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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest

Still dressed in her wedding gown, as you and her lay on the dewy grass, you meet your bride's gaze gently and look into the emerald sea of her eyes, seeing the somber golden glow of your own eyes catching the light of the setting sun reflected into them, golden fire and Emerald water mingled together like when the sun descends the horizon at the sea. The warmth of her touch radiates out and reaches deep into your chest as she lays practically on top of you, arms wrapped tightly around your midsection and her own body pressed against your own. The wind lifts the loosened flaps of your robe and plays through her hair as her request, her proposition settles into your mind and stirs a desire almost alien to your senses, an uncomfortable heat welling up from within your heart, fanned by emotion rather than instinct that were excised from you and your brothers at your creation. The whirlwind of passion, sweeping up the sparks of chaste love and stoking it to become a different beast entirely, altering its form and sensation but not its source.

And as the chilly touch of her fingers sends involuntary shivers down your sun warmed skin, your mind drifts, hazy already with the spirit known as love true and strong and further fogged by the peerless beauty and the tempting offer she has made, the coy smirk on her lips, the almost challenging look in her eyes. But it does not drift where the thoughts of other mens would be pulled and lured if they were in the same situation, rather, you day dream not of anything indecent or lewd, but rather towards a future that probably will never come to pass. Of a pack of merry minded children, with eyes of entwined emerald, gold and silver, taller than most, fast growing as you were, but unburdened by the grand responsibility and towering expectation of both of their parents. The man engineered to be a warlord, who'd prefer to spend his days wandering the fog dampened forests or tending flooded paddies of rice rather than shedding blood and committing war on a galactic scale, and the soul of a colony ship who had survived not only her passengers and crew but all of her civilization save a few of her family, but both who carried out their duties without complaint out of a shared love for humanity. A love rivaled only by the one they share, the love from which these imaginary children sprouted.

Oh how vividly you can see them, racing through the mists and clambering up the hills of the valleys and rocks that dot them, swimming through the stream, laughing as they play with grown tiger kin who have escaped the monstrosity and crimes of their own parents and Space Marines taken from the battlefield and allowed to pursue arts besides those of the martial and killing variety.

A perfect world. That can only be an illusion. For perfection cannot exist.

The reverie is broken and you recognize the day dream for what it is, when you see your father Wenyan, as energetic and hale as a man a quarter his age and your lost brothers, those who remain faceless and those whose faces you last saw as corpses or spiritual echoes of themselves battling the hordes of evil present in the realm where all souls must tread eventually. But it is a pleasant lie, sitting atop this same hill with Kanzeon in your arms, a laughing babe in both of your arms as their older siblings run and play without fear of the dangers ever present in the world material and the world unseen, that the men made your warriors could find reprieve and peace from a war that may have no end, that old men never grow old and pass before their grandchildren are grown. Where a demi god can enjoy the serenity of a simple life, alongside all of his kin of choice or by blood, that men like you, intended to lead armies could be allowed rest and peace and the humble joy of a family man.

A world without strife. Without bloodshed. Without war. An unattainable goal. A fantasy. But it is a pleasant one. And one you dearly wish to not allow to slip from your fingers, even as the logical half of you reasons it away, chipping it away at the sweet illusion with the bitter facts and hard truths of the universe you live in. And the enemies set against you. The vision is broken by flashes of the reality the discordant powers would will upon the world, the anti-thesis of your pleasant and peaceable dream. Your breath catches in your throat, and you quiet the childish day dream and the nightmarish visions both, pushing yourself back to reality.

Her eyes look so sad, expecting disappointment. You run a hand through her hair and against her cheek, gazing lovingly and longingly into her sad eyes, that unbeknownst to her contain a dream that cannot be.

"Here, out in the open? Perhaps the wine has made you too bold, that you'd cry out so brazenly, my song bird" You tease, and the sadness in her eyes changes to pleasant surprise for a moment before flaring into a thrill, though she is unable to disguise as you are, the shyness that paints itself on both your cheeks as scorching scarlet

"We'd retire somewhere else, perhaps up into the stars where no one could trouble or interrupt us. This is going to be...awkward enough without fumbling around in the mud and dirt" She says, trying to sound more experienced and confident than she is truly feeling, though it is not a hard task to surpass you in either field at this moment

"A dalliance among the stars. A dream many love sick fools and poets have shared" You say "Who knew that you were so romantic"

"You're one to talk, you shameless flirt" She heckles, pinching and twisting your ear playfully, as suddenly both of your find it difficult to keep the others gaze or look directly upon the other "Maybe we should just get started here, at the edge of the floodlights"

"As if your heart could endure taking such a risk" You answer her threat and challenge with a smirk "I'd prefer the silence of space to be our only witness, the moonlight the only lightning"

"Except my own" She says back, wrapping her fingers through your braided, iron hued hair "To set the mood, of course"

"And reveal the intensity of your feelings" You chuckle, and receive another ear pull, but she does not disagree. And somehow you can't find any more words to say to her, crude or elegant, speech from curt to flower has been denied to you. And she to has lost all of the words she know.

"Come on" She says at last, grabbing your hand, as the two of you whisk each other away to retire to the stars. Nervous giggles and hurried footsteps the only sign of your retreat from the mists and jaunt into the heavens.

And washed in the unfallen rains and bathed in the moonlight, the two of you meet again, unburdened and disrobed of any responsibilities, duties, expectations or deadlines. Naive and innocent, fraught with nerves like this was your first chance meeting, and the two of you were trying to figure the other out and make friends.

And even for a chaste minded man like yourself, it is known that when young people get acquainted make friends, there is no better way about it than to play Fluttering Butterflies to narrow the distance between them and banish any linger uncertainty or hesitation. For there is no better way to get to know one another

And after becoming acquainted, when Fluttering Butterflies is no longer fun nor exciting as it was when it began, it is customary and expected to warm the cooling atmosphere with the Kingfisher Union, as it is impossible to engage in the kingfisher union without becoming close friends.

And after such excitement, refreshment is usually required and a discussion of one another's merits and philosophical debate starts and is swiftly forsaken and resolved in favor of a few rounds of Jackals By The Eleventh Day of Summer. Though neither you or Kanzeon are ordinary, so the when music is played and the two of you dance beneath the lights, the traditional and customary are exchanged for the common sense of her time and the games played to are changed. Inevitably, beneath a holographic cascade of water and shooting stars and fireworks, as music hummed through metal plays, the two you become entwined in a most curious dance exercise that'd make courting cranes seem lead footed and clumsy. Avatar and Vessel alike joining the dance with you.

And while the expected course of the night and its activities had been strayed from, at this point, others would be firmly friends and it'd be just a hop and a step to become soulmates, a destination you had already reached together long ago.

But it would be a shame to forgo and finish the night without a performance of Dragon Plunging Past the Cinnabar Cliffs. Ending with whispered sweet nothings, love poems and suggestive calculations, and a return to Fluttering Butterflies and giggles lost to the quiet of space and the low hum of engines.

And so it goes until dawn, until no one could argue that Kanzeon and you were not joined properly and as expected of bride and groom. Which is just about long enough for others to wonder where said bride and groom had vanished away to, and all manner of hearsay and rumors to spread.

"To think, all of that was supposed to have been programmed out of you biologically" Kanzeon giggles tiredly, hair undone and hanging over her front, as she runs diagnostics on her avatar, the room around the two of you decorated and colored to resemble a field of flowers, their petals lifted away by the passing winds "Someone missed a few variables, I think"

"I've told you time and time again, who I am today, has little to do with my original blueprints" You say, boasting only slight as you sit beside her, watching the debris surrounding Shangrala pass by a viewport she'd made in a flight of excited whimsy at some point in the night, with simulated stars flitting across its screen alongside the real ones outside of the flexible glass. She sighs and hangs her head, the lights in the private chamber shifting to match her mood, changing from all the hues of sunset to dull greyish blue

"Unfortunately, we'll have to get back to our daily toil soon" She grumbles, facing changing expressions a moment later as she gazes out the viewing port to Shangrala "And even if we could take a vacation, we'd still need to say goodbye to all the guests"

"Dreams are always followed by waking" You agree with a frown "In old poems, it was expected of young lovers to run away but"

"You changed the public opinion and belief that now eloping is considered a terrible rather than romantic thing" She laughs "To try and escape your responsibilities and work for a flight of passion"

"Neither of us would've ran away to begin with, when there are people that need helping" You reply with a shrug

"And there are so many people who need our help" She groans, pouting as she rests her head on your shoulder "And more tiring work ahead. I'm just glad, for now at least, it doesn't seem like I need to worry about you losing your pretty and clever head"

"I could always suffer a sudden, fatal case of spontaneous decapitation" You joke, and get the lobe of your ear twisted for the jest.

What is your first order of business following your wedding night, Lieren?

>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again

>Meeting with the human refugees taken from the dark aeldari slave trading hub, and also the alien species you're protecting, to see if any of them would volunteer for the colonization program.

>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three

>Entertain Kanzeon with poetry and music, before presenting Jinhai your finalized plan for colonizing Shangrala's solar system, alongside the other minds and intellects that made it possible.

>Write in

Also, it has been awhile, so expect some cutaways/ archives to show up in the next few updates or at least, fairly soon.
>>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three

I imagine the scene from the godfather while the emperor pets a fog leopard with cotton balls in his cheeks
>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again
>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three
>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again

>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three

Should we send some of our marines back with Big E and Malc to reunify the disorganized chimera legion?
>other/write in
Send off our guests with pride and thanks each brother getting a departing gift
Perty: gift him a number if our weapons and maybe a few nice books to read
Angron: offer some tech to assist him in stabilising the planet socially like communication or whatever
Magnus: gift him some aeldari lore, a little more information regarding the various xenos we've adopted...maybe the merchants of mirth will want to go with him?
Eldrad: tell him if he needs our help, just send word and we'll do what we can.
Sneaking brother: "we should hunt together sometime"

>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three
Fragment time

Dad needs to know.
>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers (not dad he goes last), making promises to return the favour most treasured company when you meet them all again
I agree with the other Anon send our brothers all off with something helpful for their worlds and ambitions but id leave specifics to Malal, Also something for Eldrad

>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three
Once it is just we three there are several things to do, first we ask for volunteers from our Sons to send a handful back to Terra so they can handle the fracturing Second Legion and act as advisors tot he new Legion master whom we will look forward to meeting.
Then it is time to reveal the Old One's Great Plan Fragment and chat about the likelyhood of Chaos tainting our unknown brothers specifically pointing out the danger 'Lorgar' is in since we saw the Chaos Gang was fucking with us trying to get to him.

>Write in
Upon their final exit give a cheeky wink to the brother whom thought he'd hoodwinked us. (even if its a few posts from now)
>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again
>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three
>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three

I did say I would vote for this after the wedding
>>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again
>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three
>Entertain Kanzeon with poetry and music, before presenting Jinhai your finalized plan for colonizing Shangrala's solar system, alongside the other minds and intellects that made it possible.
>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again

okay but who passed out first?
>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three
>>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three
>Entertain Kanzeon with poetry and music, before presenting Jinhai your finalized plan for colonizing Shangrala's solar system, alongside the other minds and intellects that made it possible.

>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again

>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three.
and Magnus we promised him that we would have a conversation with him and big E.a2

>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again
>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three

The two things that need doing. Proper behaviour of a host and of course doing the absolute critical need to know for your eyes only debrief of conan dadperor
>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again
>Meeting with the human refugees taken from the dark aeldari slave trading hub, and also the alien species you're protecting, to see if any of them would volunteer for the colonization program.
>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three
I want to learn more about the human refugees. Especially the ones who aren't New Varoans.
We should have Magnus at the meeting, we kind of said he could be there

>Entertain Kanzeon with poetry and music, before presenting Jinhai your finalized plan for colonizing Shangrala's solar system, alongside the other minds and intellects that made it possible.
>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again
>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three.

revising my vote a bit with the addition of the colonialization program. After all doing a send off without finishing that off when perturabo was intrigued, dadperor wants to compare notes and Magnus was attentive is perhaps not something we should skip, i think.
>>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again
>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three

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They called dad the Anathema, maybe they come to call Lieren the Amalgam? Just an idea kinda of Lieren's inevitable daemonic form. See if you can spot all the toys and inspos!
>Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again
>Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three
Looks sick as fuck!

The book of the journey, the sword of love and the lotus sceptre are a nice touch.

The fog panther, Kornous arm, and the hanging rope too, I'm a little uncertain if the prosthetic limb is more because of his link to Kanzeon or for his artificial nature.
Fulgrim and Ferrus stood together the chosen of Slannesh and Khorne respectively yet still brothers, still friends despite their damnation. Together they'd laid waste to whole worlds, their own forces had battled weeding out the weak and imperfect sharpening the each of one another's blades. But now came the moment that had been building for so long, the reason for the seemingly senseless slaughter; bait. Their brother had taken it willingly as from the sky plummeted Lieren landing upon the ground and turning it to glass with his impact having thrown himself from low orbit without a drop pod. Slowly the Second Son rose to face his Fallen Kin. So now the stage was set and the hour near where they would battle among the ruins of Istvaan III's Coral City.

“You always were so accommodating dear Brother~” Fulgrim mused with an ominous echo in his voice as he spun the smouldering Fireblade in his hand which crackled with fire the colour of sunset skies.

Ferrus hefted Forge breaker upon his bronze clad shoulder “Time to see why father indulged you so Panther of Shangrala, a fine test you will be.”

Lieren looked between them his golden eyes looking sad until finally he let out a long sigh those sad eyes closing

“I'll make it quick” his voice was without emotion, even and void of expression the eyes opened once more and revealed themselves as blazing suns, reality flickered...the world came undone. The two fallen brothers didn't hesitate and launched into action even as creation cracked and groaned. Yet neither blow found purchase, not the Gorgans sweeping hammer nor Fulgrim's perfect thrust. They both for a moment simply froze in awe amid a growing misty haze and the smell of charred ozone.

Their brother twisted before their eyes, his palm and fist were still together but all about him mist swirled, his skin seemed to burn away and from the would be wounds poured a pauper's tattered robe his face became swallowed two two seperate half masks? A black howling ogre and the other a smiling face of carved white yet those faces two were in the jaws of something great, a four eyed beast...a Fog panther.

Their weapons which seemed frozen in the air soon discovered what held them as reality gave way to whatever their brother's warpcraft was. Forgebreaker was held in place by a frosted limb of faux steel and machinery in a mockery of human shape the wych Ice slowly creeping down the hammers haft. Fireblade was held by a hand both brutishly cloven and delicate both at once? Bound in ethereal leathers and dangling Aeldari charms.

They felt his presence roll over them as he swelled in size, tailed whipped out from beneath the shroud and mist, six blazing eyes, four arms, horns and other features besides... Lieren revealed what lurked beneath Emperor crafted Skin.

Two mortal traitors would face a Daemon loyal and true~.

had to pick two victims for Unbound Lieren lol
Also pretty good story.
Isn't Lieren's daemon form just the ogre? I think the ogre is a similar kind of deal as the shapeshifting bird daemon thing Corvus has going on in 40k.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait, tired myself out grinding in a few games.

Meet with your father and Malcador privately to discuss matters that cannot pass between any mouths and ears but you three:18
-include Magnus:2

Seeing off your guests and tallying up the presents you and Kanzeon have been given and saying goodbye to your brothers and father, making promises to return the favor most treasured company when you meet them all again: 14
-With a departing gift:4
-Cheeky wink:1

Entertain Kanzeon with poetry and music, before presenting Jinhai your finalized plan for colonizing Shangrala's solar system, alongside the other minds and intellects that made it possible.:3

Meeting with the human refugees taken from the dark aeldari slave trading hub, and also the alien species you're protecting, to see if any of them would volunteer for the colonization program.:1

total votes:18

So Lieren will see of his guests and take account of his wedding gifts, saying good bye and speaking promises to his family. But will meet with his father and Malcador privately to discuss things that cannot be heard by any except the three of you.

Writing now

Looks amazing, and awesome as hell, really like the various aspects you drew from. and the four arms making him look like my boy asura from asura's wrath and the mask like face in the panther's jaws

Oh this was a delight, like the set up for the AU you in the opening lines and how you described the scene and action. And the line a Daemon loyal and true went so hard I think I felt it slap me across the face. good stuff
What are you playing now?
Digimon world dusk and Cyber sleuth. Also started Rogue Trader, recently, after it got a few updates cause I know how Owlcat games are.
Oh nice.

And ye, rogue trader still has issues. When you're in the end game and the game refuses to progress, I just dont wanna care anymore.
Angron and his father Oenomaus, along with the juvenile dragon named Eruthrós are the first of your brothers to depart, though not after the former gladiators humble a few of your prouder sons and a particularly excited Colonel Tarmo Lauri, who impressively managed to outdrink not only Oenomaus in the night of your wedding but fight and win against one of the younger astartes amongst the two hundred and forty seven in a bare armed wrestling match without deceit or trickery, in matches where victory is determined by first blood drawn.

And as Angron had visited Shangrala before and is well known by its military and a handful of martial artist masters who had to privilege to spar with him during his first, short visit, he is seen off by a crowd of those who have crossed blades with him and who have fought and bled beside him. Including your brothers from Nothing, Feng, Hu and Wei. Dong isn't present, but you make sure to speak well on his behalf as Angron receives well wishes and parting gifts and reminisces of the final fall of the high riders. When the clamor quiets and the excitement dies down, you approach him to say your goodbyes

"No need to be so formal brother" He guffaws, grabbing hold of your arm and gripping it tightly by its bicep, lifting you and preventing you from bowing before you say your goodbyes "This isn't a funeral"

You smile, and return the gesture, gripping his arm in return.

"I shall say goodbye in the Nucerian manner then" You chuckle as the two of you squeeze eachother and smile smiles that are uniquely your own "I will miss you, for the time we are apart, red tiger of the sands, great liberator of the people. It was a joy being in your company once again brother, and it saddens me gravely to be parted from it so soon"

"It was a great joy attending your wedding and meeting my other brothers face to face, I only wish I had more time to test the mettle of the Vishnu" He says, his scarred face stretching into a wider, more jovial smile "And your sons. We will meet again, but, as it is here, Duty calls me back to my home. Hopefully not to bleed the sands redder but, we'll see if I'll have need of my sword arm when we return"

"A world of utter, true freedom, requires closer attention than one where some freedoms are restricted" You sagely reply, knowing exactly why he will need to make haste back to his home "But I am sure, any troubles will solve themselves when upon your return, Angron"

"If not, I know how to solve them" He answers grimly, before his glower turns back to a smile "And before I forget, my gift to you. I know you've trained with even the queer weapons your people created, but I never heard of you wielding this one"

"It is tradition, for when a boy becomes a man, for him to be given a new weapon" Oenomaus chuckles, as he unlatches the bundled cloth secured to his shoulders and drops it before you. You catch it before it can unfurl and touch the ground "Suitable for his new maturity"


Tossing off the cloth, you marvel at the gift. Utilitarian, unadorned, but clearly a mastercraft of metalworking. A tool as well as a weapon. A single faced axe, with a long, curved wooden handle made out of wood taken from the forest surrounding Dend'Ron, you can tell from the grain and coloration. The axe itself is made of recycled and repurposed metal, that taken from the tomb of the Mathoth, reclaimed and reforged. A piece of his fallen brother and sisters legacy, who died to slay that ancient, abominable intelligence, whose graves lie in the sands above its empty grave. Oil black streaks sheen through the silverly surface, and a closer inspection of the edge reveals it has incorporated a piece of high rider archeotech into its design. One you are familiar with. The very same once favored for executions on his world, that super heated itself until the metal glowed white hot and continuously reintegrated the melted particles of metal the intense heating sloughed off after collecting them as they flaked and peeled.

"A exquisite gift!" You bellow, lifting it up and making sure the crowd, which you can see includes several reporters including Luli herself, can see the gift and your appreciation for it "I've never seen a two handed axe so finely crafted, let alone one large enough for me to need to hold it with both of my hands. The work of the artisan who made this, has not only my regards, but my respect"

"You know here, I had Anahita make it, though I provided the materials and basic design" Angron chuckles, nodding his head as his smile turns warm and his eyes soften with brotherly affection "I know you prefer to put an end to tyrants with a length of rope or single bullet, but I also know you fight things a lot tougher than fattened hogs dressed in velvet and jewels. I think this axe's blade will be large enough to bite through their necks, Lieren"

"I would hope so. I will put it to use, and any villain who meet its end by its swing, will have been slain by your hands as much as they were snuffed out by my own" You say, with a gentle smile that returns his affection, knowing he can feel your brotherly love for him with his unique gift of empathy as you give the axe a few test swings to test its balance and weight, which are both remarkable. Anahita out did herself in its construction "It is an elegant tool of execution"

"It's good you realize its purpose, I'd be mad if I found you used it to chop down trees while we were apart" Angron jokes, slapping callused hand on your shoulder "Treat her and that axe well, brother, your happiness is a rare thing in this galaxy"

"It truly is, savor it" Oenomaus advise with a raised finger, feeding the young Eruthrós a fried field rat that was being sold by stalls nearby, to honor Jiang and Liang, though thankfully he had wiped off the thick, sweet and spicy sauce it had been dipped in before giving it to the small dragon

"And congratulations for finding it to begin with. I hope I'll see you again, golden eyes. Tell your father I regret we've only met for a day and night"

"May your journey be swift and your destination peaceful. And when we meet again, I shall return the favor of your most treasured company on this most happy of days" You answer with a quick bow, before Angron can stop you, he gnashes and grinds his teeth in frustration, but laughs before he departs, running a hand over his short hair

"I'll hold you to that oath, wanderer" He states simply as he turns to leave "And don't become as dour as his old man, father, that old farmer could hold on long enough to share a drink with you again"

"A man knows when his end is coming, son" his father says sadly as he too, follows him into the golden dragon's river and vanishes from view.

Magnus is the next to depart, with Amon at his side, only now recovered from his hangover with a hearty and revitalizing broth with thick noodles, simmered eggs, garlic, ginger and a oil made of hot and numbing peppers, though his complexion still looks closer to a dead man than a living one.

"I warned him not to indulge so much" Guozhi mutters, fretting over the young psyker with the other, surviving elders of the wanderers in the fog, Kuan im and the twin exorcist Bohai and Peizhi "Let this serve as a lesson young man"

Meixiu watches, teary eyed from the side, with the other junior members of the wanderers in the fog, being watched over by Carys. She is upset because she was forbade from traveling to Prospero, which means she will be unable to try to beat your brother in a test of psionic power anytime soon, which is for the best, since for as powerful as she is, her gift is eclipsed by Magnus' own at her young age.

"I won't make the mistake to drink with Shangralan horsemen or any of them with red hair" Amon groans weakly, eyes dim as he stares into his bowl of soup as you and Magnus say your goodbyes in ways only two psykerists can, meeting in the Empyrean as you stand merely a few paces apart.

"It was a wonderful occasion, seeing so many cultures intermingle and meet as family and friends" Magnus tells you, as he swirls his hand in a stream of tears shed from those confessions and truths never spoken, kneeling down on grass of jade as you stand vigilant and alert, watching the horizon for the arrival of your most despised of enemies, but smile as you see a white tiger and twin dragons racing in the mists, seen only for a second.

"It is a glimpse of the future we will bring, under our father's rule" You answer hopefully as you settle down next to him, and keep your ethereal hands occupied, stringing a bow to honor Kurnous and Isha's own tragic love, humming a tune that enters your heart and mind the moment you begin working the string

"A more civilized era, for all of the universe" Magnus sighs, looking overwhelmed for a moment of the vision of such a thing "Of humanity reunited in shared purpose, superstition and old fears cast aside"

"it is a pleasant dream is it not?" You ask merrily as Magnus watches what you're doing

"An Aeldari technique?" He questions, and you just smile as the two of you spend a moment in the incandescent landscape of the warp, enjoying the momentary serenity you have found within its depths and untouched and uncorrupted wilderness.

"Brother" You say, and he rushes you in the real and material world, lifting you up from the ground as he embraces you

"Brother" He says back, squeezing you tightly before setting you down "It is good to meet you in the flesh, after so long. I wish I could stay longer, but I have projects and students I must see to"

"You need not make any excuses, I understand, as one teacher to another. Go, and tell them of the mysterious "disease" that afflicted your brother, and hear them laugh at my trick that fooled even the wise sage king of Propsero!" You laugh, slapping him a few times on the back playfully

"That is a secret I will take to my own grave" he laughs back, eyes flickering between colors, primarily pinks and burnt ambers and oranges "But it is not one I'd be ashamed to admit to. I will instead tell them of the civilized and well mannered folk of Long-Jia, and their curious customs, and I will tell them how their friends in the wanderers in the fog are fairing, and warn the more ambitious of them of the fate of the king of the ever night"

"You know, in a prophecy foreseen by our friends from the craftworlds, that little girl would've been that blackguard's end. But, what worth is prophecy" You say quietly so as not to be over heard "But I do not think any of your disciples need such warnings"

"Even so, as thanks for your brotherhood and friends, and a copy of your own work, Here, a reproduction of one of the great grimoires of my people" Magnus says kindly, handing you a leather bound book and putting a red hand over your own "Until we meet again Lieren, I hope you study its contents and contemplate its mysteries"

"Until we meet again Magnus, Amon, may the winds carry you to your harbor safely and unharmed" You say, putting a hand over the hand your brother put over your own hand.

And then, they are gone. After you give the recipe for the soup and noodles Amon needed to be recover from a night of excess and wild drinking.

Perturabo is last to leave, though the time it takes him to refurbish and rebuild the Emperor's palace in the former Gao now Imperial province of Long Jia is far shorter than even his own most hopeful estimations

"The craftsmen of Olympia can learn something from the work ethic and diligence of the ones of Long-Jia" He exclaims, hands dusty after he had carved marble by himself "And the construction machinery you have available, especially the anti gravity engines, are revolutionary, simply revolutionary, I will be sure to make use of similar devices of my own designs when I return to Olympia. Though, how bitter a homecoming it will be, after I have known such compliment and understanding subordinates! These workers of yours put all of the laborers and architects of my home planet to shame"

"I expect, under your guiding hand, the difference will soon narrow between the two" You chuckle as you and he speak over a cup of tea, after he had just finished giving a tour of the newly rebuilt palace of Jinhai and Daiyu, and their imperial guard "And I'm amazed by the mingling of Olympian and Long-Jianese architecture, and traditional and modern building techniques mixed with your novel and genius approached to construction. And I'm happy to hear the emperor enjoys his new abode, and deems it safer than his last"

"He said to me" Perturabo brags, a faint mist of a tear in his eyes ""It would take an army of warriors the equal of you and your brothers to break these walls! With this, I can sleep soundly, knowing my family is safe from all aggression and enmity!"", I have never been so highly praised, he gave me a jade band, to show his gratitude, taken from the same mine as his own imperial regalia, did you know that? And to my darling sister, he had one of his empress' own combs given as a gift. Treasures, I am humbled to accept, when they were given on the day after your own wedding, and I must ask your forgiveness to have not stayed the duration but..."

"I understand, you had work to do, work that made you the happiest I have known you over the days, you were rightfully praised for your genius by my architects, and I've heard other nobles sought out your services only to be greatly disappointed when they were flatly refused" You laugh gayly, lifting up your tea cup "I'd have helped myself, but I didn't want to offer unwanted advice or interfere with YOUR project, Perturabo. This palace, will outlast us and the long-Jia lineage, of this I am certain. You've made expert and inventive use of materials you had never seen before, a true test of an artist, if there ever was one"

"And I understand the other reason, that venture to claim the stars surrounding Shangrala, of which Magnus and I lent our own expertise, before than bungling iron man gave their own council. You were busy with that" He answers, with a twinge of pride in your own works in his voice as he gazes off across the garden he had made, that would be a vision of hell for any invader that could breach the walls "I just wondered, a clash between astartes, in these peaceable gardens. If such a thing were to occur, who do you imagine would win between the defenders and attackers"

"That depends, are our legions defending or attacking?" You ask instead "Do they have foreknowledge of all of your ingenius defenses and fortifications? Or are the attackers being advized by you how to overcome those same advantages?"

"Hmm, I admit, I had not thought too deeply on the matter, and I haven't seen the capabilities of my own space marines" Perturabo muses, rubbing his chin "Let us say that they're your sons, and both are aware of this palace's defenses"

"Defenders" You answer without hesitation "Not only are they holding ground on a fortress built by your hands, but they are renowned for holding lines no others can"

"Marvelous" He answers

There is not much time for you say goodbye to him, as he departs with the goods and materials his adoptive father had asked for to lend out his services to Long-Jia Jinhai and he insist on double checking the crates of weapons and running diagnostic checks on the vehicles being used to transport them, as well as checking the chemical composition of the medicines, chemical fertilizers and double checking the integrity of a number of irrigation devices and the numerous raw materials.

"What's this armor made out of?" One of his guards asks, wearing one of the standard uniforms of the Long-Jianese imperial army "It feels too light to stop much"

"If you wish, I could prove its durability" Perturabo threatens, lifting up one of the side arms he was inspecting, a laser pistol that you know could burn a whole through the armor and skull of a charging Vishnu Kaurava, as it had proven capable of such and saved a number of officers lives during the battles of the butchers war.

The guard quiets immediately.

"And what are all those books for, Bo?" Calliphone asks curiously as she sits on one of the containers of bulk, storageable food stuffs, mostly a shipment of rice and dehydrated vegetables and meats, that were in excess of what was needed to endure a decades long famine affecting all regions and nations of Shangrala, should such a catastrophe arise.

"Treaties written by the great minds of Long-Jia, on all manner of subjects, and a few stories I think you will enjoy, Calliphone" He answers back lovingly, smiling as he sets down the pistol and lifts up one of the power daos and tests its activation rune a few times "A gift more for you and me than our father, who will delight himself with these toys, ignoring the true treasures being given over to us, unable to grasp the usefulness of the things...Oh, and before I forget"

He marches up to you stiffly, and smiles as he hands you a small oiled leather, wrapped with cordage.

You tilt your head as you open it, and find, a tiny statue of you and Perturabo, dressed in the traditional armors of your cultures, fighting back to back.

"I thought you might like this, and couldn't think of any subject you'd appreciate being given a book of" He says fondly nodding his head "It is, a hobby of mine"

"It is beautiful" You answer back, admiring the details "So finely shaped, and so finely painted, you've gone to such lengths to impart detail on a figure so small"

"I can work on large and micro scales" He brags with a smirk "I am glad you appreciate it"

"See, someone does understand your little soldiers besides me" Calliphone exclaims happily as their guards watch the present imperial forces warily, still terrified of the capabilities of the world and nation they had come to believing to be a backwater of barbarian yokels.

"I will keep this safe, and see about returning the favor when we meet next, perhaps, I can see your collection then?" You ask. And see a smile unlike any other cross Perturabo's often dour face.

Your father is scheduled to leave last, but before he can, you summon him to a remote location in the mountains, to meet you alone with Malcador. And as the Custodians depart further down the mountainside to give you and them privacy atop the peak so high the mists cannot reach and the fog is to thin to block the sun, the three of you stand in a crude triangle as you steel yourself

"So, what is it that is so dire that you'd ask for such extreme secrecy, my son?" Your father asks, concern darkening and deepening his tone, as the new fog panther skin cloak Feng had given you on the night of your wedding, dances delicately in the gentle summer breeze

And what is the matter that you've brought him here to tell him of, Lieren?

>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.

>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of

>Of the alien races you're sheltering and your plans to include them into human society

>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers

>Write in
>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
>>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers
>>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers
>>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
>>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers
Ok so the wording of this is incredibly vital, we need to difuse but also lay out the reasoning and logic. This is a pretty big moment and we need to note a few minor details about our life.

First step is to disarm ourselves before the Emperor because at this moment we are addressing him as his Primarch not his son.

"My lords I have already briefly mentioned to Malcador already a conundrum; mathematics dictates of the six Primarch you have uncovered a 30% sample rating of we whom were scattered. Two know the truth (us and the fake custodian), one is on the edge of uncovering it (magnus) and the remaining to three (including lorgar) are well within the sights of the Great Enemy whom have a notable presence upon their worlds (Angron and Lorgar). This leads to the dread conclusion a number of my fellow Primarch are likely exposed to the truth which has forced my hand to shelter my kin but also provide a tool though which you can handle possible threats."
>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy
Show them the cluster fuck that awaited on Angrons world if we'd not acted how we did, reveal we are handing over command to them as we believe no transhuman should have this power, that we constructed this order so it could nestle within a young imperium so that none would question their presence or comings and goings. Now when a primarch is found these forces will seek out and eliminate chaos threats in shadows letting the Primarch focus on their other duties.

And now to show it was worth it reveal to them one such treasure we have recovered
>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
The Old Ones were said to have made the webway...there may be some of the way in here.

Once it's all said and done simply wait for judgement.
>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers

Nameless and Fragment of The Great Plan is necessary. But also our Promise to liberate Isha, cracking the prison of the icy Arinaka when fighting Belakor and her sending legion to fight chaos and of course the whole Kuronous episode would make for critical information on how to frame the project of eldar vassalization / protectorate.

In fact human psykers of appropriate reliability managing to do How Kuronous strings his Bow, Emps especially will make legitimacy of us taking over the sovereignty of craftworlds and exodites a lot more realistic and not a dream.

I mean i doubt there is any other psyker who could learn it as fast as Conanperor dad, he has had some history playing with all kinds of bows and arrows after all...
There is ironically a ton of important stuff we might want to talk about : Kurnous piece of soul deciding to test and then teach Lieren, the whole deal with the Mathoth ancient friendship and their desire for machine bodies etc.... and more (the spirit that attacked Elazar mind....). The Mechanicus are also a topic of their own that Lieren might want to put the foot down on them and their practices (ahem Hashut might look at the Mechanicus soon.....).

>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
In regard to the Nameless creation, very simple : Evil spirits where present all across Shangrila, and where clearly in a very long race for get the world most valuable assets. This made impossible for many humans to not fight them if they where their opposition, or have their lives destroyed by them if they couldn't fight. Lieren realized he couldn't do everything and be in every front at once. Other organizations he made couldn't exactly fit the role either, like the Wanderers or the Brothers. Even the Knights of the Phoenix (thats not their true name, much longer but memory escapes me for now) which quite literally had fought directly against the Bask Kingdom nurglite corrupted priesthood and aristocracy, in their own journey revolution for establish a republic and destroy tyranny, didn't fit the bill.

So after much thinking, he made a secret organization of demon hunters. Simply put Lieren needed help, many of this people instead had their life changed and wanted to stop this cursed beings. Made up of an all volunteer force that was already battle tested in both mind and body, against demons and mundane threats, and recruiting from multiple realms of Shangrila (recruits where also found in Nuceria. A Nameless recruit, is hardly green). The Nameless have prove their worth, will and morality, ensuring a full purge on Shangrila and thanks to a dedicate plan a full purge on Nuceria. Their constant monitoring is also excellent and well done. From the point of equipment, education, training and teaching with Lieren being their first Grandmaster is top notch.
>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers
Arianka and her knights and maidens spirits have helped multiple times for nothing in return after Lieren saved her from her prison. The souls of the dead that join her are also treated well and gain the strength of fight demons instead of just being food. She also offered a boon to Lieren.

Isha despite having no obligation and being beaten to death every single moment of her chained divinity, decided to give a boon of help to Lieren. Kurnos after a test provided a boon. These can be all good allies in the spiritual plane, or at least not enemies.

>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
Another example of a boon given for help.
>All of them

A full and complete accounting of all our interactions with the Warp, personal impressions included.

>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
>Of the alien races you're sheltering and your plans to include them into human society
>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers
Just lay it all on them and hope they aren't too pissed off. I have no clue what Emps will think about Arianka, her army of order daemons and minor daemon princes of order.
>Just lay it all on them and hope they aren't too pissed off. I have no clue what Emps will think about Arianka, her army of order daemons and minor daemon princes of order.

Technically excessive order can be almost as bad as excessive disorder
but in the current context, that is not a bad idea.
The new variable would make the emps thinking of wanting to do something like yin and yang to order and chaos, probably the end result of something like the mandalorians in star wars who i recall believe there are two divine forces that constantly fight and if should one ever win then the world ends.
>All of it.

What secrets do I harbour that I should fear your reprisal?
>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.

>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers
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Alright i've slept on it and I think it would be suitable and frankly pretty thematic for us to jsut lay it all out; Everything. This is the end of a chapter of our lives, the dawn of something new as Eldrad said and upon this new step of our Journey I think it best we approach all this with an unburdened heart. Its all down to how we explain each point and the order in which we make them.


First step is to disarm ourselves before the Emperor because at this moment we are addressing him as his Primarch not his son; we're hear to report

"My lords I have already briefly mentioned to Malcador already a conundrum; mathematics dictates of the six Primarch you have uncovered a 30% sample rating of we whom were scattered. Two know the truth (us and the fake custodian), one is on the edge of uncovering it (magnus) and the remaining to three (including lorgar) are well within the sights of the Great Enemy whom have a notable presence upon their worlds (Angron and Lorgar). This leads to the conclusion a number of my fellow Primarch are likely exposed to the truth which has forced my hand to shelter kin but also provide a tool though which you can handle possible threats."
State how given all those pieces in play it is what we belive what they would have done thus we hand the reins to them now.
>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy
Show them the cluster fuck that awaited on Angrons world if we'd not acted how we did, reveal we are handing over command to them as we believe no transhuman should have this power, that we constructed this order so it could nestle within a young imperium so that none would question their presence or comings and goings. Now when a Primarch is found these forces will seek out and eliminate chaos threats in shadows letting the Primarch focus on their other duties.

And now to show it was worth it reveal to them one such treasure we have recovered
>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
The Old Ones were said to have made the Webway.

This leads to our next point
>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers
The key part is we emphasize we know all things must be watched with cunning but then we need to bring something up im actually shocked we've not yet; Where we fought Belakor. Let us simply refer to it as 'The Crypt' for we know what this place is... its a tomb of things that 'Could have been' its why Malal was there, why Arinaka was there and why after cracking her Prison the Chaos gods are freaking their shit we flipped the damn table on them and now it's anyones game. Say how we've seen the Aeldari Goddess Isha, we've fought and earned a technique from Kuronous.

>Of the alien races you're sheltering and your plans to include them into human society
He's read our book he knew this was coming.
sry Malal
I am this guy but i ran outta room in that prior post. We must also pray Malal forgives us for this but its the end of an arc so we need to close loops.
Perhaps this should instead be addressed one topic at a time. A vote discussing and deciding on each event, with a chance to wordsmith if we want an option at odds with Big E's immediate reaction.
>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers

Really I'd say all of them, He needs to know'em lmao.
>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of
>Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers
>Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.
>Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of

Honestly when it comes to friendly warp spirits they seem not worth seriously considering right now, if Lieren frees Arianka or Isha then sure have a big talk with Big E to see if some cooperation would be possible but right now it seems like it will just water down this important meeting that is short on time.

Lieren already had a conversation about the eldar with Big E and Eldrad was at his wedding and they talked publicly about the aliens Lieren saved so it is not going to be a big deal for the emperor since his reaction would have been quite different if it was. So talking about them would just dilute this time sensitive meeting we are having.

Kind of sad we didn't get to meet Alpharius, but maybe he will surprise Lieren at the last second.
+1 to the wording of things
Lads I think looking at the votes 3/4 will be pushed through so I think need to start talking among ourselves coming up with good arguments and stuff. Because that will be our make or break. We need to pull all the stops out
Supported. I wonder how many parallels the Emperor is going to see between us and him because our stories are shockingly similar in a lot of ways.
Supporting, it's pretty solid.
The nameless, the xenos, the great plan, it's all gona be mostly fine with E, I'm pretty sure.
But fuck, "I met a good spirit in the warp, she's some sort of ice godess" is a nuclear bomb. It's gonna be an instant "You have been deceived, son"

So far this timeline is all sorts of "fixed" because the great enemy got jack shit. I only worry about Perty, but honestly, he'll underatnd. Knowing that we didn't tell him about eye of terror gonna make him sour, but he out of all primarchs must understand the value of an oath given.
I doubt is gonna be a nuclear bomb. Lieren has been searching for allies and friends, all around, Arianka is such an help. Its completely natural and what you could expect of him. Has plus he has memories of this stuff.

Saying he has been deceived would be quite dumb, without knowing the story of how we have know her and with Lieren eyes. It has been mutual help and a clear ally. Someone deceiving would have not give such powerful boon to Lieren with him gaining a completely new Qi to add to his own (LIEREN CAN ACCESS TO TWO TYPES OF QI INSTEAD OF ONE), and certainly would have interfer with the Great Turtle Spirit enslaved by Hashut instead of aiding Lieren and his spirits companions, and then allowing the Great Turtle Spirit do what he wanted.
Arianka is currently being beaten around the warp against 6, even if she is regaining strength she has hardly a great strength. Malal alone has been described has a "leviathan of darkness rising" when we learned of him.

The bomb is the unknown spirit that attacked Elazar...
am so pumped for the next chapter
The thing with the goddess of order is we didn't lie, hell it all happened right in front of him, he saw us do it, so did magnus. There is also no way he hasn't noticed the goings on in the warp. Saying we lied would be a massive leap imo. The eldar God thing might give him a darknchuckle because we seem like a mini me.
+1 to the write in stuff

Grey Knight Legion time. The 1st primarch the Lion was said to be most like him mentally so how funny is it the 2nd is most like Malcador? We're very clearly a Left Hand Primarch like the Lion.
Speaking of I just did some reading ans what we do with the Nameless is remarkably similar to what Custodes do and Grey Knights would come to do. We really are the Emperor moving in fast forward with Malcadors sneak in built. I could very easily see us becoming a primarch dad either stations with Russ or the Lion for exterminations or with others to handle more subtle and off the book clandestine operations. I wrote an omake about Lieren taking in the terran ravenguard who were exiled years ago and we really seem to be headed that way.
I'll change my vote >>6041245 to support >>6041703
Supporting this, we need to make sure it gets in.
Disagree. Yes of course it's all very clear to us, readers, because meta-knowledge, and QM literally told us so. But to big E the chain of events of Lieren going "I hate the warp gods" to "I got exposed to warp a lot, and now I think this one is pretty chill" will be concerning.
>Someone deceiving would have not give such powerful boon to Lieren
Well that's just not true lol. Thats what tzeench literally does. But that's beside the point.
Doubt it'll come to an ultimatum or anything like that, but E's hatred and distrust for warp entities is severe and won't go away just because Lieren said "she's nice". You must understand there are points of view that aren't as omnipotent as you are, and don't have the direct communication line to the writer.
Ironically, malal's daemon will probably be fine because it's just another enemy to kill.
>expecting people to not be autistic on 4chan
I think what is going to freak out the Emperor more is our parallels to himself. Other than the surface level stuff hunting demons, shadow ops and all that jazz, we already caught his attention with the faux webway, we like he was was are a friend of Eldrads, we like him are exceptionally keen at going deep lore diving. But this is the first time we did something in theory he wanted to do but had to take a half measure.

Naturally we don't know this but on Moloch he had to get the big four to help him actually create souls for us the Primarch. We with this Old One fragment have actually got the foundations to create souls from scratch which is insane that and in a weirdly twisted way he may well need us to decode it. I do also agree with an earlier Anon that surly the Emperor knows we've drawn some gifts from somewhere from the eyes to the waters of our soul since we were not made with them. I would also really hope he'd have actually seen what we were doing in the malal fight, he saw us busting at a cage and if anyone could tell what it was it'd be Big E. He'd surly be aware of ice spirits fucking with chaos?

In regards to the nameless we did exactly what they'd have done imo. Though they might have killed the nameless off instantly after but us handing control over rectifies that issue.
>Naturally we don't know this but on Moloch he had to get the big four to help him actually create souls for us the Primarch.
That’s nulore. Old lore he created the Primarches with any help.
My memory is a little hazy but as I recall old lore left it alot more up in the air like alot of things. Like how the Emperor at one point was 90% mystery and the shaman in a trenchcoat was only one of several with nulore confirming a specific origin. The Primarch were the same, it was always shadey and ominous the most recent lore just saying "yeah this was the right answer". Hell I remember back when I played more in 2nd and 3rd edition the Emperor was Malal or the Emperor is only a projection of Malcador and its his body on the throne was a common conspiracy.

In short I wouldn't call it nu lore more just taking down the dart board of possible answers
supporting the plan
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait, had a run in with some dodgy street food.

Of the nameless and the necessary breaking of the promise you gave to him of absolute secrecy.:26

Of the fragment of the great plan you've found and the single expression of it you are let capable of:23

Of your contact and comradery with spirits of the warp opposed to the discordant powers:11

Of the alien races you're sheltering and your plans to include them into human society:15

Big write in specifics: 10

Total votes: 26

So Lieren will tell his father of the nameless, the great plan, his contact with friendly spirits opposed to the evil spirits, and his plans for the alien races he's sheltering and I'll try to incorporate what I can of the write in

Writing now
Yess something to look forward to
Adjusting your posture, altering the air you give off and changing your stance into that befitting a general addressing his lord, you drain all emotion and most humanity from your face, taking in a deep breath and filling your lungs with the thin, cool air of the mountaintop as you set your eyes on your father and creator and bid the completely logical half of yourself to take precedence as you prepare to speak and reveal many secrets, that could be the damnation or condemnation of any man, no matter how high and mighty or powerful the authority and privileges they wield.

"Multiple subjects are necessary to report to you immediately, my lord, with utmost urgency and severity, and yes, secrecy as well" You answer bluntly, the seriousness of your tone immediately striking both your father and malcador, and bidding them to austere and intensely attentive silence, with only your father lifting up his hand to bid you to continue. Calming the racing of your twin hearts by breathing out, pacing their pulse with the very same breath you darken your eyes with an inclination of your head and frown deeply and starkly, golden eyes growing cold as they shift to a wintery silver hue.

"My lords I have already briefly mentioned to Malcador already a conundrum; mathematics dictates of the six Primarch you have uncovered a thirty percent sample rating of we whom were scattered" You begin, dictating and speaking in the same timbre and pace as a digitally manufactured voice, which makes the usually steadfastly minded and natured Malcador ill at ease as you present your report with complete efficiency of speech "Of these six, I am certain two of our number know the truth you bid me to keep hidden, one is on the edge of uncovering it, and the three whom are wholly ignorant are are pursued doggedly by the great enemy, who have not turned away from them since they put them in their eyes, and hold a notable, non-insubstantial presence upon their worlds of adoption"

"What are you getting at, Second?" Malcador demands on behalf of your father, for once using your numerical designation out of respect rather than an attempt to make you dislike him and favor your father over him "What is the conclusion you've reached, through all your contemplations and calculations?"

"This leads to the conclusion a number of my fellow Primarchs are likely exposed to the truth" You answer simply, lifting your head to meet his gaze, which he does not avert even as warp ice crawls on the ground beneath your feet "Which has forced me to action, to guard and shield my kin and fellows against the corruption and taint embodied by the universal threat of chaos. And to fashion a tool with which you may deal with the potential threat posed by these conditions and forces working against us"

"My primarch, what have you done?" You father asks gravely, his own face stony and cold, without a flicker of compassion or gentleness

"Only what I believed you would have done if you were presented the same obstacle and problems to solve, you and malcador both" You answer sharply though not impolitely, merely stating facts "based on my observation of your personalities and tendencies, and the pieces I could perceive in play in what our nemesis term the great game. Thus, it is only fitting I hand control over this tool to you, and relinquish my own command over it"

"What have you created?" He asks then, pressing for a clear answer, though you are both aware he knows the answer already

"Upon Nuceria, the world Angron arrived to. I faced a calamity in the making, a cascade of schemes and plots that it would be impossible for me to silence and snuff out all the thralls of our adversary on my lonesome and through my own power" You answer plainly, locking eyes with your father now

"You broke your word and forsook your oath to me" He rebukes, eyes aflame as you nod your head once, glimpsing a mere fraction of his total power as it washes over you in a momentary lapse of his inconceivable level of self control, self mastery, will-power and skill full wielding of his awesome, world shaking power

"Correct" You answer, unafraid in the face of the rising fury of your creator "I could not conceive an outcome without risk of Angron being affected or afflicted by the machinations of the dark power, without a seed of rot being planted within the soil of the world he'd create and lead on your behalf. Such an outcome was unacceptable, a failure, even by the slimmest of margins, that I refused to allow. It was the only avenue available to succeeding in my goal on that world and ensuring the continued success of our familial ambitions"

"You...told more than a handful" Malcador interjects as you father breathes out, retaking the reigns of his mind from his immediate, emotional reaction as he rubs his brow with his thumb and forefinger

"Two Hundred and Twenty one, Five sub orders of forty four, each specialized and specially trained to combat the enemy in different areas and methods. An order of Daemon hunters. Proven prior to recruitment to possess rare resistance to the wiles, temptations and energy of chaos, with unusually strong wills and blessed with extreme mental fortitude. All of whom, prior their induction to the order, personally slew chaotic entities or those wielding their powers on their behalf" You answer, attention snapping to Malcador, your eyes the only part of you that move as you explain the selection process of the nameless in brief "Further tested through the only method of determining innate resistances to the corruptive force generated by the denizens of the warp and their ability to resist their preternatural beguiling abilities. Enduring eight nights of meditation, introspection whilst being exposed to minute levels of warp radiation, before being made to battle in single combat, a Daemon"

"How many died in the process" Your father asks emotionlessly, anger abetting as it emerges once more, as his eyes becoming purely calculating

"One for every two whom succeeded. This trial was followed by extensive tests to ensure their bodies, minds and souls remained pure and untainted" You answer as Malcador rests more of his weight against his staff

"A incredible success rate, and you are certain, all who underwent these tests were found, entirely devoid of the influence of the chaotic powers?" You father questions as his companion looks harrowed just from hearing your explanation of the nameless' recruiting methods

"Certain. They were further exposed to the influence and energies, in their initial missions and sorties against them" You answer with a nod "Part of the inspections include cybernetic augmentation, to the degree of the baseline human stock regiments fielded with the adeptus astartes, and the astartes themselves"

"You accomplished all of this in secret" Malcador mutters, hands tightened and whitened around the nuckles as he grips his staff and trusts more of his body weight against it

"Yes. But no man, transhuman or not, should be allowed to solely control the organization I have constructed to combat the machinations of our great enemy. I designed their every structure to easily fit with the nascent imperium of mankind, without their presence and influence being noticed, nor the identities of the members being noticed in their comings, going or eventual demise as they see to their responsibilities of the order" You answer, noticing your father is in deep internal conflict with himself, a conflict that grows as you continue to speak and explain "And so, when a primarch is rediscovered, they can seek out and eliminate threats unseen and unreal, allowing the primarch to focus entirely on their own duties, unaware of the dangers surrounding them, or the risk of corruption itself"

"I would not believe it if any other primarch spoke it, that it would be possible to perform such an undertaking so covertly" Malcador says, eyes flicking and glancing over to your father who lets out a sigh and nods his head

"What are they called?" Your father asks, adapting quickly and realizing that punishing you for this transgression will simply deprive him of a useful tool, one that would vanish like smoke into mist if he did reprimand you and seek their destruction

"They are Nameless, they seek no glory or accolades, only the safety and sanctity of their fellow man, and the destruction of all things chaotic" You answer, corners of your lips twitching near a smile as you answer "And they are yours to command, my lords, I will detail the intricacies of their functions and the specialization and internal leadership of their five internal schools"

"Six" your father corrects "One will be made to police and monitor the members of the other five and their actions"

"The school of the void shall join the elemental five" You answer with a nod "I shall take part in selecting those of the prior membership, who are suitable for such a task and will not hesitate to eliminate any rogue elements or traitorous cells that may emerge within the nameless organization"

"Good, I will personally preside over this void order" Malcador commands with a nod towards his leader and friend, who approves his self appointment with a nod "But understand, that this...straying is only overlooked and its outcome approved, because we know you are incapable of allowing the taint of chaos to exist when it is revealed to you, and you are capable of detecting its presence and the most infinitesimal levels possible and are extremely resistant to it"

"And I will choose who is allowed into its ranks and are allowed to share the knowledge you have spread, against my trust" Your father says harshly, eyes narrowed "But, as Malcador said, I forgive you for this willful disobedience. Do not make a habit of going against my command, Lieren"

"I shall not" You answer with a nod "You will receive full reports of all of the actions performed by the Nameless. But moving onto the next topic. I encounter a remnant of an ancient race. Known to the Aeldari as the great old ones, the creators of the webway. A spirit tormented by the children of least of the six emergent chaotic powers, whom upon freeing from their agony, implanted a fragment of their great plan into my psyche, formed of arcane geometries and fractural webs of knowledge. Presently I was only capable of studying and comprehending one of its component fragments of the fragment. That of the component of containment, though I am aware of three other aspects of the portion of the great plan entrusted into me"

"I shall contemplate it when you are able to remove it from your own sub conscious" You father says, holding a halting hand to Malcador as his mind brushes against yours, searching "Be cautious old friend, such complexities could damage even minds as powerful and shielded as your own"

"I experienced as such, upon receiving and studying the fragment" You answer with a nod "and I shall show you the portions I have decoded entirely, via transcribing them in whatever format or material you deem suitable. However, I must admit another transgression, that is of alike with my contact of the spirit of the great old one. Though all denizens of the warp must be watched closely and treated with caution and cunning, at the time of the first of the damned's assault upon me, in the crypt beyond time and being, the tomb of could have beens, where repugnant Chun Qiang lurked and revealed themselves to cast their vast shadow over the empyrean, laid a spirit in a cage. A entity of opposite polarity and drive to the chaotic powers, a being of pure order and ice"

"You sought to free them" You father guesses "Is that why you strayed so far into the warp, to be beyond its perceivable extent"

"I was pulled there by Chun Qiang and the other five" You explain "They showed me her prison to torment me, but did not expect for me to be capable of reaching through the bars of her ethereal cage, and exchange breath. The essence imparted to me in exchange for the lifeforce I relinquished to the being called Arianka, balances against the dread blessing of Chun Qiang that reveals all the truth of the world through my eyes. And her creations and aspects now wage a mismatched war against the chaotic throngs and hordes. I believe a sibling of theirs may exist, but have only seen their possible influence in one man, who rejected it violently"

"A member of your nameless" Your father guesses

"The very first. Who was, in a fit of mania, driven to burn thralls of the chaotic powers whom he would have under his own power attempted to preserve and redeem" You answer simply as snow begins to frost the ground "I have fought alongside the spirits of Arianka, against chaos, they have heeded my calls for aid. And I have looked upon the mother of the Aeldari race, Isha, when I looked upon putrid Na Gou, and swore to see her freed, and a fragmentary remnant of their joined spirit, their god of the hunt, Kurnous, tested me and trusted me with a power kept hidden to even his own, mortal children"

"How can you be so Blaise about all this?" Malcador asks you and father"You, willingly exposed yourself to unknown energies produced by a hitherto unknown type of warp entity, and you, old friend, took his contact with a, lets call it spirit of order, in stride. When he admitted to colluding and working alongside it"

"Order does not threaten all of mankind, and the spirit itself remains caged and powerless" Your father answers "And, hopefully, shall remain as such, if it intends to influence the materium and fate of mankind"

"Simply because something is opposite of something bad, does not mean it is good or beneficial, but I do believe Arianka and Isha being freed would benefit our goals" You admit openly, crossing your arms "But I am wary of the theorized second spirit of order. For while Arianka embodies purity, the one possible sign of the other's existence, speaks of a being of cleansing and retribution"

"A witch hunter's patron" Your father answers coldly "We will discuss what is to be done about the progeny of purity and Arianka itself, but, I am certain you are not under her thrall"

"We monitor any activity of these order spirits, and figure out the procedure for dealing with them" Malcador submits with a long sigh "If we approach them in a different manner than Chaos"

"It remains to be seen, we will risk a few encounters, and establish policy and strategy after coming to understand the intentions and the breadth of them" Your father replies to him "But the fact you encountered what can only be called the ghost of a dead being, is no transgression, least of all as great as you spreading of the existence of chaos or your spiritual contact with this Arianka, the power they gave to you, may be able to cow the Aeldari into compliance"

"I think the shock of these revelations has addled your brain momentarily" Malcador scoffs

"Wishful thinking, old friend" You father jokes

"And the last report, is that I intend to integrate the alien beings I am sheltering upon this world into human society and eventually the galactic imperium it shall join" You explain simply

"If they benefit mankind and do not cause conflict within our borders, I permit this, in spite of your reckless rebelliousness" Your father says kindly "But, I will not spare them or give unto them mercy, if they prove a threat and obstacle to mankind's galactic destiny"

"The Mathoth and mankind once co-existed, so to in this modern era, the Nosa Rubigin, The Sagit, the Se'Ah'In, and Merchants of mirth"

"I have nothing against it, if they prove as useful as the Jokaero" Malcador adds

"But if they stray, betray mankind or pose a danger to it. You, Lieren, will be held responsible" You father concludes "And be tasked with their destruction"

You wince, blood turning to ice in your veins

"Do you understand? And the same is true for the spirit Arianka, and the Aeldari practicing your philosophy. If I determine they threaten humanity, you will be their executioner" He presses

"I understand" you answer, ice now crawling along the ground in finger length thick patches

"Good" he states "Is that all you need to report, my son?"

"It is" You answer with a nod

"Then let us get off this mountain, and enjoy what remains of our brief time together" He says warmly, throwing an arm around your shoulder

"And the nameless prove unusable, you will be tasked with their disposal as well, Lieren" Malcador warns "but I will assist you in this case, I as I have given my approval and oversight on that matter"

Once your father has returned to Terra, what part of the initial steps of the colonization of the solar system of Shangrala do you oversee directly, Lieren?

>The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala

>The creation of the orbital defense array, with Tao Dandan, to make the bulwark of Long-Jia a reality

>The initial exploration of the planets sharing Shangrala's star and leading the exploration groups in surveying and studying the habitability and environments of the worlds

>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo

>write in

Very fun update to write
How badly could big E have taken the establishment of the order?

We managed to clear the air, and submit all of our action to review and audit in an abbreviated after action report.

Hiding issues of our mind, heart and soul from our dad would be potential fractures of the crusade and as such to be avoided.

Plus with our sight we are kind of predisposed to go charging into things eyes wide open, and as such a review of what we do from higher or peer authority that is read in to the subject matter is imho healthy as we have seen sometimes the Sight can be used against Lieren, the Second.
>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo

This one i think is the most important to tackle as the colony ships need escorts imho, as well as auxiliary ships, all other tasks then benefit from many hands make light work concept, or action economy as they say.
>The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala

>The creation of the orbital defense array, with Tao Dandan, to make the bulwark of Long-Jia a reality

>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo
>>The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala
>And using the recycled materials to help in the construction of a space elevator
>The creation of ships to house colonists.

Hoooooly shit. We dodged. . just. . a lot. A lot A lot.
I'm concerned about this "void" school., for the watchdog of the watch dog order is bound to be the most influential. And then corruption joins.
>The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala
>The initial exploration of the planets sharing Shangrala's star and leading the exploration groups in surveying and studying the habitability and environments of the worlds
Feels like a good place to start.

It seems we managed to put the Nameless issue to rest, though I do feel like the emperors trust took a small hit there.
We likely went from "trusted to follow orders" to "might disobey if they believe they have good reasons to". Not the worst spot to be in, but that small seed of doubt might rear its head in the future.
Though with how readily we have shared our secrets, including the fact that we broke our oath, we will probably enjoy a high degree of trust regardless, so it's probably nothing time won't fix.
Though I can imagine Tzeentch rubbing his hands already
That can be self regulated council style. Void gets 1+1 votes, each other school gets 1 vote.
so void can always break any deadlock but if it has only one school on its side it is minoritary.

void investigates and then presents a case to a school council on the issue, be it before sentencing or after battlefield expedience submitting themselves for judgement.

>We likely went from "trusted to follow orders" to "might disobey if they believe they have good reasons to". Not the worst spot to be in, but that small seed of doubt might rear its head in the future.
>Though with how readily we have shared our secrets, including the fact that we broke our oath, we will probably enjoy a high degree of trust regardless, so it's probably nothing time won't fix.

we identified an existential threat, and are compelled to act against it. strictly speaking we did break his oath, but in the minimal way we thought it to be critically necessary to still be within his acceptance and operating within our projection of his aims. In a way this is why the primarchs exists. Emps no matter how great is at the end of the day only one man and can be only in one place at a time.

And like a technician Lieren simply has to ''fix'' things. So once he got his operating parameters of chaos has to be a secret he worked within that framework with some, to his and our discernment reasonable tolerances. A vastly different psychology from the custodes who are extremely literal, or inflexible with the emperors word.

conanperordad might need to get used to some initiative from his sons, as long as they come home and report to await his judgment like Lieren did at the first secure opportunity.

Because i do not think he was in a similar situation in eons so he has to dust up some very singular skills not used since the men of gold, and even then those men were not also technically speaking his sons and thus part of his family, so a lot more complicated than the skills he is in the process of dusting off.

Slowly and by degrees he will have to get used to this idea, because imho the sooner he does the sooner he can use and handle the primarchs better. Lieres mind and eyes allow him to be able to get the emperor as if he had a shoulder therapist, so he naturally manages to avoid the worst minefields, but other primarchs might not be so lucky.
changing my vote

>>The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala

>And using the recycled materials to help in the construction of a space elevator

>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo
>I'm concerned about this "void" school., for the watchdog of the watch dog order is bound to be the most influential. And then corruption joins.
Malcador is an ass, but he *will* do a good job managing them, as long as he lives. And as long as he isn't corrupted himself, but come on, that would never happen.
>We likely went from "trusted to follow orders" to "might disobey if they believe they have good reasons to".
That's where Lieren belongs tbdesu. He's loyal, but not a "follow orders" kind of guy. Honestly, only Dorn and Perty are follow orders kind of guys. Maybe Rowboat too.
Now I wonder if Malcador likes Perty. Now I wonder what's the comedic duo's opinions on all our currently found brothers, now that they have met them in person.

Malal's writing of the Emperor makes him read like he's both a ruler who's upset about disobedience and a father who's proud of his son(s). Lieren really is Horus of this timeline.
>The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala

>The creation of the orbital defense array, with Tao Dandan, to make the bulwark of Long-Jia a reality

>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo
>Malal's writing of the Emperor makes him read like he's both a ruler who's upset about disobedience and a father who's proud of his son(s). Lieren really is Horus of this timeline.

The Emperor has not had any near peers outside of Malcador since the men of gold, as was stated before. So his default I believe is do as I fucking say for I know better and have the track record for it. Considering the length of Old Night and the rather brief prominence of the era of the men of gold, it has been some time for him. Switching gears from that kind of inertia takes time and a lot of effort

>The creation of the orbital defense array, with Tao Dandan, to make the bulwark of Long-Jia a reality

>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo

Ze Vote
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>The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala

>The creation of the orbital defense array, with Tao Dandan, to make the bulwark of Long-Jia a reality

>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo

switching/adding to the vote the platforms and salvage ops
I'm not concerned about Malcadore. His loyalty is beyond question.

I'm concerned about when Malcadore is dead.
>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo

>The creation of the orbital defense array, with Tao Dandan, to make the bulwark of Long-Jia a reality

Damn, Why you gotta make me worried about Big E and Malcadore being problems?
>>The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala
>The initial exploration of the planets sharing Shangrala's star and leading the exploration groups in surveying and studying the habitability and environments of the worlds
>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo
We personally need to hard focus this, we're setting up the heart of our domain here.

>write in
Ask our Aeldari Journeymen if they have anything on the world's around us? There is a Webway Gate in system so it likely is there for a reason
>>The creation of the orbital defense array, with Tao Dandan, to make the bulwark of Long-Jia a reality
Ngl Malal I think we'd all love to see some cut aways coming up; Malcador and Alpharius, the Emperor and Valdor, the mechanicum response. Hell even how our legion is doing or the reactions of all the found brothers legions finding out their fathers are tight?
>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo
Preparing fleets takes a bit of time even for us, helping Shan, our wife and her sisters with this task would be a good idea.

>The initial exploration of the planets sharing Shangrala's star and leading the exploration groups in surveying and studying the habitability and environments of the worlds
An exploration corps doesn't exist yet, so we better do it. We can also help anyone working on this part with us in becoming the first men and women of, the new exploration corps ! Two birds with one stone

Instead for the rest, i believe in Shirong and Dan Dan abilities and expertise.
Shirong is a focused man, and will go in detail in cleaning up the orbit from debris. It might be a slow process if he decides to thinker a bit before starting and make something special for do a very tidy clean up. Like a proper recycle spaceship with a swarm of modified dragonfly drones (then again he could just use the standard model uh). Dan Dan she will likely make a very very powerful orbital defense, i don't think it will be too unbalanced (she will not forget to place plenty of armor plating and shields, creating veritable bastions in space), but she 100% WILL place a ton of devastating and explosive weapons and thus concentrating more on them.

It was kind of impossible for situation, i think he understands why we did it at least. If nothing else we have come to him and told him. Which is important.

Fairly standard that, chaos is on the hunt for Lieren ass forever until he is death or they can give him something worse than death (eternal torture). This should not be underestimated, the bounty on his head remains a constant reminder of this (i think the Emperor is afraid Lieren might fall in a trap of chaos for either kill or capture and torture him for eternity. Beside himself and Malcador, Lieren is one of the fews that will probably never go chaos, which means his total elimination could happen if chaos has an opportunity for it. A father concern can go a long way....).
>The initial exploration of the planets sharing Shangrala's star and leading the exploration groups in surveying and studying the habitability and environments of the worlds

>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo
We need to let the others handle the rest of it while we go exploring with our sons.
>The creation of the orbital defense array, with Tao Dandan, to make the bulwark of Long-Jia a reality

Write in:
>create a space elevator to make everything we do in space more effective and easier.

>create a shipyard in space to increase efficiency of shipbuilding.

In the void above the pale pearl known as Shangrala and in that dead cold space drifted two ancient being of equal coldness, equal deadness..equally quiet. Trayzn and Orikan drifted in space hold together only by the whip like tail of the Diviner and the frosting steadily coating their immortal bodies.

“This is entirely your fault you know” Orikan grumbled without looking towards his spaceborne companion without closing his internal ChronoHUD,

“Really? Why is that my dear old friend? As I recall it was you whom said we had to risk small scale Phases last we alert the Planet's Matriarchal Wardens? So...I was forced to compromise.”

“You dragged us into a half functioning shuttle.”

“I didn't think they'd scrap it with us inside? They'd have detected life signs in there surly and send us someone I could shackle” the Collector now upside down to his fellows perspective.

The Diviner reached up to grab his inverted rivals shoulders and pulled him close his singular optic staring into the Infinite's pair they metallic head clanging together almost punctuating the point about to be spoken; “WHAT LIFE SIGNS TRAZYN?”

A pause followed,

and drew on.

“Alright maybe I miscalculated a little.”

“You almost got us caught more times than I care to count, do you know how often we were killed in differing Chrono-sequances, how many timelines we had to thread through to even escape!? Their augmented warriors were everywhere! I should have left you in the one where the Mammal cloaked one took your head as a trophy!”

a pause once more

“Why didn't you-” Trazyn's voice was curious now “-I'd just have taken a new body?”

“because...” he turned from the world around which they now drifted somewhat helplessly, “because if the one they call Lieren found us things would get complicated, this so called Primarch causes to many splinters in timelines, to many variables and worse still it seems the Aeldari are trying to turn him to their side... maybe they know something...Maybe we should talk to-”

He was cut off mid thought

“Humanity is in it's second resurgence Orikan, their wars upon their Homeworld are nigh complete you should see my exhibit on the subject, simply fascinating. Oh and the Symboligy of this Primarch's first dealing...handing over earth and water? Oh now that's a human classic.”

“Speaking of exhibits did you get what you wanted? Did this extended scenic tour serve any real purpose?” his tail began to slowly sway freely in irritation.

“Well I did manage to grab a few items of interest, aside from those found in the Palace Nursery, a sample of what they call 'Star metal'...a copy of their philosophy tomes and of course a few live samples, that actress whom really put her all into it, a few guards but ill show you the rest later”

“Fine...our drift should bring us to another wreaked craft soon but functional enough to be detonated and hide of Phase from being detected.”

“Wonderful-” replied Trazyn “-but may I ask a favour?”

“What?!” the Diviner turned frustrated to see trayzen steadily drifting away from him pulled towards the planets gravity well.

“You seem to have dropped me.”


>The initial exploration of the planets sharing Shangrala's star and leading the exploration groups in surveying and studying the habitability and environments of the worlds
>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo
MFW if we'd done the drills with our Sons we might, MIGHT have bumped into them... another time
>>The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala
And then use the recycled resources for
>>The initial exploration of the planets sharing Shangrala's star and leading the exploration groups in surveying and studying the habitability and environments of the worlds

I don't think bothering with space elevator is of any value, space elevator is a near-future hard sci-fi kind of tech, we're on the other hand are firmly in space-fantasy land, with anti-gravity commonly used. We have no need of it.

Wide sweeping colonisation also seems unnesesary to me, the planet is nowhere near to being overpopulated, and there's plenty of developments to be done at home and in orbit.
If need raw resouces we could just eat local asterid belts or smth.
Actually, unrelated outtake, but I do enjoy how "realistic" proliferation of tech seems on shangrala. Usually the order goes: spec ops > military > other government branches > everyone else.

First only Lieren and his brother panthers had anti gravity tech, during the tzeench overlord liquidation, then skipping clouds went into common military use during the butcher war, and now in peace times the tech is used in constraction. Checks out.
i also enjoy it. The actions of Lieren and what he does with them and events, make changes.

Such has the one of technology.
Or the example of Nothing growing and changing, from a small village worth 0, to jade and becoming a small town/city at this point with many other functions than hunting, farming, herding or simple crafting.
>The initial exploration of the planets sharing Shangrala's star and leading the exploration groups in surveying and studying the habitability and environments of the worlds

>Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo

We're finally in the 30k space race!
Did we ever find out if Eldrad gave us a wedding gift or if he gave us Lorgars position after all? Aeldari cut away are always fun
Necron ones are good too
i love how sitcom-y these Necron scenes are
>The Temple of the Jade Rabbit
A curious aspect warrior temple to emerge and be based upon the Moon of Shangrala, originally an order founded by exiles to become wardens for the Webway Gate leading to the Bow Stringer's homeworld over time their exposure to the culture Shangrala and large amounts of combat training in low gravity environments the Jade Rabbits emerged.

Their sealed armour is the same ghostly pale white as their home to provide camouflage, etched in sigils of their Protectee. Yet their temples unique way of war could be considered unorthodox by the generous or downright mad by the more sceptical...for what manner of warrior would throw grenades in space? Their weapons of war are twofold first 'The Rabbit's Foot' which takes the form of a mechanised leg brace mounted tot he back of the ankle and creating a degigrade appearance ending in heavy piston driven feet which allow for grip, enhanced speed, a brutal melee strike from vicious kicks and remarkable dexterity. The next is the 'Alchemists' Apple' in short a type of tune-able grenade which at low settings produces small shock wave knocking targets off balance or into the void, at higher levels producing a seismic distortion pulverising all within the blastzone. They carry a wide collection of throwable bombs besides; Haywire, Plasma, frag, krak all included.

Their exarch have even been known to wield leg mounted power blades...of their Founder...none know?


-Khilgalda glared at the bouncing figure before him, bouncing from one mechanised foot tot he other as if warming up for a morning run. In a second it switched from this prancing posture and lend forward before launching itself projectile fast at him only an age of combat giving him time to raise is Glave in the way of a spinning kick the snapping limb only an inch from his face biting like hungry jaws. In a moment it catwheeled away riding the momentum of his deflection until it stopped a dozen metres away only to look down at his feet.

His eyes followed; the bomb left behind detonated launching him into the void away from the moon's pale surface his blood spilling into the endless night like scattered rubies. From here in the dark he could see all his men were dead at the bouncing forms of these queer warriors though he could see none of their own dead...but there were plasma scorched craters...zealots one and all.

He chuckled darkly as he felt his skin freeze over and the vacuum do it's work upon his body.-


"Don't you know dear friend, Rabbits can leap to the Moon~"
>The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala
>The initial exploration of the planets sharing Shangrala's star and leading the exploration groups in surveying and studying the habitability and environments of the worlds

So did Lieren give all of the fragment to the emperor or just the decoded aspect of containment?
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait.

Assisting in the creation of vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters do not need to be burdened and turned into glorified transports, with Shan and documents left behind by the Magos and your brother Perturabo:12

The clearing and recycling of the debris in the orbit, working alongside Shirong to clear the skies of Shangrala:8

The creation of the orbital defense array, with Tao Dandan, to make the bulwark of Long-Jia a reality:6

using the recycled materials to help in the construction of a space elevator:3

The initial exploration of the planets sharing Shangrala's star and leading the exploration groups in surveying and studying the habitability and environments of the worlds:8

create a shipyard in space to increase efficiency of shipbuilding.:1

Ask our Aeldari Journeymen if they have anything on the world's around us:1

Total votes:19

So Lieren will directly oversee the creation of un-souled vessels to travel between the stars and house colonists, so Kanzeon and her sisters aren't burdened with the task or turned into glorified farriers and transport ships, with the help of shan and documents left behind by the Magos and Perturabo

Writing now


All guests did give gifts, I just realized how long it'd take to list them off all at once

Oh boy! More of my favourite necrons. Excellent musical choices btw, really resonated with the opening and the "WHAT LIFE SIGNS TRAZYN" part Made me howl with laughter, good shit and I really appreciated Trazyn appreciating the poetry of the exchange
And I also appreciate the song at the end, really ties the humor of it all together

Oh now this is cool, and I might just steal it, bunny aspect warriors, now that is a fun idea and this line was golden "Don't you know dear friend, Rabbits can leap to the Moon~"
The send off of the last visitors from distant stars, your father, malcador and the magos Epsilon Iota 65 is grand, worthy of an imperial household. Both of your father exchange gifts, your father by blood handing a strange artifact from one of the lost legacies and far gone histories of terra to your father throughout life, who in exchange gives to him a hat of straw that kept the wind and rain off of his head since he was a young man. While the Magos is honored for their good behavior and respectful actions by being granted a standard medical ocular replacement cybernetic customized to shine with the color of their native world of mars when seen from the surface of a distant world. The Custodians, in a show of politeness and good faith, accept four Chenddaos to test against the weapons your father has trained them to wield.

There are other gifts given of course, one from your father to your wife, a statue of a woman with a lotus in her hand, and a small bracelet of star metal was given in return. And Yin Lei, standing in for the general of Long-Jia, gave him a campaign sword, a symbolic gift of loyalty and service to come in a time when the black general will hang up his cape and sheathe his sword for a final time, surely after the other kings of war retire from the field and pass the reigns of leading the armies of Long-Jia to their worthy and deserving successors.

You have one of the numerous wedding gifts you were given in hand, as you say goodbye to your father and wish him a safe journey back to Terra. A elegant fan, azure and plum, styled like phoenix feathers, that was gifted from the Qian family and oddly for the scarlet spider, had a message easily found and decoded when it was opened fully, for any who held it to see. A friendly and amusing reminder to take life slowly and as it comes, and to enjoy the simplicity of it, as if you of all men needed reminding to do so.

Eldrad and his followers are next to leave, after you've taught them all you can of the lesson Kurnous imparted to you, though a handful of their number, wordlessly stand apart from the farseer and instead fall in line with the flock headed by Carys. Oddly, most of their number were the ones who had the most success learning how to string their bow like Kurnous, and include Rhanne-Shean, the haughty, pugnacious and ill tempered howling banshee who still held you with low regard but refused to leave your tutelage until she could grasp and master the ancestral art you were entrusted with.

And after you've checked on the refugees, human and not on Shangrala, and their caretakers and made sure none of them were being troubled or causing troubles for those who lived nearby the sanctuaries you've made for them, and after a slight detour of judging a sharpshooting contest held between the New Varro, Lai and Kang, Which ended in a three way duel of accuracy between The "Iron Giant" Clayton, "Red Rum" Redmon, and a Lai skyrider of no real renown.

Which ended in a tie after they had taken the simple contest to the realm of insanity and ridiculousness, trying to one up their competition and having every outlandish challenge met and matched. An outcome the three rivals accepted with grace and dignity.

Kanzeon found the contest most amusing.

But after it was done, the two of you met in the mornings and night, as both of you had taken differing responsibilities to bring Long-Jia and the other peoples of Shangrala to the stars. She, along with Mari, already in the progress of clearing the debris field over the skies of Shangrala, began to work alongside Shirong and his sub ministry of the ministry of development, and with swarms of drones in both their image and the shape of dragonflies, began to remove the wrecks of their long ago lost escort ships and open up the skies for the first explorers to leave the mists and fog of their home, to explore worlds close and worlds distant. You were at Kanzeon side as she laid the brave captains of these vessels, preserved and mummified in the chill of the void, to rest after they had spent millennium watching over Shangrala as silent sentinels. They were honored, in the fashion of their time, but Daiyu insisted they be given a memorial, even if none alive save a few knew of their sacrifice so long ago.

Tao Dandan was tasked, with Anahita's oversight and Liberty's volunteered expertise, to build a defense array to guard and watch the night skies and far away stars above Shangrala, to the mist shrouded world and every person living upon it from threats that emerged from the blackness between suns. A bulwark of Long-Jia. The Shield of Jinhai, it was already being called. The Stellar Dragon-Carp wall. Which, from the initial designs you'd seen during your daily conferences with the other heads of the ministry of development, would be formed of two rings overlapping and interlocked, that could be repositioned and reconfigured in orbit around the planet to any number of positions and configurations. And while the station of two rings could serve as habitat or dock for interstellar vessels, Dandan has turned the bulwark into an orbital firing line, embodying her ideal of defense through overwhelming firepower. And judging from the weapons you've seen appear upon the initial construction of the ring, Anahita and Liberty showed off some of their own, inbuilt defense arrays and have helped her recreate the armaments they use for self defense.

Shirong and Dandan excitedly tell you and you relay to your close friend the emperor, that they've already made good progress on their prospective tasks, though Dandan admits it will take years for her to complete the orbital array, even with the massive workforce, resources and wells of experience she's been granted. Shirong is confident that the clearing of the skies will take less than a year, ushering in the era of space travel and exploration before the snow first falls.

The populace are excited and in high spirits, despite the memory and losses of the butcher war being still fresh in their minds and many still grieving for their lost sons, daughters, wives and husbands, fathers and mothers, the prospect of exploring the heavens, an era of peace all that could be seen over the horizon's edge and prosperity unimagined and continuing to grow and flourish, makes every man a dreamer.

From the Lomb tries to the Bask republic, their is an air of joyous excitement and thrilled anticipation.

And while Kanzeon and Shirong, and Tao Dandan's effort of clearing and recycling the debris field and creating a fortified defensive array in orbit around Shangrala attracts most of the publics attention and fascination.

You for once, do not take center stage, even though Luli occasionally appears in your shared workshop with Shan and the engineers under his wings to ask you questions and interview you for your thoughts on some matter or another. But besides her odd appearance and the rare, less renowned and known reporter showing up eager to be launched to fame by your words, your work is left well enough alone and the labor you perform beside the elderly alchemist turned chemist turned aerial engineer is benign and oddly peaceful.

You can see age beginning to wear down on Shan, and if you would return the favor of his early assistance in your efforts to uplift the people of Long-Jia and bring prosperity and comfort to their lives, you would do it by ensuring he would see his last and greatest creations escape the sky to fly amongst the stars. He was already old when you met him, and his muddy brown eyes fill with more fog with every day that passes.

Not that his energetic and youthful demeanor would show his age. Often, as the two of you scour of the blueprints and design documents with notes scrawled in minute writing between the text and margins, left by the magos and your brother Perturabo, the two reminisce of the early days of your working relationship, when you wowed him and Dandan with primitive firearms

"They seem so meager, so simple now, but in the moment, young man, they seemed like magic tools, the treasures of a god of war" He exclaims as his ink stained hand flit over the pages, while its twin strokes his singed and chemical stained beard "And then the creation of the Steel Dragon! My steel dragon. I still weep, and feel greatly humbled that you named it after me. I still keep an early design of one in my private domicile you know"

"I am aware, one of the first to be taken out of service, due to a sudden failure of its welding caused by an oversaturated charge of black powder" You answer, recalling the exact canon he is referring to "I also know you travel solely by steel bird"

"Oh, I will take a hover train occasionally, don't trust the roads or waterways, I always get pulled aside by the traffic wardens, I think one of the heads of that office has it out for me, I do not drive dangerously or carelessly, I simply know the capabilities of the customized motor carriage I built and how far off road it can go. Now, Lieren, this Lord Epsilon's notes and designs contain many features I would consider archaic, and I was born in an era when technology such as this would be considered sorcery or the imagining of a delusional mind" He rambles on excitedly, chuckling as the two of you work on opposite sides of a shared, scorched wooden desk "Many of the machines that would require manpower in their treaties could be optimized, as seen in your brother's astute observations and personal drafts for vessels, but they seem inelegant compared to the bodies housing the intellect of your bride and her kin, but I believe there is much we can take from both and combine with the knowledge and basic designs they've granted us, taking inspiration and insight from all three sources to create these Heavenly Barges"

You smirk, knowing that will be what most Shangralans dub star ships, as Shan has a habit of giving lasting titles to inventions and projects even when he doesn't mean to.

"Yes, the hydroponics work around Perturabo suggested, combined with a miniaturized form realized in their own design, and redirected solar energy and radiation, the problem of food storage and production over long journeys would be solved, but we can take inspiration from Aeldari craft, particularly their solar sails, to create an efficient power generation and means propulsion through the radiation expelled by local stars" You explain to one of the few men who can truly understand what you are telling him

"With auxiliary means of fuel generation and additional methods of propulsion, we could expedite and hasten travel through the space" He continues on "Though I am still of split mind if we should try to create a portable form of the golden dragon rivers or make use of these "Empyrean engines""

"For the former to work, we'd need to create buoys and stations for the gateways and create a means of generating the excessive amounts of energy, electric and physic required to open the riverways. The Empyrean engines, will require shielding, but we have designs from all three sources, so we will go forward with designing more lightweight and energy efficient forms of them" You answer with a lift of your hand "But speaking of shielding, I am concerned about cosmic radiation and its effects"

"If we can create enough star metal alloy, it will be of little concern, though I already have my understudies experimenting with alternative and more abundant metals to create an alloyed material that could be used in place of the more scarce material, that can be produced outside of the foundries of your lovely wife or her sisters" Shan answers with a nod "And while the personal and commercial craft have had their dimensions and scales set, we still must decide on a suitable size for our colony ships. Patrol ships only need to house a dozen or two dozen men, transports a quarter of that number, cargo ships double, but the scope of colonizing other worlds, is still lost to me"

"They will only need to be numerous enough to establish a colony and communication with Shangrala, we can transport additional colonists on other vessels, but each will need to be able to function as a hub upon their arrival, acting as a fortified sanctuary and manufacturing district out of which they can safely explore and build upon the newly colonized world" You explain "A few hundred crew and civilian volunteers, should suffice, along with a military attachment, if initial exploration teams reports confirm their necessity"

"We could burrow the original colony ships into the surface of the planet with directed explosive charges, drills or a solvent spray to melt into the mantle of the world" He muses, stroking his beard thoughtfully "Oh, yes, nearly forgot, I need a list of seeds and mature plants"

"To test their resilience to the conditions of space and how well they will germinate and grow after being exposed to the cosmic energies and stellar forces?" You ask, knowing that was one of many tests being performed in a day. Shan just grins like a manic and nods excitedly.

The results come back with promising results for most of the seed specimens sent into space.

But, as the work continues on tirelessly, and Shan puts all of his time and energy into designing and building the first generation of interstellar craft, his condition begins to rapidly degrade as, despite his will and exuberance, his body reaches its limits and the problems arising with age stack atop one another and weaken his health and turn him frail.

But still, despite your advice and concern, and that of his peers and subordinates and close friend Tao Dandan and even Al-Uzza who joined the effort once she heard Shan was working himself ragged to keep the pace he set at the beginning, he refuses to retire and continues to guide the effort at yourside from his bedside, surrounded by nurses and mechanical drones sent by all five of the sister ships.

He refuses any augmentation or cloned organs

"I wish to go to my grave in the exact same body I came into this world into, I might admire and delight in technology, but I wish to remain Shan" He explains to you, after his refusal sends the medical professional advising him to replace his lungs scarred from years of inhaling chemical and industrial fumes that he should have them replaced or ask for them to be regrown. The oracle breed even offer to give him and entirely new body and so does a teary eyed liberty, but he refuses them all. The elder sisters accept his wishes and simply divert the attention they pay to him to helping him stay comfortable in his last year, as do the nurses.

But still, he does not stop working, and demands to be carted before the prototype vessels, even as he develops a painful cough and can no longer walk under his own power, and directs the workers with a metal rod tied to his wrist rather than clasped in his hand

Out of respect for his perseverance, diligence and genius, you treat him no differently, even as he withers away before your eyes and becomes lesser and more reduced with every day that passes, his health deteriorating faster due to his refusal to stop working and striving to lift Shangrala higher and bring about new wonders and miracles made real and manifested through the intelligence of mankind and the beauty of technology rightfully and purposefully used.

And you stay by his side, until the very end. He passes when you are called away to oversee a test flight of a escort craft, of a yet unnamed class and design. He is found by an aid bringing him new ink, slumped over your shared desk, having used his last strength to shield the final blueprint of the last design of the colony ship from spilling ink as he collapsed.

His heart gave out, due to a combination of weakness brought about by his prior work conditions, extreme age, overwork and stress.

In honor of him and his contributions to all you've done to improve the quality of life and benefit the world.

The first class of colony ship's are dubbed the Alchemist.

And the first of their kind, completed in the same month as Shan's passing, as your workers and his subordinates work tirelessly despite grieving the old man they all called Grandfather Shan, Is given the name of Shan's Gift.

He had no family. No wife or children. No brothers or sisters. He is buried in a state funeral, and given a memorial in the establishment of Shandao school of engineering, built nearby the village you first found him toiling over a primitive alembic still of his own design.

Wenyan and Guozhi both, will not be far behind Shan, you know.

You grieve and mourn, and Kanzeon wipes the tears you shed from your eyes.

And you return to your work.

Kanzeon, Mari and Shirong clears the skies not long after Shan is interred and the construction of the second Alchemist class colony ship begins.

And as winter gives way to spring, new labors and challenges begin.

What challenge do you solve directly, Lieren?

>The tensions rising between the human refugees saved from the aeldari slavers and their neighbors, and teaching the alien refugees how to interact and partake with human society

>Dismantling and recycling the ancient vessels and preventing any smuggling rings from being created through the temporary jobs created by the necessity to take apart the vessels, even with the capabilities of Kanzeon and her sisters

>The selection and training of the first team of Heavenly Explorers, who will scout out the solar system of Shangrala.

>A sickness that is plaguing the Nosa Rubigin, that appears to have originated from a peculiar blight afflicting certain flowering bushes and trees

>Write in
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>Write in
I propose we delegate this specifically to the Oracle Breed offering our assistance where necessary because they really are good at their craft.

Meanwhile we combine the training of the heavenly explorers with the hunting of smugglers and such under the leadership of the Black General and the Kang (Give the Kang a little piece of the action to feel some martial pride about being the first space troops and the Black General gets to have some fun still; "Their Manes are black as night their roars as thunder"

We however
>The tensions rising between the human refugees saved from the aeldari slavers and their neighbours, and teaching the alien refugees how to interact and partake with human society
Seeing the humans is long overdue and we need to practice Xeno integration or as the Emperor threatened...we'll be culling them.
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>The tensions rising between the human refugees saved from the aeldari slavers and their neighbors, and teaching the alien refugees how to interact and partake with human society

We have to give this top priority before anything festers or escalates beyond repair, as we are directly responsible for their extermination to Emps should things go wrong

>The selection and training of the first team of Heavenly Explorers, who will scout out the solar system of Shangrala.
We have probably the most experience in weird encounters with various xeno

The above dovetails nicely into this as they can be tapped for the training camp and programs, and Listen has the most experience in hazardous or extremely weird environments and situations as well as the humility to always pre and postface such lectures and training with the fact that what he can teach is but a bare fraction of absolutely unpredictable shit they could encounter.

At any rate something like the Explorer Corps Motorized Xenoplanetary Infantry would probably be a nice standard. Sure they might be a bit lowtech from Shangri-la perspective but they should have enough endurance, potential local or integrated easy maintenance and also integrated native motorized mobility.


>>A sickness that is plaguing the Nosa Rubigin, that appears to have originated from a peculiar blight afflicting certain flowering bushes and trees

And finally fuck anything that smacks of nurgle. New thing be it of his doing, dark eldar or some human federation remnant is to be investigated so we can further contain it.
>Tensions rising.

The smuggling ring is an issue if it happens, but social contagions need to be curbed swiftly.
Supporting because we can't just keep voting for everything
>A sickness that is plaguing the Nosa Rubigin, that appears to have originated from a peculiar blight afflicting certain flowering bushes and trees

>Dismantling and recycling the ancient vessels and preventing any smuggling rings from being created through the temporary jobs created by the necessity to take apart the vessels, even with the capabilities of Kanzeon and her sisters

Immortality is not a blessing, But a curse. Knowing you stand still in time while everything else around you carries on to its end.
Supporting >>6047511
We have left the aliens & refugees to stew for long enough, it's time to smooth out the ridges personally.
And some clever delegation is always a good idea.

RIP Shan, you were a real one.
Support this decisions

Most smugglers could be stopped with a combination of Qian spies, Wanderers observers and Astartes sentinels really but this is fine too. Good idea anon.
Doing some Kang healing is not a bad idea either, even if they are very... we know already. Its a long time issue but this should help. They are decently adapted for this role outside of the one they have already in war in the Long Jia army, since they are motorized and use heavy war bikes and heavy cav.

In regard to that disease the White Lotus organization could be introduced and pushed in the studies of xenobiology for see if they can resolve this issue of the Nosa Rubigin. Having access to multiple alien species, brilliant minds, great tech, academies having new students provides an excellent boon to the sciences of medicine and biology.

Quarantine for all the Nosa Rubigin that gained it should be done for now maybe they could be put in some stasis of sort until a cure is made. Mari has probably put her eyes on this too. So its covered.

The Nosa Rubigin will probably help a lot in agriculture i think, when integrated. Though their integration will be the most difficult, not because of lack of will, intelligence or disposition. Its for how to communicate with them lol. If you dont have colors and dyes, on hand to paint on yourself while making dance moves and wiggling you will not understand a word. Of the alien species we have found they are the most harmless. Perhaps an hologram color projector can be placed on to an human skin while dancing ?
>The tensions rising between the human refugees saved from the aeldari slavers and their neighbors, and teaching the alien refugees how to interact and partake with human society
>A sickness that is plaguing the Nosa Rubigin, that appears to have originated from a peculiar blight afflicting certain flowering bushes and trees
>>The tensions rising between the human refugees saved from the aeldari slavers and their neighbors, and teaching the alien refugees how to interact and partake with human society
Either we teach everyone to play nice now, or we're gonna have to purge them ourselves. Smugglers can have the space guns or whatever it is they are stealing from orbit, who cares. I'd prefer to laser-focus one option, to ensure it's done.

Love how there's always some fun background stuff in every update, even if the main subject is to move the timeline forward. Like how Rhanne-Shean was clapped in the debate, but didn't lost her angry demenour, and still stayed with journeymen eldar out of spite/stubborness/perseverance. Based racist space elf. Godspeed learning how to string a bow.
Actually, now that I think about it, would exodites be the absolute best at learning this technique? They deal with primitive weapons way more often.

And lastly, that backround Lai skyrider is based, for tying for the 1st place with named characters. My man probably went from cavalry archer, to cavalry musketeer, to flying bike laser gun sharpshooter in what? 5-10 years? How long ago was even Yan war?

>Its for how to communicate with them lol.
Just bring a tablet with a screen and show them animations depending on what you want to say?
>The tensions rising between the human refugees saved from the aeldari slavers and their neighbors, and teaching the alien refugees how to interact and partake with human society
Maybe the Mc shoukdngetbaround to making a xeno Diplomacy corps. Use this as his first training course and expand them so they can deal with integration of other xeno planets.

Like with deanons he has limited time and energy to handle things.
>The tensions rising between the human refugees saved from the aeldari slavers and their neighbors, and teaching the alien refugees how to interact and partake with human society
>The selection and training of the first team of Heavenly Explorers, who will scout out the solar system of Shangrala.
Could be an idea honestly.

At this point i think its betwenn 10 to roughly 20 years ago. The journey rebellion against the Yang lasted 1-3 years really (if we count even the time Lieren was still preparing/learning before putting down Gao personally). After it we dealt with the dark eldar raid, aided the Bask and attacked the Shuni Sultanate. Then prepared against Nitya before war started against him.
>>The tensions rising between the human refugees saved from the aeldari slavers and their neighbors, and teaching the alien refugees how to interact and partake with human society
Beneath a stained skin window and upon the highest tower of the black city sat a table made of razors and half living husks as it's legs baring the hight of the feast laid upon it. Around it sat thirteen figures Drukhari one and all. No tankborne were welcome only those of pure blood; the oldest blood. Beneath the red tinted stolen sunlight they'd gathered to discuss the growing threat to their dominion, the Emperor of Mankind and his Sons the Primarch.

The Sage and Ebon clad Skleda spoke with a cold impassioned fury to those gathered about him his fingers tented.

“It seems this Emperor of resurgent man has dabbled in the arts of flesh to a deeper degree than previously imagined? The offending spies whom failed to provide acurate data have been dealt with and can be witnessed in tonight's games, curtsy of Lady Mhargoth”

He gestured to the Succubus wearing naught but the blood of her slaves and onyx pericings crafted from stained wraithbone whom simply offered a slight upward tilt of the head in reply so he continued.

“Twenty of his scions are amid our domain, thus far we have the identities of four-”

at his words four portraits appeared as holograms upon the table slowly rotating for all to view.

“each has been identified as a high priority kill their existance deemed a threat to our continued exista-”

“NONSENSE!” bellowed the Navy clad corsair “-to even humour this is weakness and foolishness, you have surly grown soft in your years Skleda” the finger pointing drew sneers and it was only the tap of a foot from the host that saved the hand from a sulking Mandrake's strike.

“Nonsense dear Vyr?” the measured cold fury remained but now focused upon a sole man. “Yzura; your observations” he handed over the tables attention to the rising Haemonculus whom spoke with duel voices male and female from stolen chords selecting the Grey haired marked Primarch.

“This one; Lieren has been known to us now for awhile spies even identifying the location of his den. A witch, demagogue and assassin all this Mon'keigh has shown himself to be apt in infiltration, framing, sabotage, murder, interrogation and most disconcertingly impersonation.”

“Explain further” Vyr snarled.

“He recently infiltrated the Webway itself accompanied by Aeldari zealots of his dogma were it not for the paranoia of Noct sending security reccordings off site none would know what befell this place.-”

Security footage of the slave den began playing, all were quiet.

“-none of you see him do you?”

Quiet and so the reborn fleshcrafter began to point of paused screens, playing through many videos, audio logs and more. A nervous energy filled the room.

“he is able to truly walk among us, cold calculating, patiant and relentless in his pursuit of us and our ways... he's-”

“Ours” a new voice cut in and all eyes turned to the chamber door where so focused were those at the table they'd failed to see their very room infiltrated guards dead at the door. More dark armoured warriors marching in. All stood, weapons were drawn.

“What is the meaning of this?!” demanded Skleda when suddenly he felt a blade glide over his throat followed by the heat of his own blood. His eyes turned; “S-Stollaire? You died...I saw it!”

“Only twice” the returned hunter let the former hosts body drop as one by one all the others present but for Yzura were slain in quick sequence and little fanfare.

The final figure entered the room and Yzura was forced to kneel before the voice from before.

“Lieren is ours. He is Shlaereen, he is our predator, He is our Prey. He is the chosen of the Fallen hunter and the Blade upon which we sharpen our own edge. Now you will tell us all you know and only us for this Hunt belongs to none but us-”

Yzura dared not look up...please anyone but him.

He heard the figure squat and in a rough grip tilt his face upward to stare into vulpine eyes and a smile of silvered teeth...Cearnarch the Restless Hunter, the Hallowed Rider...Lord of the Stellar Hunt.
>>The tensions rising between the human refugees saved from the aeldari slavers and their neighbors, and teaching the alien refugees how to interact and partake with human society
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait, couldn't handle the heat and preparing for freedom day was also draining. Anyways, happy 4th of july, if you celebrate it. Lots of good ideas all around btw

Write in proposition: 5

The tensions rising between the human refugees saved from the aeldari slavers and their neighbors, and teaching the alien refugees how to interact and partake with human society:13

The selection and training of the first team of Heavenly Explorers, who will scout out the solar system of Shangrala.:2

A sickness that is plaguing the Nosa Rubigin, that appears to have originated from a peculiar blight afflicting certain flowering bushes and trees:3

Dismantling and recycling the ancient vessels and preventing any smuggling rings from being created through the temporary jobs created by the necessity to take apart the vessels, even with the capabilities of Kanzeon and her sisters:1

Total votes:14

So Lieren will solve and soothe the tensions rising from the human refugees on Shangrala, and also teach the alien refugees how to interact with and partake with human society

Writing now

Really liked the description work in this, very evocative and clear, especially the opening paragraph of this. Also like seeing Yzura make an appearance to inform the other Drukhair how much of a fucking problem Lieren is. And Stollaire and his papa as well!

Very enjoyable read and drabble of dark eldar shenanigans
I hope we actually delegated the other tasks well, poor flower lads don't deserve to become a nurgle cult
And the challenges are come from sources as unexpected and unforeseen as they are plentiful and atypical. The training and selection of that first generation of celestial explorers and trail blazers, a rising black market of artifacts and technology salvaged from the wrecks pulled down to remote locales upon shangrala from its orbit, a plague spreading through the Nosa Rubigin that originated from a seasonal blight in high alpine flowering bushes and trees that crossed and adapted to their genetics. The trouble you most anticipated, is also the one that you have deemed the most disastrous if left unchecked and unsolved. Tensions rising between the refugees from the stars and the native peoples of Shangrala, their temporary neighbors. While temporary they may be, they are their current neighbors, and there have been a multitude of problems, reported officially and gone unnoticed. Less than there are between the alien species and the populations near to their reserves.

And knowing the danger of internal strife and tensions, even if one party is far outnumbered by the other; especially if that is so as that makes the situation even more of a powder keg waiting to be ignited, you decide to confront that problem directly and leave the other major challenges in the way of progress and prosperity to other capable hands and minds. The White Lotus and Expert Gene-Weavers from the Oracle Breed's covens have convened already and quarantined the afflicted groves of Nosa Rubigin. A number of counter measures are being employed by imperial officials to stall the smuggling operations and hopefully bring them to a premature end before they can find a niche and flourish in the shadows of society. And your sister in laws are partaking in the selection, training and education of the first colonists to leave Shangrala.

You trust your fellow man to solve these issues. Just as you trusted Shen, even as he ailed and the symptoms of breathing in chemically altered, polluted and unclean air reduced to the unusual vigor he had retained into his own age.

"Rest well, my friend. Perhaps we shall meet again, beneath different stars" You say, patting the simple grave he demanded, placed in the village you had first met him, a powdering of black powder sprinkled over the marker by you and the second last mourner to leave, Tao Dandan, who has taken it upon herself to pick out the man or woman who would take Shan's place as one of the leading seats of the ministry of development, and insisted he be adopted, post mortem, to the Tao clan, to be remembered in their family records even long after he returns to the soil he was interred beneath.

"He always wondered if he'd leave behind enough of a corpse to be buried" Dandan sighs, still kneeling before the headstone "Wonder if the same will be true for me, when I bite it, Hm"

"Who knows, I haven't met an artillery commander who could out speed your calculations and adjustments" You praise, with a half hearted chuckled and bowing of your head

"Don't try to blow yourself up, to one up Shan, Dandan" Kanzeon warns, having stood some yards away to allow you and Dandan, who were the closest to Shan in his personal life, to grieve in silence together "And don't think I won't know if you try, I always have my eyes on you"

"I'm touched" The demolitions obsessed noble woman giggles, but does not depart from her friend's, who was two or so generations separated from her own birth, grave.

The primary group causing and experiencing strife with their neighbors, though all of the groups saved from the den of slavery have experienced some difficulties or misunderstandings, are from a particular world and are queerly and uniquely adapted to surviving upon the world. A strain of humanity that would be best designated as abhuman. They are of ashen or wrought iron grey skin, with scarcely any hair facial or otherwise and what hair they do grow is hoary, tough and resistant to both water and heat. They are a tall , though not stout people, long of arm and leg, being closest in height to the Oracle breed or Lomb, though shorter, much shorter than Grown Tiger Folk, Angra or Ogyrn. They call themselves, and refer to themselves in their own tongue as the forsaken

They are a deeply spiritual and religious people, whose faith and will to endure were born from the hardship they and their ancestors had experienced on the planet of their origin. A place known as Blight to them. An ashen waste, scorched not by its star but from the result of a cataclysm that scorched the world and blotted out the sun there with clouds of ash. A dark reflection of Shangrala in some-ways. The forsaken have come to see you, as one of their twenty prophesied prophets and saviors, who will guide them to a land of green and plenty. But the dissonance between their old stories and the myths they told to hold onto some fleeting ember of hope, and Shangrala has caused made them agitated. As has the realities of living a life of relative comfort, where one does not need to scrape for maggots in mounds of burning ash to sustain themselves. They expect and embrace a spartan lifestyle, and the settlers and environmentalists healing the Cui lands appear as irredeemable wastrels in their eyes. And there preaching and establishment of churches in your honor, joined by a few outcasts of the other refugee communities, has only further worsened and soured relations

To the point there clashes have already come to blows and violence, that, by necessity were pacified by local judicial forces and thankfully have no required any use of force beyond the gentle touch of padded clubs and solitary confinement and mediation.

While there are other issues you must solve, including the integration of the alien peoples into the society they exist on the fringes of and out of sight of, the forsaken of blight need to be reprimanded and taught and shown the proper way of coexistence. They require therapy, for generations of trauma and hardship.

Their main congregation is the limit of the rejuvenated Cui farmland, that most resembles the wasteland it had been reduced to by its previous wardens, where the replenishing and recovery efforts have left to have a noticeable and pronounced effect. They refuse the prefabricated homes and dwelling blocks, to instead live in hide tents. On the day of your arrival, they quarreled with a band of Vishnu Veterans, and required the attention of a white lotus hospital to prevent any causalities. On their side. Even trained soldiers find it a challenge to best a Vishnu Screamer in fair combat, and that is with fire arms.

"We should just spank them and scold them until they realize they're living in a veritable paradise world compared to their planet, and don't need to act like post apocalypse scavengers" Kanzeon grumbles, her mood soured by the foolishness of the forsaken already "There's no need to be so gentle with these trouble makers, when all of the problems and issues surrounding them come from their own actions"

"They are simply ignorant and panicked, they are adapting to a new existence and way of life, simply in the wrong fashion, they need guidance, not scolding" You argue and she sighs

"They've shown they're violent and believing they're in competition for resources still, and trying to forcefully convert nearby settlements to a nonsensical cult, even if they chose the best idol they could possibly find" She retorts but not harshly, just shaking her head "A gentle touch can come after they've been slapped on the wrist, it isn't like I'm saying to execute them"

"Though a few of their number did stray close to the gallows with their latest rabblerousing" You answer bitterly as you approach the collection of tents, where Flagellants scar their backs and zealots sear their flesh with the very same brand atop your brow, making your skin rise in gooseflesh and crawl "But before we speak of punishment, we must learn of their ways and understand their views"

"Of course" Your wife agrees as your presence is noted by those not lost in a religious fervor streaming up to you, hands clasped in a spread wing sign as they mutter prayers, beseeching you to save their kin still lost in the ashstorms of blight "I'm just saying if they get uppity is all"

Once the two of you clear the throng of celebrants, you sit down with the leader of the forsaken on Shangrala, a man whose face was disfigured by the dark natured Aeldari to resemble a eternal rictus grin, a injury the man claims is "a trophy of my durance". His name is Adrik

"Greetings, he who has guided us to the verdant fields" He says in broken, halting Long-Jianese "I've heard from the wardens of the white stone path, with the bang sticks, that our fervor has brought you misery and sorrow. I apologize. The younger men, the boys, do not speak your tongue, nor understand your frozen words, and are frightened and confused"

Kanzeon sighs, smiling as she sends a furious diatribe directly into your mind, since she does not choose to shout at the Adrik and ask how his people have lost all forms of written language

"They have" You answer morosely in the snappy, barking language of Blight "But I have come to ease the tension and help them understand they are free from Blight and are upon Shangrala, were water and food both are plentiful"

"They were raised from birth to fight for every scrap of a morsel and every drop of moisture, as you must be aware, Tender of green fields" He answers, and you glance to Kanzeon who plays her part in this discussion as you'd discussed prior to starting conversation with leader of this community of zealots

"He is, of course, well aware of the suffering of your people who were left abandoned on that blasted rock" She says "But I am not, and would prefer to be informed before he and I discuss how to solve the problems arising between your people and ours"

"It all began with the seeding" He begins sadly "When the world we rose from had a sky of turquoise and lapis, and the water was clear of color and smell, and children were born able to run and bound. Generations upon generations before my time, before the sky was turned to ash and all was made burnt and corroded, before the air seared our lungs and the very light of day cooked our flesh, before our ancestors defiled our mother world and reduced her husk to thrice damned blight"

The picture Adrik paints with the stories he tells you is clearly a mythologized version of events, of industrialization carried out with out oversight or foresight, by decedents of colonists who out of greed or simple ignorance, used up the resources of their world before the upper class and wealthy amongst them fled it, during a planet wide revolt that, judging from two tales of the "Black lake burner" and the "Man who slew iron giants", completed the ecological devastation of their world by destroying the factories that polluted it, sterilizing the soil, polluting the atmosphere and poisoning the water table. And the more stories you're told by Adrik and the other high priests he's raised up to their position, the more you realize there existence is the result of generational blindness and greed, the misuse of technology and extreme selfishness that lead to the death of a world. Yet they endured and adapted, and survived to the day, despite the follies of their ancestors.

The only answer you are not able to find in their tales, is the fate of the factory owners and overseers who fled their world, everything else is clear. Even why they chose to refuse the housing you offered them and why they are so volatile and surly. They do not realize that the mistakes of their forebearers, remembered as demons and black demons of soot, are not being repeated upon Shangrala.

So you educated them, and show them exactly how the industry of Shangrala differs. Leading them on a pilgrimage of true enlightenment, you show them that gathering sunlight on fogless mountains does not dim the sun, that using water to turn generators does not saturate or pollute the rivers with salt or chemicals, that the wind turbines will not steal the breeze. You show them that the chemical broths poured over the fields, invigorated the soil and make the cracked earth healthy and fertile once more and every reason for the odd behavior of their neighbors. And you show them you are not a god nor a prophet deserving of worship, by cutting your wrist and letting them watch it bleed. That you are as mortal as they are. The process of readjusting them to a life that is not lived in constant struggle and strife, takes months of lessons and education. Careful tutelage and gentle guidance.

The Forsaken rename themselves the Relieved throughout the process, and begin to sing songs rather than tell their stories with scars, choosing to replace them with paint when they see you talking with one of the xenos biologists treating the blight of the Nosa Rubigin . And rather than scavengers and fighters, they try their hand at farming, but few have the personality or talent for it. But find a surprising talent with animal husbandry, especially with the more tame and languid livestock of Long-Jia, though they consider the predatory sub species of cliff jumpers to be docile compared to the few surviving beasts of Blight.

And it was from that talk with the white lotus doctor that was visiting to check a theory they had, that you learn of their success in saving the Nosa Rubigin, and the cost of finding a cure. The Meadow of Shangrala suffered causalities and sorrows, some were to late to be saved, and some bravely sacrificed themselves to test treatments that proved capable of saving the plants that gave them their sickness to begin with. Or rather

A single individual, larger and healthier than the rest, endured every treatment the increasingly desperate doctors and oracle breeds could devise in their race to save the population before it withered away to grey leaves and dried stalks and petals.

The final causality of the blight was the father of all the Nosa Rubigin present upon Shangrala. He who greets the morning sun most proudly. Who, though you knew him shortly, you considered a friend.

"He..." The Oracle girl who stayed by him as he met the sun a final time "Wasn't afraid, at any point. We communicated through light projections, when his senses dimmed to much to notice the changes I applied to my pigmentation. He was happy, proud even, to protect his plot and meadow and cure them of their illness"

The cure for the blight, required extensive pruning of the Nosa and a injection of fresh genetic material taken and replicated from He who greets the morning sun most proudly. A single genetic marker, that was passed down to only a few of his plot, was all the was missing that kept him healthy while they withered before the onslaught of the plague. A gene that could only be extracted from the flesh of his bulb, the process of taking which weakened his immune system enough to allow him to fall victim to the blight, its last victim.

He demanded they perform the procedure, instead of finding an alternative, and in the labs of the oracle breed in the mountains of Hellias, a cure was manufactured from his biological material.

He who greets the morning sun most proudly, gave up his life to save his family. Who, in mourning him, produced the first of a shangralan born generation of Nosa Rubigin, each of the closest to him in his plot, taking on the mantle of the heads of their own plot, as the meadow grew.

The fledging Nosa look now different than flowers, but you can note the characteristics that denote them as Nosa Rubigin. And, terrifyingly, you hear that without the sacrifice of He who greets the morning sun most proudly, the cure with the most potential, considered by both the elders of the oracle breed and the White Lotus, would have rendered eighty percent of its takers sterile.

Though he will never know it, He who greets the morning sun most proudly, saved countless Nosa Rubigin with his valiant sacrifice. And he will never see his people be able to speak with the humans who so delighted him, as the inventiveness of the oracle breed creates a technological solution to communicating with them, and with the sickness necessitating their quarantine ended, you arrange for them to be introduced to the wider world of Shangrala, socialized and brought into the society of their temporary shelter.

And issue the merchants of mirth, being telepathic, have had no issue with and some of whom have already sought out jobs to become more wealthy through experience, and whom you've found the general and prevailing view of them is one of amusement and curiosity, as several of them have also been taken on as students of schools of philosophy and several whom have found kinship with your Journey. Though they've had and will continue to have an easier time find acceptance, because of how familiar they look. The Nosa Rubigin and the Sagit will have more difficulties due to their clearly alien appearance.

But the Se'ah'in will be more adapt at integrating and learning to live alongside humans, once a number of them mature and lose the wildness of their youth, though they have had little issue interacting with the likes of the Vishnu and New Varro, the way their language is structured has made your fellow Long-Jianese, bask, Shuni and the rare Aeldari caregivers subconsciously treat them liked children

Which has proven to be an easy way to earn the ire and enmity of most of the Se'ah'in, and despite their promises to be on their best behavior, they'd found that they won't be punished for some violent acts. Like slamming their tails in the water with enough force to generate waves that can bowl over all but the sturdiest of men, shriek at a frequency that causes fainting spells in Aeldari and humans, or, their new favorite activity, throw rocks at anyone they find annoying while lurking too far out in the water to be retaliated against.

And they adapt quickly to the number of mother tongues present on Shangrala, and learn just as swiftly how to mimic the voices of individual persons. But, according to the Se'ah'in you speak to, as you explain to refugees from a completely urbanized world why they cannot wander away from the road if they walk between towns at night with a direct demonstration of the lethality of Fog panthers, that Jaw Ripper is showing signs of reaching their mature stage.

And when you meet with the boss of all of the Se'ah'in of "Foggy land" as they call Shangrala, you to can see the signs, as she's started to put on blubber and visibly struggles to pull herself up onto the rock you're speaking to her atop from, though hasn't lost any of the youthful spirit possessing the rest of her fellow Se'Ah'in. Once you hear she and the rest of her people don't have any problems with their current home in the lakes of the Lomb, and they actually appreciate the Lomb's crafts and stories, and have been listening to them to not swim so deep to reach the wreck of Albinia, you depart from them to help Sharp-Talon as he is granted audience and a chance to tell his tribes story to Jinhai personally, the end result of a long process of figuring out how to facilitate communication between them and most of humanity, an effort assisted by several rising stars in the field of xenobiology and xenocommunications

Including the oracle breed girl who watched He who greets the morning sun most proudly as he expired, who is named Euterpe, Curly Applegate, who has become a close friend of most of the Nosa Rubigin and spoke on their behalf to eulogize He who greets the morning sun most proudly on a public speech broadcast planetwide, and one of the surviving Mao, who has grown to an young man, Mao Nianzu.

What is your primary focus after the initial efforts to integrate the various human cultures and alien species to Shangralan society, Lieren?

>Wait for Jaw Ripper to mature, and enlist their help in civilizing, educating and calming the more violent impulses of their juniors

>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.

>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time

>Trust your fellow Shangralans to teach and treat kindly the aliens, and redirect your attention to the stars and the exploration of the solar system of Shangrala

>Write in
>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.
>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time
>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time

Rip He who greets the morning sun, You were an alien but one of the good ones.
>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.

>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time
>>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.
>>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time
>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind
We need to do this while we wait for....
>Wait for Jaw Ripper to mature, and enlist their help in civilizing, educating and calming the more violent impulses of their juniors
Aquatroopers let's go, also rigging them up so the new way spreads through their species
>>Wait for Jaw Ripper to mature, and enlist their help in civilizing, educating and calming the more violent impulses of their juniors
>>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.
Shoukd probably get on that smuggling ring before it gets entrenched.

>Trust your fellow Shangralans to teach and treat kindly the aliens, and redirect your attention to the stars and the exploration of the solar system of Shangrala
Oh, the Jokaero!
I had a suggestion to send them back with the Emperor as they would have proven useful to his plans and at the same time been a relief for the shipgirls to have them offplanet...
But I forgot.

>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time
Monke see, monke do.
>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.
>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time
Never know the Monkey's might actually help with this, meditated alongside them or something?

Write in:
Specifically have our Sons begin hunting down the smuggler rings in space, the lads could do with some action as well as some zero/Low G combat experience since they missed out on the Solar reclamation and Lunar Conquest. Anything the lads find bring to dad and he'll likely let you keep it!

We need ot take some time to meditate during these decades/years.
1) On the Old Ones fragment
2) Look within and take a few more steps to enlightenment
3) Write more of the Journey [specifically about how times of plenty times of plenty serve to make you ready for times of less. We need to codify this stuff so it's not forgotten so done the line a few generations all we have is not taken for granted.]
4) Meditate on a few random fun things i'd suggest the local system, feel about...what if one of these dead worlds is a tomb world?
Supporting the write in part for the space marines but otherwise I vote for

>Wait for Jaw Ripper to mature, and enlist their help in civilizing, educating and calming the more violent impulses of their juniors
Write in:
Specifically have our Sons begin hunting down the smuggler rings in space, the lads could do with some action as well as some zero/Low G combat experience since they missed out on the Solar reclamation and Lunar Conquest. Anything the lads find bring to dad and he'll likely let you keep it!

adding this to my vote
For 1-2 there will be time no doubt for do that.
For 3, we could expand on the Journey whenever. Though its usually in more inspired and calm moments, like you can see here we are fairly occupied at the moment. I dont think they will forget about the past soon even with hundred of generations away, people will be inspired by the heroism of the past and the journey it self. Primarch worlds tend to look at their demigod a lot so that helps, even if its minimal.

I do approve of such addition when the time comes for write more, regardless. Sending the new part of the Journey around will be fairly easy.

4 Not a bad idea for training. I doubt it, at best a ruined and destroyed outpost. The dark eldars of the Stellar Hunt Kabal where using Shangrila by at least some centuries if not decades has a world to raid. While very full of themselves, they would still look out for stuff like that. This said. There might more stuff on the sister ships, this was the place of their escape but .... we dont know their place of origin. I can t help but wonder if the creators of this secret project worked with some of the Matoth colonies scientists. And we know what the Matoth where trying.....
Ok gents ive been doing some thinking and roadmapping of our current objectives beyond the simple; make life better fopr people and help dad unite the galaxy. Ive come up with long term goals and short term ones which can lead into on another. A simple fact is we cant have everything and vague direction is not enough. To that end i've determined a rough plan of action and wanted to ask opinions.

>Short term [Shangrala pre crusade arc]
1) Alien communication and Ensure system security: We lay the groundwork and set things up but we need to let others nurture it so we can focus on other stuff.
2) Personal Meditation upon the Old Ones plan fragments: We've got years we should be able to nut this out and apply that understanding.
3) Codify some more parts of the Journey after some meditation and self reflection; master that soul split we tried on Angron's World.
4) Simply expand industry; time will handle this fortunately.

>Mid term [Early Crusade]
1) Build our Legion into a rapidly deploy-able force using the Dragon Gates; Industry will resolve this
2) The Nameless; Keep checking in to ensure everyone's still taintless and to get an understanding of things
3) Aeldari localised support; maybe do a favour or to for the Aeldari to build rep, learn more history and galactic Lore but most importantly build to our longterm goals below
4) Dig into the past; Old Ones, Necrons and so on; we use our forces and allies to build a grander picture of things...maybe discover the little secret of mars or the truth of the Thunder Warrirors... understand Dad more.
5) Find a Blackstone fortress and make it a mobile base; I propose we don't set up our fortress monestry on Shangrala itself...leave the world unmarked by such things. We need to be mobile, we will recruit from many places; Become Fleet based.

>Long term [Whenever things line up]
Free isha; speaks for itself but we need allies among the Aeldari and our own forces. We swore to free her and inaction is abandoning that oath. We need to figure something out, a plan.
Arianka: Find the locations of the keys and then determine what to do with them, atleast know where they are to begin our quest
Fuck up Chaos: Our other goals chip at this

Thoughts? i feel we need to set ourselves a direction.
>Wait for Jaw Ripper to mature, and enlist their help in civilizing, educating and calming the more violent impulses of their juniors
>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind

Also support the spacemarine write in
Eldrad Ulthran had only recently returned home and his own chambers yet now lay in a restless slumber his mind strangely clear of dreams....which did not bring him peace but concern. The chamber was a sanctuary of silence, adorned with glinting wraithbone runes and pale ghostlight. Yet the shadows flickered unnaturally, their reach unsuitably long and flickering... a prelude to the disturbance that was about to unveil itself.

A soft, almost imperceptible whisper broke the stillness, accompanied by the delicate chime of bells. The Farseer's eyes snapped open, his senses alert. Standing at the foot of his bed was a figure cloaked in Mindnight like robes yet beneath iridescent colors shifted and swayed; Troupe Master of the Harlequins.

The Troupe Master moved with a haunting grace, his slide and sitting upon Eldrad's bed holding the feeling of both jest and menace. He held an ornate box in his hands, its surface decorated with intricate patterns that seemed to shift and writhe in the dim light.

“Farseer,” the Troupe Master’s voice was a sing-song lilt, carrying an undercurrent of danger. “A gift for you to pass on.”

Eldrad sat up, his eyes narrowing “And to whom is this gift meant to be delivered?”

The Troupe Master’s mask may have hid his face but the wicked smile could be felt through their very soul. He extended the box towards Eldrad, the shadows around them growing darker, more oppressive. “You know who,” he replied, his voice dropping to a sinister whisper... the shadows loomed like fingers.

Eldrad hesitated, his mind racing. The Harlequins were enigmatic, their motives often obscured by layers of trickery and hidden truths. Taking this box felt like accepting a piece of a puzzle, one that could lead to unforeseen consequences, like accepting the call to join a game whose rules he was not privy to? Yet, the weight of destiny pressed upon him, something pressed against him.

He steadied mind and hand as he reached out and took the box. The air grew colder, the light dimmer, as if the chamber itself recoiled from the dread gift now in Eldrad’s possession. The Troupe Master bowed deeply, his form melding with the shadows until he vanished completely, leaving Eldrad alone with the ominous package.

He stared at the box, feeling the threads of fate tighten around him knowing that whatever lay within was not just a gift, but a harbinger of events yet to come. As the darkness settled once more, Eldrad prepared himself for the path that awaited him, the cryptic words of the Harlequin echoing in his mind: “You know who.”

He looked to speak to the Harlaquin only to find his chamber empty once more; but he swore he could still hear laughter.
>The forsaken have come to see you, as one of their twenty prophesied prophets and saviors, who will guide them to a land of green and plenty.
Wait until they learn we have 19 brothers
>even if they chose the best idol they could possibly find
Kanzeon cute

>>Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.
We need a pastebin with all the races by now, at first it was just tiger people and bull people, but by now it's hard to keep track with all the xenos and humanity offshoots Lieren keeps bringing to Shangrala from his trips.
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>Specifically have our Sons begin hunting down the smuggler rings in space
A bit of overkill, but a hilarious kind of overkill, +1 to that.
Although our marines aren't really "investigators", they are just shock troops with affinity for working with mortals. But even if they only show up once or twice, directed by some clerks from the imperial space agency, it should put the fear of god into the criminals.
Now I wonder what Shangralian criminal underworld is even like. Do we got like triads or something?
>Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time
>Trust your fellow Shangralans to teach and treat kindly the aliens, and redirect your attention to the stars and the exploration of the solar system of Shangrala

Honestly Jokaero are so weird I wouldn't be surprised if they are sapient but super autistic.
Beyond that we can delegate without much issue, Lieren solved the big issues. We have some of the most competent subordinates possible that mog the likes of the mechanicus so we should USE THEM.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait. My PC didn't like the summer heat, and neither did I.

Continuing refining the methods for the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin to communicate easily with all of mankind.:8

Observing the Jokaero, since Kanzeon and her sisters have been avoiding them like the plague, and it seems they've been left to their devises all this time:7

Wait for Jaw Ripper to mature, and enlist their help in civilizing, educating and calming the more violent impulses of their juniors:4

Trust your fellow Shangralans to teach and treat kindly the aliens, and redirect your attention to the stars and the exploration of the solar system of Shangrala:2

Specifically have your Sons begin hunting down the smuggler rings in space...etc:4

Total votes:13

So Lieren will continue refining methods of communication between Humanity and the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin, while also observing the Jokaero and what they've been up to

writing now

Very nice, loved how you wrote Eldrad's thoughts
The methods of communicating with the Nosa Rubigin and the Sagit need to be further refined, as without extensive training or technology, speaking with them is all but impossible for ordinary men and women, unlike the merchants of mirth or Se'Ah'in who through telepathy or multilingualism are more than capable of conversing with and being understood by mankind. So, you turn your focus from assisting the human refugees and teaching them and the four alien races how to live harmoniously with their Shangralan neighbors and the scientists, doctors and diplomats assigned to them, as all of the early and current issues arising from the clashing of world views and cultural norms have been handled and understanding was being fostered between the cultural and species divide. And switch your attention to instead making it easier for the noble Nosa Rubigin and artful Sagit's voices to be better and more easily heard, as while the Merchants of Mirth enjoyed the acceptance and curiosity of your fellow Shangralans and the Se'Ah'in delighted them with their less volatile playful moods and enchanting and melodic voices, the Nosa Rubigin and Sagit were still approached with caution.

Their peculiar biology and clearly alien physiques, combined with the obstacle of their peculiar and unique forms of linguistics, made your fellow countryman apprehensive to approach and strive to learn of them, when even the trained scholars and xeno biologists struggled to make sense of their messages. A merchant of mirth could directly transmit their thoughts, and if one had ever spoken with a rambunctious child they could understand the speech patterns of the Se'Ah'in, but few could make sense of the rhythmic songs of the Sagit, produced by their stomping dances and the Sagit could not detect any sound higher pitched than cracking ice or the songs of whales though their written language was as easy as any other to learn but the lack of curiosity most Sagit possess means they are also not prone to approaching humans to attempt to speak with them. But even the challenge of figuring out how to make the average person be able to communicate with any Sagit at any time, pales in comparison to the obstacles faced the same trial but applied to the Nosa Rubigin, even with the break through Euterpe made using light projection devices, the writhing movements, chemical signatures and arrangment and color of flower petals would require specialized technology to mimic, as you could not expect everyone who expected to meet A Nosa Rubigin to carry vials of chemicals to mix and face paint to wear to have a passing exchange of greetings with the flowering aliens.

And while the Nosa Rubigin could "Speak" human tongues through the rubbing of their stalks and snapping their petals, and understand it they studied and learned the language properly, much was lost in the translation, subtle shifts in tone and expression would be lost.


However, working with the founders of the newly established inter species relations branch of the ministry of development, headed by Cao Yunru, Euterpe, Curly Applegate, and Mao Nianzu, who you had handpicked from the newly established field of Xenocommunications and Xenobiology, the solution to both of these issues was quickly found. Euterpe, in giving the ailing He who greets the morning sun most proudly a way to "hear" her voice as he spoke of his ancestors and the promised land he expected awaited him beyond the border of death, had stumbled upon an efficient and easily manufactured solution to both the difficulties in communicating with the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin.

A small, hand held device, that could transmit the low frequencies of the thumps and beats of the dance to the Sagit loud enough to be transmitted both as sound and vibrations through the ground, and would be able to synthesize the chemicals that the Nosa Rubigin used to communicate and project shadows and light to take the place of the shifting and tying and untying of their stalks and the movement of their petals in a manner even those who have not put in the effort to learn human languages, would be able to understand.

Cao Yunru and Euterpe express doubt that a device solely to facilitate communicate with two alien species could become widespread. However, that doubt only lasts for the time it takes Kanzeon to stop laughing, and for her to tell her sisters, particularly Al-Uzza about the worries of the two great minds. And you to, had already realized how such a device could be made wide spread.

With the capabilities already built into the device, being able to create and display light on or beyond its screen and manufacture artificial smells and produce sound, it could be easily turned into a means of communication and entertainment for the masses. Using the technology already widely used for both official and commercial means, that had allowed all manner of shows and broadcasts to be enjoyed and listened and watched by the population of Shangrala on mass, and miniaturizing it and making each hand held device capable of receiving and transmitting, not just sound and video, but scent and vibration as well through directing the receiving machine to mimic the commands imputed by the transmitting one, through a simple code that Kanzeon came up with as she teased Yunru and Euterpe about this worrying.

Installing language learning lessons alongside the various other functions to assist the owner of these devices in their day to day lives, including digital clocks, calculators and reminders and a few simple games, some to improve memory and others simply to entertain the users, and digital copies of the Journey and various other famous and well loved texts and writings, is a simple task.

Creating equivalents for the Sagit and the Nosa Rubigin to use, are more difficult, as the interface must be changed to be able to be comprehended through their alien senses, but with the assistance of the brightest of the Nosa Rubigin on Shangrala and testing each prototype with the aliens they're intended to be used by, progress is quickly made.

And, it is Mari and Cao Yanyu, who make the suggestion to make the Language Learning lessons colorful, with cute depictions of the Sagit and Nosa Rubigin decorating the digital pages and having the early lessons given in a synthesized voice before slowly including the alien's natural form of communication until it replaces the users chosen language entirely. And you also include lessons to learn the tongues of the Vishnu, Bask, Shuni, Zoroast, Hellias, Lomb, Nucerian, Prosperan, and the high and low gothic of Terra.

Which you cheekily decide to use your father and his aide Malcador's own images as the basis of the enticingly cute characters meant to evoke fondness in the students of the carefully coded and structured lessons. And, with the help of the imperial scholars, and the digital archives of Kanzeon and her sisters, you also create a wellspring of knowledge and a way of quickly searching for pertinent information or finding ones way through a city or the country side.

And then the project gets taken over by a strangely enthused Al-Uzza, who adds a number of other features, including some that will make the device not only useful for communication, entertainment or learning, but exploration as well, as is made to be capable of taking atmospheric and temperature readings. Soon, the first model is ready for mass production, and the materials used in its construction are chosen for both durability and availability, making them affordable and long lasting, while their shape and design is ergonomic and comfortable to carry or store on ones person, being shaped like the bamboo slips once widely used before they were replaced with superior technology and methods of communication, while an earpiece for private conversations is shaped like drooping flower, easily wrapped around the ear of the user.

And so it is only logical that the devices would be Digital Slips, or Digi-Slips. Or simply Slips.

And then you back out of the project entirely, as the first wave of testers begins requesting different colors of slips and wondering if there are pouches designed to carry them and their portable charging devices, leaving that problem to be solved by Al-Uzza.

While you turn your attention elsewhere, to the population of Jokaero that have been left to their own devices, as neither your wife or any of your sisters in law dare to approach them with even their drones and keep a distance from the alien creatures like they were plague rats.

And once you find them, and see that they have been well equipped to defending themselves from the local predators and had even tamed a few with devices that act like shock collars but that directly interfere with the synaptic process of the collared beast's brain activity, you see that the primates have not been idle.

In fact, as you stalk them, careful to avoid the detection of the strange devices they had made and the defenses around the trees they'd made their homes in the top of, you realize they've been building much more than trinkets and tools for survival and comfort. And that they are a customer of the smuggling gangs that have been troubling the imperial army, investigators and the newly formed celestial navy and exploration corps, as you watch from a distance, some of the smugglers exchange the raw materials they'd taken from the wrecks in the atmosphere or the yards where they are taken to be broken down and recycled and exchange them for the creations of the Jokaero, but only after watching them be used, as what the primates make seems to be rather random.

And some of what they trade for is used to make more domestic creations, to make it easier to make food or simply improved from its current design and left alone, but some they take and use to build what appears to be a space craft and some is taken to create what appears to be a communications array.

And when they're alone, and not being observed by their customers or passing hikers, woodsmen or hunters, they act much more clever and intelligent. You had suspicions they were wiser than they had seemed based on your initial observations of them, but the way they are acting, shows signs of sapience. True intelligence and comprehension of the self and the world surrounding the self.

But they were astute and clever enough to realize, having any complex thoughts or intentions while observed, by you particularly, would result in their true intelligence being discovered. Immediately. A realization that took one of the most dastardly and wickedly clever Aeldari moments to discover, and was a ruse they were only capable of maintaining until they sprung their attack.

And that every individual took part and contributed to this effort to disguise themselves as sub sapient animals, is nothing short of incredible. Even the Aeldari thought of them as primitive beasts. And even now, as you watched them, the signs were hard to discern, especially as you knew they could feel you watchful eyes if you focused on any of them for any extended duration of time.

The clever little furred devils! They even knew to intimidate the only other people who could detect their intelligence by stealing and taking apart technology in full view of them, knowing that their bodies were mechanical in nature at a glance of their physical avatars and used that to their advantage to be left in peace and not observed closely. And had even fooled you for a time

They just underestimated your ability to remain unseen and undetected, even by the precautions they had put in place. If they had been more cautious, they would've still kept up their ruse of unintelligence. Incredible. Magnificent even. Machiavellian. They disguised themselves animals with an instinct to tinker, take apart and invent, and fooled every mind that thought to investigate them. How humbling, to be played the fool. You almost laughed at the realization.

What do you decide to do, Lieren?

>Leave the Jokaero in peace, they are not harming anyone and it is amusing to think you are the only lifeform besides themselves privy to their secret

>Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers

>Decide the smugglers are a more pressing issue, and trail the ones they'd dealt with and follow them to their hide out and give them a scare they will not forget.

>Play a trick on the Jokaero and see if you could not outsmart them and manipulate them into assisting the colonization effort.

>Write in

Going to try and fit in a cutaway of somekind next update, just haven't found the right time to make one even though I've been planning on it

And I missed your vote for a space marine brute squad, but it would've been 1 less than enough to get into the update anyways, but felt like I should point out my mistake here
>Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers
>Decide the smugglers are a more pressing issue, and trail the ones they'd dealt with and follow them to their hide out and give them a scare they will not forget.
>Decide the smugglers are a more pressing issue, and trail the ones they'd dealt with and follow them to their hide out and give them a scare they will not forget.

>Play a trick on the Jokaero and see if you could not outsmart them and manipulate them into assisting the colonization effort.
>>Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers
>>Decide the smugglers are a more pressing issue, and trail the ones they'd dealt with and follow them to their hide out and give them a scare they will not forget.
>Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers

>Decide the smugglers are a more pressing issue, and trail the ones they'd dealt with and follow them to their hide out and give them a scare they will not forget.
>Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers

>Decide the smugglers are a more pressing issue, and trail the ones they'd dealt with and follow them to their hide out and give them a scare they will not forget.
>Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers
"And here I thought we'd come to an understanding and peace? But now you equip those whom seek to undermine my home...that's disappointing"

>Decide the smugglers are a more pressing issue, and trail the ones they'd dealt with and follow them to their hide out and give them a scare they will not forget.
Handle the smugglers then arrive in one of their craft to confront/talk to the sneaky monkeys.
>>Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers
>Decide the smugglers are a more pressing issue, and trail the ones they'd dealt with and follow them to their hide out and give them a scare they will not forget.
This is a prime moment to further bond with our Sons and also entrench our hunting tactics, spare a few however...
>Write in
Those whom are spared will be 'allowed' to continue their operations because wherever there are people there will be a black market and smugglers. Sometimes it pays to have a few deniable assets on the payroll and owing us. After all those we spare may well become big players in the Imperial Underground down the line and thus we will have our claws in there. The Scarlet Spider can handle it because she knows what we'll accept and what we'll prune....we will not waste possible assets, steer the underworld and ears to the ground.... maybe set up some of the New Varro gents like Red Rum since it's right up his street

>Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers
Offer them something better; we clearly know they wish to remain an unknown factor, we also know they want comfort. In exchange for their assistance in our own efforts state we will offer 'preserve worlds' where they will be left alone but under our protection since they will be in our domain. To all the rest of the Galaxy the falsehood will remain safely tucked away, if they wish to return 'Home' then tell us where it is or if they are fearful a safe place to drop them off so they can find their own way. Respectful but also clear we're not to be taken for a ride.

For cut aways, PoVs of the Smugglers could be fun, anyone from earth or our Xeno friends equally so. Maybe something from another Primarch Lieren might dream about a glimpse at the larger galaxy we're entering. Maybe someone watching us?
Changing vote to support anons plan

I'll support this.
Another primarch we havent see yet for our cutaway.
I'd love to see more of our legion, I'd hope in our general talks with the Emperor he told us something about them surely? Maybe a clip of how Angron, Perty or Magnus are going off script. Oh how about a Remembermancers log talking about how our sons interact given they must know their dads are tight?
>Supporting >>6055620
This. Further support from me.
The whole purging the smugglers is something that I was kind of weary on since that thing will grow back in a couple of years. Nobody can stop smuggling so best one can do is try and have some on your side monitoring for things that will ruin all the Feng Shui they enjoy. Things that will break their market, like WMDs.
The same issue of generational quality decay is going to happen with this as well so it will need periodic maintenance but vastly less of it if we want to constantly purge them every half a decade or so.
>Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers

>Decide the smugglers are a more pressing issue, and trail the ones they'd dealt with and follow them to their hide out and give them a scare they will not forget.

Amatheon if possible
He is a chill guy
The Golden Portal flickered out of existence with a dull whine of strained generators and flickering motes of light, swiftly the Master of Mankind and his Sigillite marched into the shadows of the Imperial palace followed only by a lone Custodian walking to their left. None spoke until finally they entered a hidden chamber which sealed behind them with a hydrolic hiss; Malcador broke the silance not with speech but a roar.

“I WARNED YOU!” he spun to face his old friend his voice returning to an even tone and volume, “I warned you the Second was adapting and developing to quickly. His path through life? The choice he makes? Now this? These Nameless? This is more than coincidence it must be memetic in nature!”

The Emperor was quiet in thought his radiance fading and becoming contemplative; “I'm not sure it is what I would have done-”

Malcador in a rare moment spoke over the Emperor his voice raised again; “IT IS WHAT I'D HAVE DONE!” evenness returned “It is what i'd have done. My friend this is getting out of hand, he is following the path of us to close at a pace ever escalating, if we are not careful he may well soon begin to run ahead.”

“Do you think he is a threat to my dream Old Friend? To humanity?” the Emperor asked solemnly.

“That is the wrong question to ask, instead you should ask yourself this question-” The old Perpetual sighed “-If you were confronted by yourself... what would you do about this opposing power if you found yourself in a superior position?”

At last the disguised Primarch spoke; “He seemed level headed, they'd work together for the Greater destiny of the species.”

Malcador kept staring into his friends eyes as the first found spoke the unsaid truth passing between the two with the dread of their own silence. The Emperor's resolve hardened; “We must have a contingency.”

The Primarch present looked between the two, “I'll do it. I shall be the dagger by his back until the time is right”

“No” simply said the Lightning Lord,

Malcador continued their thoughts as one. “Lieren didn't see through you but worked it out somehow, he has your measure and while I belive you may so edge him out in matters of intrigue... The Chimera has your scent now and will not be caught unawares, nor are you his match in combat.”

The Room was silent once more.... what to do?
>Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers

Bad idea to stick your hand in the criminal underworld cookie jar, you can monitor and just not act so long as things stay small time but the moment you have organized crime on the payroll is the moment you set yourself up for catastrophe. Do we really want Lieren to constantly have to baby sit the pet mobsters to keep things from going off the rails?
Not as much as babysitting but more along the line of you want to be organized you will submit to the Intelligence services.

The thing is criminality never goes away. It is human nature. You can have it disorganized or organized and of you have it organized you can make them be of service. Plus they do sometimes come with benefits, culture allowing.

As an example, some of the safest streets and cleanest streets are round illicit brothels or intoxicant sales points. Because if someone is being disorderly or a disturbance you will swiftly have a meat mountain of a man showing up to shove and slap that someone silly untill they leave the area as they can not tolerate disturbances to customer flow.

Plus if they are suborned by the intelligence services they also answer to political aims business allowing.

The criminality in 40k is massive like all things in it, and while inquisitors will eventually do this on a case by case basis it is mostly world dependent, making some words very, let's say porous to unknown logistics routes that make for nasty insertion vectors for things like warp artifacts, genestealers, etc.

Getting them in a position to be a resource for the nameless will make it a good way to keep things under control as rivals will always bank on imperial support to eliminate noncompliant or transgressing rivals that threatened imperial security.
Shangrala, where even fucking crime is optimised and collectivist.

Suck on it Guilliman,, and you Kurze
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the very long wait, had a touch of writer's block

Approach them and offer them better food and creature comforts if they assist Long-Jianese ambitions for the stars instead of benefit from the minor annoyance of the smugglers:14
-Offer them something better...etc:9

Decide the smugglers are a more pressing issue, and trail the ones they'd dealt with and follow them to their hide out and give them a scare they will not forget.:15
-Those whom are spared will be 'allowed' to continue their operations...etc:9

Play a trick on the Jokaero and see if you could not outsmart them and manipulate them into assisting the colonization effort.:1

Total votes:15

So Lieren will approach the Jokaero with an offer of anonymity and comfort and "Preserve worlds" in exchange for their assistance. And decide the smugglers are a issue needing solving and work with those who haven't committed heinous enough crimes through their illegal activities to deserve death as punishment for them

Writing now

I adored this, Malcador's ranting brought a smile to my face immediately and the cheeky reference to a certain yet unformed organization everyone loves
Not as much collectivist as.. well east European / potentially eastern where they routinely are under the auspices of the intelligence services for certain things once they get to a certain size, and they constant lose card gems with the local police chief because they are officially bad card players, and as long as they do not make a scene to be a trouble politically. It is understood that the intelligence services will immediately sell them out to law enforcement if they make serious political inconvenience, and will straight up end up disappearing if threatening national security.

This there is a weird regulated an cap side to things once you get organized and have the necessary size. Solo criminals need not apply. Unless they are basically white collare or blue collar contractors to said larger entities.

It is a bit weird and one post will not be enough to explain it.
tl;Dr it is more of a combination of waste not want not, asset retirement plan and do not make a scene and rocks will not fall from the sky.
You approach them silently and watch them as they work for a time, as they are so engrossed in their labor that they do not notice you standing right beside or behind them, so greatly do they trust the countermeasures they put in place, the hidden sensors and arcane detectors that are hidden throughout their campsite and on their person. You only reveal yourself to the leader of the group of Jokaero after spending a minute or perhaps two watching them code complex instructions that would turn one of the most important layers of defenses wholly automized to the point its actions could be mistaken for true intelligence. Stroking your chin, you nod, admiring the code you do not understand, as alien to your eyes as a star whose light has not reached either of the two worlds you have stood upon.

"Fascinating, I must assume that code is truly efficient for you to spend so long writing it, and the size of it even when condensed by whatever arcane mechanism you employed just now, with this gesture across the screen" you speak, causing the ape like alien to start and swing their head around, jaw agape as they freeze as you mime the motion, which is like pinching but more gradual and exaggerated.

They slowly lift their hand towards the screen, and look over your shoulder, tracing the electronic signal to a few alarms the size of gnats and what appears to be a stationary turret folded in on itself until it was the size of a small piece of a paper, easily missed withing the foliage.

You flick your sleeve and shake your head

"You have nothing to fear from me" You say in a soothing and disarmingly tone, lowering your hand and head "I will not crow and proclaim the true depth of your species intelligence. I've only tracked you and your kinsmen to this place, out of curiosity"

The head Jokaero slowly lowers their hand, the mechanical apparatus around their eyes changing hue as they magnify their vision and lifts another hand, sending the other Jokeaero who had to paused in their toil to watch and wait for further orders back to their work.

"And to wonder why you would waste your time providing services for scum, when I can direct far more bountiful resources to you instead, in exchange for fortuitous assistance and uncanny support. You may make whatever you like to or require for your comfort, but rather than trading with those salvagers and smugglers, you could make for me a few key components and miraculous devices to hasten my people's flight to the stars and receive more raw materials to work with" You offer, holding out a hand to them "And, even if you refuse to lend your people's mechanical expertise to us, I will ensure you will find safe harbor on worlds under my protection, or else be escorted to wherever you consider home or a safe harbor if you are fearful of me and mine"

The Jokeaero sticks out their tongue, and plucks a beetle from their beard of fur, and places it on the tip, crushing and grinding it as they look away and consider your offer. You keep your hand extended as they ponder your generous terms for several more moments, before shrugging their shoulder, snorting in through their nose, gathering phlegm and snot into their saliva before spitting it in the palm of their hand and taking yours and giving it a firm shake. Their expression turns from mechanical and dull witted to cheerful and bright minded as they hoot and holler and snap their fingers, turning from you and returning to dragging their fingers across the screen in front of them

"So these terms are accepted and the pact is sealed" You state, just for formalities sake as you'd already perceived their acceptance as they shook your hand "You can expect the first shipment of parts to be...Oh, you have a list of requests"

Kneeling down, the elder Jokeaero points out components from several classes and designs of ship that have been brought down from the heavens already, information that is classified except for the workers charged with transporting and dismantling them to deliver them to the foundries of Kanzeon or one of her sisters.

"That can be done, easily" You answer with a nod, smirking as you see the next line of demands "As can your request for a supply of fresh and dried fruit. You can expect every component you've asked for and the fruit as well to arrive before the end of the week. I will just need to arrange it so it seems this is not a deal, but rather bribery and that the beneficial results and useful tools you make in exchange are merely the result of good fortune and the whims of a curious creature. Maybe I can use some nobles I know as a cover, or just openly state I am curious about the capabilities of the wonderous Jokeaero beast?"

The old Jokeaero chuckles and shrugs, telling you through text that you should do whatever works, which makes the two of you laugh, having achieved mutual understanding and found a way to benefit both of your people without revealing the true depths of Jokeaero intellect or taking advantage of their innate abilities. And while you figure out exactly what you will ask them to make to assist the space and colonization efforts and programs, you make sure they will not deal with any more smugglers on the side and that the ones who have made a business of pilfering and secreting away the salvage from the old wrecks above Shangrala do not become an enemy to prosperity or a danger to society.

And use this as an opportunity to teach your astartes and forge closer bonds with your sons. While none of these criminals had become a true threat, several of them had clashed with enforcers of the law and even imperial soldiers and who knows what the more selfish and violent minded of them would do with the gifts they had received from the Jokeaero?

Though those who haven't done any wrong so great or crime so wicked or damaging that their only punishment could be execution, you intend to treat kindly and fairly and spare them. Perhaps even organize their activities under a certain spider, once you've made sure they do not induate any black market they visit with weapons or dangerous technologies, but harmless curiosities and the like. The sort that you are certain will attract the attention of the wealthy and well to do. And having a controlled and reasonable criminal element that does not deal in murder or other reprehensible acts and markets, could prove valuable in the future and if nothing else will give those with the skill sets, drive and capabilities to sneak past imperial authorities and sneak into orbit through one means or another when space travel has yet to become available for anyone besides government officials and workers.

Talents that could prove useful in may fields and situations, and would be wasted treating all of these smuggling crimes as if they were of the same severity.

You've already decided that the smugglers you found trading with the Jokeaero today, can be safely left alone for the time being, as they are doing what they are out of a sense of wonderment and innocent curiosity. And judging from their age and demeanor, are little more than bored youths rebelling just for the thrill of rebellion alone and think the wonderous technology they bartered with as little more than flashy accessories or neat toys to play with. But you know they have much more dangerous competition and peers.

Having that gang of youths be infiltrated by one of the Scarlet spider's underlings, won't be to difficult to achieve, but as you study the reports you requested from Qian Xia herself, that she delivered immediately through a secure channel between a slip you carry and hers, you realize that dealing with the more dangerous criminal elements and gangs who have already gone beyond thievery to carry out more serious crimes will not be as simple as killing bandits was back when you were a servant of Gao.

It hasn't been made public knowledge how a few clashes between smugglers and imperial authorities had resulted in causalities on the side of law, or that a few of these skirmishes were lost by the imperial soldiers that have been cracking down on their illegal activities. A cover up to keep the populace calm and unafraid of thugs and brigands carrying enough fire power to, in at least one instance, cripple a Dai iron turtle. and who knows what else the careless orange furred aliens has given them? Judging from a few accounts, at least one of these newly risen gang lords has been given augments of a kind that increase their strength to super human levels. You will have words with whichever Jokeaero decided to give them so dangerous of weapons so freely.

This has just become more complicated, but the reports show that you need to act swiftly before they gangs become emboldened or entrenched in the peaceful society of Long-Jia and beyond.

Which of the worst of the smuggler gangs do you personally lead your astartes to dismantle, Lieren?

>The Fox Eye Triad, former military who have grown dissatisfied with their careers, lead by a surviving Yan soldier who has spread a lie that they are approved by the remnants of that family. Reports indicate they are beginning to start protection rackets and have no fear of the imperial army

>The Blackguards. A bask based gang, started by a common thief who grew to hate the chivalrous ideals extoled by their fellows. Act without honor and have no preference to the crimes they commit beyond smuggling

>Celestial orphans. Shuni mystics of a nihilistic philosophy who at seeing the monstrosity of their overlords, have denounced their ways, but now make use of the technology they stole to frighten and take advantage of the superstitious. And deal and make narcotics

>Unlit flame. Zoroast merchants who have realized the untapped market of illicit technology, and have only caused problems within Zoroast lands . Have a revolutionary rhetoric to split the united Zoroast kingdom into individual states once again, but oddly do not seem troubled to be under Long-Jian rule

>Write in
>The Fox Eye Triad, former military who have grown dissatisfied with their careers, lead by a surviving Yan soldier who has spread a lie that they are approved by the remnants of that family. Reports indicate they are beginning to start protection rackets and have no fear of the imperial army

>The Blackguards. A bask based gang, started by a common thief who grew to hate the chivalrous ideals extoled by their fellows. Act without honor and have no preference to the crimes they commit beyond smuggling

>Celestial orphans. Shuni mystics of a nihilistic philosophy who at seeing the monstrosity of their overlords, have denounced their ways, but now make use of the technology they stole to frighten and take advantage of the superstitious. And deal and make narcotics

The Zoroastrian who want to have a collection of vassal free cities instead of a vassal kingdom are perhaps the least issue. But usurpation of legitimate authority, violence for the sake of violence and nihilist faux cult are kind of an issue imho.

I mean the organized crime has to develop their own honour code / NAP, you know the one that goes with the whole do not killing random civilians, no kidnapping for human trafficking, there are civilized methods like emotional manipulation and debt work off, etc and obviously not fucking going against the state power holy fucking shit. So if the Zoroastrian are going to just have a hand in the future organization of their land and not going against it they have not crossed a line.
>Fox eye.

No, fuck you. Legitimate force is our stick.
First to go should be the
>The Fox Eye Triad.
Then we get rid of the
>Celestial orphans.
And at the end we deal with
>The Blackguards.
>>The Fox Eye Triad
>The Fox Eye Triad, former military who have grown dissatisfied with their careers, lead by a surviving Yan soldier who has spread a lie that they are approved by the remnants of that family. Reports indicate they are beginning to start protection rackets and have no fear of the imperial army

Can't believe the Orphans are Nurgle followers.
>The Fox Eye Triad, former military who have grown dissatisfied with their careers, lead by a surviving Yan soldier who has spread a lie that they are approved by the remnants of that family. Reports indicate they are beginning to start protection rackets and have no fear of the imperial army
Just like old times.
- Regardless of choice each criminal member that is captured will be interrogated and their minds looked upon. This should allow to find much from secret bases, warehouses, meeting areas, to contacts and work methods.

- We should also make a petition to all Shangrila States (Long-Jia Empire, Bask Republic, Shuni Kingdom, Vishnu Imperial Protectorate, Zoroast Kingdom, Hellas Coalition etc....), in reinforcing and expanding upon their judiciary/police forces. Especially on matters of investigation and counter crime terrorism/terrorism. Ensure they have training for work with eachother too.
>Fox Eye Triad
- Run a sincere campaign of diplomatic effort for the remnants of the Yan family, for ensure their own rep isn' tarnished by these dead tyrants servants
- Use this for force the Triad to split in multiple groups
- Kill all of them, then the wounded gets all hanged. Ensure its shown around and broadcasted no form of tyranny will be tolerated

>The Blackguards
- Full on hunt
- Anyone left alive is put on public display for tell their sins and denounce completely this type of behavior across all of Shangrila. Then they are hanged.

>Celestial orphans
- Run a information campaign in rural Shuni communities
- Begin to ambush and hunt organization members, until a full eradication is achieved. Use the inevitable drug selling points/areas they must have for find the drugs sources
>The Fox Eye Triad, former military who have grown dissatisfied with their careers, lead by a surviving Yan soldier who has spread a lie that they are approved by the remnants of that family. Reports indicate they are beginning to start protection rackets and have no fear of the imperial army

>The Blackguards. A bask based gang, started by a common thief who grew to hate the chivalrous ideals extoled by their fellows. Act without honor and have no preference to the crimes they commit beyond smuggling
All of these organization deserve to be destroyed. They will not prey anymore on the bright future of Shangrila, now that there is some time dedicated to resolve the criminal problem. Be the desire of the old Yan rule, malevolent criminals, fear spreading drug addicts or dangerous separatists that dont know what they are playing with
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>Lieren & the gang invented shangralian smartphones, duolingo and google maps
It's over. It's only a matter of time before image boards are invented.
Chibi Malcador and Emperor being mascots for learning gothic is hilarious though, good one, Leiren. Have a pic of duolingo Emperor, Malal.

The phones are also weird as hell. It's like a flip phone but instead of 2 halves it's got 20 long thin segments and it rolls into a cylinder when closed? Cool, sure.
>The Blackguards
Straight forward bandits. Just kill 'em all. Surprised the local knights didn't get them sooner, in all their fervor.
>The Fox Eye Triad
Also simple cleanup. Come on now, you don't wanna flex your might too much as a criminal on shangrala. Oh, you can blow up a turtle tank? Ok, now Lieren and space marines are gonna come knocking.

The other too are more nuanced than just "kill em all", unfortunately.
Shuni drug dealers are troublesome because even if you remove the supply, the demand(all the addicts) stays, and somebody gonna fill in anyway. Probably gonna be a long headache with this one.
Unlit flame seem weird. Only operate in their lands, never question the rule of Long-Jian, despite separatist rhetoric. I think they might be trying to fly under the radar and avoid Imperial(and Lieren's) attention, which is understandable. And seems to be working, since I'm not voting for them lol. Still, I wonder what's the deal with "balkanize Zoroast NOW". Like, to what end?
>The Fox Eye Triad, former military who have grown dissatisfied with their careers, lead by a surviving Yan soldier who has spread a lie that they are approved by the remnants of that family. Reports indicate they are beginning to start protection rackets and have no fear of the imperial army
>The Blackguards. A bask based gang, started by a common thief who grew to hate the chivalrous ideals extoled by their fellows. Act without honor and have no preference to the crimes they commit beyond smuggling

The government can handle the other two in all likelihood.
>Like, to what end?
More borders, this more demand for smuggling. Also local laws of what is or is not illegal or excessive taxed.

They seem to just want vassal Italian city-states instead of Italian kingdom.
At least at face value.
I hope we get a dialogue between Malcador and E about the nameles
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Sorry for the really long wait, but its going to be a bit longer. I've had a really rough week. Going to try and get an update out tomorrow or the day after, but I can't make any promises. Machine spirits have been a real pain in the ass. Haven't had internet pretty much since the last update

That's fantastic! I love it, what is chibi E saying thou?
..... These scammers could be useful for an invasion force. Identifying weak points and targets for subversion in non-compliant worlds that don't require an invasion force.
Would also be good guides for rooting out chaos in other civilizations.
>Celestial orphans
"Nihil est in warp, solum imaginato tua est" "There's nothing in the warp, it's just your imagination"
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Sorry again for the excessively long wait, Calling the vote now.

The Fox Eye Triad, former military who have grown dissatisfied with their careers, lead by a surviving Yan soldier who has spread a lie that they are approved by the remnants of that family. Reports indicate they are beginning to start protection rackets and have no fear of the imperial army: 11

The Blackguards. A bask based gang, started by a common thief who grew to hate the chivalrous ideals extoled by their fellows. Act without honor and have no preference to the crimes they commit beyond smuggling:7

Celestial orphans. Shuni mystics of a nihilistic philosophy who at seeing the monstrosity of their overlords, have denounced their ways, but now make use of the technology they stole to frighten and take advantage of the superstitious. And deal and make narcotics:5

Total votes:12

So since Lieren CANNNOT be in more than one place at once (Currently), he will directly lead his astartes in dismantling the Fox Eye triad, and will do the same for the blackguards and the celestial orphans if his sons are unable to bring them to heel before the triad is destroyed. While the Unlit flame shall be left untouched for the time being

Writing now

Of the four most dangerous smuggling gangs that have emerged to benight the prosperous society of the nations of Shangrala, you determine that of their number, the Unlit Flame are of the least overall concern and could potentially meet lesser punishments if their crimes remain confined and petty compared to their competition in the juvenile black-market of archeotech and Jokaero inventions.

Of the remaining three, the so called fox eyed triad are the most dangerous. Spreading libelous rumors and lies about the shamed and humbled Yan family, descendants of the wily old fox whom died magnificently in the midst of the assault on the butcher's temple and whose lineage you will not se besotted and blighted by the falsehoods spread by ambitious washouts of the imperial army and holdouts who still hold loyalty to the old dynasty for whatever repugnant reason draws men to tyrants buried and inspires them to remember their reigns of terror and oppression fondly. Nostalgia is a dangerous illusion, and these murderous thugs and would be rebels wield mock legitimacy like a cutpurse would a cudgel. And they have killed men and women who had fought and bled for the betterment and security of Long-Jia and all of Shangrala.

Their very existence not only offends you, it enrages you. The blackguards and Celestial orphans, disgust you and earn your contempt, and will be swiftly dealt with as well. But their threat compared to the triad is far lesser. The blackguards are little different than the common bandit clans you extinguished long before Shangrala was unified and flourishing, simply better equipped and organized, but like any bandit will break upon clashing with a truly professional and tested force of veteran soldiers. The celestial orphans deal in illicit and admittedly dangerous substances, but most of their influence and power comes from how they make use of superstitions still common in the population, especially the rural and less well to do rungs of it. Their illusion of cosmic mastery will be quite readily erased when they are met by your sons in battle, or even off of it, if your more talented pyskerism blessed progeny lure them into a duel of "sorcery".

With the additional assistance of bask knightly orders, Shuni bushwhackers and royal guard, and the imperial army, these three gangs have little chance and nearly no probability of persevering in the face of your efforts to dismantle them.

However, the fox eye triad is dangerous and repugnant enough that you will directly move against them and personally tear them down with your own bare hands if need be. Too many lives, too many of them your friends had died to topple the Yan and their fellow tyrants. You refuse to tolerate a sect that raises up those monsters in human guises up to honored ancestors and misunderstood heroes.

The triad will recall why there was a sliver of truth in the propaganda spun by their deceased masters dubbing you an Ogre.


"Dae-Hyun. Nikephoros" You command with a flick of your sleeve "I trust you both in leading the efforts to bring ruin upon these gangs sullying Shangrala and endangering its people. Your fellow elites and high ranking officers, will be expected to follow your lead. Dae-Hyun, you shall eliminate the blackguards, you should understand well the intent of these simple orders. Leave none of them alive, spare none of them the noose or guillotine. Trample their ambitions, like a bear would all beneath it. They are common brigands and cutthroats, I do not expect your campaign against them to be long. Nikephoros, the psykers among our forces, are yours to command, but they shall be lead by Rafaī́l Táphos, who is to be given an allowance of freedom in deciding how his blessed brothers will be deployed, on and off the field of battle. These opium peddlers will be deprived of every illusion and slight of hand they have used to terrorize the shuni folk ripped from them. Do not merely hunt them down, destroy their image"

"Ten Four, Genesire. Bastards won't know what hit them" Captain Nikephoros responds with a casual salute, as he and dae-hyun come to an unspoken understanding that the other nine of the eleven of your most trusted sons will be divided evenly under their command in this operation

"In the snow that buried auntie Mari, these blackguards shall find no sanctuary and no escape. They will die like the dogs they are, flea ridden and afraid. Afraid like the innocents they have preyed upon. They will be forgotten, like all those who have stood in our way or rallied against us have been" Dae-Hyun answers, a bit more poetically than his battle brother, smiling a smile very much like your own. Predatory, dangerous

"Though I must asked, honored father, who shall lead the assault upon the fox eye triad" He asks curiously, though he is well aware of the answer, as is Nikephoros, as both of them saw you crush a crystal glass to powder as you read the reports of the organization and criminal activities of the triad

"I shall personally snuff out that last ember of Yan loyalty, and ensure they do not tarnish the memories of those who have put left the dark history of their degenerate kin where it belongs, in the past" You answer with a cold gleam in your eyes "They are a threat, more dangerous than any other present upon this world at this time. They've become too brazen and claim false legitimacy to explain their abhorrent and wicked deeds. They are bold enough to attack imperial soldiers and even war machines. They will be shown that they have courted death by way of the enemy of the masters they mourn. Perhaps some of them will consider than a privilege, an honor. But they will meet the end all murderers who meet my gaze do"

Nikephoros pantomimed exactly what awaited them if they survived battle with you to be captured, and laughed from his belly with Dae-Hyun about it


But, how exactly do you approach destroying the triad, Lieren?

>They bully the weak and use excessive force to cow and oppress. You will simply show them a force stronger than the weapons they were given. The space marine.

>Contact the Yan family, and have them publicly denounce the triad and as thanks, memorialize the old fox Yan Zihao with a poem

>Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.

>Infiltrate the organization with loyal men and women and have them lead the triad into a fatal ambush, lured in by the promise of riches and plunder.

>Write in

I'll try to deliver the promised cutaway/ artifact record in the next update or shortly after it
>Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.
Poetry at its finest. Worship the Yan tyrants, perish like the Yan tyrants
>Contact the Yan family, and have them publicly denounce the triad and as thanks, memorialize the old fox Yan Zihao with a poem
>Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.
Rotten to the core, rotten throughout.
>Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.
>>Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.
>Contact the Yan family, and have them publicly denounce the triad and as thanks, memorialize the old fox Yan Zihao with a poem

>Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.
>>Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.
Its hanging season. They shall attack eachother and fall on their own in the rope.

>Contact the Yan family, and have them publicly denounce the triad and as thanks, memorialize the old fox Yan Zihao with a poem
I dont want the remaining Yan to feel even remotely associated with these leeches or the old Yan.

Its good to train our sons in the ways of political sabotage
Brother Noahlucas sat in the smoldering ruins of a laboratory that a mere hour ago was the den of vice and he dared even say; Sin. He counted himself fortunate to b among those chosen to purge the alchemists and mystics whom sought to poison his genesires home, whom sought to exploit the true peace his Father had purchased with the blood of heroes he'd wished to have known.

The labs was a smoldering wreak now, a vast hall of shattered glass, plant cinders and bones...even these Celestial orphans had burnt once slain but only after they'd been taught the lesson of his Primarch, only after the message had been mad clear to all the underworld watching from shadows. It was why he'd volanteered to remain behind to ensure the work was done and to mop up any scavengers whom came by. As he stood in the dark armour power systems cycled low he meditated just is Primarch had taught, he looked inward and felt the stillness of mind considering his mission, considering, ruminating...the epiphany came among the dying embers carried upon the wind.

“A peace gained by gentle hand is soft and can well be crushed by the vile but can slowly be reshaped once again, a peace forged by the gauntlet of terror is strong and unyielding but is cruel and brittle. Peace requires both hands; One much teach virtue to nurture hope and a gentle peace while those whom seek to break it must face terror's grip. Balance? No...Contrast for Balace without perspective is worthless.... one must know both to see the value of each.”

He smiled to himself and looked forward to recording this in his journal but first...it seemed he had unwelcome company, while the Celestial Orphans may have burnt these ones? These ones would hang.
>Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.
We could effortlessly crush as triad with brute force, but this is our cradle, we have much support available to us here.
The time will come when we will need to eliminate crooks in a world where we have no support yet. It is good for our sons to practice here.
>Contact the Yan family, and have them publicly denounce the triad and as thanks, memorialize the old fox Yan Zihao with a poem
>Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.
>Contact the Yan family, and have them publicly denounce the triad and as thanks, memorialize the old fox Yan Zihao with a poem
>Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.
>>They bully the weak and use excessive force to cow and oppress. You will simply show them a force stronger than the weapons they were given. The space marine.
Fuck 'em. No need for tricks, when there is a more efficient way.
Cool line, about people always gloryfying past tyrants. Also, courting death mentioned, lets gooo!
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait, was feeling somewhat out of sorts.

Use this as an opportunity to show your sons how you sowed paranoia and distrust to bring low the Yan nobility and prepare the grounds for the rebellion that dethroned them. The triad shall destroy the triad.:10

Contact the Yan family, and have them publicly denounce the triad and as thanks, memorialize the old fox Yan Zihao with a poem:6

They bully the weak and use excessive force to cow and oppress. You will simply show them a force stronger than the weapons they were given. The space marine.:1

Total votes:11

So Lieren will contact the surviving branch of the Yan family and have them publicly denounce the triad, and memorialize Yan Zhihao with a poem as thanks, and take advantage of the triad as learning opportunity for the 2nd legion, by using the gang as a micro example of the methods he used to sow paranoia and distrust amongst the yan nobility to weaken them in preparation for the rebellion

Writing now

Really enjoyed this, especially the revelation the space marine had, good stuff
Their grandfather had never allowed them to meet their royal relatives, nor did he spend long in the former capital from which they ruled from the now long demolished celestial incarnation palace. Yan Yongnian remembered, in his childhood, when the man who is remembered by the nation as a general of great renown and ability and a soldier of indomitable will and tenacity but by him and his generation of fox eyed children as a kindly old, nurturing soul, had come up to him and spoke of the wrongness and disgusting habits of the imperial line descended by his nephew, the emperor Weizha, of corruption and evil that was not spoken beyond the six palaces of their royal cousins. Stories he did not spread, nightmares he kept to himself and prayed were bitter words spoken by jaded old soldier.

When Lieren had come and slaughtered the majority of their family and servants, Yongnian knew that Grandfather Zihao had kept the worst of their crimes hidden and obscured. And he still recalled the days of terror and uncertainty, of what fate awaited them after the end of the people's successful rebellion. At the time, neither he nor his father had expected to be granted mercy by the golden eyed giant, who had in a night slaughtered their cousins with the contempt of a mouser chasing rats from grain. Yongnian had been grateful to avoid meeting the man himself, the stories he heard were enough, he could still not bear to watch the recordings of him or hear his voice, out of fear that somewhere inside him, the rot that had ruined the main branch of the yan family lurked and the son of nothing would find it even if he simply met his gaze from a video broadcast.

Which was why, he was frozen stiff with terror, when, on the humble farming estate he had managed to purchase with the inheritance left behind by his beloved grandfather, the iron haired Lieren had suddenly appeared, dressed in a stately white robe and wearing his hair casually, untied and unadorned.

Now he sat across from the man who the stories made seem so small when he saw him with his own eyes, a cup of tea and rice and bean broth place between him. Yongnian's fox eyes stuck to the tea to see the reflection of the man who hunted panthers, found them poor sport, and then turned his spear against tyrants. The man who had broken the back of the butcher king, a demon made of iron, and who had flown into the night and tore apart the terror that was Kamal Kannon. The man who had brought peace and tranquility to Long-Jia and eventually all of Shangrala, by fighting men who would make even his imperial relatives seem as frightening and grotesque as invalids.

"They claim to have been given permission and endorsement by your family" Lieren spoke, with a voice as heavy as a mountain yet as delicate as silk "That their criminal activates have been approved and encouraged by the lingering yan and the authority taken from your unworthy kin yet holds enough influence and importance to allow them to act without oversight and outside of the laws, to demand tithes for protection and to claim ownership of the property of the government"

"I have never heard of this triad" Yongnian rattled, ashamed by how weak his own voice sounded, how faint "As the head of my family, after the death of my father by stroke, I have done no such thing. And wouldn't dare to challenge to rule of the Long-Jia dynasty"

"I am aware. And you have my condolences that the shock of defeat sent your father to an early grave. However, your silence on the matter, only serves to allow the triad to use the lie they have made to assume powers and privileges only permitted to the proper and right authorities" The giant guest spoke and Yongnian realized why he had come, and felt a great weight crushing him, even as the fears he had that he had somehow sinned in a way only perceivable by the natural predator of the wicked was washed away "You will go before the nation, side by side with Emperor Long-Jia, and publicly denounce and rebuke these blackguards, for all whom they hold under the thumb with the fantasy they are backed by the old dynasty to hear"

"These...these gangsters are dangerous are they not?" Yongnian said, instead of the protest he wanted to make, that he desperately wanted to stay out of politics and governmental work, and far away from the righteous men who had cast down his family from their throne and who had fought alongside his grandfather in his final days "Surely they will come after me for exposing their manipulations"

"You will be protected, by warriors far more effective and terrifying than smugglers who rally behind the graves of tyrants and abominations" The wanderer of the deepest mists said with a tone as sharp as a cutting razor, sending tremors down Yongnian's back "All I ask, is that you speak against them, and renounce any claims of comradery and service they claim to have to you and your relatives, Yongnian. And their shadow will not trouble you for long, for to keep a weed from regrowing, one must pull it from its roots before dealing with its thorns, you understand"

Yongnian could still not muster the courage to lift his eyes from the reflection, shuddering as he saw the way the much loved Lieren smiled. It reminded him of a documentary on the fog panthers and their relatives he had seen, how one male had gazed directly into the camera with a look the former noble could only describe as feral dominance.

<Preserved recording from a speech given by Yan Yongnian, who later went on to be one of the first settlers of the planet <Data undergoing cleansing> , condemning the actions of a gang of criminals of little historical significance, and are only of importance because the lessons learned by the 2nd legion had greater impact, particularly the battle of <Data undergoing review> against the <Data being recovered> during the <Data undergoing inspection by magos <Data redacted by personal request>>

"There is no legacy of the Yan worthy of remembering with fondness. They were tyrants and brutes, one and all, though I share my blood with them, I scorn any who would glorify their reign, forgetting their transgressions against mankind and against nature. They were repugnant, vermin dressed in silks. We've all seen the videos and images taken from the last day of the celestial incarnation palace, seen the scars and malformation of the survivors of their attention and "favor. They were monsters, and should be remembered as such. My family, is ashamed to be born from the same branch as them, but proud to be free of the same corruption and sickness of the mind that lead them to abuse the nation, land and people. And of the thugs who claim I have given my backing and approval of their wickedness and villainous ways, I shall say nothing, except they disgust me more than the blood in my veins that I shall with vile Weizha and his ilk! They would wash the stains from history and erase the wrongdoing and sins of the tyrants who viewed us all as fodder or meat or their own personal playthings! And they would proudly chant the names of these devils while they murderer real heroes to satiate their own greed and...!

<Their would be no successful attempts on the life of Yan Yongnian, whose impassioned opposition of the old dynasty is considered one of the reasons that the regal name Yan persisted well into <Data outdated, blanked out until proof is found connecting one Chapter master <Data missing> and the genetic descent of the Yan family>

<Secondary artifact. A poem written by Primarch Lieren, memorializing the heroic general who either fought alongside the initial stock of recruits of the second legion taken from Shangralans populace or a reinforcement of astartes that somehow arrived on the world from terra before the official date considered the beginning of the great crusade

A fox who abhorred
The finest of silk garments
wore instead iron

A general whose
loyalty and valor both
were without question

A man like lotus
who rose above the foulness
of his origins

A true hero brave
who held in his heart no fear
of death nor regrets

A fox with the pride
befitting of a panther
saved his lineage

Remember his name, Yan Zihao, the last hero of Yan.

Everything was falling apart. Her carefully laid schemes and plans were sabotaged and ruined. It all began with that damn speech, when even their best killers were unable to touch that worm Yongnian, who shamed his ancestors by kowtowing to that damn giant, who took her husband from her and killed her brothers, and his puppet that bastard who took the lady gao and the whole kingdom as his prize for his loyalty and subservience. But their situation grew dire, as even her own subordinants and generals turned their fangs and their claws against her, stupidly growing ambitious and forming rivalries before they could grow their organization powerful and vast enough to endure such intrigues. They lost numbers because they cared more for pride than results, and lead their enemies they had made amongst themselves right in Yin Lei's clutches. And even worked with that family of giants, she knew they were selling information to appease the sons of Lieren, why else would they have meetings behind her back.

It had all gone wrong so quickly, but the triad would endure, this was not an unsalvageable situation. This purge would cleanse the gang of all turn coats and traitors, and ensure none would survive who would think to take her position or work against the triad or betray the radiant Yan dynasty. It would be bloody, but a little pruning kept a garden healthy.

With a shaking hand, the widow and last respectable member of the Graced Yin lifted up her glass of brandy and watched the massacre of the disloyal elements unfold, twitching as the shadows around her jumped and

Everything happened so fast

"The widow of Yin Aiguo, the mother of Yin Huizong. Saved by general Yan Zihao's decision to send your and his family away to a safe compound in the final days of the war my father raged" A strangely accented voice purred, the helmet they wore modulating and distorting their voice as the head of the fox eyed triad flailed impotently, her throat grasped and lifted by a single hand of the terror that had been lurking in the shadows, as she was brought up to look into their eyes through the jade green lenses of their helmet.

They had carved a mocking, fang filled smile across the gold and silver of their armor and wore a long sweeping cape of fog panther fur

"This is Lieutenant Chul-Moo, the target has been captured by my hand, winning our little game. Seems our little shadow show worked after all, those bastards she had with the heavy plasmas guarding her inner sanctum nearly took my arm off" the monster spoke, laughing as she noticed the hand not slowly squeezing the life out of her throat was a raw mess of half cooked meat "You boys have any trouble? We'd shame our father if one of us died to street rats like this? Oh, fighting still on going? Stop gloating Moo? Well, hurry up and kill the rest of her forces, we don't have all day, not my fault none of you took advantage of the opening I saw? I near got shot center of mass with a bolt of plasma, you ungrateful fucks..."

She lifted the ring on her finger, and screamed as the careless seeming giant snapped her arm off at the joint

"I may not be the most austere and dour of my battle brothers, but my carefree personality doesn't mean I'm blind" He said as she gawked at the bloody stump that used to be her arm "I'll be taking this, so you can't cause trouble when we transport you to your trial. Be honored, my father saw fit to let you live a few days more, Yin Ting"

"I cannot believe there were still Northern Yin as stupid as her" Aged Yin Jie muttered, the lord having been summoned to condemn his blood and watch her execution "Trying to squander the mercy they were given. See Delun, how foolish our relatives can be?"

"We had just spoke of marriage between me and her niece" The heir of Southern Yin said sadly "But this changes nothing father, it was her folly, not her families"

"The graced Yin lost their brains ages ago" The elderly Jie mutters "its one thing me and Lie agree upon, they should be kept well away from any position of power"

You quickly walk away from the building father and son spat, to instead walk closer to the execution platform, locking eyes with the hopeless Yin Ting, whose simply stares ahead, already dead and numbed to the world. But she does not look away, even as she is hoisted up a proper sitting position and made to hear the extent of her crimes before she is executed swiftly and painlessly by injection and expires, her legs thrashing and twitching for exactly sixty six seconds after her death.

No one comes to mourn her. Not even her surviving children.

And with that, after the complete destruction of the ground forces of the gang, the fox eyed triad simply ceases to be, having destroyed itself after a few well placed strikes to its power structure, all done by your sons with only slight oversight on your part. They killed key figures and trusted messengers, and used their memories to make it seem as the fox was biting its own tail. It had been remarkably organized and internally loyal when they began their work, but with only a dozen deaths, your space marines had turned it into a hive of paranoia.


The blackguards were dealt with, a week before, in pitched battle. Dae-Hyun crushed them alongside the knightly orders of the bask and left no sign of their ever having been a bandit clan that called themselves blackguard, after a single confrontation. And half a week from when Yin ting was executed, Nikephoros reported that the last of the Celestial Orphans turned themselves in, after realizing they were dealing with "True mystics", and being cowed into submission with but a handful of causalities in pitched battles. Aiza Younis was not as merciful as your son, and had every member of the celestial orphans put to the sword.

Though, it was only through the assistance and intel given to you by Qian Xia and her spies, that the gangs were able to be caught so easily and quickly. And besides the Unlit flame, who had gone underground and become far less volatile after the news of the three worst gangs were allowed to spread and their demise shown through carefully leaked videos that spread on through broadcasts and civilian channels that dealt with conspiracies and the drama of courtly affairs, the remaining smuggler gangs have proven harmless

and have even started something of a counter culture of scavengers and tinkerers, since somehow, that gang of youths that the scarlet spider was keeping an eye on, had risen to prominence and most of the remaining smuggler gangs had taken on their traits, merely acting like thugs when they mostly were clubs centered around the enjoyment of strange technology and fast, highly customized skipping clouds

"You recreated biker gangs" Anahita laughed as you were sharing a meal with her and her sisters

"So long as they don't start acting like caricatures of delinquents from ancient earth" Kanzeon giggled as Al uzza shook her head

"They're still pilfering useful components" She muttered bitterly "Couldn't you scare them straight"

"Why bother, they're just having fun" Anahita sneered "Besides, we can easily manufacture those same parts, we have more then enough materials"

"And they aren't causing any harm" Mari said tiredly "Though, if Liberty grew fond of them"

"I'll give her a spanking" Kanzeon barked as you laughed "She's already rowdy enough!

"She'd rule those pretend gangs in a day if we gave her the chance" You chuckled

"And really, it isn't something we should worry about, when those Jokaero are still lurking around" Mari raised her voice a little, making Al-Uzza wince

"That we don't know where they are just makes me more afraid they'll take me apart in the night" She said with a tremble of fear in her voice "I've been having nightmares"

"We all have, We need to find them and launch them at the nearest uninhabited rock" Anahita said sharply, pounding her fist into the table

Kanzeon gave you a knowing smile.

The next day, Al-Uzza and Anahita were thrilled to be given technology sourced by the Jokaero you were working with. And Not long after, Jinhai announced that the first of Shangrala's celestial siblings would be investigated by a team of brave explorers.

And what are you busy doing, Lieren?

>Leading the expedition, alongside a force of your most skilled astartes, for security reasons.

>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.

>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition

>Take your father to watch a martial arts tournament, that a few of the terran soldiers are partaking in

>Write in

If you can't tell, Chul-Moo is my favorite boy...behind Dae-Hyun of course
>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.
crime dealt with excellent.
In regard to bikers going around in custom skipping clouds, well that just means the police need to have those too. Easy

But yeah i don't think it will be a problem, maybe we can even turn it in a new sport ?
>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.
We by no means have the current skill to genetically craft marines nor anything of that level but what we can do during our investigations on whom would survive is collect that genetic data and adapt it into an artificial cocktail to give to others whom may well fail otherwise? Speak to our sons of the trials they undertook and begin to refine a methodology for our recruitment and training practices ready for Legion introduction.

>Write in
(I hate to be that guy but i feel if we don't post this we'll lose it under layers and time)
Meditate, seek stillness and understanding of oneself in the tranquil endless night of space. The ability to divide our mind when we assisted Angron was fundamental, we are aware we could further master it. Train ourselves and meditate upon it; become two from one....we'd be fun to chat with
>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.
Between Kanzeon and her sisters, I think we can identify the genes and other physical markers that make baseline humans more likely to survive the augmentation process. That way we can just screen people from a young age and start marking existing soldiers for augmentation in the future (should they choose to undergo the procedure).
>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition
First exploration with Liberty : rocks, more rocks and space dust edition
>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition
I've wanted to hang out with Liberty for a while, so why not now? Be the cool brother-in-law
Support because then we CAN be in two places at once!
>>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition
>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.
Support and
>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition
>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.

>Take your father to watch a martial arts tournament, that a few of the terran soldiers are partaking in
Supporting the write in since it needs 3/4 of the vote base
>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.

>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition
>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.
>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition
>Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.

There will be wars to be fought and soldiers will be needed, though I'm sure the shipgirls can share some tech to make the process less traumatic.
Alpharius moved quieter than a feather falling upon a lake and left just as much an impact as he seamlessly passed through the Imperial Palace. He moved from pillar to pillar, blind spot to blindspot and finally into the personal study of his mentor; The Sigillite. The room was dark and littered with relics of antiquity, behind a large carved desk a fire gently crackled... he shut the door behind himself and mad ready to move to Malcador's joining personal chambers to deliver his completed assignment to his master while he slept finally beating the old man's challenge.

But it was not to be.

“You have completed your task already then?” stepping out of long shadows came the tapping of the double headed eagle staff and soon to it's wielder. “I smelt the moisture you brought with you from outside, a good try though Twentieth.” the robed man returned tot he desk he'd clearly only just left.

“I have my Lord” the Primarch nodded and produced a stack of papers handing them over compliantly.

“I shall review the deeper details later but for the moment please summarise.” he'd produced a bitter and strong smelling tea from some hidden draw and gently sipped at it awaiting his pupils words which came swiftly and were delivered with a notable measure of certainty.”

“My assignment to charter and extrapolate on possible threats the Imperium may face from the growing influence of the Second faced many challenges due to the lack of longer observation periods however from all gathered reports I have determined a number of concerning situations which are infact already unfolding.” He paused and Malcador swilled his tea before taking another drink. “Continue.”

“The Secondborne is already held in renown among the Legions, they call him Wayfinder, The Emperor's Huntsmen... First among Spares. Between the resources he provided and the tales of his deeds not only do his sons favour him but the Fourth, Twelfth and Fifteenth have begun to more readily accept Chimera's among their formations and training regimes... four legions are melding dangerously close and given the relationships of their fathers a superblock is forming.”

“How would you propose the Emperor counters such a growing concern?”

“Scatter them, slowly as the war fronts expand ensure they are scattered to the cardinal directions each able to be watched over by another Primarch or if he is willing a Host of his own Custodians.”

Malcador nodded “It could be explained as having more seasoned Son's work beside less so... the next threat?”

“The Mechanicum, already a small sect is developing among them. They whisper in their encrypted channels that maybe they made a mistake...maybe the Second is the Omnissiah's vessel upon reality. My brother has received to many accolades... he risks over shining our Lord and that may well make others turn to him than the Emperor...they may well turn their ears to him for he provides them technology and relics of the past.”

“Your solution?”

“Isolation and Distraction. Keep my brother occupied with matters unrelated to technology while limiting Mechanicum exposure framing it as unnecessary due to his own capacities. All the while keeping a tithe going to ensure no stock piling. Any new developments or STC findings by the Crusade handed over by Father personally, nurture his image further.”

“Anything further to add?”

Alpharius paused and for the first time uncertainty entered his voice; “Apotheosis”

Malcador put down his tea, a wind washed over Alpharius and he heard great locks sealing the chamber alongside the gentle feeling of the old man's mind touching his own.

“Do not speak aloud, think.” he heard the grave tone of Malcador's voice.

“You allowed me to study Xenology and the histories of Old Terra's occultic warlords. The Aeldari birthed a god through combined emotional coagulation, the denizens of the warp to thrive on these things...our making...we Primarch we have souls to but there is something more I feel...”

Alpharius felt the weight of his Masters mind becoming greater...he couldn't move but he knew not to panic, not to try to run. He had to finish this debrief.

“..Where the Aeldari birthed their doom through highly potent souls, the human soul is weaker but far...far more numerous a similar event could well occur. Combine that with the fact three ideologies now exist within the Imperium; the Cult of the Machine God, the Imperial Truth and the Journey. The first favours my father currently but that may well wane in time; naming my brother the avatar of a god in faith, the Second denies there are such divinities and while the Emperor is heralded as it's maker it gives no figure head the faith is dispersed in a manner...but the third while none specific is wrote by a single man; Lieren. It is his Journey and teachings; the Great Sage of Shangrala lauded by both man and Xeno...a man whose initial design did not contain Psykerism, whose modus has expanded over and over...who drinks from the well of power little by little... if we are of the warp...what is Lieren's attachment to reality is finally broken? Will he-”

“Do not think the word...go" Malcador was curt as he dismissed the Primarch...to close, to close to the truth.
>>Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition
Lets go search for a place for our inevitable secret inquisition base. Also hanging out with Liberty is always funny. Also she's going to be akira sliding on her custom skipping cloud if we don't get her busy with space exploration.
>Roadtrip to find us some space aliens to fight, LETS FUCKING GOOO
>Wait, it's all rocks, uncle Lieren, its boooring

Unrelated, but I feel like "scarlet spiders" is gonna be some sort of a spy rank in the future, considering how much (unseen) impact Qian Xia is making.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait. Burned my hand while cooking, so I needed to let it heal a little before writing with it again, just cause it stung like a motherfucker.

Knowing that your sons are made rather than born, make preparations for means to select those boys who'd survive the process.:11

Meditate, seek stillness...etc:4

Take Liberty and explore one of the worlds that weren't chosen for the initial official expedition:8

Total votes:14

So Lieren will make preparations to make the process of turning boys and young men into space marines more survivable

And explore one of the worlds not chosen for the initial wave of celestial explorers with Liberty

Writing now

Really enjoyed this, liked how you described Alpharius' movements and his dialogue, and Malcador's as well as well as how he detected Alph, and the solutions they listed for the various concerns he raised
And as all the people and nations of the world watch the transmission of this first generation of a new breed of explorers and pioneers with trepidation and baited breath, knowing that these brave men and women may find the last repose upon alien worlds far from home, Kanzeon, her sisters, trusted confidants and yourself convene to find discuss a matter of grave importance. From talks and idle conversation you've had with your valorous sons from distant terra, you have come to discover how withering the fatalities are in the process of raising an ordinary youth to the transhuman pinnacle of mankind's potential as a warrior, the astarte. And finding such a loss of life to be unacceptable, have chosen to search for a means to reduce the casualties of the brave boys taken from their homes and family. And quickly, the sagacious minds of your family by marriage and the best and brightest intellects raised upon Shangrala this generation come with a solution. the exact process of creating space marines is still a mystery to you, though you understand it involves the implantation of genetic code and internal augments and additional organs and gene therapy, the exact sequence of these implants is still lost to you. Though the function of the cybernetics and crafted organs and viscera has been documented, by Kanzeon, when she took Dae-Hyun and reshaped his body. And while your wife is confident she could recreate the process, you feel the knowledge will be revealed to you when your father on terra determines it the proper time and place. Though, you make it clear that if a threat arises that cannot be bested by the imperial army of long-Jia, and the terran auxiliaries and the two and eighty five astartes, then your stance on the matter will change. Which means, though it isn't stated openly, Kanzeon and Anahita will begin trials with manufacturing the necessary organs and implants, as a safeguard against a yet unknown threat.

But the solution that is found, to make it so if such a threat is found and when your father entrusts you with the secret of space marine creation that you will not be building an army upon a mountain formed of graves, is to use the traits and genetic markers shared by your "successful sons" and match them with similar attributes found in your physique and genetic code. And this takes no time at all, with all of the sisters working in tandem. And with data gathered from various hospitals and places of healing, several thousand boys and couples who have yet to have children are found who would have the highest chances of your genetic lineage taking and adapting to their bodies, ensuring their chances of survival are much greater than it would otherwise be.

And some of them are children you already know. Little Chen. Feng's son Weimin. The imperial prince Boling. to name but three.

Though the initial sample size is small and mostly concentrated in Long-Jia and its provinces, you are curious to see what the results of the screening's set to be performed else where shall be.

However, you will not be present to see these initial findings, as, for one reason and another, you've made a promise to the youngest of your sisters in law, Liberty, to go adventuring with her. She's been caught up in the fervor of exploration, influenced by the excitement of the masses, and since all of her sisters are busy assisting in the various efforts to thrust Shangrala into the age of space exploration or ensure your legion is not built upon a mass grave, none of them have the time or attention to escort her in her wanderings. And you are the only member of her family that is somewhat free to accompany her and indulge in her childish curiosity. A curiosity you admittedly share. And you may have not told any of her sisters of your outing, keeping it a secret between you and Liberty until the day you depart, when you tell an understanding Kanzeon.

The secrecy just made the adventure seem more exciting to the often rebellious Liberty. Who is currently excitingly pulling you by the hand through the refurbished hallways of the mechanical body that once belonged to Avalokiteśvara, cleansed of her corruption and madness and picked clean of the traps and dangerously weaponized arcane technologies that slew so many upon the last battle of the butchers war. Liberty has clearly decorated the insides of her true body to try and fit in with her various idols, making the interior an odd admixture of spartan, militaristic barracks and the colorful halls of war seeking tribes. With the lights above shining a hue of red you know to mean that Liberty is feeling cheerful and carefree, as each of the sister's interior lights flash different colors to fit their moods and emotions, she shows you her latest projects, which includes a skipping cloud design that has been altered to fit a dark light cannon as well as a suit of modified dreadnaught armor, that looks to be Dae-hyun's old sarcophagus, retrofitted for her to pilot as one of her drones or avatars.

But with far more weapons than it previously housed. You also notice, while she doesn't point them out, that she keeps stashes of toys and children's stories stashed away, hidden in places only she can access. And that there are portions of her heavens-spanning body that she has yet to reactivate and make use of. Including the hall of ripening, which you note has been locked entirely by Kanzeon and Mari, and is, beneath Liberty's notice, being reformatted to undo Avalokitesvara's influences and adjustments to the genetic base that created the legions of Kauravas who charged imperial line as a ceaseless horde.

Pushing such thoughts from your mind, and focusing on the current resident of the colony ship's heart, you follow Liberty as she shows you what appears to be a chamber that is both a war table and navigational array.

"I heard these planets were too dangerous for the civies to touchdown on, without having all of Dae's boys going along for the ride!" She excitedly explains as she motions to holographic recreations of planets on the periphery of Shangrala's star, and the boundary of the wilderness in Long-Jia immediate galactic surroundings "And Uz told me why they were dangerous! They sound much more fun than that boring rock the dragon guy sent his explorers to! Which one are we gonna go to first bro! And kick some xenos ass"

You breathe in through your nose, repressing the instinct to reprimand her and explain it is unlikely there will be any sort of alien civilization, knowing it is best to allow youthful imagination one wild rather than attempt to curb them. And this jaunt is a journey taken for her benefit, so she can enjoy herself and you can enjoy her company as you allow yourself a light repose from the responsibilities of your office and various role in Shangralan governances. A time to relax from your labors and rest as you play at being explorers with innocent liberty.

Which planet do you pick for your and liberty's adventure Lieren?

>"Azure Plain". The closest to Shangrala. A world dominated by a jungle so vast it makes the bone devouring forest appear to be little more than a public garden. Probes and avatars sent here suffered failure due to damage caused by an unknown source. Anahita made the decision to cut this world from the list of potential colonies, when she was unable to figure out what was destroying the drones she sent here

>"White Desolation". The furthest from Shangrala. A desolate and lifeless rock, that early scans indicate is rich with materials, but also contains a vast an uncharted subterranean network of tunnels that have yet to be explored by drones sent by Kanzeon or her sisters or probes. It has no atmosphere and only slightly more gravity than Shangrala's moon. Al-Uzza chose to mark this world as being unsuitable for colonization, as she plans to mine it.

>"Black Abyss". Opposite side of Shangrala's star. A world that is covered in water and appears to be a massive ocean, covered in a constant cover of storms. Curiously, no solid core or landmass has been seen from initial scans and probes sent in its orbit. It appears to be a massive body of water shaped into a world. It is also surrounded by a ring of debris, of unknown but artificial origin. Mari told the celestial navy to leave it alone, as it was "Too strange" to investigate further

>"Vermillion Waste". Nearest to Shangrala's star. An arid world of crags and expansive plains of sand and desert dunes. Too hot for the baseline of humanity to survive during the day or night. No sign of surface bodies of water, though the atmosphere is clogged with what must be super heated clouds of steam. None of the technologies and methods to peer at and study Shangrala's siblings have been able to learn much beyond that. Kanzeon declared it off limits, for reasons that should be readily apparent

>Write in
>>"Black Abyss". Opposite side of Shangrala's star. A world that is covered in water and appears to be a massive ocean, covered in a constant cover of storms. Curiously, no solid core or landmass has been seen from initial scans and probes sent in its orbit. It appears to be a massive body of water shaped into a world. It is also surrounded by a ring of debris, of unknown but artificial origin. Mari told the celestial navy to leave it alone, as it was "Too strange" to investigate further
I'll admit I was tempted to write-in, but I feel like I'd let my imagination get the better of me and go a little too far in one specific direction.
>"Azure Plain". The closest to Shangrala. A world dominated by a jungle so vast it makes the bone devouring forest appear to be little more than a public garden. Probes and avatars sent here suffered failure due to damage caused by an unknown source. Anahita made the decision to cut this world from the list of potential colonies, when she was unable to figure out what was destroying the drones she sent here
Anything that can harm Kanzeon's drones is bad news, but is it the interesting type of bad news, or the "kill it now" type of bad news? I want to find out and I'm sure Liberty will be happy to do so as well.
>"Vermillion Waste". Nearest to Shangrala's star. An arid world of crags and expansive plains of sand and desert dunes. Too hot for the baseline of humanity to survive during the day or night. No sign of surface bodies of water, though the atmosphere is clogged with what must be super heated clouds of steam. None of the technologies and methods to peer at and study Shangrala's siblings have been able to learn much beyond that. Kanzeon declared it off limits, for reasons that should be readily apparent

Trying to think if this could be a good place for adventure with Liberty. It is wildly different from Shangrila if nothing else.... though it will be very lacking in life it sounds a bit like Mercury. But perhaps it could be fun for the conditions of it or certain minerals/gasses ? Maybe there are weird shapes we can make fun of. Though White Desolation might be better in that department.

Black Abyss and Azure Plain would have likely more life, and Black Abyss strange planetary phenomenons might be something she could like to observe and learn from. In regard to Azure Plain whatever it is, sounds suspicious i don't think is enemy number 1. Something to give a check for learn the source of, so a valid option and since we are with Liberty this is a safe environment for combat for Liberty if needed. The mystery and big jungle biome give an exploration vibe.
>Write in
It's time we asked an important question, one long overdue. Speak to our Aeldari followers and ask them to their understanding "Why is there a Webway Portal upon Shangrala's moon...something in this system was either once there's and needed a route to it or was something they were watching over or guarding thus the portal providing an observation teams access.

>"Azure Plain". The closest to Shangrala. A world dominated by a jungle so vast it makes the bone devouring forest appear to be little more than a public garden. Probes and avatars sent here suffered failure due to damage caused by an unknown source. Anahita made the decision to cut this world from the list of potential colonies, when she was unable to figure out what was destroying the drones she sent here
Only just beat out the Waterworld because hope of Exodites to teach

[Azuree Plain: Exodites?, White Desolation: Necrons?, Black Abyss: Bioshock expie humanity or a fun new Xeno?, Vermillion Wastes: No idea]
I dont know what I want to meet more; Necron or Exodites
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>"Azure Plain". The closest to Shangrala. A world dominated by a jungle so vast it makes the bone devouring forest appear to be little more than a public garden. Probes and avatars sent here suffered failure due to damage caused by an unknown source. Anahita made the decision to cut this world from the list of potential colonies, when she was unable to figure out what was destroying the drones she sent here
It is time

+1 for write in >>6070514
>"Azure Plain".
A death world in our backyard? Sounds like a good place to go hunting.
>"Azure Plain". The closest to Shangrala. A world dominated by a jungle so vast it makes the bone devouring forest appear to be little more than a public garden. Probes and avatars sent here suffered failure due to damage caused by an unknown source. Anahita made the decision to cut this world from the list of potential colonies, when she was unable to figure out what was destroying the drones she sent here

>I'll support the right in >>6070514
>"Black Abyss". Opposite side of Shangrala's star. A world that is covered in water and appears to be a massive ocean, covered in a constant cover of storms. Curiously, no solid core or landmass has been seen from initial scans and probes sent in its orbit. It appears to be a massive body of water shaped into a world. It is also surrounded by a ring of debris, of unknown but artificial origin. Mari told the celestial navy to leave it alone, as it was "Too strange" to investigate further

>"Black Abyss". Opposite side of Shangrala's star. A world that is covered in water and appears to be a massive ocean, covered in a constant cover of storms. Curiously, no solid core or landmass has been seen from initial scans and probes sent in its orbit. It appears to be a massive body of water shaped into a world. It is also surrounded by a ring of debris, of unknown but artificial origin. Mari told the celestial navy to leave it alone, as it was "Too strange" to investigate further

>"Azure Plain". The closest to Shangrala. A world dominated by a jungle so vast it makes the bone devouring forest appear to be little more than a public garden. Probes and avatars sent here suffered failure due to damage caused by an unknown source. Anahita made the decision to cut this world from the list of potential colonies, when she was unable to figure out what was destroying the drones she sent here
Seems like a good place to take Liberty on her first real hunt. Maybe we can teach her how we track and stalk and then have her take a trophy off some great beast.

>You also notice, while she doesn't point them out, that she keeps stashes of toys and children's stories stashed away, hidden in places only she can access.
>"Vermillion Waste". Nearest to Shangrala's star. An arid world of crags and expansive plains of sand and desert dunes. Too hot for the baseline of humanity to survive during the day or night. No sign of surface bodies of water, though the atmosphere is clogged with what must be super heated clouds of steam. None of the technologies and methods to peer at and study Shangrala's siblings have been able to learn much beyond that. Kanzeon declared it off limits, for reasons that should be readily apparent
Dune it is.

Write in is a good idea

>"Black Abyss". Opposite side of Shangrala's star. A world that is covered in water and appears to be a massive ocean, covered in a constant cover of storms. Curiously, no solid core or landmass has been seen from initial scans and probes sent in its orbit. It appears to be a massive body of water shaped into a world. It is also surrounded by a ring of debris, of unknown but artificial origin. Mari told the celestial navy to leave it alone, as it was "Too strange" to investigate further
>"Black Abyss". Opposite side of Shangrala's star. A world that is covered in water and appears to be a massive ocean, covered in a constant cover of storms. Curiously, no solid core or landmass has been seen from initial scans and probes sent in its orbit. It appears to be a massive body of water shaped into a world. It is also surrounded by a ring of debris, of unknown but artificial origin. Mari told the celestial navy to leave it alone, as it was "Too strange" to investigate further
This sounds like one of the starting planets at the beginning of the quest. Carib I think it was.
>"Azure Plain". The closest to Shangrala. A world dominated by a jungle so vast it makes the bone devouring forest appear to be little more than a public garden. Probes and avatars sent here suffered failure due to damage caused by an unknown source. Anahita made the decision to cut this world from the list of potential colonies, when she was unable to figure out what was destroying the drones she sent here
>>"Azure Plain". The closest to Shangrala. A world dominated by a jungle so vast it makes the bone devouring forest appear to be little more than a public garden. Probes and avatars sent here suffered failure due to damage caused by an unknown source. Anahita made the decision to cut this world from the list of potential colonies, when she was unable to figure out what was destroying the drones she sent here

Death world lets goooo. I can see our boys using this place as a fortress monastery.
>Write in
It's time we asked an important question, one long overdue. Speak to our Aeldari followers and ask them to their understanding "Why is there a Webway Portal upon Shangrala's moon...something in this system was either once there's and needed a route to it or was something they were watching over or guarding thus the portal providing an observation teams access.

>>"Black Abyss". Opposite side of Shangrala's star. A world that is covered in water and appears to be a massive ocean, covered in a constant cover of storms. Curiously, no solid core or landmass has been seen from initial scans and probes sent in its orbit. It appears to be a massive body of water shaped into a world. It is also surrounded by a ring of debris, of unknown but artificial origin. Mari told the celestial navy to leave it alone, as it was "Too strange" to investigate further
Hope Liberty doesn't have thalassophobia.
QM, we're chosing what planet exists and the ones not chosen just don't, right? Or do we just have the most stacked and eventful solar system ever?
>>Write in
>It's time we asked an important question, one long overdue. Speak to our Aeldari followers and ask them to their understanding "Why is there a Webway Portal upon Shangrala's moon...something in this system was either once there's and needed a route to it or was something they were watching over or guarding thus the portal providing an observation teams access.
>"Black Abyss". Opposite side of Shangrala's star. A world that is covered in water and appears to be a massive ocean, covered in a constant cover of storms. Curiously, no solid core or landmass has been seen from initial scans and probes sent in its orbit. It appears to be a massive body of water shaped into a world. It is also surrounded by a ring of debris, of unknown but artificial origin. Mari told the celestial navy to leave it alone, as it was "Too strange" to investigate further
Just between updates I thought of Something lads, imagine the awe and bragging rights the members of our Legion whom came to Shangrala have, the accolades and sheer experiance.

>Unification War [Holding and auxiliary actions]
>Meet dad
>The Butcher War [Strike teams and dealing with some high tier stuff]
>Meet Angron
>The Gladiator's Rebellion [Sieges, infiltration and assassination]
>Meet two other Primarchs [Magnus and Perti]
>Currently doing void operations [Space hopping]

These guys are going to be some of the most well honed space marines there physically can be

also https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Shai-Tan <--- another colony ship turned daemon
>black Abyss
Let's go water world, it's a great movie!
>"Black Abyss". Opposite side of Shangrala's star. A world that is covered in water and appears to be a massive ocean, covered in a constant cover of storms. Curiously, no solid core or landmass has been seen from initial scans and probes sent in its orbit. It appears to be a massive body of water shaped into a world. It is also surrounded by a ring of debris, of unknown but artificial origin. Mari told the celestial navy to leave it alone, as it was "Too strange" to investigate further
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the really long wait.

Black Abyss:9

Azure Plain:8

Vermillion Waste:2

Important question:6

Total votes: 19

So Lieren and Liberty will travel to the planet bequeathed the title of Black abyss...

writing now

Carib 4 to be precise

Valorous and Indomitable.

Also do remember, Dae-Hyun survived using himself as a beacon for a fracking nuclear strike

I certainly enjoyed it.
>Also do remember, Dae-Hyun survived using himself as a beacon for a fracking nuclear strike
I hope he got a tattoo to commemorate that after Kanzeon restored his body. Just a huge spread on his back of a mushroom cloud surrounded by burning techno-barbarians.
"I don't like where your eyes are looking big bro" Liberty chimes in as you rap your knuckles on the frame of the console in front of you, her eyes narrowed as she looks up at you with half a grimace and half a pout "Nor where your neural activity is being directed. Come on, there are more interesting places to stomp around on than a big, over glorified puddle"

"But isn't it fascinating? A body of water lifted up to the heavens? Without any soil to contain it? An entire world that is, at a glance and study, nothing but a pool of water compressed and fitted amongst the glittering jewels of the sky?" You respond with a smirk as her eyes flit back and forth between different points of interest on the three dimensional display, looking crestfallen

"From a scientific perspective, but that's the sort of boring talk that get my sisters excited, you're sounding like Uz" She says with a frown, pursing and sucking her lips as she glowers, trying to get you to look at where SHE wants to go through sheer force of will, as if it would be so easy

"Unknown debris, of unknown origin, not traced back to the escorts who bravely gave their lives to seed life upon Shangrala" You say, flicking a glance down at her, smirk turning coy as you can sense her thoughts turn and shift sharply, as the mystery presentenced to her catches her interest like a hook "But they were clearly manufactured"

"And until you went a hunting slavers, the only xenos on Shangrala or in its airspace were the Al...Eldar!" Liberty says, doing a poor job of masking the growing excitement in her expression or her voice "At least that's the truth now, right? In the past, before my older sisters arrived and slammed face first into Shangrala, that could've been different. They all did blinding jump into this system, and I know they aren't lying to save face, cause who'd lie about a fuck up like that?"

"It is more complex than that...Was Anahita the one in charge of teaching you history?" You ask, hands clasped behind your back as you can sense, from the shifting electronic currents beneath Liberty's hull, that she is shifting her idle drifting into directed movement towards the planet of water and storms, code named the black abyss by Shan, in his last days, when you and he were picking out which world would be the first to greet the brave celestial explorer's who crewed then then unamed Shan's gift

"Yeah, mostly, why?" She asks and you just smile, knowing how Anahita tends to be. But she's also probably the only one of her sisters who could make Liberty sit still and listen to a history lesson.

"No reason, just thought that might be the case" You answer simply as you stride to the viewport that appears in front of you, admiring the empty void of space and breathing in deep the artifically cleansed and recycled air flowing out of liberty's "Lungs" "And isn't it exciting, that we may find traces of a battle long ago fought?"


Liberty leaps onto your back, holding on by wrapping her arms around your neck, like a juvenile monkey might cling to its caretaker. She picks up that thought, and smacks you on the shoulder.

"I'm not a monkey" She buzzes, voice rattling with static, before her eyes lock on the same view in front of you and become transfixed, widening and going blank as you notice how many of her sensor arrays activate and increase their activity as she watches the expanse before her, like a panther kit watching a struggling jackal dropped in front of it by its mother "Wow, it really is pretty up here. I can understand what Uz meant by we belong to the stars..Uh, humanity I mean. Not just us"

"I understand. We once were graced to stretch our arms across the whole expanse of the heavens, before our people and worlds were scattered and isolated" You say, contemplatively as you gaze across the blackness before you and ponder what it may have looked like if the human empire of old was never broken apart and the golden age of mankind endured "And there is no shame in admitting to feel comfort in your natural habitat. Your body was designed for space travel. It only makes sense, like a cliffjumper in a plain or a panther in the mists, that you'd enjoy swimming through the void"

"Yeah" She says, dreamily and distantly "Never been this far from where I came from"

You frown, flashes of memories of where she came from, and the friends you lost there rising to the surface of your mind violently. It was the most costly battle of the butcher's war. And a battle where sister slew sister. Where she was born was the grave of your friends. Lesser men may hold it against Liberty, for being born from what remained of her berserk predecessor, but you knew she was an innocent. A different being. Woven of the same fibers as the Butcher King's Queen, but that did not make her responsible for the atrocities they committed. She was liberty.

"I once thought the same, when the winter relented and I walked from nothing to meet the Lord Gao" You state, breaking forcibly from the grim reflections of who had once stood in Liberty's place, and who the energies that had formed her soul had once been. All you could hope was she and her king found peace beyond death, and were not assailed by those whose sweet, bloody temptations lead them so far astray.

"Why didn't you just kill him first? I've seen your specs, you could've done it" She asks, catching you off guard "You could've killed all of those fuckers"
"It would've caused more problems than it would've immediately solved. I was a farmer of no renown, and allowing that filth to live served my purpose to relieve the people of the devastation and oppression wrought by their ill rule" You answer, thoughtfully and honestly "It took all of my will to not strike them down whenever I met them face to face. They disgusted me, with their selfishness and their greed and all their other flaws. But their authority let me spread prosperity and protection, to the common folk who raised me"

Liberty is quiet for awhile after that, but she breaks the silence by softly admitting "You made the right choice, Lieren. I mean, taking your time to make sure everyone was alright before you took down the bastards"

"You would've known how difficult it was for me to restrain myself from acting before the board was set in my favor, if you had ever encounter one of Lord Gao's like. But I wiped them out" You answer back, eyes closed as you meditate while standing, while Liberty tries to break your focus by clicking her tongue and flicking your ears "And they were not even the worse of the thralls of excess. The Yan were so depraved as to forfeit their humanity. There is a reason I reduced their seat of power to naught but dust and unpleasant memories"

"Wish I could've taken a shot at the bastards, but even Kaz wasn't out of the ground when you walloped them" Liberty remarks "Do you think we'll find ali...xenos at the ball of water? I hope the ones who made the debris are still around, I'd like to test out the firepower I'm packing, where Kaz can't chew my ears off for doing it"

"The weapons you carry are cataclysmic in their power, their is a reason they aren't replicated" You begin before Liberty titters

"And its name is Dan-Dan!" She shouts cheerfully, patting her hands together "Now there's a lady who knows her stuff!"

The trip around the star of Shangrala is not long, at least in interstellar terms, such was the capabilities of the zenith of mankind's technological ascent.

"Heard from long ears that some xenos used suns as weapons" Liberty says, as the two of you occupy yourselves playing a board game she was introduced to by Perturabo and Calliphone when they were visiting and rebuilding Jinhai's palace into the nigh impenetrable fortress and exquisite work of art it had become "Must be some really dangerous things out here, if that isn't considered extreme over kill, Huh"

"There are weapons and force that far surpass the lethality of a chained sun, and I know some Aeldari rob entire systems of their stars, leaving the worlds they warmed to cool to ice" You answer as you lift a figure and smirk, putting Liberty's prized unit, that she dubbed her "Wall of death, hey I didn't say the curse, don't look at me like that!", into quite the bind

"I can see why you paused to kick in those sadists teeth! Bet I could've helped" She said, sounding angry as she tried to find an avenue of escape for her army's foundation

"You do not look aeldari" you chuckle

"Give me a hair and I could!" She huffed "Not that I'd want to wear the skin of one of them, but I could've totally helped in the operation"

"You'd have blown our cover immediately, you couldn't act like the repugnant breed of Aeldari for a second. None of you could" You say with a smile

"Even Kaz?" She asks, innocently

"Especially not my beloved. She'd break character quicker than any of you" You laugh "And that is one reason I adore her. But that task required finesse not..."

"Planet cracking firepower?" Liberty asks, trembling her lip as she silently pleads with you not to focus all of your units attacks on the only unit in her army worth mentioning

"Exactly. While I have no doubt that station is a ruin, now, destruction was not my aim nor my goal" You answer, as you weigh your options

Perturabo sat, brow heavy and chin resting on the back of his knuckles as he looked over the troops he was drilling, to intimidate the lord of a city whose name was not worth remembering with the weaponry his services had been "paid" for by his true brother, to his adoptive father who was thrilled with the treasures he had been given, even surprisingly declaring those not intended for warmaking to be as such. His new aid, one of the first he had taken under his wing, to cultivate the talents he had that were hidden and beaten down by those above him and all but crushed by the dreary labor he had when Perturabo had found the diagrams and sketches he'd made, observed the performative drill.

"Dangerous folk, these Shangralans" His aid Procopius remarked, as a line of the troops Perturabo had weeded out of Dammekos mostly useless and untrustworthy army, forming them into his "Hammer Force" with full approval of the tyrant "If they can freely give weapons this powerful, I can't think of what their wars must be like"

"Haunting" Perturabo said, quelling his near instinctive rage, by taking the remark as a compliment rather than insult towards his true blood and kin "And they can freely give them, not because they are assured of their ascendancy, but because they do not expect these rifles to be turned against them. They are a trusting people, but yes, they are as equally dangerous. Any man would be with these weapons, beneath the command of a general who comprehends their implications upon the battle field"

"I can see why your father was thrilled to be paid with these odd machines" He answer with a nod, that could almost be dubbed sagely "But while they certainly frighten, I believe the work you've done with the wood witch in the fields, will have more an impact on the world"

"Wise words, proving yet against why you have been given the privilege of serving by my side" Perturabo praised, reminding himself that this and explaining himself worked better than simply squashing complaint with force of personality or removal of the disobedient subordinate "The effect will be apparent this coming winter, when the bumper crop can keep even peasants well fed and little if any sickness will arise"

Perturabo smiled a rarely satisfied smirk as he recalled how he had convinced the squabbling and paranoid lords to spread the medicines he had come home with, the squealing of one, particularly dull witted lord as he hung him by an ankle out of the nearest window.

"Proving a hammer is as well used building as it is for breaking" The former sewer cleaner idly mused and Perturabo had a thought, how to improve his trust amongst the distrustful masses and force those who had Dammekos ear.

The Hammer of Olympia was rightfully feared for his effectiveness as a warlord, and his revolution to doctrine and warfare, and that dark reputation would only grow with these latest additions to the arsenal of the armies who marched beneath his command. However, the Lord of Iron was only feared. Poison and knives proved this. He had seen how his brothers, Lieren, Magnus, Angron, each, were beloved by their people. Jealousy did not become him, but he found inspiration now, reflecting upon the separation of their treatment, And the disparity of their worlds.

And without wounding his pride, by kneeling those unworthy of his respect, the strategy devised in the primarch of Olympia's mind was a simple one.

When the lord of the city cowered before him, he simply stepped past him and lifted up a brick displaced in the short siege his pride had commanded and place it back.

"A hammer is worthless, if its only use is destruction" He spoke, loudly enough to be heard, and with a wave of his hand, had his soldiers, trained in demolitions as well as construction, get to work rebuilding the city's crumbled walls, having been careful to avoid using anything potent enough to vaporize the stone utterly "And, as a vassal of Lochos, leaving this city undefended would be...wrong"

The depose tyrant stared at him like he'd grown a second head, but was quick to simper and suck up to him as he stepped past him, shuddering with disdain for the man's cowardice as he set about the next stage of his plan.

Usually, statues depicting him were meant to impress any would be conspirators or enemy armies what would transpire if they opposed him, but the one built outside of the city, renamed Perturcivitas in honor of its merciful conquer, would depict him as a builder and laborer, standing beside several, smaller figures lifting hammers in accordance to his own statues pose, that gazed toward the horizon.

A depiction that would in time supplant his old image entirely, just as in time the image and symbol of the builder's hammer, would start to adorn the signs and seals the lord of iron, whose title would begin to take on a different meaning. An insignia promising progress and advancement as much as it warned of retribution and death to those who would oppose him and undo his work.

But, for now, Perturabo thought the new icon would serve to encourage those beneath him to work, a carrot to the stick and a reminder than excellence and loyalty would be rewarded while there were no place for indolents or the unskilled and untrained in his service.

In place of a steel executioner's mask, an iron hammer is taken...now this changes things....

In orbit of the Black abyss, Liberty excitedly runs around, buzzing the debris wing as she excitedly chatters about where would be best to investigate and look for signs of whoever created the ring, while you double check her readings, and understand better why Mari wrote the planet off as being too strange and peculiar to pry into further. Within the storm clouds themselves, were patches of increased density, surrounded by walls of extreme activity, only detectable through the atmospheric interference of the constant storms, directly above them.

And ghost signals that sent Liberty scurrying into your arms and setting all of her weapon arrays to highest alert status, were also present, but too fleeting to be certain they ever existed or were merely glitches created by the electrical current that rose up out of the planets atmosphere. Curious. Most curious indeed.

"Wanna check out these wrecks? Look at that battle damage! It must've burned the sky when this firefight happened! Got-damn!" Liberty squeals in excitement, ignoring the latest of the ghost signals detected by her sensors

Where do your start your exploration of the black abyss, with Liberty, Lieren?

>As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before...

>The sea itself, seeing what lies beneath the waves is why you came here to begin with.

>The denser patches of storm where there is greater gravity, surrounded by seemingly unnatural walls of storm activity

>The latest ghost signal, your instincts tell you something is real is behind those anomalies...

>Write in

FINALLY got a primarch cutaway to fit in an update!
>As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before...

>As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before...

>The latest ghost signal, your instincts tell you something is real is behind those anomalies...

We should look into this before we move on to the planet maybe we can reach led threads that can help us later, or at least know how much of this is warp fuckery.
maybe we can get some clues

it should say ffff
>As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before...
>The latest ghost signal, your instincts tell you something is real is behind those anomalies...
>The denser patches of storm where there is greater gravity, surrounded by seemingly unnatural walls of storm activity
>As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before...
It would be a good idea to at least look at them first, could contain some important clues.
>The latest ghost signal, your instincts tell you something is real is behind those anomalies...
As good a starting point as any, I think.
>As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before...

Best Bro Perturabo happy to see ya.
>>As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before...
>As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before...

Oh shit Pert's actually changing as a person. His unstoppable now.
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>As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before...
Ok this is going to be funny because we're discovering a world in reverse of the way we did our home. We're starting macro scale and working down to micro. Liberty can sort through the remains with us to try to recover not just tech but more importantly history or geographic information. Keep an eye out for AI

>The latest ghost signal, your instincts tell you something is real is behind those anomalies
While she does the hauling and brining stuff in we focus on this; trust our intuition

>inb4 Atlantis inspired necrons with the giant machine
>The latest ghost signal, your instincts tell you something is real is behind those anomalies...
>As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before...
This is her adventure after all

>The latest ghost signal, your instincts tell you something is real is behind those anomalies...
Shouldn't leave a possibility of something at our back.
>A discussion between primarchs
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait, watching the monster hunter wilds weapon teasers got me into a monster hunting mood. Anyways, archived this thread already. And finally figured out how to great sword.

As she suggests, with the debris field, close up, these were clearly once ships. But they are not Aeldari, or of any human design you've seen before.:9

The latest ghost signal, your instincts tell you something is real is behind those anomalies...:6

The denser patches of storm where there is greater gravity, surrounded by seemingly unnatural walls of storm activity: 1

Total votes:10

So Lieren and liberty will investigate the debris field and the faint ghost signals

Writing and making the new thread now

lol, accurate

Pert is always fun to write
New thread here: >>6077353

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