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PRELUDE Father took us to the foreign land,
But what was lost lingers in the blood.
The land was prosperous, and filled with treasures -
But in the foreign land I could not love.
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This is the city the night has never met. Its inhabitants are the sexual and the sex-starved, psychic outlaws and people you only saw on television. A place that has turned its back to the world, and stares out at the ocean instead.
It is the land of flood, drought and fire. Fissures in a road cracked by tremors. The old romance of conquest, skyscrapers the thrill of vertical myth, silhouettes thrust into fevered rhythms of traffic against the horizontal sprawl of billboards and boulevards. A city that is all open, promiscuous, borrowed, half-bought. There is no peace as the noise and light shreds sleep.
The immensity of the sky, the endless vault where the continent ends and surrenders to the tides, the sunshine haze, the blue and pink and orange and grey, the sky that incites those beneath to live for youth and pleasure; the sky of desire, anticipation and promised fulfilment.
Let go, the sky whispers; let it all go and forget.
You can tell me everything.
You are so beautiful,
You are so lovely,
I love you, I will love you, always
I will protect you, I will be with you
I will always be near you...
Let it all go and forget.
There are people here who can buy everything you could possibly imagine or want, and still see all their money unspent.
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You sleep on the beach at night alone.
An endless duplication of celebrity, a concentrated dream of ecstasy and violence salvaged from the hard edge of cruelty. The world is fast and bright, expensive and loud. Buy anything you need on the shelves, buy with a swipe on your phone, buy anything that isn't kindness or love. All are trapped within the malevolence of the dream.
At the beach, a small act of sadness seems like rebellion.


-"You are thinking about her again..."
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Over the years, Heather had amassed a small but dedicated and loyal audience of followers who admired her various social channels, which mostly depicted travel and alternative lifestyles oriented around spirituality, nature and wellbeing.

Before the highly acclaimed indie hit videogame "Super Vampire Basher (SVB) - Bubblegum Edition: Gotta Pop 'em All!" had achieved breakout success, Heather had been Finlay's girlfriend. You suspect Heather regrets letting her own content channels lapse in viewership, after she devoted much of her time and effort into supporting post-launch community development and forum moderation for her then boyfriend's hit videogame success. Online haters and misogynfluencers allege that Heather's influence was responsible for aggressive monetisation practices such as an intrusive pay-per-play transactional store for mods and add-ons as well as the addition of controversial customisable dlc gender inclusive outfits in the definitive Bubblegum Edition of the Super Vampire Basher videogame franchise.

(Heather continues:)
-(...) It's your face, see, when you start gawking away into the distance with this stupid defeated thousand yard stare expression. Get over it, you need to get over yourself! I am not accompanying you to any more stupid beach goth parties. The music is so terrible, I just can't stand it! No more trudging through urban ruins and abandoned warehouses at 3am trying to find and reunite you with your One True Destined Love. Face it, you didn't even get her name! Not her name, not her phone number, not even a memory of any of her friends, or who she was with, or even anyone accompanying her... just a bad photo... a photo of a shadow. I wouldn't even know if that is her - it could be anyone at all!
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The bone-throbbing echo of a memory - the close intimacy of jostling limbs, shadows and half-faces. This isn't a club for beautiful people, yet there are beautiful people inside. The girl...

Your body moves involuntarily, ambushed by syncopation, low frequency, the machine hiss of music taut against your throat, a grinding, industrial intake of breath. Enthralled to the rhythms, you are out of time, out of body, your mind pure sensation. Pressure waves of sound make their own shapes, their own spatial awareness, make your arms and legs move of their own accord, bypassing your consciousness. Slower, faster, louder, softer. Your head is full of echoes, flashes of light and static, glances and touches, the persistent drone of machine music. The bass thuds like a heartbeat.
She twitches to the noise, eyes hyper, pupils wide as moons.

She moves closer...

IT KILLS (Rendered Remix), The Soft Moon
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Sun-scorched Photo
It looks like a photograph of someone leaping in the air at a beach, that was taken either just before sunrise or sunset. A harsh lens flare obscures much of the picture, almost giving it the appearance of being partially burnt, making it difficult to discern much of the features or the identity of whomever the mysterious photo depicts.
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"Donnie" Raoul
-Don't listen to her, man. You need to getcha money up, blood! (Raoul makes a bizarre hand sign) I done dropped the address, blood, I finna get with everything illegal under the sun, you feel me? Imma real G, y'all done gang bangin' with da REAL G! This jam is fo' real, blood, y'all like this, this jam be real drippy like an orgy, orgy at the end of the world, man! It's the money bop, man! Y'all can't miss out on this! Imma gon' do my dance, they know I got mah juice, hmmm yeah, Imma 'bout to take a trip to the stars, baby! Mmmh mmhmm, ooh yeah!

As Raoul sends the location of his underground rave to your phone, you can see at a glance that it is being held at a highly questionable destination downtown, near a construction site at a now abandoned shopping mall.

Heather rolls her eyes in exasperation:
-This is so lame. You are so lame. These poseurs! Red Masque rave? It sounds so stupid. What are they? -Like goths, or communists? I really don't think you fit into their scene, Donnie...

Donnie Raoul
-Dang, don't play me, lil' bop, Imma gonna lose it, bustin out all mah moves bringin' chu the jam downtilly - betchu don't even thank me, this gon' be all I get?
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As Heather and Raoul argue, you notice you appear to have a large amount of unanswered calls on your phone. The notifications had been hidden, because these automatically rejected missed calls had originated from an unknown caller. But now another voice message has just arrived, again from an unknown sender, and the tone of voice though distressed seems familiar...
Unknown Number
-...gotta pick up the phone... you gotta help me, bro... I'm in so much trouble... I can't even believe this is happening... This girl I met last night, bro, she seemed real friendly, she seemed down for some fun, you know...
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...and next thing this morning, bro, my phone is missing, I'm thinking, she took it, maybe she thinks it has evidence or something on it, and she is on me, bro, she is crazy, I mean CRAZY, she is making all these accusations like I hurt her or something, I swear, I didn't do anything, bro, I wouldn't-
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-...I mean, I barely even remember what happened, but she was calling around and making all these threats against me, like really harassing me, you know? And then when I tried to explain myself she just goes silent and hangs up on me dead. I don't know what to do, bro, you gotta help me... help me... please... help me...
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When you are young, in your teens and twenties, it can seem like everyone is the same. Everyone parties a lot and overspends, lives in the worst places and neglects to clean. Everyone looks good in everything.

As you age, this begins to change. You begin to notice who can buy houses, invest in their careers; who can even afford children, someday. You begin to notice who has the start-up capital and contacts to launch their own business, follow their own creativity and do what they love, make art; hire assistants, sell their business, travel the world. And you notice too all the others, those that get sick, those that forget to stay in contact, those that simply disappear.

You knew Finlay before then, but you haven't gotten in touch with him in a long while. He's a good-looking, easygoing guy. You know the myth of discovery? Someone sees in you something you can’t see yourself or don’t have the resources to cultivate, and they make it happen for you. It happened for Finlay, and he left you behind.
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You possess: Rejection Letter

The Elbridge Colony Residency
since 1907
Giving Artists Freedom To Grow

Dear (...)

We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a residency this coming Summer season. Your work was appreciated by our panel members, but we have seen an expanded and growing pool of excellent and accomplished applications, as the competition for residencies increases every year.

Very few Artists remain on our waiting list in order to avoid disappointment for those who kept their schedules open in the past.

We hope that this news will not discourage you from applying for the Residency next year; we wish you the very best.


Leanne Warden-Hewson
Executive Director
Elbridge Residency

PS Your work samples will be returned to you within three weeks to the address provided.
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(below the letter is a watermarked standard description)

"Every year, the Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship welcomes artists, writers, researchers and thought leaders from a variety of disciplines to stay at Mirage House, Mosaic Palisades, Edendale, an oceanfront retreat where the mountains meet the sea. The program's mission is to explore the intersection of nature, art, and consciousness in order to allow for an evolution of human connection with the natural world. Studio, living spaces and a stipend are provided, with the opportunity for a solo exhibition at the end of the term.

In collaboration with our joint project through Urban Philanthropy for Youth Regeneration at Imago Venture Partners, participants at Elbridge are encouraged to engage with and support the local community in their creative endeavours, through Structural Adjustment Programs to help personal and shared growth. Established, developed and emerging artists may all apply for the Elbridge arts residency."

>send a message to the Unknown Number (write-in)
>ask: What exactly happened last night, Finlay?
>ask: Where are you now?
>ask: What did this girl look like? How did you meet? etc.
>Promise: Calm down, Finn. It's all going to be fine. I'll help you get this cleared up. It's probably all just a misunderstanding.
>something about this situation with the voice message feels strange. What could it be? (write-in)

>play the voice message to Heather and Donnie Raoul
>Finlay seems to have gotten into trouble. We should find him and help him

>don't tell Heather and Raoul about the voice message
>say to Raoul: I'm up for this underground goth music party. I am going to dance like the world ends tonight. Unless you want to be left out Heather, you should join in

>something else (write in)
>send a message to the Unknown Number (write-in)
>fym "help me"? are you asking me to run a fade on this psycho bitch you hooked up with or w/e
>give me the tea rn
>play the voice message to Heather and Donnie Raoul

More perspectives seem good, although honestly OP spacing got me confused about how the choices here work
>ask: Where are you now?
>>say to Raoul: I'm up for this underground goth music party. I am going to dance like the world ends tonight. Unless you want to be left out Heather, you should join in
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An image resurfaces in your mind, from the night when you met Her...

It must have been projected in stroboscopic lighting against the pulsating nightclub walls. You witnessed mere flashes of it, illuminated in high voltage, glimpses amidst angular, contorted bodies crammed together, lost in the lightning. No-one else saw it, it faded as it was witnessed only by you. A stampede, the rush of wild horses, a herd in frenzy, a blur of bared teeth and tusk and dust and horns. But interspersed in the rush, a slashed afterimage of stillness, cut in time against the industrial rhythm of reverberations, the lull of the beat.

It resembled a rippling pixel field, lost signal, glitch distortion, annihilated meaning. Against that seething ocean of static, of extinction, parting the contours of shoals like a sinuous knife in water, the shadow of a carcharodon, a macropredator - the last of its kind. Hunting for the scent of red.
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+(Controlled:) alertness, situational awareness, knowledge and anticipation of threat. Perhaps confronting your own terrors might give you some insight into the fears and anxieties of others?
-(Breakdown:) sheer panic and paralysed helplessness. Some try to hide it, overreact with bravado, overcompensate by trying daredevil stunts they later regret
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+People come to you willingly to confide their secrets, seek out advice. You have that eager, believable and naive look.
-Overwhelming cynicism and paranoia. You can't trust anyone. It makes it easy to lie to them.
+Machiavellian instrumentalism. They are not people, only playthings
-You didn't hear the safe word. Pain is a release, a relief from the guilt weighing upon your own conscience. Punish others, or yourself?
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+The world is just so disgusting. People are so shameless, and you hate them all. You should tell the internet and incite a hate mob to do something about it
-You are not easily embarrassed or humiliated; you are quite a chilled out, calm, detached individual. So detached that a lot of the time people forget you are even there, and just ignore you
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You possess:
Heel Knife

It feels like it belongs to you, but when you turn the heel-shaped handle around in your hand, you are not quite sure. Was this some souvenir - did it belong to... Her?

You don't think this very small folding knife could really present much threat or damage, though it feels light and swift and deft and sharp. Perhaps you could use it to prise open things. Knives are always useless in videogames. Maybe you shouldn't run around with it folded out?
You possess:

One of these days you will need to get rid of the hassle of fidgeting with entangled cables; inexpensive wireless earphones are readily available and offered by several brands, although you would probably need to upgrade your battered old phone first. But you have grown quite attached to your phone - after all, it is where you have stored that picture of Her. >>6037310
A photo taken of a photo. You wouldn't want to lose it...

You think about Finlay losing his phone. If his mysterious Hookup Girl had really taken his phone last night - and he is calling from an unknown number - how is she then calling him, threatening him? It doesn't feel right... But maybe he just has another phone, maybe he gave her several contact numbers. Maybe she sent him a threatening email or something. There is probably some explanation for it.

As you are pulling at the strangled knots of these wired earphones, a sudden burst of lyrics jolts you out of your reverie concerning Finlay's predicament.

>play the voice message to Heather and Donnie Raoul

There is some volume control / playback toggle on these wired earphones and you must have accidentally pressed it. Your eardrums are blasted and assaulted by sonic bursts from one song, "All Girls Are the Same",

then another, "Already Dead",

as the playlist skips. You are not too sure about this artist, but wasn't that last song used in some annoying videogame?

You glance briefly at Donnie Raoul in dismay, and wonder if by the power of predetermination and proximity, invisible streaming playlist algorithms have already geolocated your position, decided upon your fix, and chosen to target incoherent rap lyrics as your next obsession. Heather always says she can tell what people are like from their music; you just need to really listen to them.
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Right now, Heather's face is numb with shock and disbelief:
-This (she chokes back a sob) this... isn't him... it can't be... He wouldn't... he wouldn't do this to me? Would he? I know we haven't spoken- since... since he moved out (sobs) I just thought- thought- he would have some consideration... for my feelings... It's my hair, isn't it? The blue hair - Finn never liked it, he was always trying to get me to change it... I think he likes redheaded girls. I tried to explain to him, it was for my stream, to stand out on the video feed, the thumbnail previews with an eyecatching hairstyle colour, because there are very few girls on the internet with blue hair, you know, but it just made him think I was always trying to get attention, maybe if I just changed it, he wouldn't have left...


Why you always doing that?
Breaking up with me then making up
Just to make me mad

I think that you taste like rock candy
Sweet like beaches, leave me all sandy
Why do you leave me with watercolour eyes?

Young love don't always last forever
Wild horses can't keep us together
So what if you taste just like heaven
That don't make it right

Hot summer and cold watermelon
Your love stings like blood and a lemon
Why do you leave me with watercolour eyes?

Watercolour eyes, watercolour eyes, watercolour eyes
That don't make it right
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Donnie Raoul appears to be typing on his phone on some imageboard. He isn't paying too much attention
- Hol' up, blood, Imma checkin' on mah gram, aight, aint no chasin' clout but the cash, Man. Imma finna blowin' up on the gram, yo, me and mah gang, mah apes, fo' sho. So mah Finny Boy got the Lay-Lay, ayyy! Aight, he bussin, he bussin, keepin' it real low, yeah, I don't breed no ho, yeah

>ask: Where are you now?
A text response comes back almost immediately from the Unknown Number:

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Disincorporated Territories Lockdown Area

(on the online image forum,
boards.4kennel.org/x )

Anonymous asks
-What goes on down here?
-I was flying into the airport around midnight and took this photo through the window and there is this blacked out district over the city, barely any electric lights or signs of life or anything. I can't find anything online or on any maps about this region? Have you guys seen anything like this? What is happening?

Anonymous replies

Anonymous replies
-Just homeless encampments. Go there, get robbed

Anonymous replies
-Militarised gentrification
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User DRACOul replies
-The getto, blood, yeah I spell it without the "h" yeah. I ain't thuggin' but you'll crumble with the heat, boy you gotta go deep with the glocks out, blood, razors and the rainbow lasers yo

User Bish09 replies
-So you know the DEAD INTERNET THEORY right none of the comments online are real they are all AI-generated by machines to lure in humans but you see it is actually worse than you even think because the AIs have already read the internet like twice or three times over the AI devoured everything there isn't enough data left generated by living beings so what they are doing they are resurrecting the dead people right to generate more data I think it is some top secret military war experiment they make the dead people kill each other over and over again in some urban battle simulation also they need the power for the AI that is why there is a blackout and they are training and experimenting with your mind until you die and join them and...

Anonymous replies
-reading this gave my brain an aneurysm

(Thread archived. You cannot reply anymore.)
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>Look for Finlay downtown, OR

>Find the location of the underground rave

>Turn to Heather and Donnie Raoul, and ask: isn't it strange that Finlay claims to have lost his phone - so how is his Hookup Girl getting in touch with him and threatening him?
>DTLA looks dangerous. We should avoid that area. I really wish I had gotten into this Elbridge Residency, the beach house looks so beautiful...

>Turn to Heather: I think your blue hair looks fine. You shouldn't change who you are for anyone else.

>(to Heather) Yes your blue hair looks really bad. You should cut it all off
>(draw HEEL KNIFE), hey look, I'll help you cut off your disgusting blue hair right now. How about a makeover?

>ask Donnie Raoul to start a bait thread on boards.4kennel.org/vg with the title, AWARD-WINNING VIDEOGAME DESIGNER IS A RAPIST (proof inside)

>something else...? (write-in)
QM: you can try anything, attempt to write in any action, but also cite a specific emotion to provoke a stronger response

(QM: apologies I wrote the update before I saw this post >>6037828
So the binary choice above is just the final reconfirmation of this decision)
>Find the location of the underground rave

>Turn to Heather and Donnie Raoul, and ask: isn't it strange that Finlay claims to have lost his phone - so how is his Hookup Girl getting in touch with him and threatening him?
>Look for Finlay downtown

>Turn to Heather: I think your blue hair looks fine. You shouldn't change who you are for anyone else.
>Turn to Heather: I think your blue hair looks fine
-I'm fine, I am really ok... really -
(Heather pushes you away gently, turns and wipes some sodden electric blue strands of hair from her cheeks. Her hair is indeed very very blue. She seems to have regained her composure after her brief outburst)
(Heather continues...)
-I am so embarrassed, I never- I mean, usually I am the one giving the relationship advice online, you know? About how we should be trying to de-centre ourselves from men, so that our lives don't revolve around them all the time? Like the cinema thing, that test in movies, about how there should be at least two named women talking in conversation with each other, on a topic that is not about men or their relationship to men. But it isn't easy, when it is your own life - just hearing his voice brought up a lot of the old bad feelings... I think it is because when I was working on the videogame, Super Vampire Basher (SVB) it was just a very male-dominated industry, all the community fans were male, there were some really sick and twisted ones, especially from that 4kennel image board... so I didn't have a lot of time to connect with any female support network, make many friends. And Finlay isn't- I mean, he isn't very controlling or domineering or anything like that, he is a nice person, I suppose, nice but- it just, it is hard to describe, he- just... everything just comes really easily to him, you know? I just felt a bit inadequate. Like I wasn't good enough, I needed him to fit in... But then, he doesn't really do anything! Like he calls himself a videogame designer, he doesn't design anything! Before I came along, he just had some stupid drawings and concepts and assets he stole from some 3d marketplace, it was all really derivative. And I was the one who actually came up with all the monetisation and marketing, who built all the awareness and outreach, the wishlist hype and funnel conversion to downloads and updates and ongoing fan community engagement. But somehow, all the awards and fame went to him...!

>encourage Heather in her idea, to "de-centre" herself from men

>(point accusing finger) YOU! YOU are the one! You have literally RUINED ALL THE VIDEOGAMES!! I am going to... uh, I am going to... make a thread on 4kennel about this conversation. YOU WILL BE EXPOSED!! THE ENTIRE WORLD MUST KNOW about you and your blue-haired justice brigade monetisation schemes!

>ask Heather: so, tell me more about these marketing techniques. What do they involve? Can you make people want things, desire things? Even if it is against their own will or inclination? Is that possible?

>Reply: it seems like you still dwell on him often, Heather. Do you want to get back together with Finlay? You have to work on any relationship together

>Reply: from what you told me, Finlay is really manipulative. You should forget him. I suppose the idea about goths is they don't care about what others ever think about them? So once we find this amazing underground party and dance, let's never even mention him, ever again (QM: persuade Heather to leave Finlay to his own fate)

>(something else...?)
>>encourage Heather in her idea, to "de-centre" herself from men
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You ask Donnie Raoul about the peculiar situation that Finlay described - if it was indeed his voice recorded on the received Unknown Number message. Donnie Raoul shrugs in a noncommittal manner:
-No clue, blood. But mah apes back up in da hood, when we is got the fiends beggin', we be rangin' on them burner phones, yeah. Imma just cruisin' and trippin', low key yo, set up and throw away, ice cold

Heather also mentions
-I think Finlay does have multiple phones, I don't know about any burner phones though, that seems a bit suspicious to me. But we used to have one phone for business development, another for managing community socials, as well as personal phones, it just helped with keeping everything separate, on separate devices separate logins, for NDAs and things, to prevent any mistakes or embarrassing accidental disclosures

>Ask Donnie Raoul: can you set me up with a better phone?

>Ask: how about some, uh, party favours? If you know what I mean? What I mean is..., uh, the narcotics. Illegal ones. I want to be in a good mood for this rave. Also I listened to some music from this artist (see here >>6037890 ) I was really inspired by his life and what he made of it, a very good inspirational influence

>Ask: ok this location, this abandoned shopping mall construction site place? It looks pretty dangerous. I want a gun. Goths are pretty violent. I saw this film about some crow bird-man, it didn't end too well, better safe than otherwise
QM: it is literally FKA Twigs and the soundcloud rapper Crow trailer

>(Brandish the Heel Knife, show it off to Donnie Raoul) what do you think of this, heh? Pretty gangsta, right? Have you ever seen anything like this before?

>Try and use your phone and Strange Earphones on Donnie Raoul. Look into his soul... or at least his music playlist. What is it like? (QM: brace yourself)

>Something else...?
>encourage Heather in her idea, to "de-centre" herself from men

>Try and use your phone and Strange Earphones on Donnie Raoul. Look into his soul... or at least his music playlist. What is it like? (QM: brace yourself)

The true measure of a man? What's in his playlist.
>Reply: it seems like you still dwell on him often, Heather. Do you want to get back together with Finlay? You have to work on any relationship together

>Try and use your phone and Strange Earphones on Donnie Raoul. Look into his soul... or at least his music playlist. What is it like? (QM: brace yourself)
>look into Donnie Raoul's soul, or at least his music playlist
It is about a 30-minute drive from the beach to the Dead Mall downtown.

You spend the time surreptitiously attempting to probe into the darkest recesses of Donnie's innermost psyche; what song truly epitomises the pinnacle of his street swagger, his authentic persona?
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You grit your teeth, as you harden yourself and prepare to be immersed in the filth, the misogyny, the incomprehensibility of endless references to crime, vaginas, lurid descriptions of all the fluids and smells that emanate from the aforementioned, guns, gang shootings, black people, buttocks, the male member, prostitutes, drugs, prison, broken homes and families, social degradation, and worst of all, luxury brand product placement.
CHE FARO SENZA EURIDICE, Christoph Willibald Gluck

QM: I especially enjoyed this performance, as the dramatic hand gestures of the male singer appear to indicate that he desires breast enlargement

Che farò senza Euridice?
Dove andrò senza il mio ben?

Che faro, Dove andrò
Che faro senza il mio ben?
Dove andrò senza il mio ben?

Euridice! Euridice!
Oh Dio! Rispondi!...Rispondi!

Io son pure il tuo fedel!
Io son pure il tuo fedel!
Io tuo fedel!
You are truly baffled. There must be some mistake, some flaw with the omniscient infallibility of the all-knowing recommendation algorithm. Perhaps this Gluck refers to some make of handgun used in gang shootings. The language is probably some form of impenetrable ethnic latino street slang.

At some point, you suspect that Donnie Raoul himself suspects that you are up to something. He is deeply immersed as usual by the glow of social media and imageboards from his phone, and to your surprise he doesn't say anything, but you can tell because he keeps glancing up quickly and furtively in sporadic intervals to look guiltily at your face every now and then, as if he were trying to discern what you are doing.

Eventually, you notice that the next song queued on your algorithmic stream changes more predictably to

GINE 6ix9ine
QM: Evidently this video features the most beautiful women of America
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>try to persuade Heather to get back together with Finlay etc.
>encourage Heather to "de-centre" herself from men
As you begin to approach the location of the Dead Mall, you notice your phone signal begins to flicker erratically. You keep losing connectivity for a few tens of seconds, only for it to be subsequently restored a moment later. Donnie Raoul explodes in frustration, yelling at his phone:
-Finna bury you! Suck mah dick with yo' mama's lips! (violently shaking his phone in a gesture of futility for a signal) And look (turning to Heather) your man ain't never comin' back, funny - You tryna fuck or what? If y'all go lesbian, Imma finna join in. Little eater, uh-huh
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Heather is delighted at your support for her idea of trying to de-emphasise men in her life. She responds enthusiastically
-I think it will be really spiritual. I saw online there is this ritual, it is called Scream Therapy. It is based on this idea that when we repress ourselves, hold ourselves back emotionally, it actually induces a physiological burden... it causes our entire bodies to tense up... so as part of the healing process, to release all the unresolved pain, you should just let it all out. A bit like what Donnie is doing, except... I probably wouldn't use his, er, exact words. So maybe I should give it a try, right? Like my cleansing ritual, my healing ritual, to get over... (Heather takes a deep breath) no, I am not going to say his name, he is no longer a part of my life any more. This shopping mall looks pretty abandoned and deserted,
probably a good safe space to give Scream Therapy a try. (Heather touches you gently by the arm) would you... would you like to join me? It would mean so much if you came along...
>Let Heather try out this Scream Therapy at the Dead Mall, as part of her cathartic healing ritual to get over men
>Join in and support Heather. (QM: write-in if there is some phrase you would like to scream loudly at the Dead Mall)
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>(glance around nervously) er... is this Dead Mall... is it really deserted? Maybe we should look around first?

>Reply: this is the most stupid idea I have ever heard. I cannot believe you would fall for any of this nonsense

>Reply: let's just find where this underground party is being held, you should save your energy for dancing

>Something else? Write in. For example, you could suggest / try and find a particular mall location to scream loudly and cathartically
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pic related

>Join in and support Heather.

>Write-in: Try to find a way to the roof to scream.
>climb to the roof of the Dead Mall
The interior of this abandoned shopping mall is vast and cavernous. You try to imagine it during a more bright and prosperous era, filled with families and laughing children, cotton candy and ice cream attendants and cinemagoers and the whirling lights of arcades, teenagers flirtatious and sullen, maybe even some mall goths among them, secretly and desperately yearning for their first, hopeful glance of attraction, infatuation...
What you find instead is complete desolation.
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All storefront remnants appear smashed and looted, all slivers of glass and twisted doorframes, coiled heaps of ugly metal commercial security shutters. Overturned retail gondola shelving, pedestals, stanchions and queue barrier posts scattered as if torn down by a hurricane.

You see some shopping trolleys, the protruding handles of wheeled luggage, now ripped and shredded; blue tarpaulins and collapsed tents, signs of habitation by homeless people - but it seems that even vagrants have since avoided this place, or been driven from it now altogether.

In a moment of clumsiness and awkward movement, Heather's foot encounters some warped fragment of metal.

There is an immensely loud, resonant clang.
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The clang reverberates down the hollow emptiness of ruined mall walkways.
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Nothing happens.

Heather stamps and shakes her bruised foot ruefully:
-Ow! That really hurt! oh (she lowers her voice to a whisper) maybe we should be quiet? I feel like we shouldn't disturb this place... well, you know, quiet until when we get to the roof, and start screaming. For therapy! Spiritual healing! I feel like this is really going to go well, it is really going to work!

You look at the metal fragment that Heather tripped over. It seems burnt and blackened and damaged.

The language is completely incomprehensible to you, but you sense that it was part of some sign - perhaps a dual language sign? and this sign demarcated some territory...

(unreadable scorched and blackened section above)
(the sign continues, but the remainder is illegible)

Heather puzzles over the sign:
-hmmm, well, I don't really understand it. It probably came from some luxury boutique. There are a lot of vintage stores where this distressed / aged and weathered look is really raw, really fashionable. People upcycle these "found art" objects all the time, use it for sculpture and exhibition installations. Hey..! (Heather's face flashes in excitement) I just had an idea! Since you are helping me overcome my relationship issues... maybe I can help you too! Weren't you really upset at being rejected by your fancy art residency?
Well, maybe you could scavenge around here for some art materials, "found art" objects! The curators will be so impressed! Especially because you are repurposing and sourcing materials from the local community!
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You possess:
Heap Of Crap
("Poubellisme", Trash Art)

It is literally what it looks like. This is Art; pure Art. The thing about art is, almost anything can be found in there, somewhere. You just have to be willing to smell bad, and rummage around.

>touch the Incomprehensible Sign ("Artilleria Inexplotada..." etc)
>add the Incomprehensible Sign to your "art collection". You never know, it might be useful someday
>you are going to smell terrible if you pursue a career in Art this way by carrying around an actual trash heap. You are not sure if goths will accept this as a fashion accessory; maybe they will deny you entry to their incredibly exclusive secret underground party. You should discreetly find an inconspicuous corner and dump this Heap Of Crap
>wait... you... have a phone right? You can literally just translate it! Now what happened to the phone signal...? oh
>Something else? (write in)
Eventually, after wandering through endless unoccupied and ransacked mall walkways and halls, you discover an escalator to the topmost retail level; there is a utility and maintenance access from here to the roof.

As you are climbing the narrow stairway for roof access, Heather looks at you with an abashed, self-conscious glance, as she stutters:
-I... thanks for supporting me on this. But I - I think I have changed my mind. Oh, I still mean to perform the ritual, thank you so much for encouraging me to do it! It's just- I would rather- I mean, it is something I have to do on my own. I would prefer if you didn't hear what I shout into the sky. If that is alright with you? It is just- just really personal, I have to keep some boundaries intact. I think the mall roof is big enough that you can probably stand on the opposite side out of earshot and indulge in your own Scream Therapy session, if that is still what you want. But I just- just want to keep my words private. Do you see what I mean?

For the first time, you become suddenly aware of how close she is standing next to you. Close enough to feel the heat of skin. Perhaps it is just the height of the ruined mall elevator, the multiple floors and levels, the teetering balance of balconies and stacked tiers of vacant stores beneath you, but your head feels a sudden lurching sensation, swung out on vertigo.

>Reply: fine, whatever
>Reply: ok. Then secretly crouch at the base of the roof access (in a not at all leering perverted voyeur manner), and eavesdrop on what she has to say
>(Take Heather's hand possessively): Therapy only works if we do it together. You have to let it go. I'll help you. You can tell me anything, everything. Let it all go and forget-
>Leave Heather on her own. Maybe you can use the time to scavenge around the mall for a bit; surely there must be some shops that have not been completely looted? Perhaps try and find some stray clothes and attire for a goth party outfit (QM: you can write in any item that might reasonably be found in a extremely large commercial hypermall... with some luck it might be lying around buried under debris somewhere?)
>Girls - they are always changing their mind at the last minute. Hey I can change my mind too. (Push Heather down the escalator from the uppermost tier of the Dead Mall)
>something else...?
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When you emerge blinking from the gloom of the endless haunted labyrinth of walkways within the Dead Mall onto the rooftop and the vast expanse of open sky and sunlight above, you observe a peculiar sight.

You remember once experiencing a bizarre phenomenon, crossing as a pedestrian from one side of the road to the other, separated by a partition of torrential rain. Sunshine on one side and a downpour on the other. Localised rain? Isolated precipitation? It is perhaps not such an uncommon phenomenon - a raincloud has to end somewhere, so why not on the side of a road?

What you witness now from the Dead Mall rooftop reminds you of that memory. There is a building not too far from you, in the direction of DTLA - the Disincorporated Territories Lockdown Area
- where you can see a significant crowd of people have gathered. They are standing in pouring rain, whilst your side is bathed in lingering sunshine. You are not sure what the crowd are doing - is it an evacuation drill, a mandatory fire drill of some sort? Could they perhaps be the goth music concertgoers, en route to your party? Maybe it could be some sort of film set, are they shooting stunts or capturing footage for a motion picture there? You didn't encounter much traffic or see any pedestrians approaching from the beach. The large crowd seems a little restless - and you notice there appears to be a small cohort of indistinct observers, positioned along the corresponding rooftop of the distant building, watching them.

Everything is so far away, making the perspective of the large crowd and the surveillance observers seem almost unreal from your vantage point, as if you were watching some drone feed or helicopter chase camera footage, and not spectating upon a live scene. The sight makes you uneasy, as if some cataclysm had suddenly unfolded amidst the most banal circumstances of apparent normality.
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In the direction of DTLA,
you see a gargantuan black cloud, a maelstrom as an inverted mountain. It shocks you in its resemblance to an utter hellscape. It seems as if some form of slow-moving storm is advancing over the horizon - yet the edge of it, the boundary of bad weather, cutoff exactly at the demarcation between these two buildings near the Dead Mall. Sunshine on one side, rain on the other.
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>Well there is probably some explanation for this. Maybe cloud seeding? Or they are rehearsing special effects for a blockbuster disaster film. That is probably what it is happening
>Pyrocumulonimbus - It is an unusual phenomenon but not entirely unexpected. Sunshine and drought produces wildfires, convection clouds that churn and create their own winds, updraft and downburst, which might cause that unnatural looking rain / sunshine cutoff boundary. It is just a coincidence that the black maelstrom cloud induced rainfall storm zone cuts off precisely at the demarcation region between DTLA and where you stand
>The ominous black inferno cloud, the agitated crowd, DTLA - is Finlay in there somewhere? And his vengeful Hookup Girl... What has been unleashed??
>Ok QM, I see what this is, you have created Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl Zone anomalies. Because unseemly hookups, rape and nuclear fallout are tantamount to the same thing. Phones will probably become unreliable in that electromagnetic storm. Head back into the shopping mall and try and loot / improvise gas masks and weapons. Clearly the QM has some sort of gas mask fetish, which can only be stopped by commencing extraction shooter mode right now
>That Arts Residency beach house is probably the best place to hide out from the storm. Maybe try to infiltrate it somehow?
>Just ignore all of this, walk back into the Dead Mall, and try and find the underground goth party. It is what you came for. The last party, the last rave at the end of the world.
(something else...?)
>Leave Heather on her own. Maybe you can use the time to scavenge around the mall for a bit; surely there must be some shops that have not been completely looted? Perhaps try and find some stray clothes and attire for a goth party outfit

Try to find black booty shorts. Goth chicks love man-ass
Supporting this. We need to find a good fit if we want to pull some goth latinas.
You acquiesce and decide to respect Heather's boundaries, leaving her to enact her own therapy. She is very grateful and happy, and quickly ascends to the roof to begin working on her regimen of emotional release through primal screaming.

You suddenly realise that you are now very much alone, wandering all by yourself in the abandoned Dead Mall.

Donnie Raoul is nowhere to be found - you have a feeling he was not too keen on participating in feminist relationship catharsis anyway. He has probably left you to loot stores or sell drugs.

Your mind quickly turns to what would be appropriate and avant garde to wear to an underground summer goth party. Goths are known for their elaborate and antiquated impractical formalwear. But what if... you took something that had been de-casualised, elevated to formal occasionwear, and then transposed it back to an alternative sartorial context, for instance... the de-casualisation of shorts! Black goth couture shorts, that expose sunburnt knees and impress with a flattering thigh-calf ratio in a youthful yet forceful, hard-edged ensemble. The sheer masculinity of this look cannot be questioned; it shall become the loincloth of the corporate age.


Careless in our summer clothes, splashing around
In the muck and the mire
Careless in our summer clothes, splashing around
In the muck and the mire

Fell asleep with stains
Cake deep in the knees
What a pain

Now hang me up to dry
You wrung me out
Too too too many times

Now hang me up to dry
I'm pearly like the whites
The whites of your eyes

All mixed up in the wash
Hot water bleeding our colors

All mixed up in the wash
Hot water bleeding our colors
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Black Leather Goth Shorts (exceptionally tight fitting)
-You imagine it as having disturbing corsetry lacing down the sides, and in the, er... central crotch pouch region. You assume it is unisex? Just looking at it makes your waist constrict uncomfortably as a symphony of mournful graveyard notes stirs around your pelvis; you can practically imagine a runnel of sweat, grit and trapped beach sand flecks gathering in a cleft right now. You estimate that (owing to the rather short and immodest length of this attire) these black shorts would make you look only about 15% Goth.
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As your mind begins to enact this genius plan, turns to leap towards triumphant flights of imaginative possibility - you can almost see it now! Those foolish committees and directors overseeing the Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship will never even see what they are missing with your runway collection debut, your supreme sartorial genius for ultimate high fashion tastemaking! And you can see the beginnings of it right now... for there is literally a pair of black leather GOTH SHORTS in a wrecked boutique across the mall walkway, half-submerged in rubbish, waste packaging and debris... Your sartorial triumph is very nearly within your grasp...

...Except that this pair of black shorts appears to be attached to the trunk of a person, half-buried in disgusting wastepaper refuse and discarded food wrappers...
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Jerome The Wizard
He would describe himself probably as more of a warlock, actually.

Jerome is snoring contentedly beneath the mound of rubbish and waste. He looks like a homeless person, and smells very bad.

In addition to wearing the Black Leather Goth Shorts (ultra tight fitting), Jerome also wears:
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One Percenter Jacket
It is a black leather biker jacket, complete with intimidating studded metal and chains and assorted patches. You assume this is what the 1% wears? Presumably that refers to the Pareto distribution of income, or the wealthiest 1% of High Net Worth Individuals in society? Girls always fall for the bad boys. Maybe wearing this jacket will help you behave as if you belong to this "One Percent", the elite of society. You think this jacket makes you look 40% Goth

>well, those violent denigratory rap lyrics you heard from Donnie Raoul will probably help now...
Ain't no pitty-pat, run up on a nigga, give me that
Where your jewelry at? Stupid lil' nigga, give me that
Where your blicky at? Pull up on him, make it brr-at
Bitch, you know that when I see you we gon' make it brr-at
I got this flicky, flicky, flicky shot, make him Milly Rock
Silly Blicky, caught a dizzy shot, made him Diddy Bop
Still be posted by the chicken spot, got my city hot
Silencer, that shit go, "Shh," but this .40 pick a shot

>Rob this homeless person, Jerome The Wizard, of their clothes as they sleep
>steal the Black Goth Leather Shorts (ultra tight-fitting)
>steal the One Percenter Jacket

>attempt to steal the clothes with stealth
>You need to build up your reputation on the street (?) You should wake up the Homeless Person, Jerome The Wizard, first - then draw your Heel Knife, and intimidate him into pathetically surrendering his clothes. Word will spread of this incredibly bold and daring act, enhancing your street cred
>wake up Jerome The Wizard politely, and try to convince him to give you your clothes. Maybe as a Homeless Person he does not have it all together? Maybe you could try and trick him into believing that he already agreed to give them to you, somehow? (You regretfully wonder if Heather's powers of Marketing >>6038142 could have helped...)

>Something else? write-in (QM: eg you could try searching Jerome The Wizard / Homeless Person for other items, eg his sunglasses? Ask Jerome - what happened here, why aren't more Homeless People taking shelter at the Dead Mall? etc)
>>Rob this homeless person, Jerome The Wizard, of their clothes as they sleep
>>steal the Black Goth Leather Shorts (ultra tight-fitting)
>>steal the One Percenter Jacket
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>Steal the clothes of Jerome the Wizard, as he sleeps

It is actually working. Jerome is snoring, and you hold your breath as you unfasten his black leather biker jacket - he has it reversed, with the back of it covering his chest like a blanket, two dangling sleeves drooping across his chest - it is easy to extricate this from him in his inebriated unconscious state.

But as you attempt to unfasten the (ultra-tight fit) Black Leather Shorts... it is just too difficult, too ungainly... Just as you are on the verge of unclasping the precious, coveted garment, the Wizard turns contentedly in his sleep, and his weatherbeaten face and bleary eyes awaken to the aghast shock of realisation -

Jerome The Wizard:
-(snarling / wheezing in indignant fury) hhhmmnnaraggagagagahh...
You turn back and fool along slow, I hain't been gone yet!
(choking inhaled breath) waahbmnagagaramnmahmnnnn...
I warn't ever murdered an all!
Everythin' be quietin down in your brain-case there, before I knowed them by the colour of the outsides turned in!

and with a menacing motion, he draws a

Serbu Super-Shorty
12ga Shotgun Shell
2 (+1) / 2
Pump Action

The action of this demented homeless person wuld be terrifying, if he actually had the shotgun pointed at you the right way round. Jerome fumbles and curses as he momentarily attempts to remember which end of the weapon to grip.

QM: to battle this fearsome opponent, you must write-in an action supported by one of the appropriate emotions. You can combine it with an item, for different effects, eg you could attempt to unsheathe your Heel Knife in a FEARful manner etc.


Dot King was whittled from the bone of Cain
With a little drop of poison in the red red blood
She need a way to turn around the bend
She said I want to walk away and start over again

There are things I've done I can't erase
I want to look in the mirror see another face
I said, "never", but I'm doing it again
I wanna walk away, start over again

No more rain, no more roses
On my way, shake my thirst in a cool cool pond

There's a winner in every place
There's a heart that's beating in every page
The beginning of it starts at the end
When it's time to walk away and start over again
>"Be careful! You're going to hurt yourself if you use it like that."
>Offer to take the weapon from him.
>"Here, I can show you the right way to hold it..."
I have no idea what's happening, so I'll go with this.
Same boat as the other anon.
(I finally caught up with the thread)

I actually didn't understand at first what UPYR meant but then it clicked that it's yпыpь - Slavic vampire-like bloodsucking monster. Helps being from the area for once.
>Urban Philanthropy for Youth Regeneration - UPYR
ok I think I'm starting to get the subtle details now.

>Pull out the heel knife and stab the homeless person in the throat
>Loot the shotgun
As a two-time veteran of Souv's quests clearly the secret to success is LOOTING EVERYTHING whenever possible. The shotgun will be an invaluable asset when we inevitably come face-to-face with vampires. We just need to find silver shells somewhere.

Why not innocence - we need to obtain the shotgun, and the homeless person will probably want it back if we simply trick him, so there's no way around getting away except disposing of him or actually running, and in the latter case we'll have a raving madman chasing us around the mall, so I say we kill him.

As for goth shorts, I think we shouldn't take them, they probably smell horribly if a hobo wore them.

I'm not too hot on the goth under-rave, I think we should head straight into vampire murdering action in the DTLA, look for our friend Finlay. Leave Heather and Donnie to their fate, they're retarded characters anyway, I don't like them, I want to meet hot girls (non-sjw) already, I know they're out there, there's always a couple in Souv's quest.
From what I can tell, we're in an modern city. We remember a mysterious girl whom we've encountered at a rave, whether we look for her or not is our choice, Souv's quests from what I remember are rather sandbox-like (though it would be pretty boring to discard the plot hooks). We've got two companions, Donnie Raoul who seems the "modern retard gangsta rapper" type (you know them) and the sjw influencer Heather We went to the abandoned mall where apparently >>6038795 there are "UNEXPLAINED ARTILLERY (UXO) AND EXPLOSIVE PARTS DANGEROUS PEOPLE MAY REMAIN IN THIS AREA". Looking for goth shorts, we found a homeless person wearing them and after trying to steal them woke him up, and he pulled a fucking shotgun on us (though he doesn't understand how to use it). Seems pretty understandable to me. Never got why people are confused about Souv's quests.
Hm well thank you anon for the explanation.
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Sunshine Grimoire (Jerome The Wizard's Spell-Book)
It resembles a combination between a child's colouring-in book that you might find in a nursery, and a maternity journal for first-time expectant mothers, except as compiled and published by an insane homeless vagrant. There appear to be interleaving sheets filled with cartoonish drawings, illustrations and infantile stickers. Scrawled upon notched squares of gridded, absorbent paper (you notice a very slight astringent smell, a bit like printer toner or wafting ink of some sort) you see the ramblings of Jerome - he appeared to be obsessed with some sort of Blood Apocalypse, the impending arrival of a Promised Son (it might be, "Promised Sun", it is hard to discern from the blotted and stained handwriting) who would herald the unravelling of man through Uncreated Light. The arrival of this Promised One would first see harbingers in the form of storms and fire, and also some sort of a ritual involving a woman, taking place beneath a "Sign", though Jerome appeared uncertain as to what exact form this Sign would take, or indeed where its location could be.

There is however a lot of debate around "hiking" and "cutting" - perhaps this demonic sign is located on some remote mountain trail, with a female as the victim of a gruesome knife sacrifice?

From his demented ramblings you can tell that Jerome believed the destruction of this "Sign", or indeed of the woman before the commencement of the ritual, would avert this cataclysm and prevent the unspeakably horrifying unleashing of Uncreated Light. Yet from his morbid fascination with the Blood Apocalypse, you are bewildered as to whether Jerome appeared be working to avert the eschatological demise of all mankind, or instead to faciliate it. The spellbook also appears to contain a long list of contact details of Jerome The Wizard's associates.
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Suspicious Pilules
Though possessed of very few belongings in his personal stash, Jerome The Wizard appears at some stage to have raided and looted a confectionery store in this abandoned shopping mall. You can see many handfuls of colourful crystalline candies sugar-coated in rainbow delight. Many appear to be stamped with decorative sigils, or pentacle / pentagram icons. Yet your suspicions are aroused when you examine the packaging - in addition to many loose handfuls of rainbow coloured candy, Jerome also kept the packaged merchandise, which is presented in undeniably medical-looking blister packs of tablets. You recall that there is a street craze for highly addictive phenobarbital combat drugs, derivatives of captagon / phenethylline known as "Pentagons" after the popular five-pointed occult stars inscribed upon the compacted dosages. What began as a form of illicit psychostimulant intended to alleviate fatigue and tiredness, reduce the need for sleep was soon discovered to provoke pharmacokinetic side-effects of extreme delirium-aggression, hallucinations and uncontrollable hate-rage. You have never seen this "pentagon" combat drug before, but perhaps this was the narcotic alchemy that Jerome The Wizard was secretly hoarding?
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-Man, Donnie, you work real fast... I have no idea how you find these malparidos...

Pedro de Jesus Navarro, "Kenny"
Traqueto for The Cartel. Few dare ask why Pedro is known by so many aliases, "Jesus", "Kenny" etc, although it may have something to do with his miraculous ability at resurrection, having survived numerous near-fatal attacks, beatings and stabbings as inmate 04370-510 whilst imprisoned in a federal correctional institute.

(Pedro whistles appreciatively at your handiwork)
-Man, that really is something. Enemies not breathing makes me sing - that's my way of love, man. And Donnie, mi sangre, real good job finding this one - this one is the Trigger Man? Good job, real good job. And hey, I like your "chaqueta" (for some reason, Pedro smirks as he looks over your One Percenter Goth Black Leather Biker Jacket) very nice, man, ha ha.

You are wearing:
One Percenter Jacket
Black Leather Goth Shorts (Ultra-Tight Fit)

You look about 55% = 40% + 15% Goth

You possess
Serbu Super-Shorty Shotgun
2(+0) / 2

Heel Knife (folded)

Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship Residency Rejection Letter

Heap Of Crap ("Poubellisme" / Trash Art)
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Donnie Raoul seems unusually agitated for some reason. He keeps fidgeting with his tracksuit with one hand, whilst shaking his phone in his other hand, the glowing screen alternately casting contorted shadows over his tattooed face in garish illumination:
-yo, I was gon' blick this fucka- (Donnie Raoul abruptly stops himself, at the sight of Jerome The Wizard's headless corpse) I mean, no hesitation in extermination of these sni- I mean... bitches, yeah. I'm still money, I'm still itchin' for the warfare, blood. Touch mine and Imma destroy chu, yeah. Aint no-one listenin' for the payback; you watch yo' back, we come to the front, ayy

There is something about Donnie's behaviour which just seems really nervous and strange. You wonder if it is related to what you discovered through investigating his music playlist earlier - maybe you uncovered something that damages his street credibility.

You think it could also be because Donnie is somewhat cowed in the presence of Pedro, who is himself only a low-level street dealer, albeit one recently released on parole from prison. Maybe there is some hidden undercurrent of machismo, criminal hierarchy and respect, the chain of command amongst underworld dealings at play here, of which you are not aware.
After this bizarre exchange, Pedro looks up at you expectantly. It seems like he wants something more:

>Explain yourself: I... it all happened so fast... I was acting in self-defence. I was just walking around on my own in this abandoned shopping mall and this insane homeless man attacked me, threatened me with this firearm. I think he was trying to steal my clothes! His gun must have discharged accidentally...

>Well, you have seen those cartel videos on boards.4kennel.org/gif so clearly what you should do is unsheathe the Heel Knife, cut out the heart of Jerome the Wizard and then set fire to his dismembered and shotgun-blasted corpse. Don't even speak a single word as you perform this act in front of Donnie and Pedro

>Respond to Pedro: I found this Sunshine Grimoire hidden in Jerome The Wizard's stash. It seems to have a list of contacts on it. Maybe this was his dealer network, encroaching on your turf? (Give Pedro the Sunshine Grimoire)

>Respond to Pedro: I found these Suspicious Pilules in the Wizard's stash. They are clearly drugs. Do they belong to you? (Give Pedro the Suspicious Pilules)

>(as above, but... hold back and keep a few handfuls of the loose rainbow tablets for yourself. They might be useful for the underground rave later)

>Don't mention anything to Pedro about the Sunshine Grimoire or Suspicious Pilules you found in the stash of Jerome, The Now Decapitated / Shotgun Blasted Wizard Corpse. It is a good idea to secretly hide drugs from Cartel dealers like Pedro

>Say to Donnie, without breaking eye contact with Pedro de Jesus: Donnie, you have some really strange music on your phone. What is that all about?

>Challenge Pedro: you know what the chain of command is, Pedro? It is the chain I use to beat your face when you don't listen to my commands. Donnie does as I say; he works for me, not you.

>Something else...? (write-in)
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QM: if you need to visualise the aftermath scene of the brutal shotgun murder of the homeless person Jerome the Wizard by his drugs stash within the haunted and empty maze of walkways within the Dead Mall, my virtual tabletop setup imagines it is something like this pic related
Ok after all I can actually see why this may be confusing, let me explain some stuff.

Basically Souv's quests consist of three fundamental parts: there's the main narrative: the happenings, the events, the dialogue, the main flow of the story, etc. which you probably understand - it is interspersed with blurbs about item descriptions, exposition of details about the setting and character introductions e.g. >>6039758 description of these pills or >>6037312 introduction of Donnie or >>6037284 through >>6037300 sets the general tone for the story, or finally >>6037885 explanation of mechanics. There's also the choices, they are a fundamental part of any quest, they are often schizophrenic and you don't need to vote for the pre-set ones, sometimes it is best to write-in a reasonable answer.

The narrative itself can be rather schizo as well. It often skips entire scenes and jumps to the next plot point, or we may be transported to another dimension by triggering some plot trap (e.g. the WW1 wasteland in ODALISQUE) but if you discard the sudden scene changes and just straight up think about what's happening, read the text and comprehend it you can figure out what's happening right now. e.g. from the context in this update it is certain we killed the hobo with a shotgun, Pedro gets introduced as him and Donnie find us in the aftermath, we also loot Jerome's corpse and get his items which are described in the initial parts. All this info is obtained by reading and understanding...

Ah, also the images. They may be obvious, like what's happening in the scene, a character portrait or something, and they may be, like the writing, setting the tone for the story, being metaphors for what's happening, for our memories, flashbacks etc. It is helpful to inspect them for a bit, they may be the key to solving the various mysteries that Souv gives us.

Hope this helps and you keep playing the quest, it gets lonely here when I'm the only one left. Though I understand Souv's quests are not for everyone.

>Offer to trade with Pedro for the Suspicious Pilules
>Ask about the contents of the book, the prophesy of the Blood Apocalypse etc. (do not show the book itself)
I think I sort of understand.
Also I'll support
>Offer to trade with Pedro for the Suspicious Pilules
>Ask about the contents of the book, the prophesy of the Blood Apocalypse etc. (do not show the book itself)
Ok, cool, glad I could be of help! Sorry for the text wall btw I'm not too good at explaining my thoughts concisely.
>Ask about the contents of the book, the prophesy of the Blood Apocalypse etc. (do not show the book itself)

>As for goth shorts, I think we shouldn't take them, they probably smell horribly if a hobo wore them.
How do I delete somebody else's post?
You possess:

Sunshine Grimoire

Suspicious Pilules / Pentagram Star Pills

>Offer Pedro the Pentagram-shaped Star Pills in trade for items etc.
You see Pedro's eyebrows raised in an even more exaggerated combination of curiosity and interest, but when he sees the Suspicious Pilules / Pentagram Star Pills his face momentarily darkens, first to incredulity, then suspicion, before eventually settling to a violent scowl of disappointment. He turns as if he were on the verge of berating Donnie (who actually has a slightly scared look on his face, an expression you have never seen before), but then to your relief and surprise, Pedro turns back to you. He seems to laugh it off...
-Hey cabron, no worries! Heh, if el trullo taught me one thing, it is not to carry the merchandise around with me, heh? Could have saved a good long stay at a most friendly luxury "hotel resort" that way, ha. Live or die, I never going back to the trullo, cabron. I was looking more for the, how do you say, "la pepa"? But this (Pedro indicates towards the Suspicious Pilules / Star Pills
in a serious, dramatic gesture of patronage) I front this to you, cabron. This for you to trade, as you wish. You are welcome on our turf, this the beginning of our great business partnership, we make this Land great again, ha ha. And don't worry, Donnie here he take care of this encajuelado (Pedro indicates the mutilated remains of Jerome) he take real good care of you. We keep a little Tiendita (QM: you think this means a sort of small scale narcotrafficking vendor, disguised as a shop) down by the Beach Pier, near La Rueda de la Fortuna there. You go there any time, cabron, mi sangre Donnie he set you up for your new career! And next time (Pedro grins) we bring the big Cuerno de Chivos for you, cabron!
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>Ask Pedro about the Blood Apocalypse prophecy you read about in the demented ramblings of the now gruesomely deceased Jerome The Wizard
>do not mention you possess the Sunshine Grimoire

Pedro laughs again:
-Ha ha ha, this is like El Dia de los Muertos for the gringos, man! It is funny, you are the second person who has asked me about this today. That is one sapo too much, who is going round asking too many questions. So this Jerome believed in some Calavera Catrina as an offering to Death? Ha ha! This all an act we put on for the gringos and turistas! Not that I am not spiritual, cabron. (Pedro de Jesus scratches his chin thoughtfully) Most people, they want to be like the others. I don't know what you need to bring them out of it; I just sell them the way to forget. You give these gringos the freedom to do unto others what they want for themselves - turns out, that is a means to make everyone the same. That way leads to the Living Death, Death in Life. Sex and Death, that is the most powerful magic, that is all magic is, Creation, Destruction. Create and Destroy - just like the Cartel. It is what we do. But you are in La Tierra de los Brujos, cabron; the magic comes from the Land; but that Land is gone, cabron. In the old days, they believed in the Sacred Wood. This Sign Of The Living Death is probably real big, a real big deal. I think you will know the Sign when you see it!
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(QM: If you think you know what the Sign Of The Living Death represents, write in. Otherwise, Pedro de Jesus will leave - most likely to pursue other unsavoury or illicit activities, and Donnie Raoul will be busy occupying himself with the grim task of cleanup of the "encajuelado" ie smeared remains of Jerome the Wizard)

>Write-in if you have an idea of The Sign Of The Living Death and what it is

>Ask Pedro as he departs: I really enjoy killing. It really is a thrill for me, I think I can make an Art out of it. Is there anyone else you need killed?

>Tell Pedro: leave the corpse of The Wizard as it is. How do you say, a narcomensaje? A warning, if you will, to those who come to the Dead Mall and encroach on what belongs to The Cartel (QM: you think this will massively increase your prestige with the Cartel. Tales will spread of a psychotic sicario amongst their ranks who murders Cartel enemies, and is completely insane and fearless, because he wears tight-fitting black leather shorts during slaughter. However, it will also likely incur inordinate heat from law enforcement)

>(as above, but also desecrate the remains by cutting out the Wizard's heart and burning the corpse)

>The ease and friendliness with which Pedro has welcomed you makes you very suspicious. Why would he just let you have these Star Pills, and sell them on Cartel territory? Wasn't Pedro ready to see the Wizard killed by Donnie, for doing the same? You have a feeling Pedro de Jesus is not someone accustomed to having any of his demands ever being refused or rejected; the more familiar you become with him, the more dangerous it gets. After Donnie and Pedro leave, dump all of the Wizard's stash somewhere, and try to forget everything that happened

>Stupid Cartel gangbangers, turning their backs on you to leave. Shoot both Pedro and Donnie in the head as they depart

>This murder scene is just too horrifying. Flee the entire site wailing and weeping in remorse and horror. Hey, at least this puts you in a good mood for a Goth party

>Something else?
This is not what I had in mind. Thought we'd get a useful item in exchange for the small quantity of drugs, didn't want to be set up as a dealer. Better forget about Pedro's offer and never ever come near the Tiendita, it's best not to get entangled with this shit. We keep the Pills though. Could come in handy.

Anyway, any ideas about the Sign Of The Living Death, anons? I won't be voting for now until I hear your thoughts.
>Take a picture of the corpse amidst the trash of the dead mall. Better yet, place our art installation next to the course and take the picture. Now *this* is art. *This* is avant-garde

I have absolutely no idea what the Living Death is
>The ease and friendliness with which Pedro has welcomed you makes you very suspicious. Why would he just let you have these Star Pills, and sell them on Cartel territory? Wasn't Pedro ready to see the Wizard killed by Donnie, for doing the same? You have a feeling Pedro de Jesus is not someone accustomed to having any of his demands ever being refused or rejected; the more familiar you become with him, the more dangerous it gets. After Donnie and Pedro leave, dump all of the Wizard's stash somewhere, and try to forget everything that happened
As for The Sign Of The Living Death, I'm thinking it's either some sort of weapon or it's a spiritual/religious symbol/icon. Maybe it's a cross between Catholic's and Native Religion's power? That's usually how things go in Hispanic countries when regarding myths.
Or maybe I'm thinking of this in the wrong way.
>Write-in if you have an idea of The Sign Of The Living Death and what it is
The cross, the symbol of the Christ, a sign from God or a portent of the end times. "Pedro" is the Latin version of the name "Peter," and "de Jesus" would mean "of Jesus," making him a possible reference to Saint Peter if we follow a certain deranged rationale. The "Sacred Wood" is possibly connected to the wood of the True Cross that Jesus was crucified on, which was venerated in the Christian tradition.

>The ease and friendliness with which Pedro has welcomed you makes you very suspicious. Why would he just let you have these Star Pills, and sell them on Cartel territory? Wasn't Pedro ready to see the Wizard killed by Donnie, for doing the same? You have a feeling Pedro de Jesus is not someone accustomed to having any of his demands ever being refused or rejected; the more familiar you become with him, the more dangerous it gets. After Donnie and Pedro leave, dump all of the Wizard's stash somewhere, and try to forget everything that happened
I can get behind >>6040276 explanation. Had a hunch that it is the Christian cross but couldn't quite explain why. Maybe because of this image >>6040061
As for the action, let's really go with
>The ease and friendliness with which Pedro has welcomed you makes you very suspicious. Why would he just let you have these Star Pills, and sell them on Cartel territory? Wasn't Pedro ready to see the Wizard killed by Donnie, for doing the same? You have a feeling Pedro de Jesus is not someone accustomed to having any of his demands ever being refused or rejected; the more familiar you become with him, the more dangerous it gets. After Donnie and Pedro leave, dump all of the Wizard's stash somewhere, and try to forget everything that happened
it's best to forget about drug trade.
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Uncreated Light
The glamour of Sex and Death, magic from an unreal sigil, a Sign of Sacred Wood found in the mountains. It is believed to imbue its bearer with powers of transfiguration and rapturous delirium; its followers are filled with desire to become the same as each other, all following and emulating The Sign. The Light takes the form of vivid, shifting cascades of dancing rainbow colours - akin to sunlight split from a clear crystal prism into all forms of imagination. Those bathed in the radiance of Uncreated Light are said to be preserved in their youth and beauty, living on and on forever; they will never die.

Perhaps the macabre scenes at the Dead Mall have shaken you, but you cannot make any sense of all these demented visions from Jerome the Wizard. Is it really that easy, killing a wizard? Just murder a wizard, and read his spellbook, his insane Book Of Suns (Sons?)

And aren't wizard grimoires usually cursed somehow... you feel a dread tingling and slight numbness in your hands, as you try and dispose of Jerome's Stash of pentagram Star Pills. Are they really illegal narcotics, or just star-shaped candy - could you even tell the difference...? You see your hands stained, from when you leafed through the Sunshine Grimoire earlier; there is the same astringent scent and tang of ink, blotted onto your palms, from the absorbent and perforated gridded pages of his sunshine spellbook. And Jerome's contacts appear very peculiar...

For a start, there is one name that recurs repeatedly over and over again, in many separate locations, but which appears to have been retroactively and vehemently scrawled out in fury.

It is hard for you to see what this name is, but it looks like "O..." covered in all locations by Jerome in an ugly scarred patchwork of enraged and defaced scratches. Maybe it was some follower or acolyte of the wizard, with whom he had angrily quarrelled or fought.

The remaining spellbook contacts consist entirely of first names, but strictly segregated into male and female: Samuel, Robert, Chris, Tom, Brad, Will, Johnny, Harrison, Leo...; Scarlett, Zoe, Emma, Jennifer, Cameron, Natalie, Julia, Sandra... Besides each name is a number, a ranked account of takings and transactions. It seems to you that this Jerome The Wizard was perhaps some form of occult accountant? - a bookkeeper, or archivist for all these underworld dealings; you begin to see why Pedro de Jesus would be so interested in this Book Of Suns, and want to see him killed.
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Unbidden to your mind, The Book Of Suns is speaking to you. You see a shifting vision of golden masks and faces - is it trying to show you Jerome, what the Wizard was like at the height of his power, before his descent into madness, besotted with drink and a brain addled by his own hallucinogenic alchemy... Jerome the Wizard as he once was...
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(commanding voice of Jerome, The Warlock)
-I can take you to a place - a place where there is no Death. A golden valley filled with sunshine, yet also a vale where the thousand thousand eyes of night will watch over you, forever and ever. A place where the roads are paved with stars... In this place you will never die...

And as the vision fades, you hear first one female voice, then another and another, earnestly pleading:
- Yes... yes, Yes!! Take me there - take me to the Sign...
-The Sign, yes! Take me! Take me!
-Yes! Me too! Me too! yes, yes...Yes!!
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The female voices swell, at first joining and mingling into an eager intertwining. counterpoint and fugue, then swelling into a tortured chorus, a broken legion; voices distorted into nightmarish cacophony. Discordant shrieks and hisses fill your mind -
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You feel really sick and fall to your knees. Your hands are cramping - the curious hands that touched Jerome The Warlock's cursed Book Of Suns - and it feels like all the tendons and nerves have been pulled out. Everything is pulsating, shaking. The walls are red, thudding against your mind... voices are all around you, taunting and mocking you. This must be the Warlock's revenge... You place one hand against the reddened wall, panicking over whether these ruins of the vast maze that is the Dead Mall have been stained with your own blood.
The wall is indeed red and slick, moist and warm as if sweating with perspiration. The walls do seem to be actually shaking a little. But it is not the Warlock's curse. For it seems you have finally arrived at the Red Masque rave, the underground goth party...
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Or at least, the queue to get into this rave. There are a lot, A LOT of people here. You observe with some consternation that only a minority of them appear to actually be dressed as goths (inwardly, you realise Heather was right about the lame poseurs...) And even at this distance, you can hear the pounding and punishing thud of percussive industrial beats, which makes you dread to imagine just a little of how loud it must be inside, within the writhing, churning vortices of that maw of dancing flesh. Here in the queue outside, the floor is actually sticky with what you presume is spilt beverages or... other fluids.
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You hear voices ahead - there appears to be a small group detached from the waiting line, and they don't appear to look very goth at all:
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-I know now why I never got the audition...

(an aspiring actress. She is standing slightly apart from the queue, re-applying her makeup)
-It is all these sequels, see- Natalie, are you even listening? All these sequels and long-running franchises, huge tentpole productions with enormous production budgets. All it does is feed into the fame of those stars who are already established. It doesn't give a chance to any new entrants, really authentic and talented younger performers. Artists like me! They should really just let those old films die! And also, I think it is because I am just too attractive. Look, Natalie, look at this- (Annabel swipes at her phone) someone made this chart that analyses cinema releases and proves how sex in all these mainstream film productions has declined. Sex just doesn't cross borders well, foreign markets are really conservative, the demographic wants different things. Hence all the big budget tentpole sequel films with the endless explosions and mindless computer generated graphics, instead of true human acting talent. Like me. But isn't that the point of films? To make other people like us, aspire to be the same as us? It's so unfair! Sometimes, I really wish there could be like a treatment, a fitness regimen or like a pill or something I could just take and become famous; just like a pill that makes you into a star and see all my hard work and effort deservingly rewarded. Natalie! What do you think? Are you even listening? Natalie!
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(she is standing timidly next to Annabel in the queue. Hands clenched over her ears against the distant pounding and thudding industrial music. Occasionally Natalie winces and looks a bit sick, squeezing her eyes shut. Natalie is Annabel's designated "recovery companion". They say you cannot force someone to get better, you can only conspire. Natalie stammers:)
-um... Anne, I- I really don't feel so well, I mean, when you dared me to spend a night at the haunted mall, I thought it would be something different- not this... Also, I- I don't think with your recovery program, you know, from the wellness regimen, I don't think this is the best venue for you right now - And sometimes with the acting auditions, it is just luck, you know?

-(dismissively) Hey I told you, I don't want that mentioned again. I am better. I am really better, totally clean and everything. Look, I wasn't even thinking about any pills or anything until you mentioned it. I came here just to have some fun, don't drag me down! Aren't you supposed to be providing emotional support or something, making me feel supported and loved...?

>You are still very sick from the hallucinogenic acid blotter imprinted in Jerome The Wizard's cursed spellbook, The Book Of Suns. How do they usually arrange the meet-cute between boy and girl in those romantic comedy films again? Walk up and vomit into the face of:

>Saunter up and say: Are you... are you Annabel...? You... you look just like her! I have seen all your films, I am such a fan!

>Explain to Annabel: well films belong to the last century, it is all about being a videogame streamer or influencer now. Have you tried becoming a gangsta rapper? Or putting blue dye and rainbow colours in your hair?

>Explain to Annabel: I think you have failed in your acting career, but I heard you can sell, er, scented... bathwater. Or maybe pictures of feet or something

>Say to Annabel: so, you want some pills that make you feel like a celebrity, hmmm. Maybe I can help...

>Say to Annabel: The reason you didn't get the audition is, you are fat. You should try eating less

>Scold Natalie: I think you should adopt a firmer approach with Annabel. She shouldn't even be at this rave, if she is on a wellness recovery program

>Just ignore these two, and walk ahead, try and find some other point in the long waiting line to barge in and gatecrash the rave. There must be some VIP access somewhere?

>Something else...?
>Saunter up and say: Are you... are you Annabel...? You... you look just like her! I have seen all your films, I am such a fan!
The Sign that will appear in the sky before the Blood Apocalypse is the northern lights, the aurora borealis, isn't it? The Sun will irradiate mankind and make us into vampires??
Anyway, for the vote let's go with a combo of
>Explain to Annabel: well films belong to the last century, it is all about being a videogame streamer or influencer now. Have you tried becoming a gangsta rapper? Or putting blue dye and rainbow colours in your hair?
>Explain to Annabel: I think you have failed in your acting career, but I heard you can sell, er, scented... bathwater. Or maybe pictures of feet or something
basically the streaming + bathwater selling is the way to success, the OnlyFans route.
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Your brazen insinuation of recommending Annabel to sell sex pictures and merch of herself online really shocks Natalie, who appears quite prim and sensitive.

To her credit, despite how ill this waiting line to an industrial rave is making her feel, Natalie leaps in to defend Annabel. You get the mental image as if a mouse had attempted to turn round and punch a snake about to swallow it:
-um, excuse me? (Natalie pushes her glasses timidly up her nose, which crinkles as she summons the courage to confront you, stuttering) Excuse me? We... we are having a private conversation here. That is... not an ok thing to say to Annabel here, she- she is still recovering from her problems with stress and addiction...- I mean, if you don't have anything appropriate to contribute, I am going to have to ask you to leave us alone. I mean (Natalie panics a little) I will- I will call security!

(You look around. It is an underground rave in a far section of an enormous derelict shopping mall. Amidst the crowds of gathered partygoers, there is no security at all)

Annabel holds up her hand as if to signal Natalie to back down. You get the impression that despite her demure looking outward appearance - Annabel does look truly breathtaking, as glamorous as any celebrity you have ever seen - Annabel is as ferocious as a wolf:
-Calm down Natalie, I got this (Annabel turn to you) So sweetie, you think I should sell pictures of myself? On the internet? Well that just goes to show what you know about showbusiness. I got to where I am, by defending myself, having standards. Not letting myself be groped by every producer between here and the Hills just for a sign or chance at an audition. Do you know what percentage of online streamers can actually even build a living, or even make any semblance of a decent income? 1% ? 0.01%? And say you finally get there, painstakingly build a following; then they just change the algorithm. Because algorithms are so reliable! (Annabel pauses, takes a breath) I got to where I am today by not selling out. I know what I am worth. I am special, I am a star. I will make it happen some day, and not take it from some internet algorithm. They just want to make people compete against each other, over and over again, whilst they harvest us. Harvest our youth and personalities and beauty and looks. Who is the naive one, huh? And besides, what makes you think you can even afford someone like me?
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Annabel pauses and purses her lips. She takes another really deep breath, and continues:
-I was just venting at you earlier there, Natalie. I didn't mean any of it, I was just frustrated at losing another audition. If this (Annabel flicks her eyes at you) this stranger hadn't come in and intruded... I know perfectly well why I didn't get the audition. It is because I can't cry. They wanted an actress who could produce real tears for the role. I think working in this industry for so long, being judged on every tiny thing, constantly needing to starve yourself to maintain this appearance, being criticised for every choice and all your behaviour, having no social or private life of your own, all these sacrifices... only to be met with rejection after rejection, disappointment after disappointment... it really toughens you up. I don't cry any more. I can't even fake crying, fake vulnerability any more. That is what I am. Beautiful and dead inside.

>Reply, but have you tried like, an onion?
>Reply: don't they have those cosmetic tear sticks, menthol / camphor sticks, that you can use to simulate tears for movies?
>Reply: with your acting ability there, no wonder they have to add in the tears afterwards, with CGI post production
>Reply: maybe you are auditioning for the wrong roles. Maybe you need to find a role that reflects your personality, not your appearance
>Reply: I think you are wrong about online algorithms, making an income from streaming. I know this girl Heather, she has blue hair, she seems to be doing ok with it
>Reply: hey I can make you cry. I made this girl Heather cry the moment I met her today. Will this do it? (using your lingering hallucinogenic nausea, vomit in Annabel's face)
>Reply: you will never be a star. You think you have it, but there are a thousand girls who look like you. Or even better. You'll never be noticed, competing against them all. You will lose.
>(thinking about the power of your mysterious headphones... maybe they could be used to imbue others with emotions?) How about a sad song...
QM: link a song. If it makes me cry, you succeed this encounter with Annabel. Like her, I am dead inside.
>Write-in an idea to make Annabel cry, and help her win an audition
>Something else...? (write-in)

>Leave these two on their own. They clearly have... issues
>Leave these two on their own. They clearly have... issues
Let's go to the goth rave. Maybe we'll meet our odalisque there.
Though it's worth waiting for other anons' input on this.
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QM: hehe, I did see the detailed attempts at unravelling the impenetrable conspiracy of the mysterious occult Sign here
and here

These are all great guesses, but sadly not correct hehe. At this stage it should become increasingly obvious what the Sign actually is... Annabel definitely knows it, hehe

The queue to get into the rave is very long. As you wait, here are some other roleplaying hints as to what you could try to advance in this encounter with the aspiring actress Annabel, and her assistant / recovery companion Natalie (think about what emotions, Fear Innocence Cruelty Outrage they evoke etc)

>Reply: I can see why you ended up an addict in rehab, Annabel. You are like some sort of... horrible emotional vampire

>Reply: ok, Annabel, maybe an onion won't produce tears for your audition. How about some other lachrymatory approach... ever try rubbing garlic into your eyes?
QM: thinking back to the hint "blood and lemon" in the lyrics here...

>Ask Natalie suspiciously: do you know this homeless person, Jerome? I think I saw your name in this strange book of his

>Reply: that's really hurtful, Annabel. I know what rejection feels like (Show Annabel your Rejection Letter)

>Advise Annabel: walk me through what happened at your audition. They say most people decide whether they like someone within the first few minutes of meeting them - first impressions are very important. Maybe the crying scene was just an excuse they used to reject you

>Advise Annabel: with these auditions, you need to hang around the right type of people; creative types. With the right sort of crowd, opportunities are bound to happen sooner or later. I am a famous artist. Look at this (show Annabel your masterwork art oeuvre, the Heap Of Crap) >>6038796

>Actually, I am an art photographer (Show Annabel your disturbing headless corpse / gore photo, next to the Heap Of Crap)
From this anon, lol >>6040253 you know you want to try this, hehe

>Hey Annabel, I have a good audition idea for you. A horror film audition (draw the Heel Knife, and slash Annabel across the mouth with its blade)
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QM: Is Annabel really a vampire? You are not sure. But if you use your mysterious earphones to try and listen to her music playlist, try to look into her soul, it is this

INTO DUST Mazzy Star

Still falling
Breathless and on again
Inside today
Beside me today
Around, broken in two
Till your eyes shed
Into dust
Like two strangers
Turning into dust
Till my hand shook
With the weight of fear

I could possibly be fading
Or have something more to gain
I could feel myself growing colder
I could feel myself under your fate
Under your fate

It was you
Breathless and torn
I could feel my eyes turning into dust
And two strangers
Turning into dust
Turning into dust
QM: As the demented hallucinating homeless man Jerome and the Cartel narcotrafficker Pedro de Jesus are perhaps not the most reliable sources of information (given that they themselves probably do not possess full knowledge of it either, and may have waylaid you with false information intertwined with truth) here is a summary of what you know about "The Sign"

-Pedro mentioned that the Sign makes people want to be like others
-The Sign is connected to Sex and Death, the most powerful magic
-The Sign came from the Land, but the Land is now gone
-From what Pedro told you, it sounds likely that this Sign is controlled by some sort of cartel (just not his Cartel), a very select group of people; The Sign is about Creation and Destruction of a certain magic
-The Sign is related to "Sacred Wood". It was once far more powerful than it is today, but people have forgotten about it

-Jerome the Wizard was completely insane. However, his grimoire ranting about "hiking" and "cutting" made you wonder if The Sign was located on a trail in the hills or near mountains

-in a vision, the spellbook of Jerome in his masked Warlock incarnation revealed to you the Sign brought followers into some sort of "Golden State", a valley filled with sunshine where there is no Death, where they are watched by thousands of eyes, where the roads are paved with stars

-examining Jerome's spellbook, you noticed it had very unusual lists of male and female names absent surnames. There is one particular name beginning with "O..." that has been erased and scratched out, over and over again. You also believe that the purpose of the Sign appears to be to create some form of unusual spell or glamour, the Uncreated Light, which seems similar to rainbow colours
Ok this is all very interesting but I am smol brain so I'll leave the guessing to the other anons (if they haven't left already lol) and head to bed for the night. Perhaps an epiphany will come to me in sleep as I inspect the assorted facts of a trademark Souvarine mystery...
>Reply: that's really hurtful, Annabel. I know what rejection feels like (Show Annabel your Rejection Letter)

We should try to build a rapport, it could make it easier to wring information out of her.
I support this anon, but also we should show her an example of our art, to really bear our tortured soul to her, preferably the picture of the corpse that used to be Jerome
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Sign Of The Living Death,
"H O L _ Y W O O D"

A black car has pulled up by the meandering and twisting roads in the mountains; the car stops before an enormous rusted old Sign - an ancient billboard that once advertised a forgotten and abandoned dream.

Even tourists avoid the curse of this place, which has long fallen into disrepair; one of the colossal, corroded and blemished runes, shaped like an "L", appears to have entirely collapsed, so that the sign reads, "HOL_YWOOD".

Four figures swathed in darkness emerge from the funereal black car. They are themselves draped almost entirely in the colour of night. One of them, a woman with severely cropped hair and facial piercings, speaks in a cold dead tone:
Judith, an intimacy coordinator and casting director

-We are all set, Harvey. Greenlit and good to go. I spoke to Immanuel Hildesheim and the studios on the phone. All the pre-buy, distribution rights and territories, the financing and negative pickup, it is all prepared. All done. They are just waiting for your call, your confirmation.

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Harvey Leer, "Ghoul King"
A notorious horror film director and producer. He is known to have cultivated a gruesome image of utter barbarity in his earlier years, encouraging rumours that the horror and gore effects in his slasher films were created by actually torturing and maiming women. Harvey Leer has been recently released from prison, having been incarcerated on numerous charges of sexual abuse, though it appears he managed to shorten his sentence through some form of plea bargain or cooperation arrangement with prosecutors. As part of the terms of his early release, it has been stipulated that an "intimacy coordinator" accompany Harvey Leer in all his interactions with potential female cast members. Perhaps attributable to the shift in audience preferences and dwell time towards short-form mobile social content and streaming video, industry analysts have observed a marked decline in traditional box office revenues, languishing viewership and falling cinemagoing attendance over the course of his imprisonment, though it might just be sheer coincidence.

Harvey Leer, aka King Ghoul, speaks in a nicotine-wracked voice that grates like a handful of ash thrown into an open grave:

-King Ghoul is back, babe. My work has been forgotten. I did more for women in this industry than anyone can remember. Look them in the eye and they never look away. This city owes me; I'll make them remember it. They are going to roll out the red carpets soon enough again. Blood red.
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An aspiring cinematographer, currently working as 1st AC (camera assistant) with Harvey Leer, having collaborated on the gore-drenched noir look of his horror films multiple times in the past. During the public trial proceedings of Harvey Leer, several tearful actresses alleged that the producer had on many occasions coerced and menaced them with vague and ambiguous threats to "give them to Oskar", without specifying what precise unpleasantness this would entail

(Oskar has a needling and disturbingly high voice. He appears perpetually sullen. He volunteers...)

-Perhaps some... fresh talent, this time, Mr Leer? Young, fresh, ripe...
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He is attired in some form of plate carrier or tactical ballistic vest, which would appear somewhat exaggerated for this current urban threat environment, though it appears he thrives off the look of intimidation. Cade is the Senior Security Operations Coordinator for King Ghoul

Harvey Leer turns to another standing by his side - he has the bearing of some military contractor or battle veteran, who seems to oversee his personal security.

The Ghoul King murmurs his assent:
-Find her, Cade. Judith, Oskar - you know what to do. Bring her to me...

King Ghoul throws back his head and opens his jaws, and the Old Sign Of The Living Death shakes in the mountains as he howls like a child thrown to a wolf. He is laughing, laughing as he howls and lays his hands on his followers, one by one, as if anointing the dead.
>Actually, I am an art photographer (Show Annabel your disturbing headless corpse / gore photo, next to the Heap Of Crap)

Bravo anon, I think you got it!
QM: well done to all the anons who worked on unravelling this riddle lol, and special congratulations to whoever deciphered it correctly here!

Give me a few more moments to prepare the next scene, which I am setting up according to the decision made here
also, this is very interesting, hehe, let us see what happens tee hee hee

There is also one point which I would like clarification on (there seems to be some confusion in the choices made by various players).

So anons decided to dump the stash here
and also reject Pedro de Jesus and the Cartel "trade agreement" ie not participate in his offer to sell drugs on their turf. (Even though you did not explicitly tell Pedro this)

By this choice, did you mean to dispose of as in "hide the stash" in some secret location in the abandoned shopping mall? If so, you can write in and invent some mall location where you hid it eg, abandoned toilets, beneath a ruined elevator or escalator, some wrecked mall shop or vending machine or fountain display etc. This may become important later. Alternatively, perhaps you meant "dump the stash" as in physically destroying it / rendering it unuseable.

>hide Jerome The Wizard's narcotic stash in a new secret mall location
QM: if you choose this, please invent / write-in the place where you re-hid it, this might be important for the story later

>dump the stash ie physically destroy it / render it unuseable / unsellable (I am thinking something like scattering and throwing it in a sewer etc) This choice obliterates the ability to retrieve the stash at any future point
QM: if you choose this, please suggest how you do it eg, burn it all, throw in waterway / sewer / the sea etc

QM: ok, after providing that clarification, please standby and wait a while as I setup the next scene, hehe
holy shit this is genius, congrats anon
>Reply: that's really hurtful, Annabel. I know what rejection feels like (Show Annabel your Rejection Letter)
I would vote against showing the picture but anons seem to have already decided so w/e
>Dump the stash in the sewer
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>show Annabel the Rejection Letter etc...
>show Annabel your gruesome corpse art murder photo
(QM: patience, wait for timing on this one)

By the red glare emanating from the thudding walls of the Dead Mall, in the long and undiminished waiting line for the Red Masque rave, Annabel most certainly does not seem impressed. Without even looking at your Rejection Letter, and curling her lips in a derisive and cruel half-smile, Annabel mocks you:
-So, sweetie, you received... one rejection? And that has broken your heart? Why I- Natalie, don't you agree, this has got to be the worst flirting attempt we have ever heard. First you try some negative pickup artist line on me, demeaning and insulting me, like I am only good enough for exhibiting my body for weirdos on the internet, and next you try this, to earn my sympathy? You really think this will work? What do you think, Natalie? Is this loser making you breathless, driving you wild with desire?

Natalie has read your Rejection Letter. Your show of vulnerability has made her feel a little more sympathetic to you. She still looks very uncomfortable from the oppressive humidity and overall ambience of the rave:
-I think... you should ease up on him, Annabel. I... really need some air, I think we really need to just all go outside and cool down. Just step outside for a moment, this massive line isn't moving at all, we can hear the music echoing all the way already from out here, it is so loud and hot and unbearable. Please, Annabel, the party isn't going anywhere. Can we all just step outside for a moment and catch our breath and cool down?
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In the cooler air of the Car Park outside, Annabel takes a moment to read through the Rejection Letter. Perhaps the space away from the jostling crowd of partygoers does indeed help change her mood:
-Oh, this is the Elbridge Colony, the Arts Fellowship, I know this! (Annabel frowns, and then seems to look at you in a new light) I go there all the time. It was part of my wellness recovery program, see. It was very spiritual and lifechanging. I think it used to be called the Urban Project for Youth Rehabilitation, they developed all these pioneering therapy and wellbeing initiatives, called Structural Adjustment Programs, as charity to help poor and impoverished regions all around. But I think they changed the name because "rehab", well, it has connotations. And they discovered the same therapy techniques can also help artists unlock their creativity. They are all about growth, really deep meaningful artistic growth and enabling your personal and spiritual journey. It really works! Look at me! It isn't like a cult or anything, they don't give you shock therapy! Oh and the house there is really, really beautiful, you have to see it. It belongs to this lady, Melinda - she was married to that former CEO, Eric Sunder, of the Imago Technology Ventures Fund, I think they are separated or something, so she is quite reclusive, she doesn't come out very often. But she used to be a really famous actress herself too! I really want her to become my mentor. Maybe she could help me get an audition...

Natalie wipes at the condensation on her glasses, as she ponders thoughtfully:
-I thought you said you hated that Eric Sunder CEO person, Annabel? Didn't he predict that very soon, AI will replace the need for actresses, they will just synthetically generate your voices and faces and bodies from digitalised computer archive imagery?

Annabel sighs,
-They can do it already. There are some really mean and sick individuals on this message board, I think it is called like 4kennel.org or something, they are always undressing actresses with nude digital effects, and they can even fake voices, video. But you would have to be really stupid to fall for it though. Like imagine receiving a random phone call, from a number you have never seen before, and just because the voice sounds like someone you know, you believe them and do everything they say. No-one would ever fall for that! (Annabel turns to you) Oh, it is cold out here (she rubs her bare arms in the chill air). Listen, you are... not all bad, to be around. You should come visit us at the Elbridge Colony some day, as a guest. I'll invite you in. You can see what it is like...
>(thinking back to what Annabel said about the 1% of those who achieve success etc) You're shivering, Annabel. Here, take my jacket
(give her the One Percenter Black Leather Biker Jacket)

>(as above, but add) Take good care of that jacket. I shot a homeless person for it. (Pause) It was a joke! (I really did it)

>Reply: thank you for the invitation, Annabel. It is what I really needed

>Reply: Elbridge sounds like a weird cult to me. No thanks. In no way does it symbolically represent the education received by the QM in any way whatsoever

>Reply: I know a really beautiful place by the beach, Annabel. It is a special place for me. Would you like to see it?

>Reply: I know a really beautiful place by an old Sign in the mountains. The view is breathtaking, you can see the entire city. Would you like to come with me?

>Ask Annabel suspiciously: some random interview on AI cannot be the only reason why you hate this Eric Sunder tech CEO person, right...?

>Ask Annabel: what would you do if someone leaked your nudes?

>You must wade into this website boards.4kennel.org/ and search for nudes of Annabel. You know the one
>try /hr
>browse /s
>hmmm, /hc
>oh no /gif
>the worst? /pol
>even worse, /gif gore thread
Hey, maybe you could upload your "art" here

>Annabel is really quite... highly strung. Choose any of the responses above, but direct them at Natalie instead

>(don't say anything, but think to yourself whilst flicking the Heel Knife back and forth) If I bring this actress to the Sign Of The Living Death as a sacrifice to Harvey Leer, maybe he will make me into a vampire

>Something else...? Write-in
>Like imagine receiving a random phone call, from a number you have never seen before, and just because the voice sounds like someone you know, you believe them and do everything they say. No-one would ever fall for that!
>(thinking back to what Annabel said about the 1% of those who achieve success etc) You're shivering, Annabel. Here, take my jacket
>Ask Annabel suspiciously: some random interview on AI cannot be the only reason why you hate this Eric Sunder tech CEO person, right...?
>Reply: thank you for the invitation, Annabel. It is what I really needed
>Reply: unfortunately my art was just not good enough to be invited. And to think I put MY VERY SOUL in it... Look, is it really that bad? *show gore picture*
Going balls to the wall straight into disaster (I just want to get this anons' idea over with)
I agree with everything this anonbsays EXCEPT do NOT give her our jacket. It makes us goth and cool and accentuates our shorts
I agree with this. And we're keeping the jacket, obviously.

It's the name of the quest.
>Ask Annabel why she hates the former Imago tech venture fund CEO, Eric Sunder etc...

Natalie tries to impede your questioning:
-I don't think Annabel is ready to talk about that part of her life, she was in a very vulnerable place at the time, she...

but Annabel interrupts her brusquely:
-It's fine, Natalie. I am better now. Eric, he... holds these parties. You know, the ones out in the desert where everyone is naked amd wearing too much body paint and they set fire to a big wooden effigy, the sculpture of a burning man at the end. It is ironic actually, if you know the history of what happened to Eric's father. Well I attended some of these parties, and had... too much of a good time. It was stupid of me not to control myself. That is all there is to it.

(Annabel is still shivering a little in the cold. She is looking expectantly and enviously at your Leather Biker Jacket, as if she had hoped for some intimacy, and is becoming increasingly disappointed. Annabel's voice wanders towards dejection:)

-I guess... they made the world so competitive now; everybody is competing against you, to take something from you. But it isn't fair, because not everybody starts from the same place, the same beginning. Some people just have connections, they have this history, this lineage. You hear only your own voice, but there are all these other worlds you never see unless you already know their meaning. I just wish it were easier! The world is not what I want it to be. And no-one ever gave me the right to design the world...
QM: the best image I can find of what has been done to Jerome The Wizard is this

So you show this picture to Natalie, who is horrified. She is tugging on Annabel's arm, a desperate look of utter panic contorting her normally placid features:
-(in a crushed, suppressed choked whisper of fear) Anne-Anne... I... I really want to go home! Can we please... just leave... please! I just have this horrible feeling- this feeling, the longer we stay here, something really bad is going to happen... and I think this guy, he is really weird... like psycho murderer weird... I don't think he is an artist- please... can we please just go home... Anne? Anne?

Annabel is gazing sceptically at the image. She is quite interested in the lower half, which depicts Jerome's mangled headless torso and splayed limbs. She bites her lip a little, and arches an eyebrow:
-Well...I guess the composition is ok, I suppose. It's not AI-generated, is it? I mean I would like it better if you found a more attractive model. (Annabel teasingly glances at Natalie, who is utterly petrified) Like imagine if you did it with... Natalie here. Just imagine it (Annabel reverses the grip of Natalie, who had been still attempting surreptitious escape signals with the desperate arm-tugging... Annabel reverses her grip and pinions one of Natalie's arms behind her back as she struggles with increasing horror...) Imagine if you made some "art" with our adorable friend Natalie here...

-(Annabel runs her fingers down her throat, towards the taut fabric across her breasts) no, Annie... I don't like this! Let go! What are you... what are you doing?? I-I...don't want...

-(she winks at you) Just a thought, sweetie. Oh and here is my boyfriend, with his ride just in time! Don't worry Natalie, I'll see you safely back home just fine. You can take a rideshare.

(a blast of music reverberates from the rave below, like a revving engine)

VIOL, Gesaffelstein
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A black motorbike has pulled up in the car park. Annabel hops on the back and straddles the black helmeted rider, who revs the wheels. Natalie is aghast and utterly devastated, and desperately hoping for a mobile signal to call a rideshare cab for herself home, swiping maniacally on her phone.
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From her vantage point, high above on the vertiginous precipice of the shopping mall roof overlooking the car park, Heather is contentedly finishing the last few steps of her cleansing, healing ritual. She had been meditating, looking at her tarot cards and crystals, burning sage and fragrant herbs and fixing her aura. Now she is finally in the right state of mind to begin her therapy, her emotional release. If Heather squints hard enough, she can just make out a black motorbike and some figures below whom she might recognise... Heather reaches for her phone, to shut off notifications and ensure she is not distracted...

A song comes up on your earphones. Strangely enough, you recognise it; the favourite song of someone you knew...

MOTORBIKE RIDER (glancing at you)
-Who is your new friend, Annabel?

Annabel (she laughs as she holds onto him, squeezes him tighter and rests her head against his shoulders)
-oh, no-one you know, Finlay...


I am an American aquarium drinker
I assassin down the avenue
I'm hiding out in the big city blinking
What was I thinking when I let go of you?

Let's forget about the tongue-tied lightning
Let's undress just like cross-eyed strangers
This is not a joke, so please stop smiling
What was I thinking when I said it didn't hurt?

I want to glide through those brown eyes dreaming
Take it from the inside, baby hold on tight
You were so right when you said that I've been drinking
What was I thinking when I said good night?

I want to hold you in the Bible-black predawn
You're quite a quiet domino, bury me now
Take off your Band-Aid because I don't believe in touchdowns
What was I thinking when I said hello?

I'd always thought that if I held you tightly
You'd always love me like you did back then
Then I fell asleep and the city kept blinking
What was I thinking when I let you back in?

I am trying to break your heart
I am trying to break your heart
But still I'd be lying if I said it wasn't easy
I am trying to break your heart

>scream at Finlay (?) / Black Helmet Motorbike Rider: You! YOU! You are a RAPIST! I have proof... (play the voice messages)

>If Heather sees Finlay, right now, with yet another girl... she might... harm herself. You did encourage her to climb onto the shopping mall roof... you need to go to her, now

>ask Annabel awkwardly: er... so we are all going back to your house, right? I can tag along?

>say to Natalie: I will take you home (Natalie looks utterly horrified at this prospect)

>this feels like another artistic moment for you. Begin by shooting Annabel and Finlay in the face with your shotgun

>looks like you are sleeping on the beach again. Walk away, alone

>something else...?
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QM: I posted in before, but this live performance also appropriate as an accompaniment soundtrack for this current scenario

GASOLINE The Dead Weather (Live Version)

To be afraid is a luxury
So cool your engines for me
I don't want a sweetheart
I want a machine

I love you the most, I do
When you're so close to me
I can smell the gasoline

To be soft is too easy, huh
Don't get soft on me
I don't want a sweetheart, sweetheart
I want a machine

I love you the most, I do
When you're so close to me
I can smell the gasoline

To be afraid is a luxury
So cool your engines for me
I don't want a sweetheart
I want a machine

I love you the most, I do
When you're so close to me
I can smell the gasoline

What you whispered should be screamed
Screamed at the top of your lungs
Any sense you had in the morning
Is gone when the day is done

I love you the most, I do
When you're so close to me
I can smell the gasoline
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QM: lol I just realised the game has turned into a reenactment of "I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle" (I swear this isn't deliberate)

Unfortunately I do not know very much about iconic motorbikes, or cars etc. whereas at least with guns I can fall back on imfdb and videogames.

From my research I think his bike would probably need to be something like a BMW R1200 GS to accommodate two passengers. Originally when I was hunting around for images, I imagined the bike as a BMW S 1000 R. (I have no idea if any of these are good I just like the aesthetic of the pictures) Most motorbike adverts are cringe, but I watched this one, there is good music editing hehe they made it sort of cyberpunk lol and I appreciated the SLAG FURNACE unsubtle terminator 2 type imagery, hehe, this advert did it for me, yay

BMW S 1000 R advert - it is just like Terminator 2

maybe there needs to be a SLAG FURNACE in this game, hmmm

Anyway pic related shows his motorbike this time, I omitted it in the last picture argh
>Wave at Annabel saying "bye-bye"
>Wait a while to hear what Heather is going to scream
>Probably go back to the goth rave afterwards but it depends
This scene is just not very interesting to me, none of the characters except maybe Annabel are appealing. Sorry Souv. Would've maybe gone with
>talk to Finlay like "You remember me?"
but wouldn't want to delay them if they're in a hurry. Let's move on to the goth rave and maybe find our vampire gf or clues to her location at last.
Oh also these actions are
>OUTRAGE (negative)
X Card

It is about the size of a credit card, and feels heavy, being made out of anodised titanium, accented in stainless steel and gold; once a symbol of exclusivity, affluence and luxurious spending power, its status has been degraded by the proliferation of many popularised metal-carrying cardholders, as well as a younger BNPL generation who indebts themselves invisibly and incrementally through a sorcery of ethereal, contactless electromagnetic transference.

The black card is also frequently featured and aggressively promoted in gangsta rap lyrics; for those abandoned to poverty, wealth, weapons, women; respect and domination, violence and retaliation; masculinity and misogyny represents all resources known to those raised with street culture as their Father. The ideology of Father, provider and protector, ensnares even those who rebel against him.

On this card there is an etched imprint featuring a prominent X at the front, alongside a laser-engraved design that reminds you a little of the ferris wheel at the Pier by the beach. It clangs if you hold it above a silver platter and drop it down upon a restaurant table.

Most people who wish they were millionaires actually only desire to spend millions, which is perhaps the opposite mentality to the accumulation and conservation of wealth. Nonetheless, invitation-only premiere cards are mostly associated with some form of spending reward or loyalty scheme. Whilst the precise elements required for qualification are not disclosed, an excellent FICO credit score is also typically required.

This card can be used to travel the world, if the world you wish to see (or better still, the world your personal assistant sees) is one of booking desks, concierge services and airport lounges.

Perhaps the X Card can be used to banish all that is unsightly and inconvenient in the world, but what it cannot be used for in a high-demand business lifestyle is to escape from it.

(You notice that in the playful / distressing arm-twisting pretend struggle between Annabel and Natalie,
the actress appears to have dropped this item of hers, without noticing, upon the ground at the Car Park.)
>Note the location of the X Card
>Pick it up and appropriate it after Annabel and Finlay have departed
As always, we will LOOT EVERYTHING (almost).
>Step on top of the card so that Natalie doesn't spot it
>Ask Natalie: Was that Finley, the world-famous creator of the highly acclaimed indie hit videogame "Super Vampire Basher (SVB) - Bubblegum Edition: Gotta Pop 'em All!"?

I hope we do get to go inside and goth rave a bit
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You possess:
X Card

>Talk to Finlay, Don't you remember me...? etc
You find it strange as the Black Visored Motorbike Rider does not recognise or even acknowledge you. For all his faults, Finlay was always a very easygoing and friendly, approachable person. Perhaps the success of selling his awardwinning videogame company, and subsequent payout have gotten to him?

Or maybe it is something far more mundane - the Black Motorbike Helmet obscures the entirety of his face, doubtless his peripheral vision too, making his voice sound muffled and slightly more higher pitched and wheedling in tone than usual.

As you are stooping to furtively pilfer Annabel's black credit card from the Car Park, you hear this conversation between the Black Motorbike Rider and Annabel, as she caresses and hugs herself against him:

-I saw your text, Annabel. I am sorry the audition did not go well. But I have good news - there is a new director in town, a legend. You'll definitely have seen his films before - big budget box office productions. And he wants someone really dedicated, fully committed to the role. He even holds his auditions on site at the film shoot location, he really wants the cast to be immersed in the surroundings and atmosphere. What do you think? Are you ready for a challenge?

Annabel (she is really excited)
-Oh, Finlay! Really? You are so good to me! Thank you! Thank you! It is so rare to find men who support women in their careers, thank you so, so much! I was worried that, well, you know, you would be intimidated by how I earn so much more than you now, but this might really be the chance to take my industry recognition to the next level! This is the opportunity of my dreams! Thank you!

(you see Annabel planting her lips against the mirrored surface of the Black Motorbike Helmet visor, leaving a tender press of red against the faceless darkness of the helmet surface. Annabel asks...)

-Oh, and where is this audition location? I am so excited, I could go there, right now!

BLACK MOTORBIKE RIDER (revving engine)
-Sure thing, Annabel. We could check the venue out, ahead of time and before any rival actresses hear about this opportunity. It's at the old Steelworks Foundry. The film location is the Slag Furnace. You will be amazing at the audition, Annabel, I am sure. You are special, a star. Your talent truly burns brightly. I'll take you there, right now.
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The Black Motorbike Rider departs with Annabel, her blonde hair streaming in the wind behind her, just like in old romantic movies. As you are contemplating this turn of events, you receive a sudden text from Heather...

-Please - I really need you. Something really bad happened. Can you come to the roof right now?

>Text a reply back to Heather
>Reply: Yes, Finlay has yet another girlfriend. Get over it.
>Reply: Why do I have to go to you? You get yourself down here
>Ignore Heather

>You came here to dance at a goth rave, nothing shall stop you. It would be cool if it is like a slaughterhouse and they have those water sprinklers that spray blood and stuff

>You need to follow the Black Motorbike Rider right now. But how? Ignore everything else and chase him

>Say to Natalie: as her Recovery Companion from rehab, shouldn't you be accompaning Annabel everywhere she goes?

>This has been a really long day. You should return to the beach to recover for a bit, looking at the ocean always makes you feel better.
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(QM: if you need a motorbike, or some other vehicle, one can always be imagined into existence. It really depends on if I can find cool pictures of it at a good angle. Colour, make/model etc)
>Reply: unfortunately my art was just not good enough to be invited. And to think I put MY VERY SOUL in it... Look, is it really that bad? *show gore picture*

>Ask Natalie, was that Finlay...? etc
In response to this, Natalie shrieks:
-Stay away from me, you... you psycho-murderer...art photographer!! I don't want you near me taking any of your special decapitated "art" pictures! I am going to... call security?!! Security?? Please, someone, help me!! Anyone? Help! Help!

(Natalie swipes desperately at her phone, panicking)

>Attempt to calm Natalie down
>Tell Natalie to calm down and decenter men from her life. Right now she is letting men, like Me, control her life and how sge reacts. Even her current outburst is centered around a man, Jerome, and he isn't even alive
>Reply: Why do I have to go to you? You get yourself down here
You remember once witnessing the body of a woman, cradled in the grotesque embrace of a crushed car, having plummeted from a great height with her fallen body punched into the top of a vehicle.

Confronted by the hysterical and horror-stricken spectacle of Natalie's breakdown at the sight of your gore "art" picture, you calmly commence a lengthy academic exposition elucidating upon how her revulsion and fear of being maimed at the whims of male psychotic murderers only serves to reinforce and perpetuate the oppression of the edifice of patriarchy and all construals of feminity being subservient and powerless before masculine dominance. Furthermore, you explain how horror is really a form of tolerance, the willingness to look, to examine and investigate what is shunned and taboo in society, thereby questioning the hierarchal systems of value and authority that enforce social conformity and obeisance.

Natalie is somewhat soothed by your calm and reasonable demeanour and tone of voice, yet she still eyes you with the utmost suspicion and distrust from several spans of arms-length distance away.

But before Natalie can question your motives any further, you both jump at the jolt of a bone-wrenching crash...

Was your memory a deja vu... have your worst fears come to pass? Has Heather, upon witnessing the spectacle of the rider upon her former boyfriend's motorcycle, with the arms of a beautiful girl entwined around him, a girl that should have been her... has Heather decided finally to take the ultimate leap of desperation to make him notice her, regret leaving her - in a manner he will never forget...?
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Heather is still on the roof, though it seems it is her makeshift shrine of incense, crystals and meditational herbs that has plummeted the neckbreaking drop from the precipice at the top of the abandoned shopping mall, having crashed into the kerb and tarmac of the car park beneath her.

You realise instantly it was wise of you to wait and not mention Finlay, for it seems Heather is upset about something else entirely. She must not have recognised or even seen the scene below with Annabel and the Black Motorcycle Rider. Another revelation might finslly push her over the edge...

Tears (also some mucus) streaming down her face, mottled in clumps around her eyelashes, Heather wails...
-You... you told me this ritual would work! To de-centre men from my life?? They sent NUDES! Nudes of me to everyone I know! That... sick 4kennel videogame imageboard! And they didn't even use my actual body for most of them, but instead some AI model trained on far more attractive strippers, adult entertainers! And the most insulting one: they took my prettiest photo, my beach swimwear profile photo, and they actually covered up my body with more modest clothes!! This is so sick (Heather weeps snd sobs) and it is ALL YOUR FAULT!!

Natalie looks at you sceptically:
-So is this... your girlfriend?

>Reply to Natalie: why, do you want a threesome? Boy on girl on girl? Ride the roast tricycle? Pump and munch the triWANGular?

>Reply to Heather: could I please have a link to these nudes, please? You know, to help find the perpetrators, track them down and congratulate- I mean, punish them

>Stay there, Heather. I am coming to you (rejoin her on roof)

>Oh, also did you know Finlay has a new girlfriend? This really beautiful actress named Annabel?

>Reply, gesturing frantically at Heather swaying at the edge of the Dead Mall roof: Natalie - aren't you some relationship counsellor or something? Help her...!

>Reply: I am so attracted to the sight of weeping women. I really don't understand it. It is just... the pure suffering

>Run up to the roof, to console Heather. When you get close, close enough to comfort and embrace her, lick the wet dewdrops of her grief and humiliation like some sort of bizarre tear-sucking vampire, whilst making a face reminiscent of Nicolas Cage

>This is all a distraction. You must chase after Annabel and the Black Motorbike Rider NOW

>Something else...?
>This is all a distraction. You must chase after Annabel and the Black Motorbike Rider NOW
My brain is too smooth to process much of this other than Heather is mad at us, but I think gtfo is the right idea?
>Run up to the roof, to console Heather. When you get close, close enough to comfort and embrace her, lick the wet dewdrops of her grief and humiliation like some sort of bizarre tear-sucking vampire, whilst making a face reminiscent of Nicolas Cage

How could you even post an option like this and expect me not to vote for it?
>Run up to the roof, to console Heather. When you get close, close enough to comfort and embrace her, lick the wet dewdrops of her grief and humiliation like some sort of bizarre tear-sucking vampire, whilst making a face reminiscent of Nicolas Cage
And invite Natalie
>tfw I share the thread with people that just want to watch the world burn
>Reply, gesturing frantically at Heather swaying at the edge of the Dead Mall roof: Natalie - aren't you some relationship counsellor or something? Help her...!
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>Run to the roof with Natalie, attempt to lick Heather's crying face like a bizarre tear-sucking vampire, with Nicolas Cage face etc.

For centuries you have lived in secret, hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. Until now. Feeding upon cast away beach tissues, suckling upon those whose eyes water in bright sunshine with summer pollen allergies. This can surely be the only explanation? You have two choices. You can feed upon her and make her forget, or you can let her run away screaming "Vampire!"- let them chain you up and drive a stake through your heart, which will actually probably not do anything, but will be painful and mildly annoy you, or so you believe. Vampires often turn on those who trust them. But she has very juicy tear ducts, brimming with such succulent sorrow.

As you move in and brush away mascara-smeared strands of blue hair from her cheeks - her freckled skin tastes a little milky, whilst her tears sing with notes of incense and pomegranates - Heather mistakes your intentions:
-Ow! That is my eye! My mouth is down here! What-what are you doing? Is this your way of trying to comfort me? You... you disgust me...(Heather feebly and unconvincingly tries to push you away) Please... please just... hold me. I am so alone. All the men, they are always trying to take advantage of me. Especially when I am vulnerable. They are so hypocritical. It is so hard... (Heather shudders and sobs) I always end up alone, I am alone, always alone! I think it is why I hang out with Donnie sometimes. At least he always speaks what he feels, what everyone is really secretly thinking. Donnie doesn't hide anything. You... you wouldn't hide anything from me, would you...?

Natalie is extremely embarrassed and disturbed by this entire scene.
-So... I am going to... go home now...

Somehow, high above the Car Park on the Dead Mall roof, your phone rings. It is always so convenient when the mobile signal suddenly returns for narrative purposes
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Lockdown Armoured Patrol Division (LAPD)

Nobody really remembers their original purpose or what they even do anymore, but it seems to involve a lot of re-purposed surplus military gear from overseas wars, drones, body armour, gas masks, night vision and assault rifles, that sort of thing. Armoured patrols in the Lockdown Area consist primarily of independent contractors who are remunerated according to their own individual takedowns, fostering a loot-what-you-kill mentality of survival.

(your phone call)
UNKNOWN NUMBER (Donnie Raoul on a burner phone...??)
-Yo sangre, da police are comin' with them legion of boom flyby muthafuckas, gotta run or yo' gon' get creased, blood. Them shots ring out and that shotadetector come beaming fo' yo ass...

(QM: you think the caller is referring to a system similar to this


an acoustic telemetry and surveillance system consisting of an array of listening sensors to range and triangulate changes in sound pressure from gunshots, installed across dispersed locations around the district perimeter to DTLA, used for algorithmic intelligence-led policing.

June 20, 2024
Gunshot Detection System Wastes N.Y.P.D. Officers’ Time, Audit Finds
When it was performing at its best, only 20 percent of ShotSpotter’s alerts actually revealed shootings, they found. Often, it did even worse. Of the 940 alerts officers responded to last June, only 13 percent corresponded to confirmed shootings...)
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Brinc Lemur 2 Drone
Equipped with LIDAR and tracking camera array, night vision and FLIR sensors, two-way audio communications, a glassbreaker for breaching doors and windows, with self-righting mechanisms and obstacle detection against collisions in confined urban environments. The Lemur drone can dynamically generate floor plans of the urban environment.

As the reality of the impending heavily militarised law enforcement raid seeps slowly down towards the realm of your comprehension, you begin to hear a very loud high-pitched, whirring and ripping noise, emanating from the sky, as if someone had decided to amplify and remix the vibrations of a mosquito and a buzzsaw.

The cacophony swells to a swarming crescendo, as a black cloud of barely discernible erratically floating silhouettes emerges on the horizon.

One of the whirring and hovering first-responder unmanned rotorcraft systems breaks formation, veering towards the vast sprawl of ruins at the Dead Mall, in the direction where you stand.
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(The voice from the Unknown Number continues - )
-Da police, dis gon' make it real difficult fo' chu, blood. Pedro he waitin' for that kickback from yo' slangin, dem "trade agreements" that kooda he is frontin' you and sheeit, you know what Imma sayin'?

>Reply, if the police are coming I need (choose only ONE: )
>a place nearby to hide
>better guns. Do you have anything stashed nearby? I'm going to shoot my way out (QM: can write-in, I'll see if I have pictures)
>a getaway vehicle (QM: write-in what kind)
>an alibi. I'll just surrender to them

>Ask: I need you down here, Donnie. As my backup

>Reply: hey, I did not consent to any "trade agreements" with Pedro

>Mutter accusations: yes it is strange how police surveillance detected the gunshot with such a fast response time. Heather didn't hear anything with the massive noise from the industrial rave at the Dead Mall here and all. I wonder who called it in and notified the police?

>You can play it cool. Wait for law enforcement to arrive and shutdown the illegal rave; you can mingle with the dispersing crowd of partygoers and escape undetected. It is not like you have any incriminating gore pictures on your phone linking you to the murder scene of the shooting or anything

>Draw the Serbu Super-Shorty Shotgun, and try to destroy the approaching drone. Fire
>1 shot
>2 shots; afterwards, the chamber racks open, empty

>(choice as above, but) Try to shoot down the drone and retrieve it. Maybe you could put its mapping capabilities to use... You think in order to do this, you need the drone to get within a very close range to you, to try and aim for this difficult shot

>Just end the call, and start running

>Something else...?

QM: the pic related depicts the current location of the private contractors. You think it is close to this building
and these scenes you witnessed from the Dead Mall roof vantage point.
Should've LOOTED MORE.
>Reply: hey, I did not consent to any "trade agreements" with Pedro
>End the call
Can we run out before the police arrive? If so
>Do it, RUN, go somewhere safe
If not then
>Scout the Dead Mall, looking primarily for weaponry, places where we can hide and take cover, poorly-lit areas
Actually wait, we've got the respected X CARD. This is probably the better course of action:
>You can play it cool. Wait for law enforcement to arrive and shutdown the illegal rave; you can mingle with the dispersing crowd of partygoers and escape undetected. It is not like you have any incriminating gore pictures on your phone linking you to the murder scene of the shooting or anything
>a place nearby to hide
Hiding in crowds is best. Mingle with the rave, hopefully 55% goth is sufficiently goth
>You can play it cool. Wait for law enforcement to arrive and shutdown the illegal rave; you can mingle with the dispersing crowd of partygoers and escape undetected. It is not like you have any incriminating gore pictures on your phone linking you to the murder scene of the shooting or anything

Having the shorts will pay off.
The revellers and partygoers from the rave are emerging from the depths of the abandoned shopping mall, into a bleary fog and haze of harsh searchlights and vagabond shadows.
Overhead, the whirring drones are broadcasting some form of loudspeaker message:

DISPERSE ORDER DECLARED - This is an unlawful assembly, LEAVE THE AREA NOW - The law will be enforced, VIOLATORS WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE
In the eddies of smoke and veering UAVs, you hear the strained pulse of ongoing music - it appears that the rave has reached that obligatory segment where they play the more downtempo, melancholic synth trance song, except that the revellers have now moved outside, beneath the columns of drone surveillance searchlights


Can I tell you a secret?
I played
And failed
And failed so bad

But it’s not like I had any regrets
I choose
to stay
to stay alive

Can you feel it?

It all ends
In Raptures

Do you feel anything at all?
It’s in your skin
Your veins
Your veins and more

We all need to find a way
To forget
To get out
To get out of the rain

Can you feel it?

It all ends
In Raptures
Somehow, through your mysterious Earphones, you can hear the crackle of tactical communications

-Control - Kill Team 1 is five out
-Inner perimeter secured, containment is set
-Approaching the target now...
-Control copies, hold on the two side

The drones appear to be herding the partygoers to be scanned by the drones at the left side of the junction depicted here
which is bottlenecked and heavily guarded by an armed patrol team presence.

The dilapidated high buildings all around appear to create an insurmountable, walled in enclosure with no escape or exit other than the drone and armed patrol control checkpoint to the left.
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However, you notice there is a section of barbed wire wall near a makeshift ramp of debris and discarded barrels and paling. You could attempt to climb this debris and take a running leap to vault over the barbed wire wall, to bypass any detection at the drone / patrol checkpoint.

There is one solitary drone, the same one that had veered off towards the Dead Mall earlier
that appears to be hovering near this section. Its searchlight beam nonetheless is turned away from the barbed wire wall, towards the left checkpoint which appears to be the main focus of the armed patrol, as they stop and search the partygoers.

You also wonder if there is some sewer access, some manhole cover that could be prised open to attempt to find another route underground. Absent a crowbar or any tools, you would have to attempt this with your bare hands, and it may also require some searching.

>Just surrender and calmly join the dazed queue of revellers waiting to be scanned and searched at the armed patrol checkpoint one by one

>Attempt to climb the ramp of debris and leap over the barbed wire wall. Do this really fast, without thinking; maybe you can vault over before the solitary drone can react
>Barbed wire and drones alone are not dangerous enough. For some reason, you feel you should attempt this daredevil stunt of running and leaping over the barbed wire wall with your Heel Knife unfolded

>You need to create a distraction. But how? (Write-in)

>Search around the debris for some form of sewer or subterranean access. You think this may take some time, as you need to do it in a manner that is not suspicious to avoid attracting attention from the surveillance drones

>You glance at your beloved Art project, the Heap Of Crap. Surely there must be some use for this??
(hint: >>6039021 )

You are eyeing the armed patrol in all their tactical gear. They are surprisingly few in number - some of them appear to be carrying riot gear to handle the large crowd that outnumbers them, as well as (you suppress a trembling shudder of ecstasy) TEAR GAS grenades. Imagine it... clouds of tear gas released into the crowd of slobbering and choking victims, eyes reddened and streaming and overflowing with delicious, watery salty tears... a feeding frenzy... how could you resist??
>walk directly up to the armed patrol and shotgun the nearest tactical operator in the face

>something else? Write in
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If you are perhaps curious about the ominous orange-red light emanating from beyond the barbed wire high wall,
maybe this song gives you a glimpse of what is beyond it...


(oh, I see it has lyrics...??)

Love has you pinned to a dead form of yourself
Feel the shock when you collapse
The beast will not sleep
Nothing will bear your name

QM: I tried to delay linking Perturbator for as long as possible lol, he is just too good at basically every song of every album he does, he always makes for incredible dark storytelling / videogame or cinematic soundtracks. I mostly prefer his earlier stuff eg Dangerous Days, I Am The Night etc which is probably too well known already and sounds a bit too synthwave for maybe this current game world setting, so here is a different newer track of his. I chose this one, because of what happens at exactly 3mins11sec of this song tee hee hee

argh must resist from now onwards making every song Perturbator argh nooo
>You glance at your beloved Art project, the Heap Of Crap. Surely there must be some use for this??
>Mask ourselves with rubbish in the debris pile
Hint made it obvious, not complaining though lol.
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>camouflage self with rubbish from your Art Project, the Heap Of Crap

QM: ok, you obtain the

Trash Ghillie Suit

I suppose it slightly more tactical than the Metal Gear Solid crouching in a cardboard box thing.

Jan 24, 2023
Marines outwitted an AI security camera by hiding in a cardboard box and pretending to be trees
QM: since an anon also did mention scavenging,
I suppose you can find enough components to assemble an

Improvised Tin Can Suppressor

(pic related, except imagine it fits over your Serbu Shotgun
and not the sawnoff Mosin obrez pictured).

So this suppressor only works for ONE shot (afterwards, the Tin Can is just completely ruptured and irretrievable). It probably also reduces accuracy though this doesn't really matter for the weapon you currently possess.
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Pic related depicts the scene currently; the armed patrol Checkpoint exit is to the left, the solitary drone near the right marks the slightly lower Barbed Wire Wall that you can try to vault over.

I suppose you could also try to enter the ruined buildings themselves, scavenge inside etc though you risk being trapped inside them if the Armoured Patrol tries to breach and enter the buildings themselves.

Also in the pic related map, you should imagine all the open spaces there being filled with the crowds of partygoers, revellers and stragglers, I am not making miniatures of all of them because it would just cause the virtual tabletop to look massively cluttered

so the choices remain:

>Try to vault the Barbed Wire Wall and escape
>Draw your Heel Knife, take a run-up and try to leap over

>Shoot the solitary drone:
>once (improvised suppressor destroyed)
>twice (it is loud; shotgun empty)

>cause a distraction somehow (write in?)

>search inside the ruined buildings
>search for some manhole cover or sewer access
(both these options take a lot of time. However, your chances of being detected now lowered because of the Trash Ghillie Suit)

>cause a distraction somehow (write-in)

>start a riot: shoot at one of the armed patrol tactical operators, hope that they fire TEAR GAS, then feed upon the delicious weeping eyes of all the tear-gassed partygoers

>just surrender and wait to be searched and processed at the armed patrol checkpoint. (QM: you now appear exceptionally suspicious, as you are disguised fairly effectively as a Heap Of Crap. If you get up suddenly, after remaining prone and creepy and hidden, you will probably shock some of the armed patrol)

>something else? write in
>Try to vault the Barbed Wire Wall and escape

>Shoot the solitary drone:
>once (improvised suppressor destroyed)
>Shoot the solitary drone:
>once (improvised suppressor destroyed)
>Try to vault the Barbed Wire Wall and escape
Kill the drone to go undetected.
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Serbu Super-Shorty
Shotgun (unsuppressed)
1/2 rounds remain
12 ga.

Your improvised suppressor remains fairly loud - it sounds like a dry, brittle slap against the side of sheet metal - but the 12 gauge round utterly shreds the lone inquisitive drone guarding the barbed wire fence. You even think about timing the shot with the (somehow still ongoing) rave music beat drop in the distance (QM: lol the Perturbator song jump scare) - but it seems despite the shower of sparks and exploding drone fragments, none of the human patrol assault team heard or noticed anything suspicious.

To your mild dismay, you notice two other whirring drones detach themselves from their holding pattern at the checkpoint, as they begin slowly hovering and scanning the route in a looping trajectory towards your immediate vicinity. You wonder if the drones are interfacing with some form of mesh network; destroying one will draw others to their last known location. The two approaching drones do not appear to be particularly intelligent but seem more methodical, as they drift slowly panning their gimbal cameras over all surrounding terrain.

Taking a deep breath, you shoulder the Serbu shotgun and prepare to make a running parkour along the haphazard ramp of debris to leap over the barbed wire wall. Your muscles tense and you break out into sweat even looking at it... you are not quite sure if you can make it, and your hands feel clammy even thinking about it, never mind staring at the razored and rusted prongs of wire strangling the height of the wall. Without thinking, you launch yourself over the edge...
You make it - but not unscathed. Your legs are scraped and lacerated from the barbed wire - there is a terrifying, heart-stopping moment when you think all of you has been entangled, ensnared in the coils of iron thorns... you frantically kick and squirm and somehow manage to writhe free of its spiked embrace. If only you had been wearing protective and toughened Leather Trousers that covered the entire length of your legs... such sacrifices are made for the purposes of fashion.

You have gained condition:
Minor Injury - Mild Bleeding

(QM: hehe, has anyone worked out what the secret ability conveyed by the Heel Knife could be? Write-in an explanation...)

>Unfold the Heel Knife and run around, with its blade held out in a very dangerous and unsafe manner??
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You land heavily, ungracefully smearing blood droplets from your injured legs against the dirt of the other side - you immediately hear the clink of scattered shell casings, spent cartridges from some previous firefight, now displaced by your fall.
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There is a corpse here - it looks like it has been here for quite some time. To your increasing dismay, and from its agonised pose of outstretched and reaching desperation - you cannot help but perceive that this victim appeared to be running towards the wall you have just vaulted over, the dead-end alley which they had foolishly believed would offer them some route of escape; an escape from the same realm into which you have just hurled yourself...
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You find yourself situated in a similar terrain of dilapidated urban decay, a maze of alleyways and tall buildings. Many of these buildings appear completely dark, but a few seem to have been rigged with some form of improvised lighting or electrical generation, suggesting human habitation?
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In the distance, there appears to be some form of construction site, that has long been left abandoned.

An excavator squats in the centre, its rusting bright yellow paintwork giving it the appearance of some grotesque industrial shrine. From this direction, you can hear a fearsome frenzied revving of engines - more motorcycles?
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There is a pit of broken terrain at the construction site which appears to drop down towards some open crevice or subterranean fissure in the earth.
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Nearer to you, there appear to be some tenements or apartments, with smashed doors and windows. You can also see some buildings whose outer walls appear to have collapsed entirely into crumbling brickwork, rubble and concrete, exposing the building interior to the elements, like the dead corpse of architecture ritually left for sky burial.
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From over the wall behind you, you can hear the incessant whirring of the two drones, gradually and patiently advancing.

>Take shelter in the abandoned tenement apartment buildings - perhaps you could lose the drones inside the corridors and confined spaces
>hide in a kitchen
>hide in a bathroom
>(some other room or location, write-in. I will see if I have an overhead angle picture)

>Try and ambush the drones in some doorway or tight space, destroy them. You think in flight they are very hard to shoot down (the last drone you fired at was mostly in a stationary holding pattern). Perhaps inside a corridor you could blast one of them, but you have only 1 shotgun shell left... how to take down the other? (QM: choose a location above, or write-in)

>Head towards the construction site, the strange excavator shrine and the open pit into the subterranean depths

>You have a feeling you are being watched... raise your shotgun into the air and fire into the darkness (No ammunition remaining) It is a bluff, pure bravado - if they shoot back you have nothing left to return fire with... but maybe this will draw out any waiting ambush, and force them to acknowledge or confront you in the open...

>Something else...? You don't feel now is perhaps the safest time (with the advancing drones) but you could also
>search the corpse in front of you
>search the tenement buildings
>some other action etc
>>Take shelter in the abandoned tenement apartment buildings - perhaps you could lose the drones inside the corridors and confined spaces
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You duck through the slanted ruins of a tenement building doorway just in time - you hear a strange sudden whizzing noise, accompanied by cracks and thumps. The impact of bright punctures and plumes of vaporised wall dust appear all around where you were standing only a moment before. The gunfire did not appear particularly accurate - you are not even too sure who was shooting or where the gunshots were coming from. Perhaps they were aiming at the drones behind you?

As you dive into the building depths to take cover, you foot clatters against another bent and bullet-ridden sign, blasted metal perhaps mounted originally upon the barbed wire wall you leapt over. You recognise that it appears to be a similar hazard sign, a translated version reminiscent of the warning from the scorched fragment you found previously in the Dead Mall (QM: this one
>>6038795 as the anon correctly surmised here >>6039604 )

This installation has been declared a restricted zone in accordance with all directives of the DTLA (Disincorporated Territories Lockdown Area) Internal Security Act
This area is patrolled by armed contractors
Military training exercises are in effect
UNEXPLODED ORDNANCE May be found in this area
Do not handle suspicious items
Access beyond this perimeter is STRICTLY PROHIBITED

No entry to unauthorised persons
No through route
No access / No photography. Filming prohibited by law
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There is another doorway here within the insalubrious interior of the ruined apartment dwellings.

It seems to lead to a small kitchenette area, but the doorway appears to be covered by some sort of cordon, similar to the tape used for covering a police crime scene, except stained brownish red with neglect, decay and rot. You can hear the gnawing patter of flies crawling and swarming over the windowpanes and mould, the occasional clunk as they collide with the glass.

There is a giggling figure in a red raincoat standing upright in this kitchen room.
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(she giggles nervously)

Have you seen my unicorn? I like butter but chips are better. Do you like races? I can take you to Her. She taught me to count from zero to one. Who wins in a race between a unicorn and a swan? You shouldn't trust strangers. Make the bad man go away! The bad, bad uncle! When I look back it is flat, and forwards it goes up. It is a race, you have to go faster!

>Use your Heel Knife to cut through the cordon tape barrier in the doorway

>Reply: Have you lost a toy? A toy unicorn?
>Reply: A race...? Do you want me to follow you?
>Reply: Where is the bad man? Do you need me to deal with him?
>Reply: I prefer butter too.
>Reply: Butter is fattening. Can I have something else instead?
>Reply: Chips are tasty, always need more chips
>Reply: The unicorn wins because it is obviously faster
>Reply: The swan wins, because it is real
>Reply: It is flat backwards... vertical forwards... what do you mean?
>Reply: Would you like to hear a song? (Play Sammy a song)
>This is a horrifying demon child. Shoot it in the face

Oh look, the best type of body armour, a human shield.
>Cut through the tape with the Heel Knife, and lead and encourage Sammy
>Outside, to distract the drones
>Indoors, to probe deeper into the derelict building interior

>Just ignore this disturbing child behind the rotted red barrier cordon crime scene tape. Head deeper into the building corridors, and try to scavenge around
>Just ignore this disturbing child behind the rotted red barrier cordon crime scene tape. Head deeper into the building corridors, and try to scavenge around
The tape was likely placed there for a reason. Best not to disturb this demon child.
>Unfold the Heel Knife and run around with it while we're not using our hands for something else
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You unfold the Heel Knife and wave it around before you. Nothing happens. Your hands feel a bit lighter but perhaps that is just from the released tension of gripping the Serbu shotgun with only one shell remaining chambered, as you stalk grimly through these darkened tenement corridors, on a heightened state of alert for any sign of threat. You remain as puzzled by the purpose of the Heel Knife as you ever were before...

(QM: The Serbu Super-Shorty Shotgun whilst not being tremendously accurate can be for the purposes of this game wielded one-handed. Hence you can run around with both this shotgun and knife equipped, one in either hand)
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As you explore through the tenements you find yourself in some floor which serves as a boiler or utility room. You freeze and still your breathing, as you realise there is some form of armed confrontation or standoff, between two parties along a diagonal line of sight in these adjoining rooms: (QM please refer to the virtual tabletop map - I can zoom in if you need to on any particular area)
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In the room directly adjoining your entry point, behind a thin partition wall (top right map corner >>6044688 ) you can hear what appears to be chanting or the recitation of some prayer:
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Ibrahim ibn al-Hashim
He is unarmed and recites the following words to himself quietly and calmly, over and over again. You wonder if it is almost some form of exorcism...

I seek refuge in the Lord of The Daybreak
From the evil of that which He has created;
And from the evil of the darkening night that eclipses the moon,
And from the evil of (the knotted breath of) malignant witchcraft,
And from the evil of the envious one, when he envieth...
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Ibrahim is unarmed, but he appears to be accompanied by a more warlike companion carrying a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
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Across the corridor, along a diagonal line of sight, (bottom left corner of the map), you see two heavily armed members of the Lockdown Area patrol. They are shouting and yelling with increasing desperation:
-Surrender yourself now! Drop all your weapons! You have no way out...!

The patrol team is heavily barricaded behind cover. They appear to be on the verge of ignoring rules of engagement and just simply saturating the northeast room with gunfire.
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You also observe that the poorly erected partition walls do not appear to meet the ceiling in this area. There is a complex winding patternwork of piping along the ceiling that circulates around all of the rooms and corridors here.
The partition walls themselves are thin plasterboard, and could probably be blown apart with your shotgun, creating an improvised breach or "mouseholing" exit.

>Yell towards the armed patrol assault squad: Are you looking for hostages? There was a disturbed child in a kitchen I saw earlier...

>Yell towards Ibrahim and his rocket launcher companion: The location of the DEMON CHILD is just along here in this kitchen...!

>Ask Ibrahim: so you name is Ibrahim ibn al-Hashim? So a bit like Abraham van Hels-

>This standoff is incredibly dangerous. Through a crack in the partition wall, in your adjoining chamber, you could ease the danger by blasting down Ibrahim's Rocket Launcher accomplice and reducing the risk of him trying anything rash that obliterates this entire floor of the building

>Ibrahim's accomplice probably will not fire the rocket indoors. The backblast in that confined space would kill both of them

>With your Heel Knife and Shotgun equipped, blast down a segment of the partition wall (0/2 no ammunition left), thereby avoiding having to exit through the doorway of your current room (into the armed patrol's potential crossfire). Then simply run as fast as you can down the corridor and escape this standoff. Do this really fast and hope nobody has their finger on the trigger quick enough to react and fire back...
>Turn left down the corridor
>Turn right down the corridor

>(as above, but also) Run down the corridor with Nicolas Cage face, giggling uncontrollably whilst screaming and taunting: I'm a vampire! I'm A VAMPIRE! I'm a vampire!!

>From where you stand, walk into the room, fire your 1 shot indiscriminately, then quickly retreat back through the various corridors in the tenement building to the safety of the previous cordoned kitchen area. Wait for the explosions / gunfire to resolve itself, then walk back and loot all the corpses. Just let everyone kill each other so you can scavenge their remains afterwards, sifting through the debris

>Something else...? Is there some way to defuse the situation?
>try climbing and turning the most dangerous-looking valve in the piping
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You veer towards a prominent red valve in the tangle of pipework overhead, and strain as hard as possible to turn it. Moments later, with a shuddering grind of iron, you can feel the ceiling pipes shaking and rattling as deep within the tenement bowels the flow of pressurised hot water suddenly erupts, showering the barricaded armed patrol in steam and gushing, scalding cascades.
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Spluttering and yelping through the steam from the burst piping, the assault team withdraws from the boiler room, which is becoming rapidly inundated with scalding water. However - in the confusion of the exploding pipes, you could not see which direction down the corridor they went...

>This is your decisive moment, you should take advantage of this temporary distraction, maintain stealth and take a risk. Run towards:
>The left turning of the corridor
>The right turning of the corridor

>Wait for the steam to dissipate, and the flooded corridor to drain. Then approach Ibrahim and his rocket launcher-toting companion in the storage room, and ask them some questions (write-in). But what if the tactical assault squad returns to besiege this chokepoint... doubtless in even greater force and numbers?

>Something else?
>>The right turning of the corridor
>Wait for the steam to dissipate, and the flooded corridor to drain. Then approach Ibrahim and his rocket launcher-toting companion in the storage room, and ask them some questions (write-in)
#1 Greet them in a traditional fashion: Allah-u Akbar
#2 Give them directions to the demon child
#3 these are statements

>Run the opposite direction of wherever they're going
>Wait for the steam to dissipate, and the flooded corridor to drain. Then approach Ibrahim and his rocket launcher-toting companion in the storage room, and ask them some questions (write-in). But what if the tactical assault squad returns to besiege this chokepoint... doubtless in even greater force and numbers?
>Who they are and what they're doing
>Show the sun-burnt pic and see if they know whom it belongs to
>About the area
in this order.
Also tell about the demon child.
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Without hesitation, you rush down through the scalding steam and waterlogged corridor, turning right and sprinting as fast as you can down the hallway. There is a lot of water, rising quickly until it is almost knee deep in this flooded tenement corridor... soon your running and sploshing becomes impeded by the fetid cascades flooding down from the burst pipes of the walls and ceiling.

As you struggle to wade past the rising tide, you pass the utility room where Ibrahim and his companion had been hiding earlier - you notice that his incantation has stopped, and they are nowhere to be found. They must have also been forced out by the distraction of flooding damage you created - and surely their only avenue of escape must have been in the same direction you are heading? Doubtless Ibrahim's incantation was some form of ruqya, some charm or exorcism, holding a malevolent manifestation at bay?
You are pondering this as you continue to wade through the flooded hallway, when all of a sudden, there is another violent, lurching rattle. You can hear the metallic shearing of screwheads being wrenched from gaskets all along the length of the ceiling above. Then, a secondary hiss of burst piping, before the entire ceiling splinters along jagged seams and collapses under the pressure, and an immense tide of water sweeps you away...
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You feel as if you are drowning. Bitterness fills your mouth and lungs, as your eyes are submerged in torrents of darkness.
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Submerged and tumbling through the unleashed fury of the flood tide, pulling you out of the ruined city tenements - out towards the open ocean...
As the maddened jaws of the ocean slowly recede, your hands suddenly press soft imprints against immaculate, pristine white sand. You are completely drenched and sodden in brine and sea foam, but as you crawl your way towards the beach, away from the heaving and impetuous swell of tides, your heart is stilled by this serene and blissful glimpse of Paradise.

All around you the cerulean hue of sea and sky, bathed in the warm and luminous peach-coloured glow of sunshine, the scent of saltwater and the vastness of the ocean's embrace.
There is a woman here. She does not speak, but when she glances at you her eyes seem to trace the words upon your trembling skin:
- I can show you,
(she seems to whisper)
-I can show you the place where there is no Death...
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Staggering and shambling across the seashore, leaving a trail of upturned bootprints in the wet sand, there is a bewildered soldier from the assault patrol, a straggler who appears to have lost himself becoming separated from the Assault Patrol Team during the confusion of the standoff. He does not appear to know where he is, or what has become of him:

Confused Soldier
-Hello? Anyone out there? Patrol? Anyone? Am I the only one left alive? Hello??
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The woman glances at you again, etching her words and thoughts into the innermost chambers of your palpitating heart:
-This is the way...
(she murmurs, glancing at the vulnerable and dazed soldier)
-This is the way we can be together...

Fire Axe

Your eyes eagerly follow the path of her gaze, and you can see a curiously shaped, curved piece of driftwood that appears to have washed ashore upon the glistening sands of the beach.
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There is some sort of foreign voice calling you but it feels very distant. The strangely accented voice calls desperately:
-... must fight this marid of the red wind of defilement... (indistinct murmurings) Return, Mugharrabun, to the land of blood and tears...
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So this is the beach where you can finally become a vampire. You are not sure how vampires actually feed. But this helpful red-haired lady is showing you the way. So,
>Pick up the fire axe, pounce upon the Confused Soldier, hack off his hands and limbs and sate your thirst upon the gushing fountains of his mutilated stumps

>You feed upon tears, not blood. For some reason, you decide it would be better to drag this vulnerable soldier into the sea, smothering his face into the waves and sand, drowning him. You can lick the salt from his eyelids afterwards

>Eww, feeding on men is gay. Glance lovingly upon the red-haired woman, and with no warning, draw the Heel Knife and stab her in the eye. Then pounce on her and leech the intoxicating nasolacrimal wetness from the wound

>Call out to the red-haired woman on the beach: Are you Samantha? Sammy? Sam?

>This is the weirdest recreation of that beach landing scene from Saving Private Ryan that you could ever imagine. It seems the QM got tired of using "You Walk Through A Red Forest..." as an elaborate metaphor for dream vampirism in his games, so beaches and the seaside it is then. But how can you release yourself from this nightmare?

>Just stay on the beach, look out to the ocean, and enjoy the sunshine for a while

>Something else...?
>>Eww, feeding on men is gay. Glance lovingly upon the red-haired woman, and with no warning, draw the Heel Knife and stab her in the eye. Then pounce on her and leech the intoxicating nasolacrimal wetness from the wound
>LOOT the axe
Never enough weapons.
>Eww, feeding on men is gay. Glance lovingly upon the red-haired woman, and with no warning, draw the Heel Knife and stab her in the eye. Then pounce on her and leech the intoxicating nasolacrimal wetness from the wound
I actually do not like her face. Please provide another, better vampire gf, mr Souvarine.
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Something within you has ruptured - something deep and unspoken in the blood has writhed and twisted and finally broken free.
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You think you are laughing, but all you hear is the gentle lapping of waves of white water caressing the fine sediment of wet sand rippling and sparkling in the sunlight. You turn to the red-haired girl - who quails and recoils, in fright and confusion - and you advance upon her slowly, emerging from the seawater that burns aflame in the haze of the sun. You think you bare your teeth. The sun shrinks, quenched by the darkness of your wanting, your need.
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Water pools over the imprints of your feet upon the glistening sand. The blood claws at the imprisonment of flesh and peels back all inhibitions. You feel exhilarated - liberated; finally you can feast upon the suffering of others.
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It is all over in a moment that feels suspended in eternity. You are staring at her eyes, lost in the pooling tears of her eyes - and together you seem to rise, ascending and climbing a spiralling cataract of desire, the whirling transcendence of Love, you think this is Love - to be spun and held and drowned in the arms of another as if embraced by a whirlwind.

The Unknown Soldier
has been watching all this in utter horror. He raises a sidearm, and aims it weakly... then he turns and sprints into the distance, panting and howling and screaming in disbelief and horror at what you have become. Within just a few mere steps he stumbles and falls, sinking into the pearl white sand. Turning, the soldier splutters and mumbles, pleading in abject misery for his life:
-pl-please... I... I saw no-nothing...I-I... I don't want to... to d-die... Please! Please! I... I have a family... a w-wife... chil-children...

You frown a little at his mention of family, offspring. Are you cursed to walk this land alone, the only one of your kind? You think vampires have no names. No ancestry. They are like sharks, creatures that existed for 400 million years.
Sharks do not need names, dynasties, civilisation. They are predators attuned to their habitat, to Nature. You turn to look at this red-haired girl...
perhaps there is something you can do to help her understand what you have become...or perhaps, what you always were from the beginning?
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The girl is somehow still alive, but she appears as a dessicated husk. She mutters feebly, a parched trickle of blood drying from the sockets of her eyes, as she lifts a withered arm in a weakened gesture of warding.

(QM: here is your prettier picture, anon >>6045549 tee hee hee)
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>Well you probably should not leave any witnesses. You should dispatch all of these pathetic victims quickly.
>Tell the Whimpering Soldier: Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro Patria Mori. This is what you get for following Father... (Execute the Whimpering Soldier)
>Execute the Dessicated Hag (formerly, the Red-Haired Girl)

>Spare them. It pleases you to let the horror of this deed spread amongst the living
>Spare the Dessicated Hag
>Spare the Whimpering Soldier

>Question the Hag:
>Are there others like you? What are you?
>Where is your lair?
>Why are you not dead?
>How do I make a companion? I want a vampire girlfriend! Not you though, your face is a bit too wrinkly now
>Hey... if you feed on this helpless Whimpering Soldier, maybe you can become young and attractive again! Then I can feed on you and we can keep doing this over and over again! Yay, I get that threesome after all! I prefer boy on girl on girl though, not gay
>That man, Ibrahim ibn al-Hashim... was he hunting you?
>Do you have any powers? You seem to be able to manipulate people and control phones and things. I suppose that is just, like, sending text or voice messages though. So maybe I don't really need them
>Do our kind have any weaknesses? This sunshine feels really nice. I think I am going to sunbathe all the time
>Taunt the Hag: your kind who feed upon the blood are weak. I will nourish myself upon your tears and see your lamentation run in rivers, enough to fill an ocean.
>(write in some other questions)

>Well this beach is very pleasant, but you are not sure how to leave. Maybe just stay here forever...

>Just walk along the beach enjoying the sunshine until you find some landmark or exit, to get your bearings

>Something else...?
(but seriously, quest's good so far, enjoying it, hope I'm not being too much of a dick because of "REEE give me pretty women" and stuff)
>How do I make a companion? I want a vampire girlfriend! Not you though, your face is a bit too wrinkly now
>Are there others like you? What are you?
after that
>Execute the Dessicated Hag (formerly, the Red-Haired Girl)
>Spare the Whimpering Soldier
>Try making a small cut on our skin with the Heel Knife, see what it does
inb4 we drain ourselves
Hah, based.

>Spare them. It pleases you to let the horror of this deed spread amongst the living

>Are there others like you? What are you?
>Where is your lair?

>Just walk along the beach enjoying the sunshine until you find some landmark or exit, to get your bearings
>>That man, Ibrahim ibn al-Hashim... was he hunting you?
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>What are you...? etc

You are gazing hypnotically into the eye sockets of the Withered Hag, attempting to ascertain some deep truth or revelation, sifting through her memories and consciousness, piercing the depths of her secrets, her psyche, her innermost soul. Nothing happens, so you decide to go through her phone instead. Her fingerprint is rather wrinkly now, but mercifully the biometric recognition appears to still unlock.

There are some very strange images on her phone. She has a folder that is composed entirely of assorted close-up pictures of necks, some male, some female, some of which are a bit flabby or veined, obese and bulging, and not even very attractive. You are puzzled by these pornographic neck pictures, but you assume everyone feels a bit lonely sometimes, and inevitably needs to... seek relief, some release, somehow. The Old Hag cringes visibly at your discovery of her shameful neck picture collection - she has a facial expression which suggests she really wishes she could die, though unfortunately it is now difficult to discern any of her facial expressions at all, beneath her generally decrepit physiognomy and sagging countenance.

There is a curious picture of what appears to be some form of scientific experiment. Within some form of aquarium tank, some carcharhiniform sphyrnid has been released, and the photo appears to depict it excitedly circling and gnawing and biting at a series of disc-shaped dipoles, electric field emitters simulating prey.

The sharks possess electroreception, sensitivity to living electric currents coursing through water, detecting electrical impulses as a hunting signal... You think back to your own instincts - sensing the algorithmic playlist streaming recommendations of those around you, whilst this Hag also seemed to possess some more advanced ability to manipulate voice and text messages, to increase probabilities of a prey encounter. Perhaps this is the natural response of the predator when their sustenance increasingly resembles antennas embedded upon flesh, emitting and broadcasting the entire spectrum of their emotional fluctuations as shifting electromagnetic fields to all nearby, with no thought as to who could be watching, listening, waiting...
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>Where is your lair? etc
You believe her actual lair resembles an inconspicuous shipping container, a red TEU
a standardised intermodal crate similar to the 20-23m other cargo crates that are transported by ship, train and road vehicles across the world.

By the very nature of how common and inconspicuous her lair looks, it would be very hard to find. But surely the secret of creating vampire companionship must reside entombed within...

As you shift through the various tagged / last visited destinations on her phone, you identify several probable hotspots using cosine similarity of coordinates for geospatial site selection.

You recognise a few of them:

>Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship, Mirage House / Mosaic Palisades, Edendale
You have seen it only from the outside, a luxurious gated community

>The Amusement Park at the Pier
It features a Ferris Wheel, known as The Wheel Of Fortune. Pedro de Jesus told you the Cartel keeps a Tiendita there. This location is popular amongst locals and tourists, and already familiar to you, having visited it many times before.

>The Old Sign Of The Sacred Wood / Sign Of The Living Death
You have perhaps seen it from a distance, but it is on a desolate hillside. No-one really goes there

>Steelworks / Abandoned Foundry
The Steelworks have been re-started recently as part of a nationwide re-armament and reindustrialisation program. You remember it is also being used as a filming location for an upcoming cinematic production.

There is one additional location which comes to mind, though you cannot find any direct connection to it on her phone, which makes you unduly suspicious (or alternatively, indicative of a false trail altogether?) Surely the most obvious place to look for a shipping container would be... at a port, near cargo ships, at the dockyards?
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QM: I will let you decide where the next location you wish to visit should be. You have a feeling that when you cut yourself with the Heel Knife (this anon player's idea >>6045735 ) the pain of it may jolt you out of this idyllic beach dream sanctuary.

So I will let you decide the next location you wish to visit first before dealing with all the other anon choices
(walk along the beach, Ibrahim etc executing the Hag / sparing the patrol Soldier etc)

Find the Red Shipping Container lair. Surely it must contain the secrets of vampiric immortality, some form of Vampire Grail??

>Visit the Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship, Mirage House, Mosaic Palisades, Edendale

>Visit The Wheel Of Fortune, at the Amusement Park by the Beach Pier

>Visit The Old Sign Of Sacred Wood / Sign Of The Living Death in the desolate hills

>Visit the Slag Furnace at the Steelworks / Abandoned Foundry

>Visit the Dockyards, the seaport and harbour district near DTLA
>Visit the Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship, Mirage House, Mosaic Palisades, Edendale
Let's see them deny our genius now!
>Visit the Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship, Mirage House, Mosaic Palisades, Edendale
Sure, let's do this.
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You spend many dreamless hours lost in silent contemplation, wandering alongside the sunlit mosaic of sandy shadows and unfurling waves.
Golden-eyed birds rise in a quivering ridgeline, darkening the shore with their startled traversal, swerving and descending as if conscious of their companionship, shrill and sharp, snatching at their own apprehension in pursuit and escape.

The waters meet and mingle into foam, hastening quicker and quicker in runnels and channels in the sand; now and then there is a rock that severs the tide.
The sun falls in sharp streaks of light against the water. It makes you think of Ibrahim and the old scripture: the tale of one given the gift of a son by the Lord Of Daybreak, only to be asked to submit to his Greater Will, offering his very own same son in sacrifice. Was this a test of Man, or Man testing the will of God?

So much of the dignity in life seems to reside in the proof of living: I Have To Prove I Am Really Living. If you want to fall in love, you had better have a house. Property as power, ownership of wealth, women, possession and belonging; a family, children; the reverence of others, the esteem that is so hard to distinguish from envy or contempt. All of these things can be lost, swept away by the ocean. You wonder if this is the will of Father. What happens to Father as he ages, when he becomes frail, infirm, forgotten?

Unbidden to your mind comes another vision, that of the infant child, suckling and feeding greedily upon the mother. You feel so ashamed. Feeding upon life... perhaps the only means to preserve your youth is to stay upon this beach, and remain a child forever.
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It seems the possessions of others encroaches upon even your dreams, this beach sanctuary which you had thought belonged to you in your introspection alone.

You see that the water ahead appears to possess a shimmering edge, set apart from the sea and sky.
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There is architecture floating above the edge of water, a shimmer in the warmth and sunlight, it is a house that appears entirely angular and white, in that style that speaks not of the future, but of an idealistic modernity that belonged to the near and recent past - and this white house must be Mirage House, of the Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship.
The oceanfront edge of the house appears to be some form of infinity pool, with no visible brink or spillover, designed so that this edge merges with the sea and sky.
Each room of the house appears as vast as the view, spaces that do not end at the edge of glass, walls that recreate the gesture of invitation, cocoons of white oak and veined marble, artisanally weathered blonde wood and metal - mirrors that endlessly reflect the panorama of an ocean folded back into itself.
You realise that had you approached this oceanfront property through the front entrance - the gated community guardhouse entrance, with its long and winding driveway - through various amenities, overseen by visitor management software and 24hr surveillance - there doubtless would have been some considerable hassle. They even issue entry passes to visitors, dated for each guest and their host sponsors, timestamped for entry and exit. Yet you arrived from the ocean and the private beach, strolling in as if you already belong.
The beach house appears entirely deserted. There are uncountable swimming pools, both indoor and outdoor - even though the ocean is literally right there, on the doorstep - guest houses, fire pits, auditorium theatres / screening rooms, gardens and aquariums, spas and cellars.
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As you meander through the endless courtyards, each a vision of ever increasing opulence in this white house - the bizarre thought strikes you suddenly that perhaps Donnie would feel very comfortable living here.
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Your absent-minded wandering is eventually interrupted by the entrance of a woman - she has the appearance of a Concierge or assistant of some sorts, though she is dressed in a bohemian manner which makes you feel that she is perhaps more of an art curator.

The Concierge asks,
-Excuse me, are you lost? (She stares at you as you sheepishly wield the Fire Axe in both hands) Are you... the new... Gardener? (She frowns) Or perhaps you are here for the art exhibition? To present your work?

>Reply: Natalie? Is that you? Don't you recognise me? From the underground rave, remember? When you were with Annabel? You told me you met her as her recovery counsellor here?
(QM: use your connection to make this NPC Natalie. Maybe she will put her glasses back on, hehe)

>Reply: I am here to speak to Melinda, there is something very important I need to discuss with her (scrunch the Rejection Letter tightly and bitterly in your fist. You intend to discover why your "Art" application was rejected)

>Reply: Yes... the gardener...no hablo... ingles? Donde esta el jardin...? Tienes una vagina muy bonita, muy bonita, mamacita.

>Reply: Exhibition, yes, here is my work (dump your masterpiece, the Heap Of Crap, on the Concierge)

>Reply: Yes I am a famous art photographer. This is my work, the Matyrdom Of St Jerome (show her your Gore Photograph)

>Reply: I am more of a performance artist, my work explores audience participation (Use the Fire Axe, axe the Concierge in the face)

>Reply: well I came here really to just expand my horizons, and find myself, you know? Embark on a spiritual journey of deep self discovery and all that

>Reply: I think I need my treatment, facials (QM: not that kind) relaxing spas, lots of rejuvenation therapies and plastic surgery, that sort of thing (gesture at face)

>Just ignore this Concierge and walk past her like she doesn't exist, continue exploring Mirage House

>Something else...?
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QM: Despite scouring dezeen and various architectural magazines I could not find one single house that perfectly encapsulated the vision I had in mind. You can imagine it looks like an amalgamation of all of the above, only a lot A LOT larger and more luxurious.

Here is what the scene maybe resembles on virtual tabletop. If you played GTA V you probably remember the Kauf song (I think it is a remix) called Heart In The Pipes, this one,

This song is really good from GTA V, but probably everyone knows it.

So I chose this random other song by KAUF, I think the lyrics are appropriate, hehe

LIMESTONE - Kauf (Baile remix)

Said we never fight
We never fight
We never fight
Never fight

Were you fooled from above?
Rusting in the basement cold
And you say you're fine
Any room in the house?
Seeping through the boards like snow
Bruise up with every wine
But peeled back so long
The peeling back
A lover's cross
Tongues tied in the limestone

Can you brave for the axe?
Dropping with a copper glow
Won't catch another one
Wait out my moon's gone
Wait it out
Where I'm half-drawn
To follow

Said we never fight
We never fight
We never fight
Never fight

Were you fooled from above?
What's it gonna take to know?
And you say you're fine
But peeled back so long
The peeling back
A lover's cross
Tongues tied in the limestone
>"Yes, I am the Gardener. May I get acquainted with the other employees?"
>"Have you seen a... red shipping container here anywhere? I think a redheaded woman lives there. Or a hag. They're the same person, really."
The Concierge frowns again (you think her suspicion is growing slightly)
-Red... shipping container? You are the second person to ask me of that recently, a strange bearded foreign man was also inquiring about it... Do you mean the consignments, for art storage? Many of our clients have so much art they require tax-free storage at free ports, to avoid paying hundreds of thousands in import duties whilst they decide whether to display the art at their ski chalet, or East Coast brownstone townhouse mansion. Items entering and exiting are meticulously registered, but there is no requirement to identify by a real name - a mere corporate entity will suffice...

Veiled Woman Relic

-There was a beautiful piece, a shattered statuary head, depicting some ancient veiled woman... said to be some lost goddess of Love retrieved from a funerary chamber within an ancient City Of The Dead in the desert. I believe whoever owned that consignment had seen it held up because... well there was some suspicion of it being war plunder, looted from overseas wars and all. So that relic is just languishing there... to think, how centuries of mourners must have prayed to that vision of beauty in their grief and mourning, beseeching it to restore their loved ones to life once again...

(The Concierge narrows her eyes in increasing suspicion)

-In any case, I don't think this really falls under your purview as a Gardener - you do seem to be very strangely dressed for your occupation (The Concierge gazes disapprovingly at your Goth Leather Ultra Tight Fit Black Shorts). And I should mention, this pool area, the indoors studios and private beach is really strictly only for artists in residence, models and writers and the like. So if I could ask you to return to your gardening work, there are a lot of shrubs that need trimming by the front lawn, and the topiary gardens could do with some attendance and upkeep as well...

(After delivering this reprimand, the Concierge moves away - you think if she catches you lingering and trespassing in this area again, she will likely call security)
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As you are evaluating this information, you observe two individuals lounging by the bright sunlight of the infinity pool outside:
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(former male model who is now a streamer and aspiring filmmaker. He is wearing sunglasses and an unbelievable purple zebra stripe jacket, he resembles a neon zebra. The Lars appears to be livestreaming a broadcast right now...)

-Hello vriend welcome to the Lars Channel, in case you is not having been introduced to the Lars, I am the Lars, welcome welcome! Today the Lars is making the hardhitting social documentary, ja, as all is knowing, there is being the many social problems in the cities of today, ja, for instance the Lars he think of the poverty, the homeless peoples, the racisms, the drug, the gang, the murders and the crimes, ja, the inequalities, the environmental catastrophe like dolphin that swim into boat and the wars, many many sad phenomena, it remind the Lars of that time he lose ultimate fashion runway competition, the Lars he come second place because top cheater model Olaf bribe judge and make him say the Lars head seem to small for handsome well proportioned body, ja, that was very sad day but the Lars totally over it now and no longer dwell on it very much. But most serious social disaster, this Lars come document now, this great tragedy, very very serious especially for younger generation, the Lars he discover very dangerous peril in the society, ja, it is called Decline Of The Goth. Basically no one Goth any more, ja, no-one is learning to be sad in the correct way. Therefore the Lars document this sign of decline, decline of the Goth, as warning for future, when Goth is becoming to verge of extinction, the Goth die out to great loss of the society, ja?
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(She has taken off her glasses and is lounging in the pool in a floral bikini)
-I think it is true, Lars. I was at a Goth rave the other day and I barely saw anyone who was even Goth! Though I suppose neither I or Annabel made much of an effort though... I haven't seen or heard from her at all since she ditched me and rode off with that boyfriend(?) of hers on his motorcycle...

-(he scratched his chiselled chin thoughtfully) hmmm yes I think the Lars realise what you are saying, the problem is being part of us and our doings, ja? The Lars he is thinking, what does it mean to being the Goth? If only the Lars is finding someone, the Last Goth, who can be coming and telling into the ears of this revealing secret for the Lars...

>Well despite the QM's unsubtle hints tee hee hee, it still required this detour for you to uncover the shock twist of a shipping container being found near ships. So just leave this place and head to investigate the Docks / Port / Harbour District

Reply to Lars:
>Being Goth means not caring about what other people think. Also, look at my cool clothes! I am wearing cool Beach Goth Shorts! ooohhh! (flex buttocks provocatively)

>I think being Goth means doing outrageous things, probably involving death and pain and darkness. So maybe killing random homeless people or stabbing a redhaired girl in the eye

>Reply: I thought Goths and Vandals sacked the last empire, so maybe if Goths have disappeared that is a good sign?

>Reply: I cannot believe you think this content is going to generate any views at all for your channel

>Reply: it is just marketing and brand lifecycles, trendhunters will invent some new micro-fad or craze or variant. Like whimsigoth or Beach Goth or something

>Reply: Lars, you should interview that horror film director Harvey Leer. He looks like a Goth

>(write-in what you think being a Goth means)

>Reply: Natalie! What do you mean you haven't heard from Annabel? I thought you were supposed to follow her everywhere as part of her recovery program!

>Something else...?
Holy shit it's Lars, my man from the Expeditionary Reconnaissance Force in COSMOGONY!
>"I think being Goth means being in touch with death and misery, and dressing accordingly (like me)"
>"Anyway, good to see you finally found your way to a good place far from the battlefield."
>Well despite the QM's unsubtle hints tee hee hee, it still required this detour for you to uncover the shock twist of a shipping container being found near ships. So just leave this place and head to investigate the Docks / Port / Harbour District
IF it would be quicker to get there via Heel Knife teleport:
>Cut ourselves with the Heel Knife to WAKE UP
>Being a goth means to revel in death while also not caring. It is to embrace and celebrate the despair, the emptiness, and the apathy of modern society while looking fantastic. Also, look at my cool clothes! I am wearing cool Beach Goth Shorts! ooohhh! (flex buttocks provocatively)
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>being Goth means being in touch with death and misery, and dressing accordingly...
>Being a goth means to revel in death while also not caring. It is to embrace and celebrate the despair, the emptiness, and the apathy of modern society while looking fantastic...
>cut self with the Heel Knife to wake up...

(Lars listens attentively to your commentary, whilst appreciatively eyeing your Ultra Tight Black Shorts)
-The Lars find this truly insightful, the Lars always saying those with good fashion sense being of the highly advanced intelligence, the Lars knowing this from days as top fashion model, the Lars can imagining great resilience many sufferings in the wearing so of the shorts, ja. The Lars in old fashion days always be doing strict dietary regimen of daily seven vomitings before runway, ja, it is ok now because the Lars retired from top sexy fashion model career, so just three vomitings now...

At the end of your Goth speech, you decide to break out of the beach dream by slashing yourself with the Heel Knife.

Natalie stares at you in horror:
-No! NO! What are you doing?!! Are you... (realisation dawns on Natalie's face) oh... you poor thing, you must be here for the self-harm therapy and recovery Structural Adjustment Program, I am so sorry... let me help you, let me fetch you an attendant and get you some treatment...

(You are still standing by the pool of Mirage House, at the Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship. Nothing has changed, except you appear to have a shallow cut on your hand)

The Lars is very impressed:
-Ah! Finally a Goth has the meeting with the Lars, the Lars big revealing actual genuine Goth not fake poseur Goth, this definitely boosting the LarsChannel viewership! The Lars is analysing, in the last week subscriber growings on channel 200% , because in addition to the Lars, the Lars mother joined, also another very active user tropicalSHEmale89 she very attractive and friendly, comment on every LarsChannel video with promotional discount link CLICK HERE BEST PENILE SUPPLEMENT 4 U, Lars try click once nothing happened, probably because the Lars already is having adequate correct sexy bigness down there. The LarsChannel also appealing to special target demographic, basically one hand user doing the toilet, this powerful top untapped brand merch advertising opportunity, very very powerful urge willingness to buy, ja. Hopefully LarsChannel see big subscriber bulgings now, not being target of the demonetising, this not even possible because the Lars making zero monetisations, just for time being
>Well that was weird. Maybe the Heel Knife isn't that reliable. Just run away from any attendants, try and find a car and drive away to the Docks. You wonder what cars they have in a house like this...?

>Ask Natalie: yes I would like some treatment please. Also I think my legs need bandaging from all the barbed wire slashings, ow, ouch, ow

>Reply to Natalie: no I don't need treatment! I cut myself because this is a vampire dream, I was trying to avoid this demon child when a building flooded and washed me out to sea and I had to stab a redhaired woman so that I could lick her tears. I am not crazy, I don't need treatment!!

>Ask Natalie: why don't you recognise me? Remember we were on that roof with the blue haired girl Heather my girlfr- I mean friend. You were embarrassed, remember?

>Slap Natalie in the face, maybe try and wake her up

>Is there some other way of getting Natalie to remember you?

>Just walk off and continue to explore elsewhere in the Mirage House at Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship

>Something else...?
>Propose to Lars that his next vlog episode or whatever it is he's doing have as its subject the disappearance of Natalie's friend Annabella. Obviously, Natalie can't actually be on the show, tho, she isn't the right level of "STAR POWER" for his program (say this part loudly)
>Well that was weird. Maybe the Heel Knife isn't that reliable. Just run away from any attendants, try and find a car and drive away to the Docks. You wonder what cars they have in a house like this...?
The Concierge will probably call the guards on us if we dwell too long. Let's book it.
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(At the SLAG FURNACE, by the formerly abandoned Steelworks and Foundry...)

(Annabel is nervously standing besides what appears to be a large ironwork cage or gibbet of some form. All around is the deafening clank of machinery, elevators, hook shaped cranes and chains, hissing inlets and ventilation, the roar of high purity oxidisation blasts in a hurricane of superheated air, the singed smells of hot wires, of limestone desulphurisation and coke dust, rusted pillars, smokestacks and shafts supporting an immense infernal tower-cauldron encircled by a burning moat of molten metal. At periodic intervals what appear to be colossal ladle-shaped armatures tap into the burning river, sending showers of glowing sparks and embers into the air. The entire site is swathed in fog and vapour, as water in the surrounding air boils near the vicinity of such tremendous heat...)

Annabel asks timidly,
-...well I can see your... set designers, they... they have really done well in making this, this... a really believable location. I just want to ask... if it is ok?... why do I have to, well, actually be inside the cage? When it is raised above the molten burning cauldron thing? I mean, even from this distance, it is really smoky and hot, it feels like an oven, my clothes are all sticky and horrible, I think the makeup department will have to completely re-do my face, with all this sweat... Couldn't you just use a green screen for this scene? Some post production VFX? Or maybe some stunt actor replacements instead?

Judith murmurs reassuringly beside her:
-It is my responsibility to oversee the storytelling of violence, safely. Trust is very important. We help promote your agency, and we choreograph each scene with the full consent of all involved. Advocacy for the cast, consent-based practice, protocols, guidelines - a culture of consent is really important for all of us to prevent any harm. We have a deep understanding of the body, of boundaries and physical capabilities and how people work together, to mitigate any risk. This is an inversion of power, by partaking in a reversal of your powerlessness you are demonstrating your defiance of it...

(Annabel turns to her companion for some further reassurance...)
-Finlay- what do you think? Is it safe?

(he speaks in his strangely high-pitched voice)
-I am sure Judith will look after you, Annabel. The director is very keen at minimising the fake CGI look, using traditional cinematic techniques whenever possible. Just think how irresistible you will look, as your beauty melts all before you...

(Annabel continues to look at the cage with uncertainty)
-I... am not too sure - This really is a lot for just an audition. It seems very intense! I think I will just have to think it over...
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>Propose that Lars investigate the disappearance of Annabel
>Attempt to make Natalie feel excluded / inadequate etc
The former male model Lars ponders this mysterious disappearance:
-In experience and sexy fashion rememberings of the Lars, when the woman they is suddenly disappearing, many many explanation, most common is becoming the fat. This very serious problem, sometime because of the eatings, they is forget dietary regimen of the seven vomitings, ja, or because of the pregnant. Another explanation is, becoming the prostitute. But... your mystery! The Lars now investigating this for you, the Lars already doing it, it is already done! Everywhere looking will be the Lars, no rest no sleep or blink or toilet until the Lars uncover mystery for you! Hopefully good news is bringing to you by the Lars soon, ja?

Your attempt to provoke Natalie's sense of inferiority (perhaps to open the floodgates of delicious, delicious tears) sadly does not seem to work in this relaxing and unaggravating poolside environment. Adopting a pensive tone, Natalie replies:
-I don't know if I would ever want to become a celebrity. The fame would be too much of a burden, and you would worry about losing it all the time, your audience, the media attention, or your looks or all the lucrative invitations and appearances. Imagine what it must feel like to have been really famous and successful, and then to be forgotten and ignored... Also, you would probably have stalkers and weirdos obsessing over you all the time. Imagine if they kidnapped you or lured you to some abandoned industrial place, like a steelworks, to do... to do horrible things to you! I don't think it is for me.

Faded Film Poster

(There is a lot of contemporary art lavishly displayed all around you at Mirage House, but for the first time you notice one unusual picture. It seems to be an old film poster, mounted on a wall, a poster that had been folded up into quarters at some stage. It depicts a female lead actress from decades past with enormous glam hairspray curls. QM: see pic related)

Lars replies solemnly:
-This very true. During famous fashion career, the Lars number 1 top stalker follow him everywhere all the time. She actually the Lars mother, follow everywhere always collecting the underwears smelling the laundry. It very embarassing.

You also notice two pool float toys bobbing up and down buoyantly on the surface of the infinity pool:
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It seems to wink at you cheerfully, and tosses its rainbow colour mane with pride
It has a dark and foreboding, ominous look, but does not react to your gaze
>Find a car and drive away before security is alerted, etc.
You decide to stealthily slip aside from Lars and Natalie's continuing conversation, doing your best to evade the attentions of the Suspicious Concierge whom you spoke with earlier.

You wander around the interior of Mirage House, at the Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship.
The interiors are very white, stark, blindingly colourlessly blanched white. You cannot help but feel this entirely white house seems to be hiding something, whether the whiteness is openess and transparency or intended to benumb suspicion and doubt. You also speculate whether many of the polygonal, angular oblique ramped surfaces are architectural conceits, or may actually serve as ramps, intended for access by an infirm or elderly occupant.
The architecture seems only to become more geometrical and abstract, even more disorientating, the deeper inwards as you explore...
Eventually to your immense relief you find a set of immaculate white stairs, that seem to lead to some kind of underground vehicle garage.
There are a lot of cars here, but mostly you are just gladdened and relieved to see the sunlight.
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Lamborghini Revuelto
6.5L V12 Engine / 3x permanent magnet motor
PHEV hybrid drivetrain
1,001 horsepower
0-60 mph 2.3sec
Top speed 351 kph (218 mph)

There is some supercar here in sleek and audacious orange. You cannot believe your luck when you see through the raised scissor wing doors, car keys just tossed with careless indulgence upon sumptuous, full grain upholstered leather... surely it cannot be so easy?
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Your path towards the car is suddenly interdicted by a stern, older woman with both of her arms folded, staring at you rather intensely in disapproval:
-Just who are you, and what do you think you are doing...?

>Just run into the car, press the red button ignition, fiddle with the steering wheel paddle gear shift things, make a speedy getaway
QM: select driving mode

>er... I am the... gardener? No, wait, er... garage technician? I have come to service you, I mean, not you, that sounded a bit sexual and inappropriate, I mean, service... the car...

>I... um, I am driving to, er... the docks. To pick up that relic statue head artwork you wanted, in the red shipping container that has been held up in customs for so long. You remember, right?

>All of life's problems can be solved with an axe. Axe this random woman and steal her car

>Um... I am... going to pick up one of your proteges, the young up-and-coming actress, Annabel, from her audition at the Steelworks film shoot site? You remember her, very tragic descent into addiction, but then she came here for treatment, and fully recovered...hooray... so, er yes that is what I am doing?

>Um, I think, your Concierge is stealing from you! She is very mean! Also her clothes look stupid

>That film actress poster upstairs, with the hairspray and curls and leotard stuff... was that you, when you were a lot younger? Well the years have been... kind, I suppose

>Something else? (write in)
>"I have been invited to visit by Annabel. She had forgotten her elite X card at a parking lot and I came to give it back to her and look around, but she doesn't seem to be here, so I'm leaving now by car, I think I know where she is. Wait, aren't you that famous actress, Melinda? I'm a big fan! Anyway, I am in a big hurry, I think Annabel may be in danger, so I must take my leave."
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>Mention Annabel Invitation, flaunt premiere black credit card, hurry and take leave by car etc.
Your speech is incredibly persuasive. Even the aged actress Melinda in her bygone wilder, younger cinematic heyday would have struggled to match your incredible impromptu improvisational justification for your brazen car stealing. Melinda appears almost convinced...
-Why, yes, I do believe my Concierge mentioned something... some text message the other night from Annabel about receiving a guest... yes, but - (Melinda's brow furrows momentarily in recollection)...

And before Melinda can react, you have slid into the tight and low, almost coffin like compartment of the bright orange supercar, snatched at the keys on the seat, pressed the big bright red ignition button. A chime greets you from the car startup, the press of inertia and grip of carbon ceramics, the rip-roar of the naturally aspirated engine...

There is just one slight flaw in your clever plan. Of course, all the luxury cars in this underground garage at Mirage House belong only to her, she owns all of them - as a sudden realisation begins to dawn upon Melinda's enraged features:
-You... what- Security! Security! He's stealing my car! (Melinda appears to be swiping frantically at some security alert button on her phone...)
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Melinda's panicked voice recedes into a garbled blur as you cruise out of the gated community drive, past the rolling verdant acres, past the 24 hr surveillance guardhouse, accelerating out beyond into the open road and speedily completing your getaway.
The naturally aspirated engine sounds incredible, raw and savage and unbridled. Many supercars have been pushed by environmental and fuel consumption efficiency considerations towards turbochargers that compress and pressurise the fuel-air mix through intakes that lower displacement, less channelled explusion of air generating less audible noise. Some of these cars resort to acoustic devices or even fake electronic noise piped into the engine, to replicate the roar and conceal their quieter turbocharged operation. But not this car - the purer mechanics, unobstructed snarl and roar of the revs is real. Unlike the lag of the turbocharger as you mash the throttle and wait for spin up to achieve necessary exhaust pressure, the power delivery in this car feels taut and smooth, the torque trembling and responsive to your will.
You emerge comfortably out upon the open road. The sky and barren desert rush past you, until all you feel is the vast pitiless distance of the landscape, as if you were driving through the sheer immensity of the geological formation itself. You hear grit and gravel scattering against the chassis, feel the unrelenting grip of the vehicle upon the road, the exhaust pops on overrun and the throb and palpitations of suspension against carbon fibre monocoque. In the car you feel utterly mesmerised by the excitement of command.

PAYBACK Jan Hammer / Miami Vice OST
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From the live view of the reverse camera behind the steering wheel, you appear to see three shapes far away in the distance behind you - motorbikes, in a loose formation?

>Slow down and try and get a closer look at them
>Slow down and let then pass
>Accelerate and try and outrun them

>Try and wait for some terrain feature, curve in the road? perform some manoeuvre to shake them (write-in what exactly you try to do)

>Switch drive modes:
QM: I think I actually made a slight mistake, an omission with the Revuelto drive modes. As a hybrid I actually think it has four, so you can choose from:
The default on start I believe is CITTA

>Something else?

(QM: tee hee hee I sneak in another Jan Hammer Miami Vice soundtrack, yay)
>>Accelerate and try and outrun them
>Accelerate and try and outrun them
Ok so from the Lamborghini Revuelto brochure it says

>All available options help to best adapt to all driving conditions and are divided into four main categories: Citta (for everyday use, 0 emissions, fully electric, 4WD electric on demand), Strada (for daily usability and transfers mainly on highways, guarantees comfort and smoothness), Sport (for reactiveness and fun-to-drive, hills and mountain roads), Corsa (for track sessions, guarantees high-end performance).

so I guess for MAXIMUM POWER we should select
I actually do not understand whether CORSA is maximum power or maximum reactiveness at the cost of power and STRADA is actually maximum power. So if we slow down then switch to STRADA. If we enter winding streets change to CORSA definitely.
>Change of plans, go towards the Steelworks to save Annabel
Damn, this is actually amazing, speeding through a highway to save a girl that is being convinced to fucking die in molten metal by a literal murderer psycho film director, feels like we're a hero and not a murderhobo vampire schizophrenic looting everything and licking tears for once. It would be a shame to get pulled out of this dream and back into the reality of DTLA grimdark survival right now, haha, right guys? (Please do not do this Souv)
You feel blunt force punching you onwards as you become very aware of the ferocious and visceral 6.5L V-12 combustion engine howling just a few handwidths behind your head, even as the electric motors haul the front wheels, negating all understeer; you feel like you are in the cockpit of a jet, as if your entire centre of gravity has been hurled out into the plume of dust behind you... The surge of power sends the car into a frenzy of speed, as it propels itself forward - ballistically fast. You squint and glance at the rear view mirrors. The trio of motorbikes have shrunk to miniscule specks upon the horizon; then they are gone.
Yet ahead you see where the desert road begins to curve along hilly, mountainous terrain.
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As the car is winding through these hills and turns, you see to your dismay the bikers gaining on you. If there is one disadvantage of this supercar - it is most definitely not suited for off-road terrain.

You see the three motorbikes cutting across on off-road terrain along the crest of the hills - they are speeding towards you across the rough dirt trails. Surely they cannot be security from Mirage House and the Elbridge Colony... this seems a bit excessive? Neither do they appear to possess uniforms or insignia of law enforcement. You think of the Unnamed Soldier you spared upon the beach, but you are unsure. Who are these hunters on motorbikes intent on chasing you?

As they converge closer and closer, it seems that time is almost slowing down the faster you move; you see the leader taunting you with a wheelspinning wheelie manoeuvre, as he pulls a handgun and aims:
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Brugger & Thomet USW-A1
30(+1) / 30 extended mag
9x19mm Parabellum
Equipped with an Aimpoint MicroRDS, underbarrel rail and threaded barrel that can accept a suppressor

>You need more torque, more power... full throttle upshift. Switch the drive mode to CORSA and unleash 1001 horsepower. Just keep going faster and faster and attempt to outrace these motorbike hunters, even as they cut across your path on rough terrain. And hope that you don't run into any obstacles ahead...

>Decelerate so that you level with the lone leading wheelie biker... as he approaches, shotgun him in the face (afterwards, 0/2 shells left)

>Well it is time to say farewell to your beautiful art masterpiece. Critics of the future will weep at the destruction of such beauty. Hurl your art masterpiece, the Heap Of Crap, out the window, hopefully some of it hits the bikers in the face (it is really disgusting) and slows them down

>You need that wheelie biker's gun. Try and slow down on the curve so that he is level with you, then pull him into the car cockpit and strangle him until he releases it. Hopefully he doesn't just shoot you in the face first

>Try and ram this wheelie biker off the road, so that he loses control

>Usually in the film car chases, doesn't some large truck or vehicle arrive on the opposite side of the road as a barrier to impede your pursuers? Keep driving and hope that something like this happens...

>Something else...? (QM: if you can invent some vaguely plausible and believable action film car stunt to shake the Motorbike Hunters, write in, I will see if I have any pictures hehe)
>Well it is time to say farewell to your beautiful art masterpiece. Critics of the future will weep at the destruction of such beauty. Hurl your art masterpiece, the Heap Of Crap, out the window, hopefully some of it hits the bikers in the face (it is really disgusting) and slows them down
>Unfold the Heel Knife, sandwitching it between our hand and the steering wheel as we grip it tight and manoeuvre at the peak of reflex
>Switch to SPORT for peak performance at mountain and hilly roads
>>Usually in the film car chases, doesn't some large truck or vehicle arrive on the opposite side of the road as a barrier to impede your pursuers? Keep driving and hope that something like this happens...
Having accompanied you through abandoned shopping malls, urban slums and near drownings, your trustworthy and indefatigable Heap Of Crap now approaches the consistency and texture of sludge.

You are not entirely certain of the complete contents of your artistic masterpiece, but there are cartons, waste packaging, some crushed cans, possibly sewage and trailing shredded cardboard and plastic bags flying everywhere. You are not sure if your art can be effectively weaponised into improvisational caltrops, but in desperation you must seize and use whatever you possess as your last resort.

With a lamentful and ungraceful effort you heave your precious and exquisite art masterpiece into position, and then unceremoniously fling it through the window. It promptly splatters in a long horizontal brown smear of running rivulets and droplets along the length of the magnificent orange paintwork of the car.
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The advancing Motorbike Hunter is trying to aim his handgun - he opens fire but you swerve in a slight slalom manoeuvre along the narrow road, as the tenacious grip, blood-draining berserk acceleration of the car and its engines rocket away from the haphazard gunfire around you.

You wonder what happens if the car gets hit - is it like in films, where a battered near-demolished bullet-ridden carcass of a car continues to speed ahead during the chase... or does a single dent cause the car to seize up, engage safety overrides and immobilise the entire engine?
The Wheelie Motorbike Gunman suddenly encounters your Art sludge face first, flying at high velocity.
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The splattered sludge and wrappers and carrier bags envelop his helmet and as he is cursing and struggling with disentangling himself, with only one hand upon the handlebars, the other gripping his handgun, the front wheel of his bike pitches over some irregularity in the road, skidding as his rear wheel loses traction and flips him over, launching him and his bike through the air, head over heels.

You are not quite sure where or how he landed but it is probably quite life-alteringly painful.
Your triumph at the demise of your pursuer is tempered as you realise you seem to have lost sight of the two remaining Motorbike Hunters.

Ahead of you the mountain road curves perilously with a high ravine-like ridge on one side, the other edge plummeting towards churning ocean waves.

Ahead of you, there is a massive and unwieldy White Freightliner Truck approaching, transporting a large container crate. The Freightliner is so immense and ponderous you cannot see behind it.
As you are contemplating how to navigate this obstacle along this narrow and curving coastal highway, a burst of automatic gunfire jolts you back to your rearview mirror, as the second Motorbike Hunter unleashes a merciless hail of bullets using his

Glock 18c
33(+1) / 33 extended mag
9x19mm Parabellum
select fire (semi-auto, full auto)
a fire-control circular selector switch, installed on the serrated portion of the rear left side of the slide, enables full auto fire at 1100-1400 rpm. The forward slide has a keyhole opening with four compensator cuts to vent propellant gases upwards, moderating the recoil of this rapid-fire machine pistol
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You have lost sight of the 3rd Motorbike Hunter - the last you saw of him, he seemed to be racing ahead of you on the high mountain ridge trail opposite the ocean cliff.

>Slam the brakes on the car, let this Machine Pistol Biker overshoot you
>Shotgun him as he surges past your vehicle (0/2 shells remain)
>Don't do anything, but hope that he is too busy shooting at you that he collides with the incoming Freightliner truck on the opposite side

>Attempt to throw your Fire Axe at the Machine Pistol Biker. You think this is difficult (harder to hit him with an axe as opposed to an avalanche of sewage sludge) and you will need to lure him in closer in order to attempt this. Aim at:
>Centre mass, try to actually axe him in the body as he approaches
>Try to aim at a motorbike axle or something, at this speed, it should knock him down?
(QM: the Heel Knife blade is too small and weak to inflict any damage, it cannot be thrown here)

>Fire your shotgun at the incoming Freightliner truck on the opposite side of the road. Hopefully the truck flips over and explodes, blocking the entire road. Then use the curve in the road and temporary obstruction in visibility to ditch out of your car, roll out of it. The empty car will collide with the truck in a massive fireball explosion, and be utterly obliterated. Surely the Motorbike Hunters will witness this, believe that you perished in the crash, and give up the chase?

>Let the Machine Pistol Biker approach, then try to ram him off the side of the precipice, into the ocean. You think this is dangerous because there is a chance you could lose control and follow him off the cliff edge
>ram at high speed
>slow down first and let him approach on the ocean-side

>Use a ramp in the road terrain to launch the vehicle through the air, try to punch and pass through the central container of the approaching Freightliner Truck. Pray that it is plyboard and tarpaulin and not a solid metal cargo container or anything

>something else...? (can write in some other car stunt)
This is actually hard. Also I just realized I forgot to write-in to take the poster >>6047662 fml.
>Don't do anything, but hope that he is too busy shooting at you that he collides with the incoming Freightliner truck on the opposite side
>Pray to whatever Goddess of the Night the vampires worship that the biker misses at this speed
The Motorbike Hunter accelerates and surges towards your vehicle, extending his arm as an arc of automatic gunfire strafes the side of the car...
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Bulletholes erupt across the windscreen, sending explosive jagged slivers of glass flying everywhere, with thudding impacts zigzagging along the side door panelling and ricochets splintering against asphalt.
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Further ahead, the Machine Pistol-toting Motorbike Hunter pinwheels his bike to survey the damage, to confirm the kill.
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There is a sudden loud blaring of a truck horn, as he careens straight into the unstoppable charging monstrosity of the Freightliner and its engine grille plowing remorselessly through from the opposite side of the road.
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You speed past the burning and mashed wreckage of his motorbike. None of the bullets hit you directly, but your face is cut and covered in gashes from the exploding glass, impairing your vision.

You have been inflicted with the status:
Blurred Vision

Your car is faintly smoking, perforated and riddled with bulletholes; there is a slight smell of burning, but the steering and power train all still feel responsive.

Having utterly smashed through the Machine Pistol Motorbike Rider, the Freightliner simply continues driving through, blaring its horn, its momentum utterly indomitable.
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Yet you are discouraged to see that behind the immense mass of the Freightliner Truck, the third and final Motorbike Hunter is stood still, dismounted and waiting - he must have overtaken you using the high ground mountain ridgeline dirt trail.

He is simply standing there, stopped in the middle of the road, as he adjusts the shoulder stock of an unusual weapon...
Milkor MGL Mk14 / M32A1
40x46mm HE grenade
Equipped with Armson Collimator Occluded Eye Gunsight (OEG) with range quadrant graduated in 25m increments.

>Dive out of the car, hope the momentum of the empty vehicle carries it forward and runs him over. Then run over on foot and shotgun him if he survives
>Drive at him head-on, actually try and run him over
>Lean the Fire Axe out of your shattered car window and attempt to decapitate him as you speed past
>Fire the shotgun at him as you speed past (0/2 shells remain)
>You need to use everything. Hurl the Fire Axe at him as you charge the car forwards head-on; at this distance you probably cannot hit him, but it might distract him; then use your last shotgun round to blast him down as you speed past

>Something else...?
>Lean the Fire Axe out of your shattered car window and attempt to decapitate him as you speed past
>>Dive out of the car, hope the momentum of the empty vehicle carries it forward and runs him over. Then run over on foot and shotgun him if he survives
>Dive out of the car, hope the momentum of the empty vehicle carries it forward and runs him over. Then run over on foot and CUT HIM DOWN WITH THE AXE if he survives
I just want to save our last shotgun round for when we arrive at the Steelworks to kill the vampire filming crew. There's like 4 of them, every last weapon counts.
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Disappointingly, you discover that the horn on a supercar sounds fairly ordinary. You press it a few times and it makes clownish comedy rectal pressure BRRAAPP BBRRAAAPPP noises.

For some inexplicable reason, your supercar horn honking startles a single white dove, that suddenly takes flight into the sky. No-one knows where it came from, or who released it; there is just no explanation for its sudden emergence.
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Your car horn honking alerts the Grenade Launcher Hunter. As you speed towards him, arm outstretched with the hooked edge of the Fire Axe menacingly raised in a crescent smile of sharpened iron, your nemesis simply sidesteps your approach, as you swipe drunkenly through your blood-smeared and blurred vision, squinting through your bullet-riddled and cracked car windscreen... you miss the target entirely...
You see your nemesis twisting and charging the drum cylinder of the grenade launcher, as he raises and aims it, firing twice in rapid succession...
There is the deadened crump of two detonations, and an earsplitting crush of glass, carbon fibre and metal.
The white dove spirals into the sunlit sky, silhouetted in slow motion over the flames of the burning and mangled wreckage of the dead car.
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The Grenade Launcher Motorbike Hunter tilts his head back and laughs hysterically in triumph, whooping with delight at the sight of your destruction.
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As he rushes towards the smoking car wreck in jubilation to gloat over your corpse, his glee is abruptly terminated by a shotgun blast to the face! (0/2 shells remain, shotgun empty)

QM: fortunately, you chose wisely to abandon the car at the last moment as you dived (dove?) out of the way of the incoming grenade detonations.

You can loot this area and you have three slots available.
Here are the rules:

-Any 1 weapon counts as 1 slot
-You can also take a full ammo refill, ie a spare mag, which is 1 slot
-The grenades, however, count as 1 slot each

So for example, if you were to take the Milkor Grenade Launcher (4/6, two shots fired) and refill it with x2 spare grenades (1 slot each), this counts for all 3 slots. You could also choose to take both handguns, with 1 slot for a spare mag (specify which gun)


(25/30) rounds remain
Suppressed and fairly accurate with the red dot sight. Its single shots unlikely to provide much suppression capability, however

>Glock 18c
(23/33) rounds remain
Can switch between semi-auto and full auto. It is loud and useful for suppressing fire, saturating an area with a hail of bullets forcing opponents behind cover. You think the high recoil and ferocious cyclic rate of this weapon will probably cause you to empty the entire magazine near instantly, so spare magazines are recommended

Milkor MGL
(4/6) grenades remain
Probably overkill against solitary human targets, although it could be used to rain shrapnel over those behind cover. It can blast through doors, shred thin walls and punch through light vehicles.

(also 1 slot each)

>USW-A1 spare mag (30/30) 9x19mm
>Glock 18c spare mag (33/33) 9x19mm
>Milkor MGL 40x46mm HE grenade x1
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The car is unfortunately utterly wrecked, a smouldering ruin. However, you can retrieve the motorbike of the shotgun-blasted former Grenade Launcher Hunter.

You can also take his helmet, which for some reason comes customised with fangs.

A strange compulsion seizes you... perhaps now would be the time to feed upon his dead tears - will this heal you?

You possess conditions:

-Sprained Ankle / Hobbled
(from diving / rolling out of car) >>6049959

-Minor Injury: Bleeding
From jumping over barbed wire >>6044139
and also the car windscreen shattering in your face

(The affliction: Blurred Vision lost now, as you catch a breath and wipe away the flecks of glass)

>Feed on the dead tears of this fallen corpse
>Ewww, sucking the tears from this male hunter is like some ultra next level of gay, (NECRO-GAY?) You must resist this ghoulish urge and hobble onwards, wounded

QM: if you want, you can pick a custom helmet from


I recommend a design with fangs, the one I picked here is "Toxin", this one, I just think it looks cool


Other good fanged ones:
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QM: Apologies, one other thing I forgot to mention, for the purposes of this game, the Milkor MGL is a two-handed weapon (cannot fire it from vehicles / the motorbike, which is why the last Biker Hunter was dismounted standing in the middle of the road to aim it). The handguns all count as one-handed weapons, yes you can take both and dual wield and do John Woo Face/Off Max Payne things, no-one can stop you hehe

I was just experimenting in the virtual tabletop and the miniatures have some compressed resolution limitation so you probably cannot even see the motorbike helmet fangs lol. But you can also just pick a boring normal helmet like a red or blue one, that would actually be easier to see. Otherwise I will just go with the aforementioned Toxin style default pick
>Milkor MGL + 1 grenade
In case we need UBER POWER
>Feed on the dead tears of this fallen corpse
>Return, Mugharrabun, to the land of blood and tears...
This will pull us back right? Alright time for grimdark I guess, what strange things we do to heal ourselves...
I like Komainu.
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>Komainu Helmet
>USW-A1 (25/30) 9x19mm
(it has a suppressor, a red dot sight and a fold-out stock)

>1 extra grenade, giving the ammo count
>Milkor MGL (5/6) 40x46mm HE grenade

QM: ok, this is actually a good aesthetic choice the orange helmet is a bit more visible against the black-on-black background lol

You also get his motorbike, it is probably a BMW R1200 GS
I am just not very confident in my research lol I don't know very much about cars or bicycles compared to guns at least as depicted from videogames. At some stage I am going to have to play a lot of racing games and GTA clones to familiarise myself with all these vehicle types, it doesn't help that GTA game cars are all fake hybrid design versions of real-life models

QM: Ok give me a bit of time to set-up the next scenario, thank you hehe
Does taking the Milkor MGL include 4 grenades? If so then I would vote to take all 3 weapons instead. I thought if we took Milkor then the grenades would be discarded and we'd need to expend 1 slot for every single one we take starting from 0.
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QM: I actually made a mistake, I forgot to greentext the MGL here
for some reason. Originally I did intend for the MGL to come with 4/6 grenades (because you retrieve it from the Biker's corpse, he fired twice blowing up your car).

I am now almost regetting this and thinking that I should actually have made it like what you mentioned about each grenade being 1 slot because 4 starting grenades is too overpowered lol, so by drawing this to my attention YOU MADE IT HAPPEN lol nooooo... No I will just let you keep your original choice, unless some other anon is desperate to have the Glock/take all three weapons, and forfeit the additional spare grenade, I will just stick with the choice you made here, hehe

The idea with the auto glock is you probably need spare mags also because it empties in just a little over 1 second lol, to make the best use of it you probably need Glock + 2mags. It does have single fire as well though

Originally, I was intending for all of the bikers to use full auto Glocks, but I did some research apparently that B&T stock / RDS sight USW chassis modification aside from being a standalone custom pistol can only be installed on the semi-auto Glock 17 (?) not the 18c so I was annoyed, I had to make the guns separate.
Ok, that works for me, grenade launcher + 5 grenades and USW-A1.
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>Feed on the dead tears
You gingerly peel back a lifeless eyelid and stab your tongue into the unblinking cadaverous face, savouring for the taste of carrion tears. It is quite repulsive and you shudder at this ghoulish act of self-sustenance. It also feels slightly gay, perhaps even NECRO-GAY. You wonder if Ibrahim ibn Al-Hashim were here, he would be horrified at your transformation into an abomination in the form of some werebeast carrion scavenger jackal or vampiric hyena, citing the warnings of the treatise Hayat al-Hayawan al-Kubra by the scholar Al-Damiri.

You don't feel particularly invigorated or exhilarated from this act of desecration against the deceased, and you fathom it is far more desirable to feed upon the tears of the living in all the quivering vitality of their emotional ecstasies and agonies, the unsubdued ebb and flow of life's suffering.

However, as you experimentally rise and stand and lean against your hobbled leg from your death-defying stunt dive out of the speeding car, you discover that your leg seems to have recovered enough to bear your weight.

You don't detect any particularly supernatural signs behind this sudden convalescence. Whether this is related to your ghoulish deed of tear-suckling, or might just as well have arisen anyway from resting a little - it all remains an unfathomable mystery to you.

(QM: a partial recovery; you lose the hobbled condition, but the minor injury / mild bleeding condition remains, unfortunately)

You wonder if imbibing the lachrymal essences of these victims could confer upon you some of their memories or recollections from moments of extreme emotional duress. What a revelation it would be, if you could relive their sensations from just a few teardrops, recall all their grief and woe, regrets and lamentations!

You focus intensely and contort your face in your best imitation of a powerful, all-scrying all-knowing clairvoyant psychic expression.

Nothing happens. No CGI blurry black-and-white flashback or speeded-up reverse motion psychic montage or stream of consciousness. You are very disappointed.
But then you remember you can just look at his phone instead. This Motorbike Hunter appears to have been a member of some strange cult named The Stranded Sons. Frustratingly, you discover his phone appears to be the corporate version of a burner phone. It looks like one of those generic phones allocated on an unplanned basis of expediency and necessity to contractors, that is erased after use and transferred to another contractor or temporary employee.

The phone appears to have been issued from Imago - this in itself does not surprise you, as the venture fund invests in all manner of technological endeavours, from mundane connected workforce ERP and CRM systems, cybersecurity vulnerability CTEM, the endless conspiracy engine of internet search... to pioneering frontier technologies involving bioinformatics and delayed senescence / senolytics, longevity therapies and life extension. Instead of reading through tens of thousands of corporate emails, you decide to organise his communications by keyword term frequency-inverse document frequency. Using this method of information retrieval, you discover many references to a "Tree", "Tree Of Life" which confuses you until you realise it appears to refer to some form of phylogenetic tree. You think back to your first victim, her Red Cargo Container, the vampire grail - Imago must be searching for some phylogenetic signal, the vampiric trait of immortality?!
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The Stranded Sons biker cultist appears to have spent a lot of time playing with some recently launched AI phone app from Imago, that can generate moderately convincing dreamlike sequences of video from text prompts - or even entire videos from a single uploaded image.

You wonder if any representative glimpse of reality can be conveyed through words alone, versus lived, embodied experience.

Even images can deceive; many images are staged. You recall how the popular image of butterflies - the aesthetic of their wings, spread wide in a square quadrant pose where the trailing edge of the wing is perpendicular to body axis, is an unnatural pose only witnessed when the butterfly is dead, pinned as a display specimen upon a wall after retrieval from the killing jar of the lepidopterist.
Living butterflies more commonly hold their wings in variable, swept-back positions, with the forward edge perpendicular to the body axis. It would be akin to if one's notion of anatomy led to the belief that all humans stood around with their arms permanently splayed and frozen in a videogame loading mesh T-pose display.

Can the dream images and visions that emerge from the consciousness of this machine chrysalis truly convey any sense of lived experience - or would they descend inevitably into that grotesque distorted pattern, the nightmarish and parasitic imitation feeding upon the living; hallucinated imaginings retrieved from a long dead reality instead...?
Even from a far distance, you can observe the updraft of a coiling mass of smog rising from the smokestacks of the Foundry furnace and Steelworks.
The entire metallurgical facility looms in the smog, a sprawling labyrinth of sinter plants, smelters, hot and cold rolling mills and slab cutters, rail cars and stock yards.
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You can hear the incessant churning of enormous mixing drums and jaw crushers, agglomerating iron ore and coke dust and limestone flux into nodulised pellets, sinter feed for the yawning maw of fire, the burning crucible hungering within.

Hulking cylindrical shadows, jutting from the serrated skyline like crenellated watchtowers of some stronghold fortress of old, brooding gasholder storage reservoirs waiting to fuel the dragon's breath.
Periodic blasts and flares of howling flame and embers emanate from the depths, as ignition furnaces melt the impure into a seething river of fire, torched and scoured by supersonic jets of oxygen.
From hooks and hoists there is an immense crucible, a boiling cauldron hanging by overhead crane, a monstrous ladle for an ogre - teeming hot steel into convertors and receptacles, hollow vessels awaiting the retribution of fire from above.
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Along the access road to the Steelworks, you can see numerous checkpoints and barriers, security posts. On your motorbike, you attempt to circumvent these guard points as best as you can, evading and navigating around them via circuitous, off-road tracks.
Eventually, you reach a desolate landscape that appears to comprise of a terrain of undulating Rust Dunes - the steelworks ore yard, heaped hillocks and mountains of iron ore pellets oxidising in the open air.
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Strange Dog

As you survey this desolate Rust Dune landscape, you detect a strange jackal-like dog creature, perhaps a coyote? scampering near the crest of the heaped ore mountains.

There is something disturbing about the shape and posture of this wild dog, for as you glance at its skulking and skittering shadow, it almost seems as if this wild coyote has no head...
It is quickly followed by another, and another - an entire scarpering pack of wild scavengers. They appear to be chasing a figure, a desperate female in a torn white dress, scrambling in terror and utter desperation as she flees this ravenous pursuing beast pack.
As you watch this terrified blonde girl approach, crying and pleading for help from her piteous, tear-strewn face... there is a flash of recognition... she appears to remember you:
-You came... after all this time, you came to save me... help! Help! They set these dogs on me, after I wouldn't go through with the audition...Help me! We have to run, run for our lives...

>Is this really Annabel, or some trick? Rush towards the tear-strewn girl and comfort her; shield her from the ravenous wild dogs

>Turn the Heel Knife and unfold the blade from the grip, then stab Annabel in the eye and drink her delicious, delicious tears of suffering

>Scream a sorrowful warning to Annabel: you must stay away! I am a vampire! Get away! I can't help you, I will only horribly succumb and drain you of your delicious temptress tears!

>Call out to Annabel to get behind you, then circle the motorbike towards these strange dogs and open fire
QM: please specify which weapon, and how many shots you fire
>USW-A1 (25/30)
>Milkor MGL / grenade launcher (5/6)

>If you are a vampire, can you command dogs and bats and things? Try to put on your best imitation of a powerful psychic face (it worked so well last time), try and gaze upon these dogs with your best vampiric minion commanding psychic expression

>Maybe the pack of ravenous dogs can be distracted, lured away? Play a song from your phone, and throw it in some far away direction (QM: you can youtube link a song)

>Something else...?
s this really Annabel, or some trick? Rush towards the tear-strewn girl and comfort her; shield her from the ravenous wild dogs (and drink her precious precious sweet tears once we escape)

I'm not sure how to chase the robo Rottweilers away, but maybe
>If you are a vampire, can you command dogs and bats and things? Try to put on your best imitation of a powerful psychic face (it worked so well last time), try and gaze upon these dogs with your best vampiric minion commanding psychic expression
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(Ghost Robotics Vision 60 Quadrupedal Unmanned Ground Vehicle) /
(SWORD International SPUR Special Purpose Unmanned Rifle)
6.5mm Creedmore
It is a robot dog with some sort of sniper rifle backpack. An all-weather high endurance, high agility quadruped ground assault drone painted in Cerakote HIR camouflage for abrasion and corrosion resistance. It is claimed to eventually achieve 6.7 miles/hr top speed at sprint, though the drone usually operates at around half this speed, and is equipped with a 30x electro-optical thermal scope in addition to multiple 640x512 95deg high fov enhanced thermal vision camera sensors. The Q-UGV can carry a wide variety of 10kg payloads with 3hr runtime; the drone is also capable of autonomous, blind-mode control that mimics mammal navigation across difficult urban or natural terrain.

Annabel had told you she could not cry tears, her frustration and exasperation at not even being able to fake crying for auditions...
even as your natural compassion overwhelms all and you rush to the aid of this distressed, crying girl... you feel something is not right... and you charge forth, only to find your arms embracing nothing. Nothing but empty air!

To your utter bewilderment, you find yourself quickly surrounded and cornered by this wild pack of ravenous predatory dogs, peering at you with cyclopean monocular eyes, with only the eerie sound of the repetitive, reciprocating hydraulic hiss of linear actuators that form their spindly reverse-jointed limbs.
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Was this an illusion, some pico-projector or holographic trickery? (Some part of you feels the cold delight of a ruthless looking unfamiliar woman >>6041271 at having ensnared you within her trap...) You glance around desperately for some means of your own escape - you are severely outnumbered as the quadruped drones skulk towards you from all sides...

>Open fire at the drones, using
>USW-A1 (25/30)
>Milkor MGL (5/6)
QM: please state which weapon, how many rounds you fire etc

>The quadrupedal drones cannot climb? (Hopefully they cannot jump...) You need to attain and exploit some height advantage. Attempt to scale some nearby building and fire down at the feral dog drones

>The drones have limited fov, they have to turn to pursue you. They have cornered you in this stock yard, but you can ride rings around them on your motorbike. Attempt to circle and outmanoeuvre the drones, perhaps separating them, before blasting them down

>Charge the drones head-on from your motorcycle whilst opening fire. Maybe this will work, their collision avoidance algorithms will force them to scatter and disperse. If you can break out into open terrain, you can easily outrun them on your motorbike. But is this like running head-on into a firing squad?

>It is time to unleash utter destruction and pure carnage. Lure the drones towards some explosive gasholder / storage reservoir, and fire your grenade launcher at it, hopefully immolating them all. It is perhaps the best way of announcing your arrival to every guard checkpoint in the vicinity

>These QUGVs have limited range. There must be some means of neutralising them all at once, swiftly and decisively...? (QM: You frantically scan the map for any means to turn this battle in your favour... what could this be?)

>You don't have time to fight all these drones. You also remember the last time you destroyed that quadrotor near the Dead Mall, two more came to investigate. Rev your motorcycle and ride as hard and as fast as you can straight through into the nearest building
(QM: the dog drones will pursue you, giving chase, but you will outrun and outspeed them for several turns before they can catch up to you as your motorbike charges into whatever lies in wait within the unknown map area ahead)

>These drones cannot be that intelligent. What if you revved the motorbike, sent it in one direction, whilst you leapt off and started running in the opposite - which target would they pursue?

>Something else? write in
>These QUGVs have limited range. There must be some means of neutralising them all at once, swiftly and decisively...? (QM: You frantically scan the map for any means to turn this battle in your favour... what could this be?)
>Shoot the operator at the top of the ladder (bottom right on the map) with our USW-A1
The angle is poor, but your sharp-eyed observation catches the hunched and crouching form of a Drone Operator lurking on the rooftops of the Blast Furnace Casting Hall.

You open fire, two-round double-tap bursts, then again, and then another aimed headshot (QM: fire five rounds, USW-A1 20/30 rounds remain). The staccato reverberations of the suppressed gunshots snap across the empty reach, the killing distance between the drifting smoke from your gunbarrel and the Drone Operator's panicked, startled face. You see some missed shots ricocheting and shattering in fragments against the roof - but you also see the Drone Operator keel over in agony; there is blood streaming from his face - did you kill him?

LBT-6094 G3 Plate Carrier

Mission adaptable carrier with separate panels for IIIA ballistic plates as well as soft body armour

Moments later, you see the Drone Operator lurching upwards in sudden pain; he sways almost on the verge of tumbling from the high roof, yet somehow he staggers back upright, barely keeping his balance, his arms clutching at some unseen wound seeping against the ballistic armour on his chest. He appears to be fiddling frantically with the rugged military tablet controls for the drones, as if dispatching some final orders; shattered bullet fragments have ricocheted and cut the side of his face, impairing his vision.

Tottering unsteadily, the shambling Drone Operator hastily retreats from the roof edge, deeper into the Blast Furnace Casting Hall...
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You observe that the quadrupedal robot gundog drones have lulled back into some holding pattern, a bored and listless idle sentry / autonomous state, just staring blankly at you, no longer reacting to or threatening any of your movements.

However, you notice two of the quadrupedal drones are not carrying rifle mount payloads - they appear to be carrying smaller quadrotor flying drones on their back.

Both of these quadrotor drones suddenly whirr into life, buzzing furiously as they take off and begin to hover towards nearby guard checkpoints in the vicinity.
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Meanwhile, the wounded Drone Operator on the roof is making his escape!

>Your priority is to shoot down these quadrotor drones before they alert any reinforcements. They are small, fast-moving hard-to-hit targets; you think you need to fire around 10 shots at them as they takeoff, to cut them down: Fire at the two quadrotor drones before they alert guards (10/30 rounds remain in USW-A1)

>You should try and shoot again at the Drone Operator - but he is receding very quickly behind the cover of the roof now. Fire 5 rounds at him again (15/30 rounds left)

>The rooftop angle is far too steep to hit him. Ignore the quadrotor drones, climb the ladder and chase the Drone Operator into the Blast Furnace Hall

>Well, maybe now is your chance for some payback. The wounded Drone Operator seems to have discarded his damaged radio communications and controller military tablet - don't chase him, but climb the ladder to the roof, spend some time figuring out how the controller works. Then send the robot gundogs into the nearest guard checkpoint to wreak havoc

>Instead try to access some overhead map data from the drone tablet controller on any nearby guards, their locations and positions

>Instead of chasing this Drone Operator, just airburst a single HE grenade onto the roof (4/6 grenades remain)

>Even though these robot gundogs are now docile and idle, you should destroy them, in case they are repurposed or retasked by others (fire 1 grenade, 4/6 remain)

>Just ignore the Drone Operator, he is badly wounded and will probably bleed out anyway. Ride your motorbike into this Blast Furnace Casting Hall

>Something else...?
>You should try and shoot again at the Drone Operator - but he is receding very quickly behind the cover of the roof now. Fire 5 rounds at him again (15/30 rounds left)
Don't leave enemies alive.
>Instead try to access some overhead map data from the drone tablet controller on any nearby guards, their locations and positions
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>Don't leave enemies alive...
Your first few suppressed shots miss, but the wounded Drone Operator cowers as you pursue him, as you climb the ladder and chase him, charging onto the roof... you can see now that your initial gunshots seem to have heavily winded him, with fragments from a bullet penetrating between some seam of the plates near the armpit, seeping blood... one of your stray shots also seems to have destroyed his radio.
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The eyes of the Drone Operator flick in wordless dread and anguish at the two whirring drones, hovering to bear his alert message to nearby armed guard checkpoints - yet his features quail in abject wretchedness as the Drone Operator realises his alert will only arrive far too late to save him from his own impending doom...
-Wait...! Don't shoot! I don't know who you are - but... just hear me out! If you let me live, I'll - I'll tell you...

The flat and deadened slap of two more suppressed shots from your handgun chops the Drone Operator down, as he falls and plummets unceremoniously face-first from the roof, sprawled haphazardly amongst the idling robot gundogs. The autonomous gaze of their thermal monocular vision falls upon his corpse, in an apparent utterly unfeigned air of machine disinterest.
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Turning from the sight of this dead Drone Operator, you try to quickly assess this QUGV drone ground control station. There is a complicated looking hardened backpack-sized case, housing some sort of keyboard and joystick with various maps and ISR overlays. Your attention turns to two other components of this ground station, one of which looks near identical to a videogame console controller, and another of which resembles a sort of flip dual-touchscreen tablet, with two smaller stubby antennae jutting out of it.
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Examining this device, you can see that two teams of guards to the North ("Nightwolf-2") and West ("Warlord-1") have indeed been alerted by the dying operator's warning drones.

You see to your dismay that these assault teams are heavily armoured - possibly to the extent where your 9mm handgun rounds will not even damage them, unless you can approach from a very obvious close-quarters range aiming for vulnerable exposed limbs or other unprotected locations.
In addition to a variety of heavy armaments, you think these guards likely also possess grenades and explosives of their own; they likely have everything. Yet from this ground controller map data, however, you can observe their exact position and vector of approach, enabling you to prepare some form of ambush...

>The Drone Operator's radio was destroyed, but there remains a short range push-to-talk relay capability. This gives you an idea for a ruse... what if you stayed exactly in place, where you currently are, and waited for both North and West assault teams to converge... then using the short range broadcast, confused or panicked them into attacking each other?
QM: you can also try to write-in the gist of a specific message (it doesn't have to be too detailed) but if it is convincing, this may help...

>What if you used the short-range push-to-talk broadcast to call off these assault teams entirely? Claim that the drones malfunctioned and raised a false alarm? Try this approach instead
QM: you think this is more difficult as the mercenaries are already on a heightened state of alert. Again, as above, you can attempt to write-in the gist of some broadcast to attempt to call off both assault teams

>You think you have enough QUGVs to outright neutralise ONE of these PMC assault teams. You wonder, however, if one of these squads also has another backup Drone Operator; you could risk sending them reinforcements! Using the ground station controller, order the gundogs to eliminate
>North assault team (Nightwolf-2)
>West assault team (Warlord-1)

>Just stand on the roof and grenade these assault teams as they approach. (QM: write in how many grenades you fire in each direction)
>North ("Nightwolf-2")
>West ("Warlord-1")

>Destroy all the gundog drones now, before any of them can be reactivated or turned against you
(QM: this uses 1 grenade)

>You took out this Drone Operator fairly quickly and cleanly; you should move away from this area. Run into the maze of the blast furnace casting hall; simply vanish and don't even be around when these assault teams arrive
QM: the assault teams will search and hunt for you. However, they will likely have to split up and separate out to search the narrow corridors and pipework of the hall interior
(this map here >>6052048 )

>Something else...?
>Loot the LBT-6094 G3 Plate Carrier >>6052046
>The Drone Operator's radio was destroyed, but there remains a short range push-to-talk relay capability. This gives you an idea for a ruse... what if you stayed exactly in place, where you currently are, and waited for both North and West assault teams to converge... then using the short range broadcast, confused or panicked them into attacking each other?
I am not sure how this radio works ie whether there is a single frequency that everyone listens on or there's a separate one for different squads but:
>"The intruders appear to have masked as our own forces and are heavily armed, the other assault team has been called off to prevent friendly fire, open fire at anyone that looks like our soldiers."
I hope this works.
Supporting this suggestion

>You took out this Drone Operator fairly quickly and cleanly; you should move away from this area. Run into the maze of the blast furnace casting hall; simply vanish and don't even be around when these assault teams arrive
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Peltor ComTac VII Headset
Provides hearing protection and dual-mode background noise cancellation of 25dB to block loud noises and enhance situational awareness in the combat environment. Compatible with Ops-Core ARC rail kit for FAST helmets

(QM: you retrieve this item, which replaces your Earphones)
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>Loot the LBT-6094 G3 Plate Carrier

You retrieve the ComTacs headset and the battered LGBT (?) plate carrier from the drone operator, and examine it suspiciously.

Aside from the unsightly bloodstained patches seeped around the edges you examine the IIIA hard armour ballistic plates and the STRIKE FACE protective sides appear unblemished, undamaged; you think the dead Drone Operator likely perished from either unfortunate ricochet bullet fragments due to the unusual posture he had adopted crouching by the roof's edge with his drone ground control station. You think in a normal front-facing upright shooting stance / standard posture this plate carrier will protect against stray shrapnel and perhaps a few bullet hits to the chest... though the best policy is perhaps not to present oneself to any direct gunfire at all.
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QM: You now look like a TACTICAL GOTH (90%)

50% LBT G3 Plate Carrier

5% ComTacs Headset

-15% FASHION CLASH penalty for wearing Beach Goth shorts


50% GOTH
40% "One Percenter" Black Leather Biker Jacket
-20% FASHION CLASH Ballistic Armour covering Biker Jacket

15% Ultra Tight Fit Black Leather Shorts

15% Ruroc Fanged Motorbike Helmet (Komainu)
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You are examining the AN/PRC-152A radio from the Drone Operator as you contemplate how best to send your transmission. The wideband manpack transceiver has been destroyed, but push-to-talk is still available on narrowband, though this requires near line-of-sight communications; the two squads converging from the North and West will have to approach within dangerous proximity, within shooting distance of each other (and you...) before they receive your message.

You decide to wait until the very last minute when you have visual range on both assault teams, sending your communication to each squad separately, before leaving the area as fast as possible.

+NIGHTWOLF 2-2 acknowledges... incursion by hostile QRF elements in West sector, moving to engage - designated location on your grid, all Nightwolf 2-Victors cleared hot, maintain speed, maintain dispersion; 500 metres approaching your position...

+WARLORD 1-4 Devildog-1 (static noises, zzschh...) you are... (zzschh) ...coming in ... weak and unreadable. Try (zsss) ... cleaning your... (zsss) handset... (zss) Interrogative - (zsss)... you confirm hostile, as TOC (zsssch...) seeing only friendlies in the North sector grid AO? Say again (zssscch...) checking IFF confirmation from TOC (zssch...)
(QM: lol I just realised that you probably cannot wear the ComTacs and the Motorbike Helmet at the same time, nooo. Anyway, just assume you take off the helmet for the PTT radio transmission, put on the headset, then take it off and put the helmet back on again argh. It doesn't really change the fashion all that much lol. Anyway, standby as I setup the next scenario, thank you...!)
You feel you are very close to the SLAG FURNACE - already here the air is growing warm, not yet unbearable or scaldingly hot, but filled with vapours of graphite fumes and hot dust.
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A small part of you relishes at the prospect of your clever ruse, perhaps your revenge against Judith for her strange illusion of the distressed crying girl which had lured you earlier to the drone gundogs - with any luck, their own assault teams are about to turn on each other very soon.
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The Blast Furnace Casting Hall is filled with immense labyrinthine pipes which you assume carry coolant and pressurised oxygen towards the burning crucible itself.

From your vantage point from the roof ladder, you can see exits to the North and West... dishearteningly impeded by forces from Nightwolf-2 and Warlord-1.
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You gather from radio communications that Nightwolf on the North side completely fell for your deception... they are ready to blast apart anything moving that traverses their crosshairs.
However, Warlord-1 appears to be holding position to the west; furthermore, the assault team member who received your message, Warlord 1-4, seems very sceptical and suspicious.

You can see him raising the four separate nightvision intensifier tubes on his GPNVGs thoughtfully, as he tries to contact TOC (Tactical Operations Command) to verify your redesignation of the North grid as hostile.
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If Warlord 1-4 is successful in contacting the command base for verification, he will immediately see through your ruse, and you will be swiftly confronted by both assault teams at once...

>You need to eliminate the suspicious Warlord 1-4 at once, before he discovers your trick. Shoot him with your USW-A1 (15/30 currently)
(QM: you can specify how many rounds you fire. Otherwise, it is 5)

>9mm bullets will probably not penetrate his armour at this range. These operators appear to be wearing some very heavy IOTV armour. Fire a grenade instead (4/6 grenades left)

>You really need to make sure he dies. Fire 2 grenades (3/6 left)

>Maybe if you just stealthily crawl along these massive pipes towards the Blast Furnace chamber, nobody will detect you. Thermal vision probably won't be able to see you surrounded by all the heat and steam from the blast furnace, right? Is that how it works?

>Finally, you get to reenact Splinter Cell... you must shimmy along these pipes upside down, then dangle inverted from one of the pipes with your legs entwined and gripping the rusted metal between your thighs, then hang upside down and stealthily stab this suspicious tactical operator in the neck with your Heel Knife. Hopefully, no one can see you doing this, just hope all the night vision thermal goggle people are looking the other way

>If only you could lure this Warlord 1-4 operator a little forwards, into the line of fire of Nightwolf-2 overwatch to the north... they would swiftly scythe him down with gunfire for you. But how could you distract him without exposing yourself...?
>Throw an item, hope he walks towards the noise (QM: choose an item to discard)
>Something else...?

>It is just time to unleash utter carnage and devastation. Fire 4 grenades randomly to the North and West, open fire (10 rounds) with your handgun. This will cause utter chaos and instantaneously provoke both sides into shooting each other without further ado. Meanwhile, you can attempt to crawl overhead along the pipes whilst they are distracted. Hopefully those grenades don't detonate any gasholders or rupture any pure oxygen pipes whilst you are standing nearby

>Something else... (write in)
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QM: Both Nightwolf-2 and Warlord-1 assault teams are equipped with the following...
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IOTV Body Armour (Improved Outer Tactical Vest)
An older specification incorporating heavy multi-component ballistic protection from small-calibre rounds and fragmentation with four plate inserts providing coverage to the sides of the torso, the arms as well as a groin protector. IOTV armour is used frequently in conjunction with XSAPI plate inserts defending against 7.62x51mm tungsten carbide penetrator projectiles. The somewhat cumbersome design and excessive weight of IOTV armour impedes agility and mobility.
Panoramic lens assembly provides the warfighter with a fused prism of overlapping images from the forward and angled intensifier tubes spliced at the eyepieces, producing unparalleled 97degrees FOV, compared to 40deg view of traditional binocular systems. Two centre lenses point forward akin to traditional dual-tube goggles, giving the operator more depth perception, whilst two more tubes point slightly outward from centre to increase peripheral view. The GPNVG is powered by an external cold weather battery pack with integral strobes. It is a crime for a foreign citizen to look through Gen3 night vision devices, or to export or carry this device, absent authorisation, beyond the border.
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30(+1) / 30
5.56x45mm NATO
semi-auto / full auto
Short stroke gas piston firearm system inherited from the earlier MPX submachine gun, permits conversion between a variety of configurations including .300 AAC Blackout, 7.62x39mm and 6.8x51mm The SIG MCX is highly versatile and features a distinctive side folding stock.

QM: The mercenaries are carrying various long barrel and shortened versions of these rifles, equipped with scope optics, suppressors and ATPIAL AN/PEQ laser illuminators. You think they also have assorted grenades, shotguns and possibly sniper or DMR type rifles.

I apologise for the image quality, but to the north in the virtual tabletop picture here
Nightwolf-2, following the assault order given from your successful deception / ruse, arrived early and setup a machine gun, probably a Mk46 mod 1 (200/200) They have overwatch on the higher north level and are scanning the west entry / exit point. Warlord-1 are to the west but they have not entered the hall, except for 1-4, who is positioned very close beneath the pipe overhead. No-one has seen your position or is otherwise aware of your presence so far.
Command the gun-dog-robots to move into the hostile square and fire at Warlord 1 from the rough position and direction of Nightwolf-2, that should draw fire between the two groups
>You really need to make sure he dies. Fire 2 grenades (3/6 left)
We got plenty of grenades, and it's worth spending 2 to make sure they aggro each other.
Also using robo-dogs is cool too if possible as this anon suggested >>6053613. I think they can't climb here in time though.
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>command the gundog robots / quadruped drones to fire at Warlord-1
>Fire 2 grenades, make sure Warlord 1-4 cannot contact TOC to reveal your deception
You wisely decide not to attempt stealth - unlike in videogames, you don't think the ferocious heat emanating from the blast furnace will provide any camouflage from thermal vision - in fact, you recall that one of the primary civilian uses of thermography is to detect heat leakages and temperature differentials in harsh extreme industrial environments, including blast furnaces and steelworks. Attempting to mask your body heat against the pipework heat would be akin to a shadow puppet trying to hide by standing in front of theatre stage lights.
As you fiddle with the drone ground station controls, you realise that whilst the gundog robots cannot jump or climb the ladder to the roof pipework elevation where you are currently situated, they can loop around the entire length of the Steelworks Casting Hall, and assault Warlord-1 to the rear from the West.

You concentrate on manipulating the drone controls - it is relatively easy for one single quadruped, but you are not sure how to steer the pack motion state for several of the drones at once - perhaps the tracking algorithm governing their behavioural cohesion is autonomous.

After struggling with the worst videogame escort mission movement mechanics ever, you eventually decide to just ram all the drones into the back of the west assault squad whilst no-scope shooting the gundogs haphazardly.

Then for good measure, you fire off two grenades at the suspicious operator, Warlord 1-4, as he tries to contact his TOC.
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The vast and cavernous interior of the furnace hall erupts in deafening and earsplitting explosions, shrieks, thundering fusillade and slaughter.
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From the north side on the slightly elevated balcony, the combined tumult of the drone and responding assault team gunfire has provoked the Nightwolf-2 machinegunner into action; he is firing hundreds of rounds into the wall of smoke and debris to the west created by your grenade detonations, and you witness a clattering shower of spent ammunition belt links and ejected smoking cartridges raining down the stairs, as the barrel of the Mk48 begins glowing red with heat. The gunfire is so fast and deafening it almost sounds to your ears like a nonstop screaming chirping sound. You feel as if your head has been entombed inside a metal gong, being struck with hammers 650 times per minute.
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In the abrupt silence afterwards, as the smoke and haze clears, it appears at least half of your plan has worked... perhaps too well. The combination of grenades and machine gun barrages have resulted in the entire pack of gundog drones together with Warlord-1 squad being utterly annihilated, pulverised into gruesome unrecognisable meat ribbons. The walls along the west side are scorched and blackened, perforated with bullet holes streaming shafts of light and smoke.
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Your grenades appear to have also punctured some holes in the pipework, and there is a violently flaring sheet of flame, a plume of blue-orange burning gas venting near the west exit.
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To your brutalised ears - or perhaps just the noise cancellation pickup from the ComTacs combat headset - the clanking sound and rattle of ammunition as the Nightwolf machinegunner reloads his weapon appears unbearably loud.

You realise that the other half of your cunning plan - to goad the two teams into shooting at each other - appears to have failed in this one-sided massacre.

Nightwolf-2 remains on overwatch to the North from the machine gun balcony, guarding the West exit.

>Take this opportunity whilst Nightwolf-2 reloads their machine gun to dash through the West exit, now! Just run really fast and leap through the sheet of fire
>For some reason, you think you should draw the Heel Knife whilst running
>Don't equip the Heel Knife. Instead, dash through the flames, then turn around and fire the grenade launcher at the venting gas (afterwards, 2/6 grenades remain). Hopefully this blasts open and ignites the pipe, preventing anyone from following you the way you came.

>What if you backtracked the way you came along the pipes, descended the roof ladder, then followed the route you sent the gundog drones, circuitously looping around the side of this building? By the time you reached the west exit around the outside (and the heap of mangled corpses and quadruped drone wreckage) would the machinegunner have finished reloading...?

>Hmmm, these grenades are really powerful; maybe you should destroy Nightwolf-2 now as their machine gunner reloads...
>Fire 1 grenade (2/6 left)
>Fire 2 grenades (1/6 left). The machinegunner is pretty well fortified
>Fire 3 (MGL EMPTY)

>Maybe now is the time for Splinter Cell upside down pipe dangling knife action - Nightwolf-2 is reloading and their attention is fixated on the West exit slaughter aftermath. Climb along the pipe and attempt to stealth kill their machinegunner

>Something else...?
>>For some reason, you think you should draw the Heel Knife whilst running
>For some reason, you think you should draw the Heel Knife whilst running
We've got a LGBT plate, it will protect us.
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You run through the fire. The Heel Knife in your hand makes you feel swift, invigorated. The back and arms of the leather Biker Jacket ignite, and blistering tongues of flame reach upwards alarmingly towards your shoulders and neck - somehow, through frantic flailing and rolling around upon the ground afterwards, attempting to smother the burning cinders, you extinguish this fire and avoid being incinerated. You are very gladdened to be wearing the Motorbike Helmet, which has likely prevented your hair and face from being melted and seared into flakes of ash. The Biker Jacket appears slightly curled, shrunken tight and carbonised, and it smells flame-ravaged and quite revolting, but remains nonetheless moderately wearable.

You can hear some shouting in the distance behind you - the north assault squad Nightwolf-2 vociferations and exhortations for some marksman to step forward, to shoot through the conflagration and intense raging heat, even as he fumbles clumsily with the belt-fed pouch reloading of the machine gun - but despite his urgings, none of his assault squad appear too eager to attempt to emulate or follow your near-suicidal immolation rush through the flames.
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The heap of corpses here - partially your handiwork with the grenades, and partially that of the machine gun - resembles a charnel house or hellscape.

You wonder if there was some manner in which you could have averted this atrocity... prevented this steelworks furnace hall from being turned into a warzone.

Perhaps if you had tried to persuade the assault teams that whatever ritual Cade and the Ghoul King and his associates were concocting in the Slag Furnace was not to be interrupted or disturbed... warned them to stay away, that no-one was to enter the ritual chamber of the Slag Pit - Or maybe something even more mundane, that the Industrial Rearmament Act (IRA) in force upon this steelworks made it mission-critical infrastructure for national security, that no shooting, no gunfire or explosions would be permitted to damage the delicate steelmaking equipment (you gaze sceptically at the abandoned monolithic and gargantuan slabs of rusting machinery all around you) some excuse or contrivance of this ilk... would it have prevented this unnecessary suffering and bloodshed?

You cannot imagine that such unrelenting ferocity in fighting would ever occur over a foundry.

Surely no-one would ever attempt to pilot drones and explosives near a steel mill, no-one would ever permit themselves to be besieged and killed by gunfire within the grim industrial stronghold of a foundry or steelworks - all at the behest of some inexplicable ritual over a dream, a mere Sign; the Sign Of The Living Death.

As you stalk ever deeper towards the Slag Furnace, into lambent gouts of glowing fumes and sweltering heat, where even the fluttering shadows of machines appear flame-horned, spitting embers and cavorting before an infernal temple to this molten whirlwind conflagration, the savage crash and clank and grind of rails and chain reverberating all around, shaking the heat-heavy air into tremulous anguish - you wonder if war is the inevitable product of all this industry, this industrialisation, the competition over scarce industrial resources. Rivalry that makes enemies of others... The urge to live and grow forever. Feed and breed and bleed.

You remember what the narcotrafficker, Pedro, told you he believed to be the essence of all magic, all sorcery - Sex and Death, Creation and Destruction. But by what means does civilisation possess to rid itself of all those institutions or industries that outlived their purpose? How would you uproot that which had outgrown its own natural lifespan, that which still clung adamantly and obstinately to the semblance of life, beyond its natural course? Jerome The Wizard seemed to believe he could simply make his incorporated acolytes live forever, bring them to that sempiternal realm which knew no Death. You cannot tell if his belief was a delusion, or if the alternative could only be conflict, killing, destruction, war.
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When you finally arrive at the Slag Furnace, you are surprised to see the Ghoul King and all his coterie arrayed before you, as if they were waiting, patiently yet expectantly, all this while just for your arrival.

The Ghoul King whistles appreciatively. He nudges Judith, who remains expressionless, eyes cast in a bleak and calculating stare towards you. The Ghoul King gloats:
-See, babe - I told you he would come. He comes in spite of all your tricks, all the suffering! But there is no need... the choice ain't his. The girl, we can let her go. (The Ghoul King rattles the chain suspending the cage, as it dangles perilously above the molten Slag Pit) There are always others, always others willing. But it ain't up to you, it is up to her... What say you, Annabel? Are you ready to become a Star, a beautiful bright, burning Star? Or are you going to fall and swoon into the beckoning arms of this Loverboy here?
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Annabel has half-stepped towards the open cage - one dainty foot of hers is actually perched upon its grimly discoloured and rust-flecked ledge - and she frowns as she glances questioningly at you:
-I don't understand... what does he have to do with it? This is my choice, my future, my decision...

The Ghoul King cackles and tilts his head skyward in laughter, lupine triumph.

Try to persuade Annabel:
>Annabel, you have been tricked! This is all part of some hideous occult ritual, they are trying to preserve some strange dream, they are going to sacrifice you to revive the Sign Of The Living Death! You have to believe me...!!
>Also, that isn't even your boyfriend wearing the Black Motorbike Rider Helmet, it is actually... (QM: write in who you think it is, as you leap forward towards the cage and dramatically pull off his helmet, to reveal...??)
>Plead with Annabel: Look, I got shot at, blown up, chased by dogs, near incinerated - all just for you, Annabel. I came to save you. Please, just trust me...

>Ok, Judith tricked you once, she is not tricking you again. Leap forward towards the cage and stab Annabel in the eye with the Heel Knife, and feed off her tears. Hopefully this dispels whatever illusory trick Judith has conjured
>Turn the Heel Knife and unfold it with a dramatic flourish as you step to the cage and cut Annabel's throat, as you calmly pronounce: Loverboy, eh? This is what I think of your pathetic ritual sacrifice. I ruined it now, right? Apocalypse averted?

>Attempt to taunt the Ghoul King: (you remember what you saw on the Stranded Sons phone) Cinema is over, finished. There is AI now that can generate video from just a text prompt, or even a photo or picture upload, a picture which itself could even be AI generated. The machines will get better and better as you stagnate and wither and rot. Your stupid horror film ritual sacrifice will change nothing

>Beseech the Ghoul King: I want to become like you; let me join you. Let my hand be the one that pulls the chain, lowers the cage; let me offer this sacrifice to burn in the Slag Pit...

>This is the standard film trap where you spend too long discussing the villain's plan instead of just shooting him in the head. Shoot the Ghoul King in the head instead
(QM: you have 15/30 rounds remaining, you can write in how many shots)

>Something else...? Write-in
>Annabel... you said you are dead inside, and yet you still aspire to become some kind of "star". You want to burn brightly and die instead of dimly smouldering, but for what? What is it you seek? Love? Recognition? And why do you think these are the only two options? I know of a statue of a Greek goddess of love. It is said to hold the secret of immortality. What reason to sacrifice yourself to leave an imprint if you can obtain all of eternity to scheme and claw your way to the top, playing by your own rules? You can start your own cinematic company, bring in a fresh air to the industry. And you would have all the time in the world to do so. And yet you choose to sacrifice yourself to this "Ghoul King" who will take all the fame for himself anyway, and the Sign of the Living Death, that horrifying, undead thing that is only extending its agony with the lives of those it consumes. Come with me, Annabel. I came to save you from all this.
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>Mention Love
>(Appeal to Annabel's sense of independence)
>"Come with me, Annabel. I came to save you from all this..."
It all comes gushing out - you unburden yourself in a slightly overemotional and agitated but nonetheless eloquent disquisition attempting to persuade Annabel to step away from the iron cage dangling over the molten burning abyss.

Annabel doesn't seem to comprehend the entirety of your meaning, but seems moved by the impassioned outpouring of your words. She glances questioningly and hesitantly at Judith - you can tell some part of Annabel is wavering, as she looks back at you as she deliberates and reconsiders:
-I just... I don't really know you that well. I suppose you must really care, to have come all this way to persuade me, to talk me out of it... but you- you don't really know anything about filmmaking, you don't know anything about this industry, how things are done... I have already sacrificed so much for my career, I don't want to fail at this last, final hurdle - I really think this is an incredible opportunity...

Judith sees that you seem to be succeeding, breaking through her enthralment and hold over the actress Annabel, as she quickly interposes in her soothing intimacy coordinator voice:
-Don't let him decide for you, Annabel. This is your choice, as a self-confident, independent woman. He is saying you are not strong enough for this role, the role you always wanted! But I believe in you, I believe you are a Star. You can do anything, overcome any ordeal! Don't let him tell you what to do...

(You notice there is a strange light emanating from Judith's hand. At first, you think it looks a bit like the glow from a phone touchscreen, reflected back on her skin - except Judith doesn't seem to be holding a phone at all...)
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The Ghoul King appears to be conferring with Cade, his head of security. It appears there seems to be some element of the ritual which is not proceeding to his liking... You are also perplexed by why he has not simply released the chain and dropped Annabel into the molten Slag Pit already, or even just pushed or thrown her into the fire... does the Ghoul King have to obtain her willing consent and obeisance first, as part of the sacrifice? Or is something else missing? You can see the heavily armoured form of Cade pointing at you and gesticulating vehemently, as if he is trying to exhort the Ghoul King to take some simpler, more direct action.

Curiously, the Ghoul King turns to you, ignoring Annabel. In his rasping, hoarse and ghastly drawl of a voice, the Ghoul King explains:
- I want to show you what is at stake here. You think it is just some dead Sign, some forgotten joke of a tourist attraction. The Sign is so much more. It shows what things could be - it shows what people should believe. What everyone desires, what all should wish for - the best version of themselves, not just the most beautiful or handsome-looking, but the best, the bravest and most heroic presentation of themselves, amongst the cherished memories of those they love, belonging in the greatest place, living the beautiful Dream. Without the Sign, people have no hope. That's true horror - no hope. So we have to sacrifice our youth before we learn what the Sign means - so what? You've seen what the world looks like without the Sign. It's killing, savagery, darkness, degradation, misery. There is no need for it, the barbaric misery of it - the Sign can take it all, absorb the re-enactments of all the suffering! It has so much beauty and joy and delight which it can give - we just need to give it this one thing in return...
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>Say to the Ghoul King: the dream world of the Sign is better than what reality has become. I want the happiness of those memories, the most cherished and most beautiful - the Dream.

>Respond defiantly, shaking your fist: your Sign Of The Living Death is a delusion! I will never let you resurrect it!

>Challenge the Ghoul King, try to sow turmoil amongst his acolytes and followers: Maybe the Sign is what is needed for the world, to give it hope. But are you really the right person to wield it? Your trashy exploitation torture gore horror films? Maybe Judith would make for a better film producer... (glance meaningfully at Judith) I don't see why she has to work under you, keeping you away from molesting actresses all the time

>This is all a distraction - the Ghoul King is trying to draw your attention away from Cade, who is probably going to shoot you. You should quickdraw your handgun, and gun down
>Ghoul King
>Black Motorbike Helmet Rider?
QM: you can specify any number of targets, and any number of bullets fired (15/30 remain). Otherwise the rounds fired per target default here is 3

>Is there some item you can use on Judith, to break her strange intimacy coordinator enthralment of Annabel...? Write-in

>Perhaps if you know the identity of the Black Motorbike Helmet Rider, you can prove to Annabel that the Ghoul King has deceived her...? Lunge towards him besides Annabel and the Cage, and remove his helmet to reveal... (Write-in)

>Just lunge towards the cage, grab Annabel's hand, pull her away to safety and start running for any exit

>Something else...?
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QM: Of course, the music for this scene is -

EXCESS Health x Perturbator

One more night
For me
To bleed
Into the dawn
Breathe the smoke in
Spend the money before you die

One more try
To be free
Into the darkness
Breathe the smoke in
Empty the bottle before you die

Terrible visions in my sleep
I can see your face again
Terrible visions and I’m awake
I can’t get away
Terrible visions as you speak
I can see you lying there dead

I didn’t do it
I didn’t do it for love
What did I do it for?
Did I do it for?

One more trial
To scream
To plead
Into the void
This is the last kiss
Empty the vials before you die

One more child
To lead
Into the cold
Breathe the smoke in
Spend the money before you die
>>Respond defiantly, shaking your fist: your Sign Of The Living Death is a delusion! I will never let you resurrect it!
>Perhaps if you know the identity of the Black Motorbike Helmet Rider, you can prove to Annabel that the Ghoul King has deceived her...? Lunge towards him besides Annabel and the Cage, and remove his helmet to reveal... (Write-in)
>To reveal OSKAR >>6041273
He has a high-pitched voice.
Also immediately after draw our gun and shoot
>Ghoul King
>Black Motorbike Helmet Rider?
3 rounds each, Cade 5, in the head, starting from Cade.
Do not shoot the Ghoul King. He's holding the chain. But Cade, Judith and Oskar DIE.
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>defy Ghoul King, etc
>expose Oskar / Black Motorbike Helmet Rider
>gun down
>Cade (5 shots)
>Oskar (3 shots)
>Judith (3 shots)
>DO NOT shoot Ghoul King (he is holding the cage chain...!)
QM: hehe, well done for realising this

As you lunge towards the cage, yanking off Oskar's Black Motorbike Helmet disguise - Annabel is very shocked, her cheeks are flushed red with shame:
-I... I just knew it! And I was holding on to you on the motorbike so tightly, and afterwards I even let you feel... I mean, I knew there was something wrong about all this! You creep! Ewww! (Annabel quickly steps away from the edge of the metal confinement, and slaps Oskar in the face) How could you... you disgusting, perverted, beast! (Annabel turns to Judith, in cold fury) And you! How could a woman even do such a thing to another... to betray me, offer me up for such a vile purpose... I have no words for what you are...!!
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Taurus Raging Bull (model 444)
.44 Magnum
A potent, high-powered double-action sidearm often used for hunting, with a ported barrel to reduce recoil. The large frame requires two hands simultaneously operating the front and rear release latches to swing out the revolver cylinder to reload.

Cade is pushing the Ghoul King back, drawing a massive revolver as he aims it threateningly towards you:
-Enough! The ritual begins now... no more games or tricks! The one being sacrificed is you! You fed upon the living, and the dead...
You are the one we need, never mind this stupid actress girl... you will bring us the glory of the Dream, the Sign Of The Living Death!
You answer him with a hail of gunfire. With your free arm, you knock aside Cade's grip on the massive revolver, fluidly drawing your handgun in your other hand, without even really aiming - firing twice, point-shooting one-handed from retention, then twice and once more, almost point blank at his chest and face. You rapidly arc around and blast down Oskar, then Judith; you see them both crumpling in shock, arms folded around torsos as if they had some trivial stomach complaint, before slumping and collapsing in choked agony against the metal walkways around the Slag Pit.

You are turning around to confront and subdue the Ghoul King - he is crouched and dishevelled in a cowering position along the metal walkway - when you realise that Cade is not dead... He is equipped in the same heavy armour >>6053486 you saw adorning the assault squads earlier; none of the four rounds you fired at his chest have penetrated the ballistic plate, though from his wheezing and staggering movement you think the sheer blunt force has probably cracked some ribs.
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Cade is disjointedly aiming his massive revolver one-handed, waving it back and forth as he sways unevenly alongside the Ghoul King - you see now Cade's other hand is clutching despairingly at his throat, clenched at a point where you final unaimed shot placement must have missed his face, but gouged and ruptured a chunk of flesh from the side of his neck instead... as he bleeds out slowly, Cade gargles and slurs in excruciation...
-You... can't defeat... the Dream... the Living Death... the Dream... sets you free... freedom... forever - to live... forever-

His finger twitches in the throes of death agony - there is a massive roar, as the revolver blast hammers into your chest, knocking you off your footing, tripping you backwards as you fall into the oblivion of chains and rattling metal, suspended and hanging over the seething river of fire...
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There is something very unsettling about this cage. You can see shafts of light, streaming upwards from the metal grating beneath - specks of hanging dust motes, flickering and glinting in the suspended illumination. Yet the scalding heat and oppressive, polluted smog of the furnace and Slag Pit is gone. From this strange Cage, you can see two pathways...
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You are standing upon some sunlit boulevard, lined with palm trees and sunshine. You can smell the ocean and hear the laughter of children. The avenue looks very familiar to you, as you wonder if Heather lives nearby, or Natalie, or Annabel? Perhaps you should visit them...
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You are standing in a dense urban maze, high-rise towers and enclosures all around. Your chest is suddenly battered by unbearable pangs of pain, a spike of agony in your skull as you feel your ribcage is being bent and broken with every breath... all around you the smell of smoke, and burning, the wailing of sirens. The skycrapers around you seem to lean in, looming over and crushing you with their bent angles and geometries and nightmarish jagged perspective - you can barely even stand upright. You turn clutching your chest and look desperately for the sanctuary of the Cage...
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>Walk to the Sunlit Boulevard, and the palm trees
>Look for someone (write in, who...?)

>Walk to the Urban Ruins

>The Sign Of The Living Death must be here somewhere. But where is it?

>Shout out something in the Cage - will anyone hear you or respond? (write-in)

>You need to go back to the Beach, to recover. Draw the Heel Knife and try and cut your hand to jolt yourself back - will this work?

>Something else...? Use an item, or write-in
>The Sign Of The Living Death must be here somewhere. But where is it?
I think at the end of the Sunlit Boulevard if the images are true. Though I don't think going there is a good idea... We may become lost in the dream and never come back.
>Shout out something in the Cage - will anyone hear you or respond?
>"AAAAAA PULL ME OUT ANNABEL HELP" or something basically ask for help to get back to reality
>You need to go back to the Beach, to recover. Draw the Heel Knife and try and cut your hand to jolt yourself back - will this work?
>Walk to the Sunlit Boulevard, and the palm trees
>Look for Richard Roundtree, acclaimed star of Shaft, only a man badder that Superfly and the Mack put together can help us outta this mess
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>Call out to Annabel, reach for her help...
The two worlds, the Sunlit Boulevard and the Urban Ruins, seem to be splitting and cracking, two tectonic masses splintering in collision and subduction, simultaneously meshing yet also pulling away from each other, one of those old anaglyph images, the illusion of depth, the illusion of reality - stereoscopic 3d in blue-red, the strident colours spearing into each layer of your vision, yet never merging, only fracturing into ever more chromatic fissures. Trapped between the crushing strata, you frantically cry out and scrabble for some handhold, grasping at empty air...
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Her hand has found yours, and pulled you away from the chasm.
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Annabel kneels at the Sunlit Boulevard roadside, cradling your head:
- Are you... alright? I think- well, you fainted. It is probably heat delirium, but you were ranting a lot, something about freedom and other nonsense. Oh I suppose you also got shot in the chest, but it probably shouldn't hurt very much, or at least it never does in movies...

You try to stand, but you feel very disorientated, dazed and bewildered.
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Nearby, a car drives past, almost colliding with a passerby in a leather trenchcoat who emphatically gives the driver the middle finger.

You feel as if you arrived on this street with some purpose... what was it again? You look around at all the idyllic sunlit palm trees, this wonderful, secluded and sheltered neighbourhood, and see two men standing nearby:
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Bishop (aka Bish09)
-... I'm tellin' you, man, all the movies are racist. Like sometimes they feature the brothers and all, not just those of the caucasian persuasion, you know what I am sayin'? But them brothers is really black people actin' like white people, or black people behavin' like what white people think black people is gettin' up to... They is never gettin' away from them stereotypes, man. Like you have one chance at representin' this entire nation, you make them a drug dealer or somethin'. Couldn't they have chosen some other profession, man?
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-So what profession are you thinking?

-I dunno, like, something money, man, like... you know, those... those expensive dudes with the suits who sit in the glass towers controlling all the corporations, them...

-Like a pharmaceutical executive?

-Yeah, man, yeah!

-So a drug dealer?

-Yeah! No! I mean, no! Wait - holdup one sec man (Bishop answers his phone) goddamn it Donnie, I told you to be here on time, this excuse better be good...

>What were you supposed to be doing in this neighbourhood again? Are you tourists? Maybe Annabel here is your tourist girlfriend?

>Shuffle awkwardly up to these two gentleman, and ask:
>Er... I suppose, um, you are not really locals, I mean, um, I just didn't expect to see, er, you know, well in this sort of nice and pleasant neighbourhood..., um, anyway, er, could you give us some directions? Uh, Annabel, what are we looking for again?

>Um, excuse me, do you know the way to the Sign? The Sacred Wood? The famous tourist one?

>Um, we are actually looking for a star, this sort of plaque, it commemorates this famous detective...
QM: if anyone can find me a picture of the Shaft actor's Hollywood Walk Of Fame star, you win this. According to googl he has one (?), but there seems to be no photographic trace of the award on the internet?? It is clearly a racial discrimination conspiracy

>Er... could you show us the way to the Beach instead?

>Um, you seem to be black, so are you drug dealers? Could I please buy some illegal drugs? I hope I used the right special secret street language code for this...

>Did I hear you mention Donnie, Donnie Raoul? There is something very odd about him, last time I was at a rave and he disappeared and then the police just seemed to arrive really fast... Also he has some very strange music on his phone. I think he might be a criminal, like into music piracy or something, his music is almost certainly illegally downloaded. It is a very serious crime.

>Something else...?
I just checked the official website of the Walk of Fame (?) https://walkoffame.com/browse-stars/ and there is no star for Richard Roundtree, the Shaft actor, mentioned there. There seems to be a couple of sites that mention that star on googl but idk about their credibility.
Do I win?
>Um, excuse me, do you know the way to the Sign? The Sacred Wood? The famous tourist one?
We need to destroy it, we've still got some grenades left.
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>Ask Bishop if he knows the way to the Sign Of The Sacred Wood etc
You are trying to get Bishop's attention, but he holds up a hand to your face - he is clearly very occupied on the phone:
-yeah, wait a sec, man - so Donnie - I mean, that seems kind of dramatic - mmm-hmm, so you are saying, this person, he violated... he broke some agreement? Some trade agreement? I dunno, man, that seems a bit of an overreaction... so you want to do what? What? mmhmm-hmmm? That seems cold, man, ice cold. Do you have a description of this dude? Hmmm? Ok I see, shorts? Tight, Black, Leather Shorts? Ok. Really tight, you say? Ok. And a Biker Jacket? Sort of Goth-lookin'? I mean, that could be anyone. I look a bit goth sometimes, myself, man, you know, ha ha. And Pedro says to finish this mutha- no? Not him? Like just torture him or something? No? Hmmm I see. Not him, his girlfriend? With blue hair? Ok, well, I suppose that sends a message I guess. But man, I don't know, it seems a bit of an overreaction. You know how Pedro gets sometimes, he wakes up tomorrow in a completely different mood, he probably just laughs it off man. I think, the pills, they do that sometimes. Man, Donnie, if I were you, I would try and talk him out of it. This dude sounds like a nobody, no need for any of this... me and Lou are just here, we chillin'. I don't know if we should really be involved -

>Without warning, you should gun down Bishop and Lou in the street right now (QM: can specify how many shots fired, otherwise it is 3 per target)

>er - just slink away as inconspicuously as possible, pulling Annabel aside and clasping her hand very tightly, as you creep surreptitiously away out of the notice of these friendly neighbourhood gentlemen. Attempt to waddle away whilst pulling down your tight shorts as far as they will possibly even stretch as a disguise

>interrupt: Wait! I can explain! It is all a misunderstanding, I didn't consent to any "Trade Agreement" with Pedro, I didn't sell any of the drugs! In fact I destroyed them all! All of the drugs, gone! See, this isn't my fault at all!

>Shake your head disapprovingly: you... you are DRUG DEALERS? This is terrible! What sort of example are you setting for the younger generation in this community? Do you come from broken homes, absentee fathers? Have you abandoned your education? You should be ashamed of yourselves!

>Interrupt: wait, are you - Bish09? From boards.4kennel.org? You look - I mean, I just didn't expect the average 4kennel user to look... um, (QM: quickly pull out your phone, find the last 4kennel posting atrributable to user "Bish09", and respond with the anonymous message "Post hand")

>Neither Bishop or Lou have recognised you (despite your flamboyantly Goth fashion attire), as they are distracted by the phone call. Maybe you could request Annabel's assistance, ask her to coax the directions from Bishop and Lou... perhaps she would have better success?

>Something else...? Write in
>Interupt: Wait, are you Bish09? I have seen your DEAD INTERNET THEORY, it is fascinating stuff. It is indeed all facebook ads, tracking everything we do and bots everywhere, it is simply disastrous! Our own phones are being listened on, don't you know? You should stop using them and only meet in person, and block their audio receivers if you're ever talking about anything confidential!
>>Interrupt: wait, are you - Bish09? From boards.4kennel.org? You look - I mean, I just didn't expect the average 4kennel user to look... um, (QM: quickly pull out your phone, find the last 4kennel posting atrributable to user "Bish09", and respond with the anonymous message "Post hand")
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>anonymously troll Bishop by encouraging him to "post hand" on boards.4kennel.org

Bishop is very upset. He is holding his phone up to Lou's face, pointing:
-See, Lou, this is what I am talking about, it's the racism. I am just here all casual, you know, postin' my theories, and they is making derogatory comments and doxxin' me over the colour of my skin and all. It's so hurtful, man. If I ever find out who this mutha is, makin' all these hurtful suggestions, I - (Bishop's face scrunches and creases in a tormented expression of impotent self-pitying rage-sorrow) well, you know what Pedro was suggestin', it ain't half as bad as what I have in mind, man-

>offer to volunteer a photo of your hand, holding Bishop's phone, to prove to these "anonymous" online trolls as to what colour hands typed the aforementioned post
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>feed Bishop's sense of techno-paranoia, THEY ARE LISTENING etc
You watch Bishop's eyes widen in sudden realisation, as you mention his Dead Internet Theory; meanwhile, Lou is not too impressed that Bishop's conspiracy obsessiveness has been provoked at your instigation; taking the cigar out of his mouth, Lou shakes his head disapprovingly:
-You know, we have this thing, it called the internet, we even get it on the phones these days... you can use this "phone internet" for all kinds of things, like, say you lookin' for this fancy tourist Sign of yours... you can try the internet. Hell, you can even find pictures of hot chicks there. See, Bishop here, he likes them big bouncy naked mommas-...
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Bishop is very excited (he gesticulates wildly)
-Lou, man, see! See! See what I was sayin'? This brother, he KNOWS! They are LISTENING! They are WATCHING! All the time...
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Bishop is very excited (he gesticulates wildly)
-Lou, man, see! See! See what I was sayin'? This brother, he KNOWS! They are LISTENING! They are WATCHING! All the time...

-It's these techno corporations, man, always manipulatin', always stickin' the knife in where they don't belong, nine inches in, six inches out, that ain't progress, man! And even if they pull the goddamn knife out, it still ain't progress, it's still a bleedin' wound, it's my bleedin' privacy, my dignity, man! They control everything, the celebrities, the corporations... - but it is even bigger, like, movies, television... Like think about it, the music... every song sounds weird when you just talk the lyrics, right? But you can get people to dance, to sing and clap along, say whatever you want... it's mind control, man! It's all subliminal messaging, all the politics - like your fancy "Sacred Wood" voodoo Sign is the only thing keeping the whole goddamn system alive...

George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee
July 10, 2024

George Clooney, the Hollywood actor and Democratic financial powerhouse who co-hosted a major fund-raiser for President Biden last month, wrote in a New York Times guest essay on Wednesday that Mr. Biden was too old to seek re-election and should end his campaign.

You think your crazed conspiracy ranting has distracted Bishop from noticing that you - yes, you, in your tight Black Leather Shorts, you in fact exactly match the description of designated prospective victim / target of Pedro's retribution for failing to meet his "trade agreement" of nonconsensual narcotics trafficking on behalf of the Cartel. You breathe a sigh of relief that your clever distraction tactics seem to have worked...
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All of a sudden, Lou plucks the fat cigar from his mouth. You feel the glare of his eyes, narrowed in a scowl of suspicion.

Lou reaches out a massive, tattooed trunk of a muscled arm (there is a clank of gold chain, like some galleon hauling anchor) as he stops you, holds you in place by the shoulder, staring and frowning at you with mounting menace:
-Hell- wait a minute - I know you...
There is a tense pause; your hands scrabble desperately for the contoured grip of your handgun -
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Lou breaks out into a massive grin:
-You- you're cosplayers, right? The grenade launcher, the body armour... (QM: Lou looks you up and down) I don't know what you did, a goddamn homemade miracle, them cereal packets and tape, real inventive, ha ha! Yeah that bruising around the chest too, that's a nice touch, real nasty. Yeah we get a lot of cosplayers, they like to stalk around the streets and hills by the Sign, playing pretend like in the videogames. And you are a lucky one, to be datin' this fine lady here (Lou whistles appreciatively at Annabel, who blushes - is this feigned actress modesty? - since she seems to really enjoy the attention, as Lou winks suggestively at her) you know what they say, miss, about why white women need the Black Power... same reason why the Black Power victory salute is a fist, you see- (Lou makes a proud upraised fist-pumping gesture)

>Er... you should thank these friendly neighbourhood gentlemen for showing you the way to the Sacred Wood Sign, or at least how to use the mystical phone internet to find it, and hastily escort Annabel away before she learns anything more intriguing about the meaning of these Black Power fisting gestures

>Reply to Lou: you know, if I wanted to subvert the Black Power, I might make, like, this ridiculous sci-fi film about the movement, call it - Black Panther or something, just this completely unrelated fictionalised phrase, so that whenever people search on the phone internet, or even just say or think the phrase, they get this alternative version of it, instead of what the original black militant people themselves said and wrote and did and thought. Maybe that is what the Sign does?

>Reply: I thought the Black Power was about taking a knee or something? (Look at Annabel) hmmm, slavery, kneeling... white women, and the Black Power... what could this posture mean, hmmm

>Reply: I just realised the Sign of The Sacred Wood is really white. Like it is painted in the dazzling, blinding whiteness of oppression. Could you come and help me burn it down?

>(Try and persuade Lou) I don't think you should deal with Pedro and Donnie anymore. Neither of them seem to be very stable individuals...

>(Try and goad Lou) Instead of Pedro ordering you around on hits, you should take him out - take his turf for your own. Black Power!

>Something else...? (write in)
>offer to volunteer a photo of your hand, holding Bishop's phone, to prove to these "anonymous" online trolls as to what colour hands typed the aforementioned post
>Write-in: Try and persuade Lou and Bishop not to follow Pedro's instructions (covertly) with reply: "I actually overheard what you were talking about earlier, you should really make an effort to subvert these racial stereotypes for BLACK POWER. Like the racism is fed by black people being drug dealers and everything and the black people become drug dealers and the racism is fed - it never ends, man! We need to break this cycle, we need ACTION HEROES like John Shaft Richard Roundtree, have you seen that movie which has this ultra cool detective? That's what I'm talking about, that's what the black men have to become to show the world BLACK POWER!"
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>volunteer to take a picture of your own hand to help Bishop against the "anonymous" online trolls

(on the online image forum,
boards.4kennel.org/pol )


Anonymous replies

Anonymous replies

Anonymous replies
-ai generated

Anonymous replies
-is it possible to crop this and photoshop onto a girl, interracial one

Anonymous replies
-ok, now post feet

Bishop is very pleased that you have averted the attention of online trolls from his imageboard messaging history. As you hand him back his phone, you cannot help but notice he has saved a lot of pictures of large, barbarian women... you feel obliged to ask him about this special interest:

(Bishop replies)
-Hey careful with that man, I just got that phone! Oh yeah, uh, those pictures, they obviously come pre-installed and everything, you know, these, uh, screensavers, no way to delete them or anything, it's not like anyone would spend hours huntin' for them on the internet, for them roleplaying games. Yeah I got better things to do, man! These streets aint just ma 'hood, they ma livelihood too, man! You gotta stay loose - know loyalty, know respect, ride with the highs and the lows, know yo' cars, clothes, hoes, money! We is knowin' the price on life, word, we know what we worth. For us, there's just slangin', aint no use complainin' over how things are distributed. Black power, white powder, man. But hey, me and Lou gonna help you and yo' lady out! (Bishop gestures at Lou, who nods and winks suggestively at Annabel again. You see Bishop scrolling through his touchscreen contacts for another phone call...)

- Yo, Charlene! Charlie, baby! Gotta help me out here - Hey, you remember our spot, right? By the Sign? The Big Sign? Our place, baby, our special place - Where I made you feel real good... What? What do you mean you don't remember because it was over in like 15 seconds? Uh-huh, you mean... it wasn't your first time? I thought - I mean, I... no - no! I brought lotsa chicks there, them hills is regular make-out heaven for the B-man! (QM: contrary to his words, you notice Bishop looks a bit crestfallen) Anyway, Charlie baby, me and Lou, we won't be takin' care of the "business", after all. We got our own ride. But we just met this real charming couple, they headin' over to the Sign and all...
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Charlene ("Charlie")

Whilst you did not manage to dissuade Bishop and Lou from their particular life choices, you are grateful for their offer to let you hitch a ride with Bishop's friend(?) Charlene, who seems to mouth the words "you dumbass" as she glares at Bishop, but nonetheless Charlie seems to acquiesce to his request as her car pulls up along the road next to you. She seems polite but fairly terse, as Annabel tries to nervously respond with amiable platitudes and awkward conversation on the road:
-So, um, Charlene? How do you know Bishop and Lou? I hope we are not inconveniencing you - is this route on your way to work? What do you do? Bishop and Lou said a lot of cosplayers like to hang out around here, lots of conventions. I hope there aren't any weirdos though, (Annabel laughs nervously) we have had our fair share of them already today... Do you know, the worst kind of weirdo stalker fan? Videogame fans. They are just the worst. Ugh, I never understood why grown men spend so much time with these childish imaginary make-believe games. It's just so embarrassing, immature...

Charlene responds:
-Lou and Bishop, he - they are just friends. I'm a Literature student, but my true passion is theatre, dramatic arts. In fact, I was just on my way to -

Annabel responds enthusiastically:
-oh, you are an actress? Everyone in this town is an actress! You cannot fling a script out the window without hitting a screenwriter or a film star! I'm an actress too! I don't know if you have seen any of my films, they are mostly independent productions, but they do have a following, in fact...

Charlene responds:
-... well, I was going to say, I was on my way to an audition...

Annabel (she suddenly quietens, and looks a little defensive)
-An audition? Not for that upcoming horror film on set at the Steelworks - that production always felt a bit cagey to me...

Charlene replies:
-No, I didn't hear about that one. I'm actually going to meet with this creator- see, they are doing a television adaptation of this award-winning videogame, Super Vampire Basher. It isn't just some ripoff tie-in, they are establishing an entire cinematic universe, it is a really high production value streaming series -
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Annabel (she trails off, with a touch of petulance)
- but... that's Finlay's videogame? He- he never told me they were casting for an adaptation... also, everyone knows the popular heroine of Super Vampire Basher is blonde, a really pretty, hot blonde girl, the perfect role model for young women. Like me!

-Well, I don't know, I don't really play videogames. I think this is a closed casting callback though, since the director requested only talent from a specific drama school, and this is the second round. The competition must be very tight!

>Well, this is your chance. Before you arrive at this ancient Sign, a heathen monument to celebrity, you must try to goad Annabel and Charlie into the ultimate CAT FIGHT showdown. But how to accomplish this? (write-in)
>Provoke Annabel: I bet Finlay slept with her. That's probably why he didn't tell you about this "audition"; they were auditioning all right, all night long...
>Provoke Charlene: I'm sorry, I think you are wasting your time. I just don't think you have the right look. Maybe if there is like some special flashback time-travel episode to an antebellum plantation or something, you might get a chance at a role

>Encourage Charlene: hey, if it is a callback, you must be in with a great chance! It's probably just down to you and one other... I bet you can do it!

>Ask Charlene: so have you prepared some dramatic monologue to win this audition?

>Ask Charlene: are you any good at crying? (QM: you restrain yourself from licking your lips lasciviously whilst saying this) All the best actresses can cry on demand, obviously (Annabel glowers)

>Sabotage Charlene: you know, I hear the casting directors really like it when you make bold individualistic theatrical choices, eccentric "out-there" character portrayals. Have you considered reading for the role in a funny accent? Or playing the character as a spastic, with mental retardation?
>Demonstrate for Charlene your advanced theatrical audition elocution technique: Here Charlie, try this: (shove your own tongue down your bottom lip, imitate a spastic person) too beee (hhehn hnnneh), orrr nott too beehnnn, thatt (hehnneh) isss theh quesstionhnehnn...
QM: insert Tropic Thunder Simple Jack / full retard meme here

>Something else...? write in
>Whisper to try and reassure Annabel: "I think it's just DEI nonsense, your acting is probably better."
>Ask Charlene: so have you prepared some dramatic monologue to win this audition?
>>Provoke Annabel: I bet Finlay slept with her. That's probably why he didn't tell you about this "audition"; they were auditioning all right, all night long...
Charlene is about to reply when her phone, docked in the car, rings again:
-(Bishop's voice on speakerphone) Yo baby, it's Lou and the B-Man again... you gotta come back, bae, pick us up, they towed our wheels! It turns out the black man aint parkin' in no nice neighbourhood without gettin' the harassment in this town, man. Hey, you still owe me, honey, those 15 seconds of heaven...

(Charlene mutters)
-It was more like 9 seconds - and if you think I would ever let you come anywhere near...

(Bishop smirks, feigning shock)
-You know you need this thug in yo' life, bae!
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QM: Bishop's song is probably this

BARTENDER (hed) P.E. (official music video, has some interesting fashion)

(uncensored lyrics, original version, this one sounds better)

Ain't nothing working
Ain't nothing right
There's a hole in me that I can't fill
No matter how hard I try

[Verse 1]
(Hey, hey)
Hey bartender, hit me with a double
And introduce me to that girl with the bubble
Huh, I'm looking for trouble tonight
No, mama, don't trust me tonight
You be the center, baby
I'll be the quarterback
Hike, hit the tailback
Watch it on the playback
Jah smash that, hitting that redbone
Up in the endzone biting on the collarbone
I just want your company
I want you to comfort me, just come with me

[Verse 2]
Hey bartender, hit me with another
I just about had to kill this brother
Shit, I'm looking for trouble tonight
No mama don't trust me tonight
You be the beauty, baby
I'll be the beast - Who give a fuck?
Take it to the bedroom, take it to the streets
Take it like a man, motherfucker
Yo bitch chose me, motherfucker

I just want your company
I want you to comfort me, just come with me
I just want your company
I want you to comfort me, just come with me

[Bridge 1]
Take me there, take me with you
I can't be alone tonight
I can't trust myself tonight
I can't trust myself tonight
Babe please don't trust me tonight

[Bridge 2]
Ain't nothing working
Ain't nothing right
There's a hole in me that I can't fill
No matter how hard I try
Ain't nothing sweeter
There ain't nothing wrong
All the pain that I receive keeps me strong
It keeps me moving on
QM: Charlene's relationship with Bishop possesses the depth and sophistication of this song

LIVE OR DIE Noah Cyrus & Lil Xan

On our way to the sky
We're gonna look down on tonight
When we die, you and I
Two heartbreak soldiers
When you lay by my side
I see the whole world through your eyes
Ride or die, you and I

Live or die, yeah
Live or die
Got you and I
Got you tonight, yeah
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>Provoke Annabel, imply Charlene got the audition by sleeping with Finlay etc
You get the feeling that it is becoming slightly crowded in the car now, with you and Lou crammed in either side of Annabel, and Bishop in the front with Charlene. The car is saturated with very potent cologne; Bishop seems to be putting on his "man-musk" filling the air with bizarre fruity scents of raspberries, woodsmoke and rum. Charlene recoils and winces in embarassment as he leans near her as she is driving, with Bishop wafting what you do have to concede are fairly alluring and seductive odours. Annabel, meanwhile, has become completely silent. You wonder whether she is merely having a pensive moment of self-reflection, or if there is some simmering fury-jealousy that is brimming inside her, waiting to erupt at the slightest moment's notice.
>Ask about audition monologue
Charlene sighs,
-Well I usually just improvise, speak from the heart... who knows where the journey takes you, how it all ends? Besides, I think it is up to the director to prepare something in advance; sometimes the directors try to throw you off by introducing sudden unexpected emotional landscapes or perspectives on various scenes, or ask you to reconcile these two diametrically opposed conflicting intentions or feelings, almost as if the script were being submitted by utterly random anonymous people! It can seem ridiculous and impossible at times, completely unworkable! And the directors barely tell you anything about the narrative, because often the final script is shrouded in confidentiality agreements, with secrecy being paramount, even if it is just some experimental audience test pilot episode - I swear it can feel like they are just making everything up as they go along sometimes. And for an actress it can get really exhausting inhabiting all these fictional people, it takes tremendous effort, with the risk of becoming incredibly vain and narcissistic and self-centred, projecting the shadow of your own self upon everyone around you - it can seem like the entire world is revolving just around you and your artistic portrayals, as if you are some indispensable being, living in an Indispensable Nation, trying to relate to entirely imaginary events in a myth of your own devising. It would be a terrible fate to befall even a single person, never mind an entire place, a whole city full of ambitious, aspiring celebrities!

Bishop (he is making bizarre gyrating motions on the car seat):
Baby, coming this close to the Sign - it brings back so many memories. When we gonna finally get low, milk that milkshake and lick that lollipop, you know what I'm sayin'? I'm a gonna make you feel like a superhero...

Charlene (rolling her eyes)
- What are you even talking about? What do you even mean?

-A superhero, baby! I'm gonna pleasure you so hard, the sheets will be sticking to your beautiful body when you wake up in the morning. Like a cape!
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The car is slowing down as you approach the beginning of a meandering, hilly road. You think you are very near the ancient Sign now, but it doesn't seem possible to directly drive up towards it.
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Charlene affirms your thought, as she pulls up the car near an elegant gated pathway towards an affluent-looking home perched on the hill:
-Well, this is me. If you follow the curving path to the hill - it is a bit of a hike - you will eventually get to the Sign. It was good meeting you...

>Provoke Annabel even further: It's not like Finlay hasn't done something like this before. Didn't he leave that blue-haired girl Heather, for you? Maybe he decided it was time for him to move on to new and fresh talent, yet again...

>A thought has just occurred to you. What if an accident caused Charlene to miss the audition - maybe Annabel could finally land the role of her dreams?
>hmmm, Bishop is here. Maybe the accident unfortunately befell him too
>hmmm, Lou also. These unfortunate incidents often arrive in threes
>Just shoot Charlene, Bishop and Lou in the head
>No! This is the malevolent influence of the evil, vile, pagan celebrity Sign! All this competition over audition roles, jealousy and envy, is driving you to madness, you must resist!

>Abandon your Sign vandalism, follow Charlene along the gated pathway towards this glamorous home and bring Annabel along, maybe she will get a chance at the audition too. You probably don't even have enough grenades to destroy the Sign anyway

>Leave Annabel with Charlene, Bishop and Lou and wish them good luck. You must venture forth alone to destroy the ancient, pagan evil of this Sign once and for all
>Greet Finlay, ask how he's doing
>If he says nothing interesting, ask Annabel whether she wants to come with us to the Sign
>Wow this audition sure is neat! Ask Charlene how she met Finlay and got this audition
>Ask Annabell is she also met Finlay at an audition thing
By any objective measure of discernment, Finlay's house on the hill is incredible; its stunning panorama view overlooks the entire city below.
Even from the driveway and the floral path leading up to the gate, where you can catch glimpses of the swimming pool and the artisanal interior, you can already feel the upraised hairs of your arms prickling against the skin in the presence of such success, sheer affluence, luxury.
Nonetheless, a part of you cannot help feel that you have already seen much better - as beautiful as Finlay's home is, it pales in comparison to what you saw at the Beach House, at the Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship Residency. A part of you now sees Finlay as being somewhat diminished, inadequate.

If Finlay is surprised by the presence of Annabel, and Charlene, alongside so many of her acquaintances (QM: black people) gathered around his front driveway, he doesn't show it. Instead, he offers a wry welcoming smile, and extends his arms in invitation:

-Hey, I certainly didn't expect such a following to turn up! I am always surprised by popularity, I guess Super Vampire Basher (SVB) has so many more fans than I could ever imagine (Finlay glances at Bishop and Lou) - it is all about the fans, the support of the community, I guess you guys bailed us out, your enthusiasm is what made this TV series happen! And you have all arrived at just the right time; we're still brainstorming ideas for the pilot episode, it would be great to get feedback from the fan audience, the direction we are taking this franchise, especially around the casting decisions - Annabel, Charlene and friends, you're all welcome - do you want to come in? Oh, and when we all sit down together, I'll tell you the story about how Charlene and I met (QM: you see Charlene suppress a slightly nervous and guilty look of embarrassment-panic; Annabel appears utterly impassive, emotionless; Bishop is perplexed, suspicious, as Finlay continues with his cheerfully dismissive anecdote) you see, it was at this poetry reading, don't look so shocked, there is still some culture left in this city! And Charlene here - I didn't know she was a literature student or anything at the time - she got up and gave this breathtaking recital, just this amazing monologue, how did it go again?...
He who ascends to mountaintops, shall find
The loftiest peaks most wrapt in clouds and snow;
He who surpasses or subdues mankind,
Must look down on the hate of those below.


Beneath these battlements, within those walls,
Power dwelt amidst her passions; in proud state
Each robber chief upheld his armed halls,
Doing his evil will, nor less elate
Than mightier heroes of a longer date.
What want these outlaws conquerors should have,
But History’s purchased page to call them great?

Finlay continues enthusiastically:
-Anyway, I didn't really understand any of this poetry reading, I didn't understand anything she was saying, but I immediately thought: This girl is the one, she would be great for our videogame tv series adaptation! Wow! No idea what she recited, probably it couldn't even have been written by anyone with anything to do with vampires, but wow, she has the look for Super Vampire Basher! And so, this audition - and here we are!
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Bishop (he is puzzled, but he is becoming increasingly agitated, as he turns to a nervous Charlene)
-So Charlie - baby... you met this fool... at a rap battle? Some sort of street feud? Talk to me, bae...?

You notice (in fact, it was very hard for you not to stare) the significant oddly-shaped bulge in Bishop's jeans - but what you only just realise and see now, is that protruding from the waistband above this bulge, barely noticeable against his midriff, is the grip of a weapon:

semi-auto / illegal full auto conversion
An infamous open-bolt pistol originally intended to be produced for the police of an overseas apartheid government. Known to be notoriously unreliable, prone to jamming and misfire, though it's intimidating look and relatively inexpensive price, readily available high capacity magazine, alongside a brash marketing campaign with dubious claims of the firearm's coating finish being "resistant to fingerprints" raised its commercial appeal. At the height of its popularity it is said the TEC-9 accounted for 1 in 4 firearm trace requests and a quarter of confiscations by police departments. On the first variant of the TEC-9, the KG-9, filing down the disconnector would convert the firearm to full auto.
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For the first time, you turn to the hills and look directly upon the Ancient Sign. You see the long shadow cast by the ancient runes upon the arid mountainous slopes - you can almost hear the howling wind rattling the sheet metal, glinting white battlements perched upon the steep terrain.

QM: random film clip I found from a horror film in the 1970s. The arid desolate landscape around the Ancient Sign sounds like this

Savage Intruder (1970) film intro
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There is some form of spire, some hollow obelisk, a cage(?) -like lattice of pentagrammatic struts and girders piercing the horizon, an antenna channelling the eldritch power of the old runes into the Great Dark Sky above.

(QM: you can see the Cage Spire in this photo here, on the right)
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All along the ridgeline of the heathen Sign, you can see small votive offerings and what appears to be tattered ribbons trailing in the wind, forgotten supplications to its ancient power.
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And to your surprise, there seem to be shapes, flailing and contorted shadows in strange, grotesque positions of ecstatic fervour - you had thought the vicinity of the Sign to be deserted, desolate wilderness - yet you can clearly distinguish lingering devotees dancing and beseeching, wailing and kneeling in its immense darkness, willing vassals and acolytes of the Sign Of The Living Death. Maybe they are just tourists?
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You want to ask Annabel many questions - perhaps she can join you on this final step of your long pilgrimage to the distant Sign - yet to your surprise, Annabel pushes you slightly away; you are bracing for some tantrum, or simmering outburst, you have a feeling that the melodrama and nervous energy between her acting and her personality can bleed over sometimes - yet, Annabel appears fatigued, resigned; she addresses Finlay directly:
-I... I think I will just sit this one out, Finlay. I already had one audition earlier (she glances at you very briefly) I am... I am just really tired. I want to go to the beach... These auditions are so exhausting, you invest so much hope and ambition and drama... all the competition against other people, it just leads to all this rivalry and jealousy and fighting... I just feel so, so... Used! And for what, in the end? You get given a role, performing the words and instructions and feelings given to you from a script written by another. Orchestrating your every movement and action - not just words, but the minutiae of detail, down to the last intake of breath, twitch of a glance, a flick of hair or turn of the head, every involuntary response or mannerism, it is all so fake and contrived! I want to feel like a real person for a while, not a performance! Not some mannequin or puppet, in thrall to what an unseen audience demands - If I have to fight someone over something, I don't want it to be a competition over who gives a better performance... At being a fake person...!
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Finlay seems very concerned - he moves over to comfort Annabel:
-Annie, are you ok? This isn't you - being an actress is all you ever wanted, remember? Are you unwell? Have you been getting your treatment at Mirage House, the Elbridge Residency? Come to think of it, Natalie should be here, looking after you. Has someone been talking to you, someone around you being a bad influence? - remember what we went over, on your recovery programme, about "enablers", you have to stay away from them. Remember? Come inside, Annabel, into the house... I am sure you will feel better tomorrow morning -

>Point at the distant shapes, the vassals and acolytes that seem to be worshipping the Sign Of The Living Death: Finlay, are you seeing this? You seem to have some very peculiar neighbours?

>Whisper to Bishop: Charlene has definitely slept with Finlay. You saw her reaction, that guilty look. You know it - what are you going to do about it?

>Turn to Lou (he has lit another burning cigar, chewing on it contentedly) I guess... we don't really need to be here? What do you think we should do?

>The Ancient Sign is exerting some malevolent force over everyone around its vicinity. You must destroy it, NOW. But from what you have seen of the immense size of its runes, you are not sure you can do it...
>Just fire grenades at it, all your grenades. Surely you can blow it up?
>Run all the way up the arid, parched desolate mountain slope to the Sign, past the dry and withered clumps of shrubs and dead grass, hack at the bare metal with a Fire Axe
>Try and fire grenades selectively to destroy and mutilate its ruined letters in a humorous manner, deform the metalwork and make it spell HOL_Y BOOB instead
>Maybe you cannot destroy the Sign. But you could try to bring down the Antenna, the strange cage-like latticework of the radio tower beside it - could this achieve the same effect? Disrupt the Sign's influence?

>Something you witnessed earlier has shown you the means to destroy the Sign Of The Living Death (QM: link the post which gives you an idea of how to do it...)

>Annabel is too tired to audition anymore. You should leave the Sign, and take her to the Beach instead

>Something else...? Write in
>Point at the distant shapes, the vassals and acolytes that seem to be worshipping the Sign Of The Living Death: Finlay, are you seeing this? You seem to have some very peculiar neighbours?

>Whisper to Bishop: Charlene has definitely slept with Finlay. You saw her reaction, that guilty look. You know it - what are you going to do about it?

The classic look-over-there move
>Something you witnessed earlier has shown you the means to destroy the Sign Of The Living Death (QM: link the post which gives you an idea of how to do it...)
Three options I can think of:
>Prop the fallen letter back up
>Collapse the rest of the letters
>Collapse the broadcasting tower upon the sign
>Point at the distant shapes, the vassals and acolytes that seem to be worshipping the Sign Of The Living Death: Finlay, are you seeing this? You seem to have some very peculiar neighbours?
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In the ancient age, civilisations relied upon shared blood, gods and enemies to bind their people together, to ward against infighting, hatred and mistrust.
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Then came the mercantile age, of contract and transactional exchange, marketplaces and social capital.

All cultural history became suddenly available all at once - or so it seemed. Information simultaneously eternal and ephemeral, appearing one moment, disappearing the next.

Such surfeit led inevitably to devaluation, for in a situation of endless excess and overabundance, objects and people became interchangeable, uprooted from history, with many unable to locate their own thoughts in time and space.
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The more people came to resemble each other, the more they began to hate. The desire to seize what others covet, the enmity of opponents who became what they themselves abhor, locked in competition for dominance and claims over the same wants and desires - for the most violent impulses arise from similarity, not difference.

As the old world receded, forgotten by the mercantile age, the blood thinned and the gods died. Then all that was left to the remnants of civilisation was the creation of enemies.
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>Draw Finlay's attention to the vassals and acolytes beneath the Ancient Sign


You wonder if a side-effect of living in a city where the sun shines overhead 300 days a year is that some of its denizens retain the emotional capacity of a fern, craving only sunshine and moist air.

Aside from yourself, no-one else appears to have noticed the macabre and unnerving sight of the writhing supplicants and their gruesome rites beneath the Ancient Sign.

You observe that many of these acolytes, of indistinguishable gender, appear to exhibit apparent craniofacial disfigurement - some deformity of visage, sutures and cicatrices across all of their features, giving their heads the horrifying appearance of being bisected or ruptured by terrible wounds.

Finlay, whose attentions remain fixated on Annabel's change in temperament, replies to you with carefree absentmindedness:
-Oh, they are probably foreign, newly arrived tourists, sightseers or maybe immigrants. For locals, it is that thing where you can live in a city but never visit its landmarks? And we get some homeless people too, but we want to make everyone feel welcome here, whether you're a surfer hitting the waves, a hipster starting a gluten-free cookie brand, a young family looking to raise small children, an elderly retirement home couple; high-powered executives, lawyers, doctors, agents, managers, starlets, chefs, yoga teachers, students, writers, therapists, nurses - there is a place for everyone. This city brings together so many people from all different walks of life, different interests: if you are into cosplay, rehab, improv, relapse, drag racing, open mic, wine tastings, biker meetups, plastic surgery, karaoke, clubbing, bdsm, escape rooms - everyone should feel at home. And I think the essence of it is really part of what I do (QM: Finlay reaches to clasp Annabel's hand, as she looks at him with uncertainty) really, the same industry that Annabel here is a part of too - storytelling! Look at all these faces, these visions, this cherished destiny (QM: Finlay sweeps his arm dramatically across the panorama of the city over the hillside landscape) - it all comes from storytelling - you have to provide the narrative and the dream to inspire people to play their part, find their calling, their role in life, and fulfill their truest realised achievement of self!
>Whisper to Bishop (goad him into violence against Finlay)
(QM: Bishop's face trembles with disbelief and shades of loathing. Something about the spectacle of Finlay and his massive house, his swimming pool, his clothes, his haircut, his overall pleasant, cheerful, entirely friendly and welcoming demeanour has enraged him beyond measure. You see Bishop's shaking hand reaching for his TEC-9... perhaps just to intimidate this pretender, show who really commands respect in this district... Finlay sees nothing, being distracted alternately by your gesture towards the foreign tourists near the Sign, and then by his concern over Annabel)
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>Collapse the radio tower upon the sign
In your mind, you battle the malevolence of the Ancient Sign. It is older than any living thing in the city, imbued with the living incarnation of legions of devotees, engorged by their tribute sacrifices, the emotional ensoulment of all their fears, desires and dreams.
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The latticework antenna, the Cage Spire beside it juts from the mountainside ridge - if you were to destabilise its base, perhaps the bent tower wreckage would collapse down the hillside and demolish the Sign... but would it reach? Would it be enough?
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A strange memory resurfaces in your mind: perhaps your focused scrutiny of the distant figures of Half-Men cultists surrounding the Ancient Sign has prompted another recollection of distant observation... you recall the observers (snipers? >>6038943 ) overlooking the crowds, gathered upon the rooftop of the building near where you first ascended with Heather at the Abandoned Shopping Mall. What did you witness then? Was it some prefiguration of the future - some echo of something that had not yet come to pass...? Could it aid you in destroying this barbarous pagan relic?

Your weary eyes scan the dry and parched wilderness of the hillside, but receive no answer...

You possess 3/6 grenades currently
>Attempt to demolish the Sign Of The Living Death by collapsing the radio tower on it... but will it be enough??
>Fire 1 grenade at the Cage Spire, the radio tower
>Fire 2 grenades
>FIRE EVERYTHING (0/6, launcher empty)

>In his current state of trembling hate-anguish, Bishop will probably botch his intimidation of Finlay. Draw your own gun and intimidate him yourself (can write in)
>You want Bishop to actually shoot Finlay dead. Goad Bishop into murderous violence, by saying to Finlay out loud, in Bishop's earshot: Hey Finlay, remember that time you pranked me into uploading a stupid photo of just my own hand on boards.4kennel.org ? You were the one who first invented that prank, right?

>The best way to free Annabel from Finlay's influence, is to Axe him in the head

>Maybe the Radio Tower wreckage will destroy one or two of the pagan runes, but it is not enough to demolish the Sign in its entirety. Take your leave of Finlay, Charlene, Bishop and Lou, and return with Annabel to the Beach

>Something else...? Write-in
>>Maybe the Radio Tower wreckage will destroy one or two of the pagan runes, but it is not enough to demolish the Sign in its entirety. Take your leave of Finlay, Charlene, Bishop and Lou, and return with Annabel to the Beach
>FIRE EVERYTHING (0/6, launcher empty)

>You want Bishop to actually shoot Finlay dead. Goad Bishop into murderous violence, by saying to Finlay out loud, in Bishop's earshot: Hey Finlay, remember that time you pranked me into uploading a stupid photo of just my own hand on boards.4kennel.org ? You were the one who first invented that prank, right?
>FIRE EVERYTHING (empty, no grenades remain)
>Fire the grenade launcher; try to destabilise the radio tower / attempt to demolish the Sign
You are running along the stony, hillside path, dust trailing your footfalls against the dry xeric habitat; without any shade from overhanging trees, the harsh heat of the sun is relentless and scorching as it bakes this arid mountainside slope; rivulets of sweat are soon streaked all along your face and neck, stinging your eyes.

You aim the grenade launcher as best you can, tilting and ranging the angled sights to align the barrel with the distant outline of the radio tower, and rapidly fire off all the grenades in quick succession, three forceful tubular thunks of recoil against your shoulder... You gaze expectantly at the outline of the Cage Spire radio antenna, and witness triple consecutive flashes of detonations, followed by the reverberations of blasts and muffled crumps carried back to your ears from the mountainside.
The radio tower still stands - it appears the arcs of your grenades have actually passed through the lattice of metal struts, shrieking through the hollow space and impacting harmlessly in a rising smoke plume against the dust and rocky soil of the hillside opposite; perhaps a single round has exploded against the base, sending a shower of sparks, shrapnel and fragments of burning antenna dishes cascading down the mountain slope - though the tower shudders and groans, it remains vertical and upright. If you only had a few more grenades... would you have weakened it enough to topple over?
Bishop, brandishing his illegally full-auto converted machine pistol, has psychotically chased Finlay through his driveway and front gate, through his house interior and out again to his poolside garden.
Finlay raises his hands in helpless bewilderment and panic:
-There is no need for this...! Please, don't- don't shoot me! (Finlay cowers and whimpers by the edge of the swimming pool, overturning deck chairs, clattering poolside furniture) Just-just tell me what you want... I am sorry, I apologise for whatever you think I did...! Do you want money? I didn't ruin any videogames, it was all the fault of that blue-haired girl Heather! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!
As you watch the rising plumes of smoke and dust from your mis-aimed grenade impacts, disheartened at the utter failure of your abortive skirmish against the pagan Sign - you suddenly realise that the column of smoke appears far more persistent than expected.
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In fact, more and more smoke appears to be pouring from the craters of your grenade impacts - and the smoke carries burning embers, smouldering fragments of parched and withered hillside foliage, turned into kindling; fuel for a conflagration.
Motes of ash and soot settle upon an eyelash, a blankly staring iris.

Finlay drifts wordlessly upon the swimming pool surface, floating arms outstretched, as murky tendrils spiral out from his torso, sinking to the depths in a rippling, reddened haze.
The firestorm surges from hillside wilderness, lashed by hot dry winds, into the urban homes nestled amidst the shrubs and woodland fuel scattered along its all-devouring path.
Enclaves and idyllic, secluded urban gardens, sanctuaries that believed themselves invulnerable, yet revealed as being mere kindling within an all too easily combustible landscape. All delusions of familiarity and mundane routine are relinquished before the burning tempest. Those who remain trapped as inhabitants of the broken world of others are burned away.
The wildfire spreads rapidly along the hillside, encircling the ancient Sign in leaping, hellish flames.
Along its path tornadoes of carbonised chaparral, incinerated twigs and charred debris billow and swirl, igniting and immolating in a whirling, maddened dance, unleashing a rain of smouldering ashes in the wake of the blaze.
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You flee the sweeping maelstrom of fire, the raging and scorching devastation. Disaster seems to have spread from horizon to horizon; burning cinders in the air have pockmarked your clothes with blackened splotches. Your throat itches from inhaled fumes, and the constant haze of smoke has swollen your head, which aches from staring into engulfing darkness, shadows and flashing sparks, the ever-present crackling orange and reddened heat-glow.
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Surrounded and engulfed on all sides by the rampaging inferno, it seems like there is no safe place to live.
Eventually, the path of your flight and escape halts at the threshold of the sea.
Even here, the fiery hurricane and towering smoke cloud updraft has tainted and scalded the sky, besmearing it with hellish orange-scorched illuminations, the pyre of a burning city dragged to fiery constupration, the soulless shadows of those unknowing and unliving incinerated, billowing against the burning clouds.
Yet here the fire seems distant against the oblivion of placidly lapping ocean waves along the length of endless sandy shores.
You wonder if there is some way to live outside narratives, outside the stories spun and imagined by others. To live like the ocean, that exists beyond time, with no yesterday and no tomorrow, to wade in sunlit waters of untamed sensation, pure feeling.
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Through the smoke and sea mist you are looking for her - did she make it through the havoc of evacuation traffic, the frenzied panic and crush of denizens fleeing in droves before the flames?
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You think you glimpse her shadow along the beach, arms outstretched in the relief of an embrace - she is delirious with joy, enraptured and breathless at your reunion... you finally freed her from what she had believed to be her passion, but which had only been a prison, a cage for her soul.

LITTLE SHADOW The Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Patience, shadow
For all your sight, there's no sight to see
Little shadow, little shadow
To the night, will you follow me?

Pardon, shadow
Hold on tight to your darkened key
Little shadow, little shadow
To the night, will you follow me?

Closer, shadow
For all your strikes, still, we're caught between
All this sorrow, little shadow
To the night, will you follow me?

Paler shade inside
Deep and deep, we dive
Turn and turn aside
To a fantasy

Little shadow
To the night, will you follow me?
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She wants to see your face - and for a moment you hesitate. What will she find behind the visored helm? Will she see your true self, or be revolted by your transformation?
You turn away from the tide, and gaze back against the blackened shore.
Wherever she is - you will stay by the beach, waiting.

influenced by (amongst many others...)

Dracula, Bram Stoker
Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises
The Battler
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
Don DeLillo, Players
Norman Mailer, Superman Comes To The Supermarket
Rainer Maria Rilke
Virginia Woolf, The Waves

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The OC, S01E01 premiere
The Bling Ring
The Idol
Spring Breakers (2012) directed by Harmony Korine

Devs, Alex Garland

Nicolas Winding Refn,
Too Old To Die Young

Miami Vice 1984 - 1989

Escape From Tarkov
Arena Breakout

Civil War Alex Garland film
The Division Tom Clancy

Deepwater Horizon, film

John Carpenter
Escape From New York,
Escape From LA
Assault On Precinct 13
The Thing

Hard Target, John Woo

Under The Skin
Under The Silver Lake


Point Break, Kathryn Bigelow
Juice (1992)
Whatever Nicolas Cage was doing in Vampire's Kiss
QM: Thank you everyone for playing, this is the end of the game!

I was really impressed by a lot of the ideas from all the anons, this game was completely improvised lol, I had no idea (and no preparation whatsoever lol) originally about the Hollywood Sign, the wildfire or the Steelworks / Slag Furnace, they were all triggered purely by associations and suggestions from your intriguing player contributions, hehe.

Something I tried to do in this setting and reimagining of the vampire myth was to move as far away from the Vampire Masquerade / World Of Darkness lore and mythos as possible, as that setting is just so all-encompassing, expansive, influential.

The idea there in their lorebooks of vampires possessing centuries of history, all these lineages and factions etc, I decided to make vampires WITHOUT HISTORY, without factions etc, the opposite of all the Ventrue Gangrel Malkavian Nosferatu Brujah Tremere etc Masquerade setting lore. I also imagined vampires to be far more brutal and carnivorous than the traditional seductive neckbiting variety etc, the vampires physically maim and dismember their prey, they are like sharks, probably closer in imagining to those carnivorous depictions in the film 30 Days Of Night etc. The idea of vampires that feed on tears just came to me completely randomly (I did not expect or prepare for it at all lol) I thought that was an interesting twist hehe, I maybe will do something more with it in the future. It didn't come through as much in this game, but the idea was that it is much harder for them to feed as opposed to just biting and drawing blood etc, they have to manipulate their prey emotionally into crying etc. There was also some spellcasting system based upon linking song lyrics, I offered this option a few times, but anons seemed not too interested in it lol.

Finally, I originally had a whole d100 dice system of emotional attributes prepared (the Fear, Innocence, Cruelty, Outrage stuff, the X-Card AXP black Centurion card thing was tied to this, and there was a sort of health / hp system based on confidence or self-esteem) but eventually I decided just to stay diceless, pure storygame mode, I think it was better this way, yay
Originally, I intended the game to have a far more technological focus, this was achieved by pursuing the "Find Finlay" storyline, a hidden choice here >>6051451 (the AI app on the Stranded Sons biker cultist phone, which generated video from uploaded images) would have been to upload the Sun-Scorched photo >>6037310 to see what the AI believed to be the process behind the creation of vampires. Incidentally, the motorbike cultists the Stranded Sons (who also featured in my previous Golgotha game setting) could be found here >>6044149 at the Construction Site / Excavator Shrine near the Dead Mall. In my Golgotha game they had some bizarre petrification / basilisk worship ritual that involved spraying and encasing living sacrifices in concrete; this time round the biker cult had some ritual involving pushing the faces of their disciples into a spinning motorbike wheel (hence all their menacing motorbike helmets to hide their deformed faces). Succeeding in that scenario would have provided a fast early way to get a motorbike or vehicle.

Another early idea I considered was that Finlay's vengeful girlfriend was actually an AI dating or relationship app that had been shut down etc and which was trying to revive itself etc. However, the player anons did not appear too interested in the Red-Headed Girl (Sam), so I dropped that scenario, hehe There was an option for obtaining some VAMPIRE SORCERY if you managed to decipher the meaning of her bizarre demon child rhyme, or even noticed some of the weapon / artifact imagery (Serbu "Super-Shorty"?? Taurus "Raging Bull"?? Unicorns, swans??? etc)

The scenario with the Warlock Jerome was trying to see if you could tell the difference between actual drugs, ie the LSD blotter grimoire / spellbook >>6039755 (the image sourced from https://blotterbarn.com/ some San Francisco LSD museum) versus just sinister looking confectionery, candy lol >>6039758 ie the Suspicious Pilules, I just googled this image I think it is just some Indonesian sweets you can buy in a supermarket. However something I did want to do was a sort of placebo effect, ie if you sold the harmless sweets to people thinking they were magical alchemy / celebrity drugs, they would turn into that actual effect. Sadly the anons chose to dump and destroy this entire storyline, nooo, hehe
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An unused location I had prepared, the Wheel Of Fortune, this location is based on Pacific Park the Ferris Wheel in Santa Monica, I deliberately chose it because it is sort of like that Lost Boys beach amusement park vampire film hehe, Euphoria the tv series had a cool fairground episode, the Santa Monica night beach was in the Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines videogame, but also because the Ferris Wheel echoes the one everyone remembers from post apocalyptic Pripyat exclusion zone either Stalker or Call Of Duty videogame levels hehe. I think in my setting the ferris wheel is fairly normal, just deserted at night, I didn't have the narrative outline fully prepared but it probably involved the Cartel, Pedro and Donnie and various gang wars. I had day and night versions of this map, there was also some secret subterranean sewer entrance that would take you to some passages into the Elbridge Colony Arts Residency Beach House (in case you didn't get an invitation, which luckily the anon players did manage to negotiate). The Finlay questline had some element of retrieving his lost phone from the Beach House, but I hadn't fully developed or elaborated the entire game interaction sequence.

Incidentally, the Elbridge Colony does sort of exist in real life, I based it on the Macdowell Colony https://www.macdowell.org/ I met an artist who went there hehe. I think they have dropped the Colony name nowadays from the arts fellowship, which is why you must always refer and remind them of it, and continue to use the original historical name. I changed it to Elbridge because it sounds a bit like Cambridge lol, but also, this guy


Some other hidden references: I discovered that you can apparently lookup prisoner numbers in the United States for federal inmates.


So you can try this guy: >>6039761
hehe, or read this article
2024 Mar 21
>Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell would be gone in the first 100 days of a second Donald Trump term that would also include mass deportations of undocumented immigrants and more tariffs on Chinese goods, former White House economic adviser Peter Navarro told Semafor from the federal prison where he is serving a four-month sentence for refusing to cooperate with a congressional probe into the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol

To be fair though, I have since learnt that this policy on Jerome hehe may have been retracted / an unauthorised leak, following this Bloomberg interview

I was a bit thrown by the game choice and write-in suggestion of this anon on Shaft (1971)
>>6056935 lol and Richard Roundtree, but as a mark of my intense research roleplaying dedication I watched and absorbed the entirety of that film within the span of a few hours, the film made me slightly more racist against Italian people (I am very sorry, I also hate mafia films like the Godfather, insert Family Guy meme of how the film insists upon itself) but it is interesting, blaxploitation genre probably is not the type of cinema I would usually seek out hehe. Something I liked about that Shaft film is how he uses a BLACK revolver when doing police stuff, but then pulls out an unmarked WHITE / pearl handed revolver when he rescues the girl on behalf of the black drug dealer / gang boss, oohhh the symbolism. There is also that weird bit where they make the Black Panther rebellious revolutionary man? sleep in a little pink girl's bed?? and the end sequence with the firehose / improvised molotov cocktail is truly bizarre (it goes right down to like the last 2 minutes... you are desperately thinking... what are they doing with the firehose?? The film ends in like 60 seconds??? lol) I was quite impressed by how they frankly addressed racial issues in the film (eg the black people accuse Shaft of being a traitor, sellout to the police; he counters that the drug lord is just turning the black community into addicts, dope fiends) etc it felt quite raw and believable for the era

I discovered during the course of this game that impersonating latino or black people is really difficult and quite tiring lol, but arguably you cannot run an urban gothic / Vampire Masquerade World Of Darkness type setting without convincing portrayals of street culture or hiphop type influences. In fact, the look of 90s type hiphop videos, or that film like Juice (1992) I cited, is very reminiscent of the "Vampire Masquerade" world of darkness look, hence why I also included that hed(PE) music video (it isn't hiphop, but the singer is from California and sort of raps) the fashion in that video could be repurposed into various Vampire Masquerade gangs, street factions etc. I don't have much experience with rap or hiphop, I have only been to San Francisco not LA, so I just look up song lyrics lol adapt them and draw upon my videogame knowledge of playing the black guy from GTA V lol
Anyway, I am happy to stay in the thread for a while, absorb any feedback or criticism, answer any questions or share some of the other unused images / locations assets I had prepared for this game setting.

This time round, I used a lot of images from


The site is mostly free (maybe 1 in 10-20 images is paid) it is no signup, no login, and has already probably been heavily datamined by generative AI lol eg for LAION or other aesthetic datasets. I like images which are silhouettes or convey emotions and ambiguous abstract gestures or evocative feeling landscapes. I am trying to move away a bit from artstation, which has become saturated with AI art, but also, art which isn't AI there still adopts the AI gloss / unreal engine look aesthetic, the art has a lot of visual detail but the composition is poor or generic and has no feeling or mood, or embodiment of physical presence and possibility. Hence I am using unsplash, trying to source more images from actual real world places, actual photography. The good photos don't convey just a place or thing but the feeling too, they are often shot from unusual vantage or perspective (as an example, see this version of the Hollywood sign >>6059003 )

I also wonder if the music this time round suited the various scenarios, music can be quite personal lol everyone likes different things, but I tried to create some non-diegetic accompaniment, just as if the soundtrack was playing in a TV series or videogame cutscene. All my knowledge of contemporary music comes from films or videogames lol, so I don't know if the music I linked was already too cliched or familiar for this audience.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone who played and participated, I really enjoyed rising to the challenge of responding to all of your choices, write-ins and ideas!
I really really enjoyed this quest and I'm glad that I got to participate. Everything was very well executed, but to me the characters really stood out. You did a great job crafting realistic characters that closely resemble "people you would meet" (tm) in LA. That takes really skill and was definitely appreciated.

Sorry you didn't get to use the music system. It seemed like an interesting dynamic, but I'm not a music guy (barely know any songs and almost no lyrics) so I personally felt incapable of participating. But I like the gameplay potentially it sets up and, if you want, it would be nice to keep in future quests in case you do get more lyrically inclined players. Its nonuse in this one definitely is not for lack of interest, but lack of musical talent on the side of the playerbase.

Also, I'm the Shaft anon. I'm glad you were interested by the film. I personally love Blaxploitation as a genre so I'm a bit biased, but if you liked the social themes and rawness of Shaft, I would also recommend Shaft 3: Shaft in Africa, which is about Shaft traveling to Ethiopia to shut down a human trafficking operation across the Mediterranean and talks a lot of illegal immigration and worker exploitation.
Thank you very much for the kind feedback, and also your very interesting write-ins!

I have to admit, initially when I saw some of your ideas I panicked lol because I had no point of reference or preparation for many of them,, however, I think in the end they did take the story to interesting places!

My original idea with the songs developed from the dnd type spells "I cast MAGIC, TELL ME DM ALL THE INFORMATION REVEAL ALL THE GAME SECRETS NOW IS NPC LYING??" lol those spells, I had an idea that instead of magic telepathic omniscience, you would be able to infer something about the npcs, their disposition or trustworthiness from seeing their playlists. I remembered in Metal Gear Solid IV (the old man moustache Snake one) in the endgame you could unlock some emotion voodoo dolls, from Screaming / psycho mantis, there was a sorrow one a laughing one, I never actually went back and replayed the game after getting them, but it gave me an idea that a cool advanced version of the psychic music playlist would let you inject / hijack npc emotions by uploading your own songs etc. eg if you could demoralise them or turn them hyper aggressive against others etc.

As you mentioned, anons may not actually have such an extensive music collection.

Maybe what I should have done instead: just offer a preset menu selection of songs, let players choose one as an "emotional spell" to manipulate an NPC mood.

Near the end of this game, I was running out of music myself lol, I couldn't find enough appropriate music for some of the key scenes or other characters, it does take a lot of effort recalling films / tv / games. I was specifically trying to use mostly California type music (think anons recommended me some interesting music in the qtg, which I appreciated, but I was specifically trying to get the California beach goth type feel). Hence I was scouring my memory of Euphoria, The Idol, 90210 and The OC type tv series

Watching Shaft (1971) it resonated a lot with Wesley Snipes Blade (1998) which for me is one of the best vampire films ever (Blade is a deeply political film, compared to say Kate Beckinsdale Underworld or Tom Cruise Interview With The Vampire etc) Another intriguing "black goth" character, though somewhat underused, is the villain Judah Earl from the 2nd film, Crow City Of Angels (1996) this film had incredible atmosphere, fashion (Iggy Pop as a goth!) visuals. In my alt-reimagining of vampires, I tried deliberately to avoid the GOTHIC MIST VOODOO look, it nonetheless remains a very inspiring influence. The New York / Gotham skyscraper / ghetto thing is probably better suited for Vampire Masquerade world of darkness, I deliberately tried to move it to palm trees, sunny boulevards and beaches etc. Similarly the Arts Residency was a variant on the familiar Silent Hill / Evil Within creepy asylum, I tried to emphasise the modern corporate wellness / luxury rehab aesthetic instead for an alternative perspective
Took me a while to reply because I kept delaying it, but now that the thread is on page 9 I think it's time I finally posted my thoughts, regardless of whether I get an answer from you or not. I am 2hOG2V53 anon btw if ID changed.

First of all, thanks for running, it was an excellent quest, I had a hunch there were improvised parts but didn't think you improvised everything. Second, I am sorry for complaining about waifus and stuff, coom has overtaken me, I will not clamour for them so much in your future quests if you decide to run some. It may not have seemed like it, but I did enjoy playing with you a lot. Anyway, while we're here please post more pretty women npcs, thanks. Also any 2d digital art pictures (not 3d models or photos) would be great to see, especially artsy pictures with lots of colour (but not abstract ones) or any concept art.

Some questions and comments:

What was the method of destroying the Sign that you hinted at here >>6060830 in the last choice? I couldn't figure it out.

What was the meaning of the demon child rhyme? I noticed when I was re-reading later that there were a unicorn and a swan floating toys at the pool, but it was too late in the game to take them.

Also, what was the role of the relic >>6046974 and poster >>6047662 ? What did you have in mind for them?

What were the names in Jerome's Spell Book? Drug clients?

What was the role of Ibrahim ibn al-Hashim >>6044690 in this quest?

I enjoyed the car chase scene a lot. It really felt like we had limited resources which needed to be saved for the encounter with the BIG EVIL cinema director and figuring out how to use everything reasonably and with success. As I said, it felt like a real movie scene, speeding along the highway to save a girl, it was great.

I also enjoyed how the story shifted from serious, exciting tense scenes to these comedic undertones when anons or myself picked some insane options lol, it gave a bit of a lighthearted feel to it all, I appreciated it amid the grimdark you usually present.

One thing I didn't understand was what the Cage >>6055244 (NICHOLAS CAGE???) thing was about, what did it represent, just a choice, a change of locations to another scene? What would've happened had we chosen to enter the ruined metropolis realm?

What were these people >>6038943 ? Vampires? Shadow people?

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Glad to have had you on board, anon, hope you return for Souv's future quests.

I actually didn't know shit about Shaft when I wrote that write-in, I just investigated it on wikipedia because of the other anon, saw Richard Roundtree was an "action hero of black people" that changed perception of them and wrote a paragraph about it lol.

I appreciated the roll-less system because in one of your previous quests the Odalisque I felt like we were constantly balancing on the verge of death, like you roll 1 on 1d6 = YOU DIE, it gave every decision a great weight but felt unfair I guess. I like systems where you roll bad multiple times = you die, but there are opportunities to be clever and take reasonable risks.

Ok I think that's it, thanks for running again, hope to see more of your quests, Souv. See you, space cowboy (picrel (sorry for anime, it is just most fitting))
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>Hint at destroying the Sign
- essentially it was linking back to this, the pyrocumulonimbus
Thought I tried to highlight this with Lou's burning cigar, and my repeated unsubtle descriptions of the arid, parched dry hillside hehe
I genuinely had not prepared any of this Hollywood Sign scenario / Californian wildfire stuff lol, I went on a mad dash for all the photojournalism with those fire pictures and the satellite image burn scar are actually taken from various past wildfires in California, I think especially the Camp Fire 2018 one which destroyed a lot of Hollywood celebrity homes, but in the end I think it fitted together quite well, especially given how the very first song I used for this game from Boy Harsher with the hot peroxide pixie cut dancing beach girl hehe is called Face The Fire yay
My inspiration with those pictures came from watching Alex Garland's Civil War film, there is a scene where they drive through a forest fire and also a scene in the film with rooftop snipers similar to this concept art I used here >>6038943 It turns out after 2024 July 13 rooftop snipers and fisting gestures
became very relevant to the real world afterwards hehe, who could have predicted this?!?

I think if you had written in with the pyrocumulonimbus / wildfire link, Annabel would not have been separated from you at the beach (as you would be prepared for the wildfire etc, instead of it igniting as a byproduct of the grenade detonations) and so the ending might be slightly happier

>role of the relic
So I had some plot with the vaguely Arabic Abraham van Helsing / Ibrahim ibn Al-Hassim, he is on a quest to recover that looted relic from his land. The picture I believe is of statuary taken from a necropolis in Cyrene, Libya, following the fall of Gaddafi, this article


Though I have a feeling this article may misrepresent what some of those interviewed were actually doing in Libya, tee hee hee

There was some scenario I had whereby visiting the docks and smuggling yourself into a shipping container would see you taken to the OFFSHORE OIL RIG (secret vampire lair), I mentioned this a lot in past qtgs, but I had an oil rig map prepared
>Jerome spell book names
You can tell I was improvising because I had to backtrack / abandon my Jerome quest line (it involved the Wheel Of Fortune, occult drug gang war stuff >>6061836 ) when anons chose to throw away / destroy all the wizard drugs lol, I just improvised and switched to the Hollywood Sign thing instantaneously with no preparation hehe (this is why there seems to be some conflicting information which I clarified here >>6040789 )

But the names in his book I added as a clue, for the Hollywood Sign, they are obviously the first names of Hollywood actors / actresses approximately ranked by their lifetime cinematic box office takings eg Tom (Cruise), Brad (Pitt), Johnny (Depp), Harrison (Ford); Scarlett (Johansson), Emma (Watson), Cameron (Diaz), Natalie (Portman), etc. You can look up these rankings online (I think the order slightly differs as people adjust the box office total takings for film revenues in different ways)

>Demon child rhyme
It makes sense if you know about Sam Altman, and have also seen the film Her (2013) where Scarlett Johansson plays an AI girlfriend voice named Sam (also, a bit like... Uncle Sam... and SAM as in surface to air missiles... if you made it to the vampire lair on the oil rig via the shipping container, this would have made more sense).


The unicorns reference Silicon Valley startups (SVB? I made it sound like Buffy The Vampire Slayer BtVS reversed, but those letters mean something else too hehe), ie 1 billion valuation "unicorns" whilst the swans reference black swans:


Throughout the entire quest I embedded strange quotes from various Silicon Valley technology people (eg, the opening lines about sleeping on the beach alone... it is a twist on something Steve Jobs once said about his Californian lifestyle sleeping on the beach with your girlfriend, in a famous Playboy magazine interview; the obscure reference Annabel makes to "Eric Sunder" and his father at Burning Man, is a reference to the manner of death of the father of Eric Schmidt (former CEO of googl/ triumvirate), his father Wilson Schmidt who died in a mysterious fire?? right after becoming a nominee to run the World Bank


If you were very sharp-eyed, you may have noticed some references to "Structural Adjustment Programs" at the Elbridge Colony Arts Fellowship, that may have another meaning beyond celebrity luxury drug rehab, hehe

As mentioned, I originally intended the quest to be more technological with the Red Haired Girl as a sort of vampiric AI phone app girlfriend, but anons didn't choose to explore that storyline, so maybe some of those hints don't fully make sense
>jealous Vampire AI girlfriend / tech phone app storyline etc
So maybe you were wondering what was going on with the nudes here
So if you chose to look for nudes on that mysterious boards.4kennel.org website, you probably wouldn't find Annabel's nudes, but you would have found Heather's and so would have been able to warn her about those malicious videogame revenge leaks
etc preventing the rooftop scenario. I actually think anons handled that scenario very well, as I was expecting Heather to probably die at that point, but somehow anons managed to avoid it

>making Annabel cry with a song?? (Using the music as emotion spells)
So I challenged anons to try and upload a song that would make Annabel (or me) cry, this seems impossible I am dead inside, I blame all the violent militaristic extraction shooter videogames I FEEL NOTHING lol but actually, it was a clever METAGAME challenge, see, if you had been following the music playlist I was linking throughout the quest, ie the emotional spells, you must have realised that I was trying to use the music for inspirational / mood scene setting / emotional manipulation just like the nondiegetic soundtracks in films, tv. Therefore by a process of META deduction, any song I uploaded in a scene where a character cries must have caused me to cry shamefully like a girl noooo So if you relinked back to a song I had already featured with an overemotional npc - this could have been a valid answer...? >>6037892
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>The car chase scene
I was thinking of Jeremy Clarkson era Top Gear lol (this probably only makes sense if you have seen him on British tv) but the inspiration for that entire scene comes from John Woo directing Tom Cruise in the motorbike chase in Mission Impossible 2.
Complete with white doves taking flight! >>6050085
Originally in this quest I was thinking of doing some homage to John Woo action films like Face/Off etc, I thought about doing a speedboat chase like the 80s Miami Vice stuff, in past qtgs I also thought about doing a gunfight against some marauding wheelie biker looters in a supermarket mall, (these posts, I even planned and prototyped battlemap miniatures)


but in the end I just went with the car chase. Originally I wanted the vampire hunters to resemble the all-black clad motorbike helmet hunters from a John Woo film called Hard Target, it is a very cool look that was endlessly copied by many other Hollywood and Asian action films afterwards. But in this game setting I decided to make the vampires and the hunters all a bit ambiguous, it is not entirely clear who or what are really vampires. Also, in every game setting I do, I always want to try something different, with COSMOGONY I did 4X games and spaceships, this time round it turned into vehicles and GTA V lol
>What was going on with Nicolas Cage / Cage at Steel Foundry / Cage Spire Antenna at the Hollywood Sign
In the AI phone app vampire girlfriend scenario and my alternative re-modernised vampire lore I had a lot of elaborate background about how the vampires are like "electromagnetic sharks" they are like sharks in the sense that they have survived many extinctions since prehistory, sharks around since 400 million years ago in the fossil record etc except now they have adapted to sense emotions transmitted as electromagnetic signals emanating from phones (just like how actual sharks use electroreception in water for hunting) humans are like walking antennas emitting emotions. I forgot to embed this background because of various branching anon choices lol so I just had to dump all the lore here in one go
Then I realised too late that I probably should have connected the Cage Spire to the Cage at the steel foundry, but by then the game had sort of ended noooo It was all a bit chaotic and disorganised I am afraid

As to Nicolas Cage, I basically included him because of his performance in that film Vampire's Kiss (1988), it is actually a very deep political film about the modern workplace and the Faustian pact behind it, but everyone knows it only because of the memes, including this one

You may have noticed that at the end of the game there is a sort of face reveal lol,
I did resort to Vampire Masquerade rpg art lol nooo just for the leather jacket but the face you get was sort of supposed to represent your "Humanity" at the end of the game, just like in Vampire the Masquerade. With the Heel Knife, it had two components: on a very basic level, it is the videogame thing from Counter Strike and Arena Breakout lol of how switching to the knife when speedrunning makes you faster (helps with trick jumps, stunts) compared to running whilst holding a gun or assault rifle. But the real secret power of the Heel Knife was mostly unused by players - I had some notion of how the name was a pun on that American thing "Turning The Heel"


ie the idiomatic notion of flipping from "Good" to "Evil". I was thinking about how the Heel Knife might be powered by befriending people and gaining their trust but then "Turning The Heel" and murdering them or inflicting emotional distress in some gothic vampiric betrayal. I did provide the option a few times but anons never really chose it, so you got the mostly human-looking (but somewhat neurotic / brooding, alone, abandoned?) portrait at the game conclusion.
One of the original versions I entertained for this UPYR setting was to go ultrahistorical, take vampires back to Slavic folklore origins. There was going to be some lore about hesychasts and archimandrites and I also considered calling the tech company Semantron instead of Imago (chose Imago in the end, because it sort of sounds like googl) I abandoned this because I don't know that much of the actual regional history /folklore lol, but some of my research survived in a twisted variant eg the Uncreated Light


I originally had some idea that instead of sunlight killing vampires, they would be made by bathing in unnatural illumination, electromagnetic radiation (eg the glitch music video that plays in this song >>6037308 ) I abandoned much of this setup because it went a bit too sci-fi though. Originally the Arts Residency was meant to be an exclusive luxury mountain retreat (matching the lore on Uncreated Light, mystical light from the mountain etc), but after embracing the whole pseudoCalifornia setting a Beach House made more sense to me

Another aspect of my historical research survives from the Byron Childe Harold poem here;
Byron has one of the earliest references to the word vampire itself (in The Giaour, 1813) and Byron of course famously singlehandedly invented the entire gothic genre at Villa Diodati, by Lake Geneva, Switzerland, in 1816, inspiring Mary Shelley with Frankenstein (arguably also the first cyberpunk novel) and Polidori with vampires.

I read some (possibly spurious, unsourced) etymology that UPYR ie vampire may have been derived from "unburned" u-PYR as in pyre, fire etc, ie an unburned or uncremated corpse, maybe this proto- etymology is invalid but I thought it was interesting

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