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The Eternal Empire has stood for 14 millennia and has endured hundreds of wars, calamities, and rulers of every type. In the twilight of your reign, you’ve demanded to know the truth behind your Head Advisor’s unnatural longevity, and now watch with bated breath.

Even surrounded by the Royal Guard, you feel a deep sense of unease.

>Previous Threads
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Before your disbelieving eyes, the flesh sloughs from where the bones should be, but there are none. Not even a skeleton. Liquefied skin collects to a puddle under well-worn boots, which without a structure supporting them, fall to either side. The robes of his office are discarded then, and what lays beneath is unspeakable.

Where once a human stood, now towers a grotesque mass of black sinew and coagulant oil. Nowhere is a distinct face or appendages visible. For the first time in a long time, you are at a loss for words. Raw instinct drives you to grip the sword handle at your waist. The Royal Guard snap to combat readiness and, as drilled, hesitate to fire. Tension like the weight of a gas giant's core crushes the throne room, before the moment passes and a word escapes your synthesizer. "...what!?"

The tendons undulate, and a toothless maw opens in the center. It speaks with a wet, guttural diction. "This has been a long time coming, your majesty." If you had a jaw, it would be agape. "I must confess. I never was human, nor am I descended from any of the genewrights of your magnificent clade." The mass ripples, and the sound of its voice seamlessly shifts to that of the Igor you knew. "My kind are utterly unknown to the wider galaxy. I break a great taboo in revealing myself to you in this way. I will break another, in telling you of our purpose."
You listen, stunned.

"Epochs ago, an ancient race held sway over the cosmos. Their mastery of geneticism knew no equal and has not been matched since. They created a plethora of lesser races to suit their purposes. Among them were my predecessors. We were designed to hold functionally indefinite lifespans and flawless recall of prior stimuli. Living databanks that could not be corrupted." The thing that was disguised as Igor, or, is Igor, continues. "That ancient race disappeared. Its whereabouts are unknown to us and to our knowledge, we are the only instance of their creations that has not been marred by the passage of time."

"In their absence, we found a new purpose: To study and record the cosmos, so that no other race would be so forgotten. To that end, we have meticulously exploited our physiologies in concert with organic prostheses to disguise ourselves as members of myriad alien species, infiltrate their societies, and collect data along all social strata. We know ourselves as the Archivists, in your tongue, and have no overarching civilization. Not as you would understand it." This sends your mind reeling. "You..."
The creature ripples in response. "Yes, your majesty. I deceived your predecessors in House Vonduul to record the decline of their dynasty. In the aftermath of their collapse, I found an opportunity to study your grandfather firsthand." Even Emperor Alphonse... "Initially, my observance was strictly detached and rational. However, as his reign progressed and I witnessed excellence after excellence, your grandfather's reckless idealism tested my resolve. In my weakness…”

“I failed.” At this word, its frame hisses, akin to hot-air from a vent. “I broke our most sacred taboo and developed faint sentiments toward your lineage. These deepened, until I grew an attachment and did not move on from my disguise when its duration reached the end of your species' natural lifespan."

Its sinews tense as shame enters its tone. "The Archivists hold a strict noninterference policy to avoid unduly influencing younger societies. In accordance to this, in my tenure as Head Advisor, I have attempted to guide your lineage to act on what it already believes is best while encouraging a bare minimum of bias." Igor slumps, additional maw opening above the other to loudly weep as the first goes on. "I have failed my purpose and irrevocably tainted your dynasty's course in history, but I cannot keep up this facade any longer!"
The sinews fall to the ground in a pile, the portion with both orifices thrusting itself to the floor. "It is irrational, and I do not care! I love House Heinrich, your majesty! I loved Alphonse, I loved Albin, and I love you, Otto! I love your throne, like a leaf to the sun! All I want is to serve! Please, your majesty, forgive me for lying to you for so long!"

To say you’re taken aback is the understatement of the century. “How long… How long has your kind been studying us!?” The creature prostrates lower. “I cannot say, my liege. I have sworn to an accord.” You brace yourself, trying to collect your thoughts. “You’ve betrayed our trust!” The puddle of viscera squirms. “I am aware, your majesty. I beg you to understand. My ganglions are not capable of higher emotion. Not despair, or shame, or hate, only cold reason. For eight millennia, I have watched the races of the galaxy. I have seen the highest and lowest instances of sapience. None moved me until House Heinrich.”

“It is antithetical to my physiology and conditioning, but on a rational level, in every way save base instinct, in these few fleeting generations, I have come to love your dynasty. Your highs, your lows, the tapestry of glory! I was greedy, my liege! I wanted to see it! To see you and yours rise and fall!” It continues, feigning desperation. “I wanted to be there for your bloodline! For you, my Emperor! Everything for the Empire!”
The initial shock begins to waver. You collect your thoughts and, as is your duty, come to a swift and decisive judgement.

>Execute Igor. This sickening abomination has deceived your entire lineage and wormed its way into the highest echelons of power. Such a crime would be unforgivable from a man, let alone… this!
>Imprison Igor. This revelation represents an absolutely catastrophic breach of internal security, regardless of whether its words are true. It must be confined and kept under armed watch while you deliberate on the implications.
>Banish Igor. This aberration has betrayed your dynasty in the deepest sense and its continued presence cannot be tolerated, but you cannot deny its decades of service. It will be gone from your sight, never to return.
>Interrogate Igor. This is a bizarre and disgusting situation, but you also lack context. You’ll demand to know more, while it is still prostrating and, at least openly, cooperating.
>Enlist Igor. This… thing… insists it’s loyal to your dynasty and against your instinctive revulsion, you choose to believe it. You cannot keep it as an advisor, not now, but perhaps can be of use in other ways.
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
>>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
Not to mention father would roll in his grave if we let the living treasure-trove of information die.

"Just put the suit back on."
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
A incredibly loyal and useful Xeno? How curious. Igor, or whatever it's name is, can be even more than an advisor since
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
He's back. HUZZAH.
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.

This is my favorite quest. And I'm so glade you're back.
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
We're going to have to keep this one under wraps because, oh boy, imagine the shitfit that would follow. I wonder what data House Nigtshayd has gathered on the man?
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
It's returned!

>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.

“If my father were here…Well, there is no question what he would do. Resume your position, Igor - advise the House. But you must be truthful from here on. What proof do you offer of your tale?”
>>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
friend :)
Your mind races through any one of a thousand terrible possibilities, and in the end, keeps coming to the same conclusion. You release the grip on your blade and raise the palm of your hand, setting the Royal Guard at ease. The alien remains in a slump on the floor, “face” down, but you doubt its sensory organs are concentrated anything like a human’s.

“If my father were here…”

Its black mass quivers.

“Well, there is no question what he would do. Resume your position, Igor- advise the House.”

The Archivist (ex-Archivist?) pulsates, quaking in an approximation of disbelief. “My liege?”

You continue, speaking with imperial authority. “But you must be truthful from here on.”

It undulates rapidly, throwing itself into the floor. “You have my solemn oath!”

You observe the aberration, curious. To think that for all those years, this was your Head Advisor… It staggers the mind. Your father would have been ecstatic. Perhaps too ecstatic. Such a revelation, if mishandled, could have toppled the dynasty. Waiting for the end of your reign when you’ve become older and wiser to show itself was a cunning choice, though you recall that it was your own.

If what it says is true, this creature, Igor, is a potentially priceless fount of knowledge. There are few better qualities for a Head Advisor to have. Still, you cannot blindly assume its integrity. “What proof do you offer of your tale?”

Rather than rise from its position, Igor opens another toothless maw facing your direction. “I will give up a blood sample to study. Your scientists will find it beyond them. I can recite every word your majesty has ever spoken to me, in the same diction, and recall the exact time and date. Further, while I was not here during the era of its invention, I once read one of its schematics and am confident I can set your technicians en-route to reassemble your macro-telescope.”
The macro-telescope, arguably the only achievement you’ve made without the Eternal Empire behind you. Even so, that isn’t proof. Igor doesn’t stop there. “Apart from my physiology, I have no physical evidence, my liege. Our purpose has no need for external records and we spend centuries at a time isolated from the rest of our kind. I have no other choice. I must ask you to take this on faith.”

You ponder deeply. If you still had a mouth, you would have sighed. “So be it. Arise, servant of the crown, and continue your work.” The alien scrambles up with worrying speed and twists itself into a bow. “Thank you, your majesty! Thank you! What shall I do now?” Answering that takes far less thought.

“Just put the suit back on.”

Igor ripples. “At once, your majesty!” It snatches up the robes of its office and departs for its personal quarters. Roughly two hours later, Igor, the Igor you knew, returns and seems no different than he ever was. Needless to say, every member of the Royal Guard involved has been sworn to secrecy. As surreal as this situation was, in the end, not too much changes for the day-to-day management of the dynasty.
Your retirement is imminent and the ascendancy of your heir fast approaches. Soon, you’ll leave the burden of rule behind, and cast-off the polite appearances necessary for your position. It shall be your last act as sovereign and you will not be swayed. The cyber-surgeons have been prepared, critical arrangements have been made. Your final campaign awaits…

The only question is how it should be waged.

>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can
>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
The soldier emperor makes his final voyage. May he die a warrior's death.

I'm glad I caught this thread in the front page, thank you for coming back!
>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
Just like the good, old, simple, happy times.

I'm glad we're back!

>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.

Ah - it’s good to be back, QM
Once I walked an endless land with a wanderer's swinging stride
And once upon a mighty steed forever I could ride
And once a tall ship rode the tide at midnight from the bay
And I could climb aboard her and travel far away

Through centuries and lifetimes, no journey twice the same
With love or fear to guide me on, seeking death or fame
Or hearing just a still, small voice that said “You cannot stay”
I could leave the past behind me and travel far away

But now the great jets thunder and they sing of distant lands
But all their promised wonders turn to dust within my hands
For I can travel half the world and return in half a day
And I fear that only death remains to take me far away

For with steel and steam and gasoline and turbines' whining scream
They have trapped me in a nightmare that is someone else's dream
Of a world so small and guarded, you could hold it in your hand
A world that knows no land called far away

So I waste my lives in dreaming or in bloody, useless war
But somewhere there's a flash of fire and a mighty rising roar
And I pray godspeed to those who ride, and I live now for the day
When I leave my world behind me and travel far away

>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
For one last ride, with our most loyal men and stalwart veterans for a crew. We should leave data caches and beacons as we go, detailing our findings. Mark the trail we blaze and leave a line of footsteps for our future descendants to one follow and find our final resting place in the stars. The only place we ever truly called home.
>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
Space: the final frontier. To explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before!

Based poetry poster
>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
>Take volunteer escorts; make it clear that this is one last ride, but any who want glory and have a ship to follow us with are welcome to do so.
Otto... no...

>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
Blaze a trail
>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
You do not make this decision lightly. The dream of leading a fleet is foregone- you are no brazen admiral, nor do you care to burden yourself with the logistics to sustain so many vessels in uncharted space. No. You desire a return to form: the dreadnought that took you on the only period of true autonomy you’ve ever known.

Here, you will not be an Emperor over untold billions. Only a captain and those few tens of thousands daring enough to be his crew. No more mire of politics. No more noble legacy to maintain. No more of old Earth's gravity holding you back from a galaxy of stars…

For once in your life, your path will be your own.

You can’t wait.

>The Reign of Otto Heinrich has come to an end.
>In his 27 years of rule, Otto further legitimised the Privy Council and Landstaat as institutions, oversaw the conquest of the Reaver Clans, began uprooting Clan Skullstucker, encouraged civic aid to former serf populations, founded House Uvar as a vassal under House Heinrich, reformed the Royal Guard into an elite indoctrinated fighting force, brought Crown Corp to economic significance, expanded the Imperial Bureaucracy to more closely monitor the Corps, instituted a ban on Corp scrip, deepened relations with the Osgus State, and coordinated the introduction of the Croize Chutes to imperial shipping lanes.
Over a decade ago, the imperial heir Ferdinand was married to Felicity, one of the most influential daughters of House Soluton. This represented a considerable obstacle to his lifelong project, but the arrangement was critical to the continued stability of the throne. As is an imperial heir's duty, he did his best to find a balance.

What did Ferdinand do after his honeymoon on Teregon?

>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
>He deepened his research and expanded its purview to encompass a wider range of the infantry's needs. (+1d4 possible heirs, refined body armour accompanies his kinetics rifle)
>He did his best to politick with the scions of House Soluton on Lrypso, bringing both lineages closer together. (+1d4 possible heirs, House Soluton owes Ferdinand a favour)
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
C'mon, it's tradition by this point

>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)

Okay, let’s see what we get here
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
>He deepened his research and expanded its purview to encompass a wider range of the infantry's needs. (+1d4 possible heirs, refined body armour accompanies his kinetics rifle)
c-c-combo breaker
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
It really is tradition
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
Obligatory. You WILL love your wife, and you WILL have a happy family.
>and you WILL have a happy family.
Unless you're Otto...
>He did his best to politick with the scions of House Soluton on Lrypso, bringing both lineages closer together. (+1d4 possible heirs, House Soluton owes Ferdinand a favour)
Underrated choice. We get a favor from a major ruling House and also make our wife happy since she's from there, sounds like a win-win to me.
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
Taking after his father's example, and taking care to avoid repeating his mistakes, Ferdinand spent time with Felicity in the imperial palace on Mars. The pair had little in common and less politically, as the heir took after his father's violent ideations while she prized a stable status quo, but they did their best to find common ground.

"Tell me more about these guns of yours, then."

Balancing groundbreaking work with raising a family was an ordeal. Ferdinand often found himself resenting his father's decision to force him into an early marriage, but was more often grateful he didn't have to juggle fatherhood and the duties of an Emperor.

Little by little, House Heinrich grew.

>Roll 1d6+1 for potential heirs
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

Rolled 1, 5, 1, 4 = 11 (4d6)

The burden of rule is heavy to bear. No one man can carry the lives of billions on his own shoulders, but an Emperor must. It is a crushing responsibility. If not for the chance of an heir to one day relieve the weight, it would be hopeless.

Without abominable gene-tech, the only thing any royal couple can do is roll the dice and hope for the best.

>commencing rolls
Rolled 5, 2, 2, 2 = 11 (4d6)

In an unfortunate turn of events, Felicity had a difficult first pregnancy and a painful, dangerously premature delivery. By a stroke of luck, Ferdinand's firstborn, a little girl with her grandmother's nose survived. She required extensive medical assistance early on but shows promising signs that she may exit her infancy without any lifelong health issues.

Time waits for no-one, and once the future Empress recovered, they tried again at her insistence.
Rolled 6, 3, 3, 3 = 15 (4d6)

Their second attempt at a child saw Felicity surrounded by the finest surgeons of the Empire day-and-night, to her chagrin. Fortunately, nothing went wrong, and she gave birth to a healthy boy with a shock of red hair and an easy smile. If all goes well, this child will one day preside over the Eternal Empire.

The pair persisted in their efforts, worried by the earlier crisis and desperate for redundancy.
Rolled 4, 5, 6, 5 = 20 (4d6)

The third went swimmingly, and Felicity gave birth to a second boy. This one's attitude resembled his father's, but his features were more reminiscent of House Soluton's.

The Empire's future reassured, the couple settled into a calm routine.
Rolled 1, 2, 5, 6 = 14 (4d6)

The fourth was a daughter resembling her great-grandmother, Anna, with a quiet and thoughtful stare. Much speculation was made over whether their next would be a boy or a girl.
The fifth was almost as difficult as the first, but Felicity was better prepared and between her efforts and those of the imperial surgeons, she delivered without any major complications. A son, much like his eldest brother, but harder to make laugh.

After this, the pair decided to slow down and Ferdinand was quietly relieved.
The future of the Eternal Empire's throne was assured, but the particulars were far from graven in stone. In their first decades, Felicity and Ferdinand had five children, each worthy of the name Heinrich, each needing a cautious approach to bring out the most of their potential.

Their first daughter grew somewhat more fragile than expected, but didn't let this slow her down. She was meanspirited toward her fellow nobility, rather clever, and fond of competitive games that didn't need much physical exertion, but full of kindness toward the dynasty's servants and the rare commoner she saw.

What did the couple name their firstborn daughter, and how was she raised?

Instead of posting the name and raising prompts all in one mass post like the end of Thread #2, these'll be separate, as almost all of the reason for that was that the thread was about to slide.
Not sure what to say for "how she was raised". How Heinrich has typically raised its girls?

With how hectic and flip-floppy the Heinrich line's children have been in regards to how many are born of each gender, I wonder if there are any betting markets developed on the subject.

Raise her to be loyal to the throne, and employ House Nightshayd to train her in the more subtle ways of living. With her competitiveness and attitude towards the nobility, I think we may have the basis for a new spymaster.
Let her be influenced by House Uvar, so she might see the nobles that were once commoners.
Leopold can teach her some tricks, he's bound to know many. I'm sure there's some family members that would be happy to let her grow into someone that may use subtle force.
Also make sure she's loyal to the crown and House Heinrich, it would be bad if she disfavored her own family because they're seen as 'nobles that happen to have too much power'.

Good idea in her potentially being a spymaster, but I have a bit of Nightshayd paranoia. I'd support this otherwise.
Support the name

We could have both Uvar and Nightshayd teaching her, at least at first.
I support this.
Ferdinand named his firstborn daughter Sophia, in a nod to Felicity's most prestigious great-aunt. Noticing her demeanour and seeing potential, she was raised under the tutelage of House Uvar's finest and the very few trustworthy members of House Nightshayd. To mitigate risks, loyalty to the dynasty comprised a large portion of her curriculum.

Their firstborn son grew strong and healthy, with all indicators that he would retain his father's physique in adulthood. Even better, he was a bright and sociable child, both qualities capable of one day reaching an exceptional degree of competence. However, the boy was not flawless. He was friendly and nonconfrontational by nature, preferring agreeable compromise to issuing commands. Worse, he had no fondness for roughhousing or any more than a superficial interest in the Eternal Empire's extensive military history. These were potentially dangerous attributes for an heir.

What did the couple name their firstborn son, and how was he raised?
oh shit I did not notice this was back, welcome back QM!
lot of the Heinrichs are soft on the common people, good to see!
Albin in honour of his grandfather, and also because he slightly reminds me of him and hopefully, will end up just like him.
I'll suggest we have him learn from House Arthen so that he can go up strong and assertive.

A quick question, is Angelica still kicking?
I like the idea of Arthen, but I don't want him to be almost entirely raised by Arthen like Otto was. Perhaps just enough to get an appreciation of warfare, or at least an understanding, and the ability to be assertive when necessary. Afterwards I think it'd be good to return him to standard instruction and upbringing.
I like this idea, I'll support this. Although I'll also suggest we help him hone into what he's good at too.
I agree with this.
Support Albin II, the legend of a man that proved the Heinrichs can be wildly successful without being military men.

I don't see a problem with the boy's attitudes either. Handsome, strong and friendly means he'll be a popular emperor, just gotta work on his assertiveness. We can let him pursue his own interests too, whatever they may be. Mom wasn't wrong that his Arthen upbringing broke Otto.
To be honest we will need to consolidate stuff eventually. We can't justbdo endless expansion. We gotta build up what we got too. Plus he's going to be the emperor when we consolidate solutions into house Heinrich and he'll have to deal with that fallout. Probably be easier if we increase everyone's education, standard of living and trade lanes.
I agree, but we do have Vrakak and the Kingdom to contend against.
And I doubt we'll be able to consolidate House Soluton anytime soon, that's at minimum a few more Emperors down the line (and that's assuming we decide to even pursue that. There's been some divided opinions on if it's something we should want or not).
What happened with Jeanne? The Otto thing may have broken her up but her relationships with her sons should still be good, right?
Support with the idea of internal build up
Currently I see 2 things we need to do internally
1. Build up infrastructure
Always good but we got a lot of frontier planets, the former holdings of the reaver clans and all the planets that could be terraformed (whenever the Erudition decide to actually finish that up) that we can use now.
2. Population
QM and other anons noticed this in previous threads but the scale of the Empire is not consistent with the population, we need people to get breeding.
I don’t believe those 2 are working together, because the amazing cultural exchange of last thread would have pointed it out and it’s because of that I believe they won’t be starting any aggressive wars against us so we should be fine for now. Plus we have spies in the civilian populace of the Kingdom so we will have early warnings of anything happening.
>consolidate solutions into house Heinrich
We killed Otto's happiness pursuing that pipe dream, I am fully against it.

I agree that a reign of consolidation would do us good.
Thank all of you anons, I'm very glad to be back. Simple Space Empire has been on my mind for a while and I'm excited to see it reach Thread #5. Here's to hoping this will be as fun as the rest.

Classic, and fitting. Otto leaving everything behind to set off for the Lost Reaches wasn't a forgone conclusion but after his falling-out with Jeanne and his mother, it was inevitable. Time will tell what will come of it, though he hasn't left yet, Ferdinand hasn't had his coronation and he wouldn't miss that for an archive of old Earth's schematics. Although if he did, Ferdinand would considered him a fool and never forgave him for it. He isn't inclined to care about ceremonial sentiments or abstract philosophy, but you'll see more of that once we switch to his perspective in full.

In the past, House Heinrich has raised its daughters much like its sons, with a firm focus on instilling a well-rounded education leaning toward their talents and an awareness of the inherent righteousness of the imperial hierarchy. They differ in two respects, the first being that combat training beyond the basics for self-defense isn't mandatory for girls, merely allowed, the second that the particulars of managing an estate, (which on the upper-end can encompass many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of individuals), are given much more emphasis than for boys. House Heinrich is relatively evenhanded as far as delineating the sexes goes. Other noble houses tend to vary to some degree, though as the ruling dynasty, House Heinrich is the (theoretical) benchmark for polite etiquette.

There are extensive betting pools regarding the next generation of House Heinrich, and most of them are even tolerated in public. Fortunes have been made and lost at the announcements of a new member of the royal family. By custom, House Heinrich tends to wait a month after a child is born before informing the rest of the Empire.
Angelica is still alive and kicking, at the ripe age of 123. She's gotten too old to regularly instruct classes of upcoming voidsmen and has slowly shifted over to advising the producers of holo-simulators and holo-documentaries oriented around the military.

Jeanne is healthy and doing well, at 59. She spends most of her days bringing attention to civic causes, generally illiteracy, poor nutrition, and misguided egalitarian sympathizers in the ex-serf populations on the various planets of the conquered Reaver Clans. Her outspoken opinion is that supporters for democracy have been failed by the Eternal Empire's education system, and need to be isolated in humane living quarters and incrementally reconditioned for their own good. In this sense, she's quite moderate. Most noble houses have would-be voters executed on the spot, sent to work camps, or, in extreme cases, condemned to Cradus XVII.

Since the falling out with Otto, she's had a lot of time on her hands and is determined to use it to the fullest. Her relations with her children hasn't been impacted for the worse, and she looks forward to seeing her son Ferdinand's reign. Jeanne has high hopes for the future of the Empire, although she and the heir have opposite opinions in some respects.
>She's gotten too old to regularly instruct classes of upcoming voidsmen and has slowly shifted over to advising the producers of holo-simulators and holo-documentaries oriented around the military.
Huh, cool.
What's her opinion on Otto's last movie?
>Her relations with her children hasn't been impacted for the worse, and she looks forward to seeing her son Ferdinand's reign.
Some good news at least
Perhaps we should put some focus on making sure Ferdinand and Felicity have a stronger foundation with each other, mostly out of guilt for Otto and Jeanne
Otto and Jeane had a rock solid foundation and spent decades happy with each other before we killed their relationship, torched our relations with her house and spit on all the efforts to rehabilitate them after the rebellion just to further appease Soluton.

We don't need to give them a stronger foundation. We just need to not be retarded about maintaining that foundation.
Just read through the archives, and I just want to say that despite Otto's fuckup with the space elevator, we did absolutely nothing wrong with letting the autist obsessed with xenology spend the last years of his life doing what he loves most without being constrained by the responsibilities of being the absolute ruler of a galactic empire. Clara just added on to Otto's life going to complete shit because she was upset that her husband died at the tragically young age of 116 because of plant people space weed instead of passing on at the ripe old age of 121.
I'll support Anselm, he's probably not gonna be as much like Albin as Alphonse II is to Alphonse
I'm going to go ahead and lock the vote here so we can continue.

She thinks it was a compelling insight into Otto's perspective of the campaign of Uvarth, and finds its reuse of the raw holo-footage for the final battle against their Parliament tasteful. However, she also feels its lack of strategic details in favour of viscefal combat was a bland stylistic choice, and that the interview segments were overreliant on kinetics gunfire for punctuation. Overall, she gives it a 7.8/10, though her public rating was a 10/10 for keeping up the appearances of House Heinrich.
Ferdinand named his firstborn son Anselm, after the ancient physicist who laid down the groundwork for the earliest Shunt Reactors. Reasoning that his agreeable mindset was weak, he wanted to have him sent to House Arthen for training but at the last minute, Felicity convinced him a more balanced upbringing would better serve the needs of the Empire. They found a compromise. Select, loyal tutors hailing from House Arthen would be invited to the imperial palace on Mars and would play a critical part in shaping his early perspective, without overtaking it.

Their secondborn son grew within expected parameters and quickly showed an acerbic temperament, talking back to his caretakers and demanding an explanation for everything. He also demonstrated a sadistic cunning, regularly hiding from the Royal Guard, rarely succeeding, and mutilating insects when he believed he wasn't under supervision. Some early talks found that he was fascinated by weapons and disgusted by non-terrestrial life, with an immature conception that crawling, slimy things should be burned. Mammals get a pass and he was slightly fixated on getting a domestic dog for the imperial palace, rather than the guard dogs in its outer wings.

What did the couple name their secondborn son, and how was he raised?
For the name I will throw out Gilbert and for how he was raised I say the same as Anselm

I mostly want to have the tutors reign in his poorer impulses while making sure his cunning and inquisitive nature still remain intact
Good to see the quest back!
Anyway I kinda want to call him Terbla simply for his seemingly xenophobic tendencies and cause it's just Albert backwards. As for upbringing reigning in his impulses and disgust for non-terrestrial life seems like a good idea i'll leave finer details to to other anons.

>a sadistic asshole of medium intelligence and low inclination to hide his predilections

Ah - this one might be better off having accident out in deep space somewhere. Not every son is worth keeping…
We need to set up some type of low-controversy disinheritance system like The Wall in Game of Thrones or forcing your son to be a monk like IRL.
We are not committing Familicide, even if they may be like Maegor.
Should probably look into this
>Encourage his cunning and help him get his answers from the Order of Erudition tutors.
Nighshayd and Uvar Houses can teach him. I'm sure he'd get along with Leopold and the rest of them.
Send him to House Arthen, where he can learn about respect and chivalry!
I ship them
+1 but call him Ryan instead.

Anon we can't just send every son we want to correct to House Arthen.
What is the empire's mental health services like?
>I recommend the most advanced pediatric mental health treatment we have across to
I have no idea, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Empire doesn't have anything when it comes to mental health lol
Hey if it works it works.

And thank you for responding QM!
Makes me wonder what a 10/10 would look like for her.
I have no idea how kids who are maybe sociopaths are treated, but I think having him spend some time with the Rangers who could hopefully convince him to not hurt animals and stop any anti-ozgus sentiments before it becomes a problem, could be a good idea.
We need an exploratory corps, named in honour of our father, to send our sons and other, undesirables, out into the wild yonder to either come back with something good or die in service of the empire. Or even send him on a suicide trip to test the defences of the kingdom on our borders.

Supporting gilbert.
>Given to Arthen to give him discipline and restraint.
Apologies for the sparse updates lately, I've been busy with some early 4th of July parties sickening treason against the throne on Mars. Ferdinand's reign should be commencing soon.

The Eternal Empire has learned and forgotten more about human psychology than has ever been recorded in any single archive at one time. In the current era, there's a wide perception among the aristocracy that a lack of loyalty conditioning for the next generation of the common masses is dangerous, and with budgets in the Order of Erudition strained juggling laying down infrastructure in the former Reaver Clan stars, ongoing research, and keeping parity with the Astronomicon Academy, some rather inventive methods have arisen for instilling it. For an overwhelming majority of Mankind, (at least, within the Empire's territory) holo-propaganda and a culture of repressing weakness is the closest thing to mental healthcare they can get. PTSD is fairly common in former soldiers but due to Emperor Alphonse's reforms, there are means of former enlistees getting help in most of the Empire's core worlds.

Among the noble houses, approaches to mental health vary dramatically. House Junger notably forces those suffering from psychological distress to serve in units meant for the frontlines under the notion that they'll either be broken, ridding their bloodline of weakness, or remade by the crucible of war. At the opposite extreme, House De Croize regularly counsels its scientists and forces most its personnel, noble or commoner, to take as much as one in four months off if quotas are reliably met, reasoning that it improves long-term productivity. House Heinrich considers itself a disciplined bloodline and most of its members are trained from birth to hold strict standards of competence, both mental and physical. Aside from that, it's fairly flexible on its approach to similar issues, though with the obscure rumours surrounding Emperor Albin's proclivities, mental health is a slightly uncomfortable subject.
How about combining having him spend time with the Rangers, Houses Uvar, Nightshayd, and Arthen, along with Erudition tutors?

Darn traitors. Hope you have fun in Mars, QM.
Ferdinand named his secondborn son Gilbert, an old, respectable, if unnoteworthy Heinrich name, after Felicity narrowly managed to talk him out of calling him Terbla. Realizing that his aggression could cause problems in the future, he arranged for him to undergo much heavier conditioning by Arthen's tutors and receive exposure to the Order of Rangers, Order of Erudition, and House Uvar, to teach him subtlety and bring out any hidden potential.

Their secondborn daughter turned out to be a bright and athletic girl, with little interest in talking to others. She held a competitive streak and couldn't stand losing without the chance for a rematch, but her range of interests was wide, encompassing everything from voidships travelling between systems to Jumpcrawlers grappling over the ball. At the same time, she had little care for the social systems behind them and viewed nobility as a simple fact of life not worth worrying about.

What did the couple name their secondborn daughter, and how was she raised?
>Have her go through Astronomicon Academy.
Don't know about the specifics otherwise but if she wants to become physically stronger we should encourage that.
>Let her choose
She has a wide array of options since she seems to have a lot of interests and she doesn’t appear to be mentally unstable in a violent way so this is a safe choice

Support, she seems like she’s a natural athlete. Would wonder if she has a career in space athletics or something?
She’s a natural tomboy.
Support. We need someone to take over from grand-aunt Angelica.
Ferdinand named his secondborn daughter Felicity II, in recognition of his wife. Both parents agreed that she posed little risk while showing promise, and allowed her an unusual degree of freedom in determining her future. She quickly showed an interest in sports, particularly the archaic javelin toss, and began refining her skill to an impressive level. This was a surprise to the imperial court but as it's a respectable, if ancient discipline, it was politely acknowledged as legitimate and spoken of no further.

Their thirdborn son resembled his father, in outlook and intellect. He was no less subtle in public, but privately confided to Ferdinand that he liked the idea of guns and was curious about how they worked, especially for killing Federalists. His father was proud and they developed a close bond, discovering that the boy had a clever, inventive mind and the makings of a crack shot.

They kept most of this a secret from Felicity, out of a desire to avoid her saying something unfounded and worrying the rest of the dynasty. The future-Emperor wasn't sure what to make of his son, but of his children, he saw the most of himself in him. That was a dangerous thing.

What did the couple name their thirdborn son, and how was he raised?
>Ferdinand II
>Have House Uvar help him become more clever, and have Order of Erudition sharpen his inventive mind.
Also we can have his uncle help (the one that invented that gun, I forgot his name) with gun research.
And keep that good relationship between father and son, I feel like we're going to need it.
>Also we can have his uncle help (the one that invented that gun, I forgot his name)
Ferdinand himself developed the cold weld guns I believe or are you talking about Leopold who made himself a pistol during his school years?

Our daughteru being an aspiring athlete gives me an idea. Could we resurrect the Olympics (again) in spirit? A periodic Empire-wide contest of sport and athletics, with planets organising teams to send to compete in a wide range of events, with prizes for the winners and the communities or houses they come from. It would be nobility-heavy just by the way the Empire is, but there's always plucky commoners able to prove themselves and for the masses to aspire to. I think it'd give the nobility a new game to focus on, bring the various corners of the Empire that little bit closer together and would of course be a spectacle showcasing the best of humanity. Perhaps we could even extend an invite to the Kingdom to try and do some détente with sports diplomacy like we did with the Osgus?
Sure I'll support this too.

Sounds like fun. While we do have space sports I'm guessing this is mostly an internal thing and a revival of some human traditions.

Also support, good logic here
Ferdinand was the guy that invented the gun btw lol
Although that can help with the father-son bonding if they do gun making stuff together.
I would support the neo olympics but no Kingdom, no recognizing them in any form.
Ferdinand named his thirdborn son Ferdinand II, seeing himself in the young boy's eyes. He arranged to have him trained by House Uvar and tutored by the Order of Erudition, both of which revealed that Ferdinand II is not only bright, but cunning. In a very short time, the boy has started assembling watches from loose gears and making crude modifications to the charge packs for laser rifles. By reaching maturity, he may be an exceptional technician, but the royal couple doubts his ambitions will end at tinkering.

Ferdinand's lifelong goal has come to completion. His attempt at creating a more reliable kinetic rifle has left the prototype stage, and is now prepared for mass-manufacture. It is a rare example of hybrid munitions, blending bullets and lasers for heightened firepower. Unlike most instances of its class, however, it doesn't have multiple barrels or alternate firing modes. Instead, it fires a strong pulse laser, then follows it a quarter of a second later with a semi-automatic burst of lead. This allows the gun to function in atmospheric conditions that would leaves laser ineffective at best, and in terrain (or circumstances) that render kinetics prone to jamming. Additionally, its multi-layered approach is devastating against most personal armour, which is generally tuned for repelling either incoming energy or mass.
Due to its intricate design, it is difficult to manufacture, and to compensate for its delicate internals, the rifle itself is bulkier and heavier than usual. Years spent on refinement have left its maintenance requirements only slightly more severe than average, though its unconventional internal configuration may prove difficult to iterate on further.

This is doubtlessly Ferdinand's greatest achievement. No matter the course of his reign, he'll be remembered for this. All that's left is to decide on the name and means of distribution.

What should the hybrid rifle be called?

>Ferdinand-class. The traditional route and easily the most indulgent to his ego, though he is the royal heir.
>Alphonse-class. Harkoning to the near-mythical past while preserving tasteful humility.
>Heinrich-class. Associating the gun with the dynasty is a bold move, but could have long-term ramifications on its image.
>Burnlance-class. Naming the invention after what it does is uncommon, and to some, refreshing.
>Parliament-class. A crass and insulting name that could be taken dozens of ways, and sure to attract controversy.
>None of these. Ferdinand has a much better idea. (write-in)

Once that's decided, how should it be distributed?

>Keep the schematics strictly confidential. This would almost completely isolate it to the personal retinue of House Heinrich and possibly the Royal Guard, for better or worse.
>Patent the design for Crown Corp. As the weapon came from the auspices of House Heinrich, it's only reasonable it should remain in Heinrich's property.
>Sell licenses of manufacture to the highest bidder. This will encourage its spread and more importantly, make Ferdinand a fortune that isn't tied to the structures of the Empire.
>Make the gun open-source. Such a move is almost unprecedented, but guaranteed to spread it far and wide and improve Ferdinand's reputation among the more cutthroat and entrepreneurial sorts.
>Burnlance-class. Naming the invention after what it does is uncommon, and to some, refreshing.
If it does well it will be associated with the Heinrichs regardless
>Patent the design for Crown Corp. As the weapon came from the auspices of House Heinrich, it's only reasonable it should remain in Heinrich's property.
Basically combines the option before and after it and if given to Crowncorp they could probably figure out a way to streamline the design for mass production.
>Burnlance-class. Naming the invention after what it does is uncommon, and to some, refreshing.
>Patent the design for Crown Corp. As the weapon came from the auspices of House Heinrich, it's only reasonable it should remain in Heinrich's property.
>Burnlance-class. Naming the invention after what it does is uncommon, and to some, refreshing.
>Patent the design for Crown Corp. As the weapon came from the auspices of House Heinrich, it's only reasonable it should remain in Heinrich's property.

I have to agree with the other anon about not legitimizing the Kingdom. Otherwise neo olympics sound good.
>Burnlance-class. Naming the invention after what it does is uncommon, and to some, refreshing.
>Patent the design for Crown Corp. As the weapon came from the auspices of House Heinrich, it's only reasonable it should remain in Heinrich's property.

>Burnlance-class. Naming the invention after what it does is uncommon, and to some, refreshing.
>Patent the design for Crown Corp. As the weapon came from the auspices of House Heinrich, it's only reasonable it should remain in Heinrich's property.
You are Ferdinand Heinrich, firstborn son of Otto Heinrich, third Emperor of his line. As the rightful heir to the dynasty, you’ve received the finest education possible and have taken full advantage of it. Most noble sons concern themselves with refining the arts of war or intrigue, the methods which allow them to seize and retain the power their blood is due. You forewent more than a respectable minimum of either in favour of intellect, which you know encompasses and surpasses both.

You have long been fascinated by violence. There is no higher ecstasy than to strike an enemy down, sword in hand. This is a truth no less fundamental to your blood than that Sol burns and the void chills, but in your studies, you have delved further. If to kill by the sword is joyous, how much greater is the gun that kills tenfold the foe? How much grander, then, is the orbit-to-surface strike that obliterates them in the millions? The annihilation wrought at economy of scale is incomparable! Even dwelling on it, the dopamine floods your brain! Such free-flowing serotonin! Such immaculate bliss!

Honour is the crutch of small-minded fools! Let the duelists and marksmen train their bodies to fight, for even the mightiest of them is no more than a statistical error! The scientist that discovered the principles behind their weapons, the engineer who designed a functional schematic, the industrialist that manufactured and distributed them- those are true killers of men! Pursuing the sentiment of killing personally is vacuous stupidity, and quibbling over abstraction of the act is a senseless distraction from what really matters: Increasingly sophisticated structures of killing!

How many untold billions have fallen to the nameless ancient who first discovered gunpowder? It pales the mind to contemplate. How many thousands have already died to your own Burnlance rifles? Not enough! You have some catching up to do!

Oh, you are surrounded by fools. So fixated on honour, glory, valour… so much hot air! But you will pretend, as you always have. You are a master of it. Let them think you are the martial champion their small minds crave. As long as they march in lockstep to your transcendent vision, as long as they know their place and obey their rightful master, you are content to play the part these untold millions of slack-jawed simpletons demand.
After thirty-seven long years of waiting, the time has finally come for your ascension to the throne on Mars.

The royal ceremony is well underway and you are well aware that billions are watching. You look ahead and maintain a stoic posture, in strict accordance to protocol. Unlike some, you don’t allow yourself the luxury of getting lost in your thoughts.

“THUS! Humanity shall endure ETERNAL in the memory of old Earth, under one EMPIRE!”

The speaker is filled with zeal, as is appropriate. You step forward and kneel toward the throne, the very image of duty, as you’ve rehearsed.

“With the AUTHORITY vested in these hands by ANCIENT WISDOM, this voice declares a NEW EMPEROR!”

You bow your head as he retrieves the crown, and sigh in relief as he places its heavy weight on your brow.


He screams with the proper deference to your position.

“ALL HAIL! HAIL to the Emperor! HAIL to the Heinrich line!”

The gathered throng of nobility, and you note, a handful of squids among them, echo his words.

“Arise, EMPEROR, and assume the THRONE!”

You stand and march the short distance. You are amazed at the aura of invincible authority surrounding what’s ultimately just a chair. You restrain yourself from smiling too early. You turn and lower yourself onto the throne. The numerous spectators stare in awe, or present a convincing facade. The speaker concludes the ceremony.

“The Emperor is dead! Long live the Emperor!”

At long last, your birthright is yours.

Tens of billions now lay at your disposal.

It is an exhilarating feeling.
Sitting upon the throne, your thoughts go back to your ambition. Everything you’ve done has been in preparation for this. Every hour of diligent study, politicking, and training was spent in anticipation of your coronation, and the singular cause you intend to dedicate your reign towards. Every hour, save those poured into the creation of the Burnlance-class hybrid rifle. That was a personal indulgence. The second-to-last you’ll permit yourself in some time…

You make a minor break of protocol and smile for the masses.

Now, you are closer to your goal than ever before…

>Consolidate the Conquests. You’re more eager to dwell on your inadequacies than most, because denial changes nothing about the reality of the situation. The Empire is mired in economic stagnation and ignorance among the masses, not yet fit to seize the galaxy by the reins. This must be corrected, and all opposition among the nobility and merchantry, silenced.
>Modernize the Imperial Navy. You are aware that Mars-pattern vessels have served the throne on Mars for many centuries, and that the Cherry-pattern vessels have served your own dynasty for generations. That legacy means nothing to you, as you know they can be replaced and the crown’s unspoken legitimacy through force, improved.
>Subjugate the Chavenac Kingdom. You wish to be known as a great unifier of Mankind, like your father, your father’s father, and your father’s father’s father. To that end, the Kingdom must be brought to heel, by any and all means available, and the renegade House Chavenac humiliated or exterminated for their continued hubris.
>Empower House Heinrich. You know that the interests of the Empire are auxiliary at best to those of the ruling dynasty, and can and should be cast aside where it is expedient for the throne. To ensure that your genetic lineage remains in absolute control of the species, you must elevate House Heinrich’s might beyond reproach, fill the palatial vaults to the breaking point, and instill unquestioning obedience to your bloodline alone in the masses, be it through loyalty or terror.
>Consolidate the Conquests. You’re more eager to dwell on your inadequacies than most, because denial changes nothing about the reality of the situation. The Empire is mired in economic stagnation and ignorance among the masses, not yet fit to seize the galaxy by the reins. This must be corrected, and all opposition among the nobility and merchantry, silenced.

>Then prepare to fight varaks
>Consolidate the Conquests. You’re more eager to dwell on your inadequacies than most, because denial changes nothing about the reality of the situation. The Empire is mired in economic stagnation and ignorance among the masses, not yet fit to seize the galaxy by the reins. This must be corrected, and all opposition among the nobility and merchantry, silenced.
>Modernize the Imperial Navy. You are aware that Mars-pattern vessels have served the throne on Mars for many centuries, and that the Cherry-pattern vessels have served your own dynasty for generations. That legacy means nothing to you, as you know they can be replaced and the crown’s unspoken legitimacy through force, improved.
>Consolidate the Conquests. You’re more eager to dwell on your inadequacies than most, because denial changes nothing about the reality of the situation. The Empire is mired in economic stagnation and ignorance among the masses, not yet fit to seize the galaxy by the reins. This must be corrected, and all opposition among the nobility and merchantry, silenced.
>Modernize the Imperial Navy. You are aware that Mars-pattern vessels have served the throne on Mars for many centuries, and that the Cherry-pattern vessels have served your own dynasty for generations. That legacy means nothing to you, as you know they can be replaced and the crown’s unspoken legitimacy through force, improved.
>Consolidate the Conquests. You’re more eager to dwell on your inadequacies than most, because denial changes nothing about the reality of the situation. The Empire is mired in economic stagnation and ignorance among the masses, not yet fit to seize the galaxy by the reins. This must be corrected, and all opposition among the nobility and merchantry, silenced.
>Modernize the Imperial Navy. You are aware that Mars-pattern vessels have served the throne on Mars for many centuries, and that the Cherry-pattern vessels have served your own dynasty for generations. That legacy means nothing to you, as you know they can be replaced and the crown’s unspoken legitimacy through force, improved.

We have to bring the reaver holdings to Imperial standard, we need to make the Imperial standard better, we need the population to grow so we can get more taxes, we need to terraform more planets so we can get more resources so we can get more taxes, and the navy must be improved and expanded. (I want a minimum of 4 fleets guarding Mars at all times). Lets get to work!

Also Felicity should be happy we are going to be close to her and the children so there is that.
>Consolidate the Conquests. You’re more eager to dwell on your inadequacies than most, because denial changes nothing about the reality of the situation. The Empire is mired in economic stagnation and ignorance among the masses, not yet fit to seize the galaxy by the reins. This must be corrected, and all opposition among the nobility and merchantry, silenced.
>>Consolidate the Conquests. You’re more eager to dwell on your inadequacies than most, because denial changes nothing about the reality of the situation. The Empire is mired in economic stagnation and ignorance among the masses, not yet fit to seize the galaxy by the reins. This must be corrected, and all opposition among the nobility and merchantry, silenced.
Can't make better and more efficient weapons if we're poor/going to war all the time. Logistics wins wars don't you know.

>Consolidate the Conquests. You’re more eager to dwell on your inadequacies than most, because denial changes nothing about the reality of the situation. The Empire is mired in economic stagnation and ignorance among the masses, not yet fit to seize the galaxy by the reins. This must be corrected, and all opposition among the nobility and merchantry, silenced.

we have been more or less on permanent conquest mode, We should take a few decades and really invest in economy
From the earliest days you could comprehend the broader scale of your future position, you have been dissatisfied with the Eternal Empire. Its territories are vast, its munitions numerous, and its armies loyal. None of that is a concern. The military is, barring any unforeseen shortcomings, adequate for the near-future. The economy, however, is in tatters. The Major Houses are squabbling, the Corps are struggling, and the masses are stumbling like so many blind beggars in the dark.

They are so fixated on the acquisition of monopolies and maintenance of assets that they give no thought to their wider civilization. The Empire is vast and this vastness is torn in dozens of directions, when it should be unified! As vast as the Empire may be, the galaxy is incomprehensibly vaster. If the Eternal Empire is ever forced into an existential war, its arms must be prepared to strike without remorse, and the arterial blood that fuels them- the supplies, logistics, and infrastructure- must be swift and coursing! You decided long ago, that shall be your legacy.

Your descendants can be left to their reckless ambitions of conquest. It falls on you to take the scattered flotsam your ancestors left behind and form it into a firm foundation for them to rely on! You decided long ago, this shall be your legacy. A healthy economy leads to prosperity, prosperity leads to power, and power leads to victory over the foes of House Heinrich. You will not be one of the great conquerors, but you’ll stack the dominos for the ones to follow in your wake.
You commence your royal duties the next morning. Unfortunately, an urgent matter requires your personal attention before you can move on to implementing some of your plans. It’s about the Osgus, or more particularly, the backlash to their recent presence in your coronation. The traditionalists among the nobility are fuming with outrage! This is the first time aliens have EVER attended a royal coronation, and for once, House Heinrich is the first among the dynasties of the Eternal Empire to set a trend. You suppose that by extension, that means historians are likely to remember you as a notably xenophilic Emperor, but that's of little relevance.

House Arthen has released a public condemnation of the crown’s involvement with the Osgus State! Many nobles throughout the major and minor houses are similarly infuriated, and if something isn’t done, this is likely to cause a crisis for the stability of the Empire. Of course, they haven’t gone so far as to insult you or the throne on Mars personally, and as this is thus not treason, it must be handled with some tact.

What should be done?

>Apologize for the disrespect your predecessor has shown to Mankind's ancient traditions by inviting aliens. This will surprise everyone, damage House Heinrich's prestige, and deeply insult the Osgus State, but traditionalists will be pleased and you won't have to worry about them.
>Ignore the traditionalists and carry on as usual. If they don’t receive any official recognition, it’s likely their protests will lose steam, but there is some risk that this would galvanize them into something more serious.
>Publicly acknowledge their concerns and explain your reasoning. The Osgus have a polite relationship with Mankind, and there’s no disgrace in a handful of their dignitaries attending such a sacred ceremony, even moreso when your grandfather and his bodyguards have already attended their equivalent.
>Make a public statement of friendship to the Osgus State. This will enrage the protesters, but in turn, it will force them to act on their traditions or cease complaining, and simultaneously appease the squids.
>Redirect their frustrations to the Conclave of Vrakak Clans. Sufficient vitriol toward the subhuman vermin bordering the Empire should calm them down, although it could provoke an incident.
>Swallow your pride and make some bribes. It’s impossible for this to have any effect on House Arthen proper but it’s likely to leave them isolated among the wider nobility, and consequently, no threat to your reign.
>Enlist House Nightshayd operatives to silence the loudest of the regressive-thinkers before it devolves into open dissent. This is effectively the orbital strike option, but House Nightshayd has seldom failed your dynasty in the past.
>Publicly acknowledge their concerns and explain your reasoning. The Osgus have a polite relationship with Mankind, and there’s no disgrace in a handful of their dignitaries attending such a sacred ceremony, even moreso when your grandfather and his bodyguards have already attended their equivalent.
>Publicly acknowledge their concerns and explain your reasoning. The Osgus have a polite relationship with Mankind, and there’s no disgrace in a handful of their dignitaries attending such a sacred ceremony, even moreso when your grandfather and his bodyguards have already attended their equivalent.
Give and take
We cannot do anything that would insult the prestige of the house and we definitely are not apologising to anyone, though I would like to keep things cool as Arthen is a friendly house to us and I rather keep it that way.
>Publicly acknowledge their concerns and explain your reasoning. The Osgus have a polite relationship with Mankind, and there’s no disgrace in a handful of their dignitaries attending such a sacred ceremony, even moreso when your grandfather and his bodyguards have already attended their equivalent.
>Apologize for the disrespect your predecessor has shown to Mankind's ancient traditions by inviting aliens. This will surprise everyone, damage House Heinrich's prestige, and deeply insult the Osgus State, but traditionalists will be pleased and you won't have to worry about them.
Hate doing this, but internal stability is in line with our ideas.
>Redirect their frustrations to the Conclave of Vrakak Clans. Sufficient vitriol toward the subhuman vermin bordering the Empire should calm them down, although it could provoke an incident.
It is the go to for any ruler that wants to keep their country stable and population placated.
Just blame the enemy and unite because of them lmao

>Publicly acknowledge their concerns and explain your reasoning. The Osgus have a polite relationship with Mankind, and there’s no disgrace in a handful of their dignitaries attending such a sacred ceremony, even moreso when your grandfather and his bodyguards have already attended their equivalent.
>Make a public statement of friendship to the Osgus State. This will enrage the protesters, but in turn, it will force them to act on their traditions or cease complaining, and simultaneously appease the squids.
>Redirect their frustrations to the Conclave of Vrakak Clans. Sufficient vitriol toward the subhuman vermin bordering the Empire should calm them down, although it could provoke an incident.
>Swallow your pride and make some bribes. It’s impossible for this to have any effect on House Arthen proper but it’s likely to leave them isolated among the wider nobility, and consequently, no threat to your reign.

Having friendly relations with the Osgus is one of the most critical blessings of Emperor Albin’s reign. We invite House Arthen to reconsider their stance…

Should we try to assemble a meeting between a reasonable member of House Arthen and a group of Osgus diplomats? Maybe an Arthen heir who is less rigid in their beliefs?
>Redirect their frustrations to the Conclave of Vrakak Clans. Sufficient vitriol toward the subhuman vermin bordering the Empire should calm them down, although it could provoke an incident.
Samefag or dementia? Take your pick

Time to make this problem go away. Can't have an incident tarnish our grandfather's achievement.
Shit. My bad I need to lay off the booze.
>Publicly acknowledge their concerns and explain your reasoning. The Osgus have a polite relationship with Mankind, and there’s no disgrace in a handful of their dignitaries attending such a sacred ceremony, even moreso when your grandfather and his bodyguards have already attended their equivalent.
>Redirect their frustrations to the Conclave of Vrakak Clans. Sufficient vitriol toward the subhuman vermin bordering the Empire should calm them down, although it could provoke an incident.
This should keep things well without having relations with the nobles or squidbros sour too much.
>Redirect their frustrations to the Conclave of Vrakak Clans. Sufficient vitriol toward the subhuman vermin bordering the Empire should calm them down, although it could provoke an incident.
Redirecting frustrations at Vrakak Clans could cause an incident, which would probably lead to war, and Ferdinand already stated he did not want to be another conquest emperor. He wants to consolidate the gains, and starting a new war goes completely contrary to that.
I do not want to deal with an 80 world occupation of crack head rat people
If we roll badly then yes it might. But if we roll badly while trying to explain ourselves publicly it would cause the nobles to bicker and faction more, which goes contrary to what Ferdinand wants.
And the latter could also lead to setting the groundwork for another civil war.
I think starting a war with the Vrakaks is more detrimental to the plan than causing some internal strife which might lead to a future war if we're not careful.
These things ultimately hinge on rolls, no amount of caution can save us against a crit fail.
Although I'd argue that fighting an enemy that unifies the entire Empire would cause less harm to internal stability than pissing off a large chunk of the elite.
>>Ignore the traditionalists and carry on as usual. If they don’t receive any official recognition, it’s likely their protests will lose steam, but there is some risk that this would galvanize them into something more serious.
Why should the Emperor care about the opinion of his lessers? Either they get with the program or futilely quibble with the decisions of House Heinrich. What are they going to do, assassinate the Emperor over it? With House Nightshayd at our backs I'd like to see them try.

Seriously though, we probably should figure out a way to make Nightshayd's support iron clad before we really do get stabbed in the back
>Make a public statement of friendship to the Osgus State. This will enrage the protesters, but in turn, it will force them to act on their traditions or cease complaining, and simultaneously appease the squids.
If we're eventually going to be allies with the Osgus we might as well just take this opportunity to improve our relationship with them and reveal the most extreme xenophobes amongst the nobles at the same time before anything actually extreme happens like a military alliance or something. Being too much of a people-pleaser about it is just kicking the squid can down the road.
Rolled 6 (1d6)

You determine that a multi-pronged approach is best for handling the situation. First, you’ll make a statement acknowledging their concerns as valid and explaining why they are entirely unfounded, in the most uncontroversial language possible. The Osgus are an advanced species that understands the need for hierarchy, and are thus civilized and worthy of token recognition from the throne on Mars, even before taking into account that your grandfather, Emperor Albin, dedicated the brunt of his reign to bringing them closer to Mankind.

If House Arthen persists in this anti-alien rhetoric they would be openly bringing Emperor Albin’s discernment into question. The same discernment that led him to trust House Arthen with training his son and heir, the future Emperor Otto, as a matter of fact. Such disrespect would be a stain against the honour of both of your houses. Surely they aren’t blind to that?

Second, you’ll redirect their attention to the Conclave of Vrakak Clans. They are, by your estimation, subhuman in most respects and incapable of presenting a true threat to the Eternal Empire. It is a miracle that they’ve managed to achieve a spacefaring society despite the shortcomings of their feral, scattered minds, but it is no coincidence that for all of their incursions in the last millennia alone, they’ve failed to conquer Sol.

Even further, they failed to conquer Uvarth! Even shackled under the inefficiencies of mob rule, Humanity is flatly superior to their fleabitten kind! The Vrakak lack ambition, an existential flaw, and that is why they are destined to fail in their bid for galactic infestation, but that won’t stop them from trying. You’ll recite some of the atrocity propaganda from the bygone Federation, refined through a proper, noble perspective, of course, and see if you can’t get the nobles outraged at the vermin House Heinrich has no relations with instead of the squids that so fascinated your ancestors.

You are no legendary orator, but you’ve certainly been instructed and are quite capable of holding your own before an audience. Factoring in the Landstaat as well, you think you have this in the bag.

>Roll 1d12-3 to calm House Arthen’s concerns. +1 [Friendly Relations (House Arthen)], +1 [Landstaat Forum], +1 [Imperial Authority], -4 [Breaking Ancient Tradition], -2 [Ideals of Superiority (House Arthen)]
>Roll 1d12+3 to redirect the nobility’s frustrations. +2 [Historical Hostilities (Vrakak)], +2 [Ideals of Superiority (House Arthen)], +1 [Friendly Relations (House Arthen)], +1 [Landstaat Forum], +1 [Imperial Authority], -4 [Breaking Ancient Tradition]
Rolled 9 - 3 (1d12 - 3)

Inb4 we roll like shit
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d12 + 3)

Rolled 11 + 3 (1d12 + 3)

hope i don't fuck this up
You give a rousing speech in the Landstaad, urging recognition of Emperor Albin’s contributions to the Eternal Empire and a spirit of cooperation with the Osgus, as one of the only species to prove itself worthy of friendship with Mankind. To your surprise, the ancient patriarch of House Arthen, your father’s old friend Arlo, reciprocates in demanding his lineage hold respect for all traditions of the Empire, past and future. This cools down the loudest outrage among their ranks, but a majority remain incensed by what they view as a desecration of Mankind’s most sacred of rituals.

It’s clear that in siding with you, Arlo has lost a considerable amount of prestige among his house. Further, while House Arthen is nowhere near open hostilities, this has taken the wind from the Heinrich advocate’s sails in their number, and the breeze isn’t likely to pick up again soon.

Relations with House Arthen have declined, and they are now neutral to the throne.

In an attempt to distract the population from anti-Osgus sentiments, you encourage anti-Vrakak militancy. Handfuls of elderly (loyal to the throne) ex-Federalists are interviewed on their experiences in the war against the vermin, Loca Corp makes a handful of holo-documentaries capitalizing on the trend, and royal functionaries quietly pass a loudspeaker to the most vicious anti-Vrakak noblemen that can be found. All of this propaganda does an excellent job to distract from the Osgus and the heat of the incident at your coronation blows over much faster than anticipated.

However, this instills a deep hostility toward the Vrakak species in the masses and the nobility follows suit, making various bold claims of Mankind’s invincibility, martial excellence, and so forth.

The Conclave of Vrakak Clans hasn’t made any direct response, but they’ve closed off what little channels of communication there were. As far as you understand it, their internal political situation has started to change, with the xenophobic Vravak faction making substantial headway as the more agreeable Vreuk faction falls into relative obscurity. Unfortunate, but you never did care for them.
You commence your reign! The Ledger is looking… adequate, but there is significant room for change.

>The Empire:
>Territory: 8
>Economy: 5
>Military: 6
>Happiness: 5
>Population: 7

>House Heinrich:
>3 jewel worlds, 12 core worlds, 14 frontier worlds
>2 Retinue Fleets
>Crown Corp
>Royal Guard:
>1 Imperial Fleet

You’ve been informed of your Head Advisor Igor’s secret. You defer to your ancestors’ judgement regarding him and are fascinated at his informational potential, though you’ve begun taking the precaution of carrying incendiary grenades on your person.

“The Burnlance is a fine weapon, my liege. You should be proud of your accomplishments and what you're going to accomplish, as Emperor.”

Igor seems as normal as ever, which is disturbing now that you know the truth. No matter. You have an economy to manage!
You have an idea you’ve been wanting to implement for some time.

>Strengthen the Bureaucracy. At the moment, a planetary governors’ only recourse for enforcing imperial law is beseeching the local nobility or, in extreme cases, reaching out to the Imperial Army. You aim to change that by raising a separate, sanctioned police force loyal to the broader Empire rather than any one noble house. Bankrolling what amounts to a universal paramilitary will be a highly contentious and expensive move, but a consistent approach to crime may improve stability and certainly cut out the aristocratic middleman in handling the masses directly.
>Grant the Order of Erudition additional funding. The education in the Empire is stratified, with the next generation of nobles receiving diligent tutors and tailoured curriculums designed to bring out the most of them, while the children of the masses are taught a bare minimum of literacy, numeracy, and loyalty in crowded public structures. This is ideal and desirable, but lacking in efficiency. If the educators had a higher budget and a specific direction to move in, they would likely generate better results for the Empire.
>Subsidize Hookware Corp’s expansion. Hookware Corp is an ancient business and arguably the foremost naval power in the Imperial Territories behind the Imperial Navy. They’re also paranoid of the noble houses, sitting on a vast hoard they’re unwilling to spend, and in control of one of the Empire’s most heavily-industrialized worlds. If encouraged to widen their portfolio by the throne on Mars, this would likely stimulate the wider economy while ingratiating them (and their fleets) to House Heinrich.
>Invest in Infrastructure in the former Reaver Clan territories. This admittedly isn’t too exciting or immediately profitable, but it needs to happen sooner or later, and you would vastly prefer sooner. New and refurbished starports, mines, and factories in conquered pirate space will render the ex-serfs more productive, while regular pay for working in better conditions than their forefathers did for free as serfs will make them happier, or at least, less susceptible to the insidious threat of egalitarianism.
>Invest in Infrastructure in the former Reaver Clan territories. This admittedly isn’t too exciting or immediately profitable, but it needs to happen sooner or later, and you would vastly prefer sooner. New and refurbished starports, mines, and factories in conquered pirate space will render the ex-serfs more productive, while regular pay for working in better conditions than their forefathers did for free as serfs will make them happier, or at least, less susceptible to the insidious threat of egalitarianism.
>Grant the Order of Erudition additional funding. The education in the Empire is stratified, with the next generation of nobles receiving diligent tutors and tailoured curriculums designed to bring out the most of them, while the children of the masses are taught a bare minimum of literacy, numeracy, and loyalty in crowded public structures. This is ideal and desirable, but lacking in efficiency. If the educators had a higher budget and a specific direction to move in, they would likely generate better results for the Empire.
>Invest in Infrastructure in the former Reaver Clan territories. This admittedly isn’t too exciting or immediately profitable, but it needs to happen sooner or later, and you would vastly prefer sooner. New and refurbished starports, mines, and factories in conquered pirate space will render the ex-serfs more productive, while regular pay for working in better conditions than their forefathers did for free as serfs will make them happier, or at least, less susceptible to the insidious threat of egalitarianism.
>>Grant the Order of Erudition additional funding. The education in the Empire is stratified, with the next generation of nobles receiving diligent tutors and tailoured curriculums designed to bring out the most of them, while the children of the masses are taught a bare minimum of literacy, numeracy, and loyalty in crowded public structures. This is ideal and desirable, but lacking in efficiency. If the educators had a higher budget and a specific direction to move in, they would likely generate better results for the Empire.
>Invest in Infrastructure in the former Reaver Clan territories. This admittedly isn’t too exciting or immediately profitable, but it needs to happen sooner or later, and you would vastly prefer sooner. New and refurbished starports, mines, and factories in conquered pirate space will render the ex-serfs more productive, while regular pay for working in better conditions than their forefathers did for free as serfs will make them happier, or at least, less susceptible to the insidious threat of egalitarianism.
Happy workers make harder workers.
>Invest in Infrastructure in the former Reaver Clan territories. This admittedly isn’t too exciting or immediately profitable, but it needs to happen sooner or later, and you would vastly prefer sooner. New and refurbished starports, mines, and factories in conquered pirate space will render the ex-serfs more productive, while regular pay for working in better conditions than their forefathers did for free as serfs will make them happier, or at least, less susceptible to the insidious threat of egalitarianism.
Reminder that trying multiple things at once makes them all less likely to succeed.
>Strengthen the Bureaucracy. At the moment, a planetary governors’ only recourse for enforcing imperial law is beseeching the local nobility or, in extreme cases, reaching out to the Imperial Army. You aim to change that by raising a separate, sanctioned police force loyal to the broader Empire rather than any one noble house. Bankrolling what amounts to a universal paramilitary will be a highly contentious and expensive move, but a consistent approach to crime may improve stability and certainly cut out the aristocratic middleman in handling the masses directly.
>Invest in Infrastructure in the former Reaver Clan territories. This admittedly isn’t too exciting or immediately profitable, but it needs to happen sooner or later, and you would vastly prefer sooner. New and refurbished starports, mines, and factories in conquered pirate space will render the ex-serfs more productive, while regular pay for working in better conditions than their forefathers did for free as serfs will make them happier, or at least, less susceptible to the insidious threat of egalitarianism.
>Strengthen the Bureaucracy. At the moment, a planetary governors’ only recourse for enforcing imperial law is beseeching the local nobility or, in extreme cases, reaching out to the Imperial Army. You aim to change that by raising a separate, sanctioned police force loyal to the broader Empire rather than any one noble house. Bankrolling what amounts to a universal paramilitary will be a highly contentious and expensive move, but a consistent approach to crime may improve stability and certainly cut out the aristocratic middleman in handling the masses directly.
Infrastructure is always popular with everyone, but I'd rather do something bold.

A shame about House Arthen, hopefully we can bump relations up with them again.
>Cooming to going fully Oppy

God I love this character. Such a twist on the "evil bloodthirsty ruler" cliche.
>Strengthen the Bureaucracy.
This will make further reforms easier.
You understand that infrastructure is the backbone on which the Imperial military marches. It is indispensable, and you can accept no shortcuts. You commence the long, tedious process of burning the treasury's credits and exerting your authority as Emperor to get construction underway. In theory, your word is law and your will is absolute. In practice, there are hundreds, if not thousands of subjects that need to be meticulously sorted and commanded, so that they can guide their own millions of subordinates to enact your sovereign decree.

Every star system requires your input. Each planet, moon, and satellite's circumstances are different and require discernment, or in the instance it's beneath your notice, delegation to ensure that tasks are accomplished as you would intend them. It is a sprawling, frustrating exercise in bureaucracy that would leave a weaker man soured to the entire principle. Fortunately, the Imperial Bureaucracy has minimal corruption in its ranks and an adamant loyalty to the throne on Mars. With their assistance, much of the process is streamlined and you can rest assured of its success.

Of course, where there's construction, there are those coordinating it to make a profit. As Emperor, you are well-positioned to enrich a faction of your choosing.

Who should receive the brunt of profitable infrastructure contracts?

>Crown Corp. The property of your bloodline, lacking in experience and compensating with an abundance of hired technique and loyalist fervour. Some would be annoyed by favouritism, but such things are par the course for ruling dynasties and their complaints matter little when House Heinrich is strengthened.
>Zephyr Corp. The property of House Lochstrum working in concert with their former foes in House Ustong, drawing on bold financial savvy and an expertise only countless generations of practice can yield. This is a surefire way to please House Lochstrum and House Ustong, as well as entrench future competition for Crown Corp's construction sector.
>Local Workers. Rather than finance a specific Corp, you'll go out of your way to organize the ex-serf populations, get them trained, and get them working under a temporary imperial tenure which will help them find gainful employment when the work projects are done. The nobles won't be amused by perceived pandering to commoners, but the masses will be delighted, and the wages they earn are nigh-guaranteed to be spent and flow straight back to the wider economy.
>Nobody in Particular. You'll analyze the situation on a case-by-case basis and assign contracts to those who are best prepared to handle them. A more-or-less even spread won't insult or please anyone, and makes you seem like more of a fair and impartial Emperor.
>Nobody in Particular. You'll analyze the situation on a case-by-case basis and assign contracts to those who are best prepared to handle them. A more-or-less even spread won't insult or please anyone, and makes you seem like more of a fair and impartial Emperor.
>Local Workers. Rather than finance a specific Corp, you'll go out of your way to organize the ex-serf populations, get them trained, and get them working under a temporary imperial tenure which will help them find gainful employment when the work projects are done. The nobles won't be amused by perceived pandering to commoners, but the masses will be delighted, and the wages they earn are nigh-guaranteed to be spent and flow straight back to the wider economy.
The local workers as part of whoever's best, Im sure the pirates had them as laborers so they must be plenty experienced.
>Nobody in Particular. You'll analyze the situation on a case-by-case basis and assign contracts to those who are best prepared to handle them. A more-or-less even spread won't insult or please anyone, and makes you seem like more of a fair and impartial Emperor.
I would like to do local workers but we just pissed off some of the nobility with our first act as emperor. This should at least help some of the locals, which seems to be be much of Ferdinand's goal.
>Nobody in Particular. You'll analyze the situation on a case-by-case basis and assign contracts to those who are best prepared to handle them. A more-or-less even spread won't insult or please anyone, and makes you seem like more of a fair and impartial Emperor.
Large and complex megaprojects should be left to the big boys, but the huge scale of the program means much of it will be comprised of work that can be done by local contractors. I'd like to leave as much of it as possible to the latter to provide maximum return for the planetary economies but for practical concerns and providing some political appeasement.
>>Local Workers.
>Nobody in Particular. You'll analyze the situation on a case-by-case basis and assign contracts to those who are best prepared to handle them. A more-or-less even spread won't insult or please anyone, and makes you seem like more of a fair and impartial Emperor
>Zephyr Corp. The property of House Lochstrum working in concert with their former foes in House Ustong, drawing on bold financial savvy and an expertise only countless generations of practice can yield. This is a surefire way to please House Lochstrum and House Ustong, as well as entrench future competition for Crown Corp's construction sector.
Might as well. I also reckon we should put Crown Corp onto designing more custom-weapons, maybe even WMDs. Hey, there's a question for you QM, what kind of WMDs does the Empire have access to beyond regular nukes?
>>Crown Corp. The property of your bloodline, lacking in experience and compensating with an abundance of hired technique and loyalist fervour. Some would be annoyed by favouritism, but such things are par the course for ruling dynasties and their complaints matter little when House Heinrich is strengthened.
>crown corp
>Local workers

Let's boost our company and help the surfs.
>Nobody in Particular. You'll analyze the situation on a case-by-case basis and assign contracts to those who are best prepared to handle them. A more-or-less even spread won't insult or please anyone, and makes you seem like more of a fair and impartial Emperor.
>Nobody in Particular. You'll analyze the situation on a case-by-case basis and assign contracts to those who are best prepared to handle them. A more-or-less even spread won't insult or please anyone, and makes you seem like more of a fair and impartial Emperor.
Although maybe a slight preference toward locals, regardless our current guy seems to lean toward moralless pragmatism so Nobody in Particular makes sense to me.
>Nobody in Particular. You'll analyze the situation on a case-by-case basis and assign contracts to those who are best prepared to handle them. A more-or-less even spread won't insult or please anyone, and makes you seem like more of a fair and impartial Emperor.
We're fair.
>Nobody in Particular. You'll analyze the situation on a case-by-case basis and assign contracts to those who are best prepared to handle them. A more-or-less even spread won't insult or please anyone, and makes you seem like more of a fair and impartial Emperor.
You decide to lend an advantage to nobody in particular, and simply allocate contracts as is convenient. This should make things smoother but with the Imperial Bureaucracy working overtime, the gains in this department are marginal.

An annoyance is brought to your attention. Your "little" sister, Arnette, at 21 years of age. More specifically, her marriage prospects. She has remained quietly vitriolic to every noble lineage, save House Heinrich and those in overt submission, House Uvar and the Martial Houses as a whole. Even the latter are on thin ice with her. You'd prefer not to deal with this, but since your father replaced himself with a heap of illegal cybernetics and left you the ruins of a body to bury, the burden is yours to bear.

Who should Arnette be married off to?

>Klaus Schafer: One of House Schafer's foremost administrators, prevented from joining the admiralty due to a childhood accident which left him partly paralyzed on the left side. His gene scores are adequate, however, and he's held in low esteem by most of House Schafer for his insistence that they abandon the pretense of independence and become vassals to House Heinrich. A marriage from Heinrich would legitimize his views, for better or worse.
>Nils Uvar: The prospective heir to House Uvar, an exceptional spy whose political maneuvering has left him in line for the position. He shows no sign of any overarching ambitions outside of solidifying his bloodline as the legitimate rulers over House Uvar, and an imperial marriage would provide exactly that. You met him once at a social function, and he rather reminded you of Gerardo II.
>Harold II, Heinrich: The firstborn son of the legendary Harold, and a perfectly satisfactory admiral who's risen to his rank on legacy, loyalty, and exceptional talent for telling people what they want to be told. He's no less a groveling sycophant than his father was and, half-commoner that he is, has no relation to House Heinrich. You suspect he would make a fine doormat of a husband.
>You don't care. This is beneath your concern as Emperor, no matter how much your mother and grandmother are insistent on matchmaking. Your sister can handle her own affairs! You have an Empire to run!
>Nils Uvar: The prospective heir to House Uvar, an exceptional spy whose political maneuvering has left him in line for the position. He shows no sign of any overarching ambitions outside of solidifying his bloodline as the legitimate rulers over House Uvar, and an imperial marriage would provide exactly that. You met him once at a social function, and he rather reminded you of Gerardo II.
>Harold II, Heinrich: The firstborn son of the legendary Harold, and a perfectly satisfactory admiral who's risen to his rank on legacy, loyalty, and exceptional talent for telling people what they want to be told. He's no less a groveling sycophant than his father was and, half-commoner that he is, has no relation to House Heinrich.
>Nils Uvar: The prospective heir to House Uvar, an exceptional spy whose political maneuvering has left him in line for the position. He shows no sign of any overarching ambitions outside of solidifying his bloodline as the legitimate rulers over House Uvar, and an imperial marriage would provide exactly that. You met him once at a social function, and he rather reminded you of Gerardo II.
>You don't care. This is beneath your concern as Emperor, no matter how much your mother and grandmother are insistent on matchmaking. Your sister can handle her own affairs! You have an Empire to run!
>Nils Uvar: The prospective heir to House Uvar, an exceptional spy whose political maneuvering has left him in line for the position. He shows no sign of any overarching ambitions outside of solidifying his bloodline as the legitimate rulers over House Uvar, and an imperial marriage would provide exactly that. You met him once at a social function, and he rather reminded you of Gerardo II.
Ferdinand start putting some respect on Harolds name he has done a good job
>>Klaus Schafer: One of House Schafer's foremost administrators, prevented from joining the admiralty due to a childhood accident which left him partly paralyzed on the left side. His gene scores are adequate, however, and he's held in low esteem by most of House Schafer for his insistence that they abandon the pretense of independence and become vassals to House Heinrich. A marriage from Heinrich would legitimize his views, for better or worse.
>Nils Uvar: The prospective heir to House Uvar, an exceptional spy whose political maneuvering has left him in line for the position. He shows no sign of any overarching ambitions outside of solidifying his bloodline as the legitimate rulers over House Uvar, and an imperial marriage would provide exactly that. You met him once at a social function, and he rather reminded you of Gerardo II.
>Nils Uvar: The prospective heir to House Uvar, an exceptional spy whose political maneuvering has left him in line for the position. He shows no sign of any overarching ambitions outside of solidifying his bloodline as the legitimate rulers over House Uvar, and an imperial marriage would provide exactly that. You met him once at a social function, and he rather reminded you of Gerardo II.
>You don't care
it really seems in character for him not to give a shit
You are annoyed with the entire situation but see some potential for politicking, so you sign off on a marriage with Nils Uvar. To your knowledge, they hated each other for the initial months until something internal shifted, and they started excitedly cooperating. That would be cause for concern, if you weren't the one who just legitimized Nils as foremost vassal-lord of House Uvar and heading the dynasty Arnette reveres so much. Nicely done. You'd say that warranted a pat on the back if you cared about anyone's opinion but your own.

The Empire has experienced a sudden tragedy. The Voidmaster of the Eternal Empire, Angelica Heinrich, who conquered the Federation of Uvarth after she shattered their armada in a masterstroke of strategy, has been lost to us all. In more detail, though no evidence exists due to the nature of the incident, months of investigation have left palace analysts certain to within a 0.001% margin of error that her personal frigate suffered a catastrophic Shunt Reactor stutter while traversing the Hypervoid. This caused a localized false vacuum decay, instantaneously annihilating her vessel and all seven-hundred and fifty of her crew, along with herself. It cannot be denied any longer.

Your great-great aunt Angelica has died at a venerable 131 years of age, after being claimed by the void.

This is a tragedy almost without parallel, but she has lived a long and triumphant life.

What should be done?

>Ordain a new holiday of some variety. No woman has ever done more for the territorial expansion of the Eternal Empire under House Heinrich, and that deserves recognition.
>Declare a period of mourning across the Empire. Angelica was critical to suppressing the insidious scourge of democracy, and must be remembered.
>Hold a sizeable state funeral. No expense shall be spared in commemorating her lifetime of service to the Imperial Navy, for she saved none in munitions spent against its foes.
>Keep this a quiet affair. The population is not all sympathetic to their rightful rulers, and closeted neo-federals cannot be given any reprieve.

Equally concerning is the matter of her position, but that can wait until the (sadly, symbolic) funerary affairs have been taken care of.
>Hold a sizeable state funeral. No expense shall be spared in commemorating her lifetime of service to the Imperial Navy, for she saved none in munitions spent against its foes.
>Declare a period of mourning across the Empire. Angelica was critical to suppressing the insidious scourge of democracy, and must be remembered.
>Hold a sizeable state funeral. No expense shall be spared in commemorating her lifetime of service to the Imperial Navy, for she saved none in munitions spent against its foes.
Obviously nothing that will greatly affect the economy and a period of mourning of about a week should do
RIP Angelica, probably the best admiral we ever had
>Ordain a new holiday of some variety. No woman has ever done more for the territorial expansion of the Eternal Empire under House Heinrich, and that deserves recognition.
>Declare a period of mourning across the Empire. Angelica was critical to suppressing the insidious scourge of democracy, and must be remembered.
You'll be missed, Angelica.
>Ordain a new holiday of some variety. No woman has ever done more for the territorial expansion of the Eternal Empire under House Heinrich, and that deserves recognition.
>Declare a period of mourning across the Empire. Angelica was critical to suppressing the insidious scourge of democracy, and must be remembered.
I'll change my vote to support >>6057699 instead. A holiday might be too much.
>Declare a period of mourning across the Empire. Angelica was critical to suppressing the insidious scourge of democracy, and must be remembered.
>Hold a sizeable state funeral. No expense shall be spared in commemorating her lifetime of service to the Imperial Navy, for she saved none in munitions spent against its foes.
RIP. What a way to go too. Fitting, in a way.
>Ordain a new holiday of some variety. No woman has ever done more for the territorial expansion of the Eternal Empire under House Heinrich, and that deserves recognition.
>Declare a period of mourning across the Empire. Angelica was critical to suppressing the insidious scourge of democracy, and must be remembered.
>Declare a period of mourning across the Empire. Angelica was critical to suppressing the insidious scourge of democracy, and must be remembered.
>Hold a sizeable state funeral. No expense shall be spared in commemorating her lifetime of service to the Imperial Navy, for she saved none in munitions spent against its foes.
>Ordain a new holiday of some variety. No woman has ever done more for the territorial expansion of the Eternal Empire under House Heinrich, and that deserves recognition.
>Declare a period of mourning across the Empire. Angelica was critical to suppressing the insidious scourge of democracy, and must be remembered.
>Hold a sizeable state funeral. No expense shall be spared in commemorating her lifetime of service to the Imperial Navy, for she saved none in munitions spent against its foes.
No expense is spared. Short of impacting the treasury proper, the Empire digs deep into its pockets to give Angelica the most magnificent funeral possible. Millions of veterans are in attendance, as well as representatives of every noble house and, of course, the entirety of the royal lineage. You yourself give an appropriately rousing speech, if a short one, as you hardly knew your great-great aunt. This serves as a fitting close to her long and illustrious career in service of House Heinrich.

She is certain to be remembered for as long as your dynasty endures. Perhaps longer. A period of mourning is declared. One month, as is customary. You spend it with your family in a rare reprieve from your duties. It is brought to your attention that a number of neo-federalists have been arrested and punished accordingly for celebrating in public, especially in Uvarth. Their numbers have been on a downward trend ever since the educational reforms of your forefathers, but such an infection is not easily excised from the body of the Empire.

Not without fire. You mull over these things for some time. Now that Angelica and Otto are both lost to the void, in a sense, their positions have been left vacant, and neither left any successors to fill them. These are the roles of Warmaster and Voidmaster. Both highly ceremonial titles, and all the same, deeply meaningful for the rank-and-file who looked up to them. They are a valuable asset, one not abandoned without due cause.

How should their allotment be handled?

>Make them synonymous with high command. The current High General and High Admiral will receive the appropriate title, neatly folding it with preexisting command structures.
>Keep it as a rare ceremonial position. In the event that a General or Admiral performs above and beyond expectations, they’ll receive the title, otherwise, they will remain unassigned.
>Allow the current holders to decide their successor. As there are none, you’ll have to select them yourself in time, but this could lend hereditary wisdom to the Imperial Army and Navy.
>Retire both titles. They represent a source of legitimacy to the armed forces of the Empire, one not necessarily aligned to the throne, and that is a danger that cannot be tolerated.
I'm extremely sorry for dropping off the face of the Earth without any warning for several days, but I got distracted with the recent assassination attempt and lost track of time. It's really blown up things where I'm at. I don't think there'll be any long-term issues coming out of it, but now I'm better prepared if there are. Lots of people are worried about a hot civil war but I think a recession is order of magnitude likelier.
>Keep it as a rare ceremonial position. In the event that a General or Admiral performs above and beyond expectations, they’ll receive the title, otherwise, they will remain unassigned.
All good, man. Real life takes priority.
>Keep it as a rare ceremonial position. In the event that a General or Admiral performs above and beyond expectations, they’ll receive the title, otherwise, they will remain unassigned.
>Keep it as a rare ceremonial position. In the event that a General or Admiral performs above and beyond expectations, they’ll receive the title, otherwise, they will remain unassigned.
>Keep it as a rare ceremonial position. In the event that a General or Admiral performs above and beyond expectations, they’ll receive the title, otherwise, they will remain unassigned.
I would consider giving it to Harold for conquering the reavers but I don't know if he still alive but otherwise keep them until the next war as rewards
Take care QM
>Keep it as a rare ceremonial position. In the event that a General or Admiral performs above and beyond expectations, they’ll receive the title, otherwise, they will remain unassigned.
You decide to keep the titles of Voidmaster and Warmaster as rare, ceremonial positions. This may lessen their impact over time or enhance it, depending on presentation. It is a rather minor issue as the titles themselves confer rather minor privileges. You don't have any need to concern yourself for the time being.

The investigation launched on behalf of Cherry Corp has borne fruit. There's a substantial degree of paperwork that requires your input. Fortunately, the Imperial Bureaucracy has managed to pare the slog down to solely what's needed for you to make an informed decision. This eases your work considerably. According to the agents of House Uvar, Beckham was not exaggerating.

Nearly every noble house has been levying extensive taxes, fees, and tithes on interstellar merchants acting in their territories. In some cases, this equates to more than half of gross profits made, and there's little consistency in when or how they are applied. House Uvar's agents have noticed a pattern. These taxes are extremely selective.

Merchant vessels owned by the nobility invariably receive only modest charges. Those owned by commoners, however, are consistently fleeced for all they're worth. In the event that they're held by one of the Corps, the taxes veer from steep to ruinous, and the armed confiscation of nebulous "contraband" by segments of noble retinues is not uncommon. This is suffocating to interstellar commerce.

At the same time, close to sixty percent of merchants are nobility who are unaffected by these taxes. Further, this status quo grants fairhanded noble merchants a considerable advantage over greedy commoners who'd think themselves the peers of their betters. You note that there are some exceptions to these taxes. House Heinrich, its vassal House Uvar, and House Nightshayd go out of their way to avoid taxing merchants more than reasonable. House Arthen doesn't single out commoners, as their tariffs are extreme across the board.
Most Corp merchants travel accompanied by mercenary squadrons, and these tend to have less severe taxes than lone freighters or wholly mercantile ventures. "Confiscations" are similarly rare, and there have only been a handful of combative incidents which were quickly suppressed by both parties involved to avoid imperial censure. The details on them are scarce, save that mercenaries have consistently been crushed when confronted by equal numbers of nobles, and cost the noble retinues dearly for the privilege.

Escorting merchants like this is one of the foremost means of employment for mercenaries, especially since pirates have become a rare sight on imperial trading routes. Notably, merchant vessels affiliated with Crown Corp and Hookware Corp have gone entirely undisturbed. In fact, most minor houses have shown limited deference to the latter when Hookware caravans are passing through their systems. It's certain that's because Hookware Corp supplies most minor retinues with their warships in the first place, and itself has a strong enough armada to threaten any one major house, let alone those who don't even hold a whole planet under their banner.
This is a rather interesting situation. What should be done in response?

>Issue an Imperial Edict banning exorbitant taxes of common merchants. This will annoy almost all of the noble houses and enflame the discontent that's already there, but the economy will be better off for it, and the Corps will be grateful.
>Politely ask the noble houses to ease-up on the import and export fees. Most will ignore House Heinrich but those which are friendly won't, and their internal economies should see heavier business for it.
>Reduce taxes on merchants in House Heinrich territory below the average, and make this known on the financial grapevine. Some of the noble houses may mutter about your dynasty fraternizing with Corps, and your planets will be overflowing with vendors looking to buy high and sell low to take advantage of the heightened profit margins.
>Maintain the current status quo. It's worked well for House Heinrich over a century now, and there's little reason to disrupt an already practical system. Beckham and by extension, Cherry Corp will be miffed, but that's no issue.
>Allow Corps to privately own warships without explicit permission of the throne on Mars. While this won't impact anything initially, it should be excellent stimulation for the shipbuilding industry and solve the problem in a roundabout way. Although there are certain risks associated with this.
>Levy a tax on mercenaries operating as escorts throughout imperial space. This will infuriate them but make a healthy chunk of credits on what's already happening one way or another without aggrieving the Corps or Major Houses.
>Start selling Imperial Charters exempting the holders from all but a few mostly-standardized taxes. The Corps will be frustrated by this but gladly pay House Heinrich hand-over-fist to save on the cost of doing business. This should greatly enrich your bloodline and mostly solve the problem without unduly overstepping your bounds in the sight of the lesser houses.
>Join in on the trend and start taxing merchants traveling through House Heinrich territory. This will enrage the Corps while amusing the noble houses, and earn your bloodline some credits on the side.
>Politely ask the noble houses to ease-up on the import and export fees. Most will ignore House Heinrich but those which are friendly won't, and their internal economies should see heavier business for it.
Either of the first three options are alright with me, but I have a slight preference towards this one. This is an address that we really should address and will go a long way towards helping us consolidate and improve the general wellbeing and economy of the empire. Doing it through this softer method will enrich those friendly with the throne at the expense of those not, and encourage the latter to follow suit in lowering taxes of their own volition without annoying them. A good political move I'd say.
>This is an address
This is an issue*
>Issue an Imperial Edict banning exorbitant taxes of common merchants. This will annoy almost all of the noble houses and enflame the discontent that's already there, but the economy will be better off for it, and the Corps will be grateful.
>Make the law something along the lines of "Equal taxation for all merchants from the Empire, the rate you choose is up to you." instead of banning exorbitant rates for commoners specifically.
Sure they can maintain high tariffs if they want, but they'll be equal across the board and they'll have to strangle their own economies if they want to keep out commoner merchants. Arthen and our friendly houses are already being even-handed, and they won't be upset, but everyone specifically dicking over commoners will have to shape up or alienate noble merchants.
>Politely ask the noble houses to ease-up on the import and export fees. Most will ignore House Heinrich but those which are friendly won't, and their internal economies should see heavier business for it.
>Start selling Imperial Charters exempting the holders from all but a few mostly-standardized taxes. The Corps will be frustrated by this but gladly pay House Heinrich hand-over-fist to save on the cost of doing business. This should greatly enrich your bloodline and mostly solve the problem without unduly overstepping your bounds in the sight of the lesser houses.

Jesus, what a mess. The rule of law and the free flowing of commerce as the cornerstone of any civilized state. How do we lack it when it comes to commercial transactions…

This is a good means to force economic standardisation and enrich our coffers

If noble houses want to add more taxes across the board - they should argue for it in the Landstradt
>Politely ask the noble houses to ease-up on the import and export fees. Most will ignore House Heinrich but those which are friendly won't, and their internal economies should see heavier business for it.
Only De Croize and now Arthen are not friendly but the rest are including most of the minor houses if I am correct so most of the worries should be dealt with, HOWEVER to get the remaining to comply follow with:
>Issue an Imperial Edict banning exorbitant taxes of common merchants. This will annoy almost all of the noble houses and enflame the discontent that's already there, but the economy will be better off for it, and the Corps will be grateful.
>Make the law something along the lines of "Equal taxation for all merchants from the Empire, the rate you choose is up to you." instead of banning exorbitant rates for commoners specifically.
Do this a bit AFTER we politely ask so that by the time the edict comes in our friends won't be affected since they already complied and now have more business and those who refused have only themselves to blame since everyone else already did.
>Start selling Imperial Charters exempting the holders from all but a few mostly-standardized taxes. The Corps will be frustrated by this but gladly pay House Heinrich hand-over-fist to save on the cost of doing business. This should greatly enrich your bloodline and mostly solve the problem without unduly overstepping your bounds in the sight of the lesser houses.
>Start selling Imperial Charters exempting the holders from all but a few mostly-standardized taxes. The Corps will be frustrated by this but gladly pay House Heinrich hand-over-fist to save on the cost of doing business. This should greatly enrich your bloodline and mostly solve the problem without unduly overstepping your bounds in the sight of the lesser houses.
I'd prefer keeping the status-quo, but that's not going to win so this is a good choice too.
>>Start selling Imperial Charters exempting the holders from all but a few mostly-standardized taxes. The Corps will be frustrated by this but gladly pay House Heinrich hand-over-fist to save on the cost of doing business. This should greatly enrich your bloodline and mostly solve the problem without unduly overstepping your bounds in the sight of the lesser houses.
>Start selling Imperial Charters exempting the holders from all but a few mostly-standardized taxes. The Corps will be frustrated by this but gladly pay House Heinrich hand-over-fist to save on the cost of doing business. This should greatly enrich your bloodline and mostly solve the problem without unduly overstepping your bounds in the sight of the lesser houses.
On second thought I'll change this too
>Levy a tax on mercenaries operating as escorts throughout imperial space. This will infuriate them but make a healthy chunk of credits on what's already happening one way or another without aggrieving the Corps or Major Houses.
The mercs should be happy enough to allow this.
>Start selling Imperial Charters exempting the holders from all but a few mostly-standardized taxes. The Corps will be frustrated by this but gladly pay House Heinrich hand-over-fist to save on the cost of doing business. This should greatly enrich your bloodline and mostly solve the problem without unduly overstepping your bounds in the sight of the lesser houses.
>Start selling Imperial Charters exempting the holders from all but a few mostly-standardized taxes. The Corps will be frustrated by this but gladly pay House Heinrich hand-over-fist to save on the cost of doing business. This should greatly enrich your bloodline and mostly solve the problem without unduly overstepping your bounds in the sight of the lesser houses.
Changing back to this. I just realized it's a bad idea to frustrate the mercs even if we do have good relations.
It bewilders me why you all think it's any better of an idea to literally sell out imperial charters. We had to do some serious negotiation and bargaining in the face of a civil war to give Hookware their charter and now you all want to give them out like candy to all the corps?
>Politely ask the noble houses to ease-up on the import and export fees. Most will ignore House Heinrich but those which are friendly won't, and their internal economies should see heavier business for it.
>Start selling Imperial Charters exempting the holders from all but a few mostly-standardized taxes. The Corps will be frustrated by this but gladly pay House Heinrich hand-over-fist to save on the cost of doing business. This should greatly enrich your bloodline and mostly solve the problem without unduly overstepping your bounds in the sight of the lesser houses.
We should make it clear that said imperial charters don't have to be paid solely in money. It'd be good to have the corps in our debt I think.
>Issue an Imperial Edict banning exorbitant taxes of common merchants. This will annoy almost all of the noble houses and enflame the discontent that's already there, but the economy will be better off for it, and the Corps will be grateful.
>Make the law something along the lines of "Equal taxation for all merchants from the Empire, the rate you choose is up to you." instead of banning exorbitant rates for commoners specifically.
>Reduce taxes on merchants in House Heinrich territory below the average, and make this known on the financial grapevine. Some of the noble houses may mutter about your dynasty fraternizing with Corps, and your planets will be overflowing with vendors looking to buy high and sell low to take advantage of the heightened profit margins.
>Start selling Imperial Charters exempting the holders from all but a few mostly-standardized taxes. The Corps will be frustrated by this but gladly pay House Heinrich hand-over-fist to save on the cost of doing business. This should greatly enrich your bloodline and mostly solve the problem without unduly overstepping your bounds in the sight of the lesser houses.
>Issue an Imperial Edict banning exorbitant taxes of common merchants. This will annoy almost all of the noble houses and enflame the discontent that's already there, but the economy will be better off for it, and the Corps will be grateful.
You determine that the most efficient course of action would be to sell Imperial Charters exempting the holders from most taxes. This is within your authority as Emperor and would effectively punish those who need them in the first place, as the nobility wants. It's a reasonable and profitable solution to the problem. There's only one point of contention. Hookware Corp.

To be specific, the Imperial Charter they received under Emperor Albin, which granted them permission to operate without risk of censure, in exchange for a Hookware-pattern warfleet and their continued discrete cooperation in royal affairs. Big Hoss Gus the 456th may be outraged if such a privilege is freely given to their competitors. Their Imperial Charter also gave them tacit carte blanche to continue manufacturing warships, which sets a worrying precedent for the rest of the Corps. This is an intriguing puzzle of sorts. On one hand, the hubris of the Corps. On the other, the backlash of the Major Houses. Your duty is to find the best balance between them, and you daresay you are up to the task.
First, how should the Imperial Charters be handled?

>A Charter is a Charter. All holders will receive the same rights of near-autonomy in exchange for their overt submission to the throne on Mars. If Gus doesn't like dealing with the competition on an equal footing, he can ask one of his customers to file a complaint in the Landstaad.
>Establish multiple grades of Charter. High Charters will allow for near-autonomy and exemption from nonstandard taxes, while Low Charters only confer the tax exemption. Hookware Corp's will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, and only Low Charters will be freely sold.
>Introduce some legalese to the Charter. Rather than simple terminology, you'll introduce an intricate screed of bureaucratic jargon that can functionally be interpreted as the Emperor sees fit. This will leave the Imperial Charters vague and force the holders to err on the side of caution, including Hookware Corp.

Second, how much should the Imperial Charters be sold for?

>Ruinous Expense. They'll be carefully planned to give a moderate discount over the status quo, and in so doing enrich House Heinrich considerably. The Corps themselves will be outraged but they lack the power to enforce their will, so they'll by and large comply with a bare minimum of grumbling.
>Moderate Expense. They'll be expected to require a substantial portion of the buyer's budget but be lenient in comparison to the status quo. The Corps will be frustrated by what they see as continued exploitation, but this is inarguably better than before.
>Slight Expense. They'll be given for a relatively pitiful sum, in the interest of encouraging trade, and will have a correspondingly minor impact on your dynasty's coffers. The Corps will be pleased by this act of mercy, but some noble houses are bound to consider this insufficient.
>Loyalty over Credits. They'll be handed over for free, aside from handling fees, in exchange for the buyers pledging submission to the throne and signing profitable contracts with Crown Corp. The Corps will be nonplussed by such blatant favouritism, as it's what they would've done, but the wider nobility will view it as a naked power-grab. Needless to say, Crown Corp would see substantial expansion in the upcoming quarters.
>Establish multiple grades of Charter. High Charters will allow for near-autonomy and exemption from nonstandard taxes, while Low Charters only confer the tax exemption. Hookware Corp's will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, and only Low Charters will be freely sold.
The other corps only want to not be taxed to hell, and we should honour our old agreements
>Moderate Expense. They'll be expected to require a substantial portion of the buyer's budget but be lenient in comparison to the status quo. The Corps will be frustrated by what they see as continued exploitation, but this is inarguably better than before.
Its a one time buy they cannot complain too hard
>Establish multiple grades of Charter. High Charters will allow for near-autonomy and exemption from nonstandard taxes, while Low Charters only confer the tax exemption. Hookware Corp's will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, and only Low Charters will be freely sold.

>Slight Expense. They'll be given for a relatively pitiful sum, in the interest of encouraging trade, and will have a correspondingly minor impact on your dynasty's coffers. The Corps will be pleased by this act of mercy, but some noble houses are bound to consider this insufficient.

What an awful decision this was. We'll get way less money than what we would have gotten from just lowering taxes, the Imperial Charter has none of its former prestige, and now we're pissing off Hookware too. "A reasonable and profitable solution to the problem." Lmao. At least this isn't too harmful to us that we can see right now.
>Establish multiple grades of Charter. High Charters will allow for near-autonomy and exemption from nonstandard taxes, while Low Charters only confer the tax exemption. Hookware Corp's will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, and only Low Charters will be freely sold.

>Slight Expense. They'll be given for a relatively pitiful sum, in the interest of encouraging trade, and will have a correspondingly minor impact on your dynasty's coffers. The Corps will be pleased by this act of mercy, but some noble houses are bound to consider this insufficient.
>Establish multiple grades of Charter. High Charters will allow for near-autonomy and exemption from nonstandard taxes, while Low Charters only confer the tax exemption. Hookware Corp's will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, and only Low Charters will be freely sold.

>Slight Expense. They'll be given for a relatively pitiful sum, in the interest of encouraging trade, and will have a correspondingly minor impact on your dynasty's coffers. The Corps will be pleased by this act of mercy, but some noble houses are bound to consider this insufficient.

Give it a couple generations for the corps to consolidate and for new competitors to be a near impossibility due to the inevitable corruption of the charter system that causes the buy-in price to be near unattainable for the average person while being able to compete without it also becoming an impossibility. (Granted still probably slightly better then the current status quo regardless just not as much as it could of been)
>Establish multiple grades of Charter. High Charters will allow for near-autonomy and exemption from nonstandard taxes, while Low Charters only confer the tax exemption. Hookware Corp's will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, and only Low Charters will be freely sold.

>Moderate Expense. They'll be expected to require a substantial portion of the buyer's budget but be lenient in comparison to the status quo. The Corps will be frustrated by what they see as continued exploitation, but this is inarguably better than before.
Let's at least get some money from this.
>Establish multiple grades of Charter.
>Slight Expense.
>Establish multiple grades of Charter. High Charters will allow for near-autonomy and exemption from nonstandard taxes, while Low Charters only confer the tax exemption. Hookware Corp's will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, and only Low Charters will be freely sold.

>Variable Expense. Charters will be sold at a fair price according to the assets and income of the buyer, as accounted for by an Imperial Audit, set up in categories in a manner similar to tax brackets; the lesser your income and assets, the less you'll have to pay. This will encourage trade and smaller companies or independent merchants. Nobility will likely not care, but corps will likely be upset that their lesser competitors are getting a better deal than they are, hopefully mollified by the fair pricing.
>Establish multiple grades of Charter. High Charters will allow for near-autonomy and exemption from nonstandard taxes, while Low Charters only confer the tax exemption. Hookware Corp's will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, and only Low Charters will be freely sold.

>Slight Expense. They'll be given for a relatively pitiful sum, in the interest of encouraging trade, and will have a correspondingly minor impact on your dynasty's coffers. The Corps will be pleased by this act of mercy, but some noble houses are bound to consider this insufficient.
>Establish multiple grades of Charter. High Charters will allow for near-autonomy and exemption from nonstandard taxes, while Low Charters only confer the tax exemption. Hookware Corp's will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, and only Low Charters will be freely sold.

>Moderate Expense. They'll be expected to require a substantial portion of the buyer's budget but be lenient in comparison to the status quo. The Corps will be frustrated by what they see as continued exploitation, but this is inarguably better than before.

I like this one more but unfortunately it doesn't look like it's going to win.
Support. High charters should only be given out for extraordinary service to the realm, the rest can pay for it depending on their assets.
Supporting. Good write-in.

You should vote for what you want. I've seen tons of votes swing in less likely scenarios.
>Establish multiple grades of Charter. High Charters will allow for near-autonomy and exemption from nonstandard taxes, while Low Charters only confer the tax exemption. Hookware Corp's will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, and only Low Charters will be freely sold.

>Variable Expense. Charters will be sold at a fair price according to the assets and income of the buyer, as accounted for by an Imperial Audit, set up in categories in a manner similar to tax brackets; the lesser your income and assets, the less you'll have to pay. This will encourage trade and smaller companies or independent merchants. Nobility will likely not care, but corps will likely be upset that their lesser competitors are getting a better deal than they are, hopefully mollified by the fair pricing.
>"hey I'm not gonna vote for this because it's going to lose"
>someone else does it
>"hey anon you should vote for what you feel like"
thought I responded to this, sorry
I never said I knew what i was doing. My brain is too smooth to understand economy.
Welcome to realpolitik. I will take on contrary views if it helps me win in an argument.
I'm doing the epic pragmatic Imperialist larp and totally aren't just being a hypocrite lol
Changing my vote from this

To this
Although I must say this sounds like its going to add a shite ton of strain to our bureaucracy for atleast the short term as they get through all the big players, I mean hell proper audits can take feken ages even if everything is on the up and up. I also think your underestimating how making an audit a requirement for this may (silently) piss off some of the megacorps that may or may not have something to hide although that's frankly more of a them problem than a us problem.
Also expect some absolute major levels of tax bracket fuckery from these guys in a effort to pay as little as possible for their charter, i'm talking shell companies within shell companies that are bought out which are bought by a shell company to be merged with mega corp to inherit the charter cheaper type shenanigans.
You reason that the Imperial Charters should be divided into multiple grades. High Charters shall go to those who've gone and beyond in service of the throne on Mars and allow their holders to do as they see fit, within their territories and to the extent that they do not disadvantage the Empire. The Imperial Charter your grandfather gave to Hookware Corp will be retroactively upgraded to a High Charter, both for their continued cooperation and them holding enough firepower to threaten the economy at large.

Low Charters shall be sold to whichever merchants can afford to purchase them, and while still requiring their holder to obey the laws of the noble houses, as is proper, they'll also spare them from additional taxes. These will be sold without additional requirements. To ensure that commerce within the Eternal Empire goes smoothly, you introduce the Imperial Audit. Now, instead of a set cost, the Imperial Bureaucracy will launch an investigation of any would-be Charter holder's properties and set a price scaling to their value.

This will render Low Charters just as accessible to fledgling Corps and independent merchants as they are to juggernauts of finance. High Charters will remain inaccessible and rare, given out on a strict case-by-case basis. You announce your reforms through the usual channels.
The noble houses are irritated by the introduction of Low Charters sparing common merchants the de-facto tribute they see as their right to claim. At the same time, the Corps they despise are expected to pay the heaviest charges of them all, so the overall controversy is negligible. The Corps themselves publicly praise House Heinrich's approach to free trade, and are privately concerned at the risk of upstarts muscling in on the more lucrative trade routes.

To the best of your awareness, Hookware Corp is content with the preservation of their privileges and paranoid of small-time traders undercutting their cheaply-made and cheaply-sold goods. You think that's ideal and could drive economic stimulation, but you remind yourself that Hookware Corp historically sold even to pirates. The economy hasn't yet felt the effects of the change but credits are already trickling into House Heinrich's vaults.

You truly are the most brilliant Emperor that House Heinrich has ever held. Certainly, your forefathers have more impressive accomplishments to claim, but you alone have had the temerity, nay, the vision to consolidate them! Leave extravagant campaigns and one-upsmanship to the lesser minds that came before your reign and will come after. You are satisfied to replace their foundation of sand and blood with brick and mortar.

All the better to withstand the rigours of warfare on an interplanetary scale. You must prepare for the worst if you are to ever to be assured of your best. That was the philosophy that went into your Burnlance-class rifle, after all, and it hasn't failed you, nor the ignorant masses, yet.
You catch wind of a sudden, bizarre development. One of the Eternal Empire's frontier worlds, Xoter, is a desolate rock with soil content acidic enough that conventional agriculture is largely impossible. Even so, its subsurface freshwater content is considerable, as is its precipitation, and the planet's surface is covered by sheets of algae.

Further, it's comfortably in the center of its star's habitable zone, has an easily breathable atmosphere, and is situated on a trade route, so it holds a handful of starports and is valued by the various Minor Houses that lay claim to its scattered regions. Xoter has been of little-to-no significance, up to this point. One enterprising son of House Lu'gaut, Ansaldo, decided to wager his inheritance on the bold proposition of mulching algae and selling it as fertilizer to the Mukvir. This succeeded.

Far beyond anyone's expectations. Xoter mulch took the Mukvir Courts by storm and left the wealthiest scants of their vegetable species scrambling over each other to bid for more. Access to (almost literally) dirt-cheap goods has elevated Ansaldo Lu'gaut to a significant fortune, though it isn't relevant on the imperial scale. Over the last several years of legal smuggling, he's managed to keep the source of his product secret, but after making enough to retire, he decided to reveal the secret to Paskal, the patriarch of House Lu'gaut.

Paskal is an ancient man, if in remarkable health, and remembers the vengeance Emperor Otto wreaked against the Reaver Clans on House Lu'gaut and House Aboze's behalf well. Out of gratitude, he reasoned it was best to come to you with this information. You are one of a handful who understands the true value of Xoter. Ansaldo believes the mulch's strange chemical content is somehow excellent for the Mukvir's xenobiology, but no significant human research has been done on the phenomenon. At the least, it doesn't seem to have any obviously deleterious side-effects. It's only a matter of time before the news gets out.
What should you do?

>Encourage House Lu'gaut to purchase Xoter from their peers. This would pay great dividends in the long-term and strengthen a close ally of House Heinrich.
>Use House Heinrich's funds to purchase Xoter outright. This would give your bloodline a leg-up on interspecies commerce, and quite a profitable one at that.
>Grant subsidies to algae farmers on Xoter. This would reveal the secret and give no direct benefit to House Heinrich, but overall trade with the Mukvir Kingdom would flourish.
>Claim Xoter's algae as property of the Eternal Empire. This would grant you significant leverage over the Mukvir, if its effects are as intense as Ansaldo claims, and as such, it can't be left to the ambitions of the lesser houses.
>Attempt to bury the secret with House Uvar. This mulch sounds almost narcotic, and you want nothing to do with the enabling of base hedonism.
>Thank Paskal, and let him do as he wishes with the knowledge. You are grateful that the elder thought to come to you, personally, but see no reason to involve yourself in such a minor dilemma.
>Encourage House Lu'gaut to purchase Xoter from their peers. This would pay great dividends in the long-term and strengthen a close ally of House Heinrich.
>Use House Heinrich's funds to purchase Xoter outright. This would give your bloodline a leg-up on interspecies commerce, and quite a profitable one at that.
The fact the patriarch came to us for something like this puts the house in a favourable light to me and so I think it best that Lu’guat buys what land they can and we can buy the rest for a split venture that benefits us both. Though we should look into what exactly makes this algae so popular with the plant people in case we want to diversify our trade
>Attempt to bury the secret with House Uvar. This mulch sounds almost narcotic, and you want nothing to do with the enabling of base hedonism.
But also keep researching it. This could be a powerful weapon if we harness it right.
Also we should reward Pascal for helping us.
There was a typo in this post, it should read-
>Ansaldo believes the mulch's strange chemical content is somehow exhilarating for the Mukvir's xenobiology
>Encourage House Lu'gaut to purchase Xoter from their peers. This would pay great dividends in the long-term and strengthen a close ally of House Heinrich.
>Use House Heinrich's funds to purchase Xoter outright. This would give your bloodline a leg-up on interspecies commerce, and quite a profitable one at that.
>Encourage House Lu'gaut to purchase Xoter from their peers. This would pay great dividends in the long-term and strengthen a close ally of House Heinrich.
Can we please have one vote where we don't go for the most short term reward possible? I value Lugaut's success and friendship far more than the trickle of money this would gain Heinrich.
>Encourage House Lu'gaut to purchase Xoter from their peers. This would pay great dividends in the long-term and strengthen a close ally of House Heinrich.
>Encourage House Lu'gaut to purchase Xoter from their peers. This would pay great dividends in the long-term and strengthen a close ally of House Heinrich.
Either loan them the money (they need to buy crown corp machinery, infrastructure and other goods. nice old 1% low interest loan)

Or like anon said make it a joint venture where we buy the rest.
>Encourage House Lu'gaut to purchase Xoter from their peers. This would pay great dividends in the long-term and strengthen a close ally of House Heinrich.
Rolled 9 - 2 (1d12 - 2)

Paskal's choice to approach you has risen the esteem of his lineage in your eyes. Not only is their expertise coveted by the hedonists among the aristocracy, they are indebted to the royal dynasty and demonstratably loyal. You encourage him to take House Lu'gaut's funds and purchase Xoter from his peers. The Mukvir's demand for mulch should greatly enrich them and, if you're fortunate, open the door for diplomatic channels in the future.

You stand by and watch as House Lu'gaut seemingly bankrupts itself on a flight of lunacy, intending to build "touristic palaces" over the algae fields. The Minor Houses are more than happy to take heaps of credits for holdings that were barely breaking even in the first place. For his part, Paskal has enough tact to keep the mulching operations discrete. Production won't be ramping up for at least another couple of decades, to preserve House Lu'gaut's reputation and to spare their unwitting rivals the embarrassment of losing such a lucrative opportunity. House Lu'gaut itself is deeply grateful for the monopoly they've been given.

You receive word that the war of assassins between House Nightshayd and Clan Skullstacker is ongoing. It's ironic that these scattered vermin hiding in the shadows have lasted longer than the Reavers Clans ever did. Surely, it's only a matter of time before the last of their crime bosses feels a dagger slide between his ribs.

>Roll 1d12+1 for House Nightshayd to seize Clan Skullstacker's network. +2 [Spy Network], +1 [Excellent Espionage], -2 [Criminal Obsfucation]

>The enemy's roll
>1d12-2 for Clan Skullstacker to counter House Nightshayd's operatives. +2 [Criminal Network], +1 [Excellent Espionage], -2 [Imperial Crackdown], -2 [Infamous Reputation], -1 [Moderate Casualties]
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d12 + 1)

Rolled 6 + 1 (1d12 + 1)

Off to a good start.
Damn, straight even roll. The status quo continues it seems.
No, QM rolled for Skullstacker and they got 7 to our 5.
Goddamn, the reavers have consistently proven themselves to be a better enemy and a bigger pain in the ass than the federation ever was. Respect.
Your contacts in House Nightshayd have been giving you vague and indirect reports over the last several months, but with the assistance of the Imperial Bureaucracy's shipping logs, you're able to piece together what happened. Sidonio Nightshayd, one of the house's top coordinators, was smuggling a shipment of heavy munitions through the Farfallen Chasm to assist in a sting on a suspected Skullstacker arms-trafficking ring. Unfortunately, both mercenary frigates hired to escort the freighter to keep-up appearances were compromised by Reavers and well-aware of the hull's contents.

They launched an ambush in an obscure waypoint system, shunted Sidonio's corpse as he refused to be captured, and seized the contents of the shipment for themselves. Worse, several dozen Nightshayd operatives fell into their hands. Some are bound to have started talking after "applied pressure." House Nightshayd's spy network has been struck a serious blow.

You are irritated by this failure, but have enough tact not to reveal that to your subordinates in House Nightshayd. If they continue to disgrace themselves like this, more severe measures for dealing with the problem may be necessary.
You receive exciting news. Bullseye Corp has reached a pivotal point in their research in shipbuilding over Uvarth and are ready to display their work!

Over the last three decades, Bullseye Corp has hemorrhaged credits and thrown everything it can bring to bear, personnel and material alike, into the completion of this project. Under the guidance of their CEO Curtis, they've diverged even heavier from the imperial mainstream than the Bullseye-pattern, Mk I.

At first glance, the Bullseye-pattern, Mk II is an obscenity. They have paper-thin armour, feeble shields, and no more munitions than civilian freighters of an equivalent tonnage. Even worse, their engines and sensors are only average, and their internal complexity is nearly double that of the last model, requiring constant, grueling maintenance to stay operational. In an affront to the ancient shipbuilding traditions of Mars, its design incorporates several completely new parts that are entirely incompatible with anything else in the void!

These warships have one redeeming factor, which they've sacrificed everything for and Bullseye Corp has nearly bankrupted itself pursuing. Each has an enormous spinal mount of a strange, unintuitive design, connected to freakishly vast internal generators. This takes several minutes to generate and seconds to launch (at relativistic speeds) an unstable singularity of energy that exists for a matter of instants, then explodes into what Curtis refers to as a broad-spectrum electromagnetic pulse.

If the launch of this singularity is timed and aimed properly, its resulting EMP will functionally cripple every vessel caught in its extremely wide, unpredictable radius. These victim vessels, in ideal conditions, will lose over eighty-percent of their energy reserves, even assuming that they're as hardened as possible, as is the standard for military vessels across all species so far encountered. They'll be rendered incapable of continuing to fight until they can generate enough energy to wield their weapons and burn their engines.

These warships sacrifice everything for the sake of their EMP launcher, and function worse in every measurable capacity. The launcher itself is nightmarishly difficult to use and expensive, so much so that only a handful of these can be manufactured for the same cost as an entire squadron of Mars-pattern vessels. Even so, if the EMP actually hits the enemy head-on, victory is practically guaranteed.
>Fleets of this design have 8/8 cohesion and roll 1d8 in combat, but roll an additional 1d6 per turn. On a 6, the target enemy fleet is paralyzed for 1d6 rounds and unable to flee or defend itself.

Bullseye Corp is desperate to secure future contracts and enough credits to remain afloat. To your understanding, Curtis has nearly gutted its finances and gambled everything on bringing an entirely experimental technology to a usable state. Supposedly, what you are seeing now is the prototype of a prototype and has potential to improve by leaps and bounds, if a sufficient investment is made.

The admiralty is doubtless going to be shocked by the design. Most traditionalists are bound to consider the underlying principles cowardly, and even the forward thinkers among them will find its performance subpar and overreliant on a wildly inaccurate gimmick.

What is your decree as Emperor?

>Purchase Bullseye Corp outright. The Bullseye-pattern, Mk II is a significant step forward for human shipbuilding and you want to see them further the design. Once they're safely within the grip of House Heinrich.
>Keep Bullseye Corp hired, and hold the current course. This design is ingenious and will strengthen the Empire, in time. For now, you'll do what you can to find a niche for the experimental fleet.
>Keep Bullseye Corp hired, and revert to their prior focus. The Bullseye-pattern, Mk I was a perfectly serviceable class of vessel and there was little call to deviate from them. This experimental fleet is a novelty, at best, but you're sure some use can be found for it.
>Let Bullseye Corp's contract expire. You don't agree with Curtis's direction or see any need for Bullseye Corp's services that can't be better filled by the venerable Martian Shipwrights or their indirect competitors in Cherry Corp. After so much wasted effort, Bullseye Corp will be scrambling to keep itself afloat.
>Keep Bullseye Corp hired, and hold the current course. This design is ingenious and will strengthen the Empire, in time. For now, you'll do what you can to find a niche for the experimental fleet.
>Purchase them and merge Bullseye Corp with Crown Corp.
>Keep Bullseye Corp hired, and hold the current course. This design is ingenious and will strengthen the Empire, in time. For now, you'll do what you can to find a niche for the experimental fleet.
Fascinating, though best used in combination with other fleets for now as support. To go from a theoretical concept to a working system in this amount of time is excellent work and requires further development.
>Keep Bullseye Corp hired, and hold the current course. This design is ingenious and will strengthen the Empire, in time. For now, you'll do what you can to find a niche for the experimental fleet.
The design is interesting but making these into their own fleet is really garbage. Hard losing until you happen to roll a 6 and then getting a few turns of free shots while you've already been crippled is very bad. If we can, it would be ideal if these were made into support vessels implemented into other fleets rather than just their own fleets, which frankly doesn't make any sense. Promising design though, hopefully future iterations produce better vessels that don't cripple our ability to do combat if the only way to use them is by having a full fleet of them.
>Keep Bullseye Corp hired, and hold the current course. This design is ingenious and will strengthen the Empire, in time. For now, you'll do what you can to find a niche for the experimental fleet.
Interesting, let’s see how it pays off
>Keep Bullseye Corp hired, and hold the current course. This design is ingenious and will strengthen the Empire, in time. For now, you'll do what you can to find a niche for the experimental fleet.
EMPs should be fun to play around with.
>Keep Bullseye Corp hired, and hold the current course. This design is ingenious and will strengthen the Empire, in time. For now, you'll do what you can to find a niche for the experimental fleet.

We do have to find some way to protect our own ships though otherwise even as a support fleet its use seems pretty niche, although now im thinking about it having about 12 of these as long as they are incapable of hitting eachother statistically guarantees (as long as you are able to go first) that the enemies ships will be stunlocked for the entire engagement which is a really really funny thought. (Until the enemy develops better anti emp tech and all the emp ships get shredded)
The EMP doesn't disable all the enemy fleets, just one. Remember that "fleet" is the smallest tracked group of ships. So yes we would probably be disabling enemies every turn, but only a few, and the rest would be pummeling us.
>Keep Bullseye Corp hired, and revert to their prior focus. The Bullseye-pattern, Mk I was a perfectly serviceable class of vessel and there was little call to deviate from them. This experimental fleet is a novelty, at best, but you're sure some use can be found for it.
It's not that great.
You have your misgivings with the design, but decide to maintain Bullseye Corp’s contract and allow them to continue iterating on it. They are grateful for the opportunity. You’re curious that they managed to go from theory to a functional design in so little time, but now that you’ve seen it functioning in practice, Curtis is quick to explain how.

Before yielding to the enlightened rule of the Eternal Empire, Bullseye Corp was involved with a significant portion of the Federation of Uvarth’s shipbuilding. The feckless egalitarians destroyed almost all of their research when it became clear that their illegitimate state’s destruction was imminent, but a handful among Bullseye Corp anticipated a future beyond the House of Parliament and used their position to preserve what they could. An overwhelming majority was of little significance, part measurements, archaic schematics, and similar errata already known by common salvagers, but Federal scientists had begun to make substantial headway on research into energy production through partial Hypervoid exposure.

By forming a micro-Shunt and forcibly preventing the Shunted mass from passing through into the Hypervoid proper, they could create a paradoxical singularity existing in both Realspace and the Hypervoid simultaneously, which would produce untold megatons of raw energy as its unstable form collapsed in on itself. This would, in theory, allow them to produce functionally limitless clean electricity and enact their decadent, post-scarcity ideals. The Federals’ problem was that this resultant energy was impossible to direct or contain and attempting it on a useful (that is to say, larger than microscopic) mass would wreak catastrophic damage.
The war with the Conclave of Vrakak Clans caused the blacksites responsible to shelve the research, as they were pressed for time and didn’t have the budget to pursue it to its conclusion. Some theorized that it could be used for a bomb but the enormous energy required for even brief instances made it hellishly inefficient compared to standard kinetics, let alone crude atomics and sophisticated munitions. Over the last several decades, Bullseye Corp has taken the concept and ran with it, gutting warships to replace their internals with generators capable of consistently producing these singularities, and macro-scale magnets to hold and launch them in distances applicable to void combat.

Their technicians have almost no understanding of the actual underlying principles of the process but are confident they can refine their exploitation of it. The implications for the Eternal Empire’s model of physics are relatively pronounced, and Curtis confesses that his predecessor and he kept this secret from the throne in a bid to impress their employer, the Emperor, previously Albin and Otto, now you, by being the first to produce a functioning weapons design from the technology and get a lead over their competitors in developing its combat applications.
In a gesture of gratitude, they give up the formula of the “False Hypershunt” that’s foundational to their EMP launcher. As far as you’re aware, their in-house facilities are fundamentally incapable of expanding on the theorems and breaking through their surface would require enormous resources, resources that only the throne on Mars is equipped to provide. You don’t doubt that they could refine the weapon and vessel surrounding it on their own, over sufficient time. In the years to come, the inheritors to the memory of old Earth may find more use for the theory than inferior minds shackled by democracy ever could.

Who should receive the Bullseye-pattern, Mk II fleet?

>House Heinrich. These EMP launchers are too dangerous to leave in anyone else’s hands, even if the warships fielding them are fragile.
>House Soluton. The house of your wife, Felicity, it’s far out of their usual purview but they’d likely appreciate a gift.
>House De Croize. This is an unconventional prototype barely fit for combat, but perhaps its intricate design would mollify your maternal cousins.
>House Nightshayd. It’s a bizarre fleet shrouded in secrecy, so it makes a certain kind of sense to hand it over to a similar house.
>The Royal Guard. They may be better equipped to protect the throne if they’re outfitted with these experimental munitions.
>The Imperial Navy. This is the default for a reason, they’ve always been steadfastly loyal to House Heinrich and its backbone in interstellar war.
>The Order of Rangers. It ought to be in decent company with the other Bullseye-pattern, Mk I fleet.
>Dissolve the fleet and reintegrate its components. Its EMP launchers will be embedded into another fleet, as they’re nearly-defenseless on their own but could be productive elsewhere. That said, the tech is less than reliable in close-quarters. (Choose another faction. The Bullseye-pattern, Mk II is destroyed but one of that faction’s fleets now rolls 2d6 per turn, if the 1st is a 6, the target enemy fleet is paralyzed for 1d6 turns, but if the 2nd is a 6, their own warships are caught in the crossfire and paralyzed for 1d6-1 turns.)

What should be done with the False Hypershunt formula?

>Publish it. Of millions of intellectuals, there may be a handful of insights.
>Sell it. Corps involved in shipbuilding may pay top-credits for the tech.
>Keep it. The Empire has more important things to focus on for now.
>Study it. You always were brilliant, smarter than the feddies for sure!
>House Uvar
Let's strengthen the sons of Uvarth

>Publish it. Of millions of intellectuals, there may be a handful of insights.
>>House De Croize. This is an unconventional prototype barely fit for combat, but perhaps its intricate design would mollify your maternal cousins.
It suits them, they like wacky tech stuff. We should probably try to improve relations with them anyway after the disasters of Otto.

>What should be done with the False Hypershunt formula?
Send it to our genius brother (I forget his name) and see if he can't figure something out of it.
>The Imperial Navy. This is the default for a reason, they’ve always been steadfastly loyal to House Heinrich and its backbone in interstellar war.

>Keep it. The Empire has more important things to focus on for now.
Ideally we want to have our researchers study it but I don't want it public. If it's public that opens the door for our adversaries to learn the technology too.
>The Order of Rangers. It ought to be in decent company with the other Bullseye-pattern, Mk I fleet.
They already have a very experimental fleet. It could help in fully turning them into a specialist group, since they aren't really doing much with their fleet as it stands.

>Keep it. The Empire has more important things to focus on for now.
Have our researchers study it.
>The Imperial Navy. This is the default for a reason, they’ve always been steadfastly loyal to House Heinrich and its backbone in interstellar war.
The losses need to be replenished from the reaver war
>Keep it. The Empire has more important things to focus on for now.
>House De Croize. This is an unconventional prototype barely fit for combat, but perhaps its intricate design would mollify your maternal cousins.
>Study it. You always were brilliant, smarter than the feddies for sure!
>The Imperial Navy. This is the default for a reason, they’ve always been steadfastly loyal to House Heinrich and its backbone in interstellar war.
>Keep it. The Empire has more important things to focus on for now.
>The Imperial Navy. This is the default for a reason, they’ve always been steadfastly loyal to House Heinrich and its backbone in interstellar war.

>Study it. You always were brilliant, smarter than the feddies for sure!
The potential applications are enormous
>The Imperial Navy. This is the default for a reason, they’ve always been steadfastly loyal to House Heinrich and its backbone in interstellar war.

>Study it. You always were brilliant, smarter than the feddies for sure!
Rolled 5 (1d6)

You decide to fold the Bullseye-pattern, Mk II fleet into the Imperial Navy. You doubt one expensive anomaly will lead to any doctrinal shifts, but a fleet is a fleet, and it may well contribute to the Empire's next campaign.

Far more interesting is the implications of the False Hypershunt Federal scientists managed to induce. Cracking the formula is an immense, intricate problem that you aren't prepared to undertake yet. For now, it will remain secret. You're sorely tempted to dig into it yourself but restrain the impulse. As the Emperor, you must hold to your lofty position and keep personal passion projects to a minimum. Even if you are very curious.

Your infrastructure expansions in the conquered Reaver Clan territories have reached an acceptable minimum. The region's logistics have reached an adequate condition and consequently, its constituent planets are little worse off than any of the frontier worlds. There's some distance to go before it becomes a true treasure of the Empire, but now it can at least semi-consistently support the shipyard over Knossos on its lonesome.

You consult The Ledger. The treasury was depleted by the infrastructural advances, but that should recoup itself and then some in due time. You note that while the military has been strengthened, the prototype is counted separately from the more conventional fleets. Interesting enough.

>The Empire:
>Territory: 8
>Economy: 4
>Military: 6+1
>Happiness: 5
>Population: 7

>House Heinrich:
>3 jewel worlds, 12 core worlds, 14 frontier worlds
>2 Retinue Fleets
>Crown Corp
>Royal Guard:
>1 Imperial Fleet

There is more work to be done. Your Head Advisor, Igor, is supportive, as always. "House Heinrich is in a fine position, my liege. Almost any direction could yield the profits your majesty seeks."

You think carefully yet decisively, as is an Emperor's duty.

>Strengthen the Bureaucracy. Enforcers unaffiliated with any noble house ought to give the Imperial governors more clout and render the Empire more stable as a whole, even if it angers the nobility in the short-term.
>Grant the Order of Erudition more funding. The economy is certainly not the best it's ever been, but the Empire needs more educated, more obedient masses if it's going to thrive.
>Directly manage House Heinrich. Crown Corp is doing excellently but no Emperor has ever sat down and allocated your bloodline's own assets. It could serve your legacy well to be the first.
>Conduct an in-depth survey of the noble houses. This has been a long-time coming and is tedious, but should leave you better informed of the Empire's internal balance of power and the ongoing political situation.
>Conduct an in-depth survey of the noble houses. This has been a long-time coming and is tedious, but should leave you better informed of the Empire's internal balance of power and the ongoing political situation.
>Conduct an in-depth survey of the noble houses. This has been a long-time coming and is tedious, but should leave you better informed of the Empire's internal balance of power and the ongoing political situation.

It will enable us to appoint ‘imperial administrators’ from the Bureaucracy to oversee weak Houses
>Directly manage House Heinrich. Crown Corp is doing excellently but no Emperor has ever sat down and allocated your bloodline's own assets. It could serve your legacy well to be the first.
I want to turn Crown Corp into a privately funded research lab. Think of what we could do as Emperor if we developed our own technology! Also fits in character to develop more weapons.
>Conduct an in-depth survey of the noble houses. This has been a long-time coming and is tedious, but should leave you better informed of the Empire's internal balance of power and the ongoing political situation.
About time
>Directly manage House Heinrich. Crown Corp is doing excellently but no Emperor has ever sat down and allocated your bloodline's own assets. It could serve your legacy well to be the first.
>Strengthen the Bureaucracy. Enforcers unaffiliated with any noble house ought to give the Imperial governors more clout and render the Empire more stable as a whole, even if it angers the nobility in the short-term.
>>Directly manage House Heinrich. Crown Corp is doing excellently but no Emperor has ever sat down and allocated your bloodline's own assets. It could serve your legacy well to be the first.
Should consider that some may have taken advantage of no Emperor having directly managed the holdings. There is a potential for corruption.
I'll change my vote to support
>Conduct an in-depth survey of the noble houses. This has been a long-time coming and is tedious, but should leave you better informed of the Empire's internal balance of power and the ongoing political situation.
The Bureaucracy is important, but we should be patient with it.
You resolve to conduct an in-depth survey of the noble houses. First, you consider your own dynasty, House Heinrich.

>House Heinrich: 21 worlds, 3 jewels, 12 core, 14 frontier
>Assets: Throne on Mars, Crown Corp (100% Shares), 2 Major Shipyards (Plutul, Uvarth)
>Forces: 2 Retinue Fleets

You are doing excellently, though your personal retinues aren't yet at the limit of what your holdings can sustain. This is arguably a good thing in that it means your house's loose wealth is abundant. The Throne on Mars is the most significant symbol of your power, but the most tangible means of enforcing it lays in the Jewel Worlds and Major Shipyards under your control. Over the course of its reign, your dynasty has been reliant on diplomacy and the Imperial Navy to ensure its title is held. Perhaps that should change, perhaps not. It has served your forefathers well so far.
Next is House Soluton. They hold a deep bond with your lineage due to your marriage with Felicity Soluton and your father, Emperor Otto's, deference towards them in regards to the Croize-Chutes.

>House Soluton: 20 worlds, 11 core, 9 frontier
>Forces: 3 Retinue fleets
>Assets: 1 Major Shipyard (Lrypso), Resort (Licciri), Shipbuilding Tradition

Excepting your own, they are arguably the premiere bloodline in the Empire. In terms of sheer military force, their retinues are superior to House Heinrich's and, moreover, they're capable of producing their own fleets, whereas you lack the expertise and are forced to contract your shipyards out. Their territory is enormous and in parts, it is still developing. A relatively minor asset is their ownership of Licciri, which provides a constant trickle of aristocratic tourism. More notable is their de-facto monopoly of the Croize-Chute, which they are excitedly building throughout their territory.

You note they are belligerent toward House De Croize andy their hostilities are held in-check only by the threat of retaliation from the wider Empire.

You turn your attention to House Arthen. They are neutral toward your lineage due to the controversy surrounding the Osgus presence at your coronation.

>House Arthen: 12 worlds, 7 core, 5 frontier
>Forces: 3 Retinue Fleets
>Assets: 1 Major Shipyard (Tinth'agel), Martial Tradition, Fortification Tech

They are undeniably the strongest house from a military perspective, and the only one that could more than likely defeat the Imperial Navy if it were defending its territory. Their ferocity in battle and lifelong training is the stuff of legend. Aside from that, their relative isolationism has left their economy smaller than it could be, although it's also kept House Nightshayd from getting any more than a token presence inside.

You note that they have deep internal tensions due to their patriarch, Arlo Arthen, siding with you during your coronation and urging reconciliation. There may an upset there in the coming years or more likely, when Arlo has passed, as his predecessor Ludghan was beloved by their bloodline. You take comfort in the fact that they've never once openly defied the sitting dynasty.
You consider the circumstances of House De Croize. They are cautious toward the throne, as they feel they've been betrayed through the forfeiture of their invention, the Croize-Chute, to their rivals in House Soluton.

>House De Croize: 16 worlds, 4 core, 12 frontier
>Forces: 1 Retinue Fleet, 1 Mercenary Fleet
>Assets: 1 Major Shipyard (Vintrola) under construction, Academic Tradition

Besides that, they're something of a fallen house due to their damaged prestige and reparations they've been made to pay to House Soluton for their actions in the war of the Tripartite Entente. You note that they've spent the majority of their payment for the Croize-Chute on the construction of a shipyard over their homeworld, Vintrola, and hiring a fleet of mercenaries on a permanent contract. The remainder has gone toward better organizing and industrializing their holdings. This is likely done out of paranoia toward House Soluton and a desire to keep their holdings.

Also of note is their ingenuity among the noble houses. They're the only lineage that can rival the Order of Erudition in any capacity and have likely been working overtime since the loss of the Croize-Chute. Though to what end, you can't say. Needless to say, they are belligerent toward House Soluton and believe violence from them is likely inevitable.

You continue and examine House Nightshayd. They are close allies to the throne and have served it (dis)honourably since the ascent of Emperor Alphonse. You feel they're simultaneously the dynasty's greatest ally and most terrible threat.

>House Nightshayd: 4 worlds, 2 core, 2 frontier
>Forces: None
>Assets: Deep Spy Network (Empire Nobility), Deep Spy Network (Empire Masses), Deep Spy Network (Chavenac Masses)

From a surface-viewpoint, they have no serious assets and are a minor lineage. Looking deeper, it quickly becomes clear they have mountains of dirt on the aristocracy and have an ear behind almost every door. They are dangerous, incredibly so, and it has been to House Heinrich's advantage that you've kept them satisfied so far.

Of late, they've been struggling against the criminal network of Clan Skullstacker and there's been some concern they're overextending themselves. You aren't certain whether that means the mystique surrounding House Nightshayd has been wildly exaggerated, or Clan Skullstacker's cutthroats are simply *that* dangerous. You aren't sure which eventuality is more worrying.
You analyze House Lochstrum, which was elevated by the actions of your great-grandfather Emperor Alphonse's daughter, Freyja. Despite this, they are neutral to the throne due to your dynasty's failure to defend their holdings during the war of the Tripartite Entente.

>House Lochstrum: 12 worlds, 3 core, 9 frontier
>Forces: 1 Retinue Fleet, 1 Mercenary Fleet
>Assets: Zephyr Corp (100% Shares)

Their territories are substantial, if marginal, and their lowly origins have lent them considerable cachet among the scattered mercenary forces of the Empire. More tangibly, Zephyr Corp is a rival to Crown Corp and has afforded them significant wealth.

In recent generations, they've become friendly with House Ustong and Zephyr Corp is cooperating with them to leverage their expertise for higher profit margins. This arrangement has yielded tidy dividends for both and stimulated the wider economy, but some pessimists among House Heinrich feel it can't be trusted.

The Martial Houses are, in-effect, a singular power bloc so you consider them as one. They are close allies of the throne to the last, and have served with tenacious dedication since Emperor Alphonse elevated them.

>House Schafer: 10 worlds, 3 core, 7 frontier
>Forces: None
>Assets: None
>House Rausch: 13 worlds, 1 core, 12 frontier
>Forces: None
>Assets: None
>House Phillip: 9 worlds, 3 core, 6 frontier
>Forces: None
>Assets: None

While they are superficially poor and weak, you know that appearances can be deceptive. Between the three of them, they make up much of the backbone of the Imperial Navy and Imperial Army and have deep connections throughout. It's safe to assume that whichever side of a future conflict the Martial Houses pledge themselves, many of the Empire's forces will follow. As long as their loyalty to the throne is assured, you can rest secure in the branches of the Imperial military.

You likewise note that while they are far from House Arthen's equal, their house armadas are on the verge of reaching crude parity, and with several more generations of conditioning, they could very well match their strength. With further support, they could be an even stronger ally for House Heinrich.
You stumble across the first anomaly in your survey. One of the noblewomen who attempted to wed your father, Clementine Talcaster, managed to backstab and politic her way into unprecedented, ironfisted rule over her house. Even in her old age, she retains a grudge against Emperor Otto's memory, and House Talcaster is consequently neutral toward the throne.

>House Talcaster: 6 worlds, 3 core, 3 frontier
>Forces: 1 Mercenary Fleet
>Assets: None

Under Clementine's economic savvy, House Talcaster has seen two of its frontier worlds refined into wealthy and productive cores. This wealth has been put to use in hiring a mercenary fleet, but also in sponsoring independent merchants. They have a steady income and in strict accordance to their matriarch's plans, are investing it well. House Talcaster has stayed well-within the bounds of its legal authority, but is a potential problem for the future.

This is worsened by their shared ancestral ties to House Soluton, as they are both descended from the ancient House Solomers, the 11th dynasty to reign over the Eternal Empire. Resolving this issue with take either tact or time. It may not be any issue at all, as Clementine herself is nearing a venerable age and it's likely her designated heir isn't anywhere near as competent.

You move on to old House Junger. They are friendly to House Heinrich, as you've acknowledged their martial prowess and expanded their territories.

>House Junger: 7 worlds, 7 frontier
>Forces: None
>Assets: Martial Tradition

Said territories are sparse and impoverished but provide many of the Imperial Army's most ferocious soldiers. You hold them in respect, in part due to their consistent use as tools to uphold the throne by force, in part due to their classical texts doing a good amount to shape your own philosophy. Perhaps they are worthy of more.
Of the noble houses, House Aboze was easily the most eager to tell you everything about them there is to know. They are close allies of the throne as a result of Emperor Otto's war to avenge them against the Reaver Clans, but also as they've been slavishly devoted to the ruling dynasty for as long as they've been a noble house.

>House Aboze: 4 worlds, 4 frontier
>Forces: None
>Assets: None

You find it rather pathetic. Even so, they are a dependable ally and can be expected to fall over themselves cooperating with whatever you see fit to ask of them. Aside from this, they are unusually generous to the commoners under them and enjoy significant loyalty in return. By extension, so too does House Heinrich. They are likely the only lineage whose planets are completely free from closeted Neo-Federalist sympathizers.

Of the true Major Houses, all that remains is House Ustong. They are a truly fallen house claiming only a fraction of their former prominence. This was a fitting punishment for their involvement in the Tripartite Entente. Nonetheless, they are friendly to the throne as a result of their ruler, Adam II, son of Aurelia,'s close proximity to House Heinrich.

>House Ustong: 2 worlds, 2 frontier
>Forces: 1 Retinue Fleet
>Assets: Colonial Tradition

You note that they retain a retinue fleet, even now, and have gone through extreme lengths to keep it operational. This was originally a mercy by Emperor Albin to his daughter Aurelia, who was rendered matriarch of their house, but it proved to be something of a white elephant. Their barren, war-ravaged frontier holdings struggled to sustain this petty fleet, even diverting critical funds from the development of infrastructure.

If not for their trade agreement with House Lochstrum and Zephyr Corp, it's likely they would be on the verge of bankruptcy by now. As is, they're taking in enough credits to maintain their fleet and have a modest fund leftover for development. You suppose that's positive for the wider Empire, but some fear they may still harbour quiet dissent for House Heinrich.

The last of the Major Houses is none other than House Lu'gaut. Like House Aboze, they are close allies to House Heinrich for Emperor Otto's war of vengeance on their behalf. Unlike House Aboze, they are are quite free-thinking, and maintaining such high relations will take some work.

>House Lu'gaut: 1 world, 1 frontier
>Forces: None
>Assets: Mulch, Hedonistic Tradition

Thankfully, you've already gone above and beyond by sanctioning their peaceful takeover of Xoter. In the years to come, their wealth may be considerable, and if you're cunning, the Empire at large could very well be the primary beneficiary.
Next are the Minor Houses as a whole. Thanks to Emperor Alphonse's origins and the dynasty's efforts to favour them, they are largely friendly to the throne. There are too many of them under too varied circumstances to be certain of their entirety, however.

>Minor Houses: 15 worlds, 2 core, 13 frontier
>Forces: 2 Retinue Fleets, 1 Mercenary Fleet
>Assets: None

The sheer breadth of their investments, insignificant as they may be individually, has left them a notable force. If they could be united to one cause, they could well pose a threat to any single noble house. You doubt they'll be a major factor in the Empire's internal affairs but even with that being the case, it's best not to ignore them.

The planet-holding Corps aren't noble, but they're too significant to ignore in a survey of the Empire. The greatest of the two is Hookware Corp, who are friendly to the throne out of appreciation for their High Charter.

>Hookware Corp: 1 world, 1 core
>Forces: 4 Hooker Fleets
>Assets: Hookware Corp (100% Shares), 1 Major Shipyard (Tennsey), Streamlined Shipbuilding, High Charter

Their ancient mastery of void-scale mass-production, that is to say, churning out as many warships as possible for as cheaply as possible in as little time as possible, has left them a contender for the strongest armada in the Empire. Aside from the Imperial Navy, it is certainly the largest, and indeed they manufactured most of the Imperial Navy. Even if their personal crews are subpar, numbers such as theirs can't be ignored. It would serve the Empire well to maintain high relations or to undermine them, lest they pose a threat.

The just-as-ancient bloodline of commoners controlling them are cunning and paranoid, even with their idiosyncracies. Such a thing may be easier said than done.
The lesser of the two is Cherry Corp, who are friendly to the throne for their continued sponsorship and the grant of a planet.

>Cherry Corp: 1 world, 1 core
>Forces: None
>Assets: Cherry Corp (100% Shares), Low Charter

They maintain half of House Heinrich's shipyards and have created a large fraction of the Imperial Navy's vessels. Their CEO Beckham is a full-body cyborg holding little more than a brainstem and presumably supports similar augmentations becoming more popular, but Cherry Corp has done little to act on this. There's not much else to be mentioned about them.

The internal survey has concluded and you now have a much more detailed understanding of the factions comprising the Eternal Empire. This is a heavy amount of information.

Should anything be done?

>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (Which?)
>Make concessions toward one of the factions. You are wary of the political situation and think it may be best to mollify one of your subjects. (Which?)
>Attempt to change relations between two factions. You think the balance of powers is risky and should be shifted for the throne's advantage. (Which two?)
>Make demands of one of the factions. You are in desperate need of something, its exact nature pending, and one of your subjects will provide it. (Which?)
>Nothing needs to be done. You feel your position is secure and you can be content with the status quo.
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House Lochsturm)
It would be ideal to mend relations with them. We uplifted them and the sooner we can be friends again the more likely they will be a lasting ally.
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (Which?)
Lochstrum seems to be the easiest to bring back to friendly otherwise I am fine with the current status quo
Regardless I really think we should get another fleet to the Martials so they can finally get 3/3 split fleets

Also we have to marry our heir to Nightshayd, its been too long.
the biggest issue is the animosity between soluton and de croize, they are 2 of the top houses and they hate each other. and de croize is expanding its military capabilities quickly, which is worrying. if we don't do something about it they could start another distracting conflict and we would be forced to choose sides. our long term plan should be improve the development and stability of the empire and face the alien threat can't remember their name

>Attempt to change relations between two factions. You think the balance of powers is risky and should be shifted for the throne's advantage. (soluton and de croize)
>de croize's academic tradition and soluton's shipbuilding expertise can be a perfect match. under the auspice of the Order of Erudition and financial backing from the empire, each will select their best minds and coordinate to improve the existing space travel technology (engines, materials, weapons, infrastructure). for motivation, both houses will be given rights over every and any new technology or development that comes out of this, for one generation

the idea is to help out the order of erudition gain expertise, make the houses forget their hatred for each other and get some tech improvements in the meantime. also i guess this is a medium term initiative, which will take like 10 years at least to give some fruit, and the material benefits if any won't be ours after one generation goes by. but still i think it's a great deal if it works
now that i think of it, maybe it would make more sense for this to be a 20 or 30 years initiative
I don't think it's a bad thing that they hate each other. It's helpful for them to squabble among themselves rather than try to limit our power. I doubt either of them will seriously attack each other outside of a civil war anyways, and if they do we have the power as emperor to squash the aggressor, which they doubtless know.
I feel like that's a good idea, but I doubt either house would be willing to work together solely on the orders of the Emperor. We at least should mollify de Croize somewhat before we start ordering them to cooperate with their mortal enemies, lest we fail and turn them hostile against the throne.
I'm fine with either of these.
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House Lochsturm)
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (>House De Croize)
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House Arthen)
I'm surprised nobody else wants to mend relations with arguably the strongest military that's not the Imperial Navy. Letting this stir for any longer than it has is bad for the future of not just House Heinrich but the Empire as a whole.
The rest of the Houses we can deal with later, but we need to make sure that the strongest military House is on our side.
Yeah, I'll support this. House Arthen is (probably) not going to rebel against us but it would do to have them on side in the event anything breaks out.
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House Arthen)
Let's mend ties before it's too late.
Supporting this
I'd rather focus on fixing the biggest reason why shit would hit the fan. Soluton and De Croize are only going to hate each other more as time goes by while we'd have to do something really fucked up to get Arthen to actually do something against us.
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House Arthen)
Always make sure any military under an autocracy is friendly.
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (Which?)
Clementine is scary.
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House Arthen)
I only think we have to worry about an inter-house civil war if we suddenly become unable to stop it. So long as we can put a stop to both with the imperial navy it should be fine.

Actually QM, I do have to wonder what the relations of Houses to each other is like? Could De Croize or Soluton call in any allies to their fight if it came to it?
A civil war isn’t what I’m worried about; it’s two of our most useful allies wasting time and resources refusing to work together or actively sabotaging each other when we could have just nipped it in the bud if we didn’t decide to once again focus on expanding our already good military instead of stabilising and developing what we already have, which is what we decided to do when Ferdinand became emperor. Soluton and De Croize are a guaranteed problem down the line no matter how many ships we have, and threatening our closest allies with planetary bombardment should be our last resort.
True. You make a good point. I'll switch from >>6066947

>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House De Croize)
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House Arthen)
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House Arthen)
Changing to this. They should always be ready to defend House Heinrich at our call.
And I don't want to leave it to the dice or chance when dealing with Soluton and De Croize.
>Attempt diplomacy with one of the factions. You see no reason not to make overtures to one of your subordinates. (House Arthen)
I don't trust that trying to intervene in the Solution and De Croize autism feud wont just make both of them mad at us.
The broad consensus is that there are four Major Houses of significance, in that their internal affairs have ramifications on the wider Eternal Empire. These are House Heinrich, House Soluton, House Arthen, and House De Croize.

House Heinrich has the backing of the Imperial Navy and the legitimacy of the Throne on Mars, as well as a respectable fleet in its own right. It is unquestionably the most important of the noble houses but its personal retinue is only average among the aristocracy, and then due to the contributions of House Soluton's craftsmanship. They are reasonably secure with most of the noble houses content under their rule, though House Soluton, the Martial Houses, House Aboze, and House Lu'gaut are their only surefire allies. Due to the grant of a High Charter, Hookware Corp would likely come to its aid in a crisis, but that can't be guaranteed.

House Soluton has the finest warships of any noble house and a large fleet of them. From a perspective of pure war material, they are matched only by House Arthen and then, their artisinal dedication gives them an edge. They are steadfast allies of House Heinrich and maintain deep relations with House Talcaster, who they mutually view as a sibling. It's certain that House Talcaster would back them in the event of a controversy, but House Soluton is disliked by most of the other houses for their lack of diplomatic initiative. This doesn't stop them from desperately scrambling to bid for the contracts of Soluton shipwrights.

House Arthen holds the strongest personal retinue and most defensible territory by a considerable margin. If the rest of the Empire were to invade their holdings, victory would not be certain and casualties on the throne's end would be numerous. No other noble house can claim this. They have no true allies but the Martial Houses and House Junger hold them in high respect for their ancient tradition and would be hesitant to commit arms against them.

House De Croize is the poorest and most detested it has been in generations, with the destruction of their trading partners in House Rothsford and the alienation of longtime allies in House Soluton leaving them isolated. This is compounded by the fact that their personal retinue is weak and reliant on mercenaries, but they are nothing if not ingenious. It's likely they'll make overtures to one of their peers in the years to come. As is, the status quo is looking increasingly dangerous for them.

The rest of the noble houses are largely small, though significant factors in the stability of the Empire.
You consider the balance of powrs carefully. House Lochstrum was elevated by House Heinrich, and it does the dynasty a disservice to be so distrusted by descendants of Emperor Alphonse himself. The strife between House Soluton and House De Croize will only lead to disunity if it is allowed to continue. Both of these are significant problems that need to be addressed in the future, but your attention turns to House Arthen.

The bulwark on which Emperor Alphonse's rebellion nearly broke. Long considered the sword of the throne, first into the fray and the last to leave. Much of this is superstition and mysticism, which isn't helped by their insistence on clinging to archaic and useless traditions, but it can't be denied that their war-fleets and planetary turrets are both of excellent quality. Most among their number are irate with you, specifically, for your choice to allow Osgus delegates to attend your royal coronation. The reasoning is not ill-founded.

You yourself have never trusted the squids as they're too intelligent and non-emotional to be easily manipulated, but that is neither here nor there. House Arthen is a problem. You doubt they would break an ancient tradition of service to rebel against House Heinrich, but from their backwards perspective, you've already done the same by tolerating aliens in the very throneroom. Something needs to be done to defuse tensions before they reach a tipping point.

Your father's friendship with their patriarch can only go so far.

What should be done?

>Promise House Arthen territories. The easiest option to get them onboard, simply swear they'll receive generous fiefdoms if they participate in the Empire's next campaign. They're honourbound jingoists with a primitive coat of paint, fighting alongside them should mend things in short order.
>Grant House Arthen a war-fleet. This would be a sign of trust and appeal to their martial tendencies, while strengthening a potential ally. This is also, however, risky as it requires that you give up a fleet. You doubt it would please the rest of House Heinrich either.
>Encourage House Arthen's traditions. An unusual approach, but using the position of Emperor to boost popularity of banal swordplay, "unbreakable" oaths, and excessive "chivalrous" sentiments would certainly make a statement. The issue is that the rest of the Empire might have cause to worry the Imperial Palace's medieval aesthetic isn't only a motif.
>Just talk to House Arthen. There's little reason to overcomplicate things when you can get their elders around a table and have a nice, long, mutually productive meeting. Some would argue this is risky, but you've always held the pen signing munitions contracts is far mightier than the sword it produces.
>Just talk to House Arthen. There's little reason to overcomplicate things when you can get their elders around a table and have a nice, long, mutually productive meeting. Some would argue this is risky, but you've always held the pen signing munitions contracts is far mightier than the sword it produces.
The first is a given as demonstrated by our entire history of campaigning as a House and they would be fools not to notice. The second will piss off all the other houses as well as our own, and I don't like how the third sounds and doubt it would be very impactful.
>Just talk to House Arthen. There's little reason to overcomplicate things when you can get their elders around a table and have a nice, long, mutually productive meeting. Some would argue this is risky, but you've always held the pen signing munitions contracts is far mightier than the sword it produces.
>Just talk to House Arthen. There's little reason to overcomplicate things when you can get their elders around a table and have a nice, long, mutually productive meeting. Some would argue this is risky, but you've always held the pen signing munitions contracts is far mightier than the sword it produces.
>Promise House Arthen territories. The easiest option to get them onboard, simply swear they'll receive generous fiefdoms if they participate in the Empire's next campaign. They're honourbound jingoists with a primitive coat of paint, fighting alongside them should mend things in short order.
Perhaps it is a given, but publicly promising them outright to give them more land would mollify and remind them we still value them.
>just talk
>+tell them you plan to attack the varakaks eventually. Tell them they'll get to lead the campaign. Give them the info from the scout report and tell them to come up with a campaign plan. They have 30 years.
This would kinda be a false promise because Ferdinand doesn't want to start a war in his reign.
>Encourage House Arthen's traditions. An unusual approach, but using the position of Emperor to boost popularity of banal swordplay, "unbreakable" oaths, and excessive "chivalrous" sentiments would certainly make a statement. The issue is that the rest of the Empire might have cause to worry the Imperial Palace's medieval aesthetic isn't only a motif.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
>Just talk to House Arthen. There's little reason to overcomplicate things when you can get their elders around a table and have a nice, long, mutually productive meeting. Some would argue this is risky, but you've always held the pen signing munitions contracts is far mightier than the sword it produces.
>Just talk to House Arthen. There's little reason to overcomplicate things when you can get their elders around a table and have a nice, long, mutually productive meeting. Some would argue this is risky, but you've always held the pen signing munitions contracts is far mightier than the sword it produces.
You arrange a meeting with the elders of House Arthen. In a show of trust, it is held on Tinth’agel, their innermost seat of power. It is one of a handful of planets in the Empire with the capacity to be considered a true, jewel world. This is one of them.

It is so densely forested its greenery is visible from the void. Here, hydroponics are unnecessary and the atmospheric oxygen content is sufficient that open structures can be built without oversight to ensure regular airflow. It is a charming place with a thriving wild ecosystem that inspired your father and grandfather alike.

Like your father, you find the notion of whitetail deer and old-growth forest less interesting than the turrets that cover the skyline, and the warships on regular patrol overhead. This planet is dangerous. If House Arthen were to go under siege, it would demand a high cost to seize, and their personal retinues would drive a hard bargain.

That’s why you are here, with a sturdy complement of Royal Guard and House Heinrich’s own forces in tow. To negotiate. House Arthen consists, by and large, of firm traditionalists that hold the wider Empire’s more refined sensibilities in contempt. The greatest point of contention that House Arthen has with the throne on Mars is how it was given- the presence of aliens at your coronation. That was a first in the history of Mankind. Many others are also offended.
If not for your father’s bond with their patriarch, Arlo, it’s almost certain they would have rebuffed your request. As is, things are rather tense. You are in the same fortification that Ludghan died in, a statement on their part. There are five elders in attendance.

Arlo, friend of your father and current patriarch. His influence has waned considerably due to his support of your coronation, and you are aware that House Arthen allows any noble son to challenge their reigning patriarch to a duel for their position. If not for his father being Ludghan, a legend among their bloodline, he would likely already be deposed. He’s old, too old to hold his own in a duel and would need to concede or risk a fatality, a dishonour he would prefer death to.

Declan, a withered ancient who knew Ludghan, and whose father fought under him against Emperor Alphonse’s rebellion. He’s a stubborn anti-royalist holdout whose word has considerable weight throughout House Arthen. At the same time, he’s been instrumental to keeping Arlo in his position despite the controversy as his respect for Ludghan outweighs political concerns. His opinions on your father are mixed at best, but he detests you personally.

Cofach, an enormous brute that reminds you of your father more than anyone. He’s in the prime of his life and a vigorous xenophobe, who, frankly, hates you for shattering an unbroken chain of purely human coronations going back millennia. The consensus is that he’s one of their top-ten duelists and an exceptional tactician, no less. This lends him a massive amount of clout among the rank-and-file, enough to warrant inclusion into a meeting of their elders and the Emperor.

Lithgen, an old castellan and former admiral of their retinue, retired by force, who laments that he wasn’t born in a time where he could prove himself in war. To your understanding, he’s their de-facto spymaster and excellent at his job, preventing House Nightshayd from getting a serious foothold. He’s an isolationist who views the wider Empire as a burden on House Arhen and advocates that they look inward. You note that, despite this, he doesn’t have a strong opinion on the Osgus issue and has pushed respect for House Heinrich in the past.

Miurne, a respected mother of several generals and admirals, and the foremost logistical coordinator of their bloodline. Many in House Arthen view the management of finance as a woman’s work and she has consequently held their economy together through savvy and skill over the last two generations. She views this controversy as a waste of time and wants to keep it from becoming a waste of life. She is, however, Cofach’s mother-in-law by marriage and biased in his favour where she otherwise wouldn’t be.
All five are in contention over how to handle the perceived disgrace of Mankind’s coronation, and consider you, as its beneficiary, to be at least partly responsible. That said, you are still the legitimate Emperor and none of them want to risk open civil war. Your request for a meeting caught them by surprise and gives you the chance to find an agreement. This is a complex situation.

What should you propose?

>Appeal to common shared interests. House Arthen gains nothing from continuing to oppose House Heinrich’s Osgus sympathies, and the Eternal Empire gains nothing from House Arthen’s refusal to wage war at their side. This would be a gamble reiterating what you already both know, but if you were suave enough, you might be able to pull it off.
>Play into their isolationist tendencies. Tacitly inform them that the Imperial Court would like to distance itself from House Arthen for the time being, so that neither loses prestige in backing down. Lithgen would push to support the measure and this would raise their esteem of you yourself, but the public status quo would remain unchanged.
>Challenge Cofach to a duel. You are a fine combatant in your own right but in this case, you would trust Alphonse II to champion the throne. If he won by fatality or yielding, the largest instigator would be silenced and the issue would be over. If he lost, well, you would have sorely misjudged the son of Arthen.
>Show House Arthen the value of the Osgus State. Their opposition to alien involvement in Mankind’s affairs is respectable, but the Osgus are no mere alien riffraff. An in-depth showing of the Osgus’ competitive nature and ancient, lethal competitions to determine their Slurm may well smooth things over. If the squid’s lack of scruples doesn’t outrage them, that is.
>Encourage greater trade between your noble houses. For all of its strength, House Arthen has a disproportionately small economy, something that Crown Corp and Heinrich-affiliated merchants could solve. Politics aside, this would raise relations on its own. Miurne is sure to see the sense in this, but Lithgen would try to reject it out of hand.
>Make a bold concession to Ludghan. The construction of a prestigious statue on Mars would be a nod to House Arthen and an “honourable” foe of House Heinrich. You personally think he was an old fool but they don’t need to know that. The revelation would likely stun House Arthen, but once word got out, it would deepen House Heinrich’s overall image of humility.
>You have another, ingenious solution in mind that a lesser brain couldn't have come to in a thousand attempts. (Write-In)
>Encourage greater trade between your noble houses. For all of its strength, House Arthen has a disproportionately small economy, something that Crown Corp and Heinrich-affiliated merchants could solve. Politics aside, this would raise relations on its own. Miurne is sure to see the sense in this, but Lithgen would try to reject it out of hand.
Money silences all
I would risk the duel but considering our dice rolls so far I don’t trust it
>Encourage greater trade between your noble houses. For all of its strength, House Arthen has a disproportionately small economy, something that Crown Corp and Heinrich-affiliated merchants could solve. Politics aside, this would raise relations on its own. Miurne is sure to see the sense in this, but Lithgen would try to reject it out of hand.
>Make official deals to reassure that this is purely economical, and that we aren't trying to force any sort of major social/cultural shift upon them.
Hopefully this would be enough to appease the isolationists amongst them.

>Make a bold concession to Ludghan. The construction of a prestigious statue on Mars would be a nod to House Arthen and an “honourable” foe of House Heinrich. You personally think he was an old fool but they don’t need to know that. The revelation would likely stun House Arthen, but once word got out, it would deepen House Heinrich’s overall image of humility.
It's just a statue. If it makes them happy it doesn't really matter much so long as we have power to give our words the final say (which we do).
>Challenge Cofach to a duel. You are a fine combatant in your own right but in this case, you would trust Alphonse II to champion the throne. If he won by fatality or yielding, the largest instigator would be silenced and the issue would be over. If he lost, well, you would have sorely misjudged the son of Arthen.
Sounds cool.
the prestigious statue is a bit random and sets a bad precendence, we shouldn't just give out honors like that whenever someone is discontent

the duel is is too risky, don't support it if you take this quest half seriously. it we were otto it would be the obvious choice, but our character wouldn't do it

i vote for a combination of these, i don't see why we can't pick them all:
>Appeal to common shared interests. House Arthen gains nothing from continuing to oppose House Heinrich’s Osgus sympathies, and the Eternal Empire gains nothing from House Arthen’s refusal to wage war at their side. This would be a gamble reiterating what you already both know, but if you were suave enough, you might be able to pull it off.
>Play into their isolationist tendencies. Tacitly inform them that the Imperial Court would like to distance itself from House Arthen for the time being, so that neither loses prestige in backing down. Lithgen would push to support the measure and this would raise their esteem of you yourself, but the public status quo would remain unchanged.
>Show House Arthen the value of the Osgus State. Their opposition to alien involvement in Mankind’s affairs is respectable, but the Osgus are no mere alien riffraff. An in-depth showing of the Osgus’ competitive nature and ancient, lethal competitions to determine their Slurm may well smooth things over. If the squid’s lack of scruples doesn’t outrage them, that is.
>Encourage greater trade between your noble houses. For all of its strength, House Arthen has a disproportionately small economy, something that Crown Corp and Heinrich-affiliated merchants could solve. Politics aside, this would raise relations on its own. Miurne is sure to see the sense in this, but Lithgen would try to reject it out of hand.
>You are a fine combatant in your own right but in this case, you would trust Alphonse II to champion the throne.
I'm not voting for the duel either for different reasons, but our character isn't doing it. He's sending Alphonse II as a champion in his place, who is good at fighting from what I recall.

Other than that I don't think it would be wise to push the subject of aliens as of yet. We can do that after trade influence goes up with them and they feel more trusting of our intentions.
>Challenge Cofach to a duel. You are a fine combatant in your own right but in this case, you would trust Alphonse II to champion the throne. If he won by fatality or yielding, the largest instigator would be silenced and the issue would be over. If he lost, well, you would have sorely misjudged the son of Arthen.
I want to see a duel.
Support. I think both the duel and the statue are bad ideas.

Definitely want to grease the wheels.
You reason that as House Arthen is backward-thinking, a nod to some imagined past ought to get them in compliance. You’ll see to it that a statue of Ludghan is erected on Mars, commemorating his efforts to resist House Heinrich’s ascent for the sake of his vows to House Vonduul, even despite Emperor Jukka’s worthlessness as a liege. This will serve as a formal recognition that the once-bitter foe of the ruling dynasty held martial honour worthy of respect, and a cautionary tale in just how easily such values can be misled for unrighteous causes.

This is frankly unprecedented. The furthest House Heinrich has ever gone to respecting its foes was in allowing the Corps of the Merchant Holdings to keep doing business in the Empire’s borders after they made an unconditional surrender and offered heavy tribute. Ludghan never surrendered, nor did he offer tribute . Far from it, he closed House Arthen’s borders and held onto his hatred for House Heinrich until the very moment he fell on his own sword. In this, you have indicated that it is possible to hold honour outside of submission to House Heinrich, and even in opposition to House Heinrich.

You doubt this will have any substantial effects in the short-term. In the long-term, it may legitimize the motives of some who dared defy the throne, even as their actions and allegiances are condemned. That is a problem for your successor to worry about and, as far as you’re concerned, a non-issue. So what if some reprobate or another should be seen as a “misunderstood figure” by cloistered academics in the generations to come? As long as they’re dead and burnt on a pyre, it makes no difference!
Rolled 9 - 2 (1d12 - 2)

In any case, it is a worthwhile trade for House Arthen’s approval. This sudden, deep gesture of (in your opinion, unwarranted) reconciliation has shaken their collective resolve. Arlo and Declan are speechless in shock, Cofach and Lithgen look at you with something approaching awe, and Miurne has a polite smile on her withered lips. Let it never be said that Emperor Ferdinand was not the greatest statesman of his generation!

First, the carrot. Now then, the stick. You let the news that you’ll be commissioning a fancy rock for their old figurehead from Guild Artem sink in, and keep an impartial, aristocratic poise all the while. You begin to explain how you feel a spirit of renewed cooperation would benefit House Arthen and House Heinrich alike, and announce your intention to reduce the tariffs on Arthen wares and traders in Heinrich space.

There are relatively few Arthen-affiliated merchants and almost all would qualify as gun-runners to some degree, but they are infamously scrupulous about who their wares are sold to and seldom fall victim to pirates. Their involvement should be profitable enough… Provided House Arthen can see sense and obey the unspoken dictates of their Emperor!

Should all else fail, Arlo’s sympathies for your father should smooth things over. Briefly, you wonder how House Nightshayd are faring with their own intrigues, then push the thought from your mind. The minutiae of such trifles is beneath the concern of your position. Whether House Nightshayd has triumphed or failed, you’ll receive the report in full.

>Roll 1d12+4 to initiate trade with House Arthen. +6 [Grand Gesture (Monument)], +1 [Personal Friendship] +1 [Imperial Authority], -4 [Isolationist Tendencies (Arthen)]
>Roll 1d12+0 for House Nightshayd to seize Clan Skullstacker's network. +2 [Spy Network], +1 [Excellent Espionage], -2 [Criminal Obfuscation], -1 [Moderate Casualties]

>The enemy's roll
>1d12-2 for Clan Skullstacker to counter House Nightshayd's operatives. +2 [Criminal Network], +1 [Excellent Espionage], -2 [Imperial Crackdown], -2 [Infamous Reputation], -1 [Moderate Casualties]
Rolled 9 + 4 (1d12 + 4)

Rolled 3 (1d12)


Come on, we need to deal with these guys finally.
>13 for Arthen trade
Hopefully this means they've realized the folly in cooling towards the glorious House Heinrich, becoming our close ally and subject once more!

>3 for Nightshayd
Clan Skullstacker is becoming a pain.
the statue was such a dumb idea, we will be remembered as cheapos
It'd be worth it if we can make House Arthen actual long-term allies from it. Even better if we put in a plaque saying how cool it is that House Arthen has remained unfailingly loyal (wink wink) to the ruling dynasties of the empire (wink wink) for so many centuries even despite how much they hated Vonduul (wink wink wink). Just really try to encourage the idea that they're the house that's duty-bound to stick with the emperor through thick and thin no matter what.
That's fair, yet considering the statue gave a +6 that would have left us with a -2 on the roll making it be 7 instead of a 13.
Whether or not securing commercial ties and gaining influence with Arthen will be worth it remains to be seen. I am of the opinion it will.
Despite House Arthen's hesitancy to open its borders to the wider Empire, the deal goes smoothly. Commerce between House Arthen and House Heinrich now flows freely and both noble lineages prosper for it. Given the size of House Heinrich's economy, the ruling dynasty will see less relative benefit, but there's still plenty of credits that weren't there prior to the trade agreement. The dissent in House Arthen has all-but evaporated. The rule of Arlo's bloodline is secure, and with it, you can rely on their drilled and disciplined troops in the future.

House Arthen has become friendly toward the throne!

Your good mood doesn't last for long. Once you've returned to the Imperial palace on Mars, you receive a missive from a haggard Nightshayd operative. It's honest to the cosmos wood paper, no less. You examine the document, skimming it quickly. The more you read, the more you frown. It seems your father underestimated Clan Skullstacker.

Over the last handful of years, the pirates have gone on the offensive and seized the momentum. Thousands of veteran Nightshayd have been killed in action, tens of thousands more compromised. In comparison, mere hundreds of Skullstacker-critical personnel have been put down, only a handful of them significant. It appears that one of two things is true, if not both. Either Clan Skullstacker has managed to compromise House Nightshayd's data, or some among Nightshayd have turned traitor to their own bloodline.
Both have terrible implications for the wider spy effort. In light of that, Gerardo II has chosen to call off the war of assassins. According to his encrypted script, House Nightshayd has suffered severe casualties and must take time to recover, lest priceless generational expertise be lost. Consequently, Clan Skullstacker is still at large.

"Damn." The Nightshayd operative flinches as you fold the letter and place it in your uniform. If this were open knowledge, it would be an embarrassment to the Empire.

What should be done?

>Institute Martial Law. You will paralyze the Empire's economy and send soldiers to search every hab-block, until the last of these scum have been dragged out of their holes and eradicated. Your father would've expected nothing less.
>Strengthen the Imperial Bureaucracy. House Nightshayd's shortcomings have become apparent, and it is clear now that the Empire needs an alternative means of law enforcement. This won't be popular but you've never been concerned with the opinions of others.
>Task House Uvar with wiping them out. The vassal house is small and its network of informants is weak, but it should be more than sufficient to deal with these lowlives. If not, it'll proof that the experiment was a failure.
>Force House Nightshayd to continue. Gerardo II will be incensed at the risk to his lineage but the Empire's security must come first. Surely, he can understand that?
>Ignore Clan Skullstacker for now. Their overall impact on the economy is negligible and with the noble houses' own agents working overtime, most of their treachery is confined to the common masses. They'll be punished when resources can be spared.
>Cut a deal with Clan Skullstacker. You are nothing if not ruthless and the pirates' tenacity has won your grudging respect. If they restrict their worst excesses and feed you back valuable information, you're willing to turn a blind eye to their networks.
>Institute Martial Law. You will paralyze the Empire's economy and send soldiers to search every hab-block, until the last of these scum have been dragged out of their holes and eradicated. Your father would've expected nothing less.
>Strengthen the Imperial Bureaucracy. House Nightshayd's shortcomings have become apparent, and it is clear now that the Empire needs an alternative means of law enforcement. This won't be popular but you've never been concerned with the opinions of others.
>Task House Uvar with wiping them out. The vassal house is small and its network of informants is weak, but it should be more than sufficient to deal with these lowlives. If not, it'll proof that the experiment was a failure.
Never let a goos crisis go to waste. Start to whip up mass histeria and paranoia about the threat of Skullstacker to justify the crackdown and the reform.
I have to agree with you there but at least they are friendly now
Nice trips OP
>Strengthen the Imperial Bureaucracy. House Nightshayd's shortcomings have become apparent, and it is clear now that the Empire needs an alternative means of law enforcement. This won't be popular but you've never been concerned with the opinions of others.
Nightshayd will allow us to do this due to their failure and the other noble houses probably won't care depending on how far we go so considering Ferdinand is trying to work internally this is a golden opportunity. However let us keep it on a down low, we don't want people to know our spies failed a war of assassins with a bunch of crackheads. Also, I don't want the economy to suffer.
>Strengthen the Imperial Bureaucracy. House Nightshayd's shortcomings have become apparent, and it is clear now that the Empire needs an alternative means of law enforcement. This won't be popular but you've never been concerned with the opinions of others.
+1, try to keep it subtle
>>Strengthen the Imperial Bureaucracy. House Nightshayd's shortcomings have become apparent, and it is clear now that the Empire needs an alternative means of law enforcement. This won't be popular but you've never been concerned with the opinions of others.
Satanic trips for terrible news.
I strongly hope it's just Skullstacker that's more competent and not double agents in House Nightshayd, but in case it's the latter I don't want to keep it too subtle about what's happening (at least with people we trust and the Imperial Bureaucracy) and make sure we have allies to House Heinrich other than them should worse come to worse with Nightshayd/Skullstacker.
>Strengthen the Imperial Bureaucracy. House Nightshayd's shortcomings have become apparent, and it is clear now that the Empire needs an alternative means of law enforcement. This won't be popular but you've never been concerned with the opinions of others.
>Task House Uvar with wiping them out. The vassal house is small and its network of informants is weak, but it should be more than sufficient to deal with these lowlives. If not, it'll proof that the experiment was a failure.
Have them work together in getting rid of Clan Skullstacker and give them the resources for it.
>Cut a deal with Clan Skullstacker. You are nothing if not ruthless and the pirates' tenacity has won your grudging respect. If they restrict their worst excesses and feed you back valuable information, you're willing to turn a blind eye to their networks.
If you can't beat em, make em work for you.
>>Strengthen the Imperial Bureaucracy. House Nightshayd's shortcomings have become apparent, and it is clear now that the Empire needs an alternative means of law enforcement. This won't be popular but you've never been concerned with the opinions of others.
>Cut a deal with Clan Skullstacker. You are nothing if not ruthless and the pirates' tenacity has won your grudging respect. If they restrict their worst excesses and feed you back valuable information, you're willing to turn a blind eye to their networks.
We ought to have a secondary option for intel and wetwork. You don't pass up a group that can beat Nightshayd at their own game.
>Send house Uvar with The Ranger fleets.
>have the bureaucracy give Uvar access to their data.
Uvar finds them. Rangers crush them. Texas Rangers is a go boys.
>Strengthen the Imperial Bureaucracy. House Nightshayd's shortcomings have become apparent, and it is clear now that the Empire needs an alternative means of law enforcement. This won't be popular but you've never been concerned with the opinions of others.
>Task House Uvar with wiping them out. The vassal house is small and its network of informants is weak, but it should be more than sufficient to deal with these lowlives. If not, it'll proof that the experiment was a failure.
I have to disagree with sending House Uvar to deal with this. They were created to be more like ideological commissars and less like actual spies.
Maybe fighting Clan Skullstacker needs to be approached from a different angle?
Anyway most anons are supporting giving them the resources and having the Imperial Bureaucracy help them, so it's not like we're just sending the House Uvar, where one Heinrich married into and our brother Leo is leading, towards assured destruction.
>Strengthen the Imperial Bureaucracy. House Nightshayd's shortcomings have become apparent, and it is clear now that the Empire needs an alternative means of law enforcement. This won't be popular but you've never been concerned with the opinions of others.

We need some public pretext for this action though…

Can we make one of Skullstacker‘s most reprehensible actions in the shadow war public?

This will give us the excuse we need to crack down
I get what your saying in that Uvar could provide another perspective in the shadow war, but I don't like how the option implies says 'If not, it'll proof that the experiment was a failure.' I'm worried that it'll destroy our vassal House, or at least irreparably damage it.

>Can we make one of Skullstacker‘s most reprehensible actions in the shadow war public?
>This will give us the excuse we need to crack down
Good idea anon, I'll support this too.
By that logic, Uvar will never be used on anything.

Also the putting Skullstacker in the spotlight is what I meant in >>6070670 when I said to never let a good crisis go to waste and to whip up mass histeria and paranoia about the threat of Skullstacker to justify the crackdown and the reform.
>By that logic, Uvar will never be used on anything.
Clan Skullstacker isn't particularly ideological in any way. They are mostly just crackheads that are insanely cruel. I'd feel better if they were in their element more (purging egalitarians or other types of political dissenters), I'm not sure how they'd do against enemies that could best House Nightshayd.

And yeah I agree that whipping up mass hysteria could be good to push for reforms you made a good point in your vote too.
Enough is enough. The Eternal Empire cannot continue to rely on subservient noble houses to hold its stability. If it is to enforce the will of the throne on Mars, the titanic beast that is the Imperial Bureaucracy must have teeth!

It must have enforcers! Men under the planetary governors, expected to enforce Imperial Law and keep intersystem crime in check! Their first task shall be to crush these insidious remnants of the Reaver Clans! Clan Skullstacker has eluded justice for too long.

They'll be supported by House Uvar where aristocratic legitimacy is needed, but the brunt of this effort will be undertaken by these enforcers alone. Yes, that should prove suffice to establish the foundation you so desire. All that you need to do now is determine the specifics so that your sovereign will can actually be acted on.

There are several possibilities for such a hands-on extension of the Imperial Bureaucracy. In the future it may be expanded on, but this will be the start.

How should they be patterned?

>Civic Military: They'll be an extension of the Imperial Army and given much the same training and equipment. Their goal will be to act as a secondary garrison and grant planetary governors tangible power outside of politely requesting the local nobility obey.
>Terror Enforcers: They'll be psychologically screened for a blend of loyalty and cruelty and outfitted to be as intimidating as possible. Their goal will be to crush any and all seditious sentiment, common or noble, while reminding loyalists that the throne must be feared, as well as loved.
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.
>Secret Police: They'll be an obscure, officially nonexistent organization spread throughout the general population. Their goal will be to collect data for House Heinrich and counter subtler conspiracies.
Another concern is the presence of Clan Skullstacker itself. The introduction of these enforcers out of nowhere may raise eyebrows but revealing the circumstances behind them is likely to cause panic.

How should the public be addressed? Informing them of the throne's failure or of House Nightshayd's involvement is impossible, but everything else is on the table.

>Encourage Hysteria. Broadcast unedited holo-footage of Clan Skullstacker's former worlds and inform the masses that those pirates still exist, hidden among them. That alone should be sufficient to remind the masses that they owe their safety to the throne.
>Push Propaganda. Exploit Loca Corp's roots of churning out crass action holo-films and task them to do the same, this time with a pro-law message featuring the new agents. A new genre of schlock ought to boost their popularity with the commoners, and maybe turn a profit.
>Emphasize Security. These enforcers are for their own good, put together to ensure the population is freed from the threat of crime and sedition. This is ol' reliable and comforting to devoted loyalists, if rather generic.
>Don't Bother. The new agents patrolling settlements are business as usual and nothing at all is out of the ordinary. The masses shouldn't concern themselves with this. If going the subtler route, this is highly advisable.
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.
>Don't Bother. The new agents patrolling settlements are business as usual and nothing at all is out of the ordinary. The masses shouldn't concern themselves with this. If going the subtler route, this is highly advisable.
We don't need Nightshayd v2 with secret police or Imperial Army v2 with Civil Military that will also piss off the Houses, and morale officers isn't what this situation needs. I think Lawmen are fitting, this isn't really a military threat so they don't need military equipment. Causing Hysteria is unhelpful and I'd rather these be as "unremarkable" as possible.
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.

>Push Propaganda. Exploit Loca Corp's roots of churning out crass action holo-films and task them to do the same, this time with a pro-law message featuring the new agents. A new genre of schlock ought to boost their popularity with the commoners, and maybe turn a profit.

Not-Sherlock Holmes - coming to an imperial world near you
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.
Civic military is just asking for governor lead revolts down the line, Terror Enforcers would freak the hell outta both the common and the noble, and secret police is just yet another nightshade variant which we already have two of, I say best to just bring in some good old fashioned law in order and move on from there. Plus ay more jobs for the civilian class is always good.

>Push Propaganda. Exploit Loca Corp's roots of churning out crass action holo-films and task them to do the same, this time with a pro-law message featuring the new agents. A new genre of schlock ought to boost their popularity with the commoners, and maybe turn a profit.
What could go wrong.jpg
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.
>Secret Police: They'll be an obscure, officially nonexistent organization spread throughout the general population. Their goal will be to collect data for House Heinrich and counter subtler conspiracies.
Uh guys, wasn't a secret police something we've been wanting for a long time? We made the Uvar specialize on it in preparation for it did we not?

>Don't Bother. The new agents patrolling settlements are business as usual and nothing at all is out of the ordinary. The masses shouldn't concern themselves with this. If going the subtler route, this is highly advisable.
Had we gone for full lockdown then I'd have gone for mass hysteria but since we'rr doing things subtle better stick to that and not half measure it.
Why do we need a third secret police organization?
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.

>Push Propaganda. Exploit Loca Corp's roots of churning out crass action holo-films and task them to do the same, this time with a pro-law message featuring the new agents. A new genre of schlock ought to boost their popularity with the commoners, and maybe turn a profit
Why is there a military when we have noble retinues? Same reason.
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.
>Push Propaganda. Exploit Loca Corp's roots of churning out crass action holo-films and task them to do the same, this time with a pro-law message featuring the new agents. A new genre of schlock ought to boost their popularity with the commoners, and maybe turn a profit.
CSI: Mars
>Civic Military: They'll be an extension of the Imperial Army and given much the same training and equipment. Their goal will be to act as a secondary garrison and grant planetary governors tangible power outside of politely requesting the local nobility obey.
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.
A blend of both, but mostly towards lawmen. The civic-military part should be just enough to enforce the lawmen's claims but not enough that the nobility will feel very threatened. We don't terror because that never works and secret police will step on Nightshayd toes.
>Emphasize Security. These enforcers are for their own good, put together to ensure the population is freed from the threat of crime and sedition. This is ol' reliable and comforting to devoted loyalists, if rather generic.
>Don't Bother. The new agents patrolling settlements are business as usual and nothing at all is out of the ordinary. The masses shouldn't concern themselves with this. If going the subtler route, this is highly advisable.
A mix of both. Basically along the lines of: 'increased criminal activity has forced the throne to increase security'.
>Secret Police: They'll be an obscure, officially nonexistent organization spread throughout the general population. Their goal will be to collect data for House Heinrich and counter subtler conspiracies.
>Don't Bother. The new agents patrolling settlements are business as usual and nothing at all is out of the ordinary. The masses shouldn't concern themselves with this. If going the subtler route, this is highly advisable.
The beatings will continue until morale improves. This will also be extremely useful down the line when we conquer the kingdom.
>Secret Police: They'll be an obscure, officially nonexistent organization spread throughout the general population. Their goal will be to collect data for House Heinrich and counter subtler conspiracies.

>Push Propaganda. Exploit Loca Corp's roots of churning out crass action holo-films and task them to do the same, this time with a pro-law message featuring the new agents. A new genre of schlock ought to boost their popularity with the commoners, and maybe turn a profit.
>Emphasize Security. These enforcers are for their own good, put together to ensure the population is freed from the threat of crime and sedition. This is ol' reliable and comforting to devoted loyalists, if rather generic.
A mix of these will help in that romanticizing them and ensuring people think the best of it.
We already have House Uvar as a second secret police.
>>Civic Military: They'll be an extension of the Imperial Army and given much the same training and equipment. Their goal will be to act as a secondary garrison and grant planetary governors tangible power outside of politely requesting the local nobility obey.
QM could you clarify this? isn't the local nobility of each planet the one who literally runs the planet? i'm not sure i understand who the planetary governors are, and how the power relations would be if we introduce this. and if it wouldn't be an enourmous grab of power that would make all noble houses hate us
I kinda just assumed they were using a Roman Empire type system where officially they own it but unofficially a planet is big and there's only so many nobility so nobles appoint people as regional governors within sections of the planets to manage the boring administration side of things. (Perhaps even entire planets in cases of particularly overstretched or lazy houses)
i think my main question is how and why would a governor ask something of the nobility who is in charge of the planet, why aren't their interests aligned in general. but any info would be nice if QM wants to get into details
IIRC the planetary governor position is a vestigial one. Appointed by the central government on Mars yet holding no real power over local politics.
Correction: We have House Uver as a second loyal noble family that speciliazes in intrigue. We have no secret police organization.

That's the point I was making when I asked why do we have a military when we have the noble houses. The military is a goal oriented organization and not a family clan.
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.
>Secret Police: They'll be an obscure, officially nonexistent organization spread throughout the general population. Their goal will be to collect data for House Heinrich and counter subtler conspiracies.
The other anon brings up a good argument about the secret police. There's no reason why we shouldn't have one that's not associated with a noble House.

>Push Propaganda. Exploit Loca Corp's roots of churning out crass action holo-films and task them to do the same, this time with a pro-law message featuring the new agents. A new genre of schlock ought to boost their popularity with the commoners, and maybe turn a profit.
>Emphasize Security. These enforcers are for their own good, put together to ensure the population is freed from the threat of crime and sedition. This is ol' reliable and comforting to devoted loyalists, if rather generic.
A blend of these.
I think a pretty good reason not to is that it has a strong chance of pissing off Nightshayd who have been steadfast allies and have infiltrated Heinrich deeply already.
Strong chance of pissing off Nightshayd? Now you're just making reasons up. If they were that sensitive then they would've been mad at the ennoblement of Uvar.
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.
>Push Propaganda. Exploit Loca Corp's roots of churning out crass action holo-films and task them to do the same, this time with a pro-law message featuring the new agents. A new genre of schlock ought to boost their popularity with the commoners, and maybe turn a profit.
>Civilian Lawmen: They'll be held to a lower standard than the Imperial Army and be correspondingly equipped. Their goal will be to enforce imperial regulations and ease the cooperation of the local nobility and planetary governors, rather than purely reinforcing the Imperial administration.
>Secret Police: They'll be an obscure, officially nonexistent organization spread throughout the general population. Their goal will be to collect data for House Heinrich and counter subtler conspiracies.

>Emphasize Security. These enforcers are for their own good, put together to ensure the population is freed from the threat of crime and sedition. This is ol' reliable and comforting to devoted loyalists, if rather generic.
It's the nobles who might have more issues with this, the commoners not so much. I'd like to focus on appealing to the loyalists in the nobility for their support.
Not at all. Uvar was made a vassal House, which is far from unprecedented for a ruling House, and Heinrich has been very humble as a ruling House so far besides. However, creating an organization that does almost exactly what Nightshayd does immediately after they have had a major defeat really stinks of wanting to replace, subvert, or move around them. Why wouldn't they be upset about this?
Because Uvar is a copy of Nightshayd? Don't you remember that when we were discussing what Uvar should specialize in? If Nightshayd didn't have a problem with then they won't have a problem with this.

Just like the martial focused houses don't have a problem with the imperial military being a thing.
It's going to be a couple of days before the next update. The reasons are twofold. First, my younger brother won some tickets to a water park and we're going to be busy with that, and second, the update itself is going to be huge and will take some time to finish. I figure it would be best to let (You) all know.

Of course! Every planet in the Empire, barring those held by Corps, is owned by one or several noble houses which rule them as they see fit, as long as they pay their taxes and abide by the few universal regulations that exist. In most cases, their management takes the shape of a feudal autocracy but some trend more toward perpetual martial law. After the reforms of Emperor Albin, every planet received its own Imperial governor unaffiliated with the nobility, to manage local Imperial assets and more closely monitor the nobility to ensure they're in compliance with the Empire.

In effect, planetary governors are extensions of the Imperial government and spend most of their time micromanaging planetary affairs: gathering data for the Imperial Bureaucracy and ensuring that the Imperial Army receives its quota of men, that Imperial taxes are provided within expected timeframes, and that the Astronomicon Academy and Order of Erudition aren't wasting too much effort competing with each other, among other tasks. They have no real authority over the nobility outside of infrequent, often ineffectual pressure from the implied backing of the Imperial Army in egregious cases but the nobles themselves aren't able to oust them, as they're officials of the Empire as a whole rather than scions of any one noble house. If planetary governors were to receive their own garrisons of troops, that would render their authority much more tangible than abstract, and lead to controversy.

At the moment, the planetary governors and noble rulers are completely separate and have no relation with one another. In theory, what any one does has little-to-no bearing on the other. In practice, planets are highly valuable fiefdoms that comprise the backbone of their noble houses, and having a planetary governor appointed to administrate assets they have no legal control over on their own planets is controversial to the nobility. Even if it does smooth things over for the Imperial Bureaucracy.
then i think Civic Military is the option that makes more sense for our character, even if it will probably displease the nobility a great deal in the short term
You reason that an interplanetary legal apparatus is necessary and for now, supersedes more… administrative concerns. It has long been noted that each noble house has some variety of enforcement over their own fiefdoms but these seldom cooperate with those of other noble houses and further, often ignore crime that is likely to impact their rivals. This has left the law enforcement of the Empire decentralised and inconsistent for centuries, inefficiencies which can be tolerated no longer.

Under your command, a new branch of the Imperial Bureaucracy is created with the intent of cracking down on multi-system syndicates and enforcing Martian Law where the dictates of local nobility don’t contradict it. These lawmen will be an explicitly civilian force and equipped to handle civilian concerns where the resources of House Heinrich and its allies are stretched thin. Thusly, they’ll be under-equipped and given precious little slack to threaten noble scions… directly. Their close cooperation with, and routine data transfer to, the Imperial Bureaucracy is going to make rooting out noble corruption much easier.

What should this branch of the Imperial Bureaucracy be called?

>Imperial Enforcers: Simple, straight, and to-the-point. Although it’s somewhat militaristic sounding, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
>Planetary Constabulary: Aggressively dissonant to the aesthetic of the noble enforcers, this ought to render them fully distinct.
>Martian Lawmen: Rather akin to the Martian Shipyards, this will make their affiliation to the throne abundantly clear.
>Civilian Police: Quite humble, it should serve well to ease the concerns of the nobility and ingratiate them to the masses.
Besides that, there’s the matter of getting the masses onboard with their new hab-block patrollers. You suppose the easiest means of accomplishing this is to lean into the Heinrich tradition of holo-film making, and task Loca Corp with making a new genre of schlock lionizing these lawmen in a way that appeals to the slack-jawed multitudes. You personally have little care for it and less investment, but you oversee the creative processes of a few, so you have a better idea of what not to do when you go about your own future holo-film project.

You push for some basic propaganda for that handful of more cerebral commoners, emphasizing the need to combat crime before it becomes an issue to the Empire at large. This is more in your wheelhouse. You get a real thrill out of the thought of archaic posters being plastered into public places, bearing messages every passerby sees. There is a real power in messaging that most don’t see. Hmm… No, to the contrary, they do see it, but without an educated understanding of the mechanisms involved, they’re blind to it! Billions of commoners, manipulated for a greater cause. There’s something beautiful about that.

You’re working on finishing up the paperwork when the highest echelons of the Eternal Empire come to a screeching halt. The 256-bit cipher Clan Yellabones left Emperor Otto to solve has been cracked, by a low-end technician in the Order of Erudition, Jimmy. Needless to say, the commoner has been richly rewarded and his progeny are set for the next five generations. Let it never be said that House Heinrich does not recognize and reward competence. However, he and his loved ones have been placed under a gag-order and comfortably relocated to Mars in absolute secrecy, where the men of House Heinrich can ensure that the agents of Clan Skullstacker won’t pose a threat to their lives.

The actual cracking of the 256-bit cipher has remained top-classified information, and the Order of Erudition is still working overtime to solve the code. This is by design, as it’s certain the Order of Erudition has seditious ears or loose lips among its ranks, and the Empire cannot allow Clan Skullstacker to catch wind of this. The code worked like a charm. The actual sphere itself cracked open without fanfare and the bomb was defused in a matter of minutes by a squad of the Empire’s top explosive specialists.

There were no additional holograms or congratulations. Simply a data stick in the mess of wiring that, when inserted into a closed-circuit terminal, demonstrated a complex series of coordinates in the ancient standard human lexicon. Its location corresponds to a distant star system. An extremely distant star system, far in the Lost Reaches. If the words of ‘No-Tongue’ can be trusted, these coordinates contain the final, greatest riches of Clan Skullstacker.
In short, it is a treasure map. To actually investigate those coordinates will be no short trip, but a prolonged and almost certainly dangerous expedition. At the barest minimum, it would require one decade of travel there and one back, in nigh-totally uncharted space. There’s no telling what threats can be found beyond the memory of old Earth, or there, at the coordinates themselves. Personally, you think this is a waste of time but your father deemed it worth paralyzing the entire Order of Erudition for, and the rest of House Heinrich is in agreement that it would be a tragic waste not to search for the payout. Because any lone warship would be incapable of combatting more serious dangers, or, if successful, hauling back spoils in sufficient quantities, that means you’ll need to coordinate an armed expedition comprising at least one fleet, possibly multiple.

Every expedition requires a leader. In this case, they would be acting as High Admiral and expected to keep their subordinates in-line. There are eight candidates competent (or influential) enough to warrant consideration. They haven't been informed yet, but they're invariably going to be quite enthusiastic about the prospect.

Which of them should receive the honour? (If you choose to handle the expedition manually, you’ll have a perspective switch to them for the duration. After the expedition, (which will be closer to dungeon crawling !IN SPACE! than the standard civ format) you’ll then switch back to Emperor Ferdinand and run the Eternal Empire for the years the expedition has been gone.)

>Alphonse II, Heinrich: Your younger brother, virtuoso duelist and darling of the Imperial Navy. Not in the least because he inherited a meager portion of your great-grandfather’s finesse in an admiral’s chair, but moreso that his appearance happens to be a deadringer for the fossil’s. You think you’ve already pacified his ambitions well-enough, but sending him to waste his finest years on such a useless errand could staunch them yet further. (Commanding an Imperial Fleet)
>Cuthbert Soluton: Grayson Soluton’s youngest brother, nearing the end of his career but clinging to relevance through a mixture of invasive cybernetics and a pathetic fear of death. The definition of a political appointee, though he’s an adequate mediator and, unlike most, knows better than to blunder into a fair fight when alternatives present themselves. (Commanding a Soluton Fleet)
>Tierney Arthen: An insignificant representative of Arthen’s lower lineages, risen to prominence through the rare synthesis of actual intellect and a fastidious adherence to their arbitrary code of chivalry. Singularly fixated on honour, barring instances of shunned ingenuity, he’s the typical example of their retrograde bloodline, for better or worse. (Commanding an Arthen Fleet)
>Angelicus Phillips: The grandson of your great-aunt Angelica and her husband, Raphael, with the former’s (lack of) tact and the latter’s blunt ferocity. You think the dullard’s too narrow-minded to make for a competent High Admiral, but who knows, his crass demeanour and base instincts might serve well enough on a remote scavenging run such as this. (Commanding an Imperial Fleet)
>Oskar IV, Schafer: The latest in a long line of Oskars who’ve served the throne of Mars, there’s little to be said about him that couldn’t be said about his father, grandfather, or great-grandfather. He’s a clever strategist, desperate to fill the footsteps of his ancestors, and a spineless doormat for his superiors in the royal dynasty, as he should be. (Commanding an Imperial Fleet)
>Ulrich: An enormous commoner born on a desolate iceball under House Junger, who joined the Imperial Army and served as a private until a routine test found he had a rare brain deformity that made him excellent at coordinating voidships. At their command, he switched military branches and made an annoyingly meteoric rise through the ranks. You see little worth in the lowborn’s eccentricities, but perhaps this lack of legitimacy makes him most suitable for the position. (Commanding an Imperial Fleet)
>Miriam Talcaster: The daughter of Clementine Talcaster and some nameless mercenary, ruthlessly conditioned into a monomaniacal tool of martial and political power. She’s convivial enough in conversation, but reports of her psyche profile are frankly worrying, and worse, she’s slated to inherit on the old crone’s passing. (Commanding a Mercenary Fleet)
>Willie: One of Big Hoss Gus the 457th’s brothers, to your understanding, he has a mastery of salvaging and retrofitting vessels on short timescales seldom found outside of their shallow genepool. If you overlook his crass insistence on a bib and feigned ignorance of aristocratic customs, he would be an economical pick. (Commanding a Hooker Fleet)
Next comes the actual composition of the expedition, barring the High Admiral’s own fleet. You must consider that combat vessels are, as a rule, both demanding in resources and lacking in cargo capacity, but necessary to exert force on those who would defy the Empire. In contrast, civilian vessels are lenient on maintenance and have a surfeit of cargo capacity, but are fragile and easily broken without an escort. Without the guaranteed supply chain conferred by proximity to the Empire, the former requires the latter, just as the latter does the former. Most strategists believe that a 1:1 ratio is sustainable in the modern era, but some feel a 1:2 ratio is worth the expense. A few feel that a 2:1 ratio is optimal, with sufficient raiding, or that a 1:3 ratio is worth the cost of constant, strained escorting. The exception to this dichotomy are Hookware-pattern fleets, which do both decently but excel at neither.

You must also consider that every voidworthy fleet in the Empire not in the grip of House Heinrich is held by the vested interests of another faction and they would need to be convinced or commanded to hand them, and their personnel, over to an expedition. In most instances, that won’t be difficult, as they’re all hungry for glory or plunder. If they lost these fleets without recompense, however, their frustrations toward the throne would deepen. An exception to this are mercenaries not currently under a noble contract, though overreliance on them would lessen the expedition’s prestige, just as the inclusion of Hookware Corp would.

There’s no chance of noble houses willingly surrendering the civilian vessels their domestic economies depend on, with the exception of House Soluton, whose deep bond permits it. The Corps are certain to offer their mercantile fleets to such a venture pro-bono, but they’d expect to be paid or favoured at some point in the future. Independent traders are no-less willing, but will likely expect to be paid upfront, as they don’t have branding that would benefit from the Emperor’s favour in the first place. Further, if too many independent traders embarked, the economy would feel some strain.

There’s a careful balance to be maintained.
Which fleets do you think should be taken, and in what proportions? Remember, the more fleets that embark, the more they’ll require in supplies to stay operational. A small and nimble armada may perform better than a large and sluggish armada, but it may be less able to confront major threats or withstand attrition over time. There is no one correct answer to the combat:support ratio or armada-size dilemmas, and your discernment will be necessary.

Some factions may require convincing to contribute fleets, or a certain number of fleets. If some Major Houses aren’t included, they may be frustrated, or may not care, depending on the expedition’s outcome. In the case of combat fleets, you can choose the preferred tactics of their admirals between (Charge/Feint/Defend) and a suitable candidate will be selected from that faction. In the case of support fleets, the preferred tactic is always to (Flee), though there’s no less variation in mindset.

>Available Combat Vessels:
>8 Military Fleets (Imperial)
>1 Military Fleet (Royal Guard)
>2 Military Fleets (Rangers)
>2 Retinue Fleets (Heinrich)
>3 Retinue Fleets (Soluton)
>3 Retinue Fleets (Arthen)
>1 Retinue Fleet (De Croize)
>1 Retinue Fleet (Lochstrum)
>1 Retinue Fleet (Ustong)
>2 Retinue Fleets (Minor Nobles)
>1 Mercenary Fleet (De Croize)
>1 Mercenary Fleet (Talcaster)
>1 Mercenary Fleet (Minor Nobles)
>1 Mercenary Fleets (Elite Mercenary)
>2 Mercenary Fleets (Chaff Mercenary)
>4 Corporate Fleets (Hookware)

>Available Support Vessels:
>6 Civilian Fleets (Heinrich)
>8 Civilian Fleets (Soluton)
>3 Civilian Fleets (Cherry)
>3 Civilian Fleets (Crown)
>2 Civilian Fleets (Loca)
>2 Civilian Fleets (Ceiblue)
>12 Civilian Fleets (Traders)
>Civil Protection
"Pick up that can."

>Alphonse II, Heinrich: Your younger brother, virtuoso duelist and darling of the Imperial Navy. Not in the least because he inherited a meager portion of your great-grandfather’s finesse in an admiral’s chair, but moreso that his appearance happens to be a deadringer for the fossil’s. You think you’ve already pacified his ambitions well-enough, but sending him to waste his finest years on such a useless errand could staunch them yet further. (Commanding an Imperial Fleet)
A new Voidmaster in the making?
>Planetary Constabulary: Aggressively dissonant to the aesthetic of the noble enforcers, this ought to render them fully distinct.
Neutral, and emphasises their focus on the planet itself rather than the throne or military.

>Alphonse II, Heinrich: Your younger brother, virtuoso duelist and darling of the Imperial Navy. Not in the least because he inherited a meager portion of your great-grandfather’s finesse in an admiral’s chair, but moreso that his appearance happens to be a deadringer for the fossil’s. You think you’ve already pacified his ambitions well-enough, but sending him to waste his finest years on such a useless errand could staunch them yet further. (Commanding an Imperial Fleet)
I reckon Soluton or Arthen would be a good second. Good to get some experience under our brothers belt while we're at peace and keep him away from politicking over the throne.

I think we go with 2:3, maybe 2:4 if people are willing.
To that end:
>1 Imperial fleet (Alphonse II)
>1 Military Fleet (Rangers)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Heinrich)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Soluton)

Or since we don't have any plans for war soon we can overcommit and send several fleets at once.
Nevermind, changing to support Civil Protection.

Also meant 2 Heinrich civ fleets, Crown Corp can pick up the slack.
>4 Imperial Fleets
>1 Royal Guard Fleet
>1 Ranger Fleet
>2 Retinue Fleets
Should some nobles or Corp volunteer (without the expectation of compensation) then start replacing the Imperial and Retinue Fleets.

>6 Civilian Fleets (Heinrich)
>8 Civilian Fleets (Soluton)

I think Willie would be a better XO in this specific situation. The ability to scavenge will be much more valuable so far away from friendly territory.
As always, write-ins are highly encouraged. Civil Protection is great.
>Planetary Constabulary: Aggressively dissonant to the aesthetic of the noble enforcers, this ought to render them fully distinct.

>Alphonse II, Heinrich: Your younger brother, virtuoso duelist and darling of the Imperial Navy. Not in the least because he inherited a meager portion of your great-grandfather’s finesse in an admiral’s chair, but moreso that his appearance happens to be a deadringer for the fossil’s. You think you’ve already pacified his ambitions well-enough, but sending him to waste his finest years on such a useless errand could staunch them yet further. (Commanding an Imperial Fleet)

>1 Retinue Fleets (Arthen)
They will be upset if they are not included
>1 Military Fleet (Rangers)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Heinrich)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Soluton)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Traders)
I think a 1:1 ratio is good, 3 fleets should be able to handle most threats I can see as being out there without crippling our defense at home.
Civil protection sounds cool
I will support this fleet composition for now mostly because I don’t know how long they will be gone for
>Civil Protection
Amazing write-in by anon.
>Alphonse II, Heinrich: Your younger brother, virtuoso duelist and darling of the Imperial Navy. Not in the least because he inherited a meager portion of your great-grandfather’s finesse in an admiral’s chair, but moreso that his appearance happens to be a deadringer for the fossil’s. You think you’ve already pacified his ambitions well-enough, but sending him to waste his finest years on such a useless errand could staunch them yet further. (Commanding an Imperial Fleet)
Either him, a Soluton, or an Arthen. But I think having a Heinrich do this might send a better message.
>2 Imperial fleet (Alphonse II)
>1 Military Fleet (Rangers)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Heinrich)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Soluton)
I like this composition.
QM, can we get a rough size of the Kingdom's fleets so we can see how much would be safe to send if they attack?
Certainly! House Nightshayd has infiltrated the masses of the Chavenac Kingdom, and so, has a basic understanding of how strong its military is. According to their reports, the Chavenac Kingdom has between 4-6 Retinue fleets of excellent quality, likely comparable to those of House Soluton, and 2-4 Patroller fleets that fill a similar niche to the Imperial Navy's in the Empire, though these are of correspondingly lower quality. Nightshayd notes that their forces are much larger than 30 planets could comfortably support, unless their prosperity was both immense and they dedicated the brunt of their budget to it. Given that the heirs of House Chavenac have been notoriously meticulous and paranoid of the Empire striking in force to reclaim what is rightfully old Earth's, that's highly likely, but the traitors are treacherous and no possible subterfuge can be discounted. After all, if they were willing to turn their back on Mars, there is surely no dishonour they aren't willing to sink to.
>Planetary Police
>alphonse the brother
>send x2 Ranger fleets
>Heinrich 2
>Solutions 1

>Invite Arthen in the super secret high risk mission that desperately needs their expertise and military prowess. Give their choice 2nd in command and ask them for a warfleet.

>Then pay crown corp to use a fleet. Fund this by go fundme for donations towards the late emperor and some personal funds.

Now no one can blame us for not giving homage to grandpa. 4 warfleets with arthens joining is a decent fist. Solutions will of course be honored for them helping out. They also get to be in on the secret. (The leaders only) and part of the loot.

And crown corp gets to expand our dock yards so we can make more civilian cargo fleets.

And Rangers get to do what they're literally made for which is awesome. Also gives us an excuse to make another ranger fleet and expand that. 2 fleets out of sight out of mind.
And a question to follow up on that QM is how many great houses are there in the kingdom and how powerful are they? (Do they own any of the retinue fleets or not).
After Lionel Chavenac's treasonous rebellion against the Empire to break away into the Kingdom, he ruthlessly seized power for House Chavenac alone, to the exclusion of all other minor lineages which joined with them. Through a spider's web of arranged marriages, cutthroat politicking, and lopsided incentives, he managed to assimilate all nobles in the Chavenac Kingdom into House Chavenac proper over the course of the next three generations. Over a millennia later, the faintest traces of these other lineages have been erased and their aristocracy views membership to House Chavenac as nearly synonymous with nobility itself. House Chavenac's merciless, absolutist tendencies stand in stark contrast to House Heinrich's enlightened, feudal disposition.

Every one of the Chavenac Kingdom's Retinue fleets is held under House Chavenac exclusively, and their Patroller fleets are likewise captained by Chavenac, though the majority of their crews are commoners, unlike the retinues, which have a largely even proportion of nobles and commoners. You note that the Chavenac Kingdom retained the archaic practice of Serfdom but has codified numerous regulations protecting select rights of property and personhood. Further, an expectation among Chavenac to freely spend their wealth on philanthropy, infrastructural or fleeting, to benefit the serf populations under them has led to the mass-delusion among many that House Chavenac are their rightful lords, and not House Heinrich, despite the fact that House Chavenac doesn't derive its rule from the throne on Mars, and is therefore heinously illegitimate. From a certain perspective, House Chavenac's serfdom is the polar opposite of the Reaver Clan's, practically pampering the serfs like they were their own household servants instead of savagely exploiting them to the fullest extent.
>Alphonse II, Heinrich: Your younger brother, virtuoso duelist and darling of the Imperial Navy. Not in the least because he inherited a meager portion of your great-grandfather’s finesse in an admiral’s chair, but moreso that his appearance happens to be a deadringer for the fossil’s. You think you’ve already pacified his ambitions well-enough, but sending him to waste his finest years on such a useless errand could staunch them yet further. (Commanding an Imperial Fleet)

>Planetary Constabulary: Aggressively dissonant to the aesthetic of the noble enforcers, this ought to render them fully distinct.

>1 Retinue Fleet (De Croize)
>1 Retinue Fleets (Arthen)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Heinrich)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Soluton)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Traders)
I'll tack in
>1 Retinue Fleets (Arthen)
To my vote.
So, roughly:
>24 Military/Retinue fleets+Mercs+Hookware


>6-10 fleets

Which is actually a pretty nice ratio, we could afford to send out half the empire's total force and still be pretty comfortable.

Supporting this but with Civil Protection instead of Constabulary.

It'd be nice if Ulrich comes along and proves his worth. That freakish brain deformity of his could be very useful to the Heinrich bloodline
You decided to dub the legal enforcement branch of the Imperial Bureaucracy the Civil Protection. It is a sharp, succinct name that shall intimidate dissidents and reassure loyalists the Empire over.

Concerning the expedition...

Your brother, Alphonse II, is the most obvious choice for High Admiral. First, sending him off into the void could see you rid of the risk he poses entirely. Second, it would be an honour that he wouldn't in ten millennia dare to refuse. Third, while he's gone, you'll have no internal dangers to your throne while you entrench support for your reign. You already have plenty of it, but the Imperial Navy...

They practically worship the boy. That's to be expected when he so clearly resembles the mythical Alphonse. A few decades off wear-and-tear might dampen the resemblance, yes? Unless he returns some kind of hero, but you'll cross that bridge when you get to it.

The actual armada requires more nuance.

One Imperial Fleet, captained by Alphonse II, Heinrich, duelist and admiral extraordinaire. This is trivial to include, as he's both a member of House Heinrich and the Imperial Navy.

One Ranger Fleet, captained by Leland, a levelheaded environmentalist whose cold zeal for Albin's legacy is matched only by his loyalty to House Heinrich. The Order of Rangers is loyal, so this is done without issue.

One Arthen Fleet, captained by Tierney Arthen, duly hidebound but clever knight of his dynasty. House Arthen is friendly and hungry for glory, so this is contributed without complaint.

These three war-fleets should prove substantial, but the Lost Reaches are lost for a reason. Some of your advisors feel a heavier detachment may be necessary, while others argue that in this instance, less is more. Igor suggests that there's no certainty without intelligence on the region, but bequeaths a detailed holo-archive for review, as needed, by the acting High Admiral.
Which additional fleets should be pledged?

>One Ranger Fleet. Their purpose has been to patrol the Empire and safeguard its wilderness, but they ought to find exploring for new ones a worthy enough cause. A (rare) intellectual after the bygone ERC's sentiments calling himself Mercury comes to mind, and should keep the vessels spic and span.
>One Imperial Fleet. They'll need as much firepower as the Empire can muster, from as reliable a source as they can get. If those brain-scans and holo-sim scores aren't exaggerated, this Ulrich fellow should make an adequate admiral.
>Both Fleets. You can't decide which of the two you'd rather send, so you'll send off both and let the treasury pocket the usual maintenance fees for the interval.
>Another Fleet. You think a different fleet entirely would serve the Empire better, perhaps the retinue of House De Croize or even a detachment of Royal Guard.
>Neither Fleet. You reason that the three already on offer should be more than sufficient, and see no reason to bloat the naval overhead.
>Another Combination. You think a different fusion of vessels would serve the expedition best, as much it might weigh on their cargo holds.

For support, you reason two civilian fleets should be sufficient, the first taken from House Heinrich, the second from House Soluton. This would leave the expedition's logistics slightly topheavy but that should be no concern. Of course, there's the prospect of enlisting independent traders or pulling deeper from Heinrich or Soluton's own reserves. It is tempting, but you refrain from making a final decision until the military assets are determined.
>Neither Fleet. You reason that the three already on offer should be more than sufficient, and see no reason to bloat the naval overhead.
This seems good enough
>Another Fleet. You think a different fleet entirely would serve the Empire better, perhaps the retinue of House De Croize or even a detachment of Royal Guard.
Royal Guard. Why would they not get some experience protecting a VIP of House Heinrich? Our Emperor isn't the type to travel anyway.

Also more supply ships please, for Terra's sake.
The Royal Guard should be the last forces we should consider sending. Their job is to protect the emperor, not his brother.
>>One Imperial Fleet. They'll need as much firepower as the Empire can muster, from as reliable a source as they can get. If those brain-scans and holo-sim scores aren't exaggerated, this Ulrich fellow should make an adequate admiral.
We have enough Imperial fleets to spare, might as well.
>One Imperial Fleet. They'll need as much firepower as the Empire can muster, from as reliable a source as they can get. If those brain-scans and holo-sim scores aren't exaggerated, this Ulrich fellow should make an adequate admiral.
Imperial Guards are to protect the Emperor wherever he is. We should also make like more imperial guard fleets and just more retinue fleets in general.
>Another Fleet. You think a different fleet entirely would serve the Empire better, perhaps the retinue of House De Croize or even a detachment of Royal Guard.
The retinue of House De Croize
>One Imperial Fleet. They'll need as much firepower as the Empire can muster, from as reliable a source as they can get. If those brain-scans and holo-sim scores aren't exaggerated, this Ulrich fellow should make an adequate admiral.
>One Ranger Fleet. Their purpose has been to patrol the Empire and safeguard its wilderness, but they ought to find exploring for new ones a worthy enough cause. A (rare) intellectual after the bygone ERC's sentiments calling himself Mercury comes to mind, and should keep the vessels spic and span.
>Through a spider's web of arranged marriages, cutthroat politicking, and lopsided incentives, he managed to assimilate all nobles in the Chavenac Kingdom into House Chavenac proper over the course of the next three generations.
This shows that successful merging houses is possible . I suggest we look into absorbing at least one house.
>Another Fleet. You think a different fleet entirely would serve the Empire better, perhaps the retinue of House De Croize or even a detachment of Royal Guard.
One more Imperial Fleet, one from De Croize, one from Soluton.

One each from every major House to keep things balanced. Equal share of the costs, equal share in the spoils should be the best possible outcome in terms of relations.

We should ask them all to also contribute a civilian supply fleet each, and also ask the independent traders.
You briefly muse over bringing in House De Croize or the Royal Guard, but think better of it. Alphonse II is competent enough to stand on his own, according to the reems of hearsay from the Astronomicon Academy. If any additional fleets are to be pledged, it should be from the fools that so lionize him. One Imperial Fleet, captained by the most "exceptional" green admiral that can be found.

You review the final military assemblage.

>2 Imperial Fleets (Imperial Navy)
>1 Ranger Fleet (Order of Rangers)
>1 Retinue Fleet (House Arthen)

It is a robust force. It is also a large one, and will be demanding its due and then some in supplies. You consider the supporting vessels you've allocated so far.

>1 Civilian Fleet (House Heinrich)
>1 Civilian Fleet (House Soluton)

These will struggle to keep the armada mobile for the duration of the expedition, unless they manage to resupply or raid on the way there. That may be completely possible. You can't make any assumptions about what's in the Lost Reaches. Then again, a 2:1 ratio of combat to support ships leaves you vulnerable to accusations of sabotage.

Ideally, you would want to prevent that, lest the Imperial Navy snaps like a wild dog deprived it's leash. You suppose you could spin this into confidence on your end, and then a solemn tragedy. Perhaps... This expedition is bound to be perilous from distance alone, no matter how empty or full the space between the Eternal Empire and Clan Skullstacker's coordinates happens to be.

How many support fleets should you send?

>None. Retain the 2:1 ratio and light a fire under their asses.
>One. A sharp 4:3 ratio should be sufficient while maintaining speed.
>Two. The standard 1:1 ratio, boring but popular with the brunt of the admiralty.
>Three. A generous 4:5 ratio should serve to keep them flush with provisions and repairs.
>Four. An immense 2:3 ratio makes this expedition more of an armed caravan, with few chances for glory.
>More. The economic impact of such a lopsided ratio couldn't be ignored, but you are the Emperor on Mars and your sovereign will shall be obeyed.
Then, of course, there's the matter of where they're sourced. You recall from your studies that a spacefaring economy can suffer temporary losses of up to 25% of its freighters before the economy noticeably declines, and 50% before the interconnected planets constituting it begin to collapse in on themselves. That is, needless to say, less than ideal for your goal of consolidating the work of your forefathers.

You suppose the Corps are an exception to the rule, given that most of their products are already shipped by independent or noble traders. The Guilds aren't really much of a factor either, due to their bespoke commissions needing little-to-no macro-logistics to profit. The Minor Houses can be counted among the independent traders and leaning into them is an option, though they're less able to withstand losses. You figure they're likewise less loud when complaining. Honestly, anything goes.

You just have to throw this together.

It's Alphonse II that has to handle the rest.

Which support fleets should be sent?

>Available Support Vessels:
>5 Civilian Fleets (Heinrich)
>7 Civilian Fleets (Soluton)
>4 Corporate Fleets (Hookware)
>3 Civilian Fleets (Cherry)
>3 Civilian Fleets (Crown)
>2 Civilian Fleets (Loca)
>2 Civilian Fleets (Ceiblue)
>12 Civilian Fleets (Traders)
Please ignore this post that certainly doesn't exist gentlemen, I made a heinous typographical error which, by the grace of the throne on Mars, has been corrected.
>Two. The standard 1:1 ratio, boring but popular with the brunt of the admiralty.
Either this or One are fine.

>Trader Fleet
>Two. The standard 1:1 ratio, boring but popular with the brunt of the admiralty.

>1 Crown
>1 Trader
>Two. The standard 1:1 ratio, boring but popular with the brunt of the admiralty.

>1 Crown
>1 Trader

can't wait for this expedition POV
You determine that two additional support fleets are warranted, and that holding the standard 1:1 ratio of combat-to-support vessels is the least risky move from a political vantage point. One of Crown Corp's fleets shall be seconded to this purpose, and a fleet of independent traders contracted to pad out the numbers.

It isn't long before the support fleets are gathered.

One Heinrich Fleet, captained by Viktor Heinrich, a determined and resourceful merchant. You note that he's something of a 'legitimate' smuggler, using House Heinrich's prestige to dodge tariffs while retaining plausible deniability in the past- enriching the bloodline while depriving its rivals.

One Soluton Fleet, captained by Cassius Soluton, a rugged son from a minor branch who got his start hauling freight on the stormy seas of Tegeron. His nerves, at the bare minimum, ought to hold up well enough to keep appearances under pressure.

One Crown Corp Fleet, captained by Roald Heinrich, a patient and methodical executive who considers hoarding Imperial credits to be superior to spending them. His cautious, foreminded perspective may be a useful counterbalance to hotter heads.

One Trader Fleet, captained by Harvey, an old, fat commoner who's built an ironclad reputation for consistency over his long career. He's used his low status to his advantage, parleying and shipping between otherwise belligerent noble houses, and pocketing the difference.

You review the full expedition.

>2 Imperial Fleets (Imperial Navy)
>1 Ranger Fleet (Order of Rangers)
>1 Retinue Fleet (House Arthen)
>1 Civilian Fleet (House Heinrich)
>1 Civilian Fleet (House Soluton)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Crown Corp)
>1 Civilian Fleet (Traders)

It is a substantial armada. While the cracking of the cipher has been kept top-secret, the ships' absence won't be missed for long. It won't be much longer before conjecture leads some to make conclusions as to why they've left. Clan Skullstacker will be certain.
They most likely won't be a significant factor. Not against so much massed-gunnery, so far from Imperial territory. Nevertheless, as High Admiral, Alphonse II can dismiss nothing. That's not your problem and no longer your concern.


Once the armada has been raised in secrecy and the petty formalities handled, you retire to your personal quarters and...

>Pick up where you left off on that next propaganda poster, the kitschy one with the Protector diving on a grenade to save a family. (Keep Emperor Ferdinand's perspective and continue to run the Empire, as usual. The expedition will be abstracted and its length and losses semi-random, assuming it returns at all.)
>Steel your will for the trials and tribulations ahead, and try to quiet the soaring pride in your heart. (Switch perspectives to High Admiral Alphonse II, and leave the Empire for the Lost Reaches. The expedition will be run blow-by-blow. Its outcome will be in your hands and the wild cosmos alone. Upon its completion, you’ll switch perspectives back to Emperor Ferdinand when the expedition left.)
>Steel your will for the trials and tribulations ahead, and try to quiet the soaring pride in your heart. (Switch perspectives to High Admiral Alphonse II, and leave the Empire for the Lost Reaches. The expedition will be run blow-by-blow. Its outcome will be in your hands and the wild cosmos alone. Upon its completion, you’ll switch perspectives back to Emperor Ferdinand when the expedition left.)
>Steel your will for the trials and tribulations ahead, and try to quiet the soaring pride in your heart. (Switch perspectives to High Admiral Alphonse II, and leave the Empire for the Lost Reaches. The expedition will be run blow-by-blow. Its outcome will be in your hands and the wild cosmos alone. Upon its completion, you’ll switch perspectives back to Emperor Ferdinand when the expedition left.)
>Steel your will for the trials and tribulations ahead, and try to quiet the soaring pride in your heart. (Switch perspectives to High Admiral Alphonse II, and leave the Empire for the Lost Reaches. The expedition will be run blow-by-blow. Its outcome will be in your hands and the wild cosmos alone. Upon its completion, you’ll switch perspectives back to Emperor Ferdinand when the expedition left.)
Where there is no peril in the task, there can be no glory in its accomplishment.
>Steel your will for the trials and tribulations ahead, and try to quiet the soaring pride in your heart. (Switch perspectives to High Admiral Alphonse II, and leave the Empire for the Lost Reaches. The expedition will be run blow-by-blow. Its outcome will be in your hands and the wild cosmos alone. Upon its completion, you’ll switch perspectives back to Emperor Ferdinand when the expedition left.)
Adventure time!
>Steel your will for the trials and tribulations ahead, and try to quiet the soaring pride in your heart. (Switch perspectives to High Admiral Alphonse II, and leave the Empire for the Lost Reaches. The expedition will be run blow-by-blow. Its outcome will be in your hands and the wild cosmos alone. Upon its completion, you’ll switch perspectives back to Emperor Ferdinand when the expedition left.)
>Pick up where you left off on that next propaganda poster, the kitschy one with the Protector diving on a grenade to save a family. (Keep Emperor Ferdinand's perspective and continue to run the Empire, as usual. The expedition will be abstracted and its length and losses semi-random, assuming it returns at all.)
Space adventure sounds fun but I'd like to throw my vote in for more comfy empire building with our boy Ferdinand
>Steel your will for the trials and tribulations ahead, and try to quiet the soaring pride in your heart. (Switch perspectives to High Admiral Alphonse II, and leave the Empire for the Lost Reaches. The expedition will be run blow-by-blow. Its outcome will be in your hands and the wild cosmos alone. Upon its completion, you’ll switch perspectives back to Emperor Ferdinand when the expedition left.)
>Steel your will for the trials and tribulations ahead, and try to quiet the soaring pride in your heart. (Switch perspectives to High Admiral Alphonse II, and leave the Empire for the Lost Reaches. The expedition will be run blow-by-blow. Its outcome will be in your hands and the wild cosmos alone. Upon its completion, you’ll switch perspectives back to Emperor Ferdinand when the expedition left.)
>Pick up where you left off on that next propaganda poster, the kitschy one with the Protector diving on a grenade to save a family. (Keep Emperor Ferdinand's perspective and continue to run the Empire, as usual. The expedition will be abstracted and its length and losses semi-random, assuming it returns at all.)
>Steel your will for the trials and tribulations ahead, and try to quiet the soaring pride in your heart. (Switch perspectives to High Admiral Alphonse II, and leave the Empire for the Lost Reaches. The expedition will be run blow-by-blow. Its outcome will be in your hands and the wild cosmos alone. Upon its completion, you’ll switch perspectives back to Emperor Ferdinand when the expedition left.)

I didn't like the option last time it came. But this one is kind of the end of our pirate quest. Kinda gotta do it.
You sit at the desk in your quarters, gloved hand under your chin, a stack of papers pinned under your elbow. You take a deep breath and examine them. They consist of lines of naval code, operational schematics, cargo manifests, and more- quantifications for the grand undertaking you've embarked on. So detailed, so intricate as they are, they plain and simply fail to encapsulate more than a fraction of the whole that this is. So many numbers, so many hundreds of thousands of voidsmen under your command. Counting the soldiery, technicians, and noncombatants, be they family or personnel among them, that number rises to the millions. All have pledged themselves totally, willing to lose years of their lives at best or them in their entirety at worst. There are no windows onboard, such a depressurization hazard is unacceptable, but if there were and your quarters weren't deep in the hull of the 'Emperor's Judgement', you would see gleaming thousands of starships. Every one armed and outfitted, supplied and provisioned for a singular cause.


The will to Empire is sacred. In your mind, it is the highest of Mankind's virtues and the lowest of its cruelties. As High Admiral, you are an integral part of something so much greater than yourself. Multitudes look to you for guidance, to show them the path to an elevated, enlightened hierarchy. You clench your fist, close your eyes, and exhale. It is your duty to keep them on the straight and narrow. Above all else, you must uphold the authority of House Heinrich and ensure that the manifest will of the throne on Mars is enforced, no matter the cost. You know that your brother Ferdinand is a kind and caring sovereign. He cares deeply for the people, sacrificing years of his life to give them finer munitions and critical infrastructure. You are proud to call him brother.

Just as Ferdinand cares for the Empire, you must care for this expedition. The treasures of Clan Skullstacker are the purported reason for this, but you know they are only one of many factors. This is the greatest voyage to have departed the Empire in centuries. In the years to come, billions will lay awake at night, anticipating your return.

The Empire has risen and fallen nineteen times before. In the interim- the chaos, the madness- the Lost Reaches have become precisely that. Lost. There are untold rumours, stories, myths of what lays out there, and precious little evidence for any of them.

Of wonders, of terrors.

You go now in the footsteps of your father, and you are going to find them.

>End of Thread #5
thanks for running, nice to see Alphonse's thoughts
Thanks for running QM!

>He cares deeply for the people, sacrificing years of his life to give them finer munitions and critical infrastructure.

Thread #5 is about to slide off of the board, so I figure this is a good place to stop for now. I'm going to be posting Thread #6 in a week, shooting for the 19th or 20th of this month. In the meantime, I'll be prepping for that and taking care of some stuff I've been needing to do around the house.

This thread wasn't as eventful as most of the previous ones but I hope you've had fun with it so far. I've slightly retuned the combat system and will be introducing some Simple™ maintenance and cargo mechanics next thread, which should add a bit of depth to this expedition. It's not going to be pure combat, but if you aren't exceptionally lucky and cautious, there's almost certain to be some. I'll be archiving this thread shortly. I appreciate you guys and (You) reading this, specifically, you're the best audience any QM could have. Thank you for participating.
Still going strong QM
He does in his own prideful way.

Thanks for running QM
I missed this question earlier, my apologies anon.

The Empire has been through millennia of technological development, regression, stagnation, and rediscovery, and has found many solutions to the same problems over the generations. Nukes are widespread and held by most noble houses but their use on habitable planets is a vile taboo, as radiation-scrubbing is difficult and land capable of supporting human life unassisted is a precious commodity. Chemical weapons are seen as a more practical, if honourless alternative.

Tailoured viruses exist but, due to lingering trauma from the genewars, their use against human populations is held in even lower regard than nukes. More than one researcher has been publicly executed for trying to render smallpox, the bubonic plague, and other "classics" immune to modern medicine. Among the nobility, orbital bombardment is considered to be the gentleman's choice of mass-destruction, and comes in a plethora of varieties with a single method: parking warships in a planet's (or moon's, depending) orbit and dropping their payload onto settlements in the atmosphere. House Soluton is quite touchy about orbital bombardment, as their own bloodline was the most recent target for it, by the rebelling elements of House De Croize under the Tripartite Entente.

More serious weapons are theorized to exist. So far, the existence of antimatter and nanomachines have been confirmed, but previous mishaps involving them have lowered the enthusiasm for pursuing them. This is compounded somewhat by the sheer, brute practicality of orbital bombardment, but humans are nothing if not fond of novelty. The recent discovery of the Federation of Uvarth's research into exploiting the Hypershunt Reactor is a promising avenue for generating clean, efficient explosions, but the cost, scale, and secrecy involved render its use... impractical at the moment.

One disastrous, heinously reckless incident in the distant past has a led a few engineers to think that orbit destabilization could be leveraged as a solid weapon, but the immense costs associated have stymied research along those lines. Planet cracking is beyond the Empire's current capabilities, but burning a planet's atmosphere or boring a hole through the crust into the mantle are decidedly not. There's very little a planetary population can do against a foe with void superiority if it's bent on their destruction and doesn't care about taking territory.
It'd be nice if we could decide what Ferdinand focuses on while we're gone for when he's not dealing with the Skullstackers. It'd suck if Ferdinand does near fuck all in the decade+ it will take to find that Skullstacker treasure and come back
We will control him fully when we return starting from when the expedition left

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