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This small dark cavern is the only home you have ever known. You have clung to life here with your brothers for three winters. The flesh of deer, rabbit, knife-ear, and man is what has sustained you. Most of it is rotten by the time it makes its way to you, as your marginal achievement among your kin ensures you are the last to eat.

You are of a better mind than your brothers, which has set you back many times. Your thoughts and feelings alienate you from the hierarchical tribal struggle that fills a normal goblin’s life. Much of your free time is spent toiling among the things in the garbage den- this is the only place where your brothers leave you alone.

There is no food here. All of the flesh not eaten is used for breeding in the gore hole, and so all else that remains from what is brought to the cave ends up here. You have spent long hours looking through the bone, hair, and torn clothing that fills the chamber. Small wooden animals, dainty metal chains, and golden bands are a few of the things you have come across. Of the items you have found, the one you most treasure is…

>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.

>The burnt remains of books which contain dozens of witch-words. Learning to read them came naturally to you, even with no teacher. Speaking was much harder, but you eventually found your way there too. When chanting these words, you can conjure flashes of light and fire.
>>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.

Warrior chads rise up.
>The burnt remains of books which contain dozens of witch-words. Learning to read them came naturally to you, even with no teacher. Speaking was much harder, but you eventually found your way there too. When chanting these words, you can conjure flashes of light and fire.

>The burnt remains of books which contain dozens of witch-words. Learning to read them came naturally to you, even with no teacher. Speaking was much harder, but you eventually found your way there too. When chanting these words, you can conjure flashes of light and fire.

Time to sling fireballs at humans and steal their shit with mage hand
>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.
I'm already playing a mage on another quest, so warrior is the way
>>The burnt remains of books which contain dozens of witch-words. Learning to read them came naturally to you, even with no teacher. Speaking was much harder, but you eventually found your way there too. When chanting these words, you can conjure flashes of light and fire.
>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.
>The burnt remains of books which contain dozens of witch-words. Learning to read them came naturally to you, even with no teacher. Speaking was much harder, but you eventually found your way there too. When chanting these words, you can conjure flashes of light and fire.
>>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.
For a moment I thought Steller came back.
>The burnt remains of books which contain dozens of witch-words. Learning to read them came naturally to you, even with no teacher. Speaking was much harder, but you eventually found your way there too. When chanting these words, you can conjure flashes of light and fire.
We are a brainy boy, aren't we?
>>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.
>>The burnt remains of books which contain dozens of witch-words. Learning to read them came naturally to you, even with no teacher. Speaking was much harder, but you eventually found your way there too. When chanting these words, you can conjure flashes of light and fire.

Fire bolt

>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.
Too many mages right now
>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.
>>A shining metal blade
Mage path is for cucks.

The thing you most treasure is your shining metal blade.

While reading the odd letter and book page beneath the rubble here comes easily, nothing feels more natural than having a blade in your hands. The meager amount of practice you have done is not due to a lack of passion, but rather because you need to keep the blade hidden from your brothers. You cannot risk them trying to take it from you.

You had thought laying low in the garbage pit was an acceptable way of doing things. Today you found out that your colony members think differently.

Two of your brothers, Jidslip and Thob, wordlessly retrain and drag you into the main chamber. It takes pitifully little effort on their part to complete the task. You are plopped down in the middle of the room. You turn towards the face of the progenitor, the one who ordered your removal from the garbage pit. He sits atop a broken chest at the head of the chamber, using it as his makeshift throne.

Your kin have gathered around to hear the words of the progenitor. Each lay upon you a different kind of unsavory glance.

“Miserable thing that is not even worth eating. Go with your brothers in tomorrow's raid or leave this place. The rotting food we give you could be better spent on siring more young, and your odd behavior regarding trash disturbs us. You will have till tomorrow to prepare; make your decision by then”

He then waves you off back to your chamber.

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looks like a goblin head,must be a sign

The one who created you has made it clear. Either go out to gather food with your brothers tomorrow or leave the cave for good. They usually gather food by attacking groups of travelers on nearby roads.

It is dangerous, and often a brother or two returns as cold meat. Additionally, you are not in the good graces of your siblings. They view you as weak and odd, a coupling that makes them likely to backstab you. You also may have to hide away your treasured blade, as taking it on the outing would expose its existence to your greedy brothers.

On the other hand, proving your metal could give you safety, food, reproduction rights, and an improved reputation. Starting your ascent on the social ladder does sound appealing, and your confidence in the sword makes you feel it’s possible. Perhaps one day you could reside over your brothers.

Leaving the colony also has its downsides and benefits. You have virtually no survival experience and are quite weak physically from having gone long bouts without food. You are a foot shorter than your brethren, and only half as tall as the progenitor. You are a goblin, however. So maybe your instincts should not be underestimated. With your shining blade and assorted documents, perhaps you could navigate the world on your own. Perhaps you could build something new, away from this place.

>Settle on staying. Prepare anything useful you have gathered from the garbage den, and ready yourself for combat. You can see making this place yours, given enough time.

>Leave. Gather your valuables from your chamber, and set out from the cave early tomorrow. You are ready to get away from here, and perhaps make something new.

>[Write in]
>Slay your brothers
>Return with a bag full of mistery meat that HAPPENS to be green
>Settle on staying. Prepare anything useful you have gathered from the garbage den, and ready yourself for combat. You can see making this place yours, given enough time.
>Leave. Gather your valuables from your chamber, and set out from the cave early tomorrow. You are ready to get away from here, and perhaps make something new.
This place is too small, lets face the winds
>Settle on staying. Prepare anything useful you have gathered from the garbage den, and ready yourself for combat. You can see making this place yours, given enough time.
Strength in numbers. We need to see how our kin fight can learn a lot.

And while we are at it, give our little goblin a name

>Write in
>Trash or Rubble
Evidently. Scum maybe

>Settle on staying. Prepare anything useful you have gathered from the garbage den, and ready yourself for combat. You can see making this place yours, given enough time.

I like the idea of betraying our brothers - preferably after a successful raid.
>Settle on staying. Prepare anything useful you have gathered from the garbage den, and ready yourself for combat. You can see making this place yours, given enough time.
>Leave with your brothers, but slip away at the earliest chance

Apt, considering our current lack of size
>>Leave with your brothers, but slip away at the earliest chance
Then vote for leave???
+1 for Rubble
It’s fitting name rn, and it won’t sound bad once we’re a king
Hey now, we might get a chance to steal extra loot or goodies if we leave with others!
Stealing from own family is mega lame.

Switching name to Rubble
>Stealing from own family is mega lame
...Anon, come on now.
We're a GOBLIN, and the rest of the family isn't any goddamn better since they'd have taken our blade on sight!
We must rise above our instincts and set an example for our brothers if we are to be King.
>>Leave. Gather your valuables from your chamber, and set out from the cave early tomorrow. You are ready to get away from here, and perhaps make something new.
lets think about what we would gain from leaving first
our plan is to become a goblin king right?
how are we supposed to do that if we cant work up the ranks anymore?
unless of course we start our own tribe...
possibly by reproducing with a humanoid female, if thats possible in this quest (which i think it should be)
is that realistically possible for us? we are way too weak now to survive alone me thinks
i wont vote for anything. just consider this comment while you decide
We should think about the pros and cons, but I really want us to get a mount and just bum rush everything.
Thinking about pros and cons is nerdy elf shit! Let's seize the day, and the jugular!
We gain independence our bros can't take our blade. Hard to survive don't have any experience in hunting and tracking. Food can be hard to get. But we could scavenge corpses with our high disease resistance. If we do manage to breed will be the oldest and leader of the tribe.

Rubble it is!

You make your way back to your room, avoiding the maliceful glances of your kin. You immediately begin taking inventory of your possessions, thinking all the while on whether you should stay or go.

You have decided to stay, at least for now. Part of you wants to backstab your brothers and flee at an opportune moment, while other parts of you wish to simply steal a share of the raid and slip away. You also have the urge to stay, not only to prove to your brothers your greatness but also to show them a better way.

But yes, staying.

You cannot take your blade with you tomorrow, so you settle on equipping yourself with a blade your brothers know of. It was discarded by them months ago, and for good reason. It is deeply rusted. So much so that a crusty hole has formed in it's flat. Its once-straight edge is so dented that it is practically serrated. Your brothers are by no means smart, but even they identified the compromised integrity of this weapon.

You don’t need a trusty sidearm, however. You see this blade as more of a temporary equalizer; something that will survive you just long enough to either strip a weapon from a fallen foe or ally.

The only other item fit to take on tomorrow’s outing is an oddly shaped piece of dry deer hide. It fits snuggly over your right shoulder and collarbone. It might prevent a weak strike from penetrating your shoulder.

Aside from these, you are naked with nothing but a loincloth.

Looking at the torn remains of clothing worn by previous raid victims, you wonder if the method man uses to join different pieces of fiber could be utilized. “Stitching”, it is called in one of the random letters you possess. A thought for the future.

Regardless, perhaps there is something you wish to do before tomorrow arrives.

>Perhaps not. You spend the remainder of your time practicing with your horribly rusted blade, and then make your way to sleep. You are ready for the raid.


>Write in
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>>Write in
Try and wrap your left arm with as much discarded cloths as possible to fashion an improptu arm bracer. It won't stop a real blade but it would protect you from stabbing.
Fill up cloth bags with irritants and loosely stich em up. It can be thrown at enemy's face to distract.
>Perhaps not. You spend the remainder of your time practicing with your horribly rusted blade, and then make your way to sleep. You are ready for the raid.

Plus 1 to these digits, solid ideas.
>Look for sharp scrap to throw as projectiles (darts/discs)
We are a crafty gobbo.
sounds good. lets cover us up as much as possible. perhaps we could hide our blade in the cloth too to appear unarmed and even weaker.

Supporting these

>being a gobbo has some perks: you know what gobbos like and are like, and you know what gets their attention

>A whistling arrow made of a corkabolb, for example, can sound like a hewerbird circling close for the swoop.

>a little izzit mushroom, mellowed in animal fat with some ear pickings, can smell like a lot of izzit mushrooms; smear the ash somewhere and the dumber of your kind, usually the more vicious, will usually stop and look for the delicacy

>A fetai-bug egg, if crushed before it worms, is a very unhappy substance for gobbos, and you have exactly enough to make one spit-dart. You can only hit once, less than half of half of a knife throw, but the gobbo that gets it regrets it
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As you sit before your gathered possessions mulling over possible ways to equip yourself for tomorrow's raid, you come upon an idea. While the loose fabrics before you are not in a state to protect you from the elements, it could serve to brace your arm against a sword attack.

You test the idea by wrapping your left arm in loose fabrics. Ruined undershirts and torn skirt bottoms are cut into continuous strips that can be easily coiled around your arm. Fabrics with colors that might stand out – such as red or white – make up the bottom layers of the wrap. The outfacing portion of the wrap are made of green and brown fabrics, which might help keep you from standing out.

It takes a lot of layers, but eventually, you end up with something that might keep a blade from penetrating. You come up with the idea of layering a long bone or two within the wrap. Ideally, the brittle bones will give first and spare your arm from some of the impact. While the entire structure is pretty heavy for a weak goblin such as yourself, it will serve as valuable protection during tomorrow’s raid.

Maybe… you could do with some kind of projectile as well? To your disappointment, however, there doesn’t appear to be any metal or wood in the garbage pit that could make an effective ranged weapon.

While searching through the refuse, you came across a busted clay jug. Looking at the item gets your creative juices flowing, and an idea enters your head. You gather cracked and shattered pieces of bottles and crush them into finer pieces using rock. You mix the fine glass shards with grit from the back of the cave and pour the mixture into the busted clay jug. The jug is broken in such a way that your whole fist can fit through the top easily. While it is cracked down the side, and thus cannot hold liquid, the crack is narrow enough that your throwing mixture will not spill out of it. Your goblin hands are callous enough to handle the mixture without the threat of being cut.

You tie the jug to a longer strip of cloth and slip it over your shoulder, allowing the jug to hang at your waist like a satchel.

The grit-glass mixture is heavy enough to fly a decent distance, yet fine enough to blind a target. You practice throwing the mixture for a few palmfuls and are satisfied with the results.

Setting aside all you have prepared for tomorrow; you lay down to rest. Your rumbling stomach keeps you from reaching sleep quickly, but it does eventually overtake you.

You awaken early in the evening and stumble into the main chamber. The members of today's raiding party are partaking in the traditional pre-raid meal. They sit around the four-day-old body of a stag, stripping pieces of meat off its stinking body.


You receive a few glances from your feasting brethren, receiving confirmatory nods that your presence is welcome. Yerk, the goblin that will be leading today's raid, is sitting back against the wall of the chamber. He seems to have already had his fill, and simply observes you as you proceed.

You make your way to the corpse and eat. The meat is tough but better than the fully-rotten stuff you have previously made do with. You receive a sneer or two from nearby brothers when you take too large a piece, but the session is mostly peaceful.

After silently eating your fill, you return to the garbage chamber. There, you arm yourself for the coming raid.

You wrap your arm with cloth and bone, strap your shoulder with old leather, sling your jug full of glass-grit, and equip your rusting blade.
A full stomach and blade in hand are doing wonders to fight back your creeping fear of combat. You breathe deep to calm your nerves and resolve yourself to survive today.

Amber light from the falling sun dances the mouth of the cave as you and the raiding party gather. In total, the raiding party consists of nine goblins

Yerk, bearing a leather rig with a proper iron shoulder guard, eyes your equipment as you approach.

“Rubble, oh miserable thing. Your confusing wrappings and broken weapons make me embarrassed for you. While you bring shame to us, I do acknowledge your attempt to prepare for today's raid. Should you be too weak to be of use, I ask you to please act as a shield for one of your larger brothers.”

While containing some resentment, you sense some hidden acknowledgment in his words.

The other goblins in the raiding party chip in with quips and hoots, loosely chanting “Miserable thing, miserable thing!”

Yerk waves his hand, and the party quiets down. He huffs and points to a goblin sitting in the tree line. “Come and speak to us, Higby the scout.”

Higby, a lanky goblin with big feet, walks from the tree line. He speaks.

“Captain Yerk. The travelers have settled on the far path, before the river. There is one wagon, three horses, and four people. Two human, and two knife-ear. One human uses the sword, the other is unarmed. I suspect one knife-ear is a witch. The other one has a bow.”

Yerk thinks for a moment, tapping his finger to his chin. He looks to you and the raiding party.

“This is a more dangerous raid than usual. As you know, we usually target lone or paired travelers. But do not fear! as I have heard our great leader once before…”

He thinks for a long moment, obviously stressing his mind.

“More food is better even if some of you die!”. This is undoubtedly a quote from the progenitor.


He looks on at the raiding party, as though he expected his statement to bolster moral

Higby catches this, and hoots. The rest of the raiding party (including you) shortly joins in on the cheers. Yerk looks satisfied with this.

Yerk continues.

“Our prey is camped against the river. We will enact our classic raid maneuver. Wait till night, and then pounce. Thob will shoot his bow at the one keeping watch. We will then charge them from the forest. They will either die in their sleep, or be trapped fighting against the river.”

He looks toward Higby.

“We will take note of where the witch sleeps. They will be the first we kill after the one keeping watch.”

Yerk nods after concluding his sentence. He brings his fist up and beats his chest twice. The raiding party returns the gesture in unison.

You weren’t expecting it but managed to mimic the motion just late of the party.

The raiding group then sets off, with Higby in the lead.

The sun has nearly crossed the horizon. While the sky is ablaze with color, the forest floor is already dark. The party marches on under the canopy's shadow.

You found it difficult to keep up with the speed of the party at first but are now used to it. The march of the party slows down to a methodical crawl as you near the river. It is fully night now, and your goblin night vision paints the forest in shades of grey.

Higby holds his fist up suddenly, signifying the halting of the parties' movements.

Forty feet ahead of you is the tree line. In front of that is the traveling party. The first living sentients you have ever seen outside of your kin.

The group is camped out on the smooth rock bordering the river. A small fire sits in the center of the camp. This is the first fire you have ever seen.

So many firsts today.

A bulky man equipped with a longsword sits on a log at the border of the camp. He is on the side of the camp nearest the tree line. His head is shiny, having no hair to speak of. His wrinkles are deep, and his beard is stark white. Betraying his old face are two river-blue eyes, bright and lively. They appear to be keenly observing the tree line, not allowing a single detail to remain unexamined.


The moment you lay eyes upon this man, your stomach sinks. You can’t imagine taking on such a large and energetic foe. He resembles the “bears” you have heard your brothers speak of. Only, his eyes reek of intelligence. Something surpassing your brothers.

You start to lap up the scene before you with your eyes. You need to survive this, and perhaps being extra observant will help facilitate that.

Behind the stump the man sits on, you spot the outline of a tool. It resembles a small, horizontally-turned bow mounted upon a wooden handle. A miniaturized arrow is lodged in the back of the handle, cradled by the bow’s string.
You surmise it’s a ranged weapon. Not good.

A large, four-wheeled wagon sits to the rear of the camp, nearest the river. And just a few feet from the fire to the side of the man is a tent. Perhaps someone is asleep inside.
The man on watch duty is far enough away from the tree line that you can’t imagine a goblin-made bow could land the shot confidently. You have not managed to spot any of the other members of the caravan, despite knowing of two other combatants.

And yet, the raiding party begins its advance. At the front now is Thob. He sneaks forward slowly, readying his bow all the while. You have an eerie feeling that this is being rushed. Though, maybe the simple thinking of goblins is broadly beneficial.

Maybe this boldness to execute their plan will lead the raid group to victory.

You decide to...

>Go with the flow. Ready your weapon and rush the camp with your brothers the moment Thob’s arrow is let loose.

>Think quickly and create a more complex plan of action for yourself. [Write in]

>Run. Now is a good chance to split from both the tribe and this situation.

>[Write in]
>Think quickly and create a more complex plan of action for yourself. [Write in]
Sneak off and look for the horses. Killing them will limit their mobility. If the party escapes, we'll have some meat.

Supporting but only because WE should probably bail with one of the horses. That’s gotta be like 1,000 pounds of meat, right? If we can bring it home to be slaughtered, it’s got to be more food than our tribe has ever seen…
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let's try complex plan, since we can always ditch when it starts to fail, and we know how it should go

>"brothers, Yerk is wise to choose the classic plan
>"but today we do not fight classic Men.
>"the Big Sworder is old and wise to us
>"he waits for sun-sleep, like us.
>"his eyes already look here.
>"his eagle-bow is already nocked with an arrow.
>with one shot one of us dies.
>with one shout he wakes the rest
>while the Big Sword swings, seven times long than our blades.

>"let us be wise too, so we can grow fat and old.
>"let us make a big round and circle their camp while the Big Sworder is awake.
>"let us make little noises to turn his head towards the fire, so that he cannot see the dark.
>"The others with him are lazy and stupid.
>"They will keep their eyes on the fire, and their ears do not listen
>"When the Big Sworder goes to sleep, we cut his bowstring.
>"We tie his Big Sword to its scabbard, or steal it.
>"When we attack then, the rest will be blind and deaf
>"And the Big Sworder will be sleepy and clumsy.

>"At the attack, we kill the FIRE first
>"those who have been looking at it will go dark-blind
>our noise will sound like three times our number
>then they will panic, hit each other for us.
>"they will open their eyes bigbig, and I will throw glass dust in them
>"kill the one with the Big Stick next
>"It is their Log Witch, their most dangerous after the Big Sworder, their old chief.

>"Big Chief Yerk
>"May you all grow fat and old and happy.
>"Why should we fill our bellies with our dead?
>"Let us wait a little and eat a lot."
>"Let us call this, the Yerk Plan"

>before we attack
>I Rubble the Miserable
>and Higby the Scout
>will hide in their wagon and wait
>and when they put their backs to it
>we will sink in our knives and kill one
>maybe two for free.
>likely it will be the Knife Ear with the Bow
>who will watch far to shoot
>not close.
Interesting, but I’m skeptical of how much of this the goblins will care to remember. +1 anyways.
Support. This raid is stupid. Steal the meat.
I don't think our brothers will hear us
Point taken.


>Wait for until Big Sworder goes sleep
>cut the horses hitches, so the moment they spook or someone tries to flee on the wagon, they lose the horses and get stuck
>hide in the wagon with Higby, ready to stick a knife in whoever got their backs to it, or get inside it
>plan of action FOR YOURSELF

>stay away from the Big Sworder
>flank while the others charge
>get to the wagon and grab someone's pack
>hide and await results
>Sneak around to towards the fire & cart, try to reach the horses to cut their ankles & draw the attention of the sentry towards the fire to blind him
>Throw jug at archer or Log-Witch, whichever reacts first
>Grab free loot while the war party pays in blood

>>Think quickly and create a more complex plan of action for yourself. [Write in]
>Sneak off and look for the horses. Killing them will limit their mobility. If the party escapes, we'll have some meat.
support. what else are we to do? sneaking in the tent alone is too risky and joining the fight is foolish. excaping doesnt further our ambitions either.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

We may as well try.

You decide to go with a slightly more complex plan than simply charging the enemy. You are torn between trying to convince your brothers to modify their strategy. However, you don’t imagine you have the time to execute the endeavor. Higby will let his arrow loose shortly, and you are far enough away from him that any audible warning would be loud enough to give away your positioning.

Instead, you settle on making do. Higby definitely confirmed the presence of horses among the travelers, though you haven’t yet spotted them. They can’t be located far from camp, so they are either somehow out of view ahead of your (perhaps behind the carriage) or somewhere near the tree line. From what your brothers say, horses become loud when exposed to danger. So perhaps they would be okay with the beasts being located a little farther away from the camp to let them graze. Yes, that’s it. The horses are likely near the tree line, either to the right or left of the raiding party. You are at the right-most portion of the raiding party, and so you figure that scouting to the right will allow you to cover the most unseen portions of the tree line.

You make your way to the right methodically, taking care to not make any noise. Your body is quite light, even for that of a goblin, and so stealth is easier for you.

The moment the whistle of Higby’s arrow hits your ears, you begin to jog through the brush. You glance back at the camp, and the situation has changed significantly. Higby's arrow flew true, though perhaps not in the way he had intended. The arrowhead squarely planted itself into the forehead of the old man but failed to penetrate. Instead, it bounced off. The goblin party then charged, hoping to overwhelm the foe that now draws its weapon.


You can understand his words, though they take a moment to fully digest. They are not words spoken in your native language but are instead from the dialect spoken by the men and knife-ears. It is the language known as “imperial common”. The same one you have studied through letters and books for the past few years.
You don’t know what the phrase “fucking fairies” refers to, however. Whatever fucking fairies are, they are being warned of the presence of your goblin raiding party. Perhaps “fucking fairy” is a term used to refer to one's companions or travel partners?

You’ll be sure to remember this. It could be of great help in further comprehending this foreign tongue later.


You refocus your mind on the task ahead of you. Less concerned with making noise, you run through the edge of the forest in search of the horses.

You spot three large beasts only a little way down from the camp. Horses for sure.

You think for a moment on how you might eliminate their capacity as escape vehicles. Killing them would do it, but that would make them difficult to haul back. Making them unable to gallop should be good enough. If they can limp, the energy required to transport them freshly back to the cave would be immensely reduced. Perhaps you would be lauded for the accomplishment. Freshly slaughtered horse is a rare treat in the cave. Most animal corpses take days to transport back to the cave, and are thus quite tough.

You make sure to only injure one limb on each horse. The first one was easy, as the beasts had not yet been spooked. The other two animals were more difficult to disable, though you managed a rough strike on each animal's limb.

And like clockwork, each now possesses a lame limb. Beautiful. Mission accomplished, team. Time to go home.

That would be great. Only, your fellow goblins are not finished with their task. Looking over towards the camp, you observe the battle.


You watch as an arc of light flies over the campsite, connecting with one of your kin. It is the same kind of light that kisses the ground during a storm. This must be the result of witchcraft. You watch as that brother bursts into flame.

Three of your kin, including the one just lit ablaze, are dead on the ground. Thob and two of your other brothers are fighting the old man. Thob’s leg seems to be injured, though he still stands. Blood flowing from the old man’s head is blinding his right eye, making the fight an even one.

Another goblin seems to have just finished off a bow-wielding knife-ear next to the tent. He bursts into flames suddenly, being struck with the same mysterious attack that killed the first brother you saw. Looking for its source, you find a robed woman standing next to the wagon. Most definitely the witch.

And not any sooner than you identified her is her throat pierced by a goblin arrow. Higby, not seeking to repeat his mistake from the beginning of the raid, hits the vital point of the magic user.

At this, the old man flees. Seeing the way the tides of battle are turning, he bursts into a sprint for the horses. You feel a bit bad for him, knowing he will be quite disappointed when he sees the state of his escape plan.

You decide to

>Ambush him when he nears. (write-in) and (roll 1d100). supporters can also roll for the decision they support. Keep in mind that you are an underweight, malnourished goblin who happens to have great swordsmanship.

>Hide until your brothers inevitably catch up to him. Safety first. You have contributed more than enough.

Rolled 52 (1d100)

>>Ambush him when he nears. (write-in) and (roll 1d100). supporters can also roll for the decision they support. Keep in mind that you are an underweight, malnourished goblin who happens to have great swordsmanship.
Jump him and go for his eyes. He is distracted by trying to run away.
Rolled 35 (1d100)

>Ambush him when he nears. (write-in) and (roll 1d100). supporters can also roll for the decision they support. Keep in mind that you are an underweight, malnourished goblin who happens to have great swordsmanship.
Cut his legs when he runs by, climb on top of him when he falls, and jam our blade into the back of his neck.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

>Ambush him when he nears. (write-in) and (roll 1d100). supporters can also roll for the decision they support. Keep in mind that you are an underweight, malnourished goblin who happens to have great swordsmanship.
Hide somewhere near the horses. As soon as an opportunity presents itself, jam our blade in one of his legs, back or neck. (Then try to hide again or get away) This should allow our brothers to catch up and finish him off if he still lives.
If we manage to pull that off... we shall have finally proven our worth.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

Supporting use the pocket sand we have.
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Rolled 29 (1d100)

>Ambush him
>wait under cover until he nears the horses
>he will freeze for one second when he sees the one he wanted is lame
>one more second when he sees they are all lamed
>then he will turn to face your brothers to fight to the death
>at that point come up behind him and break his concentration
>by breaking your rusty holey blade in his holey

>your rusty holey blade in his rusty holey

yes this is very important shush
>>Hide until your brothers inevitably catch up to him. Safety first. You have contributed more than enough.

Supporting, plus we should use our pocket sand, this is the perfect moment
Rolled 73 (1d100)


Doing it for the clout!
>>Ambush him when he nears. (write-in) and (roll 1d100). supporters can also roll for the decision they support. Keep in mind that you are an underweight, malnourished goblin who happens to have great swordsmanship.
He has one (1) eye open and we have pocket sand!!

You decide to ambush him when he nears. Going for the eyes will be the way you do it. Throwing glass grit into his eyes as he runs towards his horse would render him blind, making him much easier to kill.

As he nears, you reach your hand into the jug at your hip. Your hand plunges into the granules, retrieving a handful of glass that should be able to disable the man’s vision.

He is only feet in front of you when you throw the grit toward his fear-filled eyes. Just your luck, though. He blinks the moment the particular hits his face. You hear him sputter momentarily as the granules enter his mouse and nose. Before his eyes open again, you pounce.

Your blade flies for his leg, but a metal clang sounds as the blow is deflected. The man managed to deflect the blade despite having his eyes closed. You don’t think that the defense he mounted was a fluke either; something in your mind tells you it was an intentional maneuver. He is a good swordsman.

The man’s eyes are open now, and you begin to exchange blows. He is orders of magnitude stronger than you, and so the blows rattle your entire body. Two, three, four slashes are exchanged and you feel your arms at their limit. You are far too weak to take any of the blows head-on, and so every moment is spent focusing on redistributing the immense force away from your body.

He attempts to land a finishing blow, sensing your growing weakness. You can feel his intent. Not only that, but you even see the path his sword will take. Your mind is running overdrive- faster than it ever has before- and you take the most appropriate action. You retreat just beyond the range of his sword. The man before you is used to fighting opponents taller than you, and so the downward swing barely misses your skull. At that same moment, you launch another handful of glass at the old man’s face.

“Die you goblin fuaaAAAAHHH-“ He yells as ground glass and cave grit begin to lubricate his eyes.

You don’t waste even a moment. Lunging forward, you slash towards his neck. And in one messy motion, your rusty sword rips out the warrior's throat.


He drops to his knees and begins clutching his neck with both hands.

Instead of finishing him off, you watch and see how he dies. You have never witnessed a creature more intelligent than your brothers die before. And as you had hoped, the process is decidedly different. Instead of thrashing about or crying aloud like an animal, the man is mostly silent. He clenches his teeth in a visage of intense fury, but mostly stays still.

You feel something that you know deep down that you likely won’t be able to explain to your brothers; respect. Not fear, but honor towards the thing dying before you. You want to be more like it, or perhaps become something even better.

The man falls forward onto his face, signifying his death. Your first battle has concluded with the death of your first enemy.

By now Thob, Higby, and the two other living goblins have arrived at the sight of your battle. While the other goblins look in surprise at what you have accomplished, Thob walks up to you. He pushes you down, suddenly.

“Where were you, miserable thing? Hiding next to the horse things? Many goblin brothers died needlessly because of your cowardice.”

You can’t tell if his statement is one of concern for his fallen brothers or if this is just an attempt to keep your reputation/ranking in check. Whichever it is, he seems genuinely angry.

What you say next could influence how you are treated when you return, and even what kind of loot you are allowed to keep.

>Stay silent. Whatever you say could end in a brawl, and your tired body is not prepared to defend itself

>Speak up [Write-in]

>Attack him [Write-in] [roll 1d100]
>Speak up, don't say a word but motion at the swordman and smile. Shit eating grin, kind of smile. Very gobbo
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>Big Chief Yerk flatters Rubble the Miserable
>To think to think me worth so many brothers
>Please, I repay:
>the Big Sword of This One
>that Rubble Miserable slay
>under the leadship of Big Chief Yerk
Give Yerk the sword; it's a heavy vierhander to a gobbo, even if its Yerk using it. In the normal course of things Yerk will teamkill just using it. If we are lucky, the slowness and clumsiness of the big sword, plus the reluctance of the Hobbs to huddle around him, will cause Yerk to BE killed at the next significant fight.

After giving Yerk the main prize, we loot the Big Sworder for his knives and the belt they're on, good as a sword for us. Let the others take the mail, the money, the Eagle Bow and arrows. We get kitted proper.

Actually, that's even better.

Changing my vote to back >>6050561
>Keeping the horses from fleeing, more meat for the tribe
>Chief Yerk's great victory, man's sword is a worthy prize
>Speak up [Write-in]

Yerk told Rumble food worth more than a few dead greens. Rumble stopped shiny head from horses.
We're not talking to Yerk, but he might be in ear range. Yerk is the raid leader not the chief. We're talking to Thob. Higher ranks probably get the say in the loot. They helped talking down shiny head, so the loot not entirely ours to give away.
Thank you.

Just in case we have any bids on lewts, bid for kit.

We're already lucky the rusty cheesegrater we were using didn't break.
I want the sword. We can practice swordsmanship in the open and keep or other blade safe. We are a king first and foremost if we can get the bow to Higby. We'll have a strong archer.
>want sword
ehh ionno

a full sized human longsword, maybe 4 ft and 6-8 ilb, given to a goblin runt, 3ft on tippy toes, spaghetti muscles from malnutrition, 50ilb with everything on.

If Rubble doesn't sprain something just swinging it he's very offbalance and prone to teamkilling, bc gobbos tend to zergrush. Popularity won't be easy after that.
If we train with it, we can become goblin guts. Are you going to tweak your mistake?

Doesn't make sense if you read the whole quest.
>if we train with it we MIGHT become Goblin Guts
ftfy. If QM is a spirit of generosity, we might. Let's see.

>if you have been reading
We weigh input differently. I'm naturally risk-adverse, and you are naturally based.

I'll spoon feed you for the sake of this quest.

By now Thob, Higby, and the two other living goblins have arrived at the sight of your battle. While the other goblins look in surprise at what you have accomplished, Thob walks up to you. He pushes you down, suddenly.

“Where were you, miserable thing? Hiding next to the horse things? Many goblin brothers died needlessly because of your cowardice.”

(We are not talking to Yerk we're with Thob and Higby at the moment.)

You turn towards the face of the progenitor, the one who ordered your removal from the garbage pit. He sits atop a broken chest at the head of the chamber, using it as his makeshift throne.

You receive a few glances from your feasting brethren, receiving confirmatory nods that your presence is welcome. Yerk, the goblin that will be leading today's raid, is sitting back against the wall of the chamber.

(Yerk is the raid leader we don't know the chief's name.)

I'm not punishing you I'm pointing out a mistake. It's a goblin quest so there a lot of coomer brains with goldfish memory.

Yeah, their confusion maybe my bad. I mistakenly used Thob's name instead of Yerks in the last set of posts and the error carried over. I did intend for Yerk to be the one speaking to you here.

Since most votes favor the scenario where this is Yerk, I will write the next set of posts as such. I suppose that is a double retcon.

It should be posted here soon. Apologies on my part.

You are delighted that you could bring such emotions out of the raid party captain. It signifies to you that he might view you as more of a threat than a nuisance now, and that puts a smile on your face.

A shit-eating gobbo grin starts to creep over your mouth, but you stop it in time. You can't have it creating any misunderstandings now.

You settle on taking a diplomatic approach with Yerk.

"Chief Yerk flatters Rubble the Miserable. That so many brothers' spilled blood for the meat I helped us capture..." You gesture to both the fallen man and the three lame horses.

Before he can react, you pick up the old man's longsword. It is bulky enough that you wouldn't be able to effectively use it given your current size, and so you figure parting with it would be fine.

"Big sword for Big Captain Yerk... Only what Captain Yerk deserves, since he captained a raid with so much good meat and metal reward."

You hand the longsword over to him. Yerk beholds the beautiful weapon which had been well-maintained by its fallen owner. While its shine is beautiful, so is its length similarly attractive. The weapon would make Yerk look more macho and bolster his credibility among his kin. While it would be difficult to use in combat, he will surely accept it nonetheless.

"Miserable thing... Idiot. Follow orders of better goblins next time. Stupid." He seems genuinely displeased with you but accepts the sword greedily anyway.



The interaction with Yerk didn't escalate, and it seems that your handing over of valuable loot that you otherwise would have had rights to has bought you limited social credit. No one seems to be complaining as you scavenge about the camp, looking for things to take as your own. Of course, the other goblins quickly claimed what they could from the foes they slayed, but most of the goods in the camp were intact for transport back to the cave.

While food cannot be claimed by raiders, non-edible items can be. Things like the unwanted weapons of fallen foes (such as the old man's crossbow, which sat abandoned after other goblins couldn't figure the contraption out) or miscellaneous items such as maps. These are often left behind due to their perceived usefulness, but these are the very items you could turn into your own treasures.

In addition, the bones or hide of fallen enemies is also fair game. Just not the meat.

Inside the carriage is any item a party would need for a long trip by land. A map, coins, kits containing iron and black rock, rope, iron nails and tools, a sewing kit, and the personal items of the party. While your brothers have no idea as to the nature of these items, you can guess the purpose using your better mind. Among the unclaimed weapons of the combatants, a knife or two is all that remains. Their clothing is mostly untouched.

What kind of loot would you like to take?

>Take loot [Write-in]

>Take nothing and attempt to appear pious. Return to the cave having contributed much but taken nothing.
>Take loot [Write-in]
Old man’s crossbow.
One of the knives.
Dunno what the limit to what we can take is, but I’m assuming about five.
Should have specified. The limit is what you could carry on your person. Everything is distributed by the chief.
You can go for Goblin Guts. You just have to get bigger first, which is mostly a product of how much excess food rubble eats. Chronic food excess can cause goblins to physically grow, while the opposite can cause a goblin to shrink- such as in the case of rubble.
>Take loot [Write-in]

Take the coins, map, sewing kit, knife, crossbow, rope, the dead's shoes and skulls. Make a bindle out of a shirt carry our stuff and secure the crossbow to a horse with rope so we don't have to carry it. We can crack open the skulls and get some sweet brain Jell-o.
>Log-Witch Clothes
>Sewing Kit
>Iron Nails & Tools
>Iron & Black Rock/Vanguard Financial

The only thing we might catch static for is trying to take another knife. The Log-Witch Fit could help us intimidate rivals if they start believing we have witchery of our own later on. We should compliment Higby on his aim to curry favor with him.
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>curry with Higby
yeah, make fren

>Log Witch Clothes for intimidation
Sounds silly and I want it.

Brill, freedom to upgrade. While I'm not for Gobbo Gatts myself, power to QM for permitting it.
+1 to this plan.

I'm >>6050589 on mobile.
>brain jello get
very gobby. We the smart one.
Supporting complimenting Higby we could teach him how to use the crossbow once we figure it out.
>>Take nothing and attempt to appear pious. Return to the cave having contributed much but taken nothing.

You watch as the other goblins mill about, claiming weapons from the foes they slayed. Some bend down and begin eating the flesh of the dead, goblin and traveler alike. Those you see doing this are careful to only eat their fill and nothing more. Overeating of the spoils is discouraged, even when the reward is as bountiful as this one.

You scamper around the camp, desecrating boxes, pockets, and bags. You find a whole host of items, which you try to affix to your person in different ways.

You find
- A Bag of Assorted Tools (containing Iron nails, a hammer, chalk, twine, and a wood chisel)
- A Small Knife and Sheath
- A bundle of Rope
- A large Coin Purse (30 gold coins)
- A Sewing Kit (containing needles, pin cushion, and thread)
- (2) Maps (One of a broader geographical region termed “Principality of Chitselchia”, and the other of the region the travelers were passing through termed “Hurdaltz”)
- A Crossbow, with (2) Bolts

By the time you have finished rummaging and strapping items to your person, the late night has turned to early morning. It's early enough that the sun is still hours away, but definitely morning. You watch as the stars fade on the horizon as ambient light grows.

You walk around the camp, searching for anything further that might be of use. Your kin are lying about lazily, resting for the trek back to the cave. You’d hazard a guess that you will all be leaving the camp soon.

You come across the body of the witch lying on the ground. While she has been searched previously for items, you aren’t after anything hidden on her person. Instead, you eye her blood-soaked robe.

You glance over at higby, intent on going to him and asking permission to take items off of his kill. You find that he has been observing you while lying atop the wagon. After staring at each other for a moment, he gives you a small nod. Seemingly an approval of your unspoken request, you guess.

You strip off the robe at once. It’s a bit big for you, but with a little cutting that can be fixed. Her shoes, however, fit well. You make a mental note that your foot is roughly the same size as those of female knife-ears.

And lastly, you dawn her weird, witchy hat. You feel… magical. And embarrassed. The other goblins look at you, cringing. But what the fuck do they know? You are an inventor and savant; they would never understand your intellectual tastes. What if you yelled something cool while throwing glass and rocks into people's eyes? That would surely help steel your public opinion within the tribe.

Your mind then drifts elsewhere…

You ponder for a moment whether or not to eat the brains from the bodies before you. After some back and forth, you settle on going for it later, when other goblins are busy. Brains and organs are well-regarded nutrients by your clan and are at least used for breeding if they are not eaten.


Suddenly, you hear the voice of Yerk speak over the party.

“Brothers. This raid was successful! We have meat!” He yells loudly.

In response, the remaining goblins cheer. “RAHHH!”. You join in, of course.

“We return today with honor! The Chief will surely praise us!”

Again, another “RAHHH!” fills the air.

“Burq will stay here, and we will return. Then together, our kin will haul back our prizes.”

And with that, the goblins in the camp begin scuttling around to ready themselves for travel.

Yerk makes his way over to you, making a stiff face before speaking.

“You, Oh miserable, will bring back the horses. Since you secured them. If you lose one or drag our pace too far behind, we will eat you.”

His words, although harsh, have a tone that recognizes your accomplishments. It is welcome to you.

The return trip is tough on you. Getting the lame horses to keep pace with the party is extremely difficult at first as you leave the river’s valley. The second part of the trip is easier, however. And in this, you have a chance to think and talk. It is now you notice Higby next to you. It seems that during the travel, his position in the party has drifted back to your position.

Almost as though he realizes you noticed him, he speaks.
“You took so many odd things from camp, Rubble. Why? What use are knife-ear foot coverings, or man’s small golden discs? And what of the small shooting thing that no-longer works?”

He asks so many questions so suddenly, yet all the while maintains a neutral forward-facing expression. Odd one. But real questions are not something often asked by your kind, so you are inclined to answer. It’s kind of exciting.

>Ramble on what you’ve learned from the random writings you have come across in the trash pile. Get real passionate.

>Be a little more concise and likable, even if it’s not your first instinct (Write-in)

>Stary silent and let him know you aren’t interested in answering. You don’t want to fraternize.

>Be a little more concise and likable, even if it’s not your first instinct (Write-in)
"If I can't be big and strong, I think messing around with these things I can still be useful, like today. Still bring meat, and glory. Maybe someday get to eat a little more meat myself? Maybe brains?"
Goblins won't trust or believe in altruism, but petty, small, very manageable ambition? They'll buy that. it can conceal our grander true ambitions.
>>6055524 +1
Solid right in, also compliment his aim.

>dat stiff face
>no expression
>totally neutral tone
Flagged for sus.
Yes do that too. We need someone who might stick his neck out for us in the future.

Maybe we keep the brains part out. If we hide it we can get more food short term.
>Be a little more concise and likable, even if it’s not your first instinct (Write-in)

The humans find these things useful. This old man knew a lot of combat. Why would he have a bow you can only shoot once? Must be a way to fire it again. I've seen dragons in a book they hoard these shiny discs they must be useful. I like the way the coverings smell want a sniff?
Looking back this write in is retarded not even answering one of his questions. I'm convinced people just look at the green text and vote.
Anon, not only did you support it yourself, your'e also just wrong.

>"You took so many odd things from camp, Rubble. Why?"
>>"I think messing around with these things I can still be useful, like today."

He asked why we took stuff. We answer, because this stuff could enable us to keep being useful. Messing around with arm-wrappings, bags of sand, and gaining understanding of some of the common-tongue helped us so far.
I supported it because it was the only option to many votes behind it and wanted to show QM I was still around. Not having a plan for anything we took just taking everything ignoring that we had to take it back ourselves. Arm-wrappings just slowed us down would not of stop a hit from the old man. We are useful without these tools we're a decent swordsman. Good quest hijacked by trannies.
So is this dead? Been two weeks since OP posted.
Rent. Free.

>dead quest
Yes, sadly.
It's a long shot but there are probably some same fagging spooks pushing crossdressing and all that weird shit. Can't have a healthy manly quest.

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