aid is a bad trade plus all the vagueness spooks me, no thanks bro.

Mystery Box:
Since it's not at the expense of a good decision like that time we were choosing who would run the inn.
>>Prince Alric chooses to not accept the offer of help. Asking how high he needs to jump in return is too much.
Debt is slavery.
Anyway too vague as other anon said.

Mystery Box:
Ho boy i sure love gambling.
>A platoon of Elven specialists from Quel’thalas.

Imagine swinging our military dick onto the table at Durnholde with a platoon of elven specialists from Quel'thalas. We work some of that Alric magic to see if we can convince some of them to stay in Alterac for a while, rest up from the campaign, maybe even kill some trolls? Make connections that could let us buy some Quel'thalas gear. We could learn from the tactics and spells they use.

I don't think Kael would ask Alric to do something that goes against the wellbeing of his kingdom or his followers. So yeah we would owe him a favor, but I also think of it as a positive connection. Kael knows we are willing to work with him so I think he would speak well of us to his colleagues in Dalaran, and other royals. Plus people will see that we just brought out a full platoon of Elven Specialists from Quel'thalas/Dalaran to support an ally, and I bet that will raise some eyebrows and get them to take Alric seriously.

Mystery Box:

Love the mystery box

Also, any chance we could get those bloodstone notes or another magic lesson before we have to go off campaigning again? I do kind of wish we had gotten a cool firespell like a smokescreen, or getting Alric to throw out a firewave with the Cindersword. Or dragon runes.

Talk of merc reminds me of something. I wonder how those Stromguard merc knights are doing. Alric should send them a letter one of these days and tell them things are going well in Dawnholme.

Also I guess might wanna keep an eye out for Kelly-T to kill him or ambush and steal his stuff? Might be neat to recruit him but I think that could go very very wrong. Might be interesting to lure him in since he probably heard about Alric's condition that we want a "medical checkup" then ambush him, ideally with some Alterac Rangers once we have the cash to get them. Something tells me that if we tried to poison his ass with tea or brandy or those drugs that Eligius and Nalice took he would smell it a mile away, but maybe it would be worth a shot. I want that great reward. That said, if we could just ambush him and steal his spellbook or research notes that might be solid too.

Unless Kelly-T, wary of a potential betrayal, prepares a body double that we kill then Dalaran believes him dead and rewards us. He escapes to be evil another day.
>A company of troops from Dalaran under command of a trusted officer.
>A platoon of Elven specialists from Quel’thalas.
The favour is vague, but having something special could help us a lot. It could be something that ends up tipping the campaign into our victory. I dont think Kaelthas will ask us something unthinkable or impossible, he seems like a fair man.

Mystery Box:
>Yes! Yes! Yes!
No idea what it could be, but cant let it pass.
Too tired to write the update tonight after a day of mucking around outside, so I will let the voting to continue.

And don't worry, I have things planned for the Bloodstone.
>>Prince Alric chooses to not accept the offer of help. Asking how high he needs to jump in return is too much.

Too many strings attached

Mystery Box:
>Prince Alric chooses to not accept the offer of help. Asking how high he needs to jump in return is too much.
Why would Alric accept a big and ominous debt to an (in character) stranger for such a temporary return?

Mystery Box:
Sure, been a while since we've had one.
>A platoon of Elven specialists from Quel’thalas.
I wonder if we can impress them with our Rover brothers to learn more ranger way or the Elven paladin. Like what was said earlier, they could be a tie-in to something bigger. Though the priest corps is also tempting if they could assist teaching Malevus.

Mystery booox
I am seeing 4 votes for no, 3 for Elven specialists and 1 for a company of troops from Dalaran. No help needed wins, but with the Dalaran troops vote there, we technically have a small tie between no help and yes for help. Could I have a tiebreaker between no help is needed and the Elven specialists? I will write the update later this evening.

And you chose the Mystery Box. Oh I had planned this thing to happen way later, but looks like things are going to get interesting for Alric pretty soon. The responsibility that comes of choosing the Box is a big one!
>Prince Alric chooses to not accept the offer of help. Asking how high he needs to jump in return is too much.

it is better if we are not tied to even more problems, Blackmoore is already enough to deal with.
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"I have no feeling that Kael’thas has malice or ill meanings in his mind or in his plans, but I barely know him.” Prince Alric said to you and Taretha. “As much as a company of troops or Elven from Quel’thalas that could help us get through the campaign, I can’t buy a pig in a poke.”

The Prince seemed conflicted though, a lot hangs on what will happen in Durnholde. You knew that.

“I will write a response to him, an apology for not accepting his help and a thanks for the warning.” Prince Alric continued to speak. “I have a feeling that we are going to be living through some interesting times.”

He slapped the wood of his desk and stood up.

“Right then… I will go bother Malevus and see what she is up to and then…” The Prince said and snapped his fingers a couple times as if thinking about something. “Then I will go see what the Stonemasons are up to. Right then, that’s the plan!”

He marched past you determined to leave the study.

“Don’t forget your cane.” Taretha said and leaned over her desk to pass the simple wooden thing to him.

“Oh right, appearances…” The Prince replied with a smile as he took the cane. “What would I do without you Tari?”

“I really don’t know.” She replied back as the Prince stepped out of the study and closed the door behind him.

You gave a curious look towards Taretha who seemed amused by what had happened.

“Is he avoiding work?” You had to ask her.

“Sometimes he does that.” Taretha replied and shrugged. “Now he’s been doing that since the plan to join the campaign was made.”

“Is he stressed? Like before?” You had to ask her back.

Taretha nodded a few times.

“I hope he can get his mind off the work, a lot hangs on his shoulders or so he thinks.” Taretha said to you. “Alric can be… a lot. You have realised that, but he means only good.”

“You are right Miss Foxton.” You replied with a polite nod.

“It is Taretha or just Tari like everyone else calls me.” She said back to you and smiled before taking a deep breath. “Though I do think I should take a break, can you lend a hand Eligius?”

Taretha offered her hand to you which you took and helped her up.

“The child is being a feisty one today.” Taretha said to you. “Saps all my strength.”

“Then you should rest Miss… I mean Taretha.” You said back to her.

“See you are learning.” Was her reply as she let go of your hand. “That will do, I don’t need more help and I should keep you away from your duties.”

You gave her another polite nod. And then you left to continue your usual work.


It had been two full days since.

Prince Alric had returned back to his new normal daily schedule of avoiding paperwork and then spending the rest of his time either playing music with Malevus or learning new languages with Taretha. At least he had the motivation to join the magic lessons, even if they were just the curriculum by Lady Nalice.

And for you, well back to the normal schedule it was.

Which meant reading and writing letters to the illiterate peasants, going through purchase manifests and trying to make sense of the value of windows and if you had been truly swindled.

But you had also given Pai the Assassin a couple more days to think about everything and now you stood in front of the door into her new cell.

Knocking twice, you allowed one of the guards to open the lock before you pushed the door open and stepped in.

Placing the black noise device on the table next to the lone candle, you raised your lantern as you shone light to the corner where the bed was. And then the cell door closed behind you and you heard the door lock shut.

And then you realised that the bed was empty.

Before you could turn around and scan the rest of the cell with your eyes, you found an arm wrapping around your neck with the bicep pressing against your throat and cutting your breath. And then there was something small and solid pressing against your back through your robe.

“Milquetoast scribe.” Pai said to you with an alluring voice. “I was wondering when you would come to see me.”

You tried to catch some breath as she pushed the small solid thing harder against your back as your hands struggled to pull her arm off your throat without much success.

Was it a shiv? Or what? If you just could speak!

>You are a warlock, you aren’t defenceless. Get her off you and make her fear you!
>You can’t breathe, try to get that through to her
>Try to fight back, you have your dagger on your belt.
>Relent and relax, you are at her mercy.
>Other, write in.

QM: This is not the Mystery Box.
>Other, write in.
Eligius closes his eyes, reaches into one of his more obscure pockets, and gives her a taste of the pocket (sand) drug powder they took and refined from that dead syndicate warlock! Hopefully that surprises her and loosens her grip as it takes effect.
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As much as pocket (Dream Dust) sand would be a fun option, sadly Eligius doesn't carry refined drugs in his pockets all day long. Sadly I will have to say no to this option.
Eligius doesn't carry refined drugs in his pockets all day long, yet. A Spymaster that doesnt carry hardcore drugs? Very sad. Destroying my dream (dust) like Nalice misted that warlock across the walls.

I am sorry that Eligius manages to disappoint you. He is just a scribe (warlock).
I'm not disappointed, I see his future. We shall revisit this later after hes had a few more rough years of wrangling Alric's shenanigans and spy drama. Scribe {Advisor to the Prince [Spymaster in training (Warlock)]}

To be honest at that moment Eligius might have delved into recreational use of Dream Dust to handle all of Alric's shenanigans.

But that is far in the future, what is present is a vote that I can accept.
>Try to fight back, you have your dagger on your belt.
I think she's bluffing, trying to get Eligius to out himself. Either she lets go or she gets stabbed in the arm but make sure the direction of the stab isn't towards his own throat if she does let go.
>>Try to fight back, you have your dagger on your belt.
>>Relent and relax, you are at her mercy.
This isnt exactly a position you can fight through espceally as eligius the scribe (warlock).
If Eligius could just start laughing now that would get her attention.
>You can’t breathe, try to get that through to her
>Relent and relax, you are at her mercy.

She's a smart girl, she knows what this means if she actually cripples or kills someone that Prince Alric has personally sponsored and complimented.
>Relent and relax

Book against his back, or bar of soap? lol. Why do this? To see how Eligius will react, she'd like to see a little struggle. Prods him with 'Milquetoast' since that got a reaction last time. To give her the struggle she wants, or give her nothing.

She takes it personally to not see through Alric and Eligius, whatever secrets he has. She'd like to confirm parts of his personality and ability. Can he break the hold, will he try? She knows he has a dagger from previous visits. When he goes for it she will pin his arm and the dagger against the wall or the floor to pressure him further, or break the hold when she feels the message gets across? The momentary control over the situation and Eligius is more of a bonus, though maybe she wonders if the idea that she could wrassle him down at any moment will influence things. Make her less willing to take shit.

She has pride in her abilities, her control over other people mentally and physically. Even though she knows Sahvan is a warlock she doesn't respect him much at all beyond being useful. She would probably respect the ability to get out of her hold with his fear magic, perhaps even the attempt by knife? The syndicate view on failure might lessen any respect of a failed attempt, but maybe thats being challenged by Alric's virtues. Call her bluff and not even resist once he decides not to play her game, since that would probably piss her off to be seen through and not get the struggle she wanted or confirmation of his abilities one way or the other.

But this is about how Eligius would react. I'm trying to recall how Eligius got captured by the bandits. They found him living as a hermit, told him to leave, he refused but I don't think he used his powers to try and fight them off before he was captured? More of a passive resistance so they tied his ass up. Even when his teacher was sick he didn't go out and try to steal medicine or ask for help? Not that he would find much help from those locals I'd wager, but he knew that. I don't recall if he actually killed any of the people in the warlock wall plastering incident or if that was all Nalice. I wanna say he didn't.

Speaks to a certain pride, and passive resistance here. His attitude with Sahvan and the warlock powers speaks to a core pride about knowing what is right. That he wants to help those witches get away from misguided mysticism if he can, but he doesn't really have much pity for Sahvan. I suppose Sahvan still chooses to visit his 'whore' after he told him she just wants his coin. Plus Sahvan's whole situation has the whole town disliking him lol. Probably won't get much respect for a while unless he leads a big bust or saves someone's life, despite being integral to the counterintelligence training. Also he might just be rather unlikeable despite his just wanting a new purpose.

Funny thought, after this they could probably bond over looking down on Sahvan, or atleast the things he does that piss them both off.

Small correction, Sahvan is just an assassin. He isn't a warlock. Only other warlock in Dawnholme is Otto Wanz who was captured during the initial invasion of Strahnbrad Hills. And Wanz has sat in the prison camp quite happily.
>>Relent and relax, you are at her mercy.

She just wants to get a reaction. I like the idea of just starting to laugh it would get in her nerves
Oooh right, somehow got them mixed together as one in my mind. Gotta remember to do something with Otto one of these days unless he's happy with keeping an eye on the prisoners. I guess sahvan really was just annoying but useful. I wonder if it's the same courtesan that Gravis goes to. That would be quite the coincidence for one courtesan to be getting close to the Princes bodyguard and the former syndicate agent. Good way to get info.
"I… can't… breathe…" Was the only thing you managed to say as air left your lungs and you couldn't breathe more in.

Letting your arms go, they dropped to your side as you stopped struggling. Gasping for air, there really was no point in trying to overpower her. She must have spent time exercising now that she had been getting more food than before, she had the energy for it.

Pai must have realised that more force wasn't needed as she slightly loosened her hold of you, giving you a chance to breathe in.

"You really aren't going to struggle." Pai said to you, there was maybe a sliver of disappointment in her voice.

"I am a… scribe." You succeeded in saying as you felt the small hard object disappearing from your back and then Pai started to pat your clothes with her now free hand. Fresh air filled your lungs, what a good feeling it was.

"Aha, found something really nice." She replied as she pulled out your dagger.

"W-what are you going to do with it?" You said back as a nervous laughter escaped your lips. Shit, of course she would take it.

"I could cut you up, there's nothing funny about that." Pai said and continued her search, finding your keys next. "What do we have here now?"

"Let me go." You said to her.

"No chance, you're mine now." She said back.

And then with a sweep of her leg and a shove on your back, Pai got you to trip and with a smack you landed on your stomach on the stone floor. With the black noise device on the table, the guards outside the door were none the wiser.

Before you could react, Pai pulled you around onto your back and straddled your waist. The cold steel of the dagger found your throat and you could just raise your hands up a little as that was really the only thing you could do now.

"I am the scribe of Prince Alric." You said to Pai. With the dagger on your throat, there was a chance that she might do something which scared you. "Harm me and he will…"

"Oh I know what he will do then… but before that though, I can have some fun…" Pai said to you, her voice having returned back to the sultry tones Prince Alric had warned you about.

Pai leaned in closer, one hand keeping the dagger on your throat and second pressed on your chest. Her face inched closer to you, a faint smile on her lips.

"But that depends completely on you, if you are open for some fun~" Her tone left little for imagination which now really scared you.


"Ha…ha ha… ha ha…" Your nervous laughter filled the cell.

"Oh? It's no laughing matter…" Pai responded and pulled back a bit, shifting lower on your waist, yet the dagger was still on your throat. "So how is it? Are you ready for some action together?"

Was Pai really suggesting to take you right here on the floor or was this just a game or something else for her? What did she think of trying to accomplish with this? What was her plan? Was she just testing you, seeing if you actually were interesting? If you got hurt or if she actually cut your throat, she knows that Prince Alric wouldn't forgive her if something were to happen to you. Her taking your dagger, well it complicated things somewhat, you couldn't get a proper read on her motives.

>Alright this has gone for too long, you are a warlock and you can disarm her even with the dagger on your throat.
>Agree to the fun, she might want to take you right here on the floor.
>You really don't want any fun right now. Politely decline the offer.
>Just ask what she wants. Fun can't be everything she is after. You can help her.
>Other, write in.
>Just ask what she wants. Fun can't be everything she is after. You can help her.
>Just ask what she wants. Fun can't be everything she is after. You can help her.
>You really don't want any fun right now. Politely decline the offer.
>Just ask what she wants. Fun can't be everything she is after. You can help her.

No fun allowed from the scribe-monk. This is a warlock, somehow who is trained to resist the charms and threats of demons.
>>Just ask what she wants. Fun can't be everything she is after. You can help her.
>>Just ask what she wants. Fun can't be everything she is after. You can help her.
Eligius quads
Falcon of Alterac passed above this post
"If possible… could you move the dagger away?" You asked her carefully. Oh you could disarm her without much effort, but to reveal your existence as a warlock. Probably it wasn't worth it.

Pai stared at you for a few seconds before your dagger left your throat.

"There, anything else?" Her voice still had its sultry and playful tone.

"I can help you, fun isn't the only thing you are after, right?" You asked her back and carefully rubbed your throat where the dagger had been.

Pai kept the dagger close to her and with her free hand she drew circles over your chest.

"I want you~" She said back.

"No you don't, if you had some other goal, you would have already worked towards it." You found courage to argue back.

As Eligius the Scribe you weren't much, just a confidant of Prince Alric and a man burdened with piles of papers. You were supposed to be conspicuous and milquetoast, not interesting at all. And this Eligius was the one Pai had met and you felt like you had managed to fulfil her expectations to a tee.

Eligius the Warlock would have dealt with such a foolish woman quickly and without ending up overpowered and threatened with his own dagger. But that Eligius was supposed to be a secret.

Pai leered at you and then sighed in contempt. Pushing herself up, she took a few steps away from you before looking at your prone body.

"You are useless, just not interesting at all. And to think I entertained the idea of talking with you." Pai replied. She still had the dagger and your keys.

With her weight off you, you took several deep breaths before rolling to your side and standing up.

"I am not sure if assaulting and threatening me counts as talking…" You said back to her with a low tone.

"It was to see how you reacted and you didn't even try to fight back. I was half expecting you to piss and soil yourself." Pai told you, crossing her arms under her bosom. "I have no reason to tell you anything, you are barely a man. Hell, even Sahvan was more of a man than you are."


"I don't know what you are trying to accomplish by insulting me. Prince Alric asked if we could start anew and I had hoped we could have done that…" You replied, this had started to be pointless and of no use. "But my offer stands, if you need help, I can try to facilitate that and in return you will talk."

Did it really just hang on you being interesting? Was Pai looking up for someone more equal to her or higher? Prince Alric is a Prince and a quite fascinating person, there's a level of certain power dynamic at play there. While you are just his servant, a lowly scribe unable to defend yourself and allowing you to be overpowered by her.

Pai laughed and walked back to you with a smirk on her face.

"Well if you are offering~" Her sultry tone returned and then after a pause, she was thinking what to say, she continued with a normal tone. "First part is that there is a man I need to kill, so you need to help me to escape from here."


"You heard me well enough. If I am in here, in this dungeon and in this cell, I am safe." Pai spoke to you now with a more serious voice. "But if I am out there in the town under a watch, there's no guarantee that I am safe. As long as that man is alive, Prince Alric can't guarantee my safety."

>Not possible, you aren't going to help her to escape and you definitely aren't going to approve of her assassinating someone.
>Who is the target and why do they need to die?
>If there is a first part, what is the second part?
>If it is about being interesting and someone more of her equal, let her know that you are Prince Alric's Spymaster.
>You have had enough, she has insulted you, she is planning to escape and she still has your dagger. Strike fear into her.
>Whoever she wants to kill might be a part of Syndicate, an enemy of Prince Alric. You could remove a quite dangerous opponent of his. Help her to escape.
>Other, write in.
Obligatory fact check here
>Is the man that wants her not to be 'safe', the same target that she wants dead.
This and that could be lost in wordplay. She still hasn't met Alric's good faith agreement entirely. Intel for freedom, so the following is fair:
>Not possible, you aren't going to help her to escape and you definitely aren't going to approve of her assassinating someone.
>Who is the target and why do they need to die?
Are they Syndicate, or an affiliate? If she dreams of touching a member of the army, she better prove claims.
>Who is the target and why do they need to die?
>If there is a first part, what is the second part?
>Who is the target and why do they need to die?
>If there is a first part, what is the second part
>>Who is the target and why do they need to die?
>>If there is a first part, what is the second part?
Obviosuly he nes info.
Too many questions, how much would she tell you if you were to prod her? Yet, you needed to try.

“Who is the target and why do they need to die?” You asked her.

“Simple, the Syndicate has a strong decentralised structure where one head of the chimaera doesn’t know what the other head is doing. If the head who knows me dies, the others won’t have a lead.” Pai told you with a smile. “Oh and if you are smart, you know whom I am talking about. Sahvan must have told you.”

She is talking about their leader, Lord Creedy. Pai and her team served him.

“Lord Creedy?” You asked her again.

“Lord Creedy.” Pai replied to you.

“And your plan is to walk into his hideout and just kill him?” You asked her back.

“Oh I know how good I am.” She replied confidently.

“Yet Prince Alric caught you.”

The dagger found your throat again.

“So you have a spine.”

“What is the second part of your plan?”

“To take you with me, I need a hostage.” Pai told you and smiled.

“A hostage?!” You said aloud and found the dagger pressing harder on your throat.

“I don’t trust Prince Alric.” Pai replied to you. “But he finds you valuable, so you are my insurance that he doesn’t try anything funny.”

So she plans on killing Lord Creedy and taking you with her?

“And killing Lord Creedy would save your hide?” You asked Pai.

“It is only him who knew my previous mission, there were few of his lieutenants who might have the knowledge, but they don’t have the political power.” Pai told you and smiled. “And you, and Prince Alric, and Sahvan.”

She was good, but would she be good enough to kill Lord Creedy? Would helping her to escape be worth it? Would leaving Prince Alric and your duties behind you be worth having one of the two top lieutenants of the whole Syndicate dying to an assassin's blade? Would your skills as a warlock help her to succeed in her mission? Would you trust Pai? A lot of woulds, but a lot of probabilities, a possibility.

Why would a scribe agree to this? It would mean that you are more than just being a scribe, you would be interesting. You could win Pai's trust and if you were to succeed, those who potentially are after her, would be dead.

>Agree to the plan, help Pai to escape and achieve her mission.
>Absolutely not, you have your duties here in Dawnholme. Your loyalty to Prince Alric trumps over her wild plan.

QM: Eligius’ Wild Adventure? An opportunity for Eligius and Pai. Do you take it? If taken Eligius would disappear from Dawnholme for the duration of this endeavour, but there would be few updates through their journey in later threads to see if they were to succeed.

This is exactly the kind of scenario where Eligius can actually use his magic. He can Pai get their wild adventure bonding arc. His Discreet and Inconspicuous special skill work well for it too. Shame he doesnt have more gear lol

Is his spell list still accurate?
-Shadow Bolt

It is still accurate at this moment. He might be learning a trick or something else though soon. Maybe.
>Absolutely not, you have your duties here in Dawnholme. Your loyalty to Prince Alric trumps over her wild plan.
I don't have a problem with killing the guy but this plan is completely half baked. Letting her take the dagger was a mistake.
>Absolutely not, you have your duties here in Dawnholme. Your loyalty to Prince Alric trumps over her wild plan.
>>Absolutely not, you have your duties here in Dawnholme. Your loyalty to Prince Alric trumps over her wild plan.
lmao no
>Agree to the plan, help Pai to escape and achieve her mission.
Just to clarify my stance

So she doesn't think that Alric can guarantee her safety in the open while Creedy is alive, which is probably true the counterintelligence is not gonna be at that level for a long while. She also won't give up the hideout location because then he could move and she would lose her best chance to kill him and secure her own life outside the cell.

Let me think. if -I- was planning this I wouldnt want it known that Pai had escaped. Maybe arrange for one of our own spies to take her place in the prison cell and keep things going as normal. Then she and Eligius still go on the mission, since there isn't anyone else suitable to a mission like this in Alric's retinue with the information and skills needed, plus that won't be missed by spies.

I will probably try to think of a plan with a bit more thought that Eligius could offer, but I think this would be fun for Eligius and Pai.
Been updating the pastebins, nothing super major though, just bits here and there. I still do need to get the Character List up to date.
She's an assassin, a rogue who knows how to fight dirty in close quarters. The moment Eligius puts up a real fight is the moment she ends him with [Kick] and [Shiv]. Hell, she already got the [Cheap Shot] in.

Magical training, spymaster tasks, confidante of Alric by staying.. vs a chance for real spycraft, intelligence, opportunity for removing one of Alric's opponents off the board.
The only thing I'm worried about is Pai taking Creedy's place. I doubt she will be back, and she knows Sahvan, so that's one field agent compromised.

>Agree to the plan, help Pai to escape and achieve her mission. Conditional to not re-entering the Syndicate.

Pai is also the only one who knows what Creedy looks like so I'm partial to just let them go for it, and so Eligius can have some more focus, otherwise hes busy but hes not really getting to do anything spotlight worthy. We got to see some character interactions, this is a good chance to let him have some action. Alric can focus on dragon runes with Cyrus or free study experimentation while hes gone. Sahvan can keep training the spies since thats what hes meant to do anyways. Town Hall is in the pipeline to help with paperwork.

Theres plenty of info that leans into Creedy's base being in the hinterlands from that report that its his territory plus syndicates raiding and taking people east, whether its for warlock shenanigans or slave labor or what I can't say, but it seems likely. So its probably a rather isolated area if they need people that badly, apart from perhaps gnolls and other monsters and maybe some orcs or trolls. Which means plenty of patrols for those and any armed force we might want to send as support, so it would be quite the risk of altering them as I see it. Pai probably knows the patrols and the base quite well, but our scouting men won't be familiar with hinterlands territory I imagine.

Something for a distraction if things go bad might be nice I suppose, though Eligius could do it with a big ol Fear spell. Could lug around one or two of Wiklish's rockets to use as a distraction or burn part of the hideout or deterrent by spooking the pursuers. Some of the powder it uses, or the Dream Dust they refined for knocking people out quietly.

Short of Alric letting Eligius borrow a magic item or two like the forget me inviso cloak or the raiments I don't think they could be much more prepared without risking the mission, or the bloodstone but its untested, but I don't think anyone wants to risk those magic items? Could let him use the gnoll necklace I suppose, since theres a good chance he will have to use his magic if things get dicey though Alric can make use of it too. A bit of prep supplies like I remember someone using a smokebomb at Durnholde, poison, etc. some stuff like that would probably be handy. Though unless Pai or Sahvan also makes all their own stuff might be out of luck on smokebombs and such. Grab some medical supplies from the medic mage I guess.

Eligius should know where the Alterac outposts and patrols go so he could probably find them on their way back if need be.

If the Raiment could fit a bunch of rockets in its magic pockets that would be funny, straight up Lupic the 3rd or Looney Toons pulling out rockets from his pockets. lol.
I find it very hard for them to escape, if not a bit ludicrous. No like for real our men had to deal with multiple attempts of assassinations and the campaign in the hills is done, so a lot of them are back here.

There is a bigger chance Pai becomes a human porcupine of javelins and arrows, than going out of Dawnholme. And she starts from the prison one of the most heavily guarded places. They quite literally cannot do stealth here so grabbing supplies is done on the run at best, unless the hostage just works out (i doubt it) and they just give them supplies (insert the not amused face of Chief Stern when the high danger prisoner kept
deeper, suddenly goes out of her cell and requests a horse to escape). Nevermind the time reaction of Alric which is usually quite fast when shit happens, and he would be able to save Eligius. Alric will probably get enraged, not really talk (losing Eligius would not be great right now when there is the gnoll campaign. Nevermind that the intelligence of Alterac is anything but developed so is a immediate step back to the past. Sahvan is more still an apprentice on this matters, even if he helps in training. I do wonder why did they throw his ass in that mission in Durnholde. Lastly Eligius knows a TON of important things by now and Alric would see him hostage). So i expect action from him. If it works out for Pai and Eligius, rage and an headache which will be visible in the Gnoll campaign. Alric might 100% send men to pursue here, cant exactly not try to get back Eligius.

In regard to Pai plan out of Dawnholme.... she is good. But the squad that was sent for the Durnholde mission was good like her or better. Beside Sahvan. So her killing Creedy is very nebolous. She has the ticket for get in peacefully back in any Syndicate place with Eligius captured though. What happens after if Creedy dies, is even more nebolous since Pai doesn't care much of Alterac, and would only hop regularly on Alric proposal for one good reason.

The best bet for go out of Dawnholme is probably Eligius using his spells alongide trying and breaking other cells if not all of the prison. So some death, chaos and destruction. Negotiations with hostage will be hard to do. Stealth is just not possible.
I don't think most of our men have done much when assassins show up, that time Radan got stabbed I don't think they did much, in tarren mill it was Alric gravis bodyguards against some fighters, Durnholde it was mostly Alric, his bodyguards, and Blackmoores men. Though having a hostage held at knifepoint is rather a different scenario then anything so far, or maybe they leave a note then arrange for her to have a walk with Eligius like she had a walk with Alric but they don't come back, but ultimately if we agree to it then they get out and are on the mission for a while as Medic let us know. I'm sure they can both forage for supplies Eligius lived on his own in a cave, she's skilled. She's the best chance to kill Creedy either way and atleast this way Eligius gets some experience, gets Pai's trust, and a spotlight to shine in the Assassination B plot, though arguably seeing the syndicate lord who wants Alric dead taken care of is just as important as the gnoll campaign.
No update today, I have felt tired and under the weather through the day. I will get the update out sometime tomorrow hopefully.
“No, I cannot help you to escape or be taken hostage. Are you out of your mind?” You replied to Pai and continued immediately. “You would have to be escorted by me out of this jail and then through the town. I am not sure if the jailor would even give me the keys because he would force you to wear the irons.”

The dagger stayed on your throat as you continued to speak.

“I am a bloody scribe, sure I have pull due to working for the Prince directly, but not the pull required to get you out of here. And if you planned on dragging me out with a dagger on my throat, do you think that could work? You would have an arrow in your back before we even get out of Dawnholme.”

Pai stared back at you and then withdrew the dagger off your throat.

“I still want Lord Creedy dead, of those in the Syndicate, he is probably the most dangerous of them all.” Pai leered at you as she spoke.

She walked back and stuck the dagger point first on the wooden table, placing the keys she took as well next to it.

“Take them and leave, I have no interest in talking to you now or ever again.” She said as she walked to her bed, flopping down face first on her pillow.

“Alright, if you say so. But remember, Prince Alric still wants to know what you know and remember how well he has treated you.” You said and walked to the table, taking your belongings.

You sighed, what a waste of time this had been. You had hoped that she would have been more open to talking, but instead she just threatened you and tried to seduce you. What was she thinking? What a stupid harlot she is and how awfully stupid Sahvan was for falling to her allure. And now he is fucking some other whore.

Fel… at least you had learned a bit about Lord Creedy, that information would be useful to you and Prince Alric. Well, better to go talk with him right now.

You are Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac and ruler of Dawnholme, trying to slip away from work, wanting to just play your flute and practice magic.

“Shame… really a shame.” You replied to Eligius.

He had come to your study immediately after the attempt to get Pai to talk and you have to agree with him, Pai was out of her line with what she had tried to do or suggest. You weren’t sure how serious she had been about what she had said outside of killing Lord Creedy, as that could have been just testing Eligius. His theory of her wanting someone her equal or you to be the one with whom she talks with did sound solid. An assassin with a lot of pride in her skills could feel slighted by being interviewed by a mere scribe.


“It was.” Eligius sighed.

“What you are going to do next is that you are going to give her a couple more days and then you are going to go back there and talk to her about weather and everything else mundane that has been happening around here.” You ordered Eligius. “And tell her that this was my decision.”

“Prince Alric, do you really want to annoy her on purpose?” Eligius asked you back.

“Yes, the way she acted was inappropriate. I know you can handle yourself if she tries something, but Pai needs to understand that her games are something that I do not want.” You said and continued. “I am lenient, but I’m not going to allow stuff like that to happen.”

“Alright, well no magic studies today.” Eligius said to you. “I have planned some lessons for the witches and it might take till quite late.”

“Oh lessons that go till quite late?” You asked with a questioning tone and smirked. “What did I warn you about?”

“Prince Alric, stop that.” Eligius sternly replied. “I am their teacher, there is a level of responsibility here.”

“I am just teasing you, but alright no studies today then.” You said back to him.

“Then I will make my leave.” Eligius said and gave you a polite bow.

You had been waiting for the magic studies as they were something you enjoyed doing, even if it was still following the curriculum, over most of your other studies. With your army preparing for the campaign, you could work with them, but the whole Durnholde gives you a bad taste in your mouth that you didn’t really want to bother your head with. Again you have been feeling strung, this annoying tension through you.

You just want to relax and avoid all the annoying stuff right now, because in a bit under three weeks you are going to march out and have to deal with all of that stuff. Now what would you do instead of practising magic with Eligius?

>Go and practise the magic alone. Take the Bloodstone with you and prod it carefully.
>Enjoy a cozy evening preparing and heating the sauna. Maybe go out for a swim. Last time you did that was quite refreshing.
>Just play your instruments with Malevus. Maybe take out the hookah as well. That does sound like a lovely idea, that is definitely relaxing.
>Other, write in.

QM: Some more social options for Alric before going back into adventuring and other business.
>>Just play your instruments with Malevus. Maybe take out the hookah as well. That does sound like a lovely idea, that is definitely relaxing.
Silly harlot.
>Just play your instruments with Malevus. Maybe take out the hookah as well. That does sound like a lovely idea, that is definitely relaxing.

>time to get malevus pregnant.

>Go and practise the magic alone. Take the Bloodstone with you and prod it carefully

What a waste. Eligius gets a chance for a spy adventure spotlight, a chance to kill Creedy with Pai, and people would rather have him sit in the corner. I'm just disgusted, it's like watching a hero decide he doesn't feel like taking up a quest from the gods he'd rather go catch up on his paperwork. Atleast use warlock powers or reveal his being a spymaster or there will never be progress between him and Pai.
>Just play your instruments with Malevus. Maybe take out the hookah as well. That does sound like a lovely idea, that is definitely relaxing.

Oh quit your whining, Pai and Eligius trying to kill Creedy by themselves on her whim is a shit plan. Agree on the last part though, why did anons want to let her get away with everything? That's no way to gain respect
It's do or die for her to kill Creedy, she knows the base and she knows the area and the rest of Creedys crew. The others didn't know her mission to stop her. She'd have a warlock who is good at not being noticed. She's not going to give up the info without getting to go do this because she doesn't want to leave the cell. We aren't going to have any better assets for a stealth mission into an enemy base. Let the assassin be an assassin, he had the perfect chance to gain her respect and get to do something cool and useful. Them going on that mission is better then anything else we have.
And we can still do that, just not at her whim.
Pai has unironically given us zero reason to trust her at all.
Her whole plot was retarded thats ofcoures assuming shes telling the truth.
And as other anon said we can still potentially do that just not via holding Elligius at knifepoint and demanding to just go do it and hope itll work out. It needs planning not random retardation like this.
She gave Alric her hidden weapon
She certainly handled Eligius without it.
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You exhaled and let the smoke escape your lungs, passing the tube back to Malevus who was lounging on your bed propped up by a pile of pillows. You had been practising with her for the past few hours and had decided to ask if she wanted to share the hookah at the end of it.

“I think we have progressed a lot.” You said to her. “I mean the Alteraci laments aren’t that complex.”

Malevus inhaled and then paused for a second to allow the smoke to linger within her before exhaling.

“But why do they have to be so sad?” She asked you.

“Not much joy in hills and mountains… Alterac was never as rich as Lordaeron, nor had the mighty armies of Stromgarde or the mages of Dalaran.” You said to her. “So my ancestors sang about the things they faced.”

She passed the tube back to you and spoke.

“Elven songs are more cheery, but they aren’t easy.” She said to you. “So laments it is.”

The relaxation passed through you as you inhaled. Not much of the blend given to you by Garrick Blacksteel remained so you hoped he would bring more when he arrives. He was already a few weeks late, but it was understandable. The journey for him would be a long one.

The burning feeling inside you had become a familiar one, it didn’t bother you anymore. In fact it felt refreshing. Since you started practising magic and took the mana seed from Lady Nalice, fire nor anything else hot hadn’t bothered you. Maybe it was the side effect of having a churning sea of fire within you? Side effect of draconic mana? Probably, but you didn’t mind.

“How are your hands?” You asked her. “Did they bother you while playing?”

“No, just the scars on my arms and one on my thigh itch and bother me sometimes. Raleigh hasn’t allowed me to go out for longer walks either.” Malevus lamented. These music sessions had been a good way for her to thwart the cabin fever away.

“How’s your cheek?” You asked and looked at her fair face. Where the kobold blade had cut her was a thin red line. It ran slightly underneath her nose towards her left ear. It would mostly fade away, but never truly disappear. A reminder to you how she had nearly fallen in your defence, how the scar would always remind you of it.

“I-it’s getting better, slowly healing.” Malevus said and smiled as she realised that you were staring at her face and then into her eyes. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks. “Thank you for asking.”

You stood up, putting the tube and the hookah away, both you and Malevus had enjoyed enough of it for one day.


“Alric…” Malevus said to you carefully, making you turn around and look at her lounging on your bed. “Please come sit here.”

She placed her hand on the bed next to her, you gave her a curious look and studied her eyes.

She was nervous.

You took the few steps required to walk to the bed and took a seat next to her, pulling your legs on the bed.

“What is it?” You asked her.

Malevus looked into your Fel green eyes and didn’t avert her gaze. She had found the courage within her.

“I have been thinking… and you gave me the time to think…” She said and stammered a little before freezing.

Malevus averted her eyes off you and tried to look everywhere around you, but not at you.

“Just say it Malevus.” You encouraged her and smiled. “Don’t be afraid.”

She looked back at you and smiled for a second.

“Iamgivingyouapermissiontocourtme.” Malevus blurted out.

You had been prepared, but yet what she had said still had surprised you. You opened your mouth slightly in surprise and forgot to breathe.

“Malevus…” You whispered.

“If w-we could be a thing.” She said and her eyes pierced yours. “If we c-could try this whole thing.”

She looked away for a moment.

“I-I haven’t dated anyone in decades… please… let me experience it with you…” Malevus whispered back to you. “I want to experience it all… do it slowly and take our time… one step at a time… we aren’t in a hurry so let’s enjoy every moment of it.”

You smiled slightly at her, the butterflies gathered inside you and you felt the warmth within you, and this time it wasn’t the mana nor the hookah. By the Light she looked beautiful.

“I-I want to see the fire between us ignite and burn brightly… before we…” Malevus said with a soft voice and stammered again. It did take all of her strength to speak to you. “T-think about marriage or… seven children…”

Her hand found yours and squeezed it hard.

“Please… what do you say?” She asked.

>Yes, become her boyfriend and court her.
>No, it is still too recent from you breaking up with Calia. It is too early for a new relationship, especially when you have a lover already in Jandice.

>Wiggle closer and lean on her, sharing the moment and the closeness.
>Hug her and hold her still in your arms.
>Kiss her deeply.
>Cuddle with her.
>Make out with her.
>Push her down in bed, see where things lead.
>Other, write in.

QM: Mystery Box! Malevus route! Please vote on both if you choose Yes. I had planned this to happen later, but Mystery Box is not denied. The second set of options basically go from slowest to fastest approach.
>Yes, become her boyfriend and court her.

>Hug her and hold her still in your arms.
>Yes, become her boyfriend and court her.
Not dropping Jandice though. Even if I got robbed of Monica I still maintain the harem ambition!

>Kiss her deeply, see where things lead.
Not kissing her at this moment would be criminal.

I still hold out for Sylvanas but this'll do...
>Yes, become her boyfriend and court her.
>Hug her and hold her still in your arms.
>Cuddle with her.

And then there's this maniac.
Alexstrasza still for me
>Wiggle closer and lean on her, sharing the moment and the closeness.
You smiled as you shimmied closer to her. Taking her other hand and leaning closer your eyes looking into hers. Your mouth was slightly open in anticipation and your warm breath, she could feel it on her lips.

As you got closer, you forgot to breathe until your lips faintly touched with hers. And after they touched, she returned the kiss in kind.

Neither of you dared to move further, until you slowly withdrew, leaving her sweet taste lingering on your lips. Malevus looked at you and then averted her gaze away as she realised what you had done. She was blushing like there was no tomorrow and her ears twitched nervously.

And then you carefully pushed her down on the mountain of pillows and kissed her again. This time you weren’t in a hurry to pull your lips back as the two of you found yourself in a deep kiss, your lips exploring hers and vice versa. When you finally pulled back, you realised how much Malevus was blushing, her red hair messy and spread on the pillows.

“I think being your Alric would be fun.” You whispered to her. “And you being my Malevus in return.”

Malevus forgot to breathe for a few seconds as she heard those words and then she forgot to breathe for a few more seconds as you lowered your head on her shoulder, the faint scent of raspberry of her hair entering your senses. Carefully you wrapped your arms around her, one around her back and other over her stomach. Gently hugging her, you closed your eyes and just enjoyed the moment.

She didn’t dare to move immediately until she wrapped her arms around you, gently brushing your hair and pressing her head against yours.

Neither of you said anything. You felt her rapid heartbeat slowdown and the way she breathed got steady as well. The two of you just enjoyed laying next to each other in an embrace.

An hour had passed.

You had shifted a bit and kissed Malevus a couple of times, but not you or her had gone any further.

“Alric… thank you…” Malevus said to you.

“You were the one who asked…” You replied back to her.

“You are right…” She replied.

Carefully she let go of you and sat up. You followed her and sat next to her.

“Could we keep things a bit under wraps? I mean not everyone needs to know immediately?” Malevus asked you.

“As you wish, but should we tell Tari? My parents?” You asked her.

“We can tell her tomorrow and your parents a bit later.” She said back to you and smiled.

She leaned and gave you a kiss.


“I’m nervous…” She confessed. “I’m not that experienced with… these things… but I want one thing to be clear between each other… I want us to be honest and truthful about us and each other.”

“Of course, we are on this together.” You said and continued. “Don’t worry, if anything embarrassing happens, it will happen to the both of us.”

You smiled at her and found her hand again.

“Well it is late already, tomorrow is a new day…” You said to her.

“You are right.” Malevus replied and smiled before standing up.

You stood up with her and embraced her. You didn’t want to let go, but you would have all the time to spend with her in the future. A single more kiss and you let go of her.

“Good night my Alric.” Malevus said.

“Good night my Malevus.” You replied back to her and watched as she walked to the bedroom door.

The faint smile she gave as she left the room made the butterflies inside you go rampant. Malevus wasn’t just a squire anymore, nor just a friend or a bodyguard. She was your girlfriend and now it was your duty to court her. That scared you a bit and had left you slightly clueless. You didn’t really have the time to court Calia and Jandice is a completely different case.

Well, whatever challenges that are in the future you will get through them. And if you didn’t, Malevus would make you hear about it. You chuckled as you went back into your bed, the two of you would make it to work.

You had slept like a baby. The sweetest sleep you have had in a few weeks.

The next morning you and Malevus had told Tari about the last evening. She had been extremely happy for the two of you and wished all the good and success in this endeavour. If there was anything she could do for you, she was ready to help.

In the next two days you and Malevus got used to this new phase of your lives. Faint touches and smiles throughout the day. Hugs, embraces and kisses when the two of you were alone. Wishing good nights and sweet dreams each evening. As Malevus still wasn’t allowed to go out and spar with you or go out riding through the countryside, you went to pick some flowers for her and placed them in a vase in her room. It didn’t feel like much, but it was exactly what she wanted.

Slow and steady, to experience it all.


The preparations for the campaign in Durnholde had continued and you had actually put effort in helping to organise it all. The stress and feeling strung out had dissipated after you and Malevus had started dating.

You had also finally gotten a message from Beric. Apparently the reason why he couldn’t have come was some bullshit law case raised against him and a few other merchants in Southshore. It had taken him all this time to organise a legal defence and argue against some tariffs the new leadership had wanted to enact. He had won, but it had taken all of his effort and time to organise everything and get things sorted out.

But for you it would be approximately two weeks till the march to Durnholde and several opportunities did appear. Something that could gain you an edge, a potential advantage.

>Magistrate Burnside of Hillsbrad Fields seems to stay out of the campaign. Travel to meet him and try to get him to join either the campaign or the Darrowmere League.
>Visiting Strahnbrad Hills and Chief Ragis of Stonedon had been in your plans for some time already. Talk with him and then on the return journey plan the defence of Tarren Mill while the army is away.
>The informants of Eligius have told him that the Regional Defenders are going to march to Durnholde Keep soon, leaving their garrison in Southshore empty. You could have someone try to infiltrate their garrison and see if something useful could be found.

Courting Malevus:
>Write in any ideas.

QM: You got a girlfriend! Of these three options, please choose only one. While technically all of them could be done, I am going to limit you a bit and force you to prioritise.
>>Visiting Strahnbrad Hills and Chief Ragis of Stonedon had been in your plans for some time already. Talk with him and then on the return journey plan the defence of Tarren Mill while the army is away.

It would be prudent to pay a visit to our vassal we have been neglecting for some time.

I suggest we also ready a small gift of either supplies or wealth. Not only that we can share some of what we have learned about inventions, farming, ect. We want them to grow and prosper.

There's also the potential for another spy to have snuck back in.
>>Visiting Strahnbrad Hills and Chief Ragis of Stonedon had been in your plans for some time already. Talk with him and then on the return journey plan the defence of Tarren Mill while the army is away.

read those books again for some ideas. Mostly for harmless fun but also some courting. Beyond that some activity in nature, observing the land and going on our own to enjoy the day together.

Beside that, leave a small letter time to time under her room, or inside her travel bag or under her pillow. For praise her. Be sincere praise, to a playful one, one more martial, on her beauty or what Alric likes in the body. Change places and topics, but keep them secret and where she can easily find them.
>>Visiting Strahnbrad Hills and Chief Ragis of Stonedon had been in your plans for some time already. Talk with him and then on the return journey plan the defence of Tarren Mill while the army is away.
>Magistrate Burnside of Hillsbrad Fields seems to stay out of the campaign. Travel to meet him and try to get him to join either the campaign or the Darrowmere League.

Gotta put in work to expand the League. The Gnoll Campaign. The ogres taking the crossing must be on their minds. Getting to see Alric after the fel incident. The Oil is probably interesting to them as well. Or the surge of population and building that Darnholme is underdoing to rival and surpass Southshore. The Beric legal troubles, presumably caused by Garithos or some of his backers as revenge for not letting him just take over? Or Southshore just wants more money and to fuck with other merchants. Mention of the tariffs. That Garithos wants to take over Durnholde, then Southshore and Durnholde would be joined together more or less.

Courting Malevus:
>Write in any ideas.

Short exchanges in Elvish when they want to say something but theres other people around. Its rather early but at some point they should sauna together "I bet I can outlast you in the sauna". Walk around together, Alric in the Raiment and Malevus in the inviso cloak, see what people are talking about without being spotted. Try to get some elvish wine to replace the tragic loss of the alterac brandy. A silk or linen bracelet of black and red fabric woven together, badly woven on purpose so they have to redo it together. A garden of Black and Red roses, it could be a chance to speak with those witches or that naturalist mage as the foremost herbalists.

Huh that reminds me if Alric isn't very effected by the heat I suppose he could sauna for a very long time. Or he could try pumping even more mana into the Cindersword, or Fel, to get the sword really fucking hot. Cut through steel hot. Gotta try that.
>>The informants of Eligius have told him that the Regional Defenders are going to march to Durnholde Keep soon, leaving their garrison in Southshore empty. You could have someone try to infiltrate their garrison and see if something useful could be found.
Visiting Strahnbrad Hills. Could I have some rolls please? The fan favourite returns, weather and a random event!

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

“I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning.” You said to Malevus as she helped you to put on the Raiments of Dawn. “Pretty early too, I want to reach Stonedon before the night.”

“When will you come back?” She asked you and buttoned up the robe.

“One day to Stonedon, second to go see the oil rig… well the valley where the oil is and then back to Shoredon. Third day to Tarren Mill and back on the fourth.” You told her. “I don’t plan on staying there any longer than needed.”

“We will keep things running here then.” She said and straightened the robe on your shoulders. “There, all good.”

“Thank you Malevus.” You said and smiled back to her.

Placing your hands on her shoulders, you leaned and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek.

“Eligius is already waiting.” You continued and watched as the kiss made her blush. “See you tomorrow morning then.”

“Till tomorrow, good night my Alric.”

“Good night my Malevus.”


You had ridden through most of the morning and early afternoon. To have the speed on your side, you had just taken your knights with you, anything more would slow you down too much. The small cart path from Sofera’s Naze to Stonedon that had formed in the past few months helped the journey a lot. The weather had also continued to be a quite warm one and wearing your full armour didn’t help that much. As much as the warm weather didn’t bother you too much, being sweaty as hell from head to toes did.

Having stopped for a short break mostly to allow your horses to rest a bit and to stretch your legs, you took a seat on a rock next to Sir Cyrus of Westfall.

“Sir Cyrus.” You greeted him.

“My good Prince.” The tall tanned man with black hair in a bowl cut and bushy moustache greeted you back. “Is there anything my good Prince needs?”

“I thought to ask how have you gotten used to living in Alterac, in Dawnholme?” You asked him. “Have you spoken with Eligius yet?”

“I have not, I have been observing my surroundings my good Prince.” Sir Cyrus replied to you.

“Then have you noticed anything?” You asked him. “Anything worth noting, that would be in my interest to know?”

The dragonspawn disguised as a knight thought about something for a couple of seconds before leaning slightly closer.

“The Stonemason’s have had secret meetings, just a couple of men here and there.” He whispered.

That wasn’t surprising. They did keep hold of their identity quite hard.

“Thank you, when we return from Strahnbrad Hills, go speak with Eligius, tell him everything and my order of giving him your help.” You replied to him.

“Of course my good Prince.” Sir Cyrus replied back to you.

“Wonderful, shall we continue?” You asked him.

The knight gave you a polite nod and you ordered your knights to mount up again.


It was early evening when you reached Stonedon. Riding closer to the town within the easily defensible valley, a pair of guards wearing old chainmails and open helmets suddenly became very attentive and stopped leaning on their spears. As they escorted you into Stonedon, you noticed that the wooden palisade that had been built by the previous chief had been pulled apart and several new houses had been built instead.

It didn’t take long for the word to spread through the town and soon your first vassal had arrived to greet you.

“Prince Alric.” Chief Ragis greeted you with a deep, but very stiff bow. The tall bald man wore a simple long tunic and Alteraci cloak on his shoulders.

“Chief Ragis, it’s been a while and for that I will apologise.” You greeted him and dismounted your horse.

“We have heard the news and our town prayed for your health.” Chief Ragis said to you and still kept his head down. “Shall we head inside? To raise a toast for your arrival Prince Alric?”

“That would be splendid.” You replied to him.

That would mean taking off your helmet and showing him your eyes, or you could just wear your dark glasses. You weren’t sure if you should show your eyes to him, what would be his reaction when he sees your Fel green eyes? But he is also your vassal and him seeing your eyes could help to stave off any unnecessary rumours. Then there was also the matter of where you would take a seat.

>Keep your glasses on and hide your eyes. The hill-dwellers can be very superstitious and be shaken by Fel eyes.
>Trust your vassal and show him your eyes. Try to cut any rumours about your condition and eyes away.

>Sit down on the chair of Chief Ragis. You are a Prince and he is just a Chief, your status gives you this right.
>Allow Chief Ragis to sit on his own chair. Stonedon is his town and you are just his guest. Show respect this way.
>Show that you are equals while in his town. Do not take a seat and ask him not to take a seat either.
>Other, write in

QM: Nice weather and no real random events during the trip to Stonedon. I will still take courting ideas.
>>Trust your vassal and show him your eyes. Try to cut any rumours about your condition and eyes away.
>Allow Chief Ragis to sit on his own chair. Stonedon is his town and you are just his guest. Show respect this way.
>>Trust your vassal and show him your eyes. Try to cut any rumours about your condition and eyes away.
>Allow Chief Ragis to sit on his own chair. Stonedon is his town and you are just his guest. Show respect this way.
>>Other, write in: "Once more I would like to apologize- my wound notwithstanding I have a duty to you and your people as my vassals to see that you all live well; can you tell me what has transpired in my absence? I see that you have torn down some of the Palisade and built more homes. Do you require builders?"
>>Trust your vassal and show him your eyes. Try to cut any rumours about your condition and eyes away.

>Allow Chief Ragis to sit on his own chair. Stonedon is his town and you are just his guest. Show respect this way.
And sure on that question
Rather unanimous. Could I have a roll for Chief Ragis and Stonedon. The first 1d10 is for Ragis and second for the town.

>Best of three
Rolled 2, 9 = 11 (2d10)

Rolled 3, 10 = 13 (2d10)

Rolled 7, 10 = 17 (2d10)


“Lead the way Chief Ragis.” You said to him and signalled for him to walk first. You pulled your own cane out of the saddle and followed him.

Stonedon has grown since your last visit. The new buildings that had been built had been the first sign, but then there were more signs of growth. The villagers wore clothes made from new looking cloth, many of them carried tools made from iron and clearly forged either in Tarren Mill or Dawnholme. You could see so many tools and other small things that weren’t here the last time.

“Our village has grown.” Ragis said to you as he noticed you looking around you. “Goods have flown here through traders and through your soldiers.”

“I can see that.” You replied. Even the old stone huts looked like they had been repaired. New wooden fencings and roofs had been built.

The villagers watched as you passed, each of them greeting you with bows or by taking a knee. You replied with small polite nods.

Reaching the old stone house that was the chief's hut, you allowed Ragis to open the door before you stepped in, but after this you decided to allow him to be the king in his own house.

“My house is yours Prince Alric.” Ragis said to you and gave a slight bow. “You may take my seat.”

“That would be unnecessary.” You replied back to him and watched as Sir Gravis stepped in right behind you. “This is your home and I am just a visitor here. The seat is yours, I am quite fine with that old chair over there”

“Of course, as you wish Prince Alric.” Ragis replied.

“Once more I would like to apologise, my incident notwithstanding I have a duty to you and your people as my vassals to see that you all live well. Can you tell me what has transpired in my absence?” You said to him and took off your helmet, passing it to Sir Gravis. The day full of riding had made a mess of your hair so you ran your gauntleted hand through it to make some sense to it before turning to look at Ragis. “I see that you have torn down some of the palisade and built more homes. Do you require builders?"

The moment he saw your eyes, you could see his own eyes springing wide open in response.

“The rumours were true… your eyes…” Ragis said. “Cursed eyes.”

“Rather unfortunate that I survived, isn’t it?” You asked him and took a seat on the old chair. “Now all cursed and tainted.”

“How can you be so nonchalant about it?” He asked you.

“Because with these eyes or not, I am still the same man as before.” You replied rather nonchalantly. “The Syndicate were quite unlucky when their plan to poison me failed, because they now know that they won’t get a second opportunity.”

You had to get rid of your stash of Alteraci Brandy as a smokescreen to sell the lie and the story about the poisoning. And you still hadn’t gotten it replaced…

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“Still a bad omen…” He replied.

You stood up immediately.

“Omen or not, what matters is that I am still alive. Be it Fel green eyes or no Fel green eyes, I’m not going to allow them to stop me. If I were to allow their actions to affect me, would we have managed to stop Eston? Would I have managed to defeat their force in Shoredon or claim this region to Alterac?”

“You wouldn’t have Prince Alric.” Ragis replied to you as you had raised your voice slightly.

“Sir Gravis, would I have accomplished any of that?” You asked your knight, still not yet officially promoted.

“No Prince Alric.” He replied with a smile.

“I am sorry for having doubted you Prince Alric.” Ragis said back to you. He was slightly uneasy due to this conversation and your eyes, but seemed to keep it all inside him now.

You smiled back to your vassal and sat back down on your old chair.

“Now please, your throne is empty.” You said to him. “And you did promise something to drink.”

Ragis stood there for a second and then went for his own larger chair. It wasn’t exactly a throne, but it was fitting for the Chief of Stonedon. He sat there and looked slightly down at you. A tall bald hill-dweller in his tunic looking down at his black haired, green eyed, young Prince in his elven masterwork armour that is more worth than what Ragis and Stonedon had made combined in a decade.

“Now shall we talk, I really want to hear what has been going on in here?”

Stonedon had survived through the winter without many issues and when the Army of Alterac had marched into Strahnbrad Hills, Stonedon had provided them with support and their hospitality. In return Alteraci and Tarren Mill goods had flowed into the small town. There had been no issues or problems that had appeared.

In Stonedon everything was good and fine.

“One reason why I came here was to inform you that I would be campaigning in Durnholde in two weeks or so and I am planning on taking the majority of my soldiers with me.” You said to him as you sipped the beer you had been provided. “I am planning on leaving just a small garrison, couple squads or so to Shoredon.”

“That is not much Prince Alric.” Ragis said to you.

“No, it is not, but based on what we know, most threats that we could face haven’t acted. The trolls are in the mountains, orcs have stayed away. Gnolls, the Syndicate and whatever else are on the other side of the Darrowmere River.” You said to him. “We have an opportunity to do much and I cannot go and let it pass.”

“Then what can Stonedon do for you Prince Alric? I spoke with Captain Garside and offered our help, but he refused. Called our men too green.” Ragis said to you. “We guarded the supplies then.”

“And you did well.” You replied back.

That was the question, what would you ask of Chief Ragis and his soldiers? He was a solid warrior, but his men were green. They had the arms and armour you had provided them, but what could twenty good men accomplish?


-Chief Ragis with 20 Green Footmen, your vassal

>Have them join the campaign in Durnholde. They need the experience and Chief Ragis could use a proper campaign under his belt. Risky to pull them out of Strahnbrad Hills, but your enemies seem to be content at staying put.
>Order them to join the regular patrols across the Strahnbrad Hills to Sofera’s Naze, oil rig, Shoredon and Tarren Mill. It is as much responsibility that you can give to them.
>Tell them to concentrate on guarding and protecting Stonedon. It is their home and his men just aren’t skilled enough to join the campaign.
>Other, write in

QM: The people of Stonedon are doing swimmingly, but Chief Ragis is shaken by your eyes.
>>Order them to join the regular patrols across the Strahnbrad Hills to Sofera’s Naze, oil rig, Shoredon and Tarren Mill. It is as much responsibility that you can give to them.
>other: "Your men may be green and while nothing can be done this time, perhaps it would do to get them training alongside our own and patrolling. How would you feel about having your men trained in Dawnholme?"

I am going to assume Green means barely above militia here, and since they are warriors not soldiers they wouldn't know how to work cohesively yet.

While Green units are half as expensive than Regular ones, they aren't half as bad though. 20 Green Footmen can beat 10 Regular Footmen through power of numbers.
Doesn't that favour quantity > quality too much? I mean why should we upgrade troops when buying more is both cheaper and better?

How often do the battles happen in vacuum where it is 20 Greens vs 10 Regulars without the variables like input from dice, named characters, environment, rest of the army etc. It might be beneficial to have the numbers in the field against certain foes. The enemy might not realise that they are facing Green troops either. You are also paying the Upkeep for 20 men instead of just 10 as well and need to replace more casualties too. All in all there are benefits and negatives to Green troops, but generally Regulars are more optimal choice and Veterans kick their ass next.

Similarly how in vacuum the Greens beat Regulars is also why Alric is such a good fighter. If he can get into a duel without anyone interrupting him against vaguely human sized opponent armed with a normal weapon, he punches above the Martial 5 stat would make him to. He just needs to get into those duels without any of those variables, just like the Greens need to be able to beat the Regulars.
That means more deaths from military inexperience in any encounter. Our military wouldn't want to be known as a meat grinder.

>Order them to join the regular patrols across the Strahnbrad Hills to Sofera’s Naze, oil rig, Shoredon and Tarren Mill. It is as much responsibility that you can give to them.
Of course the variable change things but that's not what I was talking about. As laid out bu you, quantity is objectively better for winning battles than quality.
I'm only seeing downsides to them not training, a variable you forgot to mention is morale. Green troops might freeze at pivotal moments and not know how to react, thus getting a bunch killed, regulars will freeze as well but their body takes over with training and keeps working. Not to mention with training they know well enough not to run as soon as one or two die.
>>Order them to join the regular patrols across the Strahnbrad Hills to Sofera’s Naze, oil rig, Shoredon and Tarren Mill. It is as much responsibility that you can give to them.
>>Order them to join the regular patrols across the Strahnbrad Hills to Sofera’s Naze, oil rig, Shoredon and Tarren Mill. It is as much responsibility that you can give to them.
Again quite unanimous, could I have some more rolls for other stuff going on in Strahnbrad Hills.

>Best of three, taking the second roll


Both of you are right
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 1 (1d10)


Well it was nice to see the town improve even if they haven't put that growth into more military, they were rather threadbare before. Shame that we shook up poor Chief Ragis with the Fel eyes. Not really much else to do here but to order them to join the patrols while we go to war. I can't really think of anything I'd really want to do with these people.
it's like total war in a sense. Say I have two units of spearmen, they both kill eachother at the same rate. Now I add experience to one unit, it starts coming out on top. Then I add another unit of spearmen, the unit starts to struggle, but the more experience I add the better they do.

By the end, at rank ten, the highest rank, that unit can kill three other units alone before taking too many casualties and routing.
I would wonder about what he thinks can be done in Shoredon. Maybe the oil rig. Or see if he wants to visit Dawnholme time to time, or when there is an important council/war council session. Stuff like that.
We could also just talk really get to know him more and Stonedon in general.

Next campaign i do want them on the battlefield. Ragis and more importantly his men could use more war experience. Them becoming regulars would be nice
“I will have you and your warriors to join the patrols, even with our enemies inactive, we need to be alert.” You said to him and continued immediately. “We have previously cooperated with Tarren Mill in setting up the patrols to have solid coverage of the left bank of the river. So I want you to come with me to Tarren Mill and meet with Mayor Fowley.”

“To Tarren Mill? I haven’t visited the town in a long time, but me and my men will do our best with the patrols.” Ragis replied back to you.

“I know you will. I hope that this is the first move towards gaining more experience and for you to be able to recruit more of your warriors.” You said.

“Not that many of us have the necessary skills…” Ragis said and thought for a moment. “Maybe levying the hunters?”

“Not the worst idea.” You said back to him. “But do not be hasty, we have more pressing concerns than that.”

“Of course Prince Alric.” He replied with a nod. “I will have dinner soon prepared for the two of us.”

“Thank you Chief Ragis, I appreciate the hospitality.”

The talks with him continued late into the evening. You had taken off your armour and found yourself still feeling overdressed in the black arming jacket and trousers combination you had. And while the freshly caught and prepared hare with some swamp herbs was really good, it did remind you of the stark contrast between Dawnholme or Alterac and with Strahnbrad Hills. The land was poor and the people hardy. You couldn’t expect as much from Stonedon as you did from your own people.

Chief Ragis did insist on you sleeping in his bed and having allowed him to sit on his own chair, you allowed him to have this win. When you jumped into his bed, you didn’t immediately fall asleep. Your mind just went back into the past few days. A warm fuzzy feeling appeared inside you when the image of Malevus appeared in your mind. Her fair face and beauty, how her touch felt on your skin, the taste of her lips and the scent of her hair.

It was a good feeling. Maybe this thing with Malevus could work?



“Prince Alric, please don’t touch it.” Sergeant Benedict said to you. The former thug had been dutifully serving you for some time and spent a lot of time in Strahnbrad Hills. Most of all of your officers.

You turned your head slightly to acknowledge him and stood up.

“You are right, I would just get my gauntlets all dirty.” You replied.

In front of you was a small puddle of tarry sand.

It was strange to see the place that Captain Garside and the Army of Alterac had worked hard to secure. The oil rig would be built here. Already several small huts had been built and stashes of materials under tarps had been carried here. Having spoken with a pair of goblins in the employ of Krix Wiklish, they were mostly waiting for the Dark Irons to arrive. Outside of that, things were ready.


Immense wealth, immense at least for you and Alterac, was just a puddle of tarry sand right now. It felt strange how this otherwise unassuming valley could be so important to you, there were just few rocks and small scrubs around here.

“It doesn’t look like much, but trust me Chief Ragis, back in the Second War this was what they fought over so that they could control the seas.” You said to him. He was wearing the full plate you had gifted to him and had a pair of his warriors with him.

“Alright, let’s go to Shoredon. I want to get there before nightfall.” You said and clapped your hands. “Not much to see here, not yet.”


“Prince Alric!” One of the footmen in Shoredon greeted you and then looked at Sergeant Benedict. He hadn’t expected to see you here.

“What is it soldier?” You asked him and raised your hand to greet him back.

“We have a problem… we found tracks south of us a couple of hours ago while on patrol.” The soldier told you and glanced at the Sergeant. “We didn’t follow the tracks.”

“What tracks?” You asked the soldier. “How many?”

“Orc tracks Prince Alric, a single orc going west after it crossed the river. We didn’t follow them as ordered.” The soldier told you.

“You didn’t follow? On whose orders?” You asked and raised your voice slightly.

“My orders Prince Alric, to not go after a too dangerous woe.” Sergeant Benedict said back to you.

Damn it! Orc tracks now? A lone orc travelling west, maybe a messenger from Warsong Clan to Frostwolves? You didn’t think it would be Thrall, he should be with his clan. You had most of Sergeant Benedict’s men here, as were your knights and Chief Ragis. Easily large enough force to try to follow and catch the orc. But should you even interact with an orc unless forced?

>Gather all of your men, see if you could chase the orc down. Having men on foot will slow you down, but you would definitely have the numbers to deal with the orc.
>Take your knights and chase the orc down. You should have the speed to catch the orc even if it has several hours lead.
>Go investigate the tracks and confirm what they had found, but do not chase the orc down. Evening and the night are slowly arriving.
>Trust the footman and his report. Even a single orc can be a dangerous opponent to a handful of soldiers in a patrol.
>Other, write in.

QM: Everything was well at the oil rig, but a sudden visitor arrived.
>Take your knights and chase the orc down. You should have the speed to catch the orc even if it has several hours lead.

I'm not quite sure what the trusting footman option means, and what the consequences are, but we have the means so we should intercept this orc. Gravis and men know their way around orcs, and Cyrus should be reliable.
>Take your knights and chase the orc down. You should have the speed to catch the orc even if it has several hours lead.
This is worth investigating.
>>Take your knights and chase the orc down. You should have the speed to catch the orc even if it has several hours lead.
>Take your knights and chase the orc down. You should have the speed to catch the orc even if it has several hours lead.
>>Take your knights and chase the orc down. You should have the speed to catch the orc even if it has several hours lead.

Trust the footman option is the "QM was tired when finishing the update and forgot to word it better" option. It should have been the stay in Shoredon and do nothing option, basically letting the orc go without investigating the tracks or anything else.

Now though, could Alric and the knights have a roll to see if they succeed in catching the orc or following the tracks? No DCs this time

>3d10, Best of three
>Higher the better
Rolled 1, 8, 4 = 13 (3d10)

Rolled 6, 5, 8 = 19 (3d10)

Rolled 2, 10, 2 = 14 (3d10)

“I will take the knights and follow the tracks.” You said to everyone around you. “Sergeant Benedict, Chief Ragis. The two of you and your men stay here as you aren’t mounted. Just give me the men who found the tracks so that we can find them in the first place. Speed is to our advantage!”

Your knights gave you agreeing nods.

“Sir Gravis, you and your men still remember how to apprehend an orc?” You asked them.

“We do, but we don’t have our nets or other tools.” He replied back to you. “But we just need rope or preferably a proper iron chain to tie the bastard up.”

“Alright Benedict, find any good rope or chain and get it to Sir Gravis as fast as you can. Then we will be off.” You told them. “Now go, we can’t waste any time!”


Sir Gravis had gotten his rope and chain and the patrol that had found the tracks had jogged behind you till the tracks had been found.

It really was just a track of a single orc. A pair of heavy boots coming from the river, crossed the cart path that had formed between Shoredon and Tarren Mill and then went west deeper into the hills. You weren’t a master tracker like Rovers, but you and the knights knew enough of how to follow simple boot tracks to not be thrown off.

The orc had been smart, it had tried to walk on rocks and stones, avoided bushes where branches could snap and too wet portions of the valleys where the boots could leave easy prints behind it. And while the strides were long, it was moving slower than you were chasing it. Sooner than later you would catch the orc, or you would lose the tracks as the night started to fall on you.

Dusk was slowly arriving, but the short summer night would be on your side.

“We are close.” Sir Gravis said as he stood up. “The tracks are very fresh, the grass hasn't recovered from getting stepped on."

“How close?” You asked him.

“Half an hour, maybe less.”

It had gotten darker. Not too dark, but the window to catch the orc before it gets too dark was slipping.

“Then we have to go.” You said back.

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 15, Crit 22
Rolled 8, 10, 10 = 28 (3d10)


Alright then! I am not going to even wait for the next set of these rolls and in fact I am going to ask for different set of dice. Could I have three rolls of 1d10, each of them are going to mean something.

>Taking all three rolls.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

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5 KB

The rolls were, is the orc prepared to face you, how lethargic is it and does it know common language. Results are somewhat prepared, not lethargic at all and nope, can't speak common. I am going to ask for one more roll, to see from what Clan is the orc from. Not all Clans are available due to lore reasons. So whoever gets to be the first to roll, roll well to get your favourite Clan!

>Single roll
Rolled 6 (1d9)

So the orc is explicitely not from the Warsong or the Frostwolf clans huh
I wonder what that means

Also no Flowerpicker option? baka
>28, Crit Success!

You weren’t sure if the orc was tired or not, or if it thought that no one would be following it as its tracks suddenly got very sloppy. The boot prints got heavy and it didn’t even try to avoid the scrubs as a line of snapped twigs and grass that had been stomped down marked its trail really well.

Following the tracks, you rode through a valley and another, and then went over a hill and yet another. Deeper into the hills you rode, closer to the orc you got until finally you spotted it as you crested a hill and looked down.

Maybe two hundred yards away in the middle of a valley an orc was trying to run away. It must have heard you approaching, but now it was in the open. Easiest prey ever.

“Line formation, spread out!” You ordered your knights and immediately started to ride down the hill.

It took a moment for them to take their positions, but soon your knights were riding alongside you, covering most of the hillside and soon the valley floor. Whatever the orc tried, its chance to get away would be a small one. And it realised it.

The orc turned around and as you galloped closer, you got a good look at it.

Compared to the orcs who had followed Thrall, it was about their size, but what made it different from those in the camps was that it wasn’t lanky. Frankly it looked surprisingly healthy, yet its red glowing eyes peered through a mask of some sort. A mask that looked like a skull that was laughing. It had a simple fur loincloth, a pauldron kept on his right shoulder with a large leather strap across its chest and then its large boots, suitable for marching across the plains and lands. It looked like an orc as described in the books, except it had the peculiar mask.

The orc brandished its two handed axe and took a wide stance, while you raised your hand and made your knights stop maybe fifty yards away. That was more than enough to pick up speed and charge it if needed. Picking up your shield with your left arm and taking a good grip of it, you drew the Cinder Sword and prepared yourself.

“There are six of us! And only one of you!” You shouted at the orc. “Surrender and you won’t be harmed!”

The orc shouted something back at you in orcish and then started to laugh. Its laugh was hollow, very cruel sounding yet confident.

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“Do any of you speak orcish?” You asked your knights.

“No, just a couple words here and there.” Sir Gravis replied. “Didn’t understand anything it said.”

“No my good Prince.” Sir Cyrus said back.

The masked orc laughed harder as it dug its heels into the ground and clearly prepared for a battle. Its laughter picked up this manic tone and you couldn’t predict when it would charge you if it even would charge you.

“My good Prince, let me have the honour.” Sir Cyrus asked you.

It was tempting to have your new knight to fight the orc and defeat it in battle, but Sir Gravis and his knights were just there and they had the expertise of how to handle an orc, even if they didn’t have the right tools for it. But it was even more tempting to deal with the orc by yourself, you were rather confident about being able to handle one orc. You had beaten Thrall who was a renowned gladiator, you had beaten Arthas in Stormwind City. You could beat this orc, after all you are a well-known swordsman and duelist.

>Allow Sir Cyrus to fight the orc alone. Give him the honour of combat. Just have him take the orc alive.
>Sir Gravis and his boys know how to handle orcs. Even without the tools they used in Durnholde, they should be able to capture the orc alive.
>Who says that you need to play fairly. There are six of you and there is only one orc. Numbers game.
>Duel the orc alone. You are fairly sure that you can deal with it and subdue it without much issues.
>Other, write in.

Dueling the orc:
>Fight on foot, you are much better at fighting on foot than on horseback
>Fight on horseback, horse gives you reach and mobility you don’t have when on foot.

QM: You caught the orc when it is still somewhat light in a way where you have the control of how you are going to fight it. All four options have their own benefits, but also potentially negatives. What option would be the safest and/or what could get you most out of the orc in the long run? I am giving you this info and the scenario due to that very good roll.

Of course, choose the Dueling the orc option if you end up wanting to duel the orc alone. Silly me for not mention it immediately.
>Duel the orc alone. You are fairly sure that you can deal with it and subdue it without much issues.

Its been how long since his last good fight? The Death Knight? The ogre? Alric would fight this laughing skull orc. Once the adrenaline/fel survival instinct kicks in and Alric starts laughing like a madman they will bond in a way that words can't compare. Its kino.
>Duel the orc alone. You are fairly sure that you can deal with it and subdue it without much issues.
>Fight on foot, you are much better at fighting on foot than on horseback
Been a while since we had a duel yeah.
>Duel the orc alone. You are fairly sure that you can deal with it and subdue it without much issues.
Yer havin a laugh mate.

>Fight on foot, you are much better at fighting on foot than on horseback
>>Duel the orc alone. You are fairly sure that you can deal with it and subdue it without much issues.
>Fight on foot, you are much better at fighting on foot than on horseback
>>Allow Sir Cyrus to fight the orc alone. Give him the honour of combat. Just have him take the orc alive.
>Sir Gravis and his boys know how to handle orcs. Even without the tools they used in Durnholde, they should be able to capture the orc alive.
Easily dismounting your horse, you hopped down on the ground.

“Prince Alric, what are you doing?” Sir Gravis asked you.

“Dealing with the orc by myself.” You replied and then spoke to your horse. “Epona, can you stay still for a moment, I might need the help of the knights.”

Epona neighed back which was good enough of a reply, at least she didn’t try to eat your helmet.

“We will be right behind you.” Sir Gravis replied to you.

But at that point you had stopped listening as you walked closer to the orc with your tall elven kite shield by your side. Stretching your shoulders a bit, you did a couple wide swings with the Cinder Sword, allowing it to heat up as the dull grey steel started to pick the colours of heated metal.

And at a distance of approximately twenty yards, you raised the shield up and placed it in front of you while taking your usual ready stance of pointing the sword directly at the orc. And at that moment the laughing orc charged.

The orc was larger than you, it was stronger than you and its two handed axe could probably cleave a man in two. By how you fought against Thrall, who to be honest is a untypical orc, and how you had fought against the Blackrock orcs and seen how Thrall's clanmates had fought, you had a pretty good idea how this laughing orc would try to defeat you. With strength and using the reach of the large axe. It probably wants to cleave you in half and be done with you as quickly as possible

But you were wearing Aurvan'kal and the kite shield that was part of it was tall and strong. It wouldn’t be that easy for the orc to just cleave you in two. In fact it is most likely impossible knowing how good your armour really was. And as the orc took its first step of its charge, you had to make the decision how you would try to fight back, especially as it would be a bit tricky to not outright kill the orc thanks to its lack of real armour. But even with that in mind, you were sure that you would succeed.

>Alteraci Footman Drill
>Match strength with strength and go for heavy deliberate strikes
>Duck and weave, allow the orc to tire itself out
>Try to disarm it by breaking the wooden shaft of its two handed axe.

>Ignite the Cinder Sword
>Try to blind the orc with a flash of fire to give you an opening
>No magic

Do you use Fel:

Mana: 2/2
Fel: 1/1

QM: Choose the style of fighting and if you want to use magic.
>Duck and weave, allow the orc to tire itself out
>Ignite the Cinder Sword
>Try to disarm it by breaking the wooden shaft of its two handed axe.
>Try to blind the orc with a flash of fire to give you an opening
>Duck and weave, allow the orc to tire itself out
>Ignite the Cinder Sword
Alric has the advantage with men and numbers. No need to rush, but we can tire and dazzle the orc until he can't go further.
>Duck and weave, allow the orc to tire itself out
And take advantage of any openings from the heavy swings.

>No magic
>No fel
>>Duck and weave, allow the orc to tire itself out
>Ignite the Cinder Sword
>>Alteraci Footman Drill
ol reliable

>Ignite the Cinder Sword

Ducking and weaving, trying to get the orc to tire itself out and igniting the Cinder Sword at the same time. Rather sensible defensive approach taken. DCs in order are overall combat and getting the Cinder Sword on fire in timely manner.

>3d10, Best of four
>DC 12, 15, Crit 21
Rolled 3, 7, 9 = 19 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 9, 4 = 22 (3d10)

Rolled 5, 8, 2 = 15 (3d10)

Rolled 1, 10, 5 = 16 (3d10)

No update today, absolutely knackered from work. First phase of the combat is in Alric's bag and with the crit he has the advantage. I will try to write the update as soon as possible tomorrow.
>22, Crit Success!

Snapping your fingers behind your shield, a small green flame appeared on the tip of your sword before turning back into normal yellow and red. Quickly the flames raced up the blade, engulfing it and illuminating the grass around you.

And at that moment the orc was on top of you. With a downward swing, it tried to cleave you in half. A swing which you easily avoided with a couple quick steps to your side, forcing the orc to change the direction of the axe mid-swing. The two handed axe lost its momentum and harmlessly bounced off your shield, giving you an extra second to make some space between you and the orc.

The orc recovered, raising the axe back high up and went on the offensive again. Another downward swing you avoided turned into a jab at your shield. Metal impacted metal with a clang and you felt the strength behind it. The orc pressed again, switching to wide horizontal swings. The first one from your right missed as you leaned back, but the return swing from left forced you to drop down on your knee as the axe passed just above your head and helmet.

There was your opening. As the orc stood in front of you and the momentum of the axe pulled its arms away from you, the orc’s side was all open. A mere flick of your wrist was needed to press the Cinder Sword on the orc’s unprotected flesh and then you just pulled the sword back. The burning blade cut into the flesh, leaving a shallow cut behind it.

As quickly as you had cut the orc, you scrambled away from it. A couple steps back was only needed as the orc took a couple unsteady steps until it planted the axe on the grassy ground and with a free hand touched the wound.

The cut on the orc’s right side wasn’t that deep, but it did bleed through the orc’s fingers. The flames and the heat the blade emits had caused some burns as the green skin had blistered slightly. Clearly it was a painful wound, but not a deadly one.

The orc laughed behind its mask. The hollow laugh turned practically into howling until the orc took a deep breath and switched its stance to a lower one, legs wider apart and the large axe closer to its body. A more controlled stance, it had realised that you could just avoid the big slow swings, so now was the time for something else. The orc was good, but you had gotten the first hit in and seen what the reach of the axe was and how the orc could move it.

Again raising your shield and keeping it between you and the orc, you prepared yourself for another go at it. As the flames licked upwards on the Cinder Sword, small droplets of your liquid fire fell on the grass. Similarly small droplets of the orc’s blood dropped on the grass.

The orc didn’t move, it invited you to come at it. The laughter ended, but your smiling started. Now let's see who is the better fighter, you or the orc?

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>Alteraci Footman Drill
>Match strength with strength and go for heavy deliberate strikes
>Try to disarm it by breaking the wooden shaft of its two handed axe.
>Attempt to blind the orc with a flash of fire to give you an opening

Do you use Fel:

Mana: 1/2
Fel: 1/1
>>Try to disarm it by breaking the wooden shaft of its two handed axe.
>>Alteraci Footman Drill
Its time to destroy
>Try to disarm it by breaking the wooden shaft of its two handed axe.
>>Try to disarm it by breaking the wooden shaft of its two handed axe.
>>Alteraci Footman Drill
I will call the vote now for an attempt to try to disarm the orc, if I get the rolls, I might get the update out later today. Now though, trying to break the weapon won't be an easy task. Alric won the first test of skills with a handy crit, that is going to help him overall by lowering the first DC. DCs are staying on top of the fight and successfully breaking the wooden shaft.

>3d10, Best of four
>DC 14, 20, Crit 25
Rolled 8, 9, 9 = 26 (3d10)

Rolled 6, 1, 10 = 17 (3d10)


Jesus Christ! Calm down Alric! Calm the fuck down!
Rolled 9, 1, 8 = 18 (3d10)

Do we even need to roll?

Not really, no. I am going to get some coffee and start writing soonish. I had planned on continuing my annual WC3 campaign replay and finish the RoC undead campaign, but I will do the writing first. Yeah Alric is going to handle that orc, pretty easily.
Rolled 4, 4, 8 = 16 (3d10)

No updoot today? :(
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Cyrus's face when he faces no combat
>26, Crit Success!

If the orc wouldn’t come at you, then you would come at the orc. You raised the Cinder Sword above your head, telegraphing your intent to strike down and when you took the first steps towards the orc, it braced itself to block whatever attack you would attempt. Which was exactly what you wanted to happen.

You closed into the striking distance and brought the Cinder Sword down. The orc did as you had predicted or more accurately wanted as it brought the axe up in an attempt to block your swing. Cinder Sword shed flames as it swung through the air and at the moment when it struck the wood, sparks and droplets of fire were shed off.

The first strike hadn’t broken the shaft, just left a notch where the Cinder Sword had struck. The orc realised now what your plan was as you raised the Cinder Sword again and went for another strike at the shaft. It left the orc only a few options available, either kill you first or lose its weapon.

The orc blocked again and your sword shed flames and embers again. It took steps back in an attempt to create distance while trying to find its way around your shield and blade. A short swing stopped by your shield forced it to block with the shaft again. You pressed the orc, telegraphing your swings as it took steps back and tried to block the strikes with the head of the axe.

The orc didn’t laugh, you didn’t give it any time for it as time after time Cinder Sword found the large axe. The orc didn’t even get a chance to strike back either, that busy it was trying to keep you away from delivering the strike that will break its axe. The wound on its side bothered the orc clearly, it avoided certain moves that could aggravate it. You found it curious how this orc that had laughed so maniacally, wears this strange mask and swung the large axe with so little care and with a lot of abandon, would now be so defensive?

It definitely knew what you were attempting to do, to break its weapon and not kill it, to take it alive as a prisoner. Yet the orc who had presented itself as mad and ferocious fighter, with red eyes that were glowing with whatever demonic power the orcs had been filled with, fought so carefully as if avoiding getting wounded. You could have imagined it not pulling any punches.


Victory or death! Lok-tar ogar!

But no, there it was taking your strikes and trying to find that opening to deliver a strike of its own.

You laughed at the idea. How the orc moved made it clear that it knew how to fight, it wasn’t just something to walk through. Yet you were walking straight through it while laughing about it. Each swing of your sword didn’t need any thought behind it. Cinder Sword acted as an extension of your arm, of your body.

It was time to put an end to this. Instead of a swing, you changed your approach and slammed your shield at the orc. The ultra light elven metal of the shield collided with the more crudely forged metal of the orcish axe. The axe slammed on the orc’s chest and as it recovered, you brought the Cinder Sword down one more time. Embers and fire flew everywhere as the blade struck wood and next they were joined by splinters. The wooden shaft had been struck in half and the orc found itself holding the two pieces. And before it could react, you brought your blade up, catching the jaw of its skull mask.

And with a flick up you unmasked the orc.

And with a bash your shield hit the orc straight on its jaw, sending it reeling. And one more to send it flying, with a thumb the large orc hit the grass, the two pieces of its axe falling off its hands.

The orc was down and you laughed. It hadn’t expected any of this to happen. To face someone of your skill. Oh you felt alive, this was a good victory and you felt so good with the fire of your mana burning brightly inside you.

Now though, you took a couple steps forward and pointed Cinder Sword at the orc. It stared at you with its red eyes, not moving at all as it waited for your next move.

>Have Sir Gravis and the knights tie the orc up. They know what they are doing even if it is a bit rough.
>Order the orc to stand up and then have it tied up. Show a bit of respect towards the orc.
>Let the orc go, for whatever reason it was travelling through your lands and it might need to fulfil whatever duty it had
>Other, write in.


I wouldn't forget you my lovely anon :3
>Order the orc to stand up and then have it tied up. Show a bit of respect towards the orc.

Does Gravis & co know enough to say stand, obey in Orcish language?
>Other, write in.
Try a few words to see if he gets a reaction. Thrall. Frostwolf. etc? I wonder if Cyrus can pick up on orc tells.

>Order the orc to stand up and then have it tied up. Show a bit of respect towards the orc.

Wave the sword up a bit. Take the orc axe, and his mask along.
Men alric is becoming quite the beast in close combat.
>Order the orc to stand up and then have it tied up. Show a bit of respect towards the orc
>>Order the orc to stand up and then have it tied up. Show a bit of respect towards the orc.
>Order the orc to stand up and then have it tied up. Show a bit of respect towards the orc.
we have multiple knights with us, he cant do much.
Being polite to an orc, a Perenolde Special?

>Best of three
Rolled 10 (1d10)

inb4 triple 1 and be tries to grab us
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 9 (1d10)

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I won't elaborate further.

Evil QM.
What did he mean by this? Give us a hint!


Stop playing Kairos Fateweaver, are drunk or something?

That would be a surprisingly apt description for a QM. Except I give you the fate and it is your task to weave it to direction you want with your decision.
i have an half idea of what it could be
The orc turned out to be a gentlemanly master of etiquette in the school of the Laughing Skull, thought not ability in arms. This dapper orc was a courier-diplomat running messages between the clans and would convey appropriate respects to the masters of other clans.

Now that Alric has bested him, he would extend grudging respects and some level of manners to his captor until he can effect an escape and continue sending his message.

How did I do, Medivh?

You laughed and then stifled it. You had won simple as that. Cinder Sword burned in your hand and you flicked its point up a couple times as you took two steps back.

“Stand up.” You said to the orc, knowing that it wouldn’t understand you.

It looked back at you with its red eyes and didn’t move.

“I said, stand up.” You repeated yourself.

The orc still stayed still. You looked at it and studied its face. It was an older orc, a short grey beard jutted out of its jaw, otherwise it was bald with several scars decorating its face. There were a couple more across its body, not products of swords or heavy blades, but that of daggers.

“Right then.” You said as the orc chose not to move. With a snap the flames disappeared from the Cinder Sword and you sheathed the blade before you offered your hand to the orc. “Take it and your quality is known amongst your enemies.”

“Prince Alric.” Sir Gravis protested.

“The orc fought well, it… he deserves this honour of mine.” You replied back to your knight. “Just be ready to tie him up.”

The red eyes stared at you for a while until the large hand of the orc reached out for you. You took the hand and helped to pull the orc larger than you up.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t resist.” You said to the orc, still knowing it wouldn’t understand you.

“Sir Gravis, can you tie him up. And please don’t be overly rough if he doesn’t resist.” You ordered your knights and kept your eyes at the orc.

Your knights did as told as they surrounded the laughing orc, pulling its arms behind his back and starting to tie them with rope and chain. The orc didn't stop staring at you until it was time to tie its legs. During all this he didn’t resist at all and allowed Sir Gravis and the knights to do their job. It didn’t take long for the orc’s hands and legs to be chained and bound with rope.

Having given your shield to Sir Cyrus, you stared at the laughing orc. Peculiar thing it was, how it carried itself and how it had practically surrendered itself to you. A messenger between Clans? An errant warrior having been caught? You weren’t sure, but you would find out soon enough.

Now just to get the orc bound and wrapped to Shoredon and then to Dawnholme.


The orc rested against a rock as you sat on a stone and prodded a small campfire with a stick. Sir Cyrus stood at attention behind you while Sir Gravis and the rest were looking for more firewood. Except Joe who had been sent to ride to Shoredon to bring the news there and bring a horse cart back to transport the orc.

You peered at the orc, your helmet half concealing your gaze at it.

The orc looked back at you as the shadows produced by the campfire danced beyond its back.

Sir Gravis had searched the orc and taken a trio of daggers away from it. One from its belt and one from each boot it wore. Outside of that nothing much of notice. No letters, no parchments, just a waterskin and a small bag of salted hare meat. If the orc was a messenger, it was carrying everything it knew verbally. Which meant that if the orc really didn’t know common, you would either have to learn orcish or find someone who could talk their language to know what it was saying. If the orc chose to speak to you in the first place.

The orc leaned at the rock and seemingly found a comfortable position as it closed its red eyes. Peculiar thing the orc was, seemingly had surrendered to you.

“You fought well my good Prince.” Sir Cyrus said to you.

“Thank you Sir Cyrus.” You said back to him.

He was right, you had fought well, bested this orc and laughed through it. Yet the fight hadn’t been that serious, the orc hadn’t fought to its full strength or skill. It hadn’t thrown itself at you like the orcs of the stories did.

Empleton dropped a handful of twigs next to the fire, that interrupted your thoughts. You nodded at the knight and added a few to the fire. The night had arrived and the moons or more accurately a sliver of it was up. They didn’t illuminate the scene that much, so the campfire did most of the work.

“You know Sir Cyrus, fighting against the orcs isn’t that difficult, especially when they don’t resist fully.” You said to your new knight and continued in Draconic as there was no one else around and you didn’t think the orc would understand you. “He did not fight… to the death.”

“The orc knows something.” Sir Cyrus replied back to you and continued in common. “Is there anything you need my good Prince?”

“Sleep, I am tired as Fel.” You replied back to him and yawned.

Right, now just to wait for the horse cart to arrive and then to transport the orc to Dawnholme. You could probably have your knights do it tomorrow while you go and visit Tarren Mill. Now then just to take a comfortable position and rest a bit, or should you entertain yourself and talk with the orc who doesn’t know common?


>You should sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day and you should catch as much rest as possible. Maybe you could dream of Malevus, that would be fun.
>Talk with the laughing orc. It doesn’t understand you, but you should introduce yourself and you should use words that it should understand.
>Speak with Sir Cyrus. He seems to be in a thoughtful mood regarding the orc.
>Other, write in.

>Take off your helmet and show your eyes to the orc
>Don’t take off your helmet, the orc doesn’t need to see your eyes.


Good musing, the orc might be a messenger
>>Speak with Sir Cyrus. He seems to be in a thoughtful mood regarding the orc.

>Take off your helmet and show your eyes to the orc
>>Speak with Sir Cyrus. He seems to be in a thoughtful mood regarding the orc.

>Take off your helmet and show your eyes to the orc
An older orc, a skilled veteran, which should imply he serves a respectable chief to be sent out. How many big orc chiefs are left, and in this area? Would orcs, or anyone, use an old veteran warrior for a message? Maybe if it was a really important message, or it requires some skill. A duty that wouldn't allow for a selfish death. One presumes an errant warrior orc would be content to just die if bested.

In the fight he kept looking and waiting for an opportunity. Is he hoping for an opportunity to escape, or he is expecting company. Perhaps he was going to meet with other orcs who were on their way to meet in the middle. He expects that other orcs will come looking for him and encounter this group, but Alric is skilled enough to be a problem even if they do appear.

Or big honor thonking.

>Speak with Sir Cyrus. He seems to be in a thoughtful mood regarding the orc.
>Other, write in.
"Does he seem like hes expecting company?"

>Take off your helmet and show your eyes to the orc
>and you should use words that it should understand.
>>Speak with Sir Cyrus. He seems to be in a thoughtful mood regarding the orc.
>Don’t take off your helmet, the orc doesn’t need to see your eyes.
No perenolde special we can't risk it.....
>Speak with Sir Cyrus. He seems to be in a thoughtful mood regarding the orc.
>Don’t take off your helmet, the orc doesn’t need to see your eyes.

just this two
i misclicked and grabbed a chunck of the other option
Apologies for not saying it earlier, but no update today. I have been completely done by work and heat. But for tomorrow, could I have a roll ready? It is for how well the transportation of the orc will go.

>Best of three
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

>Sir Gravis had searched the orc and taken a trio of daggers away from it. One from its belt and one from each boot it wore

Wait a sec... Laughing Skull is the backstabbing clan and he's got concealed daggers. This guy's an assassin, is that why he's less good with the axe?

Green Jesus Alric, are you frying the orc with your fel eye lasers?
Rip QM, gone but not forgotten.
Pulling off your gauntlets, you stretched your fingers and wrists. None of the swings that had hit your shield had their full strength behind them and so your left arm thankfully wasn’t hurt or tender. A nice change from the usual. Then you took off your helmet and gave a look to Sir Cyrus.

“You seem thoughtful Sir Cyrus?” You asked him. “About the orc.”

Your dragonspawn knight looked back at you and nodded.

“Yes my good Prince.” He said back to you. “The orc is not lethargic.”

“We can all see that.”

My good Prince, the orcs I have seen before haven’t been lethargic either. But they have been daemon crazed, taken by their bloodlust.” Sir Cyrus said to you.

“Are you sceptical?” You asked him back.

“I am my good Prince, I have seen the orcs and what they have done.” Sir Cyrus replied.

He was probably talking about the time when the orcs used their magics to control the Red Dragonflight. Understandably he was sceptical, just like Lady Nalice had been.

“Of course, Lady Nalice has spoken to me about it.” You said.

“Then you understand my reservation my good Prince.” Sir Cyrus said to you and continued. “The orc isn’t lethargic for some reason.”

“Then what do you suggest me to do with him?” You asked your knight.

“Kill the orc.” The tone of Sir Cyrus had become rather serious and stern.

“I will take your advice in mind, but I don’t think I can go killing the orc. I want to know what the orc knows and if that isn’t possible, a captured orc is a bargaining tool.” You said and continued. “A good Alteraci Prince capturing an orc and delivering it to the camps? People would love to hear that.”

You noticed the orc was looking at you now. Did he understand common and just play coy? You weren’t sure, but you realised that it was looking at your eyes. Giving the orc a slight smile, you tapped the side of your right eye.

“Alike aren’t we?” You asked the orc and stared into its red eyes. The orc didn’t react, instead he looked back at you, before closing his eyes again.

You weren’t like the orc, it was just a fun thing to say as a jest.

“Sir Cyrus, we will transport the orc back to Dawnholme and throw it into the dungeon. And we will talk with Blackmoore when we reach Durnholde.” You told him.

“Of course my good Prince.”

“Now, I am going to take a nap, can you please watch the orc for me.”

You didn’t wait for the answer as you laid down on the grass and closed your own eyes. Tomorrow would be a long day.



The laughing orc hadn’t tried anything. When Joe returned from Shoredon with several men and a horse cart, the orc had been lifted into the cart without an incident and you had returned to Shoredon. There the orc was put under a watch and when it was time to move him to Dawnholme the next morning, he was again thrown on the cart. You gave the job of escorting the orc to Sir Gravis and his knights and gave him the specific order to have the wound you gave to the orc checked and stitched up. You were sure that Malevus could do that job for you.

The ride through Strahnbrad Hills went without issues. When it was time to separate, you to go to Tarren Mill and for them to continue till Dawnholme, you wished them luck and reminded them of the importance of their mission. The orc must be safely delivered into the dungeon and locked away. Preferably in a way that doesn’t make much commotion in the town.

Having an orc prisoner like that probably won’t be easy. Normal leg irons and chains probably aren’t enough to hold the orc still if he wanted to try to escape. Then there were the political implications, but that was like you said a tool for you to use. Maybe you can get something useful out of the orc in the end?

It was an early evening when you finally reached Tarren Mill. Most people had already gone back into their homes when you rode through the front gate past the guards.

“Welcome to Tarren Mill Chief Ragis.” You said to your vassal as you dismounted and allowed one of the stableboys to take your horse away. “The town must have grown since your last visit here. And first time for Sir Cyrus to be here as well.”

“It has been some time Prince Alric.” Chief Ragis replied.

“I will have the guards to guide you then.” You said to him. “People here know me well, they will arrange your accommodations and everything else you might need.”

“Understood my good Prince.” Sir Cyrus said back to you. “But may I inquire, what is my good Prince going to do?”

>You can handle the business tomorrow, go talk with Monica and eat dinner with her. You are starving and relaxing a bit wouldn’t hurt at all.
>Mayor Fowley could arrange a dinner for you and Chief Ragis. Have a formal visit with him to talk about the events.
>Father Hampton has given you good advice in the past. Go talk with him about the Fel inside you, your concerns about it and how Malevus’ training is going.
>Other, write in.


I'm not dead yet! Just tired as hell and feeling like I am thinking in slowmo.
>Mayor Fowley could arrange a dinner for you and Chief Ragis. Have a formal visit with him to talk about the events.

Diplomacy first. Fowley could meet Ragis.
>Mayor Fowley could arrange a dinner for you and Chief Ragis. Have a formal visit with him to talk about the events.
>>Father Hampton has given you good advice in the past. Go talk with him about the Fel inside you, your concerns about it and how Malevus’ training is going.
>>Mayor Fowley could arrange a dinner for you and Chief Ragis. Have a formal visit with him to talk about the events.
>>Mayor Fowley could arrange a dinner for you and Chief Ragis. Have a formal visit with him to talk about the events.
“A dinner with Mayor Fowley.” You replied. “We have plenty of business to talk about and even with my arrival being somewhat sudden, I do believe he would love to host me.”

Sir Cyrus gave you a polite nod back as a reply.

“Chief Ragis, please join us. It would be good for you to be able to meet Mayor Fowley.” You said.

“Of course Prince Alric.” Was his simple reply.

“Now then, let’s get our armours stashed.” You said and clapped your hands once. Ragis would have a chance to meet with Monica shortly as well.

“I would like to apologise for not dressing for the part.” You said to Mayor Fowley. You hadn’t bothered to take your better or normal clothes with you, instead you wore your black arming jacket and trousers. Chief Ragis at least was wearing his usual tunic and trousers and looked actually a bit more presentable than you did.

“I do not mind, clothes don’t make the man.” Fowley answered.

“And I agree.” You replied quickly and continued. “Matters at hand don’t care how we dress, but they do care that they are handled.”

As the three of you waited for the dinner, there was some casual talk about general subjects. How the Stonemason migrants were doing, was Fowley healthy without any serious stomach problems and had the goblins caused any issues in Tarren Mill. Thankfully everything seemed to be well in those fronts.

“I visited Stonedon, it looks like the town has enjoyed some benefits from the trade with you.” You said to Fowley.

“Yes, their fur traders and hunters have regularly visited us. We are very happy to be able to browse your wares Chief Ragis.” Fowley said back to you and spoke to the Chief.

“And we are happy to have a place to trade with.” Was his answer.

“But trade isn’t the reason why I am here, it is the gnolls and the Durnholde.” You said to Fowley.

Fowley was well informed of the campaign, he had been invited to join the campaign, but Tarren Mill had decided to not join due to the gnoll threat that could come across the river. And while Tarren Mill has a small force of soldiers, they were still too green for proper campaigning.

“The troops Lady Barov promised us did arrive a couple weeks ago. We have been working together in arranging the patrols by the river.” Fowley explained to you.

“Has Lady Barov arrived?” You asked about her.

“Yes, a couple days ago. She should be staying at their estate.” Fowley replied to you.

Jandice was here? Maybe you should invite her to come see you for both political and personal reasons, mostly for personal reasons.

“Thank you for telling me that.” You said to him. Fowley could have told you that immediately. “She should be here discussing things with us, after all she has brought the troops with her.”

“Shall I send a messenger?” Fowley asked you. “It would be quite late when she would arrive here or should we wait till tomorrow?”


>No need, you can talk about the patrol deployments and Strahnbrad Hills without Lady Jandice being around for the discussion and decision making.
>Have Fowley send a messenger, Lady Jandice should be part of the talks as she has brought troops with her.
>The meeting can wait till tomorrow. You can talk about other subjects today and maybe tomorrow have the meeting at the Barov Estate.
>Other, write in.

>Talk about the orc you captured with Mayor Fowley. See what he thinks and what should be done about him.
>Do not mention the orc. Not everyone needs to know about you capturing one.
>>The meeting can wait till tomorrow. You can talk about other subjects today and maybe tomorrow have the meeting at the Barov Estate.

>Talk about the orc you captured with Mayor Fowley. See what he thinks and what should be done about him.
>The meeting can wait till tomorrow. You can talk about other subjects today and maybe tomorrow have the meeting at the Barov Estate.
>Talk about the orc you captured with Mayor Fowley. See what he thinks and what should be done about him.

I can see benefits in advertising the fact that there are orc movements in the annexed territory of Strahnbrad hills, and Alterac is asserting a military presence to control that. Alric doesn't have to announce that he subdued the orc himself. Interrogation of the orc should be attempted once the language barrier can be overcome, where the orc is to be held in Dawnholme, where the Alliance garrison is there to monitor proceedings.
Unless i missed something there is no alliance presence in Dawnholme anymore after garithos fuck up and us kicking out the garrison.
>>The meeting can wait till tomorrow. You can talk about other subjects today and maybe tomorrow have the meeting at the Barov Estate.
>Talk about the orc you captured with Mayor Fowley. See what he thinks and what should be done about him.

There is no Alliance Garrison in Dawnholme anymore. After we kicked them out, the migrants from Underbelly have been living in the former garrison.
You were interrupted by the clerks bringing in the first serving of the food. Cabbage soup, bread with butter and cheese.

“You can send a word, but the matters can wait till tomorrow.” You said back to him. “We aren’t in a hurry and it would be rude to have Lady Barov come see us when it is so late. Maybe ask her if we could come to see her instead?”

“Not a bad idea Prince Alric, I will send someone immediately.” Fowley replied to you and waved one of the clerks to him.

Cabbage soup was pretty good and when the clerks had left the three of you alone, you chose to speak.

“We captured an orc in Strahnbrad Hills.” You said.

“An orc Prince Alric? Where is it?” Fowley asked back.

“We are moving the orc to Dawnholme, we have a dungeon there that can hold it.” You said and continued. “Our patrol had found its tracks and we followed and captured it.”

“Still… what was it doing there?” Fowley asked you.

“We do not know yet, but it had crossed the river and was heading west. If I were to guess, it had tried to reach the Blackrock Clan remnants in the Alterac Mountains.” You said to him.

“Or the trolls.” Chief Ragis spoke after being silent for a long time.

“Or the trolls.” You concurred. Though it was probably not them.

“Not good news at all…” Fowley lamented.

“No, but that is why we have been patrolling the river. If we can catch an errant orc, then our men have done their jobs well.” You said to him. “Lone orc isn’t a threat alone, but if there were more of them…”

“Stonedon would be under threat.” Ragis said back to you.

“So it is important to catch the lone orcs before they can achieve whatever they had planned to achieve. To send them a message to not travel through my land.” You replied.

Having finished the cabbage soup, the clerks brought in the main course of venison steak with blood pudding.

“What could Tarren Mill do to prevent the orcs from crossing the river?” Fowley asked you as he received his main course.

“Build a navy.” You said and laughed. “No, but seriously joining on the patrols and making sure that no one crosses the river without us knowing it is what Tarren Mill is capable of doing.”

“But that shall wait till tomorrow Prince Alric.” Fowley said back to you.

He was a smart man, while he didn’t know much about military matters, he knew not to agree to anything without a negotiation. But you had given him the idea and hopefully it would grow in his mind through the night.

>The meeting can wait till tomorrow. You can talk about other subjects today and maybe tomorrow have the meeting at the Barov Estate.
>Talk about the orc you captured with Mayor Fowley. See what he thinks and what should be done about him.

You had spoken about trade with Mayor Fowley, with him having promised to send more of his people to visit Stonedon to see what can be done there. You had also spoken about the market fairs and potential needs of Dawnholme now with all the newcomers having arrived. There was a lot of business potential and potential profits for Tarren Mill there.

When the dinner was finished, dessert having been really tasty honey cakes, you had thanked Fowley for the evening and retreated for the night. Returning back to Monica’s hotel, you felt a bit bad for asking her servants to prepare a bath for you as it was already quite late. But you hadn’t taken a bath in a couple days and if you were to see Lady Jandice, you hoped to be clean and not smelly.

So when you lowered yourself into the hot water, you closed your eyes and just enjoyed the moment as the hot water caressed your body. Aching muscles from the fight against the orc, your buttocks for all the riding. It felt really really good, but you were so tired.

And then you fell asleep.

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A good spot to end the thread. Page 9 and at around 575~ posts. You dealt with Stonemasons, summer arrived, decisions were made and now you have a girlfriend. Alric has been busy. Next thread most likely tomorrow at some point. The pastebins are mostly up to date, but I should check them out and update if needed.

This thread is archived. Thank you for playing and reading. And as always if you have any questions or comments about the Quest or the characters or for the QM, please go ahead and say or ask them. I will try to answer them as best as I can in this thread or in the next one.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MedivhQM
/qst/ Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Alterac%20Resurgent%20Quest
Prince Alric Stats: https://pastebin.com/rysxdRsv
Quest Mechanisms: https://pastebin.com/CyD88qqf
Character List: https://pastebin.com/FkYd6wkJ
Side Character Stats: https://pastebin.com/aRfyksUG


Great timing for the both of us.
Good thread Medivh, yeah I posted just before the thread updated.

I am somewhat happy with the pacing, but with me being all tired at couple points did cause couple updates that weren't as good as they could be.

Either way, we should reach Durnholde early next thread.
Forgot this, thanks.

This quest is so comfy though I'm forgetting early details, so the reminders help. Thanks Medivh for the thread and I'll keep an eye out for the next one.
The expulsion of the garrison isn't early though? Anyway, what else do you think you possibly forgot or are misremembering? Im genuinely curious.
The virtue of forgetting is not knowing what you don't know :^)
Forgetting who Alric spoke to in Capital City of Lordaeron, and what commitments have been made to non-involvement with the Syndicate, more recently where I could find typical stats of each character. Names of Gravis's knight partners
Just general stuff is missed.
I remember Alric talking to Calia, Terenas, the Queen (forgot her name) and Uther plus Beve's magic tutor. I also remember the Alteraci diaspora and being threatened by Syndicate agents on a date with Calia.

After reading the archive, I rembered that the purpose of the visit was to testify in favour of Blackmoore in a tribunal regarding Thrall's escape. Arthas gets BTFO'd in the tribunal but anons dickride for him in a later conversatiom because he was honest about how petty and spiteful he is. Arthas' stay in Dalaran was really irrelevant in retrospect, so irrelevant I forgot about it(The queen's name is Lianne btw)

>and what commitments have been made to non-involvement with the Syndicate
What do you mean by this? There was no specific mandate like the Edict to not enter Alterac IIRC, it was just a given that we would not involve ourselves with a criminal organization.

For the last two, there are the pastebins.


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